Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 12, 1903, Image 3

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.VOTE—AII advertisers Intending to make
•banc 1 In tliwr ids. should notify as o1
heir Intention to V . t ««r than Mon-
Jav morning.
Sheriff's Sale for Feb 27.
Jury Lists for March Term.
Bntler Co. Nat. Bank Statement
Professional cards, Dr. McAdoo and
Dr. Boyle.
Zimmerman's Announcement.
Campbell's furniture.
Brown & Co'e fnrnitnre.
Modern Store s fabrics.
Fanner wanted.
Adinlslsiiators and Executors of estate
cm secure their receipt book* at the CITI
ZEN office, and persons making public sales
th»lr note books.
—Election next Tuesday.
—Saturday is Valentine day.
—Don't lose your temper over poli
—The Car Works keeps the Hospital
—Considerable Gickness prevails in
—Don't forget tbe election, next
—The Wcodmen of the World lead in
the piano contest.
—Local elections next Tuesday, every
voter should turn out.
—There are said to be 108 cases of
small pcx in Sharpsburg.
—lt is a wise barber who never illus
trates his business with cuts.
Today. Feb. 12, is Lincoln's birth
day and a legal holiday in this State.'
One of Newton's pianos *as arrest
ed, last week, and put in jail for three
—U. S. G. Geiger has opened a thirty
roomed boarding house at No. 212 Neg
ley Ave.
Somebody says that eating an on
ijn once a day is a preventative of
small pox.
—A Greenville firm announces its re
tirement from business owing to "exor
bitant rent."
—Every good citizen has an interest
in tbe borough election and should
manifest it properly.
—St. Louis, Louisville, Cairo, 111.,
and other cities experienced slight
earthquake dhocks,Sunday evening.
-The midnight-mechanics of this
town seem to think that, all tbe wealth
of the P. B. B. is locked up in the But
ler station.
—Two men lately visited a house on
Quarry St, where an assistant paymas
ter rooms, obtained permission to visit
his room and then ransacked it.
—ln New Castle, last Friday, tbe con
crete roof of a new 7-story building col
lapsed, killing one carpenter and injur
ing two others, working in the room be
—A fIO,OOO business block is being
erected at the corner of Bluff and West
streets, while opposite it on West street
Mr#. Mary Davis Vogan has broken
ground for a $5,000 dwelling.
—A certificate of incorporation was
filed in Dover, the capital of Delaware,
Monday, for the Butler Builders Supply
Company, of Butler, Pa., to manufac
ture and sell cement, etc. Capital stock
—A deal was closed in Pittsburg'
Monday, by which the Standard Oil
Company interests secured control of
• the Peoples Gas Co. of that city. The
transaction is one of considerable inter
est to all consumers of natural gas in
the city. C. N. Payne of Titusville act
ed for the principals in the deal, and
will shortly become the official head of
the Peoples company.
Indianopolis, Ind. is the scene of a re
markable trial, which began last week
and continues this. Dr. Anderson of
that city was tbe apparent head of a
grave-robbing gang; and one of bis as
sistants was an unmarried colored man,
whose sweetheart died. The negro went
to his girl's fnneral, and shortly after
his return found her body in the doc
tor's possession. That angered him and
be "peached" on tbe whole gang.
—The board ot directors of the Farm
era Deposit National Bank of Pittsburg
have instructed their agents not to rent
rooms In their new "sky-scraper," to
women, physicians, dentists, manicur
ists. dressmakers or others having a
large female clientele Stenographers
and clerks employed by occupants will
be the only females accorded the right
to occupy rooms in tbe building.
—The city of Pittsburg is now in tbe
throes of its periodical regeneration and
purification movement. Reform in the
Smoky City is becoming chronic. Pitts
burg is realy not as bad as it thinks it
is. Father Pitt appears to be a sort of
moral hypochondriac. He tries to per
suade himself that he is very wicked,
and is constantly confessing his sins,
when the probability is that Pittsburg,
in proportion to population, is not a
very great deal worse—perhaps not
more than ten times worse—than But
—ln a lonely telegraph tower at Wal
ton, on tbe Pittsburg, Virginia &
Charleston railroad, Mrs. George Wil
son of Monongabela City, the operator,
midnight Sunday was struck down for
revenge by a ruffian's blow, her body
dragged to the gaping door of a coal
stove, where her head was thrust iu,
and as tbe flames caught her disheveled
tresses the murderer tripped upon a le
ver, which threw a red block 011 an ap
preaching train and warned its crew of
danger. A whistle from tbe engine
caused the assailant to desist, and an
the trainmen bounded up the tower
stairs the unknown leaped from the
second story window to liberty. Tli9
operator was found unconscions, and at
2 o'clock was taken to her home in
Monongahela City, where she is in a
precarious condition.
—The other day a man rushed into a
hardware store in a great hurry, as !»■
wanted to catch a street car, and said
"Give me a porn-copper."
"You mean a pop-corner," said th« j
"Yes, I said a cop-porner. Hurry
"All right -you want a j>orn-corper."
"I said cob-poitier, didn't I?"
"No, you said porp-eorner.'
"I did not. I said corb-ponnor."
"Get out! Yon said prop-conner."
"No. sir l I said crop-pomer!"
"Well, you might as well take youi
time now," said the clerk, as ho up
proached the excited would-be-purchas
er—"your car's gone. '
So he bought a corn popper and wait
ed for the next car.—Ex.
I —The contractors and the mechanics
are getting together on wages.
—There promises to be considerable
moving here on the first of April.
—Another attempt was made to rob
the West Penn station, the other night.
| —The use of "formalin" as an anti
dote for blood-poisoning, is becoming
—Building continues brisk in Butler,
L. C. Wick has about a dozen houses
under way.
- The Butler County General Hospi
tal should, and probably will, be en
larged, or else a new one built for con
tagious diseases
—The "wet" meter in the Broad St.
school building, ran wild, last month,
and called for #135.00 worth of gas, and
the School Board directed that it be re
placed by a "drv" one. A wet meter is
a cog-wheel arrangement covered wit*
oil; while a dry one is a leather-bellows
—President John M. Hansen of the
Standard Steel Car Co., reported to the
annual meeting, Tuesday, in the com
pany's offices in the Frick building,
Pittsburg, that contracts aggregating
$15,000,000 are now on the company's
books. He said that with the big plant
at Butler operating to its capacity, as
now, prospects for the future are par
ticularly bright snd that the short pe
riod of operating in last year was en
tirely satisfactory.
—John D. Rockefeller lately offered
to place several milHon dollars at the
disposal of the University of Chicago—
the same to be used in aiding the study
of tuberculosis, commonly called con
sumption, and other contagious diseases
—one of the specific objects to be the
discovery, if possible, of a serum or pre
ventative of the disease, such as Beh
ring's antitoxin is for diphtheria. Re
cent experiments by Dr. Leonard Ptas
son,State Veterinarian,on the immuniza
tion of cattle from tuberbular infection
by vaccination, seem to prove that cat
tle can be thoroughly, protected from
the disease in that way. The query
then arises, if cattle can be made im
mune from tubercular infection by the
injection of an antitoxine, why cannot
the same process be applied to human
beings? This is surely a subject wor
thy of the profoundest study and inves
titration. If smallpox and diphtheria
can be rendered harmless by the injec
tion of antitoxines, why not tubercular
The Junior Endeavorers of the Grace
Lutheran church will give a Valentine
Social at the home of the pastor, Rev.
J. C. Nicholas, on Mercer St., tomor
row, Friday, evening.
The M. E congregation of Butler in
tends building a stone church of mod
ern architecture
Members of Executive Committee of
U. P. Women' Missionary Societv of
Butler Presbytery are requested to meet
on February 20th 1908, at 11 o'clock a.
m. in BijJler U. P. church, By order of
President. All Presidents of local Soci
eties are also invited to be present.
MRS. A. M. DOUTHETT, Cor. Sec'y.
Public Sales.
March 2nd, 10 a.m. at the farm of
Jos R. Carnahan, near Smith's cider
mill, four miles north of Butler, horses,
cattle, milch cows.farming implements,
hay, grain, household goods, etc. J.
R. Kearns, Auct. Sale positive as he
has rented the farm
FINNIOAN'S 400.— FEB. 13.
The attraction at the Park Theatre
on Friday evening will be those two
funny men, McAvoy and Mack, in their
new up-to-date musical comedy success,
"Finnigan's 400." Both of the stars are
so well known to the theatre goers that
it is only necessary to say that they are
the same funny fellows as before, with
the exception that little Mack takes a
few harder knocks from his tall friend.
What there is of a plot tells of the
struggles of poor Timothy Finnigan
who is trying to get into the eociety
of the swell 4(H). But this, however,
does not interfere with the introduc
tion of specialties by McAvoy and Mack
The clever eccentric little comedian,
Dan Crimmins. together with the tal
ented and handsome comedienne, Miss
Rosa Gore, in that hilarious, hi-htirrah,
rollicking musical farce, "A Warm
Match" will l>e Manager Burkhaltcr's
offering at the Park Theatre, Saturday,
Feb. 14, rnatinee and night.
It will be presented here by the same
excellent company of entertainers that
has made it the sncces* in every city
visited. The fomedy iH loaded with the
most up-to-date "Stuff ' that one can
Matinee prices 15 and 25c, night 25,
35, 50 and 75c.
The Chicago Glee Club was greeted
with a large audience Monday night.
As is rarely the case, they came up to
advance notices, charming and delight
ing all with their rare entertainment The
club can entertain a crowded auditorium
any time it chooses to return here.—
Abingdon Virginian.
Seat Sale open Saturday Feb. 14. at 4
p. 111.
Grand Opera House, Pittsburg.
The version of Sardon's sublime
tragedy, "Cleopatra." which will lie
giyen by the Grand Opera House stock
company, Pittsburg, next week, liegin
ning with the matinee Monday after
noon, February 10th, is the same that
was nsed by the late Fanny Davenport.
Aside from the artistic excellence of the
cast, the production will lie a master
piece of such splendor, while all of the
massive settings will call forth unlimit
ed commendation.
The undersigned wishes to employ a
fanner to crop his farm, in Connoque
nessingtwp., near Whitestown. it is
one of the best farms in Butler county.
Address J. S. HAYS,
241 W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
Tour to California.
The second Pennsylvania Railroad
Personally-conducted Tour to California
for the present season will leave New
York and Philadelphia on the Golden
Gate Special, February 1(», going via
Cincinnati, New Orleans, San Antonio
and El Paso to Los Angeles and Han
Diego. Three days will be spent in
New Orleans during the Mardi-Graw
festivities. Hhonld a sufficient number
of passengers desire to travel under the
care of a Tourist Agent and Chaperon,
a delightful month's itinerary in Cali
fornia has been ontlined; and a return
ing itinernry to leave Han Francisco
March MM, visiting Halt Lake City,
Glenwood and Colorado Hprings and
Denver, arriving in New York April C.
Rate, ♦'.'7s from all points on the Penn
sylvania Railroad east of Pittsburg,
covering all expenses of railroad traus
portatiou. side trips in California, and
berth and meals going on special train.
No hotel expenses in California are in
cluded. Tickets are good for rotnrn
within nine mouths, but returning
cover transportation only. For detailed
itinerary apply to Ticket Agents, or
address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent. Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia, Pa.
The best chance you ever had to get. a
good suit or overcoat at your price at
j Good clothing cheap at Ritter tic
' Hockenstein's Clearance Hale.
Mrs J. M. Hall visited relatives ir
Pittsburg, last week.
Alfred A. Campbell is in New Yorl
buying his spring goods.
J. V. Cokeane of Marion wa3 in But
ler on business, Tuesdav.
Prof. Walker is making a success o!
the Penn twp. High School.
James F. Brown of Franklin twp. vi.-
ited friends in Butler. Tuesday.
Margaret Cradle of Zelienople ha
been granted a pension .of per.
J. C F. Day of Connoqueuessing vis
ited friends in Butler, lart Saturday.
John Staples of Callerv attended to
seme bnsiness matters in Butler, yester
Win. Wilson of Forward twp. and
wife did some shopping in Butler. Sat
S L Hogne of Brady twp made his
first visit to Butler in the past two years
last Friday.
E. F. Dickey of Somerset county vis
ited his old friends of Co. K» 204 th Reg.
in Butler, Monday.
Samuel Johnston. James Anderson
and E. O. Byeriey of Middlesex twj).
were in Butler on business, Friday.
Miss Anna Gertrude Clark, daughter
of W. A. Clark formerly of Butler, is
studying for the comic-opera stage.
Dr. Boyle has purchased the Dr. Pe
ters house on E. Cnnningham St. and
will occupy it on and after April Ist.
Miss Sophia Americanhorse of South
Dakota will graduate, this week, from
the Carlisle Indian Industrial School.
R. J. Barron is opening a coal mine
on the Milt Hall farm in Cherry twp.
for t v e Hallston Coal and Coke Co., of
which Nels Duncan is President.
Patti, "the divine," is coining back to
America on a contract to sing in sixty
concerts at $5,000 a sing, plus half of all
receipts for an evening over $7,500.
Miss Tress Sutton has engaged with
the J. D. Bernd wholesale millinery
house on Penn Ave., Pittsburg, and is
boarding with her aunt on same street.
Children and grandchildren of Hon J.
11. Negley gathered around the family
table at his home on Wayne street, Sat
urday, to commemorat«) the eightieth
anniversary of his birth.
Z. W. Phillips of Butler dropped in
to see us, Tuesday. He subscribed for
the CITIZEN and United Presbyterian,
about 50 years ago, and still pins his
faith to that splendid combination.
Miss Harriett Ellenore Bell, daughter
of Mrs. E. S. Bell of W. Sunbury, and
John Albert Dufford of Pittsburg, will
be married at the bride's home, next
Wednesday, aud invitations to the wed
ding have been received by Butler
Miss Elizabeth Eichholtz of Lancas
ter twp., and Edward Cams of New
Castle, were united in marriage at the
home of the bride's parents. Sunday.
Feb. 1. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. H. K. Shanor, pastor of the
bride They will make their future
home at New Castle, where the groom
is at present employed.—Ex.
Fathers and Mothers
teach yonr child to save by opening a
bank ac.c iunt for him with the Real
Estate Trust Company. 311 Fourth
ayenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Four per cent,
interest on savings accounts.
Capital and Surplus $3,700,000.00.
Real Estate Broker,
Parties wishing to purchase or sell
oil properties, farms, citv residences or
real estate of any kind, should call upon
Win. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite
P, O. Butler Pp. Peoples Phone No. 519.
Wheat, wholesale price 03-05
Rye, " 55
Oats, " 35
Corn, " 00
Buckwheat 65
Hay, " 12 00
Eggs, " 25
Butter, " 25
Potatoes, ' 50
Onions, per bu 1 (Ml
Beets, per bu 50
Cabbage, per lb I
Chickens, dressed # 15
Parsnips, per bu 50
Turnips 40
Apples 40 50
Celery, doz bunches 25
Honey, per pound...; 25
Two More Special Tours to Flo
lida, Baltimore & Ohio
Only *.>4.25 for the round Iriji from
Butler, Pa.
March 10, via Seaboard Air Lino.
South of Washington tickets Include
Pullman accommodations and meals en
route on going trip, only, and are good
to return on regular trains until May
31, 1903.
For detailed information, call on W.
li. Turner, Ticket Agent, Butler. Pa.,
or address 15. D. Smith, A. U. P. A.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Lot and 0 roomed;house on E. Jeffer
son St. Ex , almost new, slate roof,
plastered, stone wall, cellar, drilled
well, soft water, $2300.
Lot and h roomed house, W. Clay St.,
hot and cold water, bath, cellar, stone
wall slate roof, plastered, will trade for
farm property
Kix roomed house and lot 80x100 on
W. Clay St , hot and cold water, slate
roof, cellar, bath, hardwood mantles,
Five roomed house, lot 60x148 West
D St., drilled well, fruit trees. $22.">0.
Five roomed house, lot 30x14*, West
D St.. hot and cold water, bath, hard
wood mantle. $2450.
Six roomed house, S. Washington,
Seven roomed house. Clay and Elm
Sts, hot and cold water, bath. i,lc.,
large lot. S3OOO.
Insist JWiflw inter Excursion to
Wnklogteii and Baltimore
February 11>, via Itulti
inore uiid Ohio IC>.
SO.OO round trip from Butler, Pa.
Tickets valid for return 10 days, in
cluding date of sale. Vestibnled trains,
standard coaches, Pullman parlor and
sleeping cars. The Inst opportunity to
visit the National Capitol while con
gress is in session.
(let detailed information from any
B & O ticket agent
The most complete and fully illustrat
ed guide to Washington may l>e pur
chased from agents at ten cents oer
1 have just received a large shipment
of Edison's Phonographs and Talking
Machines and latent Record*.
Jeweler and Optician,
No. 300 S. Main Htreet, Butler, Pa.
Good clothing at your own price n
liittcr & Hockenstein's Mid-Season Hale
Attend Bitter & Hockenstein's Mid-
Season Clearance Hale. Clothing at
your price.
Butler's largest and best sacrifice
clothing Male at Hitter it RoAenstein's.
FAIiM FOR RENT—A ninety acre
farm near Whitestown, in Connoi|iie
nessiug township, is for rent, immediate
possession. Inquire of W. I). Brandon,
Butler. Pa.
Insurance and Heal Estate.
If yon wish to sell or lmy property
you will fiud it to your advantage to Bee
Win. H. Miller, Insurance nnd Real
F»tate, next P. 0., Butler, Pa.
<«UH Fixtures,
Wo have them; 50 different styles.
They are in the latent finishes, made to
match the hardware of your house.
WniTKfULL, Plumber.
Armour's Fertilizers are the best, w«
are now booking orders. You can get
one of Armour's Farmers Almanacs by
calling at J. <i. & W Campbell's.
Music scholars wanted at las W.
i Wayne St.
X. E. Campbell vsMary A. Hamilton
appeal by deft from judgment rendered
by J. S. Campbell.
Mr?. Nancy E. Timblin vs Mrs M. E.
Murtland, ejectment for 1j acres in
Concord twp.
Lanra L. Benigh vs Cyrus E. Benigh,
petition for divorce.
Angelo Connella is in jail for pointing
a revolver and snrety of the peace.
Thomas Mc-Grath is in jail for agg.
Mike Kokonter was arrested Tuesday
night for attending a Russian wedding
i accompanied by a jag and a revolver,
; which he fired twice and was then
j gathered in by the Car Works police.
Forty-one cases are on tiie criminal
| docket for March Term, with about half
! as many more to come in.
The Ist precinct, Ist ward polling
! place has been changed to No. 152 Lin-
i»ln Ave.
August Bellanger and Vincent Perra
j have applied for naturalization.
Robert Blakeslee is in jail for fraud
ulently obtaining boardiugand abscond
Wm. 11. Walker, Surveyor, Geo. W.
Vcrnnni and Harrison McCandless were
appointed viewers on petition of Snm
mit twp. citizens for a new road.
Peter R. Day was appointed guardian
of Frank L. and Mary R. Troutman.
Philip J. Miller was appointed guar
dian ad litem of Harry Miller, in the
estate of Michael Miller, of Summit
The cases in which Wm. Geisler and
his wife and stepdaughters, all of
Great Belt, charged each other with
a&b. surety of the peace, etc., A ere
Attorneys Everett L. Ralson. A. E.
Reiber. P. \V. Lowry, Levi M. Wise
and T. C. Campbell were appointed an
examining board on applicants to read
lav.* and for admission to the Bar.
Harmon It. Seaton, Joseph Hinch
larger, Capt JohnG. Bippus, and F. M.
Ren no were appointed tipstaves.
Mrs Jem B. Abrains was appointed
guardian of Sarah Sickles.
George C. Biehl rtsigned as Inspector
in the first precinct. Third Ward, and
Hngh Straw irk was appointed.
Saturday morning the Court appoint
ed Ed. S. Riddle Court Stenographer
and Miss Adda G Findley, assistant.
Clyde Love has been held for trial for
furnishing liquor to minors
The Guaranty S. D. & T. Co. was ap
pointed guardian of Mary, Grace and
George Laner.
The divorce case of A. Knittle vs
Sophronia Knittle was heard Saturday,
no decree yet made.
Argnmeut on the quo warranto pro
ceedings against 'Squire W. J. Hughes
of Lyndora was heard Saturday morn
ing, but nodicision was made.
The borough of Harmony will issue
SIBOO worth of bonds to secure money
t/> pay the judgment obtained by John
Shaffer and his wife agaq(ot the boro.
County Detective R. L. Barnes ha?
entered charges of bnrglary and larceny
against George Miller, the man in jail
for attacking little Lizzie Kelly of
Venango twp., for crimes committed at
the houses of J. M. Duffy and J. A.
KeJly in the same neighborhood. Burg
lars tools and keys were found on Mil
ler's person. He is said to have served
terms in the penitentiary for assault in
Clarion county and for stabbing two
men in Oil City.
Nine truste. sof the Clarion Normal
School are under arrest for bribery.
The relatives of Mrs. Charles P. Fair,
who. with IK r hu«bnnd. was killed in
France last AuguPt. have commenced
action, in Nev\ York, to set aside an
agreement which they entered into with
Mrs. Theres I Oelrichs and Mrs. Vir
ginia Vanderbilt, sisters of Charles
Fair, not to start a contest over the
estate. By the agreement Mrs. Nelson
was to receive $ 125,000 and her daugh
ter's jewelry, valued at SIOO,OOO It was
claimed at th'j time that under the Cal
ifornia laws. Mr. Fair outlived his wife,
and therefore his relatives were entitled
to his estate, estimated at $6,000,090.
Mrs. Fair's relatives now say they arc
prepared to prove that she lived 150 min
utes longer than her husband and as he
had executed a will leaving his estate
to her, they are entitled to all of it.
Dr. Ellw Duncan, in company with
his uncle, Colonnl W. H. McClnre, ar
rived in Pittsburg Monday anil to
day will go into Conrt and faje the
charge of felonious assault made against
him for the sensational shooting of Carl
Brace Head at the Green tree camp last
It is belieyed that as it has now been
modified the Bankruptcy law is the best
Ihe country lia# ever had. Its provisions
have been so framed as to give the
honest but unfortunate debtor a fair
chance and at the same time to afford
the creditor, who. after all, is entitled
to some consideration, an effective pro
tection against fraud. Perhaps the
most important of the changes which
have just been made is that which re
lieves the creditor from the obligation
of returning payments which have been
made on account in order to share in
the general distribution. The rule upon
this point which was laid down by the
courts lacked the elements of fairness
and common sense. This was the point
upon which the commercial organiza
tions concentrated their efforts.
Lizzie Singleton to David II Caldwell
lot on Cliff St. for SIOOO.
David H Caldwell to Leslie P Hazlett
same, for SIOOO.
Leslie P Hazlett to Agnes M Cratty
lot on Cliff St for $1200; also 1 >t on Cliff
St for $:W00.
Reformed Pres. church of Mars to
First Pres. church of Mars lot for S.IOO.
Geo E Welsh to Jacob Sitler lot in
Zelienople for SIOOO.
'/ I" Lauffer to Win Ii Turner lot on
S McKean St for S|:H)O.
Erdman Heller heirs to Jennie M
Miller lot in Saxonbnrg for $l5O.
W J Hemphill to James A Miller 50
acres in Clinton for sl*oo.
Thomas M Marshall to John C Martin
iot in Mars for $2500.
Hunan Turner to Annie F Franklin
lot on First St for S2OOO.
Jennie E McCollough to T J Dodds
lot in Butler for $550.
Jennie E McCollough to Vivian Mc-
Collough lot in Butler for $550.
Angela Niggel to W S Met'rea lot on
Cliff St for SISOO.
I W S McCrea to (ieo E Sherman lot in
Butler for SIOOO.
J E. Bowers to Henry Bowers lot in
< 'oncord for 145.
Public Trust Co. to U S(1 Geiger lot
in Muntz Plan for SI2OO.
Bertha Oesterling to Elias Oesterling
lot in Zelienople for $|n i jo.
Win Giesler to John L Burton :i acres
at Great Belt for sl.
J L Burton to Bertha Giesler same
for sl.
Samuel C Bovard heirs to P B & L E
Ky Co lot at Branchton for SSO; E 11
Adatus Sr. to same lot for SSO.
P & W Ky Co to same lots in Butler
for sl.
David Brode to (ieo S Frey 64 acres
in Winfield for $:(500.
Magdalena Marburger to Lydia
Wohlgemuth 50 cres in Adams for
Harvey II Boyd to Jds T Gillman lot
on Whippo ave for $l5O.
1' Lieoich to Norman Lieblch 150
acres in Centre twp for SSOOO.
Margaret E Snyder to F A Grace lot
on Mi 111 In st for #550.
llarry L Green to Margaret E Snyder
lot on MifHin st for $llOO.
Nicholas Haseutlu to Mary C G Smith
lot on W. Clay for SI2OO.
.1 W Sharpe to Jno T Cook one acre
in Washington for SOO.
Geo G Schenck to Elizabeth .1 Stoner
i lot on Mercer St for SSOO.
Lewis C Ehrman to Harry A Cypher
20 acres in BulTal" for $2500.
John C Light to Harry A Kramer !»0
acres in Adams for $-1 *OO.
Guaranty S I) & T Co to E I' Peffur
lot in Butler for $l5O.
John J Kearns to Philip J Miller lot
on E Jefferson St for SISOO.
E A Terwilligar to Ezra lvoonce 25
acres iii Allegheny twp for $l5O.
Ezra Koonce to Sue W Koonce 22
acres in Allegheny for SSOO
Louis Vermonv to Clement Dubtc lot
ia Butler for f'.ViO.
Marriage Licenses.
John D. Collins Grove City
Delia Waite Youngstown, O
j Charles P. Bowers Mercer
j Jennie Watson Slipperyrock
j Samuel A. White Pittsburg
Erda A. Rosenberry Ean Claire
Chas. P. Bowers Mercer
Jennie Watson Slipperyrock
At Pittsburg, D. C. Kippel of Batler
and Miss M. R. Stevenson of Centre
1 twp.
j At Pittsburg—Conway Banks of But
| ler and Bessie Steward of Turtle Creek:
j also V. Carealero and Rosa Longo of
At Pittsburg— Htrry L. File of Mars
and Myrtle Reynolds of Allegheny Co.
Compliment a woman on her brilliant
intellect and she'll be mad at yon for
ignoring her beauty Compliment a
woman on her beauty and she'll say: "I
wonder if he thinks I'm just a doll:"
Moral: If yon can't lay it on thick keep
The Market—Both agencies are pay
ing $1.50 this morning.
Clinton twp.—Reed & Co. of Taren
tum are drilling on the Chas. Stepp
Eisler, O'Brien. Patterson & Co s No.
2 Sam Schwab and No. 5 John Schwab,
south of Clinton twp. have been com
pleted and are reported as good wells.
Butler —Frank Hinehberger & Co.
have struck a gas well on the Nicholas
Hinehberger farm, southeast of town,
that has a 400-pound rock presnrp.
Worthington —The Phillips Gas Co.
struck oil. last Friday, on the Sheridan-
Minar farm.
Y. M. C. A 7
The fonndiDg of the Yonng Men's
Christian Association in Butler was cel
ebrated on the loth anniversary of the
occasion Sunday by holdiner three union
jubilee services in U. P., M. E. and
Sonth Side Reformed churches. State
Secretary S. M. Bard addressed the
meeting in the IT. P. chnrcli; Rev. S. A.
Taggert of Allegheny that in the M. E.;
tmd Secretary W. W. Locher of New
Castle that in the Reformed church.
Reports of the association's work were
read by Secretary Correy and others.
Secertarv Bard addressed the men's
meeting in the afternoon. At present
the Butler association has 475 members,
eight basketball teams, bible and scien
tific classes and has plans prepared for
the erection of a large extension to the
Ask lor It!
If yon don't see what you want at the
B. R. & P. Cafe aHk for it.
They will furnish you with anything
in the market,and cook it nicely for you
on short notice.
The Cafe is open from early in the
morning till late at night.
B. R. & P CAFE,
Stein building, South Main St., Butler.
Suppers furnished for Theatre parties.
B*il Telphone 147.
CHAS. F. KING. Prop'r.
J. G. & W. Campbell handle Armour's
Fertilizers. They now have a supply of
Armour's Farmers Almanacs. Anv
Farmer can have one by calling. We
are now booking orders for Fertilizer.
The latest assortment of Edison Talk
ing Machines and Records.
Jeweler and Optician,
No. 20!) S. Main street, Butler, Pa.
Now at R. & R's Mid-Season Sale—
good clothes cheap.
Overcoats! Overcoats!! Overcoats at
less than wholesale prices now at
The largest display of oyercoats ever
offered in Butler to be had at Ritter &
Rockenstein's at less than wholesale
"Perfect" Ovens and Uood Bakers,
Get them at Whitebill's.
It will pay yon to visit Ritter & Rock
enstein's Alid-Season Clearance Sale,
now RoiDg on.
Sale! Sale!! M*id-Season Clearance
Sale at Ritter & Rockenstein's.
The following widows' appraisements of
personal property and real estate set apart
for the benefit of the widows of decedents
have been Hied in the olUce of the Clerk
of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, viz:
Widow of John C. Graham,pers prop'tysloo 00
" Charles Wagner, " 2tHl lis
Robert Kldd, " l-'lf.l !Ki
Michael Fleming, " W0 Oo
" .Jacob llutzley. " SOO 00
*' "John Gal breath, " 300 00
'* John M. Brown. " 1(01)00
William C. Miller, " HOO 00
" Samuel D. Ilazlett.real estate .100 00
Jacob Krlstophel, pres prop'y 300 00
W.W.Jackson, " :**) 00
Mlnor children of I'eter Kepple, " 14."> 00
Widow of Thomas S. Coulter, " :tOO 00
W. D. Huff. " »<."> 77
" l'hlllp T. Templeton, " 151 115
All persons Interested In the aliovo ap
praisements will take notice that they will
l>e presented for conllrmatlon to the Orphans'
Court of Butler county. I'a., on Saturday.the
7th day of Starch. and if no exceptions
are tiled, tliey will be confirmed absolutely.
Clerk O. C.
< lerksAMtlce, Feb. I. 1003.
Notice In hereby given that the following
roads and bridges have been confirmed nisi
by the Court and will bo presented on the
first Saturday of March Court, 1003, being
the 7th dav of said month, and If no excep
tions aro filed they will lie confirmed abso
lutely :
It. J). No. J. He plumber Term, UKKJ, In the
matter of the petition of citizens of Adams
and Middlesex townshlns for a public, road
from a point in the center of what is known
as the old State or Heaver road, near Mc-
I'ann's store and postotlice building in Mid
dlesex township, to a point where a public
road known as the Mpahn and Glade Mills
road intersects tin- Allegheny and Butler
Plank road. May ii». HW2, viewers appointed,
who on September I, liNti, tiled their report In
favor of said road.
Damages assessed: W. K. Thompson,
John Johnston, $9); J. C. and li. M. Wright,
S6O; llaniiay Bailey heirs, and Joseph
Mangal ana children,ss; to be paid by Kutler
county. Now, Hepteml>er 0, IWtt, approved,
and tlx width of road at >l3 feet; notice to be
given according to rules of Court.
It. D. No. September Term, HKKJ. In the
matter of the petition of citizen* of Marlon
township,for a county brl'**e over Cllghrlst's
Itun in said townshlii, where the run crosses
the puhlle road leading from Miirrlnsviile t<i
liarrisvllle. May IU, IVHKJ, viewers appointed
by the Court, who on November If, IWfJEJ, filed
their report In favor of said bridge. Now, D
ecember *l. liMtt, approved, notice to he given
accoiding to rules of Court, and to be laid
before Urand .fury at next term.
It. D. No. U, December Term, 11)02. In the
matter of the petition of citizens of Butler
Borough for a county bridge over Conno<|ue
nesslng Creek In said borough, where said
creek erosses the public road known as West,
street Extension. September 11, li*):i, viewers
appointed by the Court, who on November
l.i. 111€IS5, filed their reoort in favor of said 1
bridge. Now, December 0, 11J03, approved,
notice to be given according to rules of i
< ourt. and to be laid before Cirar.d Jnrv at!
next term. IIY TILK COURT, |
It. D. No. U. Dec. Term, \Wtt. In the matter
ofthe petition of ciMsetis of Butler twp. for
a public road from a point on the Butler and j
Wnitestown, common I v known as the Bor
land road, at or near the house of John P.
I'oreht, to a point on the Butler and Ullle
land Mill road, known as the Powder Mill !
Itun road, at or near the house formerly]
owned by David Pearce, now Frank V Koh
l««r. Sept. 10, ll*#, viewers were appointed
liy the Court, who on Dec. |. tiled their,
report in favor of said road. Now Dec. j
r,*K, appro* ed, and tlx width of road at r»o
feet, notice to be given according to rules of 1
Court. I» Y Til K COUIIT,
It D. No. 7, Dec. Term, llNK!. In the matter
of the petit ton of citizens of Jackson. Cran
berry and forward twps. for a public road
from a point on the Pittsburg and I rank 11 n
road, at or near t tie residence of Wm. Itam
*ey, to intersect with the Callery nubile
road, at or near t lie residence of John Twen
tler. Nov. 14, IINKS. viewers appointed by
( 'ourt, who on Dec. I. lI*KJ, filed their report
in favor of said road.
Damages assessed : Frank Klder, $95. Now.
Dec. 0, IMS, approved, and A* width '»r road
at ift feet, notice to given according to rules
of Court. By TDK COURT.
Brn.rit < OI NTY, MK:
Certified from the record this 4th day of
l eb„ A. D. ItNKI. UK<>l«iK M. OKAIIAM,
Clerk « v > §• (louft.
11. MIU«KR a
| Ol'i'XCK —Hycr»' Huil<liii{{ —next to P.
O. Butler Fa.
Foreman Hutzler of the Gas Co. at
Delano statioD, had his leg broken on
the Smith farm, last Thursday. While
walking throught the woods, he stepj>e 1
, into a hole and fell forward, breaking
his leg just above the ankle.
Harry O'Donnell, formerly of Parker
and 24 j ears of age, was waylaid and
shot to death by highway robbers, near
Fayette. Indiana, on the niuht of Jan.
i "37th.
The inability of a trackmaft to close a
switch that was clogged with dirt and
ice. at Cnlmerville, last Thnrsday.caus
ed the two big engines of a 3onthbound
train to leave track and topple over.
The engineers and firemen saved them
selves bv jumping: but Fireman Fellei
son was so badly injured that he was
brought to Butler Hospital. Engineer
Dean, who also was hurt, was taken to
his home in Albion, Pa.
John Williamson of North Washing
ton sprained his broken leg. last Satur
day, and on Monday went to Youngs
town to have "bonesetter Reese," give
it another twist.
Alex Molnor and Tony Strobel were
hurt at the Car Works, Tuesday.
Frank Barto cf Evans City was
ed by an explosion at the Laderer Car
riage factory, last week.
By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex., Ki.
Fa.. Lev. Fa.. Ac., Issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Hutlcr Co., Pa., and to me
directed, there will t>e exposed to public sale
at the Court House In the liorough of Butler,
Pa. on
Friday, the iiTtli day of February
A. I>. 1903, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following
described property, to-wit:
E. L>. No. 'U. December Term, lltft.'. Thompson
& Son, Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Braden Garvin and Benjamin Garvin, of. in
and to alt that certain piece or pan-el of
land, situated in Cranberry township. Butler
county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On
the north by lands of Barto heirs, Peter
F.hrman and heirs of George Ehrman. on the
east by lands of George Knauir. on the south
by lands of Newton Garvin and John
Ileichele and on the west by lands of Newton
Garvin. William Koerner and Peter iChrman,
containing one hundred and tifty acres,
more or less.
feized and taken in execution as the prop
perty of Braden Garvin and Benjamin
Garvin, at the suit of W. .1. Blakley ana J. L.
Blakley, Executors of A. Blakley, dec'd.
E. I). No. is, March Term, 1903. Thompson &
Son. Attorneys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of .1
A.Croft. of. in and to all that certain piece or
tract of land, situated in Middlesex town
ship. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows,
to-wit: On the north bv M. C. Ekas and
Brown hairs, east by I". I'. cemetery and
Martin Bowers, south by Uittman heirs, west
by lands of Robert Huxton and John Parks
heirs, containing llg'i acres, with frame
house, frame barn, frame wagon shed and
other out buildings thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of J. A. Croft at the suit of Lewis Cope.
E. I). No.:»!, March Term, 1903. W. 11. I.usk.
Attorney ,
All the right, title. Interest and claim of T.
D. Cashdollar of. In and to all that certain
piece of land, situated In Adams township.
Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to
wit: On the north by lands of F. L. .Morrow,
on the east by an alley, on the south by
lands of J. S. C tshdollar, and on the west by
B. .t O. railroad, and having thereon erected
a t wo story frame house, and outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of T. I). Cashdollar at the suit of George
Itrt & Soi.
E. D. Nos. 31. and 37, March Term, tf>o3. E
L. Kabtton and F. .1. Forqucr, Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of S.
J. Hall and Nancy Hall of, in and to all that
certain piece or tract of land, situated in
Cherry township, Butler county. Pa., l>ound
ed as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands
of William McGlll, east by lands of DavUl
McCandless et al. south by purpart No. 2 of
John Hall farm, west by Joseph Stevenson,
being purpart No. 1 in tne partition croceed-
Ings of John Hall estate O. C. No. (j, June
Term. IMtl. containing So' 4 acres and having
erected thereon a frame house and out
ALSO Of In an to :ill tluit piece or tract of
land situited in Cherry township. Butler
Co.. Pa., and lioundcd and described as fol
lows. to-wlt: On the north by John I,'umercr,
on the east by Jus. Thompson, on the south
by James Thompson, on the west by Johns
ton tract; containing 150 acres, more or less,
(formerly known lis Caleb Uussoll tract.)
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of S. J. Hall and Nancy Hall at the suit
of John IJeru & Company and John Nelson.
E. D. No. 40, March Term, liKM. Levi M. Wise,
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Daniel Fiedler, dec'd., and MaKdalluc Fied
ler, with notli e to Magdallne Fiedler, execu
trix of Daniel Fiedler, dec'd., of. ill and to all
that certain piece or tract of land, situated
In Jackson township, Kutler county. I'a.,
bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by
lands now or formerly lielonglm; to Samuel
Swain and David Zlegler, on the east by
lands of Martin hitler. Peter Ncsblt and
George Ilame. on the south by lands of John
Enslln, lj. M. Zlenler, or public road, and on
the west by lands of Davlfl M. Zle(jler, Mll
lenian Brothers et al; containing one hund
red and forty-six acres anil IOH perches, with
larife two story brick dwelling house and
stone barn, and outbuildings thereon erect
ed, and also two small producing oil wells,
being same land described In mortgage of
Daniel and Magdallne Fiedler to Daniel
Market, now for use of Charle* Lochart, re
corded In lbrt«Ml Book 111, I'age and
also same land ilescrllH'd In the partition
proceedings of the real estate or James
/.legler. deceased, late of said twp., at O. C.
No. :i". March Term, IKK. excejjtlnc purparts
Nos •! and 5.
Seized and taken In execution as the nrop
erty of Daniel Fiedler,dec'd., and Mai;ilallne
Fiedler. with notice to Magdallne Fiedler,
executrix of Daniel Fiedler, deceased, at the
suit of Daniel .Markel. for use of James W.
Drake, now for use of Charles Lockhart.
By vlrtuo of a special writ of Fl. Fa..lssued
out uf the Court of Common l'leas of Buvler
county, I'a.. and to me directed, there will
be exposed to public sale, at the Court
House In Butler, Butler Co., I'a., on
Friday, tlie 27tli (lay of February,
A. D. lUo.'t. at one o'clock, I". M., the following
described property, to-wlt:
E. D. No. 27 and 2H. March Term, I'.NKI, N. C
McCollough and Forquer, Attorneys.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
William J. Logan, of, In and to all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land, situated In Mll
lerstown borough, Butler county, I'a.,
bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by
lands formerly of heirs of Andrew Barn hart,
4- feet; east by lands formerly of Leopold.
I :tt feet; on the south by Slippery rock street,
4:J feet and on the west by Simpson avenue
one hundred and thirty-two feet, and having
thereon erected one Iron clad build
ing .10x70 feet, and one small coke shed.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
ertli of William J. Logan, at the suit of J. L.
Martin and Millerstown Deposit Co.
TEKMS OF HAI.E —The following must he
strictly complied with when property is
stricken down.
1. When the plaint Iff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must lie paid, and a list of the liens. Includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold,
together with such Hen creditor's receipt*
for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid In full.
3. AII sales not settled Immediately will be
continued until one o'clock, 1\ M„ of the
next day at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up and sold at
the expense and risk of the person to whom
first sold.
•Site I'lirdon's Digest, oth edition, page 4411.
aud Smith's Forms, tiage .'lst.
Sheriff's Office. Butler. I'a.. Feb. 5. ItWI.
If so, the coitncen lire that yon have
eye trouble. Oonie IIIKI see us. We
tent your eyes free of chaw 'tnd fur
nish you KIIIHHOH HH i, )W ,i S quality will
permit. C'un't Vie too careful of your
eyes If you ex[>ect to iiave satisfactory
use of thorn in oM nK«.
We also sell—
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Knsl man and PHOO Cameras
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins and Guitars.
< Iptical Roods.
Field and Spy Glasses.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Next to Court limine
S Indigestion r
/ • Bad Breath- /
1 Catarrh of Stomach- S
S Are you troubled with
\ these? Would you take a 4
V good remedy if you could /
I get it? We have one we V
S are not afraid to back with *
/ the guarantee, "Money 7
y refunded if not satisfac- \
£ tory." We know it does /
V the work and so are not S
j afraid to say so. /
N Come to the store (or if y
/ you live out of town send \
1 for a box of x
j Boyd's dyspepsia tablets (
\ price 50c. /
{ Remittance may be /
/ made in 2 cent stamps, we b
1 can always use these
J rather than a larger de- J
S nomination. They CURE S
£ and that is what you want. /
/ We sell other things you /
/ may need. If it is any- J
? thing in the drug line we S
N have it. Why not get the \
{ best of everything when it C
/ does not cost any more. j (
\ Pharmacist, 1 S
i Diamond Block. /
/ Butler, Pa, ?
J People's Phone 83. j
V Bell Phone 146 D.
20 per cent
on any
in the store.
Good for
10 days only.
To close
out the stock.
Your credit is good.
317 S. Main St. Butler Pa.
B. B.
Comment not necessary when
we ofter, — *
35 Cent Cream three-quarter
Wool Striped Waist Cloths, 15c
45 Cent all-wool fancy Striped
Waist Cloths, 25c
50 and 75 Cent pretty Striped
Wool Waist Cloths, 35c
All While and All Black Moire
Velour, 27 inches wide, 75c
$1 50 Ajl-Wool Cheviottes—
tucked all over—for Dress Skirts,
75c —Oxford—dark Gray Mix
Lot $2.00 imported Cheviotte
Tailorings, 54 inches wide, SI.OO
Lot 50 Cent Clan Tartan Dress
Goods - - broken checks and
stripes, 35c —not only good—but
neat, pretty and useful.
Broken lines dressy Voiles,
Crepes, Mistrals—great variety,
qualities and colors—so and 75c.
Bogy's & Buhl
Department X.
It F. T. Pape!j
i f JEWELER! (
b 121 E. Jefferson Street. /
In good pay lint bUHlnewi; must In* sober. Ho
foriuKM'H oxohiitigod. Must have £I.OOO cash
for liulf Interest ; no other** n»Od apply.
Address l'. O. Itox 6.'J4, McKeosport, Pa.
In all country districts and also city. IIIk
lirnllt; ell tier salary or coiiiiiilshloii. ('all ul
I w I' ourtti A vi\.:M floor, I'llltlmrK,l'll. 2-IS-lm
Farm For Sale
»o Acres; rich land, nicely located, good
IhilMings. Prlco torniN very onsy;
possession at onco. Catalogue free. ('lurk
X Hon. I lover, Del. , 2-12-1 it i
Southern Farm Lands for Sale
(JriiMM lands, «ralii lands, cotton, fruit,
market Hardening. stoek raising, oU*.
:: i:Mm .1. J. VVtilfondon, New Hum, N.
Saloon for Sale
13<s si saloon business; old and established
trade In a live town of 5,000; host location In
Mt» town; lino llxlures; town voted wet; l>en
nl. s<ui, a town of a.AOO iieople. adjoining; good
reasons for Hellluu. Address
iMJMiii Win. Krupps, IhrlchsvlUo, Ohio.
H. G. Allison,
Funeral Director,
Bell Phone No. 3.
Kakerstown, Pa.
|A Great Remodeling Sale|
* C LO AK-S Ut srTT^ n m, Fl t r ? t r U Vi! voked to Clearance Sale of I >
VBIG REDUCTIONS—As Every Garment must go nowi |
X(:iri»entens have possession of our entire second floor, whieh is beini? re-f k
O Srafte? T as t \ mode , ru P°»k and Suit D,p*rtment. and X
K 7nV, d ? voU ?l «wlnsively to th. sale of Women a. € ►
O Misses . Children s and lntants R«ady-to-wear Garments We t >
5 ha H V ;; oa . r en fj re of cloaks, suit*. skirts waists, 2
V art goods and millinery into onr new annex. We are
O determined not to take one single winter garment c I
0 ln l o "v r I ? e^ cloak ! >"<i snit room when it is V
X finished. We have put prices on all these € 1
y Ready-to-Wear Garments that will £ i
/V sell them. Not an old style in
stock — all made for this < >
%F season s selling. They >
are honest goods. I
{Wraps at half price. V
x Jacket Suits 1-4 off.
x Waists one-half price.v
oMillinery at Less Than 1-2 Prices.
g Spring Announcement, j
■We "e showing advance stvles in new Dress Goods Silks. Wash Fabrics,, >
1 > ' ® Goods. Embroideries, Laces, all over Appliques, Medallion ' I
J and Trimirangß; also new Separate Skirts for Spring i ►
% ' 0 j ln 81 lk, plain cloths, novelty weaves in i i
A, dress and walking lengths. New Spring
Hats —we call attention to two < '
■ ► specials— A .
case of Corded Madras :!6 inches wide made to sell at 18c, >
( One lot of fine Black Chiffon Hats for 1903' season made } »
► sell at $ 150 for .
Irs. J. E. Zimmermanl
Bell Phone JOB. W
People's Phone 128. -fcSutler*, I J c3. 0
{Furniture §
I Carpetsg
gjNew Spring Goods arriving daily,
Carpets, Rugs and Wall Paper suit= Jjf
:g| able for any room in the house, jj:
M = 11
jss£ Golden oak, quarter-sawed and polished; 48 inches long, one long
drawer for linen, two small drawers, one lined for silver ware, ESS
S large cupboard bf low. handsome roll top with 20x30 inch beveled
mirror. PRICE SSO. |g
Covered in rod figured velour; built on the guaranteed construction,
and a first-class couch that we guarantee. JsSfi
a m
Best quality, made from the better quality of wool, closer woven
a and brighter cclors than the cheaper kinds, and a carpet that will feag
last and look well for years. Large florals patterns or small set
patterns in medium or dark shades. |X
Wt = — m
1 Alfred A. Campbell, |
Formerly Campbell k Temploton.
C. 6. fMhheß'S~
Great Clearance Sale.
/Vlen's Felt s°°ts at 10c a pair.
All Holiday Slippers to be closed out regardless of dost.
All our Boys' and Girls' good solid school shoes to be
closed out less than cost.
Jan. 25th we take stock and until this date we are going
to clean up all broken lots and reduce our stock aud in order
to do this quickly we are going to offer some record breaking
prices. We are just finishing up by far the largest year's busi
ness we have ever had and we feel after the immense amount
of Hoots and Shoes we have sold in the last year, we can al
most afford to give balance away.
Space will not permit to give in detail all great bargains
that will be oflercd here for the next twenty days, but will
say, bring a very little money here and see the jjreat amount
of good, reliable footwear you can take away with you, but do
not wait too long as the best bargains are always picked out
first. Come in and look these -bargains over whether you
want to buy or not as we want you to see we arc doing just
what we advertise.
Full line of Walkover and Douglass fine shoes for men.
We arc exclusive agent for the famous
Fin<? Shoes For kadies.
For anything in the line of footwear try
316 a Mafn St.. Butler, Pa. Opposite Hotel Arlington.
I ,
WE try mighty hard to gain new customers
but after we have them, the fit and work,
manship of our garments proye so satisfactory,
it'snot a bit hard to keep them.