Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 07, 1903, Image 2

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Y?[LLIAM O. NEGLEY - Publisher.
'yr j 1 T
THURSDAY, MAY 7. 1903.
Sl.oo per >ear In Advance, Otherwise $1.30.
Republican A&Houncements.
Election Saturday. May U> Ito7p. m.
Hliite Convention.
THOMAS J. GRAHAM, 'of Penn twp.
JAM i s M MAXWKLU of Bntler.
A. M. McCOMiOfUf. of Fair view twp,
. For 3iffy Commfs-ioner,
W. P. Buown", of Bntler.
T. Dob# qf boro-gh
A, Qt of Butler twp.
T, W. D. KV-MKEPX, of MarP
&.M. Cutler, formerly of
u i.
Tiitfttyiof-Coßnouuenessing twp.
t . twp.
UWRV of Jefferson twp.
Thfc.JLouifrianti PiirelMM.
' b js Spanish governor at New
Qglean# order closing the port
q£,NewiQole&ns to the trade, of the Ohio
rivet' -Tiiiawaa contrary to our treaty
with the Spanish and was a severe blow
ttvonr western settlements, and our
Congress'tesolved to rebuke Spain; but
in October of 1800, the Spanish Gov
ernment. by a secret treaty, ceded the
whole of the province of Louisiana
back to France, which bad originally
settled both New Orleans and St. Lonis.
This became known to our Ministers
at Madrid, Paris and London, and ne
gotiations were opened with the French
government for the purchase of that
part of the province east of the Missis
sippi river, including New Orleans our
Minister at Paris, Mr. Livingston, being
especially active and sagacious in the
Mr. Jefferson was President at that
time and in March of 1803 he sent Mr.
Monroe over to Pane to aid Mr. Living
ston in the matter.
General Bonaparte was at that time
First Consul of France. He was abont
to engage in another war with the al
lies, of which England was one, and he
feared England's naval power— feared
she would send a fleet to New Orleans
and take possession—so our ministers
i were suddenly met with the proposition
to buy the whole province, and though
this exceeded their instructions, they
closed the bargain at eighty millions of
francs -about sixteen millions* of dol
The President immediately agreed to
this and Congress soon after ratified it.
The negotiations in Paris were com
pleted on the 30th of April, 1803, and
the papers signed on the 3d of May.
Congress ratified the proceeding in Oc
tober, and France appointed a Commis
sioner to formally receive the province
from the Spanish and transfer it to the
United States, which was done in De
cember, when the Spanish troops em
barked for Spain and the Americans en
tered New Orleans.
St. Louis, at that time (1803) was al
ready quite a town. A Jesuit mission
had been established at that point on
the river as early as 1636; and in 1764,
after the country east of the Mississippi
had been ceded to the English, as a re
sult of the French English war, some of
the French in Canpda and Illinois, es
tablished the town of St. Lonis, under
the lead of a man named Laclede, presi
dent of The Louisana Fur Company.
The St. Louis of today is a city of
nearly a million people, and they, with
state and National aid, propose giving
the people of the world the greatest Ex
position or World's Fair in all history.
The 6ite was selected last year and work
begun. Some of the buildings are com
peted, and last Friday (April 30, 1903)
- the centennial anniversary of the date
o: the completion of the negotiations for
tl ie purchase of the territory, of which
S i., is part—was selected as the
d ite to dedicate them.
day was made a holiday, twenty
fi thousand people assembled in the
I all of Liberal Arts, and Prerident
Roosevelt and ex President
were there and made speeches, both be-
in their historical remarks,
as, representatives of both Spam and
ifrgfljre.yere present, and the juggling
transactions between those two coun
tries a.- .hundred years ago not being
o«>d#t*Me to either.
coming year the fifteen
jjtfejit buildings will bo com-
incfstocked, and the grounds put
ipjOrder,, and the whole opened for pub
and for public instruction
alxurt ibe.lst of May, 1904.
*l,l i j'l. rjr.
Pennypacker signed the Focht
haUbt bill, last Friday. The act makes
riO'Hiaterfal change in the present law
except to gfrfHp all the candidates for
each one column and to snbsti
ei'posite the name of each
ItfU&y Ipi.tbftjcircle at the head of the
uulainii:»:,:33k« only advantage of the
new ■Uiww-thafc it will reduce the size
'"hbfldf The new grouping is
than the old, to which
th l^ VW&Vs' wefe "becoming accustomed,
but*ln * a step toward a fair
ha, y^nnd^r*fffejch every voter and all
would be placed upon a con
• bUon oL nltsolute euualitv.
•low W
The Elkinites won out in the Mercer
county primaries of last Saturday.
if.hf ,ooiuipg Republican State Con-
in lowa is going to make a
d»U>Wtiotje on what has become known
Hit.'(lowa Idea." When the plank is
0 grverr to the public it will be found that
ntttting radical is aimed at.
:jqiir. iitf. t ■ -
t fieuatprQuay and T. S. Bigelow met
again i.Uy appoint ment, in Pittsburg,
ldirtiFrkkiy, and in » few words the
l»Wer Hkfi>hned the State boss that there
WWrfkl to harmony dftal in the Re
of Allegheny county for
tfJ»> Jeast. and that a fusion
arrangement would be made with the
I)-inocri4s,.but Chairman- Leslie says
11alt tiuftis all a bluff, and that Bigelow
ls-tryißff fa> capture the Republican
.'XiYfP steamers crashed together dur
"M a ,fog wff the coast ot Virginia,
• a*lyv/i;»es<Uy morning One of them
K >'<!«• twenty people were drowned.
UVJtKin London the other day the
I irfhop nailed upon Rev. Hadden for an
< tylmiution of the "grave scandal
whh h in the diocese"
to the" Vanderbilt Ruthet-
But as Vanderbilt had
his wife, wlio afterwards
n, i'}A l r.i , *4.Ww o nt and as Mrs. Ruther
f<'U\,JVrtS a. widow, one wondars what
a! -dieffiisnia.abont.
last the Russian gov
its minister at Wash
..olbaally disclaimed any iuten
tion of territory in China, or
ofiiatwrferingi with American interests
in -Mftwhitrta: and Secretary Hay for
warffwl a to St.'Petersburg express
in j'TOgVfeVttat ohr xninister at Pekir. !
had been misinformed.
The Harmonie SocietjflT k
The sale of the property of thei \\gF
monie Society (the practical extii*y|K
ment of the society) and the j
their first settlement in thw country
was in Bntler connty. make some facts '
regarding them of interest
The society originated in Wurtem
berg. Germany, about the year 1785.
their belief being that the second ad
vent of Christ was near at hand, that.
this would end all things in this world. J
and that all should keep themselves per
fectly pure and free from all passion so
as to ®a&3y ready, for the eter
naf &f#iiu&&l4<> i« the Communis
id«3feir which "they rwlied upon Acts
I\' - V * 1
They were persecuted in Germany :
and tn I*o3, TJeorge Rapp. their pastor,
came to this eoontty.atid bonght * tract
of land, at and about the present loca
tion of the town of Harmony, and in
the antamn of the foUowing year one
hnndred and fifty families came over
and occupied i&
These endurtd many hardships, at
first, but their industry and persever
ence soon changed the forests into a
flourishing settlement. Their principal
occupations were the culture of the
grape, and the raising of sheep, and as
thtir location was somewhat of a disap
pointment to them for these purposes,
they, in 1813, moved to a larger tract,
near Mt. Vernon, in Posey county, Ind.
Here they built a town they called
New Harmonie, planted vineyards,
built mills, cburches, etc. and remaintd
for about a dozen years, when finding
their location very nnhealthy, they pur
chased and moved to the tract along
the Ohio, that has since been known to
the world as Economy.
When they left Butler county they
sold their property to Abraham Ziegler
for SIOO,OOO, and when they left Indi
ana they sold to Robert Owen for $125,-
000, and he founded a communistic col
ony there.
In 1824 the society numbered HOO and
in 1850, 300, nearlv all old people
In 1831 an adventurer calling himself
Connt De Leon made trouble in the so
ciety. Some members leaving and es
tablishing another colony, twelve miles
down the river at Philipsburg, most of
whom, after the count's flight, returned
to Economy.
> In 1828 they began the culture of the
mulberry tree, and the raising of silk
worms, and in 1840 their manufactured
silk was considered the best made in
the country, bnt it, like their cotton
and woolen manufactures had to be
abandoned on account of the decrease
in their numbers.
In 1846 their entire property was val
ued at nearly a million dollars, a«d in
'56 at two millions.
In 1894 they lost over a million dol
lars in a banking enterprise in Beaver
Falls, and it was abont this time that
yonng Dnss became the manager or
trustee of the property.
Now but thtee of the old members re
main, all old people, and they with
Dnss, owned the property, which has
been sold (with some reservations) for
four millions.
The Economites were honest and up
right, peaceable and virtuous, and their
attempt at communism was eminently
successful so far as this worlds affairs
were concerned, but they erred in disre
garding one of the great laws of nature
—that of pro-creation—and to this they
owe their end.
According to the Supreme Court de
cision obtained after the years of recent
litigation all this wealth will go to the
living members, the heirs of the dead
members having no share in it. The
Court also decided that the living mem
berg had at any time full power to wind
up the affairs of the society.
Duss is the last remaining trustee,
and under the society's law the pro{>erty
was held in trust for the society by the
trustees, reverting to the individuals on
its dissolution. „
A Silver AVediling: FaUy.
Some two hundred of the friends and
neighbors of A. C. Robb and wife of
Greece City assembled at their home,
last Saturday morning, to help them to
celebrate the 25th anniversary of their
wedding day. Everybody brought their
basket; tables were set and dinner eaten,
and then order was called for, and II
I. Painter was elected President of the
meeting. Remarks were made by Rev. j
Nicholas of Butler, Rev. Small of Karns
City, Christy Robb of Oakland twp. and
others; and" the West Sunbury band
furnished the music. The day was
pleasantly spent and greatly enjoyed by
all present.
(iolrien Wedding:.
On the 2nd day of May. 1903, a large
concourse of relatives and friends met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ebert
of Saxonburg to celebrate the 50th an
niversary of their marriage. It was a
most beautiful day and the sunbeams
spread their light over this beautiful
sjiort in nature, like a mantle of gold
and the shrubs greeted the day with the
delicious odors of th«ir flowers, when
the birds raised in concerted melody
their hymn of praise. In short, all na
ture seemed to salute the aged father
and mother of this occasion, and to add
to the beauty as well as the enjoyment
of the occasion a number of charming
young ladies bad prepared a table laden
with the most inviting viands and de
corated with flowers, which located as
it was beneath the overshadowing trees,
formed a picture not soon to be for
gotten. After repairing to the table
and partaking of a most sumptuous re
past, the friends roamed at leisure
through the beautiful orchard, the
fragrance of whose Mossoms greeted
them in silent praise. An ot-gapization
being formed of which Mr. Anderson
was chosen Pres. and W. G. Russell,
Sec'y. Addresses were made by Rev.
Stallman.Mr. Heckert and P. H- Ilarbi
son. Mrs. Helen Wiley recited in her
usual pleasing manner. Many tributes
of respect in the way of presents were
inadu to the venerable and esteemed
couple, who have lived happily together
for fifth or more years, always having
cherished the thought, that earth is not
our home, and this thought ha« giyen
them strength to tread the thorny path
way of life. After a few remarks and
prayer by Rev. Stallman, the gathering
dispersed, Mr. and Mrs. Ebert
many more years'of and joy
all feeliug happy because tfied to
make others happy.
W. G. R. Sec y.
Fairview hu la,
Mrs. Mary Young lias rented tier
blacksmith shop to I. R. McClnng of N-
Washington, who is now moving his
tools to commence work this week.
Thomas Jeffreys has sold his property
to B. F. Michaels, who will occupy it
in the near future, Feffwir is moving
from hero to Kaylor City,
Benehouf & Bros, are starting then
No. 3on the E. E. Reep. just west of
town, and expect to drill to the Speech
David MeCljesney and wife went to
New Castle, Monday, where he expects
to be employed.
Mrs E. M. Bovard, who has befu vi»
itjng her old home here, left Monday for
her ijojne at Turtle creek, taking with
her Edward L. Black, her nephew.
Her mother. Mr.'- P. H Templeton, 1
went with her as fat •< JJjjtler.
The Hpeechley oil excitement a
ing quite a stir here and laborers ar« '
Our scho«»i tjoftes this week, H. K.
Dight, teacher, DKNT.
Pr fiuw.o f*
The rofcj lC recenlfc^adopted y>' the
I egislatim* Avides tßfct imm<witely
C poivthe tropic t «State
Highway shafflW> t-«rablish
ed which shall include a State highway
commissioner and assistants, with head- .
quarters at Harrisburg. Whenever the
county commissioners of any county
outside of the cities or lioronghs shall
j>etition to the Highway department the
highway commissioner will investigate
the condition of roads in the territory
concerned, and if he thinks work shonlu
be undertaken he will have plans pre
pared, which he will report to the couu
ty commissioners and road supervisors
of the place where the work is proposed.
If the local authorities and the com
missioner conclude that the work is ad
visable the State will contract jointly
with the connty and township to make
or improve the road in question. Two
thirds of the cost of the iniprovement
will be Ijorne by the State and the bal
aiice by the county and township, each
paying half of the balance. Roads ma'le
ntJder this plan shall conform to the
standard established by the State De
partment of Highways, and tnnst be
constructed according to the be3t
engineering practice. All work shall be
done by contract, according to plans
prepared at Harrisburg, and approved
by the county and township authorities
A townstnp may bid For the construc
tion of the road if it desires, in which
case it must be prepared to do the work
according to the specifications. It is
apparent that a. cash road tax will be
required in those townships where good
roads are to. be built.
Contracts are to be made in the mime
of the Commonwealth, and to be ap
proved by the Attorney General. No
work will be commenced until the
cdtmty iiiid township authorities agree
in writing to pay the proportionate
share of the connty and township in the
work. Should townships desire to iin
prove their roads under this act they
may have their supervisors petition the
connty commissioners, whereupon the
commissioners may petition the State
department, accompanying the petition
with maps and plans of the road to tit
improved, and telling what material is
available for use in making the im
provements. Townships may issue
bonds to pay for the improvement. A
majority of the real estate valuations of
the township is sufficient when repre
sented in a petition against an improve
ment to stop any action. The owners
of the majority "of the real estate of the
township may petition the supervisors
to begin the wor« of road improvement,
which petition shall be acted upon by a
further petiticn to the authorities of the
county, who in tnrn will petition the
Should the county commissioners re
fase to act on the petition from the
township the township may appeal to
the court, whereupon viewers will be
appointed to determine the need of the
improvement If they report favorably
the court may require the county to
proceed to enlist the aid of the State in
making the road. For the maintenance
of roads made by State help a fund is
t#be set aside from the State appro
priation for repairs. Where a road
through a borough is a part of a main
line of travel which is improved by the
State it is permissible for the county to
enter into an agreement with the
borough to improve the road in the
borough. The State mav also help in
From this it will be seeu that the
work of making good roads is in the
hands of the people -of the townships
and counties and that they may begin
when they see fit.
The First Clear Night.
At half past light get out on the roof
and look westward. Just ou the hori
zon is the constellation Auriga, or the
Charioteer. It looks like a boy's kite,
greatly enlarged. The brightest star in
it is Capella, which is seventy light
years from us. Looking southwird
along the horizon you will note Procyon
one of the famous triangle stars Tak
ing the line from Procyon to Capella as
a base, loon to the left of its middle
point and a little above you will notice
two bright stars, the Heavenly Twins
(see below). The brighter one, toward
Procyon, is Pollux, the other. Castor.
Many people, in looking through an
almanac, have wondered at a series of
twelve symbols often used in showing
the position of the sun and moon for the
day. These are the twelve signs of the
zodiac. What is the zodiac? The zo
diac or ecliptic is the apparent path of
the sun, moon and planets in the sky.
The whole circle is divided into twelve
parts or signs. In each of these signs
there is a constellation with a name of
its own. These names are Aries, Tau
rus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo. Yirgo,Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricornus,
Aquarius and Pisces Their English
name.s appear in the following rhyme.
The Ham, the Bull, the Heavenly
And next, the Crab, the Lion sbirns,
The Virgin and the Scales;
The Scorpion, Archer and Sea-Goat,
The Man that bears the Watering-pot,
And the Fish with glittering tails.
In order to understand the movement
of the sun through tbe zodiac, construct
this diagram:
Take a sheet of paper at hast b«x
inches square, iu the middle put the
Sun, a small circle with "S" iu its cen
tre; about tfejs draw two concentric cii
cles, one with a half inch, the other a
two inch radius. The outer circle must
now be cut into quadrants by drawing
vertical and horizontal diameters. Next
divide each quadrant into three parts.
Label the twelve, Ham, Bull, ect. in
The small circle represents the orbit
of the earth about the stationary snn,
at any point in it draw a small earth,
i labelling it "E." Nojv draw u light line
from E through S clear on till it pierces
the zodiac. This is yur line of sight,
and indicates the apparent position ot
the sun when the earth is in the given
position. Now with Eas a centre and
a quarter inch radius draw another cir
cle. thus !?e the moon's orbit. Take
the moon in any position The line of
sight an before will indicate it,; appar
ent position. The sun enters Aries on
the 21 st of March, the vernal equinox,
when it» rays are perpendicular at the
equator. Each month after the sun
changes its sign. The moon makes the
whole circle in a month, so it changes
its sign every two or three days.
New Laws
Hereafter any one who sells or offers
for sale inilk, butter or other food
article udrjlterated with formaline, for
maldehyde, sodium. fluoride or more
than one-half of vue parcentum
pf boracic acid or boron ' com
pound, or colored with more than
one-Jjfth'th of pne percentuui of
metalic copper, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor subject to tine of from
SSO to SIOO and imprisonment nut ex
feeding 00 days.
Courts now have jurisdiction in di
vorce cases where the cause of divorce
has occnrrei in some other state or
conntry. providing the petitioner is a
resident of the State as the law now
A M usicalc.
A Musicale and &ecitai yasgyven at
the home of Mr. Joseph" Stliitb of
Sasop Station on Tuesday evening May
the ??tU. 4 Jarge number of guests
present, ;tbo.it turty in pumber.
Music was rendered by J. M Usbprnp
of Pittsburg, Wes. Freebling of Sajcon,
on the violin and Mrs. John
of Winfield on the organ. Selections
on the organ were given by Miss Ida
Freehling Mrs. John Freehling, Miss
Smith and Pearl Hesselgesser.
Mi. iuid JJr*. John Smith of Saxon
Station gave u ti iiib'T of selec
tions on tb»< violin anil 'o/gan yliic|t
were enjoyed by all.
Recitations were given by several of
of the voting folks, after which game»
| were played and luncheon was served,
I about 11 o'clock. All departed at a
tuta bonr, wishing many more such en
j; jyaole uleetiii <jg.
iiird.sof uii kiuiisj nn,iiki.> s
af every deserlptlo«.. kindly and yofj I
will be made welcome. Catalogue nenl ffun >
by mall.
SmlthtleM St.. I'ltt.sburtf. I'l.
SALESMEN •£* t ).' i * > i'»d nursery sales- .
men: salary or ewriibKsKHi ok'y write '
<iiilc!(. Prudential Orchard rfc; Sbejn,u.. 1
vllle. I'a. 5-7 (t
At ft home in B®er, May '•
>:!. CaspflF. Crick. agH 58 year*
ISTRoX®- At his h jpe on West
eet, Mi*.Uo3,.>rof»nt son of
Pearl Armstrong, aged ."> months.
ANGERT—At the parents home on
. Lincoln street. May 2. 1903. Clara E .
danghter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Angert. aged. 1 year and 1 month.
ARMSTRONG—In Slipperyrock town
ship. April —,1903, Isaiah Armstrong,
aged years.
Mr. Armstrong's body was found in
' the woods badly decomposed.
FLETCHER—At his home in Alle
trbenv. ApriK #O.- 190 H. .Tames W.
1 Fletcher, aged 04 years.
He was a native of Bntler county,
! served durtigthe Civil War in the 101 st j
; Bhg. if. A"., eleven months in j
I and Florenci, and had
! ti®en employed as carpenter in the
! Fijrt Wayne" R. R tor the past thirty
VANDIVORT— At the Cambria Hosr
tf)ital, Johnstown, April 2 s . 1 f>0"?. Miss
is'annie Vandivort of Cranberry twp.,"
Iged rears.
Miss Vandivort was a nurse at the
BLACK-At her home in Centre twp..
May 3. Mrs Loyal Black, aged
31 years.
RICE—At his h<">me In Cranberry twp.
May 3, 1903, Henry Rice, aged about
(JO years.
Mr. Rice was found dead in bed last
Suntlay morning. His wife and six
children survive him. He was the
father of Mrs John Shannon of Callery.
EfS'LER- At her home in Summit twp.
May 5, 1903. Mrs. Conrad Eisler, in
her 89th year. She was the mother
of Conrad Eisler of Butler and Mrs
Minnie Bippus of < (akland twp.
Mrs. Amos Steck of Pittsburg died
Henry Wintersteen. formerly of Penn
township and aged 71 years dropped
dead at the County Home, yesterday.
Chas. Brugb, a brother of E. I. of
Butler, died at Greenup, Ky., Tuesday.
"Boss Shepherd, the man who beauti
fied Washington, and was prosecuted
for it, died in Mexico a few days ago,
and was buried in W a.shington, last
While assisting to raise the remains
of his father-in-law, James E. Samuel,
a wellknown oil man living on Negley
ave., Pittsburg, dropped dead from
heart failure produced by over-exertion
at Bruin, April 29. Mr. Samuel and
his wife had gone to the home of her
brother, James M. Knox in Bruin to at
tend the funeral of Mrs. Jane Knox,
mother of Mrs. Samuel and Mr. Knox
After the funeral it was decided to lift
the remains of their father, move them
to Bear Creek cemetery and lay them
beside those of his late deceased wife.
While this work was being done Samuel,
who was a man weighing 250 pounds,
threw up his hand and dropped dead
He was 55 years of age. His remains
were buried in Bear Creek cemetery.
Your doctor will tell you that
thin, pale, weak, nervous chil
! dren become strong and well
by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Small doses, for a few days.
The change is very prompt
and very marked. Ask your
doctor why it is. He has our
formula and will explain.
•'When II year* cM. for many mnntli3 no
one thought T cottld Uvo ln»CHU*eof thin l»!oo<!.
But, in a few weeks. Ayer'i S.irsapariJla coni
pletelr restored me to lie:i!tli "
Mus. I . ISi'CKMINri'iEH, Vinel.ii.rf, N. J.
flt!.00 a bottle. JC. AYRR CO..
All rfnii:gl«t*. I."weJl. Mas*
hmbimmwmmmm IOST r **wmmmmmmtm■ i—i
The' Children f
Biliousness,constipation present rrj
covory. CUI-j these with Aye. 'o Pi:in.
B. KB.
Lot neat and pretty Novelty
Suiting—s6 inches wide —12
different effects in Grey, Red,
Tan, Brown, Green, Blue. 75Q
a yard —a dollar would be a
reasonable price.
Wool Crash—plain Mixes
and dainty stripe effects —
separate Skirts and Shirt Waist
Suits —new and fashionable,
SI.OO a yard.
54 inch Black Venetian,
$1.50 that you've paid Two
dollars for and liked the price
White P. K. —double line
stripe—soft finish —fine welt —
stripes Black. Blue and Red —
belongs to the 35c class —we
ask 20c.
25c Striped Tissues —excel-
lent sheer goods—refined ef
fects, 15c, saves you ten.
Best Silk Lining for the price
—Tearnot —2s shades of it —
extra strong and serviceable,
Lot $1.25 Picote Moire Ve
lours —Navy, Green, White.
White and Black, and Jasper
effects, 75c,
Bengal Pongee—extra heavy
—26 inches wide and rich—at
least a quarter under price and
so modish for ShirtWaist Suits
and Traveling Gowns, 50c.
Rich, splendid, Black Tourist
Silk—24 inches wide, 50c.
Department X,
Reed's Wine of
Cod Isiver Oil
will build you up and make
you strong, will give you
all "appetite new life.
If you feel tired and
y/orn out try our Wine of
Cud Livgr Oil and find
It is stronger and better
than pure Cod Liver Oil.
Pleasant to take and is
Inoffensive to delicate
Indorsed and recom
mended by physicians
every where. The best
Spring tonic to give you
JHLalth and strength."
"For pAte
Reed's Pharmacy
Transfer Cdrner,
Mam arH Jefformo St«., Butler, Pa.
M Ll* *fo MERGY, JJ
\ N(jp AMBj[T^|N.
:nr.-fjjoiiiiu .n now®'
unfailing accuracy to a nervous system j
robbed of its vitality by over exertion, i
overstrain or excess of some kind. That
anyone should allow this condition to go
on to complete mental, physical or
s*£nal rusn as it snriety neglect
ed. is a positive crime when the enre is
at hand in Dr. A. W Chase's Nerve
Pills—a medicine designed expressly for
this condition -a medicine tbat runes to
stay sured by r.supplying the very
essential of ?ife—s?erve Force
Mrs E K'carns of 110 Western Ave., But
ler, Pa , says: —"I was nervous—felt de
piewd—wav dotvu in strength and
health. I needed a good reconstructive
tonic and got Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerv«
Pills at D. H Wuller'f Drtuc Store and
I can eay. cowientiou^y they are fine.
Tbev made a big change and. I feel
bright, "strong, steady and energ?t!q
again. It is certainly a fine medicine
and I &m pleased to recommend it."
50c a box at dealers 01 Dr A. W.
Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. Y. See
that,portrait and signature of A W.
Chase, M. D.. are on ever}- package.
A list of names drawn from the
proper jury wheel this 17tli day of
April, 1903, to serve as traverse jnrors
at a special term of court to commence
on the first Monday of June. 1903. the
same being the first day of said month:
Bupp William, Muddycr-ek tp. farmer
Brown Robert, Forward tp,
Bard .T E. Slipperyrock tp. merchant
Covert John W, Evans City, laborer
Crowl A G. Brady tp. firmer
Christley C O. Slipperyrock tp.
Conway John, Cherry tp,
Clark Fred S, Fairview tp.
Deits John M Fairview tp,
Dodds Fiultjj', P/tnn tp,
Ehmer J A. Butler 2nd ward, merchant
Elliott W P. Worth tp. farmer
Freahkorn J F, Zelienople boro. tinner
Frazier Alexander. Butler 2nd ward,
oil producer
Fithean Ii C. Bruin boro. merchant
Grossman Abr.c-r. Cherry tp, farmer,
Graham George H, Penn tp, farmer.
Heyl Martin. Prospect boro, blacksmith
Harbison James W, Buffalo tp, farmer
Humphry John, Butler 2nd ward, oil
Huffman Wm D, Saxonburg boro, clerk
Hindman Charles. Butler 2nd ward,
Heyl W H. Prospect boro, blacksmith
Hazlett Leslie P, Butler 4th wd, agent
Heineman Charles.Butler 2nd wd,editor
Johnson Charles Jr, Millerstown boro,
Kemper Frank, Butler 2nd ward.
harness maker
Litzinger HC, Millerstown boro mer
Love William, Ciinton t[>, farmer
Moyer Samuel. Jackson tp, farmer
Miaberry James. Marion tp. farmer
Marks William J, Butler 3rd ward, oil
McClung Charles H. Clay tp. farmer
Me Gride Samuel. Butler 2nd wd, clerk
Millinger-X»gri»ud. Oakland tp, farmer
McAboy Robert, Butler 2nd ward, gent
Otto Daniel, Cranberry tp. farmer
Rockensteiu Joseph. Butler 4th ward,
Roi-s L A. Forward tp. farmer
Stein John. Franklin tp. farmer
Smith Craig, Winfield tp. farmer
Scott Linn, Buffalo tp. farmer
Schilling Alexander, Forward tp,farmer
Vanderlin II S. Butler 4th wd, stater
Wahl George, Evans City, coal dealer
Wright John, Jefferson tp, farmer
Wood William, Cliuto" tp, farmer
Zeigler Michael, Jackson tp, farmer
A list of names drawen from the
proper jury wheel ou this, the 11th day
of April, 1903, to serve as grand jurors
at a regular term of court commencing
on the third Monday of May, 1903, the
same being the 18th day of said month:
Abrains Charles. Butler boro 2d w agent
Barnhart P S, Donegal tp, farmer
Bnlford Milton, Jefferson tp, "
Crawford T A, Allegheny tp, "
Cooper Henry, Jefferson tp,
Eppinger Adam, Harmony, merchant
E-isley G F, Buffalo tp, farmer
Faust Charles, Butler tp, minister
Fleming H S. Concord tp, farmer
Goehring II M, Jackson tp,- "
Gel bach Christ, Mars boro, "
Love Harrison, Clinton tp.
Mechley A H. Jackson tp, "
Wilhelm George, Center tp, "
Moser James, Oakland tp, "
McDonald Allirrt, Slipperyrock tp, "
Miller J C. Prospect boro,
Reiger C A, Clearfield tp, "
Stoops William C, Franklin tp, "
Shaner A B. Prospect boro,
Shane James, Millerstown boro, agent
Tinker/aekariah. Cherry tp farmer
Weitzel Nicklas, Brady tp, "
Zehner Charles. Jackson tp,
A list of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel on this the 11th day of
April, 1903, to serve at petit jurors at a
regular term of court commencing on
the fonrth Monday of Ma}, the same
being the 25th day of said mouth.
Albert Warren, Summit tp, farmer
Boyd Cameron, Worth tp. "
Brown Charles, Penn tp. •'
Cradel Adam, Butler tp,
Dotifildsnn James, Washington tp. "
Dykn tiraham.Connoquenessing tp, •'
Davidson William A. Mars boro. gent
Day J N. Kirns C'icy boro, producer
Davis Perry. Worth tp, farmer
Ekj>a Dehsa.-i, Clinton tp. fanner
, Euierivk,Ge>rife. Sun bury boro, clerk
' Greer Henry X» Buffalo tp, farmer
■ Gibson Llarvey S, Butler 4th waid,
Gilmore J B, MUK-rstown boro.prodacer
llockenK-rrv B L. Cherry tp, farmer
Hutchinson Miller, Clay tp, farmer
Hinduism H, Sunbury born, druggist
Kronnebitter Jacob, Summit tp. farmer
Koch Fratik. Butler tp, fanner
Kneiss John. Connoquenest-ing tp,
Kocher Win. Lancaster tp. farmer
Lawall Jacob, Butler 3rd wd,liveryman
Lefever, I) W. Jefferson tp, fanner
Lewis John A, Venango tp, farmer
Morisson E S, Slippery rock tp, farmer
Mechling Joseph, Clay tp. "
McDonald Thomas, Adams tp,
Morrow Joseph, Concord tp,
Martin Wm T, Penn tp,
Maliarg John, Penn tp, "
Montgqmpry JJuss, Clinton tp. "
McKeever James. Adapts twp, pnmp?r
O'Donnel Henry, Clearfield tp,' farmer
Oesterling Wm, Summit tp.
O'Neil D J. Clearfield tp,
Pontious Nicholas l , Fairyimv twp, "
Roe Win, Butler tp. " ]
Hedick Samuel. Mars boro. clerk
Reiger John, Millerntowu boro, wagon
Roe T P. Butler tp. farmer
Ramsey W H, Jackson tp, farmer
Schenck John, Butler tp, farmer
Smith John H, Cranbeiry tp, faimer
Sherman J T, Butler Ist wd, baker
Sclinauffer John. Lancaster twp, farmer
Sea ton Joseph L. Clay twp, agent
WeißeD--teiii, Joseph fid tier Gth ward.
Watson Win, Franklin tp. merchant.
Examinations will be hold in Bijtler
county this year as follows:
Butler. May 9.
Millerstown. May 12.
Petersville, May Li.
Saxonburg, Maj- 14.
Butler. May 10.
North Washington, June 2.
Ean Claire, June:!.
•Slipperyrock, June
We:lt &unbn-y June
Prospect, June p.
Butler. August 10
The examination on May 9, is for pro
fessional certificates. No one need
apply tor this grade certificate, unless
they have taught for three or more
years successfully and received good
provisional*dining that time.
All professionals granted previous to
Juno 1, 1908, will not be valid after
June 1. 190:1. Those holding such certi
ficaten and wanting them renewed must
glso ifltend fhi" nine e animation (May
yi and tip e*a'siE&d la \jfeepp 7tmJ
Civil Government Esainiuaiiouu wjll I
begin promptly at 9 o'clock Applicant*, j
be on time. Come prepared with paper, I
pen and ink, and a stamped envelope |
containing your last certificate. Do not |
ask f>>r special examinations
Directors, parents and friends of our
frjtopir v/e • ordtally re.,ue",t you to be ]
fti g.l: of' t|w -<e e\amjna
tione Come out and inspect c.tit tfui'k •
Yours very truly.
Supt . Butler county. ]
In thJ| District CqpM of tire
Uniftd States for tfte Western
District of Pennsylvania in
In HIM nMlMrof i
Alti-rt Winter. -No. 2U<:. in BaiikrupU-y.
Baukrupi. i
To the creditors of VltM-rt Winter of New
t fvtii'j in U» county of Lawrence an<t
.iNtrfi-t afori'-saiil. a bankrupt:
Noti . iiert V 1-iveu that < a Iho ".'mi .lay
of May. A. I». 1-:. the sai.l Aitx>rt
Winter" » liuiy afijwMeute*! bankrupt,
iii.i that tiie iir>t nieeiinc of liis creditors
»iil Ih> iiei.i at tlie otti.-e of J. W. Ilutcbis.ni.
Rutetee in liankrutiu y. V>- 1U N \V- I'in
ciS&t. Krtnf'T. Pfi . bn Ine l>tn" day Vrf May
AM' twit, at It) o'clock iu the forcaoou at
wIU.-h time tftii jn!4 n»a.» |pp<mr.
\>rO\ t heir .'lliWi*. app.4<il iv' triistt t.
aiilne the bankrupt, and transact such
ottf-r hivM'iaji lit properly coioo t>etore
Said niewtjur.
May Otn. K>rt.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
"Sotice is hereby given that E. H j
Laderer, guardian of Shepler B<>ston of j
Muddycreek township, has filed his 1
first and final account in the office of i
the Prothonotary of the Court of Com- '
mon Pleas of Butler county at Ms. D. i
No. 2, December Term. 1901, and that ■
the same will be presented to said Court j
I for confirmation and allowance on j
Saturday, September 12, 1903.
JOHN C. Ci.ARK, Prothy.
Prothonotary *s Office, May 6. 1903.
Notice is hereby given that letters of I
administration on the estate of Panl
Troutman. deceased.late of the borough |
of Bntler, Bntler county, Pa., have been j
granted to Henry N. Troutman of But
ler, Pa., to whom all persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make j
payments, and those having claims or i
demands against said estate are request
to make the same known withont delay.
A. T. BLACK. Attorney. Bntler, Pa
Letters of administration ou the estate
of John Kellerman, dee'd., late of Bnt
ler. Bntler Co., Pa , having been grant
ed the undersigned, all persons known
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement to
X. Washington St.. Bntler. Pa
S. CUMMINGS, Attorney. 3-19-03
Letters of administration having been
granted to tln> undersigned on the estate
of Maria Lemmon. dee'd . late of But
ler twp., Bntler Co.. Pa., all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make im
mediate payment, and any having
claims against the °ame to present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
E E. YOUNG, Adm'r..
3-12-03 Armory Building, Bntler, Pa.
Letters of administration on the estate
' of William R. Staples, deceased, late of
Adams twp., Butler Co , Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
r said estate will present them duly au
. thenticated for settlement to
Callery, Pa.
J. D. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 2-19-02
Notice is hereby given that the part
; nership heietofore existing between the
undersigned, in the livery business, un
l der the firm name and style of The
\ Dill more Livery, at Mars, Butler conn
' ty, Pa , lias this day been dissolved by
. mntual consent All accounts due the
firm and all claims against the firm will
be settled by either A. J. Dillmore or
C. L. Norton, Attorney in Fact of E. T.
Norton, of Mars, Butler county, Pa.
Charles Young succeeds to the livery
business.of the late firm and will con
tinue the business at the old stand, and
under the old firm name. The Dillmore
r Livery.
Wetliank the public for their liberal
patronage and solicit a continuance of
same to our successor.
Mars, Pa., Maich <i, liM»:5.
Modern and Progressive
Those wishing a truly artistic
r picture and correct likeness
should not lose sight of the
1 Postoffice Building.
1 All the new and up-to-date
r Long Distance Bell Telephone 51 D.
People's 236.
Oar line of rings offer the most varied
selection. Elegant in design, set with
the choicest of diamonds and precious
stones, or of the plainest styles. We
sell nothing but what we can guarantee
and quality makes the price. Our wed
ding rings are of the latest design and
We also sell -
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and Paco Cameras.
Photo Supplies.
Washbnrn Mandolins and Guitars.
Optical goods.
Field and Spy Glasses.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Keit to Court House
]save had quite an inning
but they cannot shut off
the energy of the Ameii'
can people. The country
is making money as it
never made money before.
Get my daily letters and
learn when, what and how
to bny, and participate in
this njoney-uiaking.
R, M. Weaver
Stocks and Bonds
Third Ave. and Wood St.,
Local office. 213 S. Main St.
VTA C |> \ V I \ < The worst I >OR
' ' u 1 i\ I I ii O sib'- spavin ran
b« eared in 45 minutes. Lamp Jaw,
pplinU! and riiJiclxmeH jn«t as qmck. Not
u t id llfc/eT has failed. (totalled
information about this n.ethfid ScQi
free to horse owners by T M Clugh,
Knoxdale. Jefferson Co., Ph
%.*»>'■ • CATALOGUE! aKf
JUd4£tj We want to My a word or two to
V, ... -a —' -Lw- - you tow at the opening of the Boggy %
' J and Harness season, are yon going to
" ■* l>oy one? Have yon a catalogue
~ i j-JBBWW/') / from some city house, if jon have
/ " H// v\ JtlP"BP* // \ \ / . and are thinking of sending for one
/ y\\. \ I \L yon are the fellow we arc looking
As,/ \ \ /M-^. ..3 ■"&.-«=?•• •• in. I ring yonr ntdngw
/ AQS. \ •• . I®T V along and #e hov ea;y|u« can save
I / -TV/"/'' y V von freight. nr.d vou Fee jnst what
j ' " """ 1 yon are getting, we are not a little
I , - " ,-"~pr ,: ~r t/VC. " F retail concern but we are in the
\^ £^~yr ~T~I ~~~ — 1 wholesale business. and can bny jnst
Vl yj£/ -J Wff" /.y. \ /\" ' r\ V *- -/ as cheap HS any house in America,
/ V aSI /x. / V ' / '-' \ / while onr expenses are light, there
/y/T / I \ l Vvv '* \ / fore cnn undersell any other.
* / ■ y Try it once, yon owe it to youiself
- v _ / - ✓ to look aliont before buying.
/ I \ \ J7 \/ I \ don t von think so?
\4_/ \Jy I \ s .~
J. M. LEIGHNER. OUllCi, Vcl •
P. S. —Don't forget that we sell Kramer wagons
Office on second floor of Armory
Building, Buller, Pa.
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But
ler. Pa.
Room 8., Armory baildm K .
Office with R. C. McAboy, J. P.,
south side Diamond.
Special attention given to collections
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or
Butler Countv National Bank
Office in Reiber building, cornel Main
anil E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on
E. Cunuingham.
Office on Main St. near Couii Hons-.
No. 257 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Fisher Building. First door on South
Main street, next my former office iu
Boyd Building.
I Office in Wise building
Office in the Negley Bnilding, West
Hemorrhoids and Chronic Diseases a
YT H. BROWN, M. 1)..
il • Office in Riddle building. Diamond,
next door to Dr. Bell's old office.
Office Hours:—9 to 11 a. m., 1 to 3 and
6 to 8 p m.
/ i EIO K. McADOO. M. D.
Hours—9-12, 1-5. Both Phonei.
Troutman building, S. Main St.
After April Ist. office in former Dr.
I'eters' residence, No. 121 E Cunning
ham St., Butler, Pa., next door to Times
printing office.
i 1 LARA E. MORROW. D. 0.,
Women's diseases a specialty. Con
sultatian and examination free.
Office Hours, 9to 12 m., 2 to 3 p. m.
People's Phone 573.
1/6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.
At "i' 2"! N. Main St.
L • 106 West Diamond,
Dr. Graham's former office.
Special attention given to Eye, Nose
and Throat. People's Phone 564.
200 West Cupningham St.
Rooms 9 and 10 Stein Building, Butler.
Consulta'ion and examination free,
daily; and evemrgs by appointuirnt.
Office in New M»rtincourt Buildit'g,
129/4 S. Main St., (adjoining Dr.
At well's office.)
Has located in the new Stein building,
with ?11 the latest devices for Dental
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 114 E. Jeflerson St., over
G. W. Miller's grocery
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec
ialty. Office next to postoffice.
Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store,
215 S. Maiu street, Butler, Pa.
Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made of gold fillings, gold
crown and bridge work.
U t M. H. WAI.KKR,
Residence 214 W. Pearl St., Butler, Pa.
Office near Court House.
Inquire at SLerifJ'soffice or 4 Mifijin
St. Butler Pa.
Office with Berkmer, next door to P. O.
Oi MCE— B- ers' Building—next to P.
O. R'ntler
H. Cj. Allison,
Funeral Director,
Pejl Phone j>jo.
BaKerstown, Pa. i
ilVirs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN;
a special exhibit of Tailor-made Suits. Dress ( |
j£ Skirts. Walking Skirts, Coats, Silk Coats in
Jllengths, Etons, Box and Coffee Coats, full length Silk < (
* Coats, handsome Rain Coats, Silk Waists, Silk and ( I,
* Mohair Shirt Waist Suits, beautiful White Wash i|
0 Hats Trimmed Free of Charge! { *
9 Onr handsome New Parlors arc fall of beantifal up-to date Ilats
fjlidnnpte. Flowers. Ribbons. Silks. Laces. Velvets, Ornaments, all ne.v< >
Novelties, new Military Brnsh—a competent force of Trimmers to take<
J*your orders We offer yon the latest creations of tlie season at popular
C# prices TRY US. ' '
r> f% I All-wool Voiles. 50c and up; Crepe de l >
Al IfDCC UnnnQ Paris, Crepe Dechine, Mistrals. Etemlnes,, .
yUI COO VJUUUO* Twine Cloth, Mohair?. Sicilians, Mixed
1 > Suitings. Phenomenal values in black Dress Goods (
Lace Curtains and Portiers. I !
I i We are showing the handsomest, largest and most up-to date Car I >
A tains in novelty netting. Arabian. Nottingham Swiss and Muslin Cur k
V tains we've ever shown Direct from manufacturer to consumer, at prices V
/ ►that will pleasantly surprise vou when you see style, design* and quality ft
iVof these new 1»03 Curtains. Priced at 50c. 75c. *1 np to tlO per pair A
\ Ruffled Curtains priced 29c, 50c. 75s up to $2.50 Portiers to $lO r
exhibit of Arabian Curtains, the craze just now. $2.50 to *lO. < *
|![ Carpets and Rugs, Window Shades. \i
I We call your attention to our cut-to order Carpet Department, it is a, C
' I 'money saver to you. One hundred and 25 styles to select from. Axrnin-V
Aster. Wiltons. Velvets. Bodv Brussels. Tapestry Ingrain Carpets in roll Q
jt :((),• up to 65c for the best grade; Oil Cloths. Linoleums. Window
Vail lencths and widths; Curtain Poles, Curtain Rods and Fixtures. Cir r
TJpets made and laid free of charge; window shades adjusted, if pnchased! *
I, here, free of chartce. Special exhibit of large tugs. Velvet, Tapestry*
j 'and Body Brussels. Rugs of all sizes r
Ifflrs. J. E. ZimmermanJ
j. Beiiriione*»• Butler, Pa. n
% ' People s riiouc 1-6. 1 \f
XKXX >oooooooooooooo< ~ic
Bv virtue of sundry writs of Von. Fx., Fl.
Fu lev Fa.. Ac., Issued outof the Court of
Common l'leasof Butler C0.,.P»., ami to me
directed, there will be exposed to public sale
lit the Court House in the borough of Hutler,
l»a. on
Friday, the lotli day of May,
A. 1). 1903, at 1 o'clock p. m.. the following
described property, to-wlt:
E. I>. No. :tj. May Term. UWI. W. I>. Brandon,
All the right. title. Interest and claim of
M. Hughes, of, in anil to all that, certain
piece or parcel of land, situated In \ enango
township, hutlcr county. I'a. bounded as
follows, to-wlt: On th» north by lands of
Amos Scaton and widow Addleman. on the
east by lands of Blair, heirs and William
Stalker. 011 the south by lands of li. C. Wil
son. and 011 the west by lands of William and
Robert Cochran, containing one hundred
and tnirty (130) acres, more or less, and hav
thereon erected a one and one-half story
frame house, frame barn-and outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution as she prop
erty of G. M Hughes, at the suit of I' I>.
E. I>. No. 1.-1, May Term. I'XU. Grcors, At
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Ottetto Hankie and C. J. ltiialie. being an un- |
divided 1-Mh Interest of. in anil to all that
certain piece or parcel of land, situated In
Jefferson township. Butler county. I'a..
bounded as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at
the southwest corner at a on lands of
Naglcrs heirs and llamtner: thence east
along Allwlnes Mill road t wentv eight -hund
red and seventy-one 0>7I) feet to a post at
the corner of this tract and lands of Henry
Keasey; thence north along lands <if Henry
Keasey two thousand anil ninety two feet
CMir.') to a post, corner of this tract and land
of Henry Reuse v; thence east along lands
of Henry Keasey eleven hundred and fifty
two and 5-10 il'lsi 5-10 feet to a post. corner
common to ll"iirv Keasey. William 11.
Greer's heirs and this tract; thence by lands
of William If. Creer's heirs and M. S. Greer
north seventeen minutes west fifteen hund
red and forty-one and .Vlotli (lill 3-10) feet to
a post .corner common to lands of M. s. Greer
and I). W. Lefever. and this tract; thence
west along lands of l>. W. L«fe»er
twenty four hundred and five anil 5-10
.405 5-lo) feet to a post; thenco along lands
of said Lefever north Si degrees and 30
minutes west live hundred and ninety four
(5W> feet to the Saxon burg and llauuuhstown
road: thence along said road south it!' de
gree- west >lx hundred and one (801) feet
to post: thence west along lands of Nicholas
heirs, nine hundred and seventeen and 5-10
(017 5-10) feet to a post at W.'bbers corner:
thence south along lands or Webber and
Hammer thlrty-slx hundred and tifty-one
(3551) feet to a post the place of beginning,
containing two hundred and eighty-four(2S4>
acres and sixty-two(e_') perches, more or less.
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest ami
claim of Ottelie Itaabe and C. J. Itaabe. lie
lng an un-dlvided l-sth interest (subject to
the life estate of C F. Helmbold) of, in and
to all that certain piece or parcel of land
situated In the Borough of Saxonburg. But
ler county, l'enn'a., bounded and descrllied
as follows, to-wlt: t»n the north by lands of
William Hubert, on the east by lot of Lewis
Krumpey. two hundred and forty (-10) feet,
on the south by Main street, one hundred
and twenty <131) feet, and on the west by the
Butler road, and having thereon erected a
two story frame house and outbuildings.
Seltcd and taken in execution :is the prop
erty of Mrs. pi telle liaalie apd C. J. Itaabe.
at the suit or Christian# 11 el ml told.
E. I>. N05.2l and 2.' May term. 11)03. Williams
K .Mitchell, Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
J. M Yard of. In und to all that certain
piece or parct 1 of land, situated in Washing
ton township. Butler county. Pa . liounded
as folions, to-wlt: Beginning at a post the
northwest corner hereof being also the
southwest corner of land contracted to be
sold by William B. t'ly mer to Gooree Morris,
now owned by William Morris: thence along
the south Uno of said Morris land south w
degrees east 135 perches to a post, and stone,
the toutheast corner of said Morris land In
the west line of lands of formerly John
Mechlins; thence along the west line of the
said landsxif formerly John M.t"'hWng. now
Jesse Everts, and Mechllng lit irs. south I
and ( s dewees east l it', perches to a post
thence :Hi>ng tht? north line of lands of
formerly William Emery. and Peter Etn,'|y
now Hubert W ray and Ktliery lielrs. north s'.t
degrees west 130 perches to a stone; thence
liy lands of formerly Philip Vernum, now J.
A. W illiamson north 1 degrees west 131 and
■.perches to the |>!icc or beginning. con
tani>tii< mm iiuudrnl and Uii.'KVn r,cri"s a.:4
one hundred anil forty-four perches, more
or less, und having thereof, erected lwo one
and one-half story frame dwelling houses,
frame barn and outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution a- the prop
erty of J. M. Yard at the suit of I. B. Silfl
E. D. No. 37, May Term. IKB. A. T. Scott.
All th«> right, title. Interest and claim of
Henry I.else, of, In and to all that certain
In ecu or lot of land, situated In Hartnopy
>«irou :U. B'lth'r county. I'a., liounded its iol
nws. tc.-wit: the north by Conno>|Ue
croek, •Sjfc -t, on the east by county
brid/e-cr"s- ln;f sail crtr k, ' fee!, on the
SOutT! by Mercer street, feft r.nd oh the
YTfsi by Iflt of p. IKijtgs, qo feel belp.g the
same property which was conveyed to the
said llenry Lelse by I>. I'. Hoggs by deed
dated April 30th. IM. and recorded in said
county in deed l»ook 71. page 275, and having
thereon erected a frame house and out
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
irty of llenry l.eise.at thesultofThe I ftiu
sylvania Savings Fund and Loan A»oela-
I tfon.
li. D. No. 30,
i A tutmey. • • h
ill Liu' llklll. title, (nO O'.t *',. d ,'ia ( in
JoTin P lister. of. In and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Oakland
township. Butler county. I'a , liounded us
follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of
Smith and Summony heirs, on the eifst by
landsof Isaac llepler and Butler and Millers
town road, on the south by the Butler and
Mllierstown road and on the west by lands of
Hugh McKcever. et al, containing si acres,
more or less having there' n erected a frame
bouse, franie barn tt nd outbuilding -.
!• .l ife I «w i L. njiM' *»'MHOU —»» ii. nr ,p
--eriy of'Jolin Plis'tei. at \Lc suit (ST Hr*. M!:ty
Ptister for use of Joseph Slelgher and W'lf-
Ham liaumgarteu. Ex'rs of Andrew lles-i
--dence. dec'a.
TERM 9 OF SALE —The following ri.ust l>e
strictly complied with wliee property is
stricken down.
1. Wlicn the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the liens. Includ
ing mortise searches on the property sold,
togither with such lien creditor's receipt*
for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
sui'h portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. Air bids must be paid in full,
3. All sales not settled Immediately will be
continued until one o'clock, I*. M.. of the
next day at which time all property not
settled for will alalia be put up and sold at
the expense and risk of •be person to whom
first sold.
•Sec Purdon's Digest, nth edition, page 416,
and Smith's Forms, page :j*l.
Sheriff's Office, llut.ler. I'a.. April 27. 19»K1.
F 7 amilv
We often cause ourselves u d
less worry ami remorse by neg
lecting to do soue litt'e thing.
Get a goot! picture of your family
and home made at your f fst op
portunity. We make the best at
$6.00 per dozen, Bxio inches and
guarantee them permanent. Let
us-know in time to go out,
The Butler IHe Works
Dye "y, '-leaning, Pressing.
—will find here in profusion, a choice
line of jewelry for dainty wearers.
Profusion doesn't mean confusion, nor
a collection of old goods of poor design
or inferior quality.
Take the shirt waist—the notes' »n 1
nattiest looks dowdy without tip to daje
jewelry accessaries.
What is true of tho shirt waist is ais»>
true of the wore pretentions enpiuier
1 also sell the Edison and Vic tor Talk
ing Machine*, Edison and Victor Talk
ing and Singing Record®, Month Organs
and Violin strings.
Carl H. Leighner,
Optician and Jeweler, Butler, Pa.
We know we have the best of all
grades of high claps novelties, but to
have the public know it is onr aim
If in need of anything in our line it
will pay yon to give ns a ("ill and ex
amine goods and prices b"fore pnr
chasing ■
Next to Postoftice. "-">1 S Alain St
Binding of Books
i 3 our occupation. We put our
entire time to studying the "pest
latest jpethods i i n\\\.
work. It you are thinking of
liaving son>e work d ne in this
line I am sure you wi! 1 be well
pleased if you h u e it doi e at
Tfee Butler Book Bindery,
« • >
UT aMO#, k*ro|v
Opp. Court House.