Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 30, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. XXXX.
© O
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1 I
! F i
1 "CT |
|O r !
| Our Entire Stock |
{Wall Paper I
8 FROM AUGUST i TO 8. \\
_ _ - _ ■ _ , ■ _ s
W has »et apart the last days of July to mako a grand wind up of it-< July «
u Clearance Sale. Qk
X From Tuesday, July 28, to Saturday, August I. Inclusive,
IR we offer the accumulation of a month's bnsy selling and will givo such K
U Tllom that no one can afford to stay away. Uh
5 All Remnants at one-third off Regular Low Remnant Prices
tR REMNANTS OF Dress Fabrics, Silks, White Goods,«
a Colored Wash Stuffs, Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins,
S Ribbons, Embroideries, Lace, Etc.
5 Remnant Price on a Host of other Goods. S
W One lot Ladies' Shirt Waists, 2-ic. One-thiid off on all White
One-third off on all Drees Skirts. Dark Percale and Lawn Dressing U
IE Saoqnea reduced to 33c. 50c Wash Petticoats reduced to 33c. All W
U Parasolf at one-half Price. Millinery at a fraction of former coat.
fR ODD LOTS SACRIFICED - All over the stoie there are odd lots left JR
SA from our big July Clearance Sale and iniiKt go IKJW. and MO we have M
pat remnant prices on them. REMEMBER THE OAVS AMD DON'T MISS ANV,
2 Co., S
s \ ££l Send in Your Mail Orders, g
Little Furniture Store 1
On the Corner!
All Porch Goods Refrigerators
At coat or less than cost. At less than actual cost.
Any Rocking Chair Some Bargains \
In this store at handsome dis- In Bed Room Suits to make room
ooont from regnlar cash price. for new goods that will arrive soon
Many Bargains alt Along the Line
Closing out all Go Carts at less than regular cash prices
If you don't get a Bargain
It's no Fault of Ours.
No. 186 N. Main St. (Bell Phone 105) BUTLEIt, PA.
25 Per Cent off on
Entire Stock of
Patterson Bros'
280 N. Main St. Both Phones. Wick Bnildint;.
K E 0 K
Jw* & Spring & Summer Weights
J'""A I j\ f\ Ei Have a nattiness about them that
Hi r) fw L ISK /J UV mark the weaier, it wou't do to
' !'/ CT l\ Lfy ( H wear the last year's output. You
| ■/ jh rK~v/ \> . Ij won't (jet tlin latest things at the
4 f/KX 11~7 vS utock clothiers either. The up-to
! "fj AW Jll /-< date tailor ouly lan supply them, t t
i \ll \% JJJJ/I l) if you want not only the latest (J
| llf (J / I tilings in cut and fit and work
-1 1/ f 111 I iiunship, the finest in durability,
, II I II ill vhere else (-an you get combiua-
Wjm *ll 111 UL tlons, you get them at
Q. f. KECK, Merchant Taller,
34 North Main Straat All Work Guaranteed Butler Pa
I Reed's Wine of
Cod feivcr Oil
will build you up and make
you strong, will give you
an appetite and new life.
If you feel tired and
worn out try our Wine of
Cod Liver Oil and find
It is stronger and better
than pure Cod Liver Oil.
Pleasant to take and is
inoffensive to delicate
Indorsed and recom
mended by physicians
every where. The best
Spring tonic to give you
Health and strength.
For sale only at
Reed's Pharmacy
" Transfer Corner
Main and Jefferson Sts.. Butler, Pa
Office on second floor of Armory
Building. Butler, Pa.
Office at N> H. U'est Dtntnond St. Bu'
!er. Pa.
Room n.. Armory l,niWlin k .
Office with R. C. McAboy, J. P.,
south side Diamond.
Special attention given to collection'
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Bank, fir
Butler County National Rank
Office in Reiber building, cornel Main
and E. Cunningham i>ts. Entrance on
Main street.
on Main St. near Court House.
No. 25-' South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Fisher Building. First door on South
Main street, next my former office in
Boyd Building.
Office in Wise building
Office In the Negley Building, West
Hemorrhoids and Chronic Diseases a
nr H. BROWN, M. D..
TI • Office in Riddle building, Diamond,
next door to Dr. Bell's old office.
Office Hours: —9 to 11 a. in., 1 to 3 and
6 to 8 p. m.
(y EO. K. McADOO, M. D.
Hours— 5-12, 1-5. Both Phones.
Troutman building, S. Main St.
After Aptil Ist, office in former Dr.
Peters'residence, No. 121 E Cunning
ham St., Butler, Pa., next door to Times
printiiffe office.
Women's diseases a specialty. Con
sultatiau and examination free.
Office Hours, 9to 12 m., 2 to 3 p. m.
People's Phone 573.
1/6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.
At '127 N. Main St.
106 West Diamond,
Dr. Graham's former office.
Special attention given to Eye, Nose
and Throat. People's Phone 564
200 West Cunningham St.
Rooms 9 and 10 Stein Building, Butler.
Consultation and examination free,
daily; and evenings by appointment.
Office in New Martincourt Building,
S. Main St., (adjoining Dr.
Atwell's office.)
Has located in the new Stein building,
with all the latest devices for Dental
Successor to Dr. Johnston,
I Office at No 114 E. Jeflerson St., over
G. W. Miller's grocery
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec
ialty. Office next to postoffice.
Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store,
215 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.
Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made of gold fiilingu, gold
crown and bridge work.
Residence 214 W. IVarl St., Butler, Pa.
Office near Court House
Inquire at Slieriff'soffice or 426 Mifflin
St. Butler Pa.
Many u person's whole pleasure m i .:e
i- ruined by the fear of nervous head-
Hch-js. Any little > .vireiiiTir, no matter
what, business or'social,brings th.-m on.
The feet and bands grow coid. th u id
i- hot. the stiff, the temples throb
and only in 'he quiet of » darkened
room is relief obtained Th:- 1 eondit'o i
innst be checked or it meatus compi- t--
mental min. To thus- people Dr A. W.
< a-»;'s Nerve Pills collie as a I>!< —i 11
They do r.ot stop, ihey cure it;.- 'iea !-
a.-lies. They do not b'anket. they b r.ld
np. They put the nervous system in a
strong, vigorous, sturdy coiiditii ri i
condition that gives one resistive ,o.»er
and enables them to tnjjy l:res
Mrs. A B Mcflce of 121 Elm it, Bu !.r
fa .says: "Dr A. W. • hose's Neive Pi is
are » grand medicine I suffered uei.-t
all the time from a hard nervous s;ck
h»-*d-iehe and felt generally mis a !e
as a consequence I w.-.s told >f trie
N: rve Pill-- and POT a IM.S at D H \Y-il
k-r'fl Drag Store, 113 Sooth Main >t.
a d they have cand U;<- I l.ase no
ui'>re headaches and feoi"th<;i'>vioe ;i , .
.%<• a Ik>X at dealers <•« Dr A W
Ch-ee Mf-dicine Co , Buffalo. N V See
that ).'.rlrait and sign; ire of .. W.
I tia-e M. D., :n«- on every package.
Your Live.
is it acting weli ? Bo\
regular? Digestion good? if
not, remember Aver's P "
!Want your moustache cr YcarJ a j
beautiful hrown or rich black ? J
Buckingham's Dpi
ct R P &C° f.ash'js N |
cleanses, soothes and heals a
tho diseased membrane. £»•*'**» B
II cuu-3 catarrh and drives M -.> i
a • ny a cold in the head
Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils,spreads
over the membrane and is al>sorbed. Relief is im
mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—does
nut produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cent* at Drug
gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents.
ELY BROTHERS. 50 Warren StreeU New York
a i>l
i< El
Beat, Iron and Wine M
k . n
A 1 13 tje Ifl
<7 A litst Tonic gfc j
Blood Purifier. &
jkl Price, 50c pint £ A
C • Prepared anil W2
® 2 sold only at]
M Crystal f<
H Pharmacy, t
[ <A 0
kfl Manager, fir i
pi 10f5 N. Main St., It u tier, l'a
i 9 Both 'Phone* tjjf {
& A Everything in the Ll
drug line.
8" A Yl(\ *» M
Ki'lli'vi'B I'iilii Oufrlilv.
Ss A lir vnr foiling remedy for Kwry Arlio
H anil t'lilii. Jliehly recummciiiltMl (or
M Cholera Morl>un mul I'uiii;-, In tbo
tf Htomach.
B Ah » l»r. IlitrrU'
>' ( ur«(fiwl» ul|
■ Prepared |>jr m A. HIIM VKK K <O.
M I'lltnburK, I'tt.
jC. F. T. PapeJ
) <• v\ v\ va v\ v\ v* v\ v* .'A )
I ViV .
S 121 E. Jefferson Street /
i | F.ICFAH, by reason of the formation of
Ibe But lei Hu Ini • a Ti util < on p- ny
HturcHsor Uj the Hntler Savings Hank, the
latter l>y a vole of Its Stoekholders ami tin*
Hoard of went into liquidation
.Vantiary lat. notl.-o »s heivhy uiven that
Said Itutlir Savoys Itunk is vtlmiinu up lis,
the rreditois thereof an> notified to
pn went t h«dr cluims. if any. for payment at
11n llutler Having# A Trust (.'iimpany. doing
bu.slrir->s at the old si and
WM A. CMri«KLL. Ik.,
(NJI-.'lm President.
i . j ; 3 -j . _ Tccctacata
c e
: ijhe i'NLUCKY •
• •
u liy Elliot Walter.... °
~ a
t» x ©
9 »t/M. J ''l/ T- C. Mcilu > •
• •
N a tun had developed Mary Ann on
large physical lines, noteworthily in re
gard to her pedal extremities and
hands. Perhaps her mouth also might
be included in the general extension,
but its broadening effect was some
what mitigated by two enormous dim
ples which were constantly in evi
dence. Her hair—well, some people are
sensitive resjiecting too muc'i descrip
tion. We will call it bright in color,
with a tendency to curl.
All in all, which was considerable,
Mary Ann was good to look upon, even
as the gorgeous pumpkin in the glad
harvest days.
So thought Jefferson Gill, who was
as conspicuous for elongation as Mary
Ann was for rotundity. He drove a
baker's cart along the outlying high
ways, invariably halting at the gate
before the cleanly farmhouse of Mary
Ann's father, with the loud cries of his
Not that he effected sales of any ac
count, but a glass of cool milk was
much to liis taste and—other considera
Mary Ann was possessed of what is
known as a "falling foot." To be more
explicit, she stumbled easily and ap
parently with little provocation. This
was a source of much mortification
ami some damage, the latter, however,
being mainly confined to articles she
fell with or people she fell oil. Her
early experiences had guided her to
the art of letting herself go the mo
ment her equilibrium became dis
placed. and now she could Hop down
almost gracefully and hardly break an
egg in the basket. But it was a morti
fication to the flesh, and. considering
her size. It must have been a great
She favored Jefferson. It was a full
year since that fall in the road behind
the baker's cart, when, with a cream
cake In each hand, the stepping upon
a round stone and the attraction of
oorsa DOWN THE iiir.r,, MAKV ANW TBOD
gravitation had launched her suddenly
upon the angular form of Mr. Gill as
he stooped over to pick up the nickel
she had dropped.
A natural anxiety for the cream
cakes caused a rather heavier settle
ment than usual, and Mr. Gill suffered
accordingly. But as he was very polite
he accepted apologies protestingly and
after being brushed off with a broom
took two more cream cakes from his
stock, sat upon the piazza with Mary
Ann and ate them sociably, though
gaspingly, for his respiration was bad
ly affected for several minutes.
This was a long past incident now
and acquaintance had ripened to affec
tion. Jefferson's life was lonely, he
hud a snug sum in the bank and lately
his mind dwelt largely upon Mary
"Gojng to be n circus," he announced
one warm afternoon, "Saturday. Want
to go V"
The hand holding out the glass of
milk she had brought him unclasped In
excitement. "Do I?" cried the object
of his attentions. "Oh, murder! What
diil I drop that for? Let me get the
As she hurried in from the porch
Jefferson gazed mournfully at his shoe
and the white stream trickling over
the iloor. "I'm half afraid to take
Ucr," he muttered. "She's sure to have
something happen. Never did 1 see her
like for dropping things and falling
down. It's her way, though," he ndded
gallantly, "and she'll get over It
Crowed too fast; that's all."
The appearance of Mary Ann with
mop, towel, a fresh offering from the
dairy and a joyful smile dispelled his
annoyance. She gave a couple of vig
orous wipes with the mop, then fell
upon her knees and scrubbed the
anointed shoe with great energy.
"It's too bad! I'm awful sorry, Jeff.
Leaked in on your stocking, didn't it?
Of course I'll go to the show. Ain't I
the clumsiest thing? I'a says I'll be
the death of somebody yet! I'll wear
my new hat."
"Come, come," cried Jefferson, break
ing in on her disjointed exclamations,
"don't bother with that old shoe. Sit
up here by me, and I'll tell you." His
nand rested lightly on the curly head.
'Don't," he said gently. "I hate to see
rou doing that."
The girl looked up quickly, then
down, and rubbed ba iler 1 1:n before.
That rapid glance in the blue eyes
made Mr. (Jill's heart liutter wildly.
He saw a blush stealing down the bent
white neck. 11 is hand stole to her
white wrist and clasped It llrmly.
"No, Mary Ann," he wlilspcr.yl, "I
can't bear for you to be cleamif my
"I don't mind," whispered th» girl.
Jlut she rose obediently and suddenly
turned from him. "They call me
'Mary Ann the Unlucky,'" lie heard
her murmur. "Mebbo"— She pulled
lier hand away, brushed by him into
the house, and lie saw her eyes were
full of tears.
Jefferson rose agitatedly. This was
very unlike Mary Ann. "Be ready at
2 o'clock Saturday," he called after
"All right, Jeff," came back a smoth
ered reply, and Mr. 'Jill departed in
some bewilderment.
"I must have grabbed her too hard,"
he mused anxiously. "l ord )tno\v» J
Vlldn't mean t» hint her. I'shaw! t
was just going to say something."
Jefferson felt pride in Mary Ann. He
had steered her (or she liimi success
fully through the crowd. She had en-
Joyed herself hugely ami been sparing
in her demands for peanuts and red
lemonade and had not broken down
the seat as upon a former occasion.
Now the circus was over, an<l her
warm arm hoisted him on toward the
entrance of the grounds as they
chuckled and laughed outright In
pleased recollection of amusing scenes.
Coing down the little bill, well away
from the press of pushing strangers.
Mary Ann trod upon a banana peel.
It was enough. With the derision of
distant onlookers ringing in his ears
.Jefferson, his face red and angry,
pulled her tip. "I knew you'd do some
thing." he groaned.
His companion, after the common
Impulse, glared savagely at the spot of
humiliation, then quickly stooped and
thrust "her hand in the short grass.
"Lost anything?" Inquired Mr. Gill.
"No. Found something. Don't let
anybody see you looking."
She caiUiously unfolded her palm.
There lay a twenty dollar gold piece.
"Come right along," said Jefferson
Half an hour later 011 the lonely
country road they paused under a
great eln> and examined the coin.
"It's all right," proclaimed Mr. Gill.
"Pretty dirty, hut the real thing. Your
luck has turned, Mary Ann. Will you
spend it for what I want you to get?"
His light tone trembled, and his face
was white.
"Tell ill", Jeff." As on the porch three
d:iys before her eyes searched his and
"A—a—wedding gown."
"Yes. Jeff, and—and—l'll try not to
fall down in it."
A Truiii«»«l Monkey.
A woman (tils of a u ion key which
she saw while in Paris which was
so well trained in good manners that
it was almost impossible to believe that
he did not understand what was said to
him. The Japan Weekly Mail de
scribes the animal's accomplishments:
Wlien the woman met the monkey
suddenly on the stairs one day, the
creature stood in the corner to allow
her to pass, and when she said, "Good
morning!" he took off his cap and
"Are you going away?" she asked.
"Where is your passport?" Pulling off
his cap, he took from the crown a
paper, opened it and showed it to her.
When some one observed that her
dress was dusty, the courteous monkey
took a brush from the table and care
fully brushed her dress and then her
When any one gave him food he al
ways made a low bow before taking it
and then ate it slowly and daintily. He
had been taught to eat eggs with a
spoon and to use a knife and fork. He
could lock and unlock a drawer, thread
a needle, uncork a bottle and polish his
master's shoes. lie seemed to take
great pleasure in gay company and
paid close attention to the conversa
tion, looking turn at each speaker
as if lie understood what was said.
This remarkable monkey was never
placed 011 exhibition. He died at an
early age of pneumonia.
Curea For IlUeuniutiani.
In Michigan n double cedar knot is
carried in the pocket to cure rheu
matism, and in New Hampshire a man
carried a gall from the stems of gold
ell rod for the same disease. A small
white grub is in the gall and he
thought as long as the grub remained
alive no rheumatism could get hold of
him. Hickory nuts, the buckeye and
Its cousin, the horse chestnut, which
brings good luck in New Jersey, are
other foes to rheumatism in different
Some people wear a strange ring
made of a potato with a hole bored
through it for rheumatism and others
carry a plain potato in the pocket. The
charm is more potent if the potato has
been stolen. Almost anything seems
to have rheumatism lighting properties,
for iu southern Michigan a pebble in
the pocket serves to ward it off.
Carlyle'a Kflurf.
Carlyle tried to make the purse
proud English ashamed of their gen
tility, respectability and rubbish. He
taught that work was noble, idleness
shameful; that ladies and gentlemen
who live to please themselves live the
life of a beast—of the poodle on their
hearth rug; that duty, not pleasure, was
"our being's end and aim;" that real
ities were better than shams. But
to make the "upper middle classes"
swallow al! this he was obliged to dis
guise the medicinal truth, not exactly
in nectar, but in a Scotch porridge
manufactured for the purpose, a nota
ble "sham" of his own.—"Life and Let
ters of Samuel Palmer."
Only When It Striken lh<* lletlnn of
(lit? Kye Can It Dp Srrji.
What is the simplest demonstration
of the fact that light is invisible?
The blackness of a midnight sky
demonstrates this fact most readily.
We may see the planets <i£ the moon
brilliantly illuminated by the sun's
rays, but the surrounding space is
dark, although we know that light
must be passing there.
The passage of a beam of light
through a darkened room is only visi
ble on the dust in the air, and the cone
of light seen when the sun shines
through a small hole 111 a shutter is
not visible, but only light reflected
from the motes In the beam. This can
be easily and simply demonstrated by
placing in the beam a glass vessel
from which the dust has been carefully
removed. The beam then may be seen
before and after entering the vessel,
but is Invisible within. A Itunsen
burner or a redhot poker held so as to
destroy the motes will also render tho
beam Invisible at that spot.
Light Is only visible when It strikes
on the retina of the eye, and it can
only do so when It readies It In a di
rect line or Is turned by a reflection or
refraction into a direct line. Just as
the bullets from a gun do a man 110
harm unless aimed 01 turned in their
course toward his body, so light Is
without effect unless it Is alined or
turned toward the retina.—Pearson's
I-'lrat Women on the Knurl I all Sl««».
It Is only with the restoration drama
that the annals of actresses on the
English stage begin. Queen Henrietta
Maria, wife of Charles 1., had early
made a vaiji attempt to Introduce the
French fashion of female players into
her adopted country by the establish
ment of a French company composed
only of women In I.ondon. But the ex
periment was premature, and the for
eigners were hissed and pelted off tho
stage at their first performance.
Until 1600 tho female parts had al
ways been taken by hoys, and the cus
tom survived even after women had
taken their place upon the stage, since
some of the more famous of tho boy
actors (grow n Into men) continued oc
casionally to play their favorite Voles
as late as the end of the seventeenth
century. Kynaston, the chief boy actor,
survived till 1 <•!>!(, long after the ladies
had ousted him from the principal
parts, and In HMSI Pepys, who saw him
in I lie "Silent Woman," speaks of him
as "the liveliest lady for a boy" he had
ever seen.
Another Cnmlldnle Kor 11 Ilo'ini In
An i mnl 1 n«I nntrlra.
- Spanish Maltese goats' milk is su
perlor to that «>f the ordinary cow for
feneral domestic purixisos. I'mil with
coffee it is delicious, giving that bev
erage a rich, creamy appearance, while
a few drops in a cup of tea are equiv
alent to more than a teaspoonful of
ordinary cream. When used for cakes
or puddings its superiority is quickly
apparent, lv>th to the sight and taste,
imparting a rich yellow color to these
articles when cooked and thereby act
ing economically l>y lessening the num
ber of eggs requisite for them. Many
, persons are impressed with the l>ellef
that goats' milk is possessed of a pe
culiar flavor. The impression is an en
j tirely erroneous one. This milk resem
bles cows' milk lioth In taste and color,
j the only difference being that It Is
richer, thicker and slightly sweeter,
I containing, as it does, a larger per
centage of cream and sugar and a less
percentage of water.
When not confined the Spanish-
Maltese goat in its eating habits is
much like the deer. Its diet being prin
cipally choice buds, twigs, leaves and
i undergrowth. Its meat, therefore,
; bears a close resemblance both In taste
! and color to deer flesh or venison. The
I grain is dark and closer than either
\ mutton or Angora goat meat. No meat
is sweeter, healthier, more tender or
| palatable. It Is more delicious in
j flavor than deer venison.
At present prices the long haired
Maltese skins ire worth from 75 cents
to ?1 per pound for trimmings, rugs,
imitation bear skins and other pur
post's, while the short haired arc worth
from 2T> to 40 cents per pound to tan
ners, who use them for making the
celebrated "vicl kid," a quality and
class of leather rivaling the French
kind both in beauty and durability,
which, of course, greatly enhances the
value of these skins.
Farm, Field and Fireside quotes a
west Texas correspondent to the fore
going effect.
Government Soil Snrverinff.
The United States bureau of soils
maintained fifteen soil parties in the
field during last year, the areas cov
ered being as follows:
Ferry county, Ala.; Yuma area, Ari
zona; Stuttgart area, Arkansas; Impe
rial area. California; Los Angeles area,
California; Arkansas valley area, Col
orado; Gadsden county, Fla.; Lewlston
area, Idaho; Clay county, 111.; Clinton
county, 111.; St. Clair county, 111.; Taze
well county. 111.; Posey county, Ind.;
Dubuque area, Iowa; Wichita area,
Kansas; I'nlon county, Ky.; Smedes
area, Mississippi; Ilowell county, Mo.;
ItnPrUIW flrt'g. M»ntanu; Trunhtii i>r*xa,
N. J.; Blgflats area, New York; Lyons
area. New York; Hickory area, North
Carolina; Parmele area, North Caro
lina; Mount Mitchell area. North Car
olina; (Jrand Forks area. North Dako
ta: Columbus area, Ohio; Toledo area,
Ohio; Areeibo to Ponce, Porto IMco;
Abbeville area, South Carolina; Dar
lington county, S. C.; Brazoria area,
Texas; Vernon area, Texas; Albe
marle area, Virginia; Walla walla area,
Washington; Janesvllle area, Wiscon
sin. During the current year the num
ber of soli survey parties has been in
creased to twenty, which it is ex
pected will make surveys of about fif
ty areas in thirty-two states and ter
What Titers la In Cultivation.
We must keep in mind the fact that
when corn is a foot high the roots fill
the soli between the rows, and to cut
them off checks the growth. Cultiva
tion after that time should always be
shallow. Have the soli loose so that
rains will run in instead of off und
break up the crust us soon as It is dry
enough to work, as this will check
wasteful evaporation from the surface.
A farmer with whom I was acquaint
ed incurred the wrath of his hired man
by having run the cultivator again and
ugaln through the corn during a severe
drought, while the neighbors were rest
ing on tUelr oars waiting for rain to
come. "What, run that thing through
the corn again? You might as well
run it in the big road." "Well, I guess
we'll work the corn a leetle more,
but"— He had the only crop of corn
In that section of country. When In
doubt whether you have cultivated the
corn enough It will always pay to work
it a "leetle more."—Cor. Ohio Farmer.
What I'ormtrr In.
Forestry Is the preservation of for
ests by wise use. It does not mean
the abbreviation of that use. It means
making the forest useful not only to
the settler, the rancher, the miner, the
man who lives in the immediate neigh
borhood, but Indirectly to the man who
lives hundreds of miles off.- President
lion Mnny I'lnntu In n 11111.
One strong watermelon plant In a
hill is better than two or more. Leave
two cantaloupe plants in each hill.
Thin out surplus soon after the leaves
become rough.
Uow It Improve* Han Out St»ll«—Pre
paring: tin* I.und.
The soy bean, In common with the
other leguminous plants, has the pow
er, by the aid of minute organisms
growing on Its roots, of obtaining from
the air much of the nitrogen necessary
i for its growth. Many of our so called
"run out" soils which have befell seri
ously exhausted l>j* the continuous
growing of nrrti llM and other nitrogen
using crops may l>e restored to fertility
hy the use of leguminous plants, sucli
as the vetches, clovers, cowpens and
soy bean.
The soy bean will thrive anil give
paying crops upon a wide range of soils,
varying from light sands to heavy clay
loams, the most satisfactory results be
ing usually obtained upon a medium
heavy soli. In fact, any good corn land
will be sure to give satisfactory results,
pry weather does not affect this plant
as quickly as the ordinary field beans
and peas, as It withstands drought
much better than corn, being ranked
with Kalllr corn as a drought resisting
Those methods of soil preparation
which give the best results with a crop
of Held beans will under ordinary con
ditions give equally satlsfavtury re-
suit? wltli this crop. Thoroagh plow
ing and harrowing should be given so
:is to leave the land smooth and free
from rubbish lu order to facilitate the
planting and subsequent care of the
crop. Plowing should be delayed un
til Just previous to planting, the best
time for which Is when the ground Is
thoroughly warm and before the hot
weather commences to dry It, which Is
Immediately after the time for plant
ing corn.
Plantlnic (kr Soy Beaa.
Planting may be made at Intervals
from the 20th of May until July 1. but
I satisfactory results are often obtained
when the seed is not planted until after
the removal of an early grain crop.
On ninny soils It will not par to make
| applications of manures containing
large quantities of nitrogen, as tn sev
eral tests conducted at this station the
increase lu yield has not been sufficient
to pay for the additional cost of the
nitrogen. It will not be wise, how
ever, to attempt the growth of this
: crop in soils deficient In potash and
phosphoric acid, unless these sub
stances are added. Potash In muriate
gives good results, while as a source
of phosphoric acid dissolved bone or
line ground bone will give satisfactory
returns upon soils which are not too
deficient In lime, liut on those which
show a greater lack of lime more sat
isfactory results may be obtained by
the use of slag meal or floats.—G. E.
Adams, Rhode Island Experiment Sta
Convenient notions.
Where trees are In a position to be
used as hitching posts It is wise to
make some provision like that shown
in the cut. Many a fine tree has been
ruined by horses gnawing the bark,
j AnA
but with an iron arm and a short
hitch chain at the end that danger is
avoided. A blacksmith can make such
a device in half an hour.
It is often the case that a doorway
must be closed against animals, but
ventilation be still desired. The dou
ble door here shown will fill the bill.
It is a half door hinged to the regular
door as shown. When the half door
is not desired it can be bnttoned np
against the full door and the whole
used as one or It can be used as shown
In the cut. This use of the half door
keeps the air from blowing In on ani
mals lying down, but keeps the air cir
culating above them.—Farm JournaL
Sictr Cera.
In the latitude of Philadelphia it will
do to make the last planting of sugar
corn on July 1, and one ought to bo
made then; one also in the middle of
June. There are few more paying
crops than sugar corn for late market.
It always brings a good price.—Farm
What Othoro Say.
A progressive farmer frequently
makes mistakes, but he doesn't keep
lm malting ttte eaonr trace.
It Is a good time for the young man
frho Is willing to work and give all his
energy and make It his life work to
grow good fruit. That man will get
good prices for his fruit.
San Jose scale Is like one of the peo
ple who come and stay with us and
never know how or when to go home.
Let us not waste sympathy on the
poor boy. lie after all is the only one
in this country who has really a chance,
for the children of the rich are usually
stunted by luxury before they begin to
The man who spends half his time
looking over the fence to see what his
neighbor is doing never wins. The
winning horse keeps his nose straight
before him and sticks to business.
Any commission house Will tell you
today that the most prosperous truck
growers are those who grow well what
they plant, sort it carefully and pack
In a neat package and have a distinc
tive mark.
Don't tie the team to the load of hay
for their dinner.
The best advice that can bo given
probably Is: Take all the advice you
can get and then do as you please. The
successful person, or the one whom the
crowd counts successful, Is being con
stantly besieged with applications for
advice how to succeed. He is generally
Incapable of giving It. The same ad
vice, outside of a few maxims gener
ally applicable, Is seldom good for two
persons. Advice, as a rule, Is cheap
and about as valuable as most cheap
things. To be constantly following ad
vice without stopping to consider its
source Is the plain mark of weakness.
It is this trait of weak human nature
which makes the business of the pat
ent medicine maker so profitable. The
person of power is the one who neither
gives nor takes advice In generous
quantities. The world would be better
off if advlco were much less plentiful.
Then, perhaps, its quality might rise In
proportion to Its scarcity.— New Lon-
The lalatu Contain* Aboat tile
I'roudrat l*«o|>le on Barth.
None of the great nations of the
earth is half so proud of Itself as the
little colony of Barbados, a mere speck
In the Caribbean, which calls ltsolf
"the little England of tho tropics."
Alone of all England's West Indian
Isles, Barbados has belonged to Eng
land ever since It was first colonised
by white men. It has never been con
quered by tho enemy, as the others
have been. Tills fact naturally gives
the Burbadlans a good conceit of them
selves and Indeed makes them Just
about the proudest people on earth.
When Just before tho Crimean war
England was hesitating whether sho
should attack Itussla the Barbadians
sent this message to the cabinet:
"Go ahead. Don't be afraid. Barba
dos Is behind you."
King (R-orge was offered an asylum
by "little England" wb«n Napoleon
Bonaparte proposed to invade Eng
"If you were driven from^Bnglan^T'
the Barbadians wrote, "come here. Too
will be safe with us to protect •you.''
When England was suffering hsr
worst reverses In South Africa tnj
Barbadians were not worried. TUcj
knew that if matters really reached a
crisis "Barbados would go In and"j)nlsh
the business," as one of their newspa
pers seriously put it.
The postal service is something that
cannot be stumped out—Philadelphia
No. 30.
*Vh y Most Cooks Alirari Mr Thtlfj
Batter One Way Oaly.
"Take a good lump of fresh bntter>
and roll It In flour, place It In a linedj
saucepan with a half pint of good, rich;
cream, stir It gently over a low fire, al«
ways the same way, till it begins tot
) This recipe for the making of Vetted!
butter Is quoted from an old fwhipped!
cookery book of a century ago, bat th»
; direction to stir "always the samof
i way" Is observed as religiously todsyj
as It was then, and probably will to foe
i a thousand years to come,
i All cooks of all nations stir no* only,
the same way, but also from east tn
west, a sure indication that the prats
tice originated with sun worshipers.
Speaking of stirring brings to mind
that in most English households—
try ones at least—the practice of tha
whole family Joining to stir the Christ*
mas plum pudding Is still la vogue.
There are many peculiar, o«d fasb-J
loned superstitions connected With!
For Instance, In Scotland, when oat
cakes are being baked, It is still cus
tomary to break off a little piece and
throw it Into the Are.
At one time, whenever a baking was
made—which was perhaps once a
month only—a cake was made with
nine knobs on It. Each of the company
broke one off, and, throwing it behind
him, said, "This I give to thee; preserve
thou my sheep," mentioning the nam*
of a noxious animal—fox, wolf or eagln
A roast pheasant Is usually sent up
with the tall feathers. This practice Is
a memorial of the days when a pea
cock was skinned before roasting and
when cooked was sewed into Its plum*
age again, its beak gilded and so served.
Tossing the pancake Is another inter
esting food superstition. Formerly the
master of the house was always called
upon to toss the Shrove Tuesday pan*
cake. Usually he did it so clumsily
that the contents of the pan found their
way to the floor, when a fine was da*,
manded by the cook. The custom is
still kept up at Westminster school,
where a pancake Is tossed over the bar
and scrambled for. The one who se
cures It la rewarded with a guinea.
The origin of the cross on hot eras
buns Is a matter of dispute. There la
little doubt that cakes partly dividsd
Into four quarters were made long be
fore the Christian era. At one time 11
was believed that bread baked on Good
Friday would never grow moldy, and
a piece of It grated was kept in every;
house, being supposed to bs a sover
eign remedy for almost say kind of
ailment to which man Is subject.
In many parts of England it is con
sidered unlucky to offer a mince pla td
a guest It must be asked for.—Bostoq
Aaeloat »«<a.
In ancient times the beds we
about were simply rugs, skins or thin
mattresses which could be rolled uft
and carried away in the morning. At
night they were spread on the floor,
which in the better class at houasa
was of tile or plaster, and as the sho—j
were not worn in the house and fba
feet were Washed before entering a
room the floors were cleaner than
ours. After a time a sort of bench,
three feet wide, waa built around twa
or three sides of ths room about a
foot above the floor and, covered with
a soft cushion, was used daring tha
day to sit or lounge on and as a slssp
lng place at night. The beach waa,
sometimes made like a settee, lUWllij
and of carved wood or Ivory.—London
We Sense of Proportion.
The young man who had spent hia
efforts for several years witboat re
mit in studying art was talking with
his practical uncle, who had patleatix
paid the bills.
"Of course," said the young artist,
"I know I haven't iyade much of a fIQ
of it, but I don't think you ought toadi
vise me to try something else. Ton
know it's best to put all your eggs Is
one basket and watch that basket."
"Dm! That may be, Charlie; bat dtt
yon ever think how foolish It Is to pas
so many baskets around oas bsntsn?
eggr —Youth's Companion.
The Great Pondala To we*.
In 1430 A. D.. after nineteen years od
ceaseless labor and an expenditure o®
about £BOO,OOO, the Chinsss govern-'
ment finished the wonderful porcelain
tower at Nankin, which stood for near
ly four and a quarter centuries, oatU
1850, the most marvelous building ever;
erected by human hands. It waa od
octagonal form, 260 feet la height, wtthj
nine stories, each having a conies SDQ
a gallery without
Ckollr'a Repartee.
"Cholly la so clevah at wepartoa!"
exclaimed Clarence.
"Isn't her* said Reginald. "Whafa
his latest?"
"A gweat bowwld bwute said ts
him, 'You are the biggest fool in this
state.' And Cholly answered wight off,'
'I don't agwee with your Olndßßatl
Commercial Tribune. I
Two BCeets.
"I never send out a story for publics*,
tlon," said Dullpatb, the realist "with
out first having slept over it."
"I don't believe I've ever resd oaa of
them either without doing ths Sam*
thing," returned Hawley.
Sweet Content.
Blobbs—SHUcus is very proud of his
lineage. Isn't he?
Slobbs—Yes; he would rather bare
ancestry than make a name for him
self.—Philadelphia Record.
People would be more willing to take
their whipping if the fact could bo
concealed that they were getting one.—
Atchison Globe.
Walking Lenvee.
Nature's law being almost universal
so far aa the protection of the weak
creatures Is concerned, it is not at all
wonderful perhaps that she has formed
Insects Into perfect counterparts of
flowers, leaves, sticks, etc. Some of
the "walking leaves," those which aro
natives of India, China and Japan la
particular, are large, grotesque look
ing creatures, their resemblance being
strikingly like a bundle of yellow
twigs Joined together with faded, mac
erated leaves. The limbs of this spe
cies of insect aro long, Blender and
very twiglike, the coloring being suited
to that particular species of vegetation
upon which the deceptive mlmicker
The "walklug stick," like the walk
ing leaf. Is ulso very deceptive as far
as looks go. The males have small,
slender bodies, the legs or arms start
ing from It Just as smaller limbs of a
tree or wgt-d start from larger onea.
The "w alklug thorn" of Java belongs
to this curious order of Insects, as do
also the "devil's horse" and the mantis.
The "walking thorn" looks exsctly like
the large compound spine of our com
mon honey locust tree, even la color
and general contour.