Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 23, 1903, Image 2
THE CITIZEN. WILLIAM O. SEG LEY - PoWUhtr. THURSDAY, JULY 23, I'JOS. HJM per Jtif to Advance, Otherwise SI-SI. REPUBLIC AX NO.MINEE.C~ Judges of the Superior Court. JOBS J. HENDERSON', THOMAS A. MORRISON. State Treasurer, W. L MATHUKS- Auditor General W. P. BXYDER For Jury Commissioner. A. O. EnERUART. Value of Cool Lands. In a review of the realty situation in the Pittsbnrs district the Pittsburg Press of Sunday quotes a broker as say ing that he expects to Bee the prices of oo*l lands soar a great deal higher, in the next two or three years. It was pointed out that the sales in the last year or two bad been so enormous as to cause a shortage in the supply. There m but few big blocks in the market anywhere in the Pittsburg district The Piw says that this view of the situa tion should be of value to owners of owl and they should act wisely by hold ing on to their land and awaiting de velopments. This advice can be taken for j»b»t it is worth by the fanners of Butler county who have not yet sold fhafc coat. The fact remains, however, that those who have waited have realiz ed much more than thoee who let go of their holdings when the first purchaser along. The value of coal lands in the greater Plttaburg district of which Butler county is an important part will continue to increase in value and it is to HM material interests of the owners of this property and of the county that they should realize from this enhance merit of values. The Democratic Millstone. —— * Mr. Bryan in his address at Chicago Saturday gave an interesting exhibition of a man so self-centered and self com placent aa to be unable to read and inter tntthetoaaooaoCthe recent past. As to bis sincerity there can be no doubt, and the certainty that be is sincere makes the spectacle all the more amazing. Mr. Bryan,while right in the conclusion he reaches that the Democratic party could not succeed with Cleveland for its nominee, is wrong in believing that the Democratic party is handicapped in any degree by the attitude of tbe Cleveland ndmlnUtration toward corporations. What is remembered against Cleveland la Us attitude on protection to Ameri can industries, and what is remembered in hto favor is his attitude toward tbe money question. His attitude toward American industries is, however, the traditional attitude of his party, and in adhering to his party's free 'trade poli cies he waa entirely true to his plat form of principles. It is. therefore tbe particular policy that distinguished Cleveland's administration that is an Impediment to his party rather'than the man himself. There is no effort in tbe Democratic party to repudiate free trade aa a cardinal plank of party prin ciple. Mr. Bryan bimslf adheres to it as strongly as does Cleveland. If we looh U >h»agtion of Democratic conven tions to find what is by tbem consider- 1 ed to be the handicap to Democratic success, we discover that there is a Strong feeling that tbe handicap is the particular party policy which was dic tated by Mr. Bryan himself in two campaigns, and which he is endeavor ing to fasten upon bis party in another campaign. Tbe lowa Democratic con be HMlHHlßsatprmctically all Demo crate approve the inspiring motive of tbe Cleveland administration, while a large atetiOß of tba Democratic party mpodtotea tba inspiring motive ;tf tba Bryan dominance of tbe Democratic party enables disinterest ed observers to sse what is obecured to Bryan's vision, that be rather than Cle veiand to looked on by Democrats as tbe I mfltotone —Pg. gazette. No Hanger of Htortn. Although United States Steel stocks touched the lowest point yesterday since the combination of vast interests, com mon selling for $25 flat, the market showed a slight tendency toward recov •ry at tbe close, and all alarm over the possibility of a financial storm has been pretty generally dispelled, even in tbe most conservative of business circles. Tbe depression of leading stock* is a fixed programme with many of tbe most influential operators of Wall St.; but, tba dally battles having narrowed down to men who are able to stand the rude sboc&s of war, tbe public is well satisfied to leave tbem to their own method? to long as tbe prosperity of tbe country and tranquility in tbe financial world arenot disturbed. Tbe general belief to that a return to higher atocb values to only a question of a short time, although this desirable condition will hot be reached without severe losses to thousands of heavy in vestors the country over: while as for Urn small fry in the market, they have already been pretty generally wiped off tbe speculative earth.— Dispatch. MOBK than 990,000,000 worth of dia monds sad other precious Atones were bronght Into the U. 8. daring the fisca 1 y#ar which ended June HO. This amount U the largest of say year in the histo ry of oar commerce and an increase of 60 per cent over last year. Folly *25.- 000.000 of this vast sum represented the yalne of the imported diamonds alone. PIT'S s good year for crops after all Several of oar farmer friends tell us the wh)et they hare cat, tboagh short in fIM stalk, is the bent yield they've had in yea'*. Corn has grown like scandal ■inoe the rains broke the May drontb. Potatoes are a-balgia and flonrfirhing. Orssa has convalesced wonderfnily, and bay will ha in the finish with the other crops. There's quite a bit of fruit in ■pots. Aa one of our old-time local char , scters would say "Bo not dismayed; there's corn in Egypt and potatoes in the land of Nod. " YzvrZRDAY'h dispatches contained accounts of soother battle in Venezuela, in which the government troops captur ad the town of Bolivar. One para graph of tha account reads tbmdy— "The government forces, which were advancing from all directions, arrived near the centre of Cuidad Bolivar. When the inhabitants of. the commer cial and foreign parts of the <-ity Maw the advance of the government troops they abandoned their houses, crossing the streets amid a bail of bullets and ■bails, the women carrying their child ren, the strong helptng the weak. Many nan in trying to protect the women fall, struck by ballets, 4n the middle of the streets. What with the firing, the moans of the wounded and the (Tying of the women and children, n terrible ■nena waa witnessed. The government troops, however, acted with humanity, especially the forces of (Jen Kivas, who. fighting bravely, was the first to order tba attacking forces to be merciful," Public Franchises. Up in the pretty city of Toronto, | public franchises are negotiated for thr- a municipal agency repre senting the community as a whole. In-' stead of leaving street railway franchis- • ee to be scrambled for by the politi dans, the city of Toronto itself took the franchise, fixed ite terms and invited competition for a lease limited to 35 years. The main consideration was to provide accommodation for the public, and the interests of every class of the community were considered. Different classes of tickets were provided for, ran ging in price from 10 for 25 cents to 8 for 25 cents, good daring special hours. Tickets good at any time on week days 6 for 25 cents. and on Snndays at 7 for 25 cents. Moreover, it wa f provided that the ca»s should be of such design as the city engineer should approve, and that the lines thould be run on such streets, and cars should be run at as frequent intervals as the city an thorities should direct. For a franchise so conditioned and limited to 25 years, reserving to the city the right to purchase the plant at the expiration of the franchise the company which holds the lease pays $»00 per mile of single track and 8 per cent on all grow receipts up to a million dollars, the percentage increasing for each additional half million until it amounts to 20 per cent, upon all receipts over #3,000,000 per annum Thus, in ad dition to securing cheap fares for the people, the city derives a large revenue from the franchise, amounting last year to $235,447, and, moreover the company pays taxes upon all its property, the sum last year amounting to $22,758 96. The company is prosperous and declares regular dividend/*, but, of course there is no capitalization of franchise value in its stocks and bonds The exhibit shows what good municipal manage ment can do; the results of municipal mismangement and incompetency can be seen all about ns. THE Trans-Siberian Railway of Rus sia now runs four express trains every week out of Moscow, which make the trip through to Dalny, the Pacific term inus of the road in Manchuria, in thir teen days. The distance is 8,0555 versts or 4,368 miles and the fare for a first class passenger about $132.50. From Mos cow to Manchuria station is 4,197 miles and to Port Arthur 5.388 miles. The fare to Port Arthur is $134 and includes cost of passage across Lake Baikal by steamer. PROMIXEKT physicians in this coun try believe that Prof. Maragliano, of Genoa, Italy, has at last discovered a cure for consumption. Tbe Italian as serts that he has produced, after more than 30 years of study, a serum, which, introduced beneath tbe skin of tbe arm as vaccine lymph is used in vaccination, produces a small circumscribed tubercu losis sore, attended with slight fever for two days, after which tbe system of tbe subject is immune to tuberculosis or consumption. THE returns of 4th of July casualties, gathered by tbe Chicago Tribune from 200 cities and towns, foots np these to tals: Killed, 52; injured in various way s, 3,665. Tbe toy pistol was respons ible for 559 injuries; gunpowder in its many methods of use wounded 798; sky rockets. 206; firearms, -562; fireworks, 1,170; ewnon. 318. The toy-pistol's work, in the shape of lockjaw, is still going on. In seme cases the te tanus was caused by the explosion of fire crackers in the hand. | J. PIUIIPONT MOKGA N, who ha* gathered together considerable of thin world's good 9, baa an art collection valued at $6,000,000. Recently Mr. Morgan ban indicated hi* willingness to present this to a national art gallery to be established at Washington. He de sire* that thi* collection ahotild occupy a wing of the bnilding. to be construct ed at his expense, and that it be forever and eternally known as the J. Pierpont Morgan Collection. Which is not tin reasonable. THK chief glory of this Republic i* that tbe poorest and obscurest boy be tween the two oceans may become the greatest dignitary in the land. The son ot a washerwoman, if be po**e*n brain* and character and energy, i* wore likely to be a great and good man, possessing the esteem of bis fellows, tban the son of a millionaire. But strong and splendid character*, with nil tbe rneged honesty and sterling worth that honest proverty breeds, may also come ont of tbe luxurious homes of the rich. President Roosevelt was born and reared in a mansion on Fifth Ave. Bnt a large majority of our chief magistrates were poor l»oys, the sons of laborer* anil artisana. Brady's Jump. John P. Cowan wrote up Brady's Bend for last Sunday's Gazette, and winds up hia interesting article as follows: "Fonr miles from the river is the bamlet of Kaylor A few months ago this place could boast only of a store and a blacksmith shop. Mince tbe com ing of tbe railroad and the bnilding of the coal tipples its population ho* in creaaed to almost 1,000. Everywhere there are evidences of prosperity. Many of the house* thai nave been vacant for a decade have been rebuilt by Mr. Dewey and are be ing rapidly picked up by tenants. A drive through tbia region i* a reve latiori to tbe sojourner who delights to a away from tbe maddening crowd, first thing that your driyer will V 11 you is the story of Bra/1 y's escapade. It seems that every tx-rson in the town has bia own version. Down on tbe bank of the river, while sitting in a skiff that is used to ferry the romantic stream, a boy pointed out a jotting cliff on the Armstrong county side of tbe stream and said confidentially: "Over yonder is where Captain Brady lumped off when the Indiana chased him. He jumped clear down ofT the top of that rock into the river and swum the *tream and they didut dare to follow him, either.'' The story Is a good one but it would be rank heresy to repeat it in Beaver Uo. where the people point out one of their hills and tell the same tale. Neverthe less the youngsters up here like to relate the incident and I suppose it doe* i hem some good -with humble apologies to the good people of Heiver." , A tlljrlilanri Fling Himkn Htory. Eight hundred rattleaftakea, meaaur Jng upward* of three feet nvh, were a«cld>ntly Jut U*mn at the village of Highland Fling, oil the top of the Alle ghaniea, about Mix mile* north of Altoo na, laat ritinday morning and complete conaternatlon a* a re*nlt la reported to be reigning anions the real dent* who have become terrified. J. C. Albright of that plant- had col lected them for an oaaUrrn agency, While foeding them the cage door l*> came unfaatened in Home unknown way and lajfore It wnM be clotted the reptile* eacaped Albright waa bably bitten and went to the noapital for treatment. On the way be waa atopped twice for faat driving bat when he *howed hia anake bitea and told the ntory of the rattlera awarmlog a»>ont the town he waa allowe<l to continue hia journey, lie haa a chance far recovery. No peraon baa ventured near eriongh the town yet to aee If othera have been bitten by the reptilea, but word retched Altoona that the town la virtually over ran with the *nak<a. The l>rave*t of the realdenta have been hunting the reptilea arid hnndreda of them have lieen killi«l The other* ore Meaning to the mount aina or finding biding place* under botiaea Albright xiH-iit the greater part of the aumuier gathering anakea and valued ' colkection at SI,OOO. DEATH OF THE POPE. Poi>e Leo XIII, died at the Vatican in Home, at -1 P. M. of Monday, or about 10 A M. of our time—(there being a difference of six hours'—aged 03 years. The funeral will not occur for several days, and after that will come the elec tion of a new Pope by the College of Cardinals. In the meantime Cardinal Oreglia Dean of the Sacred College will act as Pope. The death of the pope brings about a widespread change in all the administra tive departments of the church and con siderably influences questions of church policy. The change within the Vatican affects practically all the officials from the highest to the lowest. Cardinal Rampolla retires from the post of secre tary of state, where he exercised a strong influence, owing to the physical infirmities of Leo. Other high officials are similarly affected, the master of the chamber, the under secretary of state, the vicar of Rome, the vice chancellor, the grand penitentiary, the librarian of the Vatican and a host of lesser officials. These will continue to exercise their functions until the new pope is elected, when he will designate his own secre tary of state and other officials to carry on the various important branches of the church's work. Thus there is a complete transforma ation of apoetolic authority, tbe death of the pope meaning the nominal death of all the officials under him. The pro paganda alone remains intact, as the prefect and entire machinery of the propaganda is unaffected. The chief international questions which may be affected by the death of the pope are thoe< connected with the suppression of religious orders in France, the change of the clergy in the new Spanish-Ameri can possessions, the selection of the suc cessor of the late Cardinal Vaughan and attendant questions connected with the administration of the church in Eng land. Emperor William's visit to the pope created a new bond of sympathy between Germany and the vatican All these questions are more or leaf affected by the death of the pope. Among the Vatican officials the Philippine question involving transfers from tne Spanish to the American hier archy and the elimination of the friars is regarded as one of the most impor tance. The present Philippine policy had the hearty approval of Leo XIII. and there is no reason to believe that it will be changed The relation" be tween the Italian government and the Vatican continue to be serious problems Although the temporal authority of the papacy terminated eight yean before Leo XIII became pope, ha steadfastly maintained the principle of temporal power and lost no oppitotllnity to B| deavor to secure its r<fttstation. though the futility of tts cdirtest has been recognized in recent years, -ftfe question of the relations of the govern ment and the Vatican remains one of tbe highest importance. Monsignor Gasparie, who, it is said, will be designated by Cardinal Oreglia to succeed the late Monsignor Volpini as secretary of the consistory, served as secretary of the special commission of cardinals appointed to deal with the Philippine question. In this capacity he took a prominent part in the negotia tion with the Taft commission in Rome last year. In point of longevity Leo was third among the popes, having been surpass ed only by rope Agatho, who died in 6*2. at the age of 107, and Gregory IX, in 1241, aged 08. HIM Beat Monument. Much has been printed within the {last two weeks about the life of Leo. He has been acclaimed the greatest of modern popes. His closing hours have revealed bis greatness as a man. Take tbe incident where Mgr. Angeli. one of bis secretaries, described to him the world wide sympathy which his illness had elicited, declaring that it had pro duced a revival favorable to the Church unexampled in its history. "Blessed illness! " exclaimed the Pontiff. Devo tion could go no further. It is this ef fort of his exhibition of fortitude which is most consoling to those who have es teemed him. 'He has shown the world how a good man can die. Something of tbe same spirit was felt by th»; nation I which watched around the bedside of William McKinney. There was a mor al quickening which could not be mea.s tired, yet was undoubtedly far-reaching. The calm courage of the dying pope will no don M b*• r—Hrr&xi in n similar awakening, extending even bevond the limits of the church over which be pre sided. The progress toward the sympathetic union of the churches which has been accomplished during his tenure of office has been strikingly shown during his illness. Creeds and dogma were forgot ten. I'rayers were offered for his recov ery in churches as wide apart when be ascended the throne as the poles. There may not be any tangible tendency to ward unification, but that there is a broadening liberality and tolerance is indisputable. As much of this as i* dne to the wisdom and progress)veness of the late pope Is his best monument. — Dispatch. A I'usliionable City Cliurcli 1 attended a fashionable city church one Sunday morn. Feeling half sick and all forlorn, Seated myself in the pew As many others were wont to do. The choir struck a strain. It reached to the clouds then came Irnck to earth again. The sipging was grand, the people said, I almost wished I were dead. Th«;y never lived in Bntler county like me, To hear the warbling bird* and hnm ming bee. I love harmonious sounds. From the Hinging birds to the baying bounds. This church choir sings for pay, Kvery blessed Habbath day. The preacher made a prayer; He prayed for every saint and sinner there. He prayed for the whole world, which wax nice, Kven the heathen Chinee who kill mis sionaries and eat rate and mice. The deacons numbering eight, i'ussed around the collection plate. The preacher would have us know The money to a foreign land would go. The preacher announced his text, he re fered to come old sinner who had Ood defied. He should of preached Jesus Christ crn cified. This theme the people love to hear, Kvery habbath in the year. Those old sinners are long dead and gone, The worst the sun ever shone on. Why they reserrect them at the present day In beyond my ken I would surely May. This is what the preachers are prone to do, Holding their bad deeda up for the young to view. They should let their bad deeds la: bur led in the dreary past, They will be brought to light at last. On the dread judgment day We will all hear what they have to way. Perhaps they had temptations we know not of, We reail of some who were deeply in love. This will make of any man a fool, It is a lesson that is never taught in school. David fell in love with Uriah's wife. He placed Uriah In the midst of the strife. He knew in the battle Uriah Mould surely fall, At the present day wc would say he had great gall. There was Noah and many more. And Holomon who had wives by the score If a man lias only two wives at the present day There is a vrand kick and the dace to pay. If the preachera would take the new teatament and drop the old, They would gather moreloat aheep Into the fold. Kay to old and young, great and amall, •It'Mtia Chiiat died tor all AMCX M. HA VM. Geo. Clay Declared Insane. < >ne of the final scenes of a remark •>ble rouuanee was enacted in the court room at Richmond, Kentucky, last week when Gen. Cassias M. Clay. aged 93, was declared insane. A week pre viouslv Dora Richardson Brock, the divorced child wife of the aged Ken tnckian, had declared her intention of going on the stage. It is alleged Gen. ( "lay has been insane several years, and his mad love for a 16-year old girl, who was 13 when she married him, is held to be largely responsible for his condi tion. At the time of the marriage Gen. Clay was 90. He was cultured, a a man of repute in the affairs of the Nation, the scion of a famous family and the possessor of wealth. She was illiterate, untutored in the ways of the world, content amid her lowly surround ings. Gen Clay treated his wife as a child, He bought her dolls, picture books, toy furniture, and many other things which have been made to amuse children. Fi nally the old man purchased his young wife a doll about 20 inches long and filled with mechanical contrivances that caused it to talk, and cry, and laugh. The general's attempts to educate his wife were futile. She read a little and wrote a little, but she had no taste for books and art After a few months she ray away with a fanner youth, whom she married after Gen. Clay secured a divorce. The girl's second husband, whose name was Brock, died in a short time. The love of the aged soldier and diplo mat for the young country girl then sprang to life again, and he sought to have her return to Whitehall, his coun try seat, as his wife in as ardent a fashion as when she first left him to go back to her brother's humble shack in the woods. His children interfered, however, and prevented a reconcilia tion. By the proceedings in the insane court they have also blocked his plan to leave his whole estate to Dora Richard son. He is now confined to bis home with a nnrse and guards His health is poor, and it is feared he cannot live long. It is said Dora Richardson will make her first stage appearance nert month in Boston, and that she will be advertia ed as "the child wife of Gen. Cassius M Clay." Gen. (.'lay died suddenly, yesterday He was a famous abolitionist and author in his day; ana was President Lincoln's Ambassador to Russia. National Finances. The Treasury department's figures for the fiscal year show that the excess of receipts over expenditures was $.">2,- 710, 930, which may be compared with 102,000,000 in 1902 and *77,000.000 in 1901 Income was $558,887,536, and H war taxes, the internal revenue re Wlpts were reduced by nearly $42,000, •tf&O, but the receipts from customs show a gain of about s2l/,500,000. This i-* due chiefly to enlarged imports of mate rials to be aged by manufacturers, and of some finished products which coald not be obtained from our own factories without much delay. It indicates ac tivity rather than idleness in our own industries. While the total revenue was less than that of 1002 by $3,500,000 there was an addition of £55,000,000 to the expenditures. Of this incease. sls, 000,000 in to be charged to the navy and $8,000,000 to the army. The treasury's available cash balance at the end of the year was $231,415,000 and the total amount of gold in the treasury wass6Bl - 639,000, an increase of $71,000,000 in twelvemonths. At the end of the year the national bank circulation had risen to $413,670,650, the addition for the year amounting to $56,000,000, or near ly 16 per cent. The treasury,* figures do not include the revenue ($134,268,000) and the expenditures ($138,8H5,000) of the Post Office department. Here a de ficit of $4,017,000 id disclosed against $2,961,(KH> last year. Ilrsuly Township. T. J. liadger is assisting John G. Thompson to harvest. Perry Hines lost a valuable how; the other evening, it was only sick a short time. Mr. Campbell and Hoy Dickey have been helping W. C, Badger clean his corn. The Duffy timber, which is situated upon the McKelvev Hill, has been sold to Mr. Keasey, arid John F. Bricker is the foreman, and he with the following hands are boarding at Tims. Badger S TeatriHtors, Jan. Bnlford, Geo. Keasey, Cull Lewis and John Hntton; sawyer, A. J. Wolford; fireman, Win Murphy. A J. Wolford lives near Ooaltown and he walks back and forth on Saturday and Monday, a distance of about eight miles Anderson is working for Mr. Bricker in Duffy timber. .Jas. McDeavit*, has beeo helping lieverage and Th's McClymonds to harvest Thos. McClintock and family were up from Kllwood last week to visit their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Badger and also made a '-all on J. W. McKissick. Mike Fair got one hundred and fifty dozen of wheat threshed on the place where he used to live, but where H. B. .Shannon now lives and they made one hundred ten bushels Heyeral farmers have part of their hay in, and a great many would have been done, if it had not of been for the wet weather. The potatoe crop is not a promising one this summer, but may ue a fair yield yet. Floyd liollinger of Greece City was vUiting friends in this vicinity last week. ■■Mm* viirMMaMBMBi Ayers ■MMm mr**' €>■■%. ——— Losing your hnir? Coming out by the combfu!? And doing nothing? No sense in that! Why don't you use Aycr's Hair Vigor and Hail Vigor promptly mop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, too, and ail dandruff will dis appear. Could you reason ably expect anything better? "Am'* llalr v»/«r U * gr**l •urri»«* with if.- My »Mlr * fxillfitf «.«it vr.r y huilljr, »«nl th« Hnir y lift 'I II l"» ,r •• all right."- W. lilMaftf, Cul. fIMR hottl*. J. fJ. Avr.fl CO., f()f Thin H airjl NEW "®r Ilk w« STOCK I have purchased the C J. Harvey Pharmacy, In the Stein building, at 345 S. Main St., am remodeling and restocking the Btore. 1 have twenty two years experience as a pharmacist, and compounding of prescriptions will be under my personal at tention. Pure drugs and honest treat ment guaranteed. When in town shopping, stop and leave your packages. J. L. McKee, Pharmacist, Hteln Block, H. Main Ht., Butler. Pa. f.XTIIA INI.I'CKJIKNT* TO AI'TIAI, *i'ltl<-r*. Writ* for rmif prl'« , « of luihl In ilict J(i'<J ICI v«*r VIIIU y. M lrifi<-«ot u. 7-SMI !,. I*A M HKkHON. Wftmifi, Minn DEATHS. ATKINS— At .lamest->v/n. N. Y., July 10, 1903, Andrew Atkins, formerly of St. Joe. CRITCHLOW —At her home in For ward township. July 16, 190:), Mrs. Critchlow. widow of Samuel Critch low. dee'd., aged about 75 years WILLIAMSON—In Pittsburg, July 16, 1903. J. G. Williamson, formerly of Butler, in his 64th year. CASTOR—At his home in Brady town ship or West Liberty borough. July 20, 1903, Frank Castor, aged about 65 years. He is survived by his wife, three sons and three daughters. He was a veteran of the Civil War. TURK —At the home of her parents, S. C. and Mary J. Turk, near Hallston. July 9, 1903, Sarah Alinira Turk, after a brief illness. "He giveth his beloved sleep." MAGEE —At his home in Harrisville. July 20. 190:), George W. Magee. aged about 65 years. Obituary. James McNeil Whistler, the Ameri can English artist, died in England last week. He painted portraits and etched pictures exceedingly well. He also wrote about the "uentle art of making enemies:" sued Ruskin for libel; and had a fuss with DuMaurier for putting him in the original "Trilby." Mrs. Eva Forner of Pittsburg, nee Boggs of Evans City, died on Wednes day of last week. M 99 is the New and Better Breakfast Food, so different from all others that it pleases everybody. Get a package to-day at your grocers. THE Gtxztxn PUKI F<X>D CO., LI HOT, N. Y. I Clearance Sale s | Straw Hats \ | At 1-2 Price. j i ODD LOTS OF # i Underwear, || j Fancy 1-2 Hose J J Wash Ties, J J Stocks, etc., £ $ Will be sold at less I i than cost. i | Jno. S.Wick | t HATTER tend i * MEN S FURNISHER. £ 4 Opposite P. 0. 4 J People'* 'Phone. 615 \ J BUTLKK, FA. J 13. 13. Price* that MIIOW onr determination in this shelf emptying Hale. 80 Imantlfnl pattemi, 40c, genuine Corded French Gardenias, tex ture heavier than French (Irgandie, 1 5c an ixtraordianry low price for mich flood*. Pretty floral print ingH in innlti colored design*, !!0 incheM wide. Ureat variety W cent Tissue Swisses —i-tripf'il find embroidered 10c oppor tnnity women have Kcldom Been. They're inedinin dark colorH, and can be used for almost any kind of dreMH. for all occsmlou*. Cadet Blue, Pink, lilnck, Green and White ground*. flood »nd prettily printed Amnrlcnn Dimities at n mighty Ktnall price for mich goods great variety of styles cent '(tiHlity. Bc, IfJcone*, 10c Lot 10 and cent American Dimi tie*, sc they're not exactly choice styles, but the quality In there, and that count* Htri|* s and figures white and colored Ktoundn. Yon know Voile- by far the rnrmt fashiotiHlile wool fabric of the yenr bnt it come* high, generally. unci£flce Hale good plain Black American Voile, 20c remarkable and wont lie duplicated. For prompt attention be mire to m/irk your letter H. \IH, state i/dors, style, whether neat, medium or elalior ate, and n)»<ut the price preferred. Bo#gs& Buhl i )< partmenl X. ALLEGHENY. PA. Binding of Books IH our occupation. Wc put our entire time to .studying tlie best and latest methods of doing our work. It you arc thinking of having some work done in this line I urn sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at The Butler Book Bindery, W W AMON, I'rop. Opp. Court House. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. In thf District Court of the I'nited State* for the Western District of Pennsylvania. I'aul Emll Cerutti. of Evans City. Butler county. Fa., a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July 1. Ihaving applied for :i full discharge from all debts provable against bis estate under said Act. notice is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons in Interest, to appear before the said Court at Pittsburg, in said District, Mthe istii day of August, tM» at i> o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of "he said petitioner should not l>e granted. WILLIAM T. LINDSEV. Clerk. ADMINISTRATORS SALE- By virtue of an order of the < )rphans Conrt the undersigned will expose to sale. Friday, July 24th, 1903, at 2 o'clock p. m. on the premises, all that certain tract of land situated in Clay township, Butler county. Pa., bounded on the north by lands of Har lan Brook and L. C Wick, on the east by lands Sarah A. Boreland, on the south by lands of Samuel Thompson, on the west by lands of L. B. Snyder, con taining eighty-nine acres more or less, with a two-story frame house and other outbuildings thereon; well watered and under good state of cultivation Terms: Either cash or one-third down, one-third in one year and one-third in two vears. deferred payments to be se cured in the usual way. Jacob C. Brown, Administrator of Rosanna Brown, de ceased. J. D. Marshall, Attorney. Notice to the Members of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company of Hannahstown and Vicinity. It having come to the knowledge of this company that several members hold dances at night in their barns aud as this is contrary to the rules and con stitution of this Company, the directors in'their meeting of .July 11, 1903, adopt ed the following resolutions: '"lf a loss occurred on insured build ings snch as barns or other buildings, wherein bay or straw may tie or is stored, caused directly or indirectly by public or private dances, parties, or any other public gatherings which may be deemed dangerous to the safety of such buildings by the Board of Directors, the insurance on said loss shall be yoid, and will cot be paid by the Company. By order of the ('resident. Al.rno.vsK KKAUSK. Secretary, July 13, 1903 Starwood, Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary in the estate of James W. Park, dee'd., late of Middle sex township, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to, and all having bills against same will pre sent them duly authenticated for pay ment to RKUHKN W. PARK, Ex'r., R. F. D. 24, Valencia, Pa. W. D. BRANDON, Att'y. 7 9-03 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Charles S. Ixjwry, dee'd., late of But ler, Pa., having been granted to the undersigued. all persons knowing them selves indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment, and all hav ing claims against said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for pay ment to JOHN F. LOWRY, Ailm'r., 425 N. Washington St., Butler, Pa. P. W. LOWRY, Att'y. 7-9 03 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters testamentary on the estate of Dr. J. W. F. Moore, late of Butler, Pa., deceased, have been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves to lie indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make prompt settlement and those having claims against the estate will present the same duly authenticated for settle ment to FRANK 11. MURJ'HY, Executor, Younkin's Bldg, Butler, Pa. June 30th, 1003. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE li".-- """ >»« av. riKf'D. Notice Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Paul Troutmnn, deceased,late of the borough of Bntler, Butler county. Pa., have been K ran ted to Henry N. Troutman of But ler, I'a., to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands against said estate are reouest to make the same known withont delay. IIKNRY N. TROUTMAN, Administrator, A. T. BLACK, Attorney. Butler, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Lettersof administration on theeatate of Jolin Kellerman, dee d., late of Hut L<T, Hntler Co., PH.. having been ({runt ed tlie undersigned, all pernonM known ing themselves indebted to tuiid estate will please mitke immediate payment, and any bavin/ claims against Maid estate will present them duly authenti cated for nettlenient to Mas Ai>.\ KKIXKKMAN, Adm'x. N. Washington Ht., Bntler, I'a. H. CUMMINOH, Attorney. 8-19-08 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration having l>een granted to the underlined on the estate nf Maria i<omuion, dee'd., late of But lertwp., Butler Co., I'a . all persons knowing themselves indebted to Maid estate are hereby requested to make im mediate payment, and any having claims against the »ame toiircMmt them duly authenticated for settlement to K. E. Vi>iTN<i. Adm'r.. 8 12-08 Armory Building. Bntler, I'M. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. l,ctter» of administration on the estate of William K. Slaplcn, dca-nwil, late of Adam* tWT»., Butler Co , Pa., havinv been grunted to the undersigned, all person* knowing tliemiielvea indebted to riaid estate will please make immediate payment, and any having clainia against tiaid estate will prcnent them duly au thenticated for aettlement to Mas. S. CATIIAHINK HTAW.KS, Adm'x., Callery, Pa. J. I). MCJIJNKIW, Att'y. a-IY-oa I /WAKE LIARS OF Aiy COMPETITORS If they told the truth con cernlng my pianos, myself, and my way of doing business I would sell all of the pianos that arc sold In Butler. When a party ootnea to yon with a Mlory concerning my bnaineaa, ask them to call at my atore with you arid repeat It In my presence. 1 am hero for htiftinoaa, and I am hap i>y to any I have lota of it My patrons are my frienda, I always refer to them Ask them. I can give you a list of over 800 patrons to whom I have sold pianos since I came here four years ago. And if you will find any of them who will any th.it I have not la-en honorable 'in all my dealings with them. 1 will present you with a piano. Trusting to have my Just share of your patronage, I am yours for business. Your credit Is good at W. R. Newton's THE PIANO MAN, 317 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. RRTIMETABLES It & O K 11 Tim. table . fftvtiv. IT. l*» 2. Kaslrni StamUnl Time SOUTH BGt'XD Allt'icbeii) A»«-»u»uio*Utiaii ,3'ain .\ll. Jmn* »iul Orvelnthl Kxptv* HO.HU All«-rlii-riv Kxprt** .... *.♦ lo win • • . ♦lltOa-m Ell ai**l City A vomui «Uti..a *t 4«m-IU Chicafco, V " « *j>tle ABd AU« Li. *t4o |-n» Atfeg&eoj Expnw ♦VJ4 p m WWcl' uy \ «mn»»wlatioii *550 |».m Ell»-««al N«*» i'Mitl** AiV. unn.KUtum. *5 50 \^tu XORTII D«»UM» Ka:iean«l Brmlfoi'l Mail a-in Clarion Acrummoilatioii +4:56 p-m Foxbarg A<x»iumudation t.vOO p,ni * Dailr. + £ A rt*pt Sunday. ♦ Sunday only. Trains leak-e the Allegheny station for Butler at 7:30, S:ir>, a.iu., and 1:15, 3:00. 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. anil Pittsburn station at 7:50 a. in. On Sunday at 7:80 a.m. and 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. F<>r thri tickets, Pullman nervation* and iu lii— II m i!> t W. it. Ti i:\KK. Agt. Butler. IV. K. l>. SMITH. A. G. P. A.. Pittabarx, P.i i b it & p K IS Timetable iu effect Feb. 15, 1903. Passenger trains leave and arrive at Butler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. m., mixed for Punssutawney and all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford. week days, for Rochester. 5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois and all stations. 10:22 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:08 a. m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:45 a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. 5:31 p.m daily, vestibuled day express from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash ford week days from Rochester. 7:40 p.m. week days, mixed train from Panxsatawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station, Allegheny for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.m. and 9:80 p.m . and for local points as far as Dußois at 4:10 p.m. DESSEMER & LAKE ERIE R.R. CO. I) Time table in effect May 17. 1902. CENTRAL TIME One hour slower than town time. northward. Dally oxcart Sunday. Southward Head up) (Read down) _ ______ STATIONS. 1 8 11 I' M I'M P.M. a.m. A.M.' am 6 V 5 1 20 Krle ; 6 0(> 11 IK r. 01 12 53 Kairvicw 6 2>. 11 4« 5 M 12 42 (iiranl 1 6 X II 57 rt ini l 15 ar. .Coonttaat.. .ar . 8 11 1 15 4 32 11 15 IT.. Ounnmut. .IT 6 15 11 15 5 .VI 12 25 Craui'MVlllr . ... ft 55 12 15 5 2* 12 20 All. lon 7 00 12 20 5.12 12 0T Shaile land ' 7 12 12 i» 5 <>".• 12 0* gpriugbuio 7 Ift! 12 :Ki 6 03 11 5* CbnnnuitvlUe 7 20 12 42 Meadvllle Junct . II 47 U 11 ar. MewlvllU.. ar 8 28 2 02 .1 4.1 ID 42 l». Meadvllle . .IT 6 02 12 30 ti 20,11 4iS ar. .Conn.Lake. .ar 8 01 1 35 4 II 11 10 IT » IT « 3«» 12 5H 4 10 11 35 at .Expo. Park. Mr 7 50 1 in 4 40 11 35 lv '• lv; 7 50 I 10 4 48 nr. Llneaville ..ar 10 25 IT IT 7 20 11 55 4 16 11 10 HarUtuwu I 8 07 1 31 4 II II 04 AtlariMTllle 8 12 1 37 4 02 1" 53 (I. good n 2" 1 4* 0 10 3 55 10 47 (irevuTllle 5 30 H 211 1 55 C U5 1.l 50 10 411 Sheuangu 5 .1* 8 31, 2 04 (3 43 5 45 3 25 10 21 Fredoola 5 58 8 47, 2 25 5 27 3 09 10 116 Mercer « 1« 9 01 2 43 5 22 3 04 10 01 lluuitton Junction 0 07 2 4H 5 00 2 48 V 41 (IruTaClty 0 (3 V 35 3 07 4 4* 9 28 llarrlnTllfo C 57 3 19 4 40 2 31 V 20, llranch ton 7 07 9 42 3 2U 545 3 OO'm 27 ar.. . Milliard,.. aril* 17 10 17 545 330 200 ft 1"i1T... Milliard. . .IT 6 li> ft 10 200 4 35 2 2H 9 10 Kelitar. 7 1! 9 48 3 30 4 18 2 15 'J 02 Kuclld 7 30 10 00 3 44 3 45 1 50 8 251 duller 8 INI 10 25 4 10 2 0U 12 15 7 15 Allegheny 9 25 12 00 5 35 pm pin am i a.m. pm p.m Train 12, leaving Grove Ulty 5.00 a. m. Merrer 5:25. (jncnvlllo 11:05, K\|»«ltloii Pink ii.s.i, ("oniii-uutvllle 7:18, arrives i" Erie at «:4<i tt. m. Train 13, leaving Erie 4:10 p. m. Con ncautvllle 5;35, Kipo. I'urk 64)7, UreervMle 0 45, Miner 731 arrives at O-OTB Olty at 7:55 p m. E D. COMSTOCK, E. H. UTI-EY, Gen. Pass. Agt, Oen. Mgr. PittsburK, Pa. W. R. TURNER. Tkt Agt, Bntler, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA t. WHSTEKN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. HCIEDULS I* Erric-r .1 une 27. lKti. 80UTI1. V/KKK DATS iA. M A. M A M. P. M P. M BUTLCa Uli « 05. 7 ;W|lo of,( 8 4 Bft fa&ouhurg AriiTe 8 M 8 OH 10 .Ml S l«l 5 IKI ll.,Her JUUI II " 1 01 I M II 111 a U 1 'ill Butler Junction. ..Laare 7 32 8 30 II 47 3 25 ft 29 Kalnina Arrive 7 41 N44 II 57 3 9,1 5 3(1 rareiitum 7 47 Hsl 12 05 3 42 548 V<llK<Ul<l 7 67 #Oll U 17 HBTI-\IW rfl,,t i V 18 12 3i. 4 0» 8 in ■Umrpal.iirg 8 pi V If, 12 47 4 lltl A 111 Alleghany « 30 9 »8 I 0" 4 20. « 28 A. M AMP M. P. M.IP. M. MONDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butlei for Allegheny Oily and prlni:l|«l luterm<«ll»t« •tatloni at 7:20 «. in , •■••I 4'55 p. m. NOBTH. WCKK DATII A M.'A.M.'A.M. P. M.iP. M Alleghany City .lMTa{ (I 25 850 In 15 3 03. 610 4harpa>'ur« « Wl 9 00 10 25 »3 13 i.« V< CTlaremont ' . ..I ....j 10 321 ... .... *|irltig<l*l« | .... «23 10 411 !8 41 Tarentum 7 ON 9 32 II 00 3 40 8 49 Nnttona 7 13 9 .Hill 07 3 45 ll 53 llutler Junction. itrrlTe 725 9 47,11 17 351 702 Miltlel Junction... .leava 7 3T, U 55 12 35 ' 4 Oft 7 02 Hajonl.urg I 8 OH 10 I'.l 1 00 4 41, 7 27 lIUTI.CU. .. .arrival BX'.|lo 4ft! 131 Al3 753 |A M.IA M.IP M. P. m l I'. M gtHI'NUAY TKAINB. I.eave Allegheny Olty for Hut ler and principal Intermediate atatlonfl at 7:03 •- in. and Ml :■ "i rOU Til £ ICAHT. Waeka llava. Hundayi A.MiAM'PM A M P 1 M lIUTtKM IT II 05110 Oft 2 3ft 7 201 .. Butler J'ct ar, 7 07|ll 01 3 2ft 810 ... Butler J'ct IT 72511 17 HI 814 .... r»«t«urt fcr! 7W II » M Hl7 .... K<ki»nliioU« J*t.. 7MII «7 8 W 8 tt\ I/•>«>! 11Ixirk " 74*11 Ml i 1.l 8 3«1 w. i Apollo "!iiII |l 67 4x> hn 7 .... f4.lul.urK M »40 *7 ft lia tt M . Minimvlllo 1 tt Id I <»> & 41' » h'i HUliavllln Int. . .. " | tt 21 1 iil ft 47; 10 I*l Alt tm M II H/i A 4,'» •AO 1 401 .. lUirUl.tiric M 310 1(1 00 100 ft :ia I*lil! MlolpliU " j ft «» 4 2ft 4 2ft Id 17' IK M. A. M.IA M.llr M.' IV M Tliruu|li tr«lu> for tin Mat IMT« I'llUturg (I/uluu HUlion). M follows: - Hwmli'Ti' MIIIIM, ilnlly (N'o "w liKa) I SOu.iu Alln itl* dally ft:00 A M l*«fitt«vlvAlilA Llinltvl " (No row lit *) 7:lft " N.IH Vork " " " .715" l%y KiprnM, M 7;30 M M»l»i lJi»» K*i»rwia. " *:<« M lUr>Ubur K Mail, •• l 2 4Ar.ii lUriUliiirf Ki|«rt*4M «Ullv , 44V " IM.i'. Inlfliln Kipr.mn, 1 ... IMi " lU*? rn lC«|irMM, '• .... 710 " r«i Mu», • ttoo " I'ltUliiirK l.loiltn.l, lail> fur N«w Yolk. only. 1<';00 " K«w ..f,.| I'Mf «l»oin Miiill. l, lUlly. Ml»m«|i|iiu riiH to |'II|IIVI<'I|»IIIm, IImIHIMOM' itlfl \X.i-l. IIIKIOII. NO KNK IIPH |0 IW rhllit l'A Mall, MuijfUt« omy 81)') A.M Fftr AtUnllr City (vln ItoUwar* lllvnr llrl«tic«*, nl rail rout..) M (10 • m/mi'l tMf) |». rn ilfillv. "!'• mi •ylvunU Mioll. l, mi'l Now Yoik limit"!, , |j a. tn. w.wk da y*. Buffalo aod A ller J Valley Dlvlalon Tralim Inavn K l«k linliiota* JUN» tlon M followii for llnflalo, tt.Ati a. rn and 11 Ml p. tn. ilally, altli throuKli t*ailor ami oar*. ror OII(-lty, 7.42 tt.Aft a. tn.,2 18, II 1A ami ll&O p m, wnnk <layi. Mumlaya, tt All a rn., C.I A ami II &OD.III. K.»r 1C..1 llaiik, 7 42. tt Aft, 11 17 h to-.tSW, «.|A,M4, •ml II AO p. m. w«M.k (Uya. Hmi'laya, tt.Afl, 10.4tt a. IU., 8.1 A *ml 11 .Ml p in r«»r KltUnnliiK 7 42, tt aI. tt.&ft, 11 17 a lift, 8. |A, 7.;W, tt.;i4, ami 11 Ml p in. wnnk «lay«. Hiimlaya, tt.ftft, |o.4tt a. tn , ft IA, 10.4 A, ami ll.&0|>. 111. "»»" HlO|m only on •lynul 01 iiotlix to a*« f|t to r«- "f Hto|M only on «l«riiMl «»r notli •« to ittfwit nr i on •III* t'»i tn it*« . |V. ..I lit* lour." p«-«"H«' Wui «l«tallwl Information, apply U> tlrk«t au«"«* r.|.|i.wm Tlioa K Watt, I'aM Agt Wn.t4.rll I »Uti lot, (Junior Klftli A vim no ami Hinlllift«>iil fa W. W ATTKItIII'HY t -I H WOOD <.«ul Manaji- r. I'aM'r Tri»ffl« Mai»tiu<*r, IiVA I, W IMIYII, lianiiral CaaaoiiKir AK*III, WlulleUl It It (Jo Tlm« Tal»l« 111 «>fT««;t May ar.th, IWKI. . WKHTWAIIIt. IMIMn A ' N 1.. \V. .1 Wlnfleld, ... . . .... fMltt '• lloggavllle 7 4.'. 3 (81 " Iron Itil.lgi 7 ftli 310 '• wii.neid Jinn lion 8 I«| ; II 2ft " IJ.lie 1110 U« " llnller J.III. Hon 8 2A| 3 411 Alll.e I'ullel 10 4 p . 5 1.l Arrive Allegheny ...... ... « 381 5 Ml Arilm Slalravlll' 12 M| ft 40 KAKTWAItt). Ml ATIUNM A 51 P 51 l.eati' lllalmvllle 8 11 225 •• Allegheny 8 Hi II 03 " 11. 7H* 2 3ft llolle. J tlon 101*1 4 40 •• Une 10 0:1 443 " Winn. Id JII hi lion 10 |5 455 •• Iron lllldga 111 IK, & oft •• lloggavill,. lo >5 ti 15 U ..I Win Held 10 Ul) 5.81 TIMIun »o.p •• l.alie and Iron llildge only on KUg to lake ..II ol leave oil pM».|.gei.. Tiulna I'onnai I al lluller Juuellon wllli 7'ii,lioi Knalwald for |Tree|a<rl, Vamletglin and lllnli. v llle Inlelae. II Ti .i i. YVonlwaid for Natrona, Taienliini and All«- (lIaUV, Tliooa Noltliwald lot Ha hlllg, Delano and lluller, 11. ti. llr. A 1.1 > 11. Oetieral M.»i>ag.>l I P. WALK I',R, it. NOTAHV I'UUI.IC, liiiti.KH, PA. [)(TICC with llrikiiipr, nc*t ilmir tn I". O. l>\«'iir>ions to Atlantic City. July :«). August 13 anil 27 ami September 10 are the «lates of the P. H. R. annual low rate excursions for 1003 to Atlantic city. Cape May, Ocean City. Sea Isle Citv. Avalon, Angle**, Wildwood. Holly beach N. J., Reho both, Del., or Ocean City, Md. Tickets pood to return within sixteen days, including date of excursion. A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pitts burg on above-mentioned date at #55 A. M., arriving at Altoona 12.15 P. M , where stop for dinner will be made rea ching Philadelphia ti.-i.'i P. M . in time for snpj»er. and arriving Atlantic City via the Delaware River Bridge Ronte, the only all-rail line at 8.35 P. M. Pass engers may also spend the night in Philadelphia, and proceed to the shore by any regular train from Market Street Wharf or Broad Street Station on on the following dav Passengers for points other than At lantic City will spend the night in Phil adelphia. and use regular trains the next dav from Market Street Wharf. A stop-over of within limit will be allowed at Phila. on returning, if Pass engers will deposit their tickets with Ticket Agent at Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, immediately on arrival Tickets must be deposited with Agent on arrival at seashore destination au.l properly validated for return trip. Tickets will ls» sold from stations at the rates named below : RATE. I(ATK. Tickets cood Tickets K»o<1 I" Pull. Car Train only hi In connection Leaves Coaches. with regular I'nll Tickets A. M. Natrona SIO.OO $12.00 7:13 Bntler 10.00 13.00 6:05 Freeport 10 00 12 00 7:28 Philadelphia, 4 r ... 6 25 Atlanta-City " .... .... 8.35 Returning coupons will l*» accepted >n any regular train except the Penn jylvania limited and the Chicago Lim ited and the St. Lonis Limited. For detailed informatieu in regard to rates and time of trains apply to ticket tgents or Mr. Thomas E. Watt, District Passenger Agent, Pittsburg. I'enusj lvania Chutauqua. For the Pennsylvania Chatauqua, to se held at Mt. Gretna' Pa., July 1 to August 5, 1908, the P. R. R. Co. will lell special excursion tickets from Bnt er and principal intermediate points, to Mt. Gretna and return, at reduced •ates. Tickets will be sold June 25 tJ \ugust 5, inclusive, and will be good lo return until August 13, inclusive. For ecific, rates consult ticket agents Dollar Sunday ltato to Allegheny Commencing the first Sunday in May and continuing each Sunday thereafter until Oct. 25th. the B. & O. R. R. will Bell special excursion tickets from But lor to Allegheny and return for morning trains on Sunday at rate of $1 for tht ronnd trip. Tickets good on Baltimore and Ohio trains only. Return limited to date ol sale Low Kates to Points in the Sou! li and Southeast. On first and third Tuesdays' of April. May, .Tune, July, August. September, October and Noveml>er, 1008, the Balti more & Ohio Railroad will sell one way Settlers' tickets at greatly reduced rates to points in the South and South east. For further information call on or iddress nearest Baltimore Ohio Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, Gen iral Passenger Agent. Chicago. 111. Low Itates to Points in the South and Southeast, West ami Northwest. On first and third Tuesday of April, May, June, July, August. September, October and November, 1003. the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad will sell Honieseekers' Excursion tickets at greatly reduced rates to points in the South and Southeast, West and North west. For further information call on or iddress nearest Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, General I'assenger Agent. Chicago, 111. Itcduced Itates to Ashevillo. For the benefit of those desiring to at iend the meeting of the National Den tal Association, at Asheyille. N C..«snly J-i to 31, the P. R. R. Co. will sell round-trip tickets to .Ashevillo and re turn, good going July 2. and 22, and re turning to reach oi iginal starting jioint not later than August 2, inclusive, from nil stations on its linos, at rednced rates. For rates and conditions of ticket* con suit Ticket Agents Dollar Sunday Kate to Allegheny Commencing the first Sunday in May and continuing each Sunday thereafter until October 25th, the Baltimore anil < >hio Railroad will sell special exeur don tickets from Butler to Allegheny and return for morning trains on Sun day at rate of SI.OO for the round trip. Tickets goods on Baltimore and Ohm trains only. Return limited to date of sale. Tour to the Pttcllle Coast. On account of the National Encamp ment of the Grand Army of the Reput) lit; at Han Francisco ('al.. August, 17 to 22, the Pennsylvania It. R. Co. offers a iwrsonally conducted tour to the Pacific Coast at remarkably low rates. Tour will leave New York, Philadel pliia, and other |s>ints on the P. R. R. east of Pittsburg Thursday, August 11. by special train of the highest grade Pullman equipment. An entire day will be spent at the Grand Canyon of Arizona, two (lays at Los Angeles, and visits of a half day or more at Pasadena Santa Barbara, Del Monte, and San Jose. Three days will Is- spent 111 San Francisco during the Encampment. A day will l>e spent in Portland on the return trip and a complete tour of the Yellowstone Park, covering six days, returning directly to destination via Millings and Chicago, and arriving Washington. Baltimore. Philadelphia, and New York August Hi. Round trip rate, covering all expen ses for twenty six days, except three days spent in Han Francisco, $215; two In one berth. S2OO each. Round trip rate, covering all expen ses to I jos Angeles, including trai'spor tation, meals In dining car, and visits to Orand Canyon and Pasadena, and trims portgtion only through California and returning to the east by Oetols*r 15, via any direct route, including authorized stopovers, slls two in one berth ,$lO5 cacti. Returning via Portland sll ad ditlonal will Is- charged. Rates from Pittsburg will be five dol lars less In each case For full information apply to Ticket Agents, or <leo. W Boy<l, Geneial Pass ongnr Agent, Broad Street Htatlon, Philadelphia. Pa. Tuesday Fxciirslous lo Niagara Falls anil Toronto. Commencing Tuesday, July 7lh, and every Tuesday thereafter during July, August and September, the II ,11. (k P Ry. will sell excursion tickets to al«>ve named points at exceptionally low rates These tickets are limited lo con tinnons passage in I Kith directions aird will ls> valid for going pissage only if used to destination on dale of sale or the day following, ami will !»• honored for return passage if used within fifteen days from dale of sale. Niagara Falls tickets must 1*» presented to the agent of the N. V C. <V 11. It It. It at that point for validation before they will l*< gissl for return passage Toronto tickets in list l*« validated by the agent of tli" N. V <II It. It. It at Niagara Falls, or the agent of the Niagara Navigation Co. al Toronto, or to the purser on steamer Trains leave Butler at 10 12 A M and 10 52 P M Fare $7.<15 to Niagara Falls and $h l»0 to Toronto. For tickets and lull information con suit the nearest agent of the couipay or address A F Itaveret. Excursion Ageat Rochester, N V- New Parlor Car Line. The Bessemer Lake Erie road has established and will maintain parlor car service between Conneaut l.ake and Allegheny daily during the summer. Parlor cars will run on train II lirnv ing I'/Kpo I'aik al I lOP M and No I I leaving Allegheny at 7:15 A. M . Moti day to Friday, Inclusive: the Conneaut I,like Limited, leaving Allegheny al 1.00 IV M., every Saturday, and the Sunday K.-siiil leaving Kx|iosltlon Park Hi fl 00 I' ,M , central time These Ira ns run Is-lwecn Butler and Allegheny In Isitii d I recti ms without stops. l->Xcui>iou.s to Atlantic City. The B & O. R. JR. will run excur sions to Atlantic City on July 9th and 23rd. August Oth and 30 aud Sept. 3rd. Rate from Batter. $lO, in coaches, sl3, in sleeping cars. Secure pamphlets and full information from W. R Tur ner. Ticket Agent, Butler, Pn. Parlor Cars on the lU'ssniicr. Parlor car service has been inagar fited on the B. & L. E R. R.. between Connoaut Lake and Allegheny, and will be continned daily during the months of June. July and August. Train 14 leaving Allegheny at 7:15 A M., and No 11 leaving Exposition Park at 1:10 P. M , will have parlor cars at tached daily except Saturday. The Conneaut Like Limited leaving Allegheny at I*lo P. M., Butler 2:20, every Saturday beginning June 20th: and the Sunday Special, leaving Exposi tion Park everv Sunday June 21st, at tl:00 P. M., central time, stop ping only at Greenville, Grove City and Butler running to Allegnenv will be made up of first class coaches and parlor car This improved train ser vice reduces the rnnuiavr time tvtwten the Smoky City and Pennsylvania's most popular summer rrsort to three and one half hours, and will enable business people from the city mid towns along the line, who could not otherwise do so, to spend Sunday at the Lake with their friends THB BOTFEGR CITIZEN. fl.oo per year if paid In advance, otherwise £1.30 will be cnareed. AHVBKTISINO KATI-- OUE im-H. one time St; each subsequent insertion ."*> cents each Auditors' and divorce notices $4 each; exec utor;.' and administrators' notices >1 ea -h ?stray and dissolution notices #2 each, Head ing notices 10 cents a line for tirst and 5 cents for each subsequent Insertion. Notices iimougtocal no»-s items 15 cents a line for Btch In sertlon. Obituaries, cards of thanks rvsolutlous of respect, notices of festivals mid fairs, etc.. Inserted at the rate of Scents it line, money to accompany the order. Jcven words of prose make a line. U.-ttes for stundiuK cards atiu Job work on ipptlcatlon. All advertising Is due after first Insertion, und all transient advertising must be paid for In advance. All communications Intended for publica tion In t his paper must lie accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publica tion l>u. a guarantee of com I faith.and should reach na aol later than Tuesday evening. Death notice* must be accompanied with r«S!*iuslble nam" YOUR TIRED and you wonder why; when you are wearing glasses. You haven't the right kind, perhaps, and unsuitable glasses are like ly to be worse than none at all. Gome to me fo. expert advice that won't cost you a penny. I sell Edison and Victor phono graphs and records, mandolin, violin and guitar strings and mouthorgans. CARL H. LEIGHNER, Jeweler and Graduate Optician 209 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. HER WEDDINC GIFTS Will always l>e a memento of one of the happiest events of hor life doubly so If flie knows they came from Kirlqmtrick's for our name is n synonym for meiit and value The buyer miy be assured of getting full value here for money expended We also sell Edison and Victor Phonographs Eastman and Puoo Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins aud (luitars. (iptical goods. Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court House. Anronnanmltnf a akoli'lt ami msy quickly a«p«irialn (tin optnlnn froo wbstaw an Invitation ia nrtiHsnljr Jmlentabln. Ciminiunlit». UonaatrlfltiycnnlliiitntMl. llHM<llx*ikOtl I'ntenta ■nut frrn. (fl.tewt KuotK-r f.ir ••trurlliflpalmiU. I'atmila taken ilirmivti Minili A Co. rowtlTS IprrUtl node*, without I'liaryo, In lim Scientific American. A hanilaomatr llluai rot ml weekly. l*rßMl nlr culaihui of any aelnnllltn Journal I'nrmi, »<l a lrour : rnurmonUm.il. Holtl lijr #ll iiawaitnalora. MUNN & Co. 3018,o * dw ' Ti New York llranch ofltiw. i!X K HL. Wanhinrtmi. 11. ft WIIV DO Yot) UKMAIN 11 )t<l'. when wn unci! LW men for different positional If you MN WIIIIIIK to work we can place yon. We ire able to Ntippiy, on abort notice, any kind if male help to employers order will be 1111- ■d very promptly Apply, Old Reliable Ivey »tone llnreiiu, II:" I'eilll avenue, I'lttahlil'K ttatalillalHXl l*7t>. 3-&-« m LOOK AT TIIK t.AHKt. Pasted on your paper, (or on the wrapper In which it comes,) for a brief hut exact statement of your subscription account.. The date to which you have paid is clearly Riven. If it Is a past date • a remittance is in order, and Is re apcctfully solicited, Itciiicmber the subscription price, SI.OO a year in advance or $1,1)0 at end of year. W. C. NEGLBY, liutler, Penna. I if' It' the date Is not chaiiKt'd within liree weeks write and HSIC whv. I 5 McJUNKIN nsuranco and Real Estate Agent. 117 K. JHKKKKKO* RI7TT PP IMT'CMIiriIO KMIM.OVJHKVI" 111 lIKAW. 411. .» l> |II<|MH 411 t u WllUtr HI. Knllrv »'iiiini |i'l«Mir. A 111<<<II11111 for oliMliilns work that i»nnol be Why? |l, < elf Hit not In t oilplant UlttOtl » lilt ill" hi i firm' Is I'll.l out of Ilia rll*. Our ,11.111.. |.| 111 (nk. i tot nf |HM||,|l» who »ra willing In t <rk I,ut cm I ltn-1 It. Wo tin tlila l,v niaatia»f , ih iiei i wiei are i 'tti»l»olly ntt Hi® K<>. looking for iiK.i,in t i.r all Mini l'ltl»lj:irK,ln liflay. tl>» , «| |.l.ik in tlin worhl Inr an nnmrpilalnir man >tr Annum Call or wilie. All Inttrra am |ri.m|itly 111 a WR 111