rr* A WOMAN'S RISK As a trapeze performer is greater than a man's. She must have a man's courage and a man's muscle to succeed. But she must nlso work under conditions of which a man knows nothing. -Many an accident to women acrobats must be attributed J j to the sudden weakness to which all syV women are // subject at cer tain j U Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre script ion hea^ls diseases which cause weak ness. It estab lishes regular ity, dries MS weakening //Wfm drains, lrtfels /J j/ inflammation tr /J and ulceration, v and cures female weakness. It weak women strong and sick women well. . , «With pleasure I write to-day in praise of Dr. pjercr an; Mrs. Mary Con way of Appleton, Lawrence Co., Tenn. " Was troubled with female disease; the baclc of ray head hurt me so I could not lie in bed and I would have to sit up, and then I would have » such pains from my waist down I eould scarcely raise up My feet and hands would feel almost like ice. Since taking Dr P^ rcc '?. Fa J?!!?fS Prescription I can sleep well all night. Could hardly drag around before I took your medi cine a ill now cwn do my housework and help my husband in the field. _ Words cannot express the thanks I owe to Dr. Pierce." # » « . Weak aud sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing more than a thou sand large pages, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for the book in paper covers. Addresi Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y. ■ Drying preparations simply devel op tlry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane aud decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers, 5G AVarren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itsell over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. 17* BOOK MAILED FREE. A. A.) FEVERS. Congertioiu. Intlamma- CfEts) lions. Lung Fever, Milk tever. B. H. 1 *I»RMVS. Lameness. Injuries, CURES ) Klieuinatiimi. F. ('.(HIKE THROAT, Quinsy, Epizootic, CUKES i Distemper. CUKES ! WORMS, Bots. Grubs. E. E. M'OI'GHS, Colds, Influenza. Inflame* CUHEB 5 Lung*, Pleuro-Pnrumouia. F. F. ? COLIC, Bellyache. Wind-Hiown. CURES J Diarrhea, Dysentery. 0.0. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. i KIDNEY & BLADDER DISORDERS. 1.1. )SKIN DISEASES. Mange, Eruptions, CUKES i Ulcers, Urease. Farcy. J. K. (BAD CONDITION. Stnrine Coat, CUKES) Indigestion. Stomach Staggers. eoc. each; Stable Case, Ten Specifies, Book, 4c., $7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William & John Itreela. Hew York. f —s— HOME WORK BY MAIL. Either of the following courses i -1 OXE HALF PRICE I- Mechanlc.il Drawing, Machine Designing, Mechanical Engineering, Architectural 'Work, Civil Engineering, Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Send for Finely Illustrated Catalogue— TßM. i ENN'A. (JO KRKSI'ON'DENCE SCHOOLS, Hamilton Bldg.. 33} sth Are., IMttslrarg, I'a. l-o:t-iy We can turn your Old Carpets Into elegant, durable, handsome Rugs and Druggets. Only Oriental Weavers employed. Satisfaction Guaranttod. SILK RAGS woven Into beautiful aud Oriental-like Portiers. Our terms are so moderate—no matter the distance—lt will pay you to send to us. DAVID LOVE & CO., 823 Third Avenue, 1-03-Cm (L, D. Phone.) New Brighton, Pa. MEN WANTED—We want Bookkeepers, Lihickf invoice clerks, shipping, bill ami re eeiv>;» < I •rk c : young men to leurn trades; machin ist, I»l:icU.uutt!is, riveters; warehousemen for rail* road ami a tores, and fifty new orders. Write quick, positions now open. Room 203, 34"> Liberty Ave -I'lttab irg, Ta. v l-03-6m SALESMEN WANTED 100.00 a month and expenses. Can com mence Immediately. A permanent position with chance of advancement. Wo can clve you this county as a starting point if desired and outllno new territory as fast as required. Look up our standing at your local bank s nd satisfy yourself that we arc O. K. linanc al ly, and then write us at once if you mian business. No trillers need apply, as we want workers who expect to earn a good Income. m F;rst National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y LADIES' TAILORING. Ltnrhurr—Tlic Ladles' Tailor, Has got over from the East many beautiful stylet cf model.* and materials, also books of samples a every description, which he would be pleased V show visitors. He will also open on April Ist, another branch at HO4 Fifth avenue, E. E., Th< drill guarantees perfect lit. 624 Penn Ave., Pltti I.urg, I'a. Bell Phone 3410—5 Grant. l-03-0m ISaflanT^iTDßaiFs H A wife, certain relit yt Suppressed *1 Menstruation. Never k r*. > *v n to fall. Bafe! j .Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed *™ or monev Refunded. Bent prepaid for SLOO per Box. Will send themon triaJ, to | be paid for when relieved. Humpies Free. UNITED MEDICAL CO., Box 74. LANCA»TK«». P*. Sold iti Butler at the Centre Ave arm art 1 TACT'S PH ILA DELPHI/. A —DENTAL ROOMS.-- V ' ■■33S 39-sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa If > T*l ViVrepRACTICA'.V/Job'R'bfpl •f N CROWN ynd PF. I'VJ t work fi , ' «5* of Fhtsburf-WHY NOT DO L' jf fBIYOURS? Onld CROWNSl 11 . > » J mlaml BRIDGE work reduced tea* iVI ftf£s PER TOOTH Also the L* ■ V V bef* sit of 7'estk made, ON LV £P V HAIL PLEASURE SEEKERS! \pply early for rooms and twiard at RIPLEY'S N'EW SUMMER hESOIJT, locat • irgains—Send for illustrated list. ROYAL REALTY CO., 3 t!)-4t -100 Park Pittsburg, Pa. WHY IX) YOU REMAIN lIH.E when we need 200 men for different positions? If you •> nil i>f nirv promptly. Apply, Olfl Keliahle Key t*\ ye Bureau 1122 Penn avenue, Pittsburg Established 1K75. SCHLOTTER'S PARLORS, F<oo or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS Ilf WIRES AND LIQUORS, Now MiSmithfield Street.iformerly 411 Water Street. PITTSBURG, PA. 'Phonee: Bell 2159 P. A A. :458. TIEYMAN HARRIS, LADIES' TULOR-MADE SUITS CF.d RlD'.rlo HABITS,—— 459" Fortes Street, Corner Craig Street, PITTSBUR®pPA. :i-19-ly l» J. KOWALSKY. flbgS - Minnfarturor of Smrill Gas and Gasoline Engines glues ami for A nf'»ii!ol»i!»*s. imPd7nyT7. Ing Water Huiuihig Fans and ico Creatu Freezers, iK-. No. 6 4th Ave., Pjttsburir, Hit. 3-lLMim WAB'fP v Boiler-makers, Blacksmiths s-nd !.». .j»•-; s hr i i!- roads, also drivers ami all kinds of help. I*l s waiting. General Kin ploy men t Bureau, 201 h\a-: nil street, Allegheny, l'a. WANTED—At once, girls In every rajliy: to *lO per week; placed or money refunded, tie u d Employment Bureau, 201 Federal St.. Allagi euy, i a. •'l-19-1 y JfTBRC NTILB BUREAU, end Ketlianical Ponltlc-a.,^, Office 6!6 Pe.ia Avenue, - riitsbuse. '-"a ;<-i9-iy Headaches"Cured With Glass? Ariifi?cia c yes Eugene Heard Spectacle C;. LEGITIMATE OPTICIAI.S 705 PESS AVI'M K, OPP. PENS ■m iLUIXO- nvTSLt s-vHy _ DRII HABIT JENDU Removes all desire for Alcoholic Stimulant im mediately. Settles the stomach, heals it and calms the nerves it once. Produces natural sleep. Creates a normal appetite and good digestion. Restores vigorous strength, health and manhood. It will cure the most serious case of Inebriety or Drink Habit Disease. TEKMS MODKKATIC. For full particulars address, THE JENDU COMPANY, SOS & 805 Hi Peint Kulld'g, Pittsburg, Pa, WHY NOT Become an Artist? Crayon, Pa9tel, Sepia and Water Color taught at home, -ind employment given at once. For full particulars, address, CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF ART. Beavtr Falls, Pa. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS c° p e * Nnfo. Alwavi rHlublf Ladle*. ask I»rugßlßt foi CHIC'lf WtTP.R'M ill Red an* 1 «*old metallic boxes, sealed with blu« ribbon Take no other. »{»*f«<.e Usm;veroun suiw«i* lutlomaud Imhaliori*. Kttyoi your t:rvn:p- t or send -St*. i:» i«» r !*arlkular-. V!'/ 1 ■MihiaU .« <1 " RoSlei' f<»r Ladte*. in Ut / by returo j^.tfrtOlosiimoaluU all I>rug?iK's. cu:.:::Esrrß CHEMICAL . J. 2100 P> Mi'i !lbP J.l* ao#v Curry College Sixtli Street and Ponn Ave., Pittsburg, l'a FORTY-THIRD YEAR. School open 'til the year. Individual in structions. Students can enter at any time Catalogue mailed free on application. 4---In FOR S\ LE —SO-acre farm; well located church, school, buildings, fruit and water can give immediate possession, inspect!fir will convince you; no agents. THUS. M. ARNOLD; Clarion. Pa. "THIS BEATS NEW JERSEY."—Charters procured under South Dakota law for a few dollars; write for corporotlon laws, blanks by-laws and forms to Philip Lawrence. !at« assistant secretary of state, Huron. BeadU Co., South Dakota. FOR SALE Ok LEASE—Farm and coa land. 100 acres, in Green township. Mahonlni Co., O. For particulars address ■J-IMXi-lm F. J. ROLLER, Niles. O PERSONAL—Vapor, alcohol and stean baths. Facial and scalp treatment a special ty. Best of service given. MRS. HAi DEN First lioor.ae Federal St., Allegheny City.l'a PERSONAL Swedish Massage. Manicur ing. ELS4E MILLS, KOO Penn Avenue, (second tloor) 4-2-03-ly l'ittsburg, l'a. IP YOU ALTK ReeVlngenif>lryment,«»T« board ag In tli.' city until engaged. Send ft and wo will luuliyou complete Instructions bow to quickly rerun a position (according to your ability; among thi l.vgc.f firms In America, unaided and by yourowr efiorts. (( opyrlgl.tof this system applied for.) Ad dress. Information Department, Bur liinpioymeui Bureau, 120 Sixth street, Pittsburg, l'a. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. S. A. THOMPSON, DK. ISARItI, MAIIAF FEY, Osteopathic Physicians. Graduates Amerl can School. l.joi-8 Arrott liuildlng, Bell l'houi 2840—Court, Pittsburg, l'a. L. 5. McJUNKIN Insurance and Real Eslatc Agent 117 E. JEFFERSON, j PTTTT/RT? Prt M. C. WAGNER ARTIST PHOTO GRAPEFH 139 South Main St. Mercantile Appraiser's List for 1903. NAME CLASS ADDRESS ADAMS TOWNSHIP. Beringer H H, store Myoma Godard Mrs J M, store Callery Irvine C B. store .Tmiction Pharmacy, drugs Leonard Mrs B. cigars Mnrry P H. cigars Shannon J F. store Strebel d W D n,Bt'e. Haxonltnrg Horn Miss Cora, milliner... Kranse T tJk Co, store " Kohnfelder J, cigars Mershon Dr E B, drugs " Manrhotf (J W, store Milder H A, furniture " ScLroth Mrs C. oysters " Schroth Wm & Son, harness " Stenbgen Bros, meat " Saxonburg Gas Co, gas fixt's. Scbintag Mrs Lizzie, store... " Raabe Mrs O M. cigars " NAMK CLASS ADURESS SIJI'PKKV ROCK BOROUGH. Bingham F P. hardware. Slippery Rook Bingham J B. implements Bartz Peter, candy Bard & Son, store Baird Miss Sue M, millinery •• " Clntti.n F. drugs Chandler E F, store Campbell MrsE.milliner. " Forester F L, lumber Griffith H P. gas supply Kiester L D. furniture... " Kerr & Gibson, store ... " Maybury A: Co. sh.>es... Morrison S L. feed " M'Quistion&Martin, meat Rhodes LM. saddler.... Roberts J M.implements. Sneathen& Ramsey, store Stillwagon J X. saddler. . " Stoops & Coulter, store.. " Williams O X. jewelry .. " Watson & Williams.store " Über & Son, furniture .. " VALENCIA BOROUGH. Barr ,T C. store Valencia Purvis S A, store Stoup & Mcrrow. hardware... " WEST SUXDI'RY BOROUGH. Arthur .T B, store West Sunlmry Braden, Conway &Co,store Brown P P. harness Donaldson Wm, cigars Hindinan H C drugs ... Mecbling Martha.furnlt're Plnenix Milling Co, feed. Pryor H C, feed Russell W G. gas fittings. Steindorf Bros, hardware Sloau H A. cigars ZELIEN'OI'LE BOROUGH. Bastian D G, hardware Zelienople Bumgardner Wm. hardware.. " Blum John, shoes " Beliler Lawrence, meat " Uiiidinger C L & N R.store... " Dodds V J, «tore " Frishkorn F A, hardware " Goebring !fc Son, lumber " Sitler A, drugs " Winters Albert, jewelry " Worth & Milliman, store " W'ight W J. store Zehner Fred, implements " Zehner Edwin, furniture " BUTLER BOROEGH. Aiken D L. store 317 Center avenne Allen J Wes. cigars 113 N Main street Anderson B C, cigars 103 Centre avenue Arlington Hotel, cigars 320 S Main st Bavonnet Victor, store 131 Short street Bellis GC & S-jn,store 239E lefferson st Biehl Henry, hardware 12*2 N Main st Bickel John, shoes 128 S Main street Biantiucci C. fruit 348 E Jefferson street Birckbiehler N, store 300 2nd street Biehl C. store corner 3d and Brady sts Butler Hotel, cigars 324 S Main steet Butler IlidettFurCo.furs&'hides Miller st Butler Cavalier, fruit 202 Center avenue Butler Lubricating Oil Co. oils 110 W Jefferson st Burton AR. store 112 W Jefferson st Bowman Hotel, cigars 311 Center ave Boyd C N, drugs 245 South Main street Bovaird & Seyfang Mfg Co. hardware 105 West Jefferson street Brown sonCo,9tore 311 " Richev JA. confections. 142 lieiber Alf LUfIBER.