Tho Dinne Of the Americas working man is gen erally well filled. In some cases :t is too well filled. It contains too many kinds of food, and very often the food is of the wrong kind—hard to digest and containing little.nutrl tjon. As a.come- a work -""-*tngman developssotne 9* W form of stomach t trouble which inter- Jf ferei with his health and reduces his work *Wher« there MM 13 indigestion or any otaer indi- j~jl M jjkHTBSy cation of di»- *■? —f , aCn and its ff allied organs of tntion, the use of / r>r. Pierce's Golden / yyi Medical Discovery / M I will almost invsn- / / \ Jtj| sblyprodnce a per- / I\ fc* ■ feet and perm an- SgjW. % Mr. Thomas A. WjJS Ml Swfcrts. of Sab Station 11 K \ C. Cclunibm, 0., Bo* I .11 toy. wrlu«: «I was PHI ■ taken with severe I 1 ■ headache, then cramps ~ » * in the stomach, and my food woold not digest, then kidney and liver trouble and my back got weak so I could scarcely get around. At last I had all the com plaints at once, the more I doctored the worse I got until six years passed. I had become so poorly I could only walk in the house by the aid of a chair, and I got so thin I had given up to die, tbinkiag that 1 could not be cured. Then one of my neighbors said. 'Take my advice and take I>r. Pierci's Golden Medical Discovery and make a new man out of yourself.' The first bottle helped me so ) thought I would get another and after I had taken eight bottles in about si* weeks. I was weighed, and found I had gained twerty seven [vi\ pounds lam as stout and healthy to-day, I think, as I ever was." Frrk. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. K_ V. Pierce, Uuflalo, N. Y. "•©ryinf* preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up tha secretion*, which adhere to the membrane ar.d decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 60c. size. Ely Brothers, 5G "Warren St., NX The Balm cures without pain, dots not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed against Kasal Catarrh and illy Fever. Dr. Humphreys. After fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity and largest sale in their history, due to intrinsic merit. They care tho sick, ■o. CTKZS. raids. I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .33 !! —Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .' tH a—TeeiSlna. Colic,Cryl«f,Wakefulness .23 4 Diarrhea, of Children ot Adults...... .US ' I—Coat ha. Colds, Bronchitis 'ti &—Xenralsta. Toothache, Kaoeache 23 •—Headache. Sick Headache, Vertigo.. ,'i!i I®—Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Weak Htumach.US 11—Suppressed or Painful Periods— .33 "" 13— Whites. Too Profuse Periods. 33 13—Croup, Laryngitis. Hoarseness 33 14—Halt Hheum.Erysipelas,Eruptions.. .38 1» Rheumatism. Ebeomatlc Pains 33 I*—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague. ... .33 I*—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head .33 SO-Whooplnf-Cousii >33 37—Kidney Diseases 33 3H—Xervoos Debility... 1.00 30-1 rlnary Weakness. Wetting Bed.. .33 *»—«rlp. Hay Fever 33 Sold by druggists, or lent on receipt of price. **- Dr. Humphrey*' Hew Packet Manual Of all Diseases mailed free. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John BU-. Mew York. Family Reunions! Wc often cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some little thing. Get a good picture of your family and home made at your first op portunity. Wc make the best at $6.00 per dozen, Bxio inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know in time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing. R. FISHER Have You a Neighbor? fust*""1 If so why don't you get together and have a tele- |L J® We manufacture them. Ask us and we will tell A you all about it. f " '/M KlectricaJ work of all descriptions done on short The U. S. Electric Mfg. Co BUTLKR.PA. W. S & E. WICK, DKALKUHoIN Hough and Worked poor*. Hash and Mouldings' Oil Well Kigs a Mpecliiity. OSlce and Yard K. Cunningham and Monroe Hts •near West Penn Depot, HUTI.Kk P« MAKE Your Fortune Qaickly With small capital. Our llally forecast of th« Htock and Oraln market lells you how; palled freo. Opportunity of a flf< time i« rni nan mm nt ouce. E- B. JENKINS A. CO.. 314 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler end Graduate Optician Nest Ooor to Court Hones. Hutlrr. Pa. 11. MILI.KR, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. Oi'i'icH— Hyers' BuililitiK -nt-xt to P. 0., Ilntler I'a. |wi!«l|) A GOOD SHEEP RUN. A Covered Yard For llje Shelter and Protection of a Small Kloek. Sheep are nsiturally rather timid, tender. inoffensive "animals, and for the safety and thrift of a email flock a covered yard Is valuable. It Is not nec fssary for It to !*? costly, but it should be well protected from the weather and have a dry floor. If it can be con veniently built as an addition to the bam and have a door opening into it directly from the barn floor, so much the better. In which case it should be SHEEP BCSC OB SHED. made high enough so that grain and the like con be stored in the loft above, as suggested in the accompanying cut. A shed twenty feet square will'afford room sufficient for a flock of forty sheep. It will give sixty feet of feed ing room, or a foot and a half of rack for each sheep, and that Is perfectly ample. Occasionally the upper part. If occupied with nothing else, can be utilized to good advantage as a lamb ing shed, in which the ewes about to bring lambs may be safely accommo dated. If employed for this purpose, a gradually sloping passage, with bars across every nine Inches to give foot hold, should be used. The front of the shed, as can l>e see U » la half open, a thing most desirable for sheep in that they need fresh air and are able to withstand much cold if only kept dry. The manure, too, may be left In such a shed the whole win ter, and if sufficient litter is furnished the sheep will trample it so hard that there will be no disagreeable odors from it. The shed, of course, will need feed racks all around on three sides, and there may be short racks on each side of the doorway, which will add some thing to the rack room. It Is desira ble to have the open part, if possible, face the south.—Cor. Ohio Farmer. APPLE POMACE. An Old (titration With Ilenewed Im portance Tlila Sr»««n. The excessive rains and cool weather of the ffrowiiiff season of 1902 have se riously curtailed the corn crop. In this Juncture it is suggested that apple pomace be ensihfl and f Fall Dress tioods d V Suit Cases ® tmbrellas # J Handkerchiefs £ Fancy 1 Hose jj ? Night Robes £ Pajamas J 4 ETC. 4 P Come early and get first choice. £ I Jno. S. Wick j 5 HATTER and 5 J MEN'S FURNISHER. J * Opposite P. 0. 4 i BUTLER, PA. £ RIB. the gift question You'll come to the city some time be tween now and Christmas. Bear in mind the importance of ootn ingito this store. Where the best of everything in 64 Departments is shown in lavish assort ment. And sold on a email profit basis. Toys, Dolls, Games, Sporting Goods, and Novelties innumerable. Jewelry, Silverware, Books, Hand kerchiefs, Gloves, Neckwear. Umbrel las, Furs, and most everything man, woman or child wears. fine furs We are doing the Fur business on a scale not heretofore attempted. Elaborate variety, magnificent Furs, and Prices that pay yon to come. Fur Neckpieces, $2.50 to $450.00 Fur Coats, $25.00 to $450.00 Handsome Mink Scarfs, $5.00 Sable Fox Boas, $8.50 Squirrel Scarfs, $8.50 Blue Lynx Scarts, $12.50 Blended Marten, $18.50 Sable, $50.00 to $490.00 Christmas Sale Black Silks—Pean de Soie, Pean de Cygne, Paillet de Hole, Satin Kegence, Armure, Armure Bril lant and Grenadine—7sc, SI.OO, $1.25 to £i,oo Note the important values SI.OO $1.25, $1.50. Sheer Goods for drtssy gowns make a perfect gift. Sale of Silk Warp Crepe and Eolienne Black, Blues, Tans, Greens and other Street and Evening shades—sl.oo yard. Bong's & Buhl I Department X ALLEGHENY. PA. REMOVAL. Wc have removed our Marble and Granite chops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where wc will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are on Mouuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figurrs on Iron Fence, Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler CHRISTMAS BUYERS. Send in your orders now to avoid the Holiday rush. Orders sent in now will be packed, boxed and held subject to your order for shipment. The goods we sell we guarantee pure and wholesome— no need of goverment stamps if you bny of us. JtKASON No. 2. If yon deal with ns once you're satisfied von tell your friends that makes trade for ns We find It pays to give yon satisfaction THY US. ALWAYS IN STOCK KIMCII, I.AUUK. OVKHIIOI.T. UU HKIIIKIXKII, JIT. VICIISOS, TIIOSI'HOS, 111 HMOS, 111 1,1.1 SO Ml. IIUIIMJKPWHT. tttxl olTnr them to you 'I year old at tl per full quart, 11 quart* '*> GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE. wlilnlo y KuaranU i'd il y< ur* old, 4; 00 per icul lon \VV pity oxprodn clinrifeH on all mull orders of |>~'oo or over. Good* whipped promptly. OBT. LEWIN 4. CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS WIRES AHII LIQUORS, Son 14 Stnllhlleld Street, formerly 411 Wstcr Street. PITTSBURG, tk. 'Phones: Bell 217*. P. * A. I4M. & Fine Furs at Lowest Prices. 8 5 We show each a representation of style* and qnalities as ninst win : the unstinted approval of every customer. Short cluster scarfs with fi tails and long scarfs in Mink* Marten. Beaver Sable, Isabella Fox, Stone Marten and all other kinds of Fur. U Cluster Scarfs, 6 tails, at $1 00. $1.50, $-'s.oo, $4.00. m K Sable and Marten Scarfs, special, at s">.oo and $0 00. Jo Real Mink Scarfs, at SB.OO, $12.00, $ Real Beaver Scarfs, at SIO.OO, $12.00, $15.00, $25.00. $ SWELL MONTE CARLO COATS We feel justified in claiming for onr coats a sterling worth not to v ?? be approached at similar prices. 0» J Monte Carlos at $8 00, $lO 00. sl2 00. 815. Jackets $5 00, $7 50, $lO 00. A 2 WINTER UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY. £ 6 We guarantee the very best values in Underwear and Hosiery for Uk Men, Women and Children. Ladies fleece lined underwear, special JK I value. 25c. Ladies' fine wool underwear, special value, $1 00. Men's fleece lined underwear, speial value, 50c. Men's heavy wool under- wear, special value, $1 00. s' ■ " hibition of Fine Patterns and Hats of \ ~T~t'A i i | all il> M Tiptiutis A larger and better i selection r>i up t the best fitting, fln«st mab-rial and most stylish tine shoe on the market for the money. A complete line of Wtillsite Hotel Arlington. Christmas CxiFts. jTj What shall it be for Xmas? A Diamond, A Brooch, A Ring, A Silver Set, A Watch, A Jewel Case, A Fancy Toilet Set, A Clock or Kinves, Forks and F • Spoons. Probably one of my nice detatch- Ikm*'•/ able handled Umbrellas or Gold Headed • Cane for Father or friend. I have all these ar, d hund.eds of other pretty and useful articles which I will thank you to call and *!?'!!. 3 ~ see. All dealings strictly confidential. CARL H. LEIGHNER, Graduate Optician and Jeweler, 209 S. Main Street. BUTLER, PA. | Mellon National BanK of ritts.b\jr£,H Capital $2,000,000.00 When you travel abroad our letter of I credit adds comfort, convenience and I financial safety to your journey. It also serves to introduce you to our bankers abroad, who can be helpful to you in many ways. 514 Snithf.eld St., Pittsburgh, Pa. L ____ irau 11 ■l■ ■ IB ■ 111 ■■ 1 ■ -Jim„■: 1 Butler Savings Bank, BUTLER, PA. Capital, - $60,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - $255,000.00 WILLIAM CAMPELL. JR President I. HENRY TROCTMAN. . .Vice-President Louis B STEJN Cashier C. E. CRONENWETT Teller DIRECTORS—Wm. Campbell Jr., J. Ilcnrv Trouttnan. W. I). Brandon, W. A. Stein, J. ». Campbell. The Butler Savlnjts Bank Is the Oldest Ranking Institution in Butler County. General banking business transacted. We solicit accounts of oil producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All baslness entrusted to ua will receive orornpt attention. Interest uaUl on time deposits. THE Batler County National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in - J200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $140,000.00 Jos. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money I laned on approved security. We Invite you to open an account with this bank. IIIRECTORH— Hon. Joseph Hartman, Hon. W. S. Waldron, Dr. RT. M. Hoover. H. Mc fweeney, U. I*. Collins, I. O. Smith, Leslie I'. Ha/.iett, M. Klnegan, \V. 11. I.arkln, T. I*. ML 111 in, Dr. W. C. McOandless. Ben Mas seth. W. J. Marks. J. V. Kttts. A. L. Keiber TH K Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00. Surplus and Pro/its, $17,500.00. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Npeclal attention given to collections. OFFICERS: JOHN YOLINKINH President JOHN HUMPHREY Vice President C. A. 11A I LEY Cashier K. W. 11l NO IIA M Assistant Cashier J. F. HOTZLKR Teller DIRECTORS. John Younklns. I'. L Cieeland, E. E. Abrams.O. N. IK»yd, W. I-'. Metr.ger, Henry Miller, John Humphrey. Thos. Ilays, Levi M. Wise. Francis Murphy, H. Yeager, L>. 11. Campbell, A. ll.Harverand Han'L Younklns. Interest paid on time deposits. We respectfully solicit your business. SOMETHING NEVV^s> In the photograph line can be seen at the Findley Studio. The Artist Proof photograph on exhibition now, they are winners and please all who want an artistis picture Stop in and see them. Novelties for Holiday trade now ready. Broaches and buttons of all descriptions. Copying and enlarging. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236. P. O. H'd'g, Butler. (tranches—Mnrs and Kvsns City. Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do, Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy H. Q. PURVIH, I'll. O Both Phones. 318 8. Main St. Butler P«. ARE YOU GOING TO I BUI-D OR REMODEL j* ■ T1 T&U* //ALI .iT"! /'J !• * ,Z.J uSLi —.. ' Let us givo you a figure on tho Plumbing and Gas Fitting of your homo. WHITEhILL, I'l timber, H. MnluHt.. Both Phones Binding of Books Is our occupation. We put our entire time to studying the best and latest methods of doing our work. If you are thinking of having some work done in this line I am sure you will be well pleased if you have it done at Tfce Butler Book Binder), W. W. AMON, Prop. OPD. Court House. THE FIGURES of men are various and most of them are more or less out of propor tion; but a perfect figure is preserved to appear ance by the art of the tailor. We take the pains to lestore the form spoiled by nature, not to a dull uniformity, as it everyone must look alike, but toward har mony—clothes fo» in dividual. See our showing of the season's newest cloth. Aland, MAKER OF MEN S CLOTHES. PAROID READY OOFINQ. I )AROIl). The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core of each roll. 0 EPRESENTS the results of years of Experience and Kx perimenting. /)NLY requires painting every few years. Not when first laid. 1 S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. I \EMAND for PAROID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY other Facta. Maniple* and Prices are yonrs if yon will ask us. L C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. £2553=32 35H555m See the sign direct ly oppoilte the Postotflce, Theodore Yogeley, Kesl Estate and Insurance Agency. Z3H S. Mam St., Ilutter, Pa. ¥£ I f you have property in aelt, t nule, or rent or, wiinl- to Imy or'Jr rout cail. write or iilionu me. List Mailed Upon Application. L.C. WICK, DKAI.KB 111 LUHBER. CHiu.u>ltß'S ENGLISH lENNYROYAL PILLS fr. Altonv* ri'llnhlr I.»«•!«••, hrugtf(at foi « «114 IIM lllt « in Hrtl m»< «.«»M niNlalllr Ihiiini, wltlt lilum ril»b«>n. T ilir mi «lhrr. I(i fiui' <1 m atirrnni (i ll«in« i«n«l ImllMlloam. Ilinr of your f >rtigf lat, »« fo' Vnrllrulnra. Tllll' nifinlMU mi l ' 11. Ilvf f«»i l.willra," «m UtUt. »-v r«lurn 4nll. 10.000 I «*itlmofil*ia. I*/ nil fMrugfftrta riftrilKHl'KM (-11 KM fOA I, CO »!•« M*«lU«ia I'lllLA., VM |Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAnI; $ The Best Possible Time for Purchasing < > 0 Merchandise During the Winter Season j J X is the Immediate NOW! <|> / THE REASON; { * V We wish to clear up Winter lines of LADIES' SUITS, V V JACKETS, FURS, SKIRTS, WINTER DRESS GOODS, C* O TRIMMINGS and UNDERWEAR while the demand is (, > O great, and to make room for our immense Holiday stock, 4 > which is here and which is receiving additional supplies | 0 daily. Don't torget this is the best time also to make Q Holiday selections. And, speaking of Xmas gifts, do you know it's becoming more popular every year to make , . Sensible Xmas Gifts, J [ A SUCH AS < 1 . 4Furs, Coats, Dress Patterns, Gloves, Hand-' 1 4 kerchiefs, Millinery, Blankets and Haps. !t We have all these sensible articles as well as a *I * choice selection of Art Goods. Bric-a-brac. ;; Dolls and Xmas Novelties;: But about the- first mentioned articles—Jackets, Suits, * Skirts, Millinery, Furs, Dress Goods, Blankets, etc., —these < > lare not ordinary' values; it will need but a casual glance to i ► convince the most critical that we are offering unusual values i > at singularly low prices. { > LADIES'and MISSES'JACKETS! | / 11 Monte Carlo, Ripple Back, Norfolk | "*J I I Blouse and Coffee Coats. Price, Ji c i SB -5°- ? 10 -°°, U P to $35-°°- Styles ex- ! jj\ LADIES' AND MISStS' JACKET SUITS. ! ! '| ' / 1 Norfolk Suits, Blouse Suits, Jacke ' 1 / J * JF&W Suits and Walking Suits. Prices. sio.oo, , $11.50, sls .00 up to $40.00. See our Y <' M (GO© Special Suit, Silk lined Jacket, drop silk ( (' >\l //< * I skirt, $21,50. Exclusive styles. ( l^ !; Skirts ;[ , i Walking Skirts, Dress Skirts in Cloth, Cheviot, Silk, 1 % > Velvet and Novelty Mixtures. Prices, $3.98, $4.98, $6.00, , * , > up to $25.00. Styles exclusive. C FUR S j; Isabella Fox. Sable Fox, Mink, Marten and Russian Fox. | * All the popular Furs that are worn. We guarantee you a ' < > saving of 25 per cent, on furs. < > ; : CHILDREN'S COATS Qk\ \ j ( > Velvet Cords, jtJw\ 0 ! < > All new, stylish,' in design and colors. *O/ f >1 > 4 ► Sizes 1 yeav to 6 years. • \ ( > Sizes 4 years tp 14 years. 1 J . Prices $1.50 ■ . ( > A big range to choose from. j > All goods we show are the kind that are made for the best retail trade at prices that meet the most moderate ( i 1 I means. W® ask you to pay our store a visit of inspection. ( j Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. < > KiKKSßutler, Pa. . i Holiday Gifts SometliiuK new in I'ocket Books, all Biases and prices for Ladies nml Gentlemen. Wo frame pictures and do It correctly, largest line in But ler, a picture in a nice Rift. Stationary in fancy boxes, just the thing you are looking for. See our line of IDO.'t Wail Paper. No trouble to show tfoods. Patterson Bros' 2:ifl N. Main St. Phone 40(1. • Wick Building j MAYS & DAVIS Wliole»nle Oetilei-H the jj Finest oF Luciuors, A 1 ess, Beers o ncl Wi rfes. ' Medlclnul Trade Kppeclnlly Solicited. People's Phone 578 Hell Phone 21S | 322 Soutli Main St., Hutlcr, Pa. I FOR OVER A QUARTER OF | A CENTURY I If I! • \\ J[ We have been supplying this section with the best and purest o liquors in the market,whether for medicinal,social or household j; purposes. Our name on every bottle is a guarantee that the •if contents are absolutely pure, and to be relied upon. Here are ■; some of our list to select from: jj \l Silver Ago Rye, 8 years old, bottled In bond or out of bond. j| $1.50 per full quart. II Guckonheimer, Finch, Overholt, Dillinger, or any other lead- jj Ing whiskey, SI.OO per quart, or 6 quarts for $5.00. \\ || Cabinet Pure Rye. 4 years old, $3.00 per gallon, j! Possum Pure Rye, 3 years old. $2.50 per gallon. • ! Wines, Gins. Rums and Brandies. 50c, 75c and $1 per quart, n We handle only pure liquors, and our stock is complete f * with every assortment and brand. Send for catalogue and X I price list mailed free, and then let us have you Holiday order, X ! Max Klein, jj WHOIvESAbE bIQUORS. I 822 Federal St., - Allegheny, P«. |