Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 23, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. XXXX.
Xy3lcyy3HJ|iJry3lC3iC3KJt''.* |H|HH a <*r~
[Cottage Hillj
1 Extension of South Main street, Butler's f
principal thorofare, through this property. |
Overlooking Butler's busy business center. |
Kaleidoscope \iew of Greater Butler.
Most desirable home-site in Butler county. |
Buy before the big improvement comes, |
and double your money.
This is not idle talk; the improvements j
now being made will double values in this f
section within six months.
For information call at our office, 116 E. |
| Diamond.
I Cottage Hill Land Co |
W >£-o-»n Including ail correct ideas for Men,
Women, Boys, Youths, Misses and rj
WA Children's wear. Over five hundred
(JML W styles —no possible want but what 4
we can meet to your taste. 0
kl js Boots, Oxfords, Slippers for £
VA 3 every and any service or occasion.
WA ftfl nn ' p SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00, i
[d VML men S $2.50, $3.00 and up >2
tj Women's I! : S0 s 1 $1: 4
RI [SHT $2 - 50 ' $3 AND UP TO SSOO A a
JA j "Mt&a ' pair, representing the highest %
I art in the manufacturing of A
V shoes and shown in all de-
A sirable leathers. fA
rl I Misses ' 7sc - $ 1 * 125& 15 °- kl
[i /-* •</ Children's 25c, 50c, 75c &sl. A
II j£? s. ' Boys'9oc $1,1.25, 1.50, & $2. %
CI / Don't buy a shoe until you A
\a ave inspected our Spring
L dSSES^ S ■
Opening of Spring and Summer Footwear.
Every new style is here, every B
new shape and every new leather. ■
In Ladies' fine shoes we are show
ing many handsome styles in fine
Patent-kid, Dull-kid and fine Dongola
shoes, latest style toe, with low,
medium or extra high heels. Girls'
shoes same styles as the Ladies
shoes with spring or half heels.
Men's fine shoes in Patent Colt
Skin, Velour, Box Calf and Cadet
kid, Lace or Blucher cut, very hand
some styles, prices $2.00 to $5.00.
A large stock of Boys' fine shoes
in all the new styles.
A Growing Demand for Oxfords.
These beauuful days start the sale of Oxfords, and every
thing points to a good Oxford season.
Ladies and Gents will find us splendidly equipped in this line.
All the latest lasts in Lace, Bluchers and Button. One, two,
three and four strap slippers, 75c to $3.50.
Complete stock of Gokey's hand made plain toe and box-toe
A large stock J Men's and Boys' good solid .working shoes,
85c to $2.50. Repairing neatly and promptly done.
128 South Main St., LUTLEK, PA.
JK jj| Spring & Summer Weights
''"A I j\ //** tli B ave * nattiness about thein that
rf fJ U iWw /1 W niark the wtarer, it won't do to
yj |\ Ley (-jfl B\ wear the last year's output. You
I ■* q V &S-J yj,-; won't the latest things at the
r/ ]i~/ IS stock clothiers either. The up-to
Y Jl\>\ L 2 Jli r \ '' ate al ' or °nly tan supply them,
I jV% I /lift (J If you want not only the latest
II (IV I things in cut and fit and work-
I 111 iiuiiHhip, the finest in durability,
111 I jit vliere else can you get combina
yjr 1 | hi I • ions, you get thrni at
G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor,
24 North Malm Street All Work Guaranteed Butler, Pa
F. W Devoe Ready Mixed Paints—All Colors
Patterson Bros'
2HH N. Main Bt. Phone 400. Wick Bnildinic.
Oreatewt Kidney and Liver Remedy. Positive cure for Sick
f( Headache, Honr Btotnach, LOHH of Appetite, CoDHtipstion
tr TP| Rheumatism, Blood Purifier.
jVJ?Vy. For Sale by all PrnKKi"tH, or by mail, 26c, 50c, and SI.OO
In all iu stages.
Ely's Cream BalmV'M'
cleanses, soothes and heals
the d aeased membrane.
It circa catarrh and drives
away a coid in the head
Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils,spread*
over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is im
mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—does
not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug
gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street, New York
Dizzy ?
Appetite poor? Bowels con
stipated ? It's your liver!
Ayer's Pills are liver pills.
—..11. —i
I Want your moustache or beard a
beautiful brown or rich black? Use
Buckingham's Dye
50cts.cf dr Jggp-.fjcr R. P Ha &Co . NtthuJ N. H
M Johnston's M
Beef, Iron and Wine
VA Blood Purifier. £ j
SI Price, 50c pint. F
Ll Prepared ami "A
W A sold only at k v
[l . r]
7 4 Johnston s H
W Crystal fj
j Pharmacy, H
It. M. LOUAN, Ph. O , Lj
W Manager, a
1 100 N. Main St., Hutlor, Pa
V Both 'Phones vj
Everything in the W
drug line. VA
Do You Buy Medicines?
Certainly You Do.
Then you want the best for the
least money. That is our motto.
Come and see us when i.i need of
anything in the Drug Line and
we are sure you will call again.
We carry a full line of Drugs,
Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc.
Purvis' Pharmacy
s. a. Prims, Pll, G
Both Phones.
213 8. Main St. Butler PH.
. y _ . ;,
/> : i > ■') W, '•
Let us give you a figure on
the Plumbing and Gas Fitting
of your home.
881 S. Main St., Both Phone*
|C. F. T. Pape j
' or- r
\ 121 E. Jefferson Street. /
f GOING 10 !
o 2
0 T.y CAS TA. H TtEAJV %
1 $
Cupjright, I'jO.?, by T. C. McClurc ♦
Aunt Sarah Bcbee, after whose fa
tli r Bebee's Corners had been named,
was a widow past fifty the day a
sporty looking man drove up to her
farmhouse in a fancy rig and wanted
to arrange with her to cover the front
of her barn with circus pictures.
"Why, bless your heart, I never went
to a circus in all my life!" she ex
claimed in reply.
"But you are not too old to begin,"
he suggested. "Let me put tlie pic
tures up, and I'll leave you ten tickets
of admission. You can go and take all
your friends."
"Land o' massy, but you don't know
Bebee's Corners! Everybody around
here is a Methodist or Baptist or l'res
byterian—everybody but me—and they
won't even attend camp meeting if
kniorade is to be sold 011 the grounds.
1 don't exactly know what my religion
i 3, but if I went to a circus nobody
would ever speak to me again."
The circus man wanted his bills on
that barn, and he argued and reasoned
for half an hour. He saw that Aunt
Sarah was an independent character
and that if lie could get her started
she'd be ready to defy public opinion.
The result was that she finally said:
"Well, go ahead with your pictures.
I never saw an elephant or lion or tiger
in my life, and I'll go and see the
menagerie part anyhow. There 'll be
an awful row around here, and folks
will think that Satan has got hold of
me, but I'll have to stand it."
The pictures were hardly up when
Deacon Danforth happened along the
highway and saw them. He turned
pale and trembled. Not in twenty years
before had a barn on the Bed Mill road
been thus defiled. When be had recov
ered a little from the shock, he walked
to the house and confronted the wid
ow. For the first fifteen minutes the
conversation was devoted to Satan,
hades. Lot's wife, Judas Iscariot and
other interesting subjects. But it grad
ually tapered off to hyenas, boa con
strictors and alligators, and the deacon
was almost smiling when he left the
Next day Deacon Bidwell saw those
pictures as he sat in his buggy behind
his old white horse. The horse saw
them before he did and stopped so sud
denly that the deacon was pitched
against the dashboard. For a long
minute the good old man thought his
eyes deceived hint, but the true state
of affairs finally dawned upon him,
and In? groaned and sighed and drove
uj) to the widow's gate.
"Widder Bebee, have you sold your
llvin* soul to Satan?" was his greeting,
and then the fur flew. It was nearly
an hour before he left the house, but
110 wasn't sighing and groaning 11s he
went. On the contrary, he looked rath
er cheerful, and he called back from
the gate:
"Yes; I s'pose there 'll be camels
there witli two humps, mebbe with
three, and they'll be wuth lookin' at."
There was one more deacon In the
neighborhood. Deacon Burton. He was
driving to town to get a pitchfork
mended and was humming the air of
"I Want to Be nn Angel" when the
colored jiostsrs suddenly confronted
him. There were short skirted, long
legged damsels poised on barebacked
horses or jumping through paper cov
ered hoops. He stood and gazed and
felt cold chills go up his back. He
drove on to the farmhouse, half ex
pecting to find the Widow Bebee try
ing to turn handsprings over a kitchen
"I wouldn't 'a' believed it, widder—l
wouldn't 'a' believed it!" he began as
he entered the house. "It's the awfulest
thing I ever heard of, and you know
I've bin in Chicago twice and seen
some awful tilings."
The widow had a reply ready. It be
gan with hyenas and worked up to ele
phants, taking in lions, tigers, grizzly
bears and sea lions as It rose upward.
She talked so earnestly and well that
when Deacon Burton was ready to go
lie reluctantly admitted:
"No, I don't 'spose it's any more
harm-to look at a Hon than to look at a
woodchuck if you don't git mad and
rip and swear over It."
There were others besides tho dea
cons. There was old Mrs. Gaynor, for
instance. Sho wasn't exactly a zealot,
but she never took a dozen eggs to
market without asking Heaven to bless
them and make the price 1-1 cents a
dozen. She wasn't a bigot, but she
contended that her own brand of re
ligion was tho only one to be saved
by. She wasn't narrow minded, but
when she heard of those circus posters
she went down to see Aunt Sarah and
to say;
"I've just stepped in a mlnlt to say
that If you go to that circus I can't
never let you enter my doors ag'ln."
Aunt Sarah started In to argue, but
old Mrs. Gaynor was 011 her guard
against the wiles of Satan and
wouldn't wait for further talk.
Tho (lay of the circus arrived, and
tho widow drove Into Medina to at
tend it. For some reason not to be ex
plained a dozen farmers around her
had business in town that day ami
made an early start some of them be
fore daylight. Some of them also lin
gered and drove homo after dark.
It was all over the neighborhood that
Aunt Surah defied public opinion, and
It was old Mrs. Gaynor who deter
mined to bring her to book. Sho went
about It In malevolence. Sho got up
what sho called a quilting bee and
asked th« three deacons and their
wives and three or four others, and at
a proper hour Aunt Sarah was sent for
to be crushed, Sho arrived, and when
ual: I If she had anything 10 say sho
very calmly lepliej
"I didn'i intend to POO nuthln' but tho
animal; . 1 ut v. hen 1 rot In there Satan
beckomd tne Into the circus tent, anil I
wonf. 'I lie Jok'ea of tlie clown tickled
me almost to death. That's all I've got
to say."
"Deacon Danfortli, what do you think
of such conductV" asked Mrs. Gaynor
lis sho folded her arms and rolled up
her eyes.
"Nuthln*, 'eept that I sat Jest behind
Aunt Sarah and was tickled, too!" lie
replied. .
"And you, Deacon Bidwell?"
"Waal, the bosses was wonderfully
trained wonderfully. I can't skarse
ly make out how they do It."
"And you, Deacon Burton? You ain't
goln' to tell me you was there too!"
"I Kot kind of tlrcil lookin' at the two
hump camels, and as one ticket ad
mitted to all I went Into the circus
part," admitted the deacon.
"And where did you all git tickets?"
demanded the accuser as 11 sudden
thought Hashed across her mind.
"Aunt Sarah gave us deadheads!"
answered the three deacons In chorus.
"And left me out, when she knew I
was Jest dyln' to see the whole thing!
Well, now, you can all go home with-
out any supper, and if I ever speak to
one of you a ;'in I hope to fall dead
on my own d> ■ u step!"
lfißrher Education.
Those who plead tlie < .!•,!<<• of Latin
and <ireo*» in Mtr higher education
should romeiub-r that 'S were
fii*t founded In the early middle «.ires
to toacli tlie classics to proa»>ectiv»'
priests, for use in reading rituals,
(.reek in the east and Latin in the west,
at a time when these lawruaKes were
obsolescent in speech and yet contain
ed all the literature, philosophy, poetry
and such science as the world of Eu
rope knew, and the modern tonjrues.
just coming into use in Europe, north
and south, had in them neither litera
ture nor ether elements of learning.
Colleges so begun became the fashion.
Every college man was a classical man,
and naturally then, as now, a man
would feel that his own college culture
was the right one. It soon became a
common saying that the only educa
tion worthy of the name was CJreek
and Latin. But now modern languages
are very rich in every form of litera
ture and learning, everything from the
classics has been often emptied into
them by better masters than the aver
age student can fairly hope to be, los
ing some and also gaining some in the
translation from languages which few
scholars even ever learn to read and
to enjoy, while a wealth of scientific
knowledge of tlie boundless world,
which to know is the real learning, has
sprung up in many modern tongues.—
Worcester Gazette.
Surprising tlie Doctor.
Scottisli shrewdness is occasionally
overmatched by Irish wit. The hand
ful of people who inhabit a certain
little island in the Atlantic, off the
coast of Donegal, enjoy so much health
and so little wealth that there is no
doctor on the spot. In rare cases of
emergency a physician is brought in a
boat from tlie nearest village on the
On one oceasiou some islanders who
were obliged to summon the doctor
found that he had gone to I'ublin on
business. As the case was urgent, they
invoked the services of another prac
titioner. This gentleman was a Scots
man, with th-' proverbial canniness of
his race, and he declined to undertake
the voyage unless he received his fee,
a golden sovereign, in advance.
There was no help for it. and the
money was paid. The physician went
to the island and attended to the case.
But when lie inquired for a boat to
take him away he found that not a
boatman on the island would ferry
him back again for any less considera
tion than £2, paid in advance.
Tlie doctor had to part with the mon
ey and to admit that he had been beat
en at his own game.
"DloffcneN the Wlie."
With all liis faults, the old philoso
pher of Athens was often called Diojf
enes the Wise. Whether his wisdom
was really so great ns to deserve that
title may be doubted, but his worst
faults seem to have been good quali
ties carried to excess. In opposing too
much luxury he cut himself off from
the comforts of life; In his eagerness
to make life simple he lost sight of its
gentilities; he was saving at the ex
pense of neatness, truthful at the cost
of courtesy and plain spoken even to
rudeness, fine would say that he was
coarse grained by nature, but he show
ed signs of tenderness and even refine
ment, which proved that tlie urain was
not entirely coarse and which makes us
wonder at an age that could produce
two men so wise and yet so different as
Diogenes, tlie rude, "walking philoso
pher" of his time, and Plato, the pol
ished and aristocratic gentleman.—St.
(>ot In III* Wliole Name.
A Genoa paper tells this delightful
story at America's expense: When the
Duke of Veragna, the descendant of
Christopher Columbus, visited Chicago,
he Inquired at a telegraph olllcc the
charge for a telegram to the city of
Columbus of ten words. "Fifteen
cents," answered the official, "not in
cluding the signature, which Is wired
free." Whereupon the duke wired:
"Mayor, Columbus: Shall visit your
city next Monday or Tuesday." And
he signed It: 'Cristobal Colon de Tole
do y J.nv ••• • t -gui de lit Cerda Ramirez
de Bai.i. itancy Gante Almlrante y
Adelantado Mayor de las Judlas, Mar
ques de Jamaica, Duque de Yeragua y
Je la Vega, G:-ande de Espana, Senator
lei Itelue, Caballero de la lnslgne or-
Jen del Tolson d'Oro, Gran Cruz de la
Concepclon de Villavlclosa, Gentll
tiombre de Camarra del ltey do Es
The Floor* Arc the Coialrn nnd
SqunttlnK I'lHcca of Buyer*.
To start a Japanese shop Is the sim
plest thing In the world. You take tho
front off your house and arrange your
worldly possessions 011 the floor.
Japanese floors are raised off the
street, though nothliig Is raised off
them. The transient customer sits on
the edge of the floor sidesaddle. A
real shopper who means to do tho
thing properly climbs up on the floor,
which Is also tho counter, and squats
on his heels.
Real Japaneso shops have no doors
or windows or counters. Shop windows
In England do not leave much wall lu
the frontage, but even an English shop
window does not take tho whole front
of the house.
The Japanese have not many regular
shops. There uro very few streets of
shops even In Tokyo, which Is as large
as Berlin. Foreigners never buy any
thing but curios. If they are fools,
they deal with shops kept by Euro
peans; If they want bargains, they deal
with Chinamen.
There are many Chinese shops iu
treaty ports. The Chinaman Is cheaper
and more reliable than the Japanese.
European shopkeepers do not set up In
Japan for philanthropic reasons. Jap
anese shopkeepers are the lowest class
of population except tho outcasts.
Servants agd laborers take precedence
of them lu society, and precedence Is
the hobby of tho Japanese.
You have a different bow and a dif
ferent salutation for a man who Is be
low you or your equal, and several for
tho people above you. You have even
a different language for each, and Jap
anese writing wriggles like carving on
their temples.—London Standard.
Didn't llfither llltu.
A German clergyman who was trav
eling stopped at a hotel much frequent
ed by wags and jokers. Tho host, not
being used to having a clergyman at
his table, looked at him with surprise.
The quests used all their raillery of
wit upon lilrn without eliciting a re
mark. The clergyman ate his dinner
quietly, apparently without observing
tin' gibes and sneers of his neighbors.
One of tliem. al last, lu despair at hi*
forbearalice, said to him: "Well, 1 won
der at your patience. Have you not
heard nil that has been said to you?"
"(111, jes; but I am used to It. Do yotl
know who I 11111?" "No. sir." "Well, I
will Inform you. I am chaplain of a
lima' e 11 yit: 111 Such remarks have
110 ciT 'cl upon inc."
J. 23 y C. nc* 11. 'He a idle A
V ' 07<M [:! 1, I by T. C. .'/I '.'iui c T
i:v< r s.iuce they 1 ad comi- to iVrki'.is
ville I>e Pev ier and his mother h;id
failed to adjust their respective stand
points to a liidtual harmony.
To begin with, it was spring. With
liie delicious odor of resinous smoke
from the boughs that had banked the
house assailing one's nostrils, who
could resist joining the dancing sil
houettes th;:t circled the bonfire and
daring one's fate by leaping across it
in swaggering competition as the
flames died down?
But she drew lurid pictures of his
certain fate if he should repeat the of
fense. Blind defiance rose insurgent
within him—he would go! And then
all </f a sudden he remembered what
hi.', father said and hung his head to
think how those grave, kind eyes of
bis would look at him now.
"Take good care of mamma," he had
said at the last. "You must be her big
brother and never let her worry about
you, she's so little and delicate." And
then he had whispered over two or
three tlme3, "My pretty little wife—my
dear little girl!"
And I)e IVyster had tried with all
his might to remember. But often it
did seem as if it would have been a
little easier if she could have under
stood that one was disgraced if one
did not keep neck and neck with "the
other fellow*" in every prank they
There was a long and weary period
of dooryard discipline after this epi
sode. There were a good many times
when De IVyster had to clinch his
fists as tight as he could and remem
ber his father very hard.
By and by June came, quivering with
gold green sunlight, perfumed with a
universal blossoming and pungent with
the Joy of living. At this time every
true boy thrills with the half realized
rapture of it all and finds the fullest
expression of his ecstasy iu going
Every bright morning In some part
of the towr. there was sure to be a
group of boys toeing a line, their necks
bobbing eagerly forward and their bod
ies giving anticipatory jerks and
twitches as they waited for the word.
When the leader said "Go!" they dart
ed forth, and there was a kaleidoscop
ic and dissolving view of legs racing
madly down a side street that led to
the river. Then collars came off, coats
followed, as they ran with undimin
ished speed, the fellow who was far
thest ahead sometimes slowing up with
magnificent daring to get off his shoes
and stockings while the others were
still hampered by shirts and trousers,
and by the time they tumbled in head
long competition over the bank the
nimblest carried their entire wardrobe
011 their arms and flashed whitely into
the water while (lie luggers fumbled
at their shoe lacings. The unfortunate
who popped into the river, flushed and
panting, after all the rest were in was
greeted with taunting cries of: "Lub
ber last! Lubber last!"
De Peyster had never been told not
to go In swimming. It had not occur
red to his mother as among the list of
his possible perils, as she was in bliss
ful ignorance of the fact that "the oth
er fellows" did it.
So it was with the thrilling exult
ance of tlie Greek runner that lie set
his toe on the line with the rest and
hurled himself forward, head up and
elbows In.
The first few rods It felt like flying.
His feet scarcely seemed to touch tlie
ground. Then a pair of legs flashed by
him, and another and another. lie
gathered his strength and shot for
ward again, but another pair of legs
went by, and another and another.
They were tearing off their coats;
they were stripping off their shirts.
He felt at his collar, wrenched it off
and flung it away, to have both hands
free for his coat and shirt. They were
almost at the bank now. He could see
Micky Daly's white skin dazzle In the
sun as he took 11 splendid dive ahead
of the rest. His own feet were grow
ing heavy, and there was a mist be
fore bis eyes. The knot In his shoe
lacing would not come untied. A sav
age rage filled him. If he could have
cut off ids foot to rid himself of tlie
hampering shoe, he would scarcely
have hesitated. You were ruled out if
you went Into the water with anything
left 011. As he struggled and per
spired and agonized the two or three
whom he had distanced leaped past
htm, and as he shook the shoe off at
last and made his dive he heard the
air ringing with, "Lubber last! Lub
ber last!" anil slowly realized that tt
was meant for him.
He tried manfully two or three other
days, but It was always the same way.
ills muscles were flabby from the door
jard discipline, and he could not pick
up In a few weeks what the others had
acquired through Joyous years of sum
mer vagabondage.
He took It quietly and good natureil
ly, lint It went deep.
His mother found out the custom
shortly and forbade him to go near the
As for De Peyster himself, the numb
ness of despair settled upon him. Now
he could never learn to redeem him
self. to have some day perhaps the In
effable Joy of being the first In, ahead
nf Jimmy Spratt, ahead of Micky Daly,
ahead of everybody. His career was
ended before It had begun.
"But I got to not let her worry,"
was the rueful conclusion he aiwnys
reached. And then he breathed hard
and winked fast.
Jimmy was his constant friend and
brought him alleviating messages from
tiuie to time, such as that the other
fellers all said he had 1 >t« < f tnd and
could do as well as the next f' rif he
had luilf a chance.
When even these encouraging re
marks ecus' (I 111 comfort, he L ive him
his own horned toad us a la t desper
ate resort. The effect was wonderfully
elllcaelous. but train-11« ry.
"I'd ntighicr been 11 girl," said De
Peyster iiiniiy times t:i him: If, "but I
wish she ill n'l wniil to make bcliexe I
11111 one when I ain't."
Tills was the I.earesl to » reproach
that lie nllowi d his loyal little b ait to
entertain, but 1 batli-'l. uiiililldllke
look grew to liU eyes as lie watched
his mates go off with nit blni day after
Iu July a light cpld nile of scarlet
fever prevailed Th oldest Inhabit
ants called It 'walking scarlatina," the
Illness \\ as . ■ > I
Mrs. Van Vo rt kept De Peyster 111
the house.
One day De Peyiter caught It.
He IT)-. r> ed it rath :- In the nature
of a I' si a I (.eeurreiic • 1 ban 1.; lerwlse,
for all the i ys wli > had h > I i: <: me
i'p to s -e l.i'u. and, although they were
not allo'.Vvii ,0 sland lung. II eh ereil
him an. I.v <o hear what th j were
doing, f 1 he had constantly tin' hope
that tin • is w ill .i;,hls they told of
one after another would not tie oil the
forbidden list when he was out again.
But after awhile he did not seem to
care whether they came or not and
one day when told that Micky Daly
waited bulow said languidly. "I gut ss
I d-.m't care about seeing him Just now
—l'm sorter tired—but icli him it 'll be
bully to have him come tomorrow."
But when tomorrow came no one
was admitted, for he was tossing aliout
tn a weakening struggle with some
thing he did not understand that
tho.se who watched by him realized
only too well.
He heard a voice as if from vex-y far
"You'd better tell him, doctor," it
said. "I can't stand it to see him fight
for his life like a little Trojan when it
isn't any use."
Tho voice broke and then went on:
"He's a brave little chap, brave
enough to face anything, and it isn't
treating Uim squ-ire not to let him 6ay
De Peystt r opened liis eyes. The doc
tor was : tain.ing over him.
"You don't have to tell me," said
Do IVyster, for lie dimly saw that the
o!J doctor's lips wore quivering. "I
I guess—l know."
He felt for bis mother's hand.
"I'd like to hear you sing just once
first, mamsie," he said.
"There's a bully song one of the fel
lers taught me, 'One Wide River:' I've
liked it specially much since—since it
worried you to have me go in swim
His mother sobbed out a few lines,
faltered and stopped.
A look of patient disappointment
came over his face.
"Never mind, mamsie, you needn't,"
be gasped. "I'm going to see it. you
know, so it doesn't matter. Won't the
cool water feel good, though! And
don't you worry, mamsie. Who's
afraid? Father 'll find uie!"
He lay quite still a moment; then tie
"I would 'a' liked to try one more run
with the fellers—Micky Daly was most
always ahead—he's a peach sprinter.
You tell him and Jimmy and the other
fellers about—about me and the wide
river. Tell 'em this time I—l ain't
lubber last!"
And lie slipped away to find that un
known river, tlie bravest of little pio
What Wearied Him.
A friend once asked an aged man
what caused him to complain so often
at eventide of pain and weariness.
"Alas," replied he, "I have every day
so much to do. I have two falcons to
tame, two hares to keep from running
away, two hawks to manage, a ser
pent to confine, a linn to chain and a
sick man to tend and wait upon."
"Well, well," commented his friend,
"you are busy Indeed! But I didn't
know that you had anything to do with
a menagerie. How, then, do you make
that out?"
"Why," continued the old man, "lis
ten. Two falcons are my eyes, which
I must guard diligently; the two hares
are my feet, which I must keep from
walking in the ways of sin; the two
liawks are my hands, which I must
train to work, that I may provide for
myself and those dependent 011 me as
well as for a needy friend occasionally;
the serpent is my tongue, which I must
keep ever bridled lost it speak unseem
ly; the Hon is my heart, with which I
have a continual fight lost evil things
come out of it, and the sick man is my
whole body, which Is always needing
my watchfulness and care. All this
daily wears out my strength."
Iti Perfect Accord.
Somo years ago there came to an
American city a delightful German,
Herr von Blitz, who Intended to sup
port himself by giving lessons In his
Satlve tongue. When he had been here
several months and had secured a mod
erate number of pupils, lie went one
day to the mother of one of them and
to her great surprise asked for her
daughter's hand in marriage.
"But, my dear sir," said she, "my
daughter has 110 fortune."
The suitor smiled upon her in an ex
pansive generosity.
"Me, too!" said he reassuringly.
"And, although we are not rich, we
have thus far been able to give her
every comfort. She Is indeed used to
"Mo, too!" was the smiling rejoinder.
"But, Herr von Blitz, she will never
be able to manage affairs."
"Me, too!" rejoiced the lover.
"And I feel obliged to tell you that
m.v daughter has a very high temper."
"Me too! Me too!"
That was enough. The mother re
tired from the contest, and the profess
or won his suit. Youth's Companion.
Hot# Conducive to Drearlneoa Thnn
to Miortciiiuu Life.
There is far more evidence for the be
lief in the dreariness of old age after
active work has been laid aside than
for the shortening of life which results
from tlie enforced Inactivity. Two not
able Instances and perhaps freer from
doubt than most as to whether It Is en
nui alone that kills and not the disease
of old age or a more specific malady
ure those of Napoleon the Great and
Bismarck. The one lived six years In
St. Helena, the other eight years at
Frlodrlchsruh, each "eating out his
heart." If ever there were men who
ought on the supposition to have been
killed by the total suspension of their
activities, these two ought to have
been, but It would be extremely diffi
cult to show that they were. Though
Napoleon was no more than fifty-three,
yet It was the specific disease of cancer
of tlie stomach of which bo died, and
tho connection between his exiled lone
liness and the direct cause of his death
does not seem very apparent. On the
other hand, Bismarck at the ago of
seventy-five, when lie was dismissed
from the chancellorship, could not have
had a likelihood of more prolonged
years than ho actually achieved out of
office even If he had continued 111 olllee
until tho end. A wise man If not too
dyspeptic will never lose touch with
actual life. There are old men with
young hearts, and the elder when ho
has a young heart Is perhaps the most
delightful typo humanity can show us.
—Saturday Review.
nelnted Klndneaa.
Mr. Smith (In street car)— Madam,
take my seat.
Mrs. Jones (who hus been standing
fifteen minutes)—No, thanks. I got off
at tho next corner.
Mr. Smith -That's all rl.'it. So do I.
—Chicago Journal.
No Vac nt All.
110 (who has offended her)— Won't
yoti look up at mo?
She— if I did, you'd kiss mo again.
IIo—No; honest, 1 won't.
Sho—Then what's tho use?— Life.
A Itcmlnder.
Dearborn—What liavo you got that
string tied about your finger for?
Wabash—Oh, I'vo been getting mar
ried. and my wife doesn't want mo to
forgot It.—Boston Herald.
Hypocrisy becomes a necessity for
thonu who llvu scuudaiously.—DoFluod.
A ltoti«l> Mone> Crop For it llri^ht,
I n*! umt rlo an lloy.
While many gardeners gro tomato
plants to soil, but few pay special at
tention to growing them extra early.
There is usually a chance for some
bright, industrious fanner l>oy near
towns or cities to earn money for him
self along this line, advises an Indiana
writer in Itural New Yorker. I have
found that there is always a class of
persons willing to pay an extra price
for plants that have l>eon carefully
grown and will produce extra early as
well as an abundance of tine fruit.
In growing the plants it will be nec
essary to cover the hotbeds with glass.
Cloth coverings will not answer this
purpose. The seed is sown about eight
weeks before the plants are to be set
In the open ground. After the plants
have made several leaves they are
transplanted two inches apart into hot
bed®. 11l two or three weeks part of
these plants are transplanted again.
Tl:-\v are carefully taken up one at a
time and reset somewhat deeper than
they were before and about four Inches
apart. Each time they are transplant
ed they are well watered and shaded.
When the weather becomes warm, it
is best to put canvas over the plants
Instead of sash. The warm days the
last of April may make the plants
grow too rapidly. The aim Is to pro
duce stocky plants with a large root
About the first week in May there is
usually a call in this locality for early
tomato plants. Arrangements are made
with one or two grocers in the nearest
t iwns to handle the plants on commis
sion. The plants are taken up with all
the roots possible. The plant bed is
thinned out by removing the largest
from the different rows. The plants
are placed in shallow lioxes holding
from two to three dozen, according to
size of plants. After the box is full
it Is filled with soil pressed in around
the tomato plants. These boxes are
made during the winter months from
tomato cases by renailing the top and
bottom and sawing the box into two
halves, thus forming two shallow
I usually have three grades or sizes
of plants. The first size, as shown in
the figure, consists of good sized stocky
plants, grown from selected seed, and,
having been transplanted twice, have
a good root growth. These plants are
sold at 25 and 30 cents per dozen. The
second grade plants are much smaller,
transplanted but once, and are sold at
15 cents j>er dozen. The third size are
taken up from the seed bed. They
have not been transplanted and have
but few roots. I have often put fif
teen dozen of these plants in the same
sized box that was used for three
dozen of the first size. These plants
bring 8 l-:i cents per dozen. It is best
always to have the different sized
plants so as to suif any one who may
wish to buy. By having the smaller
size the larger ones are shown to ad
vantage, and more sales are made.
The Mh ii Wlio Knom lion*.
Is it not strange that in every county
and in almost every precinct that you
may visit there Is at least one farmer
known as a corn grower? lie rarely or
never falls. The dry and the wet sea
sons couie and go, but lie "makes corn"
and "sells torn." So In every county
there is found the man "who grows his
own meat" and regardless of cholera
and bad crops keeps his smokehouse
on his own farm. This peculiar man is
sometimes a successful truck grower
or fruit raiser. He may assume one of
several forms, but we may safely call
lilni "Mr. Know How." The average
farmer often looks upon him as some
what of a conjurer, but at bottom
we find his success due to intelligent
effort. Intelligence can Insure crops in
the face of disease, chinch bug, boll
weci*], boll worm, drought yes, and
tloods too.—Farm and Itancli.
Hot n( inn of I'olutori For Ktnreli.
The following are plans of rotation
followed on two Maine farms growing
potatoes for the manufacture of alco
liol and starch:
1. Wheat. 1. Potatoes.
2. Wheat and rye. 2. Polutooa.
3. Potatoes. 3. Potatoes,
•t. Peas. 4. Potatoes.
C. ltyc. 5. Fallow.
C. Potatoes. C. Clover.
7. Parley und oats. 7. Clover.
8. Hod mid whlto and 8. Meadow.
yellow clover; tlm- !t. IJrmis.
othy. 10. Itye.
9. UniHM.
In the first Instance It will be seen
that potatoes are grown twice In nluo
years namely. In the third and sixth
years of the rotation. In the second
scheme the potatoes are grown for four
years In succession, and then for six
years other crops are grown in the or
der shown.
A tiny tinmr.
An Illinois pot hunter arrested under
the game laws of that state confessed
that quails In large quantities were
shipped out of the stale in "ofllns, ac
cording to Farm and Kanch.
Host Wlnler l.neihs For Market.
A stiliH'lu,. Rtreteiior.
Winter lambs fir market should
weigh not h -• than forty-five pound*
alive it fid be f't. I bis condition Is de
termined somewhat accurately by feel
ing the brNk'-t and the tall near the
body. A high derive of faille nIS more
Important tl an weight, as the.v sell by
the carcass rather t! an by weight. The
weight of two liailn l>;»ii ijc the same,
the j < linger one will sell higher. The
evidences of a;;e are the tleeiv and the
decree of ossification in the "bones.
Most lambi are marketed between the
att<"< of tell : lid siMeitll weeks, a few
as young n • ' t wee) The market
for them extends from I'hrlstinin to
Faster, accenting to an Ohio Farmer
correspondent, who further says:
To prepare a dro ned lamb for ship
ping, sew nl«uit each lamb a square
yard of clean, new muslin, in shown in
the cut. We have shipped la viwli.us
ways anil by both express and refrU, t
ator freight. We now phn e.ieh lamb
on a stretcher, as shown In t!.e second
figure, and tl en wrap lu burlap, which
we get of the furniture dealers. We
No. 17.
tried s 1 inpiiig in crates, but the crate#
would get crashed.
The diajrrani Is a slight modification
in firm from the stretcher shown with
: 1 nn it. The side pieces should be
at two Indies wide and a half inchl
thiel. :;d made of light, strong timber,
such as poplar, basswood or elm. The
ten inch crossplece should be one and a
l.alf inches square; A is a tenpenny
nail driven through this piece diagonal
ly. poiuting toward the short project-
In: ends of the side pieces. This is
to hold the lamb's neck in as
]( 101*
' 1 I
' F ' '( ||
' .. 12TH
I; . ■■ vTi'i
it is forced down upon it Press the
front legs down upon the neck and
hold there with a twine around the
stretcher. Loop short pieces of twine
about the hind legs above the bocks
and draw tightly, fastening at B. The
legs should be cut off below the knee
and hock.
The Dual Purpose Cott.
Professor Curtiss of lowa created
quite a sensation at the meeting of the
Illinois Live Stock Breeders' associa
tion by advocating the dual purpose
cow, saying that on the high priced
land of that state it would not pay to
keep cows for the sake of a calf a year.
There were many dissenters, among
them some of the greatest beefmakers
of the state. But we take it that Pro
fessor Curtiss had in mind the average
farmer, who must have a cow that will
do more than raise a calf, else he has
no dairy products either to use or to
sell. So far as this class Is concerned
the professor is right and Ills utter
ance is a timely warning against the
extremes in breodiug practiced today,
or rather against the desirability of
such breeding for the ordinary farmer
and stock raiser. Some cows are bred
to give milk so rich In solids that
cannot raise their calves on It. Some
are bred to give so little milk that they
can hardly raise their own calves. Both
extremes are useful In some places,
but not In the hands of the farmer. A
good but not extremely large flow of
milk, n good calf to feed for beef and
a good carcass when done producing
are not impossible in the same cow,
and they are the best combination yet
found for the general farmer, the man
who cannot keep different animals for
different purposes, but wants dairy
products and beef too.—National Stoclc
Hlk Bee Stories.
A Canadian beekeeper warns his
brethren against permitting inaccurate
reports 'of their product to be put in
circulation. A racy Item in a paper ex
aggerating the honey yield of some bee
keeper may be amusing reading, but
will create the impression that honey
Is very plentiful and ought to Ikj very
Nowm nail Notci.
It may interest goat raisers to know
that the carpet laid down In Westmin
ster abbey on the occasion of King Ed
ward's coronation was woven of mo
The Indian runner duck is making
quite a stir Just now.
Hon. F. D. Coburn of Kansas has
been appointed chief of the department
of live stock of the Louisiana Purchase
It is reported that iluriug an average
year forest fires cause a loss of sixty
human lives, >O,OOO of real prop
erty and $75,000,000 of young and ma
ture timber.
The farmer of today must handle
more money than his predecessor, ac
cording to Professor Brooks of Massa
A most Important fact hus come to be
understood within the past two years,
und that is that other great tobacco
growing countries can nlso produco
wrappers equal to those of Sumatra by,
(rowing the leaf under cover.
A Russian Banknote.
The 100 ruble note of Russia is
barred from top to bottom with all the
colors of the rainbow, blended as when
shown through a prism. In the center
in bold relief stands a large, finely ex
ecuted vignette of the Empress Cath
erine I. This is in black. Tho other
engraving Is not at all intricate or elab
orate, but Is well done in dark and
light brown aud black inks.
inttuiiuiu'rolul Mazt.
Artistic folk frequently have some
what vague notions about business.
Some of them are quite ignorant of it,
others utterly Indifferent to It and oth
ers yet hate the very name of it. One
In the last named category was Liszt,
lie had returned from a successful
tour, and Princess Meticrtilch, the wife
of the celebrated statesman aud diplo
matist, was questioning him regarding
the concerts he had been giving abroad.
"I hear." she said, "that you did good
business in Paris."
To which Liszt gave the tart reply:
"1 only played some music there. Busi
ness -that 1 leave to bankers aud di
To another lady the musical cleric
gave a still more sarcastic answer.
"Ah, Abbe," she sighed, "what a great
fortune you would make If only you
could be induced to go to America to
"Madame," returned Liszt, "if you
stood In need of that fortune, believe
me, 1 would go at once." Collier's
The Eye of (lie Fast.
Damascus, perhaps the most ancient
City In the world, claims the proud title
of "t lie Kye of the East," which the
strlkin;; beauty of its aspect from a dls
tance fully jnstilles.
Bright buildings which sparkle un
der the Syrian sun rise out of n mass
of many tinted foliage. To the north
west stretch the long, bare, snow white
ridges of Antl Lebanon, while In
charming contrast gardens, rich corn
fields and teeming orchards form a
brilliant setting on all sides.
Winding through this profuse display
of oriental beauty, the rivers Barrada
and I'liege the Almnii and Pharpar of
Scripture lose themselves far to the
east lu l.al;c P.ahr-el-MerJ. On a near
er view much of this glamour van
ishes, anil there Is abundant evidence ,
of general decay.
A similar title Is given to Athens ill J
Milton's "Paradise Regained." It Is:
Allien*, tin! eyt of Greece, mother of arts.