Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 23, 1903, Image 3

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    THE CI I'l/tN.
Thcbspat. Jxtly tt. 1803.
MTE-AU admrtter* tßteullng to make
P Ttsaar" la Utelr ads. shoaid notify us of
K Snutwtlin toloiowH liwr than Men
i"'"" #iy taomlif-
Newton's Piano®.
Wick's hate,
loner's Shoes
Modern Store's Safe.
Douthett A Grab«a'i Clothing.
, Lincoln National Bank
Kirk Patrick's Jewelry.
Hugh Connelly. Liquors.
Adsstai»ii»i<o» and Kxs-cutors of estate
e*a secure tbelr receipt book* at the CITI
TIT i>Mia mil |irr« r Diking public s-ile#
their oote books.
—Co. L. 16th Beg. leaves for camp a:
—Don't forget the Black reunion next
Tueaday, at Alameda
—"Peanut jab" is a new game—every
peannt yon jab connts one.
—The Car Works Co'a. two millions
«f bonds were taken by tbe Union
Trust Co. of Pittsburg
—There has been some "Beech Creek'
railroad talk in the patters lately It
begun forty for.y years ago.
The late Leary rains downed th<-
graas and washed tbe roads. The farm
en are having their own time, this tnrn
—By the burning of a hotel at Nome,
July sth, fjur Pittaburgers,
umed Hays and Gregg, were burned to
—A of polecat" is reported
from various places. The polecat is not
so aggroeaive as the mosquito, but be is
•ore permeating.—Ex.
—A Western refuses to publish
•alogies gratis, but adds: "We wiil
' pablisb the simple announcement of the
death of onr friends with pleasure.
—Tbe Butler twp. School Board, let
the contract for the new School Hon-fc
in Lyodors, last Saturday, to Geo.
for $4.800. and the entire coet
to e»ti.i>ated at SB,OOO
Tbe eii*li/«-ers of the Eleanora Irorj
A Bteel (V. located the buildings at
Bonnie Brook. Moods >: and those of
the Land CV>. are dividing tbe Heinz<-r
| gad SteveLSOn farms into town lots and
| '■ Secretary CVrry. Rev. Enterline.
Proa V. K. Irvine and Prof. Fred
: A. toft this morning for Avalonia, near
• Irie, Pa., for a two-week? camp on the
| the ahoree of the lake
, —As tbe United States is tbe only
country in tbe world where lyncbings
' aad haralngs at tbe stake are practiced.
wouldn't it be funny if tbe Czar of Bus
\ sia would send President Booeeyelt a pe
tition asking him to put a stop to it?
—August 4th is the date set for tbe
postponed Lutheran Reunion at Alame
da. This includes two Synod*, of west
|pfa Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio
J tnwisslnn rates on all road". A rate of
jt.WMßteluu been secured from Pitts
| —lf you find any om tacking np ad
varttofngsigns on your property with
oat asking yonr consent, call his atten
tion to tbe late act nt the legislature,
whtofa makes it an offense with a $5.00
pjaalty attached.
I) —CraMd electric wires set fire to tbe
deftiag of Phelps Broa store in the
Htaeeee building on 8. Main St. about 4
«.in. Tawday. Tbe flames ate through
f|||. fliitr nl"Tt aad sat fire to a bed in
«hkh • lodger had been sleeping. The
VIM Ward chemical extinguisher was
■nd with good effect and tbe loss wat
'' —The aew bridge at the foot of West
gWayne street, is nearing completion,
•adit, with the new street car line,
Ppfll probably changa tbe current of
travel from tbe town to the West End
Hid Oar Works. Negley and Mnntz
Kpfcaaaes are destined to be business, as
SNMB ss residence streets in tbe near
' (atnre.
—Twsa well said by a writer recent -
ly that no one can escape tbe bondage
or influence of good manners. Many a
maa owes bis position or fortune large
tlyto • fine manner. Perhaps nothing
| besides downright honesty contributes
•9 much to one's success in life as
ngrseable manners, tbe genuine courte
sy that is based on gocd-nature.
-Wo now hare sntomatic or slot
Machines standing on onr streets or in
- public places for several purposes but
the latest innovation or invention is an
f- automatic restaurant. A large room is
i'fltod with glaaa oases containing all
kinds of eatables and drinkables, and
■ when you pot the price in tbe ilot.
■ aad tarn the handle you secure your
—Tbe Patent Office's work during the
past year has been in every way re
markable Tbe nnmber of patents Is-
K M«d amounted to 20.320, whereas last
jmn patents nnmbered only 26,(ft1.
' The trade marks registered show an
Increase from 1.W51 to 2,194. Tbe re
etat court decisions, which bold that
dealgns an to be restricted exclusively
' to ornamental things,have resulted in a
fleereass in tbe nnmber of design
patents granted. m
—lt may be interesting to some who
, have slipped in "jnst a few words" of
P Writing in a package or paper of mer
, chandise mailed at the lower rates t»
' their frtoada, that tbe abuse has become
ao common that postmasters have been
Kfaatrueted to examine such packages
f gad report, if writing is found, to tbe
f department officials. Tbe next tbe sen
v ders know will be a visit from tbe depn
ty United States marsbsl with a war
»- rant for arreat, and the result of having
; to pay a fine of $23 and tbe cost of the
—At the meeting of Council, Tues
day evening, tC Curfew ordinance was
B&aeidered but not adopted; Bace and
£* JJllow Sts. put in petitions for paving;
j! ; V. McKeao St kicked on street cars
W> Z. Mnrrin waa allowed to build a
private eewer; tbe 1002 taxes of the
' Laad Company were not exonerated;
the Zisgfer Ave. sewer request' whs
; ~ pasted; the old Negley plan of hits for
, .lit btond waa adoptedthe Pillow and
Island St sewers were swarded to .las.
Ferry, aad tbe bids for some bridges
4*4 aew era were referred to the street
P. jmprnftte*. Tbe Walker aye. opening
n ordinance waa held over; and a oompro
•toe. which will open tbe street Is in
Well, say! If Bitter & Rockensteiu
arau'' cutting prices we never saw then,
eat-aato begins today.
Millions are Ignorant that continue*
Cold invites Pneumonia Buy Virtoi
ife Lang Syrup and eacsi*) for your lit
s Tour druggist has It.
v I am going to lie one of the earl <
buyers at Bitter & Rockenstein'
ntoaranrr sale.
Bob Bnrdette is now a Baptist preach
Dr. Foster is visiting her folks in
Senator Williams and family are at
Mri. Philip Stoops of Concord Twp.
is seriously ill.
The t-zarina of Raesia has just com
pleted her thirty first year.
'•Rip Van Winkle was a lucky man
because he did net buy stocks.
Mrs. Robert KenEedy of Clarion is
visiting relatives in Butler.
MI?B Bird Core of Washington is the
j guest of Mrs. John C. Graham.
Miss Kennedy ot Bridgeport, Ohio, is
the gre.-r of Miss Adler Crane
Rev. Douds and wife of Evans City
are visiting friends at Meadville.
Thomas Morrow of Worth township
was tu town on business, yesterday.
W. L. Cross of Great Belt is lying at
his father s home on Ridge ave., sick.
Miss Ray Redic has gone to Denver.
Col where she expects to remain for a
Burkhalter <fc Keck are making a
success of the Simmer Theatre at the
Miss Grace Campbell. Warren, Pa. is
visiting Miss Florence Frantz of Chest
nut St.
A. M. Christley and wife have re
turned from a trip to Boston and other
C. G. Christie and wife are with the
Solid Comfort Club in the wilds of
Charles Miller ' skipper" of Co. E. in
the late unpleasantness, was in Butler,
Mrs. Rev. Jacobs and children of
' Cleveland are visiting her father. G.
W. Fleeter.
Joseph P. Lusk of Fort Worth. Texas,
a son of Dr. Jo*. S. Lusk, deed . is
visiting in Butler.
A. A. Campbell has returned from
Michigan and Chicago, where he was
purchasing goods.
E. P. Sutton, late*of the Evans City
bank, will be.-ome cashier of the Mars
Nali'j;.a), Angust Ist.
VissJalii WVI-ih, one of Mo-grove's
ru-ot ace d young ladies, is
visiting tii' I.U» HI B:;iler.
Prof. E. Mackey, s:ii.eiir;tendent ol
the Tj»i>ion, S. J. schools spent a few
days m Batler this v '- k.
The kb-div* - I Ea..pt. w ho is visiting
England, fas been elected an honorary
member of the Jockey club.
Mrs. Rev McKi- rand daughter, Mis-
Jeancie are spending the summer with
relatives at Mt. Plea.-aut. Pa
Dr. Edmonds of Bruin attended tht
meeting of the Medical Association of
th« county in Butler. Tuesday.
Frances Dumbach, a daughter of
Edward Dumbach of Evans City, is
the guest of Mrs. W. H. Miller.
Miss Elizabeth Shorts of Chicago is
visiting her cousins Mrs. John G.
McMarlin and George Mitchell.
A. L. Brown of Brown 6c Co. was in
Grand Itapids, Mich., last week, buy
ing furniture, and returned Saturday.
Mrs. Miser of Detroit. Mich., is vloit
ing h".r fr.tii< r, George lieiber. Sr. and
brothers and sisters on E. Jefferson St.
Miss B*-rtba Crouch of Claytonia and
CbarlHi Simmons. a well known young
Bessemer railroader, weic married July
J. C. Howard of Parker, D. N. Crowe
of Forward and Philip Graver of Pros
pect were among oar callers last Satur
B. C. and wife returned from
Mahoning. Armstrong Co. where they
attended the funeral of Mrs
Dr. Morrow has returned from the
Cleveland Convention of Osteopaths,
which was attended by four hundred
John N. Patterson is building a resi
dence on North McKean street ex ten
■ion, in English style—half stone and
half frame.
I, J. McCandless sometime ago bought
OH of the nicest residence properties iti
Grove City and expects to move to that
place this fall.
"Bob" McCntcheon won the 100 yard
dash at the Odd Fellows' dedication
day at Grove City, John Ayres the
220-yard dash, the two together the
three legged race, and they brought
home a grip full of merchandize as
Miss Martha Loveless and Ernest B.
Morrison, an oil man of Cadiz, O. wen
married, Tuesday noon, at the home of
the bride's parents, S. B. Loveless and
wife of Centre Ave. Rev. A. C. John
ston. formerly of the M. E. church, of
William G. Mattison of Kalamazoo,
"died prematurely," last week, at *!).
from the excessive use of tobacco.which
recalls the sad case of the English
Countess who
"LI veil to the age of 110,
And died of a fall from a cherry tree
Benjamin Hamrlck of Webster
Springs, Webster county, is the father
of a remarkable family which has just
ha/1 a reunion. There are eignt sons,
and the united weight of the father and
sons is 1,515 pounds, while their aggre
gated beightti is 5<J feet 1J inches. The
average heighth of the nine men is a
little over'J feet 2 inches.
Past Commander li. P. Scott wan
presented with a chest of silver con
taining 14-1 pieces as a testimonial
from the Department of Pennsylvania
of the G. A. R. at the gathering of the
veterans from Allegheny countv and
Western Pennsylvania at Alameda
Park. The presentation was made on
Saturday ofternoon by Past Command
ed T G. Sample during the camp fire
which was presided over by Judge
Horner of Somrnerset, president of the
Western Pennsylvania G. A. Jt, associa
James W Hutchison attended the
funeral of bis little nei'%, Orrie Mc-
Donald, daughter of Rev. H. O. Me
Donald at Carmlchaels, Greene <>j. on
Wednesday of last week. The child
died suddenly frota some unknown
cans'-. Her mother was Orrle Harper,
a half sister of Mr. Hutchison.
The land owners of Oreeue Co. are
selling their coal or rather the thick
vein of it near the surface, at ttfOO per
acre and across the river in Fayette
Co as high as SIOOO per acre has been
paid for all thf coal.
Mrs. Grover Cleveland gave birth to
a ton—their fifth child -at their
summer home at Buzzard's Bay last
Saturday and same 'lay Bryan made a
speech In Chicago, in which he said
"We are handicapped now by the
fact that the last Democratic Adminis
tration that we had was more stibser
vient to corj»orate dictation than any
Republican administration which pre
ceded it, and the record of that admin
istration has l»een a millstone about the
party's neck ever since. The influence
exerted by WaJl street over the admin
istration's policy, the use of patronage
to reward those who betrayed their
constituents and the employment of the
most reprehensible of Republican
methods made the administration a
stench in the nostrils of the (jeople and
kept in the Republican party many
who were disgusted at their party s
It will be a good t»lan for yoti to at
tend Hitter & Roclccnsteiu's clearance
sale now.
LOST -A ladies black silk jacket, on
three degree road at Adams Pumj;
Hta., Adams twp. July 5. the Hndi-i
will I*s rewarded by calling at thi
ClTl/.KN Office.
Ritter <* Rocftensteln are certainly
cutting prices at their clearance sal»
which commences today.
Accidents will happen. Be remly
with Victor Liniment its the gmii
Bone and Nerve Cure for Cuts, Bruiser,
Sprains, Rheumatism, Etc.
When RitU»r & llockeiiHtelii hold i
sale they wll things way down. Thei
sale commences today.
new suns.
Mis. Fv.i Parvi:im<t a iuiinstratrix of
J. T. Pnrvianee dec'd.. W A. Pur
viauce, bill in equity. J T. aud V\ . A
Purviance were partners iu the ger.er il
merchandize lm.»-intss in Peters nlle and
the plaintiff states that since the death
of her hashand. Sept. 2>. 1901. no ac
count of the partnership business and
affairs ha« ever been made by the deft.
On Friday last Judge Miller of Mer
cer filed a decision in fav.,r < f Georze
Stanirn as to his option to J F. Ander
son for bis residence and brick yard
property in tee West End for .000:
and one in favor of the Guaranty S-ife
Deposit and Trust Co and nsriinst H.
Liebold fur 25 feet of th- hotel :.r.»pt-r'.
on Main St for $15,000 Both <a "
will be a:,peak-'
Last week Jud.L-Galbreitb filed de
cisions adjudging May- & Davis guilty
of bottling and selling beer bott]«d by
themselves Fred Ooettler not guilty o-i
a similar charge and placing the c««?t
--on the county: and refusing a new ti'ai
to John Eppinß<-r. the K mucky whiskv
com icted of selling without li
cense and on Sunday.
Resell Eppinger, who plead guilty t >
larceny from hi- father, w:s ?ent tie
Huntingdon Reformatory.
The equity proceedings of W. B. Mr-
Geary vs Norman Bo>er, to enjoin it*,
latter from building a hou-e on a strtft
which McGeary claimed was laid 01;
and made public. wa« decided in favor
of the defendant, and the costs put on
the plaintiff.
Barbara Prevunik ba j sued for di
vorce from her husband. Martin Pie
The Court has granted the petition • f
West Liberty citizens for in'-ori •< rarioi
ah a borough.
Informations have been made against
Jacob Flick and Hiln'-r farm. is. an!
known residents of Slipperyrcck twj.-.,
charging them with violation!! of tue
liquor laws.
R. Scott was eat to jti! for 90 da> -
by Justice McAboy for vagrancy.
Will Heath, Geo. and Hurry White.
South Side boys, were arrested last
week for malicious mischief on informa
tions mad'- bv Geo. Spang who rhar;"-
tliat thev were throwing stones tbr"u;_-l
the windows of his machine shop.
Wm. Siebeit, Robert A. White ami
G« orge McCandiess hav. been appoint
ed bridge inspectors.
The Auditor's report in the estate o!
George Ebrman, dee'd. of Ciariberrj
tv. p showed a balance of *W.U. 53 <h
tributed among the widow and two
j children.
The held-over licenses of Abe Flick
and the Butler Brewing Co. ha\e been
John Clark, W. A. Bla-k, Harry Kra
mer and John Subble were sent to jail
for HO dajs by Justice McAboy for vag
Viewers in the case of D. L. Rankin
vs Western Allegheny railroad award
ed Rankin SIOOO, about twice what tht
railroad offered him.
While Recorder Davis was in Pitts
burg, one day last week, twenty-nint
papers were left for record in bis office.
Two of Col. Rediek's pets tried t"> run
away yesterday moorning as he waf
taking them from the jail to the county
home. One was caught by the Colonei
and the other is Guane.
Cornelius Connell, an Allegheny ma
chinist, has entered suit against Geo. E.
Welsh, a wealthy and prominent citi
zen of ZelienopJe, for S2O 000, damages
far alienation of his wife's affection*
and has had Welsh and Mrs Connell
arrested on charges of adultery in All*
gbeny. Oinnell states that he and hi*
wife were married thirteen years ago,
and that for eleven years she and Welsh
have been too intimate. Mrs. Connell
made a long confession at a hearing in
Allegheny, yesterday.
Yesterday a charge of a&b was enter
ed against a negro named Thomas Face
by a young man named Douglas, and
charges of riot and unlawful assembly
against some young men. The charge
are the result of a small riot and free
for all fi»{ht on E. Wayne St., yester
day afternoon.
John T Kim tier to IJutl< r 1., H & M
Co lot on Fafrview ave for s2*oo. •
Guaranty S D & T Co to .Margt Ebm
lot in Dangherty plan for SWJO.
E J Eoyd to 1! L Rumbaugh lot at
Haxou Sta for $225.
J C Renfrew to It M Bowser S acres
for $543.
Lydia J Fish to Margt Mattern lot on
Centre ave for SI4OO.
Fred Salili to Sophia Milleman lot in
Butler for $250. •
Louit-a Sajtt to T B Gravatt 2M acres
in Winfield for S2OOO
EJ. Boyd to same lot at Saxon Sta
for $225.
Gilbert Brown to H J Van Dyke lot
at Renfrew.
Nicholas Hanrnflu to Clara B Foulk
lot on Brown Ave for $2500.
W II Hefton to Mrs Kate Byers 05
acres in Summit for SI7OO.
S C Miller to P B & L E, right of way
in ( .'lay for SJ<»O.
Jacob Muster to Wm Humphrey 47
acres in Mnddjrrreek for s7bo.
Aaron Frederick to John W Gallagb
er 22 acres in Jefferson for S9OO.
H II Boyd to John H Graham lot in
Butler twp. for s4'Ml.
Amelia C Reiland to Geo Birch lot on
West Ht for $2>500.
T W Phillips <fc Sons to W M Say 29
acre lease and wells on .J P Burl net
farm in Jefferson twp. for S4IOO.
W D Hoffman to J Henry L< ng lot iu
Saxon burg for s2<Xi.
Mary Stoner to John M Robinson
lot in Zelienople for SIOOO.
\V E Pearce to L B Steele 10 acres ii.
Oakland for SIOOO.
Geo E and Brown to C K
Eapham lot nn Mifflin Ht. for SIOOO.
Lawrence Selig t/< Geo E Millinge/
lot on Third St. for SI7OO.
J G Kisler to Peter G Aland 53 acrei
In Oakland for $2400.
Wesley E Cochran to John W Bailey
lot on W Penn Ht. for SIOOO.
Amos Hteck Uj Guaranty 8 D St T Co.
Dangherty plan for 95.
Samuel J Adams to W A Kelly same
for W>
Wealthy E McKee to W C Findley
lot on West D St for s<oo.
Josiah E Beaton to Sarah Findley lot
In Euclid for SSOO
J R CavanauKh to Wm J Powell a
lots on Wayne Ht for S2OOO.
Clinton E Miller to Etta M Miller l«
acres iu Butler twp for SSOO.
John Rylik Butler
Mary Moska "
01<e<l Ralph Knox Jackson twp
Eaura May Itahiser Forward twp
E F. Kuhn llixiker
I ora K. Ray North Washington
Ernest 11. Morrison Thompson, Pa
Martha E Loveless Butler
At Pittsburg Arthur McClain and
Coral lie Arnold of Butler.
At Kittanning J. E. Carmody of
Butler and Catharine NilancU (if Kit
The arilval of twins in a Harlem fl it
one evening last week caused a hiy
sensation, and the sister of the youni/
mother was so impressed by the tinex
pected honor of Isring aunt to a pail
that she lost her wits for the time being
She msbc d to the nearest postotfice and
asked for stamps tut that slis might
spread the glad lldiuxs. The attendant
said affably "How many Miss 7
"Two.' she cried joyfully ''What
kind? 'be queried. "A boy and a «irl!'
she said then fled in utter dismay.
N V. Presa
$1.25 silks.at 65c, 15c dres?
ginghams at 10c, 25c fancy
Lisle vests at 19c, are thekinc
of values obtainable at the
Modern Store, and account:
for the crowds. Eisler Mardor
Co. //ill offer such bargains al
July and guarantee their friend:
entire satisfaction. Sec ad
Ol 1. iVV k »■>.
The Market —Both arences ;.dvance<
|t> *1 1 :>t Thursday
| Sour Lake oil i- now ij noted .it M all''
• Spindle T«»p at crntu a barrel 'i hi
ji- a drop of ■*) cents iu the fnel "i
* market sici e Sair Lake ls-gun to ligr.rt
»■< a factor in prodncm;.* circles.
Cutler— Plaisted A' Co. bave struck i\
three-barrel well on the Wallace t*-lou
McCalmont: Gould & Co. and T. B.
Young are both drilling on the same
Spotcbley—The South Penn has
j struck a five barrel well in the Speech
i-v on the Stoner farm in Washington
Texas—The latest story from the rje.v
Texas oil field at Sour Lake is of a
[ student at the Trxas University, wli i
win a pony iu a ruffle and traded
oil for an acre of ground that now
like j<ilt -€floil teiritory. There
l- a qn.-her within 4'to feet <-f it and tfc
student has lieen offer>t extravagant
prices for his possesion. His original
investment was 2-> cents for a r-iffi
ticket and ill- pony trade was made on
a wer day. This is almost as gx*l a
s* ry as tint of Dick Whittington an i
iii» famous cat.
Products n and consumption Inspir
<d by the fear that natnr snpplj >■'
oil is giving out, John D. Rockefeller
has ordered the Standard Oil <'O:JI
panv to restore the price of crude oil tr
the figure from which it was cut last
May. hoping thus to excite oil sptcu
l:itore to do more vigorous boring.
This means an advance of '■> cents n
barrel fur Pennsylvania oil and 2 cerit*
for Ohio.
Iris an admitted fact that with ;:i]
the new dis-ovene* »f oil the prodnc
t "ij r»finable oil is d> cr»a- : n.r.
M i -h of the new o:i .n the .S W.i-u •!' :
to waste for lack <■( a method of reftn
of <>il is ruu in
ahead < f th>- production by about 2li»-
b rrel- a day, and the trn.-t has <>:ilj
aboot A, 000 «00 barrels of His -m on
and HJ 000.000 of We-tern meal
J"hus the reserve wili be all v.ip..l on!
j n rhr«**r years at the outside Bit ai
the us-s of oil are trowing. and tin
world Aide demand is becoming strong
er the reserve is certain to be gon»
within a'much shorter time.
As an illustration of the extent witli
which the oil fc:;r,plies are disappearing
it is announced that formerly there '.vu
a reserve of 40,000,000 barrels of E • -t«-i i
oil and 24,000,000 'i' Western oil m:ik
R a total of 64,000,000 at/allist a tut J
Jl 000 at present. The daily con
sumption o? oil is about 60.000 barrel,
oi Lima and 90,000 of Pennsylvania.
July 20, P H. C. at Monarch Park
| <Jil City.
Aug 4, Saltshnrg and Ap illo m l
chants at AI imela
Aug. 4th, i Tuesday. Lutherans u!
Wi Htern Petinsylvama and Fasten
Ohio Renuion, at Alameda.
Angnst * Woodmen's ox-roast< fi'
Alameda; also Lutheran reunion ai
Aug. 12, Wednesday, Butler grocer
at Alatne<la. Free coffee. Stores closed
all day.
At the Masonic outing at Alaniedn
h.st Wednesday the old officers were re
elected as follows:
President, W. A. Stein, Butler.
Vice President, J. Hemphill, Taren
Treasurer, Henry P. Shanor, New
Secretary, Rex Williams, Butler.
The location and time for th<- next
outing will be selected at a meeting oi
the executive committee to be appoint
by the different lodges.
Itlack Family Itcunioii.
The Second Animal Reunion au<l
Basket Picnic of the Black family will
be held at Alameda Park, Butler, OL
Tuesday, July 2*.
All are invited to set apart this <lay
for a genera! visit and a good time.
An Old One
Wm. Fisi er, your valuation for the
year 1841 is Wrt. The courL of at)peal
will lie held at the Commisionertf' Office,
for vonr township on the 21st day ot
Feb. next, where >on may attend if you
thick proper. Bate per cent, for conn
ty purposes two mills uu the dollar.
Rate [>er cent.for State tax two mills on
the dollar
Wheat, wholesale price 05-70
Rye. " 80
OaU, " 4«
Corn, " WJ
Hay, " 18 00
Eggs, " in
Butter, '' 17
Potatoes, • 7(J
Onions, per bu 7.'
Cabbage, per lb 2
Chickens, dressed 1H
Chickens, spring, per pair *•',
Celery, doz bunches M'l
H'»iiey, per pound I"
Lettuce, lb. H
Radishes, do* bunches 'J~>
Onions " 90
Beets, '• 40
Cukes, per doz .... M 0
Apples, i»tr bu 85 70
Blackberries, per 'jn l'i
itei irr 'l'liitu tlni Treasury.
It. is certainly more profitable to draw
} |s-r cent, interest on savings, com
pounded every Onion I hs, fromßeal Kht at e
Trust Company, Mil Fourth Ave,, Pitts
burg. Pa., than only half that interest
on Ooverument Bonds. Both invest
inets are gilt edged, and equally stable
Capital and Surplus over SII,7OO,(MHJ
Write for Booklet "How to Bank by
Tlic Jllltlcr IJusiiiess College.
The Butler Busines* College has Just
e)ose<i the most successful term ol
Hi-hijol that it has ever experienced.
The enrollment was 1W) students. 22
tyis-wriUsrs now in u»<j, and several
more new ones will be added for the
tertn which opens Tuesday, Sept. 1, I!)<»!!
We are having three times as many
calls for young men who understand
BOTH shorthand and Isxikkccping an
we can supply. Send for a copy of our
I'joii 04.
Butler, Pa
Cirovc City Hilile (JonlVrenctt.
The seventh annual sesdon of tin
♦ irove ('ity Bible <><nference will Is-gin
at Orove City, Pennsylvania, Thursday
evening August oth, and close Sabbath
evening, August 10th.
The program is the best ever offered
in Urove ('ity. Write for program and
rates of entertainment. Address all
communications to the President, Isaac
C. Keller, Orove City, Pa.
Meel;.M« At KICIMT'H.
Want a piano t Want anything mns
ical? Hemember Arthur Love, with
tin Old and Responsible Musi<- llons<
of 11. Kleis-r & Bro., 221 2:;; i, Fifth
Ave . I'ittsburg, I'a, Manufacturers ol
the 'Kleber' and "W Crawford An
d< rson Pianos, and #ole agents foi
, Knalfc ', "Crown" and otle r leading
I'lanos, Apollo piano Players, Talking
Machines. Ktc.
For sis-cial low prices and exlraordin
ary values write me, or ls;iter still,
iiimt me at Kleber'n I'ittsburg
AUTHt'K L'»vi;.
I don't see IkiW Hitter (Sf Rockensteln
can s<-l| clothing cheap,
AUF.NTS WANTKU f 4 a.li.-s oi
gentlemen, for Bntler and Armstronii
couuties, .Vi per day guaranteed. t<
reprewnt an incorporated company
A'Mre** .), C ( id HItAN,
21.1 W Jefferson St., Butler, I'a
It will pay you to attend Hitter A
Rocketir.tejn s mid c-ason *ale
Music scholars wantid at I2M W
Wayne St.
| Kepple, a son of P> ter
i Kepple, deed. of Buffalo twp..and j«l:« .1
j ;il»>nt IT vi*arx. waa struck t>> an ex
I.r« — Irniu on tin* Fort \\a\Le inad U'
! 1 ivv I*ill~ir_r. ami instantly killed
j -■• in- day- ago. 11»- wn bnrii-d at Fi-k
Chapel in Buffalo twp. on Sunday. tin
12th inst. He ami his girl were walking
along the track at the time and both
were killed. His father fell dead s.>;ne
months ago.
W. B. McGearv is wearing one hand
in bandages. While he and some others
were putting new tnbiui: it; his wa:< r
well, last Friday, the chain wrappt d
around the Urge finder ot his right
hand and snapped it off. The wocnd
» is very painful for a time.
Dirk Jeffries cot bis log Uully with
axe at the new dam in Oakland T»p
S Luiiifc! Wallace. al3 Jt . cc i J . freight
conductor who lives in f-utit-r w»«
Canght aad brni-cd between the ci:r-,
near Punxantawney. Voiii.iy night, bi.i
WHS not seKun-ly injured. A "'draw
bead" pulled ont, and lie j-eut. out tiie
flagman an«l went l>etwecn the cars to
fix it. The flyer picked ni> the flagman,
an 1 then en pt .>n slowly, but the fog
obscured th<- lights of the freight, and
ir Immped it. c itching Wallace 1 ttween
the c irs
The collision took plat iu the tnn:ul
and the engine of the fly er was badly
smashed, and had to IK* s*_nt to the shops
at Dußois and another secured -it
PunxsutHwriey which caused a ielay -f
four hours. All the pa>seogers w*o
bruised and j -lted 1A the crash.
To Camp at .SmiuT-i-t
C'o L. Sixteenth and the Reditu.u'»!
formerly Germani;> ln>;d leave th-*
afternoon for Somers< t Pa. where they
will enter the Brigade camp.
\r. a Ivance detail i»-ft Tue-d iv to pre
pate the r-auip The Isivs will arrive
home again Saturday. August 1
Capt. J. A. McKee: Lieutenants,
Thomas McKec- :»n-1 A. .1 <'uinberland.
Sen geants A. J. Thompson, Lewis
oe.'itty. Roy Burtner. Wm. Walker and
Geo. Sleotz.C A ■ asse ;qua rtermaster .
Corporal#—Walter Mr'.'an*! les«, Den
liis O'ConivT Chas White. Harry Mi■
Master?, R-ilph Hovis Win. Teague,
Ray Hanli.n clerk' and Ri>sel Stepp.
Private;- •• J. Atehi*on, R. Armstrong,
T. O. Cratty, <""lande Cuoper. F. Conley,
J. Diamond. Clarence Forcht. (' G»l
Gallagher, John <Jrah»ni. Paul Gil
lespie, Hugh Gillespie. Frank Honaton.
Al. I lenipfling, Je-i-e Miller, Ralph
Vack'-v. Howard Mi-Candles. John
Neglev, John Nicholson. J F. Pollock,
S.'d Riddle, Vie li< ckemtein, David
Steel. Frank Stewart. Wm. Shutter,
Walt. Staffer Fred Smith, Dana Smith.
Jes-e Thompson. G Thompson. Fi ed
Wiest, W. W Ward, Roy Wilson. Sam
Redding, Chas Kane. Wm. Metzer,
Wm. M' Conaghj . CI-i retire Cole, C. D
Barksdale —56,
Butler Ice Company
<irders delivere<l promptly to all parts
of tiie town.
Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call
tip Bell Peone No. 4: or People's No. 54.
E. E. LANTZ, Manager,
People's Phone No. 588.
Insuranc and Rea Estate.
If yon wish to sell or buy IJ roperty
you will find it UJ your advantage to see
Wm FI. Miller, Insurance anil Real
Estate, next P. 0., Butler, PH.
Orders delivered promptly to all parts
of the town.
Leaye orders at Park Hotel, or call
up Bell Phone No. 4; or People's No. 54.
E. E. Lantz. Manager, People's Phone
No. Wi
Lot 50*104 feet, 5-room house, new;
stable '<2oxllo, spring water in house,
Lot 40x112 feet. 7 room house, SI2OO.
Two new houses. West D St., s2oooor
$1550 for one arid SIOSO for other.
Storeroom and tt-room house in West
End, SSOOO. E. H. Nl:oi,ey,
S. W. Diamond.
A little money buys more at ltitter &
Rockenatein's sale than anywhere else
in Butler.
We believe it will pay every one to
attend Bitter & Rockenstein's clearance
Orders delivered promptly to all parts
of the town.
Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call
up Bell Phone No. 4; or People's No. 54.
E E. Lantz, Manager, People's Phone
No 5-'t:t.
A New and Important Departure
in Savings Deposits
The Security of Government
Bonds. Higher Interest
Unique Features—Negoti
able Transferable
Private enterprise has gone a step be
yond the Government and supplements
tie- safety and convenience of Govern
ment Bonds with more lilieral intercut
and other special, distinctive features.
The Dollar Having* Fund & Trust
Company, Allegheny, Pa., issues Coupon
Certificates of Deposit, in
tions of $500.00 and $1.000,00, due in five
years and bearing interest at the rate of
four js-r cent, per annum.
The principal is payable at any inter
est period by giving 00 davs notice in
writing to the Company. Interest pay
able January Ist and July Ist. Attach
ed to these engraved Bonds are Interest
Coupons iu regular form, to be cut off
and collected in the usual way.
The Bonds bear interest from date >f
issue; more liberal than ordinary Sav
ings Deposits, which allow in I crest only
from Ist of each month, and do not per
mit withdrawal without lengthy notice;
then, only, with loss of interest to the
depositor if withdrawn at other than
the regular interest periods. The cer
tlgcates are payable to bearer, with pro
vision for registration of principal, and
are trariiifarable. Out-of Town Deposi
tors will find them admirably convent
ent and satisfactory investments for
surplus funds. Interest is collectible
through home banks, or by mall; the
certificate are negotiable, and may ls>
used IIM collateral to their full face
value. The absolute security of these
Bonds is guaranteed by the Capital (V
Surplus of over The rcputa
tion of the Dollar Savings Fund & Trust
Company i:i well known and the names
of its Officers and Trustees, headed by
its President, It If Boggs of the well
known firm of Boggs <V Buhl, include
men it the highest standing in the
financial world,
A Sample Cerlifieate will lie mailed
upon reijuest to Dollar Havings Fund
Trust Company, Federal St., Allegheny,
The Dollar Havings Fund <Hc Trust
Oimpany allow i four per i-ent. Intereht
on Sayings Accounts, and dejK»sits nt
$1 (Stand upward will be receive<l with
permission to withdraw SIOO <Si at any
time without notice.
Banking by Mail is a safe and con
venient System an conducted by this
batik Full information will In- furnish
ed upon request.
Butler Ice Company
Orders delivered promptly to all parts
of the town
f,e,tve orders at Park Hotel, or call up
I'ell Phone No 4; or People's No. 54.
E. Iv I, ANT/.. Manager,
People's Phone No. .ViU.
Months of May, June. July and
August, forenoons only, location same
as la«t season, formerly Graham Bro'ti
Grocery, now Cohen'a bargnin store.
The price and quality at the
Modern Store have made the
rush for the pant week to thin
busy place. Best calicoes sc,
45 in. Standard Oil Cloth 14c,
nrid a host of other bury,alns.
'I he Elsler Mardorf Co. know
jhow to turn a dull month into
la busy one,
tin tier t'uMic Library Associa
The Association has recently place 1
n|4>n it" sh«-lv. - wviT.il hundred new
b-ofcs \V«- wish the Lilirary t<> so
Lir as w»> ar«* able to make it. free to
:h 1 public :in«l of r»al benefit and
pleasure to all the people of the com
Feeling that the aim of the Public
Pre-s and the pnblic Library is to a
•ertain extent the same since we both
desire the furtherance of general public
. ;luc:it:on and culture in our city, we
would solicit yonr interest in making
onr Inxks more available to our people
in general Thongh onr resources are
entirely inadequate to the Library ad
. vantages required in a town the size of
< ir-. we are desirous of making the
• . t use possible o? onr limited facilities
■u:d a'-o of interesting more of onr
I ; üblic spirited cititizer.s in onr work.
■ ' ould we do S.J i feel sure our needs
j \v<-uld be appreciated anil onr usefull
:---s extended to the advantage of onr
i i ;ty. It is a >od subject for asiitat.on
•i: U a-t, that being the first step toward
ny itnpr vi ment in ;i community an i
i ert.;inly onr very considerable
1 ctor in the bringing about of the same.
< 11l itr II NOT IS.
A reception for the new nifinbeis it
ciived at commuiiiou l*tt Sunday will
be held Friday evening in the U. P.
The reception in the (irace Lutheran
C",:iirch, last Tunrsiiay evening, was cn
joyed by about 150 members and tb.ir
ti .ti.ds. lee cream and cake were ser
"Last il.iys of I'onipeii"
I j in s [i\ >!itechnic display." last days
■<! pompt'ii, wil be pre-eiited at Exi*>.-:-
t;oi. Park. Allegheny. for two wei
beginning .Mouda\ n»*xr. Jn'y 27, nul.r
the ausp'c s .jf the Patsburg Ledge of
Deer Park, Md-
Mi at dhlijjhf ul summer resort of tie
Swept by mountain breezes, 2,KO«i
feet above sea level. Absolutely free
fi >m malaria, hay fever and mosqaitos.
11: ached mithout chang« of cars from
all principal cities via L. & O R. K
Lvery modern convenience. Rooms en
»'i:te witli private baths Electric
Lights. Long Distance Telephone, Ele
•.iti.r, Ttukish Baths, Swimming Pools,
tiolf Links. Tennis Courts, Bowline Al
:eys. Magnificent Drives, Complete Liv
ery Service. Annapolis Naval Acade
my L'and Hotel remodeled with «d
--ditional conveniences. All cottagte
have been taken for the season Open
from June 22 to Septemder 'AO.
For rites and information, address
\V. li Burwell. Manager. Deer Park.
Garret County, Md,
New Ice Wagon.
The new ice wagon of May & Kenne
dy is now in service, and ice will be de
li vered to all parts of the city by this
firm. If yon want ice today, call up
j; 11 phone H7 or Peoples 128. Regular
deliveries. Send in your orders.
y.-veii roomed No. 1 house, lot 50x150,
In.-titute Hill, $2250.
»>x loomed b<<u*e, lot 40x160, Summer
ave.. |2050.
No. 1 7 roomed brick, centrally locat
ed, lot 55X1M, two streets, S4OOO.
Seven roomed bouse, Whippo ave.,
sllsO, Many others.
House for rent.
E. 11. NEG LEY, Diamond.
An unparalleled sale of men's and
boy s clothing and furnishings at
Men's 25c underwear now
18c and best 50c now 37c and
finest SI.OO silk mercerised
pink and blue, now 75c at the
Modern Store. For men's
wear, Eisler Mardorf Co. are
merit of Concord two. District, Butler
county. Pennsylvania. for the lineal
year ending June Ist, 1903.
Wholti number of schools H
Numb rof teachers employed 10
No. of pupi Is unrolled In all the schools.. .2H7
A't of tax levied for ncliool pur poses..|l,fio*.<»4
iialance on hand from last year . $ .'CiH.ii.*j
K«;«-<;ivtd from Htate appropriation... I,'MJic
I rocn col, Including taxes of all kinds 1,750.
I roni < o. Treas., u rise a tad lands,tines Itt.i KS
From all other sources 8.50
Total receipt** KJ.aOH.O4
I or teachers' wages sl,HHfi.flO
A t p'd teachers for att'gC'o. Institute tU.'Si
Tor r«?nt. and repalrM 11^.10
For fuel and contlnjrencleM 1%.7J
I ♦ «-H of CJol. Troa»uror $52.47. r»2.47
Si lary of Wee, «*xpennon,stationery,etc ttT» ;>1
I or debt and paid.
l or enforcing rompiilHory law . . 1.7 a
I or U-xi huokn 15J1.00
For HunpllcH (oth *r than text lio<ik(i)
Including mapii, globes, etc 70.H4
Total money paid out
(>a»h on hand ffIgS.HS
A mount du«r dlHtrlct .. 1H.4-
We hereby c« rilfy that **• have examined
the abov<; and find It correct.
F. A. OocifitAX, I
W. 11. KUIIN. /Auditors.
M W. Camciikm., |
Wltnchsour hands this Ist day of Juno. liwiCi.
It 11. CAMI'ITEI.B, President,
i A. L. Ufiowfi, Secretary.
Our cleaning up and stock
reducing sale begins today
v/ith such great values as
these unequaled in price and
beyond competition.
Children's fine kid shoes,
button, 2 to 5, worth 50c,
Ladles' fine kid shoes,
diamond tip, vesting top,
for which many of you
have paid $3.00,
Men's all patent leather
shoes valued at $3.50,
Retterer Bros
Oi'i'fCK P.yera* llinMiny nexl to P.
10. ffntl# r I'h
WAN'll l» bust ling men In every
IIM itlH v to f • *ii and Intrixlucw |iracllcal
hull . bo!<l IH • tity which M*IU «|iil<'kly; big
ptMlii do v" »i own fiiunnfiM'i urlug; ter
rllory given ridld o|»i»**rl null y to nlait
In bn .in* •* «>n pracili*nl|y n«»«>• 1 Write
for puttjculara, < IJ ANnl, ro„ Kant
Fourth « nth Hi New York 7Z\ It
I Trusses j
x The Right Kind V
7 To Buy. C
V Yon cad buy Trusses for al- /
V moat nothing or yon can pay a %
\ kigfa price for them, but the %
J price of a Truss does not prove C
\ that it is going to be the one J
I you need. Every rase has to \
V be fitted individually. That V
J is where we have had our great f
\ success iu Trusses. No one I
/ goes out of our store with a V
j Truss that does not fit perfect- f
Sly. Therefore a great many /
V people are wearing our Trusses /
J and sending their friends to us S
\ to be fitted. If you are wear- \
V ing a Truss and it does not | 1
/ feel right, or stay in the right S
% place come in and see ns about \
( it. no matter if you did not i
buy it from ns. We will tell (
/ you whether it is the right , /
I Truss to wear. We will give \
X you the benefit of our twenty- S
S five years experience. Private j f
V l apportuients for ladies. \
\C. N. BOYD ?
\ Pharmacist, j S
C Diamond Block. /
/ Butler, Pa, ?
) People's Phone 83. !)
\ Bell Phone 146 D.
Ffcdicl( &
109 N. /Main Street,
sest Service.
Prompt and Careful
Four Registered
Prescription Worl< a
C. E. Miller's
Sale Prices
arc causing a stampede,
and willing buyers
Making Things
Lively Here Now.
Going to change the whole
front, and the TEARING,
DOWN soon commences.
Good Shoes Here in Abundance
Prices have been
Hammered already.
Values turned topsy-turvey in
a mad rush for exit
are coming here
Gontlc Patterns and Shapes
lessly dumped on the
Some things you'll find
C. E. Miller,
Where Bargains are best
Opposite Hotel
215 S. Main St., : Butler, Pa.
loua Fifth Avt . ntubura, Pa. I
lun Yt'.i* 242Uiaiil A T. Iti»u|«r, frsrt. ■
' The Time is Here! Our Sale its Ont
The Time is Here for Our
Semi-Annual Bargain Sale
which means mnrh to onr cnstomera, in the way of sarin# money.
1 as yon will see by the bargains in onr windows. Watch oar windows daily for
bargains. It will jay yon. We will quote just a few of onr bargains:
40 sls 00 and *16.00 Suits Sale Price, $7. SO
30 $12.00 and $14.00 Snits Sale Price. ffi.OO
5o $7.50 Suits Sale Price, $3 75
25 f"» oo Snits.. Sale Price, fa.so
75 $4.00 Snits Sale Price, $3.00
One lot of Mon's Suits, all sizes, go at half-price.
All Wash Suits, sizes 3 to 10. go at half-price.
One lot of Boys Knee Pant Suits, were 12.00 and $3.00, sale price SI.OO.
All Straw Hats go at half-price.
All Shirt Waists go at half-price.
One lot of Summer Underwear, to close it out goes at 20c a garment.
About 120 Straw Hats, worth from 50c to $2.00, choice 25c.
It is needless to qnote more prices —liargains all through the store. You
know our sales mean much for you. Call ami be convinced. Then tell yoar
neighbor what we did for you.
Yours as ever,
gßeductton Sale tal
fCarpetS" Mattings!
gj SI.OO Brussels • Carpet, full rolls of
§[ patterns that we intend to discontinue £
*§j Goods that we sold for one dollar, B
g[ Reduced to 75c# jg
pi 95c Brussels Carpet good patterns# jC
81 enough in most any piece to cover aS
*Hroom, Price 75c, . K
pj! 25c Matting# plenty of them to sex S
gleet from? some have straw warpS
pothers have cotton warp, Price 15c# S
35c Mattings, fine goods, all new this season, but too H|
many of them. Price now 25c. JJK
Sf Bring exact size of your room and we will make up B
any of the above Carpets.
1 Alfred A. Campbells
Formerly Campbell & Templeton. )6
. J;
A Safe Furniture Store
Must have more than honesty—lt must have
knowledge, too. It Is an Immense satisfaction
to buy at a siore whose word back of each sale,
coupled with experience, makes it of some
This store Is full of reliable goods—bought from
best manufactures—that we know are right In
quality and price.
See our Porch and Lawn Goods, Mattings,
Carpets and Porch Rugs; Parlor Suits and
Odd Pieces; Iron and Brass Beds and
Bedding; Refrigerators, Buffets, Sideboards
and China Closets.
See the whole line and compare quality and prloe.
No. Kid N. Main St. (Bell Phone 100) BUTLEB, PA.
(Jrente«t Kidney and Liver Remedy. Positive can for Slot
Headache, Soar Htomsch, Lom of Appetite, Constipation
\ u Rheumatism, Blood Purifier.
For Hale by all PrnKKi'ts, or by mail, 88c, fiOc, and SI.OO
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and SeleSteble
ki*r of
Wick House Butler Penn'e
Th« beat of hiirann and flr«t claaa rigs al
WUVNOII hand and for hire.
llfal arcouiim dattoiia In town fur pcrma
limit iHiiirdliiK and Irmmlm, t trade. Hpecl
ul rare guaranteed.
Steble Room For 00 Horaea
A trood c aim of horiai. both driver® add
draft alwayM on hand aud for »»!•
undor a full guaranUiw; and bnrooa bough
lion prou*r notification bf
Tninohonn No. lit
Wholesale Dealer In
Fine Whiskies
For Medicinal Purposes.
Bell Phone 278.
People's Phone 578.
316 East Jefferson Street.
< Wm. Foster, <
| Architect, j
J Plan of all kind of boUdlnga \
S fnrniehwl on short notioe. r
C Oftlooin B«rgßaiUllag, /
J Bntler, Pa. V
Lincoln College,
Roger* Ohio.
Spring Term opens April 14th.
Normal Term, six weeks, be
gins June 23rd.
Commmerclal, Normal, Classi
cal. Musical and Art De
Write for particulars
P. 0 Box 143, Rogers, Ohio.
Tjamrm nabob,
luqulr* at Fheriff'aofl •« or *i6
SI. Butlert Pa.