ft Mi lift fAN T swiin in shackles. It. itlfill %HR I It isn't a question ; of his winning a race, hut a question of j being* able only to keep afloat. The man •who is suffering from malnutrition is like the fettered swimmer. His stomach and its allied organs of 4 digestion ana nutri- ~ tion are diseased. It is not a question with him of winning in the race for bust ness but of simply —=_ . _ =-- ; — keeping up under any circumstances. —.i S.' f Whenever disease y F ~ affects the stomach --- = it is affecting also the blood and the ~r% i _ s health of every or- —~X JL 1 can of the body. ■== 9— e -f Foe blood is only A fbod converted into AB •jf nutrition and nutri- Y' tion is the life of the body and every organ of It. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach ' and other organs of digestion and nutri tion. It purifies the blood and enables the perfect nutrition of the body which means perfect health. "For six long year* I sufftred with iaJigff Hon and my liver anil kidneys wiv'ch baffled tl'.e best doctors in our country," writes E. L. Rau- Mll. Esq.. of Woolsey, Print* William Co.. Va. "I suffered with my stomach nuil back for a long time, aad after taking a 'carl-load' of medicine from three doctors I grew so bad I could hardly do a day's work, would hare death-like pains in the aide, and blind spells. I began taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and "Pleasant Pellets.' Before I had taken half of the second bottle I began to feel relieved I got aiz more bottles and used them, and am happy to say I owe my life to Dr. Pierce." Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 large pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y- Drviilgr preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrano and decom pose, causing afar more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head - easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. AU druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers, GO Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, relic v. ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. For Piles. Sample mailed free. Ona application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. Sold by , Bruaaiitx, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphrey.' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John 81a., New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or-spec ial package for serious cases, $3. ■aid by Druggists, or sent prepaid 011 receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Cm William & John Sts., N. Y. —1 WE TEACH 1- Mechanical Drawing, Mechanical Engineer. Ing. Elect leal Engineering, Machine Design, I Structural Iron Work, Bridge Work, Architect ural Drawing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Type writing, Penmanship, Higher Mathematics and English (tranches. Individual Instruction. Day and Night Session*. PENN'A. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, 1026 FIFTH AYE., PITTSBCBG, PA. 1-03-ly We can turn your Old Carpets Into elegant, durable, handsome Rugs and Druggets. Only Oriental Weavers employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SOX SAGS beautiful and Oriental-like Portiers. Our terms are so moderate—no matter tlie distance—lt will pay you to send to us. DAVID LOVE & CO., 82S Third Avenue, l-08-6m (L, D. Phone.) New Brighton, Pa. JIES WANTED—We want Book Keepers, Un»«?U'.fors: invoice clerks, shipping, bill and re erljik*; young i.»cii to learn tr;i<lcs; machin ists, l/Uu-iismiths, rivotero; warehousemen for rail rmul awl siores. and fifty new orders. Wri e quirk, pn*itf»ns now open, lioom 203, 54) I.lbeity .\vj. I tttsb tig, IT. SALESMEN WANTED •80.00 a monUi and expenses. Can com mence Immediately. A permanent position with chance of advancement. We can ki ve yon this county as a starting point if desired and outline new territory as fast as required. . Look up our standing at your local bauk e nd satisfy yourself that we are Ot K. financ.al ly, and then write us at once If you business. No trlflers need apply, as we want workers who expect to earn a good Income. F.rsl National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y LADIES' TAILORING. Xjenchner—Tlie Ladies' Tailor, Baa got over from the East many beautiful stylet Of nodels and materials, also books of samples a amy description, which he would he pleased u •how Visitors. He will also open on April Ist, another branch at 2404 Fifth avenue, E. E., Thi Arm gaarantees perfect fit. 624 Penn Ave., Pitts burg. Pa. Bell Phone 341C—S Grant. l-03-8m ; " "A safe, certain relit ,vr Suppressed K Menstruation. Never kt„>>vn to fail. Hafo! , Bare! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed or money Refunded. Ren'„ prepaid for • SI.OO per box. Will send them on triaj, to J be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. | m»rr«B MtpicaLco., sonr«. u.cwi.. ... Sold in Bntler at the Centre Ave Pharmacy. See tbe sign direct ly opposite the PostoHice, Theodore Yogeley, Real Estate and Insnrance Agency, 238 S. Main St. Butler, Pa. £¥ If you have property to sell, trade, or rent or, want to buy or rent caii, write or uhone me. List Mailed Upon Application. SCHLOTTER'S. PARLORS, For Ladies 1 and Gentlemen's Scalp ami Facial Mas sage Specialists, Shamituoing and Manicuring, Room 414 BIJon Untitling;, Pfim Avenue Kilt ranee, Plttiliwry, Pn. OF MRS. J. M. POLAND, 560 Penn Ave., Ptttabmrj*. Manlcuiinjf. Shampooing ami Facial Massan, Hallwell's Electric Hot and Cold Hair Dryer L'sed; Ladlw only. Telephone Court 058—5. 3-19-1y . _ . j TA FT' —DENTAL ROOMS.- fcl 39 -sth Ave., Pittsburg, Ft iin We'repRACTICA' * ■ CROWN -nd BF.P.jt warki •M MOkol Hlttbnrj— WHY NOT l)o', J fIJwIvOURS? Uol<l CROWNS L*. fMM wl :iml BRIDGE work reilured tor* IV PER TOOTH AI.-0 tlx 11.l 1 . IThc Wnni "I'ndjtc." Where tli.l ll.at \• ry < 'UMiion word i "flldKi''' come ir. in. iinil what floes It i really mc;in7 Tin* "araiice of i!ip word in literatim- i* in tli<- description of the call of Lady i'.larney nnd .Nii>-= Carolina Wilheiiuiua Amelia on the vicar of Wakelield's household: "I»ut previously I should have mention ed the very impolite behavior of Mr. Burchell, wiio, dnriuj; his discourse, sat with his face turned to the lire and at the conclusion of every sentence would cry out 'Fudjrc:* an expression which displeased us all and in some measure dampened tlie rising spirit of the con versation." l'oes the word come from the provincial l-'rencli "fuche" or the low <ierman "futsoh?" Or shall we trace it to the story of 17<"> quoted l>y tlie elder Oisraeli. "There was. sir, in our times one Captain Fudjje. who al ways hrouiiht home his owners a good car>;o of lies, so much that now aboard the ship the sailors, when they hear a great lie told, cry out, 'You fudge it!' " —Boston Journal. Fifth That Cnnuot Swim. More than one species of lisli is met with which cannot swim, the most sin pular of which perhaps Is the maltha, a Brazilian lisli. whose organs of loco motion only enable it to crawl or walk or hop, after the manner of a toad, to which animal this tish to some extent bears a resemblance, and it is provided with a long upturned snout. The an terior (pectoral) tins of the maltha, which are quite small, are not capable of acting on tlie water, but can only move backward and forward. Both these and the ventral and anal flns are very different from the similar fins in other tishes and could not serve for swimming at all. Other examples of nonswimming fishes include the sea horse, another most peculiarly shaped Inhabitant of the sea, which resembles tlie knight in a set of chessmen, and the starfish. Roblna. American robins build plaster and dry grass nests in the crotches of trees, while the little English bird of the same name, only about half as big as its cousin in America, makes a soft moss nest on the ground. Its breast is a yellow, red or scarlet, much brighter than the American bird, and it sings even more sweetly, but it is of small value as an insect destroyer. The American robin, on the other hand, has a much duller, quieter coat, a more extended vocabulary, sounding many distinct notes of warning, fear, joy, etc., but not in so sweet a song, and is an inveterate worm and insect hunter. With only occasional lapses into vege tarianism, at strawberry and cherry •ripe time, the American robin is really one of the most industrious allies the farmer can have. "Silk" That IK Iteally Tin. Of course British critics say that the practice of adulterating silk with tin originated in Germany. At any rate, it is common enough now. All silk Is mixed with more or less foreign matter to give it weight and stability. Vegetable substances were formerly used for the purpose. In dye ing silk the necessary boiling reduces its weight about one-fourth, taking out the natural gummy substances. The weight is sometimes restored with tan nic acid. Tin is more common—most of all in cheap black silks. Very soft "wash" silks are apt to be pure. Burn a scrap, and nothing re mains but ash. A tin weighted scran when carefully burned leaves a resi duum like excessively fine wire gauze. —New York World. Tlie Dcrivatlou of (Jllirnltnp. In 711 A. D. the Arabs crossed the narrow strait of Gibraltar and estab lished themselves around the famous rock whose name is derived from their leader. Field Marshal Tarik was one of the leaders of the Arab invasion of Spain. Gebel is an Arabic word mean ing mountain. The great rock, which was by far the most conspicuous ob ject along the shores of the strait, was accordingly named after Tarik. Gebel el Tarik, or the mountain of Tarik. It is easy to see how this name became changed into its present form, Gibral tar. MarrlnKC In Tnrlcey. The dowry of a Turkish bride is fix ed by custom at about $1.70, which amount, for politic reasons, is seldom departed from, even by the rich. The wedding day is invariably Thursday, and the customary wedding festivi ties begin on Monday and last four days. They are carried on by men and women separately, and each day is distinguished by a different cere mony. Xo spoons or forks or wines are used at the wedding feast. Something to Itend. Young Lady Customer—l don't know just what I want. Can't you suggest something? Clerk—Here's a book I think might please you. It starts out with the scene laid in England and— Customer—Oh. I don't care how it starts. How does it end?— Kansas City Journal. Hardly. Willie (at his lesson9)—l say, pa, what's a fortification? Pa—A fortification, my son, is a large fort. Willie—Then a ratification is a large tat.—Lyra. They Did. "Do minstrels take in this town?" in quired the advance agent of the Colos sal Black Corfc troupe. "Well, the list that were here did," responded the innkeeper sourly.—Chi cago News. You .cannot tell by the size of a man's borne the siw of his happiness.—'Tal J mage. tipcnte.il IlattleN of lllxtory. Burke in his letter on "Natural So ciety" says that Sylla destroyed 300,000 men in each of three battles, one being at Clieronea. The Persians are said to have lost 230,000 men at Platsoa. II Chronicles xiii, 17, records 500,000 slain on oik side, which, however, may not have oeen in a single battle. I Kings xx, 20, tells of 100,000 men being killed on one side in a single day. FREEZING CAVERNS. Boliterrnneaii Cave* That Are Lined With I'ryHtulllne Ice. There are deep cavities and tunneled rec.sses in the earth far away from sunlight and held in the tight embrace of rocky strata where secret hoards of glittering ice find habitation all the year round. Yet down in these queer places the ice is as pure and crystalline as any that nature maintains in the open air; moreover, it occurs on a truly grand and massive scale. Imagine thick underground Ice walls and floors and craftily fissured col umns beautiful in shape and color str .lining from roof to floor of lofty rock chambers! Anil under the slow drip, drip, drip of percolating water this same ice learns to fashion itself into cave adornments frozen water drops, curling slov-es, stalactites and stalagmites of fantastic shape and rainbow hues. Subterranean cold waves, or "gla ciers," as they are frequently called, crop up in some 300 scattered localities in Europe, Asia and America, but all, with rare exceptions, whether true Ice caverns or grottoes and deep hollows, are confined to the north temperate re gions of these continents—that is, to ■ places where there is a sufficiently low ! temperature at some portion of the year to reach freezing point and render snowfall possible. Pearson's Maga Health, R'ch-s. Happiness. No more "B'ut •>", Tired Feelinc:, Nervousness, Sleeplessness. No more Headaches, Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Rheunn tism, Sallow Complexion, Chi'ls, j Colds, Female Troubles, Let the results of a torpid Liver and poor thin Blood. Victor Liver Syrup, the Great Liver and Blood Purifier, makes you well from these ailments and keeps you well. Correspondence solicited. VICTOR REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Maryland j For sale at Reed's Pharmacy. Music Department! We have added a musical department —good music—good instruments and everything that l>elongs to a music store. Call ami inspect the famous Merrill Piano. One of the best high grade pianos on the market We can sell it on easy payments. Want a Violin, Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar or Accordeon, we have them. Send for our catalogue of 10c sheet mnsic, containing over 1000 titles, and we have them all in stock. We will get any piece of mnsic yon need, in fact we are in shape to supply all vonr wants in the musical line at DOUGLASS' BOOK STORK Near P. 0.. 241 S. Main St. PAROID READY OOFING. IJAKOID. The Roofing with N'O TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle, i NYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. REPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. ANLY requires painting every few years. Not when first laid. r S Cheaper than Gravel, S'ate -®- or Shingles. ["V EM AND for PAROID is world U wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 HLY Other Facts, Samples and Prices aie yours if yon will ask us. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. Modern and Progressive Those wishing a truly artistic picture and correct likeness should not lose sight of the FINDkEy STUDIO, Postoffice Building. All the new and up-to-date novelties. Long Distance Bell Telephone 51 D. People's 236. LINK FINDLEY. AUTOMOBILES Of All Kinds, At Al! Prices, New Gas Cars as low as $450, Old Steamers s2ixi, also all the Leading Prize Winners. ARTZBERGER AUTO CO., 712 CEDAR AVENUE. - Ai.l.kc.iieny, PA. C H U RCHESFR ESCO E D in latest styles. ARTZBERGER & CO., 3-26-:im 712 Cedar Avenue, Allegheny. I'a. THE JAS. MTTRTHA CO., 339 sth Ave.. Pittsburg, Pa., Can sell your Real Estate, Farm or Business. Correspondence solicited. ALL, TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL. DO vol! WANT TO SELL your farm or other real estate? 1 can do it for you. Send uu- full particulars at once. 4-18-03-ly JOHN RODGER, 404 Keystone Building. Pittsburg. I'a | Wm. Foster, j | Architect. | f Plans of all kind of buildings \ \ furnished on short notice. r I Office in Berg Building, J Butler, Pa. Owego Valley Poultry Yards. Buff Leghorns exclusively. At Au burn, 4 entries, 8 firsts, 1 second. My hen winning gold leg band for being the l>est buff hen in the show-room. Eggs $2 per 15, per :iO. MRS. C. W. HARRINGTON, I Harford Mills N. Y. WHY NOT Become an Artist? i Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and Water Color taught at home, and employment given at once. For full particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF ART, Beaver Falls, Pa. Ifo T.- "S yl PER crr.T fcM • - *4-INTLI,£ST , ! I o per cent, i i | £ INTEREST ' | » 1 BOOKLET 1 413 FEDERAL ST. J I WHY HO TOD &KMAIN IDU! when need 200 men for different positions? If you I one willing to work we can place yon. We are able to supply, on short notice, anv kind of male help to employers order will be till ed very promptly. Apply, Old Reliable Key stone Ilureau, 1122 Penn avenue. Pittsburg Established IK'S. 2-5-tim REMOVAL. We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. D. Hrandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones ' of all kinds and are also prepared to "ive best figures 011 Iron Fence. Flower Vases I etc., as we have secured the sole | agency from the Stewart Iron } Works of Cincinnati, 0., for this S town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler XX>€»OOQOO9O<XX X Y 8 Jackson Poole. J X j' A BHASS CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS X X MADE TO ORDER. A 0 REAR OK CAMPBELL S MACHINE V * f SHOP, E. WAYNE ST , V , ( BUTLER, PA. X HEYMAN HARRIS, LADIES'TAILOR-MADE SUITS and RIDING HABITS, 4597 Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street. [ PITTSBURG, PA. :{-19-ly JL J. KOWALSKY. fgsßp' slamifartnrer of Small ZjfL, Gas and Gasoline Engines For Stationary and M riuo Kii p'u"»s :m»l for \ntoiiu.hi.. - '-.U l\ 'V. Mlll >! i« 1 'J I 'T" **" r l { l a, *ksmith Shops, l'uuip ~;\ i"t? Water Running Fans and Ice ' • Cream Freezers, etc. No. 6 4th Ave., Pittsburg-, i'fi. 3-19-6 m WA \Tl3D —Firemen, Bmkemeti, Machinists, B.ui r-makers. Hlacksinlths : •-1 iit lj.« is I»>r rail rails, also drivers ami all kinds of help. IMacs waiting, (ipnernl Kin ploy men t Bureau, -01 Fcile r*>l strc«f. Allegheny, i'a. WANTFJO — At once, girls 1" every capacity; }.> to -!Op«*r week; placed «-r money refunded. General Employment Bureau, 201 Fetiera'.St.. Allegheny, I'a. 3-19-ly MFk C A NT ILE BUREAU, Sfcui'i-w "irsl-tlims 3lrixaiuil; and DlecKnuical PosltiiUiii,^^. Office • Pittshuwr. 434 Fourth Avenue, :i-19-ly ileadackes Cured With Glasses. Artificial Eyes. F'ugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS. ■305 PENS AVE.VTE, OPP. PE\.\:BllLl)lNti, PITTSBURG. 3-19-ly iiriw itiirr .imii'ui i-i iii)ii g Sr'-«s R, 3 a a U Hetnoves ail tic-ire for Alcoholic Stimulant im mediately. Settles the stomach h '.vis i' and calm* the nerve* it once. Produces uatur.l slee;\ Creates a norm.'l appetite av? jjood digestion. Restores vigoM»n«i >\i -'• Itli ai .1 manhood, it will cure the »t...3.. 0*1! i«»us e.tsc of Inebriety or Prink llabit iiiseast*. ii IMS MUUJKUATJC. For full parti« uus n;l<l .-s THE COMPANY, 103 &. 805' a I'ris'i KuUd'jf, l'if tnbu Pa, CMC&KH | S»4fe. ivv.-.v f l:.»!i!« I.A«lic«. ask Drupeist for 1 KlirillA. C. S t.M.I .Ml in Red aitf «;;►!«! 1. • 'allic boil's, seal til with blue r.bbon Talic mo e«h«*r. oubati lutliiik*.»i.4 hi.ifati»n4. Buy of your Druggist, or send lc. n f»- Particular*. lueitiaiN mid • (telicr lor in letter, by return *2ail. Testimonials Sold by all I»rut't,'i.->ts. CHIOHE3TKR CHEMICAL CO. XIO) Mqitarr, Plf ILA., PA 21* i !>on kl* oaw. PERSONAL—Vapor, alcohol and steam baths. Facial aud scalp treatment a special ly. Best of service given. ÜBS. HAYDEN First f100r,202 Federal St., Allegheny City,l'a] PEUSONAL Swedish Massage. .Manicur ing. ELSIE MILLS, 800 Penn Avenue, (second floor) 4-2 03-1 v Pittsburg. Pa. IF YOU ARK seeking employment, save boani n£ ia tile city until ent;.i;;ed. Semi (1 and we will mail you couiplt te instructions bow to<juicWlv secure a position (according to your ability; asiong the Arms in A met lea. unaided and by your own efforts, (fopyrightof this system applied for.) Au Iress, Information Department, Star Kmployment Bureau, 120 Sixth street, PliUburg, Pa. * OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. S. A. THOMPSON, Pit. ISABEL MA 11 A F FEV, Osr»K>p:.t • Physicians. Graduates Ameri can .scluv l. I ;•'» 6 Arroil Bulidlug, Bali i'liuiu 2s 10—Court. Pittsburg. P%» L. S. McJUNKIIN insurance and Real Eslate Agent. U7 E.JEFFERSON PfTTT FP pfi M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 139 South Main St. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable i Rear of Wick House. Butler 'enn'a The best of horses and first class rigs nl witvb on hand and for hire. Best accommodations in town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Sped a! care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses A good c ass of horses, both drivers ajrt draft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bougb •pon proper notification^? EARSON B. NACE. i Telephone No. 210. NEW S ! STOCK I have purchased the C. J. Harvey Pharmacy, in the Stein building, at 345 S. Main St., am remodeling and restocking the store. 1 have twenty-two years experience as a pharmacist, and compounding of prescriptions will be under my personal at tention. Pure drugs and honest treat ment guaranteed. When in town shopping, stop and leave your packages. J. L. McKee, Pharmacist, Stein Block. S. Main St.. Butler, Pa. WALL PAPER We know we lv-ive the best of al grades of class novelties, but to have the public know it is onr aim If in need of anything in onr line it will pay you to give us a call and ex amine goods and prices before pur chasing. EYTH BROS Xext to Postoffice. 251 S. Main St Lincoln College, Rogers, Ohio. Spring Term opens April 14th. Normal Term, six weeks, be gins June 23rd. Commmercial. Ncrmal,Classic al, Musical and Art De partments Write for particulars Address, LINCOLN COLLEGE, P. 0 Box 143, Rogers, Ohio. I" THE PESSIMISTS Have had quite an inning but they cannot shut off the energy of the Ameri can people. The country is making money as it never made money before. (■Jet ruy daily letters and learn when, what and how to buy. and participate in this money-making. M. Weaver Stocks and Bonds Third Ave. and Yn'ood St., PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. Butler, J. A. REYNOLDS, Manager. Family Reunions! We oiten cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some little thing. Get a good picture oi your family and h .me made at your first op portunity. We make the best at $6.00 per dozen, Bxio inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know ; n time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing. R. FISHER I IVi, A. BERKIIVER, Funeral Director. Si <? v»«>in *?♦. P-i+l-- »-»* WANTED -Every lady to send l'i cents for my new !i«rt match striker: saves paper and paints Address Emilv, lolft Slain St., Sharpsburg. I'a. ZAHNISTR & CO. ■t.'u Fourth Ave . Pittsburg, Pa., Sell & Exchange Stores, Business & Farms 4-y-am Correspondence, Solicited. I— wm iMgg. ii Mii hi— mm— i Western University of Pennsylvania Entrance examinations for admission to the freshmen class in the colleciate and engineering department* will be held on Friday and Saturday, June 19 and 20, at ft a. m., also on Septem M bcr 11 and 12, at the University Buildinp, on Per jJ rysville avenue. Airj heny. Pa. Prizes are of -2 fered for the best ei.* : i- e examinations in classics a and mathematics. ] Binding of Books Is our occupation. We put our entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. If you are thinking of having some work done in this line I am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at The Butler Book Bindery, W. W. AMO.N, Frop. Opp. Court House. ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION Cromwell of Willington. IMPORTED direct by owner. Dapple Gray, •"> years old. 17 J hands, weighs over 2,300 lbs. Full registered for 70 years back. For limited number service 415.00. FOR THIS REASON ONLY IRVINTON STOCK FARM, Sewickley, Pa. Correspondence solicited. 5-14-(»IJ-4t Bell Telephone No, 1. \ta A VI The worst p° s " ii U OI Al lilO sib'e spavin can be cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw, splints and ringbones just as quick. Not' painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners by T. M Cr.UGH, Knoxdale, Jefferson Co., Pa < I LEVIINTOINS 122 South Main St. Your money's worth or money back Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing. The finest ready-to-wear attire that is made. We have the facilities to search out the best that the market can afford, and it is now ready in a complete Spring array on our floor. Everything that a dressing man can desire for his attire can be found here at a smaller price than he would expect to pay for such smartly tailored garments. Men's Suits and Top Coats at #7.50, #9, #l2, #l4, #l6, #lB, #2O, and uj to #25. We show Men's Spring Overcoats which, like all of our attire, could not fit or wear better if they were custom tailored. LEVINTONS I MAYS DAVIS Wi"|olesale Dealers ii\ tlie IK i oesit of Liquors, | 1 ess, He e rts ei ra cl W i i\e«. Xleclicinol Trade Especially Solicited. People's Phone 578 Bell Phone 218 3 22 South Main St., Butler, Pa. Early Spring Hats. We are showing all the new shapes for Spring, 1903 READY-TO-WEAR HATS, SAILORS and STREET HATS are now ready for your inspection. FLOWERS and FRUIT are going to be worn very extensively for early Spring style. See the fine display at Rockenstein's MILLINERY EMPORIUM. 3JS South Main Streer Butler, Pfl Most | jh e New-York Liberal offer Tribune Farmer ( VI is ft national illustrated agricultural weekly for farmers and their families, and stands at the head of the agri cultural press. It is a practical paper for practical farmers, helping them to secure the largest possible profit from the -*7" farm throngh practical methods. 1 ear. [ It is entertaining, instructive and practically useful to the farmer's wife, sons and daughters, whose interests it covers in an attractive manner. The regular price is si.oo per year, but for a limited time *e will receive your subscription for TliE NEW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER and also for your own favorite local newspaper, THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. , | Both Papers One Year for Only $1.50 Send your order and money to the CITIZEN. Your name and address on a postal card to THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER, New-York City ■i will bring free sample copy. 'T PUT IT OFF. 3 per cent. f| Prepare for a rainy day by starting a *5 5| savings account NOW, |# #1 We pay 3 per cent, compounded on savings accounts, .j r| and accept any sum from SI.OO up SI SUTkER SAVINGS & TRUST COjVIPANy, Capital and Surplus over $400,000.00. it We also do a general Trust Co. business. *5 J| You can bank by mail. j# THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - " $26,000.00 (KARNED) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS, President. y JOHN HUMPHREY. Vice 1 President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J- t- HUTZLER. Ass t Cashier. XXX »* XXX X X ** X :i: XZX:K X * *-X*-X xxxxxxx***** j Standard Trust Company) j FIUTISER, PA. I 1 CAPITAIS ------- $150,000.00 I Int«?r<?st Paid on Deposits- i Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GRfceNkEE, President. C. A. SAIkEy, Sect\J. and Treasurer. -x-x-x*> KXX*XXXX^X-XX*XXX*-XXXXXX*XXXXX»***XXXX*X**X*-***** I MONEY It on Checking Account^^j nrnr 4/Ow Savings Accounts —GROWING DOLLARS ALL THE TIME 1 i%XBAN Zr°/° jjr B.V MAI Write for literature explaining how easy it is. / ASSETS OVER S& 7,3 OO ,000.00 1 I GERMAN lA. SAVINGS BANK 1 Vv - OO 1) AND DIAMOND 'ST'S. PITTaBI'R&.PA^ |Eberle Bros.J | PLUMBERS | S Estimates given on all kinds of work. ? C We make a specialty of J J NICKLE-PLATED, C Y SEAMLESS, / i OPEN-WORK. s I 354 Centre Ave., Butler. Pa. r People's Phone. 630. c UYI NQ A PI A N Is like buying a gold mine to the average All the more necessity for you to get a "^oX good instrument with a name known for W~ '* honesty, progressivenesa and durability / BUY A CAUSE, HACkLbY OK CARLISLE. 'f&| You <-aDnot be too critical about buying ; a piano. It is not an event that occurs >■' ujsVlH every month. When >ou buy. yon want a > full, pure-toned pin no, elastic and lasting, A not one whose touts will slur after using it V lafe/l* a short time. nj* Examine my pianos can fully, and you v - jMEj J" will speak nothing bnt favorably of them. Don't buy hapazard any where. Start '{.k* ' here first. I know I have a stock, and ' 1V.9 / - c ' I want yon to know it also 1 know that my prices are reasonable and honest, and I want you to know it also. 1 know I can give yon satisfaction, and I want you to know that. Right pianos, right prices, right treatment, is our motto. Yonr credit is good. W. R. NEWTON, 317 South Nain St. "THE PIANO MAN" Butler. Pa. Car] Schlucter, | THE TAILOR, I | Has removed from 125 W. Jefferson street to 115 E. Jef- § | ferson street. Room 6. Reiber Building, Butler, Pa., | I where he will keep a stock of seasonable goods—all of | | the best quality. Spring stock now ready for inspection. | | Cleaning and Repairing. | Good Workmanship Guaranteed. Union Prices Paid. g NEW SPRING COTTONS £ The frequent arrivals of fresh, new Cottons are fast crowding out jB jdf the winter goods and give the store a decided spring-like appearance, jm » SUPERB WHITE GOODS tt fIP Finest line we have ever shown. Beautiful Mercerized Fancies fIP Ok in strijx's, brocades ajid openwork patterns, at 25c to 60c. India (tf Linens, Dimities and Francy White troods at OJc. Sc. 10c, I2}c. flr $ NEW PERCALES * % The Mulhouse Percale* are mncli sntK'rior so the oiniiu:ir» usually sold at the same price. Finer cloth softer »ud fi: isr> 'lf and ruore attractive patterns. :?»> inches wide—l3Jc yard. VJ & NEW GINGHAMS ' More new arrivals added to our large as? >rt!uent of th<» very ■ cho - '«est styles of Ginghams and Seersuckers, at 10c and 121 c Sd) ff NEW DRAPERIES fflP Decidedly new patterns in Curtain Swiss, Madras, Silkalims, v g Denims, and Cretonnes that are very handsome and attractive, l'-ijc oi 8 THE NEW IDEA WOMAN'S MAGAZINE $ #5 The finest home publication in the country, replete with articles R U of interest to women, 100 pages and colored cover. Numerous ilia- U strations of the latest fashions. March number now ready— subscrip- U tion price 30c a year. Single copy 5 cents. Monthly Fashion Sheet J' Free. |L. Stein & Son,| $ 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA fj +X>X<WX<X& 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 C. ED. TVliller's 79 GRBAT 79 " 79-Cent " 7Q F OF 79 „MEN'S PLOW SHOES, We have just purchased a large lot .of Men's good solid 79 Plow shoes at about cost of material. As our stock this jg Spring is extremely large and we are crowded for room, we have put this entire lot on sale at a very small margin 79' over what we paid for them. . 70 ■ They are regular $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Shoes. Are all clean new goods and are displayed on Bargain 79 Counters so you can look them all over and take your 79 pick of the whole lot. We have all sizes at present, jbut at this ridiculous low price it is only a short time till 79jbest sizes will be picked out, so do not wait, as "first here 79 j—first served." I SPRING GOODS nearly all in and they are all; 79|beauties! Style and quality away up! Prices away down! 79 We are exclusive agents in Butler for famous DOROTHY DODD 79 Fine Shoes and Oxfords for Ladies. 79 Largest line of WALKOVER and DOUGLASS Fine _ Q Shoes for Men we have ever carried, and they are nicer and better than ever before. Make us a visit before purchasing your fine shoes for 7Q Spring. 7g G. E. Miller, 215 South Main Street, - - Opposite Hotel Arlington 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 ~79 REMOVAL! Wm. Cooper, the tailor, will remove his stock of goods, April 1 st, from the Newton Music Store to Room No. 1, Stein Block, near Willard Hotel. These w ill be but temporary quarters pendirig his removal to his old stand at corner of Diamond. HAMMILL'S CELEBRATED INDUN.ROOT TABLETS ygL Greatest Kidney and Liver Remedy. Positive cure for Sick {T Headache, Sour Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Constipation Rheumatism, Blood Purifier. - f° r Sale by all Druggists, or by mail, 35c, 50c, and SI.OO Ny HAMMILL MEDICINE CO , v \s ./ . No. 302 MJLTENBERGER STREET. PITTSBURG, PENN'A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers