========== , ! BARGAIN BABIES. If babies were for sale the most invet erate baiwin-hunting woman in the ■world wMH not look for a bargain baby. She would want the best baby that could be bought, regardless of price. Every 'woman naturally craves a healthy, handsome child, and her crav ing can be gratified if she will but re- MeinfieT th|rt the child's health is her own to give health she must whose babies have been weak and puny have nursed in strength their first strong child after using Dr. Pierce's jtmfm Favorite Prescription. It "I w f is the best preparative for maternity, encouraging the appetite, mreting the nerves and inducing re freshing sleep. It gives the mother strength to give her child, and makes the baby's advent practically painless. «Mv wife had been sick nearly all her life," ■ays Mr, E. E- Fricke, of Petersburg, Menard Co.. Illinois. Bo* 3&7. "and after trying every thing I could think of I made up my ralnd to try 'Favorite Prescription.' I got six bottles, which ray wife took, a tablespoonful three times a day. until the baby came. She felt better after taking the first bottle, and when baby was born be weighed nine and a half pounds. To day he is six months old and weighs twenty-two pounds He is as good a child as any one could wish. The doctor says he is as healthy as any baby could be. and also says the use of your • Farorite Prescription ' was the cause of such a healthy baby." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the best and safest laxative for the use of delicate women. For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phi-eys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Three BUes. 25c.. 50c. and gI.OO. Sold by DtUlUli, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Hcmphrev.' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John fib.. New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY; Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success fill remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. Bold by Druggtote, or rent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Nij« Co** William It John SU., N. Y. . _ gig —» WE TEACH «- Herhanieal Drawing, Mechanical Engloorr - " !njr, Uectrleal Engineering, Machine Design. jft'" . structural Iron Work, Bridge "Work, Architect ural Drawing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tyjie wrltlng. Penmanship, Higher Mathematics and English Branches. Individual Instruction. Day and Might Stuioui. PENX'A. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, 1016 FIFTH AVI., PiTTsiiLno, PA. 1-03-ly Wo can turn your Old Carpets into elegant, durable, handsome Rugs and Druggets. Only Oriental Weavers employed. Satisfaction Guarantesd. SUE BAGS woven Into beautiful and Oriental-like Portiers. Oar terms are so moderate—no mutter the •iistarfce—lt will pay you to send to us. DAVID LOVE & CO., 829jThird Avenue, l-03-6m (L, D. Phone.) New Brighton, Pa. LADIES' TAILORING. Ziemchuer—Tbe Ladle.' Tailor, Has got orer from the Eajt many beautiful stylei of rutrielß and material*, also books of samples a •very description, which be would be pleased U show visitors. lie will also open on April Ist, another branch at 2*04 Fifth avenue, E. E., Tin firm guarantees perfect fit. 614 Penn Ave,, Pitta burg, Pa. Bell Phone 3418—5 Grant. Rigs... g % . l-OJ-Om Inß^lirDEaivs A safe, certain relit _.c Suppressed Menstruation. Never kucn Center Made Out of the Old Fitftfcloned Timber Frnme. j An Ohio Farmer correspondent illus trates Lis method of making an open center barn out of the old fashioned I timber frame. First get some three-! ! quarter inch steel rods made, the riprlit j length to run from purline plate to outer I I I \ * // I | V; U I . ! ,1-4 1 1 \ J ' I ill L ' 31 & i 1 cb ebb a d± OPEN' CENTER BARN". plate, •with a turn buckle in the middle, as shown at AA in the drawing. Xext take out the brace running from the beam to the purline post. The dot ltd lines 6how new pieces or slanting pi.sts made of 3 by 12 planks doubled and bolted together. Cut a notch each side of the beam to receive these planks. These should be bolted through the tenon thus made to the beam. Next put one-half inch bolts through the outside post and the s'.ant •ing post at the foot, as shown. The beam now can be cut off next to the slanting post and the two inside center posts removed from the barns, leaving an entire open center. These slanting posts will add to the strength of your barn instead of weakening it. LIMING THE SOIL. Three Favorable Kc*uH« Noted In n Forty Yenrm* Experience. Recently the prevailing opinion in re gard to the use and results of lime has changed very much, and scarcely any prominent scientific professor would feel justified in applying the opprobri ous epithet of "Brother Jasper," who believed the sun did move, to one who should express belief that lime is in deed an actual food for plants and that its actual application to the soil as a direct or indirect fertilizer was advisa ble, even -when the soil itself had a not able proportion of it naturally in its composition, but this in the form of un available limestone. I have used lime, more or less, for nearly forty years in different localities, and I never in any instance fitiled to notice its useful effects. I have used It mostly in the ordinary local manner of Pennsylvania, in the proportion of forty bushels to the acre of the fresh stone lime, which would make over fifty bushels of the dry slaked lime to the acre, where lime was cheap, and here in my present home (North Caro lina) in so small a quantity as one bar rel, or four bushels, to the acre. This economy is necessary where lime costs $4 a barrel, which is about the cost of a big wagon lodd in Fennsylvania, but the effect of it on the crop of corn was so favorable and as well on the grass after it that it was used to a profit even at that price. The first point is as to the acidity of the soil. I have never tested any soil as yet that was not more or less acid and would not effervesce when any strong alkali was applied to it. This is, I think, the natural condition of any soil in which any humus exists, for this means humic acid, and my be lief is that the natural condition of any soil in which decomposing organic matter exists is acid. And if we are to place confidence in the statements of that highest of Amer ican authorities, as an agricultural chemist, Professor S. A. Johnson, we must believe that lime is quite as use ful, if not more so, in a soil containing acid than in one in an alkaline condi tion. The mechanical effect of lime on soils is to reduce the tenacious clays to a condition of extreme division, and this effect is of much greater impor tance than is commonly considered. It is especially favorable to the growth of grass. Indeed, lime is quite as ef fective with grass as it is with clover, for It not only contributes the lime needed by the grass, but it has the ef fect of making soluble and available the potash which grass contains to the proportion of four to one of the lime. Another useful effect of lime has been noted by many of the highest au thorities. This is the increased abil ity of the limed soil to absorb mois ture, so that in dry seasons the crops on limed land do not suffer so much as those growing on unlimed land, and this result Is most noticeable on such soils as clay, which are most affected injuriously by dry weather. llenry Stewart in Country Gentleman. A Promising Blackberry. The Wallace is a large, attractive blackberry which has made an excel lent showing on the Michigan station grounds. In 1900 it proved the most profitable berry in the station collec tion. Last season the fruit was very Ine, but the crop was not quite so large as could bo desired. The plants are up right, stocky and very vigorous. This variety comes from Wisconsin and does not appear to be very widely dis seminated. Later In the Game. "Ah, me," sighed the drug clerk, "how women do change!" "What's tangled in your wheels nowV" asked the boss. "When I was doing the courtship stunt with Cordelia," said the d. c., "she declared that if I should pass In my checks she would also die without delay. And now"— "Well, what now?" queried tho boss. "Wo have been married only six months," continued the assistant pill compiler, "und sho is dropping hints around to the effect that I ought to get my life insured."—Chicago News. South African Wafels. South African "wafels" vastly differ from our waffles merely in being made with wine as a "molstener" rather than with milk for the principal liquid ingredient. In South Africa when they are going to make "wafels" they take a pound of flour, three-quarters of a pound of butter, half a pound of sugar, eight eggs, half a pint of wine and a teaspoonful of sifted cinnamon. The butter and eggs are creamed; then they mix in alternately one egg and one spoonful of flour, add the wino and spice and bake in a waffle iron. That Doctor'* IVn J. Dr. Kallomoll—l can cure you at once by an operation or in about six months by external applications and internal remedies. ! Patient—Which would you advise, doctor? Dr. Kallomell (making a mental cal culation) —Well, It is immaterial. The expense will be about the same In either case.—Chicago Tribune. Don't guy people. It's not much fun for you, and the people whom you guy will hate you and lay for a chance to get- even.—AtcWon globe. c. '«? //7\, V ' •>. >S\ [////// H i \\\ V %¥^}gpo A FINE BABY. Never frets even when teething. "V VICTOR Infills Rtliel The Babe's Digestive Tonic. An absolute cure for Slimy Bowels, Diarrliea, Griping, Colic, Cholera Infan tum, and all bowel troubles common to Infants. The Mother's Friend. Pleasant to take. For further information address, VICTOR REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Maryland. For sale at Reeds Pharmacy. Music Department! We have added a musical department —good music—good instruments and everything that belongs to a music store. Call and inspect the famous Merrill Piano. One of the best high grade pianos on the market. We can sell it on easy payments. Want a Violin, Mandolin. Banjo. Guitar or Accordeon. we have them. Send for our catalogue of 10c sheet music, containing over 1000 titles, and we have them all in stock. We will get any piece of music you need, in fact we are in shape to supply all your wants in the musical line at DOUGLASS BOOK STOKK Near P. 0.. 241 S. Main St. PAROID READY OOFING. DAKOID. 1 he Roofing v. itii NO TAR. Won t dry out. Won't tjrow brittle. 4 NYON'K can apply it. Tin-, Xails and Cement in core of each roll. I>EI'RESIiNTS the results o years ot Experience and Ex perimenting. /"iNLY requires painting *:vcry few years. Net when fir-1 laid I" S Cheaper than Gravel, SI t or Shi'igles. Pi EM AND for PAROID is world U wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Samples and Prices are yours if you will aek us. L C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. AUTOMOBILES Of All Kinds, •At AH Prices, New Gas Cars as low as £!.V\ Old Steamers S2OO, also all the Leading I'rl/.e Winners. ARTZBERGER AUTO CO., 712 CEDAR AVESCE, - AIi.EOHESY, I'A. CHURCHES FRESCOED in latest styles. ARTZBERGER & CO.. 712 Cedar Avenue. Allegheny. I'a. TUE JAH. MI'UTIIA I'll., W Mb Ave.. I'itlsburir, I'a.. Can sell your lteal Estate, Farm or Business. Correspcndcnce solicited. AM. TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL. DO YOI' WANT TO SELL your farm or other real estate'/ I can do It for you. Send me full particulars at once. 4-lfi-0:i-ly .loll N KOIXJEIi, 404 Keystone Bulldinir. l'ltlsburg, I'a EYTH BROS Wall Paper and Hammocks. This is the season of the year when you all like to sit out of doors in a nice Hammock an«l enjoy the cool br»;ez»-s. so we have concluded that this is a good time to tell yon that we haye the largest and best variety of new weaves and colorings ever shown in Butler, prices range from 50 cents to SIO.OO each. We also have the Eagle Steel Lawn Swing. EYTH BROS Both Phones. 251. S. Main St. Owego Valley Poultry Yards. Buff Leghorns exclusively. At Au burn, 4 entries, X firsts, 1 second. My hen winning gold leg band for Deing the best buff hen in the show-room. Eg«s per 15, per :!(). MRS. C. W. IIARRINOTON. Harford Mills N. Y. WHY NOT Becomean Artist? i i Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and Water Color taught at home, and employment given at once. I For full particulars, address, I 1 CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF ART. Bcavir Foils, Pa. i I H. MILLKR, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE! 1 i I and REAL ESTATE. OFFlCE —Byers' Building—next to P. O. Butler Pa. W. S &E. WICK,! DEALERS IN Hough and Worked Lumber of; till Kinds J Doors, Sash and Mouldings 1 I Oil Well UIKS a Specialty. . Office and Yard' . K. Cunningham and Monroe Sts ■near West Fenn Depot, BUTLBK Vt 4 i£ A Great Money-Saving Opportunity. 8 The Modern Store's i J Cut-Price Sale [N FULL SWING UNTIL LAST DAY OF JUNE. £ 5 POSTERS GIVE PARTICULARS §i | NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY * g DRESS AND WASH GOODS. SILKS. SKIRTS. 8 $ CURTAINS, MILLINERY, ETC . ETC., ALL | AT BARGAIN PRICES * Eisler-Mardorf Co., SOUTH MAIM STREET » QO-j Mail or Phone orders promptly $ JOS°TOF S FICE E BOX s ' I fc.fc-1 and carefully filled. jR OPrOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON. EUTLFR. T 'A. IjjpiP CAMPBELL'S GOOD FURNITURE. (DINING ROOM | 1 FURNITURE I 85 The most complete assortment we jl| §f have shown this season will be on sale jfe Slf next week, Dining Room Chairs, jS 8! Extension Tables, Sideboards, China Jg Closets and Buffets. jE gl SIX DINING ROOM CHAIRS $lO gg yd Your choice of solid wood o: venter seats, low backs very neat and plain, golden oak finish. Close to fifty other styles to show yon. Some with leather seat. One for sT 50 per set has a composition seat and selU verv fast. Solid oak m •hair highly polished with Pennine leather for 00 per set. A soiid wood seat chair, well made and very durable costs only : M etch. wC 3| SIDEBOARD. $27 |§ Sell Golden oak, highly polished, solid brass trimmings, |f|j swell top drawers, pattern top and pattern mirror. A first-class board for little money. p|| COME IX AND LOOK AliOlJNl). 1 Alfred k. Campbells Formerly Campbell & Teuipleton. I WALL" PAPER) I Remnants. i I BARGAINS FOR ONE WEEK. I Y\ PICTURE AND MIRROR FRAMING A SPECIATY. f I Patterson Bros' I 236 N. Main St. Both Phones. Wick Building ; HEYMAN HARRIS, LADIES'TAILOR-MADE SUITS and RIDING HABITS, . 4597 Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street, PITTSBURG, PA. .'t-19-Iy J.KOWALSKY. *. i.'i'jr .M • iiuf:i«*rurer of Sun!] Gas and Gasoline Engines Stationary and M » I jio En J? A glues . ii'l for A lltomohlli-.s. \'J ; 'n. «Vy/ • ; i\> ■va • -kv mmii.-ii \ ~r~l " : **"•' i!I «rli> MiiSfi " •».•;»-. I "u'S - s\ ' • !-• »:i- iir h:i t :.o Cream Freezer*, etc. *> ' No. C 4th Ave., Pittsburg, * s a. 3-19-6 m W lftTl'iO Fiieinen, Itrukemeii, Machinist*, B«'il i i»n*.. li .ekMiiiihrt I helpeiS tor rail r Jso ill. v> t s ami all kl..«is of help. Places wiii; t.euc;al Employment Bureau, 201 Fcde r;t 1 h ;re«t, Allegheny, l a. \\ \ XTED-At once, girl* in every capacity; to #lO jH»r wiwk; placet! ««*. in I>' Parllrulnw, To*tt- / aiuuiuN hk. •* for f«• Testimonials. bold by | all Druicgi -'<• CXlX.:tiii oi'ER OHKMICAIJ CO. iIOJ 9la.!.'»» i - 6 Anott Building, Boil Phuu# ' (. ouXt. PlUsOlirg. I'L I j Wm. Foster. j j Architect. \ 5 Plans of all kind of buildings \ 1 \ famished on short notice. / • / Office in lierK Building, 7 ! p Butler, Pa. t THE PESSIMISTS Have bad quite an inning but they cannot shut off the energy of the Ameii can people. The country is making money as it never made money before. Get my daily letters and learn when, what and how to liny, and participate in this money-making. R. M. Weaver Stocks and Bonds Third Ave. and Wood St., PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. Butler, J. A. REYNOLDS, Manager. Family 1 Reuqions! We often cause ourselves end \ less worry and remorse by neg i lecting to do some little thing. Get a good picture of your family and home made at your first op ' portunity. We make the best at j $6.00 per dozen, Bxlo inches and I guarantee them permanent. Let j us know hi time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing. R.FISHER ' M. A. HERKIMER, 1 Funeral Director. M ain "^t. EYLE See the sign direct ly opposite the Pot toff Ice, Theodore Vogeley, Keal Estate and Insurance Agency, 23* S. Main St, Butler, Pa. I f you havo property to sell, trade, nr rent or, want to liiiy or rent caii, write or utione rite. List Mailed Upon Application. L. c. WICK, Dkai.Kß at LUHBER. in ■HI ■■mi "mi II Bl— ill rriT nriiiiTW— lT—■ CAPITAL SURPLUS $200,000.00. $200,000.00. UNDIVIDED PROFITS 5 $21,138.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. SUCCESSOR TO BUTLER SAVINGS BANK, 108 South Main Street. \VM. CAMPBELL, Ir.. President. ,f 11. TROL'TVIW Ist Vi -e I'roj. W. A STEIN. JuJ Vice Pros. LUI'IS B. STEIN, rr-asurer. C. E CSONENWETT. Ass't Treisar. U Will continue to do a general banking business at the | old stand and is also prepared to transact a general I Trust Company business. I 3 per cent, interest paid on time deposits subject to I withdrawal without notice. I THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - - $26,000.00 (EAItXED) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS. President. JOHN HUMPHREY. Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HUTZLF.R. Ass't Cashier. **** ******** ******** **** **** ************ **** I Standard Trust Company | BUTkER, PA. | I CAPITAL ------- $150,000.00 | Interest Paid on Deposits- Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GR66NkEE, President. C. A. SectjJ. and Treasurer. Banking by Mail is t'/y \?';ii as as safe and easy v-i in per- (Js[ I i Deposits of $1 and more. ,I . j^-j II • ® i 4>; Interest com- 101 13 *. pounded semi- ». ~ Ik AT* #Oj !u. s. h iO|* *y9 .-'JSto Write for Booklet— jm Mai!s / Lapdal and Surplus, 53.900.000. /o/oXBAN lOSL S°/o W yr BY MAI 1— X Write for literature explaining how easy It Is. § Assets Over $7,3 00,000.00 1 1 GERMAN IA SAVINGS BANK J WOOD AND DIAMOMD STS. PITTSDURO.PAy nn " » THE Bntler County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital pai>l in $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits f 165.000.00 los. Hartman, President; J V Ritts, Vice President; John O. McMarhn, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass'i Cashier. A general banking business transacted. I nterest paid on time deposits. Money 1 janed on approved We Invite you to open an account with tnis B W wee S o d j' "dollln. j. O P. S. W. ?T Marks. J. V. Kltts. A. h. KeiDer I N(TSPAVI N S lv; «n ! be eared in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw, splints and ringbones just a a quick. *ot painfnl and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners by T M t/LUGH, Knoxrinß Jefferson Co., Pa One Hundred Eighty Pairs TOkRY, BUDD REILLY $5.00 shoes in vici, Pat. kid, plain or tip toe, Congress, lace or button, $4.00. Two hundred pairs Ladies' 32.00 and $2.50 in Dongola and vici, Pat. or stock tip at $1.53. Ladies' Oxfords in vici kid, Pat. tip, weit or turn soles, 98c. Oxfords in all leathers and styles. Hanah and Terrey $5 and $6 and Elite $3.50 shoes for men. Patrician $3.50 and D. & T.'s Special shoes $3 for Ladies Daubenspeck & Turner Next to Savings Bank, ... Butler, Pa. MAYS (\I)AVLS Wholesale Dealers iri the Finest of Liquors, Ales, Beers and Wiqes. Medicinal Trade Especially Solicited. People's I'hone 578 Hell Phone 218 322 South Main St., Butler, Pa. The New- York Tribune Farmer is a national illustrated agricultural weekly for farmers and their families, i nd stands at the head of the agri cultural press. It is a practical paper for practical farmers, helping them to secure the largest i>osHil>le profit from the farm through practical methods. It is entertaining, instructive and practically useful to the farmer's wife, sons and daughters, whose interests it covers in an attractive mauner. The regular price is SI.OO per year, hut for H limited time «e will receive your subscription for THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER and also for your own favorite local newspaper, THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. | Both Papers One Year for Only $1.50 Send your order and money to the CITIZEN. Your name and address on a j>ostal card to THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER. New-York City will bring free sample copy. Most Liberal Offer Of The Year. .l!v --1 " ii 4- INTEREST j o p Ef CENT. fc £. INTEREST @ CHECKING ACCOUNT*, L ■ write' for I J BOOKLET & 40 FEDERAL ST Hp tig iJffl WANTED—Every lady to send 12 cents for my new 1903 match striker; saves paper ana paints. Address Emllv, IM3 Main St., ?harpsburg, PH. 4i« Fourth Ave , Pittsburß, I'a., Sell J jcs Boots, Oxfords, Slippers for 4 4 jS every and any service or occasion. >1 ►i IAI Mnn'o s l -00, $1.50, $2.00, \\ « If It/11 O $2.50, $3.00 and up > J 5 Women's llso 31 i: ' I kj $2-50, $3 and up to $5.00 a * rj *ePßr - pair, representing the highest * aJI l art in the manufacturing of J M I shoes and shown in all de- { \ sirable leathers. \ 91 J2T S ) Misses'7sc, sl, 1.25 & 1.50. ' Ll it T <' l Children's 25c, 50c, 75c &$1 TA Boys'9oc sl, 1.25, 1.50, & $2. *' m Don't buy a shoe until you 1J rA ave ins P our Spring tfl kj lines —now —ready N hotel HUSELTON S LT - rFR II kl LOWRY. IIUwLLIUII V ASK TO BE FIT. Jfl A grand display of fine footwear in all the new styles. 1 The time of the year is here when you want a nice pair 1 of shoes or oxfords for summer wear. Our stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's oxfords is com- J plete. Dongola, Velour-calf j and Patent-vici, with * medium or extra high heels'; Large assortment of one, twoj three and four strap slippers, 50c to $1.50. Ladies' Fine Shoes —SOROSIS. They are the extreme of fashion and the acme of common T sense and comfort, being constructed on scientific principles. They are perfect fitting :ind satisfactory in every respect. The very newest and most exclusive creations in SOROSIS styles are now shown by us. Complete stock of Gokey's hand made plain toe and box-toe working shoes. High Iron Stands with four lasts at 50c Sole Leather cut to any amount you wish to purchase. Repairing neatly and promptly done. JOHN BICKEL, 128 South Main St., BUTLER, PA. REMOVAL! j Will. Cooper, the tailor, will remove j his stock of goods, April 1 st, from the 1 Newton Music Store to Room No. 1, 1 Stein Block, near Willard Hotel. j These will be but temporary quarters j pending his removal to his old stand at J corner of Diamond. M HAMMILL'S CELEBRATED INDUN ROOT TABLETS U Qdreatest Kidney and Liver Remedy. Positive cnre for Headache, Soar Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Constipation^® Rheumatism, Blood Purifier. • For Sale by nil Druggists, or by mail, 25c, 50c, and SI.OO V • HAMMILL MEDICINE CO, I ' \*T If ™ No. uoa MiLTENBERGER STREET. PITTSBURG, PENK A- | Subscribe for the CITIZENS