VOL. XXXX. Eckel's Fall Footwear. Largest Stock and Most Handsome Styles of Fine Footwear we Have Ever Shown. XAPACIC ShnOQ Enamel and Patent-kid mad* in the latest up- Vvl Uylv VllvVW to-date styles in medium or high tope. Misses' and Children's Shoes. Extremely large stock of Misses' and Children's fine shoes ! comprised of many new and pretty styles for fall, j mm m /"\i All the latest styles in Men's fine shoes A tall ■AH O VhAfiC hoe of Metis Patent kid, the latent style lasts, mcll O wllvvO V) to Pi vart Iron Works of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P, H. Sechler I 1 See the sign dlred nppoilte the Poi toff Ice, Theodore Yogelcy. Real Estate sad EEY lassrssce Agtacy, MM 5 Mala St. bstkr, Ps. If you have property to sell, trade, or rent or, want to l>uy or rent •ml write or phone D e. List Mailed Upon Application L. C. WICK, DIAL, KB 10 LUHBER. BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1908. /K&o\ J CORN SYRUP % Better than konsy tor lass ■■ BM moctj. Nutritious u wall H Mm u dskcioas. At grocers, 10c, 25c, and 50c tins. VA CORN PRODUCTS CO.. SQV Hew York and Chicago. Your Is it acting well ? Bowel, regular? Digestion goodlf not, remember Ayer's Pil Want your moustache or \>cari* a / beautiful brown or rich black ? I'si { Buckingham's SOrt«.«eß, PA. Service. Prompt and Careful Attention. Four Registered Pharmacists. Prescription Wori< a Specialty. NtrW urugs I«p«VV BTOCK 1 have purchased the C. J. Harvey Pharmacy, mthe Stem building, at 345 S. Main St., am remodeling and restocking the store. 1 have twenty-two years experience as a pharmacist, and compounding of prescriptions will be under my personal at tention. Pure drugs and honest treat ment guaranteed. When in town shopping, stop and leave your packages. J L McKee, Pharmacist, Stein Block. 8. Main St.. Butler. Pa Binding of Books Is our occupation. We put our entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. If you are thinking of havmg some work done in this line I am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at The Butler Book Binder), W. W. AMON, Prop. OpD 'Virt House ft DR. | Summer Cordial, ITaill* MARK ftPEKIHI.T CUBES Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Sick Headache, Summer Complaint, VomltiriK, Sour Stomach, Indigestion and for Children Teething. AHHOI.HTKI.Y IIAKMI.KMM. i I'.rftroU hf 11. A. KAIIMXroI K CO. I'ltbliurf, I'm. Music Department! We have wldod a rnnnlcal department —go <1 rxinnlc good inntrnmentn and everything that In-longn to a mnnirntore. Call ar>:l innpect the famonn Merrill Piano. One of the bent high grade piano* on the market. We can mill it on tomy payment*. W»nt a Violin. Mandolin. Banjo. Guitar or Accordeon. wo have thorn Send for onr catalogue of 10c nheet. mn*lc, containing over 10<>0 title*. and we have then all in *tock We will gut any piece of mimic yon need, in fact we are in nha[to to mipplv all your want* iri the rnu*ical line at DOUGLASS HOOK HTOKK Near P. 0.. 241 S. Main Ht LP WAMCKR, • Notabv Pl;M,ic, Mr fir, km , I'a. Office with Herktncr, next door to P. O. £ ...The... ♦ s "Com pleat" jj i Anglers 1 f. Vy -PETEH. M'A HTHX/H. X O Copyright. I*2. by Peter McArthur • "Sj? "LL go if mamma will let me." £n Leona Jarvls stood ou the lit' JL tie dock In front of their sum mer cottage and looked down teaslngly at the young man who was holding his little catboat against the p|—k| with one hand while he sat on the gunwale and let the sail hang loosely. lie frowned and certainly blushed, though it was hard to see this under the coat of tan he had acquired while cmlsinK at>out the bay. During i the past couple of months be had had a i deal of thinking to do, and uoth- I ing Is so conducive to concentrated and i exhaustive thought us sailing about In a trim and docile boat without regard to time. And as most of his cruising was done alone people seemed to think that there was a misanthropic appro- "WKLI., SES THAT TOU CATCU SOM*rUJ>£) 1" prlateness about the name of his boat, the Alone. He never could convince tbem that "Alone' r should be pro nounced as a word of three syllables, nud If he did convince any of tliein they Immediately began to hum u fool ish parody of "Yankee I>oodle" which rau: Yankee JDoodle came to town All alone, aloncy. After Leona had delivered her Ulti matum there was nothing to do but wait until her mother came out of the house. As a matter of course she was Invited, but was wise enough to de cline. "I'll chaperon you from the veranda," she snld, "and the only stipulation I Utuk4> 1* LUu.L jruu Uw uui *c t off flu* top of the ocean. " Then as tho little Iniat was swinging away from the dock she called after them, "I wish you would bring me home a nice, fresh blueflsli." "Anything to oblige," Leona called back. "Well, see that you catch something," replied the mother, und laughed. Marvin Itolllns was too busy with ropes and pulleys and the many little attentions a lioat requires Is-fore she will la; entirely oliedlent to notice this little byplay of dialogue, and while he was moving about the boat he was banding cushions to Leona so that sho could make herself entirely comforta ble for the little cruise thnt he pro posed. At last be had everything trim, and they scudded out toward the open sea where a fleet of Ixaita was trolling for Itlueflsh. L<*»na amused herself for awhile In watching how rapidly they huddled together and then scattered. Hl»* inquired the cuuso of these maneu vers. "When one of the U>ats strikes a school of flsh all the other fellows rush In to get their share, and when they lots* tho school they scatter till some one else strikes one, and then they come together again." At this [>olut Leona's attention was attracted by something else. "Oh, Marvin!" she exclaimed enthu slastlcally. "i/ook at that wide streak of oil we arc crossing. Does that mean that oil Is coming out of the liottom of the sen; that there Is a Texas gusher under the Oreat South bay?" He looked at her curiously to make Sure Jlnit she was not (Miking fun at him, but Ix-ona was n good actress aud looked entirely Innocent. "Ouslier nothing! That's simply a chumming streak." "And what may a chumming streak be?" "Why, when amntenrs go after blue flab they do not use a s<|Uld like profes sloiuils. They chum for them." "Well?" "They ehop up mummies and throw them overliosrd so thnt they will Boat down with the tide and make an oily streiik that the bluellsli will follow up until they strike the baited hooks." "How horrible! Hut I always thought that mummies were preserved In splcea and sin-h things, and not In oil." "Oh, pshaw!" said Itolllns testily. "I am not speaking of that kind of mum mies The mummies they have down here are little fat tlsh thnt they catch wltli nets to use for chumming." - t>m inn ft— —v 1-mi |< "■» •"-»r/llUt* don't llsh thnt way." "Of course not, unless they can't kill flsh In uny other way." "But If It Isn't the l»est way to tlsh why does any one llsh that wayV" "Because gentlemen llsh for sport and not for spoil. It Is more s(M»rt to chum for llsh and catch them with a rod and reel." "Then It Is really not good form to flsh for blueflsli unless you chum for them?" "Oil, It IH nil rlKlit to catch one or *o for n meitl, but It In not thu thin# to do If one In ont for uport." "Well, we iiro out for aport, ureii't we? At leant I think I tun," nhe add«d mlachlevoualy. "Of courae, but your inotber wnntii a null, and Mil* IH tin- only way to K"'t oim rit preaent." "But 1 do WIhII that wo could chum, Marvin," alio Hitld nn If entirely uncon DCIOUH of n double nifiinliiK. Tin- poor fellow Kiinpcd, for he wiw tin- chnnoa to make tlx- Idea of chumming lend up to ii remark InvolvliiK their cbuuiuiltiK together for life. Hut the very thoiiKht of being HO ilnrltiK I'UL lilin In U funk. I.conn |ook<-<1 lit lillii Innocently, (Inn with n MII I lull i'il aniU# nt tli.' HtruKKl" In IIIH trilriil tlmt wa* ninkluK Itaelf HO CV llli'lit on IIIM IIIUNIIIHK fur' - Mil Ilk l»a«'k coiitpntwlly among tlio cushions. Aysln th<- sl!o:ice fell, and in Wept Ills ere soatvard likf an a!>! sru ninn. though not 11K-* the host c f so ptvtt.r a IvO i it:» 1001. "d at hiiu front timo to time and sudlvd niiwhle vottsly. for she kn«-w that wbetM«ver she likod she could torment him asnln. as she had often d«>n» in tiit» past. lie hnd made at least a dozen futile attempts to propose to her and hail l>eon pre vented by his bashfnlness. On each oc casion she could hare helped him out and enabled him to speak the momen tous words, but it was too ranch fun to \w free, and. though she had always In tended accepting him In the end. she could not help putting off the hour of capitulation as long as he showed no evidence of trying to escape. Of course he had run away from her after every att<*mpt to propose, but he always came bacK, He seemed to move around her in much the same way as a comet «o-*s around the sun. He would approach with ever Increasing velocity, just mt»» embracing and then whirl off In the op posite direction on an orbit of wonder ful extent. "After he has gone around the globd on one of his runaway trip* I'll take pity cm him and help him out," confessed to her mother. And In spl'e of her cruelty she cared for hint as much as he did for her and had no In tention of losing blP>, f>Ut it Is true she would much prefer haying filtjl do all the proposing himself. Leona was quite comfortable anion# her cushions, and It was no small pleas ure to her to sit and watch the youn* giant who kept himself so busy with the sail and tiller. But she made up her mliul that she would not speak again until tie rtld. were almost at the fishing grounds before tt»«» sltefipe was broken, and then he remarked: "I'm going to throw out a line now. Do you care to do the fishing?" "Anything to pass the time." she snld ■omewhat viciously, for she was tired of the loiig ■Henpp, He unrolled the line, tied una eud of It to a hook In the gunwale and drop ped the squid overboard, fthe took tls« line and let It troll through the water, while her flnjrers felt the slight vibra tion that showed that the hook was clear of weeds. But the fish were not "THKK YOU INTENDED TO ACCEPT M*?" biting anywhere Just then. The boat* ww ntl Bcnttrrtnjr, nnfl time wn« ngntn hanging heavy on her hand*. "I think you ought fo change the name of thin boat," she finally ex claimed. "I have alway* wanted to," he ntnin nrered eagerly, for the name of that boot wa* a tiling tliat he fondly hoped might yet lend to a *ucce*aful proposal. But L/'onn went on u* If *he were not perfectly aware of the fact that the name of the txiat wan an anagram of her own name. "You ought to change it to the Si lence or vomethlng of that *ort. Htill I don't know hut the nnme you have ueed IN all right. I remember a ntnnr.n from The Ancient Mariner' that I feel like quoting: "Alone, alone, all, nil alone. Alone on i*. wide, wide no a. "That'* jn*t the way ! feel when I am milling with you." "Arid I—I," he xtnmmered, "feel like the next two llnon of that utanr.a." "Why. what ure they?" "And never n nalnt took pity on My noul In agony." "Ton don't look much like n man that needed pity." "he wild and then added. •/*it»» pt-rnitjm 71m isjrrcirt emrimu «t ■rilut on board." "Well, we- well, won't you take pity oa me?" "I take pity on you? 1 am no nalnt, and, bcHlden, I think 1 have been moro In need of pity than you have." "Hut not for the name reaaon that in. I wlnh you did need pity for the nil me reanon." I>eonii knew what wan (timing again nnd wondered a little If he would Jump overboard to enenpe If he failed to pro pone Ah nhe did not rrnnwer him. he tried to go on. "I wouldn't be no much alone on tliln bont. and Itn name In not the Alone, but I wlnh I could you would er won't you let me change your other name an I have changed your llrnt name?" "What do you menu?" nhe a*k<-*otin thought of It the more she felt tl *t she * was thor oughly abused. In tAe first place, it was humiliating that lSe shon'd let his proposal be Interrupted by a in«s me Ilk* that I am very glad that the flsli inter rupted your proposal." "Then you Intended to accept me?" "I never said so." "And you ol>eyed me like a wife of ten years' standing.'' "Well, I'll never do tt again." "I'll never ask you to again." ner face suddenly sobered, for she thought he meunt be would never ask her to be hi* wife again, and now that her nnger had turned to laughter she wan only teasing again. He saw the change and with another burst of laughter brought the boat about so that the sail was between them and the Ashing fleet that was rapidly assem bling because he had been seen strug gling with the big flsh. Just what hap pened behind the sail Is better ifuessed than told, but when they reached the little dock again I>>ona's mother called to tbem: "Catch anythingT' And they both answered: "Yes." A EDrd mid hU wonder* In the deep." The pNiilm I* ununlly read an purt of the Dimple HorvlcoM which tnke place on Hiiuilnyit on nlil|>M ll t Hen For tlmt rennon It IN known IIN tlio aallora' pMn lin lionilon Chronicle. Tbf lloiitl («» Muccraa, It IH Well for the young mini to re inemlM-r tlmt IT lie tI KIHIm-m IIIH cdiicn tlon IIH ii xklllcil fiiiiiicr or Htiickiiinn or fruit if row i r there nre plenty <>f plnci'M np'Mi waiting for Mm ut ifood pay. while If he lieeouien n lulnlxlcr, lawyer or ile laid gently upon the surface of the cider prepared as above described. Do not stir it In. The vinegar ferment grows only at the sur face. In three days the cap should nave spread entirely over the ferment ing cider. Do not break thla cap there after so long as tbe fermentation con tinues. If the temperature Is right the fermentation should be completed in from four to six weeks. The vinegar should then be drawn off, strained through white flsnnel and corked or bunged tightly and kept In a cool place until wanted for consumption. If tbe vinegar remains turbid after ten days stir Into a barrel one pint of a solution of one-half pound of isinglass in one quart of water. As soon ns set tled rack off and store in tight veeeels. Usually no fining of vinegar Is needed. No pure elder vinegar will keep long In vessels exposed to the air nt a tem perature above 00 degrees F. "Vine gar eels" are sometimes troublesome Ju vinegar Iwrrel*. To remove these beat the vinegar scalding hot, but do not boll. When cool strain through clean flannel, iiikl the "eels" will lie removed. In making cider vinegar the strength of the product or per cent by weight of the acetic add In It will lie a little less than the per cent by weight of the al cohol In tin- rider. A little of the alco hol remains unferuieuted and serves to give the desired flavor or bouquet to the vinegar. North Carolina Eiperl ment Station Bulletin. Irrtanlton at tttr«wb»rrlva. The Georgia experiment atatlon atatea tlml Irrigation of atrawberrlwi cannot lie rc<'auiiiu > iiM for general practice In tlmt ntate on n large ncnle It "ecina to innke the Ix'trltn aoft und unfit for market In ttint m-rtlon, and the berrlea noon decay. The flooding of the ground mnki'N It tnnddy nnu t'nlhrlflr '»'«• I pun •> I'urluß lluaU. Neglected orchard* ure common ov* erywbero. Thla IN enpeclally truo of the "houio orchard." Many of these orrhiirilit, If they hour nt nil, have bo come noil exhntiated mid product* only Inferior fmlt, und even flint only In OO cuslohul itcoaoiia. Such orchrrda are flio hoinoa of worm* nml dlacna© and nerve to the motv carefully aprayed mid tilled orchard* of nelgh hora with thoae pent*. Marketable fruit froui them la iilmoat wholly uu known. Tliey are nil eyeaoro and un profitable. An orchard of thla kind IIIIN recently l»een made the Niihject of mi InvoNtlirntlon l>y l'rnf<*aaor l r . W. Card of the Uhode Inline! ntatlon. The purpoae of thla In vent I gat lon fcna to aa certain whether with the ordinary ineona within thv reach of fanner*, MU<'l) IIN pruning. tillage, Hpraylng and fi rtill/.luH, HU< h mi orchard could he rejuvenated and put on a paying haala. The orchard aelected for the expert nii'iit WIIN n home orchanl of ICN* than an acre In extent, ft had ln-en planted for a I tout twenty five year*. The tree" bad niail" bnt little growth, aud the were with moea. i No. M. I ■ S9 l" the first Mason the tree* were prune* and the rough. loose bark scraped off the limbs and trnnks. A half ton oft commercial fertilizers, made up of 128 ( founds of nitrate of soda. 100 pound* of dried blood, GSO pounds of adtt . Phosphate and 128 pounds of muriate of potash, was applied and the ground . plowed and kept tilled until mMsu®. mer, after which a cover crop wwm planted. It was desired to get the trees started at once into a good wood growth; hence nitrate of soda WBfl used. Well rotted barnyard manurs would probably have answered tht same purpose very well. besides f<» nlsbtog a considerable amount of hta< mns to the soil. After the tilmnim fill the trees were sprayed twice with bor deaux mixture and parts green. 11* bordeaux mixture cleared the Wmhn ot hanging moss, and the parts green pst soned many of the worms. At the eo4l of the first season there was a nutai Improvement in the orchard, jet the re sults were not striking. Ute neciect of years cannot be remedied to a atngM Season. The treatment the second season vu very similar to that of the first To prevent apple scab the treee were sprayed with bordeaux mixture before the buds opened and again after the blossoms fell. The cover crop of the first year was peas and oate. Aa theee made only a small growth the nitrogen was continued la the commercial fer tilizer applied, but Instead of 1,000 pounds of fertiliser only h»lf thla amount was used. Good tillage was continued. The growth of the trace the second season was not large, yet it was thrifty and of healthy appearance, and some good fruit waa obtained, the Baldwin and russet traee being well loaded. The following eeason, with on ly a part of the trees bearing, about SBO worth of fine fruit waa obtained. Many of the treee in the orchard were early sorts. Of the fruit sold ISO worth came from the ruaaet and greening trees. M CkNM. A toothsome and nutritious article ot food is made from sour skimmed milk or buttermilk by allowing the esaeln te coagulate by the action of add already naturally formed and then expelling the water by the aid of heat. A considera ble number of products, locally distinct and different in the degree of dryaeat of the curd, ere made In thla way. The general process of manufacture Is te taks sour buttermilk or skimmed milk which baa coagulated, heat It gently from 85 to 128 degrees P., according te circumstances, and drain off the whey through a cloth strainer. Then redoes the texture of the resulting curd fey kneading with the hands or a pestta Salt Is added, and the product la im proved by the addition of a small qua* tlty of cream or butter. Some peraooi consider It an Improvement to season by the use of one of the more oommog spices, as nutmeg, caraway, etc. It ll largely made only for domestic con sumption, but in most cities and vil lages, especially during the summei months, there Is a considerable demand tor frsah cheese of thla sort and Mi manufacture la often a source of 'ftf# nue to factories suitably located. It k usually sold and eaten ln a fresh statn but It may be subjected to certain ev lng processes, which quite materially change lta character and widely In different localities. Ttotette* pie kind of cbeeae 1a alas csltad Dotal cheese, cottage chssas and 'MMsrtMl —"Cheesemaklng on the Farm." Tk« !-•<»<« S«%M. The potato blight commencea when the plant Is In its most vigorous growth snd the damp, humid weather of Au gust given the fungus Its opportunity for development The rule In spraying Is always to get a little ahesd of ths earliest possible appearance ot ths blight Acrleillirsl Mots*. Cranberry prospects appear to be fait In New Jersey. The Maine corn crop will be short, sccordlng to American Agriculturist. Hsrvost onions when the bulbs are well formed and the tops begin to die. Professor Voorbees of New Jersey has found basic slag about two-thirds as effective as acid phosphate for fall seeding of grass. Professor Hills of the Vermont exper iment station expressos the opinion in •an exchange that alfalfa Is "a some what doubtful proposition" for that state. If fed In conjunction with skimmed milk It has been shown that a consid erable proportion of Indian corn may be used In the grain ration without ll* luring the quality of |*>rk. A Bat* Proe*»4Uf. Lord Lyons, English minister at Washington durlnf the civil war and afterward ambassador to France, waa a diplomatist to the core, lie waa ex ceedlngly tuctful in action and had the rare art of keeping bis own counsel When Sir Edward Blount called upon him oue dsy st the embassy in Paris hs found that a well known Journalist kad preceded him. The visitor was lay ing down the law in a loud tone, and wheu, after his departure, Sir Edward was received, he took the liberty of sayiug: "May I bo allowed to ask If it Is quits wise to discuss state secrets In such a loud tone 7 I heard every word that was said, my lord, as 1 sat In tbe ante room." "Ah!" aald Lord Lyona. "But sren then you could not bear what 1 aald, for I said uotblng."—Youth'e Com panion. The Chorolcoes snd Polythelia. The Cherokee Indian was originally a polytheist. To him the spirit world wss only a shadowy countarpart of thla one. He hud no grout spirit, no happy hunting ground, no heaven, no hell -all of which Ideas were first In troduced to the American aborigines by Christian missionaries. Consequent ly death bad for him no terrors, and he awaited the Inevitable end with no anxiety ns to the future. All his pray ers were for temporal and tanglblo blessings--for health, for long life, for success in (he chase, in Ashing, in war and in love, for good crops, for protec tion and for revenge. Dream* Ksplnlnod. "Dreams," says an eminent lecturer on Uieosophy, "consist of recollectlous of tbo combined Impressions received aud workings of tbe physical and as tral minds. Tho soul aud subconscious ness are Independently active, aud It la the confusion arising from tbe con founding of the thoughts of the soul with ths exaggerated Interpretation of Impressions received by suliconsclous iicas which makes It so ofteu Impossi ble to remember dreams." Softer. "I have no doubt you hare heard some stories to my discredit," be said. "I don't like to put It In that way," Hhe quietly replied. "How then?" lie hopefully asked. "I have never hesrd any stories to your credit," said she.—Cleveland l'laln limlW.