Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 29, 1903, Image 2

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SI.CO per year In Advance, Otherwise $1.50.
The government of Columbia. S. A.,
suddenly agreed to the Canal treaty,
last week and it was signed by her
representative in Washington, and sent
to the Senate for confirmation-
The instrument provides for the pay
ment of $10,000,000 and for a rent, to
begin after the expiration of nine years
ot|Sr.o.ooo yearly. Colombia wanted
#6."W,000. These terms, are liberal but
not Extravagant. The country under
the treaty will not be paying more for
the concession than, all things consider
ed, it is worth. The proposition ac
cepted by Colombia is that of the
United States, with the exception of
the rental, which is a comprcmise
The treaty should be ratified at once
and work begun, but like the Immigra
tion and other bills and the Cuban
treaty it may be held up by the contest
over the bill admitting New Mexico
and Arizona as States, which is being
championed by Senator Quay, and
which is fayored by a few Republicans
and by all the Democrats of the Sen
The bill, however, is such undesirable
legislatien on account of the sparseness
of the population of the vast sand-banks
and their mixed nationality and char
acter, that the majority of the Republi
cans of the Senate are sturdily opposing
it, and under the roles, or absence of
rules, the debate cannot be curtailed,
and may continue to the end of the reg
ular session, March -Ith, and necessitate
the calling of an extra session for the
consideration of the treaties.
One theory for Quay's course in the
premises is that he is deliberately delay
ing action on the Trust, Immigration and
some other bills that are obnoxious to
some of the great corporations, and an
other is that his entire effort is to se
cure a seat in the Senate for ex-State
Senator Andrews of Crawford county,
who has located in New Mexico, but be
the reason what it may, the humbug
gery in the U. S. Senate is gradually
becoming more and more apparent to
the people of the Nation.
What a change in the personel of this
Senate, the election of its members by
the popular vote would make!
Nineteen-thousand freight cars were
moved in the Pittsburg district last
Snnday, and still all the railroads are
more or less clogged, notwithstanding
the general dullness of business.
The manufactories are busy and
eyery transportation line is taxed to its
utmost. Prices are being maintained,
railway earnings are increasing, and if
there were enough coal and cars and
locomotives commercial conditions
would be unparalleled. The Penn'a.
Co. is making ready for tremendous im
provements, and the easiness of the
money market is shown by the fact
it had no trouble borrowing $35,000,000
at 4| per cent.
The bombardment of For Sant Carlos,
at the entrance to Lake Maracaibo,
Venezuela, by the Germans, last week,
was surprise as all thought the Ger
mans would refrain from any violence,
pending the arbitration Bombarding
the fort was within Germany's right as
a belligerant, but yet it is regrettable,
and indicates a defiant spirit.
Mr. Littlefield's anti-trust bill, intro
duced in the House, last Thursday,
cover a all the suggestions mady by At
torney General Knox to secure full
publicity, to prohibit rebates, discrimi
nations, unfair methods in the creation
of monopoly and false capitalization.
The interstate commerce commission 5s
made the intermediary through which
information concerning the big corpora
tions will reach the public, and ma
chinery is provided to enable the com
mission to keep abreast of the times in
pursuing its inquiries. The penalty
provided for making false return is that
imposed for perjury by the revised
statutes. The penalty for refusal to
make returns called for is exclusion
from interstate commerce. The penal
ties for violation of other provisions are
fines, in most cases the minimum
amounts being placed at SSOO or sl,ooo'
the maximum being in the discretion ot
the court. Carriers are prohibited from
transporting the productions, or the
materials necersary for the productions
of corporations or individuals who aie
violating the provisions of the act, and
are subject to penalties similar to those
imposed upon the manufacturing corpo
rations for yiolations of the mandate.
On Monday the Senate confirmed
Lilly Watters as P. M. at Evans City,
and A. W. Christy as P. M. at Slippery
Rock. .
Postmaster Black of Butler visited
the Department at Washington last
week, and asked for more Carriers for
Congressman Sbowalter secured the
discharge of Lester Cross of Harrisville,
who is now in the Hospital at San
Francisco, from the army.
THE Colney Hatch asylum near
London, England, was burned last
Tuesday, and fifty crazy people perish
ed in the fire.
McDonald on Insanity.
A dispatch from Washington D. C.
dated last week, stated that "a large
number of Presbyterians in Western
Pennsylvania appear to be taking a deep
interest in the scientific writings of Dr.
Arthur McDonald, the scientist, who
declared that authomobiles contribute
very largely to the cause for the increase
of insanity and other forms of abnorm
Reprefentative Acheson received peti
tions from the Presbyteries of Redstone
and Butler asking that the Government
print, as a Government document sever
al thousand copies of Dr. McDonald's
book on the "Experimental Study of
Children. " Mr. Acheson heeded the re
quest of the petitioners by offering a
resolution asking that 15,000 copies of
the book be printed.
If the resolution ever comes before
the House it will probably be over
whelmingly defeated because of the
doctor's way of studying neurotics.
Some years ago he inserted advertise
ments in the newspapers asking for cor
respondence, "object matrimony." Ho
took the letters of the weak-minded
persons of both sexes and wrote a book
on the subject. Scientific men and
newspapers criticised the method vigor
ously. They claimed that the methods
were unscientific and that the deduc
tions the doctor made were of absolute
ly no scientific value.
The scientists employed by the Gov
eminent speak sneeringly of the report l
he made to Congress about the causes of
abnormalities, and the Bureau of Edn
cation objects to having him connected
any longer with that bureau.
Ou Wednesday of last week, the two
houses of the Legislature met in joint
session anil declared Boise Penrose
elected to succeed himself as U. S.
Senator from this State for another
term of six-years.
Gov. Pennypacker sent in his Cabinet
appointments and they were bunched
with a lot of Notary appointments and
all confirmed, unanimously, by the
forty-five Senators present. No nomi
nations were presented for the positions
of insurance or banking commissioner
Gov. Pennypacker said there are no
vacancies in the offices, he not having
received the resignations of either In
surance Commissioner Dm ham or Bank
ing Commissioner Reeder. Gen. Reed
er is ready to resign at the convenience
of the governor and Mr. Durham was
slated to succeed himself, provided he
will accept a reappointment.
As constructed, the cabinet personnel
is: Attorney general, Hampton L. Car
son of Philadelphia: secretary of the
commonwealth, Frank M. Fuller of
Fas*ette: adjutant general, Thomas J.
Stewart of Montgomery: superintendent
of public grounds and buildings, James
M, Shumaker of Cambria.
T. Larry Eyre, superintendent of
public grounds and buildings under
Gov. Stone, did not resign. Gov.
Pennypacker's message announcing the
appointment of Mr. Shumaker named
him as the successor of T. L. Eyre, "re
moved " The word "removed" caused
some stir in the senate for the reason
that it was not necessary that it be in
corporated, the naming of Mr. Shumak
er creating and filling the vacancy.
Mr. Eyre was present in the Senate at
the time. He smiled pleasantly as he
was officially deposed, remarking that
it was one of those exigencies which
must be looked for by those in political
Frank M. Fuller, the new secretary of
the commonwealth, assumed office at
once. He reappointed Lewis E. Beitler
his deputy secretary and informed
Chief Clerk Thom that there would be
no changes for the present, if at all, in
the clerical force. Mr. Fuller was suf
fering from a bad cold and as soon as
he had giyen the necessary instructions
to bis force had a brief conference with
the governor, and then left for his home
where he was taken down by pneumonia.
Hampton L. Carson, the new attorney
general, did not come up from Philadel
phia that day bnt appeared next. Sup
erintendent of Public Grounds and
Buildings Shumaker assumed his new
duties at once. Adjt. Gen. Stewart,
who succeeds himself, will continue to
preserve the peace of the common
wealth without personal inconvenience.
He will make some changes in his staff,
it is said, the most important, from a
Pittsburg standpoint, being the promo
tion of Col. Samuel Moody as quarter
master general, Vice William Potter.
President pro tein Scott of the Senate
announced his appointments, about
fiftv in all.
The Slate Committee of the House re
ported its selections, about one hundred
in all and they were elected, among
them being Jas. N. Moore of Butler for
Journal Clerk, a position said to be
worth SI,BOO, for the term.
The Committees of the Senate were
announced by the President; and Sen
ator Williams is Chairman of the
Committee on Military Affairs, and his
name also appears on the Appropria
tions, Public Grounds and Buildings
and Railroad committees.
The Committees of the House were
also announced and we notice the name
of Mr. Douthett on the Agricultural,
Educational and other Committees; and
that of Mr. Hays on the Judiciary,
Local, Manufacturers, Military and
other committees
According to the correspondent of the
Pittsburg Gazette the session began
with a deadlock on between the Execu
tive and legislative branches of the
state government; and the naming of
the Committees developed a strong
combine for legislative control. "Those
behind it, according to reliable author
ity, were Senator Boise Penrose, Israel
W. Durham, ex-Attorney Elkin and
ex-Secretary of the Commonwealth
These men made up the committees
and named the chairmen for both
branches, in making their selections
some of them at least—they acted
against the direct wishes of Senator
Quay. The issue now is one between
Senator Quay and Gov Pennypacker
on the one hand, and Penrose, Durham,
Elkin and Griest on the other.
No bill can receive favorable consider
ation by this legislature unless it has
the approval of the four leaders named.
The other view is that no bill enacted
by this legislature can become a law
unless Quay and Pennypacker believe
it to be "meritorious legislation;" This
is the status nf affairs, plainly stated,
at the close of Gov. Pennypacker's first
day in the executive chair. Friends of
both Quay and Penrose admit this to be
the real situation, Conservative leaders
mindful of the kaleidoscopic changes inci
dent to Pennsylvania politics,are hopeful
of such mntual concessions as will bring
abont peace, but the optimistic har
mony prophets are not in the majority.
Two of the most important features
of the casus belli were the failure of
Gov. Pennypacker to reappoint Secre
tary Griest and Supt. Eyre, and the re
taliatory action of the "big tour" in
insisting upon the reappointment as
chairman of the appropriations com
mittee of Representative Ward Bliss of
Dilaware. Another appointment ob
jectionable to Senator Quay was that
of Representative Frank McClain of
Lancaster, who was given his former
place on the appropriations committee,
being also named for the city passenger
railways, and and the library com
Gov. Pennypacker held up some ap
plications for charters on account of
their containing the general term "and
other legitimate business," which be
thought too vague.
Governor Pennypacker received a
special delivery letter Monday contain
ing the resignation of Judge W. W.
Porter, of Philadelphia, from the Su
perior Court bench. This is the culmi
nation of what has long been intended
by Judge Porter. The resignation will
take effect on February Ist, and in the
meantime Judge Porter's successor will
be appointed. Judge Porter succeeded
Judge Edward N. Williard, who resign
ed on September 1, 1897. His reasons
for resigning are that his duties on the
bench require him to be away from
home three months in the year.
Monday nisht, the Governor sent a
message to the Senate recalling the ap
pointments of Paul W. Houck. of Shen
andoah: G. W. Davis, of Scranton. and
W. G. Minnick. of Allegheny, as mem
bers of the State Pharmaceutical Board.
They were appointments that bad been
made by Governor Stone. Senator
Grady raised the point that the appoint
ment of Houck and Davis had already
been confirmed and that a recall at this
late date could not be made. There
was no further discussion on the sub
The hill appropriating 150.000 to the
State Board of Health for the suppres
sion of small-pox in various parts of
Pennsylvania was reported to the
House by Mr. Anderson, of
An important bill, one that will at
tract the attention of attornevs. was in
troduced in the Senate bv ATr. Scott,
making: it unlawful to publish, dis
tribute or c irculate any circular, hand
bill, advertisement, printed paper book,
newspaper, or notice of any kind offer
ing to procure or aid in procuring di
vorce. or offering to appear or act as at
torney in any suit for alimony or
A Sleitfliiiifr Party.
A sleighing partv composed largely of
Butler Business College students, drove
to the pleasant homo of Mr. and Mrs.
George Forcht. of Carbon Centre, Fri
day evening of last week, where a verv
enjoyable evenine was spent bv all.
Aft-cr nartakintr of an excellent lunch,
served by Mipses Forcht. one of whom
attends the above school, thev con
cluded to return home, all wonderinc
when and *here another sncli event
would occur.
Republican Nominations.
At the Borough primary held last
Saturday, the following ticket was
nominated: —
Burgess—John T. Kelly.
Tax Collector —J. M. Maxwell.
Auditor—J. A. McDowell.
First ward
Council —E. E. Lantz.
School Director —John Fiudley.
Judge, First Precinct —C. 11. Miller.
Inspector, First Precinct—D. Cnpps.
Assessor, First Precinct —D. Cnpps.
Judge, 2nd prec—George Schaffner.
Inspector, 2d prec—M. J. Stewart.
Assessor. 2d prec —lsaac Andrews.
Second ward —
Council (8 years)— George Mellinger.
Council (2 years;—F. W. Chattin.
School Director—L. E. Christly.
Judge, 2d prec Victor Walker.
Inspector. 2d prec—George Smith.
Assessor, 2d prec—George Mangold.
Judge, Ist prec—H. L. Graham.
Inspector, Ist prec—F. Flauagin.
Asst. Assessor Ist prec—Philip Close,
Third ward—
Council—W. J. Marks.
School Director—E. H. Negley.
Judge. First Precinct —Wm. Craig.
Judge, Second prec—Wm. C. Fimlley.
Judge, Third prec—Jacob Reiger.
Inspector, Ist prec—Herman Gillespie.
Inspector, 2d prec —Geo, McCandless
Inspector, 3d prec —John W. Allen.
Asst Assessor Ist prec—C.H. Roes-ing.
Asst Assessor, 2d—W. 11, Ensminger.
Asst Assessor, 3d prec—
Fourth ward- -
Council--M. F. Wright.
School Director—A. W. McCnllongh.
Judge—Frank Mitchell.
Inspector—E. S. Riddle.
Fifth ward-
Council—W. F. Rumberger.
School Director —P. W. Ruff.
Judge—T. J. Dodds.
Inspector—Walter Lowry.
Butler—Jos. Criswell and Jos. Mech
ling for Justices of Peace, Wm. Shorts
and Jos. Hinchberger for School Direc
tors. Jacob Rice and James Sedoris for
Supervisors, John Hinchberger, Tax
Collector, C. S. Pierce, Auditor and
Theodore Kearns, Judge.
Penn —For T ustice of the Peace, J. W.
Kaltenbach: School Directors. R. L.
Patterson and Wm. Phillips; Supervis
ors, Geo. E. Hay and Jacob Wise.
Concord —Ord. Balsiger and I. P.
Murtland, Directors j. P. Campbell
and Fred Bauer, Supervisors; P. R. Sut
ton, Collector.
Buffalo—Wm. Bartley, John McCurdy
and John Falkner, Directors; C. W.
Fleming and C. Feme, Supervisors: J.
L. Summer, Collector.
Oakland -Lewis By era. Collector,
Daniel Lowrie and Christy Robb, Di
rectors; Gus. Filgus and James A. Pat
ton. Supervisors.
Cherry—J. S. Campbell, Sr., Justice;
J. O. Hutchison. Collector: P. O. Wol
ford and S. H. Christy, Supervisors; W.
J. Campbell, C. H. Book and A. M. Mc-
Murray, Directors.
Connqnenessing—B. T. Stnckie and
James Robinson, Directors; John Ander
son, Collector.
Middlesex—Robt. Ferguson, Tax Col
lector, John T. Harbison and C. F.
Frisbie. Directors.
Washington—J. Harvey Bell. Justice;
Jas. C. Donaldson and Chas. D. Cook,
Directors; Samuel Clark, Supervisor.
Summit —Wm. Jackman. Collector:
John Oesterling and R M. Johnston,
Directors; Peter Nigh and Jas, Barr,
Clay—J. H. Timblin, Justice; O. R.
Thome, Collector: D. P. Bartley and T.
J. Thompson, Supervisors. «
Fairview—S. W. McCollongh, Justice;
J. J. Campbell, Collector, W. G. Black
and W. L. Kepple, Directors; R. J. Mc-
Collough and W. L. Campbell, Super
visors. i
Forward—A. D. Hunter, Collector; T.
H. Brown, Treasurer; S. Marshall and
A. J. Critchlow, Supervisors.
Another Industry at West Win
The Duquesne Fireproofing Company,
formed by Pittsburgers some time ago,
has completed at West WinfieM. a
thoroughly modern plant, which pro
vides lor radical innovations in the
manufacture of sewer pipe and brick.
The plant is arranged and equipped to
operate under a continuous system, like
the more modern steel mills. In the
process the material passes from one
piece of machinery to another, till ir
comes out in completed form, without
The plant was designed by George H.
Albertson of Pittsburg, associated for
years with Booth & Flinn in their brick
works, and of many years' experience
in clay manufacture. The operation of
the entire plant is almost automatic. It
will be started within a short time.
Later on the company will erect addi
tional works for the manufacture of
fireproofing conduits. The product of
the works as now constructed will be
sewer pipe and "front" brick.
The officers of the company, which
will have headquarters in Pittsburg,
will shortly make an inspection of the
plant during the first days of its opera
tion. F. W. McKee, president and
principal owner in the railroad compa
ny which operates the line connecting
the Pennsylvania system at Butler
Junction with West Winfield, a dis
tance of 12V miles, ia president of the
Duquesne Fireproofing Co.
Ily virtue of a writ of Ki. Fa.. Issued out
of the Court of Common Picas of Butler
Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will be ex
posed to public sale, on the prcmious in
Adams twp., Butler Co., Pa.. on
Friday, the 6th day of February,
A. I). 19ft't. at 1 o'clock p. m., the following
described property, to-wit:
E. D. No. H, March Term, 1903. 11. H. Gouelier,
All the right, titie, interest and claim of
Rebecca MeCaw and Margaret McC&w.
dee'd., with notice to T. W. McCaw, admin
istrator. C. T. \. of the said Margaret Mc-
Caw, deceased, of. In and to -ill that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Adams
township, Butler county. Pa... liounded as
follows, to-wit: Beginning on the Evans
City road at a point distant eight hundred
and thirty-eight (S3H) feet from the corner of
the Pittsburg road; thence along said Evans
City road north 2 and V t degrees east one
hundred and lifty feet (l.VIHoan :illev.fifteen
feet wide: thence by line of said alley south
87 and % degrees west two hundred feet to
Garfield avenue; thence by line of said Car
field avenue south 2 and Vt degrees west one
hundred and fifty feet to a pin; thence north
87 and ',4 degrees east two hundred feet to
the Evans City road aforesaid, at the place
of beginning; and having a two story frame
dwelling house and outbuildings thereon
erected. Seized and taken in execution in
satisfaction of a judgment obtained on a writ
of Scire Facias for the debt, interest, at
torneys commission and costs secured by a
certain indenture of mortgage given by
Keliecca Mc'-aw and Margaiet McCaw to
•lames Welsh bearing date the -Hli day of
December, A 1). INK), entered and recorded
in Mortgage Book 4:i, page 107.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Itebecca McCaw and Margaret Mc-
Caw. deceased, with notice to T. W McCaw
administrator C. T. A. of the said Margaret
McCaw, deceased, at the suit of James Welsh
for use of 11. 11. Coucher. Trustee.
By virtue of a writ of 11. Fa.. Issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of lluiler coun
ty, I'a.. and to me directed, there will be ex
posed to public sale, at the premises In the
i orough of Millers town, Butler Co., I'a., on
Friday, thc2oth day of February,
A. I>. IW. at one o'clock, I». M., t he following
described property, to-wit:
E. 1». No. 31. March Term, 1903. N. C. McCol
leugli, Attorney.
All the right, title, interest, and claim of
W illlam J. Logan, of, in and to all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land, situated In Mil
lerstown borough, ltutler county, I'a.,
bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by
lands formerly of heirs of Andrew B.irnliart,
43 feet; east by lands formerly of Leopold,
1 i 3 feet; on the south by Slippery rock street.
43 feet and on the west by Simpson avenue
one hundred and thirty-two feel, and having
thereon erected one iron clad build
ing 30x70 feet, and one small coke shed.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erth of William J. Logan, at the suit of J. L.
TEItMS OF SALE—The following must be
strictly complied with when property Is
stricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold,
together with such lien creditor's receipt*
for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
3. All bids must be paid in full,
3. All sales not sell led immediately will be
continued unlll one o'clock. I'. M„ of the
next day at which tiuie all property not
settled for will again be put up and sold at
the expense and risk of the person to whom
iirst sold.
•See Pardon's Digest, oth edition, page 410,
and Smith's Forms, page 3SL
Sheriff's Office, ltutler. Pa.. Jan. 15, 190.;.
H. G. Allison,
Funeral Director,
Telephone in residence.
Bakerstown, Pa.
Prospect is still on the map although
the railroads seem to be going along
Muddy Creek.
Clara Badger has returned from a
visit to Bntler.
Clara Thompson, of R. F. D. 44, spent
part of last weeK in town, the guest of
her friend, Clara Lepley.
The Lutherans will hold services in
the I. O. O. F. hall while their church
is being repaired.
Little Kenneth Riddle had a pet cat.
which he sold to Win. Ralston for seven
cents. Mr. Ralston fed his cat fat bacon
and the cat took fits, and Kenneth
wonders if it will be in the CITIZEN.
Bain Forrester hurt his wrist at school
sometime ago, and had to miss a month
of school on account of it.
J. C. Miller and Charles Henshaw
went to Portersville. last week, to have
a sled ride, and get some of Humphrey's
Sam Graham has gone to Culmerville,
Allegheny Co., where he is pumping for
Wm Eisler.
James Gallagher, ex-carrier of No. 43
is attending Slipperyrock Normal this
Winter and says the rules and regula
tions just suit him.
Mr. and Mrs. John Weigle recently
entertained at dinner, Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Heyl, Mrs. and Mrs. Frank
Clark and Mr. and Mrs. A 1 Ralston.
Billie (.lark has gone to Buttercup to
teach school and now Titus Boehiu will
miss those stories and jokes which he
and Billie were to crack.
Vest Shoaf is running engine on Wil
son's saw-mill, after taking a term of
lessons from George Rohrer, who is an
old timer.
Mrs. Wolford is spending the Winter
with Mr. and Mrs. Ralston of Slippery
Rock twp.
Plummer Badger has recovered from
his sprained foot and walks as spry as
Sam Beatty, Sr.. R. F. D. No. 44. was
in town Saturday, and prophesied that
"sleighing would last till the snow went
off." Now, Sam.
Martha Pennington is an early riser,
and is out shoveling paths before some
other little girls are up. Gcod girl.
Clarence Riddle, who spent a year or
so as locomotive engineer in N. M. and
Colo., is home at present.
Loi3 Roth and Marian Thompson, two
of our good little ladies, are getting np
soap orders, and doing finely.
Teachers' Local Institute.
One of the most enthusiastic educa
tional meetings of the year was held in
Jefferson Centre Presbyterian church on
Saturday, Jan 24th. The meeting was
called to order by F. A. McClung at
1:30. The meeting was opened by de
votional exercises conducted by Rev.
Espach. The address of welcome was
give# by Miss Lena Montag then fol
lowed an excellent response by Mr.
Thomas Cratty. There was an excellent
programe rendered.
This is a Fact.
There is no Question About it.
It's a Plain Statement of Facts
Made by a Butler citizen,
Mrs. Finnell of 264 Centre Ave., But
ler, Fa., says: "Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve
Pills are just splendid. They brace one
up so finely—after a short time I felt so
much refreshed—l presume because I
slept so well. As far os the stomach is
concerned they aid digestion finely. I
have used them myself and given them
to the children with equally good results.
It was fortunate that I was told D. H.
Wuller, Druggist, had them."
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are sold
at 50 cents a box at dealers or Dr. A. W.
Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. See
that portrait and signature of A. W.
Chase, M. D. are on every package.
Notice is hereby given that John Hum
phrey. guardian, of estate of Ilosana Brown,
lias tiled hi-, lirst and partial account, at M.
S. I). No. 3K, Murcli Term, 1900, and that same
will be presented to Court for confirmation
and allowance, on Saturday. March 7, 1903.
JOHN C. CI.ABK. Prothonotary.
Prothonotary's office, Jan. S, 1903.
In re estate of James K Reed, late of
Slipperyrock twp., Butler Co., Pa.,dee'd.
The undersigned having been duly ap
pointed administrator in above estate,,
all persons knowing themselves indebted'
thereto are requested to pay, and any
persons having claims against said estate
shou'd present them properly proved for
payment to
WM. C. FINDUJY, Adin'r.,
Jan. 15th, 1903. Rutler, Pa.
Letters of administration, C. T. A.,
having been granted to the undersigned
011 the estate of Sophia Barley, dee'd.,
late of Putler, Butler Co., Pa., all
persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment; and any having claims
against said estate will present them
duly autenticatcd for settlement to
131 RFCC St., Butler, Pa,
WIU.TAMS & MITCHEJX, Atty's. 1-S-03
Letters of administration on the estate
of James Sutton, deceased., late of
Evarsburg boro., Butler county. Pa.,
having been granted to the under
signed, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment, and any having
claims against said estata will present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
Evans City, Pa.
W. H. LuSK, Att'y. i-i-OJ
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate
of A. Gibson, dee'd., late of Alle
gheny tp., Butler Co., Pa..persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate are
hereby requested to come forward and pay
such indebtedness and any having claims
against the same will please present
them cluly authenticated for settlement to
J. C. GIBSON, Adm'r..
R. K. D. 67, Parkers Landing, Pa.
S. F. &A. L. BOWSER, Att'ys. 12-18-02
Letters of administration on the estate
Ellen Kelly, dee'd., late of Franklin
township, Butler county. Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement to
JOHN C. K EM.Y, Adm'r.,
Prospect, Pa.
J. M. THOMPSON, Att'y. 12-18-02
Letters of administration on the estate
of Joseph Johnston, dee'd , late of
Mercer twp., Butler Co., Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves to be indebt
ed to said estate will please make im
mediate payment ami those having claims
against the estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
WM. P. BRAHAM, Adm'r.,
Harrisville, Ta.
JAS. B. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 11-20-02
For Sale—Desirable Ohio Farms
Vi acre, 7-room house, barn, fruit,etc. $ |
s acres. x-room house, barn, fruit.etc. I.tino ;
MI acres, 4-room house, barn, fruit,etc. :.'.«**> !
;K acres. (i-room house, barn, frult,etc.
l<H) aeres, 12-room house, barn, fruit.etc. J
•Jlfl acres. 14-room house, barn, fruit,etc. t>, :»!.*»
4<K» acres, stock farm, a beauty; buy it 13,*00
Send stamp for 19fti illustrated catalog.
U. 11. NEILL, Oakmout, Penn'a.
: WIBLE—At his home in Penn twp.,
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 190:}, William S.
Mr. Wible was in his usual health
till shortly before his death.
He was one of the oldest and best cit
izens of that township, a kind neighbor,
and esteemed bv all who knew him
He is survived by three sons, Albert
and Charles at home aud Wm. at New
Castle, and one daughter, Mrs. James
Strain of Penn twp.
BRUNER—At his home in Donegal
twp.. Jan. 21, 1903, John Bruner.aged
54 years.
HAAS —At his home in Great Belt. Jan.
25, 1903 John Haas, aged 45 years.
REYNOLDS—At her home on W. Jef
ferson St., Jan. 38. 1903, Beulah.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard B.
Reynolds, aged 24 years.
FRIEL—At her home in Donegal twp.
Jan. 17, 1903. Nancy Friel.
PONTIOUS—At his home in Fairview
township, January 28. 1903, Nicholas
Pontions, aged about TO years.
At his home in Hilliard. on Monday,
Jan. 19, 1903, John Huston, died, aged
almost 36 years.
He leaves a wife and six small child
ren to mourn a kind and loving lins
baud and a most fond and affectionate
father. Mr. Huston was a member of
Lawrenceburg Lodge No. 782 I. O. O
F.. of which order he was highly appre
ciative. He was sick less than two
weeks, and during which time his
brothers in the order were in constant
attendance at his bedside. His aged
father and mother aud his wife's pa
rents came to attend their sick son also,
and their sorrow was donbley hard to
bear on account of Mrs. Huston being
on what they supposed was her death
The deceased was an ever kind and
willing friend, whom one could trust,
and in whom one had perfect confi
dence. But Brother John has gone 011
before, gone to receive his crown, gone
to meet in the Grand Ludge prepared
by the-Gieat Creator, of which he gave
abundant proof to the aged parents,
brothers, sisters and friends. We com
mend you to the Great Comforter. Who
can heal the aching void and fill the
heart with peace.
To the brother Odd Fellows who laid
aside their daily labor and so nobly
came to attend their sick brother, you
have been the means of prolonging and
possibly saving the wife and mother's
life, and in her words let me repeat:
"God save your order," this wife she
cried, striving hard to restrain her
tears. '"You have cared for me, you
have honored my dead that has crossed
oyer Jordan's bank. Don't think it
strange that I honor these men of three
links. Heart and hand may their order
prosper, flourish and grow, and may the
sound of its gavel reach every land."
Funeral services were held in the M.
E. church at Hilliard, Tuesday, Jan.
20, 1903, Rev. Crouch officiating; after
which a delegation of Odd Fellows from
Lawrenceburg took charge of the re
mains and proceeded to the cemetery at
Annisville, accompanied by a large con
course of friends and neighbors. A
very touching and appropriate service
was held by Chaplin John Hoover. All
members of the order in Hilliard and
vicinity desire the writer, through the
columns of this paper, to extend their
sincere thanks to the minister, choir
and officers of the Hilliard M. E. church
for the kindness shown the living and
the honor shown the dead.
Jonathan Darnell, a veteran of the
Civil war, and a highly respected citizen
of Allegheny twp., died on Wednesday
of last week, under peculiar circum
stances. He had been in poor health
for some time, but on Wednesday morn
ing was feeling so much better that he
hitched up his team and sleigh and
drove alone to Emlenton on business.
On the way home Mr. Durnell expir
ed in his sleigh and the team kept their
way along the road without a driver. A
neighbor noticed the team and sleigh
and that something was wrong, and on
investigation found Mr. Durnell dead
in the liottom of the sleigh where he
had fallen.
He was 62 years of age and is surviv
ed by a wife and eight children, five
daughters and three sons.
We arc justly proud of our pre
scription department, this, as well
as our other business during the
year just closed has been the best
in our history.
We sincerely .thank our many
customers for thtir patronage ar.d
hope to have many more this j ear.
Your doctor won't be disap
pointed in results if his prescrip
tions are filled at our store.
icx) N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Both I'hones.
Big Odd Pair Sale.
Prices cut in half
Ladies' $4.00 Fine Shoes
$2 98$
Ladies' $3.50 Fine Shoes
$2 48|
Ladies' $2.00 Fine Shoes
$1 24
Misses' $1.50 Fine Shoes
Children's Fine SI.OO Shoes
sizes 8 A t<j 11, 68c
Big bargains in Men's and
Boys' shoes this week.
Merer Bros
224 S. Main St.
Shoe repairing a specialty.
First class work guaranteed.
Eugene Morrison
Special attention j;iveu to
Office and Shop,
Rear of Ralston's Store,
Residence No. 119 Cliff St.
l'copie s Phone 451.
Office in the Negley Building, West
Office on second floor of Armory
Building, Butler, Pa.
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But
ler, Pa.
Office in Wise building.
Room 8., Armory buildin^.
Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butlei
Special attention given to collections
and business matters.
Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or
Butler County National Bank
Office in Reiber building, cornet Main
and E. Cunningham Sts, Entrance on
E. Cunningham.
Office on Main St. near Court House.
No. 257 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Fislier Building. First door on South
Main street, next my former office in
Boyd Building.
Women's diseases a specialty. Con
sultatian and examination free.
Office Hours, 9 to 12 m., 2 to 3 p. m.
People's Phone 573.
1/6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.
Hemorrhoids and Chronic D seases a
H • 2365. Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Office Hours:— 9 to ii a. m., Ito 3 and
6 to 8 p. m.
Biekel Block, South Main St.
Office hours, 11 to 12 a.in.; 3to 5 and
I to 9 p. m.
Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City
JJI ic6 West Diamond,
Dr..Graham's former office.
Special attention given to Eye, Nose
and Throat. People's Phone 564.
200 West Cunningham St.
After Feb. ist— Office in Mattiu
court building—2nd floor.
Hours 7 to 9 a. m. and 1 to 3 and 7 to
8 p. m.
Rooms 9 and 10 Stein Building.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, con
sultation and examination free.
Office in New Martincourt Building,
129/£ S. Main St., (adjoining Dr.
At we ll's office.)
Has located in the new Stein building,
with all the latest devices for Dental
Room 6, Bickel Block, Main St., Butler.
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 114 E. Jefferson St., over
G. W. Miller's grocery
Artificial Teetli inserted on the latest
improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec
ialty. Office next to postoffice.
Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe SJore,
115 S. Main street, Butler, Pa.
Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made of gold fillings, gold
crown and bridge work.
\V T M. 11. WALKER,
Residence 214 W. Pearl St., Butler, Pa.
Office near Court House.
Inquire at Slierifl'soffice or 426 Mifflin
St. Butler Pa.
[ Office with Berkmer, next door to P. O.
Become an Artist?
Crayon, Pastel, Sepia and Water Color
taught at home, and employment given
at once.
For full particulars, address,
Beavtr Falls, Pa.
Insurance and Real EsSatc
Mars Boiler Works.
All sizes of
always in stack for sale
or exchange.
Repair work promptly attended to.
Bell Phone No. 6. Mars,
People's Phone No. 11. Pa
i.i @ 1. ■
1 I N K I !•!
Anyone sending a sketch find description may
quickly ascertain oui opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on I atents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn k Co. receive
tpecial notice , without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. UTOt elr
culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, J.J a
year: four months, sl. Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN &Co. 36,Broad " a> New York
Branch Office. (EJo F St., Waahloiftou. D. &
It & O It It
1 iu»«j tabic «-f!W tiv, Nv. 2.J, 19iC. Ka>t.ru Stuitifon!
AW'-:l»«*ny AcQOOUßuilAtioii *636 a-*i
All-jchnny ami Cleveland Kt|>n +B*6 a-m
AH*nh»-uy Kxpni* HMdit-ni
Kllwood City A'-omui--Uti-n *l4O |"-m
ihi afro, N.w « a-tl»' an<l All'gh» u\ Ex... *4:0o iHa
All«*Rl»« , oy Fxpr«— . *530 |wn
KUu'hml mml Nt » A*ci>inraoilati<>ti... |»-u»
**itt*»l>nWashington and iktltiiu >i<* Kx. Zi] .>4 i*-ut
Ka:»«' ar»«i llni<!f>>r>l Mali •9 30 a-m
• lirion A« >"«'»inn»-«Liru»n *5 15 }*-m
- IXiily. * Exc«*j«t Sunday. t Snn«lay only.
Trains leave the Allegheny station for
Bntler at 7:35,10:45 a.m., ami 115. 5:30.
6:15 and 11:30 p.m. and Pittsburg sta
tit)L at 7:50 a.m. On Sunday at 7:85 a.
iii. and s:;ioand 11:30 p.m., and from
the B. & O. station in Pittsburg at 7:50
a m. and 3:30 p.m.
For through ticket*, Pullman and in
f »rnmti»m apply t.» W. It. TI'KN KU, At't,
Butler, Pa.
E. 1». SMITH, A. G. P. A..
Pittid>urK, Pa.
u it & p K it
7:30 a. m., local for Punxsutawney
aud all intermediate stations.
10:12 a. m. express for Buffalo and
5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois and
all stations.
10:22 p. m. express for Buffalo and
Rochester—with sleepers.
Trans arrive at Butler, and go on to
Allegheny at 6:10 and 9:47 a. m. and
5:34 p. in. Train 21 from Punx y arrives
at 7:40 p. m. and stops here.
The 10:12 express will stop at Craigs
ville. Echo and Dayton on signal.
Trains leave Allegheny for Bntler,
Fenelton and other points at 9 a.m. and
4:10 and 9 p.m. The Dußois acco., or
4:10 train does not run on Sunday, the
other trains run every day.
SCHEDULE IN En ter lan. 20 19C3.
A. M A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M
BI'TLER Leave G 05 7 :is 10 05 a 35 4 :ffi
Saxoulmrg Arrive 6 34 80810 30 3 00 503
Butler Juuction.. " 707 33G11 03 325 529
Butler Junction. ..Leave 7 22 8 3fi 11 47 3 25 5 29
Natrona Arrive 7 31 1 84411 57 3 3."> 6 39
Tarentnm 7 37 8 51 12 05 3 42 546
Springdale 7 47 902 12 17 353 (5 56
Cliiremont 5 9 18 12 36 4 08 6 10
Sharjaburg 8 09 928 12 47 4 16 6 16
Allegheny 8 20 9 38 1 00 4 20 6 26
A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M.
SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Butlei for Allegheny
City aud principal intermediate nation! at 7:20 a. m.,
md 4:55 p. m.
A.M.'A.M. A.M. P.M. P. M
Allegheny City . . leave 6 25 850 10 15 3 (13 610
eiiarpoburg.. 5 SO 9 00 10 25 r3 13 r6 »)
C;.iremont 10 32 (
Springdale 11l 23; 10 49 !.!. «"ii
l'ventum j 7 06 9 32 11 00 3 40 fi 49
N'atrcna 7 13 9 36111 07 3 45 ; 6 fci
Butler Junction arrive 725 94711 17 351 702
Sutler Junction leave 725 9551235 405 702
Saxonborg ! 7 55 JO IS' 1 05 ! 4 41' 7 27
BCTLER arrive 8 Kipo 45 1 33 ! 5 13: 753
A.M.|A.M,iP. M.jP. tf.l P. M
SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But
ior and principal intermediate stations at 7:03 a m. and
9-33 p. m.
Weeks Days. Sundays
A.M. A M P. M. A.M. T M
BCTLEU IT 6OSIO 05 235 720
Butler J'ct ar 7 07:11 03 325 810 ...
Butler J'ct lv 7 25(11 17 351 814
Feeport ar 72811 20 354 817
Kskiminetaa J't.. .." 73511 27 359 823
Leechburg " 74811 39 413 »30 .
West Apollo " 80912 00 435 857
Salteturg " 83812 20 503 923 iii.
Blairaville „ 916 1 00 540 9 62, .. .
BlairiTille Int.. .. " 924 133 547 10 00
Altoona « 11 35 545 860 150
Harrisburg " ' 31010 00 1 0011 645
Philadelphia ." 623 425 426 10 171
|P. M. A. M.| A.M.i P.M.; P.M
Through trains for the oast leave Pittsburg (Union
Station), as follow—
Atlantic Eipresa, daily 3:00 AM
Pennsylvania Limited " 7:15 "
Day Express, " 7:30 "
Main Line Express, " 8:00 "
Harrisburg Mail, " ... 12:46 P.M
Harrisburg Express doily '. 4:4£ •'
Philadelphia Express, ' 1:50 "
Eastern Express, " 7:10 "
Fast Line, • ..
Fast Line (second section) daily. .Sleeping
cars to Piiilniielphla, Baltimore and Wash
ington. NO coaches 10:00 "
PitUburg Limited, daily for New York, only. U:(0 "
The Pennsylvania Special, daily, for Phila
delphia and New York 11:25 *'
Philad'a Mail, Sundati only 8:40 a.m
For Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridjre, all
rail route) 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p. m. daily, ''fcnn
sylvania Limited" 7:15 a.m. week days.
Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division
Trains leave Kiskiminetas Junction as follows:
For Buffalo, 9.56 a. m. and 11.35 P- m. daily, witb
through parlor and sleeping cars.
For Oil City, 7.46, 9.56 a. m., 2.38, 6.15 and 11.35 p.
u. week-days. Sundays, 9.56 a. m., 6.15 and 11.35 p.m.
For lied Bank, 7.46, 9.56, 11.17 a. in., 2 38, 6.16, y.34,
und 11.35 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 9.56,10.49 a. m.,
fi.ls and 11.35 p. m.
For Kittanning ,7.46, 9.32, 9.56,11.17 a. m., 2.38,5.35,
♦».15, 7.30, 9.34, and 11.35 p. m. week-days. Sundays,
9.56, 10.49 a. m., 6.15, 10.45, and 11.35 p. m.
"r" stops on signal to take on passengers lor Taron
rum and points beyond.
Foi detailed information, apply to ticket agent or
riddrcss Thos. E. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District,
Corner Fifth Avenue and Smithiield Street, Pittsburg,
'•W«l Mftf r" Vv» tyr
Time table in effect Nov. 23. 1902.
One honr slower than town time.
nurthward. Daily except Sunday. Southward
Read up) (Read down)
2 10 14 STATIONS. 1 9 U
P.M. P.M P.M.| a.m.! A.M.. am
6 18 1 06 Erie 6 10|ll 59
5 53 12 43 Fair view 6 36 12 25
I 5 13 12 29 Girard 6 48 12 38
5 52 1 43 ar. .Conneaut.. .ar j 8 42 1 43
4 25 11 15 lv.. vJonneaut.. .lv 6 25 11 15
5 25 12 10 Crateeville 1 7 05 12 55
5 Z0 12 05 Albion I 7 09 1 CO
4 59 11 50 Springbuio ; 7 24 1 15
45311 44 Com eautville 7 3<> 121
4 33 11 25 Meadville Juuct.. j 7 52 1 42
557 12.01 ar.. Mtfjulville.. ar 8 28 2 20
3 43 10 42 lv. .Meadville.. .lv 6 45 1 00
5 30 11 3» ar. .Conn. Lake. .*r 8 00 1 52
4 22 11 10 lv M iv C 3<> 1 28
4 48 ar.. Lines vi He ..ar 9 25
11 00.lv lv j 7 08-11 iJO
4 16:11 O-SiHartetown I I i O"J| 16#
4 11 11 03 Adaiußville 8 08 ■> <l2
4 02.10 53 Osgood ! i 8 18 212
j 101 3 55H0 47 Greenville 6 00! 8 24 2 20
i (Xi 3 43 10 4<> SUeuango 6 12 8 3i 2 30
"> 4T> 3 S*i 10 21 Fredonia 6 29 8 47 2 49
1 30J 3 11 10 06 Mercer ; 6 41: 9 03 3 Ot!
. ■ -4 3 00 10 01 Houston Junction 0 07 3 lo
j 05 2 4« 9 41 Cirove City 7 06 9 25 3 29
4 54 ; 9 25 Harrisville 7 16 13 42
4 47 831 9 17 Branchton 7 23 9 4 2 3 49
5 30 10 27 ar.. .Hilliard... ar 10 27 10 27 5 30
2 30 6 10 lv. ..Hilliard. ..lv 6 10 6 10 2 30
ft 43-12 28 9 13 Keister 7 27 f9 44 3 52
ft 28 12 15 , 8 5* Euclid 7 43 10 00 4 08
i 00 1 50: 8 25 Butler 8 10 10 25 4 35
! 15 12 15 6 35 Allegheny 9 40 12 00 6 20
jim j ['in , am a.m.' pm p.m
Train 12, leaving Grove City 5.35 a. m..
Mercer 5:(>M. Greenville 6:42, Conneautvllle
7:48, Albion 8-10. arrives at Erie 9:12 a. m.
Train 13, leaving Erie 3:58 p. m. Albion
:05, Conneautvllle 5;55, Greenville 6:23
'ercer 7 04 arrives at Grove City at 7:27 Jim.
■7. R. TURNER. Gen. Pass. Agt.,
Tkt Agt, Bntler, Pa. Pittsbnry. Pa
Wiiifieltl It It Co Time Table
In effect Jan. 19th, 1902.
. eaves West Winfleld 7 40 2 45
" Hoggsville 755 300
44 Iron Bridge 805 320
" Winfleld Junction 820 335
44 Lane 840 345
44 Butler Junction 845 350
Arrive Futler 10 45 5 13
\rrive Allegheny. 9 38 5 00
\rrive T<laiivville 1 0*) 5 40
i.eave lMairsvUl.' 8 07 2 25
" Allegheny 8 50 303
44 Uutler 738 235
44 Butler Junction 10 00 440
44 Lane 10 05 445
44 Winfleld Junction 10 15 45u
44 Iron Bridge 10 25 505
44 IloggHville 10 35 515
\ rrive West Winfleld.. 10 45 5 25
Train* stop at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to
•..ke on or leave off patitiengere.
Trains Connect at Butler Juuction with.
TraiuH Eiiwtward for Freeport, Vandergrift and
-iairsville luterbectioii.
Train* Westward for Natrona, Tarentum and Alle
Trains North ward for Saxonburg, Delano and Butler.
General Manager.
*I.OO per year If paid In advance, otherwise
51.50 will be cnarged.
ADVERTISING KATES— One inch, one time
$1; each subsequent Insertion 50 cents each
Auditors' and divorce notices $4 each: exec
utors' and administrators' notices $3 each
estray and dissolution notices $2 each. Head
ing notices 10 cents a line for lirst and 5 cents
fur each subsequent insertion. Notices
i mong local news 'items 15 cents ft line for
e ich in sertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks
resolutions of respect, notices of festivals
;> iid fairs, etc.. Inserted at the rate of 5 cents
a line, money to accompany the order. Jeven
words of prose make a line.
Kates for standing cards and job work on
All advertising Is due after first Insertion,
..mlal! transient advertising must be paid
* rln advance.
VII communications Intended for publlca
i i in in this paper must be accompanied by
i n real name of the writer, not for publica
tion bu. a guarantee of good faith.and should
reach us not later than Tuesday evening.
Death notice* must be accompanied with
r 'sponsible name.
g badics', /Wen's and Children's One Week's Pre- $
g Inventory Sale and some Smart Selling
$ of Odds and Ends before Stocl< Taking.. «
& The riodern Store
will take stock February first and wishes to close oat broken lots anil sea
jm eonable goods which have not moved ont promptly. Iu other words, we Ljk
want to convert into cash as much stock as po-sibie before we tike our
jm annual inventory. We have just one week to do it and therefore have cut
S Pficos unmercifully. Hero are a few samples of the way goods will be .v
■I sold during this sale, which will last till February first ££
I- lanneit tt»- Nisht KOIH-S which were now i'>*. and sl.oo ones, n:»v >'S<\
fIP A 1! 1 iannt i Shirt Waists. sl.oo and fl 2S onos. now (! ••-, |1.30 ones now '.'■' c, and IB
»i.W iinos, now $1.:;». S-sooones, now il.'.K
All Kleeccd Wrappers, worth SUO an 1 now -4c. f h
Ladies' f"\tra-heavy Fleece Lined Inderwear reduced to 33c. \J?\
Ladies' 1 in' Naturnl Wool I'nd'rwear reduced to 57c. ?v
0f Children's fleece Lined Vests, I'untH and l.'nlon Suits reduced to lit,'. m
T1 Ladies' I.vtra-lieavy Fleece Lined Ho. . reduced to 1". \ two p:iirs for 23c. JC»
Men s I-leece Lined I nderwear reduced to 37c. U
MP Men's Heavy Working i-hirts. worth M \now 33c.
Look at onr Millinery Win low Display and sjb the btrgaius offered. rx
These Hats are bringing r.s the business. Yo« never bought Fine
Millinery at such prices. "
5 Kisler-XleLrclorf Co.,
S phones ;B|^ L Vs D -hMail Orders Solicited €
We give ballots for piano contest. 3^
(Carpets and Slugs!
j|p| The new Carpets and Rugs stock for Spring is
s=sf here. Largest stock this store has ever shown is ys^•
here for your inspection. Most of the patterns we reiS
pp| show are different to what you will find elsewhere, fUjjs
B Best Quality Extra Super Ingrains, 75c S|
S; Made from the better quality of wool. clo3er woven and brighter
bgcolors than the cheaper kinds, and a carpet tint will hut and look Kg*
SSI well for years. Large floral patterns or sin ill sot patterns in
medium or darn shades. "
|§j All-Wool Extra Super Ingrains, 65c
Standard quality of goods made in a variety of patterns; new, ft?*
ScH bright goods suitable for any room, and a piece of goods that will £sSS
give good service. j|jgg
j|| Best Quality Brussels Carpet, 95c gg
Here is a make of Carpet that has no superior; a piece of goods that
sSjf will out-last the cheaper grades of Body Brussels. Made bv a man-
Ki ufacturer that makes but one grade of goods and that the best that
an}- factory can make. The patterns are all new and bn>ht Florals,
set patterns or the small set figures for halls with 3tair ca p;t to
match. This store has the exclusive sale of the above line. jgjSS
1 Alfred A fampbeii, |
«*{£g Formerly Campbell & Temploton.
The Woman's Choice.,
Will She Choose Dr. Experi
ment or Dr. Experience?
Put the auestion plainly to any woman :
Will you cnoose the experienced or the
experimenting doctor? and there's no
doubt about the answer. What woman
wants to be the subject of experiments,
to drag out weary months while the
unskilled practitioner vainly tries various
medicines, and charges the sick woman
liberally for his experimental failures?
Yet willing or unwilling a great many
women have to go through just such an
ordeal. Their disease baffles the local
physician. He tries all he knows to
effect a cure and fails. Sometimes this
goes on for months, sometimes for years,
The woman meantime suffering daily
Perhaps the difference between the
"doctoring" of experiment and experi
ence cannot be better shown than in the
following statement:
"For seven-years I was confined to
bed most of the time," writes Mrs. M. P.
Davis, of Honaker, Russell Co., Va. " I
had four doctors and they said I could
not be cured. I had ulceration of uterus
and female weakness, so I could not
stand on my feet but a short time ; had
bearing-down sensation, pain in the
small of my back. My stomach and
bowels, also legs and feet would swell,
and everything I ate hurt me. I could
not sleep well, was so short of breath I
could not lie down at night; had sore
ness and tenderness over uterus, toubled
with palpitation of heart, and suffered
with headache all the time. I would
Set blind and have fainting spells, had
ark rings around my eyes and my eyes
seemed bloodshot; suffered from pain
ful periods; could not lie on my left side.
I would have numb speUs, pains around
my heart every morning, my lungs hurt
me a great deal and my shoulders too.
I would spit up blood at times, memory
was poor, hearing was bad, hands and
feet were cold all the time, and I had
chills and night-sweats. After the doc
tors said I could not be cured I got hold
of one of Dr. Pierce's Memorandum
Books and read how he had cured so
many patients afflicted like I was so I
thought his medicine might help me. I
wrote to Dr. Pierce for advice and he
sent me a very encouraging letter in
reply, advising me to take his ' Favorite
Prescription ' and ' Golden Medical Dis-
Co\ - ery ' and ' Pleasant Pellets.' I got
two bottles and used these and felt much
better. I sent and got six bottles more.
I can now work all day and not feel
tired at night. I can sleep all night and
can eat anything I want at any time. I
can walk and go anywhere I please. I
feci better than I ever did. Can do all
Trv) The CITIZ6N
kinds of work in the house and ou)
doors too. lam sorry I did not take
Dr. Pierce's medicine ivhen /first began
to have poor health. T could have saved
what I paid to humbugs. My friends
■ay that I do not look like the same
woman. When I commenced your
medicine I only weighed one hundred
pounds. Now I weigh one hundred and
forty. I thank you a thousand times for
your good medicine and your kind ad
vice. I used four bottles of the ' Golden
Medical Discovery' four of ' Favorite
Prescription» and two vials of your
' Pleasant Pellets.'"
between experiment and experience in
treating womanly diseases? The differ
ence between success and failure. The
difference Jjetween health and sickness,
happiness and misery. The reason that
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures
so many women is that it is a medicine
which is the product of years of experi-
ence in the treatment
and cure of womanly
diseases. It is a medi
cine made to do certain
things and it does what
it is made to do. Every
woman understands the
fine points of this differ
ence between experiment
and experience. When
the housewife engages a
cook she demandsexperi.
ence. She does not want
a cook who is experi
menting with unfamiliar
recipes. The inexperi
enced man might say—
Why, there's the cook
book. It tells how to
make anything. All
you've got to do is to
measure and mix as it
| instructs and you can't
' come out wrong. Can't
you? The wife knows
very much better than
that. Given the best
recipe in the world it
takes experience to make
a success of it. The dif
ference between the suc
cess of Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Prescription and the failure of
other medicines is the difference of ex
perience. It is no experiment to use Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription for the
cure of womanly ills. Experience—the
experience of hundreds of thousands of
women proclaims that it makes weak
women strong and sick women well.
Thousands of grateful letters have
been written to Dr. Pierce. They cover
cures of every form of womanly disease
which is medically curable. show
that "Favorite Prescription " Is a perfect
regulator, that it dries enfeebling drains;
that it heals in flammation and ulceration
and cures female weakness. They prove
" Favorite Prescription" is the best pre
parative for maternity; that it keeps the
mother strong and healthy and makes
the baby's advent practically painless.
Sick and ailing women are invited to
consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. AH
correspondence is privately read, pri
vately answered aud womanly confi
dences are guarded by the same strict
professional privacy which protects the
womanly confidences made in a personal
ccnsu/lal\)u with Dr. Pierce. Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
As chief consulting physician to the
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Buffalo, N. Y., Dr. Pierce (assisted by
his staff of nearly a score of physicians),
has in a little more than thirty years,
treated and cured hundreds of thousands
of weak and sick women.
to invest twenty-one cents in stamps for
expense of mailing one r>f the greatest
medical works of the age ? Can you
afford not. to invest twenty-one cents for
a book which teaches how to preserve
health and prolong life? This great
work, Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Med
ical Adviser, contains 100S large pages
and over 700 illustrations. It is sent free,
in paper-covers, on receipt of 21 one
cent stamps to pay expense of mailing
only. For cloth-binding send 31 stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.