THE; CI rixiCN. WILLIAM O. NEOLKY - Publisher. THURSDAY, MAY 2*. 190:5. Sl.oo per year in Advance, Otherwise $1.50. r "" Republican County Ticket. For Jury Commissioner. A. O. EBEKHART. POLITICAL. Th.- Republican State Convention as sembled in Harrisburg. yesterday, and adopted the program and resolutions previously prepared, and nominated the slated candidates, without dissent John J. Henderson of Crawford Co. and Thomas A. Morrison of McKean Co., both said to be good men by those here who know them, %vere nominated for the vacancies in the Superior Court; while W. L. Mathues and W. P. Snyder, both from the southeastern corner of the state were nominated for State Treasurer aud Auditor General. The "platform" indorses Penny packer, and favors the admission of Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma as states. The Huntingdon County Republican Convention adjourned without adopting any resolutions —due to the decided anti-muzzier sentiment of the body. If the same subservient, mercenary spirit, which controlled the late county Republican Convention had always b?en dominant there would never have been a Declaration of Independence, a Republican party, nor a United States of America. The resolutions adopted by the Beaver County Republican Committee, are - similar to the ones adopted here, with the addition of favoring the admission of Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma a3 states. Senator Quay was present aud dictated the resolutions, a copy of which seems to have been sent toßntler some days ago. At the Democratic convention in But ler, Monday, Amos L. Cooper of a lencia was declared the nominee for Jury Commissioner. A Democratic nominee of last year was present, and stated that he had made a list of the traitors in the party. Pennsylvania by its recent press.gag law.has contributed a plank to the next Democratic national platform the freed.; mof the press. Republican lead ers here condemn it with the severest terms, but are comforting themselves with the belief that the Democracy will lose sight of it in a few months. Free dom of discussion was one of the first battle cries of Republicanism in the days when the anti-slavery papers were thrown out of the mails below the old Mason and Dixon line. And it was in the same State of Pennsylvania, at the Pittsburg convention which nominated Fremont, that the declaration was first made. '•Free men, free soil, free speech." was the slogan.—Washington Correspond ence. DITRIN<; an automobile race in France, last week ten men were killed and several injured. One man got his machine up to eighty-eight miles an hour. Some Americans were entered for the race but withdrew. One machine was upset and burned, with its owner under it. The Government stopped the race, which was to have been from Paris to Madrid, Illustrating Its Character. The report that the first test of the Salus-Grady libel act is to come from Connellsville, where five Councilmen resent charges made against them by a local paper, is discussed far and wide as an illustration of that net. The fact is, however, that the only bearing of the case on the new enactment is to show its utter remoteness from its professed purpose. The charge made was that the Councilmen used their official positions to extort, or attempt to extort, passes from a railroad company. If this charge was false it was libel, and the remedy under the old law was more severe thin under the new one. Under the act of 1901, if it was shown that sach a false charge was made either maliciously or negligently, exemplary damages could be awarded if the jury deemed proper. Under the nev law negligence must be shown, and only compensatory damages, including re compense for "feelings," could be ob tained. On the other hand, if the chirge is true, it is privileged matter under the Constitution. For defamation of either public men c- private citizens the new law adds nothing to the penalties already exist ing. It is impossible to suppose that any of its supporters believed its pur pose to be to reach these real abuses. Its sole effect is to open the door to petty prosecutions for the innocent aud non-libelous slips of newspapers, and the purpose of its enactment, so far as can be seen, is to exhibit the hatred of the political masters of the State for the newspaper.—Dispatch. Proposed Trolley to Pittsburg:. Arrangements are being made by a syndicate of Pittsburg and Butler cap italists, represented by J. V. Ritts of Butler County National Bank and John B. Chapman, a well-known Pittsburg attorney, for the construction of a trac tion road between Pittsburg and Butler at the cost of about $500,000. A verbal understanding is said to have lieen reached with the officials of tho Pitts burg Railways Company regarding a proposed connection at Etna, and the right to use the Butler plank road is said to have been procured. The pro moters are heavy owners in the Butler Street Railway Company. The scheme is to build a line along the Butler plank road from Etna, here connection will be made with the Millvale, Etna Sliarps bnrg line of the Pittsburg Railways Company. Some of the grades on the plank road are heavy, especially neat tiakerstown and Tall Cavey hill, but * hey arenot considered as obstructing the success of the road. The territory through which the road would go has not been extensiyely developed but it is believed that a traction road operating fa-1 cars will assist in building up rap idly the beautiful valleys betweeu Alle gheny and Butler. The growth of Butler has been very heavy, but the passenger transportation facilities are not believed to have been equal to the strides taken in population Butler now has four railroads and a traction line is deemed necessary. About 25 miles of track will be neces sary to carry the road to Etna A charter was obtained a few days a - ) by R. W. Ilervey and others for a P .s&nger railway in iJutler to connect * ith Butler line, the idea being to reach n -.v property brought into the market by the rapid growth and big industrial improvements. The two projects are to harmonize. Representatives of thi syndicate con tured with President J. D. Callery of the Pittsburg Railways Company a few ii.-.ys ago in an unofficial way, with the ; ulna of obtaining some assurance of , fneudly relations in case the road from •'. itier is constructed. It is stated that Mr. Callery said that connectu n ov< r the Pittsburg Railways lines into Pittsburg would bo given.— Pittsburg Sunday Dispatch. Butler County Land Titles. (Continued from May 14th > The Acts of March 12, 17*;!. ai-d March 24, 1785, defined the donation district, and provided for surveying, drawing by lots, etc., appointment of agents, sale of plots, etc , and all tracts not taken under them were offered at public sale under the Act of April :!rd, 1*703. at seven pounds and ten shillings, equal to about s3o.oo,per hundred acres. "Very many adventurous settlers pass ed over the Allegheny, located them selves at different point* within the limits of the territory now opened for settlement, commenced improvements, and applied for warrents. But the hostilities of the Indians prevented, al most universally, their complying with the legal terms of the settlement, neces sary to complete their titles. They were compelled to abandon their im provements, and retire beyond the river; and thus exceedingly perplexing ques tions arose in regard to the true owmr ship of the lands they had claimed. The difficulties that thus arose IU re gard tc the titles of the settlers to their claims, were greatly enhanced by the operations of certain land companies that were organized with a view of speculating iu the lauds of this region. The most prominent of these were the North American Land Company, the Pennsylvania Population Company, and the Holland Land Company. The North American Land Company has already been referred to. Soon after the passage of the Act of 1. John Nicholson, who was previously in tested in the North American Company, applied at the land oflSce for three hundred and ninety warrents, to be located in the Triangle, anil for two hundred and fifty warrents, to be locat ed on the waters of Beaver creek representing. in all. about two hundred and sixty thousand acres. Before, how ever. completing his purchase, the Pennsylvania Population Company was formed, of which he was made Presi dent, and Messrs Cafenove, Irvine, Mead, Leet, Hoge and Stewart, Man agers "The capital stock of the company con sisted of two thousand five hundred shares, which was laid out in the pur chase of five hundred thousand acres of land. To this company Nicholson trans ferred his claims, and they perfected the purchase by paying the legal price for them. In addition, they purchased five hundred more warrents fcr lands in the donation district. The terms of their purchase were of course those provided in the law—the payment of seven pounds ten shillings per hundred acres, and the making, or causing to be made, of a legal settle ment on each tract covered by a war rent. In order to induce emigrants to settle on their lands, the company pro posed to grant, in fee simple, to every settler, one hundred and fifty acres of land, if he should comply with the re quisitions of the law imposed upon them; and in that way it was designed that the occupant should secure his I land, together with his improvements, and the company should secure two hundred and fifty acres through him. But the fact that each actual settler could secure for himself, by the pay ment of the stifnlated purchase money, a tract of four hundred acres, under the law, prevented in a great measure the success of the company's scheme of monopoly. Settlers generally, indeed, located themselves on lands covered by their own warrents, though, in some cases, these infringed npon the lands of the company. In consequence, suits of ejectment were instituted against those who had encroached upon the lands to which the company had an incomplete title, and this state of things became a fruitful source of litigation for many years. A far more fruitful source of litiga tion, however, arose from the conflict ing constructions placed upon the ninth section of the act of 1792, in the long litigation that grew out of tho "Hol land Case." The Holland Land Com pap consisted of William Willink and eleven associates capitalists of Holland, who had lent a large sum of money to the United States during the Revolu tion, Prefering to keep their money invested iu the Uniteu States they purchased large tracts of land in New York and Pennsylvania. After the passage of the law of 1793, they com menced to bny warrents, and to locate settlers west of the Allegheny river, on similar terms to those of the Popula tion Company, conceding, however, only one hundred acres to each settkr on their lands. In the course of their operations they paid the purchase money for one thous and one hundred nnd sixty-two war rents, and surveyed one thousand and forty-eight more tracts for location But in consequence of the Indian war, the settlers that had located on the lands were prevented from making the improvements required by law within the prescribed two years after the date of their warrants. In consequence, a question arose whether the company had failed to complete their titles to lands. One the other hand it was claimed, that the conditions of settle ment were rendered impossible by the enemies of the United States, and, therefore, it was not necessary to do anything more in order to perfect the titles to all lands on which-warrants were actually laid. On the other it was insisted, that the right to ihose lands was forfeited by the neglect .of the company to persist in their en deavors to maintain their settlements. The board of property before 1800, in clined to the former of these construc tions of the law, and devised a preven tion certificate which the warrent-hold er might present at the land office, set ting forth that he had been prevented by the enemies of the United States from makiug the settlement of his lands prescribed in the law, npon which he was entitled to his patent : and the Hol land company received many patents for their lands under these prevention certificates. The new Board of Proper ty in 1800, placed a different construc tion upon the law, and refused the is sue of any more patents on prevention certificates. The Holland company, thus refused patents on these certifi cates, applied to the Supreme Court of the State for a mandamus, to compel the Board of Property to complete their titles. The cause was heard at the March term of 1800. The Chief Jus tice held, that the war discharged the company from the condition of settle ment, and, therefore, their patents were due them. Two other Judges held that under the law the settler was bound to continuously persevere in his efforts to make a settlement, aud, as the Holland Company, through their settlers had not done so. their titles were forfeited; The decision of the Supreme Court made under these circumstances, in stead of calming, greatly increased the excitement in the country, and indeed throughout the State powerful interests were arrayed on each side of the ques tion. On the one part, the land compa nies, the settlers who had been employ ed to occupy their lands, and a large body of emigrants who had parsed into the disputed region and made locations for themselves during the war, v.-ere claiming that the state of the country had—within the meaning of the law. prevented the completion ot their sever al settlements, and were seeking every legal means to enforce and defeud their claims to their land. On the other, a large body of emigrants wero passing into the country, especially since the decision of the Supreme Court, occupy ing the disputed lands, and applying for new warrents for them, on the ground that all former titles were annnled b\ the default of their holders. To prevent the confusiou thus about to arise, the Legislature, by an act of the 2d of April, 1802, provided for the hearing of an agreed case, befote the Supreme Court, involving, as it was supposed, all the facts in controversy. The court met at Snnbury, iu 1702, and decided that though tho prevention of the enemies of the United States sus pended, it did not dispense with the conditions of settlement, and therefore each settler, to perfect his title, was bound to rene«v his endeavors to main tain a settlement on his land as soon as the danger was removed. If so, his warrant was good: if not, it was forfeit ed. The Holland Land Company de clined to abide by the decision of the court, and commenced proceedings iu the United States Circuit Court; the judges disagreed in their constructions of the law, and the case was removed to the Supreme Conit of the United States In 1905 Chief Justice Marshall decided that, under the law of 1762, the settler was excused by reason of the war, from ' making actual settlement before Janu ary Ist. 17!Ki, and if he then presisted in j making his settlement, he was entitled to his patent, according to law Un ler | this decision, the Holland Company, as j well as the other companies, and indi : vidnals who had laid warrants in the i disputed region during the war, were ! confirmed in their titles,and thus event i nally obtained quiet possession of thc-ir lands. Many tracts of land, however, claimed by individuals, remained long in litigation, in consequence of the dif ficulty of making proof oF what consti tuted an actual settlement, and as to who were the original settlers under the law, and in accordance with the ruling of the court>: and thus the title to real estate was long insecnre.and the peace and harmony of the country was long disturbed by the ill judged and inaccurate legislation of the State. The effect of all this uncertainty and | insecurity of the titles of land in North western Pennsylvania was. of course disastrous. Emigrants, especially those from the better and more reliable classes of society, who would otherwise have been attracted to that region, were disposed to avoid it, and to pass on further, to the Western Reserve, or to other portions of. the Northwestern ter ritory. Many who had located themselves in Northwestern Pennsylvania, wearied with continual litigation, abandoned their claims and removed to the west, where the titles to real estate were secure. Large bodies of land, too long remained: and in some instances still (1S50) remain, in the hands of specula tors unoccupied, and unimproved, or only occupied by tenants having no in terest in the improvement of the lands or the advancement of the country. From these combined causes, all of them the results of the mischievous character of the early legislation of Pennsylvania, the northwestern portion of that state was long far behind the region west of it, in population.progress and improvement. Yet there was at an early day much enterprise manifested by the settlers of that country, notwithstanding the em barrassing circumstances with which they were surrounded. By an Act of the" Legislature of the 18th of April. 1795, commissioners were appointed to survey five thousand acres of the reser vation at Presque Isle, and lay off t iere on the town of Erie; to survey one thousand acres of reservation at the mouth of French creek, and lay of thereon the town of Franklin; to survey one thousand acres of the reservation at the mouth of the Conewango creek, and lay off thereon the town of Warren: and to survey five hundred acres of the reservation at Le Boeuf.andto complete thereon the laying off of the town of Waterford, previously commenced by Andrew Ellicott. In addition to these many other villlages sprung up, and "the population of Northwestern Pennsylvania so far increased that the Legislature divided it, by the Act of the 12th of March, IsOO, into the coun ties of Beaver Butler, Mercer, Craw ford, Erie, Warren, Venango, and Armstrong." Note —Lawrence Co. was afterwards created out of parts of Beaver and M"rcer. LAST Saturday wan a tine day —after tlie rain—the lirst of that kicd we l»;.d for a long time; and Sunday was ditto. ACCIDENTS. Chas. Breckenridge of Meßiide was thrown from his buggy, during a run off. last week, and had his head badly cut. Bj the fall of an elevator in Pitts burg, last Friday night, four people were instantly killed, aud thirteen injnrpd. The elevator man was a hand and bumped the cage against the roof, then the cage foil slowly, but be fore it reached the lower floor, the heavy weights,which had been loosened by the blimp, crashed through the cage and killed and wounded the occupants. C. F. Cunningham alias Tom Wilson, who lived in a little house near Ren frew, was struck by the B. R. & P. ex press coming north near Mack in siding, Saturday evening, and instantly killed, lie had been in Buller. that day, was walking home, and paid no attention to the engineer's warning. A Crotian, who was hurt on the new railroad some days ago, died at the Hospital, .Saturday. Ra>mond Kemper fell from a tree, last Saturday, and broke an arm. Margaret McOmber was thrown from her buggy and had her face bruis ed, by a run-off last Monday evening. While two E Clay St. boys were playing ' Indian" the other day, one struck the other iu the face with a hatchet. Tornadoes in southern Nebraska, Sunday, near Norman, Upland, Panline and Fairfield killed fifteen people and injured many. John Blank had an eye injured by the kick of a mule, at a coal bank, near Evans City, last Saturday, and Dr. Mc- Adoo rtmoved the eye at the Hospital, yesterday. John B. Fleming of Butler, aged Co, fell into his cellar, Tuesday, and broke a leg. Dr. Bricker set the leg at the Hospital, yesterday. Amos Kearns received a bad fall, Tuesday, by the breaking of a ladder, while painting the Savin? Bank. Great Destruction of Property Twenty-thousand telegraph poles were chopped or pulled down, last Thursday, and twenty five thousand miles of "telegragh wire lay along the right-of-way of the Peun'a R. li. be tween Pittsburg and Philadelphia, and other points. The term of the contract betweeu the Telegraph Co. and the Railroad Co. for the use of the latter's right of way, ended some moaths ago; the R. R. Co. notified the Telegraph Co to remove their property, the Telegraph Co. objected: the case was fought through the courts, and R R. Co. won. On Thursday last Judge Ballingtou ot' the U. S. Circuit Court of Pittsburg signed the fiual order, aud immediately orders were sent from the office of tue President of the R. R. Co. to chop down the poles and leave them and the wires lying along the Co's right-of-way. Each division superintendent had a force of men ready and the work of de struction was begun immediately. The poles and lines of the Western Union along the Penn'a lines will be replaced by those of the Postal Tel. aud Cable Co. Tl>e First Clear Night. At nine o'clock some evening this week, turn to the western sky. There will be no moonlight to annoy you. Venus, so bright of late will set early. Notice the heavenly twins, two brilliant stars not far apart, well up from the horizon. Turn a pair of opera glasses on them and notice the difference iu color. Castor, the northern one, is white Pollux, the other and brighter one is yellow. Now look to the southeast of the twins for the "sickle" clearly outlined by six prominent stars. This is a part of the constellation Lao, the Lion, and the brightest star in the "handle" is called Ragulus. Back of the sickle there are three bright scars, the bright one being Deuebola. These stars com plete the Lion. Between Regulus and the twins there are several fainter stars which form the Crab. Southeast of Deuebola on the other side of the Lion, is the constellation Virgo. Its chief brilliant is Spica. We are now more or less familiar with the four Zodiacal constellations, Twins, Crab, Lion and Virgin. Next the Virgin, which takes up considerable space, is Libra, the Scales. Beyond tha Scales is the Scorpion, whose principal star, the red Antares, may be seea gleaming far over in the east. Next, turning to the big dipper now almost above you, follow the curve of its handle till you find the unmistake alde Arcturus. Its constellation is Bootes who is represented in the mytho logical star-maps as a huntsman con tiuually driving the "Big Bear,'' as the Dipper was formerly called, around the North pole. Arcturus is mentioned iu the Old Testament. Acturus, Deuebola and Spica form a great equilateral tri angle One other constellation for this week; it will be easily found. It is Corvus. the Crow. It consists of four bright stars forming a quadrilateral. It is about thirty degrees above the southern boiizon, a little west «»l the merul'an. Note The opera-glass makes star stndy doubly interesting especially with regard to the difference in color of the sta.-s. Compare A returns and Spiea. Do not confuse the planet Mars with the fixed stars It is the brightest ob ject in the Zodiac at this time. PROSPECT STAR CLCH. License Applications. B .T. For<|ner. Cliicora, tavern. John L. Walker. Centre Ave . whole sale. U. S. G. (leiger, Negley Ave., Bntler. tavern. Vfui. W. Jr., Water and WestSts., Butler, tavern. W. S. Brooks and C. 11. Wendell, wholesale, Lyndora. Abe H. Cohn of 4th wd, a native of Russia, wholesale, Fairground Aye. Phil Kramer, wholesale, 114 W. Jeff Chas. Hindman and G. J. Mangold, wholesale, E. Jefferson St. Ralph Gregg. Park Hotel. S. E Wilson, wholesale, W. Jefferson. Bntler Urewing Co. Charles Martin, hotel, Mars. Abe Flick, wholesale, E. Wayne St. I John McQ. Smith, wholesale, Masseth Bld'g, W. Wayne St. J. Alfred Klein. Hotel Willard. Capt. Herman Liebold. Arlington. Dan F. McCrea, Hotel Butler. Simeon Nixon, Central Hotel. Fred H. Goettler, wholesale, E. Jeff. Earl D. Clinton, Standard Hotel C. H. Geis. The Lyndora. Jos. E. Franklin, wholesale, Stein bld'g, S. Main St. Hugh L. Connelly, wholesale. McCrea bld'g. E. Jefferson St. Dayid Bradford tavern, Fairground a. H. Jos. Smith, wholesale, Pierce ave. Geo. W. Campbell, wholesale, 123 W Jefferson St. Harry B Arble, wholesale, Pierce av. Harrv L Fisher and A. M. Kearns, wholesale. 842 E. Jefferson St. Frank S Morrison and J. W. Conrad, wholesale. Race St. Milt W. Mays and P. V. Davis,whole sale, 332 S. Main St. W. H. and J. M. Snider, Kohntelder House, Saxouburg. P. G. Frederick, distillery. Harmony. Henry W. Stokey, tavern, Zelienople. Morris Tafel, wholesale, Fairground a John W. Loebig. wholesale, Chicora Geo. H. Kurtz, tavern. Petrolia. Jos. Manny, Jr. and Chas. Chackales, Pennsylvania Hotel, Fairground ave. Samuel Beam, tavern. Harmony. Adam Ilerrit, tavern, Elm & Jeff. St. Jos. Darling, tavern, Chicora. Geo. A. Lewis, tavern. Nixon Home. G. C. Haworth, Bowman House. Jos. H. Harvey, Waverly Hotel. ('has. H. Miller, hotel, Evans City C. H. and H. B. Kemp.Lowry Hou?o. David Stewart, tavern, Mars Wm. E. Lackey, tavern, Chicora. Win. Walil. tavern, Evans City. F F. Lnek, tavern, Zelienople. A. A. Hcck, tavern, Chicora. Louis N Zieiiler, tavern, Harmony. Frank W. Chatlin, wholesale. Pierce a Mrs Ottilie Eaabe.tavern.Saxonburg. J. C. Martin, tavern, Evans City. Natian Eskovitz and Max Zcefe, wholesale. Fairground ave. Samuel Wilson, tavern, Renfrew. Altogether there are 54 applications for license, 30 being in Bntler. Among the attorneys appearing for applicants are Thompsons, McQnistion, Kohler, fainter & Murrin. Wilson, Vanderlin, S. S. Atwell, Levi M. Wise. Hutchison, Robinson, Cummings, Ralston, Murphy and C. and S. Walker. OIL MOTES. The Market—Was cut 3 cents Mon day, and the price is $1.50, Fairvie w twp —On Friday last J. H. Dower finished a Speechly well for the South Penn on the M. G. Black. He drilled it 2250 feet in 16 days. Speechley Field—The South Penn finished an 8 barrel well on theMattheiv Black farm Tuesday of last week and another of about the same size, Satur day. The latter well was drilled by John Dower to a depth of 2200 feet in 10 days,—surely the record in the Speechley field. On the McKnight farm S. G. Coffin's No. 2 was completed Thursday ar.d after shooting filled to the top with oil, indicating it to be the best well ever in the field. Two more are drilling on the McKnight. BeayerCo. The only ripple of excite ment in the oil fields during the past week was located in Beaver county, six miles southwest of Zelienople in the 100 foot territory. For the greater part of a year operators have been making an effort to open a pool in that locality At times success seemed assured them and then a dry hole would be encount ered that made the outlook disconrag ing. The theory all along was that a connecting link could be discovered uniting the 100-foot development in Butler county with Crows Run and districts in Beaver county A week ago last Saturday, Datnbach Welch & Company drilled in their test on the Wolfe farm and the well made qnit j a senfatioral start as saon :ts the pay streak was tapped. It started to flow at the rate of 2 ) barrels an hoar, but declined rapidly, and the first 24 hours placed 140 barrels to its credit. For several days the well flowed by heads and was then drilled deeper into the sand but instead of increasing its production got a dose of saltwater and has since refused to flow. The tubing and rods will be put in and the well put to pumping, and it is expected t > make a 100 barrel producer. If that good it will not be eo bad for Beaver county which has not of late been able to furnish anything but light wells and dry holes. In these lat er days a hundtod barrel well in some of the old producing counties is looked upon with wonder. Fillrview Pacts, II L. Storey has gone to Karns City and formed a partnership with Chas. Balsiger in a store. We had a very fine memorial sermon preached by Rey. J. E. Miller in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath at 2:30 p. m., quite a number of old soldiers were present. Thomas Jeffreys and family moved to Kaylor City, last week. James Alexander drove over from Bntler on Monday, where he had just arrived from West Virginia.H* is visit ing his friends here Mrs Dr. Bell recently from Arixona is visiting her brother W. F. Alexander and other friends here. John Graham with his little boy made a trip to Pittsburg last Sabbath. There will be a Literary and Festival in the U, P. church on next Friday evening. Daniel Nixon of Marietta, O. with his family moved into the house occupied by B. F. Michaels here, and B. F. Michaels moved into the residence he purchased from Thos. Jeffrey. Mr. W. L. Dnnken with his family are moving into the Mary Jamison house. Communion will be held in the U. P. church on the first Sabbath in June. Mrs. Ruth Daubenspeck died last Wednesday and was buried on Satur day morning at North Washington. DENT. r • i I y—l iwf c I I lt I Fiddler. een warned to leave Russia within a year. DRA'I US DAUBENSPECK —At her home in Fairview borough. May lfl0:>. Mrs. Lewis Daubeiispeck.nee Ruth Christy, aged about 65 years. Her husband and seven children survive her. She was the mother of J. M. Christy of the Park Hotel in Butler. MACURDY—At his home in Pittsburg, May 21. 1903, S. W. Macurdy. Jr., son of Rev. Macnrdy. aged 18 years GEORGE -In Boneo, April :JO, 1003, H. P. George of Evans City. Mr. George's death was due to fever. He was the second of the party that left this section a year ago to work in the oil fields, to die of that disease, the first being W. W. Rediek. KACHNER -At liishomein Zelienople, Mav '2l, 1903, Zepbuniah Kachner, aged 61 years KILDOO —At his home iu Clay twp.. May 23, 1903, James Kildoo, aged 81 years. Mr. Kildoo had been sick for some time. He was the oldest and one of the most respected citizens of the township Several children survive him. BOOZEL —At his home in Clay twp., May 23. 1903, John Boozel. aged 72 years Mr. Boozel wss found dead in his chair. Two years ago his wife was found dead in bed He was one of Clay township's best men. Six s >ns and two daughters survive him. DAMBACH —At her home iu Conno' (juenessing, Slay 2."), 1903, Miss Edna Dam bach. WALLEY—At the home of her son, Joseph, at Walley's Mills, Parker township. May 26, 1903, Mrs. Walley, aged about 8.") years. CHRISTIE At her home in Concord township. May 2i, 1903, Mrs. Linn Christie, in her 38th year. Death was caused by consumption. Mrs. Christie was held in the highest esteem by those who knew her and the sorrowing busbars ! and family have tho sympathy of all. KRUMPE —At his home iu Ivittanning, Ma> 22, 1903, John Krumpe. formerly of Saxonburg, aged 45 years. Obituary. ASA 11. WATERS. The Rev. Asa 11. Waters died sudden ly at his home, Jnmonville, Fayette county, Pa., on Sunday last. May 24, 1903, ?s» years. Mr. Waters formerly lived in Butler, coining here about l v so, ami called here as minister of the First English Luther an church of this place. The services of this church were then hald in the little brick building yet stauding on West North street and now owned by the Bethany Reformed church. We believe this charge was the first one Mr. Waters had as a minister. From here he went to Prospect, this county, and had charge of the Lutheian church there. While there he was chosen Superintendent of county schools, being the third one elected in this county. From here he removed to Fayette Co.. Pa., about 18fit, and beeimo connected with the Soldiers' Orphan School at Jnmonville, near Union town, that county, where he li.»s died. To all those here who remember Asa Waters the news of his doatli came as a t-liock. No man ever lived here who was more rtspeclfd. And this for the reason, that in the highest and best meaning of the words, be was a good man Pore in Siand deed: kind, generous and forbearing in all things, he was highly regarded by all who knew him Both as minister and man his integrity was above question. In late years he his winters in Florida for benefit of his health His wife, a daughter of the late Rev. Steck of Greensburg, Pa., died a few years ago. Mr. Waters' mother was a Harris, a sister of the late Hon. John R. Harris, the founder of Harrisville, this c >unty. This family runs through a large con nection in this county. The Rev. James Q Waters, who was nastor in after years of the same English Lutheran charch here, was a brother of Asa. The funeral took place in Pittsburg yester day, ami wherever his remains may lay all who knew Rev. Asa H. Waters will respect his memory. John Kennedy, one of the pioneers of Tarentnm, and President of the bank there, died last Monday. PALE, NERVOUS BLOODLESS PEOPLE So many splendid cures have been made in purely nervous affections by l)r. A. W. r 'hase's Nerve Pills, people are apt to lose sight of the fact tAiat they are a magnificent blood and gener cl tonic. They give to every organ the power to work, to do its duty as it should—to the blood a richness in quan tity and quality no other medicine can. Appetite, digestion, strength, nerve strength —all are furnished by their tonic power. To the system at large they give a general feeling of vigorous, robust health. Mrs. J. G. Milheim of 219 North Wash ington St , Better, i'a., says:—"A relative of mine used Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills as a general and particularly as a nerve tonic with great success. She was when she got the Pills at D. 11. Wuller's Drag Store, 113 South Maiu St., run down, pale, lacked strength, nervous, sleepless and lacked appetite and restful sleep. This I think is good proof of their value." 50c a box at dealers or Dr A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. Y. See that portrait and signature of A W. Chase, M. D., are on every package. *i * *l* *r 4* ♦!* *r -F 4- v v*- The best place to stop at 2 Y? when in town is the O •? T $ WAVERLY HOTEL, f » T J. H. HARVEY, Prop, Rates, $1.50 per day. T wd •> *;• *i - 'i- s- v-> v Modern and Progressive Those wishing a truly artistic picture and correct likeness should not lose sight of the FINDLEV STUDIO, Postoffice Building. All the new and up-to-date novelties. I,«ng Distance Bell Telephone ",i D. People's 2:it>. LINK FINDLEY, R-R-TIME-TABLES 15 & O K It Tiiu. t-.M . liv. M-Vl7. IMS, Ka»ertt HaiuUnl Tim. Tanoi \i> AII. KII.-UV A mwlMi '«»«•» ,\11...1, 1 (1,1, Un I 1 11 . ♦l' Wls-ni AIW.-h.-in Kxrr.~. *;U'>»-iii MlWam K*l««».l < i«« A" nun. .tati":! . •It'll l -™ i l.i. N. « .tn.l Alhgheni Kx... "3:4"'. li-lu All. . ■ in Evpi.— •S-M I-"" All.-. n A aim -latiw ♦SJWp.m -.1 a,el X. 1 I -tie A im>«lati . *XV> |rt-. XoHTlllMtXli Kaavaml V.nuX. ; I Mail ntti.-in Clarion A« "lunuKlaiiim r.\l:tn •A. •:■>.. »l:i!i".i .. Svoo|..m + Daily. • Sunday. * Sun5 a.m.. and 1:15. 3:00. 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. and Pittsburg station at 7:50 a.m. On Sunday at 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 and 11:30 p.m., and from the B. & O. station in Pittsburg at 7:5° а.m. F«»rthrotigh tickets Pullman reservation* »»>«* i»«* 1 rmati-.ii a, t ly t W. 11. Tt'RSKK. Agt, Btitler, Pa. ' K. l>. SMITH. A. ii. P. A . Pitt-bur- Pa. j It R & I' IS K Timetable in effect Feb. 15, 1903. Passenger trains leave and arrive at Butler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. m., mixed for Punxeutawney and all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ash ford, week days, for Rochester. 5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois and all stations. 10:22 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:08 a, m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:45 a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. 5:31 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash ford week days from Rochester. 7:-10t>.iu. week days, mixed train from Punxsutawney. DESSEMER & LAKE ERIE R.R. CO. I) Time table in effect May 17, 1902. CENTRAL TIME One hour slower than town time. northward. Pally except Sunday. Southward Ktati up) (Read down) 2 To" 14 STATIONST 1 9 vf P.M. P M P.M.I a.m.i A.M. ; am t; 25 1 20 Erie... ii Ou 11 1> C (»1 12 Fairview 0 2 ) 11 41 55112 42 Girard > 6 11 57 tit"* 1 ]s;ar. .Conneaut.. .ar 8 11 1 1^ 4 .32 11 15 lv.. v.V>uceaut. lv 0 15 11 13 12 25 C'rauesville . 0 55 12 15 5 12 Albion.. .. 7 00 12 10 r» 12 12 or Mm.!, lan.i 7 12 12 M 5 09 12 01 7 1"' 1:2 36 5 03 li 5 s Conueautville 7 20 12 42 Mearivillc Juuct.. 0 47 12 11 ar.. Meadville.. ar 8 28 2 02 3 43 10 42 lv.. Meadville.. .lv 6 02 12 30 (i 20 il 40 ar. .Conn.Lake, .ar 8 01 1 •*& 4 111110 1v " lv (J 3012 58 4401135 ar .Ex JH». l» 750 110 4 40 11 35 lv <• lv , 7 50 1 10 4 18 ar..Line*ville 10 25 lv •• lv 7 20 It .» | 4 16 11 10 Hartatown 8 07 1 31 j 4 11 11 04 Adamsville 8 12 1 37 i 4 02 10 5i5 Osgood 8 2 » 1 4S G l«)j 3 55 I<> 47 Greenville 5 30 8 20 I 55 ♦» 05 (350 10 Shenaitjco 5 8 3t 2 (>5 13 Ji 5 I.".! aUSIO 21 Kmluiiia 5 58 8 47 2 23 6 3 0? 10 ufl Mercer IS V 9 0! 2 « 5 :."J 3 04 10 01 lloudtoii Juuction 9 or 2 4S f> Ouj 2 4s 9 41 GroTe City 6 43 9 25 3 07 4 !> 9 28 liarrisviile . ... 6 57 3 19 4 4i> 231 9 2-' Br&nchton 7 07 & 42 3 -.U 5 45 30010 27 ir... Hilliard... orlO 17: Wl7 5 4;> 330 200 6 10;iY... Ilillmnl. . .lv 6 I<' 010 200 4 35 2 28 9 10 Keister 7 12 9 46 3 30 4 IS 2 15 9 «. Euclid 7 30 10 00 3 44 3 45 1 50 8 ST.; Butler 8 00 10 25 4 10 2 00 12 15 7 If j Allegheny 9 25 12 00 5 35 prn [,iq am ! a.m. 1 pm p.ia Tialn 12, leaving Grovo City 5.00 a. m. Mf-rcer 5:2 ; . Greenville 0:05, K.\i».;35, KXIKJ. I'URK 6:07, GreenYtHe 6:45. Mercer 7 31 arrives at G-ove City at 7:55 p in. E D. COMSTOCK, E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Pass. Agt, Gen. Mgr. Pittsburg, Pa. W. R. TURNER. Tkt Agt, Bntler, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SCHEDCL* IN ErrrcT May 24. 1903. SOUTH. , WEEK DAYS A. M A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M BUTLK.U Leave G 05 7 .38)10 05 2 35 4 35 Saxouburg Arrive G 34 8 08 10 ;«J 3 00 5 03 Cutler Junction.. " 7 07 3 3G 11 03 3 25 5 29 Butler Junctiou...Leave 7 32 8 30 11 47 3 25 5 29 Natrona Airiv;> 7 41 41 11 57 3 35 5 39 Tareutum 7 47 851 12 05 3 42 5 4G Springdale 7 57 9 02 12 17 353 15 56 Claremont 9 18 12 36 4 08 6 10 Sharpuburg 8 ly 920 12 47 4 16 6 16 Allt jrhenv 8 :t0 9 38 1 00 4 20 6 2G A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butlat for Allegheny City ?i: 1 principal inteiLaodiate gUttiona at 7:20 a. w. f NORTH. * wiEa DAYS A.M. A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M Allegheny CiKj .leave 625 85010 15 3 tti 610 Sharpaburg 'i SO 9 00 10 25 n i 13;a6 20 Claremont . .. j 10 32 ... , .... Spring'lale ll 23 10 49 6 41 Tarcntum 7 OS 9 32 11 00 3 40 6 49 XatrouA 7 13 9 30 11 07 3 45 (i s;j Butler Junction...arrive 725 9 47 11 17 3 51 7 02 Butloi Junction leave 7 35 9 55 12 35 4 05 7 02 Baxonburg I 808 10 IS 1 05 4 41 7 27 BUTLES arrive 8 b5!l0 45 1 33 , 5 13 7 53 A.M.IA.M, P. M. P.M. P. M SUN DAY TRAINS. —Leave Allegheny City for But ler and principal intermediate at 7:03 a rn. and 9-?3 f ». u*. FOR TEjm EAST. VVeokaDaya. Sunday* A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P M BUTLER lv 60510 05 235 7 Butler J'ct ar 70711 0i 325 BH> ... Butler J'ct lv 72511 17 351 814 .... Foeport ar 72811 20 351 8 17 .... Kakimineta* J't.. .." 7 3.5 11 27 359 82i Leechburg " 74811 30 413 836 West Apollo " 8 111157 4% 857 .... Sal tabu rg " 8-10 12 27 503 923 .... Blairevillr 916 100 5 4<» 952 .... Blaireville Int.. .. " 924 133 547 10 Altoour* " 11 35; 545 8 50, 150 . .. liar»i3burg " 3 1(' 10 00 100 645 Philadelphia 41 6 23! 425 t25 10 17 P. M.jA. M. A.M. P.M.! P. M Through train* for the leave Pitt»bmg (Tnion | Station), a>» follows: Limited, daily ( N - ...i hes, 1:30a.m Atlantii- KxpreKß, daily li.'nt Penuavlvania Limited 44 «No n«aches) ..715" XcvvVoik •• - 71"> " Day Express, " 7:;;»» " Main Line Exprmw. " M ITarrisburg Mail, " 12:45 p m Uarrisburjr Kxprewi daily 4 4C " Philadelphia Kxproas, 4 1:60 " Eastern Expreax, " 7:10 44 Fast Liue, * " Pittsburg Limited, daily foi New York, only. lf':(*0 " S. »nd PittaburK Limited, il.iilv. Sh «*piog ( i «rs to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wasli in-No coaches 10:«K> ' Philad'a Mail,Sundajs on»y 8.,'J0 A.V KOr Atlantic City (via Delaware Kiver Bridge, al rail route) 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p. m. daily, ''Penn sylvania Liinite I," au 1 N- .v V.irk limit.' I. 7:13 a. m. week days. Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division. Trains leave Kiskiminetas Junction sm follows: — For Buffalo, 9.56 a. ra. and 11J50 p. m. daily, with through parlor and sleeping cars. For Oil City, 7.42 9.56 a. m., * iB, 6.15 aud 11.&0 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56 a. ID., 6.15 and 11.50 p.m. For Red Hank, 7.42, 9.56, 11.17 a. m., 2 :18, 6.15, 9.34, ft'i«l 11.50 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56,10.49 a. m., 6.15 and 11.50 p. m. For Kittanning 7.42, 9.31, 9.56,11.17 a. m., I 6.15, 7.30, 9.34, and 11.50 p. m. weekdays. Sundays, 9.56, 10.49 a. m., 6.15, 10.45, and ll.Stl p. m. "a" Stop- unly on signal «>r not if t<» agent l<» re | ceive pa^-engers. "f Sto(»-( only «»u signal or notice to agent or <•«•!;- •luctor t«» iv . i\«- <».• di* -harge (las.sengei's. Foi detailed Information, apply to ticket agent or address Thos. K. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, Corner Fifth Avenue aud Smith field Street, Pittsburg, Pa. W. W. ATTEitBrilY. J. R. W J )») Or.ners 1 r P»ii» \ran Wiiitiehl It I£ Co Timo Table In effect Jan. 19th,'1902. westward. STATIONS. AJI PM | LettToa West Winfleltl 7 4(1 2 45 BongmrUlo " 55 3 00 " Iron BrMtw 805 320 " WiiifH'W Jillutiiu, 8 20, a 36 " utiip 8 4U. 3 45 " tiutler Junction 8 45j 350 Arrive Fuller 10 45 5 13 Arrive Allegheny 9 38 5 09 imi Arrive Flairsvillt' 1 00 , 5 40 YIASTWA ii [>. STATIONS. _ A M (■ M I c.v,- tilairsville 8 0? 2» " Allegheny 8 50 303 " ltutler "38 35 •' Butler Junction 10 o can undersell any other x. / i" . \ \ Y Try awe it to yourself y ,u^ S. B. MARTINCOURT CO., S. B. MARTINCOURT. RIIHOI - M. LEIGHNER. OUlltrl , d. P. S. —Don't forget that we sell Kramer wagons PROFESSIONAL CARDS. „ . ATTORNEYS. I) P. SCOTT, t« ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office on second floor of Armory Building. Butler, Pa. I T. SCOTT, A. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. I'.nt ler, Pa. pOULTER & BAKER, " ATTORNEYS AT LAW Room 8., Armory buildio^. TOHN VV. COULTER, FL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office with R. C. McAboy, J. P., south side Diamond. Special attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Builer Savings Bank, or Butler County National Bank T D. McJUNKIN, rj, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Reiber building, cornel Main and E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on E. Cunningham. 1 B. BKEDIN, •J . ATTORNEY AT LAW. .office on Main St. near Couit House. EVERETT L. RAI^STON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 257 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. Fisher Building. First door on South Main street, next my former office in Boyd Building. HH. GOUCHER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Wise building EH. NEGLEY, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In the Negley Building, West | Diamond PHYSICIANS, Hemorrhoids and Chronic Diseases a Specialty. \\ T H. BROWN, M. I).. 11 • Office in Riddle building, Diamond, next door to Dr. Bell's old office. Office Hours: —9 to 11 a. m., Ito 3 and 6 to 8 p. in. pEO. K. McADOO. M. IX vl EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, Exclusively. Hours—9-12, 1-5. Both Phones. Troutman building, S. Main St. ~T C. BOYLE, M. D. rt • EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT, After April Ist, office in former Dr. Peters'residence, Xo. 121 E Cunning ham St., Butler, Pa., next door to Times printing office. ft LARA E. MORROW, D. 0., V GRADUATE BOSTON COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY. Women's diseases a specialty. Con sultatian and examination free. Office Hours, 9to 12 m., 2 to 3 p. m. People's Phone 573. 1/6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. n M. ZIMMERMAN VI • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON At '327 N. Main St. T R. HAZLETT, M. D., L • ic6 West Diamond, Dr. Graham's former office. Special attention given to Eye, Kose and Throat. People's Phone 56a SAMUEL M. BIPPUS, IJ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West CuDfcingham St. DR. JULIA E. FOSTER. DR. CLARENCE M. LOWE. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Rooms 9 and 10 Stein Building, Butler. Consultation and examination free, daily; and evenings by appointment. DENTISTS! DR. H. A. MCCANDLESS, DENTIST. Office in New Mnrtincourt Building, S. Main St., (adjoining Dr. At well's office.) HW. WICK, . DENTIST. Has located iu the new Steiu building, v. ith 1.11 the latest devices for Dental work. DR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DENTIST Office at No 114 E. Jeflersou St., over G. W. Miller's grocery T J. DONALDSON, O • DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Killings a spec ialty. Office next to postoffice. DR J. WILBERT McKEE, SURGEON DENTIST. Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store, 215 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and biridjre work. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. COAL FARM FOR SALE! The undersigned will sell at private sale a coal farm of 200 acres, lying rear Jamisonville Station, li miles north of Butler, Pa., the coal of the upper vein 3i feet thick, of excellent quality: lower veins not tested. Immediately under the upper vein of coal is a vein of lire clay said to be 15 feet thick and of good | quality. Some timber on the farm, and : surface fairly productive. JOHN C. MOORK Ex'r of Daniel Heck, dec'd., Hlipperyrock, Pa. J. D. MCJUNKIN. Att'y. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE - " Notice is hereby given that E. H. Laderer, guardian of Shepler Boston of Mnddycreek township, has filed his first and final account in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Butler county at Ms. D. No. 2, December Term, 1901, and that the same will be presented to said Court for confirmation and allowance on Saturday, September 12, ISK>:S. JOHN C. CLARK, Prothy. Piothonotary 's Office, May 0, 1903. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ESTATE OF I'AUL TROUTMAN, UKC'D. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Paul Troutman. deceased late of the borough of Butler, Butler count}-. Pa., have been granted to Henry N. Troutman of But ler, Pa., to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or j demands against said estate are reqnest to make the same known without delay. HENRY N. TROUTMAN, Administrator. • A. T. BLACK, Attorney. Butler, Pa. |Mrs. j. E. ZIMMERMAN : g 41 • XAnnounces a special exhibit of Tailor-made Suits, Dress 1 XSkirts. Walking Skirts, Coats. Silk Coats in Xlengths, Etons. Box and Coffee Coats, full length > XCoats. handsome Rain Coats, Silk Waists, Silk XMohair Shirt Waist Suits, beautiful White Wash 9. MILLINERY NEWS. ]; O Hats Trimmed Free of Charge! i * jjt Our handsome Hew Parlors are full of beautiful up-to-date Hats, j Flowers, Ribbons, SilS;s, Laces, Velvets, Ornaments, all new( > . Novelties, new Military Brush—a competent force of Trimmers to tike< 1 'J. your orders We offer voti the latest creations of the season at popular | Q "prices TRY US. ' < > xj n I All wool Voiles, 50c and up; Crepe de< , 1 A i 3PDCC linnnQ Paris, Crepe Dechine, Mistrals, Eteminea.i ! , V !/l VUw Twine Cloth, Mohairs, Sicilians, Mixed Cf Suitings. Phenomenal values in black Dress Goods i > X Lace Curtains and Portiers. M A We are show: ng the handsomest, largest and most up-to-date Cur-< > jl tains in novelty netting. Arabian Nottingham Swiss and Muslin Cnr J k Y tains we've ever shown Direct from manufacturer to consumer, at prices j ' will pleasantly surprise you when you see style, design* and quality < t Xof these new 15)03 Curtains. Priced at 50c, 75c. $1 up to 8!0 per pair 1 L 5g Ruffled Curtains priced 2!k\ 50c, 75a up to $2.50. Portiers $3 to *lw OSpecial exhibit of Arabian Curtains, the craze just now. $2.50 to $lO. I Y Carpets and Rugs, Window Shades. ] | X We call your attention to or.r cut-to-order Carpet Department, it is a, , Vmoney saver to you. One hundred and 25 styles to select from, Axmin-' ' Aster, Wiltons, Velvets, Bodv Brns=els, Tapestry: Ingrain Carpets in rolls* > JL3Oc up to 65c for the best grade: Oil Cloths. Linoleums, Window Shades,. . Vail lengths and widths; Curtain Poles, Curtain Rods and Fixture s. Car-' €%pets made and laid free of charge: window shades adjusted, if pncbasedl r Inhere, free of charge. Special exhibit of large rugs. Velvet. Vf and Body Brussels. Rugs of all sizes prs. J. E. Zimmerman.! X Bell I'hone SX R1 111 r* P n A People's Phone 188. * JLUICI > 1 , l -¥ X>oo