Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 14, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. XXXX.
The Modern Store. *
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, $
MAY 13—16. inclusive. jo
|j =j|§g House FURNISHINGS" j$
AH New Goods and New Prices. S
|r Kislt r- \1; i rdorf Co., $
$ south maiw street | q/)-i Mai! or Phone orders promptly Jg
fk SSE&?B£* i and carefully filled. g
mav&xxaex xx&setvx xnes*+
A grand display cf fine footwear in all the new styles.
The time of the year is here when you want a nice pair
of shoes or oxfords for summer wear.
Our stock of Ladies', Misses'
and Children's oxfords is com
ml plete. Dongola, Velour-calf
and Patent-vici, with low.
medium or extra high heels.
Large assortmeni of one, two,
three and four strap slippers,
Ladies' Fine Shoes—SOkOSlS.
They are the extreme of fashion and the acme of common
sense and comfort, being constructed on scientific principles.
They are perfect fitting and satisfactory in every respect. The
very newest and most exclusive creations in SOROSIS styles
are now shown by us.
Complete stock of Gokey's hand made plain toe and box-toe
working shoes. High Iron Stands with four lasts at 50c Sole
Leather cut to any amount you wish to purchase.
Repairing neatl> and promptly done.
128 South Main St., BUTLER, PA.
V ( Women, Boys, Youths, Misses and
(iav\F av Children's wear. Over five hundred
k liA " w styles—no possible want but what 4
m iyf we can meet to your taste. >1
» |S Boots, Oxfords, Slippers for s
n every and any service or occasion. >1
\ Man'* sl - 00 - sl - 50 - $2 00 ' 4
k \MI 111 CI I O $2.50, $3.00 and up j
0 Women's $!: 5 o $i $1
[l $2.50, $3 and up to $5.00 a J
fj j. ; pair, representing the highest m
vj /<, art in the manufacturing of *1
PJ shoes and shown in all de- %
sirable leathers. \
91 fa Misses' 75c, sl, 1.25 & 1.50,
Ll J& J f Children's 25c, 50c, 75c &$ 1 \
fl Jy / Boys' 90c $1,1.25,1.50, & $2. L 5
k€ y J Don't buy a shoe until you
J A ave inspected our Spring kl
% Spring & Summer Weights
fu i /) , /'] 'K Have a nattiness about them that p]
- / MM V (|lj) fJi & mark the wearer, it won't do to
I nL l\n ri wear the last year's output. Yon
1 i 7) \jr-i Irt won't get the latest things at the
f/ \"\ Ity l(jl stock clothiers either. The up-to
I A l7>. I J|[ s~4 date tailor only can supply them,
. t I IJTflri v' y° u want °nly the latest
11l ( /II I things in cut and fit and work
/ ' II I inanship, the finest in durability,
!1111 I vhere else can you get combina
j/ \j) * ions, you get them at
G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor,
24 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed Butler, Pa
~ ,
F. W. Devoe Ready Mixed Paints—All Colors.
Patterson Bros'
236 N. Main St. Phofte 400. Wic-k Bnildin«.
Greatest Kidney and Liver Remedy. Positive cure for Sick
Headache, Sf>nr Stomach, Lohs of Appetite, Constipation
iic Rheumatism, Blood Pnrifier.
v s "^'A For a,e I,y all Prnggiats, or by mail, 2.V, :,oc, and |l.oo
Subscribe for the CITIZEN
In all its stages. J °ta"\
Ely's Cream BalmC Y ™ E *Jtey
cleanses, eoothes and heals f y m
the diseased membrane. \
11 cores catarrh and drives M 'yo
a*.ray a cold in the head
C*r«»:im ISnlra ia placed into the nostrils, spreads
over the membrane and is absorbed, belief is im
mediate and a cure follows- It is not drying—does
not prodnce sneezing. Larce Size, 60 cents at Drag
gists or by mail; Trial Size, Id cents.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street, New York
Dizzy? Headache? Pain
back of your eyes? It's yc_:
liver! Use Ayer*s Pills.
Want your moustache cr beard a i
beautiful brown or rich black ? Use J
Buckingham's Dye
j 50cts.of druggists or R. P. Ha'l 2c Co., Na:hua K Hj
fj S>l
[\ B u
n , Li
H Johnston s |*J
j -•. r '
ki * J
fl Bvief, Iron and Wir.3
II wl ~ e *i
f & Best Tonic j
Kl.od i'nrifier. k *
®.jj I'rico, 50c pint.
i Prepared and
Johnston s J
0 Crystal
M Pharmacy. H
U. M. LOO AN. Ph. O .
[ V Manager, 1
ICC N. Main St., Butler, Pa
LV Both 'Phones W A
WA Everything in the
drug line. f &
1 •
Do You buy Medicines?
Certainly You Do.
Then you want the best for the
least money. Ihat is our motto.
Come and see us when i;i need of
anything in the Drug Line and
we are sure you will call again.
We carry a full line of Drugs,
Chemicals, Toiltt Articles, etc.
Purvis' Pharmacy
Both Phones.
213 S. Main St. Bntler Pa.
~ v "
C# s®|r=-
mHr p i
l-Vi"-- - : ' I
Let us give you a figure on
the Plumbing and Gas Fitting
of your home.
341 S. Main St.. Both Phones
|C. F. T. Papej
p JEWELER. v-|
J 121 E. Jefferson Street. /
i WAYS |
v Bv S&rtih Lind*a.y Coleman P
I k
CopvriQht, 1902, i
P by McClure's Xctrtpaper Syndicate y
The car that went to Overlook park
was crowded; it usually was when
there was a promise of a fine sunset.
Brooks gazod steadily from the win
dow on the uupicturesquc side of the
car. Even when the passengers crowd
ed to the other side to look into the
valley far below tbem and at the
mountains—mountains piled on top of
mountains—he sat motionless.
As the Country club was passed he
showed some interest.
It was Miss Hilderbrand's afternoon
to pour tea there. Six months before,
when Miss Hilderbrand had poured
tea. Brooks sat on the clubhouse steps.
The Laughter of j?ay voices had drifted
through the open windows to him. The
club members seemed very gay. Brooks
was a club member, but he was not
An illness had sent him to the resort
town to recuperate. Most of the hotel
people belonged to the club, and he had
joined. It seemed to him a good way
to get rid of the time that hung BO
heavily on his hands.
But he didn't care for golf, he
couldn't dance, he knew so little of the
new books and the old pictures, the
thousand and one things they talked
about. He was an alien. Looking up,
he saw Miss Hilderbrand on the step
above him.
Miss Hilderbrand was the leader of
the fashionables that ran the Country
club. Her clothes were imitated, her
speeches repeated.
Brooks had wondered that so re
served a woman could be as popular.
He had noticed that the charm of dis
tinction was in her high bred face,
and then thought no more about her.
Women were not much in his line
Miss Hilderbrand had smiled down
on him and said that she wanted him
to come in and drink tea with her.
And when she smiled the question of
her popularity was settled.
After that day Brooks became a real
member of the club. The women left
younger men to talk to him; the men
slapped him on the back, invited him
to drinks and voted him a fine old
He began to enjoy the life and the
new spirit of friendliness that per
vaded the atmosphere. There was no
more talk of leaving this circle of
bright, pretty women and jolly fellows.
Brooks realized that he owed the
change to Miss Hilderbrand. Once he
asked her why she had taken him up,
and she replied that she was sorry for
lonely things.
Six months had made a new man of
Brooks, and still he lingered.
People had come and gone, as they
do at resort hotels, but Miss Hilder
brand had not gone.
The afternoon had again come for
her to pour tea for the club members,
but she had sent her excuses.
Johnston, a friend and fellow citizen
of hers, said that she had gone on the
mountain to be alone and get a grip
on herself; that a telegram had brought
her bad news.
The car climbed slowly.
Brooks hadn't the slightest idea what
the trouble was nor what assistance he
could render. There was but one de
sire in his honest heart, and that was
to help her. How he would do it hadn't
been revealed, but, with his usual di
rectness, he had followed her to find
On the mountain top the band play
ed, and gay groups of people moved in
every direction.
Brooks came upon Miss Hllderbrand,
solitary In the midst of the crowd.
The glow of the sunset was ou her,
and as he came up she smiled un
"I'm sorry you've heard it. I leave
tomorrow. I hoped it would not be
found out, but of course everybody
will know."
"I'm not everybody," said Brooks
stoutly. "I came because I want to
comfort lonely things. What can I
Miss Ililderbrand's glance went over
Brooks' stout figure and came back to
his clear eyes. The two faces were In
sharp contrast —ln his the rugged
strength of a more simple civilization;
In the girl's the suggestion of extreme
"I'm glad you came," she said quite
simply. "I'll like to remember it when
I've become a dressmaker. That'B what
I've been up here deciding—what to do
with myself now that the money's
swept away. Dressmaking is my only
real talent, and," with another attempt
at a smile, "I'm thought to be such an
accomplished young woman."
"But there's McAdoo." Brooks spoke
that name with difficulty. Among the
men there was one he detested, and
it was Miss Hllderbrand's fiance.
"Haven't you taken him Into your ar
"lie hasn't taken me Into Ills ar
rangements," she said.
Brooks stared at her as though he
had lost his senses.
"I've been Jilted." She looked across
the valleys filling with mist and not at
"Habits are hard to break." She
spoke to herself as much as to him.
"It had gone on so long it was a habit
If we had cared for each other, we
would have been married long ago."
She turned to Brooks. "But it hurts
one's pride to be thrown overboard on
the day one loses the money," she said.
"I'm depressed at the dressmaking,
too," she apologized.
"How'd u companion do?" asked
Brooks cautiously.
"Not at nil," said the girl. "I've ft
mean temper."
"The old person has the dlsposltlQß
of a cherub."
"I can't read and I sing übomlnably."
' 'Twouldn't be required."
"What would?"
"Whatever pleased you."
"But," half petulantly, "I don't like
old ladles."
"This Is an old gentleman."
"'Twouldn't do; highly Improper."
"Oh, yes It would! It's eminently re
spectable." Brooks not to his feet and
began speaking rapidly.
"Look here," lie said, "I know you
don't care for me, but you are the fin
est girl I ever saw. I'm too old to
learn all love's little tricks, but you
won't expect much foolishness. I nov
cr had time Tor It when I was a
youngster, and 1 can't promise much
as a lover, but I can make your life
easier and leave you n respectable pile
of money at my death."
"And what would you gain?" Miss
Hllderbrand asked the question wbc. #
the silence had become audible. She
had paled perceptibly.
"The right to make you happy," said
The girl was silent. Her critical
eyes saw Brooks, who was neither
young nor handsome, at his best.
"Don't you think I wouldn't gain
anything?" said the man. The silenco
was making liim anxious.
'"But you couldn't love me," plain
tively. "You think love nonsense, and
women need it." *
Brooks got ixxuesslon of a hand not
far away. "1 could learn." he protest
ed ardently.
"Asd everybody would say I mar
ried you for your money."
"Let 'em!" stoutty. "A lot of old
Miss Hilderbrand drew her hand
"I couldn't consider it," she said. A
certain mischief that was new to her
was in her averted face. "I've just
been jilted, and I would be so lonely
while you were learning."
Brooks slipped his arm about her.
They were away from the people, and,
anyway, it didn't matter. He turned
her face to meet his eager one.
"I don't have to learn. It's come to
me. You shan't say 'No!* Why, I love
you like- like fury!" His voice thrilled
with his earnestness.
The girl laughed contentedly.
"You are a nice old gentleman," she
said, "even if you are forty. I haven't
been asked about it, and I guess I
shouldn't say so, but I'm awfully fond
of you."
The Antiquity of the Cat.
It seems hard to believe that during
all the long ages which passed between
the dawn of civilization and the Chris
tian era the Romans and Greeks should
have been ignorant of the most famil
iar pet of our homes, the common cat.
Y'et no fact seems established mora
clearly than this. Hahn in his "Wan
derings of Plants and Animals" insist
ed upon it, and it has since been estab
lished by the united efforts of scholars
and zoologists. We know now that
our domestic favorite—with its win
ning, coy ways, uneasy when removed
from man's society and yet never com
pletely trusting It, with Its mysterious
old world air—was unknown to the
chief nations of antiquity Ull after the
CbrisUan era.
It was the patient and gifted nation
of the Nile valley that built the hall
of columns at Karnak and that reared
such colossal statues as that of Ilam
esos 11. at Memphis, not to speak of
the pyramids, that first tamed the cat.
Hereditary antipathy as deep as that
which reigns between the feline race
and mankind docs not die out In a gen
eration. Countless years and many
dynasties must have passed ere the
wildest members of creation became
the most faithful servants of mankind.
In Egypt we know that cats were re
garded with veneration and embalmed
and burled after their death.—London
He Wrote Books.
An English novelist tells an experi
ence of a literary friend who went to
the country In order to take a house on
a farm. He saw the farmer and con
ducted the preliminary negotiaUons
with perfect satisfacUon to both sides.
■Presently he asked, "Would you like
some references?" "No, no," said the
farmer genially. "You are a gentle
man. I can see straightforwardness
written across your face. Don't both
er about the references. I expect you
want to got back to your business In
the city." The friend menUoned that
he had no business In the city. "Oh,
then," said the farmer, "I suppose you
have business outside the city." "No,"
he replied. "I am an author." "What!"
cried the farmer. "Not an author
that writes books?" Yes, he admitted
that he had written books. A look of
doubt crept over the honest farmer's
face. "Well, well," he said, "to turn
back to the business we were talking
about, I think, after all, mister, I'll
have to trouble you for a couple of
l&em references."
Trick* of Lancaice.
Cunning In the use of language to
give false impressions is a Yankee trick
celebrated in song and story. Many In
stances of its use come to light in the
testimony given in courts. An illus
tration of such dishonest craftiness Is
related by a Maine gentleman. A man
came to him wanting him to buy a
share in a country lottery in which the
principal prize was a horse. "I'll take
one," he said, "if you'll warrant me I
shall draw the horse." "Oh, yes," said
the seller glibly, pocketing the cash.
"I'll warrant you to get the horse."
The horse went in another direction,
and the ticket holder, meeting the sell
er, said Jokingly, "I thought you war
ranted me to draw that horse." "Oh,
no," said the other shrewdly; "I did
not say warrant, but waot I said I
Wanted you to get tbe horse, and I did."
Mart-luge by Capture.
Marriage by capture Is a very old
and very widely spread custom. It
prevails among the Hindoos, the Kal
mucks and Circassians and the primi
tive races of Australia, New Zealand
and America, but instead of abduction
bein:.: considered an outrage by these
half civiiized peoples it Is looked upon
iis a preliminary marriage rite, and, as
a general rule, I lie coy damsel Is by no
means averse to the mild violence.
Abduction became so common In Eng
land In the reigns of the Tudor princes
that a statute was passed on the sub
ject, and this was followed by an act
of Elizabeth which took away the ben
efit of clergy from the offender, and it
was not till so late as the reign of
George IV. that the crime ceased to be
n capital offense and punishable with
What the White Honae la.
To the American people the White
House represents the personality of the
president of the United States. To the
politician the magic words may stand
for the goal of an ambition too often
associated with the deepest and ino9t
poignant disappointment, while to the
historian the name may typify deci
sions that have marked epochs in the
affairs of nations. In the mind of the
people, however, the official character
of the building has always been subor
dinate to its domestic uses. Popularly
speaking, the White House is the place
not where the president works, but
where he entertains. —Charles Moore In
A MUtake Somewhere.
"Is it true, Miss Gertie," he said,
"that there are Just two things a wo
man will Jump at a conclusion and a
mouse V"
"No." hlh* answered; "there Is a third.
Mr. I'lilllp."
After thinking the matter over a few
moments he tremblingly made her an
offer, but she didn't Jump at It. He
was not the right mau.
Ko» Appreciated.
Hjcu's !l certainly seems to me that
a man like I'Jackson. who hits worked
hard all lil< life ami brought up a fam
ily of :?'vteen cliNdi'en, deserves a great
ileal of i -<t!'
ISjon No <!(•-.!I>t Hut lie can't have
it at the - to. '-. Somerville Journal.
\V! " i •> " • en tell one apple
tint ■ 'in- 'i f "I like anolh"r. Walt
a |,i; . il the il 'Sire will disappear.—
School ussier.
t Harrow For Leveling the Furrow
Slice aud a Good I'lauk Drnt.
An Ohio Farmer correspondent sends
bat paper n drawing of an implement
' r leveling the furrow slice and says:
i' e handles are seldom needed to lift
he harrow, but I found the left cue
•truck the plow beam every once in
■ while when the harrow wanted to tip
over too fur from auy cause. For this
purpose I hail to brace the handles
juste wide apart—forty inches—too far
for use in corn rows, but they can be
placed in or out. as occasion requires,
hy substituting another round between
the handles. Near the rear at the left
is a crooked steel or iron rod seven-
eighths or one " . . h. bent as indicated,
to rub on the bottom and side of the fur. j
row and fastened to the harrow by go
ing diagonally from the lower outside
corner to the upper inside corner, with
a nut to hold it.
The teeth I used were not all knife
shaped, like the one Illustrated, yet I
think it would be well to make them
all of this style, as holes can then be
bored perpendicularly any place you
find the teeth are needed or work best,
and they can bo changed very easily
with only a wrench to unscrew tl.j
nut. The holes should be large enough
so the teeth will *|ij> if) or out easily,
as they can be screwed up tight to hold
them In the direction desired.
This little harrow is attached to the
singletree of tlje horse lu the furrow
with the short chain so that It >vlll
harrow the furrow turned the round
before, working Just forward of the
furrow being turned by the plow. This
furrow, however, may fall partially on
the rear side of tho harrow w»rkipg iff
the furrow. This does no harm, but
only helps to hold that point down to
its place. The left upright support for
tho handle should be placed well for
ward, so the furrow slice will not
strike it.
For those who plow with three horses
abreast and use a large sized chilled
plow with Jointer, and also rolling col
ter attached, this little harrow will
surely be appreciated, as it docs such
thorough pulverizing of each furrow as
fast as plowed.
Dimensions.—Width of harrow at the
back end. 31 inches, lnsido measure;
width between handles, 40 inches;
length of harrow. 50 inches; made of
2 by 4 scantling; crosspleceg 2 by 3,
Bolt the crosspieccs on top or notch
down but little, so they will not rub the
ground. If all the teeth are made like
the one Indicated, the holes can all be
bored perpendicular through the wood,
and the right slope or slant back will
be obtained. The hinge at the front is
made of a pair of strap hinges placed
so that a strong bolt passing through
the chain, then through the eyes of the
straps, make a good hitch as well as
A plank drag is also figured in the
paper mentioned. It consists of four 4
by 4 scantling fastened together with
rods with small blocks two Inches thick
between tho scantlings, with rings on
the ends of the rods hitched to by
means of rods and a ring or a chain
and ring. The slat Is for the purpose of
lifting the drag to free It from rubbish
or stone. This drag carries fine dirt
along between the scantlings, which
tills up all low places and levels the
ground. A drug of this description
eight feet long is a good load for a
team of horses without a harrow at
tached behind, if more weight Is want
ul, the man can ride the drag. It does
effectual work in leveling and ,puttiug
the ground in order.
Slrm and Xotn.
Look out for the flat headed borer In
the young trees. In some localities It
lays most of Its eggs In April and May.
The Cornel (N. Y.) university is now
endeavoring to get a state appropria
tion of $250,000 for new agricultural
The American nurserymen's conven
tion will meet at Buffalo June 10 and
the apple shippers' at Niagara Falls
Aug. 5.
A Canadian dairyman says the whole
source of trouble In handling and car
ing of milk can be summed up In four
letters, d 1 r-t.
"Sang" and silkworms are two of
the side issues that now tempt the
farmers' fancy.
Its Advantages mid l)l»nilv«iit»g«.
Machine and Formula.
In response to genera! Interest In tho
subject the Country CJeutleiuan hus
collected information from various
fruit growers and also presents a cut
which gives some Idea of the construc
tion of one type of apparatus or dust
spraying. The cylinder Is the dust box,
and the v. heel works the air blast. I).
\V. Maxwell says:
Lime being your conveyor, you have
a basis upon which you can make a
compound with p rfeit safety to your
foliage that will exterminate Insect
life. You will n •cr see
of fruit. It gives you a perfect foliage,
lu the liquid process you cannot have
thorough work, hut in the «jti t every
particle of the tree l.i covered; not only
that, but everything around It. As a
fungicide lie re is no comparison of the
two lu. lhods nor in <' • • r-o In; li e can
kerwonu and COdl n Motto. can
*;iriy from fort) t<> llft.v acres in a day
of ir-es fr :.i i ;. en to twenty years
old I one l.i ■ f the e.'tpciis • of liquid
spraj l.i . ' ' f i ilerl.il I 'I - t.' e, .1
rents. ! y •■•::• c.. pc-rlch We hve per
feell d a { a:.i.
Hon lo MnUe I lie Sjirujr.
One barrel of fresh lime, 25 pounds
bluestone, 5 pounds concentrated lye.
>-> pounds powdered sulphur, 5 pounds
paris green (pure). Increase the parls
;reen to 10 pounds for eankerworms.
lireak the lime into small pieces and
put it into a box 3 by tl feet. Dissolve
the bluestone in boiling water, 0 gal
lons. Dissolve the lye in ." gallons hot
water. Keep the two solutions sepa
rate. Take a sprinkler and sprinkle the
solutions on the lime. If not enough to
slack into dust, use water. Cover over
the dust wl.en through slacking. Make
a sieve of tine wire and attach a long
handle. Sieve cut tho dust. Itub the
sulphur through sieve into the dust and
put the ; .".r:s gr . a lu. Stir thorough
ly. He careful not to get the dust too
ilamp. Yovr compound Is now ready
for use. Spray Just b.-fore the*bloom
opens, then as it drops, then once a
we •» until yen have sprayed six times,
then one • every two weeks until the
Ist of August.
A Cnuuerratlve View.
J. M. Sicdman of the Missouri expert- ;
luent station writes: I can briefly say
that the dust proce s cannot take the
- \
| place of the liquid process for applying
; Insecticides it; ..11 but that in
! many iustun.. -• It is just as effectual,
while in a few it seems to be more ef
fectual. Where one has a number of
small plants, such as cabb .ges. strawy,
bcrie's ,:ad t ie like, |t hap
pens thai the dust process is more ef
fectual than thi- liquid and also has an
advantage over the liquid process, in
that it is much t..ore readiiy (iian.igeij.
On the other l.umj, lq spraying large
orchard trees It is not as effectual, es
pecially for the codling moth, ns is the
liquid. Many orchards are located 011
st'.".*;) hillside*, «here it t.» practically
Impossible for a l -am to draw a heavy
load of water. The ground iu other
orchards is so soft during the spring
that It is practically impossibly til
draw ti hi-nvijy loaned water tank
through the orchard. In still other or
chards the location is such that it is
impossible to obtain suindent wuter
for the spraying. In such instances
{{ becomes! a matte# of using the dust
process or none at all.
Handy In tlie Garden.
For the garden the dust process is so
Uiuch lighter that it person cun readily
curry the machlue and do the dusting
that would require a barrel of water in
case of the liquid process. The dust
process also has an advantage In that
jn many instance* it Is much more
readily made Dp, and many people will
use a small hand dust machine where
they will not go to the trouble of using
a liquid one. The paris green or other
arsenical poison used in the dust ma
chine readily floats in the air and is
blown a considerable distance by the
wind, so that lu dusting the trees one
should be careful to see that the dust
does not blow iu the face, otherwise
one is apt to tubal" too much arsenical
poison. The horses should also be kept
away from the dust. It is advisable
in the use of the dust to apply It early
lu tho morning while the dew is upon
the plants or soon after a rain, and it
is also well to apply the dust when
there Is a slight breeze.
Farmer* and Canufri.
The Farmers' Protective association
of central New York is making trouble
for the canulng factories in setting
prices for which the members are will
ing to grow their produce Instead of
taking the prices offered, as heretofore.
Tho scale adopted Is considerably In
advance of what was received by farm
ers last year. Some factories have
granted a slight Increase. In Mary
land there are much agitation aud con
flict between growers and packers of
tomatoes along the eastern shore.—
Country Gentleman.
Leave Ilie Old Hen In I'eaee.
During the hatching, if you are wise,
you will not be too curious, but will
allow the Instinct of the hen to do her
work. It may be well to quietly reach
under her and remove such eggshells
as can be removed without disturbing
her, but nothing further should be at
Oratorio Trlnaiphs Thai Stand th»
Test of Heading.
It Is often said that If a speech reads
well It Is not a good speech There
may be some truth In It. The reader
cannot, of course, get the Impression
which the speaker conveys by look and
tone and gesture. He lacks that mar
velous Influence by which In a great
assembly the emotion of every Individ
ual soul Is multiplied by the emotion of
•very other. The reader can pause and
dwell upon the thought. If there be a
fallacy, he Is not hurried away to do
something else before he can detect it.
So, also, his more careful and deliber
ate criticism will discover offenses of
style and taste which pass unheeded In
a speech when uttered. But still the
great oratoric triumphs of literature .
and history stand the test of reading in
the closet as well as of hearing In the
assembly. Would not Mark Antony's
I speech over the dead body of Cietar,
had It been uttered, have moved tho
Itoman populace as It moves the spec
tator when the play Is acted or tho sol
| Itary reader In his closet? Does not
Lord Chatham's "I rejoice that Amer
ica has resisted" reads well? Do not
Sheridan's and lturke's greet perora
tions In the Impeachment of Warren
Hastings read well? Does not "Liberty
and union, n#w and forever," read
well? Does not "Give me liberty or
give me death" read well? Do not Ev
erett's finest passages read well?— Se
nator Hoar In Success.
Laughter Heller Than Fills.
The cure for the bilious man la a
clown, not pills. For Indigestion go to
a show where thero are one or two first
class fools who know how to make
"monkeys" of themselves. The fun,
however, should be clean, Innocent,
harmless and hearty, with no sugges
tion of Indecency or vulgarity. Iu oth
er words, the fuu should be "hygienic."
Fun that is foul aud malodorous is un
Tin- best sort of fun for the dyspep
tic Is the fun that burlesques the fol
lies and fol' les of the odd "characters"
you have met. If you can't Hud the
show with the burlesque "artists" who
can make you laugh, seek out compan
ions who are Jolly and who know the
art of clowning.
Don't let any half baked Idiot loud
your mind with his business or domes- !
tie troubles. When you get an hour or
two from the desk or store, abandon
yourself willingly and cheerfully to tho .
frivolities of u Jocular friend.—W hat to '
I'sed to Anairfr the Question, Can
Water Flow Ip 11(11 f
Since the earth is an ohlate spheroid
instead of a perfect sphere, it comes to
pass that its center is farther from the
equator than front either ]>o>e. The
difference Is about thirteen miles. The
Mississippi flows southward for so
i:ro;»t a distance that its surface at its
uiouth is al)out four miles farther from
the earth's center than at Its source.
I'oes it then flow up hill?
This is a question which the coast
and geodetic survey in Washington is
frequently asked to answer. The reply
i? 11: it "up" means against gravitation
and "down" with gravitation; heuce
tiic- Y.i -i slpnl does not flow up hill,
althot:;.h o! vior.sVv It moves away from
the center of the globe. I'lumb lines
rarely point directly toward the center
of the'earth. The variation from that
direction has given rise to an interest
ing branch of the government's work.
The visible irregularities of the sur
faee of the earth -mountains, valleys
and water basins—affect the form of
attraction which Is known as gravita
tion. A cable mile of land is two and a
half times as dense as a similar volume
i !' water. 'The plumb line tend* to lean
!,,w:srd the earth masses and away
from the water basins. These lnflu
cn.-es. which may he computed with
Bci utilic aovnraey. do not, however,
explain all of the deflections. Varying
d grees of density some miles below
the surface of the earth must be as
sumed lo exist.
Tiiillng as these deflections are, nev
er .• .e vding nine inches in a plumb
! i • a long, they are of considera
! . • s. ientifi, Importance. They modify
eaieul-itions of navigators and ex
!>'•■.rers as to positions on the earth's
-ce derived from the stars. They
: ' "me essential In high grade
• They also help to make
i:i<- records of measurements of the
h co.: ribnte to the story of the Uls
t- vt' the earth. In the eye of science
i. v arc no trifles,—Youth's Compan
!• .1.
Somo of the llepulalve Remedies
I Med by Our Ancestors.
So:->e of the remedies used by our
ancestors ought to have been sufficient
to scare away any disease without
th- ir application. Here are a few of
th.ui: "A halter wherewith any one
l.:. s been hanged If tied about the head
will cure headache. Moss growing up
on a human sL'.UI If dried and pow
dered and taken as snuff Is no less effi
cacious." Dr. Samuel Turner, who
wrote ou diseases of the skin, notices a
prevalent charm among old vomtu for
the shingles, the blood of a black cat
taken rrom its tall and Bineared on the
part affected. The chips of a gallows
tied on a string and worn around the
neck are said to have cured ague.
Spiders, as may readily be supposed,
were In great repute as remedies. Bur
ton. the writer of the "Anatomy of
Melancholy," was at first dubious as to
the efficacy of the spider as a remedy,
though hu states that he had seen it
used by his mother, "whom he knew to
have excellent skill In chlrurgery, sore
eyes and aches, till at length," says he,
"rambling amongst authors, as I often
do, I found this very medicine in Dios
corides, approved by Matthlolas and
repeated by Aldrovandus. I began then
to have a better opinion of It."
For stopping hemorrhages all sorts of
things were used. John Bell says that
for this purpose "they tied live toads
behind the ears or under the armpits
or to tho noles of the feet or held them
In the hand till they grew warm. Mi
chael Mcrcatus says that this effect of
toads Is a truth, which any person will
ing to take the trouble may satisfy
himself of by a very simple experi
ment. for If you hang the toad around
a cock's neck for a day or so you may
then cut off his head and the neck will
not bleed a single drop." The malade
lmaginalre of those days pursued his
hobby under difficulties.
Not n Judge.
A good Instance of repartee occurred
In a law court when the following con
versation took place between a witness,
a rustic looking Individual, and the
presiding Judge.
.Fudge-You say you had occasion to
taste tills whisky?
Witness—Yes, my lord.
Judge—Now, are you sure you could
tell the difference between good and
bad whisky? •
Witness (drawling) Well, I don't
quite know as I could exactly, me lord
(with a knowing smile), for, ye see, I'm
not a Judge!— London Times.
"I wish to state," said a fresh young
lawyer, rising in court, "that the rumor
to the effect that John Doe, now under
Indictment for murder, has attempted
to commit suicide has no foundation In
fait. I saw him this morning, and be
has retained me to defend his life."
"That seems to confirm the rumor,"
laid the Judge. "Let the case pro
Solemn Moments.
"It is a solemn thing," said the young
man, "when a woman trusts a man
with her affections."
"It ain't as solemn," said the man
with the pink necktie, "as when she
won't trust him with his own wages."
-London Tit-Bits.
Sudden Activity.
Nell Maude has suddenly discovered
that she needs exercise, so she goes out
for a walk every day.
Belle Yes, I heard that she had a lot
tf new clothes.—Philadelphia Record.
A mother's mind Is ever on her chil
dren. If she Is noble, she Is praying
f> ;• them; if she Is ambitious, she Is
scheming for them.—Schoolmaster.
The Pro«?eedli»u» «■ Viewed Vrasa
■be llorar'n Standpoint.
Skipper was a police horse and ths
pride of the mounted squad until he
acquired a spavin. Then he was sent
to a sales stable. Ills experiences
• ,• as told by Sewell i'ord in
•11 •- - Nine" were as follows:
f.,vi; ;>«•!■ was led into a big ring be
■ . • .i io: < men. A man on a box
I < .11 a number and began to
. v•; ft. Skipper gathered thai
\\ about him. Skipper
i, i • t lie was still only six years
. n l lie had been owned as a
> . i ■ by a huly who was about
: Europe and was dosing out
-.ill •. 1 liis was ii"ws to Skipper,
luati talked very nicely about
i. iie s.i.d lie was kind, gentle,
! ii viinl and limb and was not
red to tiic saddle, but would
cl'.li . '.lngle or double. The man
• til • > know how much the gentle
i i v.- r • i\lii 'i4 to pay for a bay
of tii.s description.
•Ie on tl • outer edge of the
d. "Ten dollars."
i • in ui oil the lx»x grew
j quite liul. .u nit. He asked If the other
' man wouldn't like a silver mounted
No. 20.
harness and a lap rob* thrown in.
"Fifteen." said another man.
Somebody else said "Twenty," an
other man said "Twenty-five," and still
another "Thirty." Then there was a
hitch. The man on the box began to
talk very fast indeed.
"Thutty, thutty, thutty, thutty!
I hear the Ave? Thntty, thutty, thnt
ty, thutty. Will yon make it five?"
"Thirty-five," said a red faced man
who had pushed his way to the front
and was looking Skipper over sharply.
The man on the box said "Thutty
tive"' a good many times and asked if
he "heard forty." Evidently he did
not, for he stopped and said very slow
ly and distinctly, looking expectantly
around: "Are you all done? Thirty
five—once; thirty-five—twice; third—
and last call -sold for $35!"
When Skipper heard this, he hung
his head. When you have been a $250
blue rlbboner and the pride of th«
force, it is sad to be "knocked down'*
for $35.
How the Young: of the Feathered
Tribe Are Educated.
There is a school of the woods, just
as much as there is a church of the
woods or a parliament of the woods
or a Society of Tnited Charities of the
woods and no more. There is nothing
in the dealing of animals with their
young that in the remotest way sug
gests human instruction and discipline.
The young of all the wild creatures do
instinctively what their parents do and
did. They do not have to be taught;
they are taught from the Jump, says a
writer in the Atlantic Monthly. The
bird sings at the proper age and builds
its nest and takes its appropriate food
without any hint at all from its par
ents. The young ducks take to tho
water when hatched by a duck and
dive and stalk insects and wash them
selves Just as their mothers did. Young
chickens and young turkeys under
stand the various calls and signals of
their mother the first time they hear or
see them. At the first alarm note they
squat; at a call to food they come on
the first day as on the tenth. The hab
its of cleanliness of the nestlings are
established from the first hour of their
lives. When a bird comes to build its
first ues| and to rear its first brood, it
knows how to proceed as well as it
does years later or as its parents did
before it. The fox is afraid of a trap
before he has had any experience with
it, and the hare thumps upon the
ground at sight of anything strange
and unusual, whether its mates be
within hearing or not No bird teaches
its young to fly. They fly instinctively
when their wings are strong enough.
Difference la Prayers.
Little Alice always said her prayers
regularly before going to bed. One
night, however, as she rested her head
on the pillow she remarked, in a ques
tioning way:
' Mamma, my prayers are so much
louger than the one nurse says in the
morning. Can't I say hers when I'm
"Does the nurse pray in the morn
ing?" asked the mother with a pusxled
"Yea," said Alice sweetly. "She says,
'Lord, have I got to get up?" "—New
York Tribune.
Llut at SeTcntr-lTt,
Even at Reventy.flva TJszt vai a 01,
anlst whose powers lay beyond tho
pale to which sober language or calm
criticism could reach or be applied.
Enough that its greatest charm seemed
to ine to lie in a perfectly divine touch
and In a tone more remarkable for ex
quisitely musical quality than volume
or dynamic force aided by a technique
still Incomparably brilliant and superb.
»-llermann Klein In Century.
Too Mnch For Time.
Mrs. Newrlche (who would like the
count for a son-in-law)—-It's true that
Count d'Ed Rrouck Is inclined to be a
little—«r—wild, but he'll settle down,
you know. Time works wonders.
Uotrox— So It does, but I never yet
heard of It being In the miracle busi
ness.—Brooklyn Life.
Not In Evidence.
May—Miss l'assay has been quite ill.
is she likely to recover?
Fay—She thinks so. She says ahe
has youth on her side.
May—Well, if she has it must be on
the Inside.—Catholic Standard and
Water freezes every night of the
year at Alto Crucero, in Bolivia, while
at noonday the sun is hot enough to
blister the flesh.
It la a Matter Wholly Apart Fiwa*
Color Hllndneaa.
Color blindness was the topic under
discussion. "They tell me I'm color
blind," said the lawyer, "but I don't
believe It. Often, I admit, I make mis
takes In colors. I say that pink is rsd,
1 say that green is blue. But it is only,
the nairnis of the colors I am off in. I
am not, I Insist, color blind." The ocu
list who was in the party nodded ap
"Exactly," he said. "These diagnos
ticians of yours mistake your caae.
They take color Ignorance for color
blindness. Here they are aa wrong aa
though they should say mualc igno
rance was mualc bliuduoaa -aa though,
I mean, because you could not tell that
a certain struck note was 'E flat,' you
were dead to all musical gradations.
Some years ago, when the examination
In colors of railroad men was Inau
gurated, a howl went up over the
amazing amount of color blindness in
America, and many a good man lost
his Job unjustly. These men had been
off In the names of colors, not In the
colors themselves. They could in a
day or two have been taught what they
lacked. Many of them, it is likely,
were not color blind. I say this be
cause recently 1 heard of an examina
tion of 800 railroad men that was con
ducted in the proper way on an Eng
lish line. About seventy of these men
were a little off regarding color nomen
clature, but not a single one of them
was color Wind."—Philadelphia Record.
A Stubborn Ifaahaad.
A most interesting phenomenon is
the stubborn liuitband. lie Is not a bad
man. He Is contrary, and he has to be
managed. He Is usually married to a
clever little woman, who Is constantly,
devising schemes to accompllah tho
things which make their Joint lives a
He has no suspicion of tills. If he
had, he would be so mad he could un
doubtedly eat her. So all through life
she goes on swinging a turnip ahead
of his nose to make him go the same as
though lie were a balky mule. She la
a cheery little body, and she grows
l>luui|> with every year, and she does
Iter smiling behind the door or she
chuckles In her sleeve when he is not
by. The stubborn husband Is as inter
esting as n bug.—lxtndon Standard