I'M fcZ CI li/.fc-N. THURSDAY, APKIL 30, 1908. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertisers intending to make chaises iu their ads. should notify us of their intention to do so not later than Mon day inornloe. Sheriff's sale for May 15. Campbell's furniture. Modern Store's wlfite fabric*. Weaver's stocks. Kirkpatrick's rings. Butler Ice Co. AdinlFlsuators and Executors of •'Jj'ij,® c m secure their receipt books at the Oi l I ZEN office, and person.-, making putillc sales thair note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, "Gentle Spring" is a misnomer this year. —Tomorrow. May Ist, is another Ar bor Day. —lf the many frosts left any fruit we're lucky. A sixteen foot jaw was lately nn earthed near Plain City, Ohio. —Batler is to have another brick and tile works - located on the East side. —Don't forget Arthur Love's enter tainment iu Y. M. C. A. hall, this even ing. —Eugene Pape has refitted his billiard parlor, and now has a very handsome room. —The Water Co. is putting in a new 24-inch main from the data to the pump —Don't forget Arthur Love and family at Y. M. C. A. Hall, this evening. lts high time we were getting some fine weather. Some of oar farmers haven't their oats in yet. —According to the Times there will be several million applications for li quor licenses at the .Tune Court. —The Conuty Commissioners are liav ing trees planted in Diamond Square, and will endeavor to make it look like a Park. —Nick H.neufiue has a new house on Brown avenue nearly completed, and Hernnn Gsvnert is building on West D street. —A valmble horse belonging to Wahl Bros, jumped iu front of a freight train, and was killed at Wahlville, Sunday evening. —More hold ups and robberies, even the Court House was broken into the other night. Somebody wilJ be break ing into the jail nexr. —Small pox quotations are up again, this week, with one new case reported that of a m-tiried woman who is quar autined in her own home. —W. 11. McKee. of Winfield twp., has an Indian spear or lance head made of hardened copper It was found on the Pat Deony farm at Ooylosville. —For the benefit of the Epworth League of the M. E church, the Ithica Concert Co. will appear in Y. M. C. A. Hall, next Tuesday evening, the sth. —Two of Butler's Councilmen had to go to Greenville to buy the city a new team What was the matter with a Butler county team, bought at home If —S. B. Cross of 320 West DSt , (Dnffytown) Butler, postponed his bee sale till Saturday, May 9th, at 1 o'clock, at which time he will offer 25 colonies of Italian bees. —The old stone house on the County Home property has been torn down; and Sup'd't Graham, with the aid of the inmates and county prisoners, is beautifying the grounds —Local youth and beauty, led by an accomplished actor presented a very fine rendition of "David Garrack," to well pleased Butler audiences, Monday and Tuesday nights of this week. —Cherry twp. is enjoying a mad dog scare. Several cows and dogs bitten by a stray dog have developed hydrophopia and died. The Sarversville case seems to have developed from the bite of a dog that was not mad. —At Castle Shannon, in the Mt- Washington district, Pittsburg, the 88 acres of the Judge Bailey farm has been sold for $400,00(1 L. C. Wick owns three acres and the old homestead in the centre of the tract. —That Chinese-negro wedding seems to have occasioned a great stir, among the press of the Indian Territory and Oklahoma. They are wondering if a new race of slant-eyed coons is to be foisted upon a long suffering public.— Ex —R. M. Weaver of Pittsburg, dealer in stocks apd bonds, has opened an ofi fice in Butler, oyer the Purvis pharma cy, with J, A. Reynolds ae manager. They have a number of handsome cal endars on hands that the public can have on application. —The editor of an exchange thus snmmarizes the situation in his neck of woods—lt is said that a man who sqneezes a dollar never squeezes his wife. In looking over our subscription accounts, we are led to believe that Bojne awfully good women in this sec tion are not getting the pressure they deserve. —One of onr Harrisburg contingent reports Topi Cooper as being drunk nearly the entire session. This reminds as of the story told of Lincoln, when informed that Grant drank whiskey to Moess. He wanted to know the brand so that he could get some for bis other generals. —Pittsburg was the scene of an unus ually elaborate wedding, Monday, when Miss Tljaw, a wealthy girl, married G. "p. Alexander, E]arl of Yarmouth, Eng land. A great crowd gathered at the church to see the votjng couple, who went to New York that night aud sailed for England, next day. - Pennsylvania boys, unless they will take the risk of breaking the laws, will now have to give the greenbackers a rpst between July Ist and Nov. Ist, a« ft bill putting t|ie frog on the game list has passed the Legislature and been signed by the Governor. The new law prohibits the taking or killing cf frogs between the dates named. —At the meeting of Council Tuesday evening eight new bids were received for the paving of West Penn street. T.iese were computed yesterday, and at tie special meeting of last night the fqqtract vjfas awarded to Herb Crick It- iltanniug bpiclf, There wgte several bids and only about ffeOo be tween the highest and the lowest, The new street sprinkler has arrived, the new team will be here in a day or two, and then, let us hope, this awful dust-nuisance will be abated. The assessment ordinance for the sewering of New Castle street v?as pass ed Tuesday night, and an arc-light will be placed at head of T. Diamond .itreel . 5 ■ 1 •11 1 • - '1 •• • • , PERSONAL. E. H. Abrams has moved to Findlay, Ohio. Wm. Feigel of Colorado is visiting friends in Butler. Perrv Campbell of W. Wayne street is on the sick list. .las. D. Graham of Hastings, Mich, is visiting friends in Batler. Wm. J. Barton of Penn twp visited friends in Batler, last Thursday- Dr. Holman and wife, of Unionville. did some shopping in Butler. Tuesday. M. G. Thompson aud wife of Brady did some shopping in Batler, Saturday. Mrs. Geo. E. Muckley, of Bethlehem, Pa., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Rev. Smith. Dr. Wasson has gone to Baltimore for the purpose of taking a post-graduate course Z. P. Hilliard and wife of Concord twp. did some shopping in Bntler, yes terday. F. W. Strain and wife, of Center ave nne, spent Sunday with friends iu Greenville. Robert Gerrard and Sam J. Black more have gratuated as registered pharmacists. John McLanghlin of Clinton twp showed his boys the sights of Batler, last Thursday. Harry Thompson of Yatesboro, Arm strong county, visited friends in this place Tuesday. Harry E. Reiber has sold his house on Third street to Dr. Bricker and moved to Seattle, Wash Jos. Stirling of Bakerstown was rob bed in Batler, a few niyhts ago,by some new found friends. Mrs. Austin Anthony of Institute Hill fired at some would-be burglars, the other night, but didn't hit. I. M Weisz, Esq. of Zelienople was in town. Monday, lifting his commis sion as Justice of the Peace. James Dmaldson, the Plank Road grocer, is ill with a slight attack of pneumonia and kidney trouble. Miss Mina Love, Arthur's gifted daughter, will take part in the concert at Y. M. C. A. hall, this evening. J. H. Miller has the agency for "Liquid Electricity" —a quick cure for all pains, internal or external, 25cta. James G. Grabura of Hastings, Mich., is visiting his brothers. Harper Graham and Clerk of Courts Gedrsie Graham. George Whitehill. the plumber, is ac cumulating both wealth and honor. A new boy arrived at his house, the other day. A. J. Kamerer left the Hospital and went to his home in the sth ward, last Saturday. He was hurt in the Car Works, and had a long siege in the Hos pital. Jacob Fennell has moved from Fen nellton to 81 Bessemer Ave., Lyndora. His brother James hauled his goods to Butler yesterday. Commissioner McCandless looks like a Major General with his whiskers, off His best friends take a second look at him before speaking. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freehling and family, Miss Lila Rigley and Walter Freehling were guests at the home of August Freehling. Sunday. W. M. Campbell and John Martin of Bridy twp , James Fiudley of Franklin and W H. McElvain of Butler were among our callers, Saturday. .T 11. Pisor of Horr, Mont., visited his folks in Concord last week, and left for his home, Monday. He ranches in the mountain state and has become wealthy. R. C. McAboy, Justice of the Peace, has opened an office on the Diamond— Maj. Anderson's old office, and John W. Coulter, attorney, has located in the ad joining room. S. E.- Wilson of Punxsutawney has purchased the Steelsmith property on W. Jefferson St.. which with the John Lefevre lot gives him a frontage of 50 faet on that street. Dr. J. C. Roylp left for Philadelphia, yesterday, where he wjll take a special course on eye, nose, throat and ear at Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine. Miss Ruth Scott and Mr. John A. Martin, of the Wils Miller grocery, were married. Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, on the Freenort road. Will Hamilton of Denver. Col. visited his brother, J. C. Hamilton of Mars, last week. J. C. has been afflicted with heart trouble for some years, and has lately been bedfast, but is improving. B. B. Seibert, of Fairview township, visited friends in Butler Tuesday. Mr. Seibert is one the youngest looking men at G2 there is in the county; and he served four years during the Civil war. Mrs* John J. Reiber, of W. North street, attended the funeral of her un cle. Jacob Pflough in Beaver couuty, Monday. Mr- Pflough was in his 80th year ahd lived a few miles below Zelie nople. J. C. (Mont) Martin, ot Mars, was in town Tuesday, securing the plans for his three-story brick hotel, which he will build this summer. The plana were made by Will Foster and he is greatly pleased with them. G. F. Alexander, Earl of Yarmouth, who married the wealthy Mi3s Thaw, in Pittsburg Monday, was dunned both in Pittsburg and New York for debts; and was greatly relieved in the latter place when he learned that his fourteen trunKS had not been attached. J. H. Haryey has made a provisional purchase of the Waverly House, and will take possession of it this week. Col. Haworth's lease rap for two years yet, subject to sale. His family will remove to Jamestown. N. Y., but he will remain in Butler for a few days. They have all made many friends dur ing their stay in Butler, who regret their unexpected departure Hetty Green thinks, and whatever Hetty Green thinks she generally says, that "a large number of divorces are due to the fact that instead of learning how to keep house, "the women prink up and parade around: then the men pa rade around, also, and the trouble be gins." Mrs. Green has done some walk ing about in her time, but she didn't "prink up" to do it, and it wasn't on the parade line, either. And she knows how to keep house, too.—lnquirer. Rev. Smith, of Jersey City, has under taken a job that he will be sorry for. He has announced his intention of preaching a sermon against the pan cake hat. An Eastern contemporary says that it is high time that this sway backed, poke-fronted, flopping, lopping, dippy, shovel-shaped creation of straw and velyet should be the subject of a heart-to-heart talk. Nevertheless moot women look well in one of these latest creations of the milliner's art and with a pinwheel hat, jauntily cocked over the larboard eye, and seemingly about to slip off the back hair, some women are simply bewitching. Esq J. N. Pew of Hannahstown came to Butler last Thursday looking for a housekeeper. At Mrs. Yensel's board ing house on Wayne St. he discovered Mrs. Yogan, a .Muddycreek twp. widow whose husband died a year qr two ago, and who was forced to enter the Ooun ty Home. From the Home she went to help Mrs. Vensel, but after a short stay became ill, and was only recovering when Pew came along. It didn't take long to arrange terms by which Mrs. Vogan was to go to Hannahstown as housekeeper, and later in the day, the contract was altered so that Mr Vogan was to become Mrs. Pew, undeV which arrangement they went home,' Friday. Fewer gallons: wears longer; Devoe. On the program Friday night but cannot tallt, much less sing and recite. Did you ever try Victor Lung Syrup for Cough and Hoarseness? Why have the "B]'*?»", Tired Feeling Headaches. Constipation or Indigestion? Positive cure may be had in Victor Liver Syrup. Kain or shine coats—the nobby kind at Ritter Ac Icockenstoin h. LEUAL news. NEW SUITS. Geo. W. Cooper vs Brady township, summons in treaspass for ssooodamages. Last October, the plaintiff states, while driving on the Mercer pike at the Jas. i Donaghy place the front wheel of his I wagon dropped into a washout or rut. i causing him to be thrown to the ground and sustain a fracture of two ribs which disabled him for five weeks. Jos. Earhart vs Western Allegheny R. R. Co., petition of plaintiff for view ers to assess damages to his property, 75 acres in Fairview twp. John Fergu son, James Walker, John T. Martin, Henry Freehling, G. F. Easlev, A H. Starr and John B. Dodds were appoint ed to meet on the premises at 11 a. m.. May 15. Jennie Wright vs Charles A. Wright, petition for divorct for desertion. Nathan Eskovity vs Penn' R. R. Co , appeal by deft from judgment of S'J2B, rendered by R. McElvain, J. P. Mary B. Ross vs Caroline B. Morrow and Jas. W. Hutchison, summons in ejectment for 94 acres in Mercer twp. G. Frymen vs Mary A. McClelland and Mrs. J. J. Hay, owners, and R. F. Grumbling, contractor, sci fa on me chanics lien of $121.25. NOTES John McKenna of the Butler Engine Works has appealed from the awarl of viewers allowing him no damages for the grading of Lookout Ave. The Kohnfelder license in Saxonburg was transferred to Snider Bros , Satur day. John Collins, a railroad workman, was ejected from the Central Hotel, Chicora. Thursday and in return hurl ed a stone through a S4O plate glass window. He was arrested, and plead guilty to malicious mischief and re ceived a sentence of $25 fine and 30 days to jail. The divorce case of Wm. H Witte of Sarversville vs Elizabeth Witte, his wife has heard Saturday and divorce granted. By an agreement the two younger children go with their mother and th oldest with the father. A decree in divorce was awarded Cora Ida Marcliall from John Marchall of Muddycreek. The a&b case of Com. vs Daniel Behm was settled. A rule was granted on the lieits of John Amberson of Forward twp to ac cept or refuse premises at valuation. J. A. F. Jackson was appointed guar dian of Lewis B. Brown of Clay twp. H. H. Gouclier was appointed auditor and Clerk Graham, guardian ad litem on p3tition of Wm. M. Lang, ex'r of Charles Wagner, dee'd. Harvey Hoover of the South Side plead guilty to desertion and sentence was suspended on condition that Hoover fulfill an order that he pay his wife per week. This is the first case disposed of in the local courts under the new Act making desertion a misdemeanor sub ject to conviction. Col. Whitehill, aged 16 years, of Water St. plead guilty to larceny from Ed. Troutruau's wagon, and was com mitted to the Huntingdon Reformatory. Judge Galbreath made an order fix ing the first Monday and the second Saturday succeeding it in each month as days for Motion Court,thus establish ing such a court for the first and middle of each month. After this year the June term will probably be reestablished in Quarter Sessions, in accordance with the preference of moat of the attorneys. The case of Com. vs Robt J. Guinney was settled. A charge of f&b has been entered against Yalent Sobezik. Jas. 11. Donaghy and J G. GroFsman Road Commissioners of Brady twp have filed an appeal from the report of Township Auditors J. W. Boyd, Walter Snyder and J. H. MpDeavitt because the Auditors have refused to give the Com missioners credit amounting to $101.60. The case will be heard in Argument Court. A decree in divorce has been granted to Agnes Lonitz vs Geo. Lonitz of Saxon burg. Henry Young of Evans City petition ed for aii order permitting the authori ties at Dixiqont Hospited to allow bis wife, Louisa, to return home John Miller was appoined guardian of Gilbert Acre. A citation to show cause why real estate should not be sold was granted in the estate of Wm. Caldwell, dee'd. The Butler Savings & Trust Co. was appointed guardian to Samuel S. Gold. An unusual thing - was done in the Allegheny Co. court last Wednesday. The jury in the Devlin murder case fail ed to agree, and the Court discharged the jury and also the prisoner. Justices of the peace in Pennsylvania, by a recent enactment pf the legisla ture, get i|3 per annuin for taking care of the election boxes The pay of clerks of election boards is now $3.50 per day in this state,the governor having signed the legislative enactment to that effect. Another legislative bill which has met with the approval of the governor is that watchers at elections must be residents of the district or division within which they apt, The will of Mrs. Maria Burke of But ler, disposing of 32 shares of Pennsylva nia Railroad stock, has been probated. On petition of Mrs. Margaret Lutz of Harmony, Dr. S. E. Ralston, J. H. Wil son, Esq. and H. M. Wise were appoint ed a commission in lunacy qq her hus band, Jesse Lot?- An information has been made againsf Milton G, Goff by Nora Regis. The Pennsylvania Supreme court has discharged from custody Arthur Words worth, q member of the Eighteenth reg iment, National Guards of -Pennsylva nia, of Pittsburg, who was arrested for the shootiug and killing of Win. Dur ham, a union minor at Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, during the recent anthracite coal strike. James E. Bowser has been arrested for dynamiting fish. James Gagan of Chicora has been pharged with desertion by his wife. Louis Eiffler of Summit has petition ed for naturalization. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Cath Kamerer to A J Daubenspeck lot in Butler for s^jQQ. Samnel Boner to Bertha Ulrich 105 acres in Cranberry S4OOO. Anna L Pense to J B Black quitclaim to 4 properties for S9OO. Isaiah Black to same, same for $750. Perry N Black to same, same for S9OO. Henry Burtner to J Henry Long lot in Saxonburg for SBSO. Reed & Weigand to Fannie Lane Jot in Butler twp- for $425. Mary 4 Surrena to Geo A Gerlath lot in Harrisville for SBS. Herman Ruediger to Fred Wecherle 10 acres in Jefferson for $835, Thos K King to Louisa Rudert lot in Saxonburg for 11800. W E Graham to John Jones lot at Hilliard for $525. Elizabeth and W H Witte to F W Witte 7 acres in Buffalo for $2500. John C Graham to Sarah E Anderson lot on Plank Road for $l5O. Orvington I Riddle to Qavid E Dale lot on N McKean st for $31)00. Harry A Reiber to Agnes M- Bricker lot on Third st for SIOOO. W II Daun to John C Dann lot in Middle Lancaster for $450. G S Gahaghan to Oath Gerberling lot on South Side for $2700. Alf M Reiber to John Reott lot on Park st for sllsO. Charles Duf£y to Daniel }V Graham lot in Btitler twp! for &Jot|. Walter L Scqtt to W Qliver Purvis lot in Mars for $1250 Maggie Eyth to Mrs M J Bickel lot on West st for S7OO. Frank Kronejierg tp, Ww and Charie» lvroneberg acres in Jefferson for SIOOO. S W McCollough to H A Leopold lot in Millerstown for $420. John Schenck to Lewis Kramer lot on Cleveland St for SSOO. Albert D Weigel to Luella B Weigel lot in Harmony for $3:35. Ph Daubenspeck to C R Bartley lot Brov.*n ave to- s*loo. . . . ••• L H Brown -to T M Barusdall three fourths ihteT'-st iii lease oh Jtyurtland I and Swartzlander farm, and half inter [ est in lease on G P Campbell farm. Con . cord twp. L P Hazlett to Lucy E Krug lot on N* McKean st for SI2OO. H A McNamee to Lucy A DeFoggi 20 feet on Centre ave for £f3o<>. Sophia Milleman to Annie Mohr lot in Zelienople for $1650. Michael Mcßride to Smith McCreight, trustee, 40 acres in Venango for $2200. E L Oesterling to Mrs A E Hershber ger lot on Pine St for $2700. L C White to Jerry M Rapp lot in Whites town for $325. J C Daubenspeck to E L Turner lot on W Penn st for S7OO. F M Hossack to Sonth Penn Oil Co. lease on 10 acres in Allegheny for SIOOO. C'larassa Birchfield to A C Brown 101 acres in Forward for $25. Minerva E Bole to Elizabeth J Stuart lot on W Clay for S3OOO. Daniel Kennedy to J P Forcht lot on New Castle st for $2500. D E Dale to W H DeArme lot on N McKean st for $3500 Geo Biedenbach to Frank Biedenbach 79 acres in Clearfield for SISOO. Marriage Licenses. Harry Snodgrass.. Jacksonburg, W. \ a Delia Gabagan Saxonburg S. R Kerr Ean Claire Myrtle Kimes Tom C. Montgomery Grove City Bertha E. Brown W. Sunbury Steve Goncha Butler Mary Riffen " J P. Pollock ...Bellevue Jennie E. Cnrrie Euclid Win. Rieger Butler Ella Brown " Geo Vine Butler Jessie Mitchell Indianapolis Valentine Sobszik Butler Appollonia Krnpa Geo A. Mytinger Butler Sndie A. Dumbaugh Josheph Weber Bradys Bend Annie McLaughlin .. . Karns City Albert Miles Coovert Mars Minnie H. Bolhurst " John A Martin Butler Ruth Scott . " Edward J. Mahan Glade Mills Gertrude W. Gibson Penn twp At Pittsburg, O. C. McClain of Mc- Donald and B. C. Barickman of Bntler. At Youngstown, O.—John Tack and Margaret Snyder of Bntler. New Street Railway. On Friday last Gov. Pennypacker granted the application of the Cottage Hill Passenger Railway Co. for a char ter: and as soon as the Town Council passes an ordinance granting a franchise to do so the company intends building a street car track from their Hill, through Butler to the Car Works. Arthur Love and Family. Butler County's own humorist, inusi eian, author and composer, Mr. Arthur Love, assisted by his accomplished wife and daughter will give one of their best programs of music and laughter at Y. M. C. A. hall this evening. Mr. Love was raised on a Clinton twp. farm and is well known to Butler audiences. His wife is a sweet singer and soloist on many instruments, while the daughter, MissMina.is an honor graduate of a well know conservatory of music. We predict a crowded house. BUTLER ICE COMPANY Orders delivered promptly to all parts of the town. Leaye orders at Park Hotel, or call tip Bell Phone No, 4; or People's No." 34. E. E. Lantz, Manager, People's Phone No. 533, Fathers and Mothers teach your child to save by opening a bank account for him with the Real Estate Trust Company, 311 Fourth ayenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Four per cent, interest on savings accounts. Capital and Surplus $3,700,000.00. Insurance and Real Estate. If you wish to sell or buy property you will find it to your advantage to see Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real Fetate, next P. 0., Butler, Pa. Dollar Sunday ltatc to Allegheny Commencing the first Sunday in May and continuing each Sunday thereafter until Oct. 35th, the B. Q. R. R. will sell special excursion tickets from But ler to Allegheny an*} return for morning trains OP Sqnday at rate of $1 for the round trip. Tickets good on Baltimore and Ohio trains only. Return limited to date of sale. Halt itates to St. Louis, Mo. On ApriJ 2fl, 37, 28, 30, and May 1, 1903, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from all local stations west of the Ohio River to St. Louis, Mo., at rate of one fare for the round trip, account Nation al and International Gfopd ftoads Con vention and Dedication Ceremonies, Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Tick ets will be good for return until May 4, 1903. For detailed information call on or address nearest Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. BUTLER !OE COM PA Orders delivered promptly to all parts of the town. Leave orders at Park Hotel, or call up Bell Phone No. 4; or People's No. 54. E. E. Lautz, Manager, People s Phone No 533. What you must haye in the home— food, water and a good Liniment. None surpasses Victor Liniment for any and all accident cases- It's about twice 3s large and twice as good looking as the last one—the new catalogue of the Bq|ler Business Col lege. Jt'a free to those interested. Those nobby top coats comes from Ritter & Rockenstein's. School teachers, We will be ready for yon any time after April Ist. By secur ing a thorough training in bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting, you can double or treble your salary. Call and see us or write for information Butleu CO^LBQB. Spring showing of up to date clothes for man and boy at Ritter & Rocken stein's. Don't miss it—seeing the new cata logue of the Butler Business College, The Spring showing of Men's and Boys' clothing at Ritter & Rockenstein's is worth investigating. Have you seen our finely illustrated catalogue for 1903-4? If not, send for a copy, or when in town call at the of fice and get a copy. Butler Business Cgu-euh, Fewer Gallons! Wears Longer, If it oomes from Ritter & Rocken stein's it is bound to be up to date. It's the finest you ever saw—the ne catalogue of the Butler Business College. Free for the asking. Want a Spvmg snitl Let Ritter A. Rockenstein's fit you qut. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. Save tipe hy looking at Ritter tfs Rockenstein's first for that Mpring suit or overcoat "Perfect" Ovens and Good Bakers, Get them at Whitehill's. Ritter & Rockenstein seem to be lead ers in up to date clothing If it is up tp it cf«wes worn ' ' 6c, KCH'-KENSTEIN'S. Guess I had better drop around and look at Ritter <& Rockenstein's clothihg they seem to tarn oat the begt in town. Normal Term at Prospect. Prof. H. D. Pyott will conduct a Normal Term at Prospect. Books free. Tuition s>' knowledse and belief. B. MASSKTH. Directors. .TNO. G. MCMARLIN, Cashier. J. V RITTS, I Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 13th day of April, 1903. F. X. KOHLER, Notary Pnbli<\ We take pleasure in c.Uliuj; your attention to the above statement, anl respectfully solicit your business. Interest paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time without notice. JOSEPH HABTMAN. J. V. RITTS. T. P. MIFFLIN. President. Vice President. Vice President. A. C. KRUG, Ass't Cashier. W. S. BLAKSLKE. Ass t Cashier. & G» COMMON SENSE. 7 / l)o you know no time to Waste, ] J O'» H<*HlS are selected with Rood taste, A J ,"*i j' Jiff' styles are always here, S J '| nE latest too, through all the vear. f j I I AMBI'ROFR suits are always / j |"llE lime Is uow. without a doubt, S V T time that you should pick 'em out J J D 't jft» OUR prlcei,too,are of much concern j ■ P-MPBfeW CV JI'ST try us on ce you soon will learn f S Jrlsla rjffirn C fOQI>S bought here are up to suufT. V \ WA*3cR°BRO3: Bi'limS Btiiiti II C CLOTHINO. |K|H that is quite enough. C when In doubt, as to the best, r J ivw | | ERE are the goods that stand the \ J| N'l' when goods are not right, we C i by them stand j J M«BE i'in not be said by any man. [BROWN I GO'S Furniture and Carpet DISPLAY, Our present stock of Carpets is worth talking about, worth your seeing and buying. Our new and taking styles are finding their way into the j best homes in town. Designs suitable for rooms of every size and prices suitable for all size pocketbooks. FINE FURNITURE of every description in up-to-date styles and H reliable makes. Furniture for Parlor, Dining Room, Bed li Room, and every room in the house. ii Large, well-selected stock at prices that will be a saving to you. COME IN AND COMPARE! BROWN &• CO. No. 136 N. Main St. (Bell Phone 105) BUTLER, PA. i __ m —rr=^-========== CAMPBELL'S GOOD FURNITURE, {The Furniture 1 I And Carpet Stock § lis very complete. | 31 This store has never before offered J§s If so large an assortment of House lis j|j Furnishing. St Igj Lace and Muslin Curtains, jgc Tapestry Portiers and Wall Paper, jg 3( Decorated Dinner Sets, Toilet JE a 8 Sets and Gas Ranges. j® m H agj Axminster, Velvet and Brussels |g> j|| Carpets, Matting at less than regular jg sg prices, A 25c quality at 20c. g| COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. |^g lAlfred A. Gampbelll Formerly Campbell & Temple ton. MiSiniXIIRMiIBIISHXIiiIIIKIKK! Will Buy Oil Productions From 100 Barrels up. Address, with particulars, J. J. S. LANSING, 42-44 Times Building, New York City. 4-lt'-03-4t Eyes Examined Free of Charge ft. L KiRKPATRICK. I Jeweler and Graduate Optician j '»>xf Imr to Conrt Itrniie Butler. Pa Mnsie scholar* w«nted at 188 W. Wayne St