VOL. XXXX. IWK &X& mt>X& 31 ft CONTINUED ANOTHER WEEK, FROM $ MAY 18—23, inclusive. 8 |#MAY BARGAIN SALE AT* 5 | The Modern Store, 5 >)v aci .ant of tbe phenomenal ittfttloMt of Ot K MAY jj >aLE *«• fa***- • •ndoded to continue it another w-ek. to give those o* * ..ar friei. i* *n <>pportaaitf to take advantage of the rare bargains, who jj| t ~«ld not attend last we<*k. We have added to the li-t J0 Uji Many other bargaiDs in Ladies' Underwear and Hosiery, kjk . House Furnishings, Millinery. Etc. S 'A Special attention is called to our ODe-week Percale Sale. Qk Yard Wide lije Percale, light ml dirk co! ors, cewi t patten.^ * This Week Only, 10c yard. 3j Kisler-Mardorf Co., m m socth mau stbxet , no-1 Mail or Phone orders promptly Jo g 'I " ■ and carefully filled. ft > OPPOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON. BUTLER. PA. met*-* BICKEb'S FOOTW6AR. A grand display of fine footwear in all the new styles. The time of the year is here when you want a nice pair of shoes or oxfords for summer wear. Our sock of Ladies', Misses' and Ch.ldren's oxfords is com plete Dongola. Veiour-calf and Patent-vici, with low. medium or extra high heels. Large assort men; of one, two, three and four strap slippers, 50c to SI 50 Ladies' Fine Shoes—SOROSIS. They are the extreme oi fashion and the acme of common sense and comfort, being constructed on scientific principles. They are perfect fitting and satisfactory in every respect. The very newest and most exclusive creations in SOROSIS styles are now shown by us. Complete stock of Cokey's hand made plain toe and box-toe working shoes. High Iron Stands with four lasts at 50c Sole Leather cut to any amount you wish to purchase. Repairing neatl> and promptly done. JOHN BICKEL, 128 South Main St., BUTLER, PA. HUSELTON'S FOOTWEAR EXHIBIT /jpL\X \?L Women, Boys, Youths, Misses and A I JO n,, Children's wear. Over five hundred UA #7/ styles —no possible want but what A yf we can meet to your taste. »1 S Boots, Oxfords, Slippers for 4 3, every and any service or occasion. >1 li ' SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00. 4 VM| Iflcn O $2.50, $3.00 and up j Women's $!: 5 o $ '$l: I mm $2.50, $3 and up to $5.00 a j IF' pair, representing the highest % 1 art in the manufacturing of *1 pi shoes and shown in all de- % K*'- sirable leathers. 1 Aj,\ Misses' 75c, SI, 1.25 & 1.50. % Li /• 1 ( Children's 25c, 50c, 75c &$1 } 1 YA Boys'9oc sl, 1.25, 1.50, & $2. 1 Li J Don't buy a shoe until you 2 fi ave inspected our Spring 1 W hotel HUSELTON'S I)>N H K I/JWRV. IIUVILL I Ull W ASK TO BE FIT A KECK aW\ s P rin S & s ™ er j TlI f\ T(\ f'\ 11/ Have a nattiness about them that hi fit k lJ » mark the wearer, it won't do to J j! v n wear the last year's output. You \ / h \ od Purifier. For Sale by all i'ruggists. or by mail, 25c, .">()<•, and fl.O 0 HAMMILL MEDICINE CO, ' No. 808 If ILTENBE&QER HTREET. PITTHBURIi. PENN'A. Subscribe for the CITIZEN THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Nasal CATARRH c , poothw and heals f y m i. e t xntmbnuic. **"V & I; • tfc.itirrh and drives a * y a cold in the Ltad qr.ic j. Cr.im Balm is placed into the nortrK s •<*« over * e membrane aid is:."? rbed. Beliefii- m mediaie and a cure foil owe. It is not dryfair—d-»es ■ "luce rat-earing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial .Size, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street. New York Cross Poor man! He can't help it. It's his liver. He needs a liver pill. Ayer's Pills. ! Want your moustache or teardTl beautiful brown or rich black ? Use j Buckingham's Dye! j SOcti. of druggists orR. P. Ha' iCo., f Jash-ji f 1J 1 ?i Johnston's V J I (4 f] Beef, Iron and Wine k^J « H ai 13 [4 »J Best To-ic kl Blood Purifier. K1 kl Price, 50c pint. 7 0 Ll Prepared and WJ 9 i J Johnstons H > Crystal M ; Pharmacy. U B. M. LOGAN. Pb. O . Ll V Manager, 'iJ A 108 N. Main St.. Butler. »•» kl V Both '('bone* V i *1 Everything in the drug line. VA fW 'c4> J Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when i:i need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy H. A. PUKVM, PH. G Both Phones. 2UJ B. Main St. Butler Pa. ARE YOU GOING TO I BU R _D OR REMODEL * £ST~ ibW'k.K 7 _ __ ■-'/ ■ - Let us give you a figure on the Plumbing and Gas Fitting of your home. WHITEHILL, Plumber, BSI S. Main St.. Both Phoner* {(LF. T. Papej i I JEWELERS / Si MV, V; v.; V*. v*. v\. Vi / j 121 E. Jefferson Street. ? v -; v -I- ❖❖ -> -> v v -J- •{• 5* IMAivi'S HUNDRED I IL*E GRGAftI I t 2 % B> C. W. OGDEIM + * f X «i» 4* O u rirfht. h«J. b> T. C. McClure v->•> •> vv •:* •> V•> ■i- •> v<•*>❖ vV v * Mam sat on the bottom step of the three leading into the house, her el bows on her knees and her chin in her palms. S! c had swept the gravel walk running Tike a lava scorched strip of barrenness to the front gate, through the soot 111 ng green of the uneut lawn. IJ« r broom leaned on the steps beside her. So the little yellow horse drawing tl'.e weather banded buggy passed un der lier eyes as it made a great show of hurrying l>y the house and turned without guiding rein into the road lending near to the kitchen door. At the well the horse stopped and plunged its nose greedily into the trough of water. A sparely made woman climbed from the buggy and stood the egg basket with its load of groceries beside the curb. She looked at Mam wrapped In the sound proof mantle of her reverie and led the horse, away. Presently she returned, slung the heavy basket on her arm with the in cense of coffee and green tea rising about her. placed her burden upon the step beside the sileut woman aud said: "Well, Mam." "Els' Ann, you home?" queried Mam, turning her head slowly. "Wliat're you tliiiikin' about Mam?" Els' Ann asked, untying the strings of h'T I n d brimmed hat aud swinging It at her >-ide. Her luotlier was silent. "You know it's a bad sign In you when you think. Mam." Els' Ann said anxiously. "You ain't* goiif to pit down with the malarial or j'anders. air you?" "D'you git any mail. Els' Ann?" Main asked evasively. Els' Ann put her hand on Main's shoulder and looked into her face, wrinkled and brown as a tobacco leaf. "No use o' you try in* to put me off. Mam." she said. "What air you think in' about this time, Mam?" Mam turned her back to her persist ent questioner, raised her eyes to the dim rim of the horizon again aud an swered with a quiver of remorse and regret in her voice: "It's a organette this time. Els' Ann." "A organette!" gasped Els' Ann, with a spasmodic intake of breath. Then she dropped down to the step. '1 he shadow of the house stretched down the gravel path and drew the gate posts into its refreshing embrace. After awhile Mam sat down beside her. Neither spoke. So It was an organette this time. The last time Mam had a "thinkin' spell" jt had been induced by the visit of a portrait agent to whom she gave $7 for an enlarged picture of her dead husband. Seven dollars was a heap for a picture, even life size and of cue's father, when one knew Dave Croker, the grocer at Montlcello, gave one Just like It with $lO worth of goods. At length Els' Ann arose. "Where is it at. Mam?" she asked. "In yander on the table," answered Mam, with the guilty feeling of a pen itent robber disclosing the hiding place of his spoils. Els' Ann went in and sat down at the table beside the little varnished box. Mam followed and stood beside her. Els' Ann felt the shining surface with her calloused, toll toughened hind, traced the gold trimming around the top and the gold lettering, "Or ganette," and asked: "How much did you give the feller for It, Mam?" Mam's face brightened. "Only "leveii dollars," she answered, "an' the feller lie »ali six years at least everybody 'c« pt Els' Ann." 'c; . right in, Then. 101s' Ann, she's Ui yander," she heard Mam say from her perch on the steps. Then Tliea's big boots clumped across the porch, the screen door creaked and he sat down In a chair a respectable distance behind Kls' Ann. "What's a' you got In that box, Els' Ann 7" lie asked. "It ain't no box," she replied listless Ly; "It's a organelle." "(See-iiio nee!" said Tliea. "J'lay us a clioon." Els' Ann moved the little crank. There was a chuckling sound, u preliminary note or two; then II be baii to play. "Nearer, My God, to Thee," "Suwaiiee Uiver," "Yankee Puodlc," "Annie l.aurie," Jigs, waltzes, oi>eratlc airs, all In the same spiritless, sleepy time, came from the organcltc as Els' Ann, tsiiuid In the charm of the unaccustomed dissipation, turned on. Hy decrees Then Hrassfleld moved the chair nearer mid nearer to Els' Ann. When the moon lifted Its yel low head above the lilac bush and l'M>kcd In at the window, Tliea's left arm was arouud Els' Ann's shoulders. After what seemed to Then hours of blis.sl'ul oblivion from the cares of BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1903. cbiuch lings in the corn and smut on the or.ts the music stopped abruptly. Els' Ann reached out and felt the r Ti er where the perforated i aper had been wound, it was empty. Tliea leaned forward. The iiinslc had sanctified the air. lie felt lik • he did the day he tiptoed up to the c >iliu and looked at his dead mother's face. It seemed sacrilegious to speak, so lie pressed Els' Auu's shoulder tenderly. She turned her face to him. "Els' Ann." he whispered—"Els'Ann, will you have me?" Els' Ann bowed her head. "You knowed I would before you axed me." she said gently and sighed as one sighs who sees u great labor finished and put aside. The screen door creaked, and Mam stood in the gleam of moonlight flow ing in through the window. "You put tjie lian'le on the back roll er now." s.itd she, "an' wind it up: then it plays 'em all over ag'in. That's what the feller said." Soaml and Color. We recognize the happiness of the well known analogy traced by a blind man between scarlet and the sound of a trumpet because those who can both see ami hear accept the aptness of com parison between the two forces which powerfully affect one the optic and the other the auditory nerve. But scarlet is not the exact analogue of a trumpet blast. The sensation of color is imparted to the brain by means of vibratory waves communicated to the all pervading me dium, ether; that of sound by similar waves communicated to tlie denser medium, atmosphere. If the analogy between scarlet and a trumpet blast were a true one, each should affect the sensorium by means of vibration at a rapidity similar in proportion to that caused by oilier colors and tones. But that is not so. The pitch of a tone increases with the number of vi brations in a given time. The tone of a trumpet is high because it causes relatively rapid sound wares, but the vibrations caused by a ray of red light are few compared with those caused by other rays, for the vibrations aris ing from the red end of the spectrum amount only to about 4."><>.0O0,000,000 In a second, whereas those from the violet end amount to about <>07,000,000,- 000. So the blind man was only vague ly successful in comparing a lively souuil with a vivid color. WalklnK Brut Exorcise*. Walking is the simplest, the most natural and the most wholesome of all exercises. No athlete ever trains for a contest, no matter what Its nature may be, without walking a considerable dis tance in the open air each day. Many keep in vigorous health by this alone, and no matter what other exercise you take you must walk. Hut. first of all, learn how to walk. A great many peo ple walk tu an aimless, shuffling man ner and secure but little benefit from the exercise. lu walking for exercise the effect Is better if the mind Is direct ed toward some pleasurable end. Walk with consciously directed movement until you have brought every muscle under perfect control of your will. Mopiug along In an aimless, lacka daisical manner does little good phys ically and harms one mentally. The necessity of maintaining a prop er, erect position of the body must be liome in mind. Bear the weight on the balls of the feet, keep the shoulders back and down, the chest high, but do not hold the abdomen inward, as Is taught by many athletic Instructors. Let It be relaxed, for this part of the body should move In and out with each breath. There should be perfect free dom to breathe normally. L'ajoy-lutf liimaelf. A fond mother lent her Hinall hoy Into the country, and after a week of anxiety received the following letter: "1 got here Hll right, and 1 forgot to write before. It Is a very nice place to have fun. A fellow and 1 went out in a lioat, the boat tipped over and a man got me out, and 1 was so full of water that I didn't know nothln' for a long while. "The other boy has to be burled when they llnd him. His mother came from her home, and she cried all the time. A horse kicked me over, and I have got to have some money to pay the doctor for mendln' my head. It was broken a bit. "We are goln' to set an old Imrn on tire tonight, and I am not your son if I don't have some real fun. 1 lost my watch, and I am very sorry. I shall bring home some snakes and II toad, and I shall bring home a tame crow If I can get 'em In my trunk." Ix>ndon Globe. I*o<-tn and Do(«, Poets have always loved dogs. In this poets and boys resemble each oth er. Walter Savage I.andor was de voted to his dog Giallo, and Byron's epitaph upon Ills dog ISoatswaln we all remember: To mark a friend's remains these atones arise; I never had but one, and there he lies. Cowper was very fond of his dog, and we know how Charles Lamb, who was a prose poet, loved his Dash and how Mrs. Drowning appreciated the little Flush to whom she Indited a poem. The Earl of Shaftesbury kept his noble collie In Ills library with him at all times, and Samuel itogers al ways walked out with his dog. Scott declined an Invitation to dinner when his dog died, saying that he could not accept on ncconnt of the "loss of an old friend." Artificial f.lmlm. Artificial legs and arms are made so perfectly these days that It Is absolute ly Impossible to tell that some people are wearing them. Artificial legs are made so that (lie lower part has all the act ion of the human foot and are made to wear the same size shoe as the opposite foot. The shoe on the real foot will wear out in half the time the one on the artificial one, which Is said to be due to the heat from the real member. Artificial hands are made so that the owner can pick up a pin. Hard to believe, Isn't it? Hut there Is a magnet In the cud of the artificial hand. Very Tm. The late Augustus Hare was fond of relating an amusing Incident which Illustrated the absentnilndedness of his cousin. Dean Stanley, and Dr. .low ett. ltoth were quite devoid of either taste or smell, and for some reason both were Inordinately fond of tea. One morning they had each drunk eight cups, when suddenly, as Jowctt rose from his table, he exclaimed; "Good gracious! I forgot to put the lea In!" Neither had noticed the omission as In- sipped his favorite beverage <»tl.J ■ • tonight " • pie Me don't, mamma." replied .lo'in uie p • ilteiit!'' "I'll is alw \< so tired when he tollies home." St raj Stories. •tea- :vo^o^:*o^»3«ofo#o#o#C« i BCYOND the ! | DESERT | + "By Curran + "Richard Creenlcy ♦ r "j>:/rujht, I'm;, liy T. ( McClure ♦ Nailula cliuclied the shuttle tightly in her brown (ulcers and wove the s< urlut threail .. and out. scarce seeing for the tears iliat rained from under the black curtain of her laches. Wahna. always Wahnal Truly, there was never a thought of her but the weaving of blankets and the baking of the tortilla. A jingle of beads and the patter of moccusined feet, as Wahna parted the skins that hung at the door of the chief's tent. Well might they call her Princess Wahna, the "Moon Maiden" — tall aud slight, with a mouth like the pomegranate tlower and a voice like the faroff c'lime of the mission bells. Nadula lifted her head and shot a contemptuous glance over the girl's slight figure, gay with wampum, elk teeth and the glistening beads from the white traders, with which Neras loved to decorate his best loved child. "Idle, always Idle," she muttered to herself. But she smiled and called out cheerily as Wahna came toward her. "Hail, daughter of the great chief! How does our father since the morning?" Walina's delicate face was grave and sorrowful. "The medicine man hath been with him. and the evil spirits will not depart, though they have made the white smoke of the fire anger to rise until our father could bear it no longer. He is feeble, and the breath comes slowly, lie calls for thee." Nadula arose to her full height and let the unfinished blanket fall to the ground, where It lay. a gleam of gor geous color in the setting sun. Inside the hut of skins lay the chief, ghastly In the shifting shadows of the eagle plumes in the great war bonnet that hung above his head. The massive fig ure stretched helplessly upon Its couch of buffalo skins was pitifully wasted with disease. He reached out his arms to Wahna and, holding her encircled, said tu Nadula, who stood proudly aloof in the uncertain light: "Daughter. It is not our custom to show aught of feeling. As the quiet river runneth deeply, so we of the Ot tawas have kept our love and our veug; a nee. But thou kuowest what the Moon Maiden hath been to me, child of the paleface mother, and It hath seemed wise that the maid should know a gentler life than the women of the Ottawas. Thou knowest how she has been taught In their schools und Is promised to the young captain?" Nadula laughed. Short and bitter, it roused the dying man, and he raised upon one elbow to peer into her face. Nadula bent over him. "My father, as the shadows gather thou art a child again! The white man hath sought our Wahna for 11 moon perhaps, but when there is talk of wedding he will return to his own again. When has-the paleface dealt otherwise with the daughters of the forest?" The mock ing voice paused for the answer. Something of his strength came back to the old chief as he half raised him self aud pointed to the doorway. "Go, serpent. The black finger Is upon thy heart. Go, aud when I ride down the west remember I leave Wahna In thy keeping and do thou see the right of It, else thou kuowest what has been, what will be, wben thy tribe shall hold the traitor." There was a gasp and a choking sigh, and Neras, the last chief of a once powerful tribe, had passed. All night the wulllng women rent the air with their cries, all night the men went to aud fro, with angry slashes of the sinewy breasts whence the blood fell In slow drops. At set of the morrow's sun they burled him, shrouded lu his blan ket, the eagle feathers waving over the dark face and at his feet the slaugh tered pony that was to bear him safe and far. No more of weaving, no more of bak ing the tortilla. Nadula grasped the empty scepter. Day after day Wahna crept to the door of the tent and shad ed her level brows In vain watching for her lover. Had Nadula spoken truly? For a time Nadula was too busy with the Importance of her new authority to take thought of Wahna, but she had not forgotten. In the long summer days of the year before, when the young captain hail chanced to visit the Ottawas through mere curiosity anil the visit had been repeated again and again for the sake of the brown flower of the wilderness, Nadula, too, had learned to love the bonny face. Anil In her hot, unschooled heart sprang up the terrible hatred of Wahna. It had commenced years before when Ncras had sent Wahna away from the tribe, and from time to time she hail made them short visits from her mis sion school with always a newer grace, a newer beauty and the spirit of the white mother shining In her soft eyes. Ncras had loved her with the after math of the grejt passion In? had felt for the white captive that had hated him, who tiled w Mil her despairing face turned away from the child of her sor row and shame. Nadula had understood. She had not wanted for the telling when the wom en crouched together over the cooking jlots at evening. What wonder that she hated Wahna with all the force of a savage nature. In the midst of the lull came an awakening, for despite all Naduln's sneering taunts Malcolm Da vent crossed the strip of desert to the coun try of the Ottawas to claim his bride. Natlula received him in the council tent, with the head men grouped around her. It was her hand that held nut the pipe and bade him sit beside her, contriving to hold him there with one pretext and another Davent lis tened absently as the sllkt-u sweet \oiee murmured to him. Tin n, ere she could detain him. he broke away, and, springing to the center of the tent, e.iil. d upon the Ottawas for I he pledge of Ncras Wahna. Hy the spn en word of Ncras In solemn council hail the girl been given to him; and as Natlula would have interfered, one by one the elders of the tribe arose to bear wit lit s.t to the bond. Then Wahna, lit r face alight with Joy, came from the shadows v. iere she hat) hidden lu her despair. There was no gainsaying the word that had passed. Natli'l i wi;tclicd, her heart it 1 mo t stilled, as the I ICII mid# women p irl d to either sitiC. The t M modi C.nc man drew his e'icle n.o.iul the two, while the red Maine from the III'.- I* aped ai.tl till u l.st hit .1 I o i I lie faces of Malcolm Davent and Wahna. That night the Mliitvas fea ted, an I tin re was great r J I' - .tig, for at the rlsla:,' of the moon 111 I'rlliet ss \\ alma w0..11 ride away from the.si forever. Ai.ti when tb • tat* wan VHI i N uhtki bro.i„"hl foil i a bottle of musty lined whte to | leil c thcsii "after the man Her 'if the p. .face ' as she mid, and smiled into I.a vent's e/cs. She was till.ci. as tin.light. 11l the I>e rl' live is swifter. Wahna sprang from Da- vent s s de and grasped the slender wrist, "l'oisou; Poison!" And a low murmur of horror ran around the great u lit. Nadula drew her slender form to its full height aud glanced proudly from one face to another. "What say ye, uk people? Am I guilty?" The defi ance rang clear as a clarion note, and no man answered. Again: "What say ye. my pe pleV Judge ye between us— the white serpent or the true daughter of the Ottawas!" The wind in the an squite was the only answer. Wahna still clasped the slender wrist in her ten.- e lingers, while the glare of the torches threw red waves of light on the swart faces as the ring drew ever closer. The old medicine man parted the crowd to either side. "Daughters of the great Chief Neras, bail!" And the elk teeth rattled on his shrunken chest as he knelt, spreading out liis clawlike bunds. "Hearken to the voice of one old in council. Hear, accuser and ac cused. If there be poison in the cup. as the I-ady Wahna hath said, then let the Lady Nadula drink that which she hatli prepared for another, but if there be no poison then shall she drink to prove tile blackness of a lie. I have spoken." A shudder ran along the surge of faces that gathered around Nadula. Walina's hand fell away, and she cow ered against luvent's shoulder. Nadula's proti.l eyes swept the mass before her, hostile and grim. There was not an answering eye. "Drink, Nadula!" the old voice commanded, and Nadula drained the wine. Then she gathered her robes around her and went out from among them. Miles away to the westward rode Da vent. with Wahna close at his side, the sturdy eayuse keeping uneven stride wiili the Kentucky thoroughbred, on to where the white tower of the mission shone above the olive groves, out to the west, to her mother's p-.'ople. Put be yond the fringe of the desert, lu the land of the Ottawas. there are shroud ed faces among the older men. and the ponies are laden for a long march away to the south. In the hut of Neras lay something that they might not touch under the law of the Ottawas, alone, accursed, the unseeing eyes peering through the shadows of the tent into the deeper shadows beyond Reeil and lutrnllx. "Why don't you grow?" said Torn Iteed to Senator Ingalls some years ago, when both men were In the serv ice of the people at Washington. "Ah," said Ingalls, who was of very slight stature, "I'm too much interest ed in my fellows' life and property to assume to your magnificent height and proportion." "And Is not that my concern, too?" askiil Heed deliberately. "Impossible!" said Ingalls. "Walk on the edge of a board walk and you lift up the other end; stand in the middle and you break through. The people's safety lies In your being a middle of the road man." Sonic days after Heed found lngalls In n state of mental distraction. "Just swallowed the gold tilling* of this front tooth." explained Senator Infills, pointing to the exposed cavity. I teed laughed Immoderately, lie drew himself up to his full height. As a vic tor he stood; his time of revenue had come. "Ingalls, I congratulate you. Vou are now worth your weight in gold." The Ave of Trren. "Ponn's treaty tree the treaty elm—does that still exist?" a young man asked the antiquary. "No," said the old man; "it was blown down on the night of March 3, 1810. This tree, us Its concentric circles showed, was 283 years old; no great age that for a tree. There is in England, at Cow thorpe, an oak that is supposed to be 800 years old. The English yews of ten reach an almost Incredible age. The celebrated Ankerwyke yew is 1,100 years old, and there are others of an equal age. Some of our American pines can hold their own in respect of nge with the European trees. Oregon pines on being cut down have shown as many as 1,100 coucentric rings run ning from the heart out to the bark. Do you know who first showed us how to toll a tree's age by its rings? It was Montaigne, the essayist." - Philadel phia Record. IIAM It IIM > l)ny. "Why don't you seek some employ ment Instead of stopping people and asking them for money?" "Mister," said Meandering Mike re proachfully, "dat's me employment."— Washington Star. Thp Duke'* "Thirteen (lock." An Ingenious timekeeping arrange ment exists today which was designed by that famous Duke of Bridgewuter who laced South Lancashire with ca nals and died a hundred years ano. The duke was a great stickler for punc tuality, and he was annoyed that the workmen on his estate at Worsley did not return to work after dinner as promptly as they left o(T when the clock struck U. When ho remonstrat ed, he was told that while the work men always heurd the clock strike lit, they often failed to hear the single stroke of 1. The I>uke of Hrldgewater quickly found a remedy for this cJ 1 til culty. lit- had a clock made that would strike thirteen times un hour after noon, and that clock proclaims I o'clock with a baker's dozen of sono rous strokes to tills day. The "thir teen clock" is one of the curiosities of Worsley Hull. Westminster Gazette. Sex of Gem*. The Romans, following the Greek mineralogist*, divided gems into males and females according to the depth or lightness of their color. These terms are thus alluded to by Theophrastus: "Both these (beryl, carbuncle, oinphux, crystal and amethyst) and the sard are found on breaking open certain rocks, presenting certain differences, but ugreelng in name with each other. I-'or of the sard the transparent and blood red sort is called the female, while the less transparent and darker kind is termed the male, and the cya* litis also Is named one sorl the male and the other the female, but the male Is the deeper In color of the two." The cyanus, or cyanoa, of the uti cienis Is said, though probably incor rectly. by many modern mineralogists to be Identical with our sapphire. The Heat Sort. Willie—Pa, what Is a "preferred creditor" anyway? I'a A preferred creditor, my son. Is one who doesn't bother us much with Lis bill.—Philadelphia I'rcss. 111. Bntlneu <|uultlle». "What sort of a man Is he?" "A good debtor and a bad creditor." —Detroit Free Press. Pitch a lucky man Into the Nile, says the Arabian proverb, and he will come up with a fish In his mouth. lie Is the happiest who renders the greatest number happy. Desuuilua J9*fs fl SEED CORN. lflomc- Groirn Seed—How to Select It. Typical Harm. From experiment ami careful study tho lowa ex; .\riment station finds; First.—That it is very important that we should depend upon homo grown seed for the main part of the crop and not upon imported seed. Second. That we should s-leet ears of corn for seed which ha vo-kernels of KkiENKLS OF I'NIFOIIM Kit A I*l* AND SIZI] [[Cars N'os. 1 fxrul 2 have kornc-ls of uni form t-:re und shapi*. ami when the butts and tips were off the planter dropped three kernels to a hill ninety three to ninety-five times out of every hun.irtd tests.) as nearly uniform size and shape as possible; otherwise it will be impossi ble to secure 1111 even stand witli any planter. Third.—Do not fail to test the planter thoroughly with the seed you intend DEPTH OF KEIINELS. [The kernels on ear No. 1 arc nearly the same depth from tip to butt, while th« kernels on ear No. 2 grow rapidly short er toward the tip. The kernels on ear No. 3 are small, shallow and flinty, lit tie larger than Brains of popcorn, and will run through the planter about like wheat. When these three ears wero shelled together and tested In the plant er. there was a range of all the way from two to soven kernels per hill.] to use and stay with it until it drops regularly the number of kernels re quired in each hill. Fourth.—Test the vitality or germi nating power of all corn Intended for seed. This is especially important tliis year. Fifth.—ln case any seed corn Is pur chased from seedsmen insist on having it shipped to you in the ear, either in crates or in barrels. How to Trim a Sheep's Foot. Almost every boy knows how to whittle, but I have found very few men who without special training could trim sheep's feet speedily. To do so a pair of toe cutters or pruning shears and a good Jackknife with a narrow blade are necessary. If the hoofs are long enough to make it necessary, use the cutters first, always cutting from the inner side and sole of the hoof. Cut in a plane about parallel to that of the attachment of the hoof. The hoof cuts easier in this way and there is far less danger of cutting too short. A little practice will enable one to turn the cutters in the hand with almost no loss of time. To do it drop them against the sheep, turning them as dropped. Two strokes with the knife on each hoof should put the foot in good shape. Always start the knife at the cleft of the heel. The llrst stroke should remove the outer wall, the knife being moved In the plane of the sole of the foot. The next should remove the inner wall and be drawn at an angle of forty-live degrees to the sole.— 11. I'. Miller in Ohio Farmer. I acil nt Home. Exports of fresh beef from the Unit ed States for the eight months ended Feb. UN, 1003, show a decline of up ward of pounds as compared with the corresponding period of the year previous. Exports of live cattle also show a considerable decline. The quantity of butter exported from the United State* dtiring the calendar year 1002 amounted to only f*,U."'.i.°tlfl pounds against -1,219,565 pounds In 1001 and 13,2.5.5,r>H7 i>outufb In lixnt. A Hrmrilr For lunect For worms on cabbage, lice on col lards, curculio on plum trees, spray with old sour buttermilk. Keep the milk until it Is a week old and use It freely. It Is quick and sure death to bug* ami worms and not at all hurtful to trees, plants or man. as some other remedies might be. Cor. Southern Cul tlvator. THE ORIGINAL HORSE. Five Toctl, M< nLr*y Toullifil mitf About tilt* SI/.<• of u llOil*** < »t. hi it pjip v i n*. :ii'il by W. I>. Mat* thews, n i" !e curator of paleontol ogy In 'he Ai.k an Museum of Nat ural 11 Ist cry .it New York, an interest ing account I; • > n* of the origin of the horse. Mr. M.;!.liev. . s that the earlier t 1 :>«iwn an- .<•. < f the hor-e were mi II i : i:. ::=»t I r than the do < at. ■ ;> faur cuiupletc toes t 'I 1 • etb Were sho, i:O id. . I i < Vi >1 \« illi low, rounded i i ot . 'I. suggest- Ing tli"-e of i.i i .. s a:i'l of pig* or other o, in v.. i i.i animals. The Ini. se I.i i.Nthi -i I d I': m nil other aii aiaU now ti\ i„ 1... the fact that It has I.lit on.- to - on i. eii foot. CMBftriiou with other animate shows that tin tie l» the ti.ird or middle digit on the foot. Tli- I 'of ce< re sponds to the ii i.l • i a i.ii a" ' the claw of a do r or eat aneen petrified, showing that they had been buried for many thou* sands of years. Mr. Matthews state* that all "these horses became extinct both in North and South America. WhJJ we do not know. The competition with the bison and the antelope, which had recently migrated to America, may] have made it more difficult than for* merly for the American horse to get & | living." The wild horse at present is foun