H THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY, AUGUST 37, 1006. f NSW ADVERTISEMENTS NOTE- All advertisers Intending to make ehamres In their sds. shoo id notify us of their Intention to do so not later than Mon day morning. Stein's Linen Opportunity. Modern Store's Blanket Sale. Rockenstein's Fall Millinery. Campbell's fnrnitnre. Ketterer Bros shcea. Patterson Bro's Wall Paper. Pittsburg Organ and Piano Co New York Real Estate Co. Adnlniauavors w>tl Executors of esuitt cut secure their receipt book* at the CIII ZBX offloe. and persons m.iklug vubllo thfllr note book LOCAL AND QENHjcAL. —Large additions are beiug built to the car works —C. E Miller is having his store front remodeled. —The polw-e are after Hunkies who are dynamiting fish. —Branchtoii te having a Loom in liu.eatone operation* —Monday, Jack Grubbe received a SIOO bull pup from Denver, Col —The Elwood basketball team tackles the Alamedas at the Park, Friday even Ing. —Ge<>r„ - e Mardorf has a handsome automatic, electric sign for his Amuse ment Arcade. Awarding the contract for the ad dition to the Hospital has been postpon ed for one month. —Tax Collector Slater and his assis tant, R. A. White, are the basicst men in town this week. —This is triennial assessment year and the assessors are getting ready to atart on tiieir work. —As school opens Sept. 7 th, it would be advisable for all pupils to be vacci nated before that time. —Some proj>erty on Wood St., Pitts burg, change! hands, last week, at ten thousand dollars a foot front. —Qaeeus Junction will be the name of the new tow n, at the junction of the Bessie an-.l Allegheny Western. —Three or fonr hundred dwellings have been built in Butler already this year and t'.ill theory is "more houses." - The Good Will Hose Co. entertains the South Side fire laddies at a smoker, in their handsome appartments on W. Jefferson St., this evening. —A stable belonging to James W. McKee of the Southern Oil Co. on Bra dy St. was damaged by fire to the ex tent of SSOO, Tuesday afternoon. —A carp 28 inches in length and weighing 24 pounds was caught by J. J. Manny ana others in a shallow place near the West St bridge, Monday. —The Y. M C. A of Du Bois pic niced at Alameda Tnursday; Friday the Baptist Sunday school will picnic and on Saturday the Knights of St. John. James Vance's pocket book was stolen at the circus, Saturday, but he lost only some small change, having taken $55 out of the purse before start ing. —At Washington, Pa., last Friday a young Jew accused of larceny saturat ed his clothes with oil,touched a lighted match to them, and died a horrible death. —Geo. W. Phillips of Allegheny has bought the Dikeman farm at Valencia and will lay it off in building lots The farm contains 60 acres and was sold for S6O per acres. • —The two-minute trotter has arrived. At Readville, Mass , Monday. Lou Dil lon, a mare, lowered the trotting record of 2:02±. made by Crescens in 1901, to two minutes flat. —An earthquake shock was felt in St. Louis, lately; and the managers of the Expo, are trying to devise a means of harnessing the next one that comes for exhibition at their Fair. —An insurance agent lately stated that fifteeu millions of dollars went from Weetern Pennsylvania (the Pitts burg district) to the eastern life insur ance company, annually. —At Cramp's yards in Philadelphia, Saturday, new Cruiser "Penn sylvania" was successfully launched. She will be a powerful ship, and will cost, complete, about seven millions. —The oilmen will have a facsimile of the first oilwell drilled by Col. Drake at Titnsville in 1859, at their reunion at Alameda, Sept. 9-11. and will give a gold prize to the moat interesting baby. —As the doings of the Penn'a R. R. ia distressing one of our cotemporaries we'll just tell 'em that the new road is coming up the Connoquenessing, and will hit out East of Butler somewhere. —Harry Snow, an 18-year-old son of Matthew Snow Zeigler Ave. is alleged to have tried to shoot his father, yes terday morning, at their home on Zeig ler Ave. A warrant is out for his ar- T —The mineral spring on the Rudert farm is a wonderful thing. A rheumat 1c grasshopper that was going around on three legs drank freely of its waters, and cau now jump over any house in Saxonbnrg. —"Dan Patch" is a horse, and as be paced a mile in a second lees than two minutes, the other day, at Brigton Beach, his owner probably values iiim at several times the usnal limit for a human life by a railroad accident. —The river barge, Annie Roberts, loaded with 1500 excursionists sprang a leak, Sunday, and sank in jhe Mononga hela river. Fortunately she went down to a shallow place and the water reach ed only to the first deck. The passen gers were panic stricken, but none were hurt. —Sheriff Gibson and his deputies are still prepared for war at North Slip peryrock. The striking miners refuse to go to work unless an interpreter named Sigardi is discharged. The Coal Co. has ordered the men to go to work or be evicted on Sept. Ist, and trouble is anticipated. —Some Butler boys attended the Kit fanning Fair, last Thursday, and as they were eighteen miles from home, and across the river, they broke the wheel of fortune, peeped into the hooch le chooohie tent, munched ginger-bread, ate peanut, drank lemonade, and did other foolish things. Everything goes at the Kittanning Fair—also the Punxy and Indiana. —Butler county will have no Fair, this year, and so a fair day and the Barnaul & Bailey show drew the largest crowd to the town that has been here, this year. The sale of tickets for the afternoon performance was about ten thousand, and for the evening perform ance about six thousand. The average price of seats was 75 cents; and deduct ing expenses here the show probably took about ten thousand dollars out of the county. The only tronble was in feeding the crowd at noon. This town would stand a few more hotels very nicely. —Lettuce is reccomended by a promi nent medical journal as a sure preventive of smallpox. The preventive is so dead easy that peeple will be slow to pin their faith to it. The paper argues that small-pox belongs, like scurvy, to the acrobatic diseases, and attacks people deprived of fresh vegetables. It always rages during the winter season, when tie poor people are deprived of fresh vegetable foods. Lettuce contains the ▼aioable properties which will prevent «nall-pox. The same journal further says; "We say, without the least hesi tation or reserve, that lettuce will pre vent smallpox. It is better than vaoci-i notion. We are willing to stake onr ' professional reputation on the broad j statement that any one who eats lettuce daily will not catch smallpox, whether ! he be vaccinated or not" Bitter & Rockenstein's sale of pu to, date clothing gives every tme a chance. —Plenty ofjplums. —Work on the 100-foot addition to the B. & O. freight depot is being rush ed. —Three police officers from Pittsburg spent Saturday in Butler sootting crooks. —Rev. Smith and Dr. Boak of New Castle boxed, then fought, and now are in Court. It is reported on good authority that Eli D. Robinson has disposed of most of his interest in the Batler Eagle- —Joseph Pulitzer, editor of the New York World, has given $2,000,000 to es tablish a school of journalism in Colum bia University. —The location of the new fairgrounds has been changed from the Forcnt farm to the Dnffy farm on the New Castle road at the top of the hill west of town. Fifty acres can be obtained on a SW- year lease. —Marriage brokers have sued Count Larisli. of (iermany, who married Miss Satterfiidd of Titasville, for $50,000, which they loaned him to swell on while courting, and lie is prosecuting them as blackmailers ar.d swindlers. —A Butler township man thumped a stranger who had jostled and knocked down >v woman with a baby in her arms at the B. &O. station. Saturday. The ran away and the local inau was .urested anJ fined ar.d costs ~Th»- finest flower in Butler at pres ent is J B. Mechling's ' Queen of the Night " A species of cactus, similar to the night-blooming serus. but more fra §rant and beautiful. It bloomed Satur ay and Monday nights. —An operation was perfcrfmed, Mon day, by Dr. Patterson on Harry Sumney of the Kemper barber shop, for the re moval of a growth from a bone in his leg, which is a result of an injury to the bone by a dog-bite when he was a child The operation was;successful. The following Graduates and students of the Butler Business College have re cently accepted positions as follows; Robert Seaton, with the Standard Steel Car Co Harry Ehrman, with the But ler Savings & Trust Co David Black, with Jones & McLaughlin, Pittsburg. —At the Knights and Ladies of Honor's picnic yesterday Kate Dittmer Aon the egg race. Dot McCandless the ladies' 50-yard dash, Walter Talbot the fit inau'- rr.ce, Mary Dickey and Alma Hanck the girls' three-legged race, Ford Hayes and Ed. Negley the men's three legged risce, Ainia Hanck the girls' wheel barrow race. Jim Barr caught the greased pig. —The following Butler county rural mail earners wore appointed on Tues day: Bovers, regular. Hirold E. Mur rin, substitute. Arthur P. Murrin; But ler, regular, Maurice P. Li Lehnard, Frank E. McNany. substitutes, George Kettig, John McNany; Carbon Black, regular, Milton E. Muder. substitute, Mrs. Alice Muder; Evans City, regular, Joseph Little, substitute George Litlle. —Mrs. John Friskorn and her four children, a young son of Matthias Kirchner, and two others were bitten, Saturday by a five months old pup on Cleveland St. Several dogs were also bitten. The wounds of the bitten peo pie were cauterized and Dr. Atwell sent the body of the pup to the Mercy hospi tal, Pittsburg, but it was too badly de composed on reaching there to deter mine on the presence of hydrophobia. —The residence of Wm. E. Mc- Lauglin of Kirkpatrick's jewelry store was robbed Saturday while the family were standing on the front porch watch ing the parade passing on W. Jefferson St. Two ilituiond rings, a diamond and em erald riot', a diamond brooch and other jewelry to the amount of SSOO and $46 cash in a small bank were taken. The loss was not discovered uutil Mrs. Mc - Laughlin went to her room after snp- I-er. Markets. Wheat, wholesale prit efore Burgess Kennedy, Sunday morning. Half-a-dozen drunk and disorderlies were let off with small fines, bnt among the crowd were five men who gave in their names as Charles Moras. Ike Whitting, Joe McCarty. William McGiu'.ey. and E. Donovan who were arrested in the circus crowd Saturday. Chief Schultz cays some of thent were in the gang which worked the crowd at the Odd Fellows reunion at Grove City and that the face* of some appear in the Rogue's GaHery of the Pittsburg police. Geo. Graham his been appointed tax collector of Fairview. Jud(e hanged. Al-Glenn and Nealy McCool are in jail on charges of larceny of sotne fcilver spoons from Harvey Kirk's restaurant. They took the spoons and sold them. Glenn slipped away from the officers and hid for a few days hot finally de cided he hid better surrender himself and take bis medicine. Davej Davait and Frank Kalzon are in jail on charges of surety of the peace and carrying concealed weapons. Harry Hedges has been held for iri-.l on a charge of larceny. It is alleged he stole S2O from a man he accompanied from Pittsburg The two were ar rested while celebrating on Main St. about 2 a. ru. Seyenty-five case aro on th Hprancy. Lewis Concers has been held for trial •n a charge of larceny of some bananas, "ol'Hcco and cigars "from Uncle Sam, tht ice-cream man. J. H. Wilson, Dr. S. E RnJston and v as Mo Michael were appointed a .■oMiiiiisfiic.a in lnnacy on Mrs. Lida C. on petition of G. H. Ells of Zrlinople. Joseph Ziccardy, the Italian who the strike and riot at North < k and whose house was be- and battered by his countrymen, h»s canstnl the arrest of ei*ht of them " charges of riot, assault and surety of the peace. H.J. Smith has entered a charge of HssHult a-.' tinst Jos. Downey for a fracas at the Butler cafe. Lorenzo Carothers of Clay towmhip caused the arrest of Alf. Grossman, his neighbor, Tuesday on charges of a&b, surety ot th« pence and impersonating an officer. Earl Sisney and H. SpronLhave been held on a charge of disorderly conduct on a Bessemer- train. Wm. Kennedy and Jas. Reynolds, trespassers on the B. & O. were sent to the Poor Farm for 30 days by Justice McAboy, yesterday, on charges of vag rancy. Notice has been given to Register Davis that the will of D. H. Wuller will be offered for probate today. Hugh Sproul, Robert Barnes, David Bovard, Bert Hockenberry and Elmer Sankey. viewers in the damage suit of Henry heirs vs Butler Water Co., yes terday, awarded the plaintiffs A settlement has been made which ends litigation in the Ben. Masseth es tate. Mrs. Masseth remains in posses sion of the dwelling apartments of the building while she lives. Thomas Sherwood has been sent to jail for 30 days for begging on the streets. J. H. Wilson, Dr. Harry Wilson and Bernard Evans were appointed a com mission in lunacy on Caroline Heberling of Evans City yesterday. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Alonzo Green to Amada Quigley, lot on W. Clay St. for S6OO. John A. Kribbs to English Evangeli cal Lutheran church, lot in Zelienople for |1750. Snsan McCormick to E. D. Davis, lot in Mars for $1657.50. John H. Humphrey to A. W. David son, lot on College St. for f 1050 P W. Kirk to Walter Hazeltine, lot on Sumner Ave. for SIBOO. F. X. Kobler to Gus Nusslim, lot on Pierce Ave. for SISOO. Mrs. E. K. Colbert to W. H. Goeh ring lot on McKean St. for SBOO. James Bredin to Cherry twp. School District lot for sl. Geo. E. Kerr to Jos. McElhany, lot in Mt-rcer twp. for S7OO. F. D. Matteson to W. D. Waid. 167 acres and nine wells in Concord for SI7OOO. Margaret McMurry to Mary Dauben- F peck, 7 acres in Washington for SSOO. Jas. F. Lindsey to W. G. Lindsey, 10 acres in Cherry for $l7O. Eliza J. Boyd to Louise Kelly, lot on South Side for S3OO. S. C. McCandless to D. H. Sutton, property in Summit for SI. Geo. W. Wright to A. C. Keppler, lot on Broad St. for S2IOO. Ira McJunkin Wm. Stover to Eugene Morrison lots on Brady St. for sl*oo. Eugene Morrison to Benj. Williams, lot on Cliff St. for sl. BeDj. Williams to Emma J. Morrison same for sl. Mary and W H Campbell to Donald McDonald lot on W Cunningham St for S4OOO. John T Cranmer to School Board of Franklin twp. lot for SIOO. Sarah B. Trumble to Mrs. Jennie Cummins, 130 acres in Washington for SI4OO. Reduced Kates to Baltimore, $lO. Butler to Baltimore and return (account odd fellows convention Sep tember 21-26-03, via B. & O. R. R.) j Tickets on sale September 19th, aOth 1 and 21st valid for return until Septem ber 28th on payment of fee of 25 cents I for validation by Joint-Agent. Rate i one dollar less for parties of 25 or more • travelling together on going journey, i returning separately. Stop-overs per | mit ted at Washington within limit. 1 Apply to W. R. Turner, Ticket Agent Butler for tickets or further information and descriptive phamplet with map of Baltimore. j Indespensible in teething, produces refreshing sleep, quiets nerves and di ?;ests food for Baby. Test Victor In ants Relief and be convinced. j * Music scholars wanted at 128 W. Wayne St. Marriage License'*. Theodore Pryor Bntler Grace Campbell Frank Sutton Harrisville Ethel Brown Slipperyrock Lamont Caler Allegheny Myrtle Jameson Eau Claire I Wojciech Goscimeriski Butler Marga Bechta '* Herman Jack Slipperyrock Mary O. Polni Parker J. M. Flick Adams. Aroistroug Co Irene Long Butler twp Raymond Lyons Allegheny Mollie Craisj Butler Samuel Maynard Curwenaville Clara Kenutdy Bntler At New Castle— W. L. Coulter of Slipperyrock and Elizabeth Shepard of Allegheny. At PiUsbnrg- Betks Car of Clearfield and Sao-h H Flick of Saxon i urg. At Mercer —L. H. Billiard of Uutler and Clara Miller ot drove Liiy. Another Biddle Tragedy would cause a great ileal ot excitement iu Uutler, but the way w: have CUT ON THE FACE of our Kin ds, has caused exciting joj , to leign supreme in tne hearts of ail who have visited our luris. Sheet music aud all kinds of small goods During our great 30 day sale w» pay car fare to all out of town piano pur chasers. We are open in the even'ngp. PUH. ORGAN & PIANO CO., JNO. C. DICKSON. Mgr. Old P. O. Building, Butler, Pa. Notice to Stone Masons The Road Commisioners of Brady township will receive bids lor the stone work or abutments for three bridges, to be built immediately in that township, np to Saturday. August 29, at 1 o'clock P. M., at the school house in West Liberty. The Comniisiouers reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Plane and specifications can be seen at Grant Grossman's, S W. Moor'es and M. D. Fair's in said township. Aud jnst think, it is up to dtte clotn ing Ritter & Rockecstein's are selling so cheap. Frenchmen ' "feel bad" Germans ' think" poorly, and Americans are put out. from the same cause They need more active Livers aud richer Blood. Try Victor Liver Syrup. Milk Rout* For Sale A good paying milk ronte —forty-five gallons per day—is for sale. Will sell horses, wagon, cans, bottles, and every thing—together or separately. Inquire at the CITIZEN office. New Ice Wagon. The new ice wagon of May & Kenne dy is now in service, ai'd ice will be de livered to all parts of the city bv this firm. If you want ice today, call np 801 l phone t>7 or Peoples 128. Regular deliveries. Send in yonr orders. " MAY & KENNEDY. Jnst now yon can buy up to dAto clothing at way down prices at RITTKR & ROOKENSTEIN'S. The Dollar Savings Fund A Trust Co., Allegheny, Pa , issues Coupon Certificates of Deposit in denominations of £>oo.oo and $1,000.00, bearing 4 per cent, interest. A sample Certificate* will be mailed with fall ex planation upon request. Four per cent, interest is paid onSaviiigsAcconuts com pounded every six months, a Book be ins mailed on receipt of deposits of one dollar and upward. Ou Checking Ac counts of SIOO 00 and over, 3 per cent, interest is paid. The Company acts as Executors, Guardians and Administra tors, in all trust capacities. Absolute security guaranteed by Capital and Surplus of over $2,000,000.00. DOLLAB SAVINGS FUND & TRTTST CO., 527 Federal St.. Allegheny, Pa. Tho Butler Business College. The Butler Business College has just closed the most successful term of «chool that it has ever experienced. The enrollment was 190 students. 22 typewriters now in use, and several inore new ones will be added for the term which opens Tuesday, Septl, 1908 We are having tbreu times as many calls for young men who understand BOTH shorthand and bookkeeping, as we can supply. Send for a copy of our FINELY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE for 1903-04. BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Butler, Pa. It is a /Vlatter of Taste with a man whether he prefers a blonde or a brunette for his wife. It is also a matter of taste as to the kind of a ring be chooses for an engagement ring. We have all kinds of precious stones, set in many beautiful designs to suit all fancies, all tastes, all purses. We also sell- Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Paco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical goods. Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Corrt House. Eyth Bros, Big Bargains Wall Paper AND HAMMOCKS EYTH BROS Next to Old P. O. B! The best place o to stop at 0 0 when in town is the § WAVERLY HOTEL, * I j J. H. HARVEY, Prop. jCj Rates, $1.50 per day. xjjj M. C. WAGNER 1 ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER ' 189 South Main St. R-R-TIME-T ABLES D tV O It It » Tim/table effcrtiT* May 17, E**t«-ru S*an-hirl Time I SOITHBOrSD r j AMetfheujr A «-"Dim«Uti->n (15) a-oi * i AlWlieny an«l iVveliuiil CxpreMi C 'JO *-m . Allegheny ExprwNi *9:10 * m 41 " ♦11:40 m-m : Ell wood City Accomm<«tatU>n *1 40 |>-m 1 New ('nude ami Allegheny 1*.... *3:40 I v m J | AllrKb«tij Expran *524 p-n» : Allegheny Acv>>mm«MUtioo •SSO p.m i ! NoßTllUol'ifD , '• Kaue ann *4:55 ' I Foxturir Aor .nuii "UMi..n Z&.VO pjn .j * I Haily. ♦! A cept iii.nday. ♦ Sunday ooly. Trains leave the Allegheny station for '' Butler at 7:30, 8:15. 10:45 a.m.. and 1:15. ;' tl 15 aud 11 :Hi) p.m. and Pittsburg sfatiot at 7:50 a. in On Sunday at 7 :30 a.m. and 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. For thnmjcli tickeia, TullmaD reeerrath»n« and ln . iumii»>u aw»ly u> W. U. TUENKR, Agt. Uutler, r*. K. I». SMITH, A. G. P. A.. Pittaliurg, Pa uk & v II K T.me table in t ffect Feb. 15, 1003. Pa>seuger trains leave and uriive at Butler :'S follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. m.. mixed for Ptumnt«wc y a>id all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex- for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, week days, for Rochester. 5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois and all stations. 10:22 p. m. night express for Buffalo aud Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:08 a. m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:45 a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. 5:31 p.n.. daily, vestibuled day express from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash ford week days from Rochester. 7:40 p.m. week days, mixed train from Punxsutawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station. Allegheny, for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:(X) a.m. and 9:30 p.m., and for local points as far as Dußois at 4:10 p.m. BESSEMER & LAKE ERIE R.R. CO. Time table in effect May 17. 1902. CENTRAL TIME One honr slower than town time. northward. I>nily except Sunday. Southward Bead dp) (Real down) 2 10 14 STATIONS. 1 9 lT P.«.|P.M -P.M.! a.m.; A.ll. T am I i 2i 1 211 Erie # 00 11 IS 6 01 12 s:ijKairvlew « 26 11 44 : 5 61 12 12:tilr»rd 8 11157 6 Of) 1 15 *r. .Conneaut.. .ar 8 11 1 IS 4 32 11 15|1v.. Oouneaut. . .IT 6 15 11 15 ; 5 33 12 25 CnuieaTille 6 S5 12 15 | 5 28,12 JO Albion 7 00 12 3" 5 12 12 07 Shadeland . 7 12 12 33 !509 12 Springboio |71512 36 ; 5 03 11 j* Q.nneaatrille j 7 20 12 42 MfAdTille Junct.. | g,x>d t ii 1 M 0 10 .1 ft:, 10 4. Urt envllle S il' !i » 1 W> t '>s (3 3o 10 4e Sbcimugo 5 3S 8 3l 2 IJ6 (R 4:i I ft 45 3 2-i 10 21 Vre.luuia 5 58 8 47: 2 2T» S 2; 3 0» 10 16 Mercur 6 If 9 0:t 2 43 0 :i Ot 10 01 Iloaatuu Juncti.ju ii fiT 2 4H Sl-i 3 V 9 41 Gix.veC'lty 6 13 « 3 07 4 4s v 28: Harrisville e 57, 3 19 4 4" 2 31 !l iljHrai.cl.tun 7 07 9 42 3 '26 5 46 3 00 10 2?:iu-...Hilliard...arlO 17 10 17. 5 45 3 2 00 6 l»tlv. .Hilliard. ..IT 6 10, 6 10 2 00 4 35 2 38 9 10|Kei»ter 7 12 9 46 S 30 4 Is 2 15 11 tr_'l Kucli.l 7 30.10 00 3 44 . 3 45 1 50 8 25|l!utler 8 00 10 25 4 10 2 00 12 15 7 lfjAllegheny S 25 12 00 5 35 pm pin am I K.DIJ pm p.m Train 12. leaving Grove City 5.00 a. m. Mercer 5:25. Greenville 6:05, Kxi«oeltion Park 6.51, Oonneautvllle 7:18, arrives in Erie at v4<> a. m. Train 13, leaving Erie 4:10 p. m. Oon nomtville S;:S. KXJIO. Pai* 6:07. Greenville 0:4o, 11 ere or "31 arrives at G-ove City at 7:86 p m. E D. COMSTOCK. E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Pass. Agt, Gen. Mgr. Pittsburg, Pa. W. R. TURNER. Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA "SU WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SCHZDULK IN EFFECT Aug, 1,1903. 80UTH. , WEEK DAYS , LA. M A.M. A.M. P. M. P. 11 BCTLEB Leave 8 OS : 7 38 10 05 2 35 4 35 la*onhurg Arrive 6 34 BOS 10 38 3 Ou 6 OH Sutler Junction.. " 707 83«11 03 326 629 Sutler Junction...Leave 7 3* 8 36 11 47 3 26 6 29 Natrona Arrive 7 41 844 11 57 3 S5 1 5 38 Tarentum 7 47 861 12 05 3 42 5 46 Sprtngdale 7 67 : 9 02:12 17 3 63! <5 56 teuuu 9 18,19 3« s p. m. NORTH. WEES DAYS |A M A M 'A M iP M P M Allegheny City . .leave 6 25 8 50 10 15 303 6 10 Siiar|«bnrg « 38 9 OOilO 26 a3 13 a 6 80 Glaremont 110 32 springdale V 23 10 49 8 41 Varentum 7 08 9 32 11 00 3 40 6 41) Satrona. 7 13] 9 3811 107 3 45 B 53 Butler Junction...arrive 7 85 : 9 47:11 17 3 51 i 7 02 itutlei Junction....leave 7 36 9 55:12 36 4 061 7 02 haionburg 808 10 18 1 06 4 41 7 87 ICTLEB arri .. 8 36110 45: 1 33 6 13 , 7 53 A.M.IA.M.IP. M. P. M.' P. M SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But k>r and principal intermediate (tationi at 7:03 a. m. and 9-153 !" m. TOR THE EAST. Weeks Devi. Snndayi A.M. A.M. P. M.f'|A.M. P M BUTLIH IT 6 06 10 05 2 S6 ! 7itt> .... Itutler J'ct ar 7 07 11 03 3 26 , 8 10 ... Butler Jet Iv 73511 17 3 Sli l 814 .... Foeport trl 7 28 11 30 354 : 8 17 .... K»klmineta« J't.. .." I 7 36 11 27 3 s»i 8 23 .... Went Apollo " I 81111 67 435 867 .... SiUtaburg " 84012 27 6 03|! 983 ... lUairaville ~ 916 100 5 4o! 962 .... Khiinrville Int . . . . " j 9 24 133 647 10 00 Attoona '• ill 36 645 860 j 140 , .. Karri Kb urg " j 3 10 10 00 1 00 i 6 35 Philadelphia " 623 425 426 ill) 17 IP. M. A.M. A. M.I|P. M.L P. M Through trnins f>r the t*aat leave Pitt#burg (Union Station), H8 follow*: Seaahoro Limited, daily (No coaches) l:3ott.m Atlantic Exprt«, daily 3:ou A.* P*uiiHylvai>ia Limits u (No coaches).. .7:15 u New York " " " ....7:15" I'-ajr Expretia, M 7:30 " Main Line Cxpress, •• 8:(X) ** Ilarriflburg Mail, 44 12:45 P.m ilarrinbarg Express daily 4:48 " Philadelphia Express, • 4:fto " Eastern Express, " 7:10 " Fust Line, • .9 00 " PittsburK Limited, daily for New York, only. 10:00 " Second Pittsburg Limited, daily. Sleeping cars to Philadelphia, Baltimore aud Wash ington. No coaches 10:00 41 Phi lad a Mail, Suudaj s oniy ...... 8:30 A.M For Atlantic City (via D<»laware Hirer Bridge, all rail route) 1:30 a.m. "Seashore Limited," &0u a.m. and 9:00 p. m. daily, "Pennsylvania Limited," aud New York limited, 7:15 a. m. woek days. 10:00 p.m. «Uiily, with through sleepiog cars. Buffalo and All eg y Valley Division. Trains leave Klskimlnetas Junction as follows: For Buffalo, 9.56 a. m and 11.50 p. m. daily, with through parlor and sleeping cars. For Oil City, 7.42 9.60 a. m„ 2.J8, 6.16 and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sunday", 9.56 a. m,, 6.15 and 11.50 p.m. For Red Bank, 7.43, 9.56,11.17 a. m., 2 38, 6.15, 9.34, , and 11.60 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56,10.49 a. m., H. 15 and 11.50 p. m. For Kittannin* 7 42, 9.31, a. m., 6.16, 7.30, 9.34, aud 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56,10.49 a. n»., 6.15, 10.45, and 11.50 p. m. 'V Stoi* only ou aignul ur notice to agent to re «cive |«u4iM>ugen<. "f" Stops only on sigual or notice to agent or con ductor to rweive or tliirharge pa«(teugers. Foi detailed information, apply to ticket agent or address Thos. E. Watt, Pass. Agt. Wostern District, Corner Fifth Avenue »ud Smithfield Street, Pittsburg, Pa. W. W. ATTEUBrBY, J. B. WOOD Gen'l Manager. Pass'r Traffic Managar. GEO, W. BOYD, General Passenger Agent. Wiiitield It it Co Time Table In effect May 25th, 1903. WESTWARD. STATIONS. AM P M Leaves We«t Winfield 7 30j 2 45 " Boggsville 7 45! 300 " Iron Bridge 756 310 " Winfield Junction 8 10 336 " 8 20 3 35 u Butler Junction 8 25 3 40 Arrive ' utlar 10 46 5 13 Arrive Allegheny 9 38 6 09 pm Arrive iilairsville 12 56 5 40 EASTWARD. STATIONS. A M PM Leave Illalmvllle 8 1112 26 M Allegheny ! 8 50| 303 •• Butler 738 885 " Itutler Jiinrtion 110 00! 440 •' Lane 10 03:4 43 " Wiufleld Junction 10 15. 4 55 " Iron Bridge 10 25:5 05 " Boggeville If) 351 515 Arrive We»t Wiufleld |lp 50 5 30 Train* stop at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to take on or leave off paanengen, Traiue Connect at Butler Junction with: Tralui Gaatwanl for Free port, Vandergrift and Blairsville Interaection. . Train. Westward for Natrona t Tarentum and Alle gheny. Traini Northward lor Saxonburg, Delano and Bailer. B. O. BEALOB, General Manager. WANTED—Bright, hustling men in every locality to represent and introduce practical household necessity which sells quickly: big profits: do your own manufacturing; ter ritory given; splendid opportunity to start In business on practically nothing. Write for particulars, CLEANQL CO., S East Fourteenth St., New York. 7-33-4t | Trusses | ) The Right Kind I | To Buy. C V ! You o»n buy Trusses for al- I / i must nothiDg or you .can pay a \ \ high price for them, bnt the f J I price of a Truss does not prove C \ th«t it is going to be the ore 3 / ; yon need. Every csae has to \ v be fitted individually. That \ /: is when* wo hav* had our threat r > ; success in Trusses. No one f / goes ont of oar store with a V S Truss that does not fit perfect- } lv. Therefore a great many J \ people are wearing our I .* 1 and sending their friends to us S •. to be fitted. If von are wear- \ i ■ ing a Truss and it does not \ ? | feel right, or staj in the right / > place come in and see us about N I it, no matter if yon did not i 'C buy it from ns. We will tell t / yon whether it i 8 the right / < Truss to wear. We will give \ yon the benefit of our twenty- Q / five years experience. Private f \ apportments for ladies. \ < < i C. N. BOYD, j \ Pharmacist, IS ( Diamond Block. / / Butler, Pa, J ) People's Phone 83. :) \ Bell Phone 146 D. | ( A^'AAv'VA-VS/VS SHERIFFS SALES. lty virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex.. Kl. K»., Lev. Fa., iccv. Issued out of t he Court of Common Pleas of Rutler Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House In the borough of Butler. Pa. on Friday, the 4tl» day of September A. l>. 1903. at one o'cock. P. M., the following described property, to-wlt: E. D. No. 41, September term. 1304. M. Chrlstley, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of The Gospel Prohibition church of Callcry, Pa., John Flcht and D. A. lilchardson, Trus tees, of. In and to all that certain piece or l<>t of land, situated In Adams township. Butler county. Pa.. Iwutided as follows.. to wlt: Beginning at a post on Vain atrt-ct at a corner of lands of Frank 11. li'f.ln 120 feet to a post; thence south by an al!«y. M O-tt to a post; thence w«?st by lot No. 24, 120 r.-vt to a uost on Main street; thence north by said Main street 50 feet to the place of be ginning. having erected thereon a frame church, together with all improvements. Ac., being the same property recorded In Mort g;iir< book 12 Page 2JO. In and for Butler Co. Seized and taken in execution as toe prop erty of The Gospel Prohibition church of Ciilerv. Pa.. John Flcht and D. A Richard son. Trustees, of the suit of George A. Carothers. no-.v for use of George W. F. D. No. &•. September Term. 1903 W. P. Brandon. Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of V\. E. Duffy, of, In and to all that ci rtai t p,'ece or parcel of land, situated In Ooncor.l township. Hutier county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On tho north by lands of Margaret Christy, on the ea»t by an alley, on tne south by an alley aud en the west by tiie Butler antf F.mlenton road. Seined :nd taken In execution as the prop erty of W. E. Duffy at the suit of Mary Brown and .Tostah J Brown, for use of J. 11. Thompson. K. D. No. 30. September Tern-, 1003. F. J. Forquer. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Louis Seaton, of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated In Marion township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Go the north by lands of Thomas Hlndmati. on tho east by lands of E. J. Walker, on the south by lands of James Nuttandonthe west by lands of heir's of John McClelland, containing 22 acres, more or less, mostly woodland. Seized and taken In execution as the prop ertv of Louis Seaton at. the suit of John Williamson. E. D. Nos. 39 and 40, September Term, 190.1. A. M. Chrlstley, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of ."itrah B. Trumble, ot. In and to all that cer tain piece or parcel of land, situated in Washington township, Butler county. Pa . bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Kalney. formerly John Galloway, on the east by lands of William Stewart, on the Soulh by l:inds of Willi*-) Stewart .md Calvert Billiard and on the west by now or formerly Barber farm; containing one hundred and forty (140) acres, more or less. Seized and taKen In execution as the prop erty of Barali B. Trumble, at the suit of John F. McCoy, et al. TEEMS OF SALE—The following must be strictly complied with when property Is stricken down. X. When tlie plaintiff or other lion creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the wm must be paid, and a list of the Hens, Includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold together with such lien creditor s receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as be may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will be continued until one o'clock. P. M., of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom first- sold. 'See Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 448. and Smith's Forms, page 381. MARTIN L. GIBSON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. August 12, 1808. Sales | Straw Hats At 1-2 Price. # ODD LOTS OF r f Underwear, ? Fancy 1-2 Hose j i Wash Ties, ? 5 Stocks, etc., t i Will be sold at less t i than cost. | | Jno. S. Wick j £ HATTEE and # * MEN'S FURNISHER. T J Opposite P. 0. S T People's 'Phone. flI5 € J BUTLER, PA. J L. S. McJUNKIN Insurance and Real Estate Agent. U7 E. JRFHHRSON. BUTLER PA £ ? A sale of such goods never before y S offered in Butler. ) S CONNELL