MEN LIRE'S AT STAKE The moat timid man will take any chance of eacape. The slender rope dropped down the precipice, the sltp perv log Oftx the abyss, anything that 1 • offers a chance of life, is eagerly snatch ed at. The end the man seeks is safety. He cares nothing I for the means to I that end. A There are thoc sands of men and women wheae lives are .at who are hindered from accepting the one means of U safety by foolish ffj j prejudice. -jVI /hi // Doctor Pierce's JW Golden Medical Discovery has been the means of / restoring health ffN to many men and Ip) women whose hoi- ( jl j l/L if / low cough, bleed- \//JJ/ 1 / ing lungs, ema- MM ¥// /1 ciaticm and weak- ///W/ Iff/ r I ness~ seemed to ( " 7/ warrant the state ment of local phy- P sicians—"There is TW//fV f no cure possible." "/ " J Why should prejudice against a put-np medicine hinder you from trying what has cured thousands of suffering men and women? ite "Only for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery I think I would be in my mve to-day.» write* Mr. Moses Miles, of Hi'lwrd.BinU Co ' Wvominr. «I had utbma so bad I could not sleep at night and was compelled to give up work. It affected my longs so that I coughed all the time, both day and night. Myfriends all thought I had consumption. My wife had taken Dr. Pierce's Favorite rrencnption and it had helped her so much she insisted on my try m inz his Golden Medical Discovery'—which I did I hare taken four bottles and am now a well man-, weighing 185 pounds, thanks to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery." The sole motive for substitution is to " permit the dealer to make the little more gfofit paid by the sale of less meritorious medicines. He gains; you lose. Y' Dr. Humphreys. fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity and largest sale in their history, due to intrinsio merit. They care the sick, so, coaaa. raicas. . k I—Vsvera. Ooagwrtons. Inflaminailons. .35 9—Warau, Worm Fever, Worm CoUc... .35 r/ S—Teethtac. CoUc, Cryin*,Wakefulness .33 S 4-Ote>riiea. of Children or Adalta 33 7-OMCIM. Colds, Bronchitis 33 ■ Weal aleta. Toothache, Faceache .33 t . > Mnaiarhn flirt-TT-r-*"* °-"r .33 It tinmsU. ladlgesUon,Weak Stomach.'23 11 liinari ar Painful Periods 33 > > 13—Whites. Too Profuse Periods 33 11 Ctip. Laryoaltia, Hoarseness 33 14-Caltßheum. Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .33 15—Malaria. Chilis, Ttmt and Ague 33 0»-WlMe»iii«-Coach.. JtS ST—KMaev Diseases .33 «•—Vriaary Weakaeas. Wetting Bed.. .33 T9-CM». Hay revar 33 !!*§»- Bold bydrnaista,ar sent on receipt of price. I- tf tlfT Fockct M * nn I bapald forwban relieved. Samples Free. ■ 1 Sold in Boiler st the Centre Ave SCHLATTER'S PARLORS, K - J Vorlxltts 1 and Gentlemen's Scalp and Facial Mae 'l sage Specialists, Shampooing and Manicuring, £ Keel tit BQea Balldlag, Peaa Arenac . Batrance, Plttsbarg, Pa. POLAND, VaairUrtag. Shaaipoolng 'and FsclaF Miuaga. BaHwemXleetsto Hot and Cold Hair I)ry«r Used. ' T sales (all. tdeshonf Court 058—9. ••DtWTAL ROOMS— fa tO • st* Ave., Pittsburg, Pa l> Lv fiißiV Weftp»P|IACTICA , .-Y«»o»"«^5l HJI X CHOWN and wori. kj B# »Wl >of Plltsburs-WHY rtOT DO .V » Gold CROWNS Ulllf W>d BRIDGE work reduced (: .PttV W%S RER TOOTH. Also tu. > Better Than All Drugs H Levin's Whiskey recruits without < :■ orer-stiinnlating. It has earned top pi; place on the whiskey list, and is on ; everyone's lips. ALWAYS IN STCK . W ram, LABSE, OTKBHOLT. oiicumini, **. TKBIOS, THUXPSOH, . IIM), DILUH6KB. BKIDOEPOBT, and offer them to you 8 year old at (1 per full - quart, 8 quarts |5 00. CKAXSFATHER'S CHOICE, whtakey guaranteed 3 years old, K 00 per gal km. We pay express charges on all mall orders of SSOO or over. Goods . shipped """"fIOBT. LEWIN & CO. IS WHUUU DEAUB3 nvni AID LIOUOBS. X« 14 MttflsU Street, PITTSXUBG, PA. tiasft: Bell «» P. ft A. :-ue. Eyes Examined Free of Charge " "^IM^KIRKPATBICK. Jeweler and GredueVe Optician TJeor to Court House Butler Pa. H. Q. Allison, Funeral Director, Bell Phone No. 3. Bakers town, Pa. L. 5. McJUNKIN, . insurance and Real Estate H. Agent. ZI7 8. JEFFERSON. SUTLER - PA fs RUPTURE •FCLT \ After having been 11. / rupture years of Experience and Ex perimenting. requires painting every few years. Not when first laid. F S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. T~\EMAND for PAROID is world wide. MADE IN 1,2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Samples and Prices are yours if you will ask us. L C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. THE JAS. MURTHA CO., 339 sth Ave.. Pittsburg, Pa., Can sell your Real Estate, Farm or Business. Correspondence solicited. A LI. TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL,. DO YOU WANT TO SELL your farm or other real estate? 1 can do It for you. Send me full partlculnrs at once. 4-16-03-ly JOHN RODGER. 401 Keystone Building, Pittsburg, Pa EYTH BROS - Wall Paper and Hammocks. This is the season of the year when" you all like to sit out of doors in a nice Hammock and enjoy the cool breezes, so we have concluded that this is a good time to tell you that we have the largest and best variety of new weaves and colorings ever shown in Butler, prices range from 50 cents to f 10.00 each. We also have the Eagle Steel Lawn Swing. EYTH BROS Both Phones. 251. S. Main St. Owego Valley Poultry Yards. Buff Leghorns exclusively. At Au burn, 4 entries, 8 firsts, 1 second. My hen winning gold leg band for being the best buff hen in the show-room. Eggs $2 per 15, $3 per 30. MRS. C. W. HARRINGTON. Harford Mills N. Y. WHY NOT Become an Artist? Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and Water Color taught at home, and employment given at once. For full particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OP ART. Beavir Falls, Pa. OPTICAL ' "*lf feSL GOODS'! TI/VIE IS precious Where your sight is concerned. If you have the least trouble with your eyes delay may prove more serious than you imagine. You can have your eyes ex amined here without cost to you. If you do not need glasses we will tell you so. All the latest instruments to test eyes with. I also sell violin, mandolin and guitar strings and mouthorgans and razors. Carl H. Leighner, Optician and Jeweler. Butler, Pa. PERSONAL—Vapor, alcohol and steam batlis. Facial and scalp treatment a special ty. Best of service given. MRS. HAYDEN First floor.iftlFederal St., Allegheny City,Pa PERSONAL—Swedish Mussage, Manlcur tag. ELSIE MILLS, HOO Penn Avenue, (second floor) 4-2-03-1T Pittsburg. Pa. [Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN! i J | ANNOUNCES THEIR | | < ► 21st SEMI-ANNUAL SACRIFICE SALE FOR < * < t WEDNESDAY, THUSDAY, FRIDAY and > { ' JULY Bth, 9th, 10th, 11th. JI [ t i The greatest Sacrifice Sale we have ever inaugurated, for the reason, I. # that we have a much larger stock this season than ever before; and asl < (weather conditions have been most unfavorable for the retailer to reduce | I stock, and as our well known policy is not to carry over a single garment . ' | one season to the next—not a yard of wash goods, not a shirt waist { > —not a hat or flower —not a tailor made suit from one season to the next. J , I as this season finds us heavily over stocked in all departments, we will. I. ' 'apply the knife deeper than ever. | ;; A Genuine Sacrifice Sale. i' ► A handsome stock of Exclusive, Reliable Merchandiser > i ■, Offered at Sacrifice Prices. < r Ladies' Fine Tailor-made Suits at ONE-HALF former price ' I * i i Ladies' Fine Tailor-made Skirts at ONE HALF-former price { > Ladies' Fine Silk Waists at ONE-FOUTH off regular price < > Ladies' Fine Wash Waists at ONE-FOURTH ofif regular price ' i > Ladies' Fine Silk Shirt Waist Snito ONE FOURTH off regular price ) Wash Goods at ONE-HALF price i * Dress Goods ONE-FOURTH off regular price Millinery—trimmed and nntrimmed—at ONE-HALF price and less | •Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman! i k Bell Phone 906. Pp rj < > People's Phone 128. ljuuci , i~ci. \ OOOKyQCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOX WALL PAPER I Remnants. | BARGAINS FOR ONE WEEK. I PICTURE AND MIRROR FRAMING A SPECIATY. I Patterson Bros' I 236 N. Main St. Both Phones. Wick Cuildinx p HEYMAN HARRIS, LADIES'TAILOR-MADE SUITS and RIDING HABITS, _ 4597 Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street. PITTSBURG, PA. { 3-lft-ly J • KOWALSKY. Manufacturer of Sm:ill Gas and 6asoline Engines For Stationary and ¥. Alway i. lublf ra«llc», ask Druggist for CHIC'HKtt'. illt'M 111 R*«t airf metallic boxes, seuled with blue ribbon I'nkc no oilier. ltcfufto riiingproui «übMl t utioiiH nr« J iiiaitiil ion». Buy of your Druggist, or send l«*. !u stamps fo r l*:w-f iritlara. Tcafi mouialN at id •• lie 11 ft' for in letter, by return Mail. lO.OOU Testimonials. Sold by all Druggist*. CHIOUIS3TBR CHEMICAL CO. tIOO aindUou Square, PA REMOVAL. We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite VV. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence, Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Woiks of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when i:i need of anything in the Drug Line and ;ye are sure you will call again. We cafry 5. fyll line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, ptc. Purvis' Pharmacy * S. G. PURVIS, PH. G Both Phones. 213 S. Main St. Butler Pa. W. S &E. WICK, DEALERS IN Hough and Woru«<« of; kIIJ Kinds Doom, Sash and Moulding! Oil Well Klrs a Specialty. Office and Yard E. Cunningham and Monroe bU CAPITAL SURPLUS $200,000 00. $200,000.00. UNDIVIDED PROFITS $21,138.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. SUCCESSOR TO BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, 108 South Main Street. WM. CAMPBELL. Jr.. PresM.-nt. r , J a. TROD m \N. Ul Vice Pres. W. A STEIN. *n I Vice Prea. LOI'IS ». STEIN. Treasurer. C. E C3OXESWF.Tr. t Tre isur. Will continue to do a general banking business at the old stand and is also prepared to transact a general Trust Company business. j 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to withdrawal without notice. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - 526,000.00 (EARNED) Accounts of the public solicited. . A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS, President.. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLER, Ass't Cashier. 1 Standard Trust Company | BUTfcER, PA. | CAPITAL ------- $150,000.00 | Interest Paid on Deposits- Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GReeNfcEE, President. | C. A. SAII9EV, Sect\?. and Treasurer. | #3 Banking by Mail is |S Hiy \sa as as safe and easy W/££f as depositing in per- ■ = 1 Deposits of $1 and more. flip 9 I 0 0 J 4% Interest com- la k\ i'i pounded semi- 11 C I! annually. ' U.O. 9 flu, for Booklet — nj a ® s I 4SAvings accounts *°/oJrBAN K>v W TJR BY MAIL, X Vrite for literature explaining how easy It Is. \UM M f\ g9e t s Ou © r I GERMAN lA. SAVINGS BANK ) AND TME Butler County National Bank, Butler Pen n, Capital paid in #200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $165,000.00 Jos. Hartman, President; J V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this "DIRECTORS— Hen. Joseph Hartman, lion, w S. Waldror, Harrv Henley H. Mc- Sweeney, C. P. Collins J. O. Smith, Leslie P. M Henshaw, W. U. LarklDi T. J. r *Msirkß^*JA*.* L. e i^iber nosplvins be cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw, splints and ringbones just as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners by T M CLi gh, Knoxdale. Jefferson Co.. Pa One Hundred Eighty Pairs TOkRY, BUDD REILLY $5.00 shoes in vici, Pat. kid, plain or tip toe, Congress, lace or button, $4.00. Two hundred pairs Ladies' $2.00 and $2.50 in Dongola and vici, Pat. or stock tip at $1.58. Ladies' Oxfords in vici kid, Pat. tip, weit or turn soles, 98c. Oxfords in all leathers and styles. Hanah and Terrey $5 and $6 and Elite $3.50 shoes for men. Patrician $3.50 and D. & T.'s Special shoes $3 for Ladies Daubenspeck & Turner Next to Savings Bank, - Butler, Pa. The New-York Tribune Farmer is a natiunal illustrated agricultural weekly for farmers and their families, and stands at the head of the agri cultural press. It is a practical paper for practical farmers, helping them to secure the largest possible profit from the farm through practical methods. It is entertaining, instructive and practically useful to the farmer's wife, sons and daughters, whoso interests it covers in an attractive manner. The regular price is SI.OO per year, but for a limited time »*e will receive your subscription for THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER and also for your own favorite local newspaper, TIIF. CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. Both Papers One Year for Only $1.50 Send your order and money to tho C»T»«,W t - Your name and address on a postal card to THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER, New-York City will bring free sample copy. Most Liberal Offer Of The Year. . . J' ' • Try The CITIZEN FOR JOS WORK BANK L . |Ul| MAIL j MMPK 4«N™st ; ***' ON «*VING DEPOSIT* | PER CENT. £ j 4L INTEREST ICWVI( CMICHINO ACCOUNTS. | G&3&M i BOOKLET £ 413 FEDERAL ST V # WANTED—Every lady to send 12 cents for my new lUtW luatch striker; saves paper and paints Address Emllv, 150 a Main St., Sharpsburg, l'a. ZAHNISER & CO. I.:« Fourth Ave . Pittsburg, l'a.. Sell & Exchange Stores, Business & Farms 4-B-3m Correspondence, Solicited. BICKEL'S j July Sale Many Interesting Bargains In Seasonable Footwear. Men's $4.00 and $5.00 fine Shoes - REDUCED TO $3 50 Men's 3.00 and 3.50 fine shoes - " "2 50 Men's 2.00 fine vici shoes - - 150 Men's 1.50 fine satin calf shoes - " " 95 Men's whole stock working shoes - "1 40 Boys' 3.00 patent colt shoes - " "2 00 Boys' 1.50 fine satin calf shoes - - " " 95 Youth's 1.25 fine satin calf shoes - " " 85 Little Gents' 1.00 fine satin calf shoes " " 75 Ladies' 3.00 hand turned shoes - " "2 00 Ladies' 1.50 patent tip shoes - "95 Misses' 1.25 patent tip shoes - *' " 80 Child's 75c fine Dongola patent tip shoes " " 50 Infants' 35c soft sole shoes - " " 19 Ladies' fine Dongola 3 point slippers " " 40 Our entire stock of fine Dongola and Patent Kid Oxtords and one, two, three and four Slippers to be closed out regardless of cost. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE JOHN BICKEL, 128 South Main St., BUI I.ER, PA. s. -1 jEberle Bros.,S \PLUMBERS | Estimates given on all kinds of work. ? £ We make a specialty of > / NICKLE-PLATED, v / SEAMLESS, ✓ y OPEN-WORK. > / 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa. £ People's Phone. 630. UY tNG A PI A N 0-i§ Ii like buying :i gold miu- to flu average .business man. All th«- more necessity for >ou to net u good instrument with u name' known for honesty, proxirssivenegf and durability dKy '■o. .j|\ BUY A CAUSE. HACKLtY OR (URUSLF. 1 You cannot be too critical about buying - -.V '*vl every month. When ion buy. yon want a i ) full, pure toned piano, elastic and lasting. "j Jr^/A I '"* not oue whose tones will slur after using it Examine uiy pianos carefully, and you yjflKp £ will speak nothing but favorably of them. Don't buy hapazard any where Start «#-' x here first. I know I have a good stock, and I want you to know it also "=■ 1 know that my prices are reasonable and honest, and i want you to know it a.'so I know I can give you satisfaction, and I want you to know that. Right pianos, right prices, right treatment, is our motto. Your credit is good W. R. NEWTON, 317 South Nain St. "THE PIANO MAN" Butler. Pa. 1 Carl Schlucier, | 'I'HK TAILOR, f I Has removed from 125 W. Jefferson street to 115 E. Jef- | i § ferson street, Room 6, Reiber Building, Butler, Pa., * I where he will keep a stock of seasonable goods—all of | | the best quality. Spring stock now ready for inspection. f § Cleaning and Repairing. | Good Workmanship Guaranteed. * | Union Prices Paid. f X#****** **************** **** anlßte* * * * * *-*■-:>:-* * *** **** ***» FOOTWEAR EXHIBIT J I>l . v Including all correct ideas for Men, /jkX\\L Women, Boys, Youths, Misses and J VA (frw V Children's wear. Over five hundred % VA -ve can meet to your taste. J j§ Boots, Oxfords, Slippers for M VA every and any service or occasion. kl MnnV S l - 00 - s lso ' $2 00 ' 1 r4 If lull O $2.50, $3.00 and up J ii Women'slS'f j Z4 $2.50, $3 and up to $5.00 a *1 1. * pair, representing the highest [4 1 art in the manufacturing of •J ■ shoes and shown in all de- Z4 ifc C sirable leathers. . 9} K: I Misses' 7sc, sl, 1.25 & 1.50. , [4 f » Children's 25c, 50c, 75c&$l 9 Boys' 90c $1,1.25, 1.50, & $2. / < Don't buy a shoe until you II ja£- \ have inspected our Spring ( lines —now —ready A H silv. jiiJSELTON S REMOVAL! Win. Cooper, tlie tailor, lias removed his stock of goods, from Room No. 1, Stein Block, to the Graham Building, S. Main St., near Willard Hotel. These w ill be but temporary quarters pending liis removal to his old stand at corner of Diamond. ~~ ~ 1 m m HAMMILL'S CELEBRATED INDUN ROOT TABLETS jfiGreatest Kidney and Liver Remedy. Positive cure for Sick « \ Headache, Sour Stomach. Loss of Appetite. Constipation Rlienmp.tisni, Blood Purifier. For Sale by all Druggists, or by mail, *6c, 50c, and fl.oo HAMMILL MEDICINE CO, ' No. 303 MILTEXBERGER STREET. PITTSBURG, PENN A. —* Subscribe for the CITIZEN