■ 11l li H\r been written of I It u magic mirrors in II ' 1 I l\ \ -which the future I 1 1 I 1 | wa3 revealed. If • * ™ • such a thing were possible many a bright - faced bride would shrink from the revelation of her self, stripped of all her loveliness. If there is one thing which would make a woman shrink from marriage it is to see the rapid physical deterioration which comes "to so many wives. The cause i 3 generally due to womanly diseases. Lost health and lost comeliness are restored by the use of Dr. Pierce s Fa vorite Prescription. It cures irregular ity and dries weakening drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. "It is with the greatest pleasure that I tell tou what Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and •Golden Medical Discovery' have done for me writes Sirs. Emma L. Cinkes. of 1952 North 7th Street, Harrisbuiy. Pa. "They hare * world of trood. I had female weakness for six years: sometimes would feel nobadlyl did not know what to do. liut J relief at last, thanks to Dr. Pierce for his kind adv.ee I have this medicine still in my house and will always keep it." . . If yon are led to the purchase of r Favorite Prescription" because of its remarkable cures of other women, do not accept a substitute which has none of these cures to its credit. Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Or for cloth-bound volume send y stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry tip the secretions, which adhere to the membrane ar.d decom pose, causing a fur more serious tTonbie than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fnmea, smokes and snuiTs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Elv's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers. 56 Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Three Size., 25c„ 50e. and *I.OO. Sold by DrusiclaU. or vnt prepaid on receipt of price. Humphrey*' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Htm., Sew York NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, SB. Sold Vf Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co., William & John Sti., N. Y> HOME WORK IIY VIA II» Either of th® following course* lOHK HALF PRICK l ifeelianlcal Drawing, Machine Designing, Marlianlral Engineering, Architectural Wort, Civil Ei/cineerlDg, Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Stiil fnr Finely Illustrated Catalogue—Fnn. I'CHVA. COURKSPONDXNCZ SCHOOLS, Hamilton BMf, ».:* Hh Ave., l'ltUburg, I*a. We can tarn your Old Carpets Into elegant, durable, handsome Rugs and Druggets. Only Oriental Weaver* employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SILK RAGS rforen Into beautiful and I Oriental-like Portiers. Our terms are *0 moderate—no matter the Jlstaiice— It will pay you to send to us. DAVID LOVE & CO., 838 Third Avenue. (L, D. Phone.) New Brighton. Pa. HTR3I WAWTKU-Wa want Book keeper*, tlm> celvtoift rlerts; young men to learn trades; machin ists, l>lk*or samples <*. every description, wlilcli he wouiil lie pleased U ahow visitor*, lie will alto open on April Ist, another branch at IVH Fifth avenue, E. K., Tli. firm guarantee* perfect fit. «2t I'enn Ave., Pitta burg, Fa. liell Fhono MlS—* Grant. |inaflain"™-h. Dean's A wife, certain relit ~r Snppresand Menstruation. Never ki«»wn tolall. Hufe! Hurt ! Hjx-iilyJ Hatlsfaetlon Ouaranlecd or money lleftinded. Mi nt prepaid (or 11.00 per box. Will send thernon trlaJ.to be paid for when relieved. Ha in plea h ree. UNITED MCDicakCO., ioi 74, r». Hold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacv .f-rw TAFTS CHILADCLfHI; "DENTAL ROOMS.-- » ' .39 - sih Ave., Ftttsburq.te kf >U V.VrcpRACTICA' . YOoliigtl. It H CROWN aixl "or . Ij i QgL Uof l'ltUburg— WHY HOT OO fJ Lllvr YOURS? " old CROWNS L" rJllltf ««nd BRIDGE W" rk reduced !■ » PUlf 8%5 PER TOOTH Also theft I* « v W !"»'• Of Teeth niiule. o N LJrtß [J ilkr-r J For Sale--Desir»ble Ohio Farms % :nre. 7-roorn house, barn, fruit.etc. | 750 s acres, s-rm hous»s. bam. frnlt.etc. l.noo 10 acres, 1-room house, barn, fruit,etc. ::,ikk) «►» acres, H-room bouse, barn, fruit,etc. a.."/oo 100 acre*, Itf-room house, burn, (rult.elc. 4,000 210 acres. It-nsirn house, barn, frnlt.etc. r,..vy. On what grounds do yo'i base your belief that ho really loves you? Nan On what grounds? On his real estate, of course. Baltimore Herald. Grief is the agony of an Instant. I lia Indulgence of grief la the blunder of a life. L>lsraeli. w*' V..-'J S 1 ? -m &>■ % // r S /'/////yf^K l tss j\ I /' ' I XWI I! , \ 7y ' f A FINE BABY. Never frets even when teething "V VICTOR Infills lleliel The Babe's Digestive Tonic. An absolute cure for Slimy Bowels, Diarrhea, Griping, Colic, Cholera Infan tum, and all bowel troubles common to Infants. The Mother's Friend. P!ca?ar:t to take, for further information address, VICTOR REMEDIES CO., Frederick, Maryland. For sale at Reed's Pharmacy. H. &y 13. 65 Departments doing busi ness in a large way on a small profit basis. Black Taffeta Chiffon, light weight, imported goods, with soft finish and rich lustre, SI.OO, sl.lO and $1.25. Black and White and Black striped and checked Louisenes, 85c. White Wash Silks with Black printings, 45c. Remarkable collection of Foulards in neat designs, 50c to $1.25. Satin Liberty in varied ef fects, 75c and SI.OO. Printed Pongees, 75c and SI.OO. Our exclusive novelty, Taf 'eta Rongeant,_ $1.25 a yard. All Wool Crepes —look like Crepe de Chene, 65c. Silk and Wool Crepe, 85c. 10 prime shades, Imported All Wool Voile, so popular this year, 75c. Absolutely new fabric, Silk and Wool Eolienne, SI.OO. Novelty Mistrals, SI.OO. Novelty Voiles, SI.OO to $2.00. Mohairs in many effects and colors —44 to 56 inches wide —soc to $2.50. Thousands of effects in woven, printed and embroider ed Cottons. Send for Mail Order Cata logue—now ready. Boggs& Buhl Department X. ALLEGHENY. PA. With the approach of Spring you need a blood cleanser and tonic. . Don't forget that R. & G.'s SARSAPARILLA COMP. is just what you need. Many of our customers testify of its merits. Large bottle —small dose. REbICK & GROBMAN. Prescription Drugid»ts. ioq N. liaiii St., Butler. Pa. Both Phones Silverware That Wears Everything that art or mechanical ingenuity can deyiso and manufacture in knives, fork*, spoons and tea seta ore fonnd here in pleasing variety. A new and elegant assortment of watches, chains, rings, jewelry just arrived. We also sell— Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Paco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical goods. Field and Kpy Glassep. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court Ho > Binding: of Books our We put our entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. ll you ;ire thinking of having some work done in this line I am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at The Butler Book Bindery, W. W. AMON, Prop. Opp. Court IIon!«*. ( Wm. Foster, < j Architect, j f Plans of all kind of bnildings v V furnished on short notice. / C Olline in Berg Building, j J Butler, Pa. v G NEW SPRING COTTONS 5 J5 The frequent arrivals of fresh, new Cottons are fast crowding out p) the winter goods an«l give the store a decided spring-like appearance. SUPERB WHITE GOODS jv Finest line we have ever shown. Beautiful Mercerizet. Fancies in stripes, brocades and openwork patterns, at 25e to COc. India Linens, Dimities and Francy White Goods at 6Jc, He. 10c, I'-Jc, NEW PERCALES G The Mill house Percales are much snperior to the ordinary percales fri "jji usually sold at the same price. Finer cloth, softer and l>etter finish JJT K and more attractive patterns, :!oo. GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE. whiskey guaranteed :i years old. K (JO per ttal lon. we pay express charges on all mail orders of $•"•(*) or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN «t CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS Il» WIHES AND LIQUORS, How 14 Smlthfirld Street,iformerly 411 Water, Street. PITTSBURR, PA. •Phone*: Bell P. fc A. REMOVAL. We have removed our Marble ami Granite shops from corner of Main and (."lay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. IJ. I'randon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on IVJouuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepare 1 to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc ,as we have secured the sole ag'-rcy from the Stewart Iron Woiks of Cincinnati, 0., for this town ai d vicinity. P. H. Sechler 'SOMETHING NE\V_^> Ir 1 ihe photograph line can be seen at the Findley Studio. The Artist Proof photograph on exhibition now, they are winners and phase all who want an artistis picture Stop in and see them. Novelties for Ho'iday trade now ready. Hroaches and buttons of all descriptions. Copying and enlarging. A. L. FINDLEY, Tel'-phom 2^6. P O !"d>, Muth r Branch"*# Marc Bud Kvans City ?C. F. T. Papej > IT«n- TT'-'-'-l—MH'Rffn'" f 5 | JEWELER I j 121 E. Jefferson Street. / < ipOOC<>^K>o ( 1 > HI/ASS CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS < > < 1 > MADE TO ORDEK. { 1 { I > REAR OF CAMPBF.LL'S MACHINB I \ > *| F SHOP, E. WAYNR ST . I ( I BUTLER. PA. < I > PAROID READY OOFING. TAR Won't dry out Won't grow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tin-. Naiis and Cement in core of each r >il L> EPRHShNTS the results o " year- 01 Kx; erience a- ! r \ perimenting. /\\*LY requires painting <-ver) few year.-.. Not when fir.-t laid. r S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. IA KM AND for I'AKOID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Samples and Prices are yours if yon will ask ns. L C. WICK, BUTLER,. PA. Eyes Examined Free of Charge ». L KIRKPATRICK. Jewßlrr and Graduate Optician i nonr to CVwrl »'«'!•» T?rtt«r Tn ARE YOU GOING TO I BIT-D OR REMODEL £S" rzr.—ir; /■'< W . i y| 1 ! ,1b n; . tc" . ' " Let us give you a figure 011 the Piumbingand Gas Fitting of your home. WH HUH ILL, Plumber, :IM| K. MainHt.. BOifc Phone* M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. q, V'in 9'. Pi-tW V'A I Family Reunions! We often cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some little thing. Get a good picture of your family and home made at your first op portunity We make the best at $6.00 per dozen, LOTS OF IT F W. Devce Ready Mixed Paints —All Colors. Patterson Bros' 236 N. Muin St. Phone 400. Wick Building. | TH R. Biitlsr County National Bank, Holier Penn, Capital pai.l in - $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $l4O c-00.00 Jos. Hartni.in, President; J V. Kitts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin. Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A Roueral banking business trau*iw't»'rt. I uteres', puld on time deyoglts. Money loaned on approved security. We Invite you to 'ipen an account- with thl» bank. . .. „ 1)1 BF.CTOU9- Men. Joseph Hurtman, Hon. W. H. Waldron, Dr. «. M. Hoover. H. Mc- Sweerii'v. ('. P. Collins I. G. Smith, Leslie P. Ila/.lett, M. KliU'K in, W. 11. I.nrUln, T. I. MIIIIIn. l>r. W. McCandlesa. Hen Mas i«th. W. .T. Marks. 3. V. Kltts. A. 1.. Keiber TH K Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PENN A. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00 Surplus and I'rolts |'7, 50000 Foreign exchanße bought and sold. Special attention given to collections. OFFICERS: .roil N VODNKINfI President .IOIIN lIi:MPIIKRV Vice President K. W. ItINGIfAM. Cashier I. F. HUTZLEK Teller DIUECTOEB. John Younkins. I>. L. Cletland, E. F- Abrams, C. N. Boyd, W. F. Metrger, llenry Miller. John Humphrey. Thos. Hays, Levi M. Wise. Francis Murphy. S. Yeager, I>. It. Campbell, A. 11. Sarver and l>an'l Vounklns. Interest paid on time deposits. We respei-tfullv solicit vour buslnr**. BANK BY ' 4- inVerVSV ' 2 INTEREST j WHEAT CORN AND OATS as well as STOCKS Houpnt and carried on moderate ■nargins. You can make more money by investing in these com modities in a short time than in any other way. Our Daily Fore cast mailed free. Call or write for further particulars. £ B JENKINS & CO., Inc Hankers am' Hr(;kers, 'll4 Fourth Avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. What Have You To Sell? I PAY SPOT CASH for contents of stores, stock, merchandise, every de scription; cllv or country; bnslnesg con fidential. Address Jacob Horn. TO3 Wylie Ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. 8-111 3t HAIL PLEASURE SEEKERS! Anplv «'urlv for rnorrw hm»l licmnl at KfI'LKVH NEW HI'MMKR hKSOItT. f«1 onr-hiilf mllo nr»rfh of I.he beautiful vllllatce of Hloley. on 1 »n« fthtnlntf nhore* of ohl I,aUe Krl< ; *uppllel«< aceoirinuKtatlonM, liutes wn«ii ji AdilreHH Mim. .1. o. Newbitry. Hi-It Klpley, Chatltau(|tia Co., N. Y. FARMS! FARMS!! We have a title selection of genuine barßHins Hend for illustrated list. HOYAI. KKAT,TY .. a-11l It 1011 Park Bid#.. Pittiburg, Pn WHY l"> Ynl! BEMAIN ll'l.l when wi nct'il '.IN men for illffort'iit D»»IHOIIN? If von „!!•'willing lo Work we l PmlUoiUh^. Office CIS renn Av.'iiue, - I'lttiliuur. 1 ■» :i-19-ly Headaches Cured Wi'.hGin::es. ArtlSdllEjt#. Eugene Heard Spectacle Co LEGITIMATE OPT CIA'.S 70S PKXW AVKWT'K, , OPP. PGNN ' BUU'OINC, I*l 1 "[ y SCHLOTTER'S PARLORS, for f.aillM' and tientlauieti'l Scalp ami Facial Maj. «ag« Speelallata, Sl>»m|>ooliig and Manicuring, Runm lit HIJou IlntlillUK, Prim Avennc Kulrniw, I'lnrtarg, Pa. MRS. J. M. POLAND, 800 Prnn Avr., Plllalmru. Manicuring. Shampooing and Facial M.iMagQ, llallwcU'a Klwtrlc Hot and Cold llalr l>ry«r lined. Luilles oulv. Telephone Court U9N- 9. il-ltl-ly SCRAP IRON J. B. JONES & CO.. ; 12 East Lacock St.. Allegheny, Pa. Wo [iay cash for scrap Iron, steel arid in" lis. Write for price list. We buy and sell s .nd-linnd machinery. Inillers. re-laying r i i.rU'. We curry In stock new,light flection r.i U, for Immediate shipment. . 8-ft-lt 1 HAVE a legitimate business proportion i it will return *50.00 per month on an In tment of ♦IIXMI. Investlxale. Klchard rls. Itoom 10, U>i I'ourth avenue. l'ttts fill BANT p, r i'-hjw.i H vj-r. ,LS. ' iU? HI ni#! all .- he f'»r •.!••«!»«» 1 PUmulaui lm- I «*. I -.i ill t'.' ~< ii J. ata t am! t aim* tlio ncrvoA I <»•. • hlucm natur I sleep. « atea a mum 1 v jm iit«. ;u.,t pirfHi (!tg*«tlon. II OIIPI VIJFON.IIN »it**iij(th. int. 11 SI ai.TI HI iiIMMMI. I vlllciirr ' lit? mom v h.. 1.1 l'i»* riiK«clM( foi M IIKstIKM In Itrii am' 4 lil iiift illi<* Ih■ i «. m>»il» 'l with bin# rit»»Kin •; '.it> no otlivr. Itvlia*** «liiMirrr»M« •iilwll I . .1 mail l»..liniii«ill. lO,MM*Teallfiioiilftla. HolJ by ul. I »rui:ifi^tH. CHI.JIIKitrKR OHBMIOAL CO. M.JO Willi*-.MI Nqimrp, r* Maillun ill mmkmk » WHY NOT Become an Artist? I rayon. Pastel. Sepia antl Water (Jolor ! tmuht at home, jini einjiloyment given ■f net). , Far full particulars, address, COBRESPONDF.NCE SCIKIOI. OF AKT, Ueavir Palls, Pa. I . ■■■» M. C. WAGNER t IiTIST PHOTOORAPHFR tail South Main St. Announcement of the Awards in the "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe Prize Competition. Wparprs of /l // Shoes Win $4 000 In Cash Prizes. In September we announced an offer of Fonr Thousand Dollars in Caab Prizes o the 4:5 women, who, after actual test by wear, would give the BEST REASONS IVHY the "DOROTHY DODD" SHOE IS SUPERIOR to all others in the following ■espects First—The Style of a "Dorothy Dodd." Second The Faultless Fit of a "Dorothy Dodd.'' Third—The Flexibility of a 'Dorothy Dodd." Fourth The Extreme Lightness of a "Dorothy Dodd.'' Fifth- The Arch Supporting Feature of a "Dorothy Dodd " (This Arch-Supporting Feature relieves half the weariness of walking.) The response has been truly wondeiful. The many thousands of replies re vived from wearers in all parts of the country are evideuce of the strong hold the •Dorothy Dodd" Shoe has taken on the popular favor. The character of thous mds of these replies is pr-jof. also that the 'Dorothy Dodd" She has filled a •long felt want" in giving to wouitn a, shoe combining that daiuty "feminine" style that appeals to the refined taste, a "faultless fit" and a degree t.f comfort sever befo-e experienced. This competition closed January Ist, and the articles received were snbmit :ed to ' The Delineator'" to judge and award the prizes. They have ordered the arizes distributed as follows: PRIZES WINNER S NAME RESIDENCE SHOE DEALER'S NAME Ist—fl.ooo Miss May Newman Boston, Mass hhepard, Norwell Co 2d 750 Miss E. McGraw Allegheny, Pa Wm M. Laird Co 3rd— 500 Mrs E. A. Ericbaen Detroit, Mich Paruridge & Black wi 11 •Ith 4OO Miss M Weissiuger Louisville. Ky Stewart DG Co sth 800 Miss Sarah lillar Rochester, N Y Sibley, Liud->ey & Onrr 6th— 200 Mrs. N. McKissick Indianapolis, lud George J. M*rott 7th l5O Mrs. J. E. Jours Baltimore. Md Hutzler Brothers 8th — 100 Bertha L. Chaudles Elyria, Ohio George W. Phil pott &Co llth !SO Miss Cnutiinghxm Atlanta, Ga Keely Co 10th 7O Bessie Carter Cofiiu Columbus. Ohio Holbook &Co llth— 60 Miss Lucy T. Jones Salem. Va L Bat hrach 12th— 50 Miss Nellie Fales St. Punl. Minn The Plymouth 13th — 40 Mrs W.E.Evans Dea Moiues. Ia Field-Invalid Co 14th 35 Mi*s Sadie McNulty Denver. Col Fontins Shoe Co 15th— * 30 Miss C Conaway Memphis, Tenn G M. Tidwtll &Co Itith— 25 Mrs. F. Haldeman Cleveland. Ohio R H. Feterman 17th— 20 Mrs. E Rowland Wilmington, Del Pfand & Roddy Co ISth l5 Lydia Dorrington Dallas. Texas Sanger Brothers L'Jth— 10 Mrs S. D Zedeker Cedar Rapids, In Rps & Junck iOth— 10 Mrs. Edith L. Alley New Bedford. Mass Schuler Bros Jlst— 10 Emrne J. Bowan Icdiannpolis. Ind George J. Marott 32d lO Miss H. Murdock Charleston. S C H.J. Williams 33rd— 10 Annie E. Miller Northampton, Mass Imperial DG Co 34th— lOMre. M. Madigan Seattle, Wash GeoigeJ. Turrell 35th — 10 Mrs. U. Withbeck Albany. N Y Johu W. Emery 36th— 10 Mrs. R Schonland Montreal. Out Frei.ch & Smit* 37th — 10 Lilian M Congdon Providence. R I C. A Good AIU Jfc C> 28th— 10 Miss Ethel Fayne Blue Springs. Mo Mail Order 30th— 5 Miss Cleo Glass Fort Wayne. Ind S. B. Thing & Co 30th— 5 Miss Louise Price Waterbury, Conu Allen & Bradley Co list 5 Mrs. S. Whitman Augusta. Ga J. B. White & Co lt2d 5 Jessie A. Loomis Saginaw. E Michigan Wm. B«rrie D. G. Co 33rd— 5 Miss Madge Ross Chattanooga, Tenn Boston Shoe Co 34th— 5 Miss M Beuttie Toronto, Out W. A. Murray Co 35th— 5 Misi Ora Dunsby Fort Smith, Ark J. C. Pierre 30th— 5 Mrs M Brul'aker Litchfield. 11l George J. R.tmsey 37th— 5 Miss B Keinpenski Bridgeport. Com W. K. Mollan 38th— 5 Mrs L M. Walker Honolulu. Hi iw*ii Mailorder 3ilth— 5 Lucy S. Decor Fond du Lac. Wis Varner Uro* 40th — SF. I. Breckenridge Middletown. Conn C Fonntatne 41st 5 MVs. C. Dolliver Augusta. Me F. L Heraey 42d 5 Mrs. Ruth O. Gish Omaha. Neb W. R. BmueuCo * 43rd— 5 Miss C. A. Nixon New York City Mailorder This Popular Make of f?adlc»' Fin: Sho;* Is for sile in Butler Only by % O. E. miller, 215 South Main Street, .... Opposite Hotel Arliugtou —JJJI Who so Many We*.* Glasses The * raerlean people are dcirent-rallng ' VißSmnc H I'livsii ally. JUKI JBIU, SB. ' The advance of civilization IIUMWI In - juH:'oßv creased labors upun i.ur Usual sense I'cddlers. and ilie rrtkliu methods in ' ployedliy i.eople In "Kltteß their < Eye defects that were then tliouyht to ho In p»« l euralile are now remedh d by the tluiely a|,- ijf plication of glasses. ■Bj" We correct a iy defect to wldt l> the l.umait Nf" eye Is* lielr. 1 also sell Edison and Victor talking •niiclilne»,»lnnliiK and taVlng le ordg. violin. miltur and mandolin strings. CARL H. LEIGHNKR, Jeweler and Optician. :::::: Butler, Pa LEVIINTOINS' Great Reduction Sale of High-Class Clothing. This great sale gathers force .is it gr.uvs. Immense storks have been brought from the stock room and thrown upon the Bargain Tables to take the place of the lots depleted by the terr lie onslaught of the buyers since Saturday morning. Everything under our roof is price-slashed- ro thought of profits exists n>\v. All our energy is bent upon clearing out as much nv rchaitdise as p >s-,ib'e bef re this sale is over. /Wen's Suits and Overcoats. Regular Price $6.00, s«-le price $3 7^ Regular Pttv-c 7 50, salt price * 500 Regular I rice 10 and sl2, sale price 75° K