THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1903. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XOTE-AU advertisers Intending to make changes In their -uds. should notify us ot their intention to do so not later than .Mon day morning. Borough Ordinances. Auditors' Report of Summit twp. Eberle Bros. Plumbers. Campbell's furniture. Modern Store'B sale. Leighner's Jewelry. Waverly Hotel. Kirkpatrick's Jewelry. Admlcisiiators and Executors of estate e in secure their receipt books at the CITI ZEN office, and persons making public sales thsir note books. LOC\L AND GENERAL. —The next Masonic reunion will oc curat Alameda, July 15th. —•'A Hero in Rags'' will be given by the Brvan Stock Co. at the Park to night. l;s a pity the tan shoe has gone out of style as it is the cheapest and coolest of shoes for summer wear. —Some of the newspaper correspond ents get things wrong, they speak of L. M. Wise as an anti-Quay leader. Bosh —J. H. Harvey has refurnished the Waverly Hotel, and is now prepared to accommodate all who come. See card. —Some slight changes have been made in the B. & O. time table: and a Sunday evening train put on to Fox burg. —A new street-car line, to run from the corner of Main and Clav streets to the Marshall farm, west of town is in contemplation - —The Saturday afternoon flyer to the Lake, leaves Butler at 3:15 p.m. and returning leaves the lake Sunday evening at 7 p.m. —That gilded bicycle in the show window of the Ketterer Bros, is a duplicate of that Li hung Chang pre sented to his grandson. —M. A. Berkimer. the undertaker, went to Dixmont, yesterday, to secure the bjdy of Mrs. Jacob Brown, of Centre township, who died, Tuesday. —An Australian astronomer claims that the moon controls the rain-fall. If the Legislature were yet in session a bill indicting it for negligence might be passed. —Our farmers finished their potatoes and corn last week, are clipping their sheep this and propose going fishing netjt week if there s any water lett in the creeks —So many matteis claim our space, this week, that oar continuation of the Land Titles article; onr weekly lesson in astronomy and some other matters had to be left over for next week. —At the meeting of Council, Tues day evening, it was decided to pave Ziegler avenue from Centre avenue to Cupps Way: and Bluff street between Pearl and Penn. The cost of Mercer street will be $2.20 per foot front. —ln Montana the worst snow storm ever known has frozen tour men and $5,000,000 worth of sheep and cattle. In Wisconsin and Minnesota flooded rivers are doing great damage. Here it is 90 in the shade and no rain for three weeks. —Mars is booming—the Parks and Link farms have been sold, and Mrs. CIOJV has had the balance of her farm surveyed into lcte, which are selling readily. Dick & Co. of Pittsburg paid |2OOO for a right of way or street through the Florence Kennedy lot. —The B. & O. trains passed through a warm spot last Tuesday—a lot of freight cars, the glass house and some ice houses at Witmer. near Sharpsbnrg, were burning -and the passengers put down the windows The town was sav ed by a bucket-brigade, but if the tur pentine works there had caught, it would have gone. —"Whoever shall wilfully or malic iously injnre, tear down, or destroy any letter box or other receptacle establish ed by order of the Poet master-General, ' or approved or designated by him, for the receipt or delivery of mail matter on any rural free delivery route, star route, or other mail route, or shall break open the same, or wilfully or ma iiciously injure, deface, or destroy any mail matter deposited therein, or shall wilfully take or steal such matter from or out of such letter box or other recep tacle, or shall wilfully aid or assist in any of the afore-mentioned offenses, shall for every such offense be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for more than three year*." —The following graduates and students of the Butler Business College have recently accepted positions as follows: Miss Alice Dilley, Stenograph er. Wabash K. 8. Co.. Parkersburg, W. Va.; Miss Bessie Morse, position with W. H. De Arme, Butler. Pa ; Mr, Clyde Behm, position with the Evans | City Bank. Evans City, Pa ; Mr. W. J. Flinner, position with the Ingersoll Construction Co. Youngstown, O.; Miss Jessie Loveless, position with Bell Telephone Co , Butler. Pa.; Misi Grace Steinbrook, Bookkeeper and Stenograph er, Bioadhead Construction Co. Chicora Pa.: Miss Lillian Sarver, position with W. E. Cochran, Contractor and Builder Butler * Pa.; Miss Elva Logan, Stenog rapher, Pittsburg firm Miss Ora Logan Stenographer, Pittsburg firm. For Oorns, Bruises, Burns, Rheuma tism. Lumbago. Pleuriav, and all deep seated iufiamatious use Victor Liniment —the sate, speedy, and only reliable Liniment. The New Bank. Charley Bailey went behind the counter, with a bunch of money, yester day morning aud itegan doing business for the Standard Trust company, of which he is cashier, as me card iu an other column. 1 The Standard Trust is a strong insti stitntion cipatalized at (150,000 and in cludes among its stockholders some of the best known business men of Butler a- v.-fll as Pittsburg people, being also represented by some of the well-to-do farmers of Butler county. It expects to take up all lines of banking and trust company business and is already a-i-ured of a very comfortable amount of business to start with. Their temporary place i* in the Win. Forqner building on Main St.—No. •2Sa but they will build on /he old Pape lot as soon as they can secure possession of it. Interest will be paid on tim*- de p wit-; and careful and generous at ten'ion to all business intrusted to it will characterize the company, whether in matters of larger or smaller moment BUYING WOOL Months of May. June. July aud Auzutt. forenoons only, location samb as last season, formerly Graham Bros Urocery. now Cohen's lanrain store. WM. F. RrUHKKCKR, BUTLER ICE COMPANY Orders delivered promptly to all parts of the town. Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call np B*-ll Phone No. 4: or P»-ople's No. .">4. E E. Laotz, Manager. People's Phone No. 33*. PERSONAL. Rev. Enterline and wife are enter taioing a new boy. John Nelson of Cherry twp , aged $3 years is in poor health. Fiank Cochran. Esq., of Concord visited friends in Bntler Tuesday. 11. D. McMnrry of Smnmit twp. vis ited friends in Bntler. last Friday. D. A. Logan and wife of Middlesex twp did some shopping in Butler, Fri day. John T. Hovis of Clinton ville has been granted a patent on a vehicle brake. Hon. J. Norman Martin of New Castle attended to business in Butler Monday. Miss May Neglev and William Neglev of Philadelphia are visiting Bntler relatives. Emos McDonald of Franklin and D. T. Nicklas of Penn visited friends in Bntler yesterday. Win Dixon bought a fine horse from the Titleys of Chicora, last week, and is ver> proad of him. J P. Castor, S. W. Moore, C. C. Badger and other Brady twp. men visit ed friends in Butler, Saturday Dr. J. C. Boyle has returned from Philadelphia, where be took some re views, and is again at his office. John Coulter Esq. has sold a house and lot on Bluff St. for Bvers and Thorn to G F. Heydrick. Consideration $2850. Miss Elizabeth Campbell, a school teacher of Bntler, has resigned her po sition here and accepted a similar posi tion in Indian Territory. Mrs. Jennie Jones, who re signed her position as matron of the Dixmont hospital for the insane, is vis ing her niece, Mrs. John G McMarlin. Miss Ellen M. Stone has sacrificed her claim against Turkey, for being cap tnred by brigands, by refusing to break her pledge to the brigands, and telling all she knows. Dr. Hose a Snyder, formerly of Brady twp , graduated from the Medical Col lege at Keokuk, lowa. April 29, and was married at St Louis, May 4th He has gone to Oklahoma with the intention of locating there. H. H. Hallstead brought up the re turns from Clinton twp., Monday. Mr. Hallstead has never missed either a primary or an election since he came home from the army 88 years ago. Mrs. R. L. MirColloueh of Centre twp. and Mrs. John Burry of Franklin twp. called on friends in Butler. Thursday. Both ladies returned ». few days ago from a visit to their sister. Mrs. E W. Graham at Lima, O. W. E. Hall of Elwood caiue to But ler, last Saturday, on a business matter. Will left Slipperyrock eight years ago and located in Elwoood. where he now owns a good house, and has charge of the electrical department of the big tube works. T. S. Green has resigned h : s position with the Pennsylvania E. R. Co and is now spending his entire time in Bntler. He was in the Union Station Pittsburg for twelve years, was the agent of the Company in Bntler for seventeen jears, and at Saltsburg for several jears. Letter to G. J. Krug. Dear Sir: Porterhouse, so much: neck, so much; all the way between. Just so with paint. Devoe Lead and Zinc is the porterhouse. Nobody wants the neck; the between, some say is good enough for them. But Devoe costs less, not more, than between. Lead and oil is between; it is the old fashioned paint. But zinc has come in. Zinc toughens white lead. Devoe Lead and Zinc is the paint. Mr. John N Deitel, Fair Haven, N, Y., writes: Mr. Charles Hollenbeck, of this place painted his house three years ago with Devoe Lead and Zinc; his father painted at the same time with lead and oil. To-day the son's house looks as well as the day it was painted, while the father's house lias all chalked off and needs paintin.- yery badly. The father says he will paint with Devoe next time, Yours truly, F. W. DEVOE & Co., 12 New York. P. S. Patterson Bros, sell oar paint. Fathers an acres in Jefferson was sold to Heu wig Helinbold for SOOO, also a lot in Saxonburg to Helinbold for SIOO. Lot of Henry Leise in Harmony to Penn a S. F. and L. Assn for $•»". NOTES W. H. Flick, a young man supposed to have broken Harry Grieb s show window and stolen some watches, jew elry, and to have stolen revolvers two other men and money from a third, was arrested by ( fficer Kemper in his room at Greenwood's Nixon Home, and part of the Grieb jewelry was found there. Kiriako Grafas, a Greek, is in jail for larceny. G. S. Huselton was appointed tax c< 1- lector r f Ptnn twp vice G. L. Marsh who failed to qualify. Exceptions were filed to the Auditor s report in the estate of Barbara lvoedel. The executors of John Daubenspeck were granted leave to sell real estate in Parker twp. On petition of John Harrer, Jr. of Cliff St., a commission in lunacy com posed of E. H. Negley, Dr. J. W. F. Moore and Wm. H. Walker was ap pointed on Lena Stroble, Harrer s step daughter. She was adjudged insane and committed to Dixmont. When court met Monday morning the court room was found brilliant as a rose garden in a new red Brussels car pet. Several important changes and com binations are faking place among the attorneys. The firms of Painter & Mnr rin and"Keck & Murrin have dissolved. Mr. Painter retaining the office in the Crattv building which the firm has oc cupied for several years. F. J. For quer and W. Z. and John Murrin form a partnership with offices in the new Guaranty Trust Co building. John H Jackson, T. C. H. Keck and A. < Troutman hereafter will occupy E L. Ralsten's present office rooms. Mr. Ralston moves into his old office over Boyd's drug store, and a door will ba cut through the wall on the second floors of the Fisher and Boyd buildings The Kennedy property on W. Fulton St. was sold Friday at administratrix sale to Mrs. Kennedy for $1250. Henry A. Hoffman of Connoqneness ing was arrested last Wednesday and brought to town, on a charge of invol untary manslaughter, and gave bail in SIOOO for his appearance at court, with John Fehl as surety. The Renno divorce case was continued until Saturday. Louis Eiffier, Jr . and Alexander Sisko were naturalized Tuesday. The timber case of Timothy Sweeney v» Butler Co. was argued Monday.. Private sale by .the heirs of Jas. K. Reed, dee d., and W. C. Findley. adm'r of 52 acres in Slipperyrock twp. to Everett G Campbell for SIOOO was ap proved. Milton Goff was arrested on a charge of seduction, etc..preferred by Margaret Regis of the Island Judge Wilis D. Patton and Attorney Charles Harrington of Kittanning, were in town yesterday, the former hearing a case in Argument Court. Andrew C. Moser was appointed guardian of George H., Frank, Wil bert, John E , Matthew and Win. P. Batmian. minor sons of T. J. Bauman, dee d, of Saxonburg. A nolle pros was allowed in the case of Com. vs P. B & L- E. R. R. Co. on payment of costs by deft. Minnie Rosenberry and Mary Coup pies plead guilty to charges entered against them. The case of Com. vs J. T. Scott,. de sertion, was settled. A. M. Cornelius, Esq., Dr. Schultis and Ph. Clufe were appointed a com mission in lunacy on Andrew Convert of Monroe St. on petition of Mary Cou very. The ruses of Com. ys Lewis Larimer aud Ida Campbell of Fairview twp, keeping a disorderly house and carrying concealed weapons, were settled. The case of Com vs Mike Kalo was settled. Samuel Smith was appointed snpervi sor of Washington twp. The Guaranty Trust Co. was appoint ed guardian ef the minor children of Mrs Matthias Yost, dec'd, of Bntler. The petition of citizens of West Lib erty for incorporation as a borough was heard, Tuesday. Residents of Brady twp. outside West Liberty are opposed to the formation of a borough. On petition of citizens of Harrisville for a new bridge. B. F. Billiard, E. C. Snyder and Charles E. Shannon were appointed viewers. Walter Williams plead guilty to lar ceny of a bicycle from Geo. Ambnster, the painter. Divorces were granted, Tuesday, as follows. Laura L. Benlgh from Cyrus E. Benigh: Margaret E. Rhodes from Frederick E. Rhodes; Thomas A. Park of Middlesex from Margaret Ann Park Louisa Bell Kelly of Venango from I). A. Kelly, and Lewis M. Bishop of Evans City from Rose May Bishop. The case of George Meyer of Middle sex vs Rose Meyer was heard and held ove* until June to enable entry of some further testimony. The case of Com. vs Geo. Kalo, agg ai"tb, was settled. PKOPKHTY TRANSFERS. t J H Long to D.T Stewart lot in Ha<- onburg for sl. W A Waid to F D Mat It-son ltlT acres | in Concord for $17,000. Daniel Andre to Omega J Kaufman i I acres in < 'lay for #2OO. | S G Kaufman to Nancy A McDeavitt 1 00 acres in Fairview for *0<)0. L.e Ann Hays to Jesse H Dora'dson 12 acres in Middlesex for sl. Man»t E Damn to Fred W Daum lot in Millerstown for SIOO. Elizabeth Frederick to Lyoia » Swartzlander lot m Millerstown for sTOO, also to Frederick Damn 13 acres in Donegal for $250. livers & Thome to J A Heydrick lot on liluff St for $2850. H H bovd to Sarah E Keiner lot in W'infield for $125. Jos Wallace to Chas S Fleeger lot in Butler for $250. A W Whit-mire to J C Whitmire lot in Butler twp for $250. . Leona BTruver to Sarah J W eigle lot in Middlesex for S7OO. Eliz Steighner to W Nebel lot at tier man for S7OO. . M L Kelly to Mary J L Faber lot lu I Mars for SI2OO Frank A Mizener to Lawson vV oolcutt 2 acres in Venango For SIOO. Oliver C Watters for Mary J Walter? 1 acre in Adams for S4OO. John II Ficht to Otto Loest:! acres in Cranberry for S7OO. Maggie E. Hoover to Michael Hoover 1 cere in Fairviev f< r s''Jo. Burton Adsit to Rosanna Adsit lot in Butler for S2OOO. Rosanna Adsit to Harriett Adsst lot in Bntler for S2OOO. W E. "Weigle to Chas S Moore G acres in Brady for $950. MarvK Cnbbison to W B Campbell lot in Harrisville for SOSO. Frank H Libell to Fred H Goettler lot on Cross St. for SI2OO. Margaret M Wilson to W Henry Wil son 100 acres in Slipperyrock for *2825.97. Jas Wallace to Mrs Jane B Cunning ham lot in Zelienople for SI2OO. Mary Martin to Alfred Miller lot :n Clay for SIO3O. P D. Gelbach to H I Glenn lot at Zelienople for $550. S S Sterrett to S lot in Jack son for $275. S M Sloan to U S Sloan 40 acres 10 Allegheny for $550. M B Hotelinsi to S McKinney lot in Zelienople for $337. W G Stonghtou to A K Sfoughton lot in Harmony for $3500. T R Hoon. Sheriff, to J M Thompson 50 acres in Middlesex for >i15,.«. J A Eberhart to A O Eberhart 15 acres in Fairview for sl. Marriage H. Bleasdale Conneant, O Arabella Crawford Byruui Cen-er A. J. Cooper Moddy creek Margaret Shanor Prospect R P. McNany Kiester Mary M. Wolford WestSunbury J. S. Bowser Sherrett, Pa Mary Etta Hilliard " . R. N. Smith .'..Erie Rhoda M Ort Bntler Merrell D. McClnre Worth twp Estella E. Snyder Brady twp W. 11. Bell Rimersburg Catherine Humphreys .John Burkett Emlenton Halie Bell \ Hooker Charles Byer Mercer Co L'iura Kerr Joseph D. Gibson Washington twp M. Delia Book Chailes Kohler Corners Maria Salina Frank C. Shakeley Fairvi»-v • w p D, s> L. Snow Aitbnr W. Graham Ca l -:y MH r\ M. West P. t. r J. Mohen Butler Rose Geible Ralph A. Riegle Karns City- Mabel M. Kapp ,T. R. Young Slipperyrock Amelia P. Hockenberry... . (i. A. K. Kncainpinent. For the benefit of those desiring to attend the Annual Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, Depart ment of Pennsylvania, at Allentown, June 1 to (i, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company v. ill sell excursion tickets to Allentown from all stations on its lines in the State of Pennsylvania, on May 31 June 1, 2, 3 4, and ■">. good to retnrn until Jane 0, inclusive, at rate o f a single fare for the round trip. For specific rates, apply to local ticket agents FOR SALE. Lot 50x104 feet, 5-rootn house, new; 6table 20x20, spring water in house, SI4OO. „ „ Lot 40x112 feet, 7 room house, SI2OO Two new houses. West D St., $26000r $1550 for one and SIOSO for other. Storeroom and !)-room house in West End, SSOOO E. H. NEGLEY, S. W. Diamond. Butler Ice Company < irders delivered promptly to all parts of the town. Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call up Bell Peone No. 4; or People's No. .>4. E. E. LANTZ, Manager, People's Pboue No. 533. Dollar Sunday Kate to Allegheny Commencing the first Sunday in May lurl continuing each Sunday thereafter antil Oct. *sth, the B. & O. R. R. will sell flpecial excursion tickets from But ler to Allegheny and return for morning [rains on Sunday at rate of ill for the round trip. Tickets good on Baltimore ind Ohio trains only. Return limited to date of sale BUTLER ICE COMPANY Orders delivered promptly to all parta if the town. Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call up Bell Phone No. 4; or People's No. 54. E E. Lautz, Manager, People's Phone No 538. Gas i''ixtiires, We have them; 50 different styles. They are in the latest finishes, made to match the hardware of your house. WIUTEHILL. Plumber. Butler Ice Company Orders delivered promptly to all parts of the town. Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call up Bell Phone No. 4; or People's No. 54. E. E. LANTZ. Manager, People's Phone No. 583. Markets. Wheat, wholesale price 75-80 Rye, " 65 Oats, " 40 Corn, " 5H Buckwheat 70 Hay, " 15 00 Eggs, " 15 Butter, " 25 Potatoes, ' 40 Onions, per bn 75 Beets, per bu 50 Cabbage, per lb 1 Chickens, dressed 1H Parsnips, per bu 50 Turnips 40 Apples 60 75 Celery, doz bunches 25 Honey, per pound 1H Fewer gallons; wears longer; Devoe, Ritter & Rockenstein seem to be lead ers in up to date clothing Normal Term sit ProNpect. Prof, H. D. Pyott will conduot a Normal Term at Prospect, Books free. Tuition *<>. In addition to the common branches opportunity will be given to take up the higher branches. Special attention to Algebra, Penmanship and Civil Government. Term opens May 7th to continue H weeks. Junior de partment for beginners. Write for particulars. Books free. Guess I had letter drop around and look at Ritter in nnmber Prohibition Convention. A mass convention of the Prohibi tionists of Butler Co., will be held in the Y. M C. A. Hall at 1 o'cl >ck p. m., Monday, the 25th inst., to select dele gates to the State Convention, June IT, 1903. Rev. Dr* Crouch formerly of New York, Mr. Bundick and Mis* Law are expected to be present and speak to the convention and in the evening. A. M, GANTEK. Sec. Mass Meeting Sunday At'temoou. At the Park Theatre Sunday after ternoon at p:3O all men and women in vited to hear two gifted orators Mrs. E. N. Law and Colonel W. T. Bundick. Tin; Jolly Old Fiddlers. Are coming and the Park Opera House will ring with melody and mirth on the afternoon and evening of .Tune 1. Not only the old violin players of Butler county but of M«rcer. Beaver, Law rence, Armstrong, Westmoreland, Fay ette and other counties are coming. The contestants must be 50 years of age and older and must play only the 50 year old tunes. Fcr particulars ad dress Arthur Love, Butler Pa. New Ice Wajfon. The new ice wagon of May & Kenne dy is now in service, and ice will be de ; livered to all parts of the city bv this firm. If yon want ice today, call up Bell phone S7 or Peoples 128 Regular deliveries. Send in your orders. MAY & KKXNKDY. Unit' l{;ites to St. Louis, >Io. On .Tu"e 15. lfi and 17, the Baltimo-e & Ohio Railroad will sell re cursion tickets from .'ll local stations west of the Ohio River to St Louis, Mo., at, rate of one fare for the round trip, account 31st Saengerfest of North American Saengerbnnd Tickets will be good for return until June 25, 1903. A fee of 25 cents additional will be collected by Joint Agent at St. Louis. Mo., at time ticket is validated for re turn passage. For further information call on or address nearest Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin. Gen eral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. Music scholars wanted at 128 W. Wayne St Indispensable iu teething, produces refreshing sleep, quiets the nerves nud digests food for Bab}'. Test Victor In fants Relief and be convinced. It's about twice as large and twice as good looking as the last one—the new catalogue of the Butler Business Col lege. It's free to those interested. Those nobby top coats comes from Ritter & Rockenstein s. Hollar Sunday Rate to Allegheny Commencing the first Sunday in May and continuing each Sunday .hereafter until October 2. r >th, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will sell special excur sion tickets from Butler to Allegheny and return for morning trains on Sun day at rate of £I.OO for the round trip. Tickets goods on Baltimore and Ohio trains only. Return limited to date of sale. Low Rates to Points in the South and Southeast, West and Northwest. On lirst and third Tuesday of April, May, June, July, August. September, October and November, 1903, the Baltimore & Ohio Railrohd will sell IJomeseekera' Excursion tickets at greatly reduced rates to points in the South and Southeast, West aiul North west. For further information call on or address nearest Baltimore <& Ohio Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent. Chicago, HI. School teachers, We will be ready for you any time after April Ist. By secur ing a thorough training in bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting, you can double or treble your salary. Call and see us or write for information BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Rain or shine coats—the nobby kind at Ritter # Rockenstein'*. The May Bargain Sale at The Modern Store was such a success that it will be continu ed for another week. See Eisler-Mardorf Co's ad. else where in this paper. The percale sale will interest the ladies especially. 4* ill'Jx., £ '"V: <' .A W / 11? 1 vv COPYMEHT " CORRECT TIME is always desirable and can bo obtained at Kirfcpatrick's. If you purchase a watch or clock or have your old one re paired, accurate time is guaranteed. Watches from $1 up. A tine lot of rings, chains and silverware just re ceived. We also sell— Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Paeo Cameras. Photo Supplies. , Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. ()ptical goods. Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician N;*t to Court House Our $3.50 and $4.00 line of Men's Shoes are complete. .Memorial S«*r\i<-«'s. The fuinnal Memorial service ari«l sermon in memory of the TiO silrt.t de fenders of the Flag who lie l>uri*d in Butler cemeteries will be held ;it Bethany Reformed church. West North Sr. on Sunday evening- May iMtb at T sermon hv the pastor. Rev Comrade S. C Long. All comrades of the G. A. K, Camp 45, 1' V L . Womans Relief Corps No U7. Sj> mish War Veteran? and Co. L Uith Rex't. N. G. P. are invited to meet at the Post rooms at 7 p. m. sharp, marching from there to the church at 7:15. Farmers' Picnic. There will he a farmer's picnic, Tucs lay June 'Jnd 1903 at grove on W. .T Stoner's farm, near Euclid Station in Clay twp. All are invited to come. Bring your baskets. Now farmers, take a day off, come ami meet your fellow farmers and have a good time. Tfiere will be i*ood speakers present. Come one, come all. By order of Committee. W. 11. MILMRON, Pns. Agents of the Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad will sell excursion tickets be tween all stations. May and 80. stx. 1 returning June Ist. 190:!, at one fare for the round trip, on account of Decora tion Day. Have yon seen our finely illustrated atalogue for 190:5-4".' If not, seud for ,i copy, or when in town call at the of fice and get a copy. BUTLER BUSINESS COLUEGR. Decoration Day. Excursion tickets will be sold between ill stations on the Bessemer Railroad May 29th and :!oth, liutited for return •Hiue Ist. Decoration Daj Excursions. On May 29 and 30, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company will sell low rate excursion tickets to all points west of Pittsburg within a radius of 150 miles from selling station. Tickets will he irood for return until June 1.1903. For further information call on or address nearest Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. 111. Low Kates to I'oin's in tlic Soutli and Soutl cast. On first and third Tuesdays of April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November. 1903, the Balti more & Ohio Railroad will sell one way Settlers' tickets at greatly reduced rates to points in the South and South east. For further information call on or address nearest Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, Gen eral Passenger Agent. Chicago. 111. The hat a 0 of toda\J # J is the hat we J 5 want to sell \Jou. S 0 Maybe it is a SOFT HAT. # S Maybe it i 8 a STIFF HAT. # Or maybe a SILK HAT. f t In any case we have the 5 ; HAT \ 5 and it costs nothing to 2 j try it on and owning <* # doesn't cost much. # \ Come and see our new £ J Shirts and Neckwear, i Jno. S. Wick 4 HATTER and # MEN'S FURNISHER. £ J Opposite P. 0. J W People's Phone. 015 # 2 BUTLER, PA. j ! Certain grades of Spring Footwear under-priced. Just for business purposes only we've marked down the prices for this week. Ladies' spring oxfords and fine light shoes, 98c. Ladies' Patent Leather orfords, very stylish for summer wear, $1 69. Men's Patent Leather shoes and oxfords Bal or blucher cut, $1 98. Ketterer Bros 224 S. Main St. BUTLER, PA. | I Shoe repairing a specialty. First class work guaranteed. Certificates for Sewing Machine given with each purchase. W. S & E. WICK, UKALKKS IN Koutfli and Worked Lumber of E!1 Kind* Doors, Hash mid Mouldings Oil Well ItIKS a Specialty. Office and Yard' E Cunningham a.;d Monroe Sts near Went t'unn Depot, UnTI.BH Our $5.00 and $6.00 Line 1 of Hanan and Torry can't be beat [Trusses j / The Right Kind \ / To Buy. v V Yon can buy Trussed for al / ✓ most nothing or yon can pay a S \ high price for them, but the 5 / price of a Truss does not prove \ S that it is going to be the one J S you need. Every case has to \ X be fitted individually. That \ ✓ is where we have hadonr great t 1 success in Trusses. No one 7 / goes ont of onr store with a \ S Truss that does not tit perfect- C % ly. Therefore a great many / X people are wearing our Trusses / / and sending their friends to ns y » to be fitted. If you are wear- \ V ing a Truss and it does not V / feel right, or staj in the right / N place come in and see ns about \ \ it. no matter if yon did not % \ buy it from ns. We will tell \ * you whether it is the right ; / / Truss to wear. We will give \ 1 yon the benefit of onr twenty v f five years experience. Private 7 \ apportments for ladies. S C. N. BOYD. \ Pharmacist, S ( Diamond Block. ( ? Butler, Pa, ? j People's Phone 83. J v Bell Phone 140JD. \ With the approach of Spring you need a blood cleanser and tonic. Don't forget that R. & G.'s SARSAPARILLA COMP. is just what you need. Many of our customers testify of its merits. Large bottle—small dose REDICK & GROHMAN, Prescription Druggists. ioq N Main St.. Butler. Pa. Both Phones. B. & B. Less Prices on superior goods and more varieties to choose from. Test us on these claims. Best English Mohairs—solid colors, fancy novelties and Blacks —many effects—4s to 56 inches wide, 50c to $2.50 a yard. Good light weight worsteds — dainty and correct shades light Greys and Tans with delicate White pin checks—s4, inches wide, $1.50 quality, $1 00. 15,000 distinctly different ef fects in fancy, fashionable Cot lons —best the makers produced for 1903, 10c to $2.50 a yard— Madras, Organdies, Dimities, Batistes, etc., etc., —all swell and smart. Best White, Jap, Corded Wash Silks, 45c ones, 35c. Louisene Stripes, Checks and Medium Plaids, 20 inches wide —correct Spring Colorings —7sc and SI.OO quality, 55c. Double width —Striped Black Silk Grenadines —great variety of choice styles, SIOO, $1.25 ones, 75c. Send for Spring catalogue and 1903 Lace Curtain Cata logue. Boggs & Buhl Department X. ALLEGHENY. PA. L. C. WICK, DBAI.BK j h LUfIBER. Will Buy Oil Productions From 100 Barrels up. Addrecs, with particulars, i J. J. S. LANSING, * 43--U Times Building, New York City. ■l-lii-fti-lt j Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Uptician V«ut FVinr to Conrt Hotme Butler. Pa. i Our $3.50 line of Patrician for the Ladies do look neat. ! Standard Trust Company I BOTbER, PA. j CAPITAb ------- $150,000.00 | Paid on Deposits. * Prompt and Careful Attention to all. C. D. GRfceNkEE, President. I I C. A. sAlbEy, SectjJ. and Treasurer. | |Eberle Bros.,* 5 PLUMBERS I S Estimates given on ail kinds of work. 7 We make a specialty of * / NICKLE-PLATED, v ) SEAMLESS, V y OPEN-WORK. C * 354 Centre Ave.. Butler, Pa. C b People's Phone. 630. C New Spring Clothing Now on Sale. >J"e are prepared to show you fft VW' U new spring goods We have done /■, . j* everything possible to make our / j Jl jf 1 *— 1 spring showing far above every j 1 thing we have ever shown in the I , ** past, and we believe we have sue I j i ceeded. We are now ready to In 1° show yon the latest things in J U I \ \ Men's, Boys'and Children's Cloth 1 W A ing Also a full line of Famish MF yfll \ Take a look at our Hat De ] | pnrtuient Itefore yon buy vonr A? III! £ spring hat. We believe it will # I I I n /-/ft. . pay you. ? I/\ Yonrs for Clothing, ' ' /7 'hopM 3 ]\ Douthett & }J w Graham. S?' $ Prices do the Talking BROWNL CO/S Furniture and Carpet STORE:. Full from Basement to Roof. Reliable Goods from Best Manufacturers. CHINA CLOSETS GO-CARTS SIDE BOARDS and and BUFFETS. REFRIGERATORS. BED ROOM SUITS, CHIFFONIERS IRON BEDS and > and BEDDING. TOILET TABLES. SEWING MACHINES PARLOR TABLES and and HALL RACKS. EXTENSION TABLES. A full line of CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, OIL CLOTHS and HOUSE FURNISHINGS. COME IN AND COMPARE! BROWN &• CO. No. 13G N. Main St. (Bell Phone 105) BUTLER. PA. CAMPBELLS GOOD FURNITURE, I The Furniture Stock m M ' Sis Larqer and More Complete Than Ever.® B .IS Parlor Suits, odd pieces) Rocking Chairs or Couches, a® plenty of different patterns to select from: all new up- Jg jiH to-date pieces at popular prices, W B Parlor Suit Parlor Suit n , SS| Two-piece mahogany fin Five piece Hnit in mahog suit, covered in red nny finish covered in KiS and green damask, nicely damask; each piece in a ggv Si polished. different color. # x|j Price 525 00 Price $35 00 « ig 1 Couches Divans g* Choice of red or green One in mahogany finish, 3§| velour, built on a guar covered in silk damask, BEg anteed construction. highly polished. ygap g| Priee sls 00 Pnce sls 00 Jg Spf The Largest Showing of Brass and Iron Beds this £!fjS 5H store has ever made is here this week. jjg| : gj jg g COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. Jgg iAlfred A. Campbells Formerly Campbell & Tompleton. Our $2.50 line for Men and Ladies you must see to appreciate. Daubenspeck Tamer, 108 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.