Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 13, 1903, Image 3

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    APQOTT It. I*o6-
' to make
(taMH la tMr ads. should notify o» of
SSristeatta* tote so mot later than Mon
-1W: BhMv'i Notice* Widow's Apprais
If, M |7r Reports and Sheriff's sales
' estate of Rachel
»■ ffiS ft Nast s Bargains
Hnsai ton's Dispossess Sale.
Xinuaennan's rail Announcement
■ The Modern Store's Cleanup Sale
81j ' Patterson Bro's wall paper.
Kyth Bio's wall paper.
flernTim & Bailey's shows.
* II Qk root* for sale.
New Piano Store.
MalMau..<*s and Kxecatorn of e»t*te
. thfttr rr~'r* book* at the CITI
nxtkln! pnbllc sales
—The West Penn freight yards have
Been enlargtd.
-Butler is to have a new B & O. sta
tion —sometime.
t— Tbe bay will be finished and part of
the oats cut. this week.
—The oats crop is being harvesed this
week, and is a better crop than was the
—The Coroner of Philadelphia baa en
tered snit ogxinst several dealers in toy
—The "kicks" on the Ziegler Avenue
grades are as numerous as were those on
Penn St.
—Clarence G. Dixon opened his pret
ty Drug Store in the new bank building
last Saturday.
—The foreign residents of this town
sand several thousand dollars to Europe
every other week.
—Pittsburg is suffering another car
famine; and tbe-coal and freight ship
pers are complaining.
—A thousand people visited the min
eral spring on the Rudert place, near
Saxonburg. last Saaliy,
r —Geo. Whitehill has purchased a red
marblu kitchen sink that is one of the
-" prettiest things ever brought to Botler.
—Of the two-hundred and some
r homes built in Butler, this year, the
Water company has connected with 190.
—The new pump for the Butler
I Water Co. can push five million gallons I
of water np the hill to the reservoir,
\ daily.
—The Butler Laundry Co. intends
1§ erecting a three story brick on W. Cun
ningham St., opposite their present lo
—K. H. Negiey and John W. Coulter
have sold tut Emma McElvain a honse
and lot on Centre Ave. to Dennis C.
- Nicholas
—The Axlemen defeated the Millmen
| fto 4 Saturday afternoon. Batteries
Marshall and Wbiston, Barrickman and
—The Road Commissioners of Brady
I terp.. will receive bkls for the stone- J
work of three bridges. See notice in
another colnmn.
S. —Fifteen couples *rom Butler, drove
to Saxonburg Tuesday evening, drank
jk at the new mineral spring and ate
1 " sapper at one of the hotels there.
—The Hie bells were ringing as the
- train passed through Chicora, yester
day morning and an old building up on
the hill was burning. So tbeysaid.
—▲ heavy hailstorm to the north of
na last Thursday—np about North
Washington—and another to the south
of us —down about Wild wood—lowered
I the temperature about twenty degrees.
—By a head-on collision at Maharg on
the Bessie, Sunday, two engines and
aaveral cars were derailed, and the road
Mad np for several hours. The train
ersws escaped injury.
—The Eberle Bros., who located in
Butler some months ago, end opened a
plumbing establishment on Centre Ave.
ata rushed with orders; and have pur
chased a larsre stock of materials.
—Three boys have already been hurt
OB the greased sucker-rod toboggan on
& Main St. They are Earl Mortimer,
torn thigh; Herb Raflgers, bruised arm.
asd Ash ton, sprained ankle.
—As all the stocks are going down it
would not be a bad idea to put these
southern fruits and vegetables on the
■lock list and have them go down in
price before grins? down northern
—One of our large sewers clogged the
other day, and was resurrected. A
hammock and a pair of shoes were
found in it. Perhaps the man who or-1
cooled the hammock will be found,
further down.
—A package containing $l,lBO, sent
from the Butler station to tbe B. St O.
ottce in Allegheny was missing from
the express wagon, last Monday even
toff. and E. J. Munze, a driver, was ar
lusted on suspicion.
—The grocers bad a fair day for and
• large crowd at their picnic yesterday.
Ifel Clark won the 60 yard dash, Earl I
Bockenstein the sack race, a boy nam
ed Biggs tbe egg race. E. H. Neglsy and
A. L. Flndley the standing jump.
—The Indiana basket ball team,
champions of Pennsylvania and Ohio,
and the Alamedas will play at Alameda
Park, Friday evening. The big game
Will be proceeded by a preliminary be
tween the Butler Stars and Y. M. C. A.
—lt appears to be a very easy matter
ft? start a drug store in Missouri. A Kan
■as City paper says that a new druggist
In Dayiss County is ready for business,
having just received a complete and up
to-date stock of goods. His inventory
•bows S2OO wcr+h of store fixtures, SIOO
W«rtb of drugs, and S4OO worth of liq
—Thirty million dollars will be ex
ploded by the St. Louis Purchase Expo
sition before tbe gates are opened.
Will the gnat public spend sucb an
mount for witnessing tbe spectacle T
The Pan-American at Buffalo cost less
. than one-third this son, and proved a
heavy loss to the investors. Tbe Co
g fombian Exposition at Chicago in 1893
aost over 08,000,000. The attendance
"■ op to 97,500,000 and tbe receipts
amounted to 114,117,000. The Paris
■xposltion of fourteen years ago had an
•Hendaooe of over 38.000.000 but Its re
aaipte were only $0,800,000.
Tbe only piaao manufacturers in
Weotern Pa , la the Pittsburg Organ
OOd Piano Co., whose factories are
located in Aapinwall. They bavs open
ed o branch store in tbe old P. O. Build*
log. Main B*., Butler, Pa. Mr. Jno. C.
Dickson la to charge, and has a number
of instruments to be sold at great sac ri
les. No middleman's profit From
footory to eooeumer.
—The Ladies' Aid Society of the M.
E church will hold t sale of fresh
dread, bans, biscuits, pies and cake at
Douglass' book store on Saturday after
noon, opening at 1 o'clock.
—The Firmer* Institutes for this
county will be held in—Haimony, Jan.
23 and 34: Saxonburg, Jan. 28 and 29;
Butler. Jan. 30 and 31. The above are
the dates given in a Pittsburg paper of
Tuesday, but there must be some mis
take, as both Jan 24 and 31, 1904, are
—Lyndora's first bank will open for
business, soon It is located in a
neat one story brick building on the
Frank Kobler property adjoining the
Hotel Lyndora. At present it is a pri
vate banking house, but Mr. Kobler and
others expect to apply for a National
bank charter.
—lt's said the railroad companies
have notified conductors and brakemen
that they must not assist ladies getting
off the trains hereafter. The ladits
don't want any paw-marks on their
dairtfy shirt-waists. The season for
giving the girls a lift in transit is closed
until outing time is over.
| —Liberty township. Mercer Co ,
which adjoins Slipperyrock township
this county, was the scene of destruc
tive fires, Tuesday afternoon,—the
barn, grain and hay stacks of Judd
Rodgers took fire and bnrned: and
sparks from them set fire to the barn of
Ben Winder, near by, and burned it
and all his farming implements. Botn
farm houses were savel by hard work.
—Seven children—victims of a mad
dog's rampage through the streets of
Punxsnfawney —arrived in Pittsburg
last Monday, for treatment in the
Ma gee pathological institute of the
Mercy hoepital. The children were bit
ten on Wednesday and Thnrsday of last
week, and fearing the development
of dreaded hydrophobia the attending
physician, ordered them sent to Pitts
Andrew Carnegie bas given away
ab<(pt a hundred millions and i-> said to
have three hundred millions left. Ilis
la'.est experiment i-< to pension some of
the old people • f his native town of
Dunfermline, Scotlnnd, in order in
troduce same "sweetness and light" into
their lives. That is a better idea than
bookless palaces, with bis name in
Three Stages and Three Kings.
One can get a gcsid id* a of the magni
tude of the Greatest Show on Karth by
considering for a moment that three
stages, three circns rings, and a race
track are required to exhibit the 100
acts. Besides these, again, there are
any quantity of aerial apparatus to en
able the skilled artistes to execute the
thrilling acts in the air which are their
specalities. Th*n there are two mena
genes. an elephant pavilion with three
herds of big performing pachyderms, a
drove of camels, cages of wild beasts,
birds, monkeys, etc., besides all the
curious led animals llamas, alpacas,
gnanacos. aud many others. And again
there is a most delightful exhibition,
wbicb is performed In the menagerie—
an exhibition of a in wt chirming char
acter executed by magicians, jugglers,
and queer musicians, and by the odd
people in the collection of freak?.
Aside from the people who are
grest cariosities, the entertaiment
is most praiseworthy. The exhibition
of living curiosities uiven in tbe mena
gerie tent is an excellent on<;, and bris
tles with picturesque episodes and liv
ng, acting lableanx* Nearv 100 train
id horses perform at one time in three
eings, also presenting a really majestic
spectacle, while the |ierformancert»f the
sthree herds of elephants in three rings
are wonderfnl. The entire show is one
of exceptional merit and well worth a
visit—in fact, it is worth a dozen visits,
for no one can see it all in less. All will
be here on Saturday Aug 22 nd. when
the splendid new street parade prove an
index to the delightful performances in
the water-proof tents, which are electri
cally lighted as well, and contain a foot
rest for every seat.
Our country consins have just heard
of that Dispossess Sale of Oxfords and
Snmmer Shoes at Huselton's—about
everybody and his wife—Chicora,
Petrolia and Prospect were in town
yesterday getting shod. They are put
ting overtime in that shoe store waiting
on all the people who seem hnngry for
dispossess shoes and still the fame of
the sale spreads apace.
Milk Route For Sole
A good paying milk route —fortv-ftve
gallons per day—is for sale. Will sell
horses, wagon, cans, bottles, and every
thing—together or separately. Inquire
at the Citizen office.
New lee Wagon.
The new ice wagon of May & Kenne
dy Is now in service, and Ice will be do
livered to all parts of the city by this
firm. It yon want Ice today, call np
Bell phone 87 or Peoples 138. Regular
deliveries. Send in yonr orders.
May & Kknnbdy.
Seven roomed No. 1 honse. lot 50x150,
Institute Hill, $3350.
Six roomed house, lot 40x160, Snmmer
ave., $3050.
No. 1 7-roomed brick, centrally locat
ed. lot 55x180, two streets, fcllKX)
Seven roomed house. Wblppo ave.,
|llsO, Many others.
House for rent.
E. H. Net;ley, Diamond.
Jnst now you can buy up to date
clothing at way down prices at
The Dollor Savings Fund dk Trust
Co., Allegheny, Po ,
issues Coupon Certificates of Deposit In
denominations of $500.00 and $1,000.00.
bearing 4 per cent, interest. A sample
Certificate will lie mailed with full ex
planation upon request. Four per cent,
interest is paid onSavingsAcconrits com
pounded every six montns, a Book be
ing mailed on receipt of deposits of one
dollar and upward. On Checking Ac
counts of SIOO.OO and over. 3 per cent.
Interest is paid. Tbe Company acts as
Executors, Guardians and Administra
tors, in all trust capacities. Alisolute
security guaranteed by Capital and
Surplus of over $3,000,000.00.
Doi.lak Savings Fund & Thuht Co.,
537 Federal St.. Allegheny, Pa.
A 3 year-old filly is offered for sale
cheap. Inquire at Citizen office.
Come now to Ritter & Roc ken stein's
Now Now - Now is the time to at
tend Ritter & Rockenstein's sale.
The liutler Hiihmichs College,
The Bntler Business College has just
closed the most successful term of
school that it has ever experienced.
The enrollment was lftO students. 33
typewriters now in use, and several
more new ones will be added for the
term which opens Tuesday, Sept. 1, 11Si3
We are having three times as many
call* for young men who understand
BOTH shorthand and bookkeeping, as
we can supply. Send for a copy of our
Finely Illustkateo Catai/x;ue for
BfTLK.It BrhINK.HH Coi„I,E<»E,
Butler, Pa.
Yon are shead if you buy clothing at
Ritter & Rockenstein's sale.
Music scholars wanted at 13H W.
Wayne St.
Come uow ami get into the bargain
picking at Ritter & itockeustein's.
1 don't see how they can sell clothing
as cheap as Ritter & Rockenstein are
selling it
Ed Da qbe as peck is at Bedford
Al. Ruff and wife are at Cambridge
Miss Clara McJunkin is visitinir
friends at Ligonier.
Mrs. Frank H. Murphy is visiting
friends in Warren County.
Judge and Mrs. Gal breath have re
turned from Atlantic City.
Mise Marie Stein has been elected a
teacher of the Butler schools.
Miss Laura Stein is entertaining Miss
Breckenridge of New Castle.
Miss Frantz of North Chestnut 3t. is
visiting friends in Tarentnm.
Conrad Biehl of Institute Hill is re
covering from a siege of typhoid.
W. S. Keister and Gas Kildoo of
Keister were in Butler, last week.
Mrs Frank Morse of Mercer St. is en
tertaining Miss Weiss of Pittsburg.
Dr. Scott. Surgeon for the 12th U S.
Cavalry, has sailed for the Philippines.
J. L. Warm castle of Slipperyrock
visited his sister in Renfrew, yesterday
Miss Martin of Pittsburg is visitii g
her sister Mrs. Daniei Negiey of Great,
J. V. Ritts has a cottage at Chautau
qua and is entertaining some Bntler
Clerk Kiskaddon and daughter are
yisiting friends in the Windy City aud
in lowa.
C. C. Miller of Euc'id and Jos Bell of
Clay tenia did some shopping in Bailer
Miss Anna Spronl of Oil City is tb»
anfst of Miss Elsie Beighlev of W
Jefferson St.
Mrs. Gladys Lowry of Allegheny ami
daughter are the guests of J. C. Coch
rane and wife.
R. M. Stewart of Penn twp. visited
friends iu Butler and went out to Park
laat Thursday.
Nelson Sutton of Concord has gone t-,
San Francisco to attend tbe G A.
R. encampment.
Miss Blanche Hays h-ts returned home
from a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Win
Kennedy of Butler.
Misses Alice Mentle and Beanie Field
ing of Allegheny ars visiting Lutl.e
Reiber of Mercer St.
W. R. Turner the B. & O. agent here,
and his wife left town yesterday on a
trip to Salt Like City.
Wm Dieter of Chicora visited friends
in Untler, last Thnrsday, and took in
the W. O. W. ox roast.
Mrs, Norman Rhodes of Philadelphia
is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Priecilla
Glenn of WestSunbury.
John Weitzel of Winfield Twp. and
Steve Mcßride. late of Allegheny, are
the two, new policemen.
Rev. L. S. Fonst of Emporia Kan.
was the guest Last week ot Rev. C, H
Fonst of Mt. Olivet charge.
Esq l Bedillion and family of Middle
sex retnrned last week, from a visit
with friends in Washington Co.
C. W. Freehling and wife of Pitts
barg are the gnests of his parents. An
gust Freehling and wife of Winfield
James Rankin and family of Penn
twp. returned Tuesday, from a vifii
with friends in Fairview and Concor«i
Ernest Faber has returned to But,er
after a year's absence in Philadelphia
bringing with him a fair Philadelphia
Clara Grohman of the North Side ic
entertaining Mus Broadhead of Kittan
ning and the Misses Forcht of Carbon
Tom Johnson don't know whether t"
Is: Governor or Senator, and Mark
Hanna don't propose that he shall Is
Mrs. Tillie Staley of Collins Ave
I'ittsburg visited her sisters at the o'd
McCandless homestead west of tow
this week.
Mrs. H. H. Goucber Is entertaifl"!
Mrs. Cyrus Goucher of Greenville. Mr
Range of Conneaut and Miss liartX' U <■
Marion O.
Jos. Pizor of Ellwood likm rei-oven
from his long illness and is buck i
Butier, but is thinking of locating
Ex-Congressman Sowden is c«p*'t"'-
ing on a sauerkraut ismo. He rtn' 1 !-
slashing speech ',D tin- subject ' t
farmers' picnic last Saturdaj.
Mrs. Deborah Barkey mid her frWd
celebrated her 80th bir'h'lxy lust 'I i#v
day, nt tbe home of her d •nirMe', Mrs
Richard Allen in Cranberry twp
Turner Wick of Concord twp. ci'jit
to Butier, last Saturday and took hot
his daughter, Mrs. Sallie Flceger Ja< t»L»
and family, for a stay with them.
Jacob Reiber, the drover, now in hi*
85th year, was in Pittsbnig this v eek
and bought a car load of cattle v hicn
he brought to Bntler and wild to a local
Prof. Snyder, former Snp'd't of ♦b«
Schools of this county, and now Pres:
dent of the Agricultural College of
Michigan, visited friends in this connt)
last week.
Miss Mary McShane of Butler went
on to Toledo, O. Monday, to attend the
funeral of her uncle, Thomas Butler,
whoso wife was Catharine McGinley of
Donegal twp.
Dr. Showalter was called to London,
last week, by the news of the serious
illness of his daughter. Miss Genevive,
who. with her mother and sisters, hus
been touring Europe.
Mr. Corbett (gentleman) says he Is
going to knock the roof off Mr Jeffriex
(boiler-maker), to morrow. The latter
says he will make the pompadour ex
champion look like thirty cents.
Co. Sun'd't. 11. I. Painter drove out to
Coylesville. last Friday, picked a bushel
or two of blacklierries: was home bj
1 30; and by 8:30 had all the berrie*
cooked and put np in 27 quart jars.
M. L. Starr of Petrolia. B. M Me
Collongh and wife, E. M. Jenkins,
Augustus Hoch and Esq. Buselton ef
Chicora, left last Thurislay for a tour
through California and tbe South
J. A. Turner of Ferris was In town
Saturday and was feeling happy ■* he
bad S77.(KM), iu the banlr, In front of
which he was standing. He aud his
son have sold out their interests at
Lt, Gen. Young was a brevet Briga
dier in I*os, shortly after a second
lieutenant in tbe regulars and now after
35 years is at the head of th» army, sac
ceeding Gen. Miles. He Is a native of
Mr. Leishman of Penn'a., our Mln
ister to Turkey, has secured the re-sd
mission of American pork into Turkey,
after a banishment lastwg for twenty
two years. This is a great victory for
the American hog -and Mr. Leishman
S. Walker Glenn and fsmily wh'>
were burned out a few d*>» ago, moved
into a large wagon shed on tt.e farm.
Walker carried no insurant-* M<.mi
years ago his home in Butler whs
burn'd and it was insured but tbe in
surance money was not forthcoming.
M. A. Herkimer, A'onr. > Rn»«ei|,
Mark and Lou Nevmn", Meorj."* Hie 1
Victor Liml»er and oth«< s hMve isl nrn
ed from a threo weeks fi-hing tup >
French river, 300milesnorihnf (.■>->,ut<>
One of the trophies is the head of >4 'J*
pound m u seal lon ge caught l»y Mr
Russet. It is on exhibition iu Mr.
Herkimer's office.
Solomon Thorn jHfon and wif*, (nwi
MrG'andlesa; of Brady twp. will cele
brate the fiftieth anniversary of th»*lr
welding (lay, next Octobor. Mrp.
Thompson whh u daughter of Nathan
McCandleea and fa a slater of I. J.
McCandleaa. Solomon fa a brother of
Col. John M. ThoinpwjD, who Is two
yoarn hia nenlor.
And jnat think, it is nn to date rV>» v «
in« Hitter Ac lto> kf-nat«Hn'« are selling
so cheap.
Geo. atid Jacob F Schaffnervs Harry
E. Osborne, deft, and I. M. Shannon
terre tenant, sci fa sar mortgage.
Rebecca J. Caldwell vs Producers and
; Refiners Oil Co. Ltd. assumpsit for
. $112.50 for 75 barrels of oil which the
plaintiff claims the defendant ran fro m
her farm on the Freeport road and re
fuses to pay her. there having been a
dispute as to the ownership of the roy
Lottie Lyon vs Wui. Lyon, libe! in di
A charge of furnishing liquor to men
of known intemperate habits (Major
Wynn and A 1 Glenn) has been made
against W H Otto, Jr
A charge of a&b with intent to com
mit rape has been made against Harry
Bickel. The complainant is a young
man named Stubble living near Glade
Mills who stated that while Bickel was
taking Stnbble's sister Mary from Butler
where she was working, to her houif,
he drove her a»ide into a woods near
Renfrew and attempted to commit an
&4*ault. The girl screamed and calling
to L. H. Hoon who was driving pnst in
his meat wagon jumped out of liickel's
bnggy and was brought to Butl-r by
H joo.
Sheriff Gibson had a fa*t chase aft*-r
Bickel frt/ui Bntler to Harmony, to
which place Bickel drove in ai. to
The prosecntiou of the Wilkinsbnrg
druggists for violating the Sunday laws
took an odd turn last Saturday. The
and the < 'ouucil of the town
are not on the t>esi of terms; the Bur
»reas and the Justices of the Peace ufi
remitted the tic*sot tneoffendingdrii_-
gists; the attorneys for the pri«.*csu<in
appealed to the Attorney general of the
-<Ute and on Saturday a member >f the
fi-tii of Stone & Stone, attorneys for the
li.' jsecntor- was quoted as st vin_';
••Tne An litor General of Penusylva
nia has instructed us to pi»cee<l ag»iist
:ne aldermen and justices who have re
mitted fines >n the case of the Wilkins
on rg druggists sued for violating ,he
IS ,nday laws, and collect the tines. T'h-
Attorney General tias given his opinion
■■at the remitting of the tines is against
me intent of the law, and holds that
every cent should be collected. He
•herefore authorize the Auditor Ge:ier
il to have them collected. &
Ttone will act at once and call upon the
aldermen and justices for all fines re
mitted by them to druggists of Wilkins
t'Urg who had been convicted in their
courts "
The next question is who will pay the
remitted fines?
The people of fariß went into hyster
ics last week over tbe trial of the Hum
berts—the couple who swindled the
bankers by a story of a fortune locked
up in a eafe. pending a decision on a
will. The court was thronged with
noted men of the Republic, and the
spectacular aspect of the case subordi
nated the facts.
B W Bredin to t A Mizener. of
way in Washington twp for $l5O.
A Scheidemantle to same, right of
w»y for S2OO.
John Wiley to T A Bartley lot in
Clinton for S4O
J W Leighner to W C Weber lot in
Slipperyrock for SIOO.
W E Hutchison to Geo A Stevens 2
acres in Marion for SSO.
Turner Coal & Coke Co to Black A
'laird, Roy mines and leases for $75,
Black & Baird to Erie Coal and (Joke
Co same for 9100 000.
John C Dight to (.'has E Poole 104
<cres in Cherry for SOSOO.
Eli S Fleeger to F X Kohler 12 acres
ii Cherry for SIOOO.
Chas Nixon to Eliza -Nixon lot in
Evans City for sl.
E R Turner to P E Danbenspeck lot
on Oak St for $400.33
H H Boyd to Chas E Pearce lot on
Valley View Ave for $350.
Adam G ieppner to Cath Flannegan
lot on Fourth St for $765.
S W and G H Haseltine to E H Neg
'ey lot on West St for 1100.
Peter Gl-ice to John McGee lot on E.
J- fferson St Ex for s*<)o
John McGee to Geo J Haben same for
Etta L Turner to Jas L Campbell lot
n Bluff St for SIOOO.
Chas E Pool to Harry E Jones 105
r es in Connoq for s^H4>o.
liobt Boyd to 1' E Fames wort 1. lot on
■ ntre Ave for s^i)o.
Chas O Whippo to M A Farnsworth
of on Centre Ave for SOSO
i 2 E Schantz to D B Scbantz :i acres
Jackson tor
fhos G Lyon to G F Landgrabe lot
Morten Ave for sw<»o.
i F Laudgralje to Sherman Foillk lot
Morten Aye for SXOO.
Smma and Nicholas Haseuflu to Rol
FI M(-CJnistion lot on E Jefferson St
: x for O^so.
Wm W Walters to Chas Niion lot in
'orward for SSOO.
Eliza Nixon t/> W W Watters lot in
Evans City for SWK).
Marshall & Hchenck to E W Schenck
t i<-o lots in Htehle place for $1550.
Sarah Goehring b> Abigail L Knauff
lor In Evans City for $225.
Ezra Liken to And Wahl 57 acres in
Forward for $lO5
Jacob Stokey to A Wahl 44 acres coal
In Jackson for $1305.
Lewis Stokey to fame 75 acres coal in
same for $2175.
J R Cavariangh to Bridget Maslerson
lot on McCool Ave for SHSOO.
J C Aaron to Emma McNamee lot on
< ross St for SI4OO.
J C Vandervort to Wm A Kennedy
lot in Evans City for $I0<)0.
May (i Walker to W E Slangenhcnpt
144 acres (Furnace property) in A lie
liheny for $15,000.
Mrs T F Jeffrey to R E English lot in
Fairview lioro for SOSO.
Notice to Stone Masons
The Road Commissioners of Brady
township will receive bids for the stone
work or abutments for three bridges, to
be built immediately in that township,
tip to Saturday, August 15th, at I o'clock
P. M., at the school house in West
Liberty. The Commissioners reserve
the right to reject any or all bids Plans
and specifications can be seen at Grant
Orossman's, H W. Moore's and M. L>.
Fair's in said township.
Meet Me At Kletier's.
Want a piano? Want anything mns
ical? Remember Arthur Love, with
' lid and Responsible Music House
of H. Kleber &. Bro., 221—228, Fifth
Ave . Pittsburg, Pa, Manufacturers of
the "Klelier" and "W. Crawford An
derson" Pianos, and sole agents for
Knabe", "Crown" and other leading
Pianos, Apollo Piano Players, Talking
Machines, Etc.
For s[s«-ial low prices and extraordin
ary values, write me, or better still,
meet me at Kleber's Pittsburg
Itedueed ICati-s to Klttaiiiiing.
On account of the Armstrong Comity
Fair, to )>e held at Kittanning. August
Iff to 21, the P. R. It, Co. will sell ex
cnrslon tickets to KittanniiiK AUK is
to 21 and return, until Auguat 22. in
elusive from Butler and intermediate
stations, at reduced rates (minimum
rale, 25 cents).
Kxeurslons to Atlantic City.
The B AO. It It. will run excur
r ns to Atlantic City on August. oth
d2O and Sept. 3rd Kate from But
ler. $lO. in coaches, sl2, in sleeping
i. rs. Secure pamphlets and full in
I -filiation from W R Turner, Ticket
A«.ent, Butler, Pa.
Hollar Sunday Kate to Allegheny
Commencing the first Sunday in May
nod continuing each Huridav thereafter
until Oct. 25th. the B. & O. R R will
sell special excursion tickets from Bnt
b-r to Allegheny and return for morning
trains on Hiinday at rate of $1 for the
round trip. Tickets g«xsl on Baltimore
and Ohio trains only. Return limited
to date of sale
If yon couldn't come l»eforecome now
Ritter <V Rockenstein's «ale
WANTED—A girl for general house
Addfesa or inquire of Mrs. P.
W. Ruff, 41*2 Bi'oad St., Butler, Pa
Marriage License*
(Jeo S. Stevick Forward iwp
Edith Fair Greece City
J. G Henricks Batler
M. Margaret Hoist
Nicholas U. Hriso Butler
Lazor Eiva "
Albinus Taylor Hallston
Maude Carr Coal town
Earnest R. Genuug. ... Bradford
Mary McCormick Bntler
Frank Kurta ■" Butler
Anna Totin
Ira P. Perry New Castle
Briddie B Bollinger Wick
Dotninik Klimaszeki Bntler
Martha Kowalski "
Mike Markanig Butlei
Helen Pleski "
Yanesy Stefan Bntler
Purdis Mari "
G. S. Wonderly Butler
Bessie Crawford
O W. Dieffeubach Baltimore, Md.
Grace L. Allen Butler
P. T. Thompson Butler
Amelia Demling
At Pittsburg, Ivan Majetic and Kat
erina Jurkovie, of Butler Co-
Whea\ v.-IndeWe pri- (s."<-70
Oats . 4<)
Com, CO
Hay, '4 t<*i
Eggs . . Its
Bntter, ' IS
Potatoes, .. 50
Onions, per br. 7">
Cabbag<\ }>«r Pt ~
Chickens, drew! 1>
Chicken*. spriu.', per jiair .. >
Celery, doi bunches 3o
Honey, per ponn'l. ! ">
Lettuce, lb •>
Radishes, doz bunches 2.">
Onions " 20
Beets, per bu 75
Cukes, per doz 25
Apples, per bu 50-80
Blackberries, per qa 10
Green Corn, per doz 15
Low Kates to I'oiuts in iht* South
and Southeast.
On first and third Tuesdays of April,
May, June, July. August, September
October and November. 1003, the Balti
more & Ohio Railroad will sell one
way Settlers' tickets at greatly reduced
rates to point* in the Smith and South
For further information call on or
address nearest Baltimore & Ohio
Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, <ieu
eral Passenger Agent. Chicago. 111.
Butler Ice Company
Orders delivered promptly to all parts
of the town.
Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call
up Bell Peone No. 4; or People's No. 54.
E E. LANTZ. Manager,
People's Pnone No. 533.
Insurance and Real Estate.
If yon wish to sell or bny property
yon will find it to yonr advantage to see
Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real
K-tate, next P. 0., Butler. Pa.
Orders delivered promptly to all parts
of the town.
Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call
up Bell Phone No. 4; or People's No. ">4.
E. E. Lantz, Manager, People's Phone
No. 533
Lot 50x104 feet, 5-room house, new;
table 20x20, spring water in house,
Lot 40x112 feet. 7 room honse, (11200.
Two new houses. West D St., S2OOO or
*1550 for one and SIOSO for other.
Storeroom and it room bonse in West
8. W. Diamond.
Orders delivered promptly to all parts
of the town.
Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call
up Bell Phone No. 4; or People's No. 54.
E. E. Lantz, Manager, People's Phone
No 533
Butler Ice Company
Orders delivered promptly to all parts
of the town.
Leave orders at, Park Hotel, or call up
Bell Phone No 4; or People's No. 54
E. E. LA NT/. Mauager,
People's Phone No. 533.
Mont ha of May, Jane. July and
Augnst. forenoons only, location same
its lust season, formerly Graham Hro's
Grocery, now Cohen's bargain store.
Incursions to Atlantic City.
August 13 nnd 27 and Sep
tember 10 are the dates of the P. K.
H. annual low rate excursions for
IJK)8 to Atlantic city. Cape May, Ocean
City. Sea Isle City, Avalon, Anglesn,
Wildwood, Holly Beach N. J., Reho
lioth, Del., or Ocean City. Md.
Tickets good to retnrn within sixteen
days, including date of excursion.
A special train of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will leave Pitts
bnrg on above-mentioned date at H 55
A. M., arriving at Altoona 12.15 P. M ,
where stop for dinner will be made rea
ching Philadelphia '1.25 P. M , in time
for supper, and arriving Atlantic City
via the Delaware Hiver Bridge Route,
the only all rail line at 8.35 I'. M Pass
engers may also spend the night in
Philadelphia, and proceed to the shore
by any regular train from Market
Htreet Wharf or Broad Street .Station on
on the following day
Passengers for points other than At
lantic City will spend the night in Phil
adelphia. and use regnlar trains the
next dav from Market, Street Wharf
A stop over of within limit will be
allowed at Phila. on returning, if Pass
engers will deposit their tickets with
Ticket Agent at Broad Street Station,
Philadelphia, immediately on arrival
Tickets must be deposited with Agent,
on arrival at seashore destination and
projs-rly validated for return trip.
Tickets will be sold from stations at
the rates named lielow :
KATE. Tickets K.XXI
Tickets KCXMI In Pull. Car Train
(»nly In In 'orimx'tliin Leaves
Uoache*. with regular
full Tickets. A. M.
Natrona fIO.OO SIB.OO 7:13
Kntler .. 10.00 12.1M1 0 05
Freeport 10 00 12 <M» 7:2H
Philadelphia,Ar .... ... 0 25
Atlantic City " .... .... HBS
Returning coupons will laccepted
on any regular train except the Penn
sylvania limited and the Chicago him
ited ami the St. Louis Limited
For detailed informatien in regard to
rates and time of trains apply to ticket
agents or Mr. Thomas K Watt, District
Passenger Agent, Pittsburg.
Deer Park, Md
Most delighful summer resort of the
Swept, by mountain breezes,
feet above sea level. Absolutely free
from miliaria, hay fever and mos<|uitos
Reached mithont change of cars from
all principal cities via li. <Nr •) R. I',
Every modern convenience Kooms en
suite with private baths. Electric
Lights lying Distance Telephone, Ele
vator. Turkish l'>atiis, Swimming Pools.
Golf Links, Tennis ( onrte, liowling A 1
leys, Magnificent Drives, Complete Liv
ery Service. Annapolis Naval Acad»-
my Hand. Hotel remodeled with ad
ditional conveniences. All cottage*
have been taken for -the season Open
from .June 22 to Heptemder 30.
For ratea and information, add reus
W. E. Harwell, Manager. Deer Park,
Garret County, Md.
Hitter & Hockenstein's sale of up to
date clothing given every one a chance.
Many nev« r truly live, half eat and
half sleep. Thousands miserable tind
Indigestion uii>l Dyepepsta have been
curad by Victor Liver Sytip
Rev. Mohlie;tix Wa : era of Newark, N
J . preached i-i the First English Luth
eran church, last Sunday.
Rev. James Ferguson of New Castle,
a son of Pres Ferguson of Westminster
j College, will preach in the U. P. church
Benjamin Cliapin.
The Star Course management did a
wise thing when thev secured Benjamin
I Chapin to give his Abraham Lincoln
i lecture. He will be here on the evening
[of Tuesday. January 19th Eve y young
i person in Butler ought to hear this
lecture. The older on* ■ will profit by
it too.
I Tlie Harmmi & Bailey Parade.
As a mere indication of the greati r
glories to follow the Barnum A: Bailey
«how day in this city there will be in
aenrated by presentation upon the
streets the mo~t miirnificdtit pageantry
ever seeD not onlv lit re but every where
in America. There h*ve been street
parades and street parades givtn by
shows beyond the- ri collection of all save
the oldest men in the community bnt it
is safe to assume, from reports slready
received regarding the magnificence of
<fc Bailev show, that noth
ing like if ei'her in extent or in exce!-
lence, ha* eyei been seen before AH a
matter of fact, i* is claimed by the man
agement of the -how itself that its char
iots alone represent an expenditure
greater than that of all other street pa
rades eyer seen Defore with a circus in
this country. In any event there is
every inducement for all who live in
this city Arid the surrounding country
to be n ( on the -streets early on Barnum
iv Uailey show day, and they can come
with the certainty of being treated to a
sin crack MirpM.-siug in splendor any
ttiin.'r that they have ev» r ,-een. Toe
day or the Barnnm & Bailey show U.-re
is .Sc.tnrday. Aug 22nd.
lii uiK iMI ltatf.s To San Francisco
Kllll I.OS Alljfclcs.
On account of the National Encamp
ment,G. A R., at San Francisco. Caf,
Aug. 1? to 22, 1903, the P. R. R. Co.
will r«ell excursion tickets to San Frau
ciwo or Los Angelts from all statious
on its lints, from July 31 to August 13.
inclusive, at greatly reduced rates.
These tickets will be good for return
passage to reach original starting point
not later than October 15, inclusive,
wh<-n executed by Joint Agent at Los
Angeles or San Francisco and payment
of 50 cents made for this service. For
specific information regarding rates and
routes, apply to Ticket Agents.
Hurry! Hurry and get a big bargain
in clothing at Ritter <fc Rockenstein's.
' Hello Central" Hello. "Please give
me No. 61 —Victor Remedies Line
Baby has Colic. Victor Infants Relief
cures it
Low Itates to Points In the South
and Southeast, West and
On first and third Tnesdav of April,
May, June, Julv. August. September.
October and November, 1003, the
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad will s»-ll
Homeseekers' Excursion tickets at
greAtly reduced rates to points in the
-'outh and Southeast, West and North
w« st
Kor further information call on »r
.iddress nearest Baltimore & Ohio
Ticket Agent, or U. N. Anstiu, General
Passenger Agent. Chicago, 111.
Dollar Sunday Itato to Allo^lieny
Commencing the first Sunday in May
.rid continuing each Sunday thereafter
•Hitil Octolier 2oth, the Baltimore and
Ohio Kaiiroad will sell special excur
sion tickets from Butler to Allegheny
and return for morning trains on Sun
day at rate of SI.OO for the round trip.
Ticket* uoods on Baltimore and Ohio
t,ruins only. Return limited to data of
Parlor Cars on tlic licHseincr.
Parlor car service has been inagnr
ii ted on the 13. & L. E. H. R., between
Conneaut Lake and Allegheny, and
will be continued daily during the
months of June. July and August.
Train 11 leaving Allegheny at 7:15 A.
M :»nd No 11 leaving Exposition Park
at 1 10 P. M , will have parlor cars at
tic' "d d ily e.xcejit Saturday.
The Coiiui-aiit libke Limited leaving
Allegheny at 1:00 P. M., Bntler 2:30,
ov<-ry Saturday tx'xinm'ng .Tune 20th:
and the Sunday Special, leaving Exiiosi
tion Park every Sunday lieginning June
21st, at <1:00 P. M., central time, stf»p
pitiK only at Greenville, Grove City
nnd Butler running to Allegueny will
be made up of first class coaches and
parlor car This improved train ser
vice reduces the running time lietween
the Smoky City and Pennsylvania's
most popular summer resort to three ami
one half hours, and will enable business
people from the city nnd towns along
the line, who could not otherwise do so,
to spend Sunday at the Lake with Jbeir
i;veu rslohm to Niagara
Falls and Toronto.
Commencing Tuesday, July 7th, and
every Tuesday thereafter during July,
August and Septeml>er, the B ,R. & P.
Ry. will sell excursion tickets to above
named isiints at exceptionally low
rates. These tickets are limited to con
tinuous passage in liotli directions and
will be valid for going ptssage only if
used to destination on date of sale or
the day following, and will be honored
for return passage if used within fifteen
days from date of sale. Niagara Falls
tickets must Ih> presented to the agent
of the N. Y. C. <& 11. R. R. R. at that
point for validation before they will lie
good for return passage.
Toronto tickets must lie validated by
the agent of the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R.
lit Niagara Falls, or the agent of the
Niagara Navigation Co. at Toronto, or
lo the purser on steamer. Trains leave
Butler at 10 12 A M. and 10.52 P. M.
Fare #7.4"> to Niagara Falls and $8.90 to
For tickets and full information con
suit the nearest agent of the oompay or
address A F Raveret, Excursion Agent
R'x-hester, N. Y.
New Parlor Car Line.
t he Bessemer & Lake Erie road has
established and will maintain parlor
car service between Conneaat Lake and
Allegheny daily during the str ..iter
Parlor cars will run ou train 'I leav
ing Ex|io. Park at 110 P M. and No. 11
leaving Allegheny at 7:15 A. M , Mon
day to Friday, inclusive; the Conneant
Lake Limited, leaving Allegheny at
100 P. M., every Saturday, and the
Sunday K,-cinl leaving Exposition Park
at 11:00 P. M., central time.
These tra ns run between Bntler and
Allegheny In both directions without
IM South Main St.
Oi'ftCK llycrs' Ituilding— next to P.
O. Ilutler Pa
Insurance and Real Estate
] Trusses it
x The Kind j V
j To Buy. (
V Yon can buy Trusses for al- J
J most nothing or you can pay a j \
\ high price for them, but the i %
J price of a Truss does not prove C
V that it is going to be the one j J
t you need. Every case has to '
v be fitted individually. That '">
f is where we have bad our great i /
\ success in Trusses. No one /
/ goes out of our store with a | V
S Truss that does not fit perfect- 1 (
fly. Therefore a great many )
V people are wearing our Trusses f
) and -ending their friends to ns S
\ to be fitted. If you are wear- I \
ing a Trnss and it does not «
.' feel right, or stay in the right J
? place come in and *ee u- about \
it, no matter if you did not i
V buy it from us. We will tell C
■' yon whether it is 'he right /
/ Truss to wear. We will give \
V you the benefit of onr twenty- /
f five years experience. Private /
V apportmenta for ladies. V
\ rharmacist, S
( Diamond 3lock.
> Butler, Pa, i
) People's Phone 83. j
\ Bell Phone 14H D.
If they told the truth con
cerning my pianos, myself, and
my way of doing business 1
would sell all of the pianos
that are sold in Butler.
When a party comes to you with a
story concerning my business, ask them
to call at my store with yon and repeat
it in my presence
I am here for business, and I am hap
ov to say I have lots of it. My patrons
are my friends. I always refer to
them. Ask them.
I can give you a list of over 30Q
pntrons to whom I h; ve sold pianos
since I came here four years ago.
And if you will find any of tiiem who
will say th.tt I have not lieen honorabb'
it> all my dealings with thtmi. I will
present yon with a piano.
Trusting to have my just share of yonr
patronage, I am yours for business.
Your credit is good at
W. R. Newton's
■mEIwANojMAM. "f*""'.. \
317 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Will always lie a memento of one of tne
happiest events of her life—doubly so if
she Knows thoy came from Kirkpatrick's
for onr name is a synonym for merit
and value. The buyer may l>e assnred
of getting full value here for money
We also sell —
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and Paco Cameras.
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins and Guitars.
Optical goods
Field and Spy Glasses.
Jeweler end Greduele Optlclen
Next to Court House.
Eyth Hrojs.
Big Bargains
Wall Paper
Next to Old P. O.
!! "ii||H||ii"- ! I
{ 1 | MADE TO OKDER. ( >
Funeral Director.
5i S. Main St. Butler PA
ls« cured in 45 minutes Lump Jaw,
splint* and ringbones just as quick. Not
painful and never has failed. Detailed
information almut this new method sent
free to horse owners l>y T M CLUUH,
Knoxdale, Jeff arson Co., Pa.
» Hdv<> you se<?n |
This town never in its life saw such
0 a disturbance in Shoe Leather as our X
Dispossess Shoe Sale |
raised. It made things lively for the past few fA
0 days. We don't mind doing without meals and sleep. if
We are just getting limbered up.
0 We expect to do great things this coming week.
We want everybody who has a dollar to spend to ft
o come here.
© We will give you more for YOUR MONEY than you ll
ever had before. Men's Low Shoes. Women's Low U
© Shoes, Children's Low Shoes, besides a raft of High ©
© Shoes, are being dispossessed from this store. ©
0 They can't stop here any longer. Come and a
0 pick out what you want. a
© Salesmen on earth are going to wait on you. ©
0 Opposite Hotel Lowry.
1 c. E. MILLER'S 1
I Great Remodeling I
Snmmer footwear sacrificed to make room for carpenters. All low
shoes and slippers to be closed ont away below coat. Come early M
M crowds of shrewd buyers are daily attending this sale and carrying away
H many of these «reat bargains. ' H
|1 Large Bargain Counters running almost Full Length I
of our Large Store Room I
and filled to over loading with grand up to date footwear, all separated
in different lots. Pitch lot marked in plain figures bo yon can look whole
lot over at yonr leasure and pick ont what yon want; you will find bar
trains here never before heard of in Men's, Women's, Boys' and Chll
dren's footweai.
We are going to take out entire front of our store roomß
and replace it with handsome new front. I
The carpenters will be here in a few days and we must make room
for them and we want yon to help ns do it; ootne and look orer oar
Koods whether yon are needing shoes or not for when von see the
great Iwrgains we are offering yon will take a lot of thorn with yon H
j when you learu there are so many bargains. "We will not attempt to
enumerate them but will invite yon to come and see for yourself. H
C. 6. (Wilier,|
215 S. Main St, Butler, Pa., Opposite Hotel Arlington. H
122 South Main St. Your money's worth or money back.
Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing.
The finest ready-to-wear attire that is made. We
have the facilities to search out the best that the
market can afford, and It is now ready In a complete
Spring array on our floor. Everything that a dressing
desire for his attire can be found here at a
smaller price than he would expect to pay for such
smartly tailored garments.
Men's Suits
and Top Coats sl2, #l4,
at #7.50, $9, sl6,
$lB, S2O, and up to $25.
We show Men's Spring Overcoats which, like all of
our attire, could not fit or wear better if they were
custom tailored.
Our Great Price Melting Sale
Is proving a wonderful success which
shows that the people appreciate
In going through the Men's Suits we find our Immense
sales have resulted in leaving us small lots, two, three and four
of a sort, and the) are now all to be assorted Into bargain lots
as follows:
All the small lots of Men's regular $7.50 and SB.OO Suits
while they last, your choice for SS.UO.
All the small lots of Men's SIO.OO and $12.50 Suits your
choice for $6 50.
All the small lots of Men's $13.50, $15.00 and $16.50 Suits,
your choice for $lO.
Prices on all flannel and wool crash suits and separate
pants Is about one-half the former price.
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St., Butler.