S woman need B \|mM fear the change which comes as the beginning of life's autumn. woman who is worn out, run down and a sufferer HIIbB womanly diseases who naturally dreads the change MM mm l IF critical period of mKUwUM woman's life, and the prevalence of womanly diseases makes it the duty of every woman who would avoid unnecessary suffcr ing to take especial care of herself at this time. The ills which vex so many women at the change of life are entirely avoided or cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. It makes weak women strong, and enables the weakest to pass through this trying change with the tranquility of perfect health. "I have been a very healthy woman, and this time has been veiy hard with me," writes Mrs. Maggie Morris, of Munson Station. Clearfield Co., Pa., Box 16. "I am come to the time of change of life, and I have been sick a great deal off and on. When Mrs. Hemmis moved beside me I was sick in bed, and when she came to see me and we were talking over our sickness. Mrs. Hemmis told me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discovery.* also 4 Pellets.* I rot her to bring me a bottle of each from the drug store and I used them. They did me a great deal of good, and I got two more bottles or 7 Favorite Prescription.' I never law such a wonderful cure. Before I com menced your remedies I was good for nothing; was ia such misery I hardly knew what to do with myself, now I can do all my work myself And feel well.** Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are easy and pleasant to take. jr'/v '"'7^-r^^'^r" ~ ffFjwf IW BOOK MAILED FREE. A. A. I PETERS. ContMttoiu. Inflamma cuusStlon*. Lung Fever, Milk Ferer. B. B. ) SPRAINS. Lamenen. Injurle., cum ( Bhenouilim. C. C. 1 SOKE THROAT, ttnlasy, Epiaootlc. cusm S Distemper. S ) WORMS. Bou, Orate. E. E. > COUGHS, CoUi, Influenza, hhoH ccsmj L,nn«s, Flearo-PneamanU. F. F. I COLIC, Bellyache. Wind-Blown, ecus i Diarrhea. Dysentery. 0.0. Prerenta MISCARRIAGE. JJJJi j KIDNEY * BLADDER DISORDERS. 1. I. I SKIN DISEASES. Mange. Ernptiona. crucs) L leers. Urease. Farcy. J. R. (BAD CONDITION. Startns Coal, CUSM 5 Indigestion. Stomach Staggers. ®O. ettb; Stgble COM, TenSpecific*. Book, ftc., *7- At druggists, or wot prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Car. William h John Streets, Jf«w York. Health, Riches, Happiness. No more "Blues'*. Tired Peeling, Nervousness, Sleeplessness. No ■lore Headaches, Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Rheum a tUm, Sallow Complexion, Chi 'ls. Colds, Female Troubles, Ect —the" results of a torpid Liver and poor; thin Blood. Victor Liver Syrup, the Great Liver and Blood Purifier, - makes yon well from tliqe*. Intents and keep* yon Well. VICTQJfc REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Mary lan 1. For sale at Reed's Pharmacy Eyes Examined Free of Gnargt mrm R. L KfRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next T)oor to Court Honsn, Antler. Pa. TA FT' S P H P —DENTAL ROOMS.-- ft ' 39 - sth Awe., Pittsburg, Ps if ';|B| We're PRACTICAI.LYdoIugthe I ||JFmCROWN and BRIUGE work [I -sfß Btuburs-WHY NOT DO J AWftJPSIYOURS? Gold CROWNS ' tIHEf W" 11 BRIDGE work reduced to ' jJWVf OSS PER TOOTH. Also the L M W y heat set of Teeth mad*. QNL> Sa I MTTBTHA & BROWN. 339 sth Ave. Pittsburg, Pa., Can sell your Real Estate, Farm or Business. Correspondence solicited. ALL TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL. DO YOU WANT TO SELL your fo*«, oi other real estate? I can do It tor you. Send mo full particulars at once. 4-16-03-ly JOHN BOJ>Ct£B, 404 Keystone Buildup. Pittsburg. Pa — ———— —" "CHEMG" 1 MABK —' Has Established its Reputation FOR KILLING Moths, Roathes, Bogs and Germ Life. Non-Poisonous to human life, doe*, ao* soil the finest fabrics. It has no eqnal as a disinfeei*n». Kills fleas on dogs and lie# on poultry instantly. It has been largely Tjsett throughout Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio, by all classes of people. Remember "CBEMO" is guaranteed. We fnrniah Sprays and Atomizers at cost—either should be used to get the best results. Ask your druggist for it and take no substitute. Look for our Trade Mark. PEERLESS MFG CO., 7-5-3S Liberty St., Pittsburg, Pa. piaßani"sr-Sh. Dean's I | : | A safe, certain relit yr Suppressed I I i Menstruation. Never kwirn to fan. Hafe! ■ .y Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed I II or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for I J SI.OO per Box. Will send them on triaJ to I M be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. ■ UmTIOMIPICSI.CO.,»o»T4. La«caar»a. ea. B Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy. i the < | MARTIN I SHO _ R a L HAND ;; | Ar"/! COMMERCIAL \ \ Btoaautooano" SCHOOL, ! ■j Liberty A»e. & Fifth 81., Pittsburg, Pa. \ : An old school conducted on 1 1 a th» most modern principles. 1 1 | Th* demand for young man aud women ' ' J greater than ctot before. Call snd see one 1 1 H , of the largest and bett schools In tiie ' f country. Catalogue sent on request. ? SHOSTHiSD. TTF>WRITING, BOottHPING. PRillH f i «3IP, HfOLBH, SPgUIHG, iriIGRiPHT, no. . R. Rs Scduod Kaui to jmpibof tie Martin School ( I Wceec^ooooso&^ooooeocood 7-JQJm HARPOONING A TARPON. An Exoltlat Sport That Demand* Coolness and Dexterity. The harpoon is cast. There is a crash In the water and a big wave rolls outward. As the skiff is driven for ward by your boatman you recover your harpoon pole. As you take it aboard your first spare glance discov ers the line drifting rapidly over the bow. j The line is seized loosely and paid out hand over hand. If clutched j will be torn and blistered fingers. If the line is hard twisted llt will suggest red hot wire. It will , tear the flesh; it will kink and squirm and writhe. Beginning gently, an in j oreasing strain is put upon the line un ' til the boat Is.in rapid motion. As the j tarpon feels the strain a gyrating, j glistening, silvery mass hurls itself six or eight feet' clear of the water. The sight of the skiff gives him new life. His next dash carries liim through a*narrow channel and you lose line to him. In making a sharp turn your skiff grounds on an oyster bar. By the time you are again afloat you have out nearly 300 feet of line, with not a dozen coils left. But the boat Is soon under headway, the boatman pushing frantically, and the stretching of the line helps. You have taken up the tarpon's gait, .his speed slackens; once more you recover line and again breathe freely. Fifteen minutes, of alternate rush ing, leaping-and stalking. with bubbles of air rising more ®nd more frequently to the surface,,andithe end comes. The great fish rises',to the surface, and, roll ing over on Ms surrenders as completely as he has struggled tena ciously.—Country Life In America. IlN|Un« the Langs. Draw In as\much breath as you con veniently can,, then count as long as possible In a .slow and audible voice withoutfdrawing in more breath. The number/ of seconds must be carefully noted. In a consumptive the time does not exceed ten and is frequently less than six N seconds; In pleurisy and pneumonia It ranges from nine to four seconds. When the lungs are sound the time' Will range as high as from twenty to) thirty-five \seconds. To ex pand the lungs go into the air, stand erect, throw back thdhead and shoul ders and; drarw In the air through the nostrils mis much as possible. After having then filled the lungs raise jpour arms, still extended, and suck in the«alr. When you have thus forced; the arms backward, with the chest i open,, change the process by which you. draw in your breath, till the lungsjere emptied. Go through the procoßs several times a day, and It will enlarge/the chest, give the lungs bet ter/'playland serve'very much to ward off! consumption. / .Microscopic Penmanship. ThafßDbJect of microscopic workman ship teally divides Itself into two classes —penmanship and mechanical construction. History*lias handed down to us on any examplesi of this form of callgraphlc mania, of i-whlch the chief is a desirofcto compress the greatest»number of jvords into the smallosttpossible space. Pliny He Younger declares that Cicero once aa/rr the "Illa«l" written so small that ltfcould be inclosed in a walnut shot!. This affirmation was regarded as Improbable until the seventeenth century, when Hoet, bishop of Avranclics, France, an excellent Greek scholar, proved that it could be ac complished. The gospel of St John and the Acts of the Apostles were written within the circumference of a farthing in the sixth century by an Italian monk. i I How a Dylns Kan Feels. f Numerous - experiments made In hos pitals and jipon heroic scientists who have permitted tests to be made upon themselves right doWn to the moment of death, warrant these conclusions: That a dying may be burned with red jbot Irons (and ret (not feel the least pn ; iUa t coitfcluuaut-sa ma/ reiiiula liv/the dying? almost to the moment of ?6tual. dissolution, but that most peo le generally lose the power of thought long before death; that In cases of death whefe there seems to be extreme suffering, with writhing and spasms, such phenomena are generally due to .reflex muscular action; also thai fear weakiens the muscular system anAhas tensrdeath, while the reverse mayfpro long' life. ISnemlea mt a Social Function. Mrs. Lowe, wife of Robert Lowe, afterward Viscount Sherbrook, was a tremendous partisan whenever bar hus band was concerned. After the neform bill of 1867 Disraeli and the Lowes made no pretense to any mutual liking. At ii dinner once at Lady Wnldegrave's the guests had all paired;off till-only Dfcracll and Mrs. Lowe were left With his Inscrutable smila and com pletiv appreciation of the hutnor of the tiltuation, Disraeli bowed anfl extended lfe Mrs. Lowe," when into tiearty;laughter. i Slightly Confused. ' "Wbatinousense that man ta3ks!" re marked Senator Sorghum as the de partment visitor closed the dooE. "What did he say?" "Something about a profit being with out liouor somewhere or other. I want to go on record asjsaying that there isn't a country onjthe map where a profit Is not held fin high esteem." — Washington Star. Cruel. , "Ah, me!" Sighed the lovelorn Mr. Kallow. "I .tossed and turned upon my bed last nisfit. and I couMn't sleep a wink." "That 8o?"> replied the heartless maid. "What!fe tbo matter? Are yon teeth lng?"*—Philffdelifliia Public' Ledger. Ctcevo . and Hla Daughter. History abounds with examples of 'the love/that has existed between fa ther ai»d daughter which proved su perior/fo the chaMges of thne and for tune., defying even death litself, and en tering into the racords of humanity, imperishable and immortal. One of the most beautiful! instances wsis the love of Cicerotfor Tlullia. She vfus a woman of high l AN, Ist Vice Pros. W. A. STEIN. 2nd Vice Pres. H LOUIS B. STEIN. Treasurer. O. E. f'SOMHNWRTT. .'.ss't Treasur. | Will continue to do a general banking business at the fa old stand and is also prepared to transact a general | Trust Company business. j-j 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to R withdrawal without notice. fi j Standard Trust Companv) | 5 RUTbEK, PA. : | CAPITAL ------- $150,000.00 f % Interest Paid on Deposits- I S Prompt and Careful Attention to all. ; C. D. GRGGNbEE, President. | C. A. Secty. and Treasurer. | THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00 (EAKNED) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS, President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HVTZLER. A&.s't Cashier. "" |||i^ IN 0 T N EREST \ H WITHDRAWALS^ I SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. W,THOUT NOT,CE, ' ■C. B. McLEAN, W. R. CHRISTIAN, F. W. VAN OSTEN, j I Prent. Caahlrr. Au't Cuhlcr. ■ DIRECTORS: ■ HON. J. A- IVANS HARRISON P. DILWOBTIL' ■ WILLIAM C. KINO * EDWARD H. UTLIY ■ OEOROE A. McLEAN WM F. WILSON ■ JAMES T. ARMSTBOITO ALFRED R. NEEB ■ JAMES H BEAL E. H. QOODMAN , ■ GEO. E. MoCAQUB C. B McLEAN ■ J. A. HUSTON. I THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK ry ■ 533 Smith*leld Street, PitUburgh! Pa. SANK BY MAIL I And get the 4 per cent annual interest and | absolute protection of this strong bank. Ai(«tf over $7,700,000. GCRHAMA SAVINGS A**#: WOOD AND "bIAMOND STREETS JPITTSBUHG. r.\ J] v> ' - f Forgive Yourself You NEVER can If you fall to HEAR CREATORE the wonderful Ital&m band leader, at the PITTSBURGH New Exposition. /j.udiences go wild .over his music 111 i Exhibit! s and attractions adrttitwd to be miles in advance of any, ever before shown at the great Pittsburg Show. Excursions Weekly fromsthis city at the one fare rate. Subscribe for the CITIZEN the Butler CODDIJ National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in >200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $165 000.00 Jos. Hartman, President; J V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted Interest paid on time deposits. Money i>aned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this Dank. DIKECTOKS—Hen. Joseph Hartman, Hon. W. 8. Waldron, Harry Heastey H. Mc- Sweeney. C. P. Collins 1. G. Smith, Leslie P. Hailett, M. Henshaw, W. H. Larkln, T. P. Mlfliln. Dr. W. O. McCandlesa. Ben Mu- S3tb. W.J. Marks. J. V. Hlttn. A. L. Reiber «n 1 or •i.oo *mo up. p I ACCOV«T»- i Pearson B. Nace's Livery Fe»3 and Sale Stable Ke-ir of Wick House. Butler °enn'a The best of horses and first class rigs »i wavs on hand and for hire. Best accommodations In town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Spec! a! care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horaea A good c ass of horses, both drivers ajrt draft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses boupl 0 >a jr >D-*r n )t\fl * it 100 bv PEARSON B NACE. Nn, *T». Family We nn ions! We often c?use ourselves end less worry and it morse by neg lecting t-> do some little thing Get a good picture of your family and home made at your first op portunity We make the best at $6.00 per dozen Bxlo inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know ; n time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing. R.FISHER W. S & E. WICK, L)KAI>EKH»IN Kouftb and Worked Lumber of til Kinds Doors. :-ash and Mouldings Oil Weli Rlrs a Specialty. Office and Yard* E. Cunningham and Monroe 8t« 'near West Penn Depot, *nn is j Wm. Foster, ( | Architect. j Plan of all kind of buildings V V furnished on short notice. r r Office in Berg Building, ] J Butler, Pa. v The Stress and Strife of modern bustle jars the nerves. Lewin's Whiskey, moderately indulged in, puts you in trim. A little goes a long way —it's A No. 1. ALWAYS IN STOCK riNCH, I.AKUK, OVEBHOLT. UI'CKENHkI JIKU ST. VEUSIOS THOMPSON, (JIBiOX. IMLLIK6EK. BKIDOEPOBT, and offer them to you 6 year old at fl per full quart, tt quarts #."> 00. GRAIirFATHER'S CHOICE, whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, £ 00 per gal lon. we pay express charges on all mall orders of s."> 00 or over. Ooods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IK WISES AITD LIQUORS, Ho 14 Smlthfleld Street, PITTSBURG, PA. 'Phone*: Bell 211 * P. k A. I*s». HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer in Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes, Bell Phone 278. People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street. BUTLER, PA. PAROID READY OOFING. T)AKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. A NYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. REPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. /"\NLY requires painting every fewyears. Not when first laid. T S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate -*■ or Shingles. r\EMAND for PAROID is world lJ wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Samples and Prices are yours if you will ask us. L C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. Headaches Cured With Glasses. Artificial Eyes. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS 705 PE!*Jf AVESI'K, OPP. PEN.\ tBLILDINCi. PITTSBCRO. 3-10-ly JVTFRUANTILE BUREAU, Rrcmrei Flnt-claM Mrrcantile nml Mrdiaufttal Office - ritUbuw. 434 Fourth Avenue, 3-19-ly |A Little Disfigured in Front! I But still Doing Business I I on the Inside. I 9 Greater bargains than ever whilel I this tearing-up is jjoing on. p 8 See the large piles of shoes we J H have been compelled to mark way r! II below cost in order to get room for I< ri workmen. Youi size is among m them. Come in today before it is || II gone. I H SO PAY US A VISIT C. €. (Wilier,l 215 a. Main St. Butler, Pa.. Opposite Hotel Arlington Hj I New Fall Goods. k 4? „j£ tfc We are showing an extensive line of advance^-g r i Styles of Fall Hats, Tailor- || ITO §: Made, Ready-to-Wear, Mil I Q £ ?g Dress and Street 11 " IWI |j Always First to Show the New Ideas. S I Rockenstein's I •?i if? § 828 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. j •!• •!? »l; -Hi '-i; f -Ii !!?■:::■ -:li 8 -I; -:ii -:li d: ci: Hi -.1 ■ X>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ<> jMrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN !; Fflfcfc ANNOONCEjHeNT i; ! ! Ladies' Jacket Suits, Ladies' Walk- < <| ► ing Skirts, Misses' Suits and Skirts j , . We are showing a full line of new Fall and Winter Tailor-Made | Suits, Skirts, Coats. Waists and Shirt Waist Suits. If you contem- plate a trip to Sea Shore or Lake, getting anyone ready to go away to I > school, we cau lit you out with new Fall Style Suits, Separate Skirt, (. ► a Silk or Heavy White Wash Waist, a Stylish Walking Skirt. i | > Suits priced fIO.OO np to |35.00. | Skirts pr'iced $3.98 up to $25.00. { Dress Goods j . I Or suppose you want to huy the goods arid have a suit made. We . are prepared with a full line of all that is 3aew and desirable in Dresa ' ' Goods. Cheviots, Zibelines. Cloths, Silks an.d Mohairs at Modest Prices. ;!; Millinery ; ( I New Fall and Winter Dress Hats, New Fall and Winter Street < (I Hats, New Ostrich Plumes, Birds' Wings, Ribbons, New Drapery \ .I . Veils. Buy your Veil here. We di ape your hat free of charge- A I k competent trimmer always in the Department to attend your needs. . |Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.] A . Bell Phone 308. Ruf 1 ot* J 1 ' ' People's Phone 128. Litr I ) r cl • I feoooooooooooc O OOOOOOOCCO^ I "EARLY FALL ARRIVAL OF :! $ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SUITINGS ii Now on Display at Graham Building. *: |jl Suits from sls to sso. f i We Defy Competition.- * j 3? Call and Examine Goods Early. Iji: $ COOPER & CO., RR it? Leading Tailors, '♦* 3; 335 S. Main St., -- - - Butler, Pa. £ £ Q»I--:I»X«IS Q: JP NNLI Patterson Bros' WALL PAPER PAINTS Picture Frames. jEberle Bros^ S PLUMBERS ? S Estimates given on all kinds of work. C L We make a specialty of X ) NICKLE-PLATED, » C ) SEAMLESS, / 5 OPEN-WORK. ) 2 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa c S Phone. 630. ,— Bala, Musko'.ia. Can.—A comfort, able private home, airy rooms, g'Hxl table, IxmtlnK and excellent flsblne. tennis; im mune from hay fever; retired yet conveni ent; boat ana postal service. Apply Mrs Thos. Burgess. Bala, Muskoka. EVERY sufferer uses Oallaher's Rheuma tic Remedy, relief In four days; absolute i-ure; sample by mall SI. Jon" Galliiher Woodlawn Road, Bronx, New York. Mt. Gallitzin Academy. Baden, 'Beaver Co-, Pa- This Institution, under the care of the Sisters of St. Jsseph, Is for boys between the iiges of 4 and 14 years. Tuition, boardlnj? washing and mending $l5O a year. futher p S£fe applyt ° THE DIRECTRESS. HEYMAN HARRIS, LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS and RIDING HABITS, • 4597 Forbes Street, Comer Craig Street, PITTSBURG, PA. 3-«-iy I ELECTRO-MECHANICAL INSTITUTE, I 1036 Fifth At*., pituburg, Pa. ■ GIVES INDIVIDUAL UFSTBUCTIOIJ ■ in ■ ALL MECHANICAL BRANCHES ■ B«ll Phone 242 Grant A. T. liivupr, PnrtJ l-03-ly , >«o and women to meet the demand of Ibis proaperiu * c© ni^le^cl • , a^e—ror circular! address P. DOFF a Si/**' BU| * L "" rt > PITTSBURG Opp. 1». A O. Depot. 4 Kntlre Second ,-nnnt ba A raedlnm for obtaining 2£ t £ a ch beaten. Why? Because we are In our with the l>e»t flruii. In aud out of '"L business Is to take care of people who * 'rJ work but cannot flnil It. We do thl» b. . solicitors who are constantly on the go, loo.V»»'J" opeiitugs of all kinds. Pltuburg, 1* to-da., • **j" Ix'St place In the world for an enterprising nun w woman. Call or write, AU letters are answered. 7-2S-03-3m WAITED- Firemen, Brakemen, Machinists, Boiler-makers, Blacksmiths aiul helj>ers for rail roads, also drivers and all kinds of help. Placet waiting. Cicneral Kinploymcut Bureau, 201 Fede ral stroet, A llogheny, l'a. . W AXTED-At once, Rlrls in every capacity: |5 to ffiee. DR J. WILBERT McKEK. SURGEON DENTIST. Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store, 215 S. Main street. Butler, Pa. Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridjre work. MISCELLANEOUS. WM. H. WALKER? SURVEYOR, Residence 214 W. Pearl St., Butler, Pa. T JAMES DODOS. • LICENSED AUCTIONEER Inquire at Sheriff'soffice or 426 Mifflin St. Bntler Pa WHY NOT Become an Artist? Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and Water Color taught at home, and employment given at once. For full particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OP ART, Beavtr Falls, Pa. |C, F. T, Papej I ijeweleri | ? 121 E. Jefferson Street. / ECyth Bros. Big Bargains IN Wall Paper AND HAMMOCKS EYTH BROS Next to Old P. O. H. G. Allison, Funeral Director, Bell Phone No. 3. Bakers town, Pa.