THE BUTLER CITIZEN. ■ ■ 1,1 WTT.t.TAM a HCGLKT - Publisher. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, IW3. SIM per Jttr fa Mnict. Otherwise SI-» REPUBLICAN NOMINEES. Judges of the Superior Court, JOHN J. HENDERSON, THOMAS A. MORRISON State Treasurer, W. L MATHCES. Auditor General, W. P. SNYDER. For Jury Commissioner, A. O. EBERHART. CUKRENT EVENTS. V'" The greatest enterprise of inter national importance, that has been pro jected for many a year—the building of a ship-canal across the Isthmus of Pan ama-is being held up at present by the Colombian Congress. They have fac tions or parties there, as everywhere, playing for position, but there is little doubt that the gist of the matter is that they want more money, both from the United States and the French company that yet holds the concession. The completion of that canal would probably increase our trade with the western states of South America, and with the eastern states of Asia, but as it wonld be inimical to the interests of the great, tians-continental railroad companies of this country, opposition of all kinds from all sources can be expected. The American Nation seems to take • great interest in the boat races, though perhaps that interest is forced upon Mifm by the spacioas accounts in the dailies. These two boats are mere rac ing machines, of no utility whatever; E whereas the old "America," which won the cup, was a stout, two-masted, sea going schooner, capable of carrying con siderable of a carg J, safely and swiftly to any port on the planet. The appearance of an American fleet in a Turkish harbor will probably be Ma object lesson to the Saltan's govern ment, as to an offense against the Stars and Stripes. In dealing with Turkey this Nation has only to consult its own interests, while the European powers have to watch each other. England, for instance is so determined that Russia ■hall not obtain a port on the Mediter ranean that she has been protecting Turkey for years, and the Massacres of Christians in Macedonia proceed with out punishment. President Roosevelt over ruled Minis ter Conger's recommendation for the surrender of the Shanghai editors, and they are yet under the protection of the British and Japanese Consols. These Shanghai editors are reformers; that is they are men who perceive the superiority of Western civilization, and who understand that if the Chinese are to prosper, if they are to retain their place among the nations of the world, they most get out of the ruts in which they have been moying for centuries, and bring their institutions up to date. The Empress Dowager, who is still run ning things at Pekin, bos no use for men of that kind, wanted to get hold of them, and made demands for their sur render, which were were referred to the Foreign Ministers at Pekin. Mr. Con ger joined the French and Russian Min isters in the opinion that they ought to lie Kdo not change their views, the partition Of China will he an event of the near tells about a Ken- has a three-gallon which has been in hi* ■St* (MB? for one hundred years. The BlfrWitap imagination is something won pfpEßal when it la stretched. The New Ballots. | The new ballot to be nsed for the first I pJjNie at the November elections will be IF tttaoh smaller than the former ' 'blanket" E and instead of all of the candidates fori tr fl»e party being under the party head |> Jta tile various candidates for each of P flee Will be under one bead. For in p Stance, under the head of State Trea surer appears the names of all the can ! dldates, a cross mark in the rquare op posite the name of any candidate indi ; eating a vote for that candidate. At ' the left of the ballot the names of the Various parties appear, and to vote a Straight party ticket it is only necessary i to mark'a cross after the party name. It is thought that the new ballots wil 1 b i much easier to handle and count. THERE is a stray pragraph floating thronh the air which attributes to Mr. Carnegie the intention of devoting some of his surplus wealth to the relief of wid ows in distress. It is stated that he has ap pointed a commission to investigate the subject, and to report upon the advis ability of including the relief of widows among the objects of his beneficence. THE way to have good roads is to bnild them. Yon can't make them by adopting long winded resolutions.— Warren Mail. Here is a pointer to Butler county people who have for years been clamor ing for good roads. If all the energy ex pended in Bntler connty in public meet ings and in the drafting of resolutions and bills to be presented to the legisla y . tare within the past three years cpnld be collected and applied to road con struction it would build a macadamized thoroughfare of the latest improved if , pattern several miles in length. IT appears that the building of bridges by the State is not in all cases s tiifactory to the counties benefitted. §| The State officials last week awarded a e ntract for building a bridge at Au burn, Schuylkill county, for $19,000. The connty commisioners protest against such an expenditure, on the ground that the bridge will accommodate o ly a few persons, whose property can be bought for $12,000; and they propose that the State buy tbe land at this price a 1 turn it into a State forest, instead of spending $19,000 for a bridge THE Pennsylvania Railroad, in order to provide for the future in the matter of railroad ties, is about to engage ex tra! vely in growing locust trees, and all its available farm land along the lines of the system adapted to such purposes is to be planted with the trees The company has for several years been - experimenting with locust tree planting at different points. It has gone about it in a careful and scientific manner and the results so far obtained warrant undertaking the project on a broader » and more extensive scale. Professor J. \ T. Rothrock, State Commissioner of Forestry, has been given complete supervision of the work. He has made a careful study of the matter, and no place is selected by him for planting the ff trees until after thorough investigation as to its adaptability, both as to climatic conditions and freedom from insects, which, in certain sections, are said to be a serious menace to these trees. Dam-Burst and Flood. A disastrous flood resulted from the breaking of the Boydstown dam early Friday morning Rain began falling about Thursday noon and continued in almost a steady downpour for about twenty hours, the fall amounting to Si inches. About midnight John Vogel. Martin Heim and a Pittsburger who were on a turtle fishing expedition to Boydstown noticed that portions of the dam had commenced to give way They sent word to Butler. Snpt. Wright noti fied Mayor Kennedy and about 4.30 A. M., the fire whistle was sounded repeat edly and those living in all the lower sections of the towD were warned to va cate their houses to escape the raging waters. About 2:30 A M. Frank Gormley and Will Mcßride, who were driving home from a well on which they are drilling near Coylesville, drove into the water which overflowed Kittanning street to a depth of six feet, and their team, a very fine span belonging to Gotxnly were swept away and drowned. The men managed to get to the Mcßride home,where Isaiah L. Mcßaide and wife From this point they were rescued bv two men on a raft. The Mcßride family had fled to the old Palm machine shop. They also were rescued by the aid of a big raft formed by two telegragh poles and attached to a cable which was pulled by Mayor Kennedy and fifty men who had assembled to help him. Daring the morning a Russian living in the Glynn flats got too frisky with the water and was swept out into the current, another Russian tied a rope about himself and swam after and seized the drowning man, and they were pulled ashore with the rope. Thirty minutes bard work were nc-es sary to resuscitate the man. In the afternoon John W. Miller, a riveter in the carworks, and three com panions jumped into the abandoned channel around the Vogeley island to take a swim with their clothes on. They entered the water at a point where a large sewer pipe crosses the channel The sewer pipe is used for a footwalk ordinarily. Miller was a good swimmer but he either took cramps or his feet be came entangled in the roots of a tree, and he went down His nearest com panion, the only man in a position to help him, fainted when he saw Miller sinking. The body was recovered in half an hour. Miller came to Butler last May. He was 85 years of age. His mother and brother live at Stoneyhill, Missouri. He boarded with John De- j fargey, also from Missouri, on Pillow street. The dam washed out gradually or a terrible dissaster would have occurred First a row of stones on top went, then by pieces and chunks until the bottom was reached. The breech is about 140 feet long 26 feet (the heighth of the dam) in depth. Practically the whole dam will have to be rebuilt. In the mean time there will be no shortage of water A team of mules and a team of horses in Cornelius Bros, and Kelly's lumber yard stable were rescued by men wad ding neck deep into the stable and fastening ropes to the collars of the horses: they were then pulled ashore. Scores of rats were killed by boys with clubs, stones and rifles at the gar bage furnace after the rodents had been driven out by the water. For a week before the flood the creek was filled with thousands of dead fish, principally suckers and chubs. Some of the were fully 18 inches in length, and nearly every one was enr prised at the number and size of our slaughtered finny denizens. The com mon report is that the fish were killed by ammonia or some other chemical drained into the creek from the ice-plant of the brewery. People living along the creek were almost driven from their homes by the stench arising from the decaying bodies and the matter became a common nuisance. A GREAT railroad strike is said to be brewing. AT Smilova, Turkey, last Friday, the Turks fought the rebellions Bulgarians, and killed a thousand of them A POTTSVILLE man has made ar rangements to bring 25,000 negro girls from the South to work in Northern kitchens. A MEMBER of the Missouri Legisla ture who took a SIOOO bill as a bril>e was convicted and nneo f iro. lie got SOOO in change. DR. JAS. W. DICKSON of Allegheny is the latest reported Republican candl date for Sheriff of that connty. Muelil bronner wouldn't take it. AT a suburban street-car station in Chicago, early last Sunday morning, three men shot and killed two employ ees, wounded two others, broke open the door of the inner office with a sledge hammer, secured three-thousand dollars and walked away. THE following is the ticket nominated by the State Democratic convention at Harrisburg yesterday: Auditor General Arthur G. Dewalt of Lehigh connty, State Treasurer, Joel G. Hill cf Wayne county, Judges of Superior court,. Calvin Rayburn of Armstrong and John A. Ward of Philadelphia. WORD was received at Washington, last Thursday, of the assassination of the U. S. vice-Consul at Beyrnt, Syria, and our European squadron was iintne diately drdered to proceed to that har bor, but the State Department received word, Friday, that (hough an attempt had been made on the Consul's life, he had escaped. Disorder seems to reign in Beirut, which is under Turkish do minion, and our fleet will probably con tinue its journey from Ville Franche, France, to that point, and scare the Turks into behaving themselves. Concord Note*. The Bovdstown dam which supplies Butler with water bnrsted the other day. It bursted about the middle and cut a channel through about 70 feet wide and down to bottom lielow the dam th-re was a man and team drowned aiso three men barely escaping. The friends and neighbors of Turner Wick gathered at his house with well filled baskets and they divided up and ate dinner and all went home happy. A 1 Litzenburg is h.vving a nice time replacing his bridge which tin flood took away. The bridge at Treutman which was taken away by the water is being le placed with a new one. Dale Barn hart is moving to Prospect, and E. Hutchison is filling his vacancy at Greece City Lloyd Redick is on the sick list with the grip. They are hauling coal on the Western Allegheny It. 11. already The oil compauies are locating many new wells in this vicinity. Philip Klingensmith of Pittsburg is visiting friends here. Picnica and Reunions. Kept. 7th—Labor Day (Jelehrntion at Alameda. Sept. 712—Lawrence Co. Fair and Dog Show at Cascade Park. Sept H and 9 -Centennial celebration at the old stone church at Scrubgrass, of which Rev. Coulter was pastor for 44 years. Sept. M, 9, 10—C. M. B. A. Conven tion in Butler, with banquet in Armory Hall on the evening of the tenth. Sept. 9, 10, 11 —Oilmen's Carnival at Alameda. Sept. 9—lndiana Fair. The McCall reunion was held last Thursday on the Painter homestead, between Euclid and Sunbnry. Regard less of rain about 400 peoplt* were pres ent and the big bam. wagon sheds and bouse were thrown open for shelter. The Eau Claire band furnished music Roy Painter delivered the address of i welcome aud Attorneys Thompson Bak er and J. M. Painter aud Ht ward I Painter made addresses. J. M Painter was elected chairman and Mrs Elmer McCall, secretary, for next year. Letter From the County Superin tendent. Vacation days have rolled around. School days are here again. Next Monday morning the school bells will call the bovs and girls back to work I wish that I could emphasize the importance of this call. I want to say to the boys and girls of Butler County that they have no other oppor tunity so valuable, nor no other privi lege so great as is to be found in our public school system. Our great state freely gives of her own money nearly six millions of dollars every year and says this is to help educate the boys and girls, whether rich or poor, white or black, exalted or lowly. And when she goes one step further and says I expect all children to attend these schools and secure this education, she does the wisest thing both for herself and forber children. Any state which fails to do this is courting her own downfall, be cause progress and civilization rest up on christian education. Children need a better education to day than every before. The world is demanding from it's laborers more and more every year. Harder tests, finer work, more. advanced ideas are taking the places of usefulness and we are looking to our schools for all this progress and improvement. The day has passed by when main strength takes the place of brains. Culture wins, whilst ignorance loses. It is with this fact before us that I earnestly reque«t you school children to do your verv best work this year in school. Make it the best year you ever attended. To do this you must start to school at the first of the term and go regularly to its close, for poor attend ance kills the progress of any school. Make up your mind at the first of the term that you are in school to work, that is what schools aim to teach. "There is no excellence without great I labor." It is work that counts every where. Work begets discipline, disci pline makes character, and character makes the man everytime. As the term advances, and your work becomes hard for you and you think your teacher is cross and demands too much work, don t become discouraged, but just brace up and remember that 'There are no gains without pains." Teachers seldom scold without think ing it is for your benefit to do so. Pupils, be so polite and kind and obe dient and diligent snd true, that teachers will be ashamed to scold. Boys and girls do your part well. I Respect your teacher everytime. Obey her commands, heed her advice, accept her love, appreciate her interest in you, show back your interest in her, do in all school work as she directs, and I tell you that your school days will then be both pleasant and profitable. Parents, we look to you for your kind co-operation in this work. It is for the benefit of your boys and girls that our schools are maintained I well know that at this time of the year you need your children's help at home, but I also know that your child ren need to be in school In a few more years they will be the men aud the women upon whom will rest the cares and the trials and the possibilities of life. Will they be ready for this work awaitiug them if they have not had the training? po yon want yeans as well as grain. It is purelv a California pro duction.—Ex A TEKRIULK plsigne a fever that burns people alive is rej>orted from the vicinity of Santiago, Cuba. ft" fa tho Now and Bettor Breakfast Food, BO different from all others that it pleaaes ovefybydy. Qot a package to-day at yyvjj; grocers. Tv (WllH fvu iovo Cu., La Sot, ti. V. DEATHS RILEY—At her heme in Batler, Sept. 1, 1903, Mrs. Wm Riley, aged 36 years. UILFILLAN—At his home in Butler. September 2, 1903, Robt. CJ. Gilfillau. aged 77 years. STOOPS—At her home in Washington twp., Aug. 28, 1903. Mrs. Phillip Stoops, aged about 65 years. BLAKELEY—At her home in Adams twp., Aug. 27. 1903. Mrs. Wm. Blake ley, nee Susan Stewart, aged about 60 years. Mrs. Blakely died suddenly. Her husband and two children survive her WESTERMAN—At his home in Chico ra, Sept 1, 1903, Charles J- Wester man, aged about 45 years. The deceased was one of the well known tirm of Westerman Bros., anil was well thought of by bis fellow townsmen He had been ill seven weeks. His wife and one son snryive him. Obituary. Mrs. Eliza Hays, aged 84 years, sister of Mrs. Berkimer. mother of Undertaker M. A. Berkimer. died, Tuesday, at her home in Rochester, Pa. Word came to the County Commit sioners, yesterday morning of the death of Casper Oerlach at Warren Hospital. Caspar was about fifty years of age, and was committed to the hospital in October of 1897. He leaves a family. Card of Thanks. The undersigned desire to extend their thanks to their friends and neigh bors for tbe kindness and sympathy during the sickness and death of their daughter and sister. MRS. MARDORF AND FAMILY. Acer's You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood — Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. "I suffered terribly from tndt(r««tlon and thin blood. I found no rel!#f until 1 toolr Ayer'» J 4 «ri»p»riUa. Four bottle* perraA- Lentlr cure<\ MM. F. R. HA»T. MT. KIK-O, VT. J •» C AT** CO.. x ■ for [ Rich Blood! Ayer a PHis era acontty lexaiivc Tnoy greatly aid the o«r»ap*ri!lr I* School Shoes FOR Boys and Girls Copper Toed Shoes with bellis tongues for country wear. See the Uncle Sam Shoe for Men and Women. Every pair guaranteed Ketterer Bros P 224 S. Main St. B. B. Such vast profusion of ele gant Fall dress stuffs was never shown so early. Choosing now gives you choice of the best patterns. Prices of important financial interest. Collection of White Cotton Vestlngs and prices thereon, 25 to 75c, show such money's worth and merit as you never saw before —season's best and latest effects and weaves — white grounds with woven black and colored effects, 25 to 85c. Solid color Bedford Cords with embroidered self color polka spots, SI.OO goods, 35c— -29 Inches wide. Fine all {wool, Silk Stripe Albatross, 35c for genuinely 50c goods—all solid colors with same color cords —lights and darks. Exquisitely stylish Scotch Tweeds for dressy fall gowns— most stunning, yet quiet, effects, $1.25 a yard—s6 inches wide. We're more than glad to have you send for samples of these or any other goods— we'll send you such variety as you're sure to see what you want, and you'll find low prices that will surprise you. Be sure to mark your letter B C. 34 and state clearly about color, style, and price you want to pay. Boggs & Buhl ALLEGHENY. PA II MILLKK, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OFI'ICE —Byers' Building— next to I' O. Butler Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration having l>een granted to the undersigned on the estate of Elizabeth B. Wiley, deed., late of Clinton twp., Butler Co., Pa.. all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make im mediate payment, and any having claims against the same to present them dnly anthenticated for settlement to JOHN WILEY. Adrn'r., W. D BRANDON, Saxonburg, PH. Attorney. 9-3-03 EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of John Wiley, Sr.. dee'd.. late of Clinton twp .Bntler Co.. Pa .having been grant ed the undersigned, all persons known ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pa3iiient. and any having claims against eaid estate will present them dnly authenti cated for settlement to THOS. WILEY, T F . JOHN WILEY, F" 18 W. D. BRANDON, Saxonburg. Pa. Attorney. 'J 8-03 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary in the estate of James W. Park, dee'd., late of Middle sex township, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to, and all having bills against same will pre sent them dnly authenticated for pay ment to REUBEN W PARK, Ex'r., R. F. D. 24, Valencia. Pa. W. D. BRANDON. Att'y. 7-9-03 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Charlts S. Ixjwry, dee d., late of But ler, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment, and all bay ing claims against said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for pay ment to JOHN F. LOYVRY, Adm'r.. 425 N. Washington St , Butler. Pa. P. W. LOWRY, Att'y. 7-9-03 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters testamentary on the estate of Dr. J. W. F Moore, late of Butler, Pa., deceased, have been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves to be indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make prompt settlement and those having claims against the estate will present the same duly authenticated for settle ment to FRANK H. MURPHY, Executor, Younkin's Bldg, Butler, Pa. June 30th, 1903. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ESTATE OF PAUL TROUTMAN, DEC D. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Paul Troutman. dec-ensed,late of the borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., have been granted to Henry N. Troutman of But ler, Pa., to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands against said estate are reonest to make the same known without delay. HENRY N. TROUTMAN, Administrator, A. T. ELACK. Attorney. Butler, Pa. NOTICE! Notice Is hereby given that Thomas H. Greer. Trustee In the partition proceedings of Kachsiel Wajrm r. ilei-ea»eil, has tiled In the Office of the (JlerU of the Orphans' Court for Butler county, his tinal account as Trustee of the estate of Kachael Wagner, mil that the same will be presented for confirmation anil allowance to the Judge of the Orphans' Court on the 12th day of September, 1908. GEORGE Si. GRAHAM, Clerk of the O. C. Jury List for Sepe mber Term List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel on the this, the 25th day of July, 1903, to serye as grand jurors at a regular term of court commencing on the first Monday of September, the same being the 7th day of said month: Allen Anthony. Bntler sth wd, detective Adams Harry. Slipperyrock tp, farmer Boehm John. Jackson twp, farmer Brown Peter P, Snnbury boro, saddler Banks Thomas. Fairview twp, farmer Cabel James, Clearfield twp, farmer Christley A W, Slipperyrock borough, merchant Dunbar Holomon, Forward tp, farmer Dnnlap W P, Marion twp, farmer Fennell Jacob R, Clearfield twp,pumper Ferguson HHK*»I Knndnir# boro,fnruii;r Flinner Jacob, Connoqnen'g tp, farmer Heyl G A, Karns City, miner Lloyd Geo, Adams twp, farmer Mnrtland W W, Fairview twp, farmer Marshall Thouias, Mars boro, farmer .Sutton John. Allegheny twp, farmer Shannon D F, Harmony boro,rig-builder Stevenson J T, Franklin twp, farmer Smith F D, Middlesex twp, minister Thomas P W, Connoquene'g tp, farmer Vanderlin W W, Cranberry tp, farmer Wise Jacob L, Penn twp. farmer White E S. Butler 4th wd. minister A list of names drawn from the proper jnry wheel to serve as petit jurors at a regular term of court commencing on the second Monday of September, 1903, the same being the fourteenth day of said month: Ayers John, Butler 4th wd, mail carrier Armstrong Warren, Cherry tp, farmer Byers William J, Fairvie»v tp. farmer Burtner John N, Jefferson tp, farmer, Itanldauf George, Summit tp, farmer Boggs D B, Butler 3d wd, carpenter Cooper Joseph, Worth tp, farmer Critchlow J C, Forward twp. farmer j Craig J E, Mars boro, merchant Campbell Jno B.Slipperyrock tp, farmer Christy Isaac, Concord twp, farmer Dingier August, Centre twp, farmer Duncan Nelson. Zelienoplo boro, oilman Divener Charles, Donegal twp, Eichert J A, Evans City lioro, farmer Grime Henry Winfield twp. farmer Graham R H, Butler sth wd. driller Ilyle Henry, Franklin tp, farmer HasaJohnG, Buffalo twp. farmer Harper Cyrus, Cranberry tp, farmer Henshaw W H, Zelienrple boro, shoe maker Hazlett James, Allegheny tp. farmer Harbison John D, Clinton tp. farmer Harbison Robert H, Penn tp, farmer Herr Albert J, Butler sth wd, printer Koogler Herman. Jeffersou tp. farmer Heck, George F, Batler sth wd, tailor Kaltenbaugh H, Connoqnen'g tp,farmer Ijove Robert M, Clinton tp, farmer Lang William, Jefferson tp, farmer Maxwell J J, Fairview twp, farmer MKJollongh Henry, Oakland ti>, fanner McGeary W 15. I'utler 3rd wd, farmer Meals George W, Washington tp,farmer Relgher Dnniel, Centre tp, farmer, Sarver Al, Bntler tp, farmer Stlllwagon Len, Slipperyrock tp, farmer Smathers A II Evans City boro, farmer Seaton E A, Venango twp, farmer Shaffer John F, Franklin tp, fanner Shaner Al, Franklin tp, fanner Tilman Christian, Adams tp, farmer Thorn A I), Connoquenessing tp, farmer Tasker George, Mars boro, oil producer Wickenhagen Gus, Butler Ist ward, musician Welch Frank, Jefferson tp. farmer Whitmire Henry, Bntler 4th wd,fanner Vandike Joseph, Marion tp, farmer Monday, September 7th, 1903, We will sell at public auction at 10 o'clock, a m . at WISE & GRAHAM'S STABLE, in BUTLER, PA., without re serve and regardless of cost 40 HEAD OF HOUSES. These are choice bred horses selected by a very com]>etent judge, and the opportunity given yon of bnying them in your home town, and at YOUR OWN PKICE, is an In dnceinent of vital lmi>ortance. You all know that for the past four years horses have been advancing |25 a head each year Next year they will be much scarcer and higher, and the man who buys, rears and conditions these horses for market, is l>ound to make very large profits profits far in excess of that made on any other live stock All who want first class horses and colts should attend this sale. Butler, Sept. 7. Zelienople, Sept H; Porternville, Sept. 10; Harlansburg, Sept. II: Wilmington. Sept. I'J 40 head of Horses and Colts to be sold at each pUce TERMS- Foul-months'time, with six i per cent, interest. ABE FLICK HORSE CO. # Fashionable # | Headwear $ I For Fall. J $ Our line of fall hats 2 J is now complete. # # We are showing all # t the new blocks and t £ shades in S # SOFT and # J STIFF HATS. J # Just received a # ? shipment of new J I Fall Neckwear j £ Something Swell. t $ Sole agent # 5 KNOX HATS. J I Jno. S. Wick i HATTER and t i MEN S FURNISHER i J People's 'Phone. 615 T J BUTLER, I'A. J Wonders of the New Exposition hlaborate Preparation* for an Enor mous Attendance on Labor Day, Honday, September 7th. Night and (lay almost for ten months past the NEW EXi'OSITION man agement has been active in plan ning for the coming reason of 46 days that begins on Wednesday, September 2nd, and closes on Sat urday. October 24 High musical possibilities hate practi cally been exhaurtod at enormous cost In the engagement of Crea tore, tsousa. Vamroseh, the Fa- Hettes and Vessel/a, together with a dazzling array of instrumental and vocal soloists. Eleven special attractions have been sifted with minutest care out of a heaped up collection that desired entrance, and only those selected that could offer the largest measure of amusement, entertainment and ediflcatlon. Exhibits and displays are all new and novel, numbering 150 all lold and representing an Investment of $500,000. Improvements and Innovations might be tolled off at length, but suffi cient is the statement that never before in the 14 years of the EX POSITION'S existence have pre liminaries been so exactingly worked out. nor the management been so confident of the unquali fied, even enthusiastic, approval by its Surburban clientele, of re sults achieved In their behalf. Suburbanites will be accorded every consideration that reason can dic tate, liincn they have been the EXPOSITION'S most loyal sup porters. For their convmlence th» mdronds will orranhc icgular excursions each week at the one fare rate, with prospects of special excursions at intervals. So much for general features of the NEW EXPOSITIONS coming sea son But special object of this article is to direct attention to the fact that the EXPOSITION will be in full swing on Labor Day, Monday. September 7, with Creatore , the volcanic wonder, as musical attraction. If there were nothing else to be seen or heard in Pittsburg on Labor Day but Creatore, time and money were well expended In a trip to the great Steel City. A Western Edi tor, who had heard bands and or chestras galore for 20 years, and had been absolutely unmoved by their music, consented reluctantly with a friend to hear Creatore, who so thrilled and stirred him that he wrote these breezy de scriptive words: "Creatore starts the band In a mild, entreating way. A simple uplift ing of the arms. Then suddenly, with a wild shake of his shaggy head, he springs across the stage with the ferocity of a wounded lion. Crash! Bang! And a grand volume of sound chokes the hall from pit to dome. Then he dou bles up like a question mark, and, with glaring eyes and grating teeth, with outstretched prompt ing finger, he creeps stealthily around, the very picture of hate and malice personified. Suddenly a wild leap Into the air, and with his long hair standing straight up, he lands stiff legged, like a bucking bronco. Now he leans over the row of music stands, and smiles the smile of a lover— pleading. supplicating, entreat ing. caressing, with outstretched hands, piercing the air with his baton like a fencing master. Al most to his knees, he bega, he demands, he whirls around with waving arms. He laughs, #he cries, he sings, he hisses through his clenched teeth. He foels the m-.islc with every fibre. Now It Is the rushing winds; now tbe mad plunging of galloping horses; now the booming of the surf on the bleak rocks, and now the birds singing In the treetops or the sound of angel's wings. He throws up his hands like an Aztec at prayer. A wild burst of melody and all Is over. He bows and smiles, then goes behind the seems and combs his hair." Attendance upon a Creatore concert with its soul-Htlrring, nerve-twang ing music, will be a l.abor Day Souvenir cherlshable for years to come. The NEW EXPOSITION managers expect to greet 30,000 visitors on Labor Day, and will experience sore dlsip|)olntraont If of this number 15,000 are not its enthusi astic Suburban friends. We turn your Old Carpets into elegant , durable, handsome Rugs and Druggets. Only Oriental Weavers employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SILK RAGS woven Into beautiful and Oriental-like Portiers. Our tormn are HO moderate no matter the •JUtann* - It will pay you to t»end to Uk. DAVID LOVE & CO., 823 Third Avenne, 11-08-2 m (L. D. Phone.) New Brighton. Pa. M A BERKIMER. Funeral Director. F>l S Main St Butler PA East Butler. | HHS9HHHHHHHHHHHI yj EAST BUTLER is a suburb of Butler, situate about one and one-half miles to E| the east, on the line of two standard gauge railroads —the B. & 0. and the B. R. & pf P. Twelve passenger trains run through EAST BUTLER daily. It is in a most o healtfui locality and surrounded by a good farming section. A steel mill is in course H construction which, when completed, will cost $300,000 —other manufacturing plants £;;| are being arranged for. |H East Butler residence lots are selling at prices ranging from S3OO down to SSO. |f 10 per cent, discount is allowed for cash and an additional discount to those who Pj will build within a reasonable time. Lots are also sold on the installment plan. c A Special Sale of Lots I IS ARRANGED FOR AT EAST BUTLER ON H Sept. 19, at lO o'clock A. /VY. I Car fare will be refunded to each purchaser of a lot coming from a distance not greater than 50 miles. This is a rare opportunity for home seekers, as no section H in Western Pennsylvania has a brighter prospect of speedy and permanent growth M than has East Butler. ■ The gutter Land and Improvement Co., I D. H. SUTTON, President, I A SINGLE WEEK In the stock market, a single ! week may place yon on the road to fortnne, as has been the case thonsands of times. The advice born of my experience as a broker is at yonr command for stock operations, and large or small lines will be carried on low mar fins. Every facility for qnick 1 information and the prompt | execution of orders. ESTABLISHED 1893. 8. M. Weaver Stocks and Bonds Third Ave. and Wood St., PITTSBURG, j Local office, 213 S. Main St. Butler, J A. REYNOLDS, Manager. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. RP. SCOTT, • ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Office on second floor of Armory Building, Butler, Pa. AT. SCOTT, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. S. West Diamond St. But ler, Pa. poULTER & BAKHR, V. ATTORNEYS AT Caw Room 8., Armory bnildin k . TOHN W.COULTER, 0 ATTORNSY-AT-LAW. Office with R. C. McAboy, J. P., south side Diamond. Special attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or Sutler County National Bank 1 D. McJUNKIN, ill ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Office in Relber building, cornci Main and E. Cunningham Sta, Entrance on Main street. 1 B. BREDIN, t) • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court House. EVERETT L. RALSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. J57 South Main Street, Butler, Ta. Fisher Building. First door on South Main street, next my former office in Boyd Building. HH. GOUCHER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Wise building. PHYSICIANS, Hemorrhoids and Chronic Diseases a Specialty. \\T H. BROWN, M. I)., 11 i Office in Riddle building, Diamond, next door to Dr. Bell's old office. Office Hours:—9 to 11 a. m., Ito 3 and 6 I > 8 p. m. HO. K. McADOO, M. D. ' I EYE, EAR, NOSK AND THROAT, Exclusively. H-.urs -9-12, 1-5. Both Phones. Troutman building, S. Main St. I C. BOYLE, M. D. f' • EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT, After April Ist, office in former Dr. Peters' residence, No. 121 E. Cunning bin St., Butler, Pa., next door to Times j . nting office. / 1 1. 0., V GRADUATK BOSTON COLLEGE OK OSTEOPATHY . Women's diseases a specialty. Con st:'latian and examination free. Office Hours, 9to 12 in., a to 3 p. m. People's Phone 573. u6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. 1 • M. ZIMMERMAN '> • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON At 327 N. Main St. 1 R. HAZLETT, M. D., IJ, 106 West Diamond, Dr. Graham's former office. .Special attention given to Eye, Nose and Throat. People's Phone 564 \MUELM. BII'PUS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham St. I •'4. JULIA & POSTS*. I' DR. CLARENCE M. LOWE. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Rooms 9 and 10 Stein Building, Butler. Consultation and examination free, sly; and evenings by appointment. DENTISTS. | ,R. H. A. McCANDLESS, I > DENTIST. « 1 lllce in New Martincourt Building, I S. Main St., (adjoining Dr. A' .veil's office.) ti W. WCK, II , DENTIST. lias located in the new Stein building, u tli all the latest devices for Dental v vr'c. DM. I). KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DENTIST ■ . Sice at No 114 E. Jeflersou St., over C V. Miller's grocery j. DONALDSON, ti. DENTIST. .-tificial Teeth inserted on the latest 1 ioved plan. Cold Fillings a spec )• ' . Office next to postoffice. I, .'.tICMI ICutcn to Altooim, I'li. ! om September it to 13, inclusive tbe P if. R. Co. will sell, from all statious 1 it 'ennsylvania, special reduced rate. 1 ri-ii'id trip tickets to Altoona good to re 1 t 1 iii until September 11$, on account of < tb. meeting of the Society of American vet. rans of the Philippine and China 1 Wars, to de held at Altoona, September 1 10 to 12. 1 IA Little Disfigured in Front! I But still Doing Business I I on the Inside. I fl Greater bargains than ever \>hileß H Ob 9 I this tearing-up is going 011. fl I See the large piles of shoes we I I have been compelled to mark way B I below cost in order to get room for I ■ workmen. Your size is among B B them. Come in today before it is B l SO PAY US A VISIT |g |C. 6. filler,! ■ 215 S. Main St, Butler, Pa., Opposite Hotel Arlinßton. Imß DU J. WILBERT McK.EE, SURGEON DENTIST. Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store, , 315 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. , Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridjje work. MISCELLANEOUS. WM. 11. WALKER, SURVEYOR, Residence al4 W. Pearl St., Butler. Pa. it V. L. McQI'ISTION, J V. CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEVOR. 1 Office near Court House T JAMES DODMS • LIE ENSHD AUCTIONEER Inquire at Sheriff'sofEce or 426 Mifflin St. Butler Pa. WHAT'S THE USE of ns after you are blind? We cant restore sight bnt we can give every aid now to strengthen and preserve yonr , sight, bnt coming later wonld be like putting glasses on a blindfolded man. We are here now. We want you now. 'Yonr eyes need help now Examination and consultation free. I also sell Edison and Victor phontv graphs and records, mandolin, violin and guitar strings and mouthorgans. CARL H. LEIGHNER, Graduate Optician and Jeweler 209 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. o The best place jwj | K to stop at ra when in town is the O WAVERLY HOTEL, Sjjjj RA J. H. HARVEY, Prop. $ $ Rates, $1.50 per day. $ Mercer Fair To accomodate |>ernona wishing to at tend the Fair, agents of the B. & L E R. It. will sell low excursion tickets to Mercer, Sept. 15th. 11l and 17. good re turning Sept. 18. • Impure of agents for rutes and time of trains. Jjibor day Kxcurslonn. Excursion tickets will l>e sold at very low ratea between points on the B. & L. E. R.R.. Sept. 7th, good returning to and including Sept. Bth. on account of Day lunuire of agents for rates and time of trains. Kcduc-ERI KHU'H to Baltimore. $lO Butler to Baltimore and retnrn (account odd fellows convention Sep tern tier 21 26 03. via B & O. R. R.) Tickets on sale September 19th, 20th and 21st valid for retnrn until Septem ber 2Hth on payment of fee of 25 cents for validation' by Joint Agent. Rate one dollar less for forties of 2.» or more travelling together on going journey, returning separately. Stop overs per mitted at Washington within limit. Apply to W. R Turner, Ticket Agent Butler for tickets or further information and descriptive phamplet with map of 1 Baltimore. Excursions to Atlantic City. On September 10 (he Pennsylvania Railroad Company will rnn the last of its low-rate excursions for the season 1 to Atlantic city. Cape May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City. Avnlun, Anglusa, Wildwood, Uolly Beach N. J., Robo both.Del., or Oceau City, Mil. Ticketa good to return within sixteeu days, including date of escnssion. A spseial train of Pullman jrnrlor cars and day cos.clirs will lru\e Pitts bnrg on above-mentioned date at 855 A. M.. arriving at Altoona 12.15 P. M., where stop for dinner will be made rea ching Philadelphia ti.35 P. M . in tinie for supper, and arriving Atlantic City via the Delaware River Bridge Ronte, ( the oulv all rail line at 8.35 P. M. Pass engers may also spend the night in Philadelphia, and proceed to the shore by any regular train from Market Street Wharf or Broad Street Station on on the following day Passengers for poiuts other than At lantic City will spend the night in Phil udelphia. and nse regular trains the next day from Market. Street Wharf A stop-over of within limit will be allowed at Phila. on returning, if Pass engers will deposit their ticketa with Ticket Agent at Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Immediately on arrival. Tickets must bo deposited with Agent on arrival at seashore destination and properly validated for return trip. Tickets will be sold from stations at the rates named lielow : UATE. liATK. Tickets Tickets kimml In I'ull. fur Train only In In connection Leaves Douches. with regular I'ull Tickets. A.M. Natrona *IO.OO #12.00 7:1:5 Butler 10.00 12.00 0:05 Freeport 10.00 12 00 7:28 Philadelphia, A r ... 6 25 Atlantic City " .... .... 8.35 Returning coupons will lie accepted on any regular train except the Penn sylvania limited and the Chicago Lim ited and the St. Lonia Limited. For detailed informatien in regard to rates and time of trains apply to ticket agents or Mr. Thomas E. Watt, District Passenger Agent, Pittsburg. • ! Jackson Poole.: ! ! ! •"il||M|||i"' < ' ( ( BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS , , i , MADE TO ORDER. ( > { > REAR OF CAMPBELL S MACHINE; < > ' ' SHOP, E. WAYNE ST . V { I BUTLER. PA. i ( K<