Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 18, 1903, Image 2

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    the; citizen.
WILLIAM O. NEGLEY - Publisher.
THURSDAY. JCNE I s . lft(«.
.. ■ IZL-IIH-"-
11.00 per yetr in Advance. Otherwise $1.50.
Judges of the Superior Court,
State Treasurer,
Auditor General,
For Jury Commissioner.
As this is what is called an "off year
in politics—no particular issue or policy
of great moment depending for the time
upon the decision of the voters, and
only the general disgust of the Republi
cans of the state with what is called the
"gang"' at Harrisburg to at all endan
ger the usual Republican majority —a
note of the parties or factions at the be
ginning of our National Government
may be of interest.
When, after the close of the War for
Independence, the colonists recognized
that the further usefulness of the Arti
cles of Confederation, which had served
them during the war. was at an end,
and that "a more perfect Union" was
necessary for their common defense and
general welfare, two factions or senti
ments almost immediately developed.
One of these favored a strong central
government as being essential to the
financial and commercial success of the
new government, and also as a re tra:nt
upon revolutionists and anarchists:
while the others feared centralization
as tending towards monarchy, and fav
ored the sovereignty of the states as the
beet security for continued republican
Washington, Hamilton, Jay, Adams
and others favored a strong central
government, and at that time were call
ed Federalists; while Jeffersor, Henry,
Mason, Harrison and others favored
state sovereignty, aud were called anti-
Federalists or Republicans.
The Constitution adopted was acotn
promise—the state sovereignty idea ap
pearing in it in the equal representa
tion in the Senate of the states—large
and stnill alike.
Washington was elected President,
and framed his cabinet; and he and
Hamilton applied themselves towards
paying off the national debt and estab
lishing a national credit. Congress, af
ter a warm contest between the factions
adopted some revenue measures sug
gested by Hamilton, including a tax on
foreign and domestic spirts.
The collection of this tax was resisted
in Allegheny, Westmoreland, Washing
ton and Fayette counties of this state;
riots followed during which several
men were killed; an army of several
thousaud men was organized to resist
the collection of the tax; General Sev
ille, the Collector, was driven out of
the country; and there was a sentiment
In fayor of establishing a new republic
west of the mountains, all of which
Washington crushed by sending an
army of fifteen thousand men to Pitts
During Washington's administration
the contest between the two factions
was waged with bitterness, and besides
this, the French Revolution was in pro
gress at that time, and emissaries from
that country made trouble in this—par
ticularly in the Mississippi valley.
Washington was succeeded by
Adams, also a Federalist; and then the
states rights or lccal sovereignty idea
prevailed, and Jefferson was elected,
and that party, first called Republican
and afterwards Democratic, continued
in power, with the exception of the one
month that Harrison was in office, un
til the election of Taylor and Filmore
by the Whig or Tariff party built up
by Henry Clay, in 1849.
They were succeeded by Pierce and
Buchanan, Democrats--the latter being
the only Pennsylvanian ever elected
President. Then came the anti-Slavery
agitation, and the election of Abraham
Lincoln, on that issue in 1861, followed
by the secession of tho Southern states
from the Union, and the Civil War
and the political history of the country
since is well known to the present gen
The Republican party ot today is the
successor of the original Federal party
in that it.favors a strong, central gov
ernment; and also of the Whig party,
as it adopted Henry Clay s protective
tariff ideas.
It has met and solved the money and
all other great questions that arose, the
country has prospered wonderfully un
der its administrations, it now has a
President who can be trusted to do his
duty in curbing corporate greed, the
lower house of Congress has also shown
a disposition to do what is right in that
direction, and the only menace to the
party and to the Nation at present is
the bunch of millionares who have
bought their seats in the United States
Senate with money, and hold them by
patronage, and who block legislation
vital to the general welfare.
OREC;ON was the scene of a flood,
Monday night, which drowned five
hundred people. A cloud-burst over
tae valley near the town of Ilepprer
caused a wall of water, twenty feet
high, to sweep down upon the town and
destroy it.
God chooseth men,great hearted,strong,
To stand in legislative halls,
Thou wert His standard bearer long
Responsive to thy country's calls.
Welcome home. Unmoved by base,
ignoble strife,
The leader of the dauntless few,
The hero of the stainless life
Accept our homage as thy due.
Shouting these words,thousands gath
ered at Montrose, Pa, on Tuesday of
last week, from near and far to do
honor to Susquehanna county's favorite
son, Hon. Galusha A. Grow, in a rous
lug ■welcome home to private life after
bis leng and honorable service in Con
gress, from which he retires at the age
of eighty one.
Mr, Grow was Speaker of the House,
during the war. He would liked to
ba|e ended his political career by a
term in the U. 8. Senate, but the
Camerons and Quays always said "No."
The Philadelphia North American
continues to "*o for" the Harrisburg
gang, and says they are attempting, to
chance the state's motto from "Virtue,
Liberty and Independence" to "Vanity,
License and Impudence."
THE Canadians intend building
another transcontinental railroad, to
the north of the Canadian Pacific, at a
cost of seventy-five millions. Manitoba
has at present, the richest wheat lands
in the world.
Tlie Tragedy at licl^riiilc.
Over in south''astern Reroi>e lying
between Austria an<l Turkey, are sever
al small states tbat Americans know
but little of Their names on the map
are Montenegro. Sevria, Roomania and
Bulgaria. Montenegro appears tc be
all mountains, and borders on the Ad
riatic: Servia is a state of al>ont iO.OOrt
square miles, with two millions of pop
ulation, bounded bv the Danube river
and a branch of it named Save on the
north, and by Turkey on the south,
while Roumania and Bulgaria are
larger states to the eastward, divided
by the lower Danube. The Balkan
mountain iange is in Southern Servia.
and runs through Bulgaria to the Black
Northern Servia. the part along the |
rivers is fertile and produces wheat,
corn, rice, tobacco, hemp, etc.: while in
the southern or hilly country immense
herds of cattle and pigs are raised for
the European market The country
has no manufactories, the people are of
Slavonic origin, belong to the
Greek church, and are mostly farmers.
The government of Servia is a limited
monarchy: there is a King and a lot of
ministers: but the laws are made by a
small legislative assembly called the
As usual, also, there are different
branches of the royal family, all jealous
and distrustful of each other, and escli
coveting the throne, which for some
years has been held by the Obrenoviteb
branch. King Milan of this branch
was such a notorious rascal tbat he was
compelled to abdicate the throne, some
years ago, in favor of his son. then a
mere boy, with his Queen, Natalie, the
boy's mother, as regent.
Queen Natalie did well, ard every
thing was serene until a woman named
Draga, wife of a man named Maschin,
obtained complete control of the boy.
then aged 17, and induced him to over
thrown the regency of his mother anil
declare himself King, and a few years
later, when he was 24 and she about 40
to marry her.
This disgusted the people, and the ac
tions of the royal couple since have
continued to outrage their sensibilities.
The army took th« matter up, and the
officers plotted to send the woman ont
of the country. At a jtiven signal, last
Thursday night, troops surrounded the
palace in Belgrade, broke into it and de
manded of the young King that he sign
a paper to that effect or abdicate. He
replied with a shot that killed the officer
who presented the paper, whereupon
the officers and men present killed him
and Draga. her two brothers, and other
relatives and ministers, thereby wiping
out the'entire Obrenovitch branch of
the family, excepting ex-Queen Natalie
who is an exile.
The officers of the army then pro
claimed Prince Kara-georgeyitch (or
Black George's son; a descendent of
Black Michael, of another branch of the
family to be King, if the Skupshtina
would agree. Prince Kara has also
been an exile, and hae been living quiet
ly with his family for some years in
The dead King and Queen and their
friends were buried quietly next day,
while the Colonel that the King killed
was given a military funeral; the peo
ple took the affair very quietly, as this
was not the first time their government
had been changed by assassination.
The enclyclopedia says the Servians
are a strong, well-built and handsome
The First Clear Night.
In the last article, due to delay in
publication, a slight mistake appeared
with reference to position Venus
and Mars are both visible now in the
western sky. We remember that they
are both planets and belong to the solar
We have learned that our solar system
is not the only one of its kind but that
other systems have been proved to exist
composed of suns, which we call "stars"
and planets, invisible to the naked eye
but not so to the strong telescopes of
our time. The discovery of these
planets was due to the peiturbations or
irregularities of movement that they
produced on their suns.
But we must not expect all thp
systems to be in exactly the same con
dition as the one we know best, any
more than we would expect all the
members of a family to be of the same
age or disposition. Most of these other
systems have been found to differ
slightly from ours, in that the planets
do not revolve about their suns but that
the sun and planet revolve about their
common centre of gravity, much as do
the "governors" on a stationary enginn.
This is because the planets here are
larger compared with their sun than
our planets are compared with ours
The same law applies to all systems,
only in ours, on account of the greater
relative size of the sun, the centre of
gravity lies beneath his surface. There
is no reason to suppose that somewhere
in the universe there are not other solar
systems in exactly the same conditions
of development and habitabilityasours
In some persons' minds the presence of
one argues the existence of others. But
this is mere speculation, not fact.
It has long been a favorite idea with
star-gazers that there is a centre
around which all the known universe of
stars and star-systems revolves. Many
attempts have been made to fix upon
some particular star as this centn*.
But astronomers are cautious in taking
up with such ideas and while it is be
lieved that there is such a centre, it is
held that this is simply the centre of
gravity, and not a star.
Johnny Roxberry has gone to Ell
wood to work dining the summer.
T. H. Boehm. a CITIZEN reader, has
been elected President of the school
tward, and sets at the head of the table
like a veteran.
Arthur Cooper and Maggie Shauor
were recently married and have gone to
housekeeping near Centreville. ,
Bain Forrester recently caught the
largest fish in Muddycreek that ever
came to our town. It was a carp, and
weighed Hi lbs.
Mrs. Otto Bartel and son Donald, of
Warren 0., visited gr. ndpa and grand
ma, Mr. and Mrs. Boehm, not long
Mrs George Warren and son Dean
are visiting Mrs. Warren's sister. Mrs.
Eliza Roth of Esplen.
Mrs. Jane Soaf and friend Mrs. Eliza
Wehr were the recent guests of Mrs.
Ellen Stumor of Muddycreek twp.
While Watson Forrester's were at the
Williamson-Balph wedding at Butler,
some person or persons put a calf in the
cave, tramped his strawberries, and put
his spare hat on top of the barn.
John Scott, who has so much [tainting
to do, has resigned the office of tax
collector, and E. E Wehr has been ap
pointed in his place.
If you wish to see one of the finest
pulpits in the country, step into Scott's
paint shop. It was made by Al.
Win. Kennedy of Maple Plains,
Minn., is visiting his brother. Smith
Kennedy. William is an old soldier,
ar.d left Prospect in 18GG.
Mesdames Maggie Bowers, Maggie
Coats, Maggie Critclilow, Lizzie Critch
low attended a missionary meeting at
Centerville, last week.
Wm. Bnpp, Wm. Heyl and Martin
Heyl were jurymen at the last Court,
and put in two weeks' faithful service.
Aunt Margaret Heyl anil her niece
Miss Heck recently entertained relatives
and friends from Unionville, Buttercup,
aud Greece City.
Mr. Morrison, the photographer, has
has come to town ami now yon can get
that picture.
Ralph Gallagher and Lida McCly
monds of Portersyille were married last
Mrs. James Blike and Mrs. Millie
McCollough visited at John Gallagher's
and Wm. Scott's at Isle, one day last
License Court.
The first license court held by
Judg.- Galbreath. met Tuesday ni'.rn
ing. Court convened at nine o clock
and at that hour the room and corridors
were tilled by the fifty or sixty appli
cants, their friends aud witnesses, re
monstrants. wholesale liquor agents
looking for a chance to sell a bil' "f
goods to a new customer.and spectators.
On account of Attorney W. C.
Thompson having to leave town Tues
day evening he was allowed to present
his applications first and led off with C.
H. and H. B. Kemp of the Lowry. The
case was quickly desposed of.
The application of J. A. K'ein of the
Willard came next and was quickly
Capt Herman Liebold applied for the j
Hotel Arlington.
On the application of B. J. Forquer of :
the Forquer House.Chicora. S Frankle, t
B. Rumbaugh and others appeared for
the applicant. The court asked if;
laborers on the new railroad had not
raised disturbances in the bar room
Charles Miller of Evans City came j
next. Henry Ifft. Philip Nicholas, and j
others testifying for him. j
The application of .T. C. Martin of 1
the Commercial House. Mars, was then
presented and a merrv time followed.
J. D. Marshall, for the remonstrants,
questioned Martin closely. Martin de
nied that he had ever abused Mrs.
Westerman when she accused him of
selling to Charles Barr. that he had not
sold to several men who were mention
ed as being of known intemperate
1 habits and to minors, and that he had
given one witness against him money to
leave the country. Geo. Logan, (*il
bert Hooks. Sam Redic and \V. Allen
appeared for Martin. Hooks admitted
there had been a "fuss in Martin sl' r
room because, he said. Wm. Qilliland
had came home from Butler, gone in
there to raise a row with him, and after
getting a couple more drinks accus d
Hooks of voting for Mr. Galbreath
because he had been promised a whole
sale license. Hooks called him a liar and
then there was trouble, btit be denied
that they had thrown out the Constable.
Another witness was James McElroy of
Ireland, who said he was a perfect bar
keeper, had eight years experience and
ran the best bar e% r er. He had left
Martin's employ a week before court.
The remonstrance against Martin stated
that his house was unfit for a licensed
house, tbat a licensed house was m
necessary, that he had sold to minors
and men of known intemperate habits
and was intemperate himself. Mrs
Bn/.ard testified that her son aged is
years had gotten liquor at Martins
Mrs. Westerman said she had had
Martin notified not to sell liquor to
Charles Barr, that she had followed
Barr into Martin's ami saw him di irk
ing. She upbraided Martin and he said
"Your a damned old liar, gft out of
my house, you damned old heifer."
Martin denied this. Judge Galbreath
said a man who used such language to
woman was unfit to hold license. Ben
Feil. dged 10 years, testified he liought
beer at Martin's. Rev. G. I. Wilson
testified that Wm. Crozier, on the day
his wife died, had gotten drunk, came
home and chased Ilia help out of the
house, tore loose the hair of the corpse
and went to sleep lying under the bier
on which bis wife's dead body lay lie
had gotten Honor from Martin. Wm
Gilliland testified Martin had sr>ld t > n
minor. At this point the application was
Geo. Haworth applied for license in
the Hotel Bowman, South Side, aud
was asked the usual questions.
A remonstrance was presented by T.
M. Baker and .T. D. Marshall against
the application of .Tos H. Harvey for
license in the Hotel Waverly. on ac
count of its being opposite the McKein
St. school. Judge Galbreath said it had
been the rule of the Court for ten years
past not to grant license there on that
account, and he saw no good reason for
making a new precedent.
Tuesday afternoon the application of
Fisher & Kearns for a wholesale license
on E. Jefferson St. was first taken up.
The application of S. M. Wilson for a
tavern license at Renfrew was heard.
He has two or three transient boarders
daily and three or four regulars. There
was a large remonstrance and there was
plenty of testimony that a license was
and was not necessary in Renfrew.
The application of David Stewart for
a tavern license for the hotel he con
ducts in the theatre building at Mars
was next heard. Several witnesses tes
tified the house was necessary. A re
monstance was presented stating that
Stewart was an unfit man to hold
license and that his house was unfit for
hotel purposes, being the lower part of
the theatre. Rev. Wilson stated
they had taken Ernest Gamble, the
basso, there and he had refused to stay.
The application of Ralph Gregg for
the Park Hotel license was heard Thurs
day morning, and he had easy sailing.
The Court suggested that some im
provements were needed in tho build
ing if granted license.
The application of Geo. II Kurlz for
tavern license at Petrolia met with a
remonstrance. A number of men testi
fied to the fitness of the applicant aud
to the necessity of the hotel Witnesses
against testified to the congregating of
crowds in front of the hotel, and also toj
profane and vile language being used in
the vicinity; also that Kurtz sold lo
men of intemperate habits, that travel
ing men complained of the service.
The applications of Wm. Lackey of
the Dolan House. Adolphus Hoch of the
Central, Joseph Darling, wholesale, and
J. W. Loebig ot Butler, wholesale, all
for licenses in Chicora were then heard
There were no remonstrances.
Mrs. Otillie Raabe and Suider Bros,
of Saxonburg also had plain sailing.
Wednesday cases of W. H. and ,1. M.
Snider, Saxonburg: Wm. Wahl. Evans
City: Butler Brewing Co.: L N. Zeigler,
Harmony;Sauil Beam, Harmony; Franz
Luek, Zelienoplo; Henry VV. Stokey,
Zelienople; P. C. Frederick, distiller,
Zelienoplo; Simon Nixon, Central Hotel,
D. F. McCrea,Butler House; C. 11. Geis,
Hotel Lyndora; Earl D. Clinton of the
Standard; U. S. G. Geiger of the I". S
Hotel: W. W McQuistion, West and
Water Sts: Joseph Manny and Jaeklitch,
Fairground ave., hotel: G. A. Lewis,
Nixon Home; Clias Hindman and G. J
Mangold, wholesale at Jefferson and
Elm Sts; F. W. Chatten, wholesale;
Fairground ave.; and H. B. Arble.
wholesale, Harding House, Pierce ave.
were heard.
The Park Hotel difficulty between
owner. W. C. Thompson and Ralph
Gregg, on one part and Theodore
Humes on the other w«s settled. Mr.
Humes, who had been warned out by
Thompson and whose lease expires June
:10. withdrawing his application.
Remonstrances were filed against all
the wholesale applicants and against
Lewis because his house is next door to
the Methodist church.
The hearings were continued this
morning and will probably be completed
Saved by Friends.
William F. Helmes, of Allegheny,
came near having to postpone his wed
ding which was set for last Tuesday,
on account of being confined in the
Allegheny county jail. lie was arrest
ed yesterday on complaint of Ray
Young, a woman of Allegheny, who
created a sensation in that city recently
by charging that she was promised pro
tection in running a disorderly house if
she would buy her furniture from a
certain dealer, she also figured in a
number of suits before a local alderman
charged with illegal liquor selling.
Yesterday she made au information
against Helms before Alderman Will
iam Lang, charging Ilelms with lar
ceny by bailee. She claimed he had a
a diamond and a watch in his possess
ion which belonged to her and which he
refused to return. After the arrest
was made, it is said, that tin* property
was returned to her, but at, she persist
ed in the prosecution he was commit
ted to jail in default of tfJJOO bail.
When searched at the jail first thing
taken out of Helm's pocket was a mar
riage license for himself and Miss. Lulu
E. Graber, who is said to live in Butler
county. Helms said his bride to be
was to arrive in Pittsburg on Monday
night at 11 o'clock, and he was afraid
that his arrest would interfere with his
being able to meet her at the depot.
About an hour after he was placed in
jail a friend arrived with an order for
his release, bail having been furnished
by friends for his appearance. lie left
the jail in ample time to meet his in
tended wife, and the wedding will take
place today.—Pittsburg Times.
BIEHL —At her home in Butler. June
12. lSw» i. Mrs. Mary Gallaher, wife of i
Conrad Biehl, aged 50 years.
WALTERS—At his home in Buffalo .
twp., June 4, 190 it, .Tames Walters.
L< )WRY —At the home of his brother. i
Will, in Butler. June IT, ;llK):i, Charles
Speer Lowry, iu his sGth year. j
Mr. Lowry had been in poor health
for some time. His death was caused ;
by paralysis. He was the second son of j
Col. A. Lowry. dee d. The funeral will
take place from the home of his sister.
Miss Belle, on W. Pearl St., at 2 p.m.
FLANNIGAN —At his home in Butler.
June 16, 1008, John Flannigan. aged
about 42 years.
Mr. Flannigan's death was cansed by
paresis He was sick for about three
He leaves a wife and several small
GROHMAN —At. his home in Butler,
Sunday, June 14, 1903, John C.
Grohman, aged 80 years.
Mr. Grohman's death was caused by
old age; he had been feeble for some
time. He was born in Germany, May
12, 1823, and came to Butler when 28
years of age. He was a miller by trade
and worked in the Mackey and Walter
flouring mills, and afterwards was a
partner in the latter, under the firm
name of Walter & Grohman, retiring
from business in 1871. He was a mem
her and elder of the German Lutheran
church, and for many years was teacher
in and Superintendent of its Sunday
School. He WHS an honest man. good
neighbor, and one of our best citizens.
He is survived by his wife, nee Fred
erick. and ten children, viz: Henry J.,
Edward J. C . William A. F., Mrs. Geo.
Forcht, Mrs. E L. Oesterling, Mrs. F.
L. Krause and Misses Louisa, Mary,
Anna and Clara at home.
MAXWELL-At his home in lowa,
June 14. 190:!. Mr. John L. Maxwell,
J r , formerly of near this place, aged
about 65 years.
Mr. Maxwell was the voungest son of
the late John Leslie Maxwell, who
lived upon and owned the farm on the
New Castle road, about two miles weft
of Butler.and now owned by the heirs
of the late Sheriff Abraham McCandless.
Newton anil Milton Maxwell, who lived
on adjoining farms, were brothers to
the deceased. They are both deceased.
The only living one of the family of
Leslie Maxwell, we are informed, is
Mr. AdadT Maxwell, who also resides in
lowa. The family was in former days,
one of the most prosperous and influ
ential of our county living near this
Tragic I>eatli of l>r. Moore.
The sudden death of Dr. .T. \V. F.
Mcore, last Sunday afternoon was one of
tbe greatest Ftirprises the people of
Butler have ever experienced: and
when they visited the scene of tbe ac
cident next day they wondered that a
death trap like that and, also like the
one around the alley corner, had been
left unprotected. If such carelessness
is not criminal it is hard to imagine
what is.
Dr. Moore and Robert and Frank
Pringle visited the rooms of Frank
Wagner in one of the new Duffy build
ings last Saturday night to view soiffe
hunting relics owned by Mr. Wagner
and arrange for a fishing trip They
left the room and descended to the side
walk on Main St, about midnight and
finding that it was raining, Frank
ran back to the room for his umbrella,
whiie the Dr. and Robert stepped into
the vacant space between the two
buildings for protection from the raiu.
The area was dark, the guard rail had
not vet been put up. the Dr stepped
back too far and fell headlong to the
cemented floor below, a distance of
about eleven feet, striking 011 his head,
and fracturing the skull at its base.
Mr. Pringle immediatelj called for
help and went to the rescue, and the
Dr. was taken to the Hospital, wh*.re
he lingered until Sunday noon, never
recovering consciousness.
His body was removed to Roessing's
undertaking rooms and then to Mr.
Sutton's home on N. McKean 3t where
services were held Monday morning:
and then taken to the home of his
father at Whitesburg, Armstrong Co.
He was a son of Capt Johu Moore of
Whitesburg, was 37 years ot age, was a
graduate of Jefferson Medical College
in Philadelphia, located in Butler about
ten years ago, and has been very success
ful here.
IK Servia was the scene of Anthony
Hope's "Prisoner of Zenda," we suppose
the late tragedy at Belgrade wiped out
the red-he tided branch of the royal
family aud put up the black-he ids The
nomination of Prince Kara-Georgevitcli
to be King, by the army, was confirmed
by the iSkupstchina, Monday.
is tho Now and Better Breakfast
Food, so different from all others
that it pleiuses everybody. Get a
package to-day at your grocers.
1:3. c\ 1 >.
Goods desirable.
Prices clearly show advantage.
Send for samples to prove.
White ground Oxfords with woven
and embroidered black and colored
stripes aud figures—B2 inches wide, 65c
goods, 10c.
Dainty White and Colored ground
Batistes with neat colored stripes and
figures—Bo inches wide, 10c.
Hundreds of effects in White and
colored ground Madras with woven and
printed stripes and figures—exijnisite
colorings and unique effects. Double
width— four low prices. 10c, 13Jc, 15c
and '.' jc.
Handsome double width White Ox
fords, 12 Jc.
Magnificent assortment Wash Silks
for 25c so excellent in quality and style
all should investigate. Color effects to
suit every fancy.
Large assortments of imported French
Voiles. 75c—Blues. Champagne, Tans,
French Grey, Roseda.
American Voiles in pretty shades of
Blue—good grades slightly heavier
than tbe French made Voiles, 35c and
Voile is one of Fashion's favorite fa
brics this summer.
"Tear not." wonderful dress lining—
won't tear all colors. 50c a yard.
|{o<>'<i'S& 81111 l
Department X.
K _J
I To be sure, you are growing 8 j
\ old. But why let everybody §
*t • 3
| see I:, in your gray nairr | ;
l Keep your hair dark and rich | j
K and postpone age. If you will 1 j
Hair Vigor
only use Ayer's Hair Vigor,
your gray hair will soon have
all the deep, rich color of
youth. Sold for 60 years.
" | am row over yf"l r. old. and T have
a tl. . £i'--y bead <■>' I 1.4 1.-.sr »l:ieh 1- .1
womler t" evetr one who SH-I it. Anil i..>t a
cr.iv hair in it. all line to Avt-r's Hnir Vh'fT "
Mas. 11. It. Ui xris, fcc-cida, Minn.
51.00 a bottle. J. c. ATKU on .
•MLMMMMMM for ■•■■■■■wiilii
iWhite Hair
Wrgr? ?!
In the District Court of the
United States for the Western
District of Pennsylvania in
In the mutter of /
Paul Kmil Cerutti. No. 21tV>, in Kankruptey.
Bankrupt. I
To the creditors of Paul Emll t'erutli "f
Evans City, in the county of liutler and
district aforesaid, a bankrupt:
Notice is hereby (riven that on the .;rd day
of .lune. A. i>. 1803. the said l'aul Kmil
Cernitl was duly adjudicated bankrupt,
and t hat t lie first meeting of his creditors
will be held at the office of J. W. Hutchison.
Referee in Bankruptcy. \o 111 N. W . I>!a
inond. Butler. Pa., on tiie 2»th day of June.
\. D. l'JOi. at 10 o'clock in tlie foreno >n at
which time Hie said creditors may appear,
prove t-lielr claims, appoint a trustee, ex
amine the bankrupt, and transact such
other business as may properly come before
said meeting.
June lUtli. 1903.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Executors' Sale of Real Estate!
Voder and l»y virtue of the powers con
tained in the last will and testament of John
Glasgow, dee'd., the undersigned as Execu
tors of the said will of John late of
Clinton twp., Butler Co., Pa., dee'd- will ex
pose to sile at public outcry on the premises
Friday, July 10, 1903,
At 2o'clock p. in., ail of that certain piece,
parcel and tract of land of which the said
John (iiasjjow. late of the township of
Clinton. County of liutler. and State of
Pennsylvania, died, seized, and belnt; situate
in the aforesaid township. county and -tale
bounded and described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a post, the southwest corner.
Oil line of land of Margaret Glasgow and be
ing southeast corner of land of Clias. B.
Glasgow: tllence souths 4 deg. 1 - min. east,
H!#i feet to line of land of John Wiley:
thence along lands of said John wlley north
I deg. 47 min. east. 1.1-2 feet to corner of land
of John Wiley near a hickory tree: thence
north along line of land of John Wiley ss
dec. 30 uiiu. west. 1501.25 feet to northeast
corner of Clias. B. Glasgow land: thence
along line of laud of ('has. B. Glasgow south
I deg. 12 tain. wust. 1470 feet to the place of
beginning: containing iifty-t wo acres and 4'.i
perches A. 49 P.) as per survey of E. E.
Maurli »IT, E-, made Oct. 2<l and 'id, 1901;
no buildings thereon and being all cleared
except about fifteen acres. iiald tract of
laud being the balance of real estate of said
John Glasgow, dee'd., remaining after the
portion of western end of the same as sur
veyed lo Chas. IS. Glasgow under the pro
visions of the aforesaid last will and testa
TERMS OF SALS -One-half (Yt) cash upon
execution and delivery of deed, balance pay
able in one year from date of deed, secured
by bond and mortgage upon the premises
with interest- at 0 per cent., Sri. Fa. clause,
attorney's commission, etc.
KOHEKT I». SKI TUN. U. V. I>. 22,
MAKTIN MONKS. K. l\ I>. 21.
Executors of last will and testament of
John (iiasgow, dec'd. Saxon burg, Pa.
W i LI. i MS IS: MITCH KLI*. Att'y.-..
In the matter of the) In the Orphan's
estate of Henry Feigel, , Court of HutlerCo.,
dec'd. late or Itutler. •'' I'a., No. Sept, T..
I'a. . 1801-
Notice is hereby glvcu that having been
appointed Auditor to distribute the funds
paid into Court in the above stated case,that
I will attend to the duties of said appoint
ment. and give a bearing to all parties con
cerned and pass upon :Ltiy exceptions that
may be Hied at myoftice at No. K. s. Diamond
strevt, (- doors west of new postoflice, first
lloor) on Friday, June *i§tb, 1903. at n» o'lock
«i 11--W- Auditor.
Notice is hereby given that John H.
Schaupp, guardian of Catherine Schaupp
at Ms D. NO. 27, March Term. 1902,
will present his final account for con
firmation in court. Saturday September
12. 1903
Prothonotary Court of Common Pleas.
Notice is hereby given that Anthony
Allen has applied to the Court of Quarter
Sessions of Butler Co., Pa., for a license
to engage in the business of a detective,
aud for the conducting of a detective
agency, according to the Act of As
sembly for such agencies, made and
The undersigned will sell at private
sale a coal farm of 200 acres, lying near
Jamisonville Station, 1> miles north of
Butler, Pa., the coal of the upper vein
35 feet thick, of excellent quality; lower
veins not (tested. Immediately under
the upper vein of coal is a vein of fire
clay said to he 15 feet thick and of good
quality. Some timber on the farm, aud
surface fairly productive.
Ex'r of Daniel Heck, dec'd.,
Slippervrock, Pa.
J. D. MCJUNKIN. Att'y.
Notice is hereby given that E. H.
Laderer, guardian of Shepler Boston of
Muddycreek township, has filed his
first and final account in the office of
the Prothonotarv of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Butler county at Ms. D.
No. 2, December Term, 1001, and that
the same will be presented to said Court
for confirmation and allowance on
Saturday, September 12, 1003.
JOHN C. CLAKK. Proth y.
Prothonotary's Office, May (1, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that letters of
administration on the estate of Paul
Troutman, deceased late of the borough
of Butler, Butler county. Pa., have been
granted to Henry N. Troutmau of But
ler, Pa., to whom all persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make
payments, and those having claims or
demands against said estate are request
to make tho same known without delay.
A. T. BLACK, Attorney. Butler, Pa.
Letters of administration on the estate
of John Kellermati. dec'd., late of But
ler, Butler Co., Pa . having been grant
ed the undersigned, all persons known
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said
estate will present them dnly authenti
cated for settlement to
N. Washington St., Butler, Pa.
S. CITMMINOS, Attorney. :I 19-03
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on tho estate
of Maria Lemmon, dec'd., late of But
lertwp., Butler Co., Pa., all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make im
mediate payment, and any having
claims against the name to present them
duly anthijhtictfted for settlement to
E. E. YOUNC, Adm'r..
3-12-03 Armory Building, Butler, Pa.
Letters of administration on the estate
of William 11. Staples, deceased, late of
Adams twp., Butler Co , Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all i
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against'
said estate will present them duly au- j
thenticated for settlement to
Callery, pa.
J. D. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 2-19-02
It tV O It K
i . > m. ii - j L.' .
A p A ■ ■ MIM
AUrjcb. n> .US'* • • ••• i ! i•• - • - ■' •
AH« ;'»M nv Kxprrw MfclO m-m
♦ 1:40 »-m
l KCSty Accomm>o4mtk>o tMDp«
I . N ' : A g1 HQ BS •• \ :
A : Expmw -• SI |
r.% A. • •n:inudßtion «UOM
Kll« —i . I NVw • • A» • in iu- ~l.it i : .
K. .. J I• IM : >!■'.! tflfctil.l-1.1
< btriou A""nui».-l;iti-.ii p>m
K«»\I►«»?•. A i..*ii l "t.ili''i. .
• 1..;. "* * l \ , t >iii,.i.i;. »>iill ■i t \ | -I* .
Trains leave the Allegheny station for
Butler at 7;:>«>. Silo, 10:45 a.m.. ami 1:15.
3:00. 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. and Pittsburg
station at 7:50 a.m. On Sunday at 7:30
а.m. and »»:15 and 11:30 p.m.
For through ticket*, Pullman mwrrationif ami iu
f >rtnati"ii afi lv t<> W. R. TI RNKR, Agt,
Batter, Pk.
E. 1». SMITH, A. V. A..
Pittateig, l'k. j
n it A. e it K
Time table in effect Feb. 15, 1903. !
Passenger trains leave and arrive at '
Butler as follows:
I 7:30 a. in., mixed for Punxsutawney
j and all intermediate stations.
10:12 a. in. daily, vestibtiled day ex
j press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford,
week days, for Rochester.
5:21 local for Punx'y and Dn Bois and
I all stations.
10:22 p. m. night express for Buffalo
and Rochester.
(1:08 a. m. daily, night express from
Buffalo and Rochester.
9:4."> a.m. week days, accomodation
from Dußois.
•V.31 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express
from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash
ford week days from Rochester.
7:40 p.m. wefk days, mixed train
from Pnnxsntawney.
D Time table in effect May 17. 1902.
One hour slower than town time.
northwanl I '.lily except Sunday. Southward
Kt-ad ap) (Kejiddowu)
2 1" II STATIONS. 1 ~11
P.M. I'M I'M. am. A.M.. am
25 1 ™l>'Erie 6 00,11 18
ti 01 12 iVi Kairview 6 26:11 41
5 61 12 12 Oiranl 6 'Si 11 57
li 0 ' I 1' ar. .Couneaut. . .ar 8 111 IS
43211 15 IT. . Oouaeant. .lv 0 15 11 15
5 :t.t 12 'St i'raiiehTilie . t» 55 12 15
5 -s 12 20 Albion.. . 7 00 12 21
5 12 12 07 sliu.lclaii.l 7 12 12 :«
5 Oil 12 01 Springtx.io 7 1". 12
5 03 11 tVmneautvillfl 7 20 12 42
Meadvilie Junct..
li 47 12 11 ar.. Meadville.. ar 8 28 202
3431042 lv Meadrille. .lv 60212 ;»
«20 11 46 ar. .CVun.Uke ar SOl I !5
4 11 11 in lv •' lv 6 ii 12 5S
140 11 :I"> ;ir .KXJHI. I'ark .r 7 50 1 1 10
4 40 11 35 lv •• lv I 7 50 1 10
4 48 ar.. Lineavilie .ar 10 25:
lv •' , IT 7 20 11 55
4 16 11 10 Hartatown 8 07 1 31
4 11 11 04 Adanwvilic 8 12 1 37
I 02 10 53 Ongood s 2) 1 4s
6 10 3 55 10 47 flreenviile 5 30 8 20 1 55
6 05 »3 50 10 4n Slienanjro .... 5 3S 8 3i 2 05
(3 43
5 45 3 25 10 21 Fredonia 5 .Vs 8 47 2 25
5 27 3 0< 10 lit! Mercer 6 li 9 03 2 43
5 22 3 04 10 01 Houston Junctiou 9 07 2 48
5 Oil 2 4fc 9 41 Grove Citv 0 43 9 2". 307
4 4- 9 28 llarriaville . « .">7 3 19
4 4'i 231 9 2 1 ' Brarickton... 7 07 9 42 3 2rt
545 iOOIO 27 ar.. llilliard... arlO 17 10 17 545
3:» 200 610 1v... Htlliard. . Iv 610 610 2on
1 35 2 2S 9 10 Keinter 7 12 9 46 3 30
4 is 2 15 9 Euclid .. 7 3n 10 00 3 44
3 4.-, 1 50 8 25 liutler 8 (HI 10 25 4 10
2 On 12 15 7 15 Allegheny 9 25 12 00 5 S5
|ini pm am a.m. i>m p.m
Tialn 12. leaving Grove City 5.00 a. m.
Mercer 5:2-i. tireenvllle 6:05, Kxi>o«ltioii Park
6.5.1, Conneautvllle 7:18, arrives i» Erie at
fi :4o a. m.
Train 13, leaving Erie 4:10 p. m. Con
neautvllle 5;:i5, K\|o. Palk 6 07, Greervllle
6:45. Mercer 7-31 arrives at U-ove City at 7:55 p m.
E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Pass. Agt,
Gen. Mgr. Pittsburir. Pa.
W. R. TURNER. Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa.
A. M A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M
BUTLER Leave l> 05, 7 :;s 10 o.*> 2 3. r > 405
Saxonliarg Arrive 6 :t4 8 US 10 :{ti S 00 5 (H
Br.tier Junction.. M 7 07 3 3f» 11 O'i 325 5
BuHer Junction. ..Leave 7 32 8 30 11 47 3 25 5 29
Natrona Arrive 7 41 844 11 67 335 539
Tarontum 7 47 8 61 12 05 3 42 5 40
Spi iUKdale 7 67 9 02 12 17 363 15 56
Claremont 9 18 12 30 4 08 0 10
Sharpoburg 8 in 9 20 12 47 4 16 6 16
Allegheny 8 30 9 38 1 00 4 20 6 20
A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M.
SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butlei for Allegheny
City and principal intermediate stations at 7:20 a.m.,
%nd 4:55 p. in.
A.M. A.M. A.M. P. M.IP. M
Allegbeuy City . -.leave 6 25 8 50 10 15 3 03 6 10
Shar;«burg 6 30 9 00 10 25 a3 13ia6 20
Giaremont 10 32 ... | ....
Springdale 1) 23 10 40 6 41
Tarentum 7 9 32 11 00 3 40 6 40
Natrona 7 13 9 30 11 07 3 45 0 63
Br.tier Junction.. .arrive 725 9 17 11 17 351 702
Butler Junctiou leave 7 35 9 55 12 36 4 05 7 02
Sax on burn 8 Oh 10 11! 1 05 4 11 7 27
BUTLKU arrive 8 35,10 45 1 33 6 13 7 53
A. M.IA.M, P. M. P. M. P. M
SUNDAY TRAINS.— Leave Allegheny City for But
ler and princ!i»al intermediate atations at 7:03 a o. and
9-33 p. jn.
Week# Days. Sundays
A. M. A.M. V. M. A. M. P M
BUTLER. lv 60610 05 235 7 2»/
Butler J'ct ar 707 11 0*» 325 8 10 ....
Butler J'ct lv 7 2". 11 17 351 814 ....
foe port ar 72811 20 354 817 ....
Ktfkimiuetas J't.. 735 11 27 359 823 ....
Leeohburg 41 74811 30 413 30 ...
West Apollo 44 8 1111 57 435 857 ....
Ibltoburg 44 8 If) li 27 603 923
Blairtville 9 100 5 4<» 952 ....
Hlainsville Int. .. 44 924 1 H;{ 547 10 00
Altoona 44 11 35! 645 850 140 . ..
Harrittlmrg 44 3 lo'lo o<»i 100 635
Philadelphia ." 623 4 26 425 10 17
P M.| A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M
Through trains for th« east loavo Pittsburg (Uniou
Station), as follows:
Sf i>hore Limited, daily (N • • -In-* i . I 'JOi.m
Atlantic ExprefM, daily 3:0(1 A M
PenuMvlvania Limited 44 •V. rna< he* . .7:15 ,4
Now York •• " 7:15 44
Day Express, 44 7:30 44
Main Linn Express, 44 8:00 "
Harriftl'iirg Mail, * 4 12:45 P.m
llarri-hurg Express daily 4:4t 44
Philadelphia Express, ' 4:60 44
Eastern Express, 44 7:10 44
Fast Line, • 900"
Pittsburg Limited, daily for New York. only. 1( :00 44
nd Pitt-burg Limited, dally. Sleeping
ears to Philadelpliißaltim .iv and Wasb
iliglou. No eoJM lies 10:00 ,4
Philad'a Mail, Sundav s on»y 8:30 A.M
For Atlantic City (vin Delaware River Bridge, al
rail route) 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p. ni. daily. 4, Penn
sylvani.i Limited," a:i I N vv York limited. 715 a. in.
Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division.
Trains leave Kiskiminetas Junction as follows: —
For Buffalo, 9.66 a. m. and 11.50 p. m. daily, with
through parlor and sleeping cars.
For oil City, 7.42 9.50 a. in., 2 iS, 6.15 and 11.50 p.
m. week-days. Sundavs, 9.50 a. m., 6.15 and 11.5^p.in.
For Red Bank, 7.42, 9.66, 11 17 a. m., 2 :W, 0.16, 9.34,
aud 11.50 p. m. weekdays. Sundays, 9^6,10.49 a. in.,
б.15 and 11.60 p. m.
For Kittnnning 7.42, 9.31, 9.56,11.17 a. m., 2.38,5.35,
6.15, 7.30, 9.34, and 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays,
9.56, 10.49 a. m., 6.15, 10.45, and I1.5«»p. m.
44 i»" Stojw only on signal or notice to agent I » re
. eive |N^-engers.
4 T' St«»j»N only on signal or notice to agent or eon
•lurtor to re • i\«- or di-eharge paj—eiig« r-.
Foi detailed information, apply to ticket agent or
address Thos. E. Watt, Pans. Agt. Western District,
Corner Fifth Avenue and Sn.ithAeld Street, Pittsburg,
tle j'l Minager. l'ass'r Traffic Munager.
<;?n?rat Patseug« r Agent.
Winliehl K It Co Time Table
In effect May 25th, 190;!.
t.ruvea Wist Win field T '.»> 2 45
" ».-eK»riiic 7 4.y :t o>
'• I ron I!ii.l K «. 7 .V> 310
•• Wli.ftul.l Jnix tl.iii Min 326
" uiiu. H n .jj
" lSiitlfr Jllllctiuu S 25 :i 40
Arriv,* " ulli-r 10 4« 5 13
Arrive AllcKlieny 9 3Hj 5 ill
Ann - Lull .villi. 12 .*>l 5 40
iKHtve l:lair»vill<. «11 225
" A lleghcuy 8 fiO .'I (II
» liutler 73S 235
" liutler .lun. tiou 10 00 4 40
" l.atm 10 !« 4 43
" Winll. Id juiictlbn 10 15 455
M Irnu llriilge 10 25 5 (15
11 llOfjpivllle 10 35 515
Arrive Wi »t Wlntald 10 50 8 30
Tiuin. .tip nt I .alii. mi<l Iron only un Klug to
till,.- on or leave off [irtjisi iiiieii.
TitiinH Connect at Hutli r Juuctluii with.
Trains Eastward for Freeport, Vandergrlft and
Blalreville I nt. miK'tioii.
TraiiiM Wu.tward for Natrona, Taruutum and Alle-
Train. Northward lor Baxolil>ilric, ludalio and liutler.
11. U. 11EALOK,
General Manager.
** UH> Butlor Savlntcs *V Trust ('onipany,
Mirceswir to the liutler S.ivlnirs lliirik. the
latter liy :I vote of lis Stockholders HIKI I l»E*
Hoard of lllrei'tors went Into lliiuldatlon
•laiiuary Ist. I'.«i:i, not lee Is hereby iflven that
sulil liutler SuvliiKii ltank is wlnillnK "l' Ms
atTulrs, the ereilltors t hereof are notltieil to
present t heir elulms. if any, for payment at
t lie Itut ler Savings Trust Company, iloliift
liuslness at the olil atand.
WM. ( AMI'HEI.L, lit..
11-11-3 m President.
• • - • C • • LOTS OF PEOPLE! ®®®® ®® ®
J. M. LEIGHNER. , r^cl.
P. S. — Dcn't forget that we sell Kramer wagons
Report of the Condition of the
Butler County National Bank,
nt Butli'r. Pa.. in the State of Pennsvl- •
vania, at the close of bnsiness, June 9, |
| 1903.
Loans and discounts 1 365 tV4 |
| Overdrafts. Mt'ured and unsecured 0 -> i»i> ;
I S. Bonds to secure circulation.. 100 000 00
J Stocks, securities, etc 270 W\> iH) !
J flunking-house, furniture, and
fixtures 107 511 40 1
! Other real estate owned 0 000 00
! Due from State Hanks and Hankers Ab "vC t>~
; Due from approved reserve agents ;*>
I checks an<i other cash items 4 :20:i 7T»
Fractional paper currency, nickels
and cents .* 07S 10
Lawful Money Kwrv* i.i Bank, Tic
Specie 73 axj *»
I l.pfral-icnder notis :m «w Oft 114 33.1 M)
i K« d<>mptiou fund with I .S. Treas'r
(5 per cent, of circulation) 5 000 00
Total 2 436 307 90
Capital stock paid in 300 WW 00
Surplus fund 100 000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid 74 7:11 39
National Hank notes outstanding 100 000 <h>
Due toother National Hanks 30 .Mil l»7
Due to State Hanks and Hankers.. 11l S2
i>ue to Trust Companies and Sav
ings Hanks .10 30S 4."»
Due to approved reserve agents. . 4ms u
Individual deposits subject to
check 687 4:» m»
Demand certificates of deposit. .. 30 iWK 74
Time certificates of deposit I 22H 4!!7 Li
Total 2 455 387 90
1, Jno. G. McMarlin, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
aliove statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
JNO. G. McMAKLIN. Cashier.
T, P. MIFFLIN, l Directors.
M. 11 EN-SHAW. \
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th
day of .1 une, lwitf.
AI.IIK.RT Lf BOWSER, Notary Public.
A pair of our fine Oxfords will
add to the appearance of one's
summer dress and carry out a
cool effect for the feet thereby
giving solid comfort to its owner.
The range of our Prices.
$1 25.
$ 8
These include Pat. Lea. and
Dongola Kid heavy or light
soles, Pat. or Kid tip.
Our $'2.00. .">O. SIOO Oxfords
show a larger variety and more
novelties in ties.
Merer Bros
224 S. Main St.
Shoe repairing a specialty.
First class work guaranteed.
Certificates for Sewing
Machine given with each
Fine repairing is our specialty.
The most delicate and mo3t fragile
piece of jewelry entrusted to us for re
j) lir, emerges from our workshop per
fect in evety detail.
(>ur workmen are the most competent,
and consequently no unsatisfactory or
bungling piece of work ever "happens"
iu our store.
We solicit your repair work, and
guarantee perfect satisfaction as to
(jualitv of work and price.
I also sell Edison & Victor talking
machines, singing and talking records,
mouth organs, violin,guitars, mandolins
Carl H. Leighner,
Optician and Jeweler. Butler, Pa.
* 4 + + ++ + + + +> **
jM The best place jsj
,3: to stop at
$ when in town is the
* J. H. HARVEY, Prop.
jcj Rates, $1.50 per day.
+** * +
W. S & E. WICK,
dealers IN
l: »u£h and Worked Lumber of, tllX.'Klnds
I' >orH, Fash and Mouldings
Oil Well Klks a Specialty.
OfHce and Yard"
K. Cunningham and Monroe Sts
'near Went Penn Depot,
m TtTvnr \j>}t v$ %
139 South Main St.
Insurance and Real Estate
|A June Clearance Sale!:
o We will offer during the entire month of June special* s
Aclearance prices on Ladies' Fine Tailor-made Suits,* >
*Coats, Dress and Walking Skirts, Silk Waists, Dress'
CJGoods. Silks. Wash Goods, Fine Millinery, Trimmed and I
Unt rimmed. Our stock is unusually large. We want to 1 ' ►
$ reduce it, hence this early reduction sale. We ask you* y
dto take advantage of these offerings: < >
O Suits formerly 00 NOW |32 50 # O
A " " 25 00 " lfi 50 . I .
V " " 20 00 •• 12 50 V
Q 15 00 10 00 )
A " " 10 00 7 50 .
V One lot of Suits at just one-half former price. ' '
w Fine Dress Skirts, formerly $25 00 AT Si? 50 I >
A " " " 20 00 " 13 50 .
V " 15 00 " 10 50 ' '
0 Special prices on Skirts down to $2.08. Come and see them. I >
Fine Millinery at HALF PRICE. '
V Flowers, Ornaments and Fancy Ribbons at HALF PRICE. i
v Silks. Dress Goods, Wash Goods, White Goods, Embroideries, Laces.* I
JVArt Goods. Lace Curtains, Portiers, Rugs. Window Blinds. Oil Cloths. .
1 j
Ifflrs. J. E. Zimmerman.|
Bell Phone 30*. Rnflor Do X
W People's Phone I'JU DUlier, i & Q
3 ' Two Weeks' Cut-Price Sale. g
| The Modern Store, f
J SKIRTS, CURTAINS, MILLINERY, etc., at cut Prices, g
g Eisler-'Mardorf Co., $
S !tnlrc i^d 1 I 001 Mail or Pho ne orders promptly
S POSTOFFI'CE E BO" s I I and carefully filled. g
ijgjgjg jggigjgggggg
High Grade Clothing jGL
It very gratifying to ns to l>e /N.
able to truthfully say that our /y vj Ju
far exceeds anything we have J 01 riW
ever shown in the past. Onr I f L<
customers are really delighted I !/ I
with our showing of I Jr k *•"»
Notice the cut. This is one of vl ]
the very latest for young men. Ar m 1
Our business in this fine line has f j. I I q/
almost doubled in the past three /l is J. t
months. Everybody recommends , / 1 ytij )/!(/"
Hamburger clothing. , r i'
v , r ,... -
\ourd tor Clothing, ,• ■< /J)H
- riopi"". n\
Douthett &H Vj
Graham. 40" $
Special Sale
Of Men's and Boy's Suits
For the month of June.
Come here if you want to save money.
A suit for $5 .00 / or man or boy that will surprise you. -
Can give you these suits in a Black or Blue Cheviot or Fancy
A Suit for SB.OO in a Dress Clay Worsted, also in serges
and fancy mixed cheviots.
Summer suits in flannel cloths just the thing for these
warm days. Several different patterns to show you. The price is
Five Dollars a Suit.
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St., Butler.
Patterson Bros'
286 N. Main St. Both Phones. Wick Bnilding.