Time seems J most untimely " when lie brings a woman to tlie turn ]M of life. Life is or 1 f ahculd be at its V j ripest and best for her, ami she ap proaches this change with a dread of its effect born of her knowledge of the sufferings of other women at this season. There is not the slightest cause for fear or anxiety at this period if I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is used. It gives health of body and cheerfulness of mind, and by its aid the pains and pangs of this critical period are pre vented or cured. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is woman's medicine with a wonderful record of cures of wonianlv diseases. Diseases that all other medicines had failed to cure, have been perfectly anil permanently cured by the use of " Fa vorite Prescription." "I feel it my duty to write you as I have received so much benefit from the use of your medicine ' say* Mrs. Lizzie A. Bowman, of New Matamoras. W:»hin|jton Co., Ohio. " I have taken four bottles of "Favorite Prescription ' for female weakness and change of life. Before I began taking it I could not do anything. I had such pains in my head and in the back of neck that I thought I would lose my mind. Now I can work every day. I recommend ' Favorite Pre scription ' to all females suffering iu the period of change 6f life. It is the best medicine I have found." « Favorite Prescription " has the testi mony of thousands of women to its complete . cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept an unknown and un proved substitute in its place. Keep the bowels healthy by the timely use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. I>ryinjr preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the Bccre'ions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is snch a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head / easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo t mailed for 10 cents." All druggists sell the 50c. size. F.lyßrothers. 50 Warren St., KY. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed against Natal Catarrh and Hay lever. ■ ....... - ...... .--Mr-- - ■■ Tf . nr BOOK MAILED FREE. A.A.{FEVERS. Contention*. Inflamma- CTKfcs > tiiin«. Lung Fe*er. Milk Fever. B. lI.IhPHAIW. I.ameuCKN, Injuries CUBC3 i ItheumalUm. MIRE THROAT. Uuiiwy. Eplxootic. CURES S llinlemper. E.-JL | WORMS. Bou, Grub.. E. E.HIOI'GHS. Cold». Influenza, Inflamed Ct'TUU (l.ufitfM, Fleuro-Pneuiiiiinia. F.F.I COLIC. Bellyache, Wind-Ulown. CURES T Diarrhea. I»y«entery. G.(*. Prerenla MISCARRIAGE. H-_W; | KID\EY A BLADDER DISORDERS. 1.1. )SKI\ DISEASES, Mange, Eruption*. CURES ) I ICITK, Grea*<*. Farcy. J. K.) HAD CONDITIO*. Marine Coat. CURES HndiaeMtion, htomach Bta«Kcra. 6UC. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, &e., #7. At drurolats, or sent prepaid on receipt of pric»*. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William A John Streets, Xcw York. —: WE TEAC H Mechanical Drawing, Mechanical Engineer ing, Electrical Engineering, .Machine Design. Structural Iron Work, Bridge Work, Architect oral Drawing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Type writing, Penmanship, Higher Mathematics and Englihh Branches. Individual Instruction. Day nnd Night Scsftion*. £ PENN'A. CORKRgPOXDEXCK SCHOOL, lOCG FIFTH AVE., PITTSTILHG, PA. 1 We can turn your Old Carpets Into elegant, durable, handsome Rugs and Druggets. Only Oriental Weavers employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SILK RAGS woven Into beautiful and Oriental-like Portiers. Our terms are so moderate—no matter the listance-lt will pay you to send to U.S. DAVID LOVE & CO., b23 Avenue, l-03-6m tL. D. Phone.) New Brighton, Pa. ' • • V ••tTOI-V. v . t eep-r*. : .. • \uv i.e vWvVy. .. . bill and re *. . ; mis" to .<• .n. iri-h .1. machln , r. . *i i:v is*: ; v,ar» ' .is? •»:: *u f-.r rail- I . »l lii'T new -. n r|-• niilek. ~M. 1: ;. IS-;..;. 101 1. y W l-0:i-6m SALESMEN WANTED MO.OO a month and expenses. Can '-om rouace immediately. A permanent position urtthchance of advancement. <»" can 7 you this county as a starting point If desired ind outline new territory as fast as reiiulrea. l/ook up our standing at your local bank ; no satisfy yourself that we are O. Iv. tlnanc al ly, and then write us at once If you mian business. No trltiers need apply, as we want workers who expect to earn a good Income. F.rst National Nurseries, Rochester, N.,Y LADIES' TAILORING, lifiiclinrr Tlif Ladlt-&* Tailor, I 1 got over from the East many beautiful »tyle« . r Motels ami materials, also book* of sample» a. Tv ry description, which lie would bo pleased V *li >v/ visitors. He will also open on April Ist, mi .'.her branch at :»04 Fifth avenue, E. E„ Tbi firm (juaraiiteos perfect fit. 624 Penn Ave., Pitts bui i. Pa. l»ell Phone 311« 5 Grant. 1-03-Cm Vniaflam DEan's ( l A wife, certain relk ; r Suppressed j j Menstruation. Neve r kr.«»>vn iofafl. Safe! ; Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed sor moncry Refunded. Sent prepaid for 81.00 per box. Will send them on triaj, to te paid for when relieved. Samples Free. rj I'KITIO MCDICALCO-, BOX 7-4, Uwc»»Tg<. S >ld in Butler at the Centre Ave. Ph nnaoT. ?HTfr u rLP^ '"aSg --DENTAL ROOMS.-- fa jßf 39 -sth Ave., Plttsbt rg, Pa 1* Wu'rcpRACTICA' \ ( a CROWN f-nd BF.i'-.jt ««.n }i iaAof llttsburs-WHY HCT DC; ?«' ; feIVOURS? (i ,I< l CROWN",/. r VIIIIIII BRIOGfc" work r>rT«-«;l. iii;»n . >NLY 'J SCHLOTTER'S PARLORS, For ? .:uUe.H' and Gentlemen's Scalp ami I'aiial Mas '* Specialists, Shampooing ami Manicuring, Room -f 1 I ISIJou Kit rawer, I'll t «»hii ti;, Pa. MRS. J. M. POLAND, 500 Prnn Ave., M.'iniriiriii(*. sfi;impi»oinj; ami Facial Massage, Haliweir* Electric Hot and CoM Hair Dryer I'sed. Lilies only. Telephone Court IK»* 5. 3-19-ly rSec the sign direct ly opposite the Posloffice, Theodore Yogeley Real Estate and YE Insurance Agency, 23* S. Main St. Butler, Pa. If you liavp property to s«ll, trade, nr rent or. want to buy or rent tiiii, write or blione me. List Mailed Upon Application. A PRECOCIOUS BOY. Tlir V.n.ay on M:i:: I !ia« tt u« Written by n Child of Tiiilit lean. I remember, writej a correspondent of a London paper, hearing I.ord Duf ferin tell the following story of the late Sheridan Le Kanu: Sheridan's fa ther-the archbishop of >l#ath, I think —was a great sti< kler for punctuality, a regard his son tli«l not share. One morning young Sheridan, then about eiiiht years ol>l. descended uut.sually late for breakfast ami was met at the door by his father, watch in hand. "Is ' this right, sir; is this right?" demanded ' the prelate in stern tones. "I don't know, sir," replied Sherld. n, looking at the watch and pretending to tliin'< the question applied to It and not to Ins conduct, "but I rather think it's fast." I'or this impertinence young Sheri ■ dan was condemned to write an fssay jon "The Three Ages of Man." Here ] is what he wrote: | "There are three ages of man. i "First—When he is engaged In plan ! ning every conceivable mode of wick j edness. This is known as the age of innocence. "Second.—When he Is putting his nefarious plans ii to operation. This is called the prime of manhood. "Third.—When he becomes anxious about his soul and turns to religion. This is ilotage." And this from a child of eight! The Power of Tboosht. Beware of what you think, for what you think quite as much as what you do molds your character. Wrong acts persisted in will wreck any life, but wrong thoughts have just as sure an effect. It not infrequently happens that people who live fairly good lives, so far as their actions go, do not feel it necessary to set so close a guard on their thoughts. These are hidden, and of what harm is it to occasionally cher ish a vulgar thought if one does not allow it to escape in action? Of what harm to bate if one does not show It? To imagine oneself committing wrong acts if one docs not actually commit them? But the laws of life say that every thought affects the whole being. As a man's heart is, so will he be. Evil thoughts gradually undermine the character,nnd some day these thoughts will burst into action which is irreme diable. —Woman's Home Companion. The Body nnd Soul. It Is an ever increasing pity that the average doctor who tries to heal the body cares nothing for the soul. On the other hand, the parson who tries to heal the soul cares nothing for the body. The body and soul cannot be separated in such a manner. The dis eases that atllict the body also affect the soul, and vice versa. No one who is ignorant of the laws that govern either the soul or the body Is lit to attempt to heal the diseases of either the oi.e or the other. A bad man may preach a good ser mon. A bad man may prescribe a goo 1 medicine. But both the sermon and the medicine would have had a greatly Increased efficacy had they been de livered by a good man. —Medical Talk. ChicUnmnmtn nnd ChnUnnoosrm. The word Cliickamauga means "dull, sluggish stream," says the Chattanoo ga Times, and it is from the waters of the creek that the Indians, who were among the most daring and warlike of all the tribes in east Tennessee, got their names. The original interpreta tion of Chattanooga has long been lost. The general acceptation of the mean ing of the word is "hawk's nest," said to have been suggested by the valley nestling in the shadow of the ridges and mountain. Others say that the word is derived from the name Clano wah, given by the Cherokees to small, warlike hawks that made their nests in the cliffs of Lookout mountain. "Real Indian." A young woman recently received in struction in tlie art of Indian basketry and liad made several copies of Indian baskets of which she was very proud. A friend who had been living in Ari zona called upon the young woman, who showed the baskets with consid erable pride. "They are really very well done," commented the visitor, "but of course they are not the real Indian baskets." "Why, Mrs. Sawyer," indignantly ex claimed the maker, "how can you say that when I just told you that I made them myself''"—Youth's Companion. Woman's Narrowness. Mrs. Buttercup—l wish I had a mil lion dollars. Mr. Buttercup—Thunderation, wom an, haven't you any business acumen? What do you want to stop at a paltry million for when you can wish for a hundred million Just as easily and W"'J Just as much prospect of getting It? No wonder we are poor!— Kansas City Journal. Why She Stood. "Madam," said the conductor to the plain and somewhat elderly woman standing up in the street car, "why don't you ask one of these men to give you a seat?" "Because," she answered, grimly sarcastic, "I haven't the face to do it."—Chicago Kecord-llerald. Costly to Adiulre. "Why is it that wealthy people be come so cold and cynical?" "They don't necessarily," anrwered Mr. Cumrox. "They have their enthu siasms. The trouble Is that a rich man can't admire anything without being solicited to buy it."—Washington Star. I'oatprnndial P'fTultrcnee. "He's quite a star as an after dinner speaker, isn't he?" "Star? He's a regular moon. He be comes brighter the fuller he gets."— Philadelphia Press. A t'ufful (': I 111 11. A writer in an Engli; li church maga zine once found in a collier's cottage In Staffordshire a collin used as a bread and cheese cupboard. Notwith standing his wife's remonstrance, he told the story of the coffin as follows: "Eighteen years ago I ordered that coffin. The wife and me used to have a good many words. One day she said, 'l'll niver be content till I see thee in thy coffin.' 'Well, lass,' I said, 'if that 'll content thee it 'll soon be done.' "Next day I gave directions to have the tiling made. In a few days it came home, to the wife's horror. I got into it and said. 'Now, lass, are thee content?' She began to cry and want ed the 'horrid thing' taken away. But that I wouldn't allow. In the end she got accustomed to seein' it, and, as we wanted to turn it to some use, we had some shelves put in and made it into a bread and cheese cupboard. We have niver quarreled since it came." I'referreil IIOKK to l.nml. They teli a good one on a prominent real estate man of Waurika. Some time ago he carried a prospector over on Beaver creek to show him a certain claim. He told the man that it was an exceptionally fine claim, that the land did not overflow and that ho would sell it to him for SJ.'MMi. The man looked around and discovered some red mud way up in a tree and asked the real estate man what caused that mud in the tree tops if the land did not overflow. The agent promptly replied that there was a kind of hog raised over in tlie Chickasaw country which used to range on the creek and that they rubbed the mud on the trees. The prospector took a look over the land, glanced tip in the tree again and told the Waurika man that lie wouldn't take the claim, but he would give him S4,iMM• for a couple of those hogs.— Kansas I'itv Journal I I | V Ji e i v X ' - f v / '' ■ iggj'' 1 X A FINE BABY. Sever frets even when teething;. *,.> VICTOR Wilts Belief The Babe's Digestive Tonic. An absolute cure for Slimy Bowels, Diarrhea, Griping, Colic, Cholera Infan tum, and all bowel troubles common to Infants. The Mother's Friend. Pleasant to take. For further information address, VICTOR REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Maryland. For sale at Reed s Pharmacy. Music Department! We have added a irusical department —good uinsic—go<)d instrnment* and everything that belongs to a music store. Call and inspect the famous Merrill Piano. One of the best high grade pianos on the market. We can sell it on easv payments. Want a Violin. Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar or Aceordeon, we have them. Send for oar catalogue of 10c sheet mnsic, containing over 1000 titles, and we have them all in stock. We will get any piece of music you need, in fact we are in shape to supply all your wants in the musical line at DOUGLASS BOOK STOKE Near P. 0.. 241 S. Main St. PAROID READY OOFING. I)AK0ID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won ! dry out. Won't tjrO'V brittle. 4 N YON K can " I in-, l * Nai's and < :m-nt in tore nl each r<>il •1> KI'KKShN :'.3 tie I--MII •- «• y> ar> <>i ilxj.ciieiice ami I n perimentin^. /\\LY requires pointing •v« i • few years. Not when tiiM L;id." I S Cheaper t'ian Gravel, S'ate -*■ or Shingles. DEMAND for PAKOID i-- «' ( .rw wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Samples and Prices are yours if you will ask ns. L. C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. A STITCH W TIME SAVES NINE That little cold this strenuous wintry weather has given yon may develop in to something more serious Better it at once. Lewin's whiskey will do U. Try it. ALWAYS IN STOCK FINCH, LAItGE, OVEUIIOLT. OtrCKKMIKiaKK. sir. VKUSO>. Til PKON. «IR>OX. DILLIS6EK. BBIUOEPOKT, and offer tliem to you G year old at |l per full quart, t! quarts »."> lit'. GRAKTFATHER'S CHOICE, whiskey puaranteed 3 years old, 00 per Rat ion. We pay express charges on all mall orders of s.">oo or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IH WIRES AKD LIQUORS, Hon uiSraitbfield Street, formerly 411 Water Street. riTTSBUiir,, PA. 'Phones: Bell 2159 P. & A. AUTOMOBILES Of All Kinds, At A!! Prices, New Gas Cars us low as $450, old Steamers also all the Leading l'rize Winners. ARTZBEIiGER AUTO CO., 712 Cedab Avenue. - Ali mhiny, Pa. CHURCHES FRESCOED in latest styles. ARTZBERGER & CO., 3-JB-3m 712 Cedar Avenue. Allegheny, l'u. THK ..AS. MITUTHA CO., 339 sth Ave. Pittsburg, Pa., Can sell your Real Estate, Farm or Husiness. Correspondence solicited. ALL TRANSACTIONS CONK I DINT IA 1,. DO VOl" WANT TO SELL your farm or other real estate? I can do it for you. Send me full particulars at once. 4-lli-03-ly JOHN KODUEU, 4n4 Keystone Ituilding. I'ittsliuig, Pa | Wm. Foster. | | Architect. j y Plans of all kinil of buildings * > furnished on short notice. f f Office in Berg Building, / J Bntler, Pa. V Owego Valley Poultry Yards. Btiff Leghorns exclusively. At Au burn, 4 entries, 3 firsts, 1 second. My hen winning sold leg band for being the best bnff hen in the show-room. Egijs £2 per 15, £i per :!0. MRS. C. W. HARRINGTON. Harford Mills N. Y. WHY NOT Becomean Artist? Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and Water Color taught at home, and emploj'ment given at once. For full particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF ART, Beavtr Falls, Pa. bank • jA p: h ' » it v -• 4- INTEREST i i O pehceut. j |! intere;st ■! WRITE FOR vj T t BOOKLET t 113 FEDERAL ST. ; I v { D&lr--- WHY DO Vol REMAIN IDLE when we need men for different positions? If you one willing to work we can place yon. We are aide to supply, on short notice, any kind of male help to employers order will he till ed very promptly. Anply, Old Reliable Key stone [iureau, 1122 l'enn avenue, Pittsburg, Established 1875. 2 5-tSm I REMOVAL We have removed our Marble anil Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. D. ! Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our ! customers with figures that are j right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and arc also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works of Cincinnati, 0., for tliis town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler X X •'Sllll-lllli"- X X BHASS CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS X A MADE TO ORDER. A 0 REAR OF CAMPBELL S MACHINE V SHOP, E. WAYNE ST , V X BUTLER, PA X HEYMAN HARRIS, ] LADIES'TAILOR-MADE SUMS AND RIDING HABITS, . 4597 Forbes Street, Corner Craig PITTSBURG, PA. :i-19-ly ,n J. KOWALSKY. <7- M ■■!: :f;K tlir«T of Sill .II *>. u Gas and Gasoline Fronts /t r, 1 - : • ,tl..;i:li v:• I V • :j ..u --(• \ 1 '■ l - "• ' I vi " i-vr 1:1 I v ' K'» »'j .1. ! :ce No. 6 4th Ave., Pittsburjr, Pi. 3-19-GM WA.\TF.D Firemen, Brakcmen, Machinists, lioii 1 iiitikcih. Marksmiths ai:«l lielpeis for i;»il r ;.«ls, a IM> drivers and all kinds <»f helj>. l*i:ires w.ii <• client 1 Employment Bureau, "JOl Fede ral street. Allegheny, l'a. W \NJED-At once, girls in every capacity : ) > . to *lO jH*r week: placed or uiuiiey refunded. (Je'ieial Employment Bureau, 201 Federa! St.. Allegheny, l'a. 3-19-ly IVfFRUANTILE P>U R RAU, Srcuns Flrft-cloM JlfrtanlHs niiil Jlctiuiukal Po.itloug,^^. Office - Plttsl.usg. >*» j:u Fourth Avt-nue, 3-19-ly iloadaches Cured With Glasses. Artificial Eyes. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS 705 PEXS AVEXI'E. OI»P. PEi'iiuiiiiUiM;, pirTsmnc. 3-l!»-ly BRINK HABIT Remove- a!i desire V r Alcoholic Stimulant im |ie1 Inebriety or Drink I {{kbit IHs - THE JICKDV COMPANY, 805 & SOSS* Prim Kcitl«l*jg, Pu. mi-, l: ;?>'s t;«>LiSH && %y ; • . li »:>:• Ladies, onic Druggist for ( lll< IKAiIftCS CM.I.IHII in Ked ancT Cold II I tulMo h<<\ *. soiil. l With blue ribbon- Take H«M Vr. kti-fii-n- d.'iiiffprouH lulwli- Ititiou*:•««;! liny«»f your Drwrgtat, • r »m.m lr. t imp- fo r >»arflealara. Teatl* monlal* .»:. i • JU'livf fur l.actli**." in teUer, k rciiim fail. 10,000 Testimonial*. bold by ail Drutf*fisi». CIiI."TIESTER CHEMICAL CO. 2ioi> Dl.'Mlisuii SquJire, I*IFILA M Pi M«ib :lu» ' hi» I'EKSONA L —Vapor, alcohol and steam baths. Facial and scalp treatment a special tv. Hc.st of service given. MKS. lIAVDKN first floor, Federal St..Allegheny City.J'a) PERSONAL Swedish Massage, Manicur ing. ELSIE MILLS, MX) I'enn Avenue, (second lloor) 4-2 Otf-lv Pittsburg, l'a. X P VOl' A V. K ne*k\: x c.\:\\ '• yruent, rati U»aiU iiv i» t:» • ♦ y until t- - , 1 s Su,\ %. ..u- tlioii (according to your ability; :i*i ng th « f.k r ;,e -t linns in America, an a hied and by J0..1 own eff.'i (' this system applic.l f.»i ) ao 'lreos. Informsi -u Department, Star hmj»loy idou* Jiurcjuu, 120 bixili street, i'ltt*buig, Pa. OSTKOPATHIC PHYHICI l»K S. A. TI!OMr«ON. DR. I9AURI. filV. 5» I I iiVhirt.-ins (;r»6ual<:» Ahmii •■in -clu» i. i i• 6 Arroll bui;ai::g. H«iA I 10— C'Mirt. I'liuburg. re. L. 5. McJUNKIN Insurance and Real Fslate Agent. 117 E. JKPFKRSON. RTTTT Rp - PA M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHFB 189 Sooth Main St. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House. Butler "'enn'a The best of horses and first class rigs nl wavs on hand and for hire. Best accommodations In town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Sped al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses A good c ass of horses, both drivers and draft liors> s always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; , and horses bough 'pon proper notl(ication>by EARSON B. NACE. Telepnone No. 219. NFW " Ilk. VI STOCK 1 have purchased the C. J. Harvey Pharmacy, in the Stein building, at 345 S. Main St., am remodeling and restocking the store. I have twenty-two years experience as a pharmacist, and compounding of prescriptions will be under my personal at tention. Pure drugs and honest treat ment guaranteed. When in town shopping, stop and leave your packages. J. L McKee, Pharmacist, Stein Block. S. Main St., Bntler. Pa. WALL PAPER We know we have the best of al grades of high c lass novelties, but to have the public know ir is our aim If in need of anything in our line it will pay yon to give us a call and ex amine goods aud prices before pur chasing. EYTH BROS Next to Postofiiee. 201 S. Main St Lincoln College, Rogers, Ohio. Spring Term opens April 14th. Normal Term, six weeks, be gins June 23rd. Commmercial. Ncrmal.Classic al, Musical and Art De partments Write for particulars Address. LINCOLN COLLEGE, P. O Box 143, Rogers, Ohio. THE PESSIMISTS Have had quite an inning but they cannot siiut off the energy of the Ameri can people. The country is making money as it never made money before. (let mv daily letters and learn when, what and how to buy, and participate in this money-making. R. M. Weaver Stocls and Bonds Third Ave. and Wood St., PITTSBURG. Local office, 2135. Main St. Butler. J. A. REYNOLDS, Manager. Family Reuq ions! We often cause ourselves end less worry and lemorse by neg lecting to do some little thing. Get a good pictuic of your family and h'-ine made at your first op portunity We make the best at $6.00 per dozen, Sxio inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know 05 Main St., SharpsburK. PH. ZAHNISCR & CO. 4:.'i; Fourth Ave . Pittsburg, Pa., Sell & Exchange Stores, Business & Farms 4-u-.'lci Correspondence, Solicited. I Western University of Pennsylvania fl Entrance examinations for admission to the I freshmen class in the c ileniatr and P departments will he held on Friday and Saturday, L mc 1Q and 20. ivO.J, at «a. tn., also on Septrm S t pci 11 :.'i.d 12. at ti •V: er .ily Building, on Per c ryfcvillc avn.vf, f'a. Prizes are of S fered fur the br ■ • .:,rr examinations ia classics < mathematics Binding of Books Is our occupation. We put our j entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our | work. If you are thinking of having some work done in this line I am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at Tl?e Butler Book Bindery, W. W. A MOM, Prop. OPD. Conrt House. ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION Cromwell of Willington. IMPORTED direct by owner. Dapple Gray, 5 years old, 171 hands, weighs over 2,1500 lbs. Full registered for 70 years back. For limited number service 515.00. FOR THIS SEASON ONLY. IRVINTON STOCK FARM, Sewickley, Pa. Correspondence solicited. 5-14-(M-4t Bell Telephone No, 1. VfA UJ) I Yf T V C The worst poe i\ U Ul A i li\ kJ sib''- spavin can be cured in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw, splints and ringbones just as quick. Not' painful and never has failed. Detailed ! information about this new method sent j free to horse owners by T. M CLUGH, j Knoxdale, Jefferson Co,, Pa LEVIINTOINS 122 South Main St. Your money's worth or money back Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing. The finest ready-to-wear attire that is made. We have the facilities to search out the best that the market can afford, and it is now ready in a complete Spring array on our floor. Everything that a dressing man can desire for his attire can be found here at a smaller price than he would expect to pay for such smartly tailored garments. Men's Suits and Top Coats at #7.50, #9, sl2, sl4, sl6, #lB, #2O, and nj to #25. We show Men's Spring Overcoats which, like all of our attire, could not fit or wear better if they were custom tailored. LEVINTONS' IMA VS & DAVIS Wt-iolescile Dealers ii\ tlie IP'inewt of Licjuors, Ales, Heersand j Medicinal Trade Especially Solicited. 9 People's I'hone 578 Bell Phone 218 322 South Main St., Butler, Pa. Early Spring Hats. We are showing all the new shapes for Spring, 1903 READY-TO-WEAR HATS, SAILORS and STREET HATS are now ready for your inspection. FLOWERS and FRUIT are going to be worn very extensively for early Spring style. See the fine display at Rockenstein's MILLINERY EMPORIUM. 328 South Main Slretrt. - - Butler, P» Most New-York Liberal Offer I Tribune Farmer Of I is a national illustrated agricultural weekly for farmers and their families, and stauds at the head of the agri- The | cultural press. It is a practical paper for practical farmers, helping them to secure the largest possible profit from the -\7" farui through practical methods. 1 ear. It is entertaining instructive and practically useful to the farmer's wife, son? and daughters, whose interests it covers in an attractive manner. The regular price is SI.OO per year, but for 1 limited time we will receive your subscription for THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER and also for your own favorite local newspaper. THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. I Both Papers One Year for Only $1.50 vfhk "| (H Send your order and money to the CITIZEN. .. r-.-vva Your name and address on a postal card to THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER, New-York City will bring free sample copy. !| 3 per cent. DON'T PUT IT OFF. 3 per cent. |i J* Prepare for a rainy day by starting a #5 JJ savings account NOW. I# We pay 3 per cent, compounded on savings accounts, J #J and accept any sum from SI.OO up Jf SUTkER SAVINGS & TRUST CO/V\PANy, Capital and Surplus over 5400.000.00. Jf We also do a general Trust Co. business. *4 J* You can bank by mail. |# # * * * * * * * ** ***#. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLEK, PA. CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - " $26,000.00 Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOUNKINS, President.. JOHN E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J- F- HUTZLER, Asst Cashier. X X X X XX ******* ******** *#** X XX * W. * X* *-*-** «*** | Standard Trust Company | RUTbER, PA. I CAPITAL ------- $150,000.00 I Paid on Deposits. Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GR66NLEE, President. C. A. 15AIt?EV, SectV. and Treasurer. ' ' '*'■ ' """"l fulwrw -IS HEVER IDLF. '"V 1 MONEY It earns 2(9/ on Checking Accounts V UC3C 4/(9on Savings Accounts THE TIME 1 Ms Avingi Checking VBi accounts " JaBL' 0 /oJr BAN K Zr°/o yr BY MAI i— X / Write for literature explaining how rosy II is. / Assets Ouor !& 7, 3 00,000.00 1 I GERMAN IA. SAVINGS BANK J V WOOO AND Ul AM OND STS. PITT-SttURO, PA^^ UYI N Q A PI A N o^% - - ■ —■— 1 8 like buying a gold mine to the average bnsitess man. V\ All the more necessity fur jon to get a r K°°d ir f-trnm.rit with a name known for j\ hontsty, progressive!.ess and durability ; BIV A CAHSE < HACkLEY OR CARLISLF. You < annot be too critical about baying x\yl\ r piano. It is not an event that occurs -'•*" j every month. When >on buy. yon want a l J full, pure-tontd piano, elastic and lasting, 'ti y n °t one whose tones will slur after using it *■/ttOr h short time. jmKP '•f Examine my pianos carefolly, r.r.d yon 12. ~~ s P*' fl k nothing but favorably of them. . £ Good Workmanship Guaranteed. 1 | Union Prices Paid. | J NEW SPRING COTTONS f The frequent arrivals of fresh, new Cottons are fast crowding out JR dp the winter goods and give the store a decided spring-like appearance, jm $ SUPERB WHITE GOODS * fIP Finest line we have ever shown. Beautiful Mercerized Fancies Qk in stripes, brocades and openwork patterns, at 25c to t>Oc. India Linens, Dimities and Francy White Goods at 6Jc, Bc. 10c, M $ NEW PERCALES « 1 The Mnlhouse Percales are much snperier to the ordinary percales fR ' id U8na11 ? sold at the sain* price. Fiuer cloth ni'frer uud better finish J> |?V and mon-attractive patterns lit} inches wide —I2JC yard. g NEW GINGHAMS & Mor«* new arriviN added t<> • >itr l.irnv nss irtiuent .if tH«* v-r\ I | h cho'-iest stylts of Gintthauis uud Seersuckers. at 1(K: and 1 .!*• | * NEW DRAPERIES & fef? Decidedly lie** pntrerr-s m Cuiiaiii Swiss Madr«••. Si ka!iu>i-, W fj" Demuis. nnd Cretonnes til it are very hau l*i >ie and attractive l'.'Jc & THE NEW IDEA WOMAN'S MAGAZINE f. 45 The finest home publication in the country, replete with nrticlea U of interest to women, 100 pngrs and colored cover. Numerous illn- U atrations of the latest fashions March number now ready-anhscrip- tion i rice 50c a year. Single copy 5 cents. Fashion Sheet < Free. \w | L. Stein & Son J £ 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA £ 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 • I C. E. miller's , 79 GREAT 79 » 79-Cent » ■y ' 79 SALE OF 79 :,»MEN'S PLOW SHOES,, We have just purchased a large lot of Men's good solid! jg Plow shoes at about cost of material. As our stock Spring is extremely large and we are crowded for room.i we have put this entire lot on sale at a very small margin' ; what we paid for them. jyg They are regular $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Shoes. Are all clean new goods and are displayed on Bargain 79 Counters so you can look them all over and take your 79 pick of the whole lot. We have all sizes at present, but at this ridiculous low price it is only a short time till 79 best sizes will be picked out, so do not wait, as "first here 79 —first served." SPRING GOODS nearly all in and they are all 79 beauties! Style and quality away up! Prices away down! 79 We are exclusive agents in Butler for famous DOROTHY DODD 79 Fine Shoes and Oxfords for Ladies. 79 Largest line of WALKOVER and DOUGLASS Fine _ Q .Shoes for Men we have ever carried, and they are nicer jand better than ever before. Make us a visit before purchasing your fine shoes for 7 g Spring. C. E. miller, 215 South Main Street, - - Opposite Hotel Arlington 79 79 79 79 79 79 ~W. 19 79 We are having Spring weather, why not look about for your new Spring Suit. Showing the newest shades and stripes in Scotch Cloths and Fancy VY orsteds. Prices range from 85 to sls. Coats are all made non-breakable front and are cut the latest fashion, llave a look. No trouble to us. Schaul <& Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. 137 South Main St., Butler. ~ REMOVAL! Win. Cooper, the tailor, will remove his stock of goods, April Ist, from the Newton Music Store to Room No. 1, Stein Block, near Willard Hotel. These will be but temporary quarters pending his removal to his old stand at corner of Diamond. ii