I'Hf; CITIZEN. §«> ! Thursday, August 6, 1903. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTK—AII advertisers Intending to make chances In their ads. should notify as or tClrlntenUon to do so not later than Mon itT morning. Jury Lists for Sept. term. Bickel' s August sale. Modern Store's sale. Campbell's furniture. MHler's shoes. Stein's bargains. Laighner's glasses. Kara. H Admlnn.il-or* and Executors ofestate Cin secure their receipt books at the CITI ZEN office, and j>ersoo» m ikln# public sales thalr note books. |P LOCAL AND GENERAL. —An advertisement in a paper is worth twenty on a bill-board. —A circus can pull a sick boy out of bed after the doctors have failed. — The paint brush has been doing a good work in various parts of town. —A fox that ha? been stealing Insti tute Hill chickens waa shot by John Bankin, Monday. —The new Bth P O. district of Butler includes the section north of North St. and west of Main St —The Car Works built eleyen hun dred and thirty four cars last month, which they sold for about SBOO,OOO. —Tbe P. H C. people had unusually U- bad lack «Hh their outing— a wreck to begin with and a heavy rain at Oil City. - Charles K«rr and Newlon Turk were held up by three armed footpads at Ouicila, last Thursday, and robbed of *5 — By the explosion of a lamp at a Slavonic dance in New Castle last Thursday night, several dancers were burned. — The hay crop is a month late this year, but it is immense; and the cows will have hay to eat and the farmer I hay to sell — The sober second thought of most » towns * hie h have experimented with the atreet f iir is that it is a nuisance nod a fraud —A young lady named Gallagher who was in the P. H. C. picnic wreck on the • Beaaie last week is reported as having nervous prostration ever since. | —The Alameda basket ball team trimmed the Geneva College team 17 to 7at the Part. Monday evening. Ford Hay« had bis eyebrow cut open. — Out at Prospect somebody has seen fc a black snake aa long as an anger stem f and as (hick as barrel He was on bis If* road home from either Harmony or P Butler. —Tbe Park Theatre has baen renovat ed and repainted, and will be opened next Thursday, Aug. 13th, by Hany Clay Blaney's "Across the Pacific." Bee notice in another column. -The managers of the Hospital will receive bids for tbe addition to be boilt to it. nntil the 30th: and tbe Cooncil of Bntler will receive bids for a fire-alarm system until the 2.lth. inst. r —AI. Scheidemantle s creamery on Yellow Creek in Mnddycreek twp., and also a residence and store room were burned on Wednesday of last week. 'Loss 13000, insurance SIOOO. — The agent for Barnnm & Bailey's "vreatest show on earth" has secured a lot on Pierce Ave., and is advertising an I exhibition in Bntler for Saturday, the *Sd inst. Their announcements will appear next week. — Small boys have erected a sucker " tod toboggan on Judge Bredin's lot on 8. Main St., that hat. everthing else of that nature in this part of the country beaten a mile The kids take als foot jump at the end of tbe shoot. -These be bargain days at the stores. When one can by a good straw bat for 10 cents, a suit of underwear for 25 oentß, a pair of shoes for a dollar and an •11 wool suit for ffl.oo, things may be j? said to be cheap —The "jacks" under a frame house * tn tbe West End slipped, Friday morn ing and the honse fell. If tbe jacks . wider that Opera House in Pittsburg I' had slipped, the other day, there would h%ve been both news and dust in Diamond alley. —The twelth annual reunion of the "Sixteeners" of the Soldiers' Orphans' School of Mercer will be held at the Homes Honse in Mercer on Angus 11, 12 and 13, and all those who attended the school are invited to be present —Four Butler young ladies took a ride on a teamster's wagon two miles oat the Millerstown road one day last week and came back, three hanging to the seat Of a bnckboard with the person who had givan them a lift and the fourth riding Straddle the horse. —Our town waa visited by pickpock ata. Tuesday. One of them rubbed against Thomas Steele of Criswell at the Jefferson and Main St. crossing.and secured his pocketbook, containing SSO in cash and some checks; and another bumped against H. S. Warren of Pitts burg at the B. A O. station and secured his book, containing $450 in cash and >Mie checks. —A new town called Hercnles is to be located on the Porter farm in Slippery rock twp. where a large number of men (the promoters claim 1000) will commence work developing 4500 acres of coal and limestone taken up by H. H. Lang of Erie. They also state that they will build a brick and tile works and expect to have 5000 people in the gew town within a year. —At Tuesday nights meeting of Coun -o*l the ordmsnce for the opening and grading of Walker Ave. and providing for the payment of S3OO to Prof. Mack- U>: ey by the borough on condition of prop erty holders on the street paying s#so, was adopted. J. G. Rnnkleand George Spang appeared and stated they were ready to pay the SOSO. The ordinance granting to the Cottage Hill Street Car Co. the right to use Wayne, Main, Mc- Rean. Washington, Franklin and Pearl ■ta was also passed. Attorney Wise appeared for G.E Thomas to state that a sewer pipe under the Race St bridge .extended a foot and a half above the §jfc : bed of Bnllivan run, helping to dam the Stream. The matter was referred to the Sewer Committee. Barney Mc- Keown appeared for residents of Lin coln St. on the Island and asked for a grade for a sewer. | 1 don't see how they can sell clothing M cheap as Ritter A Rockenstein are £ selling it if yon couldn't come before come now I; to Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. WANTED—A girl for general house work. Address or inquire of Mrs. P. W. Ruff, 482 Broad St, Bntler, Pa. « And jast think, it is up to date cloth ? tog Ritter & Rockenstein's are selling BO cheap. Ki':,:. —The Saxonburg hotels are crowded with guests. The new mineral »pring is booming the town. —The W.O.Ws. headed by the Ger mania Band made a good appearance in their parade yesterday evening" —ln tha county frequent road cross ings and forks are to be seen where the supervisors have failed to comply with the law which leqnires the erection of guide-boards. —An unknown man succeeded in getting a pension check for $3« cashed by an Oil City jeweler the other day. he tendering the voucher in payment for a sf> clock and receiving S3O in cash. It was later found that John W. Smith, the rightful owner, had lost the check, and the stranger finding it had forged the endorsement. The los> falls on the jeweler and emphasizes the fact that it isn't safe to cash checks for a stranger. —At a recent meeting of Confederate veterans in Richmond, a story was told which, if true, shows that once at least Grant lost his characteristic impertur ability. While he was in Virginia dnr ing the Civil War an old lady sent her grandson to ask where he was going. The general answered gruffly: Tell your grandmother that I am going to Richmond or Petersburg or heaven or hell." The boy came back in half an and said to tbe Federal Commander: "My grandmother says you cant go to Richmond because General Lee is there; and you can't go to Petersburg because General Beauregard is there; and yon can't go to heaven because General Jackson is there." Tbe Lutlierau Reunion. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather a large crowd attended the eighth annual reunion of the Lutherans of Western Pennsylvania at Alameda Park, Tuesday, and all enjoyed them selves to the limit. The rain and threatening appearance of the morning prevented many from coming in on the excursions, but still about two thous and were present. At 2 o'clock the address of welcome was delivered by Rev. J. (.'. Nicholas when the andieree nine "All Hail the Power of J--sns Name;" which was fol lowed by addresses by Dr. H. E. Jacobs. Dean of Mt. Airy Seminary, Philadel- | Shia, and Dr. J. M. Rnmensnvder of lilton. Pa., who undoubtedly gave j two of the b«t and most interesting ad dresses < f the kind ever delivered in this section, and they were listened to very attentively and liberally applauded, and we predict that if they are ever here again they will be given a rousing re ception. The old officers were re elected aud Alameda was selected as holding the next reunion, the time to be announced later. A large train load of Butlerites took in the Lutheran picnic at New Castle, yesterday. West Bntler. A hundred men are at work on the Marshall farm over tbe hill west of Bntler, grading for building lots! and for the new street-car line. Industrial Notes. The known members of the Bntler Machine & Foundry Co.. which has purchased the stone house property, north of town from C. Duffy, are J. C. Reed, H. I. Fisher and H. Hunter of Pittsburg, and P. F. McCool and F. X Kohler of Bntler. The company is capitalized at half a million, will erect some large iron and glass buildings, and manufacture the McCool boltless rail joint, and other articles. A Pittsburg Coal Co. is said to have purchased the Turner coal mine at Ferris, and proposes increasing its capacity to five hundred tons per day Karo Corn Syrup. Karo Corn Syrtip is not a molasses, but a pnre, wholesome, nutritious syrup, absolutely free from adultera tion. Its reasonable price appeals to tbe prudent housewife. Sold only in airtight, friction-top tin", which pre serve its purity, insure its cleanliness and guarantee its goodness. At all grocers, 10c, 25c and 50c. One Application Given Relief. One application of Humphreys' Witch Hazel Oil gives relief and its continued use cures Piles or Hemorrhoids.internal or external, blind or bleeding. A sample sufficient for a test will be mailed free on request. . 25c bottles at all drag stores. HLMPHKEYS' MEDICINE CO., William & John Sts., New York. The Dollar Sayings Fund & Trust Co., Allegheny, Pa , issues Coupon Certificates of Deposit in denominations of $500.00 and $1,000.00. bearing 4 per cent, interest. A sample Certificate will be mailed with full ex planation upon request. Four per cent.. interest is paid onSavingsAccounts com pounded every six months, a Book be mar mailed on receipt of deposits of one dollar and upward. On Checking Ac counts of SIOO 00 and over, 2 per cent, interest is paid. The Company acts as Executors. Guardians and Administra tors, in all trust capacities. Absolute security guaranteed by Capital and Surplus of over $2,000,000.00. DOLLAR SAVINGS FUND & TRUST CO., 527 Federal St.. Allegheny, Pa. COLT FOR SALE A 3-year-old filly is offered for sale cheap. Inquire at CITIZEN office. Come now to Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. Say' Hamfats Is In De Bunch In De Pitsburg Snnday Dispatch. Yores Trnlie. Pickle Neary. Now—Now —Now is the time to at ter>d Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. ' Better Than the Treasury. It is certainly more profitable to draw 4 per cent interest on savings, com pounded every 6inonthu,fromßeal Estate Trust Company, HI 1 Fourth Ave., Pitts burg, Pa., than only half that interest on Government Bonds. Both invest mets are gilt-edged, and equally stable. Capital and Snrplns over $11,700,000 Write for Booklet "How to Bank by Mail." The Butler DiiHineMs College. The Butler Business College has just closed the most successful term of school thai it has ever experienced. Tbe enrollment was 190 students. 22 typewriters now in use, and several more new ones will be added for the | term which opens Tuesday, Sept. 1, 1903 We are having three times as many calls for young men who understand BOTH shorthand and liookkeepinir, as we can supply. Send for a copy of our FINELY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE for 1903-04. BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Butler, Pa Meet Me At lileher's. Want a piano* Want anything urns icalY Reinemlier Arthur Love, with the Old and Responsible Music House of H. Kleber & Bro., 221—223, Fifth Ave . Pittsburg, Pa, Manufacturers of the "Kleber" and "W. Crawford An derson" Pianos, and sole agents for ..Knabe", "Crown" and other leading Pianos. Apollo Piano Players, Talking Machines. Etc. For special low prices and extraordin ary values, write me, or better still, meet ine at Kleber's Pittsbnrg. ARTHUR LOVE. You are <ihead if you buy clothing at Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. Music scholars wanted at 128 W. Wayne St. Come now and get into the bargain picking at Ritter & Rockenstein's. Eggies yuittin' For Home Agin In De Pittsburg Sundav Dispatch. Yores Trulie. Pickle Neary. ItlifONA! Jeff. Alt man of Buffalo twp. visited friends in Untler. Saturday. Samuel Kelly of New Castle visited friends in Butler, last week. W. S. Keister of Slippery ruck did some shopping in Butler. Friday. Misses Blanche and Etta H<»>n an i MM. Dr. Wasson are at Conneaut. Edward Meeder of < 'ranberry did some shopping in Butler. Saturday. Ales McCollongh. one of the oldest residents Franklin twp. is seriously ill Wm. and Miss Miuta Kesselman are visiting relatives in Parkersburg. W Va. Booker Washington was mobbed in Boston, last week, oy members of his own race. J. J. Sutton Esq. of Peachville at tended the Lutheran picnic in Untler Tuesday. W. R. Newton moved int<' his new honse, on the hill south of town, la-t Saturday. Miss Garroway of Wilkinsburg is Visiting her sister. Mrs. E. L Edward of Brady St. Paul Cole and wife of Allegheny are the guests of the Misses McCandless ot Butler twp. Misses Carrie and Stella McFann ot Middlesex twp. visi.ed friends in But ' ler, yesterday. John Kaylor of Kaylor visited hi- j son-in-law in Butler twp. this week j and other friends. Charles M. Schwab is no lunger Presi j dent of tbe billion dollar steel company ; His head needs a rest. Cliff Wick, Fred Roe-sing, Wal'er Campbell and others are spending the week at Conneaut Lake. James McGregor, state inspector of milk, dropped into Butler, Tuesday and secured some samples of milk. Mrs. Zender. C. A Mentle, and Wm GeDder and families of Allegheny, visited L. F. Reiberof Mercer St. last week. Dr. Biicker was down stairs la*t Mon day for the first time in ten weeks, and next day, with his family, went to Chautauqua. "Cariie" Nation was arrested in Scranton for selling her hatchets with out license, and has sued the city for $75,000 damages Miss Rebecca Clowes of Springdale, Pa. and Miss Adda Osborne of Colnmbu- Ohio are visiting Miss Eleanor White of Highland avenue. Joseph Rodgprs came home from Du Bois Saturday to find out how badly hie sister Miss Leah, WES hurt in last Wednesday's wreck. Mrs. Frank D. Pierce spent a few days this week at the home of htr parents, W. W. Brandon and wife, in Connoqnenessing township. Mrs. Florence Cdall, nee Heckert. of Brooklyn N. Y., arrived in Butler. yesterday, to visit her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brandon. Mrs. Alice Etnmert aud daughters Camille and Irene of Braddock are the guests of Mrs. Henry DeWolfe, Miss Cuppe and other Butler friends. Miss C. M. Christy, daughter of Jas. Christy of Oakland twp aud George Rigerof Butler were married yesterday. The groom is a son of Jacob Riger. Frank MeMichael, editor of the "Searchlight" at Da Bois visited friends in Butler, Friday, and then went on to see his mother and sisters in Chicora. Frank Allison and family Knoxville Pittsburg, and Albert Hazlett and family of Jeanette spent Sunday with Wm. Hazlett and wile of W. Penn St Col. Lowe of the P. O. Dep't. visited Butler, last Saturday, aud looked over the lots offered the government for a P O, building site, costing $20,000 or less. Thos. A. Edison was nearly blinded lately while experimenting with X-rays, and tbe rays so paralyzed the arm of his assistant, that it had to lie amputated. M. A Lowman of Meadville visited his mother and sister in Butler, last week. Mrs. Lowinan's sister. Mrs. Yeaman of Detroit is her guest' this week. Wm. Cochrane and brother and Mr. Ferguson of Venango twp. came to Butler, last Friday, and while here dis posed of about 500 acres of coal at s2* per acre. T. L. Donaldson is the "boss i»ainter" at the new brewery and he was not hurt by the explosion there. After tbe accident he arranged the light and finished tbe tanks. Rev. J. C. Nicholas, of the Grace Lutheran church is taking his vacation and is visiting his parents in the East era part of the State. There will l>e no services in this church for three weeks. Mr Lang began roasting that ox yesterday afternoon and kept it up al! night. The meat is now roasted, long, tender, sweet and juicy and yon want to go out thjs evening and get a piece of it. Arthur Love and family, assisted by Miss Belle Davis—sweet singer of Pitts burg —will give a concert at Culmer ville Aug. 7, Oak Grove U. P. church Aug. 8. and Clinton U. P. church Ang. 10. Hon. Win. G. Thompson ,of Marion. lowa, who is serving his second term as President Judge of that district, is visit ing his brother Col J. M. Thompson, who has been in poor health for some time. Charley Kerr and Newton Turk did not have guns in their pockets, last Friday evening, on their way home from Bntler. and when three men told them to hold up their hands, they did so and were robbed of all their money. Benj. McNair of Pittsbnrg, visited his brother, Thomas, over Snnday. Mr. McNair is now in his 78th year and is strong and healthy. He passed his early years in a house near Walter's but can scarcely recognize the locality now. AdaunCnrrie of Concord twp. was in town Saturday doing a little shopping Mr. Currie has not been able to do much work fot. the past three months, as a felon which developed on the second finger of his right hand so diseased the bone that the finger had to be amputated, and his hand has not yet healed. Jno. H. Tebay, Esq. Justice of the Peace, came to Butler, la-t Thursday and secured a copy of the new laws; and as Mr. Tebay was the handsomest man elected a Justice, last Spring, the boys about the Prothouotary s Office voted him the special, uiorocco bonnd edition, of which but one copy is allowed each county in the Statu. PARK THKATRE. OPENING ATTRACTION. "Across the Pacific," Harrv Clay Blaney's ever popular melo dramatic venture which will beythe attraction at the Park Theatre on Thursday Aug. 13 is a genuine thiiller. A most realistic battle scen« is given, in which a real Gatling gun is used. The popular little comedian Harry Clay Blaney, has bunch of new songs and dances that are always a pleasing feature. New lee Wagon. The new ice wagon of May & Kenne dy is now iu service, and ice will be de livered to all parts of the city by this firm. If you want ice today, call np Bell phone N7 or Peoples 12m' Regular deliveries. Send in your orders. MAY & KENNEDY. FOR SALE! Seven roomed No. 1 house, lot 50x150, Institute Hill, $2250. Six roomed house, lot 40x100, Summer ave., $2050. No. 1 7-roomed brick, centrally locat ed, lot 55xt80, two streets, SI9OO. Seven roomed house. Whippo ave, sllsO, Many others. House for rent. E. 11. NEGLEY, Diamond. [ Just now you can buy up to date j clothing at way down prices at 1 RITTER &. ROCKENSTEIN'S. 1-lXi VI. NI W NEW SRITS. Henry H. Lonsdale vs N. B. Duncan, i bill in equity. L 'iisdale states that he ' own- 72 acres in Marshall twp., Alle ! ghenv conntv. That in 1*96 lie leased iitro J. F Wiles who sold to Barns ! dale. Walker & Co. who after drilling one well sold to Duncan, who, though often requested to IJV Lonsdale, refused to drill other wells, though there are many close by on surrounding farms. Linsdale therefore sues to have the 1.-ase declared forfeited except five acres around the well. Jacob Miller vs Wm Johnston and Ellen and Samuel Davidson, replevin on 32 tons of hay at Cidlerv- The Dav idson farm was sold at Sheriff sale to •John who in turn ?oM it to Mil ler who never got possession. David son's continuing on it. Last week Mil ler entered the suit in replevin for the h»y crop taken off the lain! aud t< • k out a writ of ouster on the Davidsons. Deputy Rainey Hoon, who attempted to execute the writ, was met at the d<>or by the Davidson family armed with shotguns. After a day 's partial state of siege the Davidsons surrendered Mary A. Ktisus-* vs Herbert Parkii.s, summons in replevin for .*: mrat wagi>n. The plaintiff occupies a shop belonging to the defendant on the South Side and the A agon was seized for rent. D. L. Bowser vs H. A Risher. tres pass for SIOOO damages The plff. owns welis on the Christina Monran farm in Parker twp. The deft. bonght the timber on the farm and to facilitate its removal started a tire which destroyed a tig, boiler house, tank and 41 barrels of oil belonging to Bowser. Mrs Minnie Schiller v» Alonzo Bchuler, jietition for divorce fur deser tion. Charles StoKey vs Frai.z Liiek. re plevin tor a bar, ma ride topped table, gats fixturts and chandaliers MOT.S Viewers in the case of Western Alle gheny vs A. W. Starr awarded s2ooo damages Two jrouths named McCavey and Schushenic were anested last week on complaint of Mrs. Bart ley who charges that they gave liquor to her 15 year-old rinighfer. During July there were 62 mortgage* filed for a total of $8.614.518. and 15 sat isfied representing $28,150. Of those tiled one was given by the Standard --Vel Car Co. for $2,000,000 and auother for a Pittsburg gas and fuel company for $6,500,000. .lohn Bergdari has been committed to jail by Jdfctice Keck for contempt of court and assanlr and battery A charge of selling liquor without license has been entered against Tiloen Mcßay. Joseph Weist has revived a judgment of S4OOO against Mary Wuller. As a result of a tight on E. Jefferson stieet. Monday, between young m**o named Patterson and Weber, the former has been held for court for aggravated assault and battery. Patterson and two companions named McCandless and Mc- Collough were each fined $lO and costs by Burgess Kennedy for disorderly con duct. Weber, who is from Dayton, 0., had his nose broken and it was feared for a time that be would bleed to death, l'a terson is from Mars. A charge of larceny has been entered against Stephana Graziono. A charge of surety of the peace h«s been entered against Milton Gold. The filing of the report of Isaac Lock ard, guardian of Isaliell Draper, in the Coshocton. 0., courts, brought to light a strange romance. The ward, Mrs. Draper, is *4 years old and an imbecile in the eyes of the law. A few days ago this damsel of fourscore years eloped with a n-ighbor, Abram Diettinger, aged 76. They were married and have let urned ai d claimed possession of her estate, valued at SIO,OOO. The matter will be aired in the courts. The decision recently rendered by Judge Miller, of Mercer, to the effect that options on land are illegal where the purchaser is aware of facts which laigely increase its value and which are unknown to the owner, will "be of inter est to many, as long as it stands unre versed by a higher court. This decision would nulliiy the practice which is so common in the oil business, of making mysteries of oil wells or plugging them for the purpose of optioning lands in the vicinity.—Ex. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. A M Christley to Hattie W Brown lot on W Penn St for §2750. John C Dight to ChasE Pool 105 acres in Connoquenessing for SBOOO. W E Cochran to John W Bailey lot on W Penn St for SIOOO. Marßt Cochran to Smith McCrieght 27 acres coal in Venango for s.»:{. Robt Cochran to same 75 acres coal in Venango tor SIOSO. Xancv F Ferguson to same 28 acres coal for SOIO. Wm P Cochran to same 100 acres coal in Venango for $2200. Miriam Cochran to same 100 acres coal for $2370. Elizabeth Michael to M L Painter 138 acres in Donegal for s3*oo. Mary A Voir an to J F McCoy lot on West St for SSOO. Anthony Thoniii to Painter & Murrin lot on Lookout ave for S4OOO Jos Smith to J & A Kemper lot on E Cunningham St for $4100.70 Anna Smith to same. int. in same for $838.33. S. M Swartzlander to J. E. Welsh, lot on Centre Ave. for SI3OO. A. J. Bickert to Edward Sticket, 88 acres Winfield for S3OOO. Daniel Barnhart to Sarah C. Taylor, 14 acres in Oakland for sl. Martha and J. T. McCaudles to F. X Kohler 21 acres in Clay for $2500. Mrs. G. Dal Harvey to Hattie E. Al tenberg lot on N. Main St for $7750. James J and Thomas Gallagher to J H Myers 80 acres in Muddycreek for SIOOO. John H Vensel to Mary Jane Bissel quit claim to 93 acres in Winfield for *3OO Margaret A Renno to Thos and Sarah Jeffrey lot on New Castle St. for SI2OO. Jane Parkin to A M Cbristley lot on W Cunningham St for $3400. Bernard Wendell to Minnie S Webb house and lot in Lyndora for SB9OO. Lyndora Land & Improvement Co. to H rnaril Wendell same lot for $1250. Margaret Ehtn to John H Nueser lot Oak St. for $650. Jos Breijin to Heorge Wrinn lot in Bredinville for S3OO. H G Coffin to L II Brown 28 acres in Fairview twp. for SISOO. John Smith to Win H Smith 08 acres in Jefferson for $1; also 08 acres to Ed ward and George Meeder for sl. Eliza Boyd to Andrew Scott lot on South Side for $125. ('has Duffy to George Shroup lot at Locust and Franklin Sts for SISOO. Geo Shroup to Eugene Boyle lot at Franklin and Locust Sts for $3500. DEER PARK HOTEL, Deer Park, Md Most delighful summer resort of the Alleghenies. Swept by mountain breezes, 2,800 fe»-t above sea level. Absolutely free from malaria, hay fever and mosqnitos. Reached mitliout change of cars from ' all principal cities via B. <fc O. R. R. j Every modern convenience. Rooms en suite with private baths. Electric i Lights Long Distance Telephone, Ele I vator, Turkish Baths, Swimming Pools, I Golf Links. Tennis Courts, Bowling Al ' leys, Magnificent Drives, Complete Liv ery Service. Annapolis Naval Acade jmy Band. Hotel remodeled with sid j ditional conveniences. All cottages have been taken for-the season. Open from June 22 to Septemder 30. i For rates and information, address IW. E. Burwell, Manager, Deer Park, I < larret County, Md. 1 Ritter A: Rockenstein's sale of np to date clothing gives every one a chance. ! What you must have in the home, food, water and a good Liniment , None surpasses Victor Liniment forany I and all accidental case* I j Hurry' Htirry and get a big bargain : in clothing at Ritter & Rockenstein's We'll Be Dere Onct A Week In De Pittsburg Snnday Dispatch. I Yores Trnlie. Pickle Neary. Marriage liiceiise*. John Charles . Homestead Emuia Degenkilb Hoj*» Church Alex Tarka Butler Mary Todor " John Leise Piano Mamie E. Wolford .. .Cumberland. Mil Merle Hill. ... . ■ ■ .Port-use O. Marie E McConnick. Mars Charles F. Butler Bntler N":tia E. Boot* Erie Oran Entree North Jackson. O Ida Moyer Harmony William Herbert Grice... .Hipperyrock Nannie Lncretia Moore. Brady fwp Charles Rimp Bntler liuse Babbitt George liiger Butler C. M. Christy Oakland twp John O. Day Butler Adeline F. Gills. J A. Shields Piospect Anna McCall At Kittannimr W. F. Thompson •( Tarentnn: and M E Duncan of Saxon burg. At Phil a. (tin. J Reilier and Miss Stella Pape <>f Entier At Vounirstown O. Samuel J. Still wagon and Margaret C. Wils-n «.f Slippery rock CHI'KCII NOTKS. The next Convention of the iUta Dist. ,S. S. Ass'n will be at North l"ni n \ church near Brownsdale, September ild Rev E. S. White of th* M E. church returned last week after a month's vaca tion at Chantan<ina and Detroit Rev. M').-iuim Waters, sou ot the late ' Rev. Asa Waters, preached in the Firs' Eijglish Lutheran chun h, Sunday A series of Gospel Meetings will b~ held at Milliards, beginning AUKiisf 15th and continuing over two Sundays Rev. Dr. J. M Meely o, Waynaburg, Pa., preached iu the U. P church Son day. A congregational meeting was held after the morning services at which it was decided to build a parsonage costing SSOOO ou the church lot im medially east of the church, the town having b<t-n canvassed in vain for a house for the new pastor. Butler Ice Company Orders delivered promptly to all p iris of the town. Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call up Bell Peone No. 4; or People's No .">4. E. E. L.WTZ Manager, People's Pfioue No. "> !;i Insurano and Rea Estate. If you wish to sell or buy property yon will find it to your advantage to see Wm. H. Miller, Insurance snd Real Estate, uext P. 0., Butler, Pa. BUTLER ICE COMPANY Orders delivered promptly to all parts of the town. Leave orders at Park Hotel, or CHII up Bell Phone No. 4; or People's No. 54. E. E. Lantz, Manager. People's Phone No. 538 FOR SALE. Lot ">oxlo4 feet, 5-room house, new; stable 50x20, spring water in house, SI4OO. Lot 40x112 feet. ? room liou«e, sl-00 Two new houses. West D St., f'-tiitOor $1550 for one and #IOSO for other Storeroom and 9 room honse in West End, fVMMi E. H. NV.QLEY, S. W. Diamond. •'Last days of Pompeii" Pain's pyrotechnic display. " last days of Pompeii, wil be presented at Exposi tion Park, Allegheny, for two weeks, beginning Momlav next, July 27, unilef the auspices of the Pittsburg Lodge of Elks BUTLER ICE COMPANY Orders delivered promptly to all parts of the town. Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call up Bell Phone No. 4: or People's No. 54. E. E. Laiitz. Manager, People's Phone No sii.i. Butler Ice Company Orders delivered promptly to all parts of the town. Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call up Bell Phone No 4; or People's No. 54 E. E. LANTZ. Manager, People's Phone No. 533. BUYING WOOL. Months of May, Jnne. July and August, forenoons only, location same as last season, formerly Graham Bro's Grocery, uow Cohen's bargain store. WM. F. RU.MHERGER, The C>r<*at I'. I*. lCciinion at Con neaut Lake, Thursday, Aug i:t Arrangements have been completed for the Sixth Annual l r . P. Reunion, at Conneaut Lake, on Thnisday. At>gl3, 1903. In i>ast years, this Reunion lias been the most largely attended one day outing held anywhere in the country. Last year over seventeen thousand peo ple were there. Present indications point to a larger attendance this year. The very lowest excursion rates have been made for the outing. Special trains will be run via the P. & L. E. R. R" from New Haven, Fayette City and Pittsburg; the Penna. Lines from Washington, Burgettstown, Stuben ville, Pittsburg New Castle and Wil mington Jet.; the B & O. from Alle gheny: L.S. & M. S. from Oil City: the ii. R. & P. from Pnnxsntawney; the Erie from Utica; the P. R. It. from Saltsburg: and via the Bessmer R. R. from Turtle Creek, North Bessemer Butler, Hilliard, Meadville and Erie. Trains will all intermediate stations. The natural attractions at the lake, the exceptional opportunities offered for meeting friend* from a distance, the long lint of amusements provided, thu splendid programme which will lie ren dered at the Auditorium, the boating, bathing, lishing, etc.; these all will do their part to make thu day one of rare enjoyment to the thousands who will at tend the Reunion. Exctiralonn t4» Atlantic City August i:i and 27 and Sep tember 10 are the dates of the P. It. R. annual low rate excursions for to Atlantic city, Cape May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, AuKlesa, Wildwood, Holly Beach N. ,T., Boho both. Del., or Oceau City, Md. Tickets good to return within sixteen days, including date of excursion. A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pitts burg on above-mentioned date at 855 A. M., arriving at Altoona 12.15 P. M , where stop for dinner will be made rea ching Philadelphia <>.25 P. M., in time for supper, and arriying Atlantic City via the Delaware River Bridge Route, the onlv all-rail line at 8.35 P. M. Pass engers may also spend the night in Philadelphia, and proceed to the shore by any regular train from Market Street Wharf or Broad Street Station on on the following day Pa-sengers for points other than At lantic City will spend the night in Phil adelphia, and use regular trains the next day from Market Street Wharf A stop-over of within limit will be allowed at Phila. on returning, if Pass engers will deposit their tickets with Ticket Agent at Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, immed'ately en arrival Tickets must be deposited with on arrival at seashore destination and properly validated for return trip Tickets will tie sofd from stations at the rates named below RATE. BATE. Tl"'k»-is ijood Tickets In Pull. Car Train only in In connection Loaves Coaches. with regular Pull Tickets. A. M. Natrona SIO.OO $12.00 7:13 Butler 10.00 12.00 6:05 Freeport 1000 12.00 7:28 Philadelphia. A r .... ... 6.35 Atlant'c City " .... 8.:i5 Returning coupons will be accepted on any regular train except the Penn sylvania limited and the Chicago Litn ited and the St. Louis Limited. For detailed informaticn in regard to rates and time of trains apply to ticket j agents or Mr. Thomas E. Watt. District I Passenger Agent, Pittsburg. i>t>|Mile Over a Hotly. Immediately aftt-r the death of Daniel H Wuller. Undertaker Roessing went to Cuyahoga Falls, and t*>ok charge of the remains Next day be startled for Batler but was met at Akron. 0.. by Cdns. Wuller. the son of D H , and his attotney F. .T Forqner. who stopped him. and secured an order of the Court there for an autopsy. S F, Bowser and L. McQnistion. attornevs for the Wnl lt-r family went on same day to Akron, and a compromise was effected and the bod) wis brought to Butler, Thursday evening, and taken to Roessings. and afterwards to Dan's home on Franklin street. The disputed antoj>sy, the ob ject of which was to prove that Dan died of pare.-i-<, or softening of the brain v* as not held, and the funeral took place Saturday morning, the interment neiug in North Cemetery. Alarketn. Whea*. whi»le»Hie price. (55-70 Rye. . 55 Oats - 40 t oru Wi Pay. 14 00 Eggs I-S Bntter. .. If Potatoes, 50 Onions, per bn \ . . . 75 Cabbage, per lb ... 2 Chickens, dressed IS Chickens, spring, per pair 75 Celery, doz bunches 30 Honey, per pound. .... 15 Lettuce, lb 5 Radishes, doz bunches 25 Onions " 20 Beets, '• 30 I Cukes, pt r doz 30 Apples, per bu 50-00 Blackberries, per qu 10 STOCK EWES r OR SALE One hundred stock ewes for sale at West SanDury. Retail or wholesale. W. C. GLENN. Money Lying Around. Is a temptation to theft and an mcen tive to needless spending. Real Estate Trust Co., 311 Fourth Ave., Pittsbnrir. Pa., pays 4 per cent, intert-st on Sav ings. compounded every six months. Capital and Surplus of over f3,700,000 Write for Booklet. How to bank by Mail On the program Friday night but can not talk Much less sing and recite. Did you ever try Victor Lung Syrup for a Cough and Hoarseness? Keduccd ltatcs to Kittauniiii;. Ou account of the Armstrong County Fair, to be held at Kittanning. August 18 to 21, the P R R. Co. will sell ex cuision tickets to Kittanning Ang. 18 to 21 and return, until August 22, in clnsive from Butler and intermediate stations, at reduced rates (minimum rate, 25 cents). Excursioiis to Atlantic; City. The B & O. R. R- will run excur sions to Atlantic City on August 6th and 20 and Sept. 3rd. Rate from But ler, 110, in coaches. #l2, in sleeping cars. Secure pamphlets and full in fermation from W. R. Turner, Ticket Ag<*nt Butler, Pa. Dollar Sunday Itate to Allegheny Commencing the first Sunday in May and continuing each Sunday thereafter until Oct. 25th, the B. &O. R. R. will sell special excursion tickets from But ler to Allegheny and return for morning trains on Sunday at rate of |1 for the round trip. Tickets good on Baltimore and Ohio trains only. Return limited to date ot sale Low ltatcs to I'oiiits In tlic South and Southeast. On Hrst and third Tuesdays of April, May. June, July, August, September, October and November, 1903, tne Balti more & Ohio Railroad will sell one way Settlers' tickets at greatly reduced rates to points in the South and South east. For further information call on or address nearest Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, Gen eral Passenger Agent. Chicago. 111. Low Kates to Points In the South and Southeast, West and Northwest. On first and third Tnesdav of April. May, June, .Inly, August. September, October and November, 1903, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad will sell Hoineseekers' Excursion tickets at greatly reduced rates to points in the South and Southeast, West and North west. For further information call on or address nearest Baltimore & Ohio Ticker Agent, or B. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. Dollar Sunday Hate to Alletflieny ( ommencing the first Sunday in May and continuing each Sunday thereafter until October 25th, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will sell special excur sion tickets from Bntler to Allegheny ifnd return for morning trains on Sun day at rate of $ 1.00 for the round trip. Tickets goods on Baltimore and Ohio trains only. Return limited to date of sale. Parlor Cars on the Bessemer. Parlor car service has been inagur ated on the B. & L. E. R. R., between Conneaut Lake and Allegheny, and will lie continned daily during the months of June. July and August. Train 14 leaving Allegheny at 7:15 A M., and No 11 leaving Exposition Park at 1:10 P. M , will have parlor cars at tached daily except Saturday. The Conneant Lake Limited leaving Allegheny at 1:00 P.M., Bntler 2:20, every Saturday beginning June 20th: and the Snnday Special, leaving Exposi tion Park every Sunday beginning June 21st, at 0:'H) P. M.. central time, stop ping only at Greenville, Grove City and Butler running to Allegneny will be made up of first class coaches and parlor car This improved train ser vice reduces the running time between the Smoky City and Pennsylvania's most popular summer resort to three and on»» half hours, and will enable business people from the city and towns along the line, who could not otherwise do so, to spend Sunday at the Lake with their friends. Tuesday Excursions to Niagara Falls and Toronto. Commencing Tuesday, Jnly 7th, and every Tuesday thereafter during July, August and Septeml>er, the B ,R. & P Ry. will sell excursion tickets to above named jmints at exceptionally low rates. These tickets are limited to con tinuous passage in both directions and will lie valid for going pissage only if used to destination on date of sale or the day following, and will lie honored for return passage if nsed within fifteen days from date of sale. Niagara Falls tickets must lie presented to the agent of the N. V. C. & H. ft. R. R. at that point for validation before they will be good for return passage. Toronto tickets must be validated by the agent of the N. Y C. & H. R. It. R. at Niagara Falls, or the agent of the Niagara Navigation Co. al Toronto, or to the purser on steamer. Trains leave Bntler at 10.12 AM. and 10.,'52 P. M. Fare $V.45 to Niagara Falls and $8.90 to Toronto. For tickets and full information con suit the nearest agent of the conipay or A F. Raveret. Excursion Agent Rochester, N. Y. New Parlor Car Line. The Bessemer & Lake Erie road has established anil will maintain parlor car service between Conneaut Lake and Allegheny daily during the summer. Parlor oars will run on train 11 leav ing Expo. Park at 1:10 P M. and No. 14 leaving Allegheny at 7:15 A. M., Mon day to Friday, inclusive: the Conneaut Lake Limited, leaving Allegheny at 1,00 P. M., every Saturday, and the Sunday S,„ cial leaving Ex[>osition Park at 6:00 P. M., central time. These tra lis run between Bntler and Allegheny jn both directnns without stops. M. C. WAGNER MRTIST PHOTOGRAPHER i 139 South Main St (Trusses j f The Right Kind v S To Buy. j r i V You can bnv Trusses for al f J most u 'thing or you can pay a X \ high price for them, but the % 1 pri • a Tiu— <km nit prove C > that it is going to be the one J f you need Every case has to \ V i>e fitted individually. That \ J is where we have had our great f \ success in Trusses. No one f J goes ont of onr store with a \ \ Trass that does sot fit perfect- S fly Therefore a great many f V people are wearing our Trasses / J and sending tlieir friends to us S \ to be fitted. If you are wear- \ V ing a Truss and it does not I I feel right. or stnv in the right 1 X place come in and see ns about V i it. no matter if you did not t C buy it from us. We will tell v / you whether it is the right # / Truss to wear. We will give \ S you the benefit of our twenty Q % five years experience. Private f x apportments for ladies. V C. N. BOYD, j \ Pharmacist, S C Diamond Block. . / / Butler, Pa, ? J People's Phone 88. N \-j Bell Phone 1-16 D. ltetluced Kates To San Francisco and Los Angeles. On account of the National Encauip u ent.G. A. R.. at San Francisco, Gal., Aug. 17 to 2'.', 1903. the P. R. R. Co. will sell excursion tickets to San Fran cisco or Los Angeles from all stations ou its lines, from July 31 to August 13, inclusive, at greatly reduced rates. These tickets will be good for return passage to reach original starting point not later than October 15, inclusive, when executed by Joint Agent at Los Angeles or San Francisco and payment of 50 cents made for this service. For specific information regarding rates and routes, apply to Ticket Agents FOR Drugs %dicl( & Grohman, 109 N. QAain Street, SUTbeH, PA. sest5 e st Service. Prompt and Careful Attention. Four Registered Pharmacists. Prescription Worl< a Specialty HUGH L. CONNELLY, Wholesale Dealer In Fine Whiskies For Medicinal Purposes. Bell Phone 278. People's Phone 578. 316 East Jefferson Street. BUTLER, PA. H. MILLER, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OFFICK— Byers' Building—next to P. O. Bntler Pa. Th 6 SUTfc6R OTIZ6N. 11.00 per year If paid In advance, otherwise tl.fiO will !>t* cnareed. AIIVEIITISINU RATES— One Inch, one tlmf $1; each subsequent Insertion SO cents each Auditors' and divorce notices $4 each; exec utor*' and administrators' notices tu each estray and dissolution notices t! each. Itead- Int' not Ices in cent* a tine for ttrst and 5 cents for each subsequent Insertion. Notices aiiuniKhx'al ne .vs ltems 15 cents a line for eich In sertlon. Obituaries, cards of thanks resolutions of respect, notices of festivals and fairs, etc., Inserted at the rate of 5 cents a line, money to accompany the order, (even words of prose make a line. Kates for standing cards and Job work on application. All advertising Is due after first Insertion, and all transient advertising must be paid for in advance. All communications intended for publica tion In I Ills paper must be accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publica tion bu. a guarantee of good fait h. and should reach us not later than Tuesday evening. Death notice* must be acconfrauled with responsible name 50 YEARS* r.X P E RIE N ™ /i 1 1 j . I DESIGNS R COPYRIGHTS AC. Anvonc sending a nkctch and doacrlptlnvi m»y quickly •soortaln 0111 opinion free whether an Inrmitlon in probably patentable. Communlra tlona strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. < Mdeat airency for Noortog patent*. Patent* taken through Munn A Co. receive tjKcial notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lsrirest cUs dilution of any scientific Journal. Terms. * yenr . four months, |L Bold by all now»dealcra. MUNN & Co, 36 IBrotdwiy, JJgyy Yq j|( Brauch Ottiu fob Y St— Washington. D. OL Lincoln College, Rogers, Ohio. Spring Term opens April 14th. Normal Term, six weeks, be gins June 23rd. Commmercial, Ncrmal.Classic al, Musical and Art De partments Write for particulars Address. LINCOLN COLLEGE, P. 0 Box 143, Rogers. Ohio. i Still Greater Reductions! £ 1 Big Bargain sale all this Month * Wash goods have been selling freely at the reduced S prices, but we now make still lower prices on balance « of stock. Good assortment of choice styles, and in most K J cases they are now half, or less than half former prices. W £ Choice Lawns and Dimities, were 10c &12 1-2 c now 5c ft A Fine Dimities and Batistes. 12 l-2c and 15c goods for 7c 2b 2 20c and 25c fine Wash Fabrics, now 10c and 12 1-2 c 2 2 SHIRT WAISTS AT HALF PRICE. 5 Entire stock of Fine Shirt Waists now offered at S 5 half. These are the well-known "Acorn" Waists, noted J for style and faultless fit. J EMBROIDERIES AND LACES ONE-FOURTH OFF. jB Our stock of Fine Embroideries and Laces is too J} large and must be reduced. Twenty-five per centdis- ■ g count is the inducement we offer. sC 5 Special bargain price on Ribbons, Belts, Fancy & 2 Collars, Silks and Dress Goods. ' $ L. Stein & Son, 1 $ 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. || I c. E. MILLER'S I § Great Remodeling I g SALE. | Snmmer footwear sacrificed to make room for carpenters. All low Pj shoes and slippers to be closed ont away below cost Come early as B crowds of shrewd buyers are daily attending this sale and carrying away H H many of these great bargains. H R] Large Bargain Counters running almost Full Length I Lj of our Large - Store Room I H and tilled to over loading with grand np to date footwear, all separated H h! in different lots,, each lot marked in plain figures so yon can look whole H lot over at yonr leasnre and pick ont what yon want; yon will find bar- H H fains here never before heard of in Men's, Women's, Boys' and Chil- H H dren's footweai. H ■ We are going to take out entire front of our store room I I and replace it with handsome new front. I H The carpenters will be here in a few days and we mnst make room H H for them and we want yon to help ns do it; come and look over our H goods whether yon are needing shoes or not for when yon see the great bargains we are offering yon will take a lot of them with yon H when yon learn there are so many bargains. We will not attempt to H enumerate them but will inrite yon to come and see for yonrtelf. ■ SO PAY US A VISIT ■ C. 6. /Wilier,| I 215 S. Main St, Bntler, Pa. Opposite Hotel Arlington. H jjMrs J. E. ZIMMERMANj Announces a Continuance of their \ J , > SEni-ANNUAL SACRIFICE < » | |Monday, July 13th to Saturday, August Is.t/ | i > Many customers requested us to continue this sale, asi \ < >it would suit them better to make their purchases this* > I »month. We decided to do so, as there are many lines A Ato be reduced before Fall goods come in. We have i ( I »made keener knife thrusts in prices, also in followingi > < > < i Suit and Cloak, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Muslin and* > ( > Ribbed Underwear, Millinery, Hosiery and Gloye < > i * DEPARTMENTS. < > ( l Prices same as last week on mnslins, calicos, ginghams, and in fact all< | I prices advertised in large circular issued last week will be same during ' I 'this sale, except in departments mentioned above, where we have made' < 1 price reductions than those given last week. Wash suits and) > i .white waists still further reduced. i > { > PARASOLS I > k Entire stock of Ladies', Children's and Misses' parasols just one-half former price. (\ BASE MENTNEWS I I 4 , Yon will always find bargains in our basement and less prices | I for (roods displayed there all the year round, but just now the bargains i fare exceptional and extraordinary in oil cloths, linolenms, window* > > Lshades, portiers and lace curtains. Kindly remember that Sacrifice prices are continued all this month, July 13th to August 1. IjMrs. J. E. Zimmerman.: < ► Se':.;! u6. Butler, Pa. j X>oo<>oo<>oooooooooooooo<>oo<K LEVINTOINS' 122 South Main St. Your money's worth or money back? Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing. The finest ready-to-wear attire that is made. We have the facilities to search out the best that the market can afford, and it is now ready in a complete Spring array on our floor. Everything that a dressing man can desire for his attire canjpe found here at a smaller price than he would expect to pay for such smartly tailored garments. Men's Suits and Top Coats #l2, #l4, at $7.50, #9, #l6, $lB, #2O, and iif to $25. We show Men's Spring Overcoats which, like all of our attire, could not fit or wear better if they were custom tailored. LEVINTONS' TrO The CITIZEN FOR JOS WORK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers