THK C 1 [IZKN. WILLIAM C. *EcItV - Pal»iiak*r m fnmur. M w 21 i*c. y» aa fr, year is Utarit. Oikrti t %IM Republican County Ticket, j For Jury t otuiniaMouer — —— A O. EiitKHAKT. Tin: (XH XTV ( OWIATU'N., The CViooty ConveoU'*i for 0..K }«*r wa» beld in tbe Coart gonae. Monday and waa called to order i at 1H P- M. by Chairman L*i^tin«-r A «*U «t tlx districts d»ack«»d all but foar- AUecbeny T'mmgo, Mn idycreek se4 Petr<'lia - re|<*eeetiU-i. and in tbes^ toar (kar hciw to bare been no eie< bon beld < Mr l#4«bner made a little *|**ch ( gf im r bi* e*|»er»«9«M«» a* Cliainuan tl* l*rtT a*-* 1 * I'*' 3 fur banu-my *m m-A**. J W war —illi rfr^T 1 *' rlwted Temj**arj' ' bair ~Jt C. H Miller and E H K*sWy Secret an«-." Ob motion oi f~~ L. Ujt a Comauttw on Beaolntioiia tbe Cbair m*B a|<| l»»ertoen »a« po« in bis ginoa. i H Jackaon and n>ainnel Walker •retw saajMl to aaairt tn tb* tabolatiot «m bwuob tbe utujMjfaxy mrrr Kale prsmauett! and tbe P. O of tbe «» tbe yolkT » aiaely b/ tbat brilliant «S*teaa»an Ja*a«s G ■wl uncttcaUi intrudored into oar j» tfae ucufik's »dea- a* a rtat«sman and tbev w.U reject huu in 1«»4 Tfcat we endorse tbe wise anc i.iwia in'ii »e jjolkt pra.-ticed by Govt aor Penan*, ker- aawired tbat Ihe avita and bon-ir of oar «!«««»► old UIIWM It ti is safe m bit. keej S4 Tas twe also ibd< iv our legwla IHv msmciiUUi w txvtb in oar Natwc ml mtM «ta*e tepjalatiire ir«i m tb*- bon*- tor their timtom. at Mart*- -. td tbeii resfwt ive ottctal .w at one of tbe fundamental pn dc. pier Ct American libertv and tbe ryriiU of tbr people That we regret tb' actum of our governor in approving tbi- iaiil. thereby allowing his jn-raonal feeimc to govern his official action "That we commend oar two repre teniallve* Hon Tbo* Hay* and Bon. Adam M Doatbett in opposing and voting against this bill. 'Tbat it is onr sine* re hope that ibe Best tagiwisture of Pennf.yliania will nepual it." Some fellow immediately moved to adjourn, and as that motion is "always in order, a vote was taken on it, and it was voted down 10 to lb. Carl Shanor then spoke egainst the adopt .* of tbe Resolution as a matter of policy, as did also J. H -Allison C. L. Binding* r D. Lherken and 8. J. Irvine while Z. W. Tinker. G. W. Vamuni and E. H. Neg ley spoke for it. Dindmger said tbe Committee had ptgton holed Kegley s resolution, be catiM> Pennypacker w-onld be in ofli-n be said he wanted tbe . wheel tbat lie put his sbouUW to to kept clean The Ayes and Nays were called fcr — tbe Now yelled the loudest, and the chair d«-ci Mercer Hospital fSI.Wt; Beaver Valley Gener al tM.HM; Indiana Normal f75.0«0: Morganza t355.270.a5, etc Tbe a|»pnioriations for the Pa*savant and Presbyterian hospital* in Pittnburg a <-t* vetoed as being unconstitutional. prupriati'« trill wfifcb carries five millions for tbe current ex;l* of the ►•-ate for the next two years. Tba item appropriating #3»>5,000 for the {»aj ment of tbe increase in salaries af tbe Judges throughout tbe State un d- r the M'Xn that tbe act *{>ecifies •b it tbe salaries do not begin until Jan. 1. ti"M T»" of tbe membem of tbe < <>mmit a B»solutions explained to tue Con tion tA M-m-Jay that tbey pig«on ' ' >i tb« reaolntiofl csensuring Penny I cker because Butler county has a H -pital and a Normal School to be tai m car* of. act is tbe same old plea we have li- ird for year* If we want our share <»• be state * money we must bow tbe k' etc the Gang—in utter degredation a 1 political {irvwtitation. If this money Hi 1 uut belong to the people of the *' 'cor if it were stolen by tbe (iang •(<■l distributed as a matter of grace or ti irity tb*-re would Le some sense in tii.'t argun.*-nt \ «itwi euam from Maine of tbe 1 itai* of a hnaiisd pound lobster, on U »>•■( and the people tiiere are faiuling over what to do with it. Ex. Tbey nogbt put bocrt* on it and ship it > who k always on tbe look = •H-£ g | • = J[fP ; i f ► r 5 c n ~ * »' r i 2. c • • * DlsTiUi T>. BKTUKN Jt*D«.t-3» - _ 1_ Adams S . K K Johnson 1 Adam# X , George Kline AlWh<-ov . ii —4 i io 14 Baikr J»hn Kmrick -••• y 1 Buffalo JL. M.« urdy » \ •» J® ; ' Brady, J P Easter ' ..... • Oiltwi TT H Halstead !•••„ Clay. 8. B McCall *•••• «*• '"i 7 Z\ Centre, G. W. \ arnum 1... j 'i Clearfield, John Bieger - • ' - •; • i < b«-rrv S Z W Tinker ,"i V I rhmrN.C.H Boo* ' 1 1 Conmsjuen'-ssing S, J A. Shakeley j. 4 , ** 7,. " i Connoonenessin:: N-. J B Martin # ' 1 •• I *,' 1 Cranberry C. W. Piere. - •••* J • i •— 5 | Coecocd, -I. H Tb<.mj«.n A -I i ' ' ' Donegal J B < irbison 1 i Forward J«' Crib blow > - ':"i Fairview P. E Byar* J J 1 23.... Franklin B F Shannon.. 1 ... H. 1 > - ■ * •; Jeffmx.n W O Patterson. *-j I Jackson K H II Goebring ; 1 "i Jackisin W. E H Huu-hison •> * •' ' Lanm'U'r A. B Met* ' " ' Marioo. James Blakeley r » H - Mercer <*eo Jenkins »•••• - "•• Mid'Uenex, J. A. Snyder 10 1 Mnddywek . .... .... ■ takland Jas A Patton ' 1 ; ' Ph>bS.C.F Sum. - f J" \* Penn N. Wm Kaitenljacb 2 10 1 «j.. . 1» Parker A E Bailor 1 « ••• •» ® Summit. J. A. CKIMab4 1 * •••! ; Slipperynsk W. J Morrison j 2 * 5 •*• Vegans'* •••••••• Si .T. G. CaninU-11 1 - - •••• ' ® U'aebmtfbon. V., J. H Allison 1 lj' ' ' Winfield l«tpr«-ct..E Look 1 '-■*> 3 : Wmfieli 3d pre« t. Samnr! Galbreatb 1. .. 3 1 , -» Worth A A M.Keea 11 ;••••' : ' ButU-r. Ist W. ltt puset., Cba* H Miller . 1 1 • ] « ' 3d i**rt. JW. Hutchison 2 124 "» 1 38 11 linlkr. 2d W. Ist i-rect. I. H. Keyman. ... 7? 1| :5 15 «* 2d |> « 1 1 3d pr«ct, E H T, « 12 * 0 - •' " :id pwrt S J. Bover " 5 1 • ••• Butler #hW, Bainn»-1 Walker n 21 <» 24.... ' 1- BatWr. stfc W J.S.Wick 40 1 20 30 :*.... 0 4 Brain. V. F Kelly ... » ... \ 1" ••• *• OjosuqiMiMciDK. Levi M B-JSe > 2 - »| E«a C.laire. John H Tebay 1 1 15 • ■ EvaMCity. John Irvine . r » 1 10 •» •» 4 i Fairview. B. C. Sowtt ...' 18....... 1 1... -. HamcvilJe D. W. Locke | *» * J " iA Harmony H A Hallston - 2 1 •••• * 10 Karn» City. B E Bojters 1 & 1 •» »;•••• Millerft- irß. Daaiel Derkm 4 9 it.. 1, •» i Mara. O W.TUk « 4 .. Pr<#|<«-t. MC. Khanor 2 4 4 ■> > ... P«troba ' Porter*ville Jor.. Lehman I ' ■ •• • Slipperj ixxk T. C Kelly 4.... 3 1 « 3 SaE'ioburp. J E Mnder | j o W Hnnborv WC. Glenn 1 4.... J - Valencia W J Hay* "» 1 Zelieoo|>le. CL. Dindinger , -•••. 1 10,.... | ... 31.... Total " 110 50 ; «4 275. 2«fi 31 2W 245 A rang- I't . . .ling. By fallacious rear. eing the author, and for which be makes s> ridiculous a defense. If the Governor who is supposed to have written this bill, and who signed it, and the Gang who pushed it through the Legislature imagined that the press of the state would now speak "in bated breath" of their doings they have had ample cause for revising their views during the past ten days. A perusal of the newspapers of tb« state, without regard to party or faction, has already taught them that the press refuses be terrorized. Thus far, however, all the criticism has !» en directed towards Pennypacker, while but little has been said of the men lie bind him and around him. the men who pushed this bill through both hou»es of the legislature. Tbe resentment of the press will be futile if it does not include Quay, Penrose and Durham. will probably !*• a candidate to succeed him self, next year and no man should be uominated or elected by B«;publicans to the Legislature, who will not pledge himself to vote against him or any man he names. • Concord. Extensive preparation is making for Ihe proper ol>*ervance of Decoration Day at Zion and Concord. <*ood sj«eak ing is expected. Bev. Small of Karns < ,'ity will preach a memorial sermon to the veterans at lirtec.- City on Sunday May 24th at 4 o dock p. m. The congregation at Concord have purchased a lot from I L. Cumberland in Hooker on ahich tbey exjicct to erect a pars «nage at once Nicholas & Magill have about com pleted a gas line to Hooker from their plant in ' laklatid twp. Mr- Linn Christie died after a linger ing illness of consumption at ber home HirflnM Otjr last week The in ferment was in West Sunbury on Sat unlay. Report says that some of our I .est citizen* weut through tbe formality of a pnmary election last Saturday but [flea-*- dun't mention it to Halns Grady. Sii.kx. Bald hend« d John s turkeys are l'*>k iug crosseyed over the fence, but think it better to enjoy their home imprison ment Card . Revs. Archebald Robinson of Martins Ferry, <). Frank D. Smith of Coolers town J. R. Park of Valencia «nd War nock of Warnock 0., were nomined and Rev. Robinson wa.s elected, and a call will lie made to him with a salary of 'jK2.000.00 a year. Rev. M. C. Eakin of Dußois formerly of Prospect preached Sunday and next Sunday Rev Auiber son of Illinois will preach. Memorial sermon will l>e preached in Brownsdale M. E church, by Rev. Pol lock, Saturday evening, May :ioth, (Decoration Day) at H p. uj. Mrs. Law, the tempereace lecturer will speak in local churches next Sun day and also on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Rev. W F. Bnudick of Virginia will sj>eak for Temperance, in Butler, next Sunday, as follows: Grace Lutheran charch at 11 a. in., Opera House at :i:80 p m. and Baptist church S:00 p. m. N'o admission fee. and all invited. Rev. B. comes hero with the indorsement of uli the Temperance people, and some of the great newspapers of the country. Rev. W. S. McNees, formerly of (ilade Mills was installed Wednesday as pastor of the Presbyterian church at North Washington, Rev. W. E. Oiler preached the installation sermon. OIL NOILS. The Market—Was cut :i cents Mon day, and the price is $1.50, Allegheny twp The Daughetv well near Six Points i.s doing about '•}'> bbls. from the Third. Beaver Co A 200-barrei guflher is re ported in the Knob district of Beaver county. l'ro*p<-<-t ami \ ieiniiy. Alien Dnnn has moved hiH family to (ireenough, Ohio. • Rev. Bartholomew preaches the memorial sermon in the I O. O. F. hall next Sunday at p. m.; and A. M. ChriHtley will deliver the addres.-t on Decoration Day. That potato covering content l>e tween Prtss Weigle and Widdie Wil s 11 rather amusing and the judge Allen Mc('all tried to be impartial and gave the decision in Widdie's favor. Mollie Fisher of Untler was the recent guest of her sister. Mrs. T. J. Critcblow. Programme of the Second Amiual Commencement of the Franklin twp. High School, May 5, liMi:}: Invocation—Rev. Erbe; essay, "Na ture." Margaret Shanor: address, "Good Citizenship," Ross Crichlow: essay, •'Building for Eternity." Malsd McCon nel; i-amy, * The Negro Problem," C.V»ra M<-Lnre; recitation, His I'a'ti Ro mance," Benj Lesley : address, "Emi gration.' Urnce ("lark; Presentation of Diplomat!, Supt. Painter; Benediction Rev. Humes; inotit excellent music by the Ladies Sextette Club. J. C. Kelly, who has always been a hard worker, has lx-en taking life a little easier this spring, and was the guest of his son Howard, of Harrisville, not long since. Jeff Henshaw and Mrs Peels have hail their bonnes painted, I'. H. Se :hler his marble shop, and liillie lleyl is building a barn. Mr Iremau has ahout lixisbed re modeling Roth s flooring mill, and will soon lie turning out go's! Hour. JOB < <>HITY. KoltlterifM. Five marked men broke into theollice of<«raff- Woolen mill near Worthing ton last Friday night, byt an alarm was given and they were wared away, alter drilling a bole in the safe. A horse and huggy were stolen from W. H Cooper's barn in Winfield twp. last Friday night, and recovered by Deputy lloon "ti the Freeport road next I day. Marked men bound, gagged and rob jan old lady living near (ircensbtirg, Monday night. PENN-YLV ANIANX believe in liberty J and ind»*j>endeiice and voted them into the Constitution as follows ■•The free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the invaluable rights of man. and every citizen may freely write and print on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of such liberty And Cray's gang at Harrisbnrg voted a suspension of the Constitution THE Jews of Russia are being expell ' ed. robbed and murdered. The scenes of cruelty reported from the city of KishinefT, in Southern Russia are lie- j yond belief. DEATHS. HINDM AN—At her home in West Sun bury. May 18, 1!H»3, Mrs. Curtis Hind man, nee Minnie McCandless, aged 2h years. DYKE—At her home in Bntler. May 13, 1903, Miss Ethel, daughter of Mrs. M Dyke, aged 11 years. WEITZEL—In Allegheny, May 15, 1903, Miss Gertrude, daughter of Adam Weitzel, aged 21 years. GIBSON At his home in Washington township. May 14, 1903. David Eli Gibson, in his 51st year. Hi* death was caused by spiual meningitis. His wife, nee Ekas, and ; seven children survive him. He was a brother of Sheriff Gibson j RIDDLE -At her home in Clinton twp.. Mav 17, 1903, Mrs. James Riddle, nee Brewer, aeed about 50 years. Mrs. Riddle's death was caused bv ! measles. Her husband, two daughters j and one son survive her. CARALLO- At her home on Coal St , May I*. 1903, Flora Carallo, aged 2 months. CHRISTIE -At her home in Concord twp., May 14. 1903, Mrs. Linn Chris tie. BROWN— At Dixmont Hospital, May 19, 1903 Mrs. Jacob Brown of Union ville. LARDIN —At Masontown. Fayette Co.. May IT, 1908, John Miller Lardin, fortnely of this county, aged 70 yeat s. The deceased was boru at Lardiii town, Clinton twp. served iu the_ Civil War, and operated successfully for oil in the I'etrolia field He was a brother of Loyal and Daniel Lardin, Mis. Harry A. Morehead, and Mrs. Margaret Mitchell ADAMS —At his home in Slipperyrock • twp. Jobu Adams, aged 04 years. HAMILTuXAt his nome in Mars, May 15, 1903, James Hamilton, aged about 45 years. Mr. Hamilton's death was caused by heart tronble. He was a native of Clarion Co.. but has been a citizen of ' M*rs for some years. Obituary. 1 Mrs. Yarner of Petrolia, who was taken to Dixmont some weeks ago, died there last Sunday. She was the > mother of the little girl who met with a violent death at Avalon, a year ago Jack Adams, the engineer of the first railroad train into Bntler on the Branch thirty-five years ago dropped dead at Springll iwoirino for Ini- B I TIRO blood."- I>. C. HOLT, Weat Ilaveti, Conn. K t 2l fM» ;i bottle. J. C. AYKK » I Weak Nerves ] Kcop the bowels regular with Ayer's Just ono pil! each night. AriilTOKS' KEPOKT OF SUMMIT twp., March the 2nd. WOSI. auditors met ut tin* house of Geo. Forcht to settle with Peter Neigh and (ieo. Haldauf, Supervisors of Hurnnolt twp., Butler Co.. Fa., Auditors John Herrit. Geo. Forcht. Jacob Bloichn* r, settlement for the year 11102. Hi:TT£»KMKNT OF OKO. IIAI.DAUF. BITPT. Whole amount of duplicate. or# Tuxes worked on road 70* (Hi Taxes due J27 60 Total tsr» < 'ash received from Col 90 no < 'ash from road taxes , .'IS Balance from last year Total 60 CASH HI'KNT O.N ItOAUH. Mrs. Detrick $ 15 00 « . Walker, lawyer fees :i5 CO Kockensteln for tile B 88 Auditors for anpraltdng damage on lot 1:J K pair on road 'rapper 'S4 (n'o. Kush fordamuire on lot I."> 00 Kent on serappcr 12 to For duplicate 50 liispcetiug road scraper 12 00 l or Total CO Hal due from tp. to tieo Baldouf pald...sMs| FKTTI.EMKNT OF PK.TK.R NEJ4JII. KL'PT. Whole amount of dupl!cate ?7M» 12 Taxes worked on road 751 74 Exonerations 2 41 Taxes due 19 Oh Returned to Co. Treasurer II 99 Total *7Hi 12 CASH KKCRIVKO. I'rom Collector ... flfct 17 from Co. Treasurer 36 90 Balance from last year ... 27 0"» Cash from road taxes 'l4 01 Total f-.-J9 M CASII hI'K.NT ON HOAD*. ltepair on scraper S2O .15 •laekhou St Mltehell hardware... ">ti 75 K. Coi h for plank 3 7s Ml rule for tll«- 19 75 t 'ash to 11. Miller . .. l i 00 I', Shearer 10 5o 1.. Iteddli i' H 00 days ot sl.fM» |ier day 97 50 Auditing and priming 03M Total |2W 16 Balance due from twp. to I*. Neigli ... £1 so SETTLEMENT Ol J. W. MAI.fMtTK, I Ot.LM TOIt OF CASH ItOAH TAXEs. A mount of dup!leale 52 (X) Paid with rebate 210 li Rebate and per cent 18 24 < 'ash 28 M Ket urned . I 78 Kxont ration I Total 1261 U Balance due tp. I#y J. W. Haldauf, col.. 71 2» SETTI.I MI SI OF .1 w. JIAEI'ACK. COI.EE(T<»II OK h< IKMiI. 1 AXKS. Whole atnount of duhllcate '•& Collect* d with rebate * 750 W < 'ash v. ii li .» i<• Dl M ,M Rebate 88 6 > PercenUfi 24 HI Keturned to Co. Treasurer W Kxofi.?rat lon . 21 02 At'd'g s' hoiil and auditors' meeting 4 oo Total 11400 U Bal due Tri «t4 from J. W. Baldauf, Col. .i-i 92 HBTTI.KMBST OK IAMKS MAIIIt, THEAMUIiEH OK HCIIOOI UOAItO. Money Be<'i-lved Balan • from last year from col 4 190 ""■! Irom (VJI .... 1276 99 Baiam • from last yeiir'sTrea» 24- "tii' ppronrlatlon Hpeela l . M *2 ! Total .&79W Mon v Rxperidotff Ti W-'ln'r* wages $1470 00 A t tending I nst Itute -f' Contlngenii*** • ; jj' Itepati . r 2' Secretary J? f! 1 (oal i Hi hooi supply Z'\ ! Borrowed money and Interest k7o <0 * i'ereeuta||4 ... ... wj 07 Attending settlement 2 00 ! For auditing school due 6 AndUiu/ printing and filing 12 » Total • Balance due townslilp sliJ 67 ; We. the uud« rslgtied auditors do certify that 11.< settlement Is correct to tie i>t of our knowledge and »H*llef. JOHN HKUHIT. f i»vjftUiV. I old mi. Auditors. .1 M on BI.EII Hit EM. t Irritable, Excitable Nerves on Edge This describes the condition exactly. Children's noises, street sounds, little things that usually pass unnoticed, an noy. A sudden sound, a call -you jump —a harsh word, a crying spell. The ,-leep is full of jt-rks and starts—trouble tills your dreams -you do not rest. Tired you go to bed. weary you rise It's the unstrung nerves, weak, shatter ed. over sensitive, on edge. They need rest, ijmet. strength, steadiness A Fel low Townsman gives you the cure in Dr. A. W Chase's Serve Pills—the ■ most remarkably successful medicine ever produced. Mrs. A. E. Pape of 125 East Jefferson St . ; Butler, Pa . says: 'I am able to recom- i mend Dr. A W. Chase's Nerve Pill? to ' others as a reliable nerve and general j tunic. When I got some sit D. H. Wul- | ler's Dru« Store, 112 South Main St.. I was run down, restless, nerves on edge ! ; and unable to get good sleep. The j Nerve Pills soon demonstrated their power to give me strength, energy, steady nerves and restful sleep.'' 50c a box at dealers ot Dr A. \\. Chase Medicine Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. See that portrait and signature of A W. Chase, M. D.. are on every package. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. I COAL FARM FOR SALE! The undersigned will sell at private stl<- a coal farm of 200 acres, lying near Jamison ville Station, (» miles north of Butler, Pa., the coal of the upper vein feet- thick, of excellent quality: lower Veins not tested. Immediately under the upper vein of coal is a vein of fire clay said to be 15 feet thick and of good quality. Some timber on the farm, and surface fairly productive. JOHN C MOOUE Ex'r of Daniel Heck, dee'd . Slipperyrock, Pa .1. D. Mt JFNKIN. Atty. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE Notice is hereby «iven that E. H. Laderer, guardian of aliepler Boston of Muddycreek township, has filed his first and filial accoant in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Butler county at Ms. D. No. 2, December Term, 1901, and that the same will be presented to said Court for confirmation and allowance on Saturday, September 12. 1903. JOHN C. CLARK, Proth y. Protbonotarj's Ofiiee, May 6, 1903. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE KSTATE OF PAUL TKOUTMAN, DEC'U. Notice is hereby giveu that letters of administration on the estate of Paul Trontman. deceased,late of the borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., have been granted to Henry N. Troutman of But ler, Pa., to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands against said estate are request to make the same known without delay. HENRY N. TROUTMAN, Administrator, A. T. BLAC K, Attorney. Butler. Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. L( tt< rsof administration on the estate of John KeUermao, >ler'd.. late of Bnt ler, Bntler Co., Pa , having been grant ed the undersigned, all persons known ing tbt :nselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement to MRS. ADA KELLEKMAN, Adm'X. N. Washington St., Butler, Pa. S. CGMMIXGS, Attorney. 3-19-03 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate uf Maria Lemmou, dee d , late of But ler tw p., Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make im mediate payment, and any having claims against the "ame toprebent them duly authenticated for settlement to E E. YOUNG, Adm'r.. 3-12-03 Armory Building, Butler, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of William R. Staples, deceased, late of Adams twp., Butler Co , Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly HU thenticated for settlement to MRS. S CATHARINE STAPLES, Adm'x., Call try, Pa J. D. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 2-19 02 JURY LIST FOR MAY TERM A list of names drawn from the proper jury wheel on this the 11th day of April, 1903, to serve at petit jurors at a regular term of Court commencing on the fourth Monday of Ma), the same being the 25ih day of said month. Albert Warren, Summit tp, farmer Boyd Cameron Worth tp. Brown charien, Penn tp. Cradel Adam, Butler tp. Donaldson James, Washington tp. " Dyke (iraham.Connoquenessing tp, •' Davidson William A, Mars boro, gent Day J N, Karns City boro, producer Davis Persy. Worth tp, farmer Ekas Dehaas, Clinton tp. farmer Emerick <*eorge, Sutibury boro, clerk Greer Henry T, Buffalo tp, farmer Gibson Harvey S, Butler 4th waid, producer Gilmore J B, Millerstown boro,producer flock en berry B L, Cherry tp. farmer * Hutchinson Miller, Clay tp, farmer Hindman 11. Sunbury boro, druggist Kronnebitter Jacob, Summit tp. farmer Koch Frank, Butler tp, farmer Kueiss John, Connoquenessing tp, merchant Kocher Wm. Lancaster tp, farmer La wall Jacob. Butler 3rd wd,liveryman Lefever, D W, Jefferson tp, farmer Lewis John A, Venango tp, farmer Morisson ES, Slippery rock tp, farmer Mechling Joseph, Clay tp, McDonald Thomas, Adams tp, Morrow Joseph, Concord tp, Martin Wm T, Penn tp, Maharg John, Penn tp, Montgomery Ross, Clinton tp, McKeever .lames', Adams twp, pumper O'Donuel Henry, Clearfield tp, farmer Oeaterling Wm, Summit tp, O'Neil I) J. Clearfield tp, Pontious Nicholas, Fairview twp, " Roe Wm, Butler tp. Kedick Samuel, Mars boro. clerk Reiger John, Millerstown l>oro, w "on maker Itoe T l\ Bntler t|>. faruier Rnmney W H, Jackson tp, farmer Scbenck John, Hntler tp, farmer Smith John 11, Cranberry tp. faimer Sherman J T, Bntler Ist wd, baker SchnaufTer John, Lancaster twp, farmer Sea ton Joseph L, Clay twp, Weiseijstein, Joseph. Butler sth ward. stouemieon Watson Wm, Franklin tp, merchant. •J* •?* •!♦ + + + + + + + + + •!• 4, J The best place i 10 stop at m .of v/hen in town is the S 1 T T t WAVERLY HOTEL, t T T J. H. HARVEY, Prop, O ft Rates, $1.50 per day. T *r %• *1- 4* + *!• *l* + *l* Modern and Progressive Those wishing a truly artistic picture and correct likeness should not lose sight of the FINOIvEV STUDIO, Postoffice Building. All the new and up-to date novelties. L/INU DinUui'o IJ<-I1 Tel< j»hone '>l I'. Pecipl«°H 'iiUi. LINK FIN'DLEY, R-R-TI ME-TABLES it & O It It Tim. :i». Miv 17. IMS. Kn-tvtu SUudunl 1 Time. S«>l TtlUot M< All.-i.eii-r A aim Million •t'.3Uk-m All-ah-m mid (lereUud Kxpren. ***** a-m Alt''.'brut EUMWI •!*: 10 MR m 40 11-111 K11»..K1 I it» A'-'-onilii..Uti"a »l:|n l^ui 'D wurip MM M.ui *MIMi i lutea Aanuwdßttoi >!!>■» A. mpMMm fttoo IV>l j + liailj. • Except Siiu.lay. * SuuUa.v oiilv. 1 F..rlbrua(h tiikctx. Pulliii.m r. ~«ivaii..ii« mill in f -rmati"i m t . W. B. TI'KSER, A(?t. Biltlrr, Pil. E. I>. SMITH, A. O. P. A.. l'itt.l.nrg, I'M. DESSEMER A: LAKE ERIE R.R. CO L) Time table in effect May 17. 1902. | CENTRAL time One hour slower than town time. Trains leave Butler for the north at j 8:85 a.m. and 1:50 and 8:45 p.m.; and ar- [ live from the north at X:00 and 10:25 a. ; m. and 4:10 p.m. li H ATII* It K Timetable in effect Feb. 15, 1908. Passenger trains leave and HI rive at Bntler ns follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. m., mixed for Punxsutawney i and all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex- | press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, i week days, for Rochester. 5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois and all stations. 10:22 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:08 a, m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:45 a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. 5:81 p.ui. daily, vestibuled day express from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash ford week days from Rochester. 7:40 p.m. week days, mixed train from Punxsutawney. mmMk IVFSTER.N PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. ft"BetrLK ih E rrtr-t Feb. 5. 190:t. 9'rJTF. , WEEK DAYS A. M A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M BL'TLEK Leave f> (5 7 Jks.K' tt*. 2 36 4 35 BixonLurg Arrive 6 'M 8 (X 10 li(i 300 5 U3 Butler J auction.. " 7 07 3 36 11 03 3 25 5 29 Butler Junction. ..Leave 7 22 8 :!(» 11 47 25 5 29 Natroua Arrive 7 31 s 11 57 335 5 39 Tareutuiu 7 37 851 12 06 3 4li 5 46 Springdale 7 47 9Oi 12 17 353 15 56 Claremont 9 18 12 36 4 08 6 10 Sharpaburg b iyj 9 26 12 47 4 16 6 1»'. Alkylieuy .. 830 9 3h 1 0U 426 6 2»". A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Bullet for Alleghenv City Ati'l priuv ii«al intermediate HtationM at 7:20 am., *ud 4:55 p. m. s NORTH WEEK DAYS A.M. A.M. A.M. P. M P. M Allegheny City . .ltv»ve 6 25 8 50 10 15 3 03 6 10 Shar]Niburg 34# 9 00 10 25 r3 13, r6 30 Ciar<*u)ODt 10 32 Springtiale f9 23 10 49 .... 6 41 Tarentum 7 ()S 9 32 11 00 3 40 6 41) Natroua 7 13 9 36 11 07 3 45 6 53 Butler J miction.. .arrive 7 25 9 17 11 17 3 51 7 02 Butler Junction leave 7 25 9 55 12 35 4 05 7 02 Saxonbury 7 55 10 It 1 05 4 41 7 27 BUTLEK arrive 8 23,10 45 1 33 6 13 7 53 A M. A.M. P. M. P. M P. M SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But ler an at Lane ami Iron Biij|;e only on Flag to take on or leave off pm.«!UgerH, Truing Connect at Hutli r Junction wltli. Trains Eautward for Kraeport, Vandcrgrift and Blairhville luternectioii. Train* Went ward for Natrona, Tarentum and Alle gheny. Train* Northward lor Saxonburg, Delano ami Uutler. B. It. UK A LOB, General Manager. COME WITH TIIF. LITTLE ONKS: Birds "f all kinds; (locs, monkeys, and pets of every description. Kindly rail and you will lie made welcome. Catalogue sent free by mall. _ _ NEW VOKK HIBD SToKE. •115 Smlthfield St.. Pittsburg, Pa. SALESMEN Experienced nursery sales men; -.alary or commission weekly; write iiule'<. Prudential Orchard <'o., Sliermaus vllle, I'a. 5-7 4t Fine repairing is our specialty. The most delicate and luont fragile piece of jewelry entrusted to tin for re pair, emergen from our workshop per fect in every detail. Our workmen are the most comjietent, ami continent ly no unsatisfactory or bitngliug piece of woik ever "happen*" in our store. We solicit your repair work, and gnarantee perfect satisfaction as to (juality of work and iirice. I also sell Edison • j , / ! v , and are thinking of sending for one ff rs. W \ / i\M x yr \ f" r uie in. hring jonr catalogue ( II \/ y' V alonu' «nd see bow ci3T WP can save / J \<>u fuijjht, uti'l von gee just what |7/ i —-—"""l yon are getting. we are not a little 1 -* -—,~7\\ .. F;// ~ B retail concern but we are in the \ - I • - - h wholesale bnfinrss, and can bny jnst V -v%~" J \. - ' 7r--.\ " """"•/ as chear -9 any house in America, \l — T//7v\S/ '/\ / \ ! ' / /. \ N. J while our expenses are light, there /yf/ 1 \ \/' s v / v \ ' 'yf \ / fore can undersell any other. J) Try it once, you owe it to yourself S. B. MARTIN CO URT c\ CO., S. B. MARTINCOURT. Hu llpr J. M. LEIGHNER. LJLLIICI, JT~ d . P. S. —Don't forget that we sell Kramer wagons PROFESSIONAL CARUS. ATTORNEYS. T) P. SCOTT, LI. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office on second floor of Armory Building, Butler, Pa. i T. SCOTT, A. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But- , ler. Pa. nOULTER & BAKHR, V ATTORNEYS AT R -*W Room 8., Armory buildin fc . JOHN W. COULTER, TL ATTORNEYAT-LAW. Office with R. C. McAboy, J. P., south side Diamond. Special attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or Butler County National Bank T D. McJUNKIN, J • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Reiber building, cornet Main and E. Cunningham Sts, Entrance on E. Cunningham. 1 B. BKEDIN, • T) • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Couii House. EVERETT L. RAUSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 257 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. Fisher Building. First door on South Main street, next my former office in Boyd Building. HH. GOUCHER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Wite building. EH. NEGLEY, T ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the Negley Building, West Diamond PHYSICIANS, Hemorrhoids and Chronic D : seases a Specialty. U* H. BROWN. M. D., IT • Office in Riddle bnildinfr.Diamond, next door to Dr. Bell's old office. Office Hours:—9 to 11 a. m., I to 3 and 6 to 8 p. HI. n EO. K. McADOO, M. D. 'J EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, Exclusively. Hours—9-12, 1-5. Both Phones. Troutman building, S. Main St. T C. BOYLE, M. D. r) • EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT, After April Ist, office in former Dr. Peters'residence, No. 121 E. Cunning ham St., Butler, Pa., next door to Times printing office. PLARA E. MORROW, I). 0., V GRADUATE BOSTON COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY. Women's diseases a specialty. Cou sultatian and examination free. Office Hours, 9to 12 m., 2 to 3 p. m. People's Phone 573. ir6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. (1 M. ZIMMERMAN I • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON At 'W7 N. Main St. I R. HAZLETT, M. D„ Li. 106 West Diamond, Dr. Graham's former office. Special attention given to Eye, Nose and Throat. People's Phone 564 OAMUELM. BIPPUS, U PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham St. liR. JULIA E. FOSTER. 1/ DR. Ct.ARENCB M. LOWE. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Rooms 9 and 10 Stein Building, Butler. Consultation aud examination free, daily; and evenings by appointment. DENTISTS. DR. H. A. MCCANDLESS, DENTIST. Office in New Martincourt Building, S. Main St., (adjoining Dr. At well's office.) HW. W ICK, . DENTIST. Has located in the new Stein building, with ?.ll the latest devices for Dental work. __ DR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DENTIST Office at No 114 E. Jefferson St., over G. W. Miller's grocery J J. DONALDSON, , DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office next to postoffice. DR J. WILBERT McKEE, SURGEON DENTIST. Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store. 215 S. Main street, Butler, Fa. Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold filliugs, gold crown and bridjre work. MISCELLANEOUS. AITM. 11. WAUCER, >V SURVEYOR, Resilience 214 W. Pearl St., Butler, Pa. n I'. L. McQUISTION, V. CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Office near Court House. T JA.MKS DOD' I . LICENSED AUCTIONEER Inquire at SherifTsoffice or 426 Mifflin St. liutler I'a. J P. WALKER, \J, NOTARY PUBLIC, BUTLER, PA. Office with Berktner, next door to P. O. M. 11. MILLF.K, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. Oi KlCE— Byers' Building—next to .P. O. Butler PH. Vii Cl> \ V' I \ C Th ® w " rMt IN ' ' n 1 ii V I iN i» sili'" spavin can In- cured in 4!> minutes. Lump Jaw, splints and ringbones just ss «|nick Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information alsuit this new method sent free to horse owners by T M CLUOH, Knoxdale, Jetferson Co., I'a tjjrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN! XAnnounces a special exhibit of Tailor-made Suits, Dress 1 ( 2'Skirts, Walking Skirts, Coats. Silk Coats in Vlengths, Etons, Box and Coffee Coats, full length /.Coats, handsome Rain Coats, Silk Waists, Silk and ( , Shirt Waist Suits, beautiful White Wash 9 MILLINERY NEWS, j; 0 Hats Trimmed Free of Charge! { ' 2? Our handsome New Pallors art* full of beautiful up-to date Hats. Flowers. Ribbons, Silks. Laces. Velvets, Ornatnents. all newt > A Novelties, new Military Brush—a competent force of Trimmers to V your orders We offer you the latest creations of the season at popular y prices TRY US. ' ' f\ I All-wool Voiles. r>Oc and up; Crepe del > Al IPQCC linnnQ Paris, Crepe Dechine, Mistrals, Etemines,< ( yUI U-OO VJIUUUO" Twine Cloth. Mohair.', Sicilians, Mixed A Suitings. Phenomenal values in black Dress Goods * t X Lace Curtains and Portiers. \ \ A We are showing the handsomest, largest and most up-to-date Cur | > Xtains in novelty netting. Arabian. Nottingham Swiss and Muslin. Cur \f taius we've ever shown Direct from manufacturer to consumer, at prices \ ' Athat will pleasantly surprise you when you see style, designs and quality ( I Xof these new 100:1 Curtains. Priced at 50c. 75c, *1 up to $lO per pair I , VRnftled Curtains priced '29 c, 50c. 75c np to ijCJ.SO. Portiers $:! to $lO ASpecial exhibit of Arabian Curtains, the craze just now, $3.50 to $lO. < V Carpets and Rugs, Window Shades. ] [ X We call your attention to our cut-to order Carpet Department, if is a, . V money saver to you. One hundred and'2s styles to select from, Axmin | Aster, Wiltons. Velvets. Body Brussels, Tapestry , Ingrain Carets in rolls* > X»oc up to 65c for the best grade: Oil Cloths. Linoleums, Window Shades,, . \'all lengths and widths; Curtain Poles, Curtain Rods and Fixtnrts. Car Apets laid free of charge: window shades adjusted, if puchast-dC i I .here, free of charge. Special exhibit of large rugs. Velvet. Tajieslry V 'and Jiody Brussels. Rugs of all sizes 1 Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.p , L Bell Phone 30K. Fiiltler. Pa. li O People's Phone 120. UUUCJ| " J# O&&o<>ooc>ooooo0oo< X AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE for the grading, cnrbir.g and pav ing of Ziegler avenne, in Butler borough. Pa., between Centre avenne and Cupps Way and to determine the manner of payment of the cost thereof. Whereas, a petition of two-thirds in interest and nnmber of the property owners on Ziegler avenue beween Centre avenue and Cupps Way. has been pre sented to the Town Council of Butler borongh asking that that part of said street be graded, curbed and paved; and whereas, said petition was verified by the affidavits of .Tclin Vogeley and M. M. Heinzer, two of said petitioners, and certified to by Fred M Harper. City Engineer, who reports that said petition is signed by two-thirds of the number of property owners and by two-thirds in terest or twc-thirds of the property fronting or abutting upon that part of said Ziegler avenne between Centre avenue and Cupps Way and along the line of said proposed improvement: and whereas, said petition complies with the Act of Assembly relating to and author izing the grading, curbing and paving of public streets within Municipal Corporations upon the petition of the owners of property bounding or abutt ing thereon. SECTION 1. The Burgess and Town Council of Butler borough do ordain and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same: That Ziegler avenue in the Borough uf Butler, Butler connty, Pa . between Centre avenne and Cupps Way shall be graded, curbed and paved: the paving to be done with vitrified paving brick and the curbing to be done with dressed stone. SECTION 2. The cost and expense of the grading, curbing and paving of Ziegler avenue shall be assessed upon the real property bounding and abutting upon the said Ziegler avenue along the line of the proposed improvement and Butler borough and collected from the said real property and the owners there of and Butler borough as provided by Act of Assembly authorizing Council to grade, curb and pave public streets in Municipal Corporations upon the peti tion i >f property owners. Ordained and enacted in Council this 19th day of May, 1903. J. H. GIBSON, President of Town Council. Attest: H. E. COULTEH, Secretary Council. Now, May 20th, 1903. the above and foregoing ordinance is hereby approved of by me. W. M. KENNEDY, Burgess. AN ORDINANCE to provide for the grading, curbing, end paving of Bluff street, in butler borough, Pa. between Weht Pearl street and West Penn street and to determine the manner of payment of the cost thereof. Whereas, a petition of two-thirds in interest and number of the proportv owners on Bluff street between West Pearl street and West Penn street, has been presented to the Town Council of Butler borough asking that that part of said street be graded, curbed, and paved; and whereas, said petition was verified by the affidavit of William H. Miller, one of said petitioners, and certified to by Fred M. Harper, City Engineer, who reports that said petition is signed by two-thirds of the number of property owners and by two-thirds in interest or two thirds of the property fronting or abutting upon that part of said Bluff street Ijetween West Pearl street and West Penn street and along the lino of said proposed Improvement; and whereas, said petition complies with the Act of Assembly relating to and authorizing the grading curbing and paving of public streets within Municipal < 'orporations upon the pe tition of the owners of property bound ing or abutting thereon •Section 1 The Burgess and Town Council of Butler liorough do ordain and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the name: That Bluff street iti the borough of Butler. Bntler County, Pa., between West Pearl street and West Penn street shall be graded, curbed and paved the paving to be done with vitrified paving brick and the curbing to lie done with dressed stone. Hection i. The ooet and expense of the grading, curbing and paving of Bluff street shall 1m- assessed upon the real property Imnnding and abutting npon the said Bluff street along the line of the proposed improvement and Butler thorough and collected from the saiil real property and the owners thereof and Butler borough as provided by Act of Assembly authorizing Coun cil to grade, curb ami pave public streets in Municipal Corporations upon the petition of property owners. Ordained and «*nact«d in Council this litth day of May, IWW. J. 11. (jIHSOV President of Town Council. Attest: 11. E COOLTEK. Secretary Council. Now. May 20th, 1903, the above and foregoing ordinance Is hereby approved of by me W. M. KENNEDY. Burgess. Reed's Wine of Cod Liver Oil will builcTyou up and make you strong, will give you an appetite and new life. If you feel tired and worn out try our Wine of Cod Liver Oil and find relief. It is stronger and better than pure Cod Liver Oil. Pleasant to take and is inoffensive to delicate stomachs. Indorsed and recom mended by physicians every where. The best Spring tonic to give you Health and strength. For sale only at Reed's Pharmacy Transfer Corner, Main and Jefferson Sts.. Butler. I a JURY LIST FOR JUNE TERM A list of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this 17th day of April, 1903, to serve as traverse jurors at a special term of court to commence on the first Monday of June, 1903, the same being the first day of said month: Bupp William, Muddycreek tp. farmer Brown Robert, Forward tp. Bard J E. Slipperyrock tp. merchant Covert John W, Evans City, laborer Crowl A G. Brady tp. fanner Christley C O, Slipperyrock tp. Conway John. Cherry tp, Clark Fred S, Fairview tp, Deits John M. Fairview tp, Dodds Finley. Penn tp, Ehmer J A, Butler 2nd ward, merchant Elliott W P. Worth tp, farmer Fresbkorn J F, Zelienoplo l«iro. Frazier Alexander, Butler 2nd ward, oil producer Fithean Ii C, Bruin boro. merchant Groesinan Abner, Cherry tp, farmer, Graham George FT. Penn tp. farmer. Heyl Martin. Prospect boro, blacksmith Harbison James W, Buffalo tp, farmer ' Humphry John, Butler 2nd ward, oil j roducer ! Hoffman Win D, Haxonbnrg boro, clerk Hindman Charles, Butler 2nd ward, hotel man Heyl W 11. Prospect boro, blacksmith j Iluzlett Leslie P, Butler 4th wd. audit ! Helneman Charles.Butler 2nd wd.ediU r j Johnson Charles Jr. Millerstown boro, merchant Kemper Frank. Butler 2nd ward. harnessmaker Litzinger HC, Millerstown boro mer chant Love William. Clinton tp, farmer Moyer Samuel. Jackson tp, farmer Mid berry James. Marion tp, farmer Marks William J, Butler 3rd ward, oil producer McClung Charles H. Clay ti>, farmer Mcßride Samuel. Butler 2nd wd. clerk Milllnger Lngrand. Oakland tp, former McAboy Rotiert. Butler 2nd ward gent otto Daniel. Cranberry tp, fanner Hockenstein Joseph. Butler 4th ward, merchant Rom II A, Forward tp, farmer Stein John. Franklin tp. farmer Smith Craig. Wiufield tp, farmer Heott Linn. Buffalo tp, fanner .Schilling Alexander. Forward tp,farmer \ ander'in II S. Butler Ith wd. slater W a 111 George. Evans City, coal dealer Wright John, Jefferson tp, farmer Wood William. Clinto" tp. lat mer Zelgler Michael. Jackson tp, farmer (■'oil HA I.J! The tlne»t dairy ami fruit farm In S.HIIII Jen*/. ivini frail tme». all In ls »t . oikliHoii: |il-r.*.in iioaae. heated hy hot witter: barn* ami other • nitluilliliiitr*. tw" allot. rapacity l'"' *'!*•*•• Hairy .-..iiii.rli.HiK 31 '"1 can lie I tie lotted or M..1. milk may I- wiUI at the *ulitr» ami ilearrtp* live booklnt of Viiii-lnntl. aildreaa. i-U lat IIKNKV TAVLOII. MnelamJ, ,N J