? 4 MmmmWmmtm r il her. Is sacfer a semens condition the i womaamadTa bribing up oftbe entire system. It to—ale* to atttan* the curs - .'4 * nerves nerroos- BfPg cause of nervousness y/z * fawomen is^a tfcw driicatr mfjfj H ■//// Prescription cares p womanly di«rasr^and wiiich weaken women, wt. inflammation and ulceration and caw — a» weakness. It is a perfect aad nervine, tranqixilizing the uei ves, promoting the appetite and in dacing refteAing deep. •When X fa* wrote jrm 1 had bees to three drflrrrat doctors aad two at litem laid 1 wopld nmr get Better vjtbent going to the boepfcal for n eocxatki«.*#rile* Sirs, tdna Bnduon, da* IBce Stmt. be Paul, Mian. • Wa» not able to do aajrtWag. If I would get op and walk to the Ueboinahck I would bare to lie in bed for a day or eomeHwra two day*. Row I bate aaed rfx bottle* of Dr. Plercr'r PaToriU ht aoiutkmand ttxaluy Goiflaa Madlcal Dtocor-. erjvand the xaalt ia Jxt aonderfol. I was wo aervoM I had to here some one by my nd« aU the tEae etaa ia Jay daw. aad I eoald hardly cat anything- I took treatment frora a doctor twice a week, aad e*erjr ttee I would go there I fctt aoakfc, bat tfac* la* all the doctor..and tmttimm -oar McSdaes I mined right i3om£. I ■ait.W tn pooada. wEca I bepa taking yohr medieiaas (ia Am«) aad few I aae mo to my aaaal walght I am as well tad fed AI f"H! II cvw.* r Fuse. Dr. Plane's Common Sense Adviser is seat free on receint of stamps to psjr expense of mailing onij. Send at one-cent stamps far the book in paper eawa, or u stamps for cloth madvolaaK. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce. Baffdo. W. Y. br Mae hi mcs. Sampie nuulsd free. ON appficatiM pws relet The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Three Staaa. Me.. Me. aad 01.SS. StUkf tlilllili ar aeat ae>aM aa iceeiat of prire. ■aashini- Medlctae Caw, Car. WUUaai aad J aha etasn Sew Tarfc. NERVOUS DTTBTTiTTY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or-spec ial package for serious cases, $3. tela by I»ncgMs,or seat prepaid on receipt of price. Banih IJ I 1 MU, Ca, Wittasi kMs BU, &Y. VfCTqa " LUNG 1 1 , . ft Great "LIJI Rawly," I "final Heaier," aid "Cwk Kfller." Consumption ia fast stages abso lutely cured. The friend of Singers aad public Speakers. The Golden Bemedjr for Whooping Cough IB Bronchitis, Asthma, Quinsy, Cokis | Hossxeneas, Coughs, Etc. It Curt* by striking at the root of the disease I" Are you afflicted ? address VICTOR REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Maryland For sale at Reed's Pharmacy | I ELECTRO-MECHANICAL mSTITUTE, I I tass wa AV, SMMTTG. r«- ■ a arras lamvinvAi# nensonoa I . ALL SeCCMAMIOAL BRANCHES I aa-aa aaa. * a • If ~, ~ «• H ■ |BIMiNIWH> I«I«WVB|B t nMi Eyas Examined Free ef Charge. R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler «na Qrsdusts Optiolan K{ , **» ft Qeor ta Coeert Boeee Batler Pa |! H. Q. Allison, Funeral Director, Bell Pboae No. 3. Bakerstown, Pa. m RUPTURE Jya \ After hiivinx ■E / rujiturerl ei/ht yea rt, ' I «>« cure<) 1/y this hoiiw tre.'itnirnt ;m , s / Plan of all kind of buildings \ K > fnndahsd on short notice. / a Office in Berg Ballding, S J Boiler, Ps. C M , » ..tMtnUt KIfLOTMBST BCKKAV. . k nMd 2SL*«*' sttatoing »ork Mat eaaaot ba Wlir* I'f'l' «« an Is (vuoauot loaeti Bf *• '• IMM Srais. taaadoutaf tba dir. Oar ■&: t Is to taka owa of Sa«|>ls wfco ara wllllag la bat «aan«Jt Sad tt. W« UIU !>/ BWI '*»»!»« aor an opening In the rocks or mountain side, ■wtbere their cubs may be born, and he erlll carry a dainty morsel, such as a sheep, a calf or part of a cojw's carcass there for his mate's food. However, a few days after the cubs are born in the family circle he will leave the home, probably, never having;any further ac quaintance with his spouse and her offspring. Thereafter Mme. Bruin must make her own way and provide for ber cubs. Unlike tbe'black bear, which is a Jolly, fun loving/ father that rolls and frolics with his baby children, the male grizzly will have nothing to do with the cubs. Mme. Grizzly and ber chil dren are companions for two summers, and they hibernate rolled together In a ball of fur for-about 100 days, dur ing the coldest 'lays of winter. The mother bear and her young tow el far and wide, moving principally at night. Kit Canon said that the wide range of a family of healthy grizzlies In a rammer seasons la almost incalcu lable. He had reason to know of a mother grizzly andrfaer two cubs that once left their hibernating cave among tbo southern spun of the Rocky moun tains In New Mexico one spring in the forties, crossed the Colorado and Wy oming, were seen In'the mountains in Montana and were tack in New Mex ico again for anotbertwloter before the following October. Costly BMkf. When Colonel liobert Q.\ Ingersoll was ilring In Peoria be was called uponi one day by General John A. Lo gan, says the -New York Times. The colonel was upstairs at the time, and General Logan was ushered Into the library,' where on a table were three volumes »f Voltaire's works, an edition de luxe/representing all ghat was best in the/bookbinder's art General Lo gan picked them up one at a time, ab sorbed In his.admiration erf'their beau ties. WbOe m engaged Colonel Inger soll entered the room. * k "Colonel," i*l4 the geneaal, .holding one of the votnmes in his hands, "this is the most magnificent volume I'.have ever seen. I,do not wantito oet-rn im pertinent, but would youfrnlnd telling me what tbesetbooks costlyouT" "Those books/' began the .colonel, the twinkle in his eye.growing 'brighter at each word, "coot mo—the governorship of Morally Oert»la of I«A The prosecuting'witness, whcAbad * lump over one eye, a black an 5 blue mot under the other, a nose that point ed decidedly awry and various strips of courtptoster on his face evidently arrangedf without!any < regard to thsrlr artistic effect, testified that the de fendant had knotted him senseless and .then kicked htm In the bead and face for several, minutes. "If he knocked; y out senseless," asked the police, Justice,'"how do you know he r klcked you after .'you weretdownV" The witness scratched blsfjaw and reflected. "I know it, he '• yeplled, "'cause that's what I'd 'a' donatio him If I'd. got him dusvn. You canfbet on thatr'— Chicago Itecord Herald, t 1 y For Bo4r and goal. □ere-Is a curious advertisement, re published in the Magazine from au eighteenth century paper: "Wanted—For a family!who have, bad health, a sober, in' the capacity of a doctor,* surgeon and apothecary, lie must occuslonallylact In the capacity of butler and dress Imlr and wigs. He will be retired to read prayers occasionally 'and ■to preaclita sermon every Hunday, The reason'.of this advertisement Is that' the family cannot any louger afford ithe exp«-nse of the physical tribe raid wish to he at • certain expense for »thelr*bodle* and souls. A good salary mill belglven." ________ i Teeth of a Shark. In'respect to its dentition theishark is a* very remarkable creature. The white shark has seven rows of (teeth, while other species wry In the tnum ber uf open aa »ccouDt wltl> thIi ""^JIKBOTOM—Ban. Jossph Hartmai., W. H. Waldron, H*rrr ~ ,• C. Y. <5ol11n«l. O. Leall* ' (lazlett, il. n«n«li»w. W. H. LarUln, T. » . Slfflln, l>r. w. 0. u-r »!«»- Sth. W. J. Warm. J. v Kltt*. A L. *i >( Pts HivKl ■ 4INTCRCBT VHApBHV •« MVMM OlfO«iT» o ccM WBy ■ INTEREST -fl 40 fCDtBAL 6T. HEVMAN HARRIS, LADIES' I*'LOR-MADE SUITS and RIOIN6 HIS.'TS, 4597 Forbes Street, Corner Cafg r HUti/mary SIK! MMIU Ka fi'l f''t AHIUIMIMIM. >, K'/f KUrkimltli I'uiiij'- lta»n)i.( Hm.% uri'l lea 'Wy> t*■ Crun «f No. C 4ib Ave., Plllsburf, Pa. J-lSWfm WA VTKB- |T|r»mKi, M.vl.lnHH, tuiiln uiMkfU. IttjuktwlO" »'■'! l«/T t»ll rreda. ul»4> 'ir|v«« *tu«i»t li'ireau.SJl r«'!«/»l bt.. AllaKkuir.fS, fITEVCANTII-li BUkfiAU, ITIr»l-*la»» Sf. r« antllc and Hrcliaitieal Pu»lU»n«, w oar* • Pituirtne. i;M Fourth Avenue, a-IU-ljr Ht idachM Cured With Ctss«e«. ArlHielsl Eyst. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS i o.t i'K \ x AVKJrine, KPP. i'KSISI :UI;II.UIISU. I»ITT*MI;b«. HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesaie Dealer In Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes. Bell Phone 278. People's Phone 578. 316 Ea*t Jefferson Street, BUTLER, PA. THE PESSIMISTS Have had quite an inning but they cannot shut off the energy of the Ameri can people. The country is making money as it never made money before. iGet my daily letter* and learn when, what and bow to buy, and participate In thin money making I R. M. Weaver Stocks and Bonds j Third Ave. and Wood St., PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. ! Butler, J A. REYNOLDS, Manager. CHI CHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS &•••„ p* ji / Mmf+- Aiif/lV* flutl/i* Ladlwi.fcHlj f/ruggtat tut "Tin MfeWfct * In nW Uald mMaJll': r/V*, .pentad wlUi bloa ribbon. Tabr ■« other. Hrnno «k»Krrr!*«•*. or m/l U. Il< aUinpa fo' H»r(lml»W, >r»M Otontala »t>'l Tor l-«»aiea," (rl fcttrf, j l ■— am. PAROID READY oofinq. IJAKOIL). The Roofing with NO TAK. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. A NVONI'' can apply it. Tins, •** Nails and Cement in core of i each roll. I> KJ'KESENTS the results o yc:u» of Experience and iix perimentiiig, ( »NLV requires painting «y<-ry few years. Not wheu first laid. I S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. I vKMAND for PAKOID is world ' wide MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Otb»r Kiftn, Sampled and I'ricea are your* if yon will a«k na. g, wick, BUTLER. PA. \ TAfT'S PHILADELPHIA A »OfNT*t 800M1... M , - J'l-MhAv*., PltUburg, Pa n 'J aPH W.A«PHACTICA'.Ly J " I ")I II ' [I i- in < f,HOWN AW) BRIIJ'-iC *" rk (| 'lk nu.i.ur» why NOT oof.' 1 IwVOUBS? l» CROWN" L l . M*" 1 •*'OG* w " ,fc ' V Music Department! We have added a musical department —good music—good instruments and everything that belongs to a music store, I Call and inspect the famons Merrill Piano. One of the best high grade pianos on the market We can sell it 1 on easy payments. Want a' Violin, Mandolin, Banjo, j Guitar or Accordeon, we have them. Send for onr catalogue of 10c sheet music, containing over 1000 titles, and | we have them all in stock. We will get any piece of music yon 1 need, in fact we are in shape to snpplv 1 all yonr wants in the musical line at DOUGLASS BOOK STORE Near P. 0.. 341 S. Main St REMOVAL We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are . , b right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and arc also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc ,as wt have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Woiks of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler V „S?'' See the sign dlrect 'y opposite (be CV Poitofflce, $ Theodore Yogeity, 0 teal Entate and 13* S Main SI. SB Boiler, Pa. alt you have properly to ntill, trade, or rent rV or, want to buy or I rent can. write or 2JH übone me. ' ist Mailed Uoon Application MI7BTEIA ft BROWN. M'J sth Ave.. I'lttstiurir. Pa., Can sell your Keal Estate, Farm or Hu nines*. Correspondence solid i»-jt**r> |>ul'l for ■ I ILfyi jK-r f««. Will »*-nr (Htl'l for when mllevwl. Hniii|>lo Krw. ■ tJoli i+j U;:''"T at the Centre Ave. fburwmi/. pfQOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOj TUB J£»c r MARTIN , »«O«THAND A\*°°*lk. COMMERCIAL ' I Svumu [Munoa SCHOOL, Liberty Ave. Ii Fifth St., PlHtburg, Pa. I Aa iM Kbwl »iu*t naodarn prluclpie*. I Tin dratand tor t' mn t A"" womiwi grnUtr tban WW bafur*. Call and AMI km «f til* lumi atul l»«t tcboula Ui U» ■ '-"tii.tr jr. aoi.t on ra>|ua*t. X Mo*ni»*i iTpr*im«o, KwiinrfM. m«u K mf. Swum. rriMiurar. tn. Q Lfepfi Mul M-w. H J «l in, j WA NT K.I 1 Hfliflit, huatliiitf men m e*