Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 09, 1903, Image 3

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    I'M K CM'I/KN.
THrRSDAY, APRIL 9, 1903.
NOTE All advertisers Intending to make
Chang's lu their ads. should notify us of
their intention todosonot later than Mon
day morning.
Martincourt & Go's Buggies, etc.
Miller's 79c sale
Modern Store s opening.
Brown & Cos furniture
McKees Pharmacy.
Reed's Pharmacy.
Leighner's glasses.
Campbell's furniture.
Owego Valley Poultry Farm.
A-lmicisii .nors and Executors ut «state
c in secure their receipt books at the CITI
£GN otHee. and persons making public sales
th3lr note books.
—Hold tips— galore.
Winter is making farewell calls.
—The early bird catches the pneumo
—The churches will be well attended
next Sunday.
—Another shooting affair along the
new railroad.
—Repair your sidewalks and clean up
your premises
The "ducks" of spring hats are now
on the market.
—Who is the most popular street
loafer in Butler?
—The bicycles are beginning to make
their appearance.
—The whack of the carpet beater is
heard in the land.
—The sign painter can always make
a name for himself.
—The oftener Cupid hit* the mark,
the more Mrs. he make 3.
—There is a bill before the legislature
to abolish trading stamps.
—The legal season for catching brook
t out opens the 15th of this month.
—Good Friday comes tomorrow, April
10th, and this is virtually the close of
the Lenten season.
- March and April traded a few days
this year; and the frnit probably suffer
ed in consequence.
—The billiard hall in the new bank
building was opened, Monday; and our
postmaster expects his room to be ready
-Butler received its annual dnstbath
last week Why cannot the business
portion of Main St. be flooded from the
fire plugs.
—The imports of coffee into this
country reach nearly a billion pounds a
year, and a big crop, this season, has
lowered prices.
—The sugar war between the Trust
and the Arbuckles has broken out
again, and prices will probably rule
lower for a time.
—Those of our subscribers who haye
moved should notify us at opce in order
that we may make the necessary change
in the mailing list.
—We call the attention of those in
terested in thorougbred poultry to the
card of the Owego Valley Poultry Farm.
Buff Leghorns exclusively. Write.
—Reed & Co. are burning their sec
ond kiln of brick at their workj near
the railroad track. Each kiln contains
about 200,000 brick. Their output is al
most 20,000 a day.
—ln Maryland and Virginia peaches
were in bloom and were killed by the
frosts of Saturday and Sunday. Here
the fruit not being on so far, was unin
jured and the buds are now opening.
—Graphophones are superseding
stenographers in the large business offi
ces. The boss talks his answer to the
machine, and thed the type-writer puts
on her ear-lugs and starts the machine
and her fingers going.
—A ceitain parson of the old school is
reported as having concluded a good,
old fashioned sermon in which he de
plored new-fangled doctrines,by saying:
"As for me. brethren, the hell of our
fathers is good enough for me."
—Citizens of W. Wayne St. are sign
ing a petition for the paving of that
thoroughfare from Main St, to the
creek west of the Mnntz and Krut
tracts. Workmen are now slowly com
pleting the bridge at the Manny proper
—The assessors of Wilson county,
Kansas, have established a basis of val
uation for personal property from
which it appears that a yearling horse
is to be assessed at sls and a two-year
old at £!0, while the lowly mule is to
be valued ten per cent higher than the
—Dr J. L. McKee, formerly of Chico
ra, has purchased the C. J. Harvey
Pharmacy in the Stein block, S. Main
St. and will be pleased to meet his
friends in his new stand, which will be
strictly up to date in every respect. Dr.
McKee has had a long and successful
career in the drug business.
—The names that appear on the po
lice court records and on the marriage
license docket furnish striking evidence
of the change in nationality taking
place in Butler's population. Wonder
if all the Hunkies and Dagos will final
ly be assimilated in Americanism and
adopt and uphold our yankee princi
—The Mellon Coal Co. is driving an
entry on the McMin farm in South Buf
falo twp., Armstrong county, along the
line, and has bought the coal of several
farms in Buffalo twp. this county. The
Kerr Coal Co. —the Gnckenheimers—
have 150 miners in their drift on the
John Sarver, near the Junction, and
have bought the coal of several farms
in that neighborhood.
--Some of the property owners of this
town have become too greedy; and are
driving people away by asking exorbi
tant rents. At the meeting of the
School Board, last Friday night, it was
stated that sixty children whose parents
had moved here to give them the bene
fit of our public schools, had been with
drawn dqring the previous week, their
parents finding it necessary to move to
some plac3 where they would not be
—Postmasters hereafter will not be
permitted to rent boxes to minors with
out the written consent of their parents.
The order was made by the Postoffice
Department, to correct an abuse grow
ing out of the fact that minor girls rent
boxes and open up correspondence with
outside parties, and in that way keep
the correspondence a secret from their
parents. This is a good rnling.and will
doubtless put a stop to much flirtation
When a girl has a correspondence she is
#shaw«d for her mother to know of, she
is treading on quicksand.
Sickly screaming babies are not
pretty. If yon want a sweet child and
a happy home keep Victor Infants Re
lief and Victor Liver Syrup on hand for
A. T. Scott, Es«j. is on the sick list.
H. T. Turner of Second St. is on the
sick list.
Mrs. Joseph Ebrhart of Karns City is
seriously ill.
Elmer Stewart of toe Prothonotary s
has the measles.
J. E. Brown of Carr intends opening
a coal mine at Sligo.
John C. Miller now represents a
wholesale grocery firm-
Miss Moon of Oil City is the guest of
Mrs. B. H. McQuistion.
O. M. Patterson of Hilliards was in
town on btisiness, Tuesday.
John Stoughton o? Clay twp. visited
friends in Butler, yesterday.
J. C. Brown of Concord twp did some
shopping in Butler, yesterday.
W. J. Bartley of Buffalo twp. visited
old friends in Butler, Monday.
Joseph Colestock has greatly improved
his property on N. Main street.
R. C. McAboy has been appointed
Justice succeeding C. E Anderson.
W. H. Say, Sr., of Jefferson township
visited friends in Butler, yesterday.
Perry N. Black of Meadville, a broth
er of the lite Newton Black, is in town.
J. W. Thompson and family of the
sth ward have'returned from Califor
J. W. Cooper of Downieville attended
to some legal matters in Butler, last
Jos. R. Carnahan moved to New Cas
tle, last week, and is living at 123 E.
Long Ave.
Arthur Black of the Penn'a Engineer
ing Works of New Castle, visited friends
in Butler, this week.
George O. Schenck, Jr. a well-known
young carpen;er and Jennie. Biehl were
married, Wednesday.
Prof. Carl Linn has written and pub
lished a very patriotic national song,
entitled "Greater America."
Herb Harper i 3 yet at the Pittsburg
hospital, where ho underwent a success -
fnl operation, and is doing well.
Win. J. Thompson and his young
nephew, Meade Thompson, were in
from W. Sunbury, last Saturday.
W. 13. Dodds, Esq. of Adamsyille,
Crawford county ha 9 our thanks for the
tinest basket-full of apples we have had
this year.
Miss Josie Smith aud Lawrence
Hauck, two of the Western Unions
telegraphic artists, are on the sick 1-st.
Mr. Hauck having typhoid fever.
Mrs. Lon Shira and little daughter of
Glenwood and Ray McKea of Pitts
bunr were the guests ot Judge Gal
breath and family over Sunday
Dr. Bippns sold his nice home at the
corner of Washington and Cunningham
Sts. last week, to his sister, Mrs. Find
ley, but will retain his office there, lor
the present.
Miss Ella P. Campbell daughter of
Levi Campbell of Parker twp. and Mur
ry Bartley were married by Rev. Mc-
Quiston, Wednesday. They will reside
in Youngstown.
Sheriff Gibson end Deputy Hoon wit
nessed the execution of Dudash, at Kit
tanning last Thursday, but haye no de
sire to see another, it was Armstrong
county's first hanging.
Andrew Schidewantle of Parker visit
ed friends in Butler, last Thursday.
Andy was born on Yellow Creek, went
to Oil Creek in the sixties, and lived
through all that Ida Bell Tarbell de
scribes in her articles in McClure's.
Miss Nanetta Glenn, daughter of
Walker Glenn and S W. Thompson,
son of Hon. Josiali M. Thompson, were
married at the bride's home near En
clid, Wednesday. The groom has been
contracting successfully in the West
Virginia oil fields for some years.
—On Tuesday at the carworks, Mau
rice Irvine, the football and baseball.
player,was under a car holding a wedge
while another fellow was swinging a
16-pound hammer. The other fellow
missed the wedge and hit "Bucby" on
the forehead knocking him five or ten
feet. Yesterday "Bucky" was walking
around with a patched up front. Can't
kill a good man.
—The Agricultural building at the St.
Louis World's Fair will cover 20 acres
and its contract price is $529,940. It
will be 1,600 feet long and 500 feet wide
and will be the best lighted structure
on the grounds. Its fronts are a series
of windows each 75 feet long and 27
feet high, placed 14 feet above the floor
to allow the use of wall space inside for
—Several notes containing the signa
tures of farmers of this vicinity, aro ly
ing in the Butler banks. The notes
were obtained by strangers, who pre-,
tended that they were agents for a'
Thresher's Union, and claimed that un
less the farmers joined the Union they
would be boycotted, under the guise of
applications *or membership. One
farmer claims that his signature is a
—At the meeting of the trustees of
the M. E. church of Butler, Tuesday
evening, J. A. Nixon of Titusville was
awarded the contract for the church at
$35,000. . The building is to be 80x110
feet, brown-stone, seat 1000 people, be
completed by June Ist of 19C4, and fur
nished and ready for use cost over S4O, -
000. Tearing down the old building
will begin about May Ist, and the con
gregation will use the Y. M. C. A. ball
for a year and better.
—Louise Montague, who won notori
ety a score of years ago as Adam Fore
paugh's SIO,OOO beauty, is after $100,000;
which, she claims is due her for dam
ages in a breach of promise suit against
a Chicago man. The man in the case
has secured an order from the United
States District Court restraining the
fair plaintiff from prosecuting her suit
in the Superior Court. This is most nn
gallant conduct on his part. Is he
afraid to try conclusions against the
mature charms of Forepaugh's "Lalla
—At Pstersville, Sunday. Birdie Hoff
man, aged six years, a daughter of
Henry Hoffman, died of scarlet fever,
Hoffman is the pastor of a small con
gregation of faith curists and would
not let any medical attention be given
the child, saying prayer would bring its
reoovery. There are four other children
in the family. The youngest, a boy,
now has the disease. Tuesday a public
indignation meeting was held by the
citizens and Dr. J. L. Christie, Rev.
Grimes, Chas. Rea, J. M. Mechling and
Jennings McCandless, were elected a
board of health. They have taken
charge of the children, and will try to
save the boy's life and prevent further
sickness, despite the father.
—Don't fail to call on the New Flor
ist, Kolt's, corner of McKean and Jef
ferson Sts for a great variety of choice
cut flowers and blooming plants for
"Hello Central" Well. "Please
give me phone line for Victor Liver
Syrnp. It is a sovereign Remedy for
Colds, Constipation. Indigestion, and
Those nobby top coats comes from
Ritter Rockenstein s.
School teachers. We will be ready for
you any time after April Ist. By secur
ing a thorough training in bookkeeping,
shorthand and typewriting, you can
double or treble your salary. Call and
see us or write for information.
liain or shine coats—the nobby kind
at Ritter & Rockenstein's.
Hannah Bailey vs Butler County, ap
peal from award by viewers of damages
amounting to £35 for a new road in
Middlesex twp.
Joseph Earhart vs Western Allegheny
R R. Co. indemnity Liond of deft in
£•.2500, Sled for entering on land in Fair
view twp.
A Delaware charter has been granted
to the Butler Builder's Supply Co. th*
stockholders being W. E. Cochran, W.
H. O'Brieu and C. C. Reeder
A charter has been granted to the
Iron City Progress Club, .social, literary
and physical of Zelienople.
Supervisors F. Knoch and A. Mauer
hoff of Jefferson twp. have filed a state
ment showing that the township valua
tion is £>71,033, preparatory to borrow
ing £9OO at 5 per cent to pay the Bau
man judgment.
Six hobos were sent to jail for from 4
to 10 days, Saturday, for trespassing on
on a railroad train.
During March 98 mortgages were re
On Saturday John Reott, Henry Mil
ler, Win. Kesselman and T. B. Humes,
attorney de facto, stockholders in the
United State? Electrical Mfg. Co., peti
tioned Court for a stay of the writ of
fieri facias issued against the company
on a jndgment for 1135 entered against
it by W. C. Thompson, Esq. The peti
tioners state that they never borrowed
a dollar from Thompson and do not owe
him a dollar, that the directors had
never authorized the making of the note,
that it was fraudulently obtained and
that in December the stockholders by
their individual notes borrowed £SOOO to
pay debts and extend business, and that
if the sale is permitted to be made it
will be 3 gross fraud upon and depriva
tion of the rights of the stockholders.
The note to Thompson is signed by
John W. Brown and Win.' H. Miller,
the former president and secretary of
the company. Thompson stated in
court Saturday he was actiugas Trustee
for Brown and Miller, but this does not
appear on the record. The writ was
stayed until the 13th, when the matter
will be heard in court.
John Pollard was sent to jail for 30
days by Esquire McElvain fur vagrancy.
William Golden has been placed in
jail on a charge of agg p.&band robbing
a Slav. About live o'clock Tuesday
evening a train crew saw Golden knock
his man down and senseless near the
West Penn crossing and then go through
his pockets. The trainmen took after
Golden and got him and and the Slav's
pocketbook containing $32 which Golden
had hid under a plank.
Saturday, Apiil 18, is the last day for
filing accounts to May term.
D F Sanbacli to C F Hosford lot on W
North st for $2350.
Lewis Patterson to John C Ricketts
lot in Slipperyrock for £093.
John S McElwee to J F P McGinley
114 acres in Oakland for £SOO.
Mary M McElwee to same same for
Nebemiah McCanaless to A T Steveu
son 38 acres in Franklin for £ 1000.
Clara M Cypher to Lewis Reott G2
acres in Clearfield for S7OO.
Rev N E Brown to W H Brown 57
acres in Mercer for £IBOO.
W D Weitzel to Samuel McKay lot on
West D st for £I4OO.
John Bier to John Flanigan lot on
Carbon st for $2750.
G M Graham, clerk, to Jacob Snyder
107 acres in Penn for £2IOO.
W E Ccchran to S C Kelly lot on
Broad st for $2500.
Peter Rader to Louis Rader 164 acres
in Forward for £SOOO.
John Bickel to H A Stauffer lot on S
Main st for £33,000.
Jos W Ralston to O J Sarver 170 acres
of coal in Buffalo at £3O per acre.
Sadie Duffy to Elizabeth Hopper 2
acres in Donegal for £250.
J B Vance, J B Kennedy, A T Black,
Win Pringle, B F Frantz and Harry L
Green to T R and L D Campbell lease
and two wells on Thos S Hutchison
farm in Concord for £2400.
M D Kotraba to T F Hunter lot in
Butler for £2OOO.
J S Weitzel to Geo J Shiever lot in
Butler for £7OO.
J S Kinch to M H Campbell lot on
Centre ave for £ISOO.
P C Kelly to J A Easley lot on Centre
ave for £ISOO.
G L Best to T H Brown lot at Gallery
for £OOO.
S M Bippus to Lida B Findley lot in
Butler for £OOOO.
W C Stoughton to Elmer Double (50
acres in Brady for £I9OO.
Samuel Beighley to Jas Ruby lot in
Lancaster for £2OO.
Thos A Eakin to Lewis Deal 50 acres
in Venango for £IOOO.
W Henry Wilson to Margaret M Wil
son, quit claim to Wilson farm. Worth
twp for $1; also to Caroline and Margt
Wilson, q c to store property in Slip
pery rock for sl.
Ii C Wilson to same same; also to W
H Wilson. <i c, to Taylor farm.
Samuel Timblin to Chas L Timblin
lot in W Sunbury for ->750.
A J Critcblow to Milton C Burr 30
acres in Forwunl for £ISOO,
H C Sbannoii to Elsie Fennell lot on
Hickory st for $650.
John Johnston to Jacob A Henninger
lot on N Washington st for $3500.
James Hall to M L Hilliard 100 acres
in Washington for S3OOO.
Hugh A McNamee to B C Anderson
20 feet on Centre ave for S2OOO.
Patterson Porter to Valentine Stark
and Ottis M Hilliard 25 acres in Clinton
for S3OOO.
J A Mortimer to Leslie P Hnzlett lot
on N McKean St for SI9OO.
Very Rev. John Hickey to The Sisters
of the Third Order of St. Francis of the
Diocese of Pittsburg !)2 acres in Clear
field for sl.
Samuel J Wimer to Geo Wimer 225
acres in Worth for sl.
Philip Sanderson to Frank X Kohler
100 acres in Centre twp. for SBOOO.
Frank Mahood to J Wilson Mahood
39 acres in Washington for $390.
W H Painter to J R Patterson lot in
Washington twp. for S9OO.
Harvey H Boyd to Carrie A Sellers lot
in Springdale for $325.
W H Bovard to P B & L E Ry Co lot
in Slipperyrock for s2l.
Hiram Barns to same lot in Mercer
for sl6.
Mary E Hollingsworth to Edwin
Sniveley lot in Buffalo for S7OO
L H Haffner to Eva M Bartley lot on
Monroe St for $3500.
Eugene A O'Donnel to W E Cochran
lot on Lincoln Way for $1450.
Ira McJunkin to W E Cochran lot on
West Penn St. for $1; also 4 lots on
Morton ave for SISOO.
H L McNees to J G Renick 1 acre in
Brady for S6OO.
Wm Walker to David M Nolder lot
at Second and Carbon Sts for $3500.
Ralph Gregg to Geo H Kurtz hotel in
Petrolia for $7250.
Hugh McNamee to John L Walker 21
feet on Centre ave fpr S2IOO.
F X Kohler to V Krambucher and G
Nussheim lot in Lyndora for SI6OO.
McGee, Bovard and Slagle to J A C
and C W McQuiston lease and three
wells on Jacob Sanderson farm in
Parker twp. for S3OOO.
What it Means.
We're tired of answering questions!
"Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer"
means that you don't have to paint your
house so often, and you don't have to
use so much paint. Costs less for the
job, and you don't have to do the job so
The new paint is not new at all. It's
the biggest-selling paint in the United
States, and the firm that makes it is 149
i years old.
Devoe Lead and Zinc—fewer gallons
than mixed paints, wears twice as long
as lead and oil.
Patterson Bros, sell it.
—Get your Easter flowers at Holt's.
One-Way Colonist Kates to tiie
! Tickets on sale daily until April 29th,
[ 1903, inclusive, at all ticket offices of the
; Baltimore & Ohio R. R. to points in
' Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho,
Mexico, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico,
Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah.
Washington, Wyoming and British Co
lumbia, at greatly reduced rates.
For full information call at Ticket
Offices Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.
Marriage Licenses.
' F. D Nicklass Browusdale
Clara Wilson Glade Run
F. E. Vensel Ohio City. O
Myrtle Jack Butler
R A. Steiner Glade Mills
Anna R. Cooper Valencia
Edward C. Ruschman Butler
Elizabeth M. Walter Greensburg
James Dunn Delaware Grove, Pa
' Lydia Ann Cricks Butler
John Ekjy Butler
Katie Mantch •
Lawrence A. Schnur Herman
j Annie Osche
; Ralph P. Adams Slipperyrock twp
Eftie Maria Dible Grove City
Martin H. Besnecker Evans Citv
i Florence L Ripper
i William Gill Pittsbuig
j Mary Hail
S. W. Thompson Euclid
| Xanetta Glenn "
• Murray H. Bartley Youngstown
Ella P. Campbell. Bruin
Charles E Cramer Parker
Florence Brady Baldwin
George O. Schenck Butler
Jennie E. Biehl "
O. W. Miller... Wallrose, Allegheny Co
Luella Miller Callery
Wm II Gerwig Forward twp
t Amelia Nicklas
J C. W. Pringle Butler
Emma E. Hoffman "
Ail Expanding Business*.
No store in Butler presents a neater
interior appearance than does that of
the Mrs. Zimnnrman Dry Goods and
Millinery establishment.
The show-windows are alwavs attrac
tive, and always present the latest and
best in style, shape and materials.
The main etore-room always looks
neat and clean: but the pride of the
store is the new Millinery Room on the
second floor and extending into the new
Ralston building, where hats are trim
med for all ages and all seasons, on
short notice, and while you rest in the
pleasantest waiting room in Butler.
The suit and cloak rooms are also on
the second floor; while the basement
room contains a large stock of lace cur
tains, rugs, pillows, casts,sheets,blinds,
fixtures, etc.
Mrs. Zimmerman's business is in
creasing rapidly, and she is expanding
and enlarging her rooms as necessity re
Half Kates to St. Louis, Mo.
On April 26, 27, 20, 30, and May 1,
1003, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Company will sell excursion tickets
from all local stations west of the Ohio
River to St. Louis, Mo., at rate of one
fare for the round trip, account Nation
al and International Good Roads Con
vention and Dedication Ceremonies,
Louisiana Purchase Exposition Tick
ets will be good for return until May 4,
For detailed information call on or
address nearest Baltimore & Ohio
Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, General
Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111.
New Map.
F. A. Barkley of Prospect has issued
a new, township, railroad, public-road,
school house, church and postal-route
map of the county, which he is selling
at £1.50 each.
House on E. Jefferson St. Ex. £2300.
Two on West St., new, £3OOO each. One
on S. Washington St., £2550. One on
Elm St., £2700. Many others. Good
building lots.
S. W. Diamond.
Reduced Rates to New Orleans.
On account of the meetirg of the
National Manufactures' Association at
New Orleans, April 15 to 17, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets to New Orleans and re
turn, April 11, 12 and 13 good going on
date of sale, and good returning to
reach original starting point not later
than April 19, from all points on its
lines, at reduced rates. By depositing
ticket with Joint Agent at New Orleans
between April 12 and 19, and payment
of fee of fifty cents, an extension of re
turn limit may be obtained to reach
starting point not later than April 30.
Tours to the Pacific Coast.
For the General Assembly of the
Piesbyterian Church, at Los Angeles,
Cal., May 21 to June 3, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will run three
personally-conducted tours to Los
Angeles and the Pacific Coast. These
tours will leave Pittsburg May 13, 13,
and 14. Tour No. 1, covering twenty
four days, £l2O from Pittsburg. Tour
No. 2, covering forty-three (lays, in
cluding Yellowstone Park, £244 from
Pittsburg, Tour No. 3, covering thirty
days, including Grand Canyon of
Arizona, £144.50 from Pittsburg. Pro
portionate rates from other points. Ar
rangements may be made to return in
dependently on Tours No. 1 and No. 3.
Special Pullman trains will be used
and the services of a tourist agent,
chaperon, baggage master, and official
stenographer will be provided on each
For itinerary giving rates and full in
formation apply to Geo. W. Boyd, As
sistant General Passenger Agent, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia. Pa.
Normal Term at Prospect.
Prof. H. D. Pvott will conduct a
Normal Term at Prospect. Books free.
Tuition $6. In addition to the common
branches opportunity will be given to
take up the higher branches. Special
attention to Algebra, Penmanship and
Civil Government. Term opens May
7th to continue 8 weeks. Junior de
partment for beginners. Write for
particulars. Books free.
Spring showing of up to date clothes
for man and boy at Ritter & Rocken
Don't miss it—seeing the new .cata
logne of the Butler Business College.
The Spring showing of Men's and
Boys' clothing at Ritter & Rockenstein's
is worth investigating.
Have you seen our finely illustrated
catalogue for 1903-4? If not, send for
a copy, or when in town call at the of
fice and get a copy,
Fewer Gallons: Wears Longer.
If it comes from Ritter & Rocken
stein's it is bound to be up to date.
It's the finest you ever saw—the new
catalogue of the Butler Business College.
Free for the askingr.
Want a nobby Spring suit? Let
Ritter & Rockenstein's fit you out.
Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.
Save time by looking at Ritter &
Rockenstein's first for that Spring suit
or overcoat
"Perfect" Ovens and Good Bakers,
Get them at Whitehill's.
Ritter <& Rockenstein seem to be lead
ers in up to date clothing
Wheat, wholesale price 75-80
Rye, " 55
Oats, " 40
Corn. " 58
Buckwheat 70
Hay, " 15 00
Eggs, " 15
Butter, " 24
Potatoes, ' 55
Onions, per bu 75
Beets, per bu (SO
Cabbage, per lb 1
Chickens, dressed 16
Parsnips, per bu tiO
Turnips 40
Apples 00 75
Celery, doz bunches 25
Honey, per pound 18
It's about twice as large and twice as
I good looking as the last one—the new
I catalogue of the Butler Business Col
| lege. It's free to those interested.
If it is up to date it comes from
Local Robberies.
A piece of the sbow-window of the E.
tirieb jewelry store was out cut last
Thursday night, and goods worth about
SIOO abstracted.
' Guv Godwin was held up at the cor
[ ner of W. Penn and Bluff Sts , Thurs
day night, by a man with a gun, and
; robbed of about |4. That same evening
two school marujs met a man with a
gun near the corner of First and East
Jefferson streets, but one of them beat
him over the head with her umbrella
till he ran away. Bravo, Miss Minteer
Andrew Ohesney was kuocbed down
and robbed at the West Penn crossing,
Tuesday evening. The affair was seen
by some railroaders who chased and
caught the assailant. The robber gaye
his name as Wm Golden and he is sus
pected of knowing something of the
recent holdups
Jack Walker's house on N. McKean
street was entered, and robbed of a gold
watch and a pocket-book containing
some money, one day last week.
The K<mn«l Table.
The Piincipals and Superintendents
of Western Pennsylvania, will meet in
Butler on Friday and Saturday of next
week, and have prepared a program for
Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock, in the
U. P. church, to which the public is
Music. High School Chorus
Invocation, Dr. Oiler.
Music —Vocal Solo. Mrs. Herr.
Address —"The Teacher's Wages".
Ex-Supt. Geo. H Lamb. Librarian
Carnegie Library. Bra Mock, Pa.
Music, Aeolian Quartette.
Address —''Educational Leadership',
Supt. Samuel Hamilton, Allegheny
county, Braddock, Pa.
Held Over.
At the meeting ot the Council, Tues
day evening, the proposition to expend
"about *O.OOO" —some say it will cost
slo,ooo—for a fire-alarm system, as rec
ommended by the Fire Committee was
postponed nntilan adjourned meeting to
be held this evening: as was also the
street cleaning matter.
The ordinance for paving West Penn
St. from Washington to Mercer was
adopted and the contract will be award
ed on the 21st.
People living along W. Clay, Bluff,
and Franklin Sts. and Ziegler Ave have
asked for paving, and some people along
Mercer, Bradv and Monroe have filed
objections to the work already done.
Both telephone companies were al
lowed to lay some cables under the side
Chief Burckhalter of the Fire Dep't
made his report and a new code of rules
governing the Police Dep't were adopt
Small-pox Items.
A young man namedFrankForce.from
the lord-knows-where, but who has been
boarding at the Wick House, took sick
yesterday, and this morning the case
was supposed to be small-pox, but the
man has not yet been taken to the small
pox hospital.
The colored man there died Monday
and was buried.
Redolent with the breath of magnolia
and orange blossoms is Lottie Blair
Parker's newest play "Under Southern
Skies," which Manager Harry Doel
Parker will present for an engagement
at the Park Theatre on April 10. Many
think from the title that the play is one
dealing with the affairs of state in
Lincoln's time, bat such is not the case.
Under Southern Skies is a love story of
the south, pure and simple, no reference
being made whatever to the Blue and
the Gray. The story is told in simple
fashion as in this celebrated author's
New England Idyl 'Way Down East.
At the Park Theatre Saturday April
18 will be presented that immensely
clever comedy farce success "Are You
A Mason" which is now in the third
season of its hilarously funny career.
It is the David Harum of farce, a de
cided departure from the hackneyed
and worn out plays based upon old
themes. It is not only funny and dis
tinctive of its kind but also human and
full of interest.
"King Dodo" is the kind of a beauty
show which is in great demand at this
time. The old-time chorus girl who
was so much joked about by the humor
ists —not without some reason—has been
gradually disappearing from the stage
and the call now is for young woman
kind of prepossessing appearance. The
number of managers who have succeed
ed in getting together a number of girls
of good appearance this season is un
usually large and the New York stage
teams with rare collections. Mr.
Savage has done much the same thing
for his "King Dodo" company.
Grand Opera House, Pittsburg.
For Easter week, the stock company
at the Grand Opera House, Pittsburg,
will present an exceedingly appropriate
attraction, singularly fitted to the joy
ous season of the year, when Henry
Miller's more recent success, "D'Arcy
of the Guards," which has never been
seen until now in Pittsburg, will re
ceive an especially elaborate produc
Half Bates to New Orleans, La.
May 1 to 3, inclusive, the Baltimore
& Ohio Railroad Cempany will sell ex
cursion tickets from all local stations
west of the Ohio River to New Orleans,
La., at rate of one fare for the round
trip, account American Medical As
sociation. Tickets will be good for re
turn for 10 days from date of sale, but
may be extended until May 30 by de
posit with Joint Agent and payment of
50 cents.
For further information call on or
address nearest Baltimore <fc Ohio
Ticket Agent, or B. N. Austin, General
Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111.
Fathers and Mothers
teach your child to save by opening a
bank acount for him with the Real
Estate Trust Company, 311 Fourth
ayenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Four per cent,
interest on savings accounts.
Capital and Surplus 13,700,000.00.
Insurance and Real Estate.
If you wish to sell or buy property
you will find it to your advantage to see
Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real
Estate, next P. 0., Butler, Pa.
Guess I had better drop around and
look at Ritter & Rockenstein's clothihg
they seem to turn out the best in town,
Music scholars wanted at 138 W.
Wayne St.
Gas Fixtures,
We have them; 50 different styles.
They are in the latest finishes, made to
match the hardware of your house-
Sold in Butler
in the
Past Three Months
Speaks for Itself!
New Pianos
Arriving daily.
Come and see them.
Your credit is good.
SJ'jf S St. Btrtler Y*.
in EBusiness
We have started over three thousand
boys in various parts of the country
in a profitable business on their own
account. We want a boy to represent
The Saturday
Evening Post
In every town. The work can be done
after school hours and on Saturdays. It is
pleasant, as well as profitable. The maga
zines are sold among neighbors and friends
in offices, stores, as well as in homes.
No Money Required to Begin
The first week's supply is sent free. These
are sold at five cents a copy and provide
the motley to order the following week at
wholesale prices.
Z * will be distributed among boys
I who sell five or more copies. A
LA Our FRFF. Iwoklet gives portraits of
some of our nmst •siiccessful boy
agents and their methods.
The Curtis Publishing Co.
9 485 Arch Street B
™ Philadelphia W
Bad Breath
\ Catarrh of Stomach \
\ Arc you troubled with x
V these? Would you take a /
\ good remedy if you could J
i get ii? We have one we
j re not afraid to back with c
/ t!ie guarantee, "Money /
i refunded if not satisfac- \
I ! tory." We know it docs f
/ the work and so are not V
) afraid to say so. /
v : Tome to the store (or if y
J you live out of town send S
1 for a box of s
} Boyd's dyspepsia tablets
C price 50c. /
Remittance may be /
? made in 2 cent stamps, we S
I can always use thet>e »
J! rather than a larger de- J
S nomination. They CURE S
/ and that is what you want. /
/! We sell other things you ! /
/ may need. If it is any- S
? thing in the drug line we S
V have it. Why not get the \
f 1 best of everything when it C
m I does not cost any more. j (
\ Pharmacist, IS
I Diamond Block. /
1 Butler, Pa, ?
J People's Phone 83. j
v J Bell Phone 146 D. _j \
Our new line of optical goods compris
ing field glasses, opera glasses, micro
scopes and the boat spectacles and eye
glasses that science and mechanical
skill can produce. We test your eyes
by the latest improved methods and
charge you only for the glasses you buy.
We also sell —
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and Paco Cameras.
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins and Guitars.
Optical goods.
Field and Spy Glasses.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next to Court House.
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and Sale Stable
Rear of
Wick House Butler. °enn'a
The best of horses and first class rigs al
wavs on hand and for hire.
Best accommodations in town for perma
nent boarding and transient trade. Sped
al care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses
A good c ass of horsos, both drivers a.id
draft horses always on hand and for sale
under a full guarantee; and horses bough
pon proper notification, bv
Telepnone No. 219
We know we have the best of al
grades of high class novelties, but to
have the public know it is our aim.
If in need of anything in our line it
will pa> you to give us a call and ex
amine goods and prices before pur
Next to Postoffice. 251 S. Main St.
Cabot Institute, ft
vfv Spring Term Opens s?
•®- April 14th, 1903. ®
vfv Full Normal and
Classical Course 0$
ify: C. W. Johnston, A 8., (&)
; -W- Principal
J. M. SCOTT, Sec. x 0
Carbon Black. Pa
i Tfc Saxouburg Station, vX»
4$ wpr. a
it <v o tc ie
Tim. livt V v. 23, !*£.
Sol TBBol M>
All.-khi-ny Ac. imn.-Ui. u * r» a
AM n* ■ ' 1 l.tii ! r. ... . ;
Allegheny Kxpnm *9 I • i i
Klluoud City Aivotiiiii-iati a
fin -<•, S«-w l aii>l !
; Al!* :!i*-r»\ F\pri— ♦S:"»U |~m
} . V ■ « .i-ri. A • "lui i •• >*> ; •
Pitt»l»urjr. Wa-liiiii'ioii ati'l HnltiD)>rt K\ IHBi '
K . Il l r.ra.i|.'l.| Mali I ..
j Clarion Aocoounodatioa *5.15 |»-ui
t iHcily. * Except Sum lay. X Sun.lay ..u lj.
j Trains leave the Allegheny station for
Butler at 7:35.10:45 a.m.. and 1:15, 5:30.
6:15 and 11:30 p.m. and Pittsbnnr sta
tioL at 7:50 a.m. On Sunday at 7:35 a.
m. and s:3oand 11:30 p.m., and from
the B. & O. station in Pittsburg at 7:50
a in. and 3:30 p.m.
For through tickets Pullman RRFE'RRATIOIU J*U<l »n-
I Moo apply ti W. R. Tl RNBR, A .
Butler, Pa.
K. I». SMITH, A. ci. P. A..
I*ittsf.nn:, I*a.
Ii R & 1* R K
Time table in effect Feb. 15, 1903.
Passenger trains leave and arrive at
Butler as follows:
7:30 a. m., mixed for Punxsntawney
and all intermediate stations.
10:13 a. IU. daily, vestibuled day ex
press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford,
week days, for Rochester.
5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois and
all stations.
10:22 p. m. night express for Buffalo
and Rochester.
6:08 a. m. daily, night express from
Buffalo and Rochester.
9:45 a.m. week days, accomodation
from Dußois.
5:31 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express
from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash
ford week days from Rochester.
7:40 p.m. week days, mixed train
from Punxsutawney.
ScHEcrLz is Errrcr >YI>. 5, 1903.
A.M A.M. A.M. P.M. r. M
BLTLEB Leave fi 05 7 3S 10 .15 2 35 4 35
Saxonl'Urg Arrive 0 lit SOS 10 ;j(i 300 5 03
Butler Junction.. " 707 3 3(i 11 0:1 325 529
Butler Junction. ..Leave 7 22 826 11 47 124 5 29
Natrona Arrive 731 44 11 57 3355 39
Tarentum 7 37 8 51 12 05 3 j 46
S; riiigiiale 7 47 902 12 17 3 53 K56
Claremont 9 18 12 30 4 OS 0 10
Sharpeburg 8 09 9 20 12 47 4 16 6 16
Allegheny g 20 9 38 1 00 4 20 6 26
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M P. M.
SUNDAY TRAlN*—Ltave Butlei for Allegheny
City and principal intermediate stations at 7:20 a. m.,
■»nd 4:15 p. m.
A.M.tA.M. A.M. P.M. P. M
Allegheny City . .leave 6 25 8 50 10 15 3 0:1 6 10
Sbarpsburg i 3(j 9 00 10 25 r3 13 rG SO
Cuireinont j .... 10 32 ... ....
Springdale jfU 23 10 49 .!!. 6ii
Tarentum 7 OS 9 32 11 00 3 40 6 49
Natrona. 7 13 9 36 11 07 3 45 G 53
Butler Junction arrive 725 94711 17 351 TO2
Butlet Junction leave 725 95512 35 406 702
Snxonburg 7 55|10 IS 1 OS 4 41 7 27
BUTLEB arrive 82» 10 45 1 33 5 13 7 53
A.M.'A.M, P. M. P. fll. P. M
SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But
ler and principal Intermediate stations at 7:03 a m. and
9-33 p. ti\
\Vecks Days. Suntiay*
A.M. A.M.;P. M. A. M. P M
lirTLEs IT «0510 05 135 7 %
Butler J'ct »r 7 07ill 0'» 325 810 ...
Butler J'ct IT 7 3o|LL 17 351 814 ....
Foeport ar 72811 20 354 817 ....
KsklmiueUa J't.. 7 Sslll 27 35# 823
Loechburg " 7 11 3& 413 8 3(i
West Apollo " 80»12 00 435 857
SalUturg " 8 38112 26 503 923 ..
Blairsville 9 16; 100 540 952
Biainrvillelnt.. " 9 24' I£j 547 10 00
Altooua « 11 351 545 850 150
Harritburg " 3 10:10 00; 100 645 ~ ..
Philadelphia " 6 231 425 , 425 10 17
P. 11. IA. M.| i. M.i P.M.P.M
Through troioa for the eeat luaTe Pittrburg (Union
Station), as follows:
Atlantic Ezpreaa, dally S:00 A.H
Penuaylvania Limited " 7:15 "
Day Kxpregj. « ....7:30 "
Main Line Kxproas, " 8:00"
Harrisbnrg Mail, " 12:45 r.u
Harrigburg Express daily 4:4k "
Philadelphia Expreno, ' .. .. .4:50 "
Enjtsrn Kxpresa, « .7:10 "
Faat Line, • 900 11
Fast Line (second section) daiiy, Sleeping
cars to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash
ington. Sjo coaches 10:00 '*
Pittsburg Limited, daily for New York, ooiy. 1C:00 "
Philad'a Mall, Sunda) s oniy ... 8:40 A M
For Atlantic City (via Delaware lliver Briiigo, al
rail route) 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p. m. daily, "Fcuu
sylvanla Limited" 7:15 a.m. week days.
Buffalo d Allegheny Valley Division
Trains leave Kiskiminetas Junction aa follows:
For Buffalo, 9-56 a. m. and 11 Jo p, m. daily, with
through parlor and sleeping cars,
For Oil City, 7.46, 3.5 C a. m„ 2 38, 6.15 and 11.35 p.
m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56 a. m„ 6.15 and 11.35 p.m.
For Bed Bank, 7.46, 9.56, 11.17 a. m., 8 38, 6.15, 9.34,
and 11.35 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56,10.49 a. m„
6.15 and 11.35 p. in.
For Kittanuing ,7.46, 9.32, 9.56,11.17 a. m., 2.38,5.33,
6.15, 7.30, 9.34, and 11.35 p. m. week-days. Sundays,
9.56, 10.49 a. m., 6.15,10.45, and 11.35 p. m.
"r" stops on signal to take on passengers for Taren
tum and points beyond.
Foi detailed information, apply to ticket agent or
address Thos. E. Watt, Pass. A (ft. Western District,
Corner Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street. Plitsburg,
•Weral Manag r Oen't P«»«r. «r«n
1) Time table in effect Nov. 23, 1902.
One hour slower than town time.
northward. Daily except Sunday. Southward
Read up) (Read dowu)
2 10 14 STATIONB. 1 9 lT
P.M. I'.M |P.M. I | a.m. A.M., am
G 18 1 08 Erie 6 10(1159
55312 43 Fairview 1 ;63612 25
5 43 12 29 Girard 6 48 12 38
5 52 1 43 ar. .Conneaut.. .ar . 8 42 1 43
425 11 15 lv.. Oonneaut. lv I 625U 15
5 25 12 10 Cranesville 7 05 12 55
5 20 12 05 Albion 7 09 1 00
4 5911 50 SpringUuo 7 21 1 15
45311 44 Conneautville I ; 730 1 t'l
4 33 11 i 5 Mtadville Junct.. J 7 52 1 42
5 57 12 01 ar..Meadville.. ar 8 28 2 20
3 43 10 42 lv..Meadville...lv 6 45 1 (X'
5 JO 11 M ar. .Conn.Lake, .ar 8 00 1 52
4 £2 11 10 lv " lv 6 30 1 28
4 48 ;tr.. Linesville . ar 9 9ft
11 00 lv 4 to | 7 08 11 00
416 11 081IIarts town ' 8 03| 156
4 11 11 03 Adamsville 8 OS 2 02
4 02.10 53 Osgood 1 : 8 18 2 12
6 10| 3 55 10 47| Greenville 6 00! s 24 2 20
603 34310 40 Shenango 6 12,8 3i 230
5 4.)| 3 26 10 21 Fredonia 6 29 8 47 2 49
5 3o' 3 11 10 00 Mercer 6 41 « 03 3 Oti
15 24 3 06 10 01 Houston Junction; 9 07 3 lo
5 05 2 49 9 41 Grove City 7 06 9 35 3 29
4 54 9 25 Harrisvilie 7 16 13 42
4 47 231 9 17 Branchton 7 23 942 3 49
5 30 10 27ar...HiUUrd...ar 10 27,10 27 5 30
2:*) 610 1v... ililliard. ..lv 610 610 230
fl 43 I 2 2K » 13 Keister 7 27 PJ 44 3 52
f4 28 f2 15 8 S9 Euclid 7 43 10 00 4 08
4 00 1 50 ' 8 25 Butler 8 10 10 25 4 35
2 15 12 15 6 85 Allegheny 9 40 12 00 6 20
pm , pm . am a.m. pm p.rn
Tialn 12, leaving Grove City 5.35 a. m.,
Mercer s:t>B. Greenville 6:42, Conneautville
7:48, Albion 8-10. arrives at Erie 9:12 a. m.
Train 13, leaving Erie 3:58 p. m. Albion
5:05, Conneautville 5;25, Greenville 6:23
Mercer 7:04 arrives at Grove City at 7:27 pm,
W. R. TURNER. Gen. Pass. Agt,
Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa
AViuiicUl It K Co Time Table
In effect Jan. 19th, 1902.
Leaves Went Winfleltl. .... . .... 740 245
" Boggsville 755 300
" Iron Bridge 805! 320
" Winfield Junction 820 335
" Lnne 840 345
" llutier Junction 8 45 3 50
Arrive Putler 10 45 5 13
Arrive Allegheuy 9 38 5 00
Arrive Blaireville 1 00 5 40
Leave Blaireville 8 07 2 2.)
" Allegheny 8 50 303
" Butler 738 35
44 Butler Junction 10 00 440
41 Lane 10 05 445
44 Winfield Junction 10 15 45u
44 Iron Bridge 10 25 505
44 Boggnvillu 10 35 515
Arrive West Winfield 10 45 5 25
Trains stop at Lane and Irou Bridge only on Flag to
take on or leave off passengers.
Trains Connect at Butler Junction with:
Traius Eastward for Freeport, Yandergrift and
Blaireville Intersection.
Traius Westward for Natrona, Tarentum and Alle
Traius Northward for Saxouburg, wud Butler.
Gisnnral Mttuager.
Funeral Director.
5< s Main St PA
WANTED—Every lady to send 12 rents for
my new 1003 match striker: saves paper and
paints Address Emily, 1505 Main 5?t..
Pliarpsbury, I'h.
420 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.,
Sell & Exchange Stores, Business & Farms
4-9-3 m Correspondence, Solicited.
122 South Main St. Your money's worth or money b;ck.
Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing,
The finest ready-to-wear attire that is made. We
have the facilities to search out the best that the
market can afford, and it is now ready in a complete
Spring array on our floor. Everything that a dressing
man can desire for his attire can be found here at a
smaller price than he would expect to pay for such
smartly tailored garments.
Mens Suits
and Top Coats
at #7.50, #9, sl2, #l4, #l6,
#lB, #2O, and up to #25.
We show Men's Spring Overcoats which, like all of
our attire, could not fit or wear better if they were
custom tailored.
'-1 -3
} D. <& G. \
f L)° y° u know -"O time to Waste. \
\ J !' O * lifcoods are selected with good taste,
J J j|? ;,J styles are always here, S
y f* '' - - 'yftpja THE latest too, through all the vear. }
J j A.MBI RGEK suits are always /
j ready to stand the test.
\ TP HE time is now, without a doubt, /
C ■ | IIE time that you should pick 'em out V
S iii Ot"R prices. too.are of much concern \
CW JUST try us once you soon will learn i
t Bjjp (JOODS bought here are up to snuff, V
\ waknejTmos t&3?J r-» V
CLOTMINO. hjiiSS that Is quite Enough.
( tOZStj when in doubt, as to the best. S
x | J EKE are the good s that stand the
\ j*/\ND when goods are not right, we f
j ,CTB by them stand /
V « >KF. cannot be said by any man. J
We are having Spring weather, why
not look about for your new Spring Suit.
Showing the newest shades and stripes
in Scotch Cloths and Fancy Worsteds.
Prices range from #5 to #ls.
Coats are all made non-breakable
front and are cut the latest fashion.
Have a look.
No trouble to us.
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St., Butler.
SjHj The present stock of Furniture, Carpets, Dinner
Sets, Wall Paper, Lace Curtains and Portiers is the
largest and most complete this store has ever shown.
s|g to be found eleswhere.
§8 The stock of 9x12 Carpet size rugs is very com- tgg
1 ggplete; a variety of patterns in Brussels at $17.00.
Bed Room Suits. The largest assortment of |p
jli cheap and medium priced Suits and Odd Dressers we
;|p[ have ever shown. jUs
r?. Solid Oak Dressers at $9.00.
A Cheffonier to match, costs $6.75. j^|
;H( New Portiers arrived last week.
?S( Iron Beds. New ones arrived this week. jUj
lAlfred A. Campbell!
Formerly Campbell & Temploton.
■*l-" STOCK
I have purchased the C. J.
Harvey Pharmacy, in the Stein
building, at 345 S. Main St., am
remodeling and restocking the
store. I have twenty-two years
experience as a pharmacist, and
compounding of prescriptions
will be under my personal at
Pure drugs and honest treat
ment guaranteed.
When in town shopping, stop
and leave your packages.
J, L. McKee, Pharmacist,
Stein Block, S. Main St., Bntler, Pa.
( Wm. Foster, (
I Architect.
J Cg=ra-~? - - - - ~ : - - -■ J
} Plans of all kind of buildings v
X furnished on short notioe. X
C Office in Berg Building, /
v Butler, Pa. v
Owego Valley Poultry Yards.
Buff Leghorns exclusively. At Au
burn, 4 entries, 8 firsts, 1 second. My
hen winning gold leg band for being the
best bnff hen in the show-room. Eggs
$2 per 15, £5 per :50.
Harford Mills, N. Y.