THE PRISONER MHio c-rapes from jail is by no means free, lie is under the ban of tbe law and punishment is written over against his name. Soon or . late he will be ( caught again and bear added punish- ■■■Elvl ment for his short ~j*" escap- from his cell. |(^E^~T* use of palliative powders and tablets escape for a time from the sufferings ■lll \ of dyspepsia are in the same condition as the escaped pris oner. Soon or late |k f they will go back to the old condition and pay an added r penalty'for tempor- i StSmf ary release. ~ l J^BH| Dr. Pierce's Gold- A. en Medical Discov- | erv cures dyspepsia and other diseases of the stomach and ~WJ organs of digestion and nutrition. Its flp cures are lasting. I Ml . " For about two years I suficied from a very obstinate case of dyspep sia," writes R. E. Secord, E*q . of 13 Eastern Ave.. Toronto. Ontario. "I tried a great num ber of remedies without success. I finally lost faith in them all. I was so far gone that I could not bear any solid food on my stomach for a long time felt melancholy and depressed. Could not sleep or follow my occupation (tinsmith). Some four months ago" a friend recommended your "Golden Medical Discovery.' After a week's treatment I had derived so much benefit that I continued the medicine. I have taken three bottles and am convinced it basin ray case ac complished a permanent cure. I can conscien tiously recommend it to the thousands of dys peptics throughout the land." Accept no substitute for " Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good " for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets stimulate the liver v Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membra Lie ai.d decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble tuan the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers. 5G Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Ba!m you aru armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. For Piles. Sample mailed free. • One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. auJ 81.00. Sold by Draiilita, or nenl prcpnld on receipt of prlec. Humphrey*' Medlrine Co., Cor. William and John Bt«., Mew York NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $6. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on rocelptof price. Humphreys' Med. Co., W'Hiam it John Sts., N. V, HOME WOKK BY MAIL. Either of the following eonrtet -I ONK HALF PRICK 1- Meclianlral Drawing, Machine Designing, Mi" Engineering, Architectural Work, €l*ll Engineering, Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Send for Finely Illustrated Catalogue—Fnn. I'KNX'A. CORRESPONDENCE SOHOOI.S, Hamilton JiWg.. 335 4th An., Pittsburg, Pa. I-OTt-ly We can turn your Old Carpets Into elegant, durable, handsome Rugs and Druggets. Only Oriental Weaver* employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SILK RAGS woven Into beautiful and Oriental-like Portiers. Our terms are so moderate—no matter the llstance—lt will pay yon to send to us. DAVID LOVE & CO., 4S2S Third Avenue, 1-03-fSin (L. D. Phone.) New Brighton, Pa. SIK'I* %V\TTEn— We v.snt liooltkceperi, i;,ii•"!; ; Jnvol'u rlerki, fthlppiiiff. bill ami re s o >.'* < ; k»; young inea to l«* irn tr.«l«**; macliln f»ta, l#l u-kttiiitlM, riveter*; vtrabottMuien for rail i ,:v I ami >.-<>r< and fifty new order*. \Vrl»e quirk, po-t',tiii;:* 1.0 v« j »-:i. Room 20t t &4"> J.ll>crty Ave i It t«t> kji, l'a. l-0;t-tim SALESMEN WANTED JUO.OO a month aud expenses. Can com mence Immediately. A permanent position with Chance of advancement. Wo can five you this county as a starting point If desired and outline new territory as fast as required. Look up our standing at your local bank s rid satisfy yourself that we are O. K. Ilnanc'al ly, and then write us at once if yon m -an business. No trlllers need apply, as we want workers who expect to earn a good Income. F.rat National Surgeries, N. Y UHOliiV i„ ililiurr The' Tailor, : .4 got over from Ike Bast many li uitlfui stylet • I model* and material*, also books of samples u ■ v -ry description, which he would be pleawsd U show Visitors. Hi will also open on April Ist, mother branch at -I'M Fifth avenue, E. K., Tin firm guarantee" perfect lit. <124 I'enn Avo„ Pltte l,iirg, l'a. Hell Phone MIS— 5 Grant. l-(w-(ira pManpiiTDßaiFsl (" A safe, certain relk Suppressed ■ I < Menstruation. Never ki„,wn tofu/l. Haft-! ■ A Hurt'! Hpeedyl Hatlsfncl lon < iUArbntoed I Aor money Itefunded. Hent prepaid fori M 91.00 i>er box. Will send Ue mon trlsij to I 'J be paid for when relieved. Ham pica Free. ■ UWITSO MIDICat CO.. Sot T4. tllnUT», .»■ J Sold in Bntler at the Centre Ave. Ph trmiwv. .iaSfe TA r T's^'^T^'Dr LP "l ■ --aßi —DENTAL ROOMS.-- V ""'wCfSSI 39-sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa ?*SS V.VrepßACTlCAM.Y'leu'Rtlie [| '£ £ft CROWN sad wi.rlik} Mt\ot I'lttnliurg-WHY NOT DO V *1 f«|VOURS? Hold CROWNS ' I* r TO'»d BRIOGK work rmlmcd i.?» V# S»£s PER TOOTH Alp« thfi* i V sot of Teml, made, ON L V ftp. WIIV DO Vol! BRMAIN llil-K when we need aw men for different positions? If you • •no willing to work we ran place yon. We ii ii able to supply, on short notice, imv lilrul ii • ale help In employers order will be ISII— o mry promptly. Apply. Old lieHablo. Key e I voliureau. lIiTJ I'enn avenue, I'ltlsburg K.stabllshed Is7j. "-5-tim SCHLOTTER'S PARLORS, For Lttilos' And Ornllaiiien's mr;«l Far la) Mag. life UpccUliiU, ShAm)MM>|ii|f ami Manicuring, Hoorn 411 llljon Iliilldltif;, Pi fin Avrunr Ki>trailer, I'lHaluari;, I'n, MRS. J. M. POLAND, 500 i»rtin Ave., IMltslinru. MnnlrnrlnE. Shampoolnif and Kaclal Misaaxo, liallwi'll'i Klei trli- Hot jinil I'nld llatr llryer Laities oulv. Trleulione Court 00* •». a-ia-iy A FEW KANSAS BARGAINS! :e;oacr« s. Hush county. Kansas; Imprnvi d, a bargain at i'i.Mi. •i.u acres. Kusli county, KaiiNaHamimproved; a K'fid Invest merit at ii.flOO liiO acres. Rush county, Kansas; a snap at (him. M" acres In Wichita county. Kansas; a bar- Bain at tTtxi. Titles perfect; no trade considered. Write LITTLE BROS., LaCrosse, Kansas. 4-0-1 m N. V. DA VIfJON. (ja» aud Hteam Enalnes, Iloller«,Pumps,Com pressors, Frlck UulldluK, I'lttsburK, i'a BEING A GOOD FELLOW. II l« m Loklng <.!ime In the l,on« Itun For M«»« Men. Any sensible youiifi man ought to know that he can't be up late nights abasing his stomach and lie in full pos session of his faculties for business the next day. and he ought to know also that a man must be clear headed and in full possession of his faculties to hold his own In the keen competition of life. Your "good fellow"' is popular for the time being, but when his money is gone and he has lost his job and Is on his uppers the "good fellow" busi-' ness doesn't get him anything. It's "poor fellow" then—another good man gone wrong, and "the boys" are ready to hail another "good fellow" who has the price. We don't mean by this to say that "the boys" are Mercenary- They don't altogether pass up a "good fellow" when he goae broke, but it isn't the same. They say be hit the booze too hard and couldn't stand the pace. They feel sorry for him, but he is out of It. His good fellowship doesn't excuse him even in the eyes of his friends for hav ing thrown away his opportunity. The young man who gets the sleep his system needs, is temperate in his habits, lives within his means and shows up for work in the morning with a clear eye and active brain—that's the man business men are looking for. They want employees whom they can trust. Having worked hard ajd laid by a competence, they want to throw some of the burdens off, and they won't throw them off on the employee "who is too much of a "good fellow." Cut it out, boys. There's nothing in it There's a whole lot of nonsense in that "good fellow" business. You can't fool the public very long by living be yond your means and keeping up ap pearances. There must be a showdown some time or other, and that means a ! loss of self respect and many bitter ex periences. Many a bright and promis ing business man has failed because he tried to travel In too swift a class, whereas had he lived within his means he might have become a highly success ful merchant The world doesn't give up its treas ures easily. It Isn't in the cards for aIL of us to be millionaires, and mighty few of the "good fellows" get into that class. It's better to earn your way first and go hunting for good times when you have reached the point where you can spare both the time and the money. Then possibly you'll have more sense and have a different notion about what a good time is.—Toledo Bee. An Enemy of Panelee. . There is one enemy for which the pansy lover must watch like a lynx, and that is a little green worm that seems made on purpose to devour pan sies. Where be comes from or why he should exist at all is a mystery. But if you find your little plants stop grow ing and see the leaves perforated with small boles and your blossoms gnawed behold, your enemy is there. Eternal vigilance alone will save you. Your face must be brought to the surface of the ground. Kneel and turn up every leaf. Doubtless you will find tbe small green monster curled- up and hiding, sucking out all the juices of the plant and so becoming exactly its color, which makes him so difficult to find, and If not checked lie will utterly de stroy it lie will devour it in a few ilu-va Freak at n Tli a infer boll. The annals of a French academy of science tell of a tailor's adventure with a thunderbolt. He lived in a house pro- Tided with two chimneys—one for a fireplace and the other for a stove, the latter not in use. During a thunder storm a tremendous report was heard, and everybody thought that the house had been struck by lightning. Instant ly a blue flaming ball dropped into the fireplace and rolled out into the room, seemingly about six inches above tbe floor. The excited tailor ran around the room, the ball of fire playing about bis feet. Suddenly it rose above his bead and moved off toward tbe stovepipe hole in the ceiling, which had a piece of pnper pasted over it. Tbe ball moved straight through tbe paper and up tbe chimney. When near the top. It ex ploded and tore tbe chimney into thou sands of fragments. Tbe sight of the debris left by the explosion showed the family what would have been the con sequences had it exploded while on its gyrating passage through the loom. Learn l-'roiu tbe Animals. Learn of the animals. Tbe horse teaches us to be silent uuder punish ment and patient in suffering. From the Hon we learn bravado. From the cat we learn to prowl at night. From the dog we learn how to be faithful to a friend. The camel teaches tis absti nence. The elephant teaches us how to bo culm iu adversity. The hippopota mus teaches us repose. The shy Utile rabbit teaches us how to die without a murmur. The antelope teaches us tbe foolishness of idle curiosity. The hop toad teaches us the evils of gluttony. The ant teaches us industry and wis dom in council. Tbe ben teaches us to go in out of the wet (yet I have seen fool hens which did not know the dif ference between sunshine and rain). Some men might learn of hogs how to be gentlemen.—New York I'ress. roily Qunllfled. The story Is told of a man who by some unaccountable blunder by tbe ap pointing authority was made Judge of a minor court. He could neither read nor wrije, but that did not give him any uneasiness, although it aroused some fears in tbe breast of bis wife. "What are you going to do when there's any reading or writing come* Into cases?" Hhc timidly inquired. "The folks that bring the readln' will read it. and the folks that want tbe writin' will write II." calmly replied his honor, "or if they can't I shall com mit 'em. All I've got to attend to. Ilit ty, Is the judgln', and 1 can do that as quick as anybody." Tlip Worship of ll>e Moon. The Moslem still slaps his hands at the sight of tbe new moon and mutters a prayer, although the Koran appears to forbid the practice in the words, "Bend not In adoration of the sun or moon." Herodotus accuses the ancient Persians of being moon worshipers, and, though they denied tbe practice, the following passage from the Zend Avesta would seem to be conclusive: "We sacrifice to tbe new moon, tbe holy nntl master of holiness; we sacrl flee to the full inooii. tbe holy and mas ter of holiness." I'oiirltinllty n Thief of Tlmr. Mr. Max lleclit writes: "On Thurs day of last week nt 3:30, the hour lixetl for the rehearsal of 'Trial by Jury,' I met Mr. Gilbert at tbe stage door of tin' Lyric and congratulated him on bis punctuality. 'Don't,' he replied, 'I have . lost more tlm" through being punctual j thau through anything else." " London I M. A. I". fall In In. Enrolling Office;- What Is your name? Kecrult- Owen Espy Casey. Enrolling Officer (with evident irrita tion) Shoot a few of those Initials'. O. N. S. I'. K. C. what?-Chicago Trib une. Sure Thine. "Name the world's greatest com pcaer," snld the musical Instructor. "Chloroform," promptly replied the young man who bad studied medicine. If society took better cure of Its poor ouc of Jail there would be less need of Juils or jailers.- Boston Transcript. • _* Victor Liniment Takes Soreness out of Wounds and Sprains, destroys fire in Scalds and Burns. Cures Croup in children, relieves Rheuma' tism. and removes all Callous or Hard Lumps. Felons, Lumbago, Pleurisy, Sciatica, and all deep seated inflammations. Safe, Sure, Speedy, Victor Remedies Company offers >IOO reward for any certified case of Lockjaw or Biood Poison, in man or beast, result ing from the kick of an animal, from the insertion of a rusty nail, or from atn fresh wound, provided Victor Liniment is applied strictly according to directions within 3 hours after wound has been re ceived. For further particulars address, VICTOR REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Maryland. For sale at Reed's Pharmacy. A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE That little cold this strenuous wintry weather has given yon may develop in to something more serious. Better check it at once. Lewin's whiskey will do if. Try it. ALWAYS IN STOCK riSCH, LARGE, OVKBHOLT. Ot't'KEMHEI>EU JCT. TKBKO.N. THOMPSON. GIB-o*, DILLI3GEB. ItBIBUEPOKT. and oltir them to you 0 year old at $1 per full quart, 6 quarts 00. GRAIfDFATHER'S CHOICE. wlilskev guaranteed 3 years old, £OO per bhl lod. We pay express charges on all mail orders of $1 no or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IHWIHES AlfD LIQUORS, How WiSmltWield Street.[formerly 411 Water Street. PITTSBURG, PA. •Phonet: Bell 2!'.« P. ft A. :45». i TiEYMAN HARRIS, : '.jl 'S'T SUITS | H 'Jlliß HABITS, ."ire?! Stn-ef, Corner Craig Street, S PITTSBURG, PA. """ 1 ' ■" ~:~|<My ,L J. KOWALSKY. dbj£- Manufacturer of Sin nil Gas and Gasoline Engines For Stationary and M liue JLn inp Water ICuuiiiLK * Ins ami Ice Cream Freezers, etr. No. 6 4th Ave., Piti.iburjr. Y'*., WANTED—Firemen, Brakemen, Machinist*, Boiler-makers, lllacksinlths ami liel|*eiM for rail roads, al&o drivers and all kinds "f help. Plares waiting. General Employ meat Bureau, 201 Fede ral street, A lleglieny, I'a. WASTED—At once, girls In every capacity; $5 to *lO per week; placed or money refunded. General Employ ment bureau, 201 Federal St.. Allegheny, l'a. .'i-19-ly ki; I ; L'A NT ILG BUR EAU, ,'ifcnn 8 Fir»!-claM Mercantile u<! :Xe< Ji»nlc*l PositloiiHt-^^. e fiiS Pemi Avenue, - Flttsbuwr. >*» 3-HMy Headaches Cured With Glasses. Artificial Eyes. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co. LEGITIMATE OPTICIANS 705 I'FAN AVKM'K, Opi». PEX.v ;bi'ii>uinci, imttsuvrg, jENmf Removes all deslro for Alcoholic Stimulant tin* tied lately. thostomach. ht*a!s it and calms tho nerves It once. Produces natural sleep. Creates a normal a;.peiit - and ;,'fx>d digestion. Restores vigorous strength. lw Ith ami manhood, it will cure the m«»st smiourt cas" of Inehriely or Drink Habit Disease. Titiim* Mudjuiatje. For full parth-wlai/i adders*. TUffi JKIVIHr COMPANY, §os*«os* Venn Kulld*c, Pa. WHY Nor Become an Artist? Crayon, Paste], Sepiiiand Water Color taught at homo, -ni<l employment at once. For frill particulars, address, CORRCSPONDENCG SCHOOL OF AKT. Bcavtr Fall*, Pa. CHIUHESiER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS G° fp * Alw.iv* ri liul.l- imk Driirelst for ('HMIIKNTI.IC'N KNULINII In H«-<> »"' <.,.1,1 metallic M-alcil with bin* ribbon. TiiUr no oilier. Kelmi' dnntrmti nutnill (■ltl»ni.:>n<l imllntion*. Bay of yoar DruitclM, or Kiwi i'i Mump* f"' I'ttrllrtilnr*. Tr»ll moniui* Mid -Kj llff for UdlM." in I'ttrr, by return Hull. 10,000TeMimonlHta. Mold by all JirugKliitft. CHIOIIEBTBR CHEMICAL CO. HIOO Slailhnn N«|uarp, PMILIu, PA JUwa tlou .kU bmh. Curry College Hlxlli Street and Penn Ave., rittsljiirK, I'u FOBT V-TIIIKD VI'.AII. .SrhiMil open 'ill tho year. Individual ln ml I'ljcllons. M udi iitH can inti r at liny time. (.'ataloKue mailed free on application. 4-"-lin I*OK S\I,K 50-acri- farm; well l>H;ated; elinrcli. hcliimM, Imil'lliiK*, fruit .md water; can tclvc Itumeillato possession. Inspection will convince you; no agent*. THUS. M. AUNOLD; Clarion, l'a. "THIS BEATS NEW IKItSKV." Charters procured under South Dakota law for :i few dollara; write for corporation laws, blanks, by-laws and forms to I'lilllp Lawrence, late assist ant secret .iry of state, Huron. Beadle Uo., South Dakota. " ' r:|.()K BALE OK I.KASE Farm anil coal land. 100 acres. In (ireen township. Miihonlnn 00., O. For particulars address 4-2-011-1 111 F. .1, ICOM.EB, Mies. I >. ttI'EBSONAI. Vapor, alcohol and steam haths. Facial ami sculp treatment, a special ty. Itest of service given. MHS. IIAvDF.N, 1 list lloor.Federal St.,Alleghenv City,l'a. npEKSOMAL Swedish Massage. Manicur ing. KLWE MILLS, hki I'enn Avenue, (second llisir) 4-2 («-ly I'lttsburg, l'a. If' YOlf AUK BeeklnitemiilPyment.Mvtboaril r.g In tlio i lly until engsgwl. beicl (1 ami wo wlll luiti: yon complete lotilructloiißhow toqulckly secure ] » position laecorilliig to your ability; Huong tli, l.irKDit firms In America, unaided and by your own ' efforts. (Copyrlglitof till, ayiteni applied for.) Ad- | dreas, Inronn.Hlon Depart ment, BUr Kinploytnaul ' llureau, 120 blitb street, l'lttaburg, I'o. | • OSTKOPATIIIC PIIYNICIAKB. DR. S. A. THOMTSON, Dlt, ISABEL MAIIAF KCY, Osteopathic Physicians, (iradustea Atnerl can School, 1.'.0i-o Arrott liulldlug, Bell I'lioue 2040— Court, rituburg, IX L. 5. McJUNKIN Insurance and Real Estato Agent. 117 8. JKJ'I'BRSON. RTTTT 171? r-A M. C. WAGNEK ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHFR lUU Hon th Maiu tit. Mercantile Appraiser's List for 1903. NAME CLASS ADDRESS ADAMS TOWNSHIP. Beringer H H, store Myoma Godard Mrs J M, store Callery Irvine C B. store Junction Pharmacy, drugs ( Leonard Mrs B. cigars " Murry P H. cigars i Shannon J F, store Strebel it Wasson, coal 1 Thomas J H. store " Windhorst F C. store Downeyville ALLEGHENY TOWNSHIP. | Meek James, store Bonus Parks E C, store Six Points , Schell JD, store Crawford s Corners BRADY TOWNSHIP, i Clutton Miss EJ, store.. West Liberty j Hines W P & Go. store... " I McCurdy Walter, store Eloia ' Robinson W W, store Pnuip j Wick J S. store " BUFFALO TOWNSHIP. Clowes Mrs G E. cigars Freeport Leasnre A W. store Ekastown Watson Wm, lumber Sarversville Witte W H. store Wilkewitz Godfrey, store.. BUTLER TOWNSHIP. Einrick W J. store Bntler Stoner C & G, store CENTER TOWNSHIP. Borland J W. store McCandless Fleeger A F, sto.-e Holinan Dr A, drugs Millar D C, store " McCandless W T B. machines. " CHERRY TOWNSHIP. Borlinger A, confections Coaltown Elliott H W. store Fogal V, st->re Graham W .1. store Monitean McCoy H G & Son Anandale Porter Belle M, cigars Bovard Lindsey R J. milliner Coaltown Tannahill Tillie. milliner.. .. Anandale Magee A J, feed Bovaid CLEARFIELD TOWNSHIP. Fennell Peter, store Fennelton Krau-e Robert & Son, store.Coyleaville Sipe W J & Bro, store Feunelton CLINTON TOWNSHIP. Andersen R J, store Flick Harvey James, phosphate.... Ekastown Hay T A. phosphate Ivy wood Hay D A, cigars " Kennedy T G, store " Snider W H, buggies. .Riddles X Roads Thompson John, store Ivy wood Bartley T A, phosphate CON NOQUENESSINO TOWN'S!)IP. Kneiss F E, store Whitestown CLAY TOWNSHIP. Sherwin S, store Slier win Wick II B, store Glaytonia Welsh James, store Larance L, store Euclid CONCORD TOWNSHIP. Balsiger & Stewart, store Magic Blair & Blair, store. .Petrolia, R F 1) 73 Kuhn & Knhn, store Hooker Kuhn W H & Bro, store " Markwell Frank, store. . Greece City McCleary James R, cigars Magic CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP. Frontz John, store Ogle Garvin Wm & Son, store " H end rick son AG, store " Meeder George, seed " DONEGAL TOWNSHIP. Brownfield Bros, store Rattigan Gate H S, store Greer Graham J H, store St. Joe FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. Watson Wm & Son, store Isle Watson Wm & Sou, store..Mt Chestnut FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP. I)ay W C, store Peachville Whitener V, hardware " Richards B H, cigars " FORWARD TOWNSHIP. Bradley W H. store Carr Green James, store,Evans City.R F D 36 Schilling Alexander, store Reibold Starkey D. store Zeno JACKSON TOWNSHIP. Kirker S I), feed Harmony Winter P li, store Eidenau .lEFFERSON TOW NSHIP. Haitenstein L, store Great Belt Lang W M, saddler " " Montag J E. hardware, Jefferson Center Oneal J M cfc Co, store Great Belt Smith W B&Son,store, Jefferson Center Schroth L J. cigar*.... " MIDDLE LANCASTER. MET 7. AE & Son,store,Middle Lancaster MIDDLESEX TOWNSHIP. Brown Ed. store Glade Mills Cooper & Croft, store " " Cowan Charles, store. " " McFann L K, store... ....McFann Miller J H, cigars Glndo Mills Marks R A, store " " Snider J A, buggies " Shintag Clias, harness " MARION TOWNSHIP. Bailey James, store Slippery Rock Baldien Herman, hardware Boyer Gormely J 11, store Murrinsville Kerr A P, confections Boyer Mabold Wm, store Murrinsville Middendorf I! Boyer Sproull Bros, feed Sisney L J, store " Gold Supply Co, store " MERCER TOWNSHIP. . Bovard JasC&Sons,luml>er, Forestville DeMarch F, cigars " Owens E L, store j Shields Fannie, store " MUDDY( itl' EK TOWNBIIIP i Fisher G L, etoro Rose Point Ntely M L, store I'lano OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. Ball (ieorge, store Xorth Oakland BadgerS B, store Sonora I Bruner W F & Co, store St. Joe PENN TOWNSHIP. Bowser R M & S >n. store Renfrew Brown A B, notions Hoon L H, meats Kirkpatrick Bros, store Price Bros, hardware Renfrew Drug Go, drugs " Roberts D W & Son, coal. ... " Riley L S, store Brownsdale Sutton A D, store Maharg ViinrcnssehuT l», store Renfrew Winter F J. phosphate Maharn I Watson A K, cigars Renfrew ! Wilson & Kennedy, cigars ... I wise w IT, store R F I) 7, Butler PARKER TOWNSHIP. Allen W S, store Glenora j Howard .1 G, store Parkers Landing • Morgan Jas A, store.. " SLIFPERYBOOK TOWNSHIP. Adams E H, store Wick Cbeesemnn S L, feed Keister Hindman W J, store Branchton Hall Amos, store " Keister Mrs Matilda Keister McGracken CE, feed... .Slippery Rock t Perry R C & Co, store Wick Keister J B, phosphate Keister SUMMIT TOWNSHIP. Carter A F. store Carbon Center Limberg T W, store Herman Portman A F, store " VENA N( JO TO WNS HI P. ('niter & Reynolds, store....Eau Claire Jamison W G, store " " I Jamison & Co, store Ferris Koblinger (> T, store DeSale i Miller A < >. «1 rutrs Eau Claire McDonald Mrs It A, millinery " " McCandless it J, furniture... " " Stickle W P, harness " '■ Turner Coal & Coke Go, coal Ferris Wilson A C & Son.hardware, Eau Claire WORTH TOWNSHIP. Cuniley (• W, store Wiinerton j Gardner W F, store lacksville WIN I*l ELD TOWNSHIP. Cooper W II iV < 'o, store. West Winfleld Denny F, store Leasu re ville Hutzler Bros, store West Win field Keasey 11 O, lumber.. . .Carbon Black Falkner S H, hardware.. Krause & Son, store Marwotsl Krause <fc Freehling, store Smith <V Logan, store... .Carbon Black Schwartz Jacob, clothing. West Winfield Cresscu Supply Co, store. • WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Altmir« Mrs T, store HiUiard Cook 1' E. store Parkers Landing Dunn M, store Hilllard Graham J P, store HigginsJP, jsiwder " Lewis M. store Xorth Hope Mifllin A Mifflin, store " Moore & Moore, store " " McKee & Go, hardware Hilliard McGairk, powder " Seaton Herman, cigars Xorth Hope Thompson I X, drugs " " NAME CLASS ADDRESS Thompson E C. store Hilliard Tnrnbnll Robert, store " Weakley R B <fc Co. store " BRUIN BOROUGH. Black DH Jc Co. store Brnin Fisher J \Y. store " 1 Lnee W F, store " Orr J H. store •" Orr James W. store " Ramsey James R. cigars " j »ONNOQU F. N* ESN I N'G BOROUGH. Arm stead Geo S, jnnk.Connoqnenessing ; Barnhart R & Soil, store Christie .T L, drags Nicklas& Mechling, store ; P'Tviance W A. store " , Rose & Graham, feed.. . " CHICORA. 1 Blackmon & Gaisford. drags.. .Chicora j Campbell W W, store ' DeWolfe W L. drugs " Davis DJ. cigars " Davis D J. wall paper " Deiter W M. store " Frankle. S B, store FetzerGF. cljthing " Forijuer B J, cigars " Frankle S. store " [ Frederick & Co, lumlitr Glass George, store " Gephardt E A. confections " Graham I J E, store Glossner J W. meat Hoch Bros, hardware " Hoch A A. cigars " Harris Miss A M, milliner " . Horwitz Lewis, store " Horwitz Lewis, junk " Hays E F & SQU, hardware.... Johnston C H. hardware " Johnston (' H. shoes " James W E. harness " Lackey W E, cigars " Litzinger H C. store " McMichael Miss E, milliner ... '* Philips Tony, store " Scharbach C. jewelry " ' Scott Jamts C, cigars Teske Mrs C, store " Westeiman Bros, store " Wagner C A. stationery Waltinan Frank, feed.... EVANSBURG BOROUGH. Burkey Enos, feed and coal. Evans City Barto David, shoes " Burrv & Markel, hardware.. " Blair Sisters, milliners " Coplan 11, jnnk " DambacU Ed. lumber " Dombart Geo D, store " Dunbar B W, hardware Dunbar C I, store " ' Eber BH, store • " Evans City Supply Co. store. Helm .1 J, harness " Hyleßros& Yonng.fnrniture ( Hudson Robert, store Halstine Harry, jnnk " Ift't George & Sons, store Long AJ, cigars List J M. drugs Lynch Charles cigars " Laderer W C, implements... " Levine M, junk " . Miller FE. feed Miller Charles, cigars " Marburger John, meats.... Nicklas Bros, store " Peffer Fred, music , Ripper J A, stationery " Ripper PH. fish SchoefTel&Myers.g'ts f'nshgs " Shoup L E, hardware Thomas J D. drugs " Wabl Wm, cigars " Zeuian D & Co. store " FAIRVIKW BOROUGH. Adam? John, cigars Baldwin Hawn W C, store 1 McClure Mrs SM, millinery... Scott C, store . Templeton SH. store " HARRISVIL.I.E BOROUGH. Borland Bros, store Harrisville • Brown RL, furniture Brown W E, meat Cumniings L R meat " Cnrry J E, store " Elrick R E, drugs [ Humphrey 1) W & Co. store. " ' Morrison W L. store ' Morrison JH, harness • Kelly II A, hardware " Snyder Chas, store " . Stein Mrs B, millinery " , Williamson J N, store " HARMONY BOROUGH. : Barnhart JJ, drugs Harmony Bame H W, store Beam S A. cigars ; Boyer ERR. cigars • Douglas W C, saddler Eppicger A, store Ehrlick Bros, store " Foehringer Fred, hardware.. " Harmony MillingCo, feed.... «" Harmony Cereal Co, feed " t Milliman II E, store " Miller Joseph, jewelry " Oil Well Supply Co, hardware " i Swain G I). store i Sahli Edward, meat Winters Ed, hardware Webster it Altlnburg.h'dw'e. Wise H M, lumber " Roneymns G G, tinware " Twentier S E, cigars " ; Zeigler <) W & Co, furniture. ] Zeigler LN, cigars KARNS CITY BOROUGH. ' Balsiger CP, store Karns City ' Dieter Mrs 0, store Klugh W F. meat McGill George A, hardware National Supply Co Oil Well Supply Co , Shira it Wallace Bhira <t Wallace, drugs Wcrsh John, store MARS BOROUGH. Boyd W I) it Son, store.. Mars , Brown J M. store i Craig Hardware Co, hardware... " Crnm A, s'tore " Clark J s, lnmber " Davis J C, bakery " Davidson J C, cigais File C A, jewelry " Fernwalt Mrs Ma, milliner " Irvine A C, Furniture " Jordan <t Co, store " Ki'arns W C. store " Kerr T E. store Knaell G Ii & J. meat ' Kerr <t Son. drugs " Link W J, feed " Levy B. clothing' " Miles John E, cigars Miles Thomas 11, cigars " Mi ller.l P, store " Martin J I. cigars " Miles & McCormick, cigars " Mars Pharmacv. drugs " Oil Well Supply Co, hardware " Shannon W L. store " Watters II W, harness " Winger W H. junk ' Zeigler Al. hardware Zeigler & Schwab, shoes " PROSPECT BOROUGH. Bowers A. drugs Prospect Critclilow Bros, store Dick F E, meat Glenn JG, furniture " Hunter I' L. cigars McCleary E L, store Milliuian F I>. hardware Riddle W R & Co, store Hcott J C, hardware " Wilson Miss M E, milliner.... " PORTERS vi LLK Bonouciii. Breuneman DJ. store Portersville Brenneman J S, cigars Owvert A B. milliner Dann W H. saddlei ileberling Jennette, milliner lleljeiling Henry,hardware. Huuit>hrey Win &Son, store Hay J W, drags McDonald Oec> B, sttire McDonald Geo BitCo,lurn'e PETROLIA BOROUGH. Brown Mrs H E, milliner I'etrolia Campbell As i J S, meat Chenebro E P, store " Denholm T, store " Ervin Mrs John, cigars " Frits F M. cigars " Foster W C, drugs " Foster W C, store " Gregg R, cigars Hawk J M Son, store " Jacobs Bros, store " Htougliton W R, store " Spence it Snow, store... " V eager S, jnnk " SAXONIIURO BOROUGH. HelnilioldMrsThei >& Hon, st'e. Saxon burg Horn Miss Cora, milliner... Krause T & (jo, store " Kohnfelder J, cigars " Menbon Dr E B, drugs " Manrhoff G W, store Muder H A, furniture " ScLroth Mrs C, oysters " Schroth Wm it Sou, harness " Steuhgen Bros, meat " Saxonburg (las Co, gasfixt's. " Schintag Mrs Lizzie, store... " Itaabe Mrs O M, cigars " NAME CLASS ADDRESS SUPI'KBY RfH'K BOROUGH Bingham F P. hardware. Slippery Rock Bingham J B. implements Bart* Peter, candy Bard St Son. store " Baird Miss Sue M. millinery " Glutton F. drags.'. Chandler E F. store '• Campbell Mrs E,milliner. Forester F L. lumber.... " (iriflith H P, iras snrmly. Kiester L D, fnrnitnre... " Kerr & Gibson, store ... " Mnybnry & Co. shoes... Morrison S L. feed " M Quistion&Martin. meat Rhodes L M, saddler.... " Roberta J M.implements. Sneathen&Ramsey, store Stillwagon J X. saddler. . " Stoops i Conlter, store.. " " Williams O X. jewelry Watson & Williams,store " Ul>er & Son, furniture .. " VALENCIA BOROUGH. Barr J C, store Valencia Purvis S A, store " Stonp & Morrow, hardware... " WEST SCNBCRY BOROUGH. Arthur .T B. store West Snnbnry Braden, Con way &Co,store " Drown P P, harness " D maldson Wm, cigars " Hindman H C drugs ..... " Mechling Martha.fnrnlt "re Phoenix Milling Co, feed. Pryor H C. feed Russell W G, gas fittings. ■' Steindorf Bros, hardware Sloan H A. ciirars " ZELIENOPLE BOROUGH. Bastian D G, hardware Zelienople Bumgardner Win. hardware.. Blum John, shoes " Behler Lawrence, meat " Dindinger C L & X Dodds V J, «tore " Frishkorn F A. hardware " (ioehrinir & Keck, store Gibson .1 A, cigars " Householder Geo, implements " Hildebrand B M, confections. " Hartnng Alf. saddler lilt John & Co, lumber " Kauffmau Mrs Mary, ihoes... " King George, cigars " Kocher C B, feed " Kline Mrs A L. milliner Levis R S, wool " Linenbrink Mrs E C. milliner. " Luck F F, cigars *' Meeder A H & Co, store " McKim H G, store " Rumbanuh D H, store " Reed G E. drugs " Stokey H W. cigars " Seaton A A: Son, lumber Sitler A. drugs Winters Albert, jewelry " Worth «.V Milliman, store Weight W J, store " Zehner Fred, implements " Zehner Edwin, furniture " BUTLER BOROUGH. Aiken D L, store 317 Center avenue Allen J Wes, cigars 11:5 X Main street Anderson B C, cigars 10H Centre avenue Arlington Hotel, cigars 320 S Main st Bayonnet Victor, store 131 Short street Bellis G G & 339 E lelTerson st Biehl Henry, hardware 133 X Main st Bickel John, shoes 13* S Main street Biannucci C, fruit 348 E Jefferson street Birckbiehler X, store 300 2nd street P.iehl C, store corner 3d and Brady sts Bntler Hotel, cigars 334 S Main steet Butler Hide&FurCo.fnrs&hides Miller st Butler Cavalier, fruit 3(13 Center avenue Butler Lubricating Oil Co. oils 119 W Jefferson st Burton AR, store 112 W Jefferson st Bowman Hotel, cigars 311 Center ave Boyd C X, drugs 245 South Main street Bovaird & Seyfang Mfg Co, hardware 105 West Jefferson street Brown & Co, furniture 130 X Main st Brackney Mrs C L,store 327 W Xorthst Bowser Bros, meat 12 Pillow street Campbell J E store 104 Centre avenue Connell & Grout,store 130 S Main street Boos Jacob, store 348 Campbell J G & W, hardware 310 S Main street Campbell WL, buggies 316 Walnut st Connelly Hugh L, plumbing supplies 316 E Jefferson st Cavalier Jas, fruit 344 Campbell AM, cigars 116 W " Campbell A A,furniture Main st Cavalier Pola, t'rnit !»!) Center avenue Connelly U .1, cigars 10(i E Jefferson st Cohn A H. junk 210 Elm street Courtney F W.confections 109 Center av Colbert Harvey, bats K'O H Main st Cleelaud I) L, jewelry 125 " CypherG A & Co,hardware 121 " l)aubensp« -k & Turner,shoes ION " Davidson & Gilchrist, store 854 E Jeff st I)niley .1 S, milliner 118 South Main st Dean Mrs A H. store 28'J West .street DcArae W 11. store 847 S Main st Douthett&Graham.oloth'is 1411 Douglas* .1 11, stationery 241 Donaldson .1 U. store Negley avenue Dillon C A & C<», meat 120 w Jeff st Duffy ("has, store 125-127 N Main street Ehmer J A. store 240 Second street Eskovitz Nathan,clothin(?Fairgronnd av Eichenlaub W A,cif;arsß4o R Jefferson st Eisler-Mardorf Co, store °2l S Main st Evans Mfg Co, hardware Wayne and McKean sts Eyth Bros, wall paper 251 South Main st Feiglo Bros, store 826 S Main street Rishei W A, store 257 Gallo Frank, store 200 Centre avenue Greeu & Young, clothing 11M S Main st Greek American Fruit Co, fruit 227 S Main street (irieb E. jewelry 187 N Graham Ed T, store 151 N " Graham Bros. store 150 S " Gilbert .1 (i, cigars I' & W depot Godwin, jewelry 108 E Jefferson street Goruiley W P & Co. store corner Wayne and Sullivan sts Harris Bros, clothing Fairground ave Harvey C .1, drugs 815 South Main st Harper Bros, store 851 Center avenue Hinchbenjer C. store 400 Franklin st Heinzer M N, store :!l* ZeiKhr avenue Hildebrand & Son, meat 185 N Mam st Hoeli A; McGuire, store 805 Centre ave Huselton B shoes 202 North Main st Huff F J.plumber 112 E Cunningham st Hull 11, store 423 Centre avenue Israel & Rice, gents' furnishings 333 South Main street Jack JH, stationery 337 South Main st Jackson & Mitchell, hardware 132 South Main st J< nkins it Royle, store 164 Race street Johnston's Crystal Pharmacy, drugs 100 Xorth Maiu st Kamerer WA, store 100 Mercer street Kanfmann Julius, store 126 S Main st Kamerer G 1), store 331 Centre avenue Ketterer Bros, shoes 234 S Main st Ketterer Geo, furniture 233 " Kemp C H & H B. cigars corner Main and Jefferson sts Kepple J 11, store 370 Centre avenue Kemper John, harness 343 S Main st lvirkpatrick WM, store 306 X " Kirkpatrick R L, jewelry 346 S " Kihn Peter, cigars 233 Centre avenue King Chas F, eigars 311 S Main wtreet Klingler II J <fe Go, feed 13!) E Jeff st Knight. E 15 <St Go, drugs 301 Center ave Koch C & Son, store 124 X Main street Koch Frank & Son. h'dw'e 129 S Mainst Krug G J, meat 107 Kumuier Mrs A, meat 331 " Kummer Bros, meat 122 E Wayne st Lester W J, store 613 Brown avenue Leigliner Carl 11, jewelry 300 S Main st Lyiidora Supply Co, store Standard ave •' " drugs " Lyndora Hotel, cigars Martincourt S It. hardware 138 E Jeff st Mardorf <i W, cigars 240 S Main st Metzger W F, shoes 137 Myers A 15, store 109 E Jefferson street Miller W W. store 284 S Main st Miller Gns A, cigars 117 " Miller C E. shoes 315 " Miller Phil J. store 350 E Jefferson st Miller G Wilson, store 116 Morrison T A.confectioner 313S Mainst Moore John G, store 330 X " Morris JD, cigars 31!) Centre avenue McVay & Pollock, cigars 330 S Mainst Mc( ,'rorey&Co, sc&loc store 1 111 " McCutcheon J E. junk 405 Centre anil Fairview avenue McCandless A M, store 366 15 Jeff street McCrea VV S <Vr Co, feed Church alley Mcßride IJ, wall paper 144 W Jeff st McCabe J 15. cigars 107 S McKean nt Met'lain M, furniture 404 Centre ave Newton W H, organs 317 S Main st National SnpplyGo, h'dw'e33l " Niggel Jos, hardware 130 E Jefferson st Nixon Simeon, cigars corner Main and Diamond Nlckle W M, 5 A:10c store. 103 S Mainst I til Well Supply Co, lid we, 130 15 Jeff st O'Brien Wil .V Son, pl'jnber,l32 " Oram K A Co, cl./thing, Fairground ave Patterson Bros, wall paper,226N Mainst Park Hotel, cigars, h 15 Diamond street Patterson L C, store, Fairground avenue Pape E A, cigars, 110 E Jefferson street I'aganelli Dominie, confections 325 Center avenue Pape C F T, jewelry, 131 E Jefferson st NAME CLASS ADDRESS Phelps Brew, store 323 South Mainstr?et PortlisMike. cigars. 2iK) Center avenne Purvis Pharmacy, drugs. 213 S Main st Poolos Sot-rates, fruit. 133 S Main Htre*-t Prenl D & Co, millinery. 285 E Jeff st Purvis SG & Co. lumber. Franklin st Ralston W E. jewelry, ll<> W Jeff street Reed's Pharmacy, drugs. 101 S Main st Reed J M, stationery, 443 " Reiber A& H. store, 143 " Ritter-Thouipson 311 " Richey J A confections. 142 " Reiber Alf&Bro,drygoods,2os Redic &• Grobman,drugs. 109 N " Rockenstein Jos. saddler, 14t> " Rockenstein MC, hdw'e, 121 " Roessing BC, harness. 119 Rockenstein M & P,milrv,32 s S " Ritter&Rockenstein.clot'gl4l " Rnsh C. cigars. 323 Rnff A & Son, shoes. 114 " Say J C, lumber cor Jeff and Monroe sts Schlicht & Niggle, fish, 115 \V Jeff street Schanl & Nast, clothing, 137 S Main st Shloss Bros, clothing, '2Ol " Shira C C, store. 340 Locust street Sherman Casper, confections 229 Center avenne Schaffner (ieo, cement, 320 Lookout ave Smith J L. Hah, 111 Center a\-enne Smith A M. cigars. 31" S McKeanstreet Smith H J, cigars, rear of Hotel Butler Smith E S, cigars. 356 E Jefferson street Smith EL, confections. 107 Center ave Singer Mfg Co, machines. 140 E Jeff st Standard Hotel, cigars. Fairground ave Steel A. clothing, 104 Sonth Main street Stein John, confections. 117 vVayne st Starr <& Reed, store. 180 W Jefferson st Stein L & Son dry goods. 108 N Mainst Stock C. hardware, 332 South Main st Stewart J C. buggies. 808 Center avenue Steadman W A, store, 441 N McKean st Sullivan Thos, hides and harness 132 West Jefferson street Tafel. Morris L it Co. store. Fairground avenue A Troutman's Sons, dry goods, 200 and 202 South Main street The I Cure U Co., 106 Centre ave Vanlett Jeane, store, 21 Hickory street Vine George, cigars. Fairground avenue Vogeley & Herret, meat, 315 Center ave Yogel J C <fc Son. wall paper. 336 South Main street waiter George & Sons, feed Washington and Mill streets waverly Hotel, cigars. 321 S McKean st waiter G H, bicycles. 803 S Main street wheeler & Wilson, machines 123 west Jefferson street whiteman E E, store corner Lookout and Lincoln aves whitehill G W. plumbers supplies 318 South Main street wick J S, gents furnishings 242 South Main street Wilson w B, hardware, 102 Center ave wick L C. lumber, P & W depot white J E, confectioner, 207 wallula av willard Hotel, cigarj corner wayne and Main streets wick w S & E, lumber, 227 E Jeff street wuller DH, drugs, 112 S Main street Wright J B, store, 400 Second street wiehe & (iibson, hardware, 223 Center avenue Young Mrs Lizzie, milliner. 232 Sonth Main street Zimmerman J E, store, 100 N Main st Zeefe M, store. Fairground avenue Wholesale Vendors. Atlantic Refining Company, oil, Butler Clymonts, Taylor <& Loebig. produce, 333 East Jefferson street, Butler Goehring w H, produce 153 North Main street, Bntler Harmony Milling Co, feed.... Harmony Kltngler H J & Co, feed 189 East Jefferson street, Bntler The Lloyd Co, confections 142 west Jefferson street, Bntler McCiea w S & Co, feed Church alley, Butler Sarver A H. buggies 309 North Main streets, Bntler Snyder Lewis, junk Mars waiter George & Sons, feed Washington and Mill streets, Bntler Rumberger W F, 150 Sonth Main street, Bntler The Robert McCoy Co, produce, Bntler Real Estate. Abratns & Dale, real estate.w Diamond Austin E w, real estate, Hotel willard Christley L E, real estate, west Diamond Hazlett&M'Collough.real estate.w " Miller w 11, real estate S Main street McJuukin Ira, real estate. Armory block Sutton&Murphy,real est, Diatn'd & Main Vogeley Theo, real estate, 238 S Main st walker wm, real estate, Ketterer b'ld'g Billiard Tables. ADAMS TOWNSHIP. Murray P 11, 3 tables Callery it BUTLER BOROUGH. f Millintrer&Pfister,r> tables, !t'3BS Main st Pape E A. 4 tables, 11!) E Jefferson st Root AW. 4 " W Root AW, !> " eor Main&Diamond e it EVANSIIURC; BOROUGH. * Donaldson TA, 4 tables... .Evans City v MARS BOROUGH. | Miles Thos 11. :t tables Mars SLIPPERYROCK BOROUGH. j liansey WT. 2 tables Slippery rock t Auctioneers. u T CLINTON TOWNSHIP. t McCall Isaiah, auct. Saxonburg RFD 81 BUI'FALO TOWNSHIP. Ens ley <4 F, auct Silverville BRUIN BOROUUII. t Kelly V F T, anct Brnin H BUTLER BOROUGH. e t Dudils T .Tas, anct Butler u Mathers J li. auct i Kearns .las R, anct " J CHICORA. a Maloney Dan, auct Cbicora EVANSBURG BOROUGH. a Eichert John A, auct Evans City CHERRY TOWNSHIP. t Gilghrist JG, anct Moniteau T PKNN TOWNSHIP. t Powell JC, auct Renfrew R FD 28 PROSPFXT BOROUGH. McOowan J A. auct Prosi>ect ; Shanor R, auct SAXONUURG BOROUGH. Anderson Frank, anct Saxonburg Lensner Franklin, auct _ " ' Mnder JE, auct ' " SLIPPKRYROCK BOROUGH. Kerr J C, auct Slipperyrock Eating Houses. A MAMS TOWNSHIP. Leonard Mrs B. H Gallery Murray P 11, s BUFFALO TOWNSHIP Clowes Mrs C E, 8 Frfleport IIUTLRR IIOROUGH. ('hakalc* Clias 11. n.. Fairground av-nuo Grant Win 11, H .DIM Month Mam street <iillx>rt J (4. 8 I' & W dejK)t Campbell A M, 7. . ll<t West Jefferson st Kirk H 1). 7 215 Houth Main street Piper II E Mrs, h 10(1 Centre avenue II J. 7 rear of Hotel Butler Webster & Broocks, H. .. Fairground ave CHICORA. Davis D J. 8 Chicora ShottJceC, 8 Chicora KVANSBURG BOROUGH. Long AJ, 8 Evans City HARMONY BOROUGH. Buyer E R R. 8 Harmony TwentierS E, 8 Harmony MARS BOROUGH. Davidson J C, 8 Mars Kearns W C, M Mars Miles.i E. 8.... Mars Miles Thomas, 8 Mars ZKLIKNOPLE BOROUGH. (JibsonJA, H Zelienople King George. 8 Zelienople The Court of Appeals will 1»< held at tin' office of County Treasurer in Butler on MONDAY. APRIL 20. IDOil. be tween the huuia of ljt a m. and -i p. m., at which time ami place all who a.e in terested in the above report may attend if they think proper. WILLIAM BISHOP. Mercantile Appraiser. March SI. 1008. EVBUH City, Pa. BROWN & CO'S Furniture and Carpet DISPLAY. Our present stock of Carpets is worth talking about, worth your seeing and buying. Our new and taking styles are finding their way into the best homes in town. Designs suitable for rooms of every size and prices suitable for all size' pocketbooks. * FINE FURNITURE | of every description in up-to-date styles and reliable makes. Furniture for Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room, and every room in the house. I Large, well-selected stock at prices that will be a saving to you. \ COME IN AND COMPARE! BROWN No. 130 N. Main St. (Bell Phone 105) BUTLER, PA. H |T3 per cent. DON'T PUT IT Si Prepare for a rainy day by starting a § t 5| savings account NOW I 2 #| We pay 3 per cent, compounded on savings accounts, I# and accept any sum from SI.OO up IJ 5| SUTfcEF* SAVINGS Sc TRUST CO/WPANy, H Y* Capital and Surplus over $400,000.00 We also do a general Trust Co. business. You can bank by mail. |# THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLEK, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - $26,000.00 (GAII.NK») Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. John Younkins, President. John Humphrky, Vice President. E. W. Binoham, Cashier. J. F. Hutzler. Ass't Cashier. It causes you no unnecessary trouble- — j| I W)le«f ile Denlcrs ir\ the I 1 Vi nesl of Liquors, Aless, Beers and Wir\es. ;? MeciicJriol Trade Kspec'ally Solicited, g II People's Phone 578 Hell Phone 21S » 322 South Main St., Butler, Pa. I——BKB MWiIMIII 111 ill lll"» aB^gMUBSjBMBMHWWW——aBB'MIW W'ißtt HAMMILL'S CELEBRATED INDUN ROOT TABLETS § Greatest Kidney and Liver Remedy. Positive enre for Sick I Tend ache. Soar Stomach. Loss of Appetite, Constipation Rheumatism, Blood Purifier. * For Hale by all Druggists, or by mail, 2. r ic, 50c, and SI.OO 5? HAMMILL MEDICINE CO, X '/ No. 303 MILTENBERGER STREET, PITTSBURG, PENN'A. Early Spring Hats. We are showing all the new shapes for Spring, 1903 READY-TO-WEAR HATS, SAILORS and STREET HATS are now ready for your inspection. FLOWERS and FRUIT are going to be worn very extensively for early Spring style. See the fine display at Rockensteln's MILLINERY EMPORIUM 32S South Main Street. - • - Butler. P» Sec the *isn direct I VJ 'y °PP°*' ,e Ijj LA I'ostofflce, (|| 3 Theodore Ygelty,| Cj Real Estate and | -3 2JA S. Main St., (H 1 "Iff Butler, Pa. W ■9l to sell, t ru<lt>, or ronltu arJ or. wuni to buy or'J .M rout cuii. wrtto or übouo im». List Mailed Upon Application. L. c. WICK, DKAI.KB tX LUHBER. mm i «■■■■■ rn rawi rwra—■— . PAROID READY OOFINQ. pAKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. A N VON K can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. I> EI'RESENTS the results o " years of Experience and Ex perimenting. nNLY requires painting every few years. Not when first laid. f S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. EM AND for I'AROID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facta. .Samples and Prices are yours if yon will ask ns. L C. WICK, BUTLER, PA.
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