Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 30, 1903, Image 2

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    the citizen.
WILLIAM 0. NKG LEY - l'nUlsher.
11.00 per year in Advance. Otherwise sl-50.
Republican Announcements.
Election Saturday, May 16—1 to • p. m.
Delegate to State Convention.
THOMAS J. GRAHAM, of Penn twp.
•TAMES M MAXWELL, of Butler.
A M. McCOLLOCOiH, of Fairview twp
For Jury Commissioner.
W.*P. BROWN, of Butler.
S. T. DODD, of Fairview borov.gh.
A. O. EBERHART, of Butler twp.
T. W. D. KENNEDY, of Mars.
S. M. MCCLT'RE. of Butler, formerly of
Worth twp.
DALE THORN, of Connoquenessing twp.
formerly of Fairview twp.
HENRY A. WAGNER, of Jefferson twp.
Third run.
Governor Pennypacker on Monday
approved the bill authorizing James
RUBS, of the Commonwealth Hotel,
Harrisburg.to bring suit in the Dauphm
county court against the State. This
bill is one of the echoes of the trip made
bwthe Legislature to New York in the
spring of 1897 to participate in the dedi
cation of the Grant tomb. Mr. Russ
was the caterer on that occasion, and
furnished such a magnificent feast that
the Legislature passed the bill appro
priating money to pay the bill with but
little opposition. In round figures the
bill was $6,000. Governor Hastings,
however, was of the opinion that those
who had participated in the feast should
pay the bill, and he vetoed the appro
priation In 1899 the Legislature passed
a bill authorizing Mr. RUSH to bring
suit in the Dauphin county court to re
coyer the sum alleged to be due him,
and Governor Stone vetoed it. At the
session of 1901 no effort was made to
again pass such a bill, Governor Stone
still being in the executive chair, but
this year Mr. RUSH' friends feeling that
an injustice had been done him. intro
duced the bill through Senator Dewalt
and it passed with small opposition, and
the Governor has approved it. Mr.
Russ will at once set the legal ma
chinery in motion in the Dauphin conn
ty court, and the State will be defend
ant in a suit for the collection of the
Till-; Supreme Conrt of the United
States has jnat derided another of the
elective franchise cases involving State
constitutional provisions avowedly de
signed a prevent negroes from voting.
As in all other cases, the decifion is ad
verse to the claimant, it being held in
effect that the franchise is a matter of
State regulation, in so far as the selec
tion of these allowed to exercise it is
concerned, outside the express provis
ions of the Fifteenth Amendment to the
Constitution. The present case is rather
a novel one, inasmuch as it referred to
registration, which is a necessary pre
cedent to votintr. The majority of the
court held that it had no jurisdiction,
from which three justices dissented
It was officially stated in Washington,
Monday, that the United States is still
awaiting an answer from Russia in re
gard to the scope of the demands she
has made upon China, especially in re
gard to the proposed exclusion of foreign
consuls from Manchuria and the non
opening of more treaty ports.
The Chinese minister. Sir Chentung
Liang-Cheng and the Japanese min
ister, Mr. Kogoro Takahira, called on
Secretary Hay that day. The latter
asked whether the United States was
inclined to withdrawn its objection to
the closing of the open door. What
y answer Secretary Hay made to this is
not known.
A most sensational development of the
investigation of postoffice department
affairs occurred just before the depart
ment closed last Thursday when Post
master General Payne announced the
summary dismissal of James M Tyner,
assistant attorney general for the post
office department, coupling with the
announcement the startling charge that
all the papers and records in the safe of
the latter's office had been abstracted
by Mrs. Tyner, wife of the discharged
official, with the assistance of others.
The postmaster general states that Mrs
Tyner has refused the demand of the
government for the return of tVie papers
taken, and said the circumstances in
the case will be submitted by him to
the department of justice next morn
ing. On Saturday General Tyner,
through his attorney, returned the miss
ing papers to the P. M. General.
TIIK Russian Bear insists upon stay
ing in the China shop.
THE "Midway" of the St. Louis expo,
will be called "The Pike.'
ANDY CARNEOIK has given the college
at Tuskegee. Ala.,for colored people the
vast sum of s*'>oo,ooo.
PRESIDENT CASTRO has made an or
der shutting out foreigners and foreign
capital from Venezuela.
SOME street railway bills led to a
free-for-all fight in the Illinois legisla
ture, at Springfield, last Thursday.
EMI-KKOR WILLIAM has decorated
the captains and commanders who did
ibe bombarding during the Venezuelan
Gov. PENNYPACKER has been veto
ing one fool bill after another, and the
wonder increases as to what he will do
with the negligence idiocy.
THIS has been a great week in Pitts
burg politics. Quay has been hovering
about the town trying to secure harmo
ny, and transform Chief Guerilla Bige
low into a Regular.
COLORADO, the state that has produc
-1 1 1. HO many millions in gold, silver, cop
pi r and lead, is but twenty-seven years
• -l-l: and the battleship, launched at the
( ramp yards in Philadelphia,last week,
was named after her.
SOME days ago the army of the Mad
Vnllah surrounded a detachment of the
K-iglish army in Somali, Eastern Africa,
mid killed nearly all of them; and Sat
nirlay's paper reported another battle,
in which the English were victorious
and killed 2,000 of the Mullah's follow
f",ni vhe foreste of the National Park,
InSaturday; had a great reception at
o.nahn, Tuesday, talked and kissed
babies at Des Moine«, Tuesday. and is
dne in St. Louis to take pan in the ded
i ition ceremonies today.
RUSSIA'S determination to retain
possession of the Chinese province of
Manchuria, contrary to treaty, makes
h.-r commercial interests conflict with
those of Japan, on the Japan Sea, and
may be followed by a war between the
two nations, into which some European
nations may by drawn.
Business -Morality.
Ex-District Attorney Philbin of New
York told a story the other day, as an
example cf average business morality,
of a commission merchant who boasted
that he once sold only a t>ortion of a
consignment made to him for the money
that the consignor expected, and con
verted the remainder to his own nse.
This raises the question whether snch
extremely loose views of honesty really
represent business ethics.
As a witness on the other side the
words of a prominent business man at
the head of a great department store
are quoted. He says: "1 can afford to
lose in a transaction, bnt I cannot afford
to have my customer lose. * * * He
must learn to trust me implicitly with
regard to my goods and to see that I
would much prefer to suffer than to
have bim suffer. I must make my cus
tomer my friend."
There is no doubt that, even consider
ed as enlightened self-interest, there is
a much higher standard in the second
statement than in the first. But it should
also be recognized that its truth depends
on a factor not stated. The merchant
cannot afford to let his customer suffer
from misrepresentation or defect if the
customer can go elsewhere to get the
goods. The only reason why the state
ment is true lies in the loss of trade
that would result if the customer is in
jured. But if the merchant were the
only one of whom the customer could
buy any given goods then he could af
ford, so far as pecuniary penalty is con
cerned, to let the customer suffer the
loss from inferior goods or hidden de
fects better than to pocket that loss him
The universality of the rule stated in
the second case depends on open and
free competition. Wherever competi
tion i 3 suppressed by combination the
losses from unfair dealing, and even
from dishonesty, can l>e imposed on the
buyers with impunity.—Dispatch.
THE Pennsylvania Commission for
th 9 St. Louis Exposition, provided for
by a concurrent resolution of the legis
lature, has just been appointed, a part
of it by the governor and the remainder
of it by the president of the senate and
the speaker of the house. The commis
sion embraces within its membership
representatives of varions interests and
different sections of the state.
A Hini«lre«l learn Ago.
John Fulton and Annie Hays, his
wife, came to Butler county in
and their son. Nelson Fnlton of Middle
sex twp., is yet hale and hearty in his
69th year John Fulton died in 1557.
Samuel Fulton came to the county in
and his daughter. Mrs Nancy
Mahan, wife of W. A. Mahan,
is yet living in Middle
sex, aged about 72 year*.
These notes are in answer to a note in
our issue of March 26th last, which
read: Butler was surveyed a hundred
years ago. How many men are yet liv
ing the county whose fathers lived here
then 1 We would like each and every
one of them to send us his name with
some account of his family.
The First Clear Nlglit.
In speaking of the solar system la9t
week, it was said that besides the plan
ets, revolving about the sun were aster
oids, comets and meteors. The aster
oids were explained as remains of a
former planet that had undergone re
peated explosions. The comets are im
mensely bulky masses of gaseous sub
stance that haye somehow beome inhab
itants of the solar system. They are
thousands of times as large as our sun,
but the weight of any one of them is
comparatively insignificant, perhaps as
great as that of the earth's atmosphere
The comets are supposed in their flight
through inter stellar space to have come
near enough to the solar system to be
drawn in or captured by one of the
planets and compelled to revolve about
the central sun.
The meteors or "shooting stars" are
not so well understood, though they
are evidently related to the comets, for
the orbits of comets and meteoric
swarms are often identical. Meteors
only shine when they come in contact
with the earth's air, the light being due
to the heat of friction. Most of them
actually do "fall" to the earth; usually
however, after being pulverized by the
intense heat.
The study of the planets has shown
great similarity between them. They
all revolve in the same direction in el
liptical orbits; they all rotate on inclin
ed axes, many have satellites, etc. How
did these things come to be? The simi
larity of condition points to a similarity
of origin. The generally accepted ex
planation is that the solar system has
gradually developed into what it is now.
This explanation is called the Nebular
According to it the whole solar sys
tem is supposed at one tine to have
been an immense "nebula," or cloud of
gaseous particles separated from each
other and acted upon by gravitation
These particles, attempting to reach the
centre of gravity, in battering against
each other developed intense heat and
collected ill a globe with a rotary mo
tiou upon an axis. As this globe con
tinued to contract, it rotated more
swiftly, bulged out at the equator and
formed thickened belts or rings which
it successively abandoned. These rings,
believed to be like the rings of Saturn,
finally broke and collected together in
masses or planets which continued to
revolve about the sun developing rota
tion on an axis at the same time. Each
planet, by continuing this process, pro
duced its existing satellites.
This is the Nebular Thory. It is a
guess, but the most probable, at the or
igen of the solar system. It explains
nearly all the known facts.
It does not do away with creation.for
it begins by assuming t.he nebula and
the force of gravitation. There is meth
od in the solar system. There must
have been method in the creating of it.
This method the nebular theory at
tempts to explain.
I'at, Just Over.
As I was walking down Butler's mane
A sassy polaceman I chanced for til
He looked strate in me face and he gave
me some fan,
Haying whence came you over from
Erin go braugh?
I grabed my shelalah right tight in my
And around his bitr boddy I caused it to
The paple came round me like a parcel
of gase.
Saying catch that wild Irishman he
struck the polace.
They kicked me, they cuffed me—at me
they swore.
Saying what brought you over from
Erin's grane shore.
I t<>uld thhem praties had failed, 1 had
nothing for til ate,
And I wanted to be a bould polaceman
and slape on me bate.
Then the wild mob howled and said
take him till the jail,
He will lie there a long time before he
finds bail;
Just then Mayor Kennedy came along
he took in the sight,
His kind heart was moved to pity at my
sad plight.
He said I know yon are a Pat by the cut
of your hair,
I know you are a pat by the clothes that
you wear.
Then Mayor Kennedy dispersed the
wild, jeering mob,
Saying come to my office and I will give
you a job.
Now Paddy in his fine uniform struU on
the strate,
And like his brother palacemen he
slapes on his bate.
The Market—T nere has been no
change in the oil market: bo»h agencies
are paying $1.53.
Renfrew—Kaltenbach & Sons No. .
on their own farm came in this week,
and is rated at 30-bbls.
W. Virginia-T. N. Barusdail of
Pittsburg has invested about f1.000.000
in the Salem iW. Va. field, a short <lis
tance east of Parkersburg. lie has pur
chased the entire holdings in that j
section of the Federal Oil Company for
$300,000. He bought the interests of M
Keating of Sistersvilie and Thomas
Gaertian of Parkersburg at about the j
same figure, and he has purchased the ;
controlling interest in the Southern Oil i
Company, which has over 100 produc
ing wells. He will develop much ad j
ditional territory during the summer.
Next Sunday, May 3, dedication serv
I ices will be held at the new Zion Luth
eran church at Byer s Corners in Con
i cord township.
Rev. Archibald Robinson of Martins
Ferry, O , preached in the United Pres
byterian church Sunday to a congrega
tion which was greatly pleased with his
sermon. Rev. Dr. McClenahan of the
Allegheny Theological Seminary will
preach next Sunday.
Keceiit Acts.
The Act providing for the purchase of
a camp ground for the National Guard
appoints the Auditor General. Adjutant
General, State Treasurer, Major Gener
al and three Brigadier Generals a com
mission to purchase a site of from 300
to 350 acres at not more than SIOO per
acre, and appropriated $35,000, or- as
much thereof as is necessary, for pay
A new Act allows Justices of the
Peace £5 per year for keeping the elec
tion boxes and contents, to be paid by
the county.
lta> Run Corners.
L. H Brown is putting a rig on the
J. J. Campbell farm.
Dower is rigging up the No. < well
on the M. G. Black.
Mrs. Stewart Hindman is improving
very slowly.
Dan McDivett has moved from Ar
buckles' Corners to his new home on
the Mart Armstrong farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Gifford have re
turned from their wedding tour.
The South Penn have tubed their No.
5 well on the M. G. Black farm and are
pumping it is good for a 12 barrel well.
W. F. Campbell, supervisor, has teen
busy these day repairing up the roads
Mr. Sam McKnight has got his new
house completed and has moved his
family from Butler.
C. Coffin shot his No. 1 well on the
Thos. McKnight and it showed good for
10 barrels.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Hodges was called to rest, at
her home near Fairview, after a brief
illness, on April 17th, lacking but three
days of being one year old. She was
buried on her first anniversary. Laura
Helen was truly loved by all that knew
her. She was a beautiful and an affec
tionate little child. She had suffered
just one week and two days with pneu
monia. The remains were conveyed
Sunday to the home of lier grand par
ents Mr. and Mrs. David Hodges, near
Millerstown, where the services was
conducted Monday forenoon by the Rev.
A. H. Ginder, sang beau
tiful hymns, then shJBRs laid away to
to rest in the St. John's cemetery.
If your blood is thin ana im
pure, you are miserable all the
time. It is pure, rich blood
that invigorates, strengthens,
refreshes. You certainly know
the medicine that brings good
health to the home, the only
medicine tested and tried for
60 years. A doctor's medicine.
'•I owe my life, without doubt, to Ayer's
S;ir*apurilla It Is tho most wonderful medl
cJne ntl My cure if
permanent, and I cannot thank vou enough."
01.00 a bottle. J. c. A YER Co.,
All Lowell, Mass.,
mmmmnnm hi—■ 101 v ■ I
Poor Health
t.axativ3 doses of Aycr's Pills each
nifjht sreatiy aid the Sarsaparilla.
Lot neat and pretty Novelty
Suiting —56 inches wide —12
different effects in Grey, Red,
Tan, Brown, Green, Blue, 75c
a yard—a dollar would be a
reasonable price.
Wool Crash —plain Mixes
and dainty stripe effects —
separate Skirts and Shirt Waist
Suits —new and fashionable,
SI.OO a yard.
54 inch Black Venetian,
$1.50 that you've paid Two
dollars for and liked the price
White P. K. —double line
stripe —soft finish —fine welt —
stripes Black. Blue and Red —
belongs to the 35c class —we
ask 20c.
25c Striped Tissues—excel
lent sheer goods—refined ef
fects, 15c, saves you ten.
Best Silk Lining for the price
—Tearnot —2s shades of it —
extra strong and serviceable,
Lot $1.25 Picote Moire Ve
lours —Navy, Green, White,
White and Black, and Jasper
effects, 75c.
Bengal Pongee —extra heavy
—26 inches wide and rich —at
least a quarter under price and
so modish for ShirtWaist Suits
and Traveling Gowns, 50c.
Rich, splendid, Black Tourist
Silk—24 inches wide, 50c.
Bog«-s & Buhl
Department X.
Binding of Books
Is our occupation. We put our
entire time to studying the best
and latest methods of doing out
work. It' you are thinking of
having some work done in this
line I 3m sure you will be well
pleased if you haye jt done at
The Butler Book Bindery,
W. W. AMON, Prop.
Opp Court liotute.
CORSINI— At the honse of Mr. Lonis
Solari, this place. April 24. 1903,
Esterina Corsini. daughter of Mr and
Mrs. A. Corsini, aged 5 years.
SONNE—At the home of John Lehman
in Middle Lancaster. April 18, 1903.
Mrs. Amelia Garland Sonne, in her;
91st year.
MABB—At his home in Pittsburg.
April 23. 1903. Henry \V. Mabb. aged
(iT years, and formerly of Thorn
Creek, this connty.
PATTERSON—At his home in Roches
ter. Pa., April 25, 1903, Cairnes Pat
terson. father of the Patterson broth
ers of tin tier, aged 72 years.
Mt'CANDLESS—At St. John's Hospital
in Allegheny, April 25. 1903, A. Mar
tin McCan'-less. aged 53 years.
BERGMAN—At his home in Avalon.
April 27, 1903, Win. Bergman, aged
49 years.
RIDER—At his home in Bntler. April
24. 1903, Earl son of Albert Rider,
aged 3 years and 3 months.
GREENERT—ApriI 24, 1903, infant
son of H. C. Greenert of Bntler.
DUERR Charles Dnerr. of Sarvers
ville, died at the West Penn hospital
of hydrophobia, aged 19 years. He
was a son of George Dnerr. He was
bitten by a dog about four months
ago and he was only sick fonr days.
GARVIN —At his heme in Cranberry
township, April 27, 1903, Newton Gar
vin, aged 72 years.
Mr. Garvin's death was caused by
heart disease. He owned a large farm
in Cianberry, part of which was oil ter
ritory, and he was one of the best kin ■wn
citizens of the township. He was a con
sistent member of the Plains Presbyter
ian church during the greater part of
his life and was an elder in it for many
years. His wife, two sons and four
daughters survive him.
David Wallace, a hardware mercli am
of Freeport, died last week.
Mrs. Kohlmeyer, who died at Grove
City, was buried at the Stone church in
Venango Co.
Ciir«t of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs Albert Rider of New-
Castle St. feel thankful to their neigh
bors and friends for their kindness and
sympathy during the sickness and
death of their son, Earl, and take
this means of expressing it.
Mr. and Mrs. Ariodante Corsini wish
to publicly thank their friends and
neighbors for the sympathy and kind
ness shown during the sickness and
death of their child.
Many people go to bed —not to sleep
but to think—to tnmble and toss—to gel
up, walk about until tired Nature gives
way and a few fitful hours of sleep are
obtained jnst before dawn—a sleep that
does not rest—a sleep from which one
wakes weary and tired, wholly unfitted
to take up the daily routine of house
hold. shop or office duties. That this
condition goes on uncared for is almost
criminal, when the well-known, time
tried and tested powers of Dr. A. W
Chase's Nerve Pills to give restful
natural sleep have been so fully proven
in such cases.
Mrs Maggie Edwards of 246 West St.,
Bntler, Pa . says:—"My l>oy, aged 11
years, >vho by reason of overwork ran
down—could not eat or rest. He was
nervous and did not sleep well at night.
He needed lifting up and I got some of
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills for him
at D. H. Wnller's Drug Store 112 South
Main St. The medicine has acted in a
more than satisfactory manner. He
sleeps finely now— strength coming back
now—nerves steady and sleeping well.
There is no question but that a short
time will put him right again. The
gain in health has been very rapid."
50c a box at dealers or Dr A. W.
Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. See
that portrait and signature of A W.
Chase, M. D., are on every package.
Reed's Wine of
Cod Isiver Oil
will build you up and make
you strong, will give you
an appetite and new life.
If you feel tired and
worn out try our Wine of
Cod Liver Oil and find
It is stronger and better
than pure Cod Liver Oil.
Pleasant to take and is
inoffensive to delicate
Indorsed and recom
mended by physicians
every where. The best
Spring tonic to .give you
Health and strength.
For sale only at
Reed's Pharmacy
Transfer Corner,
Main and Jefftrrson Sts . Butler, Pu.
Wc have removed our Marble
and Granite shops from corner of
Main and Clay streets to No. 20S
N. Main street, (opposite W. D.
Brandon's residence), where we
will be pleased to meet our
customers with figures that are
tight on
Monuments & Headstones
of .til kinds and are also prepared
to give best figures on
Iron Fence. Flower Vases
etc ,as wc have secured the sole
agency from the Stewart Iron
Woiks of Cincinnati, 0.. for this
town and vicinity.
P. H. killer
JacKson & Poole. |
* f SHOP, 0. WAYNE ST , V
c X
FOK SAI.R Till- Bncst ilulry uml frul; I
farm in South .l«r*<-y, M TM fruii
uii In bent runutUuii: lrt-room housr I
lifiitiil liy hot wtiler; two Imruo unci other
..ul IjllllilfiiKs. two hll<M. t'lipui'ity Km tons ]
f>it;ty «*cm»|>r!»lnij M) tieud run l>» (netufled 01
not; rojlft finiy I «■ ttoifl it, 1) <• 'loo- or nitty Im i
ilellvereil In :i«l J«ln|tiK Io(jii» v.'llli iXJpul,. !
I lon of l:;,i"XI. I 'oi purtli'iilur* unit ifWl'lp
llvil booklet of \ inelumi, U<l»lre«-.
t-2-i-lni HKNKV 'J'AVI-Ol£. V Iniliiiul, Si. J
A list of names drawen from the
proper jury wheel on this, the 11th day
of April. 1903, to serve as grand jurors
at a regnlar term of court commencing
on the third Monday of May, 1903, the
same being the l*th day of said month:
Abrams l 'liarles.Butler boro 2d w.agent
Barnhart P S. Donegal tp. farmer
Bulford Milton, Jefferson tp.
Crawford T A. Allegheny tp.
Cooper Henry, Jefferson tp,
Eppinger Adam. Harmony, merchant
Easley G F. Buffalo tp. farmer
Faust Charles. Butler tp. minister
Fleming H S, Concord tp. farmer
Goehring H H, Jackson tp,
Gelbaeh Christ, Mars l>oro.
Love Harrison, Clinton tp,
Mecliley A H, Jackson tp,
NVilhelm George, Center tp,
Moser James. Oakland tp,
McDonald Albert, Slipperyrock " |
Miller J C, Prospect boro,
Reiger C A—Clearfield tp,
Stoops WitTiam C. Franklin tp,
Shaner A B. Prospect boro.
Shane James. Millerstown boro, agent
Tinker Zackariah. Cherry tp farmer
Weitzel Nicklas, Brady tp,
Zehner Charles. Jackson tp,
A list of names drawn from the proper
jury wheel on this the 11th day of
April. 1903, to serve at petit jurors at a
regular term of court commencing on
the fourth Monday of May, the same
being the 25th day of said month.
Albert Warren. Summit tp. farmer
Boyd Cameron, Worth tp.
Brown charter. Penn tp.
Cradel Adam, Bntbr tp,
Donaldson James. Washington tp. "
Dyke Graham.Connoijuene'sing tp, *'
Davidson William A. Mars boro, gent
Day JN, Kan.s City boro, producer j
Davis Perry. Worth tp, farmer
Ekas Dehaas, Clinton tp. farmer
Emerick George, Si:nbury boro. clerk
Greer Henry T, Buffalo tp. farmer
Gibson Harvey S, Bntler Ith ward,
Gilmore J B, Millerstown Loro.prcdti er
Hockenberry B L Cherry tp, farmer
Hutchinson Miller, Clay tp, farmer
Hinuman If. Sunbury boro, druggist
Kronnebitter Jac h, Summit tp. farii.-r
Koch Frank Bntler tp, fanner
Kneisr, John. Cor;no<|nenessing tp,
Kocher W . . • < i
Laval! Jacob Bntler 3rd wd,livery: an
Lefever D W. Jefferson tp ruier
Lewis John A, Venango tp, f.-rr jer
Mori as on ES, Slipperyrcck tp. farmer
Mechling losepb, ( lay tp,
McDonald Thjmas, Adams tp
Morrow Joseph, Concord tp.
Martin Wm T. Penn tp.
MaLarg John. Penn tp,
Montgomery Ross, Clinton ip,
McKeever James. Adams twp, pumper
O'Donnel Henry, Clearfield tp. fanner
Oesterling Wm, Summit tp,
O'Neil D.l Clearfield tp.
Pontious Nicholas, Fairview twp.
Roe Wm, Bntler tp.
Redick Samntl. Mars bt>ro. ciei<k
Reiger John, Millerstown bo:.), wagon
Roe T Bntler tp, farmer
Ramsey \7 H, Jackson tn, farm-, i
Schenck John. Butler fp, tanner
Smith John H, Cranberry tp, fannei
Sherman J T, Bntler Ist wd, baker
Sclinanffer John. Lancaster twp, farmer
Seaton Joseph L, Clay twp, agent
Weisecstein, Joseph. Bntler sth ward.
Watson Wm, Franklin tp, merchant.
Teachers' Ivxaininations.
Examinations will be held in Butler
county this year as follows:
Bntler. May 9.
Millerstown, May 12.
Pettrsville, May 13
Saxon burg. May 14.
Butler. May 10.
North Washington, June 2.
Eau Claire, .Tune 3.
Slipperyrock, June 4
West Sunbury, June 5.
Prospect, June 0.
Bntler, August 15.
The examination on May 9, is for pro
fessional certificates. No one need
apply for this grade c-rtificate, unless
they have taught for three or more
years successfully and received good
provisionals during that time.
All professionals granted previous to
June 1, 1902, will not be valid after
June 1. 1903 Those holding such certi
ficates and wanting them renewed must
also attend this same examination (May
9) ami be examined in Algebra and
Civil Government. Examinations will
brgin promptly at 9 o'clock Applicants,
be on time. Come prepared with paper,
pen and ink, and a stamped envelope
containing your last certificate. Do not
ask for special examinations
Directors, p ir.-nts and friends of otir
school, we cordially request yon to he
present at one or till «• i these examina
tions. Come oat and inspect our work.
You is very truly,
Supt., Butter county.
Notice is hereby km en that the j.-.tt
nership heiotofore existing between the
undersignt tl, 111 the livery bus'tie: s, un
| der the fitm name and fctyh of The
Dillmore Liv ry, at Mars, Butler coun
ty Pa , ha this day lieen dissolved by
n.ntnal consent All nceountsrdne tli.
firm and all .-1.-an.--. i.-.' iinsl »h< firm v.-ill
Ije settled by either A J. Dillmore or
('. L. Nc-rt' !i, Attorney in i'act of E T.
Norton, of Mar«, Butler • ounty, Pa
Charles Young succeeds to the livery
business of the late firm and will con
tinue the business at the old staii'l, and
under the old firm name The Dillmore
We thuuk t' public for their liberal
patronage anu solicit a continuance of
same to r.'irr successor.
M a is, Pa., March <>. 1003
MEN'S HATS and .
1 The new Spring 2
# stuff is here. f
} \
i New Hats, 2
# Shirts, #
f Neckv/ear, t
£ Underwear, 4
# Half-hose. J
t All our goods are bright, S
J stylish and seasonable • J
£ Come and look at the ?
£ display. 4
s ' i
J Sole agent, J
Knox Hats, gl
# Manhattan Shirts. 51
# #
l HATTER and £
i MK>i F'URNISHKb £ j
i Opposite P. 0. \ j
By virtue of a decree of the orphan's
Court of Butler county, the undersigned ad
mhiistrutor of the estate of R. Wilson,
deceased, late of Venango twp.. Butler Co..
I*a . will offer at public sale on the premises
near the village of Eau Claire, in said town
ship. on
THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1903,
at 1 o'clo* k p. ui . the following real estate:
Sixty six acre* of land, more or less, situ
ate in Venango township, said county,
bounded on the north by lands or David
Keilt'rnian, east bv lands of A. C. Wilson,
south by lands of "Thos. Blair's heirs and on
the west by lands of Thos. Merron: two story
frame house of si* rooms, frame bank barn
and outbuildings, with good orchard there
on. eight acres of good chestnut timber,
balance in good state of cultivation and all 1
underlaid with coal.
TERMS one-half cash on confirmation of
sale by the Court, balance In one year from
date of said confirmation with interest. De
ferred payment to l>e secured by bond and I
mortgage 011 the premises.
.1. A. wiLS4>N, Adn'r..
Of I<. C. Wilson, dee'd.. J
Eau Claire. Pa.
A. M. CoHNi:i.irs. Att'y. Butler.
In i.he District Court of the United States ,
for the Western District of Pennsylvania.
In the matter of |
John SchalTner. No. 201s, in Bankruptcy.
Bankrupt. )
Notice is hereby given that I will expos*
at public < utery. free and discharged of all
liens the following described real estate of
the >ve named bankrupt, on the premises,
Tuesday. May 5,1903.
at lOo'cloek a. m.. which real estate i» situ
ated in Butler township. But' county, i':i . i
aadbounded . d des ri d follows: On |
I thenortiiby lands of Samuel S''hai]uer. I'. j
I Kocu and McQuiston, east by lands of
Samuel tjchafTner, on the south by lands of
I Humeset al.. and on the west by lands
of Samuel S.-hatt'ncr and .!. H. Negley: "a-I
taining acre . xr.->re or frame dwelling |
and barn thereon located.
TERMS OE SALE On confirmation of tli«*
ale by the Court. cas> or one half cash, and «
•al Lzsce I to IM se m|ed by
:irst rtgage ;»n• *. i on the pr. : rises, at
H per cent Interest, w l» 5 !>er cen' to be add
ed for on!it ction if balance • f uurcha.se
• . r ist rted by p teess tla r; i" per .
cent of tho bid to be'paid win n tl;e property I
is bid o';. i*ru-;« i.'serves ih*: right to re
ject n yat al! bi« - and u> ad joarn the sale
from time to time.
Trustee. '
j \V. '/.. ' i." it p.! > . AtCyx
Notice is hereby given tbat letters > .
administration n the ("-late of Paul
Troutman, deee.>sed,late of the borough
of Bntler, Bntler county, Pa. ; have been
granted to Henry N. Troutman of But
ler, Pa., to whom all parsons indebted
to said estate .re r< (juesteu to make
payments, and those having laims or
demands against estate are request
to make the sanu known without delay.
A. T. BLACK, Attorney. Butler. Pa.
Letters of administration on the estate
of John Kcllerman. dr'j'd., late of Bnt
ler, Bntler Pa ing been grant
ed the aJ persons knoivn
ing them elve_ indebted to said estate
I w'll j'l- ase make immediate payment,
and »ny having claims against said
est-vte will present them dnlv authenti
cate .1 for settlement to
N. Washington St., Bntler, Pa.
S. CUMMXNfiS, Attorney. 3-19-03
Letters of administration bavins: been
granted to the undersigned on the estate
of Maria Lemmon, dee'd., late of But
ler twi>., Bntler Co., Pa., all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make im
mediate payment, and any having
claims against the pame to present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
E. E. YOUNG, Adm'r..
3-12-03 Armory Building, Butler, Pa.
Letters of administration on the estate
of William 11. Staples, deceased, late of
Adams twp., Butler Co , Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
Mrs. S. Catharinb Staples, Adm'x.,
Callery, Pa
J. D. McJcnkin, Att'y. ' 2-19 02
IVlodern and Progressive
Those wishing a truly artistic
picture and correct likeness
should not lose sight of the
Postoffice Building.
All.the new and up-to-date
Long Distune?- J>ll Telephone -"it I).
People's 'i.i'i.
Our 1 itie of riugs offer the most varied
selection Elegant in design, set with
tho choicest of diamond* and precious
stones, or of *'ac plainest styles We
sdl nothing but "-hat wt can gnarantee
an I quality makes the price. Our wed
dins; rimja are of the lat.t design and
iVu .ilno sell -
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and Paco Cameras.
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins and Guitars
Optical goods.
Field and Spy Glasses.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next to Court Houh>-
Have had quite an inning
but they cannot shut off
the energy of the Ameri
can people. The country
is making money as it
never made money before.
(jet my daily letters and
learn when, what and how •
to buy, and participate in
this money-making.
R. i. Weaver
| Stocks and Bonds
Third Ave. and Wood St., ij
Local office, 2135. Main St. |
Butler, f
H. Q. Allison
Funeral Director,,
HeM Plicne INO. 3.
JiaKerstown, Pa.
m-'m * CATALOGUE!'#"#--# •
U/ We want to say a word or two to
-* !■ yon cow at the opening of the Buggy
J J aud Harness season, are you going to
v bny one? Have you a catalogue
'' . / ,\ /\ from souie city bouse. if yon have
IB / y I\/ / and are thinking of sending for one
/ </\. i y' von are the fellow we are looking
/ I l«f v~i«- \ / y \ aloni; *nd see how easv we i«n save
L, ~r~i yS 1 von freight, and von see just what
j lf~~ ~—"" I yon are getting, we are not a little
Vr 9- —"7* £ 7 L 7 " L t __/ wholesale business, and can bny just
VI jr /j / 1\ ' '' : fy \V —/ as cheap as any house in America,
\// don't you think so?
■ «■ Yours,
P. S. —Don't forget that we sell Kramer wagons
Office on second floor of Armory |
Building, Butler, Pa.
i T. scorr,
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But
ler, Pa.
Ro-nn 8., Armory buildln fc .
Office with R. C. MeAlmy, J. P.,
south side Diamond.
Special attention given to collections
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Bank., or
| County National Bank
Office in Reiber building, cornei Main
and E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on
E. Cunningham.
Office on illain St. near Couii House.
No. 257 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Fisher Building. First door on South
Main street, next my former office in
Boyd Building.
Office in Wise building.
Office in the Negley Building, West
Diamond .
Hemorrhoids and Chronic Diseases a
TV H. BROWN, M. T)..
M 1 Office in Riddle bnilding.Diamond,
next door to Dr. Bell's old office.
Office Hours: —9 to ua. m., Ito 3 and
6 to 8 p- m.
/ lEO. K. McADOO. M. D.
Hours—9-12, 1-5. Both Phones.
Troutman building, S. Main St.
After April Ist, office in former Dr.
Peters'residence, No. 121 E. Cunning
ham St., Butler, Pa., next door to Times
printing office.
WI men's diseases a specialty. Con
sult.atian.and examination free.
Office Hours, 9to 12 m., 2 to 3 p. m.
People's Phone 573.
i; 6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.
At '527 N. Main St.
L. ic6 West Diamond,
Dr. Graham's former office.
Special attention given to K\e, Nose
and Throat. People's Phone 564
200 Cunningham St.
Rooms 9 and 10 Stein Building, Butler.
Consultation and examination free,
daily ; and evenings by appointment
Office in New Maitincourt Building,
l29'£ S. Main St., (adjoining Dr.
At well's office.)
iliiS located in the new Steiu building,
with all the latest devices for Dental
1 -
Room 6, Bickel Block, Main St., Butler.
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 114 E. Jefferson St., over
G. W. Miller's grocery
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Filliugs a spec
ialty. Office next to postoffice.
Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store,
215 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.
Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made of gold fillings, gold
crown and bridge work.
Residence 214 W. Pearl St., Butler, Pa.
Office near Court House.
Inquire at SherifT'.sotfice or 426 Mifflin
St. Butler P».
r p. WALK BR,
Office WLVB Beikmer, next iloor to P. O.
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
R.-ar of*
Wick Hou -c. liutler 'jnn'a
Ttaeb< .ton,, ; ,:..J c. .:.s rt K s at
wavs oil h *• ' sl 1 ■ * * '*•
Ilest • coaiii. i•• i •«»*» >v:l
neat boarding ai ) t*»n •». tnuJ*. bp«cl
sil cat ■ guaranteed.
t> 3ble Room For 65 Horses
Act.oJ e.M of kMM bo'h drivers u4
i i. i i- . mi hand ami f"r Sale
•• i fuii f ■■ iran and bort -4 bottßh
(~, I 1 .r-.r r i.otiilcatloo bv
X Announces a special exhibit of Tailor-made Suits,
X Skirts, Walking Skirts, Coats, Silk Coats in
Jllengths, Etons, Box and Coffee Coats, full length
A Coats, handsome Rain Coats, Silk Waists, Silk and, >
XMohair Shirt Waist Suits, beautiful White Wash
O Hats Trimmed Free of Charge! * *
\f Our handsome New Parlors are full of beautiful up-to-date Ilata,
Bonnets, Flowers. Ribbons, Silks. Laces, Velvets, Ornaments. all new' ►
i\Novelties, new Military Brush—a competent force of Trimmers to take< >
jf your orders We offer you the latest creations of the season at popular
O "prices TRY US. < '
wPV r\ I All-wool Voiles, 50c and up; Crepe '
i\l IrPQQ llfinrlQ Paris, Crepe Dechine, Mistrals,
' ri/l OvO UUvUO ( Twine Cloth, Mohairs, Sicilians, Mixed
< > Suitings. Phenomenal values in black Dress Goods *
I Lace Curtains and Portiers. \ \
We are showing the handsomest, largest and most up-to-dat* CnH >
tains in novelty netting. Arabian, Nottingham Swiss and Musliu Cur-.
tains we've ever shown Direct from manufacturer to consumer, at prices
that will pleasantly surprise you when you see style, designs and qualitv< ►
of these new 1903 Curtains. Priced at 50c. 75c. *1 up to 810 per pair . >
Ruffled Curtains priced 29c, 50c, 75c up to £-.50. Portiers $?. to $lO
Special exhibit of Arabian Curtains, the craze just now, $2.50 to $lO. < >
Carpets and Rugs, Window Shades. \ \
We call your attention to onr cut-to-order Carpet Department, it is a ( (
money saver to you. One hundred and 35 styles to select from, Axmin
ster. Wiltons, Velvets, Body Brussels, Tapestry; Ingrain Carpets in rolls< >
:Soe up to 05c for the best grade: Oil Cloths. Linoleums, Window Shades,- -
all lengths and widths; Cnrtain Poles, Curtain Rods and Fixtures. Car
pets made and laid free of charge: window shades adjusted, if pnchnsed< r
there, free of charge. Special exhibit of large rugs. Velvet, Tapestry < >
| 'and Body Brussels. Rugs of all sizes
fin. J. E. Zimmerman!
. . nell I'hone 2uX. Rufler Pa J 5
< > People's Phone liC. DUlier, rH.
By virtue of sundry writs of Yen. Ex., Fl.
Fa Lev. Fa.. &c., issued out of the Court of
Common l'leasof Butler Co., I'a., and to me
directed, there will be exposed to public sale
at the Court House in the borough of Butler,
Pa. on
Friday, tlie lotli day of May.
A. I). 1903, at 1 o'clock p. m.. the following
described property, to-wit:
E. D. No. 35, May Term. I'JOX W. D. Brandon,
All the right, title, interest and claim of G.
M Hughes, of, in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Venango
township, Hutler county. I'a. bounded as
follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of
Amos Seaton and widow Addleman. on the
e-ist by lands of Blair heirs and William
Stalker, on the south by lands of li. C. Wil
son. and on the west, by lands of William and
Kobe it Cochran, containing one hundred
and tiiirty (i:J0) acres, more or less, and hav
thereon erected a one and one-half story
frame house, frame barn and outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution as she prop
erty of G. M. Hughes, at the suit of t' T>.
Gel bach.
i;. i). No. 15, May Term. 11)03. Greers. At
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Ottelle Baalie and C. J. Kaabe, being an un
dlvldeil 1 -sth interest of. In and to all that
certain piece or parcel of land, situated in
Jefferson township, Butler county, I'a..
bounded as follows, to-wit:' Commencing at
th» southwest corner at a post on lanos of
Naglers heirs and Hammer; thence east
along Allwines Mill road twenty eight hund
red and seventy-one (u'xTl) feet to a post at
the corner of this tract and lauds of Henry
Keasey: thence north along lands of Henry
Keasey two thousand and ninety two feet
(2002) to a post, corner of this tract and land
of Henry Keasev; thenco east along lands
of Henry Keasey eleven hundred and fifty
twi> and 5-10 (lire 5-10 feet to a post, corner
common to Henry Keasey. William H.
Greer's heirs and this tract; thence by lands
of William 11. Greer's heirs and M. S. Greer
north seventeen minutes west lifteen hund
red and forty-one and 5-10tli (1541 5-10) feet, to
a post .corner common to lands of >l. S. Greer
and l>. W. I.efever, ami this tract; thence
west along lands of I). W. Lefever
twenty four hundred and tive and .">-10
•j-iOS 5-lo) feet to a post: thence along lands
of said Lefever north 111 degrees and :*)
minutes west five hundred and ninety four
(5'.U) feet to the Saxonburg and Hannahstown
road; thence along said road south :#l de
grees west six hundred and one (iwl) feet
to iKist; thenco west along lands of Nicholas
heirs, nine hundred and seventeen and 5-10
(1)17 5-10) feet to a post at. Webbers corner:
thence south along lauds of Webber and
Hammer thlrtv-six hundred and Ufty-one
(3651) feet to a post the place of beginning,
containing two hundred and eighty-four (254)
acres and sixty-two (ft. 1 ) perches, more or less.
ALSO- All the right, title, interest and
claim of Ottelie Kaabe and C. J. Kaabe. be
Ins an un-dlvlded l-sth Interest (subject to
the life estate of C F. llelmbold) of, In and
to all that certain piece or parcel of land
situated In the Borough of Saxonburg, But f
ler county, l'enn'a., bounded and described
as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of
William Kubert, on the east by lot of Lewis
Krumpey, two hundred and torty (840) feet,
on the south by Main street, one huudred
and twenty (l-t)) feet, and on the west by the
Butler road, and having thereon erected a
t wo story frame house and outbuildings.
Seized mid taken in execution as the prop
erty of Mrs. Ottelle Baabe and C. J. Kaabe,
at tli- suit of Christiana Helmbold.
E. 1). N'is. 'I and 22 May term, 1903. Williams
.V Mitchell, Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
J M Yard of, in and to all that certain
piece or parct 1 of land, situated In Washing
ton township. Butler county, I'a. liounded
as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post the
northwest cornet hereof being also the
sonlhwes. corner of laid contracted to bo
sold by William It. Olyn.er to George Morris,
now owned l>y William Morris; thence along
the south line of said Morris land south 8V
degrees east 135 perches to a post, and stone,
the southeast corner of said Morris land In
the west line of lands of formerly John
Mcchllnu; thence along the west line of the
said lands of formerly John Mechllng, now
Jesse Everts, and Mechllng lielrs. south 1
and Vt degrees east 134 V* perches to a post:
thence along the north line of lands of
formerly William Emery, and Peter Emery,
now Robert Wray and Emery heirs, north w
degrees west 13(1 perches to a stone; thence
by lands of formerly Philip Vernuin, now J.
A. Williamson north l' j degrees west l;w and
Vt perches to the place or beginning; con
taining one hundred and thirteen acres and
one hundred and forty-four perches, more
or less, and having thereon erected two one
and one-Lalf story frame dwelling houses,
frame barn and outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution us the prop
erty of .1. M. Yard at the suit of f. B. tttin
K. D. No. 3«. May Term, 1903. A. T. Scott.
All tli.-right, tit U-, Interest and claim of
llenry Leise, of, In anil to all that certain
piece or lot of laud, situated In Harmony
borough, Hut It r county. Pa., bounded as fol
lows. to-wit: On the north by Connouue?
ni-ssliiL* cri'i'li,K") feet, on the east by county
bridge i'mmlhk said creek, feet, on the
south liy Mercer street, 7H feet and ou the
west by lot of 11. V. Hours, «<> feet, being the
bame property which was conveyed to the
said llenry I .else l.y I). 1» Hoggs by deed
dated April UOth, IHhJ. and record.*! In said
county In deed book 74. pageZTN. and having
thereon erected a frame house and out
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Henry I .else, at the sultof The Penn
•,yh;tnl*- Savltrjfs l uird rind Loan
E. !>. No. a, M..y Term, lttXl. lu*nk Jkoh ( er,
All the ilain, title, Interest and claim of
John riister. of. In and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated In Oakland
township, ltutler county. I'a . liouoded as
follows to-wit: On the north by lands of
Smith and Suuimoiiy heirs, on the east by
lands of Isaac llepler and ltutler and Millers
town road, on the south by the llutler and
Mllierstown road and on the west by lands of
Hugh Melvee\er. et al, containing M acres,
more or less, having t hereon erected a frame
house, frame barn and outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution as the urop
erty of John IMister. at the sult of Mrs Mary
I'Bster for Use of Joseph -higher and Nil
llam Baumgarten, Ex'rs of Andrew llesi
dence, dee'd.
j TEKMS OF SALE -The following must be
strictly complied with when property is
stricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other Hen creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the liens. Includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold,
togtther with such Hen creditor's receipt*
for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid In full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will lie -
continued until one o'clock, I'. M., of the
next day at which time all property not
settled for will again he put up and sold at
the expense and risk of the person to whom
first sold.
•See I'urdon's Digest, »th edition, page 416.
and Smith's Forms, nage 384.
| Sheriff's Office. Butler. I'a.. April 27. 1903.
Outwardly and Inwardly, the human eye
Is a wonderful piece of mechanism and yet.
how many millions of people there are. who
use their eves every waking moment of t heir
lives. In total Ignorance of this,
i If the needs and the care of the eves were
better understood, there would lie less suf
fering. less blindness, less sorrow and regret.
At the first Indication of trouble tho ejes
should be carefully examined and their
ucteds ascertained.
We tit glasses to all defects or vision and
know *9 are eminently qua'lfled to do so.
Carl H. Leighner,
Optician and Jeweler, Butler, Pa.
We often cause ourselves end
less worry and remorse by neg
lecting to do some little thing
Get a good picture of your family
and home made at your first op
portunity. We make the best at
$6.00 per dozen, Bxio inches and
guarantee them permanent. Let
tis know «n time to go out.
The Butler Dye Works
Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing.
W. S &E. WICK,
Hough and Worked Lumber o' t"l Kli.d*
Doors, Sash aud Mouldings
Oil Well lllgs a Specialty.
Office and Yard
E. Cunnlnghum and Monroe sts
near W««t I'orii Meuot.
Tours to t|ie Toast.
For tho General Assembly of tlip
Pjesbyterian Church, at Los AugeKts,
Cal May 41 to June the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will run three
personally-conducted tours to Los
Aan<l tht? Pacific Coast. 1 Lc'rtf?
tours will leave Pittsburg May 12. 1:1,
and 14. Tour No. 1, covering twenty
four days, *l2O from Pittsburg. Tour
No. 2. eoverinir forty-three days, in
cluding Yellowstone Park, $244 from
Pittsburg. Tour No. :i, coyerinir thirty
dayp, including Grand
Arizona. $144 50 from Pittsburg. Prp :
portjouate rates from other points. Art
rangeuients mav be made to return in
dependently on Tonrs No. 1 and No. 8.
Social Pullman trains will be used
and the services of a tourist agent,
chaperon, baggage master, and official
stenographer will be provided on each
For itinerary giving rates and fall in
formation apply to Geo. W. Boyd, As
sistant General Passenger Agent, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia. Pa.