•I'Hf: CITI7.KN. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1903. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. >• il'" notify us ot Delr Intention <«■ *-r tKar. Mon lav morulas. Application for Charter. Sheriff'? Notice. Cottage Hill Land Co. Levington's Clothing Modern Store's Combination. Bickel'e Spring footwear. The Farmers National Bank. Campbell's furniture. Ketterer Bros shoes. Kirkpatriok's optical goods. Findley's Photos. Houses for sale. AdinlcUiidiors and Executors of estate cin secure their receipt books at the CITI ZEN office, and persons making public sales tha'r note book». ' LOC4L AND GENERAL, —.Beds for onions are being surveyed. -Butler talent will produce "David Oarrick." —The paving of Mercer St. is being completed. —Yesterday was moving day and to morrow is Arbor day. —So me lawns in Butler have already had their first mowing. —The graiu and grass fields are a "wearing of the green." —The conntrv schools are having nice weather for their picnics. —A lot of moving was done in Butler Tuesday and Wednesday. —Yesterday was the finest Ist of April we have had for many a year. —A society for the prevention of the crnel beating of carpets is the latest —The De Vonde Stock Co. is playing to good houses at the Park, this week. —The Cornelias brothers intend es tablishing a lumber yard on Kittanning St. —The U. S. wants to buy a lot in But ler—about 100x150,for a postoffice build ing —All ihe pifctty girls in town attend ed Mrs Zimmerman's Millinery open ing, last evening. —The Farmers' National Bank paye interest on deposits, and asks for your business. See adv. —The total valuation of Butler has j ncreased a million and a half dollars daring the past year —C. E. Miller is having a "Big Sale" of 79 cent plow shoes. Farmers and laborers should take advautage of it. —Ten thousand window glass blow ers will be made idle bv the shut down that is scheduled to begin on the 18th. —Entertainment at the Broad Street School Building for the benefit of the musical instrument fund, this evening. —Jaintor McPherson of the Court House is house cleaning. There was not over five inches of mud under the carpet. —'•Round Table," of Principals and Superintendents of Western Pennsylva nia in Butler, Friday and Saturday, 17th and IStb. —The Eagle Publishing Co., consist ing of Eli Robinson, Levi Wise, Mrs. Wise. R. Locke and A. L. Weihe, lias been granted a charter. The Woodmen won the piano over the 2d Presbyterian church bf a vote of 444,780 to 415,'299. The Athletic Club •tood next with 60,805. —The Prohibitionists are said to bo preparing a petition asking the Court to grant all the applications for liquor licenses made by proper persons. —Another street-car company to oc cupy part of the streets of Butler, and connect the town with Saxonburg. Tar entum and Pittsburg is the latest prop osition. —Hereafter the curtain at the Park will riae promptly at.8:15 p.m., and everybody not in their seats at that time, will be required to stand in the lobby till after the curtain falls. —The additions to be made to the Carnegie Library in Sbenley Park, Pittsburg, will make the building five timea aa large as it now is, and will cost about five millions of dollars —S. E. Wilaon of Panxsutawney has pnrcbaaed the John Lefevre lot on W. Jefferson, 28x60, for $6,800, and is try ing to aecure the former Steelsmith lot and building, all for hotel purposes. The Cottage Hill Land Co. adver tise the extension of Main St. through their property, on the hill south of town, which, in the course of time will become one of the prettiest suburbs of Butler. • -Word was received in Butler, last Thursday, of the final passage of the bill appropriating $17,500 to the Butler Hospital, and we hope th 6 Governor will not interfere with it, as the money U needed for a larger hospital. —A lady's pocket-book containing a •am of money wns found in the west tide of town five or six weeks ago. The owner can hav? the same by calling at 820 Grand Ave., (Duffytown.) The book baa already been advertised in the But ler dailies —Securities and cash representing about $50,000,000 were removed from tile old vaults of the Farmers Deposit National Bank, on Fourth Ave. Pitts ' burg, last Sunday, to the vaults of the aew and tall building at corner of Fifth Jive, and Wood St. Mrs John M. Roth's farm house, midway between Prospect and Porfers- Yille, was burned Sunday. Mrs Roth has been staying in Prospect and some of the children on the farm. The fire started from a defective flue and had gained such headway before discovery that nothing was saved. The loss is f 1(100, with no Insurance. —A travelling swindler lately charg #d tt man near Zelienople sl4 for fixing bis sewing machine; and some land owners in the northern part of the county, who renewed the options on their coal a close reading of the papers, they had signed and ac knowledged, that they had given an op Hon for ninety-nine years. " —Qn Thursday last John Bickel sold tfte Bap<: lot oq Main St., 25x1U0, which be porchased from W- 14- Ralston a year ago for $12,500, and also the May ft Kennedy lot to the rear of it, 40x60, whioh be purchased lately for $6,.500, to Ihe Standard Trust Co. for SBB,OOO, thereby making about $14,000 on the deal. The Standard will begin busi Bess in a few days in the Forquer build ing on Main St., bat as soon as they esn obtain possession of the Main St. property, which is now occupied by the leen granted to the Wild wood Coal Co. Composed of Wm. Campbell, Jr., J. H. Troutman, W. K. Hamilton, Kufus Kirk and J. F. Ander son. Capitalized at SIO,OOO. A charter has been granted to the Evans City Coal Co., consisting of Wahls, Leise, Giiesbach, Eichert and others and capitalized at SIOO,OOO. PKQPERTY TKANHKEKS. W It Thompson to S K VVier 'JO a cret in Adams for 41110. N B Duncan to Wm Kavauaugh Co lot at Zelienople for $llOO. John and Maria Kelly to same lot in Bruin for SSO. W P Braharu to Nanny Brown lot in Harrisville for SOSO. Chas Geibel to Joseph E Davis 20 acres in Oakland for SI2OO. J Wilson Mahood to Fred J Hamilton 89 acres in Washington for S?W). David M Ziegler to Eugene Lashley 8 acres in Jackson for SOBO. Alex Johnson to Wm Johnston quit claim 88 acres in Mercer for SIOO. L W Hale to Oscar L Strickenbery 91 acres in Lancaster for $2400. Rachel E Mechling to Henry Rinker lot in W Sunbury for S4OO. Catherine Cypher to John C Thomas 40 acres in Jefferson for sl. Purk View Land Co to Mary Steffey lot in Butler twp for $125. Anld & Conger Co. to Ilattie S Thompson lot on Lincoln St for $1750. J .1 Brown to J E Brown 52 acres In Oakland for $950. Lena A Oreen to Henry Green lot on Elm st for SOOO. Etta L Turner to W C Culberson lot on Broad st for SB9OO. Heirs of Wm Gross to Alfred F Gross 150 acres in Jackson for S2BOO. D O lliuisen to Herln»rt L Ihmsetj eighth interest in farm in Butler twp for s|. L C Wick to Sophia and Fred Shaffer lot on liyth st for SISOO. Amos' Young to Frank X Koliler 85 acres in Clay for $1778.12. Edward H Oesterling to Jas 11 Hazlett lot on College st for sl. Samuel T Atkinson to Robert M Mc- Farland .'l9 acres in Buffalo twp for SBOO. John C Alben to C (' Miller lot at Euclid for $l2O. Wm It Riddle to Alonzo Campbell 40 acrea in Prospect for SIOOO. Charles A Balph to Alfred Reed 24 acres in Butler twp for S2OO. Mrs It A(' Brandon to W ,1 Hilliard 105 acrea in Connoqnenessing for $4900. Ida Covert to Oeo Cupp lot in -Mars for $-100. P C' Wick to L Edwards lot on Brady st for S4BOO. Peter G Aland to W D Reitz lot ou Third st for $2150. Mary Barnes, II It Edebnrn, J M Bailey, T N Gilghriut, Jan M and Mag j gie Hitijey to Thos W Phillips oil (eaaes on IH:; acres in Marion two. I Wm McLaughlin to It L Kirkpatrick 20 feet frontage on Jefferson for SIO,OOO. ! M D Fair to L B Hbannon 88 acres in i Brady for SIBOO. G®i Ketterer to Peter Gardner lot at Wayne ami Washington sts for $2300. Jas Madden to Mary M Drebei t lot on Kittanning st for $875. Park View Land Co. to J K M irthens lot iu Butler twp for $125. Butkr L H . who came to Bntler, a few dajs ago. was i discovered to have smallpox last Friday aud was taken to the house-in-the woods Mrs Ches Stoner of the Transfer has been declared cured, and the quaran tine of the house lifted A colored mau named Clnrk i* the nurse at the little house in the woods He has had it aud has no fear of it. The man who was taken there last week has a bad case of it. PARK THEATRE. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN—APRIL 6. Generations of playgoers have enjoy ed "Uncle Tom's Cabin." the story that moyed the world and added chapters to history. But it remained for Manager Washburn of the great Stetson company to place the old time drama in a mod ern stage setting. THE TWO SISTERS—APRIL 7. The scenes in Deuman Thompson aud George W. Ryer's play "The Two Sis ters" have been carefully and artistic.il ly copied from very places on which they are based. There is a correct rep resentation of New York Hotel office with its busy action: a splendid copy of a favorite part of Central Park; a study of the roof tops cf New York and an exterior vie iv of a prominent hotel. ROMEO ANO JCLIET—APRIL 8. Simvelle's scenic and electric produc tion of the immortal Bard's most belov ed and popular play will be given in its entirety at Park theater, next Wednes day. The plays of Shakespeare are the most widely read literary productions that have ever been written in the English tougue—or in any other tongue, the Bi ble alone excepted. "AS YOU LIKE IT." Shakepeare's delightful comedy "As You Like It'' with Alberta Gallatin as "Rosalind" nd a specially selected company, has been announced for an early production. "KING DODO." Save your "King Dodo" playbill when yon visit his majesty at the Park in this town. The name of the chorus singers of that organization are going to blossom out into stellar effulgence before long. Grand Opera House, Pittsburg. CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO—AT THE GRAND NEXT WEEK. One of the most important produc tions Pittsburg has yet seen will be the first presentation on any stage there of Israel Zangwill's celebrated play, "Chil dren of the Ghetto," dramatized from the author's novel of the same name, and which will receive its premiere at the Grand Opera House week begin ning Monday afternoon, April Oth. Low Kates to Washington and Halt i more. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged for low-rate ten-day ex cursions from Pittsburg and points in Western Pennsylvania to Washington April 1(1 and May 21. Round-trip tickets will be sold at rates quoted be low, good going on special train in dicated, or on train No. 4, leaving Pittsburg at 9:00 p. in., and carrying through sleeping cars to Washington. Special train of through parlor cars and coaches will be run from Pittsburg on the following schedule:— Train leaves. Rate. Butler 0:05 a.m. SO.OO Freeport 7:28 " 9.00 Washington. .Ar7:ls p. m. .... Tickets will be good returning on any regular train except the New York and Chicago Limited, until April 35 and May i}o, inclusive, and to stop off at Baltimore within limit. For full information apply to agents or Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent Western District, Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Str«et, Pittsburg. Fathers and Mothers teach your child to save by opening a bank aocmnt for him with the Beal Estate Trust Company. 311 Fourth ayenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Four per cent, interest on savings accounts. Capital and Surplus #8,700,000.00. Insurance and Real Estate. If you wish to sell or buy property you will find it to your advantage to see Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real Estate, next P, 0., Butler, Pa. Rain or shine coats—the nobby kind at Bitter & Bockenstein's. One-Way Colonist ItateH to the Went. Tickets on sale daily until April 20th. 190!), inclusive, at all ticket offices of the Baltimore & Ohio B. B. to points in Ariaona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Mexico, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah. Washington, Wyoming and British Co lumbia, at greatly reduced rates. For full information call at Ticket Offices Baltimore & Ohio Bailroad- It's about twice as large and twice as good looking as the last one—the new catalogue of the Butler Business Col lege. It's free to those interested, If it is up tu date it comes from BITTER & KOCKENSTEIN'S. Guess I had better drop around and look at Bitter & Bockenstein's clothihg they seem to turn out the best in town, Music schqlara wanted at 18H W. Wayne Ht. UaM Fixtures, We have them: 60 different styles. They are in the latest finishes, made to match the hardware of your houue. WUITEHILL, Plumber. CHASE BROTHERS -HACKLEY and # CARLISLE PIANOS Sold in Butler in the Past Three Months Speaks for Itself! New Pianoa Arriving daily. Come and see them. Your credit is good. NEWTON "THE PIANO MAN" 917 e. Main St. Butler Pa N. O. DAVISON. (iiui anil Ht#am RniflfiKN, Holler*.l'umps' : o"' • pressors, 30* Krlck Hulldlnu, I'll Ul.urK, I'u W. S &E. WICK, I)KALKUH IN KOUKII and Worked Lumber of all Kinds i DoorH, Hash and MouldlnK* | Oil Well UIKH a Specialty. Office and Yard" K Cunningham and Monroe Hts 'near Went Fenn Depot, snTUil t>a H. Q. Allison, Funeral Director, Bell Phone No. 3. Bakers town, Pa. EBSSB29 SAny boy who k reads this ad- S vertisement K can start in I business on k 1 his own ac> ■ count selling Evening Post No money re quired. He can begin next weeK. Many bo r j make over $5 a week. Some are - making sls. work can be done after school hours and on Saturdays. Write to us at once and we will send full instructions and ro copies of the maga zine free. These are sold at 5 cents a copy and provide the necessary money to order the next week's sup ply at the wholesale price. (225.00 ia each prizes next month. * THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPAN7 485 Arch Street Philadelphia 111 II■—IIMI indigestion r J Bad Breath- / 1 Catarrh of Stomach- \ V Are you troubled with \ \ these? Would you take a / V, good n-medy if you could J / get it? We have one we I j \ are not afraid to back with / / the guarantee, "Money / g refunded if not satisfac- V f ' tory." We know it does J / the work and so are not } j afraid to say so. / V j Come to the store (or if 1 / you live out of town send S 1 | for a box of x } Boyd's dyspepsia tablets ( C price 50c. / ( Remittance may be / ? made in 2 cent stamps, we S ? | can always use these » J l rather than a larger de- / Sj nomination. They CUKE S / i and that is what you want. ' / /1 We sell other things you I / / may need. If it is any- | S ? thing in the drug line we x have it. Why not get the j \ { ! best of everything when it | C m ' does not cost any more. j C be. N. BOYD, ) \ \ Pharmacist, S ( Diamond Block. / x Butler, Pa, ? ) People's Phone 83. J \ Bell Phone 148 D- DROP OFF AND SEE Oar new line of optical goods compris ing field glasses, opera glasses, micro scopes and the best spectacles and eye glasses that science and mechanical skill can j>roduoe. We test yonr eyes hv the latest improved methods and charge you only for the glasses you buy. We also sell— Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman aud Puoo Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Maudolins and Umtars. Optical goods. Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court Home. Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick House Butler. °enn'a The bout of borxe« and flral CIUMS rigs »1 wavH on liand Hiid for blre. Bust accommodation** In town for perma nent boarding and tran*lerl9 WALL PAPER We know we have the best of all grades of high class novelties, but to have the public know it is our aim. If in need of anything in our line it will pay you to give us a call and ex amine goods and prices l>eforu p»ir chasing. EYTH BROS Next to Poatofllc*. 231 S. Main St. $ Cabot Institute. |J (ACADEMY) (!;) ")£' Spring Term Opens yy April Full Normal and •) (• Classical Course {5) , ■s(* C. W. Johnston, A 8., (?) l.)f. Principal ($) J- M. SCOTT, Sec., 0 i 3£ Carbon Black. Pa H Saxonburg Station. 01/ i & WP. R U $) 1 . 'R-R-TIME-TABLE C it & o in; Tim tal» i flivr v-v. :U>C. K*:.;n - .»:*L Tim.-. S H THi <»l \l> AllcjfheDy Al! -l«'*nv and Cleveland Kxyrvm... :> :i n. AH.-;*h«ny Exprvsn •U lj.wn | 44 14 * I T «0 a-Oi Ell wood City AcconinKMlatioa *l:l'* |*-ui < hi.M. w < Hstle and Alleghotiv Ex . 4 4 0 | -ii, E\pr»*»» ♦n.V) an«l NYu Cart It- Ad»ur£. Wa*hintrtou and lialtim*>n' Ex.. |»m NoRTIIB »IM> Kam ftßil Kra«!f«»r»! Mail a-iu Clarion Aooommodation *5:15 |«-m + Ifeiily. * Except Sunday. X Sun Uy only. Trains leave the Allegheny station for Butler at 7:35,10:45 a.m., and 1:15, 5:30, 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. and Pittsburg sta tion at 7:50 a.m. On Sunday at ' :35 a. m. and s:3oand 11:30 p.m., and from the B. & O. station in Pittsburg at 7:50 a m. and 3:J50 p.m. For throngli ticket*, Pullnian r«--« rvations and in formation apply to W. R. TI'KXER, Apt, Butler, Pa. E. I». SMITH, A. Ki. V. A.. l*itt-l»unr, Pa. H U & p it U Time table in effect Feb. 15, 190: i Passenger trains leave and arrive at Butler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. m., mixed for Punxsutawney and all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, week days, for Rochester. 5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois and all stations. 10:22 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:08 a. m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:45 a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. 5:31 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash ford week days from Rochester. 7:40 p. m. week days, mixed train from Punxsutawney. PENNSYLVANIA WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. SCHKCCLI IN Errccr Feb. 5, ISKVj. 80UTH. , V/KEK DATS , A M A.M. A.M. P M. P. M BUTLER Leave 6 U6 7 ;» 10 J6 2 35 4 35 SMunbury Arrive 6 34 8 OS 10 M S 00 5 03 Butler Juuction.. " 707 33«11 03 525 529 Butler JnucUon.. Leave 7 22 8 20 11 47 ( 25 6 29 Natrona Arrive 7 31 fc 44 11 57 335 5 U9 Tarentuiu i 7 ST 851 12 05 342 546 SpriugUale j 7 47 90212 17 353 15 50 Claremont 9 18 12 3« 4 08 0 10 Sharpaburg .. 809 9 2ti 12 47 41C 010 Allegheny 8 20 9 1 00 4 20 6 20 A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M P. M. SCNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Biitlei for Allegheny City ami principal intermediate ataUona at 7:20 a. m., %nd 4:55 p. m. NORTH. WEEK DATS , | A. M.i A.M. A.M.;P. M. P. M Allegheny City . . leave i 6 25 8 50 10 15 im 6 10 Sharpaburg ; S 3tl 9 00 10 25 r3 13ir0 20 Claremont j .... .... 10 32 ... ' .... Springdala .... IW 23 10 4# .... 041 Taroutum 7l« 9 32 11 00 3 4 I 4 02J10 53 (>sgood I 8 18 212 B 101 3 55110 47|0reenvllle 6 00! 8 24 2 20 0 03 3 43|10 40 Shenango 6 12 8 3l 2 30 5 45 3 3rt!lo 21 Kredonla 0 29; 8 47 2 49 6 30 3 II 10 00 Mercer 0 41 0 03 3 06 15 34 3 (Xii 10 01 Houston Junction 0 07 3 lo 5 05 2 49 9 41 Grove City 7 0« 9 25 3 2U 4 54 I) 25, llarrisville 7 10 I I 42 4 471 2 31! U 17 Branchton 7 2.1 0 42 3 49 6 :«> 'lO 27 ar .. Illlliard. . ar |(l 27 10 27 530 2 3ll| 610 1v... illlliard. ..lv 6 10 010 230 H 43113 2M 9 13 Keleter 7 27 fl) 44 3 52 I I 2n 12 15 8 s»i Euclid 7 43 10 00 4 08 4 00 I 50 8 35 Butler 8 10 10 35 4 .15 2 15 12 16. tl lift Alleghany 0 40 13 00 6 30 |im 1 pin , am a.m.; pm p.in Train 13, luavlng (irovti City 5.35 it! NT, Mercer s:f>n. Groutivllle (1:42, Coiinoautvlllo 7:48, Albion N-10. arrives at Erie 9:12 a. m. Train 13, leaving Erie 3:58 p. m. Albion 5:05, C'onneautvlllo 5;35, OreeovUlo 0.23 Mercer 7:04 arrives at drove City at 7:27 pm, E. D. COMSTOCK, W. R. TUKNKK. Gen. Pass. Agt, Tkt Agt, Bntler, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa WiiillelU It ItTTo Time Table In effect Jan. 10th, 1002. WESTWARD. STATIONS, AMjPM Leaves West Wiutteld . 7 40 2 45 " ilnggsville 755 300 " Iran Bridge 805 320 " Wtufleld Junction 820 336 M Uiiti 8 ii) 3 41) " llutlnr Junction 8 if* a Ariivt- PutliT 10 46 ft n Arrive Allegheny tt fl Oil i»tu AIMS. BlalnivlUu 1 00 fl 40 AI:I>. HTATIONB. ~ A Ml F M L.iave ill*-. 1 8 07 2 2ft AIU gln ny H flo a 01 " II HI In 73H A 35 •' Butler Juuction 10 00 440 u Isiuiii 10 ur» 4 4C, ** YVlnflt'ld Juuction 10 16 i " Iron lliMk" 10 9ft ft <»A Bugmllln ID Bft 15 Arrive Weet Wlnflt ltl 10 45 5 UA Timlin «'• i' liif "»»'i iMm Bridge on)) on !■ lag lo Uk» ou or icMVn oil {MUMMiiigeni. TrniM Connect at Butler Junction with. TIUIIIN K*«twiml for Kreeitort, Vandergrlft and lllalmville InterMM-tlon. Trains Wo«taaril for N»trou«, Tareiituui and A He gheiiy. Train* Northward (or Na&onhurg, Drlituo nnd liutler. B. G. UK A I.Oil, Unueral Mauager, See the ilgn direct- J ly opposite the j Poslofllce, | Theodore Y geley, Real Eitate ind j Insuraace Ageacy, j LEY Ul S. Mam St , Butler, Pa. [ I f you have property j t«> hrll, trado, or rent J or, want to huy or'" rent cnii, wrlt« or übone me* List Mailed Upon Application. ! LEVIINTOINS' 122 South Main St. Your money s worth or money back. Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing. The finest ready-to-wear attire that is made. We have the facilities to search out the best that the market can afford, and it is now ready in a complete Spring array on our floor. Everything that a dressing man can desire for his attire can be found here at a smaller price than he would expect to pay for such smartly tailored garments. Men's Suits and Top Coats at #7.50, #9, #l2, sl4, #l6, #] 8, #2O, and uf to #25. We show Men's Spring Overcoats which, like all of our attire, could not fit or wear better if they were custom tailored. LEVINTQNS' S VgSW D. &G. | \ ?#/ COMMON SENSE. > V D° you lalow -no t,me Waste, j are selet. ted with Rood taste, C r - ; |4jj : Hj I'' •' i JJsUAL styles are always here, i \ fj.j j;j j t|| T" H® latest too, through all the vear. £ 5 ( j[ AMBUEGEK suits are always / I ready to stand the test. (T 'j' HE time Is now, without a doubt, C v ' | *HE time that you should pick 'em out \ S K'i £• OUR prk-es.too.are of much concern C Ki I IMjfrßf WW JI'ST try us ouce you soon will learn J EttaM ( IQOPB bought here are up to snuff. \ v*«Ntß°B(«s IftiJWS Mrs?? f J CLOTHING. Ljj! Kji Bv.|YY that Is quite enough. J V RL ; JA? A N 'D when in doubt, as to the best. S j I 5« H ERE are the goods that stand the \ I) wlieu goods are not right, wo € . * by them stand r J M«HK cannot be said by any man. > We are having Spring weather, why not look about for your new Spring Suit. Showing the newest shades and stripes in Scotch • Cloths and Fancy Worsteds. Prices range from #5 to #ls. Coats are all made non-breakable front and are cut the latest fashion. Have a look. No trouble to us. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. [SEE —" BROWN A CO.'S New Arrivals We are showing a full line in Tapestries, Velvets, Body Brussels, Axminsters. You can't make a mistake in buying an Art Ingrain, Tapestry Brussels, Smyrna or Kashmir Rug here. We have an assortment three yards wide and four yards long. In the cheaper floor coverings, see our Kenmars, All-wool Super Extras, Cotton Chains, Cottons or Sul tanas, Mattings Carpets for any room in the house in suitable patterns; bright, new and best quality to be had for your investment. New Arrivals in Furniture ; % We have placed on our floor the past few days new Hall Racks, Buffets, China Closets, Combination and Library Cases, Chiffoniers, Odd Dressers, Iron Beds, Rockers, and Dining Chairs, Jardiniers, &c. We are full to the roof with bright new goods— latest patterns. A look costs nothing. You will find our prices an inducement. " COME IN AND COMPARE! BROWN & CO. No. 18« N. Main St. (Bell Phone lOfi) BUTLER. PA. Curry College Sixth Strict itnd Penn Ave., Pittsburg. Pa FORTY-Till BI» YEAK. School open nil the year. Individual In structions. Student* can enter at any time. Catalogue mailed free on application. 4-S-lni roll SALE 50-acre farm; well located: church, school, building*. fruit and water: run give Iminedlate prntHCfilon, Inspecting will convince you; no ugciit*. THUS. M. AltNOLI); Clarion, l'a. •THIS UEATH NKW JKKBEY."-Charter* procured under South Dakota law for a few dollars: write for cornorutlon law*, blank*, by-laws and forms to Philip Lawrence, late u**l*tunt secret iry of state, lluron. Ileadle Co.. Siutli Dakota. !'