H THE BUTLER CITIZEN. [ S*FHUBBDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1908. NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. VOTE—AII advertisers Intending to make if-r- to their ads. •bouid notify u» of IMrlnteaUM to do so not later than Mon dar mornUf. Ex'rs notice, estate of John Wiley.Sr. Adm'rs notice, estate of Elisabeth B. M Wiley. Eut Butler Lote. H, Bickel'i Fall Footwear. Modern Store's School boee. L Miller's shoes. D. Sc O's Clothing. Campbell's furniture. Hone sale. Wick's hats. Pgh Organ and Piano Co. Ik- Admlniau »iora and Executors of e*tJ4t« E> c*B aecore thrir receipt book* at the GITI ZEN office, and parsons making public aales thsir note tx>.k». LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Good troupe at the Park, this week. —The wet weather is spoiling some at the oats. —Will Butler have another Demo I - era tic paper t —Finaen Bays"—whatever they are— p- core deafness. —Jonn Philippi has sold his milk route to the Steens. —The ' Sons of St. George" have or ganized a lodge in Butler. I , —Much time is spent envying others tile happiness which they do not possess L —[Ex. Even the criminal court is booming — B4 enses being OD the docket for next week'* seen at any time except Mondays and Tuesdays. FOR SALE! No. 1, brand new dwelling, good lot, good street, good neighborhood, posses sion at once, $25000. Two houses for $llOO each, one for SIBOO, one for $1450. Good 6 roomed house, Oakland Place, possession 30 days, S2OOO. E. H N BULKY, Att'y, S. W. Diamond. If von couldn t come before come now to Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. | 1 don't see how they can sell clothing ' as cheap as Ritter & Rockenstein are ' selling it PEJKSONAI. C. G. Christie and wife have returned from their outing in Canada. Theodore Tack, a New York oil mil lionare, wag in town, Mondav. Mrs. M. C Rock ens tein and daughter are visiting friends in Wheeling. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Ruff returned, Fri day, from an onting at Cambridge. Fred C. Elder is ill at his home in the Stein bnilding with typhoid fever. Win. H. Ramsey of Jackson twp. did come shopping in Butler, Saturday. Miss Mary Walker of Centre Ave. went to Atlautic City, last Thursday. A M. Cornelius and wife are enter taining R. A- Kellv and wife of Beaver Fulls Mies Jean Fulton of Frazierg Mills is visiting Mies Nettie Frazier of Ziegler avenue. Samuel Rhodes and son of West Sun bnry are recovering from severe attacks of typhoid. Rev. Cooper and wife returned, Fri day, from a visit to his old home in Bea ver county. Wm. P. Welahons and wife returned. Saturday, from a visit with friends in Somerset county. Mrs. Wm. McAlpine of South Wash ington street left Tuesday to visit her parents in Canada. Mioses Margaret and Elora Brandon of N. Main St., returned from their trip to Europe, Than-day. Miss Olive Matthews cf the Fifth ward was the fortunate winner of the free lot in West Butler. M. A. Berkimer is attending the funeral of hie aunt Mrs. Eliza Hays of Rochester, Pa to-day. Rev. J. C. Nicholas and family have returned from an extended visit to rela tives in the eastern part of the state- Samuel Wood and wife of Institute Hill have returned home after a four-, week's stay in the country near Eakins Corners. 1 Geo. C Dunn came down from Union City last Friday, went to West Butler next day and bought a lot in three minutes. Miss Mabel Barclay haa returned to town after spending a week with her parents, John Barclay and wife, of Prospect.' Anthony Thompson took his three grand-children to Pittsburg yesterday, on their way to their home in Parkers burg, W. Va. A. Sbarrar, J. W. Powell, Robt Ash and several other Evans City men at tended the West Bntler sale of lota, last Saturday. Bir Thomas Lipton haa given up try ing to secure the cup; and he says "this is the greatest country on the face of the earth today." Mrs. Fred Winters and children re turned Monday from a visit to Cam bridge Springs, where they were guests }f the Hotel Kelly. Mrs, Harry Klingler and daughters returned last Thursday from a sojourn 'jt several weeks at the Hotel Kelly, at Cambridge Springs. Miss Mary Walker, step-daughter of Dr. Crawford, dec'd, of Allegheny twp. wld her dairy farm, lately, and bought property in Emlenton Prothonotan J. C. Clark, Deputy Register Geo. E. Thomas and Loo McEihaney were among the Butlerite* it the Punxsutawney fair last week. W. R. Turner and wife have returned from their trip to Salt Lake City. W. R says he is a full fledged Mormon now, though he brought but one wife borne. Mrs. Flora Hall and daughter. Re main, of Warren. Pa. have l>een th<- Kuests of L. P. Walker and other rela tives in Butler county during the pust few weeks. J. H. Pizor of Worth twp brought bis cousin, Miss Mae Pizor of Plain Urove to Butler yesterday for tbe purpose of taking tbe special examina lion for teachers Clerk Kiskaddon returned last Sun lay from bis trip. He got as far West is Southern Dakota and will tell the •eaders of the CITIZEN what he saw a* toon as he gets time to write it. Miss Myrtle Jamison, daughter of W D. Jamison and wife of Elan Claire and Lamont Caler of Allegheny were mar 'iod last Thursday evening in the pres ence of a large company of guests. Miss Lulu Davis, daughter of Register J. P. Davis, and George Elkins, fore nan of the Wooden Car Department of ;he Car Works, went to Yonngstown, ast Thursday, and were married there. CoL John M. Thompsonhas been bed- Fast for the past three weeks. He has taken no nourishment for the past few layb, and his condition is considered se rious. His brother. Judge Thompson of lowa, is again here. J. O. Emery of Yonngstown, 0.. at tended the annual rennion of the Morris Family at North Hope, last Wednesday. About 200 persons were present, Rev UcNees made an address, and a jolly, jood time was had by all. Next year's reunion will be held In Alameda Park, Bntler. G. L. Montgomery has secured the jontract for plastering the Kirkpatrick Duilding at Butler, the Catholic build ing at Fennelton and a large building at North Bessemer. He will have ten men employed and has other work in view besides these buildings to keep his men busy all fall.—Grove City Reporter. Dr. McKee of Cbicora and a party From Fairview, Grove City and other places returned Saturday from a stay of •everal weeks in tbe lake region north jt Toronto, They were all looking well ind feeling good and had evidently en aed their fish diet. Tbe bass are endid this year, but the perch are wormy. Markets. Wheat, wholesale price tlB-70 Rye, " SO Data, " 3ft Corn, " Hay, " 13 00 Egg". " 18 Batter, " ... 18 Potatoes, BO Onions, per bu 7B Cabbage, per lb 2 Chickens, dressed 1H Chickens, spring, per pair 0" Celery, doz bunches 30 Honey, per ponnd IB Lettuce, lb B Radishes, doz bunches 2B Onions " 540 Beets, per bu 7B Cukes, per doz .... 20 Apples, per bu 40-50 Green Corn, per doz IB Tomatoes, per bu $1 25 The liutler ItUMinnHH College. The Butler Bnsiness College bss jn«t closed the most successful term of school that it has ever experienced. The enrollment was ItH) students 22 typewriters now in use. and several wore new ones will be added for the term which opens Tuesday, Sept. 1, 1608 We are having three times a« many calls for yonng men who understand BOTH shorthand and bookkeeping, as we can supply. Mend for a copy of onr FINKLY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE for IMS 04. BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Butler. Pa New lee Wagon. The new ice wagon of May & Kenne dy is now in service, and ice will be de livered to all parts of the city by this firm. If yon want ice today, call np Bell phone H7 or Peoples 128 Regular deliveries. Hend in yonr orders. MAY & KENNEDY. Just now you can buy up to date clothing at way down prices at RITTKK & ROCKENBTEIN'H. The Citizen and the National Stock man and Farmer, the World's Greatest Farm Paper from now until Jan. 1 190# both for VS.CO. Whatever lightens the mother's bur den is a blessing Baby sleeps well is cheerful and strong. No wonder he has ' Victor Infants Relief. •J<, *■ > NKWK NEW SUITS. O 'IXIOIIIII wealth of Penn'a at BUggee tion and for the age of Robt. Elder Ail in r , it b. n. of the estate of Otto Kunze of Allegheny Co., vs Andrew Beikert, who survives ("has Bauchman and Adeline Kunze, both dec'd., sum mons in assumpsit for claimed to be due on a bond (riven by Adaline Kanze, afterwards Skiles, as adminis tratrix of Otto Kunze, dec'd. N. H and H E. McCandlese vs S L. Stillwagon. deft, and Frank C. Ralston, garnishee, execution attachment. R. S. Montgomery and Thomas H. Heven vs J. W. Hilliard and School Board of Venango twp attachment ex ecution on a judgment of S3O. Squire F. P. Mcßride of Clearfield vs J. A. Kendall, asfutupsst foi a balance of $139, claimed to be due for taking a block of coal leases extending from Fennelton to the P. & W. south of Millers town. Peter Leiblech of Union ville obtained a judgment of $21.50 against Perrv K. Gold for breech of warranty in the sale of a cow Gold took c.n appeal for jnry ti iaL NOTES. Satnrday at a public sale at the late Ben Masseth's barn, his oil production on the Jack and Trimble farm*, Mid dle sex twji , was sold to Daniel Liirdin for SIOOOO. a rig and casing on the Chris Stock farm to Stock for S2OO, the trot ting mare, Jean, by McKinney, 2:11. to Dr. for $5lB. The total receipts of the sale amounted to SI4OOO. Bj the terms of the settlement Mrs. Ma<*se_th received SI2OOO. the furniture and the use of the house for one year. and her attorney was paid a fee of S2OOO from the estate. Saturday Sheriff Gibeon, ex-Sberill Thomas Ht surety of the peace entered by his wife, formerly Mrs. Green. The one thing that is not disputed in the numerous trials growing out of the killing of Goebel, in Kentucky, is thut Goebel is dead. Viewers on Monday recommended a new bridge at the West End of Wayne street. The John Schaffner farm, 33 acres. WHS sold Wednesday at Bankrupt sale to J. W. McKee representing the South ern oil Co. for $4500. A young Butler couple went through th>- dissappointing process of being re fused a marriage license Tuesday be ivinse the groom to be was under age and had not the consent of his parents. A charge of a&b has been entered ieen arrested for al le t ed larceny of brass, the third time snrta a charge has been entered againxt mm. Joseph Mykouawish, an insurance ngent at Lyndora. was placed in jsnl Monday evening on a charge of stealing *-")H from a ' -oarder's trunk in the house »d tax collector of Venango twp. Earl Sisney and H. Sproul plead guilty before Esq. McAboy Monday to disorderly conduct on a Bessemer pas tenger train and were each fined $5 and r-Of-t«. Thomas McKnight was arrested Tues lay on a charge of interfering with an ifficer. It is alleged he interfered with Anthony Kober while arresting G. R. DeHaven sometime ago. Loui» Brescing of Hilliard has been charged with agg a&b by May Emery. Monday William Black was arrested m a charge of defrauding a boarding bouse keeper, made against him by H H. Conway & Son, hotel proprietors cf Ellwood. who claimed Black owed them |U on a $54 board bill. Black applied for habeas corpus and was released be uause it was shown that $45 had been received as settlement in full. According to a dispatch from Punx untawney, John Ptigh, Jr.. of this coun ty, shot a farmer named John Buzzard, who lived at North Freedom, and was irrested for it and taken to the Brook ville jail. Buzzard was not expected to live. For the third time a Kentucky jury, last Saturday, convicted Caleb Powers, Secretary of State in Governor Taylor's administratou, of complicity in the murder of Governor Goebel, who was shot from the secretary of State's office. The previons verdicts carried a senten ce of life imprisonment liecause, it was said, the jury was not sufficiently con vinced of the guilt of Powers to impose the death sentence now attached to the verdict. Whatever may lie the opinion us to the guilt or innocence of Powers, the circumstances attending his prose cution have not been such as to convince the public that he has had that itn partial trial requisite to the impeccable discharge of justice. The SIOO,OOO re ward offered for the conviction of the murderers of Goebel and the political composition of the jnries has l»een dyninst the prisoner. The contradic tory nature of the testimony given by the same witnesses and the general character of the proofs uj>oii which he bos l>eeri convicted lacked that coheren cy that should Ist essential to the infla tion of the capital sentence upon any man PBOI'KRTY TRANSFERS. (.'has L Hazlett to O P Pape lot on N Wsshington St for S47 them aDd each of them and their heirs forever: and I nominate my sister Mar> and my brother Charles Waller tuv ex ecutors of this my last will sl'd tests:, ment. Witness my hand and seal this 2e>th day of march, 1903. (Seal) D. H WULLER. Sitrhed, s-'-aled and publish'd by D.°.R i-1 H. Waller as sud for his last wiil and tcFtament. and who signed ttte same in the presence of us who witnessed the ssme in the presence of the testator and in the presence of each other Attest:— J. C. VANDERLIN JENNIE WULLER. Sternuous objection was made to ihe probation of the will, and the Register fiztd Tuesday for a hearing. After a hearing before Register Davis Tuesday morning it was screed by the contending parties in the D. H. Waller will case, that protest against probating the will should be withdrawn by the children on condition of Mary and Charles Wnller, the brother and sister of D. H.. withdrawing as executors and John Lawell being substituted. This was done aod the will probated, ltight. of appeal however was riot waived by the children and they at once took issue for a trial in Court, disputing the will on grennds of insanity. Marriage Ldcenww. David E. Pierce Hilliard Clara J. Conner " John W. Reep Baldwin Sarah A. Uinstead Chiconi A. Fred. Weigand Butler Julia E. Story " At Pittsburg, Ivan Makar and Fidnn ka Fil of Bntler. At Youngstown—Geo. Wolford and Blanche Titley of Chicora. ACtIDHNTB By a collision of freight trains near Harbison station last Sunday morning, the two engines were damaged, and Jos. Crouse. a fireman of Bntler had two ribs broken by jumping from his engine against a tree. Isaac Greaves, who resided on his farm near Harlansburg. committed sui cide last Sunday by shooting himself in the head with a shotgun The deceased was 80 years old and had been in poor health for the last few years. A storm in Beaver Co.. last Sunday blew over a tree that in falling carried with it a trolley wire and some other wires. A young inan named Boweu w«s caught In the wirt-s and killed, as was another young man who attempted to rescue him. Moses Walls of Venango Connty was almost; instantly killed by a reaoing machine, drawn by oxen, a few days ago. lie got down in front of the inackim to fix a chain that had become unfasten ed, when the oxen started on quickly, fie managed to get on the tongue of the ma chine but could not retain his seat. A sudden turn and jolt threw him in front of the reaper. The heavy wheels pas sed over his stomach and chart, crush, ing him terribly. OJL N<»TKN. The Market—Both agencies are pay ing SI.MI The Herman Gas Co. has struck a Fourth sand gas well with a 500-pound rock pressure on the Robert Loughrey farm, east of Herman Bntler Of the four well* drilled on the Wallace tract below MeCalmont, Young Bros, is doing about 8 barrels, while Hazlett & McCollough's the Sonth Penn's and Welsh's about 2 each. CHTTROH NOTKS. The sixth annual reunion of the White Oak Springs Presbyterian Church was held in the church grove last Thursday. After luncheon Rev. Will iam J. !» all three for $2.50. You can have The Woman s Home Companion, Cosmopolitan, Leslie's Popular Monthly, or Household-Ledger, Instead of Success If preferred. Now Now Now is the time to at tend Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. Music scholars wanted at liW W. Wavne St. Come now to Ritter & Rockensteln' sale. It is a gutter of Taste with a man whether he prefers a blonde or a brunette for his wife. It is also a matter of taste as to the kind of a ring be chooses for an engagement ring. \Ve have all kinds of precious stones, set In many beautiful designs to suit all fancies, all tastes, all parses. We also sell Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and f'ac/i Cameras- Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Gnitars. Optical K:». notice IN hereby given that Hat'l llutler Havings Hank In winding up 11-. affairs. Ih« eriMlllom thereof are not I tie,l to present their claims. If any, for payment at (he Hutler Having" A Trust Company, doing business at the old stand WM A. CM I'IIELL, J a, J'renldent. R-R-TIME-TABLES ! B&ORB Time Ul>lr flfcctlTr Mm 17, IMS. Ewtt-rn Suunknl Tin,.. SOUTHBOUND Allegheny Accommodation f&J a-n» ! All**k'hen.▼ mxl Cleveland K*|>r*M KA4) •-m | Allegheny Expreaa ♦VtlO •-m " ; *11:40 * m Ell wood City Accommodation p-tn ('tiicmffu. New Castle ami Allegheny Ex .. *3:40 p-in Allegheny Express *5:24 |>-m Allegheny Accommmlatk»u *5:50 p.in E!lwt>«l and New (Accommodation... *5:50 p-ax XORTfI BOUND K&:i** and Bradford Mail. +9:42 a-m Clariou Accommodation *4:55 p-m Foxborg Accommodation tH:00 p.in * Daily. *S Acept Sunday. Z Sunday otly. Traius leave the Allegheny 9tation for Bntler at 7:30. 8:15. 10:45 a.m.. and 1:15. 3:00. 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. and PittebnrL' statioL at 7:50 a.m. OnSnnday at 7:30 а.m. and 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. For through »kkfl«, rwerrati >ns and in h.tuia«l»»n apply to W. K. TURNER, Agt. Butler, l*a. K. IK SMITH, A. G. P. A., Pittsburg* P* D it & p u it Timetable in effect Feb. 15. 190 li. trains leave and arrive at liutlcr a« follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. m., mixed for Panxgnt>iwn< y and all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex l>r<-s8 for Bnffiilo, connect® at Anhford, week days, for Rochester. •"»:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bom and al! stations. 10:22 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:08 a. in. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:45 a.m. week days, accomodation from Du Buiß. 5:31 p. u. daily, vestibuled day express from Buffalo Hns connection at Ash ford week days from Rochester. 7:40 p.m. we*k days, mixed train from Punxsutawney. Trains leave the R & O. Station, Al!egheny, for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.m. and 9:30 p.m.. and for local points as far a« Daßois at 4:10 p.m. BESSEMER & LAKE ERIE K.R. CO. Time table in effect May 17. 1902. CENTRAL TIME One honr slower than town time. uorthwitrd. Daily except Sunday. Southward K*-»d ip) (Rfetd -lowu) 2 10 14 STATIONS. 1 9 11 I'M.P.M P.M. a.Di. A.M. *ni 0 25 1 20 Krie ; 6 00 11 18 6 01 12 53 FairrW 6 2« 11 41 5 61 12 42 Glrard j 8 K 11 W 600 1 1A fcr..(' 4 33 11 Ift IT. . vJouuM&ut.. .IT 6 Ift 11 15 i 5 3.1 12 25 CrmnMTllls i 6 55 111 19 ! S 21 12 20 AlMon : T 00 12 2>* ! 5 12 12 07 Mhadeland 7 12 12 33 5 OH 12 04 spriugcUiiu I 7 If. 12 3ti I S 03 II 5* (s>nn«iu trill. ! 7 SO IS 42 Mfsdville Janet.. i) 47 12 11 *r.. Mewlvllle.. »r 8 28 20J I 3 4.3 10 42 It M«ulvUle.. .IT 60212 30 6 20 11 48 ar. .Couu.L.ke, ar 801 1 35 j 4 11 11 10 lv " IT 6 30 12 58 4 «> 11 35 ar .I:*]™. Park . ar 7 50 1 in ! 1 40 11 35 lv « IT 7 50, 1 10 1 48 l»r.. LI UMTIII. .ar 110 25. IT • IT j T 2011 56 I 16,11 10 lUrtttuwu | i 07 1 31 « 11 11 04 AiUmoTlUe ' ft 12 1 37 I Oi 10 53 0»g<« 4*' .-ili«iian K o 5 38 8 3i 2 H5 (3 4-t ■> :: 2*. in 2l Kr,..1,,n1a 3 5* 8 47 2 2.1 527 ;00 10 (Hi M»ror. « |« 9 ttl 243 '' L"J 3 04 10 01 H'juiton Junction 9 07 2 48 1 •.< 2 II- »41 Oruv.Olty B 13 » 25 307 4 4.- 'J J8 llarriavllle (. 57 3 U 1 4<> 2 31 9 2ii liranclitou 7 07 9 42 3 2H 5 4."| 3 17 10 17 545 3 3f'| 2 00 « 11. IT. .. HilHanl. ..IT « 111; 6 10r 2 00 4 3*l 2 28 9 10 Kelatf r 7 12 9 48 3 30 4 181 •> 15 <1 irj Kticli'l 7 »> 10 00 3 44 3 4l»j I 50 * 25 Butlwr • ODiM ft 4 10 2 On 12 15 7 16J fi 25jla «0j 5 36 l*m j pro am a.m.! pm 'p.m Tialn 12, leuvlntc Qrove City &., Kxixtltlon I'ark б.5), Connoautvllle 7:18, arrives In Erie at 8 :Hi a. m. Train 13, louvlnK Erie 4:10 p. m. Oon neautvllle 5:35. Kxjo. I'a.k 6:07, OreervUle 8-4">, M-r..T 7 31 arrives at G ot. City at 7:56 p m. E D. COMSTOCK, E H. UTLEY, Qen. Pass. Agt, Gen. Mgr. Pittsbnr«, Pa. W R TURNER. Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA WFSTEKN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. CflHtbULi iii Irrici Aug. 1. 19tfi. MVJiI. , V/KCK DATS » A H A.M. A.M. P.M. P. M BtTIJB LMT. 8 Oft, 7 38 10 05 2 3ft 4 35 Saxon burg . ArrlT. 8 34 ft 08'10 38 3 00 ft 08 JiuUer Junction.. " 7 07 838 11 03 8 W A 29 ftutl.r Junction. ..Lho 7 32 8 3fi 11 47 3 2ft ft 29 wn?u.n «;.ringd*;t. 7 67 8 02 12 17 S 63 O 56 ' 'larcniont 1 9 1812 35 p. m. SOUTH. WEEK DATS A.M..nd [.rliiclpai inlarmwllat. atationa at 7:03 a m. and D !3 p. m niß THE EAST. WaakalfeTi. Hundaya 'A. M.| A. M.|P. M. A.M. P M Bcrtta.... ... IT, 8 05 10 06 2 36 1 7 201 Butler J'ct ar 7 07 11 03 3 26M « loj .... ButUr J'ct IT 7 iftill 17 3 #11; 8 14 Fwport fcr 72811 £0 354 817 .... Kwklmliictaa J't.. 7 »!|| « 359 ft 23i .... l«*cl.burK " 748 11 39 4 13 BW\ W«a| Apollo ** 8 11111 ftT 4% ft »7 Haltal.urg "iB4O 12 27 »03 923 ... lilalraTlll. ~ 9|« 100 640 952 BlalnlTllln Int. . .. <' 924 1 33 ft 47 10 00 Altooua " 11 3ft ft 46 8 ftOj: 1 40 .. .. Ilarrlal.nrg " j 3 10 10 00 1 001 636 Pliilad.lpl.la " «23 426 4 26] jlO 17 IP. M. A. M. A.M.IIP M. P.M Through tralna for tba uaat laaT. Plttoburg (Union Station), aa followa ttoaahure Uadtwl, daily.(No coacliwi) 1:30a.m Atlantic Kxproai, daily 3:00 A.* Pxt.fiaylTanla Umitwl " (Nuouachia) 718 " N«* V'.rk " « •• ... 7:15 " Day Ki|.r«oL " T : »0 " Mali. Lii . Kapr.«a, " 8:00 44 HarrUbu.g Mail, - 12:4 ft r.M Harrinburg Kl|.r«aa dally 4:49 " I'hlladalpl.'a Kxprma, ' 4.51) " Kaat.ru •• 7:10 « faal Line, * .9 00 " I'lttel.urg l.lmltMl, dally for N.w York, only. 10:00 " SocODd I'lllaburg 1.1... It.-!, dally. Mlo«l.liig tar« to ridbvlnlphlii, Ilaltlinorii and Waal.- Ingtuu. Nuoov:he» 10:18) " Phlla.l 'a Mall, Sui.da l a only ,8:30 AM Kftr Atlantic I'lty (Tin IB,laware Hirer lirldge, all rail route) 1:30 a.m. "B«aahor« and 9:18) p. in. .tally, "PenunylTania 1.1n.1t«d," and New York llmltvl, 7:15 a. m. week d»y«. 1000 p.ui. .lially, will, thrill#!. elKi'iilng can. Buffalo ami Altaa y ▼alley Dlvlaloa TralriN l«*nvi" Kmkliniimtaa Junction M follows: Wot BaCuo,t u«. daily, with throuKh parlor »n«l «l««*plnK oar*. fur Oil City, 7.42 \tM a. rn., n lft and p. 01. »'«>«*k-4lava. .Hundayn, U.M a. rn., *Llft and 11.5"p.m. r.»r IU4 ilank, 7.42, tt.ftr., 11 17 a. m , 2 :w, fl.lft, and 11 60 p. rn. ww»k %« or dl • Harge |OD '.on | M>knag«*r. I'nw r Traf?l< i. I.h<», W. I«»yJ1, 'ieiinml r**H< ngftr Agant. Wmlii-lil K It ('<> Time Tml>lo In efTix:t May '3sth, 1903. WIWTWABD. MTATIIiNH. AM I P M i.. »rm ».-.t DkMI 7 *H t 46 " 7 45 :i 0»» " Iron Hildirr 7 ftftl »10 " WlnAald Junction 810 ;j y, | " I#an4B H »» a ,i:> M Butlar Junction n Jtft a4O A nl*f I'utlar 10 4ft ft M Arrlva All«ghco> U 'AH ft (fa ArrJ BWnWIUe 12 ii 140 KAMTWAItD. MTATIKNH A M P M 1,.,..ve iilalreTllle * 111 2 to " A IteghMiy I 8 60{ 303 '• I! utl«r | 7a« 2 36 •' liu'ler Junction 110 «); 440 " lj«l.e 10 031 4 4.3 " Wii.n.l'l J unction 110 18; 4Ui •• Iron llritige 'lO *: 106 M Arriv* Waat Wlnlald (10 Id) ,'i Jfi Train* at4,p ut Lai<« au«l lr«#n ll»ld|f«> only on to Uk« on ft l«M»*4. .11 [Buwta. 1 Trains llonn4M tat Hutlrr Jun> tlou with. Tralna ICaatwaid f«»r Fraaport, Vandargrlft an) HlalravllU Interaction Train# Wnlwrd for Natrona, Tarantuni and All*- tfliany. Tralna Northward for M«sonhiira, and HuilMr. Il.il. ItKAl.nll, • Uanaral Managar. M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 1 my South Main Ht. [Trusses | / The Kind . ( V To Buy. ! C V ' Yon can bny Trnsues for al- ; J J most nothing or you can pay a x \ high price for them, bat the % i price of a Trnse does not prove C \ : that it ia Koinif to be the one ) i yon need. Every ciwe haa to \ Vi be fitted individually. That V J ' is where we have h:vlonr (ireat Q \ stircess in Trusses. No one f J \ goes ont of onr store with n v \ j Truss th; t does not tit perfect- / fly. Therefore a fjreat many / V pti.ple aro 1 / J and st-mliux their friends to ca ) \ to be fitted. If you are wear- C i V ing a Truss and it does not I ? feel rij;ht, or in the right y \ place come in and see as about j \ i it, no matter if vou did not j C buy It from us. will tell C / you whether it is the right # J Truss to wear. We will give \ S yon the benefit of our twenty- j q I five years experience. Private I \ apportments for ladies. \ I C. N. BOYD, ] \ Pharmacist, S i Diamond Block. / / Butler, Pa, ? ) People's Phone 83. j i I This girl is a "high born lady." Her aesthetic nature floats away among the clouds, as she sits improvising on the new HINTERMEISTER bought of the Pittsburg Organ & Piano Co, Butler Branch, Old P. O. B'd'g., JHO. C. DICKSON, Mgr. Attend the great 30 days srcrifice sale. Sheet music and all kinds of small instruments. Eyth Bros. Big Bargains IN Wall Paper AND HAMMOCKS EYTH BROS Next to Old P. O. Reed's Wine of Cod biver Oil will build you up and make you strong, will give you an appetite and new life. If you feel tired and worn out try our Wine of Cod Liver Oil and find relief. It is stronger and better than pure Cod Liver Oil. Pleasant to take and Is Inoffensive to delicate stomachs. Indorsed and recom mended by physicians every where. The best Spring tonic to give you Health and strength. For sale only at Reed's Pharmacy Transfer Corner Main and Jefferson Hts.. utler. I'a Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we arc sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis Pharmacy H. (J. Punvis, PH. (1 lioth Phonos. 218 8. Main Ht. Butler Pa. H. G. Allison, Funeral Director, Bell Phone No. 3. Bakerstown, Pa. L. S. McJUNKIN Insurance and Real Eslate Agent. 117 It. J KFFKRSON. BHTLRR IP. WALJCKR. J, NUTAKV PIIHI.IC, i>I'TI.KU , PA. ' Office with lierkmcr, next door to P. O. New Fall Clothing! We are now ready to show the largest and best line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing ever shown in this city. We want you to see our new Hamburger Suits before you buy; they are beauties; all made with padded shoulders and firm front Will keep their shape just as well as the merchant tailored suits. A peep into our Furnishing Department will delight you. All new styles in Hats, Caps and Men's Furnishings now on sale. Call and see us. Yours for clothing, DOUTHETT & GRAHAM. Reliable Clothiers. CAMPBELL'S GOOD FURNITURE Most Complete Line of Fine Couches ME j|| this store has shown in months# IB Not a single old couch in the line. Large as-16 sortment in red or green Verona at $25.00, $30.00 SBj and $35.00. Plenty of the lower priced ones in red 25 gg or green figured velour at SIB.OO and S2O. Cheaper K ones cost $ 15.00 and $ 11.00. IK m S Wt NEW DIVANS jg Mahogany finish, highly polished, upholstered K seats. Neat and pretty parlor pieces. Price $lO. 10C ?§[ Chairs and Rocking Chairs jg Jgto match the above Divan—same in pattern and finish. ESJ Price each $5. 55 H M 8 9x12 RUGS ® S Tne new Fall patterns are here and plenty of g* jp{ them to select from. Fine Wilton Rugs in red, green |B or blue grounds at $37.00. Body Brussels Rugs In all the different colors at $25.00 and $27.00. Fine jHf Brussels Rugs at $20.00 and a good substantial one at fS *g| $ 17.00. All-wool 9x 12 Rugs at $9.00. 1g COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. JE i Alfred A. Campbells ?3Q FORMERLY CUMPTWLL & TOMPLETON. LEVINTONS' 122 South Main St. Your money's worth or money back. Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing. The finest ready-to-wear attire that is made. We have the facilities to search out the best that the market can afford, and it is now ready in a complete Spring array on our floor. Everything that a dressing man can desire for his attire can be found here at a smaller price than he would expect to pay for such smartly tailored garments. Mens Suits > and Top Coats sl2, sl4, at $7.50, $9, #l6, $lB, S2O, and up to $25. We show Men's Spring Overcoats which, like all of our attire, could not fit or wear better if they were custom tailored. LEVINTONS' I /WAKE LIARS OF JWY CO^PCTITORS If they told the truth con cerning my pianos, myself, and my way of doing business I would sell all of the pianos that are sold in Butler. When a party come* to you with a Htory concernlnK >ny lraninowi, uk them t<> call at my atore with yon and repeat It in my presence. I hiii here for btiHinenH. and I am liap i>y to nay I have lotH of It. My patrona are my frienda, I alwaya refer to tbein. A»k them. 1 can Rive yon a lint or over 800 patron* to whom I have aold piano* *ince 1 came hen- four yearn ago. Aud if you will tinil any of tnem who will nay that I have not been honorable in nil iny dealing with them. I will pri'wntyon with it piano. TriiHtiiiK to have my juat *h»re of your patronage. I nw your* for bualneaa. Your credit is good at W. R. Newton's THE*PIANO^MAN, 317 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Music Department! We have added a mimical department i/<>od iii uaic Inatrnment* and everything that belong* to a rnnaic store. Call and in*|>ect the famon* Merrill I'lano • >ne of the l>e*t high (Trade piano* on the market. We can aell It on "itny payments. W»nt a Violin, Mandolin. Banjo. (JuitHr or Accordson, we have them. Hend for our catalogue of 10c abeet mimic, containing over HHM) titles, and we have them all Id stock* We will get any piece of music yon lie. d. in fact we Hre in *hli|ie to supply nil your want* in the mu*tcal line at DOUGLASS' BOOK «TOHE Ne*r P. 0.. 241 a. Mftinßt REMOVAL. We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. D. Hrandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence, Flower Vases etc., as wc have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler FOR Drugs %dicl( & Grohman, 109 N. /Wain Street, sUTi»en, PA. Qest Service. Prompt and Careful Attention. Pour Registered Pharmacists. Prescription Work * Specialty.