OH ILL W Are the dread of those whose lungs are "weak." > Some fortunate people can follow the summer as it goes southward, and escape the cold blasts of winter and the chill airs of spring. But for the ; majority of people this is impossible. Family cares and \ business obliga tions hold them fast. V JCBj " Weak" lungs \ MS HH are made strong by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov obstinate cough, heals the stops the nem orrhage. re stores to the ema- body. am a railroad agent Esq . Barclay, Osage Co.. II Kaus., "and four f\ f years ago ray work K keeping rae in a warm room and stepping out fre- into the cold air gave me bronchitis, which became chronic and deep seated. Doctors failed to reach ray case and advised rae to try a higher air, but. fortunately for rae. a friend also advised me to try Dr. Pierce's medicines. I commenced taking your ' Golden Medical Discovery,' and by the time I had taken the first bottle I was bet ter. and after taking about four bottles my cough was entirely gone. I have found no ne cessity for seeking another climate." Sometimes a dealer, tempted by the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines, will offer the customer a substitute as being "just as good" as the "Discovery.'' You get the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, the best medical work ever published, free by sending stamps, to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for cloth-boiwid vol ume, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, NT. Y. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Elv's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size w ill be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N.l. Tlite Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Dr. Humphreys. After fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity and largest sale in their history, due to intrinsic merit. They cure the sick. HO, CUBES. rRICES. I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .25 a—Worms. Worm Fever, Worm CoUc... .25 3—Teething. Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .23 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7—Coagli», Colds, Bronchitis 25 B—Xenrnlsln. Toothache,Faceache 25 9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10 —Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.2s . 11 —Suppressed or Painful Periods 2,5 l!i— Whites. Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Croup. Laryn(j'• Mechanical Drawing, Mechanical Engineer ing. Electrical Engineering, Machine Design, eiti'uctiirai Iron Work, Bridge Work. Architect ural Drawing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Type writing, Penmanship, Higher Mathematics and English Branches. Individual Instruction. Day and Ktglit Sessions. PEN VA. COItItESPONDEXCE SCHOOL, 10:ij FIFTH AVE., I'ITTSHUIIG, 1»A. 1-03-ly Wo can turn your Old Carpets Into elegant, durable, handsome Rugs and Druggets. Only Oriental Weavers employed. Satisfaction Gaaranteod. SILK RAGS woven Into beautiful and Oriental-like Portiers. Our terms are so moderate—no matter the •llstance—lt will pay you to send to us. DAVID LOVE & CO., 829 Third" Avenue. 1-03-Om (L. D. Phone.) New|Brigliton, Pa. \V iVTED-We want Bookkeepers, t i iv.iliu clerks, shipping, lull and re , „ ~,ni» mn to learn trulej; luachln ,l , liveterx: warehousemen for rall i„ ~il flftv new orders. Writequick, , , I:'.,m 203, sii I.HK rty Ave. l-0:i-6m SALESMEN WANTED JfiO.OO a month and expenses. Can cotn with cliunce of advancement. We can give you tills county as a starting point if desirea .ind outline new territory as fast as required. Look up our standing at your local hank sna satisfy yourself that we are O. k. liuanc al ly, and then write us at once if v<>u tnaan business. No tritiers need apply, as we want workers who expect to earn a good income. F.rst National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y LADIES' TAILORING. Lruchncr-Tlie Ladles' Tailor, >: as got over from the East many beautiful stylet . ! models and materials, also books of samples a. I very description, which he would be pleased V show visitors, lie will also open on April Ist, mother Oranrh at '2104 Fifth avenue, E. E., Thi lirm guarantees perfect fit. 624 I'enn Ave., Pitta buig, l'a. Bell Phone 3414—5 Grant. l-03-8m j jnaflanr^irDßaiFs A safe, certain, relk Suppressed j, Menstruation. Neve r to fail. Hafe! . Sure! ftpeedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed S or luonev Itefunded. Nt prepaid for F SI.OO per Fx)X. Will send themon trlaj. to p be paid for when relieved. Hamples Free. I UWITCP MEDICAL CO., BOX 74. L.ANCABTEW. PA. Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pb jj SCHLOTTER'S PARLORS, F« r Lailics' and Gcutlemeii's S«-al|» and Facial Mas sage Specialists, Shampixiing and Mauicurlng, Ituom 111 lltjon ltnlldiiii;. Pfiiu Avcuar MRS. J. MTPOLAND, 500 Pro 11 Ave., PiUilmr^. Manirarlnjf. Shan|HK>ing and Facial Massage, llallwell's Klertrh- Hot and Cold Hair Dryer I'sed; Ladies only. Teleulioiie tourl 93H -5. :i-19-ly See the sign dlrect ly opposite the Postoffice, Theodore Yogeley, Jt* Real Estate and .5. Insurance Agency, 238 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. ■■■l I f you have property to sell, trade, or runt rVjl or. want to buy or AM rent eaii, write or uhone me. List Mailed Upon Application. JACK MASON S WAGER HE WON IT IN GREAT STYLE WITH OUT "TURNING A HAIR." I'nlque Iluntlnu K*c»pndi- of n Fn niotm Old Time VirKlnlu Sportsman. Illrd Shootin* That o|>»-iird a Grim Old Scotch Mia n*n Kyen. From all accounts Jack Masor in hii youth was the wildest rattling young Made in the country. One of his sport- In* escapades is a household tradition down in old Quantico to this day, says Alexander Hunter in Outing. There was a large plantation in the section owned and worked by a Scotch man, an elderly man, who employed no overseer, but filled the place himself. He was the typical stern, bigoted Scotch Covenanter as drawn by the immortal pen of the Wizard of the North. He was a fanatic in all things und was utterly out of place among the pleasure loving Virginia gentry. It was the irrepressible antipathy of the Cavalier and Puritan—the rising of the bristles of the boar at the approach of the staghounds. Ho herded by himself, and they left him severely alone. The canny Scot was himself no sportsman, nor would he allow any of the neigh bors to fire a gun on his place. Now it happened there was a large ball near by, with Jack Mason in at tendance, of course, and during the night the young planters discussed the chances of autumn shooting and de plored the failure of all their efforts to be allowed to uunt on the Scotchman s preserves. Jack Mason offered to bet liis favorite horse against any of equal value that he would shoot over that preserve on the morrow and with the full and free consent of the owner. He was asked if he knew him personally or had unknown means of winning h*> favor. He answered In the negative and added he had never even met the Scot in his life. Tho wager was closed there and then. The next morning as the old Cove nanter was walking up and down the porch enjoying his after breakfast pipe a strange apparition advanced up the gravel walk and took off his three coi nered hat and made him a sweeping t».v. The Scot winked his eyes and loOked again. He saw a slender, effem inate looking fellow some twenty-five years old who seemed literally to have stepped from the ballroom. His ruffled shirt frout was adorned with a dia mond, mother of pearl buttons gleamed on his sky blue coat, and his satin small clothes glistened in the sunshine. A pair of silk stockings were gartered by a love knot bow of blue ribbon, and his dancing pumps were decorated by a jeweled buckle. He carried a gun in one hand, and two pointer dogs trooped at his heels. "Well, what do you want?" asked the planter. In a mincing voice the intruder asked his gracious permission to shoot a few birds, saying he had been dancing all night at Warwick hall and needed a little morning exercise. The Scot gazed at him with the same feeling perhaps that his stalwart moun tain bred ancestor had at the perfumed dainty fops of Charles ll.'s court. He was about to utter a curt and positive refusal when his grim Scotch humor got the better of him. He came near hilarious laughter as he saw that deli cately clothed creature standing so clean, jaunty and nice and then pic tured him returning from the hunt, his costly attire in rags, his tender limbs scratched, his morning glory all gone. So he smiled in his beard and asked him if he intended to hunt just as he was dressed. He was answered in the affirmative. So he gave his assent that his unknown guest for that one day might shoot all he pleased, and then he started off for the low grounds to at tend to the eornshucking. A short time after his negro manager came running up to him and said: "Marster, there won't be a bird left on dis here place. De man's a debbil. and the dogs is the debbil, and the gun is a debbil." Dropping his work, the owner hur ried to the scene, and lie opened his eyes very wide indeed at what he saw. In the front of the house was a stubble field of several hundred acre 3 that had been harvested in wheat the same year. It was as level as a table and an ideal feeding place for the quail. For many years they had whistled, mated and fed around the place all undis turbed until they became almost as tame as barnyard fowls. The owner saw the dogs stand motionless, saw the dandy sportsman pick his way genjly where they were, saw a few birds rise and two puffs of smoke, followed by a nearly simultaneous report. Two birds dropped, then the dogs retrieved, and the game was handed to a nonde script negro lad whom the sportsman had picked up somewhere, who had tied the birds to a string and wrapped them around his body until he was half hidden from view. The gun was loaded and capped in ■ldeof a minute. The performance was repeated. The man never hurried, the dogs, beautifully trained, never bun gled, the gun never missed, and the dandy had, in sporting parlance, never "turned a hair." The stockings were n little colored by the chickweed, but le was ready to lead the minuet that nornent. The Scotchman at first was furiously angry, but as be saw the matchlpss work of the trinity of destructive agents—man. gun. dog—so perfectly blended into one, and beheld in the af fected coxcomb the same metal which under Rupert had again and broken the steel fronted squares of Cromwell's Ironsides, he advanced and nsked his name, and when it was given he answered. "I might have known it." And that's how Jack Mason won his bet. The Letter "M" In Mother. It lias been pointed out as a curious fact that the letter "M" in almost all known languages English, French, Latin, Spanish. Creek. Hebrew, Chi nese and the others—is to bo found in the word which stands for mother or nurse. Perhaps this is owing to its representing a sound which exists in every spoken speech and has the same pronunciation in them all. It is also exceedingly easy to utter and is one of the first sounds that - children make, and it therefore naturally enters into the appellation jriven to the nursing parent in the first cries of recognition and affection. There is no doubt at all that "ma" and the other baby names for mother originated directly from the child. An OhNerviiifc Clilltl. One man in New York had social as pirations which somewhat warped his admiration of his homespun father. The father actually sometimes relapses into the barbarism of eating with his knife. Hut the man has a little son whose eyes seek and find out the truth. The other day the little boy licked some mashed potatoes from his knife, and his mother eluded him. "Sammy, dear," she said, "only strpid people eat with their knives." "How can you say that, mamma?" cried the child. "Grandpa eats with his knife. And he made all our money!" Launelied on III* Literary Career. "I understand your son has decided to go in for literature." "Yes, aud he's made a splendid start already." "You don't say." "Yes; he went to an unction this morning and bought a secondhand writing desk for only $4.98." —Catholic Standard and Times. a- -w Victor Liniment r Takes Soreness out of Wounds nd Sprains, destroys fire in • calds and Burns. Cures Croup -i children relieves Fheuma' m, and removes all Callous or f ard Lumps. Felons. Lumbago. ?urisy> Sciatica, and ail deep ted inflammations c fc, Sure, Speedy . . tor Remedies Company offei-: • *.> rd for anv certified case of Lockjaw .- Hiood Poison, in man or beast, ri-M It rg from the kick of an animal, fn ni i:_ - insertion of a rusty nail, or fron. wound, provided ictor Lininif i, ipplied strictly according to directions within 3 hours after wound has been re ceived. . For further particulars address. VICTOR REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Mary U.i d For sale at Reed's Pharmacy. Music Department! We have added a mnsical department —pood music—good instruments and everything that belongs to a music store. Call and inspect the famons Merrill Piano. One of the best high grade pianos on the market. We can sell it on easy payments. Want a Violin, Mandolin. Banjo. Gnitar or Accordeon, we have them. Send for our catalogue of 10c sheet music, containing over 1000 titles, ant) we have them all in stock. We will get any piece of music you need, in fact we are in shape to supplv all vonr wants in the musical line at DOUGLASS BOOK STOHK Near P. 0.. 241 S. Main St. PAROID Ready OOFING. pAKOID. The Roofing with NO A TAR. Won't dry out Won't grow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tin*, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. REPRESENTS tl.e results «. years oi Experience and Ex perimenting. /"iNLY requires painting few years. Net when fir.st laid. r S Cheaper than Gravel, Sl.-3m 712 Cedar A venue, Allegheny. l'a. THE JAS. MIIKTHA CO., 339 sth Ave.. I'ittsburg, I'a., Can sell your lieal Estate, Farm or Business. Correspondence solicited. A 1.1. TitANSACTIONS CONFIUENTIAI,. DO VOI WANT TO SELL your farm or other real estate? I can do It for you. Bend me full particulars at once. 4-10-03-ly JOHN RODGER, 404 Keystone riltsliurg, l'a | Wm. Foster. j \ Architect. f Plans of all kind of buildings t \ furnished on short notice. f / Office in Berg Building, j 3 Butler, Pa. v Owego Valley Poultry Yards. Buff Leghorns exclusively. At Au burn, 4 entries, 3 firsts, 1 second. My hen winning gold leg band for being the best buff hen in the show-room. Eggs $2 per 15, per 30. MRS. C. W. HARRINGTON. Harford Mills N. Y. WHY NOT Becomean Artist? Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and Water Color taught at home, md employment given at once. For full particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF ART, Beavtr Falls, P». REMOVAL. We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc., as wc have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler \ JacKson & Poole. $ ;[ "iii|n|in'- 8 ( C BRASS CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS X (\ MADE TO ORDER. A \T REAR Oh CAMPBELL S MACHINE V V SHOP, E. WAYNE ST , Y X BUTLER, PA X HEYMAN HARRIS, LADIES'TAILOR-MADE SUiTS j and RIDING HABITS, , 4597 Forbes Street, Corner Craig Street. PITTSBURG, PA. a-19-Iy JL J, KOWAL3KY. jjfL Gas and Gasoline Engines Stationary and M.iiiue fcn ffVlDt giiies ;tn«l for A iito:nol»i: .I,::.■!. rv.T- ! F«>r 111 u ksmit'i Pump- | , \ log Water liuuuing Fans and ic«J -> L Oreain'Freezers, etc. No. 6 4th Ave., Pittsburjr, Pc. 3-19-Oui WAITED-Firemen. Brakemeii, Machinists. Px.il r makers, Blacksmiths and helpeis lor rail* r.-ails, also drivers and all kinds of help. I'laccs General Km ploy men t Bureau, "JOl Fede ral afreet, Allegheny, I'a. WANTED—At once, girls in every capacity; ?•> to -*lO per week; placed or money refunded. General Employment Bureau, 201 Federal St.. Allegheny, i'a. • 3-19-ly MERCANTILE BUREAU, Secures Fir«l-rl«s» Jlfrcaiilllc ami Mechanical Positions,-^. Office - PlttsbuMT, >*» Fourtli Avenue, 3-19-ly Headaches Cured With Glasses. Artificial Eyes. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS 705 PKW AVEXt'E. OPP. PEXN PITTSBTTRt*. DRII HABIT JENIDU Removes all desire for Alcoholic Stimulant im liedialely. Settles the stomach it and calms the nerve* it once. Produces natural sleep. Creates a normal Hf petite and good digestion. Restores vtgon us k.rength. health ami manhood. It will cure the most s*ri<»us ca*e of Inebriety or Drink Habit Disease. TEKMS MODCUATJC. For full particulars ad.hrss, THE JEKDU COMPANY, 803 Su SOS Prilli Ktilid*£, I'il P«. CHtiiHtSitß'S tHGUSH PENNYROYAL PILLS Safe. A! vn .t c iik It'X Kituklkil in Rc4 aiii (iolft b«- V'S, seaieil with Mile ribbon Take no e.llior. Kcfliw dangerous «ul>»ll tutlcmftnnd i'liiliilinnx. Buy of your Druggist, or semi • «-. in -lump- I r . »"arli«-iilur». Testi aioniaK mil "It. lii-f lor i« totter, liy rrluru Mail. n»,oooTestimonials, bold by all Jirug-'isis. CUJ- 'HES i't;R OIJEMICAL CO. XIOJ JfiiiliMiu Square, |*IPSUA., Pi M«a lion J.l» PERSONAL Vapor, alcohol and steam but lis. Facial ami scalp treatpiept a special ty. Best of service given. MBS, HAVUEN, 1 irst iloor.-O.' Federal St., Allegheny titty,l'a. PERSONAL Swedish Massac. Manicur ing. ELSIE MILLS, siKi Penu Avenue, (second lloor) 4-.' Wl-ly Pittsburg, Pa. IP YOI! A It K meting nniiifyiqpnt, IST* bn*r<3- ng lu the tit;' until engaged. Send 11 and wo will Eiai: you complete Insti uctior.sbow toqulckly secure a position (according to your atdlityj auuiig the largest Arms In A weiica. unaided and by your own efforts. (Copyrlglitl'f tills system applied for.) Au Iress, laforuiitl'Hi Department, Eur Kuiploymeut lajSUUi stipet, I'Utsburg, i'a. OSTEOPATHIC PIIVSICIA.VB. DR. S. A. THOMPSON". PH. ISA liF-1. ItAllAf FEY, iteteopi.l' i. i'liynirlau!! Graduates Ain.'ii can >ln>i I. i*ou-6 Arrott i'utlding, H«ii t'hvum —Court, t'Ulsbur; I'*, L. 5. McJUNKIN Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 E. JEFFKRSON. RTT'TT T?T? - M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTOGBAPHFB lai* South Main St. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House. Butler 'enn'a The best of horses and first class rigs at wavs on hand and for hire. Best accommodations In town for perma nent boarding and transient trade. Sped al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses A Rood c ass of horses, both drivers and draft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bough yon proper notification-by EARSON B. NACE. Telephone No. 219 NFW » I STOCK I have purchased the C. J. Harvey Pharmacy, in the Stein | building, at 345 S. Main St., am remodeling and restocking the store. I have twenty-two years experience as a pharmacist, and compounding of prescriptions will be under my personal at tention. Pure drugs and honest treat ment guaranteed. When in town shopping, stop and leave your packages. J. L McKee, Pharmacist, Stein Block. S. Main St., Butler. Pa. WALL PAPER We know we have the l>est of al grades of high class novelties, but to have the public know it is our aim If in need of anything in our line it will pay yon to give ns * call and ex amine goods and prices before pur chasin-r. EYTH BROS Next to Poatoffiee. 251 S. Main St Lincoln College, Rogers, Ohio. Spring Term opens April 14th. Normal Term, six weeks, be gins June 23rd. Commmercial, Ncrmal,Classic al, Musical and Art De partments Write for particulars Address, LINCOLN COLLEGE, P. 0 Box 143, Rogers, Ohio. f THE PESSIMISTS Have had quite an inning but they cannot shut off the energy of the Ameri can people. The country is making money as it never made money before. Get my daily letters and learn when, what and how to buy, and participate in this money-making. R. HI. Weaver Stocks and Bonds Third Ave. and Wood St., PITTSBURG. Local office, 213 S. Main St. Butler, J A. REYNOLDS, Manager. Family Reuqions! We olten cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some little thing. Get. a good picture of your family and h<>me made nt jour first op portunity We make the best at $6.00 per dozen, Bxlo inches and guarantee them permanent. I-et us know : n time to go out. The Butler fiye Works Dyeing, Cleanii g, Pressing. R. FISHER M, A HERKIMER, Funeral Director. 9 M-in Antler WANTED Every lady to send 12 cents for my Dew IIKXI match striker; saves paper and paints Address Euiilv, Main St., sliiirpsburg, Pa. ZAHNISeR & CO. 426 Fourth Aye , Pittsburg, Pa., Sell SL ExchdDge Stores, Business & Farms Correspondence, Solicited. Western University of Pennsylvania S Entrance examinations for admission to the [reshaien class in the collegiate and engineering H departments will be held on Friday and Saturday, I June 19 and 20, l l at 9 a. m., also on Septem i ber 11 and 12, at tit University Building, on Per- I rysville avenue, Allegheny, Pa. Prizes are of ij frred for il • -st . re rxarr.inations in classics fl and mathematics. QBBEHBSKQLI- .1?BB» Binding of Books is our occupation. We put our entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work, If you are thinking of having some work done in this line I am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at Tie Butler Book Bindery, W. W. AM O.N, I'rop. Opp Conrt House. ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION Cromwell of Wiliington. IMPORTED direct bv owner. Dapple Gray, 5 years old. 17J hands, weighs over 3,800 lbs. Fnll registered for 70 years back. For limited number service $15.00, FOR THIS REASON ONLY IRVINTON STOCK FARM, Sewickley, Pa, Correspondence solicited. 5-14-00-4t Hell Telephone No. 1. I H. (i. Allison, Funeral Director, Bell Phone No. 3. Bakerstown, Pa. LEVI IN TO INS' 122 South Main St. Your money's worth or money back. Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing. | The finest ready-to-wear attire that is made. We have the facilities to search out the best that the market can afford, and it is now ready in a complete Spring array on our floor. Everything that a dressing man can desire for his attire can be found here at a smaller price than he would expect to pay for such smartly tailored garments. Men s Suits and Top Coats at $7.50, #9, sl2, #l4, #l6, #lB, #2O, and u} to #25. We show Men's Spring Overcoats which, like all of our attire, could not fit or wear better if they were custom tailored. LEVINTONS' MAVS & DAVIS Wholesale Deitlerw ii\ the :j Finest of I^iciuors, Aleis, Beersand Wiqes. Medicinal Trade Especially Solicited. People's I'hone 578 Bell Phone 218 i 322 South Main St., Butler, Pa. Early Spring Hats. We are showing all the new shapes for Spring, 1903 READY-TO-WEAR HATS, SAILORS and STREET HATS are now ready for your inspection. FLOWERS and FRUIT are going to be worn very extensively for early Spring style. See the fine display at Rockenstein's MILLINERY EMPORIUM 3*B Soutb Main - - - Butler, P» The New-York Tribune Farmer is a national illustrated agricultural weekly for farmers and their families, and stands at the head of the agri cultural press. It is a practical paper for practical farmers, helping them to secure the largest possible profit from the farm through practical methods. It is entertaining, instructive and practically useful to the farmer's wife. 30ns and daughters, whose interests it covers in an attractive manner. The regular pr ; ce is *I.OO per year, but for a limited ti">e *e will receive your subscription for TliE NEW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER and also for yonr own favorite local newspaper, THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. Both Papers One Year forOnlj $1.50 Send your order and money to the CITIZEN. Yonr name and address on a postal card to THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FARMER, New-York City will bring free sample copy. M ost Liberal Otter Of The Y ear. fa •" • - v . < Si 3 per cent. DON'T PUT IT OFF. 3 per cent. |i r| Prepare for a rainy day by starting a *2 ?! savings account NOW. |# #1 We pay 3 per cent, compounded on savings accounts, *1 and accept any sum from SI.OO up SI 50TbER SAVINGS &r TRUST CO/V\PANy, *# f | Capital and Surplus over $400,000.00. if We also do a general Trust Co. business. 5| You can bank by mail. |# THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - ~ $26,000.00 (EARNED) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHN YOVNKINS, President. JOHN HUMPHREY, \ ice President. E. W. BINGHAM, Cashier. J- F. HUTZLER. Asst Cashier. 4>SAvlVigs checking accounts T rfo/oX BAN Jr BY MAI 1_- X Write for literature explaining how cosy it is. M' Assets Ouer $7»30 O, O O 0.00 1 I GERMAN IA. SAVINGS BANK 1 VvvOOO AND DIAMOND PITTSBURG■■ PA^ I MONEY It earns 2(9/ on Checking Accounts % nrnr 4/< Cson Savings Accounts * _gpowiH6 DOLLARS ALL THE TIME | g;.' WKITB run BOOKUtT— BANKING BY MAIL. M I'MK Butler County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - J140.000.00 Jos. Hartman, President; J V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general bankinjcbusiness transacted. I uteres', paid on time deposits. Money leaned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this DIRECTORS—IIcn.. Joseph Hartman, Hon. W. S. Waldror., I)r. M. M. Htiover. H. Mc- Sweeney. C. i'. Colllus, I. G. Smith. Leslie P. Hazlett, M. Klneßin, W. H. Larkln, T- P. Mifflin, l)r. W. 0. McCandless. Hen Mus seth. W. J. Marks. J. V. Kltts. A. L. ttetber WHY DO YOl' REMAIN IDLE when we need -HO tni n for different positions? If you one willing to work we can place yon. We are able to supply, on short notice, auv kind of male help to employers—order will be (Hi ed very promptly. Apply. Old Reliable Key stone liureau. 1122 l'enn avenue. Pittsburg. Established 1C73. -• 5-tirn , « BANK LV 2 INTYresT j:-1 BOOKLET R FOR SALE Tbe Buest dairy anil fruit arm In South Jersey. 50 acres; 730 fruit rees. all In l>est condition; lti-room house, leated by hot water; two barns and other lutbuildings. two silos, capacity ion tons. >alry <*oniprlsinK -0 head can be included or mt: milk may lie sold at the door or may lie ielivered In adjolnlnK towns with popula liin of 1-.UOO. For particulars and descrlp ive booklet of Vlneland. address. -H-lrn HENRY TAYLOR, Vlneland, X. J. UYINQ A PI A N 0-f| business man. All the more necessity for yon to get a _ r"<\ good instrument with a name known for ,Jk j\ honesty, progressiveness and durability BUY A CAHSE ' "ACkLEY OR CARLISLE. ."•""LTjTVWa Yon cannot be too critical about buying a piano. It is not an event that occurs Jyffj fiJJJj j every month. When yon bny. yon want a V 1 fnll. pure toned piano, elastic and lasting, not one whose tones will slur after using it f H * h " rt time. r Examine my pianos carefully, and you ' "■•=' > will speak nothing but favorably of them. ' jrff/ivr.'Don't buy hapazard any where Start *■' d here first. I know I have a gooil stock, and - "»— *I want yon to know it also 1 know that mv prices are reasonable and honest, and I want you to know it also. I know I can give yon satisfaction, and I want yon to know that. Right pianos, right prices, right treatment, is onr motto. Your credit is good. W. R. NEWTON, 317 South Nain St. "THE PIANO MAN" Butler. Pa. 1 Carl Schlucter, 1 THE TAILOR, I Has removed from 125 W. Jefferson street to 115 E. Jef- § 1 ferson street. Room 6, Reiber Building, Butler, Pa., | § where he will keep a stock of seasonable goods—all of I | the best quality. Spring stock now ready for inspection. I | Cleaning and Repairing. I | Good Workmanship Guaranteed. | | Union Prices Paid. I %%% %%%% ?xxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxx****xxxx***xxxxx***x g NEW SPRING COTTONS 2 The frequent arrivals of fresh, new Cottons are fast crowding ont JK Sdv the winter goods and give the store a decided spring-like appearance. Ub $ SUPERB WHITE GOODS * MP Finest line we have ever shown. Beautiful Mercerized Fancies jflf in stripes, brocades and openwork patterns, at Snc to 60c. India flr Linens, Dimities and Francy White Goods at 6ic, Bc, 10c, 12} c, flr NEW PERCALES g The Mulhouse Percales are much superior to the ordinary percales R nstially sold at the same price. Finer cloth, softer and better finish and more attractive patterns, :iti inches wide —12Jc yard. ft g NEW GINGHAMS $ More new arrivals added to our large assortment of the very cho>«est styles of Ginghams and Seersuckers, at 10c anil 12jc K NEW DRAPERIES ft fIP Decidedly new patterns in Curtain Swiss, Madrtv. Siikalin^, 2 Denims, ami Cretonnes tint are very handsome and attractive I -jo J? ft THE NEW IDEA WOMAN'S MAGAZINE $ The finest home publication in the country, replete with articles (R U of interest to women, 100 pages and colored cover. Numerous illn- U strations of the latest fashions. March number now ready—subscrip- tion price 50c a year. Single copy 5 cents. Monthly Fashion Sheet J Free. | L. Stein & Son,§ ft 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA ft 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 | C. E. miller's I 79 . GREAT 79 i 79-Cent h 79 SALE OF >79 JMEN'S PLOW SHOES,, We have just purchased a large lot of Men's good solid, 79 Plow shoes at about cost of material.. As our stock this yg Spring is extremely large and we are crowded for room, we have put this entire lot on sale at a very small margin yg'over what we paid for them. yg They are regular $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Shoes. Are all clean new goods and are displayed on Bargain 79 Counters so you can look them all over and take your 79 pick of the whole lot. We have all sizes at present, but at this ridiculous low price it is only a short time till 79 best sizes will be picked out, so do not wait, as "first here 79 —first served." SPRING GOODS nearly all in and they are alii 79 beauties! Style and quality away up! Prices awaydown!|79 We are exclusive agents in Butler for famous DOROTHY DODD 79 Fine Shoes and Oxfords for Ladies. '9 Largest line of WALKOVER and DOUGLASS Fine -glShoes for Men we have ever carried, and they are nicer ■and better than ever before. Make us a visit before purchasing your fine shoes for 7Q Spring. 79 G. E. miller, 215 South Main Street, - - Opposite Hotel Arlington 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 We are having Spring weather, why not look about for your new Spring Suit. Showing the newest shades and stripes in Scotch Cloths and Fancy VV 01 steds. Prices range from $5 to sls. Coats are all made non-breakable front and are cut the latest fashion. Have a look. No trouble to us. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. REMOVAL! Wm. Cooper, the tailor, will remove his stock of goods, April 1 st, from the Newton Music Store to Room No. 1, Stein Block, near Willard Hotel. These will be but temporary quarters pending his removal to his old stand at corner of Diamond.