Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 05, 1903, Image 2

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    tphe; citizen.
SI.OO per year In Advance. Otherwise SI.SO.
t Tlic Superior Court Vacancy.
The vacancy on the bench of the Su
perior Court, caused by the resignation
of Judge W. W. Porter, will be filled by
appointment by Governor Pennypacker;
the appointee to be commissioned to
Jannary 1, 1904, and recommissoned, if
elected next November, tor the usual
term of ten years.
The Superior Conrc has become a very
imjH>rtant branch of the judicial depart
ment of the state. It was designed to
lift some of the work from the shoulders
the Supreme Court justices. Wheth
er the higher court has really been re
lieved may be a question, for the con
tinued growth of litigation keeps it
busy. However that may be, the Super
ior Court has a heavy burden of ito own
to carry, a burden that is made harder
because it moves from one city to an
other. When not sitting in Pittsburg,
it is to be found at Philadelphia, Wil
liamsport, Harrisburg or Scranton. Its
duties are arduous, and its members
should be capable attorneys of ripe ex
perience and undoubted integrity.
Such a man is H. H. Goncher, Esq. .
of Butler, for whom an effort in this di
rection is now being made, and as this
aection of the state is at present unrep
resented on either the Superior or Su
preme benches, we commend Mr.
Goncher's claims and those of our coun
ty to our worthy Governor.
Twenty years ago two men, looking
for some grazing and farming land near
the southern shore of Lake Superior
came across a large tree that had been
uprooted by a storm. The long tap-root
of the fallen tree was smeared with
red stuff, and the men surmising what
this meant, dug down and found a solid
bed of red iron ore. the best known for
making Bessemer steel. They bought
the ridge for a trifle, made their dis
covery known, and in th 3 course of
time sold their holdings for twenty
The region was investigated and these
deposits of ore were found to exist
along the entire southern coast of Lake
Superior from the straits of Mackinaw,
through Michigan, Wisconsin and
Minnesota to a point northwest of
Dnluth, and the ridges containing it
have all been bought up by the Car
negies and Rockefellers. The ore is
dredged from the hills, loaded in, cars,
run to the Lake shore, dumped into
boats built for the purpose, towed to
the ports of Lake Erie and loaded on
cars there.—all by machinery—and
though millions of tons of it have been
taken out, the deposits have barflj
been "scratched," and the supply seems
inexhaustible. Thousands of tons of
the stuff pass through Butler every
week over the Bessemer on its way to
the furnaces uoar Pittsburg; the coal
of this section giving us an advantage
over other sections, and the out-put of
pig iron in this state a\one tor last year
was about eight millions of tons, as
against about seventeen million tons by
the whole country.
These figures are instructive in many
ways. The output was the greatest in
our history and would have been pro
bably twenty per cent, larger if there
had been available the coke and means
of transportation. To offset this there
was large importations from abroad,
and the demand is still ntterly beyond
the capacity of the furnaces to supply.
At Connellsville and in that region
thousands of tons of coke are awaiting
shipment, and the railroad blockade
seems to be no nearer closing than for
some weeks. In consequence the maxi
mum demand for pig-iron output can
not be reached. The position of Penn
sylvania in the ore business is more im
portant than ever. That its output
should equal that of Great Britain
seems almost impossible, and the fact
that the iron business of the country
has doubled in ten years is a most in
structive feature.
In Washington, last week, the House
had a bribery scandal on hands (which
was not "probed to the bottom") and is
now engaged on the appropriation bills.
The Senate witnessed the strange
spectacle of Mr. Morgan of Alabama
opposing the canal treaty after pre
viously voting for the bill.
The Senate continued to be dead
locked all last week by the "Statehood
Bill," which still held the right of way
after 2 p.m., and Senator Quay played
A smart trick by offering the bill as an
amendment to an appropriation bill,but
the majority of the Republican mem
bers, having in view, the case of Dela
ware, where one wealthy man is hold
ing up the entire state, were continuing
to oppose the bill. The two teiritories
have a mixed population of Mexicans,
Indians and a few white people. Ari
zona polled about twenty thousand
votes last year in her local elections, and
New Mexico polled some thirty-thous
and. If admitted as states each one
would be entitled to one Congressman
and two United States Senators, which
would not only be an imposition on the
the other states, but also an invitation
to adventurers, as Delaware now is.
The situation, as Mated by the Phila
delphia Inquirer was, "The House pass
ed the measure, which provides for the
admission of New Mexico, Arizona and
Oklahoma as States. ' The Senate com'
mittee rejected all save Oklahoma, and
coupled with that territory the Indian
Territory. The great majority of Re
publican Senators indorse the commit
tee report. The Democrats are favora
ble to the House bill. Senator Quay
has rallied enough Republican Senators
to make a majority for admission when
added to the solid Democratic vote. He
asks that a day shall be set for the vote,
but the Republican opponents prefer
debate and postponement, hence no ac
tion can be bad.
In the midst of this deadlock Quay
stives notice of amendments to be of
fered to certain appropriation bills and
asks that tbey be referred to the Com
mittee on Organization, Conduct and
Expenditure of the Executive Depart
ments. When safely referred it be
comes known that the amendments are
really copies of the Statehood bill. The
rules are that amendments to appropri
tions must be submitted by regnlar
committees The committee chosen for
this work by Quay is one which rarely
meets, but one of which he ischairman.
The majority of it is with him, hence
the amendments have been reported fa
There are also roles that alien mat
ters must not be tacked on to appropri
ation bills, and the President Pro Tem.
will doubtless rule the territories out;
but the Senate is always able to reject
the railing of the chair if there is a ma
jority against him, hence Senator Quay
believes that the Senate will declare
that the amendments can be made.
This being the case, he farther expects
that upon a direct vote the territories
will be admitted.''
If the bill is insisted up to the end of
the session, all legislation will be block
ed, this will necessitate an extra ses
sion of the Senate to consider the trea
The hitch in the Venezuela negotia
tions was caused by all the creditor Na
tions of Venezuela insisting upon being
treated equally in the division of her
Some days ago Mr. Bo*en, acting for
Venezuela, submitted to the blockad
ing powers a proposition that thirty
per cent, of the custom? duties col
lected at La Guayra. Puerto Cabello
and Maraeaibo, the three principal
Venezuelan ports, should be devoted to
the liquidation of the foreign claims as
to whose validity there is no dispute
and tc the payment of any awards that
may be hereafter made. This offer was
accepted by the three allies with
the reservation that the claims of the
blockading powers shonld be entitled to
a priority of satisfying. It was here
that the existing difficulty developed.
Mr. Bowen replied by pointing out that
the Venezuela Government had entered
into an agreement with other of its
creditors from which it could not with
out their consent diverge, and he ex
plained that the desire and the inten
tion were distribute the thirty per cent,
of the customs duties equally among
those entitled to receive it. He has
since, under instructions from his prin
cipal refused to favor the blockading
nations, and there the matter rests.
Unless the allied powers withdraw
from the position which they appear to
have assumed it will be difficult to
avoid the conclusion that their couise
is inspired and directed by some other
motive than the collection of the out
standing debt, that they have some ul
terior purpose in view which they are
unwilling to disclose.
About seventy-five Republicans of
Butler met in Room G of the Younkin's
building last Friday evening and
elected P. W. Ruff chairman of the
city committee, W. J. Marks vice
chairman, A. M. Christley secretary,
and J E. Franklin treasurer. A
number of preliminary matters were
considered, discussed and acted upon,
and an aggressive campaign was de
cided upon
The receipts of the State Treasury for
this year, available for appropriations
are estimated at 15i millions, and the
estimated of the expenses of the state
for the year is 16i millions, leaving an
imiaginary deficit of a million
In the Senate, Tuesday, Mr. Williams
of Bntler introduced a bill appropriat
ing $50,000 to Slipperyrock Normal.
The house, by the decisive vote of 111 to
57, defeated the Grady bill appropriat*
ing #25,000 for the erection of a monu
ment to the memory T>f Simon Came
ron In the bill Senator Quay, Alex
ander J. Cassatt and Col. Alexander
McClue were named as a commission to
fulfill the obligation imposed. As Sen
ator Grady was authority for the state
ment that Col. Quay is very much in
terested in the measure, in reality its
sponsor, an unfriendly significance was
by some placed upon the action of the
house. The bill wfts reconsidered
Wednesday by Durham's orders and
The proposition to erect a statue to
the rebel general, Robert E. Lee, on the
battlefield of Gettysburg, was debated
in the hall of the House of Representa
tives on Tuesday evening of last week.
Col. A. K. MtClurespoke infavorofthe
bill providing for the erection of the
statute, and Judge John Stewart, of
Chambersburg, against it.
Colonel McClure said he did not plead
the cause of Confederacy, but on the
other hand, he pleaded the cause of the
Union—the common union. He wanted
to make the battlefield of Gettysburg
worthy of the nation. It should in it
self tell its own story. He pictured the
monuments and tablets on Cemetery
Hill which tell in every detail the story
of the Union side of that great battle.
Across the fields, on Seminary Ridge,
he said, the story of the other side
should be told in monument and tablet.
They should not be placed there as a
j tribute to the Rebellion, but as a tribute
to the heroism of the Blae and the Gray.
The visitor from a foreign land to the
battlefield of Gettysburg would traverse
its magnificent avenues, study the posi
tions occupied by the two great armies,
and could not fail to be impressed with
the equal valor of the forces there lock
ed in deadly conflict. He would inquire
why one side of the story is given in im
perishable KORurnents, while the other
has nothing to tell of the equally skilled
and valiant chieftains whb gave oyer
twenty thousand of their heroes to the
dead and wounded of the battle, ami
would he not ask the question :
"Were njt the chieftains and warriors
on both sides Americans ? Were they
not brothers, whose fathers had reared
the great free gov*rau;ent of the world
deeply crimsoned with their LIocU, and
who had shared in the trials and tri
umphs of the Union in the Revolution
ary War, in the second war with Eng
land, and on the plains of Mexico?"
What answer could we make to day
to such inoqiries forty years after this
great battle waa fought'' Viewed from
the standpoint of the teiupe>ej passions
of the present, does not the battlefield
of Gettysburg now stand as a colossal
monument teaching the gospel of hate?
Legislators, soldiers, patriots of Penn
sylvania, how can such a monument en
dure when hate has perished?
Speaking of the opposition to the mon
ument. he called atteatiop to the high
places now occupied by Confederal* gen
erals. "There is no honor short of the
Presidency," fce said, "that has not been
given to Confederates with the consent
of all parties."
At the conclusion of Colonel McClure's
address Mr Bliss introduced Judge John
Stewart, of Chambersbum. JudgeStew
art said he was sustainedby an abiding
confidence that in no event would the
Lee statue bill receive legislative ap
proval "I am deeply and unalterably
opposed to this measure," he said,
amidst loud applause, and followed this
by a prophecy thaf, after its defeat no
body would ever attempt tu re/iye it.
He did not think this bill was the prod
uct of Colonel McClure's good judgment.
It was begotten of exaggerated charity.
He denied the legal right of the Leg
islature to pass this bill. "We who are
opposed to it will never give over our
opposition until the court of last resort
says we .jjinet," said Judge Stewart,
with upraised band, f»pd applause fol
He gave a brief sketch of the forma
tion of the Gettysburg Memorial Asso
ciation and said: "You cannot pass a
law that impairs a contract and we rest
upon th« right of those who gave that
field to its charitable use.
"What is to be gained by putting this
ntatueof Lee on Gettysburg battlefield;"
asked the speaker. "If yon want his
toric accuracy as your excuse, then place
upon this field a statute of Lee holding
in his hand the banner under which he
fought, bearing the legend: 'We wage
! this waragainota government conceiv
ed in liberty and dedicate/) to humanity.'
"There i» nothing in history to com
pare with this," said Jndge Stewart.
"Will the speaker pardon me?" said
Colonel Tom Cooper, "but there Is now
a uionnment being erected on the battle
field of Brandy wine to Washington and
"But they were pairM* *}gbting for
th« same cause," retorte/l Ju(Jg« bf,e-y
"Yes," said Cooper, "bnt they lost
the battle,' and a wavu of laughter
swept over the room, which increased ao
Colonel Stewart retorted with "Jnst as
I trust yon will lose this bill."
In closinic he begged the Legislature,
"in the name of the dead who rest in
the hills of (iettsburg to leave them
alone in their glory. "
J. H. Morrow and wife of Magic are
be th seriously ill.
The funeral of X. Pontius of Peacli
ville was largely attended by citizens of
Another 4th sand gusher 011 A 1 Starr
farm came as a surprise to local oil men
who thought that a western extension of
the pool had been cut off in that direction.
After tapping the pay streak drilling
was suspended in order to remove the
boiler and secure adequate tankage
before drilling in the well. Its produc
tion cannot as yet be estimate 1. Four
teen new locations were made in Camp
bell Hollow last week and a score or
more in other parts of the Speechley
The Devonian Co s. Speechley well on
Et Cumberland is in and is said to be
the best well found in the western ex
tension of the field. The well is report
ed as being good for 9 barrels per day.
I Some 25 or SO of Concords steady
yeomanry attended court last week as
' witnesses in the suit brought against
1 the township for tresspasses and
damages in maintaining repairs on
the State road leading through the tw p.
in which the twp secured a verdict.
Dan McDeavitt, the only reliable and
original Dan was in the City on Thurs
i day. Dan says that he passed through
Sonora unmolested.
Revival meetings are in progress at
Troutman M. E. church conducted by
the pastor Rev. Small of Karns City.
Much disappointment is expressed
and much indignation is manifested at
the discontinuance of R. F. D. route
No. 74 on account of the delay in and
disarrangement of mail intended for
patrons of this route. The majority
had provided themselves with approved
boxes and the money loss thus expend
ed is no small item. It has been diffi
cult from the beginning to secure
carriers for this route on account of a
loop in the route that never should have
been made and which extended to a
point within 'A miles of West Sunbury.
This loop shonld have been divided be
tween two routes from West Sunbury
that enter the twp. and one from
Work on the new railroad is pro
gressing finely and the grading will
soon be accomplished. Surveyors are
at work on another line that nearly
parallels the new road and that crosses
the same at J. N. Thompson's, sDuth of
Hooker. The foreign element at work
on this road are mostly a quiet, civil
and intelligent class of persons.
George W. Moser died at his home on
Friday morning of an illness of long
duration. By his death our twp. loses
one of its most highly respected citizens.
At different periods he held positions of
profit and trust in the twp. which, in
part, shows the high esteem manifested
toward him by the home people. Mr.
Moser was a brave and loyal soldier in
the army of the Union during the
Civil War.
Weli Worth Knowing
Facts not Fiction—Weak Nerves
—All Run Down —Constant
Headaches —Sleep not Restful
—A Victim Gives the Road to
Mrs. L. Cupps of No. 4 Hammond row
Lincoln Ave., Butler, Pa., says: "As a
nerve tonic Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve
Pills are splendid. I found t'nem capable
of rapidly building me up—giving me
strength—steadying my nerves and mak
ing good sleep a certainty. When I got
the box at D. H. Waller's Drug Store J.
felt miserable but not long as the m- d
icine gave me the above results easily
and quickly. I gained also in wjigl't
owing to the fine appetite and digtstiou
they gave me."
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are sold
at 50 cents a box at dealers or Dr. A. W.
Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. See
that portrait and signature of A. VV.
Chase, M. D. are 011 every package.
We arc justly proud of our pre
scription department, this, as well
as our other business during the
year just closed has been the best
in our history.
We sincerely thank our many
customers for their patronage and
hope to have many more this year.
Your doctor won't be disap
pointed in results if his prescrip
tions are filled at our store.
log N. Main St., Butler. Pa.
JJpfh Phones.
10c Wall Paper
10c Wall Paper
10c Wall Paper
Biggest Line in Town.
Next to Postoffice.
THE Established
Tlic ffl Aputa'il NEWSpajjer,
AN'l> A'|>.Ml'l'TK|>M 'MM'
Leading Agricultural Journal of
the Wor d.
Every department written by specialists,
l In; highest authorities In their respective
No :>th<;r paper pretend* to compare with
It In iittaUllc4tli.n« of tit.iT.
(ifvlis the agncultpral NpwV wltTi uegiC),
of completeness not even attempted by
Indispensable to all country residents who
wish to keep up with the tltries.
Single Subscription, $1.50.
Two SubKcribtions, $2.50.
Five Subscriptions, $5.50
Four Months' Trial Trip 60 cents."
will be mailed (rot) on reiiuest. It will pay
anytKKly Inter.'sled In any w:iy in country
life to send for t hem. Address the publishers:
N. Y.
jyr Subscription tali en at'ihj* ojnee.
Both papers together, s'.'.oo.
130 South Main St.
SARVER—At his home in Buffalo twp.
Jan. 3», IW)3, Frank Sarver, aged >
HAZLETT—At his home in Aspinwall.
Jan. 39, 1903, Frank Hazlett. aged
34 years.
BARNHART—Feb. 1, 11K»3, Mrs.
widow of Frederick Barnhart. and
mother of Rndolph Barnhart of Con
noqnenessing. aged 85.
CASHDOLLAR—At the home of her
parents in Franklin twp.. Jan. 24,
1903, Mr.s. Albert Cashdollar, neeSns
san Uerwig, in her 27th year.
SWEENEY —At her home in Butler,
Jan. 30, 1903, Mrs Annie Sweeney,
BAUGH— At Larned, Kansas. Jan. 19,
1903. W. H. Bangh. formerly of But
ler connty.
MGSER—At his home in Concord twp.
Jan. 30,1903, George W. Moser.
STAPLES—At his home in Adams twp.
Jan. 31, 1903, Wm. Staples.
FORSYTHE-At her home in Concord
twp.. Jan. 18, 1903, Elizabeth For
MONTGOMERY—At her home in
Clinton twp., this connty. January
29, 1903, Mrs. Mary Montgomery,
wife of Mr. Archibald Montgomery,
in the 94th year of her age.
LYON—At her home in Pittsburg, Jan.
28, 1903. Miss Elizabeth Lyon, aged
64 years.
She was born in Middlesex township,
a sister of D. H. Lyon of Butler, and
taught school for 37 years. She was
buried in the Middlesex Presbyterian
WISEMAN—At Winstead-Salem. N. C.
Jan. 28, 1903, John H. Wiseman, son
of Charles Wisemar, formerly of But
ler, aged about 45 years. He was bur
ied at East Brady last Friday. His
death caused by blood poisoning, fol
lowing a bite from a young lion, which
is said to have been born in Butler
about two years ago He is survived
by his wife and four children, also by
an adopted son who was his partner
in the Sparks Bros.' shows.
McJUNKIN—At his home in Mercer,
February 1, 1903. Jnsiah McJunkin,
in the 92nd year of his age.
The deceased wan the only living
brother of Hon. E. McJunkin of this
place and an uncle of Hon. J. D. Mc-
Junkin. For forty years he conducted
the old Etna mill and later a large mill
ing business in Mercer. He had three
children, Mrs. Dr. Mahard. deceased:
Walter McJunkin. a Clearfield, Pa.,
banker, and Mrs. McElrath. wife of at
torney Archie McElrath, of Mercer.
Hon. J. David McJunkin, James
B. McJunkin, Esq ,Hon. J. M. Galbreath
and Mrs. Clarence Walker of this place
attended his funeral.
George Bolsden. who was struck by a
B, R & P. train last Thursday and ta
ken to the Hospital, died that night.
Papers on his person showed that he was
in the British army in South Africa.
In the death of Mrs. Mary Clark and
daughter Emeline, of Middletown, not
only the immediate family, but also the
friends and neighbors have sustained a
loss which has not its counterpart with
in the recollection or our community.
They were both lovely characters.
This was an example of that beautiful
confidence which should, but often does
not, exist between mother and daugh
ter. As WHS remarked by our pastor at
the funeral of Mrs. Clark, "She was ca
pable, faithful and patient."
The same virtues were characteristic
of the daughter. Always at their post.
Always diligent in every good work
Neither waited for sickness to make
them ready for death, but long ago
with all the promise of long life, their
hearts were given to their Master. So
while lying on beds of pain they had
nothing to do but wait for the change
which will surely come to all, aud may
suddenly come to some.
Their last sickness was contracted at
the bedside of the aged father and
grandfather, and although every thing
was done which love and skill could de
vise, the mother was first taken, and
while sorrowing friends stood over Eme
line hoping almost against hope that
she would be spared, she too in less than
a week passed away.
The family has the sympathy of the
entire community. While we feel this
loss keenly we are not forgetful that in
tense beyond comparison is the sorrow
around the desolate fireside, where the
places of these loved ones will ever be
found vacant. May we all live sc that
we may be reunited at the "marriage
supper of the Lamb."
Tin' School District In the Court of Corn
er Parker Tqwnshlp mon I'lua.s of llut
vs !■ ler County. F.<iul-
Tlio School District I tv No. 2, December
of Brulii. J Term. 11)01.
Notice Is hereby f?lvon to creditors anil all
parties interested that a court will l»e held
before the Honorable W. D. I'attou at the
Court lloinii'. Butler, l'a.,oii Monday, the2Sd
day of February, 11W3. at hour of 2
o'clock, p. in., for a hearing In the above
entitled case.
JOHN O. C'LAItK. I'rothonotarv.
Notice Is hereby given that John Hum
phrey. cuardlan, of estate of Hosana Brown,
lias filed his llrst and partial account, at M.
S. I>. No. 3S, March Term, I!**), and that same
will lie presented to Court for confirmation
and allowance, on Saturday. March 7, IIKM.
JOHN C. CI.AHK, l'rothonotary.
J'rot lionotary'fi off(ce ; Jap. H. i?*K(.
In re estate of James K Reed, late of
Slipperyrock twp., Rutler Co., Pa.,dec'd.
The undersigned having been duly ap
pointed adu'inistrator in above estate,
:;11 persons knowing themselves indebted
Iher. to are requested to pay, and any
persons having claims against snlil estate
shou'd present them properly proved for
payment to
WM. C. FINDI.BY. Adin'r.,
Jan. 15th, 1903. Rutler, Pa.
Letters of administration, C. f. A.,
liaving been granted to the undersigned
on the estate of Sophia Ilarley, dee'd.,
late of Eutler, Butler Co., Pa., all
persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment; anil any having claims
against said estate will present them
duly auteuticatcd fo» settlement to
131 Krce St., Butler, Pa.
WIM.TAMS & MITCHEI.I,, Atty's. 1-8-03
Letters of administration on the estate
of Jauies Syatcn, decear.;;d,, late of
Kvansburg boro,, Butler county, Pa.,
having been granted to the under
signed, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment, anil any having
claims against said estate will present
tlieni duly authenticated for %ettlenient to
P. SinfiON. Adm'r.,
Evans City, Pa.
W If. I.T'SK, Alt y ; 1-1-oj
Lctti rs of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate
of Sarah A. Gibson, dee'd., late of Alle
gheny tp., Butler Co., Pa..persons know
ing tiiejjisyiveo judepteu lo sajii estate ar?
hereby requested to come forward and pay
such indebtedness and any having claims
against the same will please present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
J. C. GIIISON, Adm'r.,
It. F. IJ. 67, Parkers Landing, Pa.
S. F. ft a L. BOWSKR, Att'ys. 12-18-02
Letters of administration on the estate
Ellen Kelly, dee'd., late of Franklin
township, Butler county. Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
: payment, ami nuy having claiuis against
said estate will present thcui duly au
thenticated for settlement to
JOHN C. KICU.V. Adm'r.,
Prospect, Pa.
J. M. THOMPSON, Att'y. 12-18-02
Stop Paying Rent
it at per uiontti. We will buy you n
home nuil let yon pay for no interest,
taxes or insurance. Address, The Co
operative Home Purchasing Ass'u, No.
101 House Building, Pittsburg,Pa. 2-5 lm
The Register hereby zirrs notice that the
following aci-ounts of executors, adminis
trators ana guardians have been fileil tn
this office according to law. and will l>e pre
sent! d to Court for confirmation and allow
ance on Saturday, the 7th day of March.
1303. at 9 A. M.. of said day:
1. Final account of Joseph Miller. adminU
tratorof Ervilla J Milter, deceased, late of
Adams township.
Final account of Susannah Mickley, ad
ministratrix of Charles Mickley. deceased,
late of Jackson townshlo.
•i. Final account of Fred Ulace. guardian of
George tilace, minor child of Matliias Glace,
deceased, late of Butler borough.
1. Final account of C R Hutzley and Her
man Hutiley. administrators of Jacob Hutz
ley. decreased, late of Forward township.
5. Final account of John Kummer. guar
dian of Mary Kummer. minor child of Adam
Kummer, deceased, late of Butler borough.
«. First and partial account of Mary Miller,
administratrix c. t. a. ot Michael Mlller.de
eeased, lato of Summit township.
7. Final account of G it Turner, guardian
of the estate of Nancy J. Turner, minor child
of II K Turner, deceased, late of Parker twp.
». Final account of Mary E Scott, adminis
tratrix c. t. a. of Mary Kennedy, deceased,
late of t'onno<|uenessing township.
9. Final account of Wm i.Hnnn. administra
tor c. t. a. of John yuinn. deceased, late of
Middlesex township.
lc. Final account of W A Slaugenhaupt.
executor of Francis Mays, deceased, late of
Fairview township.
11. Final account of I'C Farnen. adminis
trator of John Farnen, decreased, late of
Millerstown I>orough.
1- Finul account of Samuel L Stevenson,
administrator of M M Stevenson, deceased,
late of Cherry township.
13. Final account of Theodore Vogeley. ad
ministrator of Mary E Vogeley. deceased,
late of Butler borougl .
11. Final acccount of LouellaVan Norman,
executrix of Jennette A Rice, deceased, late
of I'etrolia borough.
15. Final account of Erliard Lang, guardian
of E E BarnsdorlT. minor child of Andrew
Barnsdorff, deceased, late of Winfield twp.
1;;. Final account of Milton J Wolford, ex
ecutor of Levina J Wolford, deceased, lute
of < herry township.
17. Final account of David M Hendrlckson.
executor of M A Hendrlckson. deceased, late
of Cranberry township.
IS. Final account of Dora M Porter, ad
ministratrix of W 1! I'orter. deceased, late of
Connoquenes>ing township.
1;'. Final account of John K Sklllen. ad
ministrator of Amanda J Sklllen. late of
Buffalo twp.
a). Final account of E J Crowe and D N
Crowe, executors of D B Crowe, deceased,
late of Forward township, as stated by D N
21. Final account of Tlios I* Roe, adminis
trator of Lydia Koe, deceased, late of Butler
*_" J. Final account of EG Krlstophel and A
S Kristophel. administrators of Jacob Krls
tophel. deceased, late of Lancaster township.
Zi. Final account of Joseph Fisher, guar
dian of Dora Lavery. now Keilv, minor child
of Joseph J Lavery. deceased, late of Penn
24 Final account of John C Kelly, admin
istrator of Ellen Kelly, deceased, late of
franklin township.
2.V Final account of S E Wilson and Wm
Scott, executors of James Wilson, deceased,
late of Franklin township.
-ti. Finaljaccount of David Locke, adminis- I
trator of Joseph L Cross, decreased, late of
Worth township.
27. Final and distribution a •count of John
Frishkorn and Wm A Frishkorn. executors
of Casper Frishkorn, deceased, late of Lan
caster township.
2S. Final account of W D Bovard. executor
of Sarah E Mifllln. deceased, late of Slippery
rock township.
29. Final account of Baxter Emerlc'x, guar
dian of Gcrtrudu Weit/.el, minor child of
Elizabeth Weitzel, deceased, late of Butler
:n>. First partial account of Wm G Rein
hold and John F Relnhold, executors of
Gottfried Relnhold, deceased, late of Jeffer
son township.
31. Final account of R C Scott, administra
tor of Henry 1' Alexander, deceased, late of
Fairview borough.
Final account of islah Collins, adminis
trator of Sophia Collins, deceased, lato of
Parker township.
33. Final account of Charles S Kerr, admin
istrator of John Fahalen. deceased, late of
Brady township.
34. Final account of H it Gilmore, adminis
trator of Robert Black, deceased, late of
■Hi. Final and distribution account of Jesse
Joseph, administrator of Eleanor Wilkin, de
ceased, late of Venango township.
'■•ai. Final account of Samuel M Seaton, ad
ministrator of George Flowers, deceased,
late of Mariou township.
37. Final and distrlbutson account of Sam
uel M Seaton, administrator of Margaret
Bailey, deceased late of Marlon township.
3s. Final and distribution account of Sam
uel M Seat on, administrator of Mary J
Royle. deceased late of Butler borough.
Take notice that at the time of tint present a
tion of this account to court, the administra
tor will make application for his discharge.
IIU. Final account of Robert J Marshall
andLavinlaC Marshall, executors of Jane
Marshall, deceased, late of Forward town
ship, as made by Robert J Marshall, one of
the executors.
40. Final account of Jacob Keck, guardian
of Gert rude M Keck, minor child of Louisa
T Keck, deceased, late of Butler borough.
11. Final account of I.ulu C Barr, adminis
trator of Dr J C Barr, deceased, late of Mars
Final account of Henry C Adler. ad
ministrator of Henry Adler, deceased, late
of Jefferson township.
13. Final account of James Cooper, admin
istrator i'. t. a. of John Amberson, deceased,
late of Forward township.
44. Final account of Stephen Cummings.
executor of Ann Eliza Orr, deceased, late of
Butler borough.
4.'>. Final account of T B Humes, executor
of Mary E Shirley, deceased, late of Butler
111. Final account of Wm Monks, executor
of Thos Chantlcr,deceased, late of Middlesex
J. I'. DAVIS, Register.
Letters of administration on the estate
of Joseph Johnston, dee'd , late of
Mercer twp., Butler Co., Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves to be indebt
ed to said estate will please make im
mediate payment aud those having claims
against the estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
WM. P. BRAHAM, Adm'r.,
Harrisville, Pa.
JAS. B. MCJUNKIN, Att'Y. 11-2--02
IBig Odd Pair Sale.
Prices cut in half
Ladies' $4.00 Fine Shoes
$2 98
Ladies' $3.50 Fine Shoes
$2 48
Ladies' $2.00 Fine Shoes
Misses' $1.50 Fine Shoes
Children's Fine $ 1.00 Shoes,
sizes 8 k to ii, 68c
Big bargains in Men's and
Boys' shoes this week.
Merer Bros
224 S. Main St.
K Shoe repairing a specialty,
uj First class work guaranteed.
Eugene Morrison
Special attention given to
Office i}tyd Shop,
Hear of Ralston's Store,
Residence No. 119 Cliff St.
I l'eupie • Phone 451.
H. Q. Allison,
Funeral Director,
Telephone in residence.
Bakerstown, Pa.
Funeral Director.
5\ S Man St . Butler PA
Office In the Negley Building, West
Office on second floor of Armor}
Building, Butler, Pa.
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But
ler, Pa.
Office in Wise building.
Room 8., Armory buildin b .
Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butlei
Special attention given to collections
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or
Butler County National Bank
Office in Reiber building, cornei Main
and E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on
E. Cunningham.
Office on Main St. nesr Court House.
No. 257 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Fisher Building. First door on South
Main street, next my former office in
Boyd Building.
Women's diseases a specialty. Con
sultatian and examination free.
Office Hours, 9to 12 m., 2 to 3 p. m.
People's Phone 573.
ij6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.
Hemorrhoids and Chronic D'seases a
\\ T H. BROWN, M. D.,
H. 236 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Office Hours:—9 to ix a. m., 1 to 3 and
6 to 8 p. m.
] C. BOYLE, M. D.
Bickel Block, South Main St.
Office IIOUM, 11 to 12 a. tn.; 3to 5 and
i to 9 p. in.
Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City
f R. HAZLETT, vT D.,
ljt ic6 West Diamond,
Dr. Sraham'g former office.
Special attention given to Eye, Nose
and Throat. People's Phone 564
200 West Cunningham St.
After Feb. Ist Office in Martin
court building—and floor.
Hours 7 to 9 a. m. aud 1 to 3 and 7 to
8 p. m. ,
Rooms 9 and 10 Stein Building.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, con
sultation and examination free.
Office in New Martincourt Building,
S. Main St., (adjoining Dr.
Atwell's office.)
Has located in the new Stein building,
with all the latest devices for Dental
Room 6, Bickel Block, Main St., Butler.
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 114 E. Jefierson St., over
G. W. Miller's grocery
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec
ialty. Office next to postoffice.
Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store,
2*5 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.
Peoples Telephone 505.
.A specialty made of gold fillings, gold
crown and bridge work.
WM. 11. WAUiEH,
Residence 214 W. Pearl St., Butler, Pa.
Office near £p\;ry iiuuu.
Inquire at SherifT's iffice or 426 Mifflin
St. Butler Pa. *
lit NOTARY Pur«UC,
Office with Beikmer, next door to P. O.
Become an Artist?
Pastel, Sopluand Water Color
tuught at home, ind employment given
at once.
For full particulars, address,
BcavtrFalla, Pa.
Insurance and Real Eslate
R1 fff
Mars Boiler Works.
All sizes of
al ways in stack for sale
or exchange.
Repair work promptly attended to.
801 l Phone No. (I. Mars,
People's Phone No. 11. Pa
An rone nor.'ilriK * nkctch and rlimcrlntlTW may
quloklr Mcortaln <>m opinion frco whether an
InvHiitlon la probnblr patentable. Cominunlca
ttona atrlot Ir onnOdentlal. Handbook on i'ateoW.
aent free. OHleat aKen'-r ijeriirlna j'ftteWa,
Patent* vtkan »h<ou«U Mliliti ft " o. r«cel*e
,i)f nUia, wltlnmt lo the
Scientific American.
A handiomolr IllnnYrutwfwkly. «lr
ntilatlon «if imy nrleritlflo Journal. Tprmi, m
y«*»r ; four months. |l. Hold by all ncwidi»alor*.
MUNN & Co. 3618r0,dw, ' New York
Branch uOc. Q& If 8U Washington. !>. C.
it & <> it it
Tim taMe titv Nov. 2J. 19iC. Intern Suiitlonl
Ail-thfuy A •u3s*-ui
AU*'tfh«-n> an«l lVv«-latnl Lxpre»» a-m
A E*j»r**isrs *9:15 a-iu
** " ~ Ml 40* 11.
Kllwood t if v A« «"Oiiim -lati a *1
< NV* and AUfhcnt Ex.. *4OO p-m
AUegh< nt Expm*. +550 |>-m
Kllvoud &n>l N« w ('actl» A' 1 "mni.-Lati-iii . *€.oo p-tn
Pitfebttrg, Wellington au«l Baltimore Ex.. )HU
Ka:i<- and Bradford M.ii! •<>;» am
Clarion Accommodation *5-15 p-m
* JHuly. * Except Sunday. i Sunday ouly.
Trains leave the Allegheny station for
Butler at 7:35,10:4.') a.m., and 115, 5:30,
6:15 and 11:30 p.m. and Pittsburg sta
tion at 7:50 a.m. On Sunday at 7:85 a.
m. and 5 30and 11:30 p.m., and from
the B. & O. station in Pittsburg at 7:50
a m. and 8:30 p.m.
For through tickets, Pullman rewnratioiu md iu
f .rmation apply to W. li. Tt UN Kit, Atft,
But!• r. Pa.
E. P. SMITH, A. iJ. P. A..
Pittuburjr, l'a.
it it & p it it
7:30 a. m., local for Pnnxsutawney
and all intermediate stations.
10:12 a. m. express for Buffalo and
5:21 local for Pnnx'y and Du Bois and
all stations.
10:22 p. m. express for Buffalo and
Rochester —with sleepers.
Trans arrive at Bntler, and go on to
Allegheny at 6:10 and 9:47 a. m. and
5:34 p. m. Train 21 from Punx y arrives
at 7:40 p. m. and stops here.
The 10:12 express will stop at Craigß
ville. Echo and Dayton on signal.
Trains leave Allegheny for Butler,
Fenelton and otlierpcints at!) a.m. and
4:10 and 9 p.m. The Dnßois acco., or
4:10 train does not run on Sunday, the
other trains run every day.
Bi.-Bi!DVl> iti Enter !'<• b. 5, 1903.
A. M A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M
BUTLER 6 05 7 10 05 2 35 4 :io
,S,ixonburg Arrive 6H4 8 (IN 10 ill? 3 00 5 03
Butler J unction.. " 707 33611 03 3SS 528
Butler Junction. ..Leave 7 22 8 3<i 11 47 S 25 5 29
Natron* Arrive 7 31 S 44 11 57 3 3.") 539
Tarentum. ! 7 37 8 51 12 05 3 42 5 4«
Si'ringdale : 7 47 902 12 U SB3 656
Clarcmont 9 18 12 3>> 4 08 6 10
Shnrpaburg ; 809 9 26 12 47 4 Iti 6 16
Allegheny 8 30 9 3* 1 00 4 2(1 6 26
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
SUNDAY TUAINS. —Leave Butlei for Allegheny
City auil principal Intermediate ataUona at 7:20 a. m.,
and 4:55 p. m.
A. M.iA.M. A.M. P. M. P. M
Allegheny City . .leave 6 25 8 50 10 15 lin 6 10
SUan*l>urg "> 3ti 9 00 10 25 r3 ISirS 20
< 1 Fremont... .. j .... 10 32 ... ....
Siiringdale ft! 23 10 49 ' 6 41
Tarentum 7 08 9 32 11 00 3 40 « 49
Natrona. 7 13 9 36 11 07 3 45 0 53
Butler Junction. ..arrive 7 25 9 47 11 17 3 51 T 02
Hutlet Junction leave 735 9V)12 36 4057 02
Snronburg 7 55 10 IS 1 05 4 41 7 27
BUTLEB arrive 8 23j 10 4ft 1 33 5 13 7 53
A. M.I A. M, P.M. P.M.iP. M
SUNDAY TRAINS.— Leave Allegheny City for But
ler aud principal intermediate itatioua at 7:03 a. m. and
9 S3 p. m.
Weoks Days. Sunday#
A.M. A.M.'P. M. A.M. P M
Ht-TL*R Iv 6Oflo 05 235 7 2*,
Butler J'ct ar 70711 01 325 810 ...
Butler J'ct Iv 7 25.11 17 351 814 ....
Fee port ar 72811 20 354 817 ....
Knkimiuetud J't.. 7 35|11 27 359 821 ....
Leechburg " 74811 39 4 13 536
Went Apollo « 8 09112 00 435 857 ..
Sal tabu rg ..." j 8 38j12 20 503 923 ....
Blainvitle 916 100 540 952 .. .
Blairaville Int.. .. ",9 24 133 547 10 00! ....
Altooua " 11 35 545 850 150 . ..
Uarriaburg " 31010 00 100 fl 45
Philadelphia " 613 426 425 10 17
IP. M.|A. M.i A. M.I. P.M., P.M
Through trail*■ for the eajt leave Pittfbnrg (Union
Station), m followa:
Atlantic Expreaa, dally 3:00 A.a
Pennaylvania Limited " 7:15 "
Day Expreaa, • " 7:30"
Main Line Expreaa, " 8:00 14
Harriahurg Mail, " 12:46 p.a
Uarrinburg Expreaa daily 4:4t "
Philadelphia Exprew, ' 4:50 "
Kantern Expreaa, " 7:10"
Kaat Line, » 9 00 "
Fast Line (sooond Hection) daily. Sleeping
ciira to Pliiliulvlphiit, Baltimore and Waali
ington. NO coach on 10:00 "
Plttaburg Limited, dally for New York, only. 11:' 0 "
i'uilad'a Mail, Suudatv oniy 8:40 a.M
For Atlantic City (via Delaware Biver Bridge, all
rill route) 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p. m. daily, Toun-
Limited* 1 7:15 a.m. week daya.
Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division
Trains leave Kukimlnotaa Junction as follows:
For HuflTalo, 9.56 a. m. and 11.35 p. m. daily, with
tlirough parlor and sleeping cars.
For (Al City, 7.46, 9.56 a. m„ 2 38, 6.15 and 11.35 p.
m. weeknlays. Sundays, 9.66 a. m., 6.16 aud 11.35 p.m.
For Red Bank, 7.46, 9.56, 11.17 a. m., 2 38, 6.16, 9.34,
iid 11.35 p. m. weekdays. Sundays, 9.56,10.49 a. m.,
1..15 and 11.35 p. m.
For Kittalining ,7.46, 9.32, 9.56,11.17 a. m„ 8.38,5 35,
6.15, 7.30, 9.34, and 11.35 p. m. Sundays,
9.56, 10.49 a. m., 6.15, 10.45, aud 11.35 p. m.
"r" stops on signal to take on passengers lor Taren
tum and poiuU beyond.
Foi de'.ailed Information, apply to ticket agent or
atldreaa Tho«. E. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District,
Corner Fifth Avenue and Smith Held Street, Pittsburg,
W. W. A TTEltlll KY, J. R. WOOD,
Oenaral Mark(>t. O't" Pirn. '-n
0 Tiiae tabl« in effect Nov. 23. 1902.
One hour slower than town time.
northward. Dally except Sunday. Southward
Read up) (Road down)
2 10 14 STATIONS. 1 9 lT
P.M. I' M I'.M,. i a.m. A.M.. am
0 li. 1 OS'Erie I 6 10111 59
i 6 53 12 13 Fairview 6 38 12 25
5 13 12 29 Olrard : 6 48 12 38
5 52 1 43 ar. .Conneaut.. .ar . 8 42 1 43
4 25 11 15 Iv.. Oonneaut.. .Iv 6 25 11 15
5 25 12 lO Craneeville i 7 oJrl2 55
5 20 12 05 Albion ; 7 09 1 00
459 11 50 Spriugbolo f 7 24 1 15
4 53 11 44 (Vinneautville \ 1 7 30 1 21
4 :I3 II 25 MU'I 7 52 1 42
5 5< 18 ui v. . Meadville.. ar 8 28 2 20
j 3 4j |o 42 Iv. Meadville.. ,lv li 45 1 00
5 :n 11 34 ar. .Conn.Lake, .ar 8 00 1 52
4 22 11 10 Iv " lv 6 30, 1 28
4 48 ar.. Llnesvllle ..ar ! 9 25i
11 00 Iv •• Iv | ,7 0# 11 <#
41611 08 Jlartstown 1 "I it 01 1 6fl
4 1111 03|Adam*vUW 8 08 2 02
4 02.10 SuUtegoml I 8 18 2 12
'■ 10 U !»'!«» 47|0re«invllle 6 00 1 n 24 2 2o
, 03 : 8 4't 10 40 Shenango 6 12 8 3i 2 .'lO
> 45 3 2« 10 21 Fredonia 6 29 8 47 2 49
S 30 3 11 10 OB Mercer j 6 41 9 03 3 00
t ■ 24 3 00 . 0 01 Houston Junction 9 07 3 lo
1 05 2 49 9 41 Orove City 7 06 9 25 3 29
4 54 !! 25 Harrisville 7 16 13 42
1 47 2 31 9 17 Branrhtoii 7 S3 9 42 34!'
i3O 10 27 ar.. .Hilllard... ar 10 27 10 37 530
■> :n 8 10 1v... Illlllard. ..Iv «1U tt 10 230
I I 43 fa 28 9 13 Kelster T 27 f9 44 3 52
II 28 It 15 8 r,i EucW 7 43 10 00 4 08
I 00 1 ,"i> S i"> Butler 8 10 10 25 4 .15
: 15*12 15 6 35 Allegheny 9 40 12 00 6 20
l*in I |'pi , am a.m. pin p.m
Trull* 12. leaving Urovu City 5.35 iT uT,
lercer s:'>B. (ircviivlllo (1:42,
.18, Albion 8-10. arrives at Erlo 9)12 a. m.
Train 13, iLMtvlnir Erie p. m. Albion
.05, C'onneautvfl'.u &,&>, Greenvlllo 6:23
.lercer 7 01 nytiv-ti* ht tlrove lily at 7:27 pm.
»V. tt. TURNER. Gen. Pass. Agt,
Tkt Agt, Butler, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa
K K Co Time Table
In effect Jan lllth. 190 J.
West 7 4o! 2 45 :
" llu KKB viUe 7 5V 3 00
•• Iron Bridge 805 aSO
" WhinolilJiiiicti.ui H2O 335
" Isiiiio 8 4013 45
" Hut'.tj* Jum t»«»u 8 4*» H 50
f liilti 10 45 5 13
• rrivv AU«'gheiiy . 9 38 6 OTT
\rHvo IhUwnHlq . 1 00] ft 40
!.ouv«. lUuinsrilto 8 07 2 25
" A 11«*k1M*II>' ... . ..... 8 , r >o 3 o'i
" Butler 738 35
M IIutl«T Juiictiou [0 00 440
•« I «mie 10 05 445
44 WlnflaU\ junction 10 Ift 45j
M iruu liii»lK« 10 25 506
*' iW.iiiiHvill.. 10 35 515
> rrive We«t Wlnflel.l 2° 4 _ b
Trillin stop at Lane ami Iron llriilg«« only on Flag to
• ike on or U-ave off
Train* Connect »t ButU r Junction with.
Train* Emit ward for Freeport, Yan«itwnrlrt anil
itlairHville Intemectlon.
Train* WoHtward f«»r KitWoM*, Tarwntnm and AU*'-
Korkhwartl for HaxonlmrK, Delano and liutlrr.
Oennral Manager.
TH6 SUTIseR CmzeN.
SI.OO per yea; If paid lu advance. otherwUe
11.59 will l»e criargoil.
ADVC.IITISING RATKH -Ono Innh. one time
91; imwli «übfia<ju«!nt Insertion 50 rent* each
Auditors' and alvorrte notice* 94 eai li; njtc
■ itors'and admlnUtrators' notice* f.l eiM'h
i-itray and dissolution notices #2 each. Read-
I iK not'ees 10 cent* a line for Ilrst and 5 cent*
r>r each subseiiueut Insertion. Notice*
uioiiKliM-al news Item* 15 cents a line for
•• irh In sertlun. OUtUriN, card* of thank*
revolution* of ntpcct kottoN at Mlinu
ind fairs, etc.. Inserted at the rate of 5 cents ,
t line, money t<,> MrumuiiDy the order. Jeven '
on is itMbe make a line.
Itates for standlnic cards aud Job work on
All advertising Is due after first Insertion,
nid all transient advertising must be paid
''irln advance.
All communications Intended for ptibllca
i ion In t Ids paper must IHI accompanied by
i 'ie real name of the writer, not for puhllca~
lion hu. a guarantee of good fitilh.andsluiuld
roach us not later than Tuesday eveulng.
Heath notice* Miust bo iMXuinpanlvd with
i xswonitlble naute-
WE try mighty hard to gain new customers
but after we have them, the fit and works
manship of our garments proye so satisfactory,
it's not a bit hard to keep them.
- ■ I
M Prices made to move them —We must have the room for new goods. W
£ The riodern Store g
f*. H.ia completed its first inventory, and this has revealed broken lots and 72
flr odds and ends in every department of the store. Spring will soon be here w
and wfc must make room for oar Spring stock, so we are offering yl
Remnant Bargains All Over the Store Come this Week
Without p ail-the First Week in February.
SJk Onr space is too limited to give yon details. We are also showing an
advance consignment of NEW DRESS QINGH ■VMS-grand
jpt early Spring!
Yon are interested in the best Patterns.—Onr lady friends are very 55
partial to the patterns we have handled the past year. There are no Sr
better than Banner Patterns: 10c and 15c each for absolutely reliable New
Sdfc York Patterns of the latest designs and warranted to give satisfaction. JS
New sheets now in.
C PHOBES ;ploplVs d i XXI Mail Orders Solicited #
We give ballots for piano contest.
4rx&x xaaKUHvxata cap*****; SMVX-*
College Education
A Watch and Money, Free?
* i
"EDUCATIONAL CONTEST." It, is beyond doubt the most, liberal
offer ever made to BOYS AND GIRLS.
pense Lo the contestant. JUST THINK! The Sunday Gazette will pay i
25c in Cash
For every subscription. In addition to this offer, 50
such subscriptions secures a FINE GOLD
FILLED WATCH besides counting
in the Educational Contest.
THE GAZETTE, Pittsburgh, Pa. j
Educational Department
For Full Particulars and Subscription Blanks.
' A Chance For Life.
History repeats itself.
When the first dam burst or reservoir
wall gave way and the man on horseback
sped down the valley with the alarm, he
was doing exactly what would be done
under the same circumstances genera
tion after generation. He was giving
the people in the line of the flood a
chance for life.
The man or woman who in some sud
den peril has been plunged in the en
gulfing wave, or caught in an upper
chamber of a burning house; these know
how all of present and future can be
_ ___ covery." and Dr. Tierce.
"My husband had been
&K (fa, coughing for years and
</ people frankly told me
tiiat hc
' consumption," writes Mrs.
K J ohn Shi reman, of No. 265
A- \ / ~ 25th Place, Chicago, Ills.
ifcjXAc, f\c ' 1 "Had such terrible cough
*£ s VSkV-'-H. ing spells, we not only
Vsl\\ grew much alarmed, but
looked for the bursting of
\ PSjPfrj //a blood-vessel or liemor
N I -if i'A *tfr Luh . A?sjS - he was too weak to cross
, yl, J]k fc\-U the room. Tlje doctor did
• V V\ /' him no good. I stated
/ I /rSC « « XV \[r .V the case to a druggist, who
/' Ifr jfaiZZ/ \ >K_ '( \\v handed me a bottle of Dr.
/, ll JLV O * IV. / v Pierce's Golden Medical
J(i A J \ Discovery. My husband's
V all Pn\ » .(// t" Js\ , ' recovery was remarkable.
TjDi L 1 v\ w \ \ In three days after he
v «='t >1 A V """ began using Dr. I'ierce's
y 1 Golden Menical Discovery
} V _} -Vi \ '*■ he was up and around and
** lO P \ " * n two !nore days he went
I \\\ to work. IVo bottles
to consult the ordinary
gathered into that brief sentence, "A
chance for life."
There is another class of people, those
in danger from disease, who understand
how much lies in those few words.
There are meu and women living to-day
in healthy, active enjoyment of life who
can look back to the time when they
were weak and emaciated, coughing un
til the blood trickled over their lips, see
ing no hope of escape from that dread
disease consumption.
But a chance for life came to them
and they took it.
"I feel very grateful for the home
treatment given me by the World's Dis
pensary Medical Association," writes Mr.
T. J. I*. Brown, of Sands, Watauga Co.,
N. C. " I had catarrh for several years,
then took grip, also had hemorrhage
from the lungs. I had the l>est medical
attention, but only to bring partial re
lief. I got up for a few months, but had
more hemorrhages. I too* Dr. K 's
Discovery (twenty-five or thirty bottles),
but in a few months I had more spells of
bleeding. I wrote to Dr. Pierce and re
ceived directions what kind of medicine
to use; I commenced taking his 'Golden
Medical Discovery' and Dr. Sage's Ca
tarrh Remedy. I had only taken one
bottle when I could see I was improving.
I used five bottles of the ' Discovery' and
three bottles of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem
edy. I have been able to do any kind
of labor for more than twelve months.
Well, I just simply owe my life to the
World's Dispensary Medical Association."
Arguing from the cures effected by the
use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery, there's a good chance of recov
ery for every one who suffeis witli weak
lungs, obstinate cough, bronchitis and
other forms of disease which if neglected
or unskilfully treated find a fatal termi
nation in consumption. What the
chance of recovery is may be determined
by the fact that of the thousands of per-
sons who have used "Golden Medical
Discovery" (and when necessary con
sulted Dr. Pierce by letter, free), ninety
eight per cent, have been perfectly and
permanently cured. In severe cases of
pulmonary disease "Golden Medical Dis
covery " has worked wonders. It has
come to the sick man or woman as a last
resort. The breath came in gasps; the
cough was deep and distressing, there
were hemorrhages, night-sweats, emacia
tion and great weakness. The doctor in
many cases had gone his way saying
"There's nothing more to be done."
Then Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery was used and the cure began.
The cough disappeared. The hemor
rhages ceased. Flesh w.is put on. And
the once hopeless sufferer was at length
restored to the activities of labor and
the enjoyment of life. Thousands wit
ness to these facts and these witnesses
know whereof they speak because they
are men and women who testify that they
owe their lives to "Golden Medical Dis
specialist in dbeast-? More in most cases
than the average person lias to spend in
fees. Yet persons suffering from chronic
diseases are invited to consult an extra
ordinary Specialist by letter, free.
Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician
to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In
stitute, Buffalo, N. Y., is an extraordin
ary specialist. He is extraordinary in an
unbroken experience in the treatment
and cure of disease which extends over
thirty years. He is extraordinary in his
success: 98 per cent, of those lie has
treated being absolutely and entirely
cured. He is extraordinary in that he
puts at the disposal of correspondents
not only his own services but the ser
vices of his medical staff numbering
nearly a score of qualified physicians.
There is no other offer of free medical
advice which has behind it so renowned
an Institution as the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, or such a successful
specialist as Dr. Pierce. Write in confi
dence to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dp not accept any substitute for " Gold
en iledical Discovery." The medicine
that dealers sometimes offer as "just as
good" as Dr. Pierce's is not the medi
cine which has cured the thousands who
testify that when all other medicines
failed "Golden Medical Discovery" re
stored them to perfect and permanent
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser contains over a thousand large
pages, and it has required this large
number of leaves to contain even the
" boiled down " medical wisdom of cent
uries. It is a medical library in itself.
It treats of life in its many phases and of
disease in its many forms, from the view
point of common sense and in plain
Knglish. This t>ook is sent free on re
ceipt of stamps to pay expense of mail
ing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for
the volume bound in cloth, or only 21
stamps for book in paper-covers. Ad
dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.