Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 10, 1903, Image 2
THE BITLETI CITIZEN, j W-LLIA* C. JtEOLKT Publisher. j THUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, lfto3. j tl<3o per year ia Advance. Otherwise Sl-M n KEPI BLICAS NOMINEES. Judges of the Superior Court JOHN J. HENPERSOX, THOMAS A MORRISON. State Treasurer, W. L MATHCES. Auditor General, W. P. SNYDER. For Jury Commissioner. A. O. EBERHA«T. Water. Could anything be more delightful ♦h«Ti the career of a drop of water? Think of it: To sparkle in the dew. to purl and babble in the brook, to float languidly on the atmosphere in the form of vapor, to ride in the stonu-cloud and tumble over the foaming cataract' To be wooed back to heaven by the rays of tbe 6nn, to fall on the parched earth and give life and vigor to vegetation, to slake the thirst of the weary traveler, to be transformed into steam to drive steamship and locomotive, to journey through creeks and rivers to the sea, bearing upon ycur bosom the commerce of a world, to roam about among the fishes and monsters of the deep, to ride upon tbe foam-crested breakers, to fpi««li against the rocks of every shore, to be frozen in ice-bergs and cryetalized is snow flakes, to romp with the bathers on every beach, and to be absolutely in destructible and immortal: Wouldn t yon like to be a drop of water? Well, if that is any comfort, it might as well be understood at once that you are about three-fourths water. A chemical analysis of a human body •hows that we are largely composed of water. The average man consumes annually 1500 pounds of water, 800 pounds of dry food and 800 pounds of oxygen. This becomes a part of his anatomy and is eliminated and re newed constantly, keeping up a con tinual process of destruction and re pair. In this way a man may be com pared to a stream of water, which while preserving the same general appearance, is a perpetual succession of new material. Water is the principal constituent of animal life. No seed will germinate without moisture, and no cell will develop unless it is supplied with a proper amount of water. Therefore, men and brethren let us fill the gourd and drink!— Spirit. Pittsbargers will try to secure the Republican National Convention of next year. They think they now have am ple hotel accommodations for the vast crowd that would attend, and also two large halls—Duquesne Garden and the Expo. Music hall—either of which are large enough to seat all the delegates. AFTER all, it takes Japan to get np a first-class international complication without notice. Here is the steamer Stanley Dollar, of British registry, owned by an American and carrying a Russian cargo from a Chinese port, pre vented by a Japanese gunboat from en tering the Corean port of Yongampbo. Isn't that a mix-up? THE "Cave of Giants" is the name which has been given to a .new mam moth cave discovered in southeastern CWtfoniia in the heart of tbe Provi dence Mountains. The cave was dis covered by George L. Berg, to whom its existence was revealed by a native In who lives on tbe west slope of the nuigtt. THE C. 8. cruisers Brooklyn and San Francisco reached the port of Beirnt m Syria, last Friday, and bad hardly dropped anchor till they learned that the seat of trouble had been transferred to Constantinople, where the "insur gents" were threatening the foreign legations. The "sick man of Europe" seems to be in a bad way, internally, at present; while in Macedonia his army Is butchering people by the thousand, •nd burning their homes, and tbe people are fleeing to the mountains. 4 TRIAL by jury has recently been abolished by tbe Coriftress of Costa Rica upon tbe ground that tbe people of that country are too ignorant, or that they are toe much controlled by personal or political prejudices, to be trusted to give just, intelligent and impartial verdicts That statement is pretty bard upon the people of Costa Bica, but tbere is no raason to doubt its truth. Somehow or Other tbe Latin races seem to lack the qualities which are essential to the effl cient and satisfying - performance if jury duty. Blue law of PeuiiMylvania. The blue law of this State, passed and approved April 22, 171#I, is of interest at this time because of widespread discus sion arising from the attempted enforce ment of the law in a number of local ities. It is as follows. Section 1. That if any person shall do or perform any worldly employment or business whatsoever on the Lord's day, commonly called Sunday, works of necessity and charity only exacted, or 'hall use or practice any unlawful game, hunting, shooting, sport or diversion whatsoever, on the same day, and be convicted thereof, every such person so offending shall for every offense pay to be levied by distress, or in case he or she shall refuse or neglect to pay tbe sum. or goods and chattels cannot be found whereof to levy the same by dis tress, be or she shall suffer six days im prisonment in the bouse of correction of tbe propel county. Provided alwav*. that nothing herein contained shall oe constructed to pro hibit the dressing of victuals in nrivate t iruilies, cake bouses, lodging houses, inns and other bouses of entertainment f >r tbe use of sojourners, travelers or strangers, or to prohibit watermen from Ending their passengers or ferrymen from carrying over the water travelers '» persons removing with their families on the Lord's 'lay, commonly called Sunday, nor to the delivery of milk or the necessaries of life before oclock in •he forenoon nor after 5 in the after noon of the same day. The New Htmk jurd*. Twenty thousand people attended tb'- opening of the Herr's island Stock yards. Monday. All the buildings were decorated, and there was free lunch for fiie bonis. The yards are owned by the Pennsylvania and B. & <). R. R Co'*; rout a million and a half and (after Chi cago) are the largest in the continent. The work has been of enormous mag nitude, Instead oi filling in the island wblrh has area of i}s acres, with any kind of material,a seen ti fie principle was em ployed by means of slag, cement and brick. The island flu it now stauds is a self-drained piece of land. Of the 35 acres 30 are covered with buildings. The yards have a capacity of 12.000 cattle, 25,000 hogs 20,000 sheep 3.1XM1 calves and 5000 horses. In the center of the island stauds the exchange building, a three-story red brick struc ture which houses the commlsion men aud serves as headquarters for the Pitts burgh live stock exchange. The various railroads also have oflievs in this build ing. The two railroads which own the property,in coojuuction with Mr, Aller ton and Manager O'Donnel. have aim ed to make Pittsburg a "home dresse 1 ' market aud tbe stock yard.* are fast fos tering tbis kind of business. ACCIDENT?. The U. S. Express Cos black horse ran off and threw itself ia front of the- Arlington, yesterday B W. Douthett is carrying hit arm in a sling. He got it mixed np with the belt of a traction engine a few days ago. Truman Porter fell frcmi a 9tep ladder, head first, through a ."how case in W. W. Millers grocery, and cut his face badly. The house of A lei Hays in Jefferson twp was struck by lightning a few days ago. but not seriously injured Tbe bolt hit the corner of the house and ran down the spouting. It was raining at the time, and no fire followed the bolt. Will Jordan of Institute Hill, a B R &P. freight conductor, had his face smashed by a collision at Craigsvillf. early Monday morning; and Rodger Wheeler, a Bessie brakeman. had an arm smashed between cars at North Bessemer. While a young sou of Wm. Plaisted. living on the Piank road,south of town, was cutting grass Monday, with a scyth, his brother Orie aged about 12 years, got in the way of the blade and his leg was almost severed above the ankle. He was brought to town by his father and Dr Atwell sewed up the wound. Another son of Mr Plaisted is ill with typhoid fever. A boatride on the Alanieda lake al most terminated fatally on Labor Day A boat occupied by two Miss Aland?, daughters of Peter Aland of Institute Hill: Miss Kittie Haben and C. A Spence was up9et by one of the young ladies trying to change her seat. The accident occurred near the breast of the dam where the water is 12 feet deep, and all four were rescued with difficulty by A. C. Croup, Fred Moore. Lou Lse inan and Ed. De*ts. the boatman. Miss Haben was uncotscioas for some time after. The 8:30 B. R & P. from Funxsu tuwney 6ide,iwiped a box car while coming through the Butler yards. Sat urday evening with dis-tstroua results. The cab was torn out of the engine and the windows of the coaches smashed by the corner of the box car and eight persons whose names are known were hurt. They are: John Philip Hert-1. 209 White St fireman of passenger train, caught in his cab, left arm badly crushed, head and back hurt, was taken to the Butler Hospital and later to his home on Institute Hill. Mrs. Lawrence Kissinger, Maple Ave. nose and cheek torn open and splinter driven through roof of mouth, was taken to hospital. Carl Hays, Fairview Ave., bruised and cut by glass Clifford Hays, Fairview Ave., arm dislocated. Miss Sylvia Hickey, head bruised badly. Baby of Mrs. Vernon, cut by glass while in its mothers arms. J. T. McEnery, street car conductor, head cut and legs bruised. Miss Daisy Anthony, Mahanoy City, gash cut in forehead. Miss Anthony was just arriving in Butler to visit her sister, Miss Sadie Anthony of 116 W. Jefferson St. Several others who were less seriously hurt left the train after reaching the station without Riving their names. The box car which caused the wreck was left standing on a siding and is supposed to have afterwards been jolted or in some way slid down the rails near enough to tbe main track to cause the accident. At Pittsburg, Tnesday, Controller Lar kin and eleven members of Councils is sued a declaration of principles which, the Dispatch says, is a call to battle for good goyernment OIL NOTES. The Market— Both agencies are pay ng $1 56. Speechley -L 11. Brown and the Southern's No. 4 Perry Campbell is completed and doing H or 10 bbls. a day, No. !> is drilling. Nicholas & McGills No 2, W. P. Black struck the sand this morning and will make a good well aud their No. 16 R. N Emery is nenring tbe saud. Tbe Sonth Perm is drilling on tbe J. Campbell aud also on their No. 2, Sheriff Storey. A new feature in the Hjs-echley field in the efforts of (i. S. Coffin on the McKnigbt farm and the Sonth Penn on tbe Matthew Black farm to develop third sand production among their Speechley wells. On both these farms the drillers found a good show of oil when going through the third to the Speechly and now that the Speechley is sufficiently tapped tbe Third will be tested. PARK TIIKATKK. Cleveland Minstrels Sept 11. In organizing the "Cleveland Min strels" for this season's tour, Mr. Mc C'allum has taken great pains to have it a little different from all Other Minstrel shows. In order to do this Mr. McCall um has secured two beantifui private cars in which his company will travel. It will be the aim of the management to a bright, breezy and up to date min strel show with all the latest novel'ies that money can secure. "A BUNCH Or KKYK". Sept 12. The keynote of the fun in Hoyt's ' A Bunch of Keys" which will be present ed by fins Botbner at. Park Theatre Kat., Sept. 12, Matinee and Night is cleanliness. Its humor is the goo I homely American kind while its wit is the repartee of a clever mind. The nasty French farce had not been trans iilanted in America when Charles II loyt «ave us ' A Bunch of Keys", so that comedy had to depend upon l«-uiii mate methods for success and not upon fcUKgeStiveness or indecency. For a whole generation "A Bunch of K»->s" has furnished amnw m-nt and In the hiiuds of a wak"ful management, it seems good for another generation Sew comedy situations have been in troduced to mid to the general hilar iousness, bright and catchy have !*:• n interpolated to add to the general entertainment and clever comedians, singers at.ll dancers have been engaged to give a careful and ambitions inter petration of tbe comedy. Mckuay & MACKKY A 1.1. Ni. XT WKKK. Murray and Mac key's Big (Jomedy Company will open a we« k'n engagement Monday evening next at the p«rk Thea tre presenting for the first time at nopn lar primal Lincoln J. Carter's Sensa tional Comedy drama " Just before Dawn." The Company carries a spec lal IH> foot Imggage car loaded with me chanical devices, none of the theatre outfit being used. Tbe management has surrounded the popular, romantic actot J. M Donavtn. with an exc» I lent Companv High ''!«»-» Vaudeville will be introduced between acts by a Coterie of top liners. It educed 1 tut cm to Kiiltfmorc. For the benefit of those desiring to attend the anunal vesiion of the Kov ereign Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F. at Bal timore, Md , Hepiember 21 to M the P. K. tt Co. will sell round trip tickets to Baltimore from all stations on its lines, on Hepteuitier IV, and 21, gissl for return passage until Septemls.-r 2* inclusive, at rate of single fare for the round trip, plus one dollar. For conditions' and slop over at Phlla delphia on tickets reading through that point, consult ticket agents. FIKKS. The whistle was blown at 10:30 p. m Tutsday, the cause being the burning of ♦he cab of a B & O. engine near ; Kesselman's machine shop. The large barn of Philip Newton of Muddycreek twp. with all its contests was destroyed by tire last Friday even ing. The fire was caused by a spark from a passing steam thresher, which ignited a straw stack close to the barn, j Levi Boyer's bare in Lancaster twp. j was struck by lightning and destroyed by fire on Tuesday evening, Aug. 25th Levi lost 200 bushel « heat. 225 bushel j oats. 50 bushel rye, 30 ton of hay. farm- : ing implements, etc. His whole loss , was at least |2500. and he will get about j half back in insurance. His wagon ' shed, 24x28, pig pen and cider mill went with the barn. Wm. Peffer's big barn nearby, full of grain, was struck and | burned during storm and about same ! time. His loss was about the same as j Boyers. and besides this two of his hogs • were burned. The Boyer fire was so j hot that it roasted apples 50 feet away ; and the large solid oak beam called the ; "summer' was burned through in an hour. The lightning permeated the I whole barn, and set fire to it in a dozen | places, and the rain ceased immediatelj ; after the bolt struck. (This item was , accidently omitted last week. At 4 a.m. Sunday the firemen were routed out and treated to a liberal dose of mud. flour, smoke and water at the house on Cliff St. owned by Al. Ruff and occupied bv Leonard Defoggi, an Italian baker. The fire was auiobt das tardly attempt to burn the Defoggi fani ily alive. Defoggi has had some trou ble with other Italians, and within the past two months two other attempts v.ere made to burn him out. both time- ; <i fire being started on the back porch j Saturday evening some man whoa' ] name is'either unknown or withheld, i -aid to have gone to the Defoggi lions and demanded money. Defoggi had _'one to Pittsburg on an evening train At four the fire was discovered, having "i.-.en started with oil-soaked rubbish a', the same old place, and this time the incendiary was successful. The family i-s -aped but the house was destroyed The loss to house and furniture was about SISOO There was SI2OO insur ance. Fairview Facts. On next Saturday at 3 oclock the ; Ladies Missionary Society meets at Mrs. Wm. Gibson's. The Directors are repapering the School house and making new walks about it Prof. J. A. Meckling will be the teacher. James Maxwell is home from New Castle. Walter Fleming of Oil City is stop ping with his parent's M. S. Rays. James Michaels is home on a visit from New Castle Nos 12 and 11 oil welLs, on the M. N. Black are in and are showing up to be good producers. Daniel Nixson's boy is at home visit ing his people. He has been employed in W. Va. Frank Rittner of Bruin got pretty badly burned by the accidental lighting of gas, while working on the A. E. Butler well on the McClure farm. Avers —■MB—Ml— mmrn > I MWAINAI—W— Ayer's Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats, hack ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- Cherry Pectoral dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain thisto you. He knows all about this cour.H medicine. "Wo «»*<! A trr% Cl.trrj I" '• In U oar family for 1" tea;a for lUxoml mud Luuic B trouble*. «f.-1 ihinh ' •"» •" '» *'• I MUH. A Appleion, R 2FR*..oO<* f \ 00. .1 ' AY rw ■>.. I —lM' illW* ll*ll■■ 111 for Weak Throats' E.JRI''A r'lilj «r"*-itly • | P».r*ty vrsjfitaiitij, arr.tiy t»»»' iH a School Shoes j I Boys and Girls I Copper Toed Shoes with 1 bullis tongues for country j?3 wear. I See the Uncle Sam Shoe for | Men and Women. | Every pair guaranteed Merer Bros "? K. Main St. WHAT'S THE USE of us after you are blind? We cant restore si M ht but WI? can give every aid now to strengthen and PRESERVE your sight, but coming later would L>«- lik<- putting glns J « N on a blindfolded man. We are here now. We want you now Your eyes n< "-il help now. Examination and consultation free. I also sell Edison aud Victor phono graphs and records, mandolin, violin and i/uitar striugs and uiouthorgans. CARL H. LEICHNER, Graduuie Optician and Jeweler 209 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Change of time oit BCHIM-IIHT. A change of trjiiu schedule will be made on the 15 He L E. JI It. Sunday, SEPTEMBER iHth. Eastern Standard J time will then L»- adopted instead of ('E'ltral Time. Main line trains will I Dl..< otiime running into Exposition Park I on and after that date which will be J the only important change. DEATHS. SHUGART—At his home in Bntler. S*ot. 9, 19u3, Peter Shugart, aged 73 years. TROCTMAN—September \ 1903, in fant son of Chas. Troutman of Con cord township, aged 2 months. BROWN—At his home in Worth twp. Sept 4. 1903, Rev. W. E. Brown, formerly of Slipperyrock. SHACNNESSY -At her home in But ler, Sept. 4, 1903, Cecelia, daughter of Jas. Shaunnessy. aged 2 years. SMITH—At his home in Bellevue. Sept. 7, 1903, James P. Smith, a native of this county, and a well known travel ling salesman, aged 73 years. He was born and raised near Glade Mills and when a boy walked to Butler to attend Rev. Niblock'a church. O'NEILLE—At her home in Butler, Sept. 3. 1903. Mrs. John O'Neille, in her 83d year. She fell dead from her chair RUMBAUGH— At her home near Boy ers station. Sept. 6. 1903. Mrs, E. L Rumbaugh, nee Nettie Seaton. aged 40 years. Her husband, two daughters and one aon sctrvive her. MILLER—At her home in Centre twp., Sept. 1. 1903. Mrs. Josiah Miller, nee Brown, aged about 50 years. Her d»-ath was caused by typhoid Her husband and several children sur vive her. JONES -At her home on Race St .But ler. Sept. 7. Margaret, widow of ex-Coroner John L. .Tones, aged 70 \eari. Her husband preceeded her eighteen months. She is survived by a large family among whom are Mrs. Abraham Barickman John L.. Jr.. and Mrs. Ida Reynolds o? Pittsbnrir. Frank, Kirk L . painting extractor, of Mifflin St. and Charles of tbe Denver base ball club. She was a membtr of the U P church. PFLOUGH—At his home in Franklin twp., Sept. 5, 1903, J. Frederick Pflough. son of George Pflough. aged 25 years. About it year ago he lest hi* sight, the effects of a severe siege of grip from which he never fnlly recovered, his spins having l<een affected. He is snr vived by his wife, nee Raisley, one child, his parents, one brother and two sisters Hi? funeral, Monday at the Prospect Lutheran church, was very largely at tended. Six of his cousins acted as pall bearers. PARKER -At her home, 324 W. North St., Bntler Sept. 6, 1903, Cora, wife of Prof. Vincent W. Parker, aged 26 years. The deceased was a daughter of ex I Prothonotary Kamuel M. Seaton. For soini; time she had been ailing with lung tronble and her death was not unexpect ed. Her husband, father, brother and sister survive her. She was a lady most dearly esteemed by all who her. Her remains were laid to rest yesterday afternoon in the North cemetery, be side those of her mother, who died last spring. She was a member of the XL P. church. THOMPSON —At his home in Butler, Sept. 8, 1903, John M. Thompson, in his 74th year. Col. Thompson's death was caused bv paralysis or a general breaking down of nis system. He was born on the old homestead in Brady twp January 4th, 1830 and was the eldest son of William H. and Jane 'McCandless; Thompson. He read law with S A Purviance and was admitted to the Bar in 1854. and was afterwards a partner with Messrs Purviance and Sullivan. He was elected to the Legislature in 18-Vi and served during the sessions of 59 and 60; entered the army as Major < f the 134 th in 1862 and served till Feb ruary 1863; was elected to Congress in '76 to fill a vacancy and in '76 for a full term Since that time he has practiced law in Butler and, with the gifts with which Nature favcred him, has always retained Lis position as one of the lead ing members of the Bar of Butler County. He was buried in North Cemetery ac cording to the rites of the Q. A. R, this morning. His wife nee Anna Campbell; and two sons O. D. and W. C. survive him. On receiving announcement of the death of Col. Thompson, Judge Gal breath made the following order "Sept. 8. 14*03, the death of Col. John M. Thomson, lor many yuua a mewUsi uf Litis Bar, having been announced in open Court by R. P. Scott, Esq., which announcement is received with pro found sorrow bv the members of the liar and by the Court, and in honor of the memory of this departed brother member of the Bar.and on motion made in open court l>y R. P. Scott, Esq , second by L M Wise, Esq , this branch of the court stands adjourned until Thursday, the 10th day of September, A. D 1903, at 2 o'clock P. M., and the within announcement and this order are directed to be spri-ad on the records of this court that a permanent record may be made thereof. Obituary- Marie Higgins, aged ten months, daughter of \> It Higgins. died at Pine Urove, W. \'a . and WHH buried in But ler, last; Saturday. i« tbo Now and Better Broakfant Food, HO different from all others that it pleases everybody. Got a package to-day at your grocorß. TAS Uaaaaaa PLUS KOOU CO., La ltor, N. Y. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. AUDITOR'S NOTICE In the matter of lhe distribution of the estate of I'" E Eicholtz, dee'd., late of Zeli« nople, Hurler Co., Pa . O. C. No. I<l, September Term, 1901 J. Notice is hereby given that having be'jn appointed auditor to distribute the moneys in above estate now In the hands of the administrator, William Eicholtz, that I will attend to the duties of the appointment in my office tit But ler, Marshall building, Diamond street, on Tuesday September 29, 1903, at 1 o'clock I*. M., or which all persons in terested will please take notice. CALVIN O. CIIKIHTIK, Auditor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Lett* r« te»iaineiitary on the mtate of Jumi-n K"ri«>th«, dfcc'd , late of Adam* towfiahiii, Butler OJ., I'a., having been grant'-d to the undi-rnlKued, all peruoHH ktioWUliiK IhtsUihclvtH indebted to nald ID lute will pleane make immediate |>a> moot, and any having claims axainat naid estate will prewnt them duly aathefitH-ated for aetllemeut to JOHN it FOKHVTHK. I V W. A. HBOAN, F R ' XR * - Warn, I'a. W. H. Li KK, Atty. 1» 10-08 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE KntaU; oi William Koeulg, late of Butler borough, Butler ('<>., I'a., Lettem of administration having been granted to tin- undersigned on the above estate, notice in hereby given to all l>ontouH knowing themselves to Ix- in debted to s;tid I-BUIU: to make immediate (j&yim-nt find those Imv.nK claims against the fame to present them iluly authenticated for settlement to MHH AN NIK L< KMKNNI, Admr'x., No. 18 Isabella Bt., II 11. <Joi i 11Kit, Allegheny City, I'a. Attorney, Butler, I'a. U 10-OH ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Lettera of administration having beeu granted to the undersigned on the estate of Klizabefh ii. Wiley, deed., late of Clinton twji , Boiler o>., I'a., all [>er*ons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make im mediate |»ayinent, and any having claims u^iiii.Ht the xamo to prer.ent them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN WILEY, Adnj'r , W. IJ. BUANIXJN, Haxonburg, I'a Attorney, tt-3-03 \ A N ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING A /\ public sewer upon and for Sullivan avenne. in Batler Borough. Pa. le ginning at manhole on avenne. thence extending along Sullivan avemne to the northern boundary line of the projierty of Gorinley & O'Niel. upon 1 the properties fronting and abnttin? upon that part of Sullivan avenue betwe»n the points above named and along the line of the sewer, and determining the j amounts and providing for the collection thereof. WHEREAS, a majority of the property owners in interest and number and owning a majority of the real property fronting anil abutting on that part of Sul livan avenue from the manhole on Negley avenue to the northern boundarv line of the property of Gormley &: O'Niel. within Butler Borough, in the County of Butler and State of Pennsylvania, presented their petition to the Town Council 1 of Butler Borough asking "that an ordinance be passed requiring that part of Sul livan avenne to be sewered and that a public sewer be constructed npon and for j ) that part of Sullivan avenue between the points above named, and that the same i be sewered. AND WHEREAS, the said petition has been found to be true and correct, and ; that said Sullivan avenne is a public street within Bntler Borough, duly laid out adopted, opened and used as such, and npon due consideration it was adjudged and decided by the Town Council that said sewer was necessary for the health and convenience of the property owners and residents of said street, and an ordi nance was duly paused authorizing the construction of said sewer as prayed for in said petit'on. And whereas, the construction of said sewer was awarded to James Ferry, and the said S6wer has been constructed as required by said ordi nance, and the work completed and accepted by the Town Council. SECTION" 1. The Burmese and Town Council of Sutler Borough do ordain, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same, that the cost and expense of constructing said public sewer upon and for said Snllivan avenue shall be justly and equitably assessed upon and paid by the property and the owners thereof adjoining and adjacent to Sullivan avenue between the points above named, and along the line of said sewer and improvement and benefitted thereby. The total number of feet of buried sewer pip*-' laid in and for said street is ">Ol feet: 18 Y" branches, one flush tank, two manholes and other necessary cost and expense, making the total cost of said sewer $641.28. The total number of feet of real proj>erty fronting on said Sullivan avenne between the points above named is 772 feet. . SECTION 2. The cost of said sewer shall b« and the same is hereby assessed upon the properties fronting and abutting on Sullivan avenue from the manhole on Neglev avenne to the northern boundary line of the property of (ionuley & O'Niel alonir the line of said Fewer and adjacent thereto and benefitted thereby, equally by the foot front, and in accordance herewith the cost of said improve ment is hereby assessed as a sewer tax upon the following lots of real property and in the following amounts, l>eing at the rate of 88 cents per foot front: 1. W. P Gormley and .T. N. O'Neal 106 feet at 83 cents per foot. $ 87.98 2 J. E Campbell and John R. Cavanaugh. .70 " " " " " " 53.10 3. Matthew Bowers and John R. Cavanaugh, 70 •' " " " '• " 58.10 4. John R. Cavananah 280 «« " •' 232.40 5. C. R. Sharps and John R. Cavanaugh 70 " " " " " . " 58.10 6. Frank W. Chattin and John R. Cavanaugh, 70 •' " " " " " 58.10 7. Eliza Best, Sarah Cook and Jennie Biehl.. 106 " " 87.98 SECTION 3. In addition to tbe pnblication hereof as provided by law, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of tbe Town Council, and he is hereby directed to make out notice in writiner. or partly written and partly printed, to the owners or reputed owners of the several lots hereby assessed, aud tbe High Constable shall serve such notice by delivering theui at their places of residence if they reside within Butler Borough. But if they reside elsewhere, notice shall be given them by mail, if their address can be ascertained, and by postinir said notice upon said premises as prescribed by law in such case made and provided. SECTION 1 This ordinance shall take effect within ten days from the ap ! proval and pnblication thereof. Ordained and enacted in Council this Ist day of September. A. D. 1908. J. H. Gmsov, President of Town Council. Attest. H. E. COULTER, Secretary Town Council, i Approved this 4th day of September, A. D. 1903. . W. M. KENNEDY, ; Burgess. To You are hereby notified that your assessment for sewerage tax provided for ' by the foregoing ordinance, is as follows: One lot fronting and abutting on Sullivan avenue along the line of said sewer feet, at 83 cents per foot. $ That the same will [ be due Septem)x?r 21st, 1903, aud payable to Harry Grieb, Treasurer of Butler 1 Borongb, at No. 139 North Main street. If not paid within sixty days after that date, your property will be subject to a municipal lien for said tax. 1 Secretary Council. ! LEVINTOINS' * " 122 South Main St. Your money's worth or money back. i Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing. [ The finest ready-to-wear attire that is made. We have the facilities to search out the best that the i market can afford, and it is now ready in a complete Spring array on our floor. Everything that a dressing H man can desire for his attire can be found here at a r smaller price than he would expect to pay for such smartly tailored garments. " Men's Suits 8 and Top Coats ft 12, ft 14, at #7.50, ft 9, ft 16, ft 18, ft2o, and uj to ft2s. f We show Men's Spring Overcoats which, like all of r our attire, could not fit or wear better if they were custom tailored. LEVINTONS EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate \ of John Wiley, Hr , dec'd., lute of Clinton tw p. .Butler Co., l'» having been ({rant ed the undersigned, nil [lersons known ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and uny having claims ugaiiist said i-iitab- v% ill present tin-in duly authenti cated lor settlement to THOS. WILKY, I 1,. JOHN WILKY. | USIH ' W. D. UiiANixiN, Haxonbnrg. Pa. Attorney. !) !J 03 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Let tern testamentary in the esiatn of James W. Park, dec'd., lute of Middle Hex township, having lieen (trarlwl to tlie U'l.lei signed, nil persons knowing themselven to be indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to, uud all having bills against name will pre- Hent the-iii duly authenticated for pay merit to Rht'iiKN W PAKK,JB*'r., H F D. 24, Valencia, I*a. W. I). Branijon, Att y 7 «-o:i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Charles H. Lowry, dec'd., late of But ler, l'a., having lieeii granted to the undersigned, nil persons knowing them selves indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment, and nil bav ing claims against said estate will [ire sent th<-m duly authenticated for pay merit to John F. Lowry, Ailm'r., 4S}*< N. Washington Ht , Butler. I'a. P. W. Lovvky. Att'y. 7 It 08 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters testamentary on the extute of Dr. J. W. F. Moore, late of Butler, Pa., deceased, have Is-cn grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves to lie indebted to said estate lire hereby requested to make prompt settlement and those having claims against the estate will present the same drily authenticated for settle merit to Fkank 11. Muui'nv, Executor, Vonnkin's Bldg, Butler, Pa. J line iKlth, IWW ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE KMTATK OF I'Al l, TItOt'TMAN, lIKC'D. Notice is hereby given that letters of ndutiiiistration on the estate of Paul Trotitman. de<-eased lute of the borough of Butler, Bntlcr county, Ph., have been granted to Henry N. Troutman of Hut ler, Ph., to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands against said estate are request, to make the same known without delay. Hknky N. Tiioutman, Administrator, A T. Hi.ai K, Attorney. Butler, Pa. NOTICE! Notice is hereby Riven that Tkoruns 11. l/rerr. Trunle. in Hie imrtlllnn |»n*..<llnK» ~r U.u l.:iel WiiKiHir, rli-. caied !.»•% tn if.. Oltl.e of lli« flerk "f th« Or|iiikn>' Court fur ISul ler < ...nil y, I.W tii.iil ,•••■., ihil u» TruiMc.- nf Hie 1-i.tat'- of Km-liiiel Wiiitner, i rut Hint the niiine will 1,-; preM-nte.i fin roritlrm.illi.il iirid allowance lo Hie Jtidire of the < n i,liuii»' i oiirt uii llie I,,'i.h liny of Mei>i.enil>er. I'.mi.i. (j Ir.it 1(1«K M. (JKAIIAM, Clerk of the li. C >1 erc**r Fair To accomodate persons wishing to at tend the Fair, agents of the It, Ac 1,. K. It H. will sell low excursion tickets to Mercer. Hepf. I'»th, HI and 17. good r« turning Sept. IH. i Inquire of agents for rates and time 1 of trains. Tour to t,li« Pwllli- Const. i On account of the meeting of the Nat ional Banker's Association, to lie held at Han Francisco. Cal., October 20 to 28, . the P. It. K Co. offers a personally con ducted tour to the Pacific ('oast at re I markably low rates. This tour will leave points on the P. It it. east of Pittsburg, Wednesday. October 14. by s|s:cial train of the high est grade Pullman equipment. A quick run westward to Han Francisco, will be I made, via Chicago, Omaha, Cheyenne, and Ogden. Five days will be devoted to Han Francisco, allowing ample opportunity to visit the near-by coast resorts. Be turning, stops will Ire made at Halt Lake 1 City, Colorado Hprings, Denver.and Ht. Louis. The party will reach New York on the evening of October 81. Round-trip rate, covering all expenses for eighteen days, except five days spent in Han Fraucieca, |IUO. ( Bates from Pittsburg will be fc-V less. For full information apply to Ticket Agents, or Geo. W Boyd. General Passenger Agent, Broad Htrcet Htation, Philadelphia, Pa. < | Jackson & Poole. | ! ( > HtfASS CASTINGS OP ALU KINDS < } i | MADE TO ORDEK. I > { ' RIiAV OH CAMPBELLS MACHINE < > *| ' SHOP, H. WAVNE ST , V . > BUTLER, PA. ,I . Kcilnccil Hates to C«nlni Hall, I'h. To accommodate visitors to the en campnient and exhibition of the Pal runs of Husbandry, to Ist held ac Outre liall. Pa., (September 12 to IH, the i'. K. It Co. will S"<ll round trip tickets to all stations in Pennsylvania to Centre Hall, Ph., at speciaf reduced rates These tickets will be on sale uud good from September II to I*. inclusive, arid good for return passage until Hcptem lie!' 111 ICcdiicful Hates to Itultimore. #lo. Butler t Baltimore and return (account odd fellows convention Hep b-mlier 21 2fl Oil. via H. A O. It. It > Tickets on sale Hepteuiber ltttli, 20th anil 21st valid for return until Hcptem ls-r 2Htb on payment of fee of 2.* i cunts for validation by Joint Agent. Kate one dollar less for parties of 28 or more travelling together on going journey, returning separately. Htop overs per mitted at Washington within limit Apply to W. It. Turner, Ticket Agent Buffer for tickets or further information anil descriptive phauiplet with nmp of Baltimore. Visit tin' l-'air. Low rate excursions to Mercer via the B & L K It It , Sent 111, 1« and 17. good returning Hept is , on account of . the fair. Call on agent 1 for rates and time of trains + IHiL. I East Butler. I EAST BUTLER is a suburb of Butler, situate about one and one-half miles to f* ■ the east, on the line of two standard gauge railroads—the B. &0. and the B. R. &|§ *1 P Twelve passenger trains run through EAST BUTLER daily. It is in a most fg healtfui locality and surrounded by a good farming section. A steel mill is in course i| fl construction which, when completed, will cost $300,000 —other manufacturing plants 11 |1 are being arranged for. |s Lg East Butler residence lots are selling at prices ranging from S3OO down to SSO. 10 per cent, discount is allowed for cash and an additional discount to those who H |j| will build within a reasonable time. Lots are also sold on the installment plan. I ' | A Special Sale of Lots 1 IS ARRANGED FOR AT EAST BUTLER ON I Sept. 19, at lO o'clock A. 1 I ; Car fare will be refunded to each purchaser of a lot coming from a distance not la greater than 50 miles. This is a rare opportunity for home seekers, as no section B r| in Western Pennsylvania has a brighter prospect of speedy and permanent growth gl M than has East Butler. Fr | The Sutler band and Improvement Co., I |'l D. H. SUTTON, President. K flh<? Pittsburgh Gazette I Has secured the exclusive p; publication rights of the as Historv This is the book which created such a sensation £ ! ■ f? A all over the country E \ r X V C a few weeks ago. B ' Only a limited number of 9 > C /a / -g copies were printed and - | CX X X It Can Not Be Bought. =..1 j A racy and entertaining H | O I narrative of the innermost < workings of the great ' *■ industrial corporation— i 3 from its inception to its || I final absorption. It | ■ I Every Line is Spicy and fl 1 ' i Interesting. |1 S James Howorcl i 5 >3 fgjj Tl"ie First 1 ri»ttilliTier\t Will be Printed in I The Pittsburg Gazette I 1 Suqday, September l3tl\. § I Doq't Miss It. || I Order the Paper at Once. | f ''Watch tlie Olci Laciy Grrow I ~ P Fashionable # \ Headwear t J For Fall. J Our line of fall hats 2 4 Is now complete. # 4 We are showing all 5 * the new blocks and £ £ shades In 2 I SOFT and \ J STIFF HATS. J £ Just received a # *: shipment of new ? J Fall Neckwear J * Something Swell. t Sole agent 5 I KNOX HATS. ? | ino. S. Wick j ' HATTER and 5 MEN'S FURNISHER. i * People's 'Phono. OlfS ' { BUTLER, I'A J rV; M A HERKIMER, : ineral Director. r » -i Main St. Fntlrr 4 'A l < I'. 1,. McyiJISTIoN, V. CIVII. KNC.INKKK AND SUKVKYOB. Office n«-»r Court House. CAMPBELL'S GOOD FURNITURE ICARPETS 1 I LINOLEUMS 1 | MATTINGS I j§[ Wilton and Brussels Carpets tgaJ Private fiat (truss in fine Wilton Carpets for the parlor that IfSft tHH you can only ''in<l at this store. If you want something <afferent to the ordinary cheap carpet, see this Hue. Price $3.00 per yard. Mp gj Linoleum jg! The sanitary kit then floor covering ; clean am! better than pt "tetany earpet; no scrubbing; simply wipe it off with a mop gf* *§nami you have a clean kitchen. Price 50c, 55c and 60c square yd. gf gj Mattings (§£ a Closing out the remnants at reiluceti pnees thing the | exact si c of your room; if there is enough in one of the 2 ffo pieces you tan buy the joc ani/jjc grades for ft; sg„| 25 cents. s|| COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. §5; lAlfred A. Campbell! iuirinorly Cmnpliell & TemploU»ri K iIISISIiWIIWWIWISISISWHRIIfi $ The best place $ \2 to stop at g ra when In town Is the o t WAVERLY HOTEL, fjj J. H. HARVEY, Prop, O Kates, $1.50 per day. jjjj * + ♦»• ♦ «f '♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ |/ H. NBGLKY, Ti. ATTOKNKV AT I .AW. Office lu the Ncjjlcy Building, Well Diamond Itcdiiccd ItHtuM to Plttsburjj. On Thursdays. S«*j>teinb«r 17 and 24, and < >ctoluT 1, h, 15, nml 22, HiOU, the 1' R. K Co. will null excursion tlckete from the Western Pennsylvania Division to Aligheny City, at half rates, with the orir« of admission to <<x|>osltia*i added. No tickul to be Hold for less tlmn seveu ty five cunts, including mlmiisiou con pon. Th<*s» tickets will b« K""d going only on tegular trains leaving stations at t r la-fore noon on day of iitstie, and will 1 e valid for rutiirn until the fol lowing day. Inclusive. NoTIUK My Wlf«t. lUara M. Tlmblln. hav- IIILF ii.fi my IHXI and board without rau»o, anyone harboring or furnUhlnis Iter KOO Is. iKiiiril or mnllib'iiuiirr will do MI at their own IHTII li* I Will not lH) ri'»lM'imlt>l« tucfClor or pay o.y lilll* cmitracleil Hcpt. M b. IIWI. l'..trolla,'P.i.