VOL. XXXX. tXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX 3 Uk GREAT CLEARANCE SALE GROWING DAILY £ 2 NEW BARGAINS ADDED CONSTANTLY. sThe5 The MODERN STORE* • h*B just cloaed the greatest week in its history. This proves that this W July Clearance Sale * U ian B we claim for it. Bntler shoppers know a good thing when they see Uk it. The following are a few of the new bargains offered: • All Ladies' drefs and walking skirts at i off onr nsnal low prices. ■ & Ei{ redaction on all shirt waists. *I.OO and 50 silk waists now *3.00. ■r $5.00 and I*s 00 silk waists, black and colors, now 00. rx All white waists greatly reduced. Jk All Ladies and Children s Fancy Parasols at i off. S BIG BARGAINS IN WHITE GOODS-All 10c and 12} fancy white R goods now 7c. 15c and 18c goods now 10c 2<>c and 32c goods now 1-lc. J U 25c and 30c goods now I»ry |>ercales JK U usiiaii> s>!d at the same price. Finer cloth »«.ffei and !>efter finish * and nior»- attractive |«tterns, 36 inches wide—l y«rd. 6 NEW GINGHAMS 5 In Mi.re ti»-w arrivals added t<"> onr large wwortme: » • f the very tit ch«>>-« st *t\le» of Oinghams aud Seersuckers, at 10c and l'.'p- jf NEW DRAPERIES 8 gk Decidedly new patterns in Cnrtain Swiss, Madras, Sllkalint!-, V Denims, and Cretonnes that are very handsome and attractive, |t to 25c g THE NEW IDEA WOMAN'S MAGAZINE T m The finest home publication in the conntry. replete with articles JR Qof internet to wouieu, 100 pages auut them that R im C XjfH J I nEark the wearer, it won't do to / v L\_ TT Ufl H "wear the" last year's output. You ■ 1 V><*. p \ «V Vr-i U won't get the latest things at the /| ' " /Pv L it/ vS stock clothiers either. The up-to -1 L Itf f * date tailor only tan snppiy them, '• 1 » '/ML li/IT I y°h want not only the latest ( ! f'A I - f lf 11 I things in* Cnt and fit atad work- Itr >• ' |3f ] 111 1 j taanship, the finest in durability, . j fjrt ! LTI 1 11 I * else can yon get combina jpr j* pf* ** • ' lions, yon get thenr at '?... " K E C K KECK, Merchant T«ll»r, 24 Horth Main Street All Work Guaranteed Butler, Pa > , ■ t "• THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Reed's Wine of Cod fciver Oil will build you up and make you strong, will give you an appetite and new life. If you feel tired and vvorn out try our Wine of Cod Liver Oil and find relief. It is stronger and better than pure Cod Liver Oil. Pleasant to take and is inoffensive to delicate stomachs. Indorsed and recom mended by physicians every where. The best Spring tonic to give you Health and strength. For sale only at Reed s Pharmacy Transfer Corner Main and Jefferson sta.. Bntler. Pa PHOFESSICNAL CARUS. ATTORNEYS. Rr. SCOTT, ■ ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Office on second floor of Armory Building. Butler. Pa. A T. SCOTT, A » ATTOK.VHY AT LAW. Office at No S. •Vest Diamond St. But ler. Pa. noi'LTER & UAKhR. " ATTORNEYS IJ>W '-(K.'n R.. Armory huil'l'n*. [OHN V,. COPLTER, t) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office with R. C. McAboy, J. P., sonth hide Diamond Special attention given to collections uid business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or Butler Couutv National Bank J 11. McJT'NKIN, T ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Oirice in Reiber building, cornel Main and E. Cunningham Sta. Entrance on Main street. | K. I'.KEDIN, •' • ATTORNEY AT LAW. iltfice on Main St. near Court House. EVER Err L. RAL,STON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 257 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. Fisher Building. First door on South Main street, next my former office in Boyd Building. HH. OOU2HER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Wise building. EH. NEGLEV, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In the Negley Building, West Diamond PHYSICIANS, Hemorrhoids and Chronic Diseases a Specialty. TV H. BROWN, M. I).. VV . Office in Riddle building, Diamond, next door to Dr. Bell's old office. Office Hours:—9 to 11 a. in., 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p. m. GEO. K. MCADOO. M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, Exclusively. Hours —9-12, 1-5. Both Phores. Troutman building, S. Main St. JC. BOYLE, M. D. ~~ • EYE, EAR. NOSE and THROAT, After April Ist, office in former Dr. Peters'residence, No. 121 E Cunning ham St., Butler, Pa., next door to Times printing office. NLARA E. MORROW, D. 0., v GRADUATE BOSTON COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY. Women's diseases a specialty. Con sultatian and examination free. Office Hours, 9 to 12 m., 2 to 3 p. m. People's Phoue 573. 1/6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. p M.ZIMMERMAN >J • PHYSICIAN AND SCHGEON At 327 N. Main St. LR. HAZLETT, M. D., t 106 West Diamond, Dr. Graham's tormer office. Special attention given to Eye, Nose and Throat. People's Phone 564 CAMUELM. BIPPUS, VJ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham St. DR. JULIA E. FOSTER. DR. CLARENCE M. LOWE. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Rooms 9 and 10 Stein Building, Butler. Consultation and examination free, daily; and evenings by appointment. DENTISTS. DR. H. A. MCCANDLESS, DENTIST. Office in New Mnrtincourt Building, 129}£ S. Main St., (adjoining Dr. Atwell's office.) HW. WICK, T DENTIST. Has located in the new Stein building, with all the latest devices for Dental work. DR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DENTIST Office at No 114 E. Jefferson St., over G. W. Miller's grocery Jj. DONALDSON, • DEUTJST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office next to postoffice. DR J. WILBERT MCKEE. SURGEON DENTIST. Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store, 2t& S. Main street, Butler, Pa. Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. MISCELLANEOUS. WM. H. WALKER, SURVEYOR , Residence 214 W. Pearl St, Butler, Pa. n F. L. McQUISTION,' V. Civil. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Office near Court House. - " ~T ~"~7"" LP. WALKER, • NOTARY PUBLIC, UUTIER. PA. Qmce with Berkmer, next door ia ~P. O. Irritable, Excitable Nerves on Edge i This describes the condition exscilj. Children s noists. str«tt Bounds, little , tilings that usually pass nnnoticed. an | noy. A sodden ~ound, a call—you jump I—a harsh word, a cryiug spell. The ' sleep is full of jerks and starts —trouble | tills your dre:inis— yon do not rest. Tm-d yon «o to bed. weary yon r'se ' Ir's the n<-rv-es. weak. sh»tt< r !e l, over sensitive, nn edge. Th i n» ed j rest, quiet, strength, steadiness A Fcl ' low TowDsmw {jives you the cure IU IDr A. W. Cbase'9 Nerve Pills —the ' ruost remarkably successful medicine ever produced. Mrs. A. E. Pape of 126 East -lelferson St , Butler, Pa , says: —"1 aui .ii>ie to rec.-ui : mend Dr. A W. Chase's Xt-rve Pill* to ethers as a reliable nerve and tr< n< ral tonic. When I got some at D. H Wtil ler's Drmr Su>re. 113 South M«in Sr. I \v,»s ruu down, restUss, nerves on edge Hnd unable to Ket good sleep. The Nerve Pills soon demonstrated their power to tjive me strength, energy, -« <-H.ly u< rves and re.-tfnl sleep." , Uuffalo. N Y. See that portrait and of A W. Chnse M. D., aicou everj piickiue. Dizzy Appetite poor? Bowels con stipated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. I Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown cr rich Hack ? Dse Buckingham's Dye of druggists or R. P. Ha! I L Co., Nashua N. H Nasal J&£ly?Sl CATARRH In all iu stages. W tSUr)# Ely's Cream c' ansci, soothes and heals I x m tlie diseased membrane. \ II cures catarrh and drives tway a cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—docs not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren Street, New York m T< Johnston's il Beef, Iron and Wine M * j Best Tonic kj 7 Bloorl Purifier. Pric, soe jiint V I Prepared and W2 9 soi l only at] L V I » j Johnston's $ Crystal H J Pharmacy, W R. M. LOO AN, Ph. 0., [ ■ Manager, V i p J lOfl N. Main St., ISutler, Pa L v Both' Phonos Pi pi Everything in the Ll k l drug line. TA LEJ f CRAMPS? I DR. HARRIS' S CRAMP CURE, J Relieve, Pain Quickly. 3 A Tiorcr falling remedy for Kvcry Aclie J au«l I'uln. Highly recornmendiil ior 9 Cholerß-Morlma ami I'aliia iu the * Stomach, j ABSOLUTELY IJARHT.KSS. a AH it Llnlinent l»r. llnrrU 1 Cm J Cure excelit all otliem. I Prepared bj 11. A. FAHXK.WOCK CO. 1 Plttsburj, Ph 3k At |C. F. T, Pape J \ IJEWELERI > j I i 121 E. Jefferson Street. / YVIIF-REAS, by reason of the formation of TT the ltutlerl I was Captain Chardon* s man—not his valet. I was a private soldier in bis company for three years on the Afghan frontier, and after we had both been wounded in the same skirmish and it hud been my luck to help him off the field ho asked for my detail as his mau. I may have performed all the duties of a valet, but the term was never applied to me. As his "man" I had a record behind me and a standing among the rank and file. Captain Chardon came into posses sion of a large property and threw up his commission, My term of enlistment had expired, and I returned to Eng land with him. The captain and I understood each other very woll. lie used to boast, so I was told, that I was one out of a thou sand, and I was free to declare that no officer's man ever had a better mas ter. When he established himself in rooms in London, I had full charge, and he trusted me to the fullest extent. There was no wild rioting. Captain Chnrdon was a good fellow, and plenty of good fellows came to see him and drank and played, but there was noth ing to scandalize. In time I got to know all his callers In a way. There were three or four I SAW THE CALLKB POCKET THBKE ITOBT FIGURES. blue bloods among them—real tlptop pers who were going the pace—and Lord Dale led this crowd. When sober, he was a snob and a cad. When in his cups, he was a thorough vulgarian and would as soon carouse with a cabman as to drink with a gentleman. He had been introduced by a good friend ef my master's, and, being a lord, he was allowed many liberties over a common er, but I believe that Captain Chardon would have preferred his room to his company after his first visit I took a strange dislike to him on first sight, but of course that didn't count That Lord Dale bad made ducks and drakes of his Inheritance and gone to the money lenders was common report, but no one knew just how hard up he was. On his very first visit to my mas ter two tradesmen would have waylaid him at the door as he left had I not sent them away on a false 6cent. His morning mall consisted mostly of duns and threats, and writ servers were aft er him during the rest of the day. Those things did not affect his general reputation, however. As a blue blood a lord may do many things that would bring disgrace upon a tradesman. Of all the callers at our rooms no one except Lord Dale would Insist upon entering when Informed that the cap tain was out. Sometimes he would find the captain at home, but engaged with his letters or accounts or with some old friend of bygone days. At other times he would wait for him for half an hour or more and then knock things about and go away cursing. I never could learn that any of ills calls had any pressing object in view. It was rather his obstinate, bulldozing way. As the captain's man I was responsi ble for all personal property, and I may tell you that the rooms contained many portable objects of value. There were rare old vases, great and small; valuable cameos, uncut gems from In dia. ivory statuettes from Japan. I had a written list of them, and onco a week I went through the rooms and checked oft. One Friday Lord Dale made a call when the captain had gone into the country for the day. My word that he was not at home simply resulted in an insolent stare, and the caller passed on to the sitting room. He waited for an hour and then kicked over a chair, upset a screen and clattered down stairs. Next day was my day for checking off, and I had scarcely begun when I discovered that a valuable In dian camco was missing. I knew that cameo to have been In Its cabinet Fri day morning. No one but Lord Dale had called In the twenty-four hours. The captain returned Saturday after- ! noon, and I reported the loss. Ha looked at me for a moment with a seri ous face and then replied: "Stevens, you can't suspect Lord Dale of taking that cameo away?" "I don't say that I do, sir, but it has disappeared from the cabinet. If he didn't"— "Then I took it down the country a> a present to my cousin. You must bo caroful, my man, or you will get Into trouble." I knew that my master lied. I knew, j be lied to save Lord Dale's reputation. ; That cameo was in the cabinet after • he left for the country. It was not for j me to assert or argue, however. I said not a word more, but accepted the re- ' buke in humble spirit and went.about ' my duties. After tbut I checked off i the property every day, taking the j hour between 0 and 10 in the forenoon, > when I was at leisure. It wasn't many days before the lord ' was back again, and master fortunate- ' ly was out. From a hiding place pre- : pared in advance I saw the caller j pocket three ivory figures and a Jewel j handled dagger as coolly as if he had j been thieving all bis life. More tUfci ! that> I followed him when lie left the | house and was close at his heels when | the shop of a dealer to dls- ; pjjjse of his loot. It was next morning f .before i had* opportunity to speak to tlie captain. Then I said: "I beg pardon, sir. but may 1 ask If Lord Dale is off in ! < head?" "Why do you ask?" he queried in reply. "Beenuse the property he carried away from these rooms yesterday can be found at Regent street. Perhaps the other missing article is there too." Master made no reply whatever. But an hour later he atrolled down to the dealer's, found all his missing proper ty and brought it lwck. When he came home, he put the bundle into my bands and said: "Yes, Stevens, Lord Dale Is slightly off. but the matter Is confidential and must go no further. You had best lock the cabinets after this and put the keys In your pocket." That was all—all until Lord Dale, with the mania of plunder in his soul, called again. Master hod slipped out only a quarter of nn hour before. My lord had not been in the sitting room five minutes when he came out to me with a curious look on his face and said: "Stevens. I see tkat your master has been buying several new curiosities of late?" ! "Yes. sir," 1 replied. "Yes, sir, he picked up several new things at Regent street the other day, and that the charwoman might not be tempted I have locked the cabinets. Do you wish for the key* sir?" "H'm! ll'iu! 1 think not, Stevens. I think I will be going." He went, and that was his last call at the rooms. I do not know what ex planations my master made, if any, but i I know I made nono. How could I, a gentleman's "man," accuse a blue blood of thievery? Th* Impertinent Walter. He entered a drug emporium and said to the clork in a vigorous tone, without a trace of shame or diffidence: "Give me a bottle of the best hair re storer yon've got." The clerk looked at him with some astonishment. Interpreting his look, the customer said: "Yes, it's for myself, and I'm not ashamed to say so, either. For years I've laughed at the references made to my hairless poll. I considered it a good Joke, because I'm sMll young, and thousands of older men than I still have all their hair, and I don't regard absence of it as a sign of age. "But I've changed my mind now. I want hair on top of my head. The last straw came today, when I went into a restaurant where I've been in the habit of dining with a friend. This friend is oyly a few years younger than me, but he has a thick shock of hair, which gives him a rather youth ful appearance. "Well, when the waiter came to take my order he nodded, as usual, and then remarked, rather impertinently, I thought: "'Where's your son today?'"—New York Telegram. The Phraae "Jack Roblnaoa." The use of the phrase "Jack Robin son" originated in the British house of parliament during the debates on what was known as the "Indian bill" and when John Robinson was first lord of the treasury. Sheridan was the man who first used the phrase. It came about in this manner: Sheridan was speaking concerning Fox's waning chances, when he said: "Mr. Speaker, this state of affairs is not to be won dered at. When a member of this au gust body is employed to corrupt every body, what else could be expected?" Instantly there was a great cry of "Name him!" "Name him!" "Who is it?" "Sirs," said Bheridan, "I shall not name the person; it is a most unpleas ant thing to do. But don't suppose that I abstain because there is any difficul ty in naming him. I could do so, sirs, as quick as you could say 'Jack Robin son.' " They naturally inferred from his re marks that Jack or John Robinson was the person whom he alluded to. Flrealde Reflection*. It has been estimated that there are only 50,000 really handsome men in the United States. Every man won ders where the other 49,900 are. Being a bachelor is a good deal like playing solitaire. You can always cheat yourself into the belief that you're having a good time. Why does it always seem to rain harder on a Sunday Just before church time than on a Saturday Just before matinee time? The larger a husband is the smaller he Is inade to feel sometimes.—House keeper. Animal Longevity. ( Some curious statistics have been published upon what an insurance ac tuary would describe as the "expecta tion of life" in animals. Among the larger species of cattle there is some approach to uniformity. Thus for the horse and the ass the extreme limit is about thirty-five years and for horned cattle about thirty. For the dog it is given as twenty-five, while slieep, goats, pigs nnd cats are grouped at fif- 1 teen. But there are stranger dispari ties among birds, 'ty'hile a goose may live thirty years, a Bparrow twenty five and a crow as many as 100, ducks, poultry and turkeys die of old age at twelve years. The palm for longevity , Is divided between elephant and par rot. Both pass the century. The Paagi of Hnnver. At the dinner table Robert ate him- j self into a state of great satisfaction, ' while his relatives stared In wonder. | At last he was actually forbidden to eat any more. On the way home he , pulled something from his pocket and began gnawing it. "What Is that?" asked his mother. "It's only dog biscuit," said Robert apologetically. "Where did you get it?" "Well," said itobert, "I knew I should be hungry before I got home, so I took it away from Fido."—Philadelphia Rec ord. Clrcnmatancfi Alter €•••■. "The boys are throwing stones at a yoor peddler." "Outrageous." "That's what I think." "Whose boys are they?" "Yours." "Oh, well, boys will be boys. Let the children ploy."—Chicago Post. The Profitable Part. Young Man—l desire to study law. I)o you think I could make a living at it? Old Lawyer—Hardly. You might, however, by studying your Baltimore American. Slower. Mrs. Kingsley—You say you like col ored servants better than white be cause they are*lower. How Is that? Mrs. Bingo—lt takes them longer to leave.—Town and Country. ±22# The deepest part of the Mediterra nean N nenr Malta. The depth is 14,136 feet. DRYING SWEET CORN. IA llouiie For ilit" Parpone—How to Handle the Corn. I have for several years be n raising sweet corn tinder contract, and the ac j companying illustration will convey some idea of my drying house, says an Ohio Farmer correspondent. It is also my granary, the upper floor containing grain bins on one side. The lower floor and south side of the upper floor are arranged for sweet corn. The most es sential part of drying sweet corn Is to have a free circulation of air. There- A CORN DRY ISO HOUSE fore I cut doors through as shown. These doors are on both sides nnd on the back. They are hung on hinges and can be opened and shut when needed, i The sweet corn should be spread In layers; therefore we use racks made of 1 by 3 intfc slats placed twenty inches to two feet apart, one above the other. If the corn Is green and milky when husked it should be put on the racks very thin, not more than two or three ears in depth, and turned frequently, but if It is more matured and the ker nels are glazed it may be put on thick er. I can dry 500 or COO bushels in this building. The Millet* For Forage. Millets have an imi>ortant place in the forage rotation because they grow rapidly, mature early and may be seeded at any time from May until Au gust. Three species of the Japanese millets—namely, broom corn, barnyard and Italian, originally imported by the Massachusetts Agricultural college, have been tested and found very de sirable at the Xew Jersey experiment station. Of these varieties the barn yard has proved the most profitable, the yield ranging from eight to eleven tons per acre. This crop will be ready for feeding from forty to fifty days after seeding. Pearl millet has also been tested. This variety makes enormous yields fifteen tons per acre have been secured. When in full head it la from eight to twelve feet in height Yet it is a very succulent and palatable fodder. Pearl millet is much more watery in its character than the other varieties men tioned and does not mature as rapidly. For these reasons it is not as desira ble as the barnyard variety. All of the millets are surface feeders and should be well supplied with avullable fertilizing materials. For soiling, cutting may begin before they are in bloom, and they should, prefer ably, be fed before the seeds are hard ened. Monk melon* In England. Emerald Gem, all things considered, seems to be the general purpose melon for New England. We have had fair success with the Emerald Gem when other varieties largely failed. It be longs to the Jenny Llnd type, is small to medium In size and globular in form, flattened at blossom and stem ends, skin smooth and slightly ribbed. It shows a rich emerald green color, with narrow stripes of light green in the ribs. The flesh is thick and of a deep, rich salmon color, fine flavor and of superior quality. The fruit should be picked as soon as it will separate readily from the vine, as it loses its good qualities if left to remain until overripe. The popular Rocky Ford or Netted Gem, so commonly found iu our mar kets, is oval in shape, being longer than broad, slightly ribbed and covered with a grayish coarse netting. The flesh Is green in color, very sweet and Juicy and quite solid. The fruit la quite small and usually very produc tive. This variety needs plenty of sun shine and a favorable season and therefore cannot be so generally de pended ui»on as the Emerald Gem.—F. William Itane, New Hampshire. Malt Sprout* a* Cattle Feed. Malt sprouts are a residue of the brewing Industry. Barley grains are sprouted In the process of malting and in due course are rubbed off and sold, either wet or dry, as a cattle food. (They enter the general market solely In the kiln dried form. They are small, comma shaped, light yellow brown particles of an agreeable nutty odor and crisp texture. When fed dry they are frequently refused by cows. If soaked some hours before feeding they are often better relished. How to Han tile the Hoe. Some men will use the hoe so that the top layer of soil is cut off clean and gathered up with the weeds that may have been the chief object of the hoe ing. The surface remaining will be hard and smooth—quite the reverse of what it should be. Cultivation should mean a stirring of the surface, making it fine. If this be done in loamy soli shortly after a rain it will not break Into large lumps. It Is now predicted that the reclama tion of abandoned New England farms will be effected by Italian Immigrants. THE HELP QUESTION. A Farmer Think* He See* a Remedy In the Xear Kutnre. A National Stockman writer ad vances the following view in regard to the scarcity of help to be procured by the farmers: In the first place, as to cause, nine out of ten men and wo men who leave the country for the larger towns and cities, ostensibly to better their condition (by an advance in wages) have the "big head," and badly; a false pride, coupled with a de sire to live faster, to get something for nothing. To be a farm hand or to be a hired girl Is beneath them; to labor Is tot) slow. They want to go faster, and they do sometimes. They eventually get the shock, and they are surprised. They write back or come If they have anything to get back on, and their friends arc surprised to see them, they were doing so well. They settle down then; they have learned something. Now as to the remedy. That Is self adjusting and will work well eventu ally. There Is ami hits been for sev eral years an autftt> ef bdth women and men from the country to larger towns and - eltles arid ptihllc works, thereby leaving an insutiiclont amount of la' : bor on the farms, lessening the produc f tlon and Increasing the cost of living whore this lal>or Is employed, and the ! cost of production of farm products w ill continue to grow higher as long as j these conditions exist for the simple reason that the farmer cannot produce j enough to supply the demand with what meager labor he has at his com , uiaml. And of course If the supply Is cut off the price must of necessity go up. The practical farmer will not em ploy labor unless it Is profitable to him to do so. In running this great industrial de velopment at so great a pressure the limit may l>e reached. Xben what? Why, the help question will solve itself i from compulsion. You'll find the farm i er then, as now. "on the ground floor," | enjoying his "taters," cabbage, sau sage, bacon, mutton and beef raised principally by his own hand. This help ! question will settle Itself as soon as the starch is knocked out, and I don't think that will l>e long. Point* of the Raff Orptaartons. Tin* {mints of a typical Buff Orping ton fowl, as stated by the poultry man ager of the Canadian experimental farms, are as follows: Tail, Inclined backward and upward. A TYPICAL BtJFT ORPINGTON PCLLKT. Back, short, with broad shoulders. Head, small and erect Eye, full and bright Breast broad, deep and full. Legs and feet, short and strong; four toes well spread. Haylaar Hlata From Farm Joaraal. Not one-half of all the clover hay made in the country is ever properly saved so as to secure the best results. It is either cut too early or too late. Is either cured too much or too little, la either moldy or fired. Clover dries up and gets powdery and dusty If dried rapidly in the sun. Wilt It and dry the water out of It and then heap it, only opening It long enough to air when heating in the heap. In a day or two It will do to go in. Caps are excellent to use during this process. "Make hay while the sun shines" sounds well, but it's better for the hay makers, the horses and the hay if the days are cool and cloudy, with a "dry ing wind" blowing. A delay when the crop is cut may damage the quality of the hay. Better have It wet than overripe. Cut all the hay early if you want good hay. Cut as the grasa is going out of blossom; then the nutriment is in the stalk and the dust is off the flowers. Two medium sized loads will be han dled quicker than one load that will break the wagon or stick in the barn door. Downy Mildew. Downy mildew attacks the leaves of cucumbers and cantaloupes. These show yellow spots with moldlike growth on the underside; the spots turn brown, and the leaf soon dies. Kemedy.—Spray with bordeaux mix ture about the middle of July and re peat every ten days. Agricultural Hotea. It is now generally conceded that the cilo Is the most economical way, every thing considered, of utilizing the corn crop for the dairy. Rutabagas hre a good late second crop. The Vermont experiment station has found that clipping potato plants on account of too heavy foliage growth in July and August sacrificed one-third of the crop. Bordeaux mixture has proved a reli able remedy for potato blight and rot. riant sweet corn for succession and a late crop. Sow Early Egyptian or Eclipse for young beets In the fall. The Ordeal Of Bolllnff Oil. In Ceylon the system of "witch find ing" Is both unique and terrible. Some oil from newly gathered king cocoanuts is manufactured by one of the friends of the complalnuut. This Is poured Into a primitive stone vessel and heated to the boiling point. Each of the suspect ed witches is then brought upon the scene and Is then and there compelled to dip three fingers of the right hond into the seething caklron, each having a right under her ideas of Justice to throw the oil remaining upon her fin gers into the face of the complainant, who stands near by. While this ordeal Is being undergone a single exclamation of pain on the part of the suspected person Is constructed to be an admission of guilt. If no such exclamation Is made the Innocence of the accused is supposed to be estab lished. It is said that every tenth per son on tlie island of Ceylon has maimed fingers as a result of having met the "ordeal of boiling oil." Swimming; "Sailor Faahloa," It was a redheaded boy from across the tracks on his good behavior at the swimming hole above the dam that I first saw swim hand over hand, or "sailor fashion," as we called it right ly or wrongly I know not I can hear now the crisp, staccato little smack his hand gave the water as he reached for ward. It has ever since been my envy and despair. It Is so knowing, so "sporty." I class it with being able to wear a pink barred shirt front with a dia mond cluster pin In it, with being gen uinely fond of horse racing, with being a first class poker player, with being delighted with tlie company of actors— what wouldn't I give if I .could be like that? My life has been a aad one, but I might find some comfort In It yet If I could only get that natty little spat on the water when I lunge forward awlm ming overhand.—McClure's. Quite Capable. "He's n remarkably frank man." "llow so?" "Why, the heiress asked him If he was sure he could take care of her When he proposed, and he said lie was "Sure he could If he had her money to do It with."—Chicago Post. Working Well. Tlie Querist—What do you think of the doctrine of the survival of the fit test? The Egotist—lt Is all right so far. I am still alive. -Kansas City Journal. No. 28. TWO KINDS OF GRAS& Jfc The Mlaiater Finally Ot Ik* fcttJ of Ilia Text C«m«t. -*£ At a certain revival mestliic of col-! on -d folks in a cburcU in Nortll CunM. Una tlie minister announced tmVtH pulpit: "My tex' Is 'Let de woman rut] In silence wid all subjection.' Tsui rrlll done" fin' it In de ntnnm* chapter,j 'leventh raw, ob Clover." At thlsl mention of an unknown epistle a (OQdi brother plucked the coat talis of w minister. The latter turaad ie«MQ then again faced the audtaOßS. "bj spite of de interruption." ha said, "t repeat de tex' am from da MM' chap ter, 'leventh rarse, ob Oovar." the coat tails were plucked, and th* minister glared at the plucker, only to turn once more to the "Brudder Johnson," be said, "object! to de tex' 'Let woman ran la si lence.' We all know dat Sister JohiJ son am not a fiilent woman. Bat 1 done repeats dat de tex* will be in de secon' chapter, 'leventli vane, ot Clover." Here Brother Johnson roH to the minister's ear and Whimpered earnestly. "Oh!" said the dotnfnle. Then to the gaping people: ssk| Sister Johnson's pardon. Her ban' says I made a mistake, ha la dat; triflln'. My tex' will not be toaaf la de secon' chapter, 'leTenth vans, ob Clover, but in de secon' chapter, *!•?• enth varse, ob Timothy. I knowad It was some kind ob grass." i Bern! Doetsrlas. Doc Judson had never taken so moch as a single course In medical study, but be was in greater demand than the regular practitioner of Crowrlile, who had a degree and a framed "dlplotay" in his office. "I'd rather trust to Bill Judson's doc toring than any thafs learned oat at medicine books," said Old Lady Sim mons. When pressed for a reason for this preference the old lady had one unfail ing answer. "When Doc was away one time I waa took with rheumatism In my aide, an* 1 had to let daughter Jane aend for the dlploiny doctor. He give me medicines an' said the rheumatism would give way to 'em. It did give way leetle by leetle an' finally wore off, leaving ma weak as a rag. "Well, now, when I have one & those spells an' Doc Judson tends ma ha comes In, gives one look at me, mlxaa up a glass o' his herb stuff, an* la less*n twelve hours he has that rheumatism h'lstlng sll over me from head to feet, departing in a half doaen directions an* no chance for my mind to dwell on one spot an' say, 'lf s the wust thar.' Thafs what I call doctoring!" A Lawyer's Apoltfr. Some years ago there was an oM> judge on the bench in Berks eooa&fc whose decisions, In consequence of nu merous reversals, did not always cota mand universal respect One day tof a case In which he was sitting one qfj the lawyers lost patience at his inabil ity to Bee things in a certain light and] in the heat of the moment tsmaifeaflj that the Intellect of the court was so dark a flash of lightning could not pen etrate It For this contempt the judge showed a disposition to be very severe with the offender, and it waa eatj aft er much persuasion by friends of the, latter that he yielded and decided to accept a public apology. The following) day the lawyer, accordingly, appeared! before his honor and made amends by; saying: "I regret very much that I said the Intellect of the court was so dark light-' nlng could not penetrate it I guess it could. It Is a very penetrating thing." —Philadelphia Ledger. The Tools of the BsrftUai. The ancient Egyptians had tools tor, stone working equal to anything in ass today. They used both solid and tabu lar drills and straight and drculat, saws. The drills were set with Jewels, probably corundum, and even laths tools had such cutting edges. So re markable was the quality of the tabu lar drills, It is said, and the skill «f the workmen that the cutting maitai in the hard granite giva no lnflkatton' of the wear of the tool, while a cat rf a tenth part of an Inch waa made in the hardest rock at each revolutioiV and a hole through both the hardest and softest material was bored perfect-' ly smooth and uniform throughout Of the material and method of making the tools nothing is known. Brrom's '»k« " His FsUlAsn Byron once sent bis friend John Mur ray a present of a Bible. It was placed on the bookshelf and left there for years untouched till at a dinner party, the verification of a text being re quired, the Bible was referred to. J* page had been turned down, and It waa found that In the verse "Now, Barait bas was a robber" the word "publish er" had been substituted. The poor lit-' tie pleasantry bad lain hidden all these 1 long yearn. Politic* ID Kpitapha. In a cemetery Indefinitely located "on the Susquehanna river" there is a grave with this epitaph on the marble memorial slab: "Cbas. Lewis; He Voted for Lincoln." A Baton Rouge (LaJ gravestone bears this legend: "Here lies the body of David Jones. His last words were, 'I die a Christian and a Democrat.'" —. .; Hot wast She Ext«ei«4. Clara (fishing for a compliment)— This Is your fourth dance with me. Why don't you dance with some of the other girls? Charlie-Well, the fact Is I dance ao badly I hate to ask them. Do not faucy yourself a martyr of the first class solely because you have been badly bitten in a horse trade.— Dallas News. A Spirit to Bo Dealers*. Just where honorable Industry ends and avaricious piling up of treasure begins no one can take it upon himself to say. The spirit however, that im pels a young man to sacrifice all the nobler alms of life In order to turn a liberal competence into wealth too great to be-spent (and the giving away of which, unless carefully regulated, is a doubtful good) Is certainly to be de plored.—Eliot Gregory in Century. Bankrapt. Solicitor—You want to be made bank rupt do you? Very well, I'll put it through for you. Just give me a check for SIOO on account of preliminary ex penses. Client—B-but I haven't got any mon ey at all. Solicitor—Then why the dickens do you come to me? Hang it all, man, you are bankrupt! A Universal Casteas. "Whenever I get an umbrella,'* said the prudent citisen, "I put my n&ma on It" "So do I," answered the man without a conscience. "The person who used to own it isn't so likely to Identify it"— Washington Star., , .