Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 18, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. XXXX.
fo • The frequent arrivals of fresh, new Cottons are fast crowding out
the winter goods and give the stoie a decided spring-like appearance, qg
■ Finest line we have ever shown. Beautiful Mercerized Fantjes ■
35 in stripes, brocades and openwork patterns, at 25c to «oc. India
flj Linens, Dimities and Francy White Goods at Gic, be. 10c, 1-tc. W
The Mulhouse Percales are much superior to the ordinary percales
usually sold at the same price. Finer cloth, softer and better finish
and more attractive patterns. 36 inches wide—l2Jc yard.
tR More new arrivals added our large ast'ortuieDt of the verj
! cho>«esr styles of Ginjthams and Seersuckers, at 10c and 121 c V
Decide»llv new patterns in Curtain Swiss. Madras, Silbalines 0
Deuinis. h-I<l Cr-t.ju:ies thit nre very handsome nr.d attractive 1-ic
The finest home publication in the country, replete with articles
of interest to women, 100 pages and colored cover. Numerous illu-
Btrntions of the latest fashions March nninber now ready-subscnp-
Hon hrire •iQc a vear. Single copy 5 cents. Monthly Fashion Sheet
Free. £
L. Stein & Son,g
79 79 79 79 _79 79 79 79 79
C. E. miller's |
79 ORt-AT 79
"j 79-Cent |"
79| f>ALE OF 79
We have just purchased a large lot of Men's good solid
79 Plow shoes at about cost of material. As our stock this 7<?
Spring is extremely large and we are crowded, for room,
iwe have put this entire lot on sale at a very small margin
yg|over what we paid for them. 7 g
They are regular $1.25, $1.50 ?;nd S' 75 Shoes.
Are all clean new goods and are displayed on Bargain
79 Counters so you can look them all over and take your; 79
pick of the whole lot. We have all sizes at present/
but at this ridiculous low price it is only a short time till
79 best sizes will be picked out, so do not wait, as "first here 79
.rr-firgt served."
SPRING GOODS nearly all in and they are all
79 beauties! Style and quality away up! Prices away down! 79
We are exclusive agents in Butler for famous
79 Fine Shoes and Oxfords for Ladies. 79
Largest line of WALKOVER and DOUGLASS Fine
7Q Shoes for Men we have ever carried, and they ar§ niper
'' and better than ever before. ;
Make us a visit before purchasing your fine shoes for
79 s P r i n g- ! 7 o
C. E. miller,
115 South Main Street. - - Opposite Hotel Arlington
79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79
122 South Main St. Your money's worth or money back.
Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing-
The finest ready-to-wear attire that is made. We
have the facilities to search out the best that the
market can afford, and it is now ready in a complete
Sprftig array on our floor. Everything that a dressing
man can desire for his attire can be found hgrg at
gmalter pf>Cis than h§ wyuld gxpect to pay tidr such
smartly tailored garments.
Men's Suits
and Top Coatb #l2, sl4. -
' #l6,
#lB, #2O, and up to #25.
We show Men's Spring Overcoats which, like all of
our attire, could not fit or wear better if they were
custom tailored.
Early Spring Hats.
We are showing all the new shapes for Spring, 1903
HATS are now ready for your inspection.
FLOWERS and FRUIT are going to be
extensively for early Spring fctyte, See the fine
display at'
318 South Main Street - ttutier, P»
fK E C K
% Spring k Summer Weights
\ E ~AVE A IR*ttiness about tlicm that R
[J | lV mark the wearer, it won't (lo to
V* I H wear tbe last year '* output. Yon
\ q U won't get the latest things at the
IK stock clothiers either. The up-to
I 111 date tailor only can supply th«*m,
1777X1 (. if you want not only the latest ( !
(If 11 I ' hi nß 9 >n cut and fit and work
!//// I iianship, the finest in durability,
I II I vliere e'se can tou get combira-
IJ, I lons, you get them at
G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor,
24 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed Butler, Pa
! Reed's Wine of
i Cod Liver Oil
will build you up and make
you strong, will give you
an appetite and new life.
If you feel tired and
worn out try our Wine of
Cod Liver Oil and find
It is stronger and better
than pure Cod Liver Oil.
Pleasant to take and is
inoffensive to delicate
Indorsed and recom
mended by physicians
every where. The best
Spring tonic to give you
Health and strength.
For sale only at
Reed's Pharmacy
Transfer Corner
Main and Jefferson Sts.. Cntler, Pa
Office on second floor of / rmnrj
Building. Butlei, Pa.
t T. scorr,
Office at No. 8. West Dismond Pt Mm
ler, Ps.
Room 8.. Arraary hnil.lin,..
Office with R. C. McAboy, .T. P.,
sooth side Diamond.
Special ittention given I" collection
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Bank, n-
Butler County National Bank
Ottice in Reiher building, cornel Mi in
and E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on
Main sireet
. ifFce on Main St. v-a? Coin: Ifoo*-.
No. 25 South Mf.ir. Street. ButW, Pa
Fisher Building. First door on South
Main street, next my former office in
Boyd Building,
Office in Wine building
Offirp In *he Negley Building, West
D ; amond
Hemorrhoids and Chronic Diseases a
\\r H. BROWN. M. D..
TT . Office in Riddle building, Diamond
next door to Dr. Bell's old oftjee.
Office Hpurs.—u to jr a. u}., jto 3 and
6 to 8 p tu,
f< EO" K' McADOO. M. D.
Hours- 9-12, 1-5. Both Pho^ea.
Troutman building, S. Main St.
T C. BOYLE, M. $
fJ • {>v<C, Vi A d> Koari and 'HJHOAT,
After April Ist, office in former Dr.
Peters' residence, No, I3j E. Cunning
ham St., Butler, Pa., next door to Times
printing office.
pi LARA E. MORROW, D. 0.,
Women's iiDectaity. fc!ou
suitatjau ami free,
Office Hours, 9to 1? TO , ? to J p. m.
People's Phone
I <6 S, Mtiln street, Rutler, Pa. |
At 327 N. Main
LR. HAKLLVT.'M.T).", *
• 106 West Diamond,
I)r. Orahaui's former office.
Special attention givci} tft Wy«, Ntoe
and Throat. Ppqple's Pl»ono 564
aoo West Cunningham St.
Rooms 9 and 10 Stein Building, Butler.
Consultation aud examination free,
daily; and evenings by appointment.
Office in New Martincouft Building,
129)4 S. Maiti St,,"' {adjoining Dr.
AtweU's ofacc )
Has located in the new Stein building,
with all the latest devices for festal
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 114 E. Jeflersou St., over
G. W. Miller's grocery
ArtiMpiul T*feth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Fillings • spec
ialty, Office next to poatoffice.
Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store,
215 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.
Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made of gold fillings, gold
crown and bridge work.
Residence 214 W. Pearl St., Butler, Pa.
Office near Court House
Inquire at Sheriff'soffice or 426 Mifflin
St. Butler Pa.
Office with Berkmer, next door >9 f.
cloanses, eoothe* and heals f f
the diseased membrane.
It cores catarrh and drives
away a cold In the head
' quickly.
; ('mm Balm is placed into the noetr N. f preada
I over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is im
-1 mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—does
' n< »t produce sneezing. Large Sire, 50 cents at Drug
t gists or by mail; Trial Siae, 10 cents.
' ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street. New York
Ayer's Pills i.; - ?;cod pills.
You know iha:. "C..: fcrst
: fv.iily lixstivo .j c .
i ( V.'ant your moustache or t....
j beautiful browa or rich blncfc ?
j Buckingham's M
| J.Octj of drug(iit»or R. P. Hmil It Co., NufcuiNH |
These are common expressions nowa
days and the tinner posts that paint with
unfailing accuracy to a nervous s\ steal
rolibnd of its vitality by over-exertiou.
over-'raiu or excess of some kind. Th*t
| a >yone shonld allow this condition to go
on to compete mental, physical or
gexn ; 1 rnin as it surely must if nenlect
ed, is >i positive criuie wh»-n ihe c:>rt is
at hand in Dr. A. W Chase's Nerve
Pills -a medicire designed for
this condition - a medicine that care-i to
B>y snred by resnpphing the very
e.->ent al of life — Force.
Mrs E. Kearns of 1)0 Western Ave., But
ler, Pa , says:—' I was nervous—f«-!t <i -
pn-sH-d—way down in strength mid
health. 1 needed a gxid reconstructive
tr nic and got Dr A. W. Chase's NfiVe
PiilsatD H Wuller'b Drnti Store Hi d
1 cmij say conscientiously they are fie.
Tiiev made a big change ami 1 f-«-l
bricht, strong, steady and energetic
aj;ain. It is certainly a fine toedici> *■
and I am pleasetl to recommead if."
50c a box at dealers or Dr A. W
Chasi Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. Y. See
that iwtrait and signature of A W.
Chaa<\ M, D., are on every package.
I i
(4 Johnston's il
Beef, Iron and Wine
f Blood Pnrifier. kl
Price, 50c pint,
r>n>p«re«l and 92
wA '•old only at Ll
4 Johnston's ►!
W Crystal fl
M Pharmacy, M
wl R. M. LOGAN, Ph. O . L'V
k V M<tuaii«>r, v j
wl 103 N. Main St., Rutler. p* L
a V y J
Fj Uvery thing in the
kl drug line, f A
Do You Buy Medicines?
Certainly You Do.
Then you want the best for the
least money. That is our motto.
Come and see us when in neeii of
anything in the Drug Line and
we are sure you will call again.
W<j tarry a full line of Drugs,
Chemicals, Toikt Articles, etc.
Purvis' Pharmacy
S. G. Purvis, Ph. 05
Both Phones.
313 S. Main St. Butler Pa.
fc. F. T. Pape,j
\ 121 E. Jefferson Street. /
""S W tSTEII-We want Ruokkranrra,
liin. Invoice < Irrks, shipping, i.ill and re
reivW.g , ] ■! Us; yon 11* men tu learn inulea; tn:u hln
i«», 1.1 ic ksmtlhs, riveters; wwWMiHseini ii for rail
(oa I nii'l stores, ami flftv «« orders. Write qnl< k,
I <e.ltlons now one;,, atoom 203 , 445 I.liwrty Ave
riitsb ire. v-a
o 0
o Copyright, 1908, by the 0
O S. S. McClure Company O
"Girls, what do you think? Profess
or Storm proposed to me last night.
So silly! Why, I never met him until
the institute opened. We were coining
home from the concert, and he" —
Miss Lingard's laughing accents
reached the door of the cloakroom Just
as Miss Waters and Miss Burrows
went out
"Silly! She is the silly one! The
most conceited girl I ever knew!" ex
claimed Nellie Waters, snapping a rub
ber band about her notebook.
Alice Burrows stooped for an imag
inary raveling in her skirt binding, and
Jier friend did not see her quivering
lips. When she stood erect once more,
they were joined by other teachers
and PASSED down the corridor.
The first hour was given over to a
lecture on chalk work in geography,
but Alice was deaf to pedagogic sug
gestions, blind to the vivid drawings
of the faddist who held forth before
the teachers of Tucson county, assem
bled for the annual institute. Above
the voice of the speaker rang insistent
ly the words of Hattie Lingard—"l'ro
fessor Storm proposed to me last
Well, why shouldn't he? thought
Alice despairingly. Miss Lingard was
noted beyond the confines of the coun
ty as a beauty and a coquette. Just the
sort of young woman who would at
tract a studious, earnest man like Mr.
Storm. Yes, why shouldn't he? What
did he owe quiet, gentle Alice Bur
rows? He had spoken no word of love
to her, and yet — Her cheeks flushed
crimson, and she bent her face closer
to the notebook, whose pages were still
unwritten. It had all been a mistake.
Tshe had misinterpreted the actions of
this grave young professor who for
two years had conducted the classes In
mathematics at the Institute. Perhaps
It had even been unmaidenly for her
to read the clear depths of his hazel
The morning dragged wearily. At
noon her appetite failed. By the open
ing of the afternoon session a madden-""
ing headache possessed her. During
the last period of the day her section
must report to Professor Storm. She
would have excused herself and gone
home only that every one knew she
must only sit in the depot during the
hot August afternoon. Mervale, her
home, was but a thirty minute ride
from the county seat end to please
her Invalid mother Alice made the trip
each day, thus depriving herself of the
small social functions arranged for the
evenings in honor of the visiting teach
ers, a humorous lecture, several recep
tions and the concert.
Professor Storm had asked her to at
tend the concert with him, but she had
been forced to decline. Now she
thought, with increasing bitterness,
that he had quickly consoled himself
in her absence. Perhaps if, like the
ether teachers, she had boarded in
"lf any of you failed to grasp the
method used in that last problem, I
will be glad to remain A short time and
go over it again."
What problem? Alice pressed her
hand to her forehead and glanced hur
riedly at her notebook. Blindly she
clutched at her pencil. Half a dozen
teachers remained, and Professor
Storm was stepping down from tho
platform. He reached her side.
"What is the trouble? Are you 111?"
He glanced curiously from the clean
page of her book to her flushed face.
For a few seconds speech was denied
her. Then she replied calmly, almost
"I fear my mind wandered. I missed
the explanation entirely."
Storm looked at the clock.
"You have forty minutes before train
time. Come up to my desk and I will
go over It with you."
Mechanically she followed his work,
wondering if the ordeal would ever
end. But her voice did not quiver as
she rose.
"Thank you. It Is quite simple now
—as simple as one plus one equaling
She told the fib unflinchingly, but
her eyes did not meet bis. The other
teachers had gathered in a remote cor
ner to discuss the absorbing question
as to whether hats should be worn at
the reception to be given that night
by the local woman's club. Storm laid
a cool, shapely hand over her feverish
"I wish," he «aid softly, "that you
would let me teach you that one plus
•ne equals— Just one. May I— Alice?"
It had not been her mistake, after
all. He had meant—
"Girls, are you ever coming?"
It was Miss Lingard's voice, just
•utslde the door. Then Alice remem
bered and drew away her hand.
"Iteally, Professor Storm, if you ad
vance such propositions at that I
shall lose faith In your knowledge of
And with a metallic laugh she hur
ried toward the cloakroom. Storm
looked after her with eyes first puz
zled, then hurt. He had never pic
tured her as a willful flirt. And she
had led him on. Yes, she had! He re
pouted the words again and again as
if to smooth his ruffled feelings.
The next morning Miss Waters was
waiting ou the depot platform for her
"Ob, Alice, you ought to have bsen
at the reception last night" she com
mented as they walked toward the
blgh school, where the institute was
Sid. "Such larks! That little brag
rt, Hattie Lingard, was the laugh
ing stock. It seems she wants to mar
ry Fred Baker, whose father owns
nearly all the stock In the Tucson
bank. She hoped to rouse his Jealousy
by flirting with Professor Storm. That
IS why she started the story that he
had proposed to her, and they say she
even arif ed him to take her to the con
cert. Weil, she did succeed admirably
In rousing Fred's jealousy, and he
positively refused to take her to the
reception last night, and she had such
a dream of a dress too. She had to go
with a couple of girls. Imagine Hattie
Lingard doomed to the society of girls
on a long walk home under the trees!
Not even Professor Storm appeared on
the scene to console her. I believe he
taw through her trick because he was
so cool to her last night at supper.
We sit at the same table. I don't be
lieve he over had any idea of propos
ing to her."
Miss Waters rattled on of the even
ing's pleasures, but Alice haard noth
ing. She could only think that per
haps the idle boast of a pretty, vapid
girl had come between her and lifelong
happiness. A mad longing to shriek In
her misery, to strike the girl who
caused It all, suddenly possessed her,
and she walked like one in a dream to
the institute doors.
The period Just before the noon re
feau was given over to ru«fhematlc».
I'rofessor Storm was quiet, collected,
authoritative as ever during the lec
ture hour, at the close of which the
teachers, rejotcing in their freedom,
hurried toward the various exits. Alice
was almost at the foot of the line.
Miss Waters called from the doorway:
"Alice, dear, -will you please bring
my algebra? I left it on my desk."
With downcast eyes Alice reached
for the forgotten book. It lay on a
desk just In front of Professor Storm.
A faint flush tinged her cheek, and her
hand trembled.
He stepped to her side, and the chat
tering voices of the outgoing teachera
almost drowned his worda.
"I hope you are feeling better today.
No headache?"
For an instant Alice hesitated, then
raised her eyes to his, and courage to
make right the wrong came to her.
"I have been solving a little problem
in mental arithmetic, and with the so
lution comes relief."
"Yes?" he said eagerly. "Why didn't
you let me help you?"
The room was empty now. She
leaned forward Just a trifle; her glance
met his, wavered and fell.
"It was so simple— ju«t that one plus
one — equals"—
"One!" he exclaimed triumphantly.
"I felt sure you would find that an
swer If I were patient."
Wild AaluU la the City.
The greatest surprise I ever experi
enced in the unexpected appearance of
a wild creature In the heart of the me
tropolis was one day In the spring of
1901 when I saw a po|pum crossing
Broadway near Chambers street The
creature had no chance. I think It was
a truck that killed it, and a great
crowd gathered, stopping traffic, excit
edly discussing the tragedy. The ma
jority declared the animal to be a rat;
the minority maintained that It was a
guinea pig. Then, as the police inter
rupted discussion by clearing the car
tracks, a large negro dropped from the
back of a truck, seized the animal and,
mounting the cart tail once more, held
his prize aloft, grinning from ear to
ear. "Dasser possum," he said and
pocketed the future piece de resistance.
I have never learned where that pos
sum came from, but there's no doubt
where he went. Wild creature# In New
York are sometimes seen. Ducks, geese,
snipe and guIU pass over In their mi
grations, and it is not uncommon to
catch a glimpse of hawks banging high
above the city smoke.
Once I saw a woodcock lying dead on
the sidewalk of Fifth avenue—curious
ly enough In front of Delmonico's. In
his nocturnal mlgraUon he bad collid
ed with that famous restaurant and
had broken his neck. There may be a
land of Cockayne after all. Twice I
have seen owls in Madison square, ono
a screech owl, the other a fine speci
men of barred owl. — Robert W. Cham
bers In Harper's Magazine.
Girl and Grammar.
"Out In my town," said a Kentucky
editor, "everybody doesn't use as cor
rect English as Is used in Boston. Not
long ago a young woman from the Hub
came out our way to spend some time
on a farm a mile or two out of town.
She had met the farmer's folks some
where and come out to try her hand
at chicken raising, being an enterpris
ing young lady.
"One day she came into the store of
one of our merchants with half a dozen
chickens tied together by the feet and
laid them down on a sack while she ne
gotiated a sale. The merchant observed
that they were In rather an insecure
" 'Will they lay there, Miss Julia?' he
asked, with never a thought of his
grammar since he left school.
" 'Oh, no,' she replied, half blushing
and half reproving; 'they are all roost
"Since then the merchant has been
trying to coax Miss Julia to quit chick
en raiting and go to school teaching,
and the rest of us are becoming more
particular in our language when the
young lady. i> around."—New York
OlCTtr Rtiponiti.
An American orator in endeavoring
to respond to a toast frankly acknowl
edged his incapacity In thia unique
manner: "Ladle® and gentlemen, I am
the possessor of a gigantic Intellect,
but just at this moment I haven't got
it about me."
Talleyrand got out of a f'milar diffi
culty by a successful ruse. In respond
ing to his health being drunk he got
np before the applause subsided, mum
bled, but spoke nothing, made a bow
aid sat down, at which the applause
redoubled.—London Tlt-Blta.
Pccallar Eifcrlcaee of a Tirklrt
Literary Mao.
Once upon a time u certain Turkish
literary man living In Constantinople
arranged to translate for a dally news
paper a novel, then popular In Eng
land. Each day he rendered a suffi
cient part of it into the Turkish lan
guage to fill the apace reserved for it
One day his peaceful home was enter
ed by the police, who peremptorily ar
rested the man of letters and dragged
him off to prison. No explanation was
given for Ills arrest, the novel reflected
in no way against the politics of the
state, and he had broken no laws. lie
was not even given time to bid fare
well to his ittmlly, but he was com
manded to bring the work under trans
lation with him. Arrived at the prison,
he was given pleasant quarters, good
food and drink and sternly command
ed to complete his task. So for sev
eral days the frightened translator
worked arduously, says Town and
When the work was done, he was, to
his astonishment, Instantly liberated
and presented with a large sum of
money. Upon further inquiry as to
his treatment it was explained that
the sultan had become interested in the
story as It appeared from day to day
and was too Impatient to wait for the
end. He wanted to read all the rest of
it at once! Truly, there are certain
advantages in being a sultan.
The Tallest People.
In a comparative table of stature, ar
ranged according to nationalities, the
United States Indian stands higher
than any other race of the world,
though the Patagonlan runs him very
close. The white citizen comes next.
The United States negro ranks four
teenth In the scale, and of all the coun
tries of the world considered the Portu
guese are found to be the shortest. It
has always been proverbial among
anatomists that blond nations are
greater than their darker neighbor*.
This Is due to the geological iwsltlons
of the blond races. They are charac
teristic of the north and on account of
the lower degree of temperature are
induced to take more exercise, which
throws them more in the open air. At
the top of the list of countries, ar
ranged in order of stature, the first
seven after the United States white
men are Norway, Scotland, British
American, Sweden, Ireland, Denmark
and Holland, all northern nations.—
Detroit Tribune.
a Two Wk««lrd Burrow or Cart—A
Hnaily llunllns Crat«.
The wheelbarrow is one of the things
no farmer who has much feeding or
other heavy carrying to do can be with
out unless, of course, he has something
better. For nearly everything a two
wheeled eart Is handier and easier to
handle than a barrow, according to an
Ohio Kanuer and he
tells how to make this <aud also a
handy hauling cratet as follows: There
is the material for the construction of
one on nearly every farm, and the
farmer himself can coustruct it on
some rainy day or idle spell. For run
ning gears a broken down or disused
cultivator— most farmyards have two or
three — furnishes the best of wheels. A
handy width is from three to four feet,
varying of course with the use the cart
is to be put to. If to be used by the
boys of the farm. It should not be large.
The handles are bolted to the axle and
a frame made of 2 by 4's bolte<V»o the
axle and handles. This frame sHould
set so that about a third of its length
will reach in front of the axle. This
will give the proper balance wheu
pushing a load. A platform of inch
boards is nailed to the frame and an
end put on by means of straps of Iron
to Insure strength, ltemovable side
boards are made of wide boards. Holes
are bored, three along each side of the
platform. Pins are driven into the bot
tom of the side boards to correspond
and lit into the holes in the bottom of
the platform. At the upper side, on
the front end of the board, is a staple
into which a hook, fastened to the
front end of the box, slips wheu in
place and holds It firm. There are
many places about a farm where this
cart will be found convenient The
figure shows the cart compete and one
of the side boards.
It Is often convenient to have a crate
in which to haul a single hog, sheep or
calf. It is not necessary to have It so
large or so heavy but that It can be
easily lifted into the wagon or even
taken in the light wagou where the
animal to be hauled Is not too large
and heavy. The frame should be made
of 2 by 4, strengthened by rods and
bolts. Four inch slats are nailed hori
zontal on the inside of the sides and
perpendicular on the end. Three slats
dropped from above and retained in
position by the mortised end will re
tain the animal when inside.
The crate is about three feet wide,
four and a half feet high and five feet
long. The three frames are mortised
at top and bottom and have a rod (A)
at top, and at the bottom two 2 by 4's
are bolted at B. The floor is spiked
down to these. The slats are nailed
on from the inside to prevent crowding
RI ■ A
R» —.3= A
I ■,» ■ 6 A
off. To give strength substitute a 2 by
4 In place of slat (D), which should be
bolted to the frames. The slats for re
taining the animal are made of 2 by 4's.
They are made to slip down between
the rod and outside 2 by 4 brace across
the top of the rear frame, the bottom
of the slat (C) mortised to tit a square
hole cut on the floor and the top held
In position by a pin fitting Into holes
bored through the top of slat and
braces of frame. The figure shows the
crate complete.
It Pax* to Raise Pl* Pork.
Those who have made a specialty of
pig pork have done well at it. "Killing
twice a year" is the way for us to do
now. The way some of the old farmers
who fatted pork ran out their business
was putting the last pound of fat on a
400 pound hog that was a year or more
Many years ago a little girl who was
quite observing said about hogs, "They
are funny animals, for they have to be
killed every year." It must be twice a
year that hogs should be killed now.
Pig pork Is the thing, and It will pay to
raise lt.--New England Farmer.
Winter Wheat and Rye.
The April report of the statistician
of the department of agriculture show
ed the average condition of winter
wheat on April 1 to have been 07.3
against 78.7 on April 1. 1902. 1)1.7 at
the corresponding date In 1001 and 82.1
the mean of the April averages of the
last ten years.
The average condition of winter rye
on April 1 was 1)7.9 against 85.4 on
April 1, 1002. 03.1 at the corresponding
date In 1001 and 87.9 the mean of the
April averages of the last ten years.
Cauliflower nnil Broccoli—*C'ultar*
Like That of < ahhaffc.
There is a great deal of misunder
standing regarding the cauliflower and
broccoli. Both are th • same in their
general make up and growth, both pro
ducing heads In the same manner, and
to the casual observer are taken one
for the other. The difference Is that
cauliflower Is a more tender variety
and therefore will not stand a very
low temperature. The seed Is sown in
early spring and will produce heads
during the summer. The broccoli will
stand a temperature as low as 25 with
out much injur}' to the plant.
The seed may be sown and the plants
treatetl in every way as for the cab
bage. They thrive well lu a deep, rich
soli. Much better results would be
had If more attentiou were given to the
matter of deep cultivation that Is. In
deep spading or plowing of the ground.
Manure that has been well composted
should be usi»d plentifully and plowed
In deep. By so doing the roots of the
plants are encouraged to penetrate
deep Into the soil, where they can find
moisture as well as food. The shallow
plowing in of manure has the tendency
to keep the feeding roots of plants
near the surface and will therefore
soon dry out and turn blue, and when
onee the plants are stricken with the
blinds no further growth will be made,
ami they might as well be discarded.
The following varieties of cauliflower
are best adapted for early use: Early
Snowball, Extra Early Erfurt and
Early l'arls. There are many so called
varieties, but tbe above have proved to
be the most jretlable on our testing
ground. For second early are Burpee's
I>ry Weather, Lenonna nd's Short Stem,
for fall and early winter Veltche's au
tumn Giant llroccoll; for succession, as
follows: Snow's Winter White. Knight's
Self Protecting, l*urple Sprouting, Dan
iels' Mammoth and the Old French, the
Sulphur. The above will be found to
mature In the order named.—George
Coote, Oregon.
Haadr la Haying Tlntp.
A Wisconsin correspondent sends the
Farm Journal a model of a convenience
for use In hay time. In wide mows or
bays when tbe fork delivers the hay
In the <-enter in
the usual lnan
ner- It must lie
\ forked laborl
ously to the
sides. To rem
| 6 tills the cor
§ respondent has a
board platform,
nailed to a 4 by 0 Inch piece turned at
tbe ends and pivoted at A, In blocks
nailed to the plank, C. A rope Is fas
tened to each end of the platform so
that it can be tipped to either side as
desired. Planks can be laid across each
beut and sockets fastened ou each oue,
so that the dumping platform and Its
attached roller cau be moved eaally.
In order to be effective the hay must
drop every time near the center of
platform. On a wooden track this can
be effected by boring a hole in the
track and putting an Iron plu through
it On an irou truck the same end can
be secured by a clamp screwed on.
A Wlrrw«ra Car*.
I have found nothing better for wire
worms than buckwheat. Had Sub
scriber seeded buckwheat in his corn
last year at last cultivation he would
have had nothing to fear from wire
worms in this year's crop, as It is a
worm exterminator. There Is nothing
better to feed a horse for worms and
bots, etc. Feed at night after a day's
drive or work while the stomach Is
empty six to eight quarts and no other
feed for two hours or more, and follow
up for a month. It Is harmless and yet
certain to remove worms. Now," If
Subscriber will plant a few grains In
each hill, say a doseu of buckwheat.
It will be a great help If not a com
plete preventive for this year's crop,
aB wlreworms have no use for buck
wheat; also It Is generally a paying
crop to raise, besides freeing the land
of wlreworms. When land falls to
catch In clover, raise a crop of buck
wheat and seed to clover or to wheat
and then to clover In the spring, and 1
never knew it to fall of a catch. I)ou't
plant too early.—Cor. National Stoi-k
A Good Lawn Graaa Mlxtare.
The following mixture of the very
best recleaned seed has been found to
make the most satisfactory permanent
lawu under nearly all conditions in the
north as well as in tbe south and in
California: Redtop, thirty pounds; blue
grass, thirty pounds; white clover, six
teen pounds per acre. In the south and
In California tbe Bermuda grass has
more extended use, but while it makes
an attractive cushion-like turf It is al
most impossible to eradicate It from
walks and beds, into which it spreads
With the greatest facility. Country
Life In America.
Airteiltiral Not*a.
Water is the principal agent in the
production of good celery, but the leas
watering it la necessary to do until tbe
plants are over ground tbe better, as
Kmc sol la get crusted from this cause.
To use more machinery and conven
iences of erery kind or to cut down
your acreage appears the only remedy
In sight for lack of farm help.
Vegetable marrow la a half hardy
annual, requiring the aaine cultivation
aa pumpkin or squaab.
Nitrate of soda conalderably In
creased tbe yield of peppers in aoine
New Jersey experiments.
Rape is an excellent crop to grow on
fields that are foul with weeds.
When the purchase of a farm la dis
cussed now in New England, New
York or New Jersey one of the first
Questions is. "Is it near a trolley llneT"
Oat Ik* Ofittri.
A captain of a Massachusetts regi
ment, stationed in Washington at the
time of tbe civil war, was noted for his
love of good things to eat and on* day
dispatched one of hla soldiers, a man
named Bailey, to Alexandria to get
adme freab oysters, giving him Instruc
tions not to return without them. Tbe
man started, and no mora was seen of
him for nine days. Tbe Washington
Times prints tbe story of hla return:
After a lapae of nine days Bailey
came Into camp leading a train of four
horse wagons, loaded with oysters.
Approaching and respectfully saluting
the amased captain. Bailey said:
"Here are your oysters, captain.
Couldn't find any In Alexandria, so I
chartered a schooner and made a voy
age to Fortress Monroe and Norfolk
for them. There are about 200 buabela.
Where do you want 'emT'
Bailey did really make the trip, blrad
hla men and sold oysters enough In
Georgetown before "reporting" to pay
all expenses and leave him a profit of
about 9100. The 200 buabela were di
vided among the member* of tbe regi
ment, and Bailey returned to his duty.
Paper MakUr aai the Bent'*".
Tbe art of paper making la almost
prehistoric. It la believed that the
Egyptlana Invented tbe AM crude
proceaa. This la ahown in the name
Itself, which la derived from tbe word
papyrus, a reed which grows In Egypt
and other warm countries.
The ancient Egyptians made their
primitive paper from this plant by tak
ing tbe amooth, flbroua layer between
the rough outer bark and tbe Inner
flesh of the reed. This they dried and
glued together In long rolls, which
served as a meana to convey their
thoughts In hieroglypblca. This proc
eaa has been so Improved upon during
the aucceedlng agea that today the
most perfect paper can be made from
the meanest substances.
In Ohio, as in several other states,
persona condemned to death are taken
to tbe atate capital for execution.
Itecently In the Greene county court
a Jury waa being choaen to try a mur
der caae.
One member of the panel had been
aaked tbe usual queations and bad giv
en aatlafactory answers until tbe law
yer for the defense Inquired:
"Do you believe in capital punlah
"No, sir," was the prompt reply; "I
believe In banging them right here at
borne."—What to Eat
No. 25.
I Til* Mm Who HtIM «• Wta Is U«
Kcrtlttlraur War.
| Of tbe major generals who WT«<
I under Washington during tb* B*votU
tlonary war one, Lafayette, ■ arrived
until 1834. Stark died In 1623. St.
Clair in 1818. Heath in 1814. Lincoln
In 1810, Gates and Knox in 1800, Moul
trie In 1805, Schuyler in ISM. Mifflin In
1800. Silvan in 1795. Putnam In 17901,
Stiencer in 1789, Green* and McDou
<ail in 1780. Lord Sterling and Thom
as died during the war, De Kalb was
killed In the battle of Camden, Wooa
ter was mortally wounded at Rldge
fleld April 27 and died Oct. 2, 1782.
Charles Lee left the army In 1780 and
died Oct. 2. 1782. Lee. Moultrie, Lin
coln, Sullivan and Lord Sterling were
made prisoners of war.
After the war Knox and Lincoln
served as secretary of war, Bchuyler
was elected to congress and afterward
appointed senator, Moultrie served sev
eral terms as governor of Sooth Caro
lina, Mifflin went to congress and was
the first governor of Pennsylvania,
Sullivan was a member of nongress
and governor of New Hampshire, Me-
Dougall and Spencer were mstnbars of
congress. Gates waa sent to tk* New
York legislature, Lincoln waa appoint
ed collector of the port of Boston and
St. Clair was president of ivmgrss* sad
governor of tbe Northwest Territory.
Baron de Steuben received In 1780
from congress an annuity of $2,600 for
life and was given 16,000 acres of land
In Oneida county, N. Y. John Stark
was pensioned in 1822 at 960 a month.
The first child born under tb* Influ
ence of chloroform was tbe daughter
of a doctor friend of Professor Simp
son, who is credited with tbe discovery
of the drug, and she was christened
Anaesthesia to celebrate the circum
stances of her birth, as tbe first child
to be vaccinated in Russia wss chris
tened Vacclnoff. The beginning of the
new era of chloroform was on a night
sat around a supper table in an Edin
burgh dining room with glasses
charged with—chloroform! They were
Dr. Simpson himself, with Dr. Keith
and Dr. Duncan, and as they sat talk
ing all three began to inhale tbe fume*
from the glasses. Suddenly the talk
ing ceased, and three senseless me%
fell like bodies on the floor. For
some minutes the room was as still as
a grave, and then Dr. Simpson awoke.
"This Is good," he said as be found Dr.—.
Duncan snoring under the table and
Dr. Keith creeping on to his feet. Elev
en days later tbe first public trial of
chloroform was made at the Edin
burgh infirmary.
MaflUasr la Spain.
Never In my life have I seen such
wrapping and muffling as I have seen
in Spain. Tbe men here wear very
heavy cloaks—heavier than any outer
garment we have In America except
fur coats. These cloaks are usually
lined with colored plush; the Insldes
of the front flaps are often lined with
red or green or yellow plush, and of
ten with two colors. Sometime* the
men have pointed booda to their cloaks,
but even when the cloaks are not hood
ed the wearers wrap tbe capes around
.their throats and mouths and even
'around their heads. I have often seen
a Spaniard going along wrapped In a
cloak and with a muffler bound around
his head, so that only one ear, on* ey*
and one nostril were exposed. J. A.
Hart in Argonaut
The ancient custom at Lanark, Scot
land, of "Whupplty Scoorie," the origin
and meaning of which are lost 1> cele
brated annually and watched by a
crowd of grown ups. The town bell is
rung nightly at 6 o'clock from March
to September and then lies dumb for
six months. On the first night of the
ringing all the young folk congregate
at the cross, and after parading three
times round church the La
nark lads meet the New Lanark boys
In a free light, in which the only legit
imate weapons are their caps tied at
the end of piece* of string.
Too Mack Lnnsr*.
One of the greatest pugilists that
America ever produced, John Dwyer
of Brooklyn, quit his regular occupa
tion to enter tbe counting room. He
died within a year from tuberculosis.
The explanation in this caae was sim
ple enough. The Immense lungs which
were necessarily an advantage in the
prise ring fell into disuse in the count
ing room. Disuse mesnt degeneration,
and degeneration meant a lack of re
sistance, of which tubercle bacillus
was not slow to take advantage.
A Sara Smtir.
"I sm fixing up a surprise for John,
but I am afraid that If he stays around
the bouse he will discover me."
"Thafs all right You just tie a
towel around your bead and ask him
if he can't stay at home today and help
you take up the carpets."—Baltimore
So Frank.
She—Albert 1 have come to tbe con
clusion that 1 love George better than
I love you, and—
He—What about the engagement
ring I gave you to wear?
She—Oh, tbat'a all right George
piys he won't object if I wear it
Hi* lajarlca.
They were talking of the man who
was thrown from the street car.
"How badly was he hurt?"
"He doesn't know yet The Jury in
his suit for damages Is still out"—Chi
cago Post
Don't you complain too much, and
don't you find too much fault? Think
tt over.—Atchison Globe.
J a dare Mac* Hiaualf.
An English Judge, Gwllym Williams,
was a great stickler for form In his
court, and especially that robes should
be worn by solicitors. He waa so In
sistent upon this that one day recently,
when he ascended the bench wltb*ut
being duly robed, all In the courtroom
knew that be must have been unusual
ly engaged to cause him to neglect the
matter. When the Judge ncticod the
lack of his rolies, he stopped tbe court
proceedings, made a speech to ths so
licitors on the absence of his gown and
wig and fined himself 10 shillings,
which sum he Immediately paid Into
the poor liox. —Glasgow Times.
Can** Birds Ur« Uasn*.
Msny people declaim against tbo
cruelty of keeping birds In cagsa, but
It is a well proved truth that cage birds
live about six times as long as a wild
bird, and the bird Invariably b*eom«*
so fond of Its owner and Its surround
ings that when the cage Is thrown open
It will not fly away. It suffers so llttl*
from solitude that If a piospscttv*
mate is Introduced It hits her on tb*
head at first for her Impudence In dar
ing to intrude Into a private apart