THE CITI/^N. THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1903. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. iIOTE—AII advertisers Intending to make -ban* ■ In their aurt has been fixed for Saturday, Jan. 10. Viewers in the case of Jas. C. Scott and Elmer E. Kelly ys the Western Allegheny R. R. Co. awarded the plfs SSO damages. The railroad rnns over a , lease and near an oil well of the plfs. j The viewers were J. B Cunningham. : Robert Kranse. Wm. Harvey, Albert j Bartley, John Yonnbins. J. A. Bonner ; and John N. Burtner. i The Will of the late Mrs. Sophia Har ' ley has been probated. The property jon Main street goes to her children . Wm. X., Edward and Mrs. Jnlia Smith, ! in equal shares, and a lot on Race street | to Charles Rush. I The will of Wm. Eichenlaub of Sam- I mit twp. has been probated; farms are ' left to his soms F. H. and Joseph, with j the oil royalties reserved to his wife j during her life. The personal estate is left to his sons Peter and Win. after their mother's death. Mike Swalilnk and Jolm McKinzie were committed to jail from Lyndora, the latter on a charge of agg. a&b. W. W. Hill was appointed trustee of the estate of Miles Covert of Adams I twp., vice B. L. Ilockenberry resigned. Saturday W. S. Spence was fined £lO and costs and sent to jail for 20 days for defrauding his boarding house keeper, Jennie M. Barnhart. Attorney General Elkin has decided that Sheriff McKinlev of Allegheny Co. will continue to hold his office until a successor is elected. His successor, Mr. Fahnestock. was elected, but died, and Mr. McKinley will hold the office for another year. An interesting damage suit has come in from Franklin twp. Some time ago a large dog attacked Theodore Keighwer ane bit and larcerated his leg badly. Keighner brought suit before Esq. Heyl of Prospect against Walter Albert, sup posedly the owner, for $250 damages. Attorney Wise appeared for Albert and J. W. Coulter for Keighner. Young Albert proved that the dog belonged to his father, Lewis Albert, and a non suit followed. The case is not dropped however as Keighner has now sued Lewis Albert for SSOOO damages. PKOPERTY TRANSFERS. William G McLaughlin to Mary J Anchors lot in Parker twp for S2OO. Dillie Russell Spear to A E Ruasel half interest in lease and wells on D E Pearce farm, Butler twp for S2OOO. Jemima Sutton to J P Sutton 100 acres in Concord for sl. Michael E Milligan to Butler Pas senger Ry. Co. 53 acres in Butler twp for $3214.50. Jacob Keck to Butler Passenger Ry. Co. 3 acres in Butler twp. for S2OO. Anna Fair to same lot on Mercer St for SOSO. John F Lowry to A E Rieber house and lot on N Main St for S3OOO J S Simmers to Anna A Stover lot in Butler for $350. Lulu C Barr to Dr Elder Crawford lot in Mars for $.5000. Charles C Reeder to Butler Ice Co lot in Third Ward for sl, George C Runney to John Boozel 40 40 acres in Clay for $1250. William W Irwin to Blanch T Dight 104 acres in Cherry for sl. Martha B Howe to Elmer L Guthrie lot in Petrolia for $625. Jane Strut t to J F Schaeffer lot in Zelienople for SIOOO. Jos B Bredin to Elizabeth Fisher lot in Butler twp for S2OO. Emma Z Bartley to M T McCandless quit claim, 50 acres in Franklin for $«00. John F Byers to Susannah Byers let in Millerstovvn for S7OO. Same to V/ S Rumbaugh lot in Mil lerstown for $350. S B Martinconrt to Milton Miller and Lester Kirkpatrick 20 feet frontage and tliree-story building on S. Main St. for $18,500. H E Seaton to Frank G Hague lot in Zelienople for S2OO. J D Marshall, trustee of Sarah Blake ley estate, to Jos L Blakelev 7 acres in Adams for SIOOO. R A Franks toPB&LER R Co lot in Center tvvp for sl. Wm J Bovard to same lot in Slippery rock for $29 Robert B Bovard to same lot in Slip pery rock for SBB. John McKinney to Henry B McKin ney and J II Kohlmeyer, Ball Engine works in BntJer for SI3OOO. Wm Geialer to John J Geisler lot at Great Belt for $75. Marriage Licenses. Joseph Martin Butler Anna McMarlin Valencia Albert Goehring Zelienople Hattie Olive Wiles Petrolia William L. Rtunbaugh Chicora .Emma Klinger Maharg Alva C. Puff Maharg Mollie E. Nicklas " Alfred G. Morgan Argentine Amanda C. Young Henry E. Kocher Ell wood Margaret Allen Whitestown Joseph Martin ; Butler Annie McMarlin Valencia Roland Daubenspcck Glade Mills Louisa Klinger Maharg R. L. Henry 7 Pittsburg Laura J. Swain Harmony At Pittsburg—John P. Scott of Gay lor, Pa., and Ida McDermott of Butler Co.; Wm, D. Norris of Culmerville and Mary Dawson of Bakerstown. At Indiana, Pa., Fred. Jamison and Miss Annie Freeh. At Kittanning—Charles S. Stewart and Clara Carothers of Chicora; E. W. Campbell and Esther Walker of Wortli ington. Use lona Patent Flour. The best Bread and Pastry flour in the market. ± bbl. sack, SI.OO. i bbl. sack, 50c. Every sack guaranteed. GEO. WALTER & SONS S. B. Martincoui-t and dragged down a hill for some rods, snstainieg a number j of severe bruises. ; Louise Kelly, aged 4 years, a daugli i ter of Clarence Kelly, now of Los An neles, Cal , was burned to death during ! the holidays. Her clothes took fire | from a toy locomotive, run by a small | alcohol lamp. A runaway horse attached to a sleigh ran around A. W. McCollough's resi dence on N. Main St.. a few days ago. without smashing the sleigh. Eli Boj'er of Lancaster twp. had bis right hand canght in the cogs of a fod der cutter, a few days ago. and lost his thumb and two fingers. A. L. Mcller.ry. Peter Colls and Roy Louis have lately been hurt at the Car Works. Harper Graham of West D St. had his right leg broken. Tuesday, while engaged in building a rig in Slippery rock twp. by a walking beam falling on him. Conductor Wallace of a B. R. 4t P. freight had his face and neck cnt by an accident, yesterday morning. His train 1 parted near the Pine Fnrnace. and the two parts came together with a crash which wrecked several cars, and threw him from his caboose. Jury List for January Term 1903 A list of names dra\> n from the proper jury wheel this 22nd day of November, 1902, to serve at a special term of court commencing on the 19th day of Janu ary, 1903, the same being the third Mon day of said month. Albert J W, Franklin township, farmer, Arner David. Washington tp. Bovard W J, Slipperyrock tp, " Blair William, Washington tp, " Bolton L ll.Slipperyrock boro,merchant. Christy W G, Clay tp, farmer, Cramer Ray W. Buffalo tp, " Campbell W H. Butler 4th wd. Dennison Thomas, Slipperyrock tp, " Davis W B, Oakland tp, " Dodds J L, Franklin tp, " Ekas John G, Middlesex tp, " Fleming Harry B. Buffalo tp, Forrester FB. Prospect boro, teacher. Graham JH, Butler Ist ward, farmer, Gould Nelson, Oakland tp, " Goehring Harvey, Forward tp, " Gruver Philip. Cherry tp, " Hilliard J C. Venango tp, " Hatz Alvin, Clinton tp, " Hamilton Robert, Forward tp. Hutchison Thomas, Concord tp, " Huselton GW. Millerstown boro, J. P, Hilliard Daniel, Venango tp, farmer, Jamison Thomas, Fairview tp, Johnston James, Butler Ist ward, carpenter. Johnston Robert, Fairview tp, farmer, Kniess William. Lancaster tp. " Lyon David S. Butler Ist ward, " McNeese James. Butler 3d wd, laborer, Milleman Geo, Harmony boro, shoe maker. Moore S C. Washington twp, merchant, Morgan Taylor, Parker tp, farmer, Peffer Charles, Lancaster tp, " Painter W H. Marion tp, agent, Reddick Charles, Jefferson tp, farmer, Rose John M.Connoquenessing boro, " Riddle James M, Clinton tp, Snyder John, M'-rcor tp, " Sutton James, Harrisvillo boro miller, Schontz Fred, Jackson tp, farmer, Templeton Philip,Fairview boro,driller, Warmcastle J L.Slipperyrock)>oro,gent, West Audrew, Cranberry tp, farmer, Weber Adam, Franklin tp, Wimer Walter, Worth tp, " Winner Ferd. Evans City boro, gent, Young R O, Bruin boro, farmer. X/VIAS PRESENTS are now in order, aud our stock of watches, from $1 up, rings, chains, lockets, diamonds, rich cut glass, bronzes, vases, brooches, and novelties in gold and silver, suitable for presents, is more complete than oyer before. Those who have dealt with us in the past, know that wo give 100 ots worth for your dollar, whether It Is a holiday or other occasions. We also sell — Eastman Kodaks and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Edison, Victor and Columbia talking machines. All the latest record^. Optical good*. Field and Spy Glasses. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court Housf Fiction $1 08. Bookkeepers, Attention ! We have everything in BLANK BOOKS and OFFICE SUPPLIES. lig Line of Nice Diaries for 1903. Our Large Line of Wall Paper for 1903 is ready to look at EYTH BROS., NEXT TO P. 0., BUTLER, PA. Mars Boiler Works. All sizes of STATIONARY, PORTABLE and UPRIGHT BOILKRS always in stock for sale or exchange. Repair work promptly attended to, S. H. ROBERTS. Bell Phone No. (1. Mars, People's Phone No. 11. Pa IP lOIJ AttK seekingoniploymcnt,save board n;: iu the city lmttl "engaged. Send f i and wo vtMl mall you coiuplfte instructions Ik>w to quickly secure a position (according to jour alulity) among the largest firms in America, unaided aud by yourowu efforts. (Copyrightof this system applied for.) Ad dress, Information Department, Star Employweut bureau, 120 Sixth street, i'iitsburg, i'a, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. I)R. 8. A. THOMPSON'. DR. ISAIIF.I, IIA IIA F FBY, Osteopathic Physician p. (iraduatci Aiuerl arm School. l. r >os-6 Arrott building, lieU l'Uoug ?blo—Court, Fittsburg, I'a, LADIES' TAILORING. Lrndincr —Tlie Ladirß' Tullor, Announces that ho closes out at below cost, all foreign materials left orer from the Autumn season, so v to in:. I n room for spring goods. Tho firm guarauU • s pcifert tit. KMing Habits a ipecl ultv. Hi I Prim Avenue, Plttatmrg* Pa* Bell Phone 3410—5 Grant. S Indigestion- r / Bad Breath l Catarrh OT Stomach \ S Are you troubled with X \ these 1 \V uld you take a J V good r«;medy if you could / f f tit? We I . we V | i are not afraid to back with t t / the guarantee, "Money i 3 refunded if nut satisf.ic- \ ( ' toiy." W'c know it does j } the work and so are not S J afraid to say so. / V Come to the store (or if 1 / ycu live out of town send S j for a box of „ s J Boyd's dyspepsia tablets 7 \ price 50c. / £ Remittance may be / ) made in 2 cent stamps, we 3 ) , can always use these | J rather than a larger de- | y V nomination. They CURE S / and that is what you want. / / We sell other things you / / may need. If it is any- 3 f thing in the drug line we j S V have it. Why not get the j \ ( best of everything when it C y does not cost any more. j C C. N. BQYD.jJ \ Fharmacist, S i Diamond Block. / J Butler, Pa, ? J People's Phone 83. ; J V Bell Phone 14fi D. jl .CP/ « Just a £ Few Things | 5 You may need now that X Christmas is over. X a Something that you were £ f expecting and didn't get. |l We are getting new goods S 4 new. # 4 New Neckwear, Mufflers, f f New Hats. e * Our showing of heavy P f Underwear is complete. r P Prices very reasonable. r. * A fine new lot of stiff and # r pleated bosom ' ® Manhattan Shirts. 5 Jno. S. Wick f HATTER and 5 * MEN S FURNISHER. * Opposite P. 0. 5 J BUTLER, PA. J fc. F, T. Pipe} \ | JEWELER! 5 121 E. Jefferson Street. / Have You a Neighbor? If so why don't you get together and have a tele- HKpSj phone system. Jg|s[jKj We manufacture them. Ask us and we will tell JpVP- ■. you all about it. I fiR Electrical work of all \U; 5 descriptions (lone on short /lAT&r*'. - * ? notice. 1 1 The U. S. Electric Mfg. Co BUTLER, PA. I |T amily Rei_ir\ioris! We often cause ourseives end less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some little thing. Get a good picture of your family and home made at your first op portunity. We make the best at $6.00 per dozen, Bxio inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know in time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing. R. FISHER I ITlaflam Dean's I rg A safe, certain rHlef for Supprovs#Hl H ■ Menstruation. Never known to fail. Safe! ■ 3 Sun*! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed I ■or money Unfunded. Bent prepaid (or I §j Sl.Oi) per Box. Will fiend tin mon triaJ to ■ ■ be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. ■ J UNITIO MEDICAL CO.. lOK 74. Uwc*iUW. » J Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave Pharmacy. WANTED-Wlre Drawers; twenty-five ex perieuced wire drawers, Highest wage* paid, rage Woven Wire Fence Co., Monesaen, Pa, LEVINTONS* Great Reduction Sale of High-Class Clothing. PRICES DEEPLY SLASHED The time has come for a general redaction aH through onr mammoth stocks We do it radically, unreservinfily. in no uncertain manner. Prices are genuinely cut. So half hearted elfurt or juggling with former figures, but straightforward, bona fide reductions that mean positive m >ney-saving to those who respond t» , this advertisement Oennine reductions. The dollars yon save will come ii handy for other necessities. What will plea«j you most, probably, is the fact that theM tioods have that crisp freshness that immediately denote® newness and exclusivenrss. We know of no former year in which the reductions were so sweeping in most wanted goods. DOWN COME THE CLOTHING PRICES. Men's Suits and Overcoats. SO.OO regular price, sale price only |3.75 7.50 regular price, sale price only 5.00 12.00 and #lO regular price, sale price only 7.50 18.50 to $15.00 regular price, sale price only 9.75 18 00 to #22 00 regular price. sale price only 14.50 25.00 to #28.00 regular price, sale price only 19.50 Our entire stock of Men's. Boys'and children's clothing goes at cut pricea A visit to our store will surely reward you. You can't afford to stay away from such great bargains. Sale starts Saturday morning at 8 o'clock and will last only 9 days. LEVINTONS' Reliable One Price Clolhers, 122 S. Main St., Butler, Pa C. 6. jWlbbeß'S Great Clearance Sale. glen's Felt s©ots at 10c a pair. All Holiday Slippers to be closed out regardless of cost.. All our Boys' and Girls' good solid school shoes to be closed out less than cost. Jan. 25th we take stock and until this date we are going to clean up all broken lots and reduce our stock and in order to do this quickly we are going to offer some record breaking prices. We are just finishing up by far the largest year's busi ness we have ever had and we feel after the immense amount of Boots and Shoes we have sold in the last year, we can al most afford to give balance away. Space will .not permit to give in detail all the great bargains that will be offered here for the next twenty days, but will say, bring a very little money here and see the great amount of good, reliable footwear you can take away with you, but do not wait too long as the best bargains are always picked out first. Come in and look these bargains over whether you want to buy or not as we want you to see we are doing just what we advertise. Full line of Walkover and Douglass fine shoes for men. We are exclusive agent for the famous ' j! """ i Fin