Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 18, 1903, Image 3

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    I'M E i I'i/E.v
THURSDAY, JUXE 18, 1803.
JtOTK—AII advertiser* to make
cha:g«s io their aii*>. should notify us of
th#ir intention to do Sf> not later than Mon
day morning.
Guardian's Notici».
Bankruptcy Notice
Executors' Sale, > state of John
Notice —Application for Detective
Statement of the Butler Co. National
Notice to Teachers—Concord and Jef
ferson twps.
Ketterer's Shoes.
Patterson's Wall Paper.
Modern Store s Sale.
Butler Savings & Trust Co.
Campbell's lied Room Suits.
Adtnialsiittors and Kxeculors of estate
rto »0.-urc their receipt book* at the CITI
Z£N office. and person* making public #ales
tlolruot« book*.
—The late rains were money in the
farim I D pocketbook.
—The stock markets took a turn, last
Thursday, and prices are going up.
—lndiana count}- is celebrating the
centeniual of its organization, this week.
—A Scran ton man fasted forty daj s,
to cure himself of paralysis—and he
-Some i>eojile take chances on the
street-cars, and drive right in front of
—A dog will folio * a man without a
penny in his pocket.—Ex. Whose
pocket ?
\ lnri_'« number of good bankers
are needed along the Mississippi river
th«-s- days
—The Springdale Hcte Co entertain
el the Go< d Wills at a smoker, yester
day even in*.
—A car-load of hops from Germany
arrived in Butler, for the new brewery,
the other day.
—Ten million bushels of coal in five
hundred l>oats started down the Ohio
river this week
Gibs Gabaghan is teariDgdown the
old Boyd hotel on Centre ave. to replace
it with tijo'lem dwellings
—TlieLibeity Bell was taken from
Phil's. U> Bo<too. Tuesday. It will be
a feature iu Boston of the Bunker Hill
—Some of the county prisoners pre
fer staying in jtil on bread and water,
to working on the Poor Farm, unless
given tobacco.
—"lf a chicken chews its food with
its gizaard, how can it tell whether it
has the toothache or stomachache."
a-ke 1 the email boy.
The 5:24 p.m. B &O. train to Alle- .
gheny waits for the Ressie to come in, ,
taud sometimes makes the run l»etween
Butler and Allegheny in one hour. <
—Scow fell in the Allegheny motin- (
tains, Monday morning. Jnne 15th.
Along the P. R R. the ground was i
white from Gallitzin to Conemaugb. '
—Yesterday was railroad pay day in (
Bnt'er. The Bessie, B. R. &P. and B.
SL O paid for May. The B R&P. is '
•aid to have the largest pay roll in But
ler. !
The ladies of the Prospect U. P.
chnrch will bold a lawn fete, on the (
evening of the 4th of July, during
which coffee, cake, fruit, etc., will be
-The School boards of the county !
are advertising for teachers. The (
Sec'y of-the Jefferson twp. board says, i
"Wages $45 per month; none but
professionals need apply."
—All members of the U. V. L. are
urgently requested to lie present at the
meeting in their Hall, next Monday
evening, as matters of the utmost im
portance are to be disposed of.
—The plans for enlarging the Hon
pital have be»n accepted, and the con
tract will be given for same soon. The
addition will about double the capacity
of the Hospital, and will co*t about
—Wea Roes<iug has followed the YJU*-
iuess of undertaking for twenty three
years, or since IHW. and in that lime
has had five hearses His new one was
made in Rochester, N Y . and cost him
about #2,000
—The body of Martin O'Donnell, who
died at Haakins Hospital, Wheeling,
arrived in Butler, yesterday, consigned
to Undertaker Berkimer, who took it to
Murrinsville, touay, Mr O'Donnell
was 2t» years of age.
—All Indiaca county flocked to the
county seat for the Centennial celebra
tion. this week. They had a splendid
•lay, Tuesday, and the number present
was estimated at forty thousand, but
yesterday was too cool for comfort.
—The corps of Penn'a. R R engineers
lately located at W. Sunbury, surveyed
one line to the north of the town,
through the glades; and if the Hear
Creek route to the river is adopted,
that's where to road will probably be
„ —Twenty eight people from Butler
attended the fnneral of Dr. Moore, at
Whitesbnrg yesterday, twenty three
of them going by rail toKittanning, and
three driving from Butler. Wes Roes
ing had charge of the funeral and hjred
his hearse and carriages at Kittanning.
—The following notice appeared in
the columns of the Portland (Me.)
Arirnn: "Stole or Rund avay Been
loose him about two tree weeks Hees
almost black anil white dog him tail
cut off pretty close to my body souie-
Itody find her I belong to him keep it-
Joe Bordeam."
- Privates Fred Weist, Jack Diamond
and Clande Butler of Co. L. Sixteenth
Reic were tried at Conrt Martial held
In the Armorv Friday evening. liefore
Capt. John W. Rorland of Grove City,
for non attendance at the annual in
spection. The first two Were fined +<>
and Butler (w.
- The fountain for Diamond Park lias
arrived and will be in place in a few
days: and a i'rain pipe is beinp laid to
the street fountain, which will be pro
v'ded with a coll ice box. the W C T.
U. women having agreed to furnish the
Ice if the County Commissioners would
put in the box.
—On* of the novelists, referring to
his hero, says:—
TTIs countenance fell.
Ills voice broke
His heart sank.
His hair ro«e.
His eyes blazed.
His words burned.
His blood froze.
After reading this, one is puzzled to
know whether the hero was a plumber,
a bankrupt or a human thermometer.
C. E. Miller, the shoe man. is improv
ing hi* property.
Rev. Hutchison of Sarvers Station
visited m Butler, Monday.
Dr. Bricker is recovering steadily,
j from his lata, serious illness.
Max Levinton of Kazelton. Pa . visit
! ed his brothers in Butler, last week,
i Supt. Wolf of Armstrong county was
| the guest cf Snpt. Painter. Tuesday.
i Mrs B. H. McQuistion of the South
Side is visiting her mother in Oil City.
J. A. Wilson of Eau Claire attended
to some legal business in Butler, Mon
T. A Hay of Clinton twp. is attend
ing the Sabbath School Covention at
W. D Bjvard of Cherry twp attend
ed to some business matters in Butler.
Jas. A. Cruikshank and daughter of
Winfield did some shopping in Butler.
W. J. Fletcher and wifeof Connoque
nessing did some shopping in Butler,
A. R Th .uiDSon of W. Snnbnry at
tended to aomi business matters in But
ler, yesterday.
Miese-j Tessie Eberhart and Anna
Raisley of Butler twp left this morning
to visit friends in Steubenville, O.
W. J. McKinney and wife of Coucord
township visited their daughter, Mr.-. J.
B. Hutchison of Butlwr, last week.
James W Hutchison, big Jim the
mighty blacksmith, and wife of West
St. have left for South Dakota, for a
The marriage of Miss Dora Stoner,
formerly of Euclid and Ralph Rodgers
of Oil City is announced to occur Wed
nesday, June 24.
Geo. W. Sbiever became paralyzed,
throughout his entire right sirte, yester
day, and his condition was. for a time,
considered serious.
Miss Rosa Brown, daughter of Isaiah
Brown of Centre twp and Win Perry
Campbell, of Wm, Siebert & Son s, were
married, Wednesday.
Mrs I. C. Pershing and Miss Helen
Pershing have returned to their home
in WiUinfcburg after a pleasant visit
with J..hn H Heiner and iarnily.
31 si Gertrude M. Layton of Eau
Ciaiie and D.iti'.el J. Hovis of Hilliard
we;e married. Wednesday afternoon, in
the Clerk's i.fli 'j by Rev. G. E Enter
John H'id. brand. tne senior member
of the fi!iii of liildebrand <fc Son, who
was injured by a run off last week, is
resting e.tsy.and recovering from his in
Miss Olive Dodds of Nebraska, who
has been visiting relatives in this coun
ty for some months, iutouds returning
home next week. She is a daughter of
Will Dodds, formerly of Peteroviiie
Thomp.s Clark and Misses Georgie
Crane and May Williams of Butler and
Iva McCray ol Marietta are among the
young people attending the Allegheny
College Commencement,
Rev. Dr. Peters of the Erie Conference
Methodist church, formerly of this
county, visited his daughter, Mrs.
Daniel Lardin, during the past week
and occnpied the M. E. pulpit Sunday
G S. Armstrong of Winfield township
did some shopping in Butler, Saturday.
The jonng man named Luak, who was
drowsed in the Alk-heny at New
Ken. mg'.oii, a few days ago, was mar
ried lo a neice of l is, a grand-daughter
of Joseph Armstrong of Butler
Mi-i- Margaret Gardner of Indiana
county is 402 years of age, and an effort
was made to induce her to attend the
Centennial celebration in Indiana, this
week She hesitated about going as
she lives twenty ui'les from the county
scat, but said mat if she did go she
would make a speech beginning
"You'd scarce expect one of my age,"
Cnrt Grossman and Miss Minnie
Weii/.el of Prospect were caught in the
act of taking out a marriage license in
the Clerk's office, jesterday. Both are
well known, the bride being a daughter
of Joseph Weitzel and the groom a
sou of Nathaniel Grossman, and we
join with many other friends in extend
ing our best wishes for their happiness
and prosperity.
Whiteiaw lteid addressed the grad
uating class at Vassar College and gave
the girls some very sound advice,
which will bo heeded by the sensible
ones and disregarded by she others.
He warned them against the present
vicious conception of the sphere of edn
cated women which prompted them to
seek newspaper publicity and other
forms of notoriety. "When higher
ideals do return," he declared, "the
powerful influence of educated women
will surely array the best of their sex
against a social evil which has sudden
ly become too common to provoke sur
prise—the transformation of marriage
from the sacrament of God into a
thoughtless and headlong business or
social arrangement to lie dissolved al
most at pleasure ." Educated women,
lie said must assist in resisting this
"downward rush of the multitude. '
-A. J. Daniels is building a new
house at the head of Brown ave.
Two children of John Wiley of
Clinton tp. died last week of diphtLeria;
and Mrs. Wiley and another child are
very low with the same disease.
Call upon your Merchant or Druggist
for the Victor Remedies. They are the
old Reliable Family Medicines and well
worth your money.
Th<- Roys' Industrial Home wishes
to find good homes in this community
for several boys from 7 to II years of
age, bright and healthy. These boys
will Ite placed on trial for the summer
with a view to permanent placement.
Supt , Oakdale, l'a.
Agents of the Bessemer Railroad will
sell excursion tickets July Hd and 4th,
at one fare for the round trip, affording
an excellent opportunity for pleasure
trips. Tickets will be good returning
Monday, July (Ith.
Dollar Sunday Kate to Allegheny
Commencing the first Sunday in May
and continuing each Sunday thereafter
until Oct. 25th, the I!. AO. R it. will
sell special excursion tickets from But
lor to Allegheny and return for morning
trains on Sunday at rate of £1 for the
round trip. Tickets good on Baltimore
and Ohio trains only. Return limited
to date ot sale
New Parlor Car Line.
The Bessemer Lake Erie road has
established and will maintain parlor
car service between Conneaut Lake and
Allegheny daily during the summer.
Parlor cars will run on train II leav
irig Expo. Park at 1:10 P M. and No. 1 1
leaving Allegheny at 7:15 A. M., Mon
day to Friday, inclusive: the Conneaut
Lake Limited, leaving Allegheny at
1,00 P. M., every Saturday, and the
Sunday Special leavintr Exposition Park
at 0:00 P. M., central time
These trains run between Butler and
Allegheny in both directions without
A needed Dollar
Is the most needed thing in the world
You command cash' without borrowing
or mortgaging, when you deposit sav
ings with Real Estate Trust Comptiuy,
| .'ill Fourth Ave ~ Pittsburg Pa and 1
■ per (rent interest, compounded every
half year, mounts up fast. Over $3,700,
000 in Capital and Surplus. Write for
Booklet, "How to Bank by Mail."
Dyspepsia is most distressing in itsef
1 fects The worst cases on record have
| la-en cured by Victor Liver Syrup Your
; Druggist keeps it.
i Foil Kknt Six-room house
E. II Negley, S. W. Diamond. U
: WIIV DO Vol It KM AIN ll»LK when w.
iUM»r| ym iiii'ii for <llfTt-r«-fil
our v%llltiitf l»» work wo ian plari« you \V«i
are ahle to supply, on klkii-I nol !#•«•, uny I.lihl
of ruul<* help lo employer* order will In- till
ed vi»rv promptly Apply. Old ICellaide K< y-
Moui* fliireau, IIJ2 IV'iiu avenue J'ltlthurtf
I'!hI ahlUhe <1 y'o-ttin
P. Lieblech vs Rosa Lirrblec'n of
Centre twp , divorce for cruel and
barbarous treatment
H. A. Richer vs G. W. Sjiith. at
tachment under the Acts of ls«;i and
l!«»:j for a claim of £1350.50. lii-her
claims he advanced Smith *\J7 75.5" to cut
piling and timber near bruin. Smith
| cat sllsO and the rest is due and un
: paid.
j A charge of f<Vi; has l>een entered
. against John Spronll.
A charge of i.&:b and aiding a pri-oner
| to escape has b-?> n entered against VI m.
The case of Wm. Bakir vs Evans
City, trespass, was settled by the
borough paying Baker SSO and costs.
In the case of Manila D'<uds vs W. P.
Grezter, ex'r of Mary McClure. a ver
dict was rendered for the deft.
The case of Wm. Mcßride vs E M.
MeElhany for use of W. Heury Wil~»n
resulted in a verdict for Mcßride for
the property levied upon McElhany '
sold a drilling outfit to Mcßride's s<>n i
Fred. who transferred ownership to his :
father. Young Mcßride did cot pay
the last SIOO due to McElhaney and the >
stuff was levied upon with the result .
that McElhany lose?
The case of JI-and L M. Coovert of i
Evans City vs the P. &. W. Ry. Co.. had j
to be continued until September.
The case of Wilkoff Bros, of Youngs
town vs John and Frauk Larkiu. sons!
of W. H Larkin. assnrupsit for pay j
ment for 3000 pounds of copper rivets
which Wilkoff shipped to Larkins, re- :
suited in a verdict for the deft.
Oliver Thompson obtained a verdict
of <75 against the Standard Lamt«.r Co
for blocking up the alley leading to
Th mpson's livery stable while remodel
ing the Guaranty Trust building.
The case of Setter Bros, vs Ralj h
Greg* and Charles Gregg was continued
at the plaintiffs' cost to allow them to
amend their s*.atemeut.
St Matthew's Lutheran church of
Winfield twp. har- applied a charter,
and July oth has been fixed for date of
Hereafter Quarter S< saions Court will
be held in June instead of May.
As a result of a family ijnarrel be
tween the families of C.ti wjrks Police
man Robert Cricks and Mrs Luln
Watterson, who live in Slaters' row on
S. McKean St., Cricks and Mrs. Watter
pon's brother, Bobt. Row her, have been
held for court on charges of a&b.. Mrs.
Watterson for keeping a disorderly
house, Mr?. Cricks and Mrs. _ Ella
Stevens, who lives with the Cricks
family, for adulter}', and Constable Pat
lirown on a charge of surety ot the
peace, charged against him by Attorney
W. C. Findley, Brown an<l Findley hav
ing had a war of words at the hearing
before Esq Keck.
A motion for a new ttial has been
made by the deft, in the case of H. H.
Grossman vs Slipperyrock twp. The
motion will lie heard at the next Argu
ment Court. This is the famous "heifer
case." While Grossman was driving
home through a snowstorm in February,
1902, his horse was suddenly attacked
by a h«*ifer, which was maddened from
pain caused by gun shot wounds in
flicted by J. Martin and R. Ralston
from whom it had escaped. The horse
was pushed into the gutter, the buggy
upset and Grossman hurt He sued the
township charging that the roadway
was too narrow and dangerous
The hearing of the habeas corpus pro
ceeding:! of Mrs. Agnes Lonitz vs Geo.
Lonitz, her divorced husband, ftnd
Henry Lonitz, his father was heard be
fore Judge Galbreath, Saturday, and
terminated sensationally. Some months
ago Mrs. Lonitz obtained a divorce from
her husband because of cruelty, etc.,
and an order was made directing him
to i»:iy to Ks<j. Lecsner of Saxonbnrg %10
per mouth for maintenance of their
three children Rather than do this
Lonitz went to jail and stayed there six
weeks, by which time an agreement,
was made by which the two oldest boys,
Howard, aged live years, and Hugh,
aged three, were to go to the home of
Henry Lonitz and wife, the grand
parents, and remain there. After his
release from jafl Geo Lonitz went there
also. Trouble occured during the
mother's visited to s<x- the little lx>ys
and the habeas corpus proceedings re
suited. Judge < ialbreath, after hearing
the evidence, ordered that the boys be
delivered to their mother. She walked
over to where they were sitting with
their father and got tin- older without
trouble, but a little scuffle occured with
the younger. The father and mother
seemed to have the boy between them
and to be pulling for possession Mrs.
Lonitz shouted "Let go that child, the
children si; re timed and cried, all tin
women in court room seemed to be
sobbinff. and tlx; tipstaves tumbled over
everything to restore order. Judge
(ialbreath restored ordei by telling
Lonitz to obey the Court's decree or go
to jail. After the father and grand
parents had kissed the children farewell
tin- mother took them from the court
A man named Snow was placed under
£lllOO bail Wednesday foi his appearance
in Court to answer a charge of felonious
rape alleged to hav« committed on a
young girl named Ekas near West
Sunbury. The charge was entered (be
fore Justice Philip Hilliard.
J. Emery Brandon was appointed
guardian of Nellie E., Inez. D. and
Joseph Wilson, minor children of Wm.
B. Wils .n
John Murrin was appointed auditor
on the final account of W J. Marks,
adm'r of John Walton, dee'd
Geo. C. Pillow, Jo*. I' Cochran imil
L. Morrison wer< •'vieweiM <lll
petition of J. A. and 8. Jolly to vacate
un'l supply ;i private road in Veimn«o
Rochester. N. V'., has just completed
;i mnrder trial which, especially in the
sequel. exhibits something original, A
woman w»« on trial for killing another
woman whom she knew to have been in
liainon with her hnsband. There wafi no
donbt aliont either the killing or the
infidelity of thi? husband. It wan
shown for th«• defense that the hnahand
wan abusive to his wife. Tiie jury not
only acquitted the wife, but on the day
after the verdict gave her a public re
ception at which the jury rejoiced at the
vindication of the defeudent.
The <lnplr;atcs for the several tax
collector)! of the county will !«• ready
for delivery at the office of tiie County
Commissioners 011 or after June
Collectors are requested to call or send
for them in order that all notices to tax
ables can be dated July Ist
J ft Cavananxh to i'efer A MortliriK
lot on W Wayne st for +7
Martha 8 Bole to KM cite 1 A Bowser
lot in Mlllerstown for SSO.
Stewart & Mariin to .1 WToney I>-HHL"
and well* in Adams twp. for (12100.
J W Toney to Southern Oil Co. Maine
for $3400,
J C Graham to Sebastian lieFilipo lot
on I'lanlc Road for $l5O
J A Wilson, adm'r to J 15 liurke Jf'.O
acres in Venaugo for $2400
Win. C. Fleming to Butler Ice Co. lot
on Miller Way, South Side, for #1750
C M Kiimbaiiuh to Jac.tb li Hum
baugh property in Donegal for $450.
I'ark View Land < '<>. to Maggie L Mr
Candless lot for sl-5
Carrie Thomas, adm'r to I <1 Pollard
lot on West l>. St. for SSOO.
Augustus Acre to Albert Milton
Smith HO acres in Winfleld for siooo
John M Maim ri to Mrs. Orace Hhodt
Han on lot on W. l'earl Ht for SIIOOO.
Thomas Jamison to Nancy J Moiling
er lot in Kairyiew borough for S2OO
Jo:< W Ralston to Clrts II Clark ."»•»
acres in Buffalo for $1250.
John Iv Karver to Jas I'eter Biehl lot
in Butler for sl.
.Ins I' Biehl to John ESarver hame for
Marv A Vincent to John •' Vincent
lot in Slipporyrock for $llOO.
Jos II Stndchaker exr of S Itoston to
Chester G Badger 511 «cr«-H in Muddy
creek for s2Oll HO.
Jan Brediti to Guaranty H I). & T.
i Co lots in Oakland Place for #l.
1 10 I' Cumberland to Charlotte A Hell
I lot in Middletown for sllO
I Jos Kohnfelder to W H Snider & Br<
1 2 ai res in Haxonbnrg for SOIOO.
Geo Sbiever tr> Mrs Carrie C Klein
lot on W Pearl St for f 4000.
Harriasi' licenses.
Stephen Hildebrand Fet.elton
Panline McLaughlin
E. J. Manning Pittsburg
Myrtilla Harbanph Slippery rock
John Caldwell JeflFerson twp
Emma Taylor Worth twp
J. li. Pringle Butler
Lanra Benninger
Frank V. Carson Netv Castle
Clara Helen Hopkins Clay twp
Robert B. Morrow Concord twp
Theresa M Fleming
M W. Foster Kittaunin^
Mcllie J. Griffin. ..Parkersbnrg, W \a
! Daniel J. Hovis Hilii >rd
Gertrude M Lavton Allegheny twp
M C. Grossmm Prospect
Minnie Weitzell
: W. Perry Campbell Butler
i Rosa Brown Centre twp
| Press McMillan Summit twp
! Sadie Dunn Bntler
I Plaininer Bell Mercer twp
, Florence Dickson Jacksville
i William A Mason Tarentum
Lulu S Warren Milligantown
i W. J. Campbell Karns City
Tirz i Leitzenburg Greece City
: John M. Hagins fiutler
. Rosina Smith
i J. H. Campbell Bntler Co
i Mary M. Hogg " "
J Frederick N. Pilgrim Braddock
j Marie A. Foster Petrolia
j 1.-e H. Rankin Fa ; rview twp
| Sarah E. Adams Fairview boio
i Florenz G. Eichenlanb Butler
j Elizabeth Eyih
i M. C. Ryan Allegheny
! Mary Harrington Butler
K A. Euirick Bmler
: Emma L. Keck But! r
j John (i. Shafft-r Zelnuople
L:llie J. Staaf Evans City
At Pittsburg, Harry A. Sslim of Wil
1. nsLurg and EmmaK!in<-uf H-trmony
also Wesley Harvey of Allegheny Co.
and Maggie Peters of Butler.
At Franklin—Sainuel Martin of Irwin
to.vnship. Venango Co., and Ethel Gil
ni re of Butler Co.
At Pittsburg—Robt Elliott of E-plen
and Cora Zimmerman of Bntlt-r; :ilso
Anton Gallik and Mary Czap of Butler:
also Oeo. Myers of McFann and
Grace Miller of Sewickl> : also J M.
Porter of Bntler and Jennie Craig of
At Kittanning Jos. T Gillman of
Butler and Nora McKissick ol Parker's
Landing: also Chas. Denny of Tarentum
and Jennie Sonthworth «»f Worthington.
At Meadville (J A. Freyermuth of
JamesonviHe and Netta Custead of
Low Uatc Tour to Denver
For the benefit of delegates aud
others desiring to attend the Twenty
lirst International Hieunial Convention
of the United Society of Christain En
deavor, to be held at Denver, Col .July
9 to 13, the Pennsylvania railroad Com
pany will run a personally conducted
tour to Denver and ieturn. leaving
Pittsbnrg Tuesday, July 7, going via
Chicago and arriving Denver Thursday.
July 9. Returning the tour will leave
Denver Thursday July 10, arriving
Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and inter
mediate stations July I*. Special trains
of the highest grade of Pullman equip
ment will be run on a fast schedule
Each train will be in charge of a tourist
agent, chaperon, and special uniformed
baggage master Round-trip rate, c».v
eiing transportation to Denver. Colo
rado Springs, or Pueblo and return,
Pullman berth and all necessary meals in
dining car to and from' Denver, will be
as follows: Pittsburg, 00. two iu one
berth, $49 50 each. Round-trip rate,
covering all necessary expenses on going
trip and railroad transportation only re
turning, on regular trains until August
31, Pittsburg, 147.50, two in one berth,
S4B 5W each. Proportionate rates from
other points. Pullman accommoda
tions and meals are included only while
tourists are using special trains. Speci
cial side trips from Denver at reduced
rates. For reservations of space, tick
ets, and full information, apply to near
est Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket
Agent, or direct to Geo W. Boyd. Gen
eral Passei.ger Agent, Broad Street Sta
tion, Philadelphia, Pa.
Coal is the question of the day.
Many must burn wood. The axe may
slip. Have a bottle of Victor Liniment.
It is a noble remedy.
Want a nobby Spring suit? Let
Ritter & Rockensteln's fit you out.
gentlemen, for Bntler and Armstrong
counties, 50 per day guaranteed, to
represent au incorporated company
Address J. C COCSRAN,
245 W. Jefferson St., Butler. Pa.
A Valuable Publication.
On June 1 the Passenger department
of the Pennsylvania Railroad I ompany
will publish the 1903 edition of the Sum
mer Exclusion Route Book. This
work is designed to provide the public
with descriptive notes of the principal
Summer resorts of Eastern America,
with the best routes for reaching them,
and the rates of fare. It contains all
the principal seashore and mountain re
sorts of the East, aud over seventeen
hundred different routes or combina
tions of routes, The l>ook was compiled
with the greatest care, and altogether is
the most complete and comprehensive
handbook of Summer travel ever offered
no the public.
The cover is handsome and striking,
printed in colors, and the book contains
several maps, presenting the exact
routes over which tickets are sold The
l>ook is profusedly illustrated with fine
half tone cuts of scenery at the various
r> 'orts and along the lines of the Penn
sylvania Railroad.
On ami after June I thin very iutereiit
look may be procured at any Petin-
Hjlvania Railroad ticket office at the
nominal price of ten centu, or, upon ap
plication t<> (ieo W. Boyd Amintant
(ieueral PaHaenifer A«ent. Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia, Pa.,by mail for
twenty cents.
Don't miaa it nueinx the new cata
logue of the Butler Buaineax College.
Save time by looking at Ritter <fe
KockeriHtein'H firxt for that Sprint? unit
or overcoat
New Ice Wilson.
The new ice of May & Keone
dy in now in nervice, and ice will be de
livered to all partn of the city by thin
firm. If you want ice today, call up
I {ell phone H7 or People# !:iH. Regular
deliverieH. Send iu yoor orderw
May & Kknnkov.
Ililll IttltCM to .St. liOIIIS, >lo.
On June 15. HI and 17, the Haltimore
A Ohio Railroad Company will Hell ex
ciiraion ticketn from all local Mtatioim
went of the Ohio Kiver to St Louia,
Mo., at rate of one fare for the round
trip, account Hint SaeuKerfent of North
American Saeni{erhund. Ticket* will
lie good for return nntil June I'.Mix.
A fee of 2.'i centu additional will be
collected bv Joint Ant-nt at St. BOIIIM.
Mo., at time ticket ia validated for re
turn paiwaKe.
For further information call on or
addreHH neareat Haltimore & Ohio
Ticket A«ent. or B. N. Anatin, G«n
eral Pa«neriKer A Kent, Chicago, 111.
It'n the (incut you ever Maw the new
catalogue of the Butler BnaineaN < 'olb'Ke
| Free for the itHki'itr.
.1111> Fourth ll\<-iir*ion*.
Excursion ti«-|c«.-t.M will de Mold b«'t Ween
I all •tations on tlx B. >v l, K U it .
i and to poiutH on connecting linen, .Inly
lid and Ith. good returning July (ith,
at one fare for the round trip.
I There will lie Hpccial attraction* at 10x
; position Park on the Fonrth Inquire
J of Agenta for ratea and time of traiiiH.
E. I>. o)Mst«k;K,
(len'l. PaHH'r Agent
| (Jucmm I had better drop i<;onnd and
look at Hitter UockeuMtein'M clothihg
thev seem to turn out the bcHt In town.
Itain or whine coats the nobby kind
at Bitter & Rockenatein'a
If it in up to date it come* troiu
Bt'TLKIt Bt'SINKSS Cot.r.KiiK.
Edward Boerman of Wilkinsburg.
formerly of Butler, fell from a scaffold.
Tuesday, and was killed He was 26
years of age. and was married to a
laughter of Geo Renno.
A boy named Allen fell down the ele
vator shaft at the Hospital, last Thurs
day, and broke both his ankles.
j The Market Both agencies are pay
j ing $1.50.
Middlesex twp.- South of Flick the
j South Penn and American Cos. have
struck a 35 barrel well in the 100 foot
on the Geo. Fisher farm.
Texas—The new oil tanker Ligonier.
of the J. M. Guffv Pet-olnm Company,
arrived at Port Arthur on May 28 and
b -gan to take on a cargo of Tt-xa- ol
far her first trip to New York. Her
sister steamer, the L >rimer. is expecte 1
to reach Port Arthur on her maiden
voyage some time before the end of
The Pulling "machine" —Buckeye <il
producers are beginning to ns-e what is
known as a '.pulling machine' about
their wells This obviates the need of
a derrick The expense of rebuildug
derricks, after a severe storm, is
heavy one and the new device issaul to
answer everj pur'sse of a ; n
pulling tubing, sucker-rods ai d casing
and making any of the repairs nee- ss 1-
ry from time to time about au oil well.
The new contrivance is on whtels and
moved from well to well in the same
manner as a drilling machine. It has a
large mast which is swung easily into
place, and the work of pulling out the
well is performed by a team of horse-*.■
The work cf drawiug the well retnbina
it and putting it to pumping can b
performed in an incredibly short space
o' time" If thfc machine is all tn> t :s
<1 ii med for it, it « ill not l>e long befoie
the gaunt hemlock derrii k will cease to
dot the lantiscade. Oil producers will
nse one standard rig to do their drilling
and depend upon the ' pulling machine '
to take care of the well after it is pro
ducing and connected to the paoiping
power Derrick.
1 'ollar Sunday Kate to Allegheny
Commencing the firr-t Sui d>.v in Whv
at.d continuing each Sunday therealter
until October 25th, the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad will sell special excur
sion tickets from Butler to Allegheny
aud return for morning trains on San
day at rate of $1 00 for the round trip.
Tickets goods on Baltimore aud Or.lo
trains only. Return limited to date of
Low Kates to Points In the South
and Southeast, West and
On first and third Tuesday of April,
May, June, Jnly, August. September,
October and November, 1903, the
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad will sell
Homeseekers' Excursion tickets at
greatly reduced rates to points in the
South and Southeast, West and North
For further information call on or
address nearest Baltimore & Ohio
Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, General
Passenger Agent. Chicago, 111.
Low Kates to Points iu the South
and Southeast.
On first and third Tuesdays of April,
May, June, Jnly, August, September,
October and November. 1903, the Balti
more & Ohio Railroad will sell oue
way Settlers' tickets at greatly reduced
rates to points in the South and Souths
For further information call 011 or
address nearest Baltimore <fe Ohio
Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, Gen
eral Passenger Agent. Chicago. 111.
Interchangeable 1000-Mlle Ite-
I'uiid Tickets.
Commencing June 1. 1903, inter
changeable 1000-Mile Refund Tickets
will be placed on sale, limited to one
year from date of issue, good only for
transportation of the owner, with usual
free allowance of 150 pounds baggage,
over any of the following lines:
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. (Be
tween all jxrints east of Ohio River aud
between Pittsburg and Kane. Also to
and from points on Philadelphia and
Reading Railway of New Jersey be
tween Philadelphia and New York.)
Chesapeake and Ohk Railway. (East
of and including Huntingdon.)
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
Erie Railroad. (East of and includ
ing Jamestown and Suspension Bridge.)
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
These tickets will be sold at rate of
♦BO.OO each, subject to refund of SIO.OO
■»ti surrender of cover to Trunk Lines
Mileage Ticket Bureau, No. 143 Liberty
Street, New York, at any time within
eighteen months from date of purchase.
This form of ticket will be issued in
deference to requests of numerous
patrons of the lines iu interest desiring
one ticket good over several lines in
stead of having to provide themselves
as at present *ith a separate ticket for
each line they desire to use.
Agents at principal statious of the
railroads named aheve will have these
tickets on sale aud give all further in
formation regarding them that mav be
Months of May, June. July aud
August, forenoons only, location same
as last season, formerly Graham Bro's
Grocery, now Cohen's bargain store.
Orders delivered promptly to all parts
of the town.
Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call
up Bell Phone No. 4: or People's No. 54.
E. E. Lantz, Manager, People's Phone
No. 533
Insurance and Rea Estate.
If you wish to sell or buy property
you will find it to your advantage to see
Wm. H Miller, Insurance and Real
Estate, next P. 0.. Bntler. Pa.
Spring showing of up to date clothes
for man and l>oy at Ritter & Rocken
The Spring showing of Men's and
Boys' clothing at Ritter & Rockenstein's
is worth investigating.
If it comes from Ritter A ltocken
stein's it is Isxind t > be up to date.
The School Hoard of Concord town
ship will meet in Mlddletown school
house on Saturday, July llth, at two
o'clock, for the purpose of electing
teachers for the coming term. Bids for
coaling school house received on same
By order of the Board.
A L. BUOWN, Sec y.,
W. Sunbury, R. F. I). 48.
Jefferson township School Board will
elect teachers on Saturday. June 27th,
1903, at Oallaher school near Great Belt
at I o'clock P. M Wages $45 t>er month;
none but professional teachers need
H O. KoiStil.Klt, Sec.
Carbon Black. It F. D. 15
Itcsl < 'nines
In the Afternoon of life, when the
fruits of your labors have l>e«n steadily
drawiug4 percent interest, coumi>onn<f
ed every six months with Real Estate
Trust Company, !tl I Fonrth Ave Pitta
burgh. Pa. Capital aud Surplus over
♦3,700,000 Write for Booklet, "How to
Bank by mail.'
Ilall Kates to Akron, Ohio.
July 7 to 9. inclusive, the Baltimore
tV Oluo Railroad Company will sell ex
enrsion tickets from all local stations
west of the Ohio river to Akron, 0., at
the rate of one fare for the round trip
account Young Peoples Christain Un
ion of the I'niferfsllsts <'hurch. Tick
ets will Isi g<««l for return until July
16. 1903.
For further information call on or ad
dress nearest Ticket Agent, or B. N'.
Austin, General Passenger Agent Chi
cago, 111.
The Grace Lutheran church will hold
a Lawn Fete on the lawn of Mr. Han
sec, First St.. Institnte Hill, this rv. 11
ing. All ate invited.
Rev. Dr. W G. Martin of Grove City
preached in the United Presbj'terinu
church Sunday. Rev. Dr. Sankey of
Rochester will preach next Sunday.
Rev. Archibald R. Robinson will .is
suuie his pastoral duties and preach his
first sermon Sunday July 12.
At the Presbyterian Presbytery held
at Slipperyrock last week. Rev. A. C.
Espach resigned from Jefferson Centre
to go to New York. Rev. Z. B. Taylor
resigned from Harrisville and candi-
Ralpb G. Knox was dismissed to the
Utah Presbytery where he will engage
in missionary work at Hiram. Utah.
The September Session wilt be held at
At the Northern Conference of the
General Synod. Lutheran church held
at Clarion last week. Butler was select
ed as the place for holding the next con
ference. date to be set at some future
The new U. P church at Freeport
was dedicated last Sunday.
Children's Day service will be obsei v
ed in :be Brownsdale M. E chnich
Sabbath evening, June 21 at Hp m.
All are invited.
ltertuced Hates to AKIIPVIIU',
For the benefit of those desiring to
, attend the meeting of the National
1 Music Teachers" Association, to be held
' at Asheville, N. C . June 30 to July :t,
1 the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
[ will sell round-trip tickets to Asheville
from all statious on its lines, June 2(5 t<>
30. inclusive, good to return until July
' 10. inclusive, at reduced rat s By de
j» sting tickets with Special Agent at
Asheyiile not later than July 10. and
p«j nu-nt of fee of fifty cents, an exten
sion of final return limit may be obtain
ed to reach original starting point
not later than October 10.
ItiHiuccd Hates to lto»ton.
On account of the meeting of the
Firs' Church of Christ. Scientists, at
Boston, Mass., on Jnne 28 to July 1.
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell excursion ticKets to Bostou
fioin all points on its lines on June 26.
27. 28, 2i),good going on those dates and
good to return between June 28 and
July ?, inclusive at rate of single fare
for the round trip, plus SI.OO. By de
positing ticket with Joint Agent at Bos-
Jon, between July 1 and 4 inclusive,
and payment of fee of fifty cents, ex
tension of return limit may be obtained
to Angtstl. For stop-over privileges
and further information consnlt neartst
ticket agent.
Wheat. wholesale price. ...75-80
Rye, " 55
Oats. " 40
Corn, " 58
Hay, " 15 00
Eggs, " .... 15
Butter, . '* ....... 15
Potatoes, ' 40
Onions, per bu 75
Cabbage, per lb 1
Chickens, dressed 18
f'elery, doz bunches 25
Honey, per pound 15
Sirawbnrries, qt .. . 810
Lettuce, lb 8
Radishes, doz bunches 20
Onions " 20
Beets, '• 50
Whatever lightens the mother's bur
den is a blessing; Baby sleeps well is
cheerful and strong. No wonder, he
has Victor Infants Relief.
Fourth of July Excursion Kates.
On July 3 and 4 the B. & O. Railroad
will sell excursion tickets to and from
all local stations within a radius of 200
miles at one fare for the round trip:
good for return until July (5, 1903.
For further information call on or
address nearest ticket agent, or B. N.
Austin. General Passenger Agent, Chi
cago, 111.
Half Kates to Boston, Mass.
On June 25, 26, and 27, the B. & O.
It. R. Co. will sell excursion tickets
from all local stations west of the Ohio
River to Boston, Mass., at rate o' one
fare for the round trip, account First
Church of Christ, Scientists. Tickets
will be good for return until July 2,
1903, but may be extended until August
1 by deposit and payment of 50 cents.
For further information call on or ad
dress nearest B. & O. Ticket Agen}, or
B. N. Austin, Ueneral Passenger Agent,
Chicago, 111.
Mrs. Rose Henry lost a valuable pack
age on the road between Leasnreville
and Sandy Hill school house, last Tues
day afternoon, May 26. The package
contained two silk waists, a pair of
small pants, small dress, a little boy's
waist, two white skirts, aud other
articles. The finder will please return
it to II .1. ilruNS.
Valencia, It. F. D. 23, Butler Co., Pa.
Luxuries and NeecHKltleM
Cost money. A Savings Account is a
necessity to enjoy them, and 4 per cent
interest, compounded every half year,
is your luxury when depositing with
Real Estate Trust(3o., 311 Fonrth Ave.,
Pittsburgh, Pa. Over $3,700,C00 Caj -
ital and Snrnlus. Write for Booklet.
"How to Bank by Mail."
Music scholars wanted at 128 W.
Wayne St.
It's about twice as large and twice as
good looking as the last one the new
catalogue of the Butler Business Col
lege. It's free to those interested.
Those nobby top coats comes from
Ritter & Rockenstein s.
Lot 50x104 feet, 5-rooui hoaser new;
stable 20x20, spring water in house,
Lot 40x112 feet. 7 room house, SI2OO
Two new houses. West D St., sJ<looor
$1550 for one and SIOSO for other
Storeroom and 9 room bouse in West
S. \V. Diamond.
Butler Ice Company
< >rders delivered promptly to all parts
of the town.
Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call
up Bell Peoue No. 4; or People's No. 54.
E E. LANT/,, Manager.
People's Phone No. 533.
Have you seen our finely illustrated
catalogue for 1903 4? If not, send for
a copy, or when in touu call at the of
lice and get a copy.
Butler Ice Company
Orders delivered promptly to all parts
of the town.
Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call up
Bell Phone No 4; or Peonle's No. 54.
E. E LANT/.. Manager,
People's Phone No. 533.
Fewer gallons, wears longer; Devoe.
Ritter & Rockenstein seem to be lead
ers iu up to date clothmtr
I'arior (Jars on the IIIWIIIIT.
Parlor car service has been inagur
a ted on the B & L. E. R R.. between
Conueaut Bake and Allegheny, and
will be continued daily during the
mouths of Juue. July and August.
Train 14 leaving Allegheny at 7:15 A
M , and No II leaving Exposition Park
at I 10 I*. M , will have parlor cars at
tacheil daily except Saturday.
The Conueaut Lake Limited leaving
Allegheny at LOOP M, Butler 2 20,
every Saturday beginning June 20th
and theSnuday Special, leaving Exnosi
tion Park every Sunday beginning June
21st, at 11:00 P M , central time, stop
ping only at Greenville, Grove City
nud Butler running to Allegncny will
l>e made up of first class coaches and
I parlor cur This improved train ser
I vice reduces the running time Is-tween
the Smoky City and Pennsylvania's
most popular sumiVer resort to three and
I one half hours, and will enable business
people from the city and towns along
the line, who could not otherwise do so,
: to spend Sunday at the Lake with their
1 friends
1 Trusses j
/ The Right Kind V
b To Buy. j
v You cau buy Trusses for al f
J most nothing or you can pay a \
\ high price for them, but the I
J price of a Truss does not prove C
> that it is going to be the one y
f you need. Every case has to \
V be fitted individually. That \
J is where we have had our great r
\ success in Trusses. No one /
I goes out of our store with a V
N Truss that does not fit perfect- Q
I ly. Therefore a great many f
V people are wearing our Trusses /
J and sending their friends to ns S
\ to be fitted. If you are wear- \
V ing a Truss aud it does not 1
/ feel right, or staj in the right /
\ place come in and see us about \
f it. no matter if you did not /
C buy it from us. We will tell l
/ yon whether it is the right /
/ Truss to wear. We will give \
S you the benefit of our twenty- Q
i five years experience. Private /
\ apportments for ladies. V
C. N. BOYD, \
\ Pharmacist, S
L Diamond Block. {
/ Butler, Pa, i
J People's Phone 83. 1
\ Bell Phone 1-tti D. \
With the approach of Spring
you need a blood cleanser
and tonic.
Don't forget that
is just what you need.
Many of our customers testify
of its merits.
Large bottle —small dose
Prescription Druggists.
• 109 N. Main St., Butler. Pa.
Both Phones.
# Thy hat f
# of toddv? #
5 Is the hat we J
S want to sell you. 2
Maybe it is a SOFT HAT. £
5 Maybe it is a STIFF HAT. 5
J Or maybe a SILK HAT. J
5 In any case we have the 5
; HAT ;
£ and it costs nothing to £
£ try it on and owning £
# doesn't cost much. #
I Come and see our new t
J Shirts and Neckwear. \
Jno. S. Wick j
i Opposite P. 0. ' i
People's Phone, (i I .*> P
For Wedding and
Commencement Presents.
Silverware that wears, rich cut glass,
docks, vases, bronze novelties in gold
and silver, artistic iu design that com
bine the us"fij and the ornamental
Rings of all descriptions from the
beautiful sparkling diamonds to the
modest iilaiu bauds are to be foiiud ill
our stock
We also sell
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and Paco Cameras.
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins aud Guitars.
I iptical goods.
Field and Spy Glasses.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Nril tr» (Y»»irt !!*•»••••
< irders delivered promptly to nil parts
of the town.
Leave orders at Park Hold, or call
up liell Phone No. I: or People's No. 54.
E E Lant/., Manager, People's Phone
No 533.
Low Ivxciirsinii Kates to Boston,
on July 2 to 5. inclusive, the B. & t >.
Railroad Company will sell excursion
tickets from all stations west of tin-
Ohio River to Buxton. Mass., al rate
of one fare plus *2.00 for the round trip,
account National Educational Associa
tion. Tickets will Is- good for return
until July 12. subject to an exten
sion until Sept I A fee of 25 ceutsad
ditional will be collected by joint, agent
at time ticlot is executed for return
passage If extension of return limit is
availed ol a fee of 50 cents will be col
lected by joint agent at time of deposit
F >r further Information call on or ad
dress nearest It &G Ticket Agent, or
B N. Austin, General Passeiigei agent
Chicago. 11l
jjßed Room Suitsj
:M The Largest Assortment of Bed HI
3j Room Suits we have shown this year |8
||will be on sale NEXT WEEK. |.
j Golden Oak Suits Only, fi
j|| $25 00, S3O 00, $39 00. SSO 00, 5
§g S6O 00. S7O 00. SBO 00. S9O 00, 8
||j Some have plain fronts, others swell ®
g fronts, and the highest priced one has S
a curved front, If you are interested S
gin BED ROOM SUITS you Should|
Hjsee this line, jg
lAlfred A. Campbell!
yl§| Formerly Campbell & Teuiplcton.
t«i«« iMiimi
A Safe Furniture Store
Must have more than honesty—it must have
knowledge, too. It is an immense satisfaction
to buy at a siore whose word back of each sale,
coupled with experience, makes it of some
This store is full of reliable goods—bought from
best manufactures —that we know are right in
I quality and price.
See our Porch and Lawn Goods, Mattings,
Carpets and Porch Rugs; Parlor Suits and
Odd Pieces; Iron and Brass Beds and
Bedding; Refrigerators, Buffets, Sideboards
and China Closets.
See the whole line and compare quality and price.
No. 130 N. Main St. (Bell Phone 10fl) BUTLER. PA.
A Man to the Rescue!
t\ Ulan IV lilu lujovmo 1 Such cures a9lhatof Mrg goncrant
arc many, and they speak for the power
mi . ~ ~ i.. of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
The W Oman In I ©ril Rarely l 1 ind.H better than the most eloquent words of
Help Front Her Own Sex. P Praise . e - , The , tcst of a A
* has it done for women? By that test
"Favorite Prescription" invites worn-
It is in no wise to a woman'/discredit an's verdict. On tlio testimony 6f
that she is not a professional life-saver. trustworthy women, " Favorite Pre-
We can only fancy her in the fireman's scription " hns saved life where physi
lielmet, in the crew of the life-boat, or cians had fpven up all hope. It has
wielding a policeman's club, at the loss v cured the most stubborn and obstinate
of some of that fineness which is the forms of womanly disease. It baa ban
distinguishing quality of her sex. The ished pain, restored the appetite, in-
Molly Pitchers and Grace Darlings are duced refreshing sleep, given color to
only examples of the sublime self-for- the cheeks and roundness to the form,
getfulness of women in great emer- WOMEN WHO CANNOT Bit CtJWO.
It's much the same in other ways. There are few women for whom no
Women turn to the strength, skill and perfect (pure is possible. The number of
judgment of men in the crises of life. Such women has been reduced to a mini-
One of tho most common statement*
made in tho letters grateful women
write to Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
is this: "I owe my life to Dr. Tierce."
These women have found themselves in
great danger. They have appealed
without avail to local physicintis. They
have counseled in vain with women
advisers. The best that had been done
for them was just to keep them afloat in
the sea of disease with strength visibly
failing, in the hope that the »i«n who
hail strength and skill to save them
might be found.
Hundreds of thousands of woman
have appealed to Dr. Pierce, for relief
from womanly ills and not one has ap
pealed in vain. The use of I)r. Pierce's
l'avorite Prescription supplemented by
the medical advice of I>r. I'ierce has
lieon the litcumt of cure to this vast army
of women suffering from diseases pecul
iar to the sex.
"I wish to tell you the benefit I re
ceived from usinj; your remedies,"
writes Mrs. Alice boncrant, of 261 W.
lfarrisou Street, Chicago, Ills. "Two
years ago I was taken with a severe pain
in the left yvarv and side. Tried several
different remedies, but nothing helped
tne. I got so lui'l I could scarcely walk
rffrn-.s the floor or do work of any kind.
One day an old neighbor lady came in
to see me, and told me to try I>r.
l'ierce's Favorite Prescription. She
*aid she knew it would help me, as it
had saved her life. Wlieu the doctors
had given her up ami said they could
do nothing for her she said she IK-JJ.III to
take Dr. l'ierce's Favorite Prescription
and it cured her. So 1 got a bottle of
the ' Favorite Prescription' ami one of
' Golden Medical Discovery,'and began
taking them. Before 1 had takeu one
liottle of each I was so much better I
could do nil my own work, and that is a
good deal, as I aui the mother of four
MII.Y1! children. Three lwjttles of the
'Favorite Prescription' and one of
•Golden Medical Inscovery' cured inc.
1 have not bccu &i<.k aiuce then- I think
mum by tho practical ex?
perience of Dr. Pierce. Of
the hundreds of
of women who have ap
pealed to Dr. Pierce for
counsel in connection with
his " Favorite Prescrip
tion," only two in every
hundred have failed of a
perfect and permanent
cure. Rut even this two
per cent, of incurables
have gratefully lecotiiu a
great improvement in their
condition; relief from pain
and a restoration to family
No sick woman should
be discouraged by her con
dition, no matter how long
her ailment may
be, or how utterly all other
„ means and medicines have
failed to cure. The great«
er munher of cures effect
ed by " Favorite Prescrip
tion " are cures of chronic
and complicated diseases
which have baffled the
skill of local physicians
and proved intractable to
all other treatment.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
makes weak women strong and aick
women well. It establishes regularity,
dries disagreeable uud weakening drains,
heals inflammation and ulceration, ana
cures female weakness. It is the great
est preparative for maternity, giving
womanly health and strength and mak
ing baby's advent practically painlesa.
kick women are invited to consult
Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All corres
pondence is held in sacred confidence,
and womanly confidences are guarded
by strict professional privacy. Addreia
Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
There is no similar offer of free con
sultation by letter or free medical advice,
which has liehind it an institution such
us the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In
stitute, Huffalo, N. Y., to which for over
thirty years Dr. Pierce lias been chief
consulting physician, assisted by a med
ical staff of nearly a score of specialists
iu the treatment and cure of womanly
" Favorite Prescription " contains no
alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor any
other narcotic. It is purely a vegetable
preparation and cannot disagree with
the weakest constitution.
Some dealers for the sake of the little
more profit paid by inferior prepara
tions, will try and sell the customer a
substitute for "Favorite Prescription"
as licing "just as good." "Just as
good" medicines do not have the cures
to their credit which make women hail
"Favorite Prescription" as a "Godsend
to women." Don t barter the substance
for the shadow.
to see the great medical work which l>r.
Pierce gives free to women. This great
work, the People's Common Sense Med
ical Adviser, containing 1008 large pages
and 700 illustrations is sent free on re
ceipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing
only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the
book in paper-covers, or ti stamps for
the volume bound in durable cloth. A4>
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