the citizen. I THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, igoj. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. e at Nace's Wick House Livery barn on Friday and Saturday, February (5 and 7, to buy one car load of horses and mares, drivers, general-purpose and draft horses, 1050 to 1500 pounds, 4 to 8 years old. Will also buy ten head of blemished horses, 1250 to 1500. Must have good wind, not lame, and in fair flesh, Bring them in and get a fair price in cash. H. SEANOR & Co. Two More Special Tours to Flo lUla, Baltimore & Ohio Kailroari. Only |54.25 for the round trip from Butler, Pa. February 10, via Atlantic Coast Line. South of Washington tickets include Pullman accommodations and meals en route, going and returning, leaving Jacksonville February 25th. March 10, via Seaboard Air Line. South of Washington tickets include Pullman accommodations and meals en route on going trip, only, and are good to retnrn on regular trains until May ill, 1903. For detailed information, call on W. R. Turner, Ticket Agent, Butler. Pa., or address E. D. Smith, A. G. P. A., Pittsburg, Pa. FOR SALE. Lot and 0 roomed house on E. Jeffer son St. Ex , almost new, slale roof, plastered, stone wall, cellar, drilled well, soft water, $2:100. Lot and 8 roomed house, W. Clay St., hot and cold water, bath, cellar, stone wall slate roof, plastered, will trade for farm property Six roomed house and lot 30x100 on W. Clay St , hot and cold water, slate roof, cellar, bath, hardwood mantles, |2OOO. Five roomed house, lot 00x148 West D St., drilled well, fruit trees, $2250. Five roomed house, lot 30x148, West D St., hot and cold water, bath, hard wood mantle. $2450. Six roomed house, S. Washington, SIOOO. Seven roomed house. Clay and Elm Sts, hot and cold water, bath, etc., , large lot. S3BOO. E. H. NEOLEY. Last Midwinter Excursion to Washington and Baltimore February l», via Balti more and Ohio Kj. s!> 00 round trip from Butler, Pa. Tickets valid for return 10 days, in cluding date of sale. Vestibuled trains, standard coaches, Pullman parlor and sleeping cars. The last opportunity to visit the National Capitol while con gress is in session. Get detaded information from any B & O ticket agent The most complete and fully illustrat ed guide to Washington may lie pur chased from agents at ten cents per copy. I have just received a large shipment of Edison's Phonographs and Talking Machines and latest Records. CAUI. H. LEHJHNER, Jeweler and Optioian, i No. 200 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. J.::GAI. NEWS. NEW SUITS. Geo. F. Myers, of McFann, vs Rosie Myers; petition for divorce for desertion. Laura M. Crouch V 3. Lewis P. Crouch. petition for divorce for desertion. Margaret and William Barber v Nicholas H. Hilliard, E. L. \\ asson Chas. Moore an«l H. D. Little, ejectment for 21 acres in Washington twp., claim ed by the plaintiffs, but in possession of Hilliard and optioned lor coal by him to the other defendants. Harrv Baner. trustee, vs Ada Martin, Sadie E. Ganter. Frankie Horton, et al. heirs of John Martin, ejectment for a half interest in lo acr> s on Mercer St., claimed by the plaintiffs to have been sold to them by James Bredin in !86W. TRIAL LIST. The suit of W. J , J. E and C. A. Craig vs A. L. Staples and E. D. Buz zard. was continued until March. The suit of Salvatore Cavallo and Ro sanna. his wife, against the Evans City Coal company for $5,000 damages for injuries to Mrs. Cavallo, caused by a stone thrown by a blast coming throt»gh a window and striking her in the side, breaking a rib, resulted in a verdict of $35 for the husband and $65 for the wife. In the suit of W. A Gcehring for use of M. M. Goehring vs the Zeno Cleve Oil Co., owner, and W. A. Goehring, contractor, assumpsit, a verdict of 81, 365. was rendered in favor of M. M Goehring. by agreement of the parties. In the suit of S. W. Coe vs Albert Pew, the defendant moved for a dismis sal of the case for want of jurisdiction and the trial was continued to allow ar gument on the motion. The assumpsit suit of D F. Reed vs. W. C. Mitchell, now of Kittanning. re sulted in a verdict of 4=71.03 for Ree l. In the case of Edwin Meeder, assignee of W. E. Wilkins vs M M. Goehring. assumpsit, a special verdict was return ed by the jury, subject to questions of law reserved by the court. David George is in jail for assault and battery. George Miller, of Ball Valley, Venan go twp , was brought to jtil Friday night by Constable Ribold on a charge of felonious atsault with intent to rape on a commitment issued by Justice Jno. H.Tcbayof Eau Claire Miller is 48 years old and single. Friday he caught Lizzie Kelly aged 13 years, a daughter of Henry Kelly, while on her way to school, threw her down, tore oft her fas cinator, and disarranged her clothes Her cries attracted her father. Will Murrin and Joe Forquer, who caught Miller ard took him before Squire Te bay. Saturday a hearing was had in the quo warranto poceeding against Squire W. J Huehes, of McKeea' Rocks and Lyndora. Hughes' att'ys.Mefsrs Brandon and Kohler, advanced the claim that a private citizen could not secure a writ of quo warranto atrainst a justice com missioned by the Governor and neither could the District Attorney. Mr. Hen ninger produced authorities to show he was right. A further hearing will be held Saturday. Hughes' attorneys ad mitted be held the office illegally and said they would advise him to resign when the legal questions were settled. NOT EH. Hon. Calvin Rayburu has been admit ted to practice before the courts of But ler county. M. A. Choyminski, a Slav, is in jail for selling and delivering liquor to the carworks hnnkies withont license. C. V. Dufford has been charged with surety of the peace by Mrs. Tillie A. Elliott. John F. Rininger, agent for a Ken tucky distillery, who came to Butler, took orders among the Lyndora people for liquor, delivered 80 gallons of whis key with two dray wagons on Sunday, Jan. 25 and collected for it, has been held for court for selling liquor without license, on Sunday, and for a nou-resi dent company. He is out on $1,300 bail. The polling place of the the Ist (Is land) precinct, 3d ward has been chang ed from the Coovert house on Neglej Ave to Gormley Bro's store, corner Wayne St. and Sullivan Aye. Citizens of Adams, Jackson, Forward and Cranberry twps have petitioned for a new road from near the Conrad Wag ner place to the Dunbar school honse. Geo. C. Pillow, Surveyor; Jas A. Mc- Marlin and Jacob Rice were appointed viewers. Nealy McCool was found in a deler ious condition and sent to jail for 10 days. John Mucallena is in jail for carrying concealed weapons and obstructing service of legal process. He pulled a revolver on Policeman Schnltz when the latter arrested him in the Bowman House bar on a charge of surety of the peace preferred by Frank Gallo. This is Mucallena's second of fence, PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Geo. W. Whitehall to Albert G. Kra mer, lot on South Main street for $5,500. John S. Campbell to Geo, W. White hill, same for $4,000. Marion McMillen to Adam Goeppner, lot on Fourth street for S7OO. Chas. S. Kerr, admr, to Mary Faha lon, 15 acres in Brady for $450. D B. Emerick to J. L. Emerick. lot on Center Ave. extension for $1,500. Byerly heirs to S. J. McCombs, 240 acres in Buffalo for $10,262.70. Nelson B. Duncan to J. C. Milleman, lot in Zelienople for SI,OOO. D. C Nicholas to Annie N. King, lot on South Side for $1,500. Jos. C. Wagner to John A. Wagner, lot on Cliff street for $2,000. John A. Wagner to Jos. C. Wagner, lot on Cliff street for $2,600. Jos. C. Wagner to W. S. McCrea. lot at Jefferson and Cliff streets for $1,400. L. T. Kerr to W. M. Mitchell, lot in Ean Claire for $1,500. Martha J Irwin to Mary E Christley lot on Morton aye for SI4OO. Jos G Thompson to P G McNanny 4 acres in Adams for $735, County Commissioners to J B Mc- Jnnkin and F J Forqner 2fi acres in Allegheny twp. for $5, also half interest in 20 acrew for sl3. Jas Wallace, adm'r to Mis Frances A Clark 2 lots in Zelienople for S2IOO, also lot for $1305. Elizabeth Ensley to Matilda Ensley 48 acres in Jackson for 83500. J A Easley to J I Post lot on Centre ave lot for S2BOO. Lorain II Smith to Sarah E Turner lot on Fairyi nv ave for s2*oo. Mfirtha Hildebrand to Walter Scott lot in Mars for $125. James Bredin to Jas S Murray 130 acres in Winfield for S4iHH). L C Wick to J C Haminermiller lot ou Eytli st for SIHOO. R. R. MclJeruiott to John C. Stoops, 140 acres in Fairvinw for $12,000. Henry Wild to lot in Zelienople for $2,700. Marriage Licenses. Andy Bolcar Butler Annie Motuniak " John T. Bricker Sarversvillc Laura J. Lee Tarentum At Franklin, Pa—T. V. Kelly, of Boy ers, and Matilda Shaffer of Emlenton. Also L. B. Summers of Butler and Nel lie Price of Jamestown, Pa. At Youngstown, O.—Clarence Walsh and Bertha Killmeyer of Butler. At Barbonrsville. Ky. —O. C. Mc- Clung of Butler, and Jennie Dickinson, of Barbonrsville. Pittsburg Orchestra. The thirteenth set of concerts by the Pittsburg Orchestra, Victor Herbert, Conductor, will be given in Carnegie Music Hall, Schenley Park, this Friday J evening, February oth; and Saturday I afternoon. February 7th. The program this week includes the "Heroic" symphony by Beethoven which with the fifth and seventh, is numbered among the more popular of the Beeth oven series. The Liszt number is the , most brilliant of the composer's Hym j phonic poems, and the Saint S.iens ! piece, which closes the program, is one I of those characteristic pieces, orchestrat ! Ed with all the skill of this accepted master. Good clothing at your own price at Ritter& Itockenstein's Mid-Season Sale. Doings in Council. At the meeting of Council, Tuesday evening, bills aggregating SI,BOO were approved and ordered paid: the salary of Sec'y Fowser ot the Board of Health was raised to S3O per month and that of Offi -er MeQuistion to $-">0 per month. The Board reported 170 deaths in the town during 1902, eleven of which were from gnn-shot wounds and eighteen fiom accidents; asked for an appropria tion of $1,250 for this year. The High Constable was ordered to take out a warrant for a citizen of the Ist ward, who has been obstructing the sidewalk an ordinance opening Franklin Street through the Baldauf property was or dered prepared, a new sidewalk ordi nance was passed, and several petitions referred to the proper committees. The Finance Committee ree-ommended that the test of exonerations for- taxes for 1900 and 1901 be allowed, excepting the Davis lead works and the Butler silk mill. The amount said to be due from the lead works is $660. ACCI HUNTS. Al Crow had three ribs fractured by a fall, last Friday. A scaffolding at the Power House of the electric-light plant gave way. Large Consignment of Flour. On Monday, January 26, the Pills burv Mills, of Minneapolis, shipped a solid train loSd of Pillsbnry's Best Flonr to Pittsburg. This train was routed via theC., B. & Q. to Chicago, and Ft. Wayne from Chicago to Pittsburg. This is the largest consignment of flour ever shipped to this market, and consisted of 35 cars, aggregating 10,000 barrels, 6.000 barrels of which was for Ward-Mackey Co.. the large Bakers who make the Celebrated Mothers'Bread,and it would seem that the phenomenal success they have made is due to the fact that they use only the best flonr.—Pittsburg Leader, Jan. 30th. Grand Opera Hous«*, Pittsburg. THK WAY OF THE WORLD. NEXT WEEK. Clyde Fitch's smart satirical comedy, "The Way of the World," which was oTe of the big hits in the metropolis Inst year, will be seen at the Grand Opera House, Pittsburg, beginning next Monday, Febrnarv oth. The play opens with Mr. and Mrs. Croyden, a young married couple antomobling in Central Park. They are devotedly happy, only regretting the fact that they are e-hildless. Tour to California. The second Pennsylvania Railroad Personally-conducted Tour to California for the present season will leave New Vork and Philadelphia on the Golden Gate Special, February 19, going via Cincinnati, New Orleans, San Antonio and El Paso to Los Angeles and San Diego. Three days will be spent in New Orleam during the Mardi-Gras festivities. Should a sufficient number of passengers desire to travel UDder the care of a Tourist Agent and Chaperou, a delightful month's itinerary in Cali fornia has been outlined; and a return ing itinerary to leave San Francisco March 28, visiting Salt Lake City, Gltnwood and Colorado Springs and Denver, arriving in New York April 6. Rate, $275 from all points on the Penn sylvania Railroad east of Pittsburg, covering all expenses of railroad trans portation, side trips in California, and berth and meals going on special train. No hotel expenses in California are in cluded. Tickets are good for return within nine months, but returning cover transportation only. For detailed itinerary apply to Ticket Agents, or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Gen eral Passenger Agent. Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. SLIPPERYROCK STATE NORMAL. Attend the State Normal School at Slipperyrock, Butler county, Pa. Advantages first class, rates low. Tuition free to teachers and those who in tend to teach. Winter Term begins Tues day, Dec. 29, 1902. ALBERT E. MALTBY, Principal. Fathers aiul Mothers teach your child to Have by opening a bunk account for him with the Real Estate Trust Company, 311 Fourth ayenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Four per cent, interest on savings accounts. Capital anil Surplus $3,700,000.00. Real Estate Broker. Parties wishing to purchase or sell oil properties, farms, city residences or real estate of any kind, snoukl call upon Win. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite P. O. Butler Ps. Peoples Phone No. 519. markets. Wheat, wholesale price 03-65 Rye, " 55 Oats, " 35 Corn, " ........ 60 Buckwheat 65 Hay, " 13 00 tfggs, " 25 Butter, '' 25 Potatoes, ' 50 Onions, per bu 1 00 Beets, per bu 50 Cabbage, per lb 1 Chickens, dressed 15 Parsnips, per bu 50 Turnips 40 Apples 40 50 j Celery, doz bunches 25 Honey, per pound 25 Attend Ritter & Rockenstein's Mid- Season Clearance Sale Clothing at your price. Butler's largest and beat sacrifice clothing sale at Ritter & Rockenstein's. FARM FOR RENT—A ninety acre farm near Whiteetown, iu Connoque nessing township, is for rent, immediate possession, inquire of W. D. Brandon, Butler, Pa. Insurance and Real Estate. If you wish to sell or buy property you will find it *o your advantage to see Wlll. H. Miller, Insurance and Real Estate, next P. 0., Butler, Pa. Oast Fixtures, We have them; 50 different styles. They are in the latest finishes, made to match the hardware of your house. Whitichill, Plumber. Ask lor It! If you don't see what you want at the B. H. & P. Cafe ask for it. They will furnish you with anything in the market,and cook it nicely for you on short notice. The Cafe is open from eArly in the morning till late at night. B. It. & P. CAFE. Stein building, South Main St., Butler. Supers furnished for Theatre parties. Bell Telphone 147. Chas. F. Kinu. Prop'r. J. (i & W. Campbell handle Armour's Fertilizers. They now have a supply of Armour's Farmers Almanacs. Anv Farmer can have one by calling. We are now Ixxiking orders for Fertilizer. The latest assortment of Edison Talk ing Machines and Records. Caul H. "Lekhineh, Jeweler and Optician, No. 20!) K. Main street, Butler, Pa. Now at R. & R's Mid-Season Sale good clothes cheap. The best chance you ever had to get n gond suit or overcoat at your pri(-e ijt RITTEK & KOOKKNSTKIN'S, j Good clothing cheap at Hitter & Rockenstein's Clearance Sale. Armour's Fertilizers are the best, we : are now booking orders. You can get j one of Armour's Farmers Almanac* by ' <• tiling at J. O. & W. Campbell's. ! Music scholars wanted at 188 W. I Wayne St. OIL JiOTES. The Market—Both agencies are pay ing $1.50 this morning. Concord--The Devonian Oil Cos No. 6on the Starr, was 10 feet in the sand and making 10 barrels an hour. Friday, and on Tuesday was reported at 5 barrels per hour. The location is 800 feet west of their big well and about the «ame distance east of tfce-ir suiali well on thi l Thompson farm. The well is important only to the owners, as it is in defined limits. The County—C. R. W. in the Derrick summarizes the operations of the past month in this connty as follows: "The month's work will show about 40 wells completed, giving a new production of 225 bbls There are some 50 wells drill ing and 2.5 rigs up and under way. Con siderable experimental work has been planned for the opening of Spring, with the expectation of developing a produc tive pool from some of the deep sands. Texas —Texas is reaping the aftermath of its mad boom in wildcat oil com panies in divers unexpected ways. Spindle Top is still producing large quantities of oil but the stock com panies with glib tongued promoters and glittering prospectuses have been al most entirely obliterated. The Aceiclcnt 011 the 31a.ssacliu setts. Henry W. Bnrtner, a mtmber of tho company of marines on board the L T . S. battleship Masssachusetts, sent his folks here the following account of the late accident on board that vessel. SAN J CAN, P. R., Jan. 18, 1908 □ "I will try and send you a few lines on the sad accident on the Massachusetts last Friday. We were at target practice and while the crew of the 8-inch guns were firing •» charge of 100 lbs. of pow der, it exploded and burned ten men so badly that they are all dead but one, and he is almost dead. As soon as the accident happened the Admiral gave orders for us to go to San Juan as quicklj as we could, and sent four doctors on l>oard to help our own. And we made a flying trip to San Juan, a distance of 50 miles. But, when we had arrived, five of the poor fellows had died and the carpen ter's gang had started to make the cof fins and the dead were prepared for bur ial, and those who were yet living seut to the hospital. Next morning the dead were buried with naval honors. As we were coming back from the graveyard a signal came that two more of them had died. And now we have just got word that one more of them has died and is to be buried to-morrow. Just to think what they have been suffering. It is too hor rible to relate; some of them were burn ed so bad you could not tell who they were. We had just finished firing the sis inch gun and were standing about watching them fire the 8-inch sun. One of the gun's crewe had just finished firing and had come out of the turret, leaving only one crew inside, (ten men). Thev had fired all but two shots and had on<* in, but when they went to fire it the gun held fire, and when they opened the breech the gun went off, filling the tnrret with Humes and setting fire to bags of powder that had just came tip from the magazine and the men could not get out quick enough. We manned the hose and turned the tnrret as soon as we could, and flooded the magazine in time to save the ship. I shall never forget those poor fellows some with the flesh falling off them, begging for someone to kill them. They were taken to the bay, and wrapped in clothes soaked linseed oil. One fellow, before anyone could catch him, jumped overboard, but he died a few hours afterwards. You will get the papers giving full accounts of it, as there have been sev eral reporters on board. HENRY W. BURTNER, U. S. S. Mass., San Juan, P. R. Overcoats! Overcoats!! Overcoats at less than wholesale prices now at BITTER & EOCKENSTBIN'S. The largest display of overcoats ever offered in Butler to he had at Ritter & Rockenstein's at less than wholesale prices. "Perfect" Ovens and Good Bakers, Get them at Whitehill's. It will pay yon to visit Ritter & liock enstein's Mid-Season Clearance Sale, now going on. Sale! Sale!! Mid-Season Clearance Sale at Ritter & Rockenstein's. WIDOWS' APPRAISEMENTS. The following widows' appraisements of person ill property and real estate set apart for the benefit of the widows of decedents have been Hied In the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, viz: Widow of John C. Graham.pers prop'tysloo 00 " Charles Wagner, 200 !M Robert Kidd. " 21K» !K) " Michael Fleming, " -*>o "0 " Jacob llutzley, " :KX) 00 '• John Gaibreath, " 00 •' John M. ltrown. " UOO 00 William ('. Miller, " :«*) Oo Samuel I), ilaalett,real estate 300 00 '* Jacob Krlstophel, pros prop'y .'IOO 00 " W. W. Jackson, " .100 00 Mlnorchlldren of I'eter Kepple, " 145 DO Widow of Thomas S. Coulter, " M 0 00 W. I). Huff, " 255 77 " I'hllip T. Templeton, " 154 16 All persons Interested In the above ap praisements will take notice that they will be presented for confirmation to the Orphans' Court of Butler county. I'a., on Sat urday.the 7th day of March, I',KW, and If no exceptions ure Died, they will bo confirmed absolutely. GEORGE M. (J ItAIIAM. Clerk O. C. Clerks Office, Feb. 4.1903. ROAD AND BRIDGE REPORTS. Notice Is hereby given that the following roads and bridges have been confirmed nisi by the Court and will be presented on the lirst Si.tuiday of .March Court, 11KKI, being t lie 7th day of said month, and if no excep tions aro tiled they will be confirmed abso lutely : 11. I). No. I. September Term, 1 In the matter of the petition of citizens of Adams and Middlesex townships for a public road from a point in the center of what Is known as the old State or Heaver road, near Mc- I'aun's store and postottice building In Mid dlesex township to a point where a public road known as ti|e Spahn and Glade Mills road Intersects the Allegheny and Hutler I'lank road. May 10. 1002. viewers appointed, who on September 1, 100:2, filed their report In favor of saiil road. Damages assessed: W. It. Thompson, $5; John Johnston. S2O; J. C. and It. M. Wright, SJO; ilaniiay Bailey heirs, sls; and Joseph Mangai and children,ss; to lie paid by Hutler county. Now. September 0, 1002, approved, and fix width of road »t feet; notice to be given according to rules of Court. By tub Court. 11. D. No. 2, September Term, 1902. In the matter of the petition of citizens of .Marlon township,for a county bridge over Gllghrlst's Uun In said township, where the run crosses the public road leading from Murrinsville to llarrlsville. May lU, 1002, viewers appointed by the Court, who on November 10. IUU2, fiiod their report in favor of said bridge. Now.lie cember •). 11*02, approved, notice to be given according to rules of Court, and to be laid before Grand Jury at nej(t term. JIT TilK COtTIIT. R, D. No. :j. December Term, 1902. In the matter of the petition of citizens of Hutler iiorouKh for a county bridge over Connotiue uesslng Creek In said borough, where said creek crosses the public road known as West street Extension. September :i, WO2. viewers appointed by the Court, who on November l.i, 1003, filed their report, in favor of said bridge. Now, December 0. 1002, approved, notice to be given according to rules of (.'onrt. and to be laid before Oram! .lurv at next term. Ny thk ou:kt. I!. I). No. ti. Dec. Term, 1903. In the matter »f the petition of citizens of Hutler twp. for a public road from a point on the But ler and Wtiltcatown, commonly known as the nor land road, at or near the house of John I*. l orclit, to a point ou the Hutler and Gllle land Mill road, known as the Powder Mill Run road, at or near the house formerly owned by David i'earce, now Frank X. Koh ler. Sept. 10, 1902. viewers were appointed by the Court, who on Dec. I. lIW2, filed their report In favor of said road. NuW Dec. I; li"'-. approved, and flu width of road at .'io feet, noticu to be given according to rules of Court. By tiib COOKT. li. D. No. 7. Dec. Term, ISxrj. In the matter of the petit ion of citizens of Jackson, Cran berry and Forward twps. for a public road from a point on the I'll!sliurg and Franklin road, at oi-near the residence of Wm. Ram sey, to Intersect with the Cutlery public road, at or near the residence of John Tue.n tier. Nov. M. IIHC. viewers appointed by Court, who> Dec. I, HUB,', (lied their report |n favor of said road. Damages assessed; Frank Rider. s£>. Now. Dec. 0. IW2. approved, anil ll* width of road at :ti feet, notice to given according to j-ules of Court. By tub Couht. Butlkii (Jot: HTY, SH: Certified from the record tills 4tli day of Feb., A, D. irn GEORGE M. GRAHAM, Clerk Q. S. Court. WHY DO Vol' REMAIN IDLE when we need .'no men for different positlonsV If you are willing to work we can place yon. We are able to supply, on short notice, any kind of male help to employers order will tie fill ed very promptly. Apply, Old Reliable Key stone Bureau. Its: I'enn avenue, I'lttshurg. Established 1575. 2-5-tim Wanted—Two Carloads of Cordwood. Must contain No. i hickory; will pay u«mkl i»rlct>. Uuo. S. Schmidt. 498 ft Hutler St., I'itUburg, I'a. 2-5-lm The New Railroad. The directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and i f the Pennsyl vania Company at their meetings held in Philadelphia last Thursday, had be fore them the plan for the low-gratis freight cut-off to run from Enon, on the Fort Wayne road, to Red Bank ou the Allegheny Valley railroad. The officials approved the plans and ordered that the contracts be let at once. The road will be double tracked, with enormous freight yards at both ends, and.will cost at least $0,000,000. It was said at the meetings that tracks of the Allegheny Valley, Philadelphia & Erie and Northern Central roads were in good shape to handle the new traffic which the low grade route will give them, but that big transfer yards must be built at Sunburv. where the Philadel phia & Erie road will liai.d over the freight to the Northern Central. The yards will cost about $50,000, and it is semi-officially announced that the Northern will soon let contracts for their construction The cut-off from Enon to Red Bank will enable the Pennsylvania to send all through freight to and from the west around Pittsburg and relieve the con gestion at that city, and when it is built and and the freight road through Lan caster and Chester counties is completed the Pennsylvania will have a low grade freight road stretching from the Alle gheny river to the Delaware The route from Red Bank is by way of the low grade division of the Allegheny Valley road to Driftwood, thence by the Phila delphia & Erie to Sunburv, and thence by the Northern Central to Maysyille, north of Ilarrisburg, and down along the Susquehanna to Shocks Mills. The route of the low-grade road is thence down the fast bank of the Susquehanna on the bed of the Columbia & Deiwsit road to York Haven, and thence across Lancaster and Chester counties to At glen. From Atglen the main line will be used to Glen Loch, where connection is made with the Trenton cut off, which takes the low-grade freight route to the Delaware. The road is expected to be opened from the Allegheny to the Dela ware within 18 months. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa., issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to medirected, there will be ex posed to public sale, on the premious in Adams tW|)., Butler Co., I'a.. on Friday, the Otli day of February, A.D. 1903, at 1 o.ciock p. m., tlio following described property, to-wit: E. I). No. s, March Term. 1903. 11. 11. Goucher, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Keliecca McCaw and Margaret McCiiw, dee'd., with notice to T. W. McCaw, admin istrator. C. T. A. "f the said Margaret Mc- Caw. deceased, of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Adams township, Itutler county. I' i., bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning on the Evans City road at a point distant eight hundred and thirty-eight (*.» feet from the corner of the Pittsburg road; thence along said Evans City road north and d» greos east, one hundred apd tifty feet (I."i 0) toau alley.fifteen feet wide; thence by line of said alley south 87and '4 degrees west two hundred feet to Garlleld avenue; thence by line of said liar- Held avenue south 2 and H degrees west one hundred and llfty feet to a pin: thence north s7 and 'i degrees east two hundred feet to the Evans City road aforesaid, at the place of beginning; and having a two story frame dwelling house and outbuildings thereon erected. Helped and taken In execution in satisfaction of a judgment obtained on a writ ot Scire Facias Tor the debt, interest, at torneys commission and costs secured by a certain indenture of mortgage given by Rebecca McCaw and .Margaret McCaw to James Welsh bearing date the 4th day of December, A I). 1883, entered and recorded in Mortgage Book 4.1, page 107. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Rebecca McCaw and Margaret Mc- Caw. deceased, with notice to T. W. McCaw. administrator C. T. A. of the said Margaret McCaw. deceased, at the suit of James Welsh for use of 11. 11. Goucher. Trustee. By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex., Fi. Fa., Lev. Fa.. Ac., Issued out of the Court of Common l'leas of Butler Co., I'a., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the borough of Butler, I'a. on Friday, the 27tli day of February A. I). 1903, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described property, to-wit: E. I). No. 34. December Term. 190"-'. Thompson & Son, Attorneys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Braden Garvin and Benjamin Garvin, of. in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Cranberry township. Butler county, I'a., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Barto heirs, Peter Ehrman and heirs of George Ehrman, on tho east by lands of George KnautT, on the south by lands of Newton Garvin and John Relchele and on the west by lands of Newton Garvin, William Koerner and Peter Ehrman, containing one hundred and fifty (130) acres, more or less. Seized anil taken In execution ivs tho pron porty of Braden tiarvln and Benjamin Garvin, at tho suit of W. J. Blukluy and J. L. Itlakley, Executors of A. Blakley, dec'd. E. I). No. 18, March Term, 1903. Thompson & Son. Attorneys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of .1 A.Croft. of. In ana to all that certain piece or tract of land, situated In Middlesex town ship. Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north bv M. O. Ekas and Brown hairs, oast by U. I', cemetery and Martin Bowers, south by lilttman heirs, west by lands of Robert Huxton and John Parks heirs, containing 12ZH acres, with frame bouse, frame barn, frame wagon shed and other outbuildings thereon erected. Seized und taken In execution alt the prop erty of J. A. Croft at the suit of Lewis Dope. By virtue of a special writ of Fl. Fa..lssued out of the Court of Common Pieas of Butler county. Pa., and to mo directed, there will he exposed to public sale, at the Court House in Butler. Butler Co., Pa., on Friday, the U7tU day of February, A. 1). UKX). at one o'clock, l*. M., the following described property, to-wlt: E. I). No. 27 and 2N. March Term, 1903. N. C McCollough and Forquer, Attorneys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of William .I. Logan, of. In and to all that cer tain piece or parcel of land, situated in Mll lerstown borough, But lev county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-witj On the north by lands formerly of heirs of Andrew Barnhart, 42 feet-, east by lands formerly of Leopold. 1 OS feet; on the south by Sllpperyrock street. 42 feet and on the west by Simpson avenue one hundred and thirty-t wo feet, and having thereon erected one Iron clad build ing :»lx7o feet, and one small coke shed. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erth of William .1. Logan, at the suit of J. L. Martin and Mlllerstown Deposit Co. TERMS OF SALE-The following must bo strictly compiled with when property Is stricken dow>). 1. When the plaintiff or othor lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens. Includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien cro Indigestion r / Bad Breath- 7 1 Catarrh of Stomach S l Are you troubled with \ \ these? Would you take a f V good remedy if you could / { get it? We have one we V 1 are not afraid to back with I \ J the guarantee, "Money j ' 5 refunded if not satisfac- \ V tory." We know it does / / the work and so are not S ) afraid to say so. / \ Come to the store (or if v / you live out of town send \ p for a box of s J Boyd's dyspepsia tablets ? s price 50c. / C Remittance may be / V made in 2 cent stamps, we b can always use these S J rather than a larger de- I S nomination. They CURE X / and that is what you want. / / We sell other things you / / may need. If it is any- J ? thing in the drug line we S n have it. Why not get the ) \ best of everything when it C J does not cost any more. v C. N. BOYD, 11 \ Pharmacist, ' S C Diamond Block. / / Butler, Pa, ? j People's Phone 83. } \ | Bell Phone 146 D. j \ 20 per cent discount on any PIANO in the store. Good for 10 days only. To close out the stock. Your credit is good. NEWTON "THE PIANO MAN" " 317 S. Main St. Butler Pa. B. B. Comment not necessary when we ofler, —- 35 Cent Cream three-quarter Wool Striped Waist Cloths, 15c 45 Cent all-wool fancy Striped Waist Cloths, 35c 50 and 75 Cent pretty Striped Wool Waist Cloths, 35c All White and All Black Moire Velour, 27 inches wide, 75c $1 50 All-Wool Cheviottes— tucked all over—for Dress Skirts, 75 C —Oxford—dark Gray Mix tures. Lot $2.00 imported Cheviotte Tailorings, 54 inches wide, SI.OO Lot 50 Cent Clan Tartan Dress Goods - - broken checks and stripes, 35c —not only good—but neat, pretty and useful. Broken lines dressy Voiles, Crepes, Mistrals—great variety, qualities and colors—so and 75c. Bogo-s & Buhl Department X ALLEGHENY. PA. IF. T. Papetj IIJEWELER!I IJEWELER! \ S 121 E. Jefferson Street. / yyM. E MILLER, FIRE and LIFE INSDRANCE and REAL ESTATE. Oi'i'XCK—Byers' Building—next to P. O. Butler Pa. WHEAT CORN AND OATS as well as STOCKS Hough t and carried on moderate •nargins. You can make more money by investing in these com modities in a short time than in any other way. Our Daily Fore cast mailed free. Call or write for further particulars. £ B JENKINS & CO., Inc. Hankers an<' Hrokers, 114 Fourth Avenue, PitUburif, Pu, ■——■— l r - Low Prices For ti ci ry C )fferir\{ss BROWN CO'S. * « ODD DRESSERS We have hard wood Dressers as lov | as $7.00; others ir. combinations for $8.00; fine golden ? oak Dressers, French beveled plates, at $14.00. EXTENSION TABLES —Solid oak Extension Tables, legs 1 bolted on, workmanship right, at $6.50; others at prices } ranging Irom sS.oo up. Sizes in 6, Bor 10 ft. A large and elegant assortment. CAR LOADS OF IRON BEDS. Springs and Mattresses of all kinds, at all prices to suit your taste and the money you wish to pay. We will guarantee all goods La this line to f give purchaser entire satisfaction. SEWING MACHINES — No risk in buying a machine from j us. We guarantee each machine sold. We know just j what the "New Royal" will do, and can recommend it to | I all purchasers. Why do without a machine for only j $16.75? S~' e the New Royal. BED ROOM SUITS —Never had a better selection of Suits | than just now. Hard wood, golden oak finish, beveled • plate, with nicely carved bed, at only $20.00. Solid oak suit, swell top drawers in dresser and the stand, beveled j French plate, cast brass trimmings, veiy neat, well made suit for $25.00. Other suits at $28.00, $30.00, $35,00 and upwards. See the line. COME IN AND COMPARE! BROWN &• CO. I No. 136 N. Main St. (Bell Phono 10.5) BUTLER. PA. 200000000000000000000000Q Mrs, j. e. zimmerhan| | ' ANNOUNCES | |!A Continuation of Theirl ;j; Semi=Annual | ij: Sacrifice Sale. | 1 Notwithstanding the fact that the sale last week was the most successful one they have ever had, their stock 4$ of Winter goods is still too heavy, it must be Cf REDUCED AT ONCE X They have made still further reductions on Winter Wraps and all ready-to-wear garments. Price on Ladies', Misses' and Children's Wraps ► Reduced to 1-2 Former Price. > Silk Waists £ price. Woolen Waists £ price. Greater < > sacrifice prices on Undcr-muslins. One lot Corset 4 > Covers price. The same price as last week on 4 > «# DRESS GOODS, SILKS, LACES, < 1 y TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, V *I > FURS, NECKWEAR, RIBBONS, * y V MILLINERY, RUGS, PORTIERS, V | [ LACE CURTAINS, BED HAPS, BLANKETS, ' f < y WHITE QUILTS, MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, X < ( CALICOES, GINGHAMS. X 4 > Ready to use Sheets, Bolsters and Pillow Cases. 4 | ( > Sacrifice Prices Continue all Month of January. ,£ Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.] , k Bell Phono SOP. Rutlor. Or, 4 > 'i 1 People's l'hono 12ft. tJUtier, t-'EI. 1 I C. 6. jWlfefe€R'S~j Great Clearance Sale.' » glen's Felt at 10c a pair. All Holiday Slippers to be closed out regardless of cost. | All our Boys' and Girls' good solid school shoes to be j closed out less than cost. Jan. 25th we take stock and until this date we are going to clean up all broken lots and reduce our stock and in order to do this quickly we are going to ofler some record breaking prices. We are just finishing up by far the largest year's busi ness we have ever had and we feel after the immense amount of Boots and Shoes we have sold in the last year, we can al- £ most aftord to give balance away. Space will not permit to give in detail all the great bargains | that will be offered here for the next twenty days, but will say, bring a very little money here and sec the great amount of good, reliable footwear you can take away with you, but do L not wait too long as the best bargains are always picked out | first. Come in and look these bargains over whether you | want to buy or not as we want you to see we are doing just I what we advertise. Full line of Walkover and Douglass fine shoes for men. ! We are exclusive agent for the famous Fin