VOL. XXXX. !\ NEW WHITE FABRICS IN GREAT VARIETY. | Millinery Sale—>©g; j The flodern Store \ WHITE GOODS FOR GRADUATING GOWNS. * ► Fine French Bati3te Chiffon 4m in wide 40c, 50c, 75c yd * | Choice Mercerized Persian Lawns. u~«r. 35 c and 50c yd- g| j Plain Persian Lawns, 25c, 35c, 50c yd. Nainsooks and Swisses, 12 1-2 c to 35c yd m * All the new trimmings for above, including Val. and Clnnv Laces, em ! 40 broideries ornaments, etc. W The very latest things in Fine Wool Dress Goods, in white and all the j W new spring shades, Etamines. Voiles, Mohairs, etc. W I# ELEGANT MILLINERY AT A SPECIAL PHICE £ S A chw:" lir-e of Ltdies' Trimmed Hats this week, worth $7.50,n0w $4 88 U JV A special lot of Children's Hats at 1 49 Our Millicery has distinctive featnris. and we can please you in quality ■P beyond a doabt. Eisler-Mardorf Co., -J W «oirrn maw STREET ) nn< Mail or Phone orders promptly S g ?SSr£2£' !" * and carefully filled. * m OPPOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON. BUTLER. PA. tR '"v \~f~ '/a' " { r-# HUSELToTs FOOTWEAR EXHIBIT^ P - -jr Including all correct ideas for Men, Ll v > Women, Boys, Youths, Misses and fA W /my Children's wear. Over five hundred [jJjL v ;Zj) styles—no possible want but what A we can meet to your taste. >1 ► :S Boots, Oxfords, Slippers for 4 < S every and any service or occasion. > ► BAa IUI„«'o SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00, i < VMK mens $2.50, $3.00 and up ► * t0 $5.00 a pair. Women's SU $1 g J Wjj/Kf $2.50, $3 and up to $5.00 a * ißlßy P air - representing the highest ' *: £& \ art in the manufacturing of \ shoes and shown in all de- A sirable leathers. J?T 1 Misses' 75c, sl, 1.25 & 1.50. h *fci* Children's 25c, 50c, 75c&$l. \ fg J- Boys' 90c sl, 1.25, 1.50, & $2, I Don't buy a shoe until you h ave inspected our Spring lines —now —ready iss. HUSELTONS BICKEL'S Opening of Spring and Summer Footwear. Every new style is here, every ■ new shape and every new leather. ■ In Ladies' fine shoes we are show frig many handsome styles in fine Patent-kid, Dull-kid and fine Dongola shoes, latest style toe, with low, medium or extra high heels. Girls' shoes same styles as the Ladies shoes with spring or half heels. Men's fine shoes in Patent Colt Skin, Velour, Box Calf- and Cadet kid, Lace or Blucher cut, very hand some styles, prices $2.00 to $5.00. A large stock cf Boys' fine shoes in all the new styles. A Growing Demand for Oxfords. These beauuful days start the sale of Oxfords, and every thing points to a good Oxford season. Ladies and Cents will find us splendidly equipped in this line. AH the latest lasts in Lace, Bluchers and Button. One, two, three and four strap slippers, 75c to $3.50. Complete stock of Cokey's hand made plain toe and box-toe shoes. A large stock of Men's and Boys' good solid working shoes, 85c to $2.50. Repairing neatly and promptly done. JOHN BICKEL, 138 South Main St., BUTLER, PA. KECK tjfr 4$ Spring Summer Weights 1 j; /1E Have a nattinea. about ttat|u that Pj ' -')&/ (d [1 rVA // 1\ marlt thp wearer, it won't do to P ' \ \ f~\ *' a^e tailor only can supply them, [ ' 1 'l\[ \s 1/ / ill \j y° u want not o"'y l ' lc ' atest II I 111 Bv EDGAR D. PRICE f I t .* '' 'Pi/r.frfif, M MeCbtrt'' -V'.'-r » f f There had lieen a painful scene and they had parted forever. Geraldiue tad carried herself well and bad re turned the rins with ail air of such positive relief that Arthur could not contain himself, ai;d U;.d rushed from tier presence to find a place where he could fiive free vent to h!s feelings. His man David was packing, and Ue proposed returning to New York with the dogs, and from there —oh. hang it all, what was the use of planning? iiis life was blasted. In another part of the Southampton "cotfc'ge" a girl sat dnobling her red eyes with cologne water, while her hostess vainly offered consolation. "it's (jnite the thing in fox hunting, I assure you, Jerry," she nai« help lessly. "It may be quite the thing to be cruel and cut—cut the poor little helpless tiling's t-tail off, but the man that did it shall never m-marry me," declared Geradline with momentary spirit. "But the fox was dead before be did it, you know," said the good lady. • Yes: killed by a pack of horrid dogs urged on by i>eople who will have in-much to answer for hereafter," wept the girl. "Don't ask me to see him again: I'm going to take the after noon tniin to New York and leave him lit re to revel In b-butcliery." The cause of all this woe was a Shin necock bills fox hunt, with a real fox Instead of an aniseed bag. Reynard bad led the field a glorlou* chase, doubling and twisting times without num'.er, only at last to succumb to the hounds. Foremost in the hunt had been that ardent fox hunter, Arthur Chamberlain, who at the death had dashed in among the do.us and secured the "brush" in the most approved fash ion, to lay it at his ladylove's feet. The lady so honored unluckily had no appreciation of the act. In fact, her sympathies were distinctly with the fox, and there had been a warm scene, with the results as above noted. No Gemldlne appeared at lunch. Shortly after that Arthur took leave of his hostess, who discreetly forbore to tell hiru his ex-inamoralu would leave on the same train, and, whistling for the two foxhounds Toby and Dan, ho moodily strode off to the depot. 110 was taking bis seat In the chair car when u carriage dashed up and a lady alighted and entered the same car. Their eyes met. The lady primly In clined her head and deliberately turned her chair until only the top of her head was visible. The young man ground his teeth. Miss Geraldine lived up town on the west side of New York In a street numbered among the sixties. Mr. Chamberlain lived on the next block. In fact, tlr- backs of Miss Geraldine's home and the gentleman's bachelor apartments almost faced each other. The block was a solid rectangle built up with brownstone dwellings on the side streets and business pbices on the avenues, ai.d the roofs, separated by low parapets, were famous places for clothes dry I. IK and star gazing. Arrived in New York, the young gen tleinun hesitated In doubt of what course to pursue. But Miss Gcruldlqe solved his difficulties by culling an electric hausoni and bowling off with out a look in his direction. She found no one home but a servant or two. mid af.er a dismal dinner she sought her apartments to wafer her couch with tears. Arthur iifterm tour of tlii? clubti returned to his dwelling with three other desperate soiils and proceeded to make a night of it at poker. Toby and Dan, stowed by the ihouKhtful David in a packing box on the roof, stiullled and yapped in lazy content. The hours passed; the rntfle pf chips sounded continuously itj tilt hut roodi, and David w(is kept busy making and passing around eOolliis drinks. Over tlie silent roofs u late moon rose and hashed them will) *ol'| liid(t, the dividing parapets casting b|acH shad ows, Into tills scene of peace came a smaller shadow, trotting across the lighted spaces and leaping the obstruc tions. In :tn Instant the dreaming bounds were iifiiir. In another instant a black streak was making along thtf roofs with the two hounds after It 111 full cry. The poker party came to a sudden cud, and the youths frantically made for the roof. "It's a cat I by the Lord, it's a fox!" cried the doughty fox hunter as the black streak with the hounds In pursuit, having made the four sides of the block, came sweeping past. Laughing and stumbling, leaping yarapets and catching chins In Invisi ble clotheslines, the fou,r fol lowed the chase. U'oused by the tram pling on the roofs, beads appeared at windows and U'eti(Uloutj cries were made for the police, i'ar below in the streets plunged in darkness a shrill whistle was heard. Once again pur sued and pursuers made their way around the block. The eager hounds were closing fast upon their quarry, when suddenly fox anil hounds disap peared. There were policemen on the roofs now, revolvers in hand, searching for the cause of the uproar. By common consent the four fox hunters aban doned the chase anr stood open, and the cook and waitress were whimpering on the stepM. No need to ask where Miss Cera Mine's room was, for from above came a pandemonium •:ucl. , inadileiieu m.d i»o»mds "albnd uc twu l.o.iiid pvynyeH »|»' Ic and fli (tVlot\it t'ly otl the ll'Sif V} Irnut you will imnluti I'lta Ititiu tv I"i i. Ml- tli-iiildlne," said Arthur wickedly, klckltig the dogs nway from the Tox." "Oli-h, Arthur, Is It yon?" said a tearful voice u.i ' » the bedeloth l *' "Take care! The horrid thing will bite you!" "The horrid thing Is 'only a poor lit tie In !i : fox.' aiul he's dead as a doornail. * I'm going to cut Ins tail off," dec-lari d aV..UI' health ssly. "Cut the brute's head ot; if you want to." catilo th.* auexpectrfr reply. "And now. Arthur, dear, please go away and—and call and see we in the morning." "Where did tho creature come from?'' asked the Mushing Geraldlne the next morning. There h:fd been explana tions. and Arthur WHS holding a hand on which a c. rtain ring again sparkled. "From a 'oird and animal store around on the avenue. A man called to see me bright and early this morn ing with a bill for 'one red fox. sso;' cheap enough," said the happy Arthur. "Oh. by the bye," fishing in his coat tail pocket. "I've brought you the brush!" "We'll have it mounted for a souve nir," said the hater of fox hunting. Toole Was Fooled. Bret llarte was often asked to write his nntobingrapliy. and it is said that the idea b* d taken possession of his mind in his later years, but not a line of it did he write. It would have been worth reading, for the author knew most of the interesting people of his time. There is an amusing story told by J. 1.. Toole, the English actor, of a luncheon with llarte: "After a greet ing from my host he said, 'Let me in troduce you to the Duke of St. Al bans.' 'Oh, yes,' I said, with a smile, and shook hands with the gentleman who was assuming that character, cis I thought. Then he introduced me to Sir George Trevelyan, and I had hard ly shaken hands with him when my host said. 'I would like to introduce you to Count Bismarck.' 'Oh, yes.' I said, bowing to the newcomer. 'How many more of you are there? There is Von Moltke, for instance?' Bret llarte laughed; so did Trevelyan. A comedian is allowed certain privileges, and my remark was considered, 1 dare say, more or less complimentary; but 1 had no idea what a fool I was making of myself. At luncheon I said to the man who sat next me, 'Who is the gentleman llarte introduced me to as St. Albans?' 'The Duke of St. Al bans," he replied. 'And the plan oppo site?' 'Herbert Bismarck, the prince's son.' 'No.' I said. 'Really?* 'Oh, yes,' he said. 'And the man talking to hiinV 'That is Sir George Trevelyan.' 1 was never more sold in my life," IwallaiT*' S««t. Two swallows, writes a correspond ent of an English paper, built their uest in an outhouse, and the hen laid live eggs. Before they were hatched she was killed by knocking her head against the lintel of the door. For a month the nest remained unused and deserted, the eggs cold. After that time the cock bird found another mate, and ho and the little heij were very busy for a few days bringing fresh hay and mud to the nest. I did not like to watch too closely, but I certainly wondered what they were doing to the eggs, as no traces of broken eggshell, etc., were to be seen on the ground. I let them bring up their young broo C'iU'cful experi ment ha* shown that such fires yield no considerable amount of dangerous carbonic oxide. The Inconvenience of chimneys was avoided, the heat could be easily regulated, and a par \. u burning .uit'a. v „iahc*>ti" tii'heat a vuurcn seiffliig 0,000 people. Work While Von Pray. A Sijilnll caught a pa|'{.y ~i tomisv.l on a I;-',-< lln Si c,Hand aii'l t'i capsize their |ioa|. Whefy ii seenntj (hat the crisis |iad i*mHy nutt". t' l " iargOHt and man In the party, til a state of Intense fear, said, "Let us pray." "No, no, my man!" shouted tilt) bluff old boatman, "Let the little man pruy. You take an oar!" Success. \ iMitont > x w inirj VI c,,it>rhi♦r»l:tt«- (nosl heartily," frail} {lie (jelll'bighl«'l| J U.I» I «t Ml" wed tllltK, "tut tills iiappy oil, I beg your pardon! I thought 1 was speaking to the Ifl-iip p'r»JflHl.' ! •"That's all right," the other n piled "I acee.ii .iligTrUuTAtUtt^. 1 in., iln i.iliiei'7,r , tlll ; b'rliie." <'hicagci Ti ll'.Vf I. 1 lie Nni'HO. Thi» 1,. 1 1 ln-iftitril complain* that (lie wuri' ' uioani too many illf -1 ~( ihii. « fr 1 1 ih • board school . ten Who ■•' < «i.'"" it . e- v t ; i"n.c I .... ■ •••!( V- Vvl oil. . . the tinny ilrtti r to the very battlefield. A NEW ROUND BARN. Tt llna tlii» Or«l:aur> Roof l:i> tv.nd of the Very IZxi .'lulvo Koun-.l One. This round Imra. i...... :rated i« • »rauge Judd farmer, is described a- sixty feet in diameter, with a basement eight feet high, the walls of which are stone, laid in <-enient. As the silo has given so much satisfaction In the northern states, two round silos are placed as Indlcsited in the illustration. In the basement are stalls with swinging par- SCOGESTED ELEVATION OF 11ARN. Titions for forty-five animals. The up per stories are used for storing feed and farm machinery. The basement is well lighted with good sized win dows, arranged so that the ventilation is excellent. The posts are twenty feet high frd&u top of basement to lowest part of the eaves. Tills with the eight foot haseuient and the comparatively steep roof brings the peak of the bam about forty feet aliove the surface of the ground. The round roof for a round barn is very expensive. The arrangement shown in the illustration is just as ef fective and in many ways more con venient. Kor example, It Is much easi er to arrange a hay carrier with this fowri of roof than with a round one. The swinging stall partitions are three feet high ami suspended at>out twenty inches from the thsir. At tho outer edge a sliding bolt is so ar ranged that the partition may lie made stationary by pushing the Isilt into an opening in the floor. A chain hangs slack across tho end of the stall to hold the animal in place. Three feet in about tho correct width, as the stall is wider at the back. If the floor of the stall is given a proper drop and a trench Is provided, the animals will remain clean and have plenty of room. When the cows are out of the barn, unhitch the chain and swing the par titions around into a manger. Drive in with a horse and cart and clean out the stable. The windows should be provided with shutters, so that the stable can is) darkened during fly time and when the weather Is very hot. In building the basement it is desir able to start it about six or eight feet below the ground; then if necessary run it up to the roof. The paft below mry aaOL'ND PLAN OF 11AU.N. the surface of the ground can be made of stone in the same way as thp Uast>. ment walls. Of course, the interior must b,t; peiuentetl much as a cistern. AS the silos are located near the man ger, the work of feeding is reduced tu the minimum. Silage Is always heavy to handle, and ih y should lie as -near (he (mads of the cattle as possible, A |tari| of tills kind will cost ail the way from #y,. r iiiti lo (id.iKS). It provides more space than a rectangular barn In which the same amount of material has been used. l'reventlovt ul Union MiiicifotN. Professor Smith of New Jersey has given two methods of treating onion beds to keep away or ki|l th' : onion maggot. Fof spoill patches lit the gar den fie would tahft tin" sand and mols tf'll It with kerosene and sow It along both sides of the row near but not touching the plants. This not only drives away the fly which lays LW egg, but kills many of i.hu maggots as they leave one plant to go t° another they \\'lU when the first one is ch The fly looks like- a small house 1,1 y. A cupful of kernseue to a mtiifui e that you get n monument when your labors are done, provided 1 aui left behind." A good monument is useful in its way, this method of earning one is b>u |iard for the average ciU'eu -Itural New Vorke.f. A Wrinkle of the Dnnluli Karmrra. In Denmark they have farmers' co-. operative dairy associations of twelve farmers each, who for five years weigh the feed o.f ottt-h of tlieir cows and also thw uittk and thus make a record of the returns from each cow. AtrU'ilhwal Milieu, Jyggplaut is a gross feeder, hut easily cultivated. Interest In the apple box grows apace In the east. Bone black is said to lie good fertile zer for parsnips. In butter and <,b««ew making every effort should lie made to suppress dust, Which, according to a dairy authority, carries more infection than any other source. In a cold frame or sprout hotbed is a (pied place to start lima beans on nods. Give a good, thorough cultivation bo tween the rows of strawberries Beets will stand .unsriternble cold weather ai\*i uiay be planted early. ti ow fCnfcluiicl Drunk In ll^ This is how our forcfatUeVs nonaged ti a time w het\ ten and voffoe wew unknown and beer was the common beverage Of the lOllglishinan. In the Northumberland Household Book, com menced lu 1312, we have an exhaustive account of the domestic economy of thy> great I\-.'«v family, nud fvV" II wv learn that at which was served VMVt and countess had a ijuart of beer and a ijuart of wine between them; two sons, • "Mj r..on!e Percy nu4 Mats te« Percy," a pottle nuarta) of beer, and two children in U>» ''Nurcy** yiiur.vv.vi a muivt of beer. For dium-p, at 10 o'clock, my lord and !'d a put tie of beer and a pottle of Wine; the children also had their al lowance. For "livery," which was served in the bedroom between 8 and 0 o'clock iu the evoidm>i (lie. parents Were with a gallon of beer am! ynail vt wine and each pair of ijlilVdrcn with 11 pottle of beer. Surely there could iu this case have been no "drinking between meals." ■— LvMdvn Chronicle. HulKnrlnn Wetldln* fanlomi. A curious wedding custom which ex ists in Bulgaria is the shaving of the bridegroom on the wedding day. While the barber Is engaged upon hin face a dancing crowd of boys «i»d K tr la surround the bridegroom. When his hair has been vvti. the pieces are care fully v«ll'**"to preserved in one of the bride's chests. After the barber has finished hn» work lie receives a small yvhtte linen cloth as a present, and ouch person gives him a trifling sum of money. '4"hen the bridegroom kisses the hand of WH"U girl, wa.dics his face aiul dons his wedding dress, which must be first ac curately weighed three times by a lad. These strange customs arc said to date back to pre-t hrlstlan days, they are still strictly observed, espe cially In country district forty u Mliiutr. The Bible publications of the Oxford University Press have been issued 300 years and ean be published *u 12>(> languages and diale',la. Orders for 100, IMSI Bible;, arc quite common. An yjjller Uir half a million copies can, ac cording to tho Caxton Matsaaiiic, bo readily filled. On an average from tljir ty to forty Bibles ure furnMhed every minute. There ure llf» different edl tions of the Oxford Blblei In English. ' varying front the magnittiVnt folio edi tion for pulpit nse to thai "brilliant" ili- ■ hie. the smallest etlittdtl of the Scrip tures in the world. The largest folio i Bible printed iu Oxford measure* la , by 12 inches, and 110 erratum has us yet been found in it. The "Brilliant t Text Bible" measures 3»i i»y -Vj» India* and is three-fourths of ail inch thick. Stock in*|f«. How ruanv readers are fainilisr with I the history and origin of the most com- j moil articles they daily use? We eat. i drink, wear without thinking whence or wherefore. Stockings were known among the Romans more than 1 ,-S»X> years ago. as is proved by paintings found in the ruins of Pompeii. They were considered more ornamental than useful. 111 the colder climate of northern Europe they became a necessity. aud the manufacture -of them became a recognized employment iu the twelfth century, when they we,r« fashioned clnefly of cloth, in jfce reign of Ed ward 11. they assumed 4 resemblance to those now worn. At the courts of Spain and Italy they were fashioned of silk and were made' enormously large. Got 111 M NumborN Riftlit. A certain lawyer, who la now & very able judge. was, when he first came to the bar. a very bluudering speaker, says Youth. On one occasion, when he was trying a case of replevin, involving a right of property to a lot of hogs, he said. "Gentlemen of the jury, there were just twenty-four hogs in that drove —just twenty-four, gentlemen exactly twice as many as are in that jury box!" The effect can be imag ined. Illi inoo«c* With Two Horn. Several species of rhinoceroses, now extinct and only found iu a fossil state, used to exist which had no horns' at all. The name, meaning as it does "horned nose,'.' is nit her a niisnonief in their case. Several kinds of rhinoceroses in Africa have two horns, one behind the other, but the extinct rhinoceros, known as the dyceratherluui. had a pair of horns on its nose aide by side. Looking: Plenannt. Mrs. Chugwater So that's the photo graph you had taken the other day, Is it? I'd like to know Why you can't look as pleasant a» that when you are In the bouse. Mr. Chugwater—Well, it may he that the photographer tried to bring out uiy pleasant expression, ami you don't. A Dnmpenar, Visitor—ls Ml*s Knukln in? Servant-Yes, sir. . , , , Visitor- Is slie engaged? Servant- i . sir. but the gentleman ain't here this evening, sir. Come in. ' \!ii)>lkuuu». I Asklngton—she has a rich husband, hasn't she? Teller—and at the same time a mighty poor one.—Smart Set. Kin Knol Pnrantt. "Aiv you following 'he races?" "Yes, and If I ever . itch up to them I'll quit."—Princeton Tiger. The respect of the common people la the hinhey.t reward a man can reap In this country.—Schoolmaster. A FISH OUT OF VVATEP Tin- t ntortcutc Frolic That famed lis I uihurl) Drain. A German scientist—lie could only liavy Ikh'u a Uerinan—once conceived, we nre told, a plan to train a fish to live out of water, lie placed a thriv ing little carp in a small tank and wltii Infinite patience aud great exactness removed from the tauk one spoonful of water every day, at the saute tiinu itit leasing gradually the amount of oxygen in the water. 111 tluio the wa ter barely covered the carp, and still it thrived. The qtiantlty of water con tinued to diminish, aJd, by slowly a 'ai'ting its method of breathing to the uew conditions, the fish hegau to breathe air and indeed boeuiue qulto terrestrial in its habits before the tnuk was entirely dry. The scientist had it row 11 to love the carp. lie fed It from Ids own hand, and now that It waß llv ing In the mime element with himself he took it from the tauk aud left It us free to follow tts own devices as was (lie (giutty eat. The little fish also N>v.-»i its master. It followed him about from place to place, flopping along aft er lilin, stopping only occasionally to leap for a passing fly. One day the scientist was crossing a britlge. The carp, as usual, was at his heels, eujoy iliK the pleasant air of the couutrysldo and uttering from time to time a little sound expressive of delight and con tentment. % Vtx>ut the middle of the bridgo h fat housefly was sunning It on the rail. The carp spied the tty and Juini«cd for It, hut miscalculat ing the distance weut orer the rail into the river and was drowned. Great ICound \\Vrtd. I.imif iiMire. Language Is the subtlest Instrument ever played on by man. Its variations are illimitable that is, they are limit ed only by the powers of the human mind aud soul In all possible situations. The |>ower of words or speech exceeds thai of music because language Is more than music and oven Includes music, l.auguage in the hands of a master is prc»nni\t with every meaning. ,\ nation's language is at once an ex pression and a mold of Its character, reflecting from century to century the development of Its civilisation and Its advance in intellectual and moral cul ture, in lf,it-ftliiK and refinement. The tle.\(!'K> tireek tongue was the product and the Instrument of the subtle Greek Intellect. The distinctive qualities of the classic speech of the Koman de clare the dignity and the virile energy which were inseparable from the old Koman. I'ni'tland Oregonlan, Scattered VIM Much. "It always pays to be conservative," said the careful mail. "Now, I recall the i. i' of the man from Ilyersvllle, Oyer county, Tenn. "'I can Hck any man iu Oyersvllle,' bo announced one day In the main street of that village. "There \vi , no response. 'I en 11 lick 1 ay nciii iu l>yer county," lie then pro elala. d. •ft.il there was no reply to the elinl l i .ien-il by the success of lit* i.iil - . tm,» imiii shouted. 'I can lick a:.y .ill In 'leutiessee!' ".',l f . ' a long, lank mountaineer |»ic|i"! • (1 1111 coat and \vl|s-d up the Mr with t' • boaster. •il e • 1 : • 11.' said the braggart, as lr !i I >■'( his clothes, 'the trouble Willi ... . that I scatter too durn min i;;' " I \lt at: ted Srnln fella. N" >r e >elnllsln any that 11 great •• the direct results of ) n cells. When you find oi. ' If i>< < ;iig morose ami despond t'UI. when >Oll arc conscious tliut the No. 18. zest of life is evaporating, that you ara losim; the of your former keen In ter -t in things generally and that your life is becoming a bore, yon may be pretty sure that you need more sleep; that you need country or out- exercise. If you get these, yoa will tiiul that all the old enthusiasm will return. A few days of exercise In the country rambling over the hills and 11 ,i!ow will erase the dark pictures v. I : eh haunt you and will restore buoy ancy to your animal spirits.— Success. Uettimr Into a M(« Bnoy. The average person in danger of dr..wtiing usually attempts to lift a life buoy over his head, with the result that IK* IS imiuedlatoly plunged deeper into the water. A good swimmer can do this with a sudden upward Jerk, but with the nonswimmer it la almost an Impossible feat. . What he should do when he has seised the buoy is lo place both hands, palms downward, on the booy on the part nearest the liody, pressing It ilownwanl and slightly away, when tha farther part of the buoy will rise out of the water and aetunlly fall over the head. The arms can then be pat " through easily, "and there you are." lliKtory In Six Words, War. 4, • Poverty. /£ Peace. ' Prosperity. Pride. , War.— Wall Street Journal. Alnaya Iu Demand. "I think gossip is never entirely use less." "You really think so?" "Yes: It can always be used to satisfy other people's curiosity." Brooklyn Life. Ilardly a* She Meant It. Monument Man—What shall I put on your husband's tombstone, madam? Distracted Widow—Oh, say that ha Whs my husband and that he is happy) law.—Life. Those who pursue hnpplneaa are far- Innate to catch up with content REFLECTION'S. A wife often permits her affection to bi.nd her reason. Regard for petty things often will dwarf a man's ambition. A woman's love can become annoy ing as well as burdensome. Marriage based on honest affection will withstand the ravages of time. When a woman gives way to anger, she begs her own pardon with tears. Many women find happiness only, when attending to the affairs of others. Confidence is not easily gained where exaggerated love of self ia found to exist. To decldo between love and duty baa caused hours of worry to men as well as to women. The man with a vice wonders why so many persons think It their duty to make public the fact Man often shows the bard aide of his disposition to mark more strongly the generous shades.— Philadelphia Bulle tin. Lunlolatry In China. In China the practice of luniolatry exists at the present day and is of very early origin. The chief festival, that of Yueplng, or moon cakes, is held dur ing the eighth month of the Chlneao year. Persons make cakes of various sizes iu the shape of the moon and paint different figures upon them. Friends and relatives pay visits to one another, give entertainments and pre sent their cakes after making protes tations and pouring out oblationa to the moon. It is very remarkable that a verse of one of the Jewish prophets should be explained by this Chinese custom. "The children gather wood," said tho seer, "and tho fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough to make cakes to the queen of heaven." Old Enemies. It is told of a Confederate veteran who fought In the Spanish war that in moments of excitement he thought ho was fighting the Yankees. A biogra phy cf Klnglake, the historian, contains a similar story of Lord Raglan, a vet eran of the Napoleonic wars. In 1854 Raglan went to the Crimea. Two French officers were attached to his headquarters. Several times the staff was embar rassed and amused at Lord Raglan's habit, due to old peninsular associa tions, of calling the enemy "the French" In the presence of the foreign guests. Hound to Uet There. "Don't you think," said the geuerouß minded man, "that you would feel more kindly toward your political rival If you could imagine yourself inblsplace?" "My dear sir," answered the energet ic man, "niero imagination won't do. I'm going to put myself In his place if It can possibly be managed. Ho lias one of the best places in tho govern ment service."—Washington Star. •'Three Sheet* in ll»e Wind." "What was the origin of the phrase for drunkenness, 'three sheets In the wind?'" a landsman asked a sailor the Other day. "Well," said the sailor, "I'll explain that matter to you. The two lower corners of a ship's sail art* held tuiit by two ropes, one called a tack and another called a sheet. The tack Is always kept very tight, but the sheet Is loosened according to the wind, and the looser the sheet Is the more freely the sail swings. If the sail Is quite free, Its sheet Is said to be 'ln the wind.' Now, suppose that all three of a ship's sails were quite free. They would then lly about very crazlly, and the ship would wabble. The course of the ship would be a zigzag one, and the reason for this would be that she had •three sheets In the wind.' That, I guess, Is why a man, when he zigzag* In bis course, is said to be 'three slieeta iu the wind' also." I'hiludclphla Rec ord. An Irlfth Dvicl. The annals of the Emerald Isle bris tle wilh incidents of dueling in which Irish humor, if not at all times Irish bravery. Is conspicuous. On one oc casion Sir Jonah Harrington fought a duel with a barrister nauied McNally. The latter had one leg shorter than the other and because It was Ills habit when in a hurry to take two thumping steps with the short leg to hrliiK lip the space made by the long one he was nicknamed "One Pound Two." McNal ly could get no 0110 of his bar to fight Idm, and so he challenged Harrington, who itood naturedly exchanged shots in the Pha-nlx park. The baronet hit Ids opponent In the braces, then called the "gallows," and feared he had killed him. When the result was made known, one of the seconds shouted, "Mac, you are the only rogue 1 ever knew who was saved bf the gallows."