Jl OR CHEERFUL ? r a -woman is tearful or cheer ids not on what she has materi r ' what she is physically. Many an . J gent husband is driven almost to despair by the tearful outburst of a wife who •wants to l^fl But \\ lf the wife Y J She only 1 v^V\ Sespondent. W * | usually re- < \ \ late (1 toL \ some form of wodnanly disease. The mental depression has its corresponding womanly weakness.^ Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription changes tearful women to cheerful women by curing the diseases which cause phys ical weakness and depression of spirits. It establishes regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals inflammation and ulcera tion, and cures female weakness. Mrs. Alice Adams, of laboratory, Washing ton Co., Pa., says; "With many thanks I write to let von know how I am. I can say l>y God'* help and your help I ara well. I have taken six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and two of his 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and I can do all mvwork. I can't praise your medi cine too highly. I will recommend your medi cines as long as I live. If any one double this . give them my address." "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong and sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Keep the bowels healthy by the timely use of Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up tho secretions, which adhere to tho membrane and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers. 56 Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or canse sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev j-nar immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Dr. Humphreys. After fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifies enjoy the greatest popularity " and largest sale in their history, due to intrinsic merit. They cure the sick. no, CCHES. raicES. I—Fever*. Congestions, Inflammations. .25 •j—Worm*. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25 3—Teethlns.Collc.Crylng,Wakefulness .25 4— Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7—Congha. Colds, Bronchitis 25 B—Xrurnlsin, Toothache,Faeeacho 25 9—Headache. Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10—Dyspepula. Indigestion, Weak Sfomacli.2s 11—Suppressed or Painful Periods 25 12—Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Croup. Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25 I t—Bait Rhrum. Erysipelas,Eruptions.. .25 15—Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains 25 I®—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 25 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head .25 20— Whooping-Cough 25 27— Rldney Diseases 25 2S—,\er\»u» Debility.. 1.00 30—Urinary Weakness. Wetting Bed.. .25 77—Grip. Hay Fever 25 Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. rs- Dr. Humphreys' New Pocket Manual of all Diseases mailed free. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Sta.. New York. Superfluous riair On the Female Face, On , Men's Cheeks Above tho . • ijOfeflßLVA Beunl Lino, or ' mslirhtly, DESTItoVhI> '*ißs§(lSWf —ELECTROLYSIS— f Mf Without Pain or Scar. This wejjnamutee. Moles, [ r tad all I>finishes in, cn or _ j * auder the skin BUCC<»?A* / •. JR.»L fully reraored by an EXPERT OPERATOR, uT.o has gfren tills work Ills tuwllvidcd time for t'i* last teu years. Consultation free at cilice or by letter, WltlTß TO-PAT. THE NEWTORK Etr.CTROI/TSIS CO. 6CC E" #rT BL3I, Cll P«a Lv:., fXTTCBUSO, r± Hum 3 0 t-j 5. HOME WOlUcTYllAlLr™' Either of tho following course! -i OXK HALF PRICE i- Meehanlcal Drawing, Machine Designing, Mechanical Engineering, Architectural Work, CiTll Engineering, Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Bond for Finely Illustrated Catalogue— FßXß I'KNN'A. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. Hamilton Bhlg.. 335 sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. We can turn your Old Carpets into elegant, durable, handsome Rugs and Druggets. Onlj Oriental Weavers employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SILK RAGS woven into beautiful and Oriental-like Portiers. Our terms are so moderate—no matter the distance—it will pay you to send to u». DAVID LOVE & CO., 828 Third Avenue, (L, D. Phono.) New Brighton, Pa. MEN WANTED! We want men to fill positions in offices, stores, railways, mills, factories, warehouses —skilled and unskilled workmen. Write us for informal ion and terms to put you to work where you will succeed. STATE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Room JKI, No. 513 Liberty Ave., l'ittsburg.l'a. SALESMEN WANTED ftjO.OO a month and expenses. Can com mence immediately. A permanent position with rhanco of advancement. We can give you tills county as a starting point if desired and outline new territory as fast as required. Look up our standing at your local bank ; nd satisfy yourself that wu are O. K. tlnanc al ly, and then write us at once if you mean business. No trillers need apply, as wo want workers who expect to earn a good income. Erst National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y IV* T' * :TZ ■ 'ii zr: : iTi»,-nvalinartl n", 1 l •• • ...a c „• .j.c.l tf I mid we *lll - iuijiluiulustiuctlurji . :<• .juickiy Mcurc a posi: ~;i (u.jconlliie to/our r ;> j anoug the lar;; .:r ,ln A met lea. Ulialti l and liy your own eltoru. ('npyrlglitof thUsynttiu apjilled for.) Ad (lro .-i. lu( uuiatlmi Department, Ptiir tmpluyment Bureau, 120 Six ill street, I'lttsLurg, l'a, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. UK. S. A. THOMPSON, Dlt. ISAIiEI, II All AK FKY, Osteopathic I'liyalclans. Graduates Amerl ean School. i:,u.',-6 Arrott Building, Bell l'lioii* 2440 —Court, nutburg, l'a. LADIES' TAILORING. Leneliuer—The Ladies' Tailor, Announces that ho closes ont at below coat, >ll foreign materials left o»cr from tho Autumn season, so as to make room for..prlii" (roods. The #rm guarantees perfect fit. Biding Ilablts a speci alty. C'«* Prim Avenac, Pittsburg, Pa. Bell Phone 3-115—5 Grant. [jnaflanT^sl^DßarVsl A .'afe, certain relief for Suppressed I Menstruation. Never known to fail. Knfe! B Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed I or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for ■ 51.00 per box. Will send thrnion triuj. to I be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. H UWITCD M[DIC>LCO.,«o> 74. »A. J Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy. |!f^ phTlad^^ihT^^ II —DENTAL ROOMS.- U t * - sth Ave., Pittsburg. Pa If m house, bam. fruit,etc. 4!'( HKNHKi MKIt Mf. VKCS o>, THOMPSON, (iIBsON, DILLIIHiEB. BRIDOEPOBT. and offer them to you ti year old at $1 per full quart, 6 quarts 00. GRAKBFATHER'S CHOICE. whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, S! 00 per sal lon. ftp pay express charges on all mail orders of s.">oo or over. lioods shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IH WIBES AMD LIQUORS, Kow H Smlthfield Street, formerly 411 Water Street. PITTSBURG, PA. •Phones: Bell 2H» P. & A. I*sß. Keinoves all desire for Alcoholic StimuU;i:t im mediately. Settles tlie stomach, heals it and cairns the nerved at once. Produces natural sleep. Creates a normal appetite and digestion. Restores vigorous strength. he Uth and manhood. It will cure the most serioua • .:;a of Ine»»riety or Drink Habit IHst-ase. Tr.rtKS lIoPJiHATIc. For full partirt! rs >.! ! TUE sm* coiip.\.vy, 805 & Peit:* Pi(tabnrg y Pa. S. T. TAYLOR CUTTING SCHOOL. PUPILS: —Most perfect system of Dressmaking Cutting and Fitting taught. Positions secured for competent pupili. Patterns Cut to Order. 442 PtNN Ave., (ENTB.NCI STH ST) PITTSBURG. PA. HI SIXKSS PLACES roll SALE—Parties wanting to buy a business such as Clroeery, Confec tionary, Cigar, Dry Goods, Hardwsre. Itestauraut, Hotels etc., In Pittsburg or nearby towns, call at our office, or write us. Will be pleased to show you a business and know wo can suit you. HO WICK-THOMPSON CO.. Gazette Building., *l7 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa, PUP i 1.5 , . curing, scalp I e. t!r nl ' - .'.. it: ■ iIM.-tf given; open f 0111 ' . " 'tiil !t t 01 a dress Sladain •! ■'".ssii •_ t a school. 140-'. ?a Fifil. > : .bii'i m, pElsb s 88 f AL PiILS Safo. . rv* r iur.lc E^atl;»*h, r-i.k Druggist Tot J llli'iS I> » ; 1>;/S K.miLIMS in Keel an' i;ol<{ in *tuUic boxo«, sealed with blue ribbon I nUr no < : K<>rune r senl Ic. ir< 'amps fo r i*»ri T- h:'.- luaaiat'i and 4 - R«licf for I.iwtieN. " in UtU r tw retxru 10,000Teakimonlate. Sold b> all PrugyJats. CHICUKSTEn CHEMICAL CO. 3100 Kudixoii PMSLI-, P3 ! ilmJion 'JiUbmv, Stlckney Junk. Gasoline Engine, $130.00 Three Horse Power J* THE Jt SftiZ™ Cheapest, Strongest, Simplest, Best, and ' '] Most Durable X *'! 1 J* FOR J* ' Grinding Feed, Pumping Water, Sawing wood, Running Cream 'fe._ Seperators, Churns, !®,v r . Feed Grinders, Corn Shellcrs, Ensthgc & j.) Fodder Cutters, and [&-• . General Power Pur- "" poses. Every Engine 1J fully Guaranteed. ' SOLD BY JAMES F. McNARY, Empire Building, Cor. sth & Liberty, Pittsburg, Pa. SALE—PARM. -U U( ie farm in tlie SotltU; close lo Maliuii; r-loom house; bar , litali.,uso, Workshop, tie ; splendid winter homo or poultry farm; pi ice jnOO; terms fitTdown, f.i monthly. UlßLi;V's 1:LA1. KaTATH CO., 411 Grant street, Plttslmrg. l'a. ONLY to make money in the stock market is told In a little booklet issued by The SWAIN COMMISSION CO., Brokers, 314 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, l'a. ITrec for the asking, AGENTS—in all purts of the state to sell a useful article; strictly new; over 150 per cent profit, write for information or call 9to 10 a. in., or drop card making appointment. Gen eral Agent, Hoom 31.">, 1 erguson Block, Pitts cured in 45 minutes. Lump "Jaw, splints and ringbones jn«t as quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners by T. M CLUGH, Knoxdale, Jefferson Co., Pa. If You arc a Farmer And Have One Cent Buy a postal card and send to The New- York Tribune Fanner, New-York City, for a free specimen copy. The Tribune Fanner is a National Il lustrated Agricultural Weekly for Farm ers and their families, and stands at the head of the agricultural press. The price is si.ro per year, but if yon like it you can secure it with your own favorite local newspaper. The CITIZEN, Butler, Pa , at a bargain. Both papers one year only Ji.75. Send your order and money to "The CITIZEN." Now Is The Time To begin to think about what paperine you are going to do before the Spring rush begins. Our stock of Wall Paper for 1903 surpasses all previous seasons. Double the amount we ever carried. Quality, tasty designs and colorings can't be beat. Come in and look around even if you don't want to buy. It will be time well spent and a pleasure for yon to cee the FINEST and LARGEST display of Wall Coverings ever shown in Butler. No trouble to show goods. Picture and Mirror Framing a specialty. Patterson Bros' p 236 N. Main St. Phone 400. Wick Building. y ;mgANNOUNCEMENT „ I Fall and Winter Millinery .'A .* ~ i ■ 5 «.? ' -! V* V «:.'*?■'if Owing to the beauty of the aasort <'• '• '• ;T- 1 ment. and the novelties in the styles, it l>'lT. <>< , <-> -1 will pay you to come and see this ex -' hibition of Fine Patterns and Hats of i ■''l all descriptions A larger and better k 7 j ~ --n| selection of up-to-date Millinery can not /111 nf I S ' be found in the city. We have what (my J our costomers want when they want it, Imy and at the prices they want it. We can , "(j'j-l 1 help yon suit each customer. Call to see us at Rockenstein's, MILLINERY EMPORIUM. 32S South Main Street. - - Sutler, Fa HAMMILL'S CELEBRATED INDI4N ROOT TABLETS Q Great est Kidney and Liver Remedy. Positive care for Sick Headache, Sour Stomach. LO3l of Appetite, Constipation Rheumatism, Blood PnriHer. V For Sale by all Druggists, or by mail, 25c, 50c, and if 1.00. HAMMILL MEDICINE CO, v \s' : ( No. 302 MILTENBERGER STREET, PITTSBURG, PENN'A. MARSH ROOT No better combination, as we prepare it. conld be formulated to act more spe cifically upon the Kidneys and Liver than Marsh Root. As a Liver Invigor ator Marsh Root is now a conceded fact, and where the Liver is torpid and slujr gisfi Constipation manifest, the body tired, the eyes blurred, and weakened, the complexion poor, a sensation of dull headaches, and languor prevailing, Marsh Root will overcome them. As to the Efficacy of Marsh Root, and its fight against Kidney Diseases, yon can be your own judge if yon are an af flicted, and if it fails to relieve or cure you, take the bottle back to your Drug gist and he will give you your money back. Marsh Root stands for the cure of Inflammation or Catarrh of the Bladder, Blocked Kidneys, Scalding Urine, Rheumatic Gout, Gravel, Uric Acid, etc. The organs that require the most careful attention (and are the most often neglected, and the human filters or strainers—the Kidneys, and therefor doubly require your attention. Do not delay when the Kidney machinery needs repair. Do not allow a break down to (jo alone when it is too late —"A stitch in time saves nine." In 9!) eases out of every 100. a bottle of Marsh Koot for a small outlay will relieve you of your trouble and worry. For sale only at Reed's Pharmacy Cor. Main and lefiercon Sts.. Butler, Pa ABE YOU GOING TO I BUP.D OR REMODEL - COE»> H.l^7 111 1 — : — Let us give you a figure on the Plumbing and Gas Fitting of your home. WHITEHILL, Plumber, 381 S. Main St.. Both Phnms Fiction #I.OB. Bookkeepers, Attention ! We have everything in BLANK BOOKS and OFFICE SUPPLIES. - Big Line of Nice Diaries for 1903. Our Large Line of Wall Paper for 1903 is ready to look at. | EYTH BROS., NEXT TO P. 0., BUTLER, PA. y. | | Wm. Foster, j | Architect, ji y Plans of all kind of buildings t X furnished on short notice. S \ I Office in Berg Building, r | Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need ol anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again We carry a full line of Drugs Chemical*, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy S. G. PURVIS, PH. G Both Phones. 213 S. Main St. Butler Pa. SOMETHING NE\V_^ In the photograph line can be seen it the Findley Studio. The Artist Proof photograph on exhibition now, they are winners and please all who want an artistis picture. Stop in and see them. Novelties for Holiday trade now ready. Broaches and buttons of all descriptions. Copying and enlarging. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236. P. O. B'd'g, Butler. Branches—Mars and Evans City REMOVAL. We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Mouuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figine; on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P. H. Seehler Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KiRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician N""! 4 to Conrt HON*e. PntVr PH. W. S &E. WiCK, DEALERS IN Hough and Worked Lumber of all Kinds boors, Sash and Mouldings Oil Well Klgs a Specialty. Office and Yard K Cunningham and Monroe Stf near West Peun I>epot, Pl'Tf en Vi WANTED Wire Drawers; twenty-five ex perlenred win' drawers. Highest wages paid Page Woven Wire Fence Co., Monessen, 1 :i #That th»- Xtnas rash is over onr WATCH and JEWEL'.Y repair department is better able to take c re of the repairs than for the past month which has lieen excedingly bnsy. We can turn ont repairs now the same day as re ceived—no waits or delays. If yon have a watch,clock, spectacles or any kind of jewelry yon wish repaired if you will bring it to me I will guarantee it done in a first class manner Eyes en. mined free by the latest methods. CARL H. LEIGHNER, Graduate Optician and Jeweler, 20Q S. Main Street. BUTLER, PA. I BONDS FOR SALE. f Butler Borough offers for sale eighteen coupon bonds of the denomination of $1,000,00 each. Interest 3 1-2 per cent, payable semi-annually and to be clear of State tax. A A A ('all <>n or address S H. E. COULTER. Secretary of Council, Butler, Pa. BANK BY MAIL ; I s j ust as sa * e as in person— It is many times easier— ]\ Causes VOU no " nnc cessary trouble— | Dr °p US A postal for booklet— How TO 1 VFFR-J BANK BY MAIL. a "'' |l U -|^ US -rf H'l| 7^l| CAPITAL $200,000.00. SUKPfcUS $200,000.00. Butler Savings & Trust Co. BUTLER, PA., SUCCESSOR TO BUTLER SAVINGS BANK. Does a general banking business and acts as Receiver and Assignee through its Trust Department, takes entire charge of the business affairs of Insolv ent Corporations and Individuals and gives them the benefits of its thorough organization, experience and responsi bility IT SOLICITS APPOINTMENTS IN THESE CAPACITIES. OFFICERS: WM. CAMPBELL, JR President J. HENRY TROUTMAN, Ist Vice President W. A. STEIN 2nd Vice President Louis B. STEIN* Treasurer C. E. CRONENWETT Ass't Treasurer W. D. BRANDON Solicitor 3 per cent, interest paid on time de posits. WE INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE. THE Butler County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $140,000.00 Jos. Hartman, President; J V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general bunking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money laaued on approved security. We Invite you to open ail account with this bank. DIRECTORS—Hon. Joseph Hartman, Hon. W. S. Waldror., Dr. I*l. M. Iloover. H. Mc- Sweeney, O. P. Collins, I. G. Smith, Leslie P. Ilazlett, M. Finegan, W. 11. Larkln, T. P. Mlttlln. lir. W. C. MeCandless, ReD Has seth. W. J. Marks. J. V. Rltts. A. L. Ueiber THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00. Surplus and Profits, $17, 500.00. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Special attention given to collections. I OFFICERS: JOHN YOUNKINS President JOHN HUMPHREY Vico President C. A. BAILEY Cashier F.. W. BINGHAM Assistant Cashier J. F. UUTZLER Teller DIRECTORS. John Younkins. D. L. Cieeland, E. E. A brains. C. N. Boyd, W. F. Metzger. Henry Miller, John Humphrey. Tlios. llays, Levi M. Wise. Francis Murphy, S. Yeagtr, I) B. Campbell, A. 11. Sarver and Dan'l Younkins, Interest paid on time deposits. We respecttullv solicit vour business. CALIFORNIA THE BEST FIELD IN THE WORLD FOR INVESTMENTS. We would like to send you illus trated prospectus, containing partic ulars of a most promising and well developed mine, the past history of which indicates vast possibilities under new and active management California Trust & Investment Co Pittsburg Office 600 FRICK BUILDING: £3>' We Want Airents...££3 INVERESV f BOOKLET B, 413 FEDERAL ST >p , _ & % '- r ) | ■ Jackson & Poole. < > i > BRASS CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS > < ' > MADE TO ORDER. { > < ► REAR OF CAMPBELL S MACHINE i > * | * SHOP, E. WAYNE ST , \ { I BUTLER, PA. { I > N. C. DAVISON, lias an«l Steam F.tinlni's.'Bollers.l'umps.Com pressors, JOf l-'rlck UullUiiiK, I'ittsburK, l':i 1 Binding of Books Is our occupation. We put our entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. It" you are thinking of having some work done in this line I am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at The Butler Book Bindery, W. "W. AMON, Prop. Opp. Court Hoase. THE FIGURES of men are various and most of them are more or less out of propor tion; but a perfect figure is preserved to appear ance by the art of the tailor. We take the pains to restore the form spoiled by nature, not to a dull uniformity, as it everyone must look alike, but toward har mony—clothes foj in i dividual. See our showing of the season's newest cloth. Aland, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. PAROID READY oofinq. 1 >AkOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. A NYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. I> EPRESENTS the results of years of Experience and Ex perimenting. ( )NLY requires painting every few years. Not when first laid. I S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. I J EM AND for PAROID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Samples and Prices are yours if yon will ask us. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. I See the sign direct ly opposite the YEO Postofflce, Theodore Yogeley, Real Estate and Insurance Agency, 238 S. Main St . Butler, Pa. I f you luivo property to sell, trade, or rent or, want to buy orlj' reut caii, write or uhone me. List Mailed Upon Application. L. C. WICK, DXAI.BK IN LUfIBER. /sarn?ls sarrels parrels) ? OF S shoes we have Enamels. Pat. Colt, % J \ elour Calf and Vici Kid., Pat. Up. 11. Sole, Blucher and lace—all go at 82.6 U. f C . In our 10l of Ladles' 1.'.30 and 5' O) shoes we iiave high cut Velours and \ J Hox Calf. Vlcl Kid. Pat. tip und stock tip—all go at SI.9S. J C Men's Buckle Arctics $ SO \ j Men's Kelt Boots and Overs 1.50 C Men's Coon-tail Snow Excluders 2.25 \ j Child's ftubbers 20 f Misses' Kubtier* JO V f Ladies' JiublH-rs 25 J J Men's S. A. Rubbers 40 V ■ . »e have made a large cut on all our Winter goods. Come in and see our price J \ before going elsewhere. C r We give ballets for Carlisle Piano contest. N i DAURENSPECK & TURNER. I / NEXT TO SAVINGS BANK. ? \ 108 S. Main St. } CLEARANCE SAbE | | Dr\J Goods and Coats | S £ | Tuesday, Jan. 6th, 1903.1 W Prices are cut wide open for this January Sale and we promise you some rousing values in V I Silks, Dress Goods, Linens, Flannelettes, ff Muslins, Tickings, Underwear, Hosiery, jv Ribbons, Laces, etc. Ub Every Coat in Stock Must be Sold, g We slaughter the prices on Coats unmercifully in order to K clean up stock quickly. Take advantage of this sale to get a peerless bargain. m. §L. Stein & Son,§ $ 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. CUT PRICES! GOOD BYE OVERCOATS. While there's lots of Winter ahead— selling time on WINTER OVERCOATS is growing short. © o And on Saturday, January 3rd, we shall place cut prices on all our Over coats that will move them out ot the store in a hurry. %> Men's, Boys' and Children's Overcoats all are in for a move. You can't make a better paying investment than to buy a Coat now. Now is the time to root out the old pocket-book. Sale Price on all $8 Overcoats $ 4.00 Sale Price 011 all 10 Overcoats 6.00 Sale Price on all 12.50 Overcoats 7.50 Sale Price on all 15 Overcoats 10.00 Sale Price on all 18 Overcoats 12.00 Sale Price on all 22 Overcoats 15.00 All Boys and Children's Overcoats at the same proportionate LOW PRICES. Schaul & Nast, LEADIN6 CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. MAYS DAVIS Wholesale Dealers ill the Finest of Liquors, Ales, Beers and Wiqes. Medicinal Trade Especially Solicited. People's Phone 578 Bell Thone 218 » 322 South Main St., Butler, Pa. Tr9 The CITIZGN FOR JOS WORK