VOL. XXXX. I Five Days' Uudermuslin Sale# The Celebrated Queen Garments. uj ALL FORMER EFFORTS ECLIPSED. g The Modern Store, g FROM TUESDAY, MAY 26, TO „ _ 5 g SATURDAY NOON. MAY 30. g 5 We close at noon Saturday, Decoration Day. Uk S SEE POSTERS FOR PARTICULARS. g The Values will Surprise you. j£ m Eisler-Mardorf Co., f. y SOUTH MAD 'STREET i Qf)-| Mail or Phone orders promptly J \ L.L.I and carefully filled. g m OPPOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON. BUTLER. PA. (V SICKEfe , S FOOTWGAR. A grand display of fine footwear in all the new styles. The time of the year is here when you want a nice pair of shoes or oxfords for summer wear. ockof Ladies', Misses' and Children's oxfords is com plete. Dongola, Velour-calf and Patent-vici, with low. medium or extra high heels. Large assortmenj of one, two, three and four strap slippers, 50c to SI 50 Ladies' Fine Shoes—SOROSIS. They are the extreme of fashion and the acme of common sense and comfort, being constructed on scientific principles. They are perfect fitting and satisfactory in every respect. The very newest and most exclusive creations in SOROSIS styles are now shown by us. Complete stock of Gokey's hand made plain toe and box-toe working shoes. High Iron Stands with four lasts at 50c Sole Leather cut to any amount you wish to purchase. Repairing neatl> and promptly done. JOHN BICKEL, 128 South Main St., BUTLER, PA. FOOTWEAR EXHIBIT /Lcjj-r-v Including all correct ideas for Men, Women, Boys, Youths, Misses and 1 Children's wear. Over five hundred 1A " styles—no possible want but what A we can meet to your taste. S Boots, Oxfords, Slippers for * is every and any service or occasion. llg |I An V sl.°°. sl-50, $2.00, 4 If lull O $2.50, $3.00 and up ij Women's $; sa £ A $2 50, $3 and up to $5.00 a *1 /> pair, representing the highest % j -«*; s art in the manufacturing of '2 •1 tiktC \ shoes and shown in all de- % [4 4PL ■ sirable leathers. '2 11 A>V; j Misses' 75c, sl, 1.25 & 1.50. kj Li V r' Children's 25c, 50c, 75c &$1 \2 II ri " ■ Don't buy a shoe until you J yA j***"' ave ins P our Sp rin ? % HHHp/elS p /el HUSELTON'S FOK i LOWRY. llUwi-L I VII W ASK TO BE FIT. fj KECK Spring & Summer Weights 1' I A Have a nattiness about them that 'rt fit k fW) / i ( M mark the wearer, it won't do to J Pv LTV Wl Ip\ wear the last year's output. Yon \ f p 1 U won't get the latest things at the Y/ fry Tfl stock clothiers either. The up-to • Y \jA 1 IJ H y-N date tailor only can supply them, If V% 1///ff ICJ y° u want not on ly the latest | I / ( } I I things in cut and fit and work '' i : J I ' ill I manship, the finest in durability, 111 I j/ 11 I vhere else can you get combina / I I 1 IU [I • ions, you get them at P KECK G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor, 24 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed Butler, Pa WALL PAPER WE HAVE IT. THE LATEST. LOTS OF IT- F. W. Devoe Ready Mixed Paints—All Colors. Patterson Bros' 236 N. Main St. Phone 400. Wick Building. HAMMILL'S CELEBRATED INDKN ROOT TABLETS Greatest Kidney and Liver Remedy. Positive cure for Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Constipation tt 'Tju Rhenmatism, Blood Purifier. a For Sale by all Druggists, or by mail, 25c, 50c, and SI. OO HAMMILL MEDICINE CO, •sKi 'I No, MILTENBERQER STREET, PITTSBURG, PENN'A. Subscribe for the CITIZEN i THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Nasal /SftvsN. CATARRH In all its stages. M E 1 - °i 0 JJf'O# Ely's Cream BataC"™ W cleanses, soothes and hc-als M tlic diseased membrane. It cores catarrh and drives Jhs2£x away a cold m the head quickly. , Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils,spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is !m- j mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying—does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drag gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, 50 Warren Street, New York Dizzy? Appetite poor? Bowels con stipated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pi'ls are liver pills. fWant your moustache or bear J a beautiful brown or rich black? Use Buckingham's Dye |socts. of druggistscr 3. P- Hai' ScC o , Marhm N.H., Johnston's 1 *1 *A i ,4 fi j Beef. Iron and Wine >,4 | v r A u .... n WM Best Tonic §Lj kl and £ # VM Blood Purifier. jk] } Price, 50c pint. F A V% Prepared and 9A W A soM only at L V j Johnston's M [| Crystal ti N Pharmacy, (j K. M. LOGAN, Ph. G . Manager, 9 j kl f4 f A IC3 N. Main St., Butler, Pa L V C Both 'Phones W J Everything in the kl >1 drug line. rA 1 1 S Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy S. G. PURVIS, PH. G Both Phones. 818 S. Main St. Butler Pa. ARE YOU GOING TO J BUT.D OR REMODEL ~ fsr ta»r>'.c-S7 . Let us give you a figure on the Plumbing and Gas Fitting of your home. WHITEHILL, Plumber, 381 S. Main St.. Both Phones jc. F. T. Pape, ' r _ / | pJEWELER! p 121 E. Jefferson Street. ? •; ovov,ov.o•>oit o»•v.o fe o »»o is 09 0 no X ■ THIS SSDE of I | TEE GAP | o o * By ELLIOT WALKER £ S * o o Copyright, t9ui, hu T. C. Met lure x 0 p fc':>fcoiio;:oao3«cHieoSioVioiiol»oJio,c "You've something new on your mind. Bud; 1 know it." Rose Copley's clinging tinkers held ! ; »-r husband fast. "Killian will ilo yiiu nothing but harm, Bud. Why t!o you go with him?" The moonlight ;jliiitiiitr through the poplar leaves . parkled on gathering tears. "Pshaw, Rosie. Tim's all right. We've long worked oil the section to •. ether. 1 must see 1:1 m tonight and li'id out if Maxcy will take us on :_.-iin. That's his whistle now." lie shook her off impatiently and si rode off, turning liis head to call: "Go ii. and tend to hahy. I'll soon be back." The woman sighed, wipeil her eyes and stepped up the path to the siu:ill ! rowu cottage. She glanced at the •liild slumbering peacefully in his crib, moved about uneasily and again stood at the door, her black eyes straining into the darkness. "I cannot settle down," she mused. "I'oor old Bud! lie never touched the too!s. and it's two weeks since they laid him off. Dear me! I wish I could forget that dream. Two nights run ning I've dreamed it. The roar and tremble and crash and screams. I can't remember the place and faces, but they were familiar at the time. Pshaw! I'm upset and nervous about things, and !he 11 o'clock tearing through was the cause. 1 guess." With hei easy, good nat tired husband and tbaby. Rose thought her Hi' a larky woman. (i: ly recently Bud had liet-n irritable ;:t times. The mystery of the missing tools was yet to be cl \.n 1 up. A wri nch had been found i:i Kiilian's room, and I'.r.d was with I.in at the tool house the ni.ulit before. "I've no bushe ss to bother him." she thought re] entantly. Nervously she waited while the iuiu utes crept along, then with sudden decision picked up her gray shawl and stepped to the crib in the corner. "Baby will sleep. I've simply got to get him home," she whispered. "It's nearly half past 10. What does ail me to feel so? There's his revolver on the man tel. Yes; I'll take it just for company." She locked the door and glided down the road. • »*»»»• "Hullo, Bud!" "Hullo, Tim! Who are your friends?" "A couple of new men. Mr. Lutz— Mr. Copley. Mr. Copley—Mr. Grayle. My pal, boys." The men shook hands in the shade of the great elm. "Section work?" interrogated Bud. "Yes. Maxey's put us on. Tim, here, 1 knowed well in the Albany yards. Come on, Mike. I guess we can lind the place." The strangers shifted back from the moonlight. "What's up?" asked Copley. Killian answered him: "Rail spread this side of the gap. Let's go down and show them. We've nothing on hand, and it's a dark spot for green men. The boss said he's sent the tools on a hat; * car, and they're in the ditch. It's oirly a few minutes' job. Come." lie put his hand on Bud's arm. Upon the track ICiillan dropped be hind with Copley. "Bud," he growled, "we're dished!" "What!" The other halted. "Fact! I've got my notice. Your turn tomorrow." "It's an infernal outrage," cursed Copley angrily. "In all the years I've worked they never had a complaint. What 'II I do? I'm married and settled here. I can't move." IviUain began to swear. "The d d corporation. I'd like to see 'em In trouble." "By Jove, I would." Copley stum bled along despairingly. The moon in sudden brilliance glit tered upon the shining rails, curving Into the ravine beyond. Ahead and seventy feet below the river brawled against the abutments of the bridge. "Good!" muttered Killian. "We'll get even, eh?" Bud did not reply. His brain was whirling. "Rose—the baby—the happy little home." He staggered on. The track curved sharply just this side of the gap. There waited their companions. • "The crowbar, Mike. Grayle, ygu help him." Copley, examining the nearby rails, did not heed Kiilian's voice so full of import. 0n his knees, he looked up. "Nothing spread here, boys, that I see." The others camo close with hard faces. "There will be," spoke Killian grimly. "You're in ou this, Bud. No fooling! We'll get even and more pickings than would come to us iu years of slaving. No one will suspect you. We chaps will be miles away by morning. You can »°ke your time. Anyway, you're lu on It." But the other was regarding him in horror. "For God's sake. Tim!" he gasped. "You're fooling! No? You dirty devil, let me up! Help! Help! A-a-h"— "Hit him again, Grayle! There, that settles the fool! I thought he had more sand. Why did I bring him? Thought he might take hold, and I wanted his mouth shut, if he didn't What a yell he let out. Lie low for swhile. There is time enough." He kicked the senseless form, and the three worthies secreted themselves behind a bowlder. Killian whispered: "Wait ten minutes; then we'll do the trick—lay him where he'll get hit, and folks 'll think he done it. See?" A pause, then another whisper—"He got the woman I wanted, blast him!" Mr. Grayle nudged Mr. Lutz. About a quarter of 11 the men stole A minute's hard work with the iro.vi ar. mid the rail lifted. "Off to this side « bit, boys. That's right. Oh. oh!" Three spits of flame from a bush of spruce thirty foot away —"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Timothy Killian threw up his arms, collapsed and rolled over, clutching the gravel. Grayle clapped a hand to his shoulder, then dashed into the undergrowth after his com panion. A woman came cautiously forward, peered about and fell upon her knees in the ditch. Then she screamed, and again the revolver echoed among the liiils. From the station only a quarter of a mile away men came running with lanterns and cries. Maxcy, the section foreman, was in the van. Now in the center of the track stood a shouting tigure. "Go back! Go back! Stop the express! Stop it, I say!" "It's Rose Copley, boys!" cried Max ey. "Something's wrong. Run; for heaven's sake, run! That's her whis tle now." The roar of the heavy passenger train sobered to a rumble, then to a panting stop not fifty feet from the excited group. Through the sleepers spr, ad the ominous rumor. People poured HITLER, PA.. THURSDAY. MAY 2*. 1903 "A doctor? Yes, two of them! Well, hurry up!" There was work for both. "Who was the girl? Was that her husband? What was the story any way?" Exprt'ssions of horror, wrath and ad miration; a fat man busy with a hat; a short speech mingled with sounds of hamnii ring; "All aboard!" a scramble, and the great coaches swung slowly 011 in the gl.iry of the summer night and crossed the gap. Copley's first word was for the train. He fell back, thanking Cod. Then he gropt d for the hand that had saved. "He wants to speak to you, Mr. Max ey," sobbed Rose, shedding her tirst tears. The rough railroad man bent down, his own eyes streaming. "What is it. my boy?" "Can't—you—take—me—back? I nev er touched—tlie tools. Tim said you"— "Take you back! Never thought of letting you go! Why, you're my best man, Bnd. Bad company; that's all. You're quit of it now." He turned, .shaking a savage fist at the limp form on the hand car. "let ter for him, I guess, if Rose's bullet had struck an inch lower." Merc Curiosity. A well known judge, who is as fa mous for bis wit as for his corpulency, was much disturbed In mind by his tendency to ever increasing stoutness. He tried many remedies, but without any success. At length a friend sug gested that he should take a course of treatment at certain hot springs. He Immediately set out for the place, sojourned for a few weeks at it. man aged to get rid of a good deal of his super:!uous flesh and returned home in a most happy and jocular frame of mind. On tlie first morning after his return, when he w:is wen '.i:i;; liis way to th*> courihouse, lie came to the butcher's shop where his family were supplied with meat. Mars h.ing Inside, he said: •Cut me oiT twenty pounds of pork." The butcher sharpened his knife an 1 at once complied. The judge looked at the meat for a minute or two and then walked off. "Shall I send the pork to your house?" inquired the butcher, who felt that the judge had overlooked instruc tions. "Oh, no." was the reply, given with a smile; "I don't want it. I have fallen off just twenty pounds, and I only wanted to have an idea of how much it was."—St. Louis Republic. GroattfMt Worli! Power. An idea is the greatest power in the world. Ideas have moved armies, made nations and created civilizations. Just as surely ideas tangibly affect our Immediate material surroundings. The recognition of this truth is destined to revolutionize philosophies within the uext few generations; Its farreaching results will constitute tlie revelation of the twentieth century, says Vim. One in Bethlehem of Judiea enunci ated the truth many years ago when he taught what faith would accom plish. We of succeeding centuries re iterated the divine message as the merest platitude, utterly failing to com prehend its greater meaning. Now we find ourselves on the verge of an awak ening to the true significance of thought force. This much we already know—that it is a mystery hovering 011 the border land between the material and the spiritual, to be approached with the reverent Investigation which the in spired man of science always brings to bear 011 the wonders of the universe. Gallnnt Victor Huaro. During tlie latter years of his long life Victor Hugo was very fond of sur veying mankind from the vantage ground of the top of an omnibus. He used to make Ion;; excursions through the gay city perched on the top of the homely bus, which he seemed to pre fer to any other vehicle. An amusing and characteristic anecdote of the great poet, who was most courteous and attentive to the lovely sex. is re lated by a review. One tine day. as he was enjoying a ride under these condi tions, a fascinating young woman climbed up to the summit of the tram' car on which he was seated and steered her way toward the only vacant place, which happened to be the one next to him. She was about to take possession of it wlieu a sudden jolt sent her in stead into Victor Hugo's lap. As soon as she had recovered herself the pretty girl turned to the poet and, her fair cheeks suffused with crimson, said. "I beg your pardon, monsieur." "And I," he replied gallantly, "thank you, made moiselle." Origin of "Budicet." It is difficult to realize that the term "budget," now so often in every one's mouth, is a term leas than 200 years old, the earliest mention of the word dating no further back than 1733. We borrowed it from the old French lan- guage—bougette, meaning a small bag, In which in former timea it was the custom to put the estimates of receipts and expenditures when presented to parliament; hence the chancellor of the exchequer, in making his annual state ment, was formerly said to open his budget. In time the term passed from the receptacle to the contents, and, curiously, this new signification was returned from this country to France, where it was first used in an official manner In the early part of the nine teenth century.—London Chronicle. Seeds and Sklnn of Small Fruits. There are many people who cannot eat small fruits ou account of the seeds and skflls, because they prove so irritating to the stomach. In all such cases the fruit should be thoroughly ripe; then press it through a small wire sieve or strain through a thin cloth; then you get all there is of use— the liquid. Blue and other berries with tough skins may be cooked a little to start the juice, then strain and get rid of seeds and skins. Never put waste into a delicate stomach when possible to avoid it. Cherry stones and grape seeds are a menace to health, and chil dren should be taught how to neatly reject them.—Physical Culture. Tlie Orisrln off the Diamond. The diamond is still one of the mys teries of geology. When the South Af rican fields were discovered there was much astonishment to find the gem in a series of minerals quite different from those in which it had been hither to found in India and Brazil. Instead of lying beside tourmaline, anatase and brookite it was mingled with a breccia of magnesian rocks which had evident ly been pushed up from below, and a great variety of minerals, such as diop slde, mica, zircon and corundum, were imbedded along with it. Some have supposed that the dia mond was originally formed where it is now picked up. and the presence of carbureted '-ras and carboniferous rocks is in favor of the idea. but. on the other hand, the broken condition of some of the stones and other facts mal:'.' it far more probable that the diamond has bfen ejected from a deep er source. VIHEN LATHAM IfoTEtfFERED ; B> WILLIAM MACLEOD RAINE J \ C--i>>n~iyht % 1- *, by T. C. Mcdure j "Guess I'm all in, eh, doctor? ' The doctor looked into the white face and the unflinching blue eyes and de cided to tell the truth. "I don't know. You have a chance, but it's a bad wound." Fifteen minutes Inter Robert Latham tiptoed into the sick room with that ex aggerated caution which a robust six footer usually feels in the presence of death or mortal sickness. Young Weir had his face turned to the wall, but at the sound of footsteps slewed round his head. He smiled faintly from the pillows. "Awfully glad to see you, old fellow. It was good of you to come." Latham choked a little. This mod est young fellow with the winsome smile dragged mightily at his heart strings. "Yes, it was dashed good of me," he answered gruffly. "Do you expect your friends to forget you just as soou as you make an idiot of yourself?" Weir's face was a study in embar rassed apologies. "Really I couldn't help it this time, Latham. The kid was right in the way of the car. It was up to me to do something." "Of course it was. It's always tip to you to do something." Latham spoke gruffly to cover a melting heart. Jimmie Weir laughed a little broken ly. "Good old Latham! Everybody knows you. A fierce bark but you're mighty shy on bite." Then with a sud den change of voice. '"I say. Hob, there is something 1 want you to do for me in case i pass out." "You're not going to do any such dashed fool thing." "The doctors think I am," answered the young man quietly. "They don't say so out and out, but they think it. They're afraid of blood poisoning. What I want you to do. Bob, in case the thing is going against ine, is to for ward this letter to Efiie Sheldon. You'll do that, won't you?" he tinished rath er wistfully. "So that's what the boy's had on his mind these last three months; might have known some baby faced pink and white girl was at the bottom of his depression; guess I'll have something to say to Miss Effie," thought Latham. Out loud he said, "Sure thing." "Oh, and there's one thing more— about the book. You'll attend to any correspondence necessary between me and the publishers?" "I will that. I'll see that the sale of the new great American novel doesn't suffer because its author happens to be a bally idiot without sense enough to let people take care of their own babies." All through his day's work at the city desk of the Post young Weir's white face kept coming between La tham and his work. lie had half a mind to write to the girl himself. Still, he had made it the rule of his life to mind his own business. Afterward, on a sudden impulse, he sat down and wrote a letter to the young woman who hadn't sense enough to appreciate Jimmie AVeir. He told very simply and lucidly the story of how Weir had thrown himself in front of a cable car to save a child and in so doing had lost his hand, how the boy's first words after recovering con sciousness had been as to the safety of the child and how the young author lay -in the hospital at the point of death. Then he told graphically of the young man's fight against ill health and poverty, of the brightness and good cheer which never deserted him and which won all men to him. "lie's the most charming man the Lord ever left unmarried. I don't know whether you love him. I dare say not. Most ! young women haven't sense enough to love the right man. But I know that he cares a great deal for you. I could see it in his eyes when he gave me this letter to forward you. If you do care for him, and you're a woman ■worth your salt, you will take the next train for Kansas City, 110 matter whether you think it 'proper' or not. If you come, wire me at the office, and I will meet you at the station." La tham smiled grimly as he read over his brusque, offensive letter. "If that doesn't bring that young woman, she isn't worth the powder to blow her up," he said to himself. Then full grown there jumped into Latham's mind an idea for booming "The Dice of the Gods" that he always claimed was the real reason for its proving the big seller that It afterward did. He shouted across the hall to Perry, the literary editor: "By thunder, Dick, I've got the big gest idea in logrolling you ever saw for booming Jim Weir's book. You watch my smoke. I'm going over to see Alcott of the Associated Press." The result of his interview with Al cott was apjiarent in every city of the country next morning. Generally speak ing, the Associated Press is not run for sentimental reasons, but the paragraph about young Weir's accident was de signed to draw tears from New York to San Francisco. It succeeded. Men talked about it in restaurants, women discussed it at their clubs, and tender I hearted girls wept. Latham had put 1 four hours into the composition of a five hundred word story about how the brilliant young author of the latest novel, "The Dice of the Gods," had given his life to save a child. His life still hung by a thread, but there was small hope of his recovery. Latham, the cynical, chuckled when the telegrams of inquiry poured in 1 from all over the country. Orders for the book deluged the publishers. The critics discovered that the novel was I both brilliant and profound. "It happens to be true, but they would never have known it if it hadn't been for me," growled Latham as he walked down to the depot to meet a young woman from Buffalo. A gray eyed girl in a brown travel ing dress alighted from the tV: in be fore the porter had well settled the stool. "How is he?" she demanded from Latham before the newspaper man had announced himself. Her quick eye had picked liim out at once. "Better; he has a chance," answered Latham. "This way for the cab, please." Latham could not iell on the journey to the hospital whether she cared for Weir or not. She was so quiet and self composed, so eminently mistress of herself, that he felt an unworthy de sire to say something that would cut l>er to the quick. But once, when they got caught in a jam of carriages and had to wait a few moments, she turned a white face to him and asked if there were not some way of getting to the hospital faster. Then Latham wanted 1 to shake hands with himself for bav- ing sent for her. The city editor made a pretense of talking with the nurse a moment while Mit-s Sheldon went into tlie room alone. "You poir boy!" he heard her cry with iiult scrilmble tenderness. When Latham, after vehement cough ing, pushed into the room, he found her kneeling by the bedside crying soft ly over the bandaged stump. As for Jlmmie Weir, it took 110 specialist to tell that the young man had taken a renewed grip 011 life. Arab Danclnsr Olrl*. An English traveler thus describes the Arab dancing girls lie saw at n fair at Biskra, in tlie Sahara; "Here, surrounded by a rope. 011 raised deal benches, sit the dancing girls. Beneath them is a deal table covered with strange sweetmeats and sirups. Oppo site to them is a bench, upon wliic«i, after a small payment, you may install yourself and admire Zora, Fatima. Ai choucli or Algia at your ease. They are worth seeing in their gala attire. Indeed, they look like a troupe of mag nificent. chattering macaws perched in the sun. Some, the real Ouleds, wear crowns of gold, surmounted by tufts of tinted ostrich feathers. Upon their painted lingers are heavy bar baric rings. I'pon their arms are massive uohl and silver bracelets. Veils of }4old and silver tissue float around them, half concealing their robes of pink, yellow, magenta, scarlet and bright green silk. One wears a broad baud of diamonds across her broad forehead. Another lias sewed her ear rings upon strips of velvet and is lit erally clad in gold coins, which make the eyes of tlie Arabs glitter greedily. A third, the wonderful Gazela. can scarcely move to the sweetmeat table to drink a ,i:lass of sirup with an ebou admirer, so loaded is she with neck laces, amulets and ankle rings." Slit? Is So Sensitive. "1 wish some. pers. is weren't so all fired sensitive and ready to see an in sult when none is intended." remarked the man with the troubled look, look ing for sympathy. "Now, last night I got myself into an awkward fix just trying to be agreeable and to please ev erybody. i went to see a young lady I think a great deal of—yes, I do think a great deal of her, but I wish she would be more sensible. Girl friend of hers was there, and it was her tirst visit since she'd sent a crazy looking, good for nothing decorated cup and saucer with scalloped edges as a birth day gift. " When 1 was out shopping,' the girl friend explained, 'and saw that cup and saucer, 1 just thought of you. Mar guerite.' "Of course 1 was expected to admire the thing, and so 1 remarked, innocent ly enough: "'How? Hand painted, isn't it?' "Now, tlie recipient's complexion is natural, as any one can see, and there was no reason for lier to be so chilly toward me the rest of the evening. Hang such seusiUveness!"—New York Telegram. The Quest For a I'laee to Eat. He was hungry. Before he finished his morning's work he consulted his watch with a frequency born of gas tronomic longing. Tlie perfume of Hamburger steak wafted through the office window from an adjacent Ger man restaurant convinced him that he would not hunt long for a place to get luncheon. Once out of the office, how ever, the old indecision returned. The Teutonic repast did not seem half so attractive as it had twenty minutes be fore. He went on up Nassau street. Res taurants to the right of him, restau rants to the left of him; signs in big letters told of the joys of living. He passed them by. Cafes, three to a block, told him where he could dine like a prince on anything from roast beef to canvasback duck. What did he do? He rushed into a dairy lunch room. "Give me a ham sandwich and a cup of coffee!" he cried to tlie waiter. "It does beat the deuce how hard it is to get something you want to eat."—New York Press. Lost Money Market. London is waking up in rather amus ing astonishment to the fact that it lias ceased for the time to be the "money market" of the world. Just as ML - . John Burns asked, "What has Battersea to do with the British empire?" so read ers might ask, "What have we to do with the money market?" In a com plex civilization like ours the money market rules everything relating to business.—London Pilot. Throirlns the Dart. Throwing the dart is a picturesque custom which is observed in Cork, Ire land. Ever}- third year the chief mag istrate proceeds to the mouth of Cork harbor in full state. Following im memorial custom, he throws a dart in to the sea—a dart with a head of gold and a shaft of mahogany—saying, "I cast this javelin into the sea and de clare that as far around as it falls ex tend the right and dominion of the corporation of Cork to and over the harbor as well as the rivers, creeks and bays within the same." A Weeping: Tree. A species of tree found in Oregon, Washington, Montana and British Co lumbia continually drips pure and clear water from the ends of its leaves and branches. The tree is a species of fir. The "weeping" is attributed to a re markable power of condensation pecul iar to the leaves and bark. The tree irips as copiously on bright and clear as ou cloudy days. The Nnaie It H a curious fact, unknown per haps to a majority of readers, that Moses of Scriptural fame was called by eight different names in various places in the Bible, ltathia, the daugh ter of Pharaoh, called him Moses be cause she drew him out of the water. Jocliebed, his mother, called liiin Jeku thiel, saying, "1 had hoped for him " Miriam, liis sister, called him Jared because she had descended after him into the waWv to see what liis end would be. Aaron called his brother Abi Zanucli because his father had de serted their mother. Amram, the fa ther of Moses, called the boy Chabar because lie wfls again reunited to the mother of the lad. Keliath, the grandfather of Moses, called him Abigdor because God had repaired the breach in the house of Jacob. The nurse of the grandfather of Moses called him Abi So« ho because he was once hidden three months iu the Tabernacle. All Israel called him Sliemaiah because "in his days God heard their cries and rescued them from their oppressors." All liivilin* Field. "They say there's an island in the Pacific with tiiHi inhabitants where drunkenness, crime, jails, police and totirts are unknown." "Is that so? It's a wonder some body hasn't started in to civilize it."— Brooklyn Life J FIELp^MpEN SKINNING AN ANIMAL. Green Salting. ( urins and SliippiutS Hitle»—rruporl y Done. It I'ay*. ,Tus; as there is a wron;; way. there is a correct way in which hides should be taken off dead cattle and horses. Hides properly removed are worth a groat deal more than those improperly taken off. whether from murrain or butch ered cattle, says Denver l'ield and Kami. I)o not cut the throat crosswise, for by so doing it makes the head of the hide worthless. The knife should follow the doited lines, as shown by the etching jn'►- lislicd herewith, commencing at the middle of the chin and straight down the throat and" belly to the tail. The knife should follow t!.e dotted lines as shown along the legs. When skinulng lie very careful not to cut and score the hide, for such hides sell at reduced prices. Always take out the tail bones and sinews. I'se from four to ten quarts of salt, according to the size of the hide—that is. if they art' to be sold as => HOW TO CUT A HIDE green salted hides. After salting, the hides should be left sp-cad out until the salt has drawn out the juices or until it is cured thoroughly. Cured hides bring a cent a pound more than green ones or hides as they < ome from the animal. When shipping, tie each hide into a bundle, with the hair side out. When drying hides, which is the most profitable way for ranchmen, take each one as it comes from the ani mal and hang it over a pole in a shady place, with the flesh or tlint side out. Never put a hide in the si*. and of all things never dry hides by *ftirow ing them over a wire fence, wagon wheel or a bush. In case no other pla e is available be sure to take them down as soon as they are thoroughly dry and keep in a shady place. FOR SAN JOSE SCALE. Eantrra Horticulturists Are Xow rashine the California Wa»h. The lime, sulphur and salt wash is Invariably used in California and inueh of the Pacific coast for the control of the San Jose scale. Experienced or chardists there have used it for many years and have demonstrated that it is when properly made and applied a suc cessful remedy for this pest. The use of the wash in the east has been de layed because of the belief that it was not adapted to eastern climatic condi tions by reason of the uncertainty of securing two or three weeks of dry weather following treatment. But ex tensive experiments with this wash during the past two years in Illinois, Georgia, New Jersey, New York and Ohio clearly prove that the wash is an efficient remedy in these states even when applied during what was consid ered extremely unfavorable weather. Iu spite of frequent heavy rains the wash adhered well to the trees. It ap pears to be a very promising remedy for the San Jose scale and is recom mended to the orchardists of Ohio by the state experiment station as worthy of trial. The Wash and How Prepared. There are many formulas for prepar ing this wash. They vary as a rule in the proportions of lime. Hut the one that is more extensively used is made as follows: Lime, unslaked, fifteen pounds; sulphur, ground,fifteen pounds; salt, fifteen pounds; water, fifty gal lons. Stake the lime in a small quantity of hot water to form a milk of lime; then add the sulphur and salt and stir in to form a thin paste. Dilute the mixture with twenty gallons of water and boll vigorously for from one and a half to two hours, when enough water should be added to make the full fifty gallons. The mixture is then ready to put irtto the spraying machine, but it should be strained through common wire Win dow screening as it is being poured into the barrel or tank. The mixture should be applied to the trees while hot if possible. When well made it is a brownish liquid, with a strong, sul phurous odor. Made Iu Iron Kettles. For the preparation of small quanti ties of wash—3oo to 400 gallons a flay —a couple of sixty gallon iron kettles will be found satisfactory. In using these care should bo taken to keep the mixture vigorously boiling and well stirred to prevent the caking and burn ing of the materials upon the sides of the vessels. The Annnal Crop. The annual crop of swindlers is ap pearing among the farmers. It is made up of lightning rod men with glib tongues and exorbitant prices, tree agents with extravagantly colored plates, representatives of mercantile es tablishments not in existence, etc. I„ook out for them. Sign no papers which may later turn up as promissory notes. Do not allow yourself to be talked into something which your own judgment and common sense tell you cannot pay. —Orange Judd Farmer. About Bean*. Hush beans may be planted in the open ground in May and limas in pots or on sods in a cold frame or spent hot bed. They require a long season to ma ture aiul should be planted early. THE NEW SCHOOL IDEA. How the Centralized St ht.:»l "\Vork« In One Kuril "District. The Western Reserve of Ohio has made a radical innovation in the way of schools, and in response to general interest in the subject Mr. John (Jouid gives an account if the centralized school in his own district as follow* in the National S: > ::i, ,u: i really centralized her scl.co!s si ; years ago. It was first tried as an experiment, two small halls being rented in addi tion to the central school house, and the parents were i :a! for bringing their own ci..l. The plan proved so satisfactory after i.vo years of more that the question of a suitable school house was put to a vote : ml all appro priation of a! ->.:t made to en largeand furnish the lii jt school house and without a vote cast to return to the old system. Fndcr the old s;. o per cent, and we nows have one month more school than be fore. I Profit and Lous. The drivers of the wagons are under bonds to be at the sclioolhouse ten mln > utes before !> a. in. and keep order in the wagons and lie ready to load at 3:30 p. m., ant! this punctuality Is rare ly broken. Four experienced teachers and a tutor are now doing the work of the once eleven, and by the grades and course there are actually fewer recita tions than in a district school of twen ty-five pupils, so that time can now be given to class work and efficiency se cured. Better wages are paid, and with these teaching is not a makeshift Under this system and without chang ing the school tax levy figures for our town showed March 18, 15103, that in the six years a debt of $ This is now the advice of many of the > authorities. 1 The New England tobacco growers' i organization is planning to handle its own tobacco crop. Fowl meadow grass, with redtop, 1 alsike and timothy, is recommended ' by the Vermont station for seeding wet lands. Early planting appears to be the way to prevent the green pea fly. which, however, in spite of general distribu tion, did little damage ln«t venr INSPIRED BY A SKELETON. The Story of How Chopin Composed Hi* Funeral March, Late one summer's afternoon, said Ziem, Chopin and I sat talking iu my studio. In one corner of the room stood a piano and in another the complete skeleton of a man with a large white cloth thrown, ghostlike, about It. I noticed that now and again Chopin's gaze would wander, and from my knowledge of the man I knew that his thoughts were far away from me and his surroundings. More than that, I knew that he was composing. Presently he rose from his seat with out a word, walked over to the skele ton and removed the cloth. He then carried it to the piano and, seating himself, took the hideous object upon his knees—a strange picture of life and death. Then, drawing the white cloth round i himself and the skeleton, he laid the latter's fingers over his own and be gan to play. There was no hesitation iu the slow, measured flow of sound which he and the skeleton conjured up. As the music swelled in a louder strain I closed my eyes, for there was something weird in that picture of man and skeleton seated at the piano, with the shadows of evening deepening around them and the ever swelling and ever softening music filling the air with mystery. And I knew I was lis tening to a composition which would live forever. The music ceased, and when I looked up the piano chair was empty, and on the floor lay Chopin's unconscious form, and beside him, smashed all to pieces, was the skeleton I prized so much. The great composer had swoon ed, but his march was found.—New York World. Cordial Shaken and Others. "When you have money," says the Manayunk philosopher, "there are men who will shake you effusively by the hand, and when it's gone they will shake you altogether."—Philadelphia Record. 11l a Nutshell. "Success" is spelled with seven let ters. Of the seven only one Is found in "fame" and one in "money," but three are fouud in "happiness."—New York World. All Shell nnil Xo Kernel. Charley—My friends tell me that I have all the eccentricities of genius. Beatrice—What a pity it is, Charley, that you have not got the genius it self!