' TTMMF MJf of toughest Stef becomes dulW by constant vol fend most have a Dew edjpe if it is to d© good work. Constant work dulls | VMS as it does an ax, makes Um slusriaO Of body and dull of mind. He needs • tonic, something that will X\ restore the keenness f of mind and activity X. I^l °DrPiercc's Golden Medical Discovery /V pots new life into weak, worn-oat, ran down men and women. It strength ens tlie weak stom blood, and effect- Ively stimulates I Iflß liver. The whole I body is built np with pHtH | sotrad, solid flesh by S9 the use of "Golden IMFljBn Medical Discovery.* J *1 was confined to my L—- J January lit, 1859, Jm,;h fS^BM sad commenced to take IMj/il/V/l your medicine January jmlmU'M S&h. rtm.* writes Mrs. Bailie IT Sbeppard, of JHI Fopla rb laC Mo. *1 I I I^KI^M Pierce * Golden Med- I f icml Discovery, (our of I / IIHH two riala of ' pleasant III Pellets,' sod one bottle 1 II of Doctor Pierce's Com- ft I /flH■ Weed, ss s liniment. UaßSji-JiLZEB of the liver was my trouble Imb at this time sble to do almost any m-< of boase work. Yoar medicine aaved me Am my gisvc. Thanks to yon fot the benefit. Mv case was hopdeaswhen I began taking your aaedicine.' Don't be fooled into trading a sub stance for a shadow. Any substitute offered as "just ss good" as "Golden Medics! Discovery," is s shadow of that medicine. Then are cures behind evenr claim cade for the " Discovery," which ao "just as good" medicine " can show. Biliousness is cured by the use of Dr. Mane's Pleasant Pellets. ftr Nr. Simple mailed free. One application gives reflet The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Vkfise Maes, SSe.. Me. aa4 81.00. 80M by Si aula Is or aoat prepaid on receipt of price. ■—SUITS* Medldae Co., Cor. William sad lata Bis.. Hew If ft. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Frost ra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, orspec ial package for serious cases, SB. Isid by DnwtfSU, or sent prepaid c« receiptor price. iiinili ijl'Msd.Ca, Willhsi 4 Jflfcs BU, M. Y. t— I Mertunlesl Drawing, Mechanical Engineer- I Ik. Electrical Engineering, Machine Dealgn. | Mrnetoral Ipsa Work, Bridgs Work, Arehltect- I anal Drawing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tjrpe- I writing, r»aia»n»blp. Higher Mathematics sod ImZ Biancfcas. Individual Instruction. ■ - Ha. —-» bmi giaelir—- I nKV'A, OORSESrWDEKCE SCHOOL, IfflaflanT^rMivsl ■ A safs, eertaln relit ji Suppressed I ■ Ifiestrtttr — Never kt«ywn to an. Sate! ■ W jwl Bpsedyl Satisfaction Guaranteed ■ WWmoafr Beftmded. Sent prepaid for ■ ■ SjH per box. Will aend thrt reduced tofL 1 Lowta'a Whisker recrufts without prer-ftironwisg. it he* earned top SUflj pp. the whiekey list, sad is oti ALWAYS tM STOCK. ■Ma, IAMB, ' OTriUOLT, MMUMmns. at. reason, tposfsoh, mmm. Muuau. sr. hkjetobt. gOoCertiieaß togm• yearoW at|l per full MUBritlßt rwnww «M*k*T guaranteed 2 years old, IB 00 per gal- KT We BML express charges oa all mall e«esr» ,of pee or over. Goods shipped IQjn.J.EWI N CO, roSmsO,PS. fynt Exaarine4 Iwe of Charge fkki, KIRKPATRICK. |WMI»r Md Qrathiats Optician %■! Daar to Court Bow. Bntl-r. Pa Funeral Director, Bell Phone No. & . M Bakerstown, Pa. RUPTURE "wm cureil by tliiH j houK treatment and have CUREDOVtn 100 to ... . CVRE YOV FOR SI.OO Or r«M yssr aessy. ■HUM m»Y ft W., »PECIALIITS, ■ex 554, KAWR. r*. frfLsSMifliiiiiHtH irT- "- HestleettoMfee 0 Tft fli iim If;: ■ _Ts»pg "CHEMO' Warning agalnat |MOTH§! Tbls summsr istbe worst we hale had for a Mp*» everyone m complatoloß about Mottis. |f«fiuimtM to Kill all Vothi Wu«s and tie rm I Iff' with our Chemo, dlaenfectlng your room »t tln:>a>iu> lU»u. Used and sold hf—. Dauler, Close *Vohn». Bojngn Ac Buhl * aad many other placea. Olx *niU boat Boacli and Rug ealermluator In tlm world; also kills flees and lice on dog*, birds, etc. Wo willbe oleaseU to give all Information aliout prPbdnii: Sell UM Court, P. ft A. 711 Main. fEBRLEHH Mro. (it)., |* T-*-3ui Kite Bldg.,Llbertf Ht., i'ltteljurif. >'a SERVANTS IN ECUADOR. The TT*TP!PT la Forffd to Hire Manjr to S«rvr film. II you were living iu Ecuador and wished to hire a servant you could hardly got one Ly himself or herself, but would be compelled to take up with a drove of them, probably far outnum bering your own family. For example, with a cook you would huve to receive her husband find children,.and pirhaps also her father and mother. Into your I house to bed and board, nnd each would j bring along all his or her portable prop | erty, consisting mainly of domestic ; pets, puch as pigs, chickens, rabbits, j and other "live stock." The hus band may have some trade which he follows during the day, but at meal times and when night comes he returns to the bosom of his family and yours. It would be considered downright in humanity to refuse them food and shel ter, and not a servant In Ecuador would work for so mean a master or mistress. The children of your cook may be utilize! for lipht services, such us running errands, weeding the gar den and tending the baby, but the nu merous brood Is apt to be "light finger ed" and certain to bo lousy, dirty and probably diseased. There is no help for It, however, because "el costumbre" has decreed that for every servant you hire you must expect at least a dozen extra mouths to feed. Nor is this the worst of it. Occasion ally the cook's relatives from another village come to pay her a visit of a fort night or two—lasting as long as you will tolerate it—men, women and chil dren, bringing more dogs, pigs, chick ens, etc., to bo boused and fed. Fortu nately, they are not accustomed to "downy beds of ease" or sumptuous living, bat consider themselves In clover If plentifully supplied with beans, corn meal and potato soap, and will sleep contentedly on the stones of the patio or the straw of the stable. The danger is that some of the stranger hangers on may not be as honest as the cook herself Is supposed to be, and cases are known where thieves and even murderers thus gained admission to the inside of the casa with disas trous results. —Philadelphia Record. PICKINGS FROM FICTION. Most of as look best at a little dis tance from one another.—"Paul Rei ver." It is only In higher circles that wom en can lose their husbands and yet re main bewitching.—"The Gray Wig." No man who is not an egotist or worse Is ever sore of a woman's love till she has told It with her own lips.— "Ills Daughter First" When in doubt go to church, for there's nothing that lets a man think better than a long prayer and a slow sermon.—"Adam Rush." There are sixteen ounces to tho pound still, but two of them are wrap ping paper in a good many stores.— "Letters of a Self Made Merchant." I used to think that marriage made men old, sour and suspicious. I find I was mistaken. It is not the wife; it is the money market— I "Love and tho Soul Hunters." I b'lleve in havin* a good time when you start out to have It If you git knocked out of one plan you want to git yourself another right quick, bo- Core your sperrlts has a chance to fall. —"Lovey Mary." Bow Climate Baa Ck»n*ed. In Switzerland a mean temperature •qua! to that of north Africa at the present time Is shown by Its fossil flora to have prevailed during the mio cene or middle tertiary epoch. An thropoid apes lived In Oermany and France; flg and cinnamon trees flour ished at Dantzlc; in Greenland, up to TO degrees of latitude, magnolias bloomed and vines ripened their fruit, while in SpitZDeißen and «vau in Crin nell Land, within little more than 8 degrees of the pole, swamp cypresses and walnuts, oedars, limes, planes and poplars grew freely, water lilies cov ered over standing pools and Irises lifted their tall beads 'by the margin* of streams and rivenu—Edinburgh Re ▼law. , * Wfcsm Ma Barker Was » WM» In original literature the barber is V'great figure, and Arabian.tales^are fall of often the'brightest man In town,, and his shop was headquarters for wit and intrigue. Jasamin became famous as a poet In' Southern Franco and re cited bis rones with razor, scissors, brush and comical gestures as he dress ed the hal r>and)board of fine-ladles and gentlumon'ln his shop. lie had a great run, nade money, hived fame, and Smiles made a book about him. ■n Alnataca. "Oh, dear!" said llttte Harold's mother, who was somewhatfcrheumatlc. "I seem, to ache all over." "Wel»," said her sweet-child, "I'm •orry, but not as sorry as,l'd be'for father If be felt that way." "Why would you feel motfa sorry! for your'father, love?" " "Cause they'd be sudb allot more' of hlmtto ache." —Chicago Record-Herald. Pm|b Xmonth. We decided to do so. as there are many lines' Xto be reduced before Fall goods come in. We have; > Xmade keener knife thrusts in prices, also in following! > J departments: O a Suit and Cloak, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Muslin and*. > A Ribbed Underwear, Millinery, Hosiery and Glove < > DEPARTMENTS. /> J l Prices same as last week on muslins, calico?, ginghams, and in fact all< | \ prices advertised in large circular issued last week will be same during | € 'this sale, except in departments mentioned above, where we have made* , ► further price reductions than those given last week. Wash suits an«l( > . I .white waists still further reduced. PAWASOI.S ( l> Entire stock of Ladies', Children's and Misses parasols just one half 'former price. _ < 1 > BASEMENT NEWS i) I . Yon will always find bargains in our basement and less prices I I for goods displayed there all the year ronnd. but just now the bargains | < tare exceptional" anil extraordinary in oil cloths, linoleums, w'ndowl I . I .shades, portiers and lace curtains Kindlv remember that Sacrifice k | prices are continued all this month, Jul}* 13th to August 1. |Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman! . . Ben pi.one so*. Hiitler Pa. 5 i ► People s Phone UX. ® 1 *=*' V \ - Early Spring Hats". We are showing all the new shapes for Spring, 1903 READY-TO-WEAR HATS, SAILORS and STREET HATS are now ready for your inspection. FLOWERS and FRUIT are going to be worn very extensively for early Spring style. See the fine display at Rockenstein's MILLINERY EMPORIUM. 3iS South Main Street. - - Antler. 1 * HEYMAN HARRIS, LADIES'TAILOR-MADE SUITS and RIDING HABITS, - Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street, PITTSBURG, PA. 3-19-ly Jj j'kowalsky. fTU&- M iiiuLu !ur»-r of smfll Gas and Gasoline Fngines £ fcTOi r Stationary and l! tw glnes aud for Automobiles **" r iUackftfflitti tfli«f'i. - Banning Yau% and ice *' rM,n Y r, * z cm. etc. No. 6 4th Ave., Pittsburir, PA. 3-19-om WAXTKI) Firemen, Brakemen, Machinist*, B<'il«r-ma*er», liUrknniibs and helper* for rail r«ad*, also drivers and all kinds of help. Flar»?i walling. General Kuiployineut Bureau, 201 Fede r.»l f-'n-et, A lleglieny, I'a. \VA.\TED-Atonre, glrla In every capacity; to •» 4.H Fourth Avenue, :*-ISMy Headaches Cured With Glasses. Artificial Eyes. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS. ton PKSS A VK.M'Et OPP. ra.\S :Bl'ILOI!IO. I'I'ITSBUUG. »-l!»-ly M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. c ,t P. Moin Pt. R-ittrr V»<\ See the slfn direct ly opposite the Postofllce, Theodore Yogeley, Real Estate sod Insurance Agency, LYE 238 S. Mala St. Butler, Pa. If you have property to aell, trade, or rent or, want to buy or rent rail, write or uhone me. List Mailed Upon Application. L. c. WICK, f)*Al KB I* LUHBER. •; Jackson Poole. | > ! I •"iil|H||H"- !;! , , BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS < , | \ MADE TO ORDER. 4 I < | > REAR OP CAMPBELL S MACHINFC * > j { * SHOP, E. WAVNE ST , V . . BUTLER. PA. 4 I | rx The best place jo! v|x to stop at ' o o when in town Is the WAVERLY HOTEL, * yt J. H. HARVEY, Prop, ra W W jo l Rates, $1.50 per day. ra 1 THE PESSIMISTS Have had quite an inning but they cannot shut off the energy of the Ameri can poople. The country is making money as it never made money before. Get ruy daily letters and learn when, what and how to bny, and participate in this money-waking. R. M. Weaver Stocks end Bonds Third Ave. and Wood St., PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. . Butler, J. A. REYNOLDS, Manager. CHtsiiScSiLß'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS P ef o. f% / '•"< . A • i a.-«k r>ru«fftßt for (IIKICMUCS K.KULIMII in ItrU »ii(f ajfbtilio f*m-ulcd with blu* ribbon. Titkr no lirfubr *1 Mit|£«*roti« >ub«ll< (ulioiiM I liui'AtioiiH. lin v of your liniKtrtHt, llf Willi 4r. 11l H. fi»» I'arl (<*II lit r», Teat I moniiiln ami " StfiU't' for LadlrH," tn Utter, bv return Hull. lO.lMWlVeuimmlalM. bold by al! l>rn»a' OH I CHESTER CHEMICAL. CO. SIOO n»(Jli>(iu Plf ILA n PA M..lKu *!• t«M». REMOVAL. We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. IJ. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works «>f Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call ayain. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals. Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy H. O. PURVIS, PH. G Both Phoned. 213 H. Main Bt. liutler I'n. W. S & E. WICK, UjCALKlitf IN Bough and Worked Lumber of. til Kind* Doom, MUHII and Muuldlngit Oil Well KIKM » Hpeclalty. OfHre and Yard K CuiifilfiKhiifii utid Miiorou HLg •near Weal I'enn Dttpol, UVTLUH PA CAPITAL SURPLUS $200,000.00. $200,000.00. UNDIVIDED PROFITS $21,138.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. SUCCESSOR TO BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, 108 South Main Street. WM. CAMPBELL. Jr.. ProsMent. .1 n. TROUTMAN. Ist Vice Pres. „ „ \ i ltV 1 L«»UIS U. STKIN. Treasurer. O. E CBONEN\\ETI\ Ann t Tre;i-»ur. Will continue to do a general banking business at the old stand and is also prepared to transact a general Trust Company business. 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to withdrawal without notice. THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK I OP PITTSBURGH I 533 SNIITHFIELD STREET, I offers to savers, everywhere, the splendid facilities I of its Savings Department. I pour For Oout. Intorost I Oompouaxci Semi-annually. I Withdrawals to any amount without notice. [ Ll Banking by Mail is f 1 / V Ml £*& \t.' as as safe and easy ' I [//&{s as depositing in per- i.-. of $1 and more. s 3 , 9°o^ooo^^J 1 Standard Trust Company j BOTbER, PA. • J CAPITAL ------- $150,000.00 | Paid on Deposits- * Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GReeNIaEE, President. I C. A. Sccty. and Treasurer. | THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $32,000.00 (EAHNEU) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YouNkins, President. t John Humphkey Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM, Cashier. J. F. HUTZLER, Ass t Cashier. ?BANK BY. MAIL ? I And the 4 per cent annual interest and i absolute prot«ction of this strong bank. * J Aiieti oTor 07,700,000. Eermania Savings bank , WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS PITTSBURG. PA j TH K Botler County National Bank, Butler F J enn. Capital paid id $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - J165.CKW.00 Jos. Ilartman, President; J. V. RitU, Vice President; John G. McMarlin. Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. I nterest paid on tln.e deposits. Money I timed on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this bank. HIKEOTOUB Hon. Joseph Ilartman, Hon. W. H. Waldron, Harry lleasley H. Mc- Sweeney, O. I'. Collins, 1. O. Sinltri, Leslie I'. Ila/.lett, M. llensliaw, VV. 11. I.arkln, T. I'. Mllllln, l»r. W. (J. McCandless. Hen Mas sotb. W.J. Marks. J. V. Ultts. A. L. Keibor NO SPAVINS l>e cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw, splints and ringbones just, as ainful and never has failed. Detailed I information about this new method sent I free to horse owners by T M CLUUH, i Knoxdale, Jefferson Co., Pa Most New-York Liberal Offer Tribune Farmer Ol is a national illustrated agricultural weekly for farmers and their families, and standi* at the head of the a#ri- Tlie I cultural press. It a practical paper for practical farmers. helping them to secure the largest possible profit from the IT t farm through practical methods. JL Gill • It is entertaining, instructive and practically useful to the farmer's wife, sons and daughters, whose interests it covers in an attractive manner. The regular price is #I.OO per year, but for a limited time vce will receive your subscription for TIIU NEW YOKK TRIBUNE FARMER ami also Tor your own favorite local newspajter, TIIK ClTI'/.KN, Untler, Pa. I Both Papers One Year for Only $1.50 Tpi J Jiß Send your order and money to the CITIZEN. . I)M[ Your name and address on a postal card to THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER, New-York City •v »'*» will brinK free sample copy. Try The CITIZEN I FOR JOS WORK | 4 INTEREST 1 interest N BOOKLET ij .40 FEDERAL ST. jg? I'KUHONAL Vapor, alcohol and Htcarn batliH. Facial and nculp tr« at ni«*nt a special - I v licht ofnrrvlre Klvcn. MRS. II AY DEN First floor.tXKi Kvdvnil St.,A Hellionv Olty.l'a I'FKSONAL Swedlhli MiiHsauo Maulcur IriK ELHIEMILLS. HOO Putin Avenue, (nocond floor) 4-:.'-Oil ly Pittsburg, l*a. BICKEL'S July Sale Many Interesting Bargains In Seasonable Footwear. Men s $4.00 and $5.00 fine Shoes - REDUCED TO $3 50 Men's 3.00 and 3.50 fine shoes - " "2 50 Men's 2.00 fine vici shoes - " " 150 Men's 1.50 fine satin calf shoes - " " 95 Men's whole stock working shoes " " 140 Boys' 3.00 patent colt shoes - " " 200 Boys' 1.50 fine satin calf shoes - - " " 95 Youth's 1.25 fine satin calf shoes - " " 85 Little Gents' 1.00 fine satin calf shoes " " 75 Ladies' 3.00 hand turned shoes " 200 Ladies' 1.50 patent tip shoes " " 95 Misses' 1.25 patent tip shoes - " " 80 Child's 75c fine Dongola patent tip shoes " " 50 Infants' 35c soft sole shoes - " " 19 Ladies' fine Dongola 3 point slippers " " 40 Our entire stock of fine Dongola and Patent Kid Oxlords and one, two, three and four Slippers to be closed out regardless of cost. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE JOHN BICKEL, 128 South Main St., PUTLKR. PA. lEberle Bros^ I PLUMBERS | S Estimates given on ail kinds of work. ? C We make a specialty of s / NICKLE-PLATED, C S . SEAMLESS, / ) OPEN-WORK. X £ 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa. c ) People s Phone. 630. C LEVINTOINS' [ 122 South Main St. Your money's worth or money back I | Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing. The finest ready-to-wear attire that is made. We have the facilities to search out the best that the market can afford, and it is now ready in a complete Spring array on our floor. Everything that a dressing I man can desire for his attire can be found here at a smaller price than he would expect to pay for such smartly tailored garments. Men's Suits and Top Coats SI2, ft 14, at #7.50, #9, #l6, - $] 8, S2O, and ujr to #25. We show Men's Spring Overcoats which, like all of our attire, could not fit or wear better if they were custom tailored. LEVINTONS' HI 1 Carl Schlucter, j | f THE TAILOR, j i 1 Has removed from 125 W. Jefferson street to 115 E. Jef- 1 ¥ ferson street. Room 6, Reiber Building, Butler, Pa., » 1 1 where he will keep a stock of seasonable goods—all of | .J the best quality. Spring stock now ready for inspection, j ; Cleaning and Repairing. J * Good Workmanship Guaranteed. V | Union Prices Paid. | *********.-** ******************** ******** —— 1 HUSELTON'S FOOTWEAR EXHIBIT J ' Including all correct ideas for Men, Women, Boys, Youths, Misses and A /7lQ*h pChildren's wear. Over five hundred jiflL /iW ,st yy e possible want but what 4 hi// we can meet to your taste. J Boots, Oxfords, Slippers for M every and any service or occasion. >1 M All ' SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00, 1 4 • IVien O $2.50, $3.00 and up >2 Women's $!:»?''»: < *HB $ 2 - 50 - $3 and u p to $5 o ° a 4 ' pair, representing the highest •*\ | art in the manufacturing of A / V shoes and shown in all de- / Ar . > A sirable leathers. A / S J Misses' 75c, sl, 1.25 & 1.50. 1 Al Children's 25c, 50c, 75c &$1 } A Boys'9oc sl, 1.25, 1.50, & $2. * J Don't buy a shoe until you A have inspected our Spring lines—now —ready A A j] REMOVAL! Win. Cooper, the tailor, has removed 'liis stock ot goods, from Room No. 1, TStcin Block, to the Graham Building, S. Main St., near Willard Hotel. These will l>e but temporary quarters pending his removal to his old stand at corner ol Diamond.