Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 16, 1903, Image 2
THE CITIZEN. WILLIAM O.HBQI.ET - Publisher. THURSDAY, JULY I«, IW3. SUM per ysar to Mvaate. Otherwise UM. BEPCBLIC'AN NOMINEES. Judges of the Superior Court, "JDHJ* J. HENDERSON. THOMAS A. MORRISON. State Treasurer, W. L. MATHUES. Auditor GENERAL, W. P. SNYDER. For Jury Commiasioner, A. O. EBERHART. MID-SUMMER NOTES. Than is little doing in National af- FCI«, and President Roosevelt and all the Cabinet officers, excepting Secretary Hay, have left Washington. The President is at his summer home at Oyster Bay. on the coast of Long Unnfl. WHERE he has a force of clerks, to help him attend to necessary matters. flmnfiry TTsj irr yet in Washing ton, laet week, apparently expecting communication from Bogota re ? (— the Panama canal, which is MMAMM by the Colombian Ex-President Cleveland is at his sum- Mr V"" on Bnxsards Bay, along the * miII LIRIEAT nrast of Massachusetts, and kl said to bare expressed a willingness to ran again for the Presidency on a "tariff reform" platform. "Smash the tariff and boat the trusts," will be the TL— in NHN cry for next year. The fcgltoh made a greater fuss over the American fleet at Portsmouth than fhs Germans did at Kiel, and Admiral Gotten and his officers and men are havtng the pidnc of the season. Cotton ahoald go to SI Petersburg next and be "eaten up" by the Russian bear. The crop reports from all over the country fiHlf— I** 1 ** tremendous crops of wheat, aate, oorn, gnus and cotton ; and these with the tremendous demand for MH* 1 * will continue Ameri can prosperity. The demand for iron is ; the moat remarkable; the furnaces of this ooootry now produce nearly half a I taflHon tons of pig-iron per week, and the rolling, rail and other mills prompt ly abaorb it THE Bpunish government !s seriously Y oonoemed oyer the sale at auction of S iha Spanish oopper coin remaining in 'the Philippines, which is a part of the Philippine currency scheme, and has eaDed the attention of our Government 't» PA matter Spain believes that if the Icoin la sold to any one besides the Bpan- UB Government It will have the effect ct ilrbaslng AM currency, as the coin would undoubtedly drift bock to Spain. POLITICAL. : The Congressional conferees of the Nth district— Lawrence, Beaver and JF", TTashlnftrer counties—met in Pitts- KPPV; laat Saturday, failed to agree and R4J4FANINED*TO meet again on Saturday' || ttattth. The Waahington Co. people favor the popular vote system of nomi ' Mrttrg Qongi'tasinsn, while the other eoonties favor aome sort of a delegate or coufana system. Congressman E. W. inhsami of Washington Co. is said to ha a candidate for Governor, though M iadtßtaathe report Quay will be a I|IAA«AQTA for delegate to the National in the district, next year W* irhaaon la expected to flght him ; Sir. Showalter, W. J. Marks and Levi || M. WIN, the Congressional Conferees • - appointed by ex-Chairman Leigbner to P aaoat with those of Westmoreland Co., &||IVA act jet had a meeting. Bonattfal Pennsylvania. HB: ' - _ Pennsylvania 1A not only the greatest Rftfeito In the Uhlan from the standpoint ■KPTR mineral resources S'IHI varied industries, but is scarcely to | haanrpaassil In beauty, especially when B|IHAD In the rich green garments of , WhUe peering through the eastern gjfjaßKt of toe State a few days ago on a Ifp'm K, train, and looking over the : hodaoape from the car window, we llpalto imagine aomething more beau- PMLFAT than the prospect before us. THAN were wide fields of yellow grain, ipffantly sloping tolls, meadows carpeted & With A sward of velvet fine dwellings |||||i atataiy barna Here and there groyea and patdies of woods, with ||tar»aaiii, wheas banks were fringed | With willows, meandering through IPFCFTA* aaamsd a veritable fairyland. KSTAAOND there wan the summer homes OF wealthy Phlladelphians, palaces fit !|VT kings, surrounded by lawns and Which wen poems by tbe AL nrtghty. It waa entrancing. The AUN had just begun to gild the inwn and UAS the dewdrope from the F§MJTATA and toe sweet breath of June was A ' R .WBM a draubht of Hippocrene. What a tngedy, we thought, to be ahat out from the worlds beauties by PLPIGHMTYOF habit svarioe, poverty, M mlaflortune, or the thousand chains that Mod A man to the bleak and barren oooka of pa est on and sensuality! 4 Even death loeea its sting when we appedate the beauties of tbe earth and that, whan "this sensible, warm FE- taction becomes A xneeded clod, to lie hi cold obstruction and to rot" it will §| at least haeome a part of tbe verdure adorns this beautiful planet Bp' MOBELAND twp., Huntingdon coun -1 tgr, waa the first to apply for the bene- F* Its of the appropriation for roads made H hjr the new road law. |* AOOOEDINO to publiahed reports, the : aehoolboard of Punxsutawney did A praiseworthy thing at a recent meeting. "UPAS Mary Wilson who has taught in , Iha public schools of that place for fifty - SOC consecutive terms was given the I Choice of her old position or of retiring ! ©a a pension of FMLOO per month for the f nmainder of her life. Miss Wilson , elected to continue teaching. There is no adequate monetary reward for true vfaarkme aervioe. ONE of the moet extraordinary ievelopoMuisln this country {in :helas' flaw years la the business of the life in aarance oompaniea It is stated that F- there la at preaant in effect on tbe livee of Americana some Ten Billions of Doll an, A EUM equal to the value and al - moat to the total capitalization of all tbe railroads In the United States and atx-ut one-tenth the total estimated value of all the property in the country. A UNIQUE hold-up was executed in Ktosaa a few days ago. Forty Ruah county farmers stopped a fast express train on the Missouri Pacific in an effort to engage harvest hands. They went through the train and accoeted every male passenger, ffladay to all who would go to work. Several Harvard students accepted their offer. Harvest hands an in great de mand in Kanaas and in some sections the situation la growing desperate. The Deadly Toy Pistol Muat Go. | For several days prior to the Fourth The Inquirer aod other newspapers published articles warning the public j against the U6e of the deadly toy pistol aa a means of increasing the clamor of j the celebration then impending. Store j keeperswere informed that it was against the law for them to sell these highly dangerous weapons or explosives of any kind to minors, and they were reminded that if they did so they would subject themselves to the penalty which the law prescribes. Parents were urged to forbid their children from incurring the risk which the handling of a toy pistol involves, and an effort was made to imprees them with the importance of taking care that their orders were obeyed. In, fact ev erything that was possible was done to prevent what subsequently happened. Either people did not read, or they de liberately disregarded, the warnings ad dressed to them, for the ravages of the toy pistol were more extensive than ever, and scarcely a day passes without adding the name of some fresh victim to the melancholy list Tetanus, or lockjaw, as it is populat ly called, which wounds inflicted by the toy pistol are in spite of every precau tion apt to occasion, is one of the most dreadful of all the diseases to which hu manity is subject, and it is absolutely incurable. Death invariablj follows the indescribable tortures by which its course is attended. It is a common idea that the end comes through the inabili ty of the sufferer to take food conse quent upon the locking of the jaws, but this is an error The malady is one which primarily affects the nervous system. It causes the most frightful spasms, which occur with increasing rapidity until dissolution ensues. There Is no more agonizing death. Every one will agree that the moet stringent measures should be taken to save any human being from such a fate, and the best thing to do to that end is to enforce the law which forbids the ■ale of the toy pistol to persons nnder age. Store-keepers who sell toy pistols to children should be held to a strict acconnt. It will be the duty of the District Attorney to institute criminal proceedings in the cases in which the Coroner shall direct his attention. That may bear hard upon the individual, but it is the only way to protect the com munity from a great and growing evil. —lnquirer. Liberty and License. The appellate division of the N. Y. Supreme Court has just decided, by a vote of three to two, a question which haa been vigorously debated since the Northern Securities decision. Broadly it is whether a combination of men have the right to do as they please with their own property. The particular case was that of the book trust, compris ing 95 per cent of tbe publishers of the' country, which had sought to compel a department store to adhere to the re tail price list fixed by the trust by re fusing to sell to it otherwise. The store asserted its right to buy the books at the regular wholesale prices and to sell them for what it pleased. The court decided against the trust upon the ground that to uphold its position wonld be to countenance a monopoly in restraint of trade, thus recognizing the righto of the public as being as vitally involved aajthose of either the publishers or the sellers. The argument in favor of individual liberty, so frequently put forward by tbe promoters of tbe railroad merger and the combinations, seems to mistake license for liberty. It would be well to remember tbe old-faabioned distinction that true liberty does not infringe upon the rights of others.—Dispatch. EMERSON said "Men cease to interest us when we find their limitations. The only sin is limitation. As soon as you once come np with a man'a limitations it is all over with him. Has he talentaT Has he enterprise? Has he knowledge? It boots not Infinitely alluring and at" tractive was be to you yesterday, a great hope, a sea to swim in; now you have found it a pond, and yon care not if you see It again." Jaws Unlocked by Antitoxin. A rare operation was performed on Willie Graham, a 5-year-old boy suffer ing from lockjaw, the result of a Fourth of July accident, at the hospital in Ml Vernon N. Y, last Monday, Dr Weiss opened the boy's skull and in jected anti-toxin into his brain to kill the tetanus germs. The operation was witnessed by a half dozen prominent physicians. Dr. Weiss says he has strong nope for the boy's recovery. Young Graham was shot in the palm of the band with a blank cartridge from a toy pistol. He developed the aymptona of lockjaw on Friday. His neck became stiff and he went into con vulsions. Then his jaws became lock ed. The family sent for Dr. Weiss and he advised the operation as the only resort to save the child's life. Young Graham's skull was trepanned and the antitoxin which is manufac tured from the blood of horses, admin istered. Soon the little fellow's cheeks began to redden, bis jaws relaxed and he fell into a heavy sleep. CHUKCH NOTES. Six members were added to the Grace Lutheran church, last Sunday. Bey. Dr. Geisinger of Pittsburg preached in the First English Lutheran Sunday. At the meeting of the directors of St Paul's Onphans' Home, in Pittsburg, Tuesday, Rev. E. H. Leader of Manor was selected as the snccessor o'f Rev. Prugh, as Sup'd't of the Home. Services preparatory to communion at the First Presbyterian church Friday evening and on Saturday at 2:30 p. m. Communion services Sunday morning at the usual hour of service. Rev. W. E. Oiler, pastor. The annual reunion of Lutherans of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio will be held at Cascade Park, New Castle, on Thursday, August 6th A larga number of Butler Lutherans and their friends are expected to be in at tendance The cornerstone of the new Methodist church was laid between showers Sun day afternoon with beautiful and im pressive ceremony. Rev. Nathnn L. Brown of Pittsburg, read the scripture lesson. Pres. Arthur Staples of Beaver college made the principal address, which was followed by remarks by Senator A. G. Williams and Rev. White, after which the pastor solemnly placed a metal box containing a Testa ment, a roster of the congregation, photographs of the old building torn down, a sketch of the congregation and the movement to build, and church and Butler papers, tipped the big stone into place and invoked Divine blessing. This story is told of a Scotch preacher who gave his people long, strong ser | mons, and delivered them in a remark : ably deliberate manner. One Sunday ■ be asked a friend who was visiting him to occupy bis pulpit in the morning. I "An' were you satisfied wi' my : preaching?" asked his friend, as they ! walked home from the kirk ; "Weel," said his host, slowly, "it was I a fair discoorse.Will'm, a fair discoorse; ' but it pained me at the last to see the folks looking so fresh and wide awake , I mistrust 'twaana sae long nor sae sound as it should bae been."—Youth's Companion. ACCIDKNTS. J. W. Miller fell fn>m a ladder at his place on Mercer St. yesterday, badly j spraining an ankle. William Galbreath of Evans City hail a leg broken, last Wednesday, while ! trying to board a freight train. Miss Maud Mnsser of Portersvil'e' fell into the Connoquenessing near Ell- i wood a few days ago and came near drowning. A Slav named (iitnah. backed against a switch board or auto starter at the Car Works last Thursday and was electrocuted. "Sonnv" Smith had his arm caught and crushed in a polishing machine at the Plate Works. Friday, and was taken to the Hospital. J. Wittenhoffer and D Schnenr of Summit twp. fell from the roof of a barn. Monday, and Wittenhoffer had an arm and two ribs broken. The parting of a freight train caused a wreck at Maharg station on the Bes sie. Tuesday, and the demolishing of six cars and the station. Flagman Cochran had his face cut. Roy Snow, a son of Samuel Snow of Penn twp. formerly of Butler, shot himself in the hand, on the 4th, with a toy pistol. Lock-jaw or tetanus set in and he died last Sunday. He was 14 years of age. Henry Doe IT, aged 47 years, formerly of Butler and Saxonburg was found hanging by a rope to a hook in his bed room at 814 Madison Ave. Allegheny, last Monday. He kept a restaurant there and has lately been despondent. Some iron grill work for the elevator of the Butler County National Bank came near squashing ba«gagemaster Garnell of the B. &O. last week. As the train rounded a sharp curve on the branch it toppled over upon and bruised him. At Denver. Col. Monday, the big tent in which the Christain Endeavor convention was being held, wag blown over by a storm. Eight thousand people were in the tent at the time and thongh several were injured, none were seriously hurt. Joseph Cohn. aged 9 years, a son of A. H. Cohn of Elm St. Butler, died at Sharon, last Thursday, from lock-jaw caused by a wound from a toy pistol, which he received while celebrating the 4th at Corry, with some boy friends. He was buried at Pittsburg. The case was a very sad one Joseph was burned by the powder from the cap and came in complaining of it. His mother sent him to a doctor who dressed it and gave directions bow to treat it. He also went to the doctor several times and the hand seemed to be getting along nicely. The bov declared that it gave him no paiti. On Tuesday morn ing Mrs. Cohn started for Sharon to visit another sister. On getting on the train Joseph complained of his back hurting him. On arriving at Sharon he was unable to walk and bad to be carried to the home of bis friends, where medical aid was summoned, and all was done for the little fellow that was possible, but no relief could be given him. The doctors told Mrs. Cohn that the boy had lock jaw and his life could not be saved. He suffered great agony and died after 40 hours illness. Kennedy on Sunday Closing. The Butler Ministerial Association, at its July meeting, framed a petition to Burgess Kennedy, asking that he en force the Sunday closing law, especially toward confectionery and cisar stores and soda fountains on Main street and Mr. Kennedy replied as follows: "Please be consistent Why ask the dispenser of soda water or a toby to re linquish his trade while the Mayor of Greater Butler keeps open house with a fine lot of horses at the service of the public seven days in the week? Why ask the man with big rent on Main street who has hard enough time getting along to cnt down his sales and leave the Standard Steel Car Company alone? Why is supplying means to quench the public thirst not a matter of public good when the Butler street railway lines are ready to take yon to the park to cool? "There are also within the borough limits oil men working more than 12 hours a day who hardly know what Sunday is or when it comes, and yet some oil magnates are called philan thropists. "As Mayor I will enforce the laws in existence, but will not make new ones that will lead the outside world to think I am a fossil or belong to a past genera tion. If action must be taken on the Sunday question and that action the closing of the soda water stores, the Ministerial Association is referred to the District Attorney for aid in the cause." Birthday Surprise. On July 7th the friends and relatives of Mr. Israel Shafler of Franklin twp. gathered at his home—the object beins to celebrate Mr. Shaffer's birthday. Early in the day the company began to arrived with well filled baskets, and greetings of good will and best wishes for our nigbly respected neighbor. Bv twelve o'clock a table was erected/ in tbe shady grounds and a sumptuous 1 dinner was served. Guests were wait *d upon by a willing committee of young folks. After dinner the meeting was cnlled to order by Robert Barron, Esq. and W. B. Cnrrie was appointed chairman i and Verda M. Currie, secretary. After a brief prayer by Rev. Erby of Zion Baptist church, addresses were made by Mr. John Weigle, J. C. Snyder Rev. Erby and W. B. Ctirrie. From these talks it was learned that our neighbor, Mr. Shaffer, is the oldest citizen born and raised in this school district; also since onr "bees" are no longer necessary, these gatherings were highly recommended as a means of bringing farmers into eloper fellowship with each other, and in keeping them them in sympathy with their brother workmen. The crowd was then dismissed to en joy themselves in social intercourse, nntil the western sky reminded the fanners that evening chores awaited them, when all departed thinking a day well spent and wishing Mr. Shaffer many happy retnrns. _ SECRET ARV. Pope Leo's I'oein on Death. When in 1807 the Pope felt the shadow of death beginning to fall npon him. he wrote the following line*, which are considered among bis strong est works: The Westering snn draws near his cloady bed, Leo, and gradual darkness veils thy head: The slnggish life blood in thy withered veins More slowly runs its course —what then remains? Lo! Death is brandishing his fatal dart, And the grave yearns to shroud thy mortal part; But from its prison freed, the soul ex pands Exulting pinions to the enfranchised lands My weary way is run—l touch the goal; I fear, Lord, the feeble pautings of my soul; If it be worthy. Lord, Thy pitying breast Welcome it unto everlasting rest! May I hold thee, (jueen of earth and sky. Whose love enchained the demons lurk ing ni«h The path to heaven; and freely shall I own 'Twas Thy sweet care that gained may blissful crown! la tbe New and Better Breakfast Food, BO different from nil others that it pleases everybody. Got a package to-duy ut your grocers. THE (iuuu tvam rooo Co., La UUT, N. Y. DEATHS. FUSH—JuIy 10. I!HKS. infant son of | Chas. Fnsh. of Butler. WHITE-At his home in Evans City. ! July 10. 1003. B. F. White, in his «sth j year. YEAMAN—At his home in Butler. July 9. 1903. Harry C . son of Harry Yeaman. aged 2 yeaJ? THOMPSON—At his home in Fairview township, .Tnlv 14. 1904. Lycurgns Thompson, aged 34 years. RAY— At his home in Washington township, Jnly 1, 1903. Archie, son of Robert Ray. aged 16 years. LOVE—At the home of his brother, George M in Allegheny. Jnly 10, 1903, Robert Love of New Castle, for merly of this county, aged 53 years. He was buried at Valencia. Dl'LL—At her home in ("lav twp.. June 29, 1903. Sarah E. Dull, aged 44 years. Her maiden name was Sarah \\ llsou. Her hnsband and one boy survive her. COHN —At Sharon. Pa.. July 9. 1903, Joseph, son of A H. Cohn of Butler, aged 9 years. Joseph accidently shot himself with a toy pistol, on the 4th. while visiting friends in Corry with his parents; lock jaw set in and he died on the 9th at Sharon. MORRISON —At his home in Alle gheny, Jnly 12. 1903, Samuel \V. Mor rison, aged about 59 years He was a brother of Andrew Morrison of Butler, a son of Matthew Morrison, dec'd , and was one of four brothers who served in the army during the civil war. Obituary. L. T. Kurtz, a well known attornev of New Castle, and son <>f D. B. Kurtz, died last Thursday. James H. McClure, a native of Butler county, near Whitestown. died at Mc- Keesport, last Fridav. aged 82 years. He was a brother of Robert McClure Mrs. Amelia Thompson in her 104 th year, died in Cincinnati, last Friday. Her maiden name was Lewis, and she was born in Kentucky in 1790. John Miller, formerly of Washington township, died at Ellwood City. July 12, 1903. aged 40 years. He was buried at North Washington, Tuesday. His wife and seven children survive him. William J Edwards son of J. S. Ed wards, died at the West Penn hospital Friday, aged 22 years. His remains were brought to Butler Sunday morning and taken to Summit Presbyterian church for burial. Cornelius O'Donnell, formerly a well known alderman of the Ninth Ward. Pittsburg, died at his home in Edge wood. last Monday, aged 72 years. He was born in Millerstown, this county, and when a boy worked in the Brady 's Bend iron mill. George W. Borland died last Sunday night at the hospital of the Soldiers' Home at Danville, 111., where he had been a patient for some time. Mr. Bor land was born in Unionville, in 1833 and went west in the early 50's, settling in Danville. When the Civil war broke out he enlisted and served and was a good soldier. After his time was ont he returned to Danville and spent his life there. He was a number of years in the tailoring business and for some years conducted a grocery establish ment. He was a good citizen and though he lived a quiet life, was re spected by all. He is survived by his wife and eight children,seven daughters and a son. Silver Wedding. On Friday, July 3d, 1903, the friends and neighbors to the number of two hundred gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Bulford to celebrate the 25th anniversary of their marriage. The ladies having prepared baskets for the occasion, a very elegant dinner was served to which all did ample justice. The afternoon was spent in playing various games and talking of old times. Jos Harbison entertained the crowd by a short speech after which Herbert Cooper rendered some very good selec tions of music on his graphophone. Some interesting games of quoit were played by the men folks. W. W. Harbison of Bauerstown rendered some very tine music on the violin. Some very beautiful presents were presented to the bride and groom after which all departed for their homes thanking the host and hostess for the pleasant time they had spent and wishing them many more such days. E. Acer's Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it's probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If you had only taken our ad vice, you would have cured Hair Vigor the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. " I have uaed Arer'a Hair Vigor for or#r 40 years. Xam now f»I y#*s«r« old ana have a heavy growth of rich brown hair, due, I think, en tirely to Ayp.r'n Hair Vi»ror. M SLK*. M A. KKITII, Belleville. 111. #IOO a bottle. J. C. AVER CO., foi* Good Hair JU—H —H—a! Tour to tlie Pacific Coast. On account of the National Encamp ment of the Grand Army of the Repub lic at Han Francisco CaL. August 17 to 22, the Pennsylvania K. R. Co. offers a personallycondncted tonr to the Pacific Coast at remarkably low rutes. Tonr will leave New York, Philadel phia. and other points on the P. R. R. east of Pittsbnrg, Thursday, August (1, by special train of the highest grade Pullman equipment. An entire day will be spent at the Grand Canyon of Arizona, two days at Los Angeles, and visits of a half day or more at Pasadena Hanta Barbara, Del Monte, and San Jose. Three days will be spent in San Francisco during the Encampment. A day will lie spent in Portland on the return trip and a complete tour of the Yellowstone Park, covering six days, returning directly to destination via Billings and Chicago, and arriving Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia, and New York August HI. Round trip rate, covering all expen ses for twenty-six days, except three days spent in San Francisco, $21 •">; two in one berth, S3OO each. Round-trip rate, covering all expen ses to Los Angeles, including transpor tation, meals in dining car, and visits to Graud Canyon and Pnsadena. and trans portstion only through California and returning to the east by October 15, via any direct ronte, including authorized stopovers, slls two in one berth ,$lO5 each. Returning via Portland sll ad ditional will be charged. Hates from Pittsburg will be five dol lars less in each case. For full information apply to Ticket Agents, or Geo. W. Boyd, General Pass enger Agent. Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. KxcurMtoiiH to Atliuilit> City. The B <& O. It. R. will run excur sions to Atlantic City on July i»th and 2!lrd, August (Ith and 20 and Sept. ilrd. Rate from Butler, $lO, in coaches, sl2, in sleeping cars. Secure pamphlets and full information from W. R. Tur uer. Ticket Agent, Butler, Pa. Special Incursion to Itiillalo and Niagara Falls. Saturday, July l*tb, the B , R. iJfc P. Ry. will run a five day excursion rate of SI.OO for the round trip. Tickets will be good for return passage on re gulur trains if used <>n before Wed nesday, July 22, 190:5. Train will leave 1 Butler 10.12 A. M. and at 10.52 P. M. The limit of tickets to five days will give excuisionists a grand opportunity : to visit their friends in Buffalo, also to take side trips to the various points of interest surrounding the great cataract. For full information consult B, R & P' agents or see excursion bills. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. In the District Court «»f the T"nlte<l Stat«"» j for the Western District «»f Pennsylvania. Paul Kmfl Cerutti. of Evans City. Butlvr county. Pa., a bankrupt under the Act of Oou*res» of July 1. lfc*v having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable :tj?ainst his estate under said Act. notice N hereby jriven to all known creditors and other persons in Interest, to appear before the said Court at Pittsburg, in >aid District, on the of August. 11*03, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not t>e granted. w lI.LIAM r LIND6KT. ( • r. In The District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania in. Baukruptcy. In the matter of t No. 2150, The United States Electric - In UffT. Co.. Haukrupt. I Bankruptcy. To the creditors «">f The Cnlted States Electric Mfjr. Co.. of Butler, in the County of Butler, and district afore-iid. abankrunt: Notice i- hereby jriven t hat on the l"th <lay of June. l'.«>;. the said Cnited States Electric Mfp. Co., was duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meeting of its creditors will be held at the office of J. W. Hutchison, reft ree bankruptcy. No Hi N W. Dia mond. Butler. Pa., on the 3)th day of July. A. l>. 1903. at 10 o'clock in the foreroon. at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. July 7th. 1003. J W. HUTCHISON. Keferee in Bankruptcy. ADMINISTRATORS SAIE By virtue of an order of the (>rphans Court the undersigned will expose to sale. Friday, July 24th, 1903, at 2 o'clock p. m. on the premises, all ♦hat certain tract of land situated in Clay township. Butler county. Pa., bounded on the nortli by lands of Har lan Brook and L. C Wick, on the east by lands Sarah A. Boreland. on the south by lands of Samuel Thompson, on the west by lands of L. B. Snyder, con taining eighty-nine acres more or less, with a two storv frame house and other outbuildings thereon: well watered and under good state of cultivation Terms: Either cash or one-third down, one-third in uue year and one-third in two vears. deferred payments to be se cured in the usual way. .tacobC. Brown, Administrator of Rosanna Brown, de ceased. J. D. Marshall, Attorney. Notice to the Members of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company of Hannahstown and Vicinity. It having come to the knowledge of this company that several members hold dances at oight in their barns and as this is contrary to the rules and con stitution of this Company, the directors in their meeting of July 11, 1903, adopt ed the following resolutions: "If a loss occurred on insured build ings snch as barns or other buildings, wherein hay or straw may be or is stored. caused directly or indirectly by public or private dances, parties, or any other pnblic gatherings which may be deemed dangerous to the safety of such buildings by the Board of Directors, the insurance on said loss shall be yoid, and will not be paid by the Company. By order of the President. ALPHONSE KRAUSE, Secretary, July 13, 1903. Marwood, Pa. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE- Notice is hereby given that E. H Laderer, guardian of Shepler Boston of Muddycreek township, has filed his first and final account in the oflice of the Prothouotarv of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Butler county at Ms. D. No. 2, December Term, 1901, and that the Fame will be presented to said Court for confirmation and allowance on Saturday, September 12, 1903. JOHN C. CLARK. Prothy. Prothonotary's Office, May 6, 1903. EXECUTOR S NOTICE. Letters testamentary in the estate of James VV Park, dec'd., late of Middle sex township, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to, and all having bills against same will pre sent them duly authenticated for pay ment to REUBEN W. PARK, Ex'r., K. F. D. 24, Valencia. Pa. W. D. BRANDON, Att'y. 7-0-03 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Charles S. Lowry, dec'd., late of But ler. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment, and all hav ing claims against said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for pay ment to JOHN F. LOWRY, Adm'r., 42"> N. Washington St., Butler. Pa. P. W. LOWRY, Att'y. 7-9-03 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters testamentary on the estate of Dr. J. W. F Moore, late of Butler, Pa., deceased, have been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves to be indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make prompt settlement and those having claims against the estate will present the same duly authenticated for settle ment to FRANK H. MURPHY, Executor, Youukin's Bldg, Butler, Pa. June 30th, 1903. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ESTATE OP PAUL TROUTMAN, DEC'D. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Paul Trontman, deceased late of the borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., have been granted to Henry N. Troutman of But ler, Pa., to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands against said estate are reonest to make the same known without delay. HENRY N. TROUTMAN, Administrator, A. T. BLACK, Attorney. Butler, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate of John Kellermnn. dee'd., late of But ler, Butler Co., Pa., having been grant ed the undersigned, all persons known ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement to MRS. ADA KELLKKMAN, Adrn'x. N. Washington St., Butler. Pa. S. CUMMINOS, Attorney. 8-19-08 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Maria Ijemmon, dee'd., late of But ler twp., Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make im mediate payment, and any having claims against the °auie to lirefeent them duly authenticated fur settlement to E. E. YOUNG, Adm'r.. i! 13 03 Armory Building, Butler, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of William R. Staples, deceased, late of Adams twp., Butler Co , Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to MRS. S. CATHAKINK STAPLES, Adm'x., Callery, Pa J. I). MCJUNKIKT, Att'y. 2-19 02 New I'arlor Car Lino. The Bessemer <& Lake Erie road has established and will maintain parlor car service between Conneaut Lake and Allegheny daily during the summer. Parlor cars will run on train II leav ing Expo. Park at 1:10 P M. and No. 1 I leaving Allegheny at 7:15 A. M.. Mon day to Friday, inclusive: the Conneaut Lake Limited, leaving Allegheny at 1.00 P. M., every Saturday, and the Sunday Special leaving Exposition Park at <i 00 P M., central time. These trains run between Butler and Allegheny in both directions without stops. R-R-TIME-TABLES It & O K It Time tablr rflivtWr M,.» 17.198 ft. KMlrrn Slindanl Timr Bo| THBOINP All.--b.ny A- 1 4MvMM *Vmb| AH' .!I. IH tinl (1I VC|JI!«I . . >«*•.» m AH. 4 \|.(rw . ♦!* 1" »-UI tlMLm I • A • . • -1 4*> I*-i» CM MV ■ 4 tnh Md Allegheny Ex... • • AH* k'!»« nv E*pr«-- ... *524 p-m Alk _• di A i • lath •:»•*-» Mi K1U...1 al»i N.-« I A u.II. •*: *<> p-ln NORTHBOUND m —» iiiihi m.UI utttH■ n*n-ii A *4:55 j-u* 1 Kaxbnrg A • -u . >OO \> m * Daily. **• >i»ii la\ : - Trains leave tl.e Allegheny station for Butler at 7:30, N 15, 10 4"< a.m.. anil 1 1">. 3 00. Gl~> and 11:30 p.m. ami Pittsburg station at 7:50 a.m. On Sunday at 7:30 а.m. and I! 15 and 11:30 p.m. K-.r ti k.-t. Pullßiitfr ai»l in f. riu»ti..li «M U |.. \*. K. TI KM.lt, Act. ll.ill. r, I"*. E. P. SMITH. A. I'. A.. Pittsburg, IVt It K & P K K Timetable in effect Feb. 15, 190;} Passenger trains leave and arrive at Butler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. m., mixed for Punxsutawney and all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford. week days, for Rochester. 5:21 local for Puux'y and Du Bois and all stations. 10:22 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:08 a. m. daily, night express from Buffalo ami Rochester. 9:45 a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. 5:31 p.m daily, vestibuled day express from Bnffalr Has connection at Ash ford week days from Rochester. 7:40 p.m. week days, mixed train from Punxsntawney. DESSEMER & LAKE ERIE R R. CO. D Time table in effect May 17. 1902. CENTRAL TIME One hour slower than town time. ilorthward. Daily except Sunday. Southward Head up) (Read down) 2 10 14 STATIONS. 1~ ~9~ U I'M I'M I'M. hm. A>l am 6 25 1 20 Erie . . 6 00HI 1? 6 01 12 53 Kairview 6 2* 11 41 t 51 12 42 Girard 6 X 11 5" H0" 115 ar. .Conneaut ar 811 1 1" 432 11 15 IT. . Oonneaut. lv 6 15 11 IS 5 33 12 25 CroneeTill* C 55 12 II 5 2H 12 JO Albion . . . 7 00 12 :„N 5 12 12 07 Mia.lt Un.l 7 12 12 $ 5 09 12 01 SprintcU'io 7 !'• 12 JM 5 Oil 11 s*» < onneautTille 7 SO 12 41 Meadville Juuct.. 0 17 12 11 ar. . Meadville. *r 8 28 2 0: 3 4;i 1«» 42 It..Meadville lv 6 02 12 * 0 20 11 4titr,.Oonn.UJU..ar 801 1 4 11 11 Hili 44 h • 12 4 kill 35 ar Kxpo. Park r 750 11< 4 40 11 35 lv Jv; , 7 50 1 V 1 4H ar.. Lineaville . .ar 10 25! lv •« lv 7 20 11 5 i 4 16 11 10 HarUtown 8 07 1 3 1 11 11 04 A damn vil le 8 12 1 3' 4 02 10 53 O*g«>od * 2« 1 4 10 3 55 10 47 Greenville 5 30 g 20 1 * 6 05 (3 50 10 40 Shenango 5 38 8 3i 2 Oi <3 43 5 45 3 25 10 21 Fredonia 5 5m 8 47 2 2i 5 27 3 09 1«> 06 Mercer G 1< 9 0-3 2 4: 5 22 3 04 10 01 Houston Junction 9 07 2 4 5 1M» 2 48 I# 41 Grove City 6 13 'J 25 3 0 4 4s 9 28 Harrisville . . 6 57 3 1 4 4<» 2 ill 9 2*» Branchton 7 07 9 42 3 2> 5 45 3 00 10 27 ar.. . Milliard. . arl<» 17 10 17 5 4, 3 30 2 00 6 lo lv. Milliard. , .lv 6 Id 6 10 2 0 4 35 2 2m 9 10 Keister 7 12 9 46 3 3 4 1> 2 15 9 02 Euclid 7 30 10 00 3 4 3 45 1 50 8 25 Butler 8 00 10 25 4 1 2 0" 12 15 7 15 Allegheny 9 25 12 <0 5 3 pm |»m am a.m. pm p.m Train 12, leaving Grove City 5.(0 a. m Mercer 5:2-*>. Greenvllle 6:05, KxiMwdtioii Pari б.53, Conneautvllle 7:18, arrives in Erie a 8:40 a. m. Train 13, leaving Erie 1:10 u. m. Con neautvllle 5;35, Expo. Park f:O7, Greenylll 6 45. Mercer 731 arrives at G ove City at 7:55 p ni E D. COMSTOCK, E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Pass. Agt, Gen. Mgr. Pittsburg, Pa W. R. TURNER. Tkt Agt, Bntler, Pa PENNSYLVANIA WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT J UD> 27. 19.E*. SOUTH. , WEEK DAYS A. M A.M. A. M. P. M. P. ! BUTLER Leave G 05 7 ;p<|lo 05 2 35 4 : Saxonburg Arrive 6 :tl 8 08 10\Jt; 3 00 5 I Butler Junction.. " 7 07 8 3G 11 03 3 25 5 : Butler Junction.. .Leave 7 32 8 11 4" 3 25 5 : Natrona Arrive 7 41 844 U 57 335 5 ; Tarentum 7 47 8 51 12 05 3 42 5 Springdale 757 90212 17 3 53115 ! Claremotit f I 9 18 12 3<"> 4 o>< G Sharp-burg 8 19 9 20 12 47 4 1G 6 Allegheny 8 W 9 38 1 1 00 4 20) 6 : A. M. A M P. M. P. M.|P. 1 SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butlci for Alleghei City and principal iut<-rmediate statiouM at 7:20 a. r Mid 4:55 p. ft). NORTH. WEEK DAYS A. M A M. A M P. M.t P. Allegheny Chy .l*%ve G25 8 50,10 15 3 O.H G Sharptfhurg G 80 9 00 10 25 a3 13 a 6 : Ciaremout . . ...10 32 ... Springdalo 92310 49 ... G Tarentum 7 Oh 9 32 11 00 3 40 G Natrona * 7 13 9 36 11 07 3 45 0 Butler Junction. ..arrive 7 2."» 9 17 11 17' 3 51 7 1 Butler Juuction ...leave 7 :i'> 9 55 12 35 4 05 7 1 Sa*oiilmrK M (IM 10 I'.' 1 05 4 41 7 ! BUTLER »rrivo 8 35 10 45 1 33 . 5 13 7 IA.m.IA.M, P. m P. «I.|P. tJSL'SUAV THAI MS.—l.i avo AllcKbeuy City for Ui \fr and principal IntermediaUi «itati<*ua at 7:03 a ro. ai 9-33 p. m TOR TME EAST. Weekn Days. Sun da A. M.,A. M.iP. M. A.M.I' BUTLER.. lv 60510 05 235 7 2u\ . Bntler J'ct ar 7 07' 11 Oi 325 8 1«», .. Butler Jet lv 72511 17 351 Hit .. Feeport ir 72811 20 35» 817 .. Kakiminetaa J't.. 7 :is|ll 27 3 s*' 82t Leecbburg " 74511 39 413 830 Weal Apollo M H 11,11 57 435 857 .. Saltaturg u 8 40'12 27 503 9 2:1 .. Hlair»ville 9 IGI 1 0<» 54" 952 .. Blairariile Int.. 24' 1 ;j.{ 5 47 10 0O ... Altoona u 11 35 545 850 140 . MarriHbiirg " :4 loll') 00 lOn ft 35 ... Philadelphia " 623 4 25i 4 '25 10 17 ... P. SI iA M A M P M. P. Through trains for the cant loave Pittsburg (Uui< Station), as followa: Seashore Limited, daily (No ■ >;uhen) ... 1 30aJ Atlantic Kxpr«tss, dr*ily 3:00 A. Pennsvlvaiila Limlte.l M ( N'.» nnw hen) 7:15 14 New York 44 44 44 ... .7:15 * I>ay Expresa, 14 .... ...7:30 M Main Line Lxpreas, " 8:00 ** Ilarrinburg Mail, '• 12:45 r. Marridburg Kxprewa daily 4 4C ' Philadelphia Expreea, 1 4:60 • Eastern Express, " 7:10 41 Fast Line, 1 .... 900 44 Pittsburg Limited, daily fur New York. only. I'' 00 4 >♦.. .«nd Pitt-||iirx LimiO'd, •1.-«il% . car* t<» Philadelphia, l»altine>r« .md Wash ington. No row-he* 10:00 44 a Mail, Sunday % only 8 30 L. Fflr Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge, a rail route) 8:00 a.m. and 9:<»0 p. m. ilaily, "Pern sylvauia Limited," and Now York 1 imitI, 7 15 a. in week day«. BaXfalo and A Her J Valley Division Trains leave Klskimiuetaa Junrtiou as follows: — Kor Itnflalo, 9.5G a. in aud 11.50 p. m. daily, wit through i>arlor and sleeping can. For Oil City, 7 42 9.5«» a. m., 2. 4S, 6.15 and 11.50 | in. week day*. Sundays, 9.5G a. m., 6.15 and 11.5"p.u For Red Bank, 7.42, 9 56, 11.17 a. m., 2 6.15, 9.3 and 11.50 p. in. wi*4<k-<?ays. Sundays, 9.56,10.49 a. m 6.15 ami 11.50 p. ni. Kor Kittanning 7.42, 9.31, 9.56,11.17 a. m., 2.38,5.31 6.15,7.30, 9.34, and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sunday U.SA, 10.49 a. m.,6.15, 10.45, and 11.5" p. m. "u" St<>p4 only on signal or notl«"«* to ni to r< reive iniHittilgcM, 44 r' St«»|* only on niKiial or nut ire to iiK<nt or on ductor t«» receive or diiicharge |Mi?«?M , njc ,, r , «. Koi detaile«l information, apply to ticket agent C addr««sa Th-ia. K. Watt, Pawn. Agt. Western Distric Corner Fifth Avenue aud SudthAeld Stre<«t, Pittaburf Pa W. W. ATTEItBURY, J. It Wi>Oli Gen'l Manager. Pwi'r Truflir Mature OEM, W. BOYD, Central PasseiiK'T Agent. Wiulielri K K Co Time Tal»Io In effect May 25th, 190:1. WKMTWAHD. RITIMB, AM PS Leave. Wmt Wlnn»l<l 7 »> 2 4 44 lioggnville 7 45, 3 0 44 Iron Itiidge ... 7 .W ( 3 I 44 Witt field Junction 810 3 2 44 I, ane 8 201 3 d 44 Bntler Junrtiou H 25| 3 4 Antw ' ni h i lo 4B\ 5 1 Arrive Allegheny 9 38 5 0 pin j Arrira llaiwrllia. 12 50| 5 4 KASTW \RD. BTATIOVB. A M P Leave Blairnville 8 11 2 2 44 Allegheny 8 50. 3 0 44 Hutler 7 :iH J3l " Butler Junction 10 00 44< 44 Lane 10 03 4 4 44 Win field J unci ion 10 15 45, 44 Iron Bridge 10 25 s<* 44 BoggMvilln 10 35 51, ArriT* Waal Wlnflaid . i^' Traioa at4«p al Lana and Iron lteid|soil) oa Viae ti take on or leave off paaaengers. Trains Connect at Bntler Junction with. Tniinn Eastward for Vreeport, Vandergrirt au< Blairnville liitaraerlion. Trains Waatward Ibr Natrona, Tareutum aud All* gheny. Trains Northaaid lot Saioiiburg, Delano an<l Butler B. G. BEALOIt, General Manager. GUARDIAN S NOTICE! Notice in hereby niven tlmt John II B<'hanpp,K(iardinu of Catherine Schaupp at Ms I>. No. 27, March Term. 1903, will preHcnt hiH final account for con tiruifition in court. Satnrilay Septeuilx*! 13. 1 !Wi:; JOHN C. CLAKK, Prothonotary Court of Common Plena. YOUR EYES ARE TIRED and you wonder why; when : you are wearing glasses. You ' haven't the right kind, perhaps, j and unsuitable glasses are like-1 ly to be worse than none at all- Come to me fo. expert advice that won't cost you a penny. 1 sell Edison and Victor phono graphs and records, mandolin, violin and guitar strings and mouthorgans. CARL H. LEIGHNER, Jeweler and Graduate Optician 209 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. lumrvivJi £ Breezy effects in Shirts £ # and Straw Hats r A fo'r Men. * J We have a store full J 4 *of the newest things in > 5 J ° Shirts and Straw Hats. \ t # w Our line of Straw * g 5 j Hats includes every- 5 f > thing from z #| J CHEAPEST "J| \x i r j > TO S« . BEST J Sennit, Split and Milan \ # braids and they are # | money savers. | Jno. S. Wick j J HATTER and J £ MEN'S FURNISHER. £ 3 Opposite P. 0. r People's 'Phone. 615 r J BUTLEIt, PA. { Wk NEW 5S STOCK 1 have purchased the C J. Harvey Pharmacy, in the Stein building, at 345 S. Main St., am remodeling and restocking the store. 1 have twenty-two years experience as a pharmacist, and compounding of prescriptions will be under my personal at tention. Pure drugs and honest treat , ment guaranteed. 1 When in town shopping, stop and leave your packages. J L McKee, Pharmacist, Stein Block. S. Main St . Butler. Pa. Binding of Books Is our occupation. We put our i entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. If you are thinking ol hnving some work done in this line I am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at Tire Butler Book Bindery, VV. W. AMON, Prop. Opp. Conrt House. .. trade - "CHEMO" l_ —"Til i'i n n Warning against MOTHS! This summer Is the worst we liavc had for years, everyone is complaining nlh>ut Moths. Wo Guarantee to Kill all Moths Roaches Units ami Oerm Uf«- vv 11 )i our C'liumo, dlsenfeet lng your room at tlio Mil mo time. I'sril and sold hy Hauler, Close A Johns. Joseph llorne Co., ItoKKs \ 1111 h I and many other pliiees. Cliemo Is best Hoarh and Hug exterminator In the world; also kills llces and 1 dogs. I>lrd .. etc. We will IK- nleased to (live all m format lon about • rlll.Mn " {f* I'houe.s: Hull l>s Court. P. .t A. Til Main. I'KKKI-KSS MKO. CO., 7-«-:;rn Kite Illdg .Llliertv St.. Pittsburg, I'a Tuesday lOxciirsious to Niagara Falls itiMl Toronto. Commencing Tuesday, July 7th, and every Tuesday thereafter during July. August an<l September, the 8., R. & P Ily. will sell excursion tickets to al>ove named points ;it exceptionally low rates. These tickets nre limited to con tin ions passage in l>oth directions and will be valid for going pissage onl> if used to destination on date of sale or tin day following, and will l>e honored for return passage if used within fifteen da}a from date of sale. Niairara Falls tickets must Ih< presented to the agent of the N. Y. C. « 11. K. K. K at that point for validation before they will be go- 1 for return passage. 'l' ironto tickets must be validated by the agent of the N. V ('. & H. tt. It. It at Niagara Falls, or the a«ent or the Ni" ;ara Navigation Co. at Toronto, <>r to lie purser on steamer. Trains leave Butler at 10.12 A. M. and 10. .Vi P. M. Fare $7.40 to Niagara Falls and to Toronto. For tickets and full information con sult the nearest BKerit of the compay or address A F. Raveret. Excursion Agent Rochester, N. Y. I Watch This Space i 1 For Bargains I j C. E. MILLER. | Excursions to Atlantic City. July 16, and 30, August 1:1 and 27 and September 10 are the dates of the P. R. K. annual low rate excursions for 1903 to Atlantic city, Cape May, Ocean City. Sea Isle City. Avalon. Anglesa, NVildwood. Holly Beach X. J., Keho both, Del.. or Ocean City, Md. Tickets good to return within sixteen days, including date of excursion. A special train of Pullman parlor cars and clay coaches will leave Pitts burg on above-mentioned date at s 55 A. M., arriving at Altoona 12.15 P. M , where stop for dinner will be made rea ching Philadelphia 6.25 P. M . in tiuie I for supper, and arriving Atlantic City . via the Delaware River Bridge Route, the onlv all rail line at K35 P. M Pass engers may also spend the night in J Philadelphia, and proceed to the shore by any regular train from Market Street "Wharf or Broad Street Station on on the following day Passengers for points other than At lantic City will spend the night in Phil adelphia. and use regular trains the uext day from Market Street Wharf. A stop-over of within limit will be allowed at Phila. on returning, if Pass engers will deposit their tickets with Ticket Agent at Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, immediately on arrival. Tickets must be deposited with Agent on arrival at seashore destination and properly validated for return trip. Tickets will l>e sold from stations at the rates named below : RATE, ft ATE. Tickets Tickets good in I'ull. Car Train only in in connection Leaves Coaches. with regular Pull Tickets. A. M. Natrona SIO.OO $12.00 7:13 BoMer .. 10.00 12.00 6:05 Freeport 10.00 12.00 7:23 Philadelphia, Ar ... 6 25 Atlant'c City " .... 5.35 Returning coupons will bo accepted on any regular train except the Penn sylvania limited and the Chicago Liui ited and the St. Louis Limited. For detailed informatien in regard to rates and time of trains apply to ticket agents or Mr. Thomas E. Watt. District Passenger Agent, Pittsburg. | Low Kxcursion Kates to Balti more,M«l. Jnly IS and 1!), 1 !>C>:S. tho B. &0. Rail road Company will sell low rate ecxur sion tickets to Baltimore. Md , and re tarn, account Annual Meeting. Grand Lodge B. P. O. Elks, good return un til July 25, subject to au extension unti Jnly :il. dv deposit of ticket with Join! Agent and payment of SI.OO For further information call on or ad dress nearest B. <.V" O. Ticket Agent. oi U. N. Austin. General Passengci Agent. Chicago, 111. Pennsylvania Chatauqua. For tho Pennsylvania Chatauqua. tc be held at Mt. Gretna' Fa, July 1 tc August 5. 1903. the P. It R Co. will sell special excursion tickets from But ler and principal intermediate points, tc Mt. (iretn.i and return, at reduced rates. Tickets will be sold June 25 to August 5, inclusive, and will be return until August 13, inclusive, for pecific, rates consult ticket agents. Dollar Sunday Kato to Allcglieuy Commencing the first Sunday in May and continuing each Sunday thereafter until Oct. 25th. the B. & 0. R. R- will sell special excursion tickets from But ler to Allegheny and return for morning trains on Sunday at rate of $1 for the round trip Tickets good on Baltimore and Ohio trains ouly. Return limited to date ot sale Low Kates to Points In the South and Southeast. Ou first and third Tuesdays of April, May, June, July. August, September, October and November. 1!M)3. the Balti more & Ohio Railroad will sell one way Settlers' tickets at greatly reduced rates to jxiints in the South ami South- For further information call on or address nearest Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or 13. N. Austin, Gen eral Passenger Agent. Chicago. 111. Low 1 Catos to Points In the South and Southeast, West ami North west. On first and third Tuesday of April, May, June, July. August. September. October and November, 1903, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad will sell Homeseekers' Excursion tickets at greatly reduced rates to points in the South and Southeast, West and North west. For further information call on or address nearest Baltimore ifc Ohio Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent. Chicago, 111. Kedneed Kales to Ashevllle. For the benefit of those desiring to at tend the meeting of the National Deu tal Association, atAsheyille. N C.July 2-1 to 31. the P. R. R Co. will sell round trip tickets to Aslieville and re turn, good going July 21 and 22, and re turning to reach original starting point not later than August 2. inclusive, from all stations on its lines, at reduced rates. For rates and conditions of tickets con sult Ticket Agents. Dollar Sunday Kate to Allegheny Commencing the first Sunday in May und continuing each Sunday thereafter nntil October 25th. the Baltimore and □bio Railroad will sell special excur jion tickets from Butler to Allegheny nud return for morning trains on Sun lav at rate of SI.OO for the round trip. Pickets goods on Baltimore and Ohio trains only. Return limited to date of lale. Reduced Kates to Baltimore. For the benefit of those desiring to at tend th» meeting of the Benvotent and Protective * Jrder of Klk->. at Baltimore, Md . July 21 to 23 .tin' Pennsylvania It It. Co. will sell round-trip tickets to Baltimore from all stations on the West Peiin. on July 1» and 20, good for re turn passage until July 81. inclusive, at rate of single fare for the round trip, ilus one dollar. Parlor Cars on the Uessemer. Parlor car service has been inagur ated on the 15. & L. E H R.. Ixtween Conneatit Lake and Allegheny, and will be continued daily during the months of June. .Tnly and August. Train 14 leaving Allegheny at 7:15 A M , atul No 11 leaving Exposition Park at 1:10 I'. M . will have parlor cars »t --tached daily except Saturday. The Conneaut Lake Limited leaving Allegheny at IMP. IL, Batler 2:20, every Saturday beginning .Tnne 20th: and the Sunday Special, leaving Exposi tion Park every Sunday beginning June -Ist, at 0:00 P. M., central time, stop ping only at Greenville, Grove City and Butler renning to AUegneny v. ill be made up of first class coaches and parlor car This improved train ser vice reduces the running time between the Smokv City and P» nusylvania's mo6t popular summer resort to three and one half hours, and will enable business people from the city and towns along the line, who could not otherwise do so, to spend Sunday at the Lake with their frieuds Th 6 suTbeß (Inzer:. 11.00 per year If paid In advance, otherwise Jl.ao will be cnarged. ADVERTISING RATES— One Inch. one Hint 11; each subsequent insertion 50 cents each Auditors' and divorce notices $4 each; exec utors* and administrators' notices each estray and dissolution notices £2 each. Head ing notices 10 cents a line for tirst and 5 cents for each subset?uent insertion. Notices union*local new* Items 15 cents a line for e ich In sertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks resolutions of respect, notices of festivals and fairs, etc., inserted at tlio rate of 5 cents a line, money to aceomuany the order, ieven words of prose make a line. Rates for standing cards aim Job work on application. All advertising Is duo after first Insertion, and all transient advertising must be paid for in advance. < All communications intended for publica tion In this paper must bo accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publica tion bu. a guarantee of good faith.and should I reach us not later than Tuesday evening. | Death notice must he accompanied with I responsible nam* Anyone re Mini! a sketch and description niny quickly ascertain »m opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confldtntltl Handbook on I a tents sent free. Oldest for swurinK patenU. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive tptcial notice, without charge, lu the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tersest elr- MUNN & Co. 3618r0,dw,,r New York Branch Oflcs. «2S K 9t_ Wa.«ht"»rton. D. C. WHY DO YOP I; I'M AIN IDLE when ;to need UHI men for different positions? If you une willing to work wo can place you. We are able to supply, on short notice, iinv *1"" i.f male help to employer*—order willbe .til l i'd very promptly. Apply. Old Kellable Key stone Bureau. 1123 IViwi avenue, Pittsburg Established I*7o. 2 s "< lni THE Established COUNTRY 1831 GENTLEMAN AXII AHMITTKDI.Y THE Leading Agricultural Journal of the Wor d. Every department written by specialists. Ihe hlffhest authorities lu their respective lines. , No other paper pretends to compare with it in qualifications of editorial staff. Gives the aKricultural NKSVS with a dettce :>f completeness not even attempted by nthers. ~ , Indispensable to all country residents who wish to keep up with the times. Single Subscription, $1.50. Two Subscribtlens, $2.50. Five Subicrlplioos, $5.50 SI'EI IAI. IRIIIM TO HA isms OK ITAKtih'U CLtlHi. Four Months' Tiinl Trip 50 cents. SPECIMEN OOI'IES will be mailed free on request. It will pay mylKMly Interested In any way in country life to send for them. Address t he publishers: LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Albany, N. Y. Subscript lon taken at this office. Itotli papers together. >.'.00. LOOK AT THE LABEL Pasted on your paper, (or on the wrapper in which it comet*.) for a brief but exact statement of your subscription account.. The date to which you have paid is clearly given. If it is a past date a remittance is in order, mid is re spectfully solicited. Remember the subscription price, SI.OO a year in advance or $1.50 at end of year. W. C. NEGLEY, Butler, Penna. If the date is not changed within liree weeks write atxl nek wliv. I .. 5. mcJUNKIN nsurance and Rea! Eslate Agent. 117 E. JEKHKRSON BUTTER PA