IE CITIZEN. .I.IAM 0. NEGLEY - - Public r THURSDAY, DECEMBER iS, 1902. $1.60 per year in Advance, Otherwise $1 JO. CTUKKENT EVENTS. V The conviction of Policemen McGrady for th& shooting of John Bitte. alia- Miller. came as a surprise to most of our people, last week, and, perhaps, some of our attorneys will take excep tion to Judge Wilson's ruling that a policeman cannot arrest for a misde meanor excepting on sight of tbe offense committed, or on warrant for the same. But be that as it may the shooting of an escaping prisoner, accused only of a misdemeanor, could not be justified, under the law, and McGrady was con victed and sentenced. An effort will be made to secure Mc- Grady's pardon. The annual gathering of the teachers in Butler, reminds many of us that we missed tbe most interesting, important and responsible period of human exist ence by neglecting to teach school. All the great men this country has produced have, at some period of their lives, taught school, and thereby laid the foundation for their future great ness The voung men attending the Insti tute, this week, will be our future legislators, governors and presidents no others need apply—and as for the young ladies, they are destined to be the happiest of wives. 1 All the rosds of Butler county have been either too rough or too smooth, this week, owing to an unusual combi nation of frost and moisture, and that remainds us that this is a good time to talk about roads—good roads. Penn sylvania is far behind several of the states in the matter of roads, and we see it stated that Senator Sproul of Del aware county will have a road bill ready for the next legislature to consider. His plan, is the creation of a state highway commission composed of three persons, with a State engineer. It is proposed that the commission shall work with the County Commissioners, and that the expense of construction shall be divided between the state, the county and the township. An appro priation of six millions is contemplated, but only one million is to be expended in a year. This is moderate. A million dollars spread about the state every twelve months in connection with the money provided by the localities affect ed would make a most excellent start, but what is the matter with spreading tbe Flinn road bill oyer the state. It has done wonders In Allegheny county. The railroad in Cuba from Havana to Santiago, has been completed and open ed for traffic and travel. It was built by Americans and with American capi tal. It traverses the central part of the island and is called the "Back-bone railroad. What the Cubans will do with it, and how they will treat the owners of the road remains to b« seen. The ingratitude they have shown their benefactors ought to teach this Nation not to interfere too brashly in the pun ishment now being given by the Eng lish and Germans to the same blood in Venezuela—a mixture of Spanish, na tive and negro—and which they proba bly deserve. In medical circles the visit of Dr. Lor *" en z, the celebrated Vienna Specialist, to this country has made a sensation. He is a "dry surgeon" or osteopath; and be ginning with the unheralded operation on the daughter of a Chicago million oire, for which he is said to have receiv ed a fabulous fee, he has traveled ex tensively and has operated on many persons, but not on one per cent of those who have sought his services. It is probable that very many people never heard of congenital hip dislocation un til he arrived, and the number who were suddenly found to be suffering from this cause has been a matter of as tonishment. Of course they are not many compared with the eighty mil lions of inhabitants of the country, but they aggregate a large number and the public has been touched at the knowl edge of their miseries. That so many cures are possible by tbe Lorenz method is a glad surprise, since most of the yic tims have hitherto been doomed to life- lout? affliction. He is not a miracle worker, as some seem to think, but simply a surgeon of great intelligence, large experience and phenomenal strength, who performs feats that have hitherto been supposed impossible. The fact that the whole country has been interested in his work shows how strong is the feeling of sym pathy for the suffering, a feeling which finds its expression every year in the many millions that are voluntarily giv en to help suffering humanity. The coercion of Venezuela by the English and Germans has become of moment to the United States. What is known in diplomacy as a "pacific blockade" was established on Wednesday of last week and cn the same day three Venezuelan gunboats going in to the harbor La Guayra were seized with their crews,numbering over three hundred men. They are reported to have been taken out to sea and two of them sunk, under circumstances which have not been made quite clear. The British have disclaimed responsi bility for this act; which it would be difficult to justify, and which is said ie have been committed by the Germans. While these things were happening on the sea coast Castro was firing the popular heart with inflammatory procla mations at the capital. One of his first acts after the presentation of the ulti matum was to order the arrest of all the German and British subjects in the country. In some of the reports this is said to have been done in retaliation for the seizure and destruction of the Vene zuelan vessels, but other dispatches in dicate that the arrests had taken place before such seizure and destruction had become known. However that may be, they were improper, and Minister Bowen succeeded in persuading Castro to annul them. All of the arrested persons were subsequently released. x Whether the German and British Con suls, each of whom is a Venezulelan citizen, who were arrested at Puerto Caliello, have also been set at liberty remains in doubt. On Friday things took another and a surprising turn. Minister Bowen cabled the information to the Department of State at Washington that he hud been asked by President Castro tc act as mediator between Venezuela and the powers pressing for a settlemet. He was instructed in reply that he was at liberty to act in that capacity, but that it was to lie distinctly understood that in any negotiations instituted by him looking toward a settlement of the ex iting controversies by means of arbi tration he was representing Venezuela { and not the United States. In other] words, Mr. Bowen may interjiose his good offices in behalf of Venezula in this connection, jnat as in another con nection ho is doing what he can to pro tect the interests of Germany and Great Britain. On Saturday British and German veef'ls opened fire on the forts at Puerto | Cal#*llo and soon destroyed them. On Monday Italy announced that she, also, had some claims against Vene zuela, and sent some warships to take part in the "pacific blockade." On Tuesday Secretary Hay cabled to Ambassador Tower at Berlin to ask the German Government to define for this [ country exactly what is meant by a ' 'peaceful blockade." Everywhere the English go in this this world they improve the country- Their latest feat in that direction is the building of an immense dam, a mile and half long, across the Nile in upper Egypt. They are the virtual masters of that country now, and they want to in crease its value. The dam was begun several years ago, and was formally de clared opened or finished a few days ago. The purpose is so to regulate the flow of the Nile that tbe immense mass of water which used to run to waste will be impounded, so that it may be drawn upon as needed. All the sluices will be closed from December to March after the annual floods have passed and at a time when the water is free from the silt which serves such a valuable end in fertilizing the Egyptian valley. When the natural reservoir formed by the river banks is full, which will generally happen early in March, enough of the top sluice gates will be opened to let through the daily flow. In May, when the agricultural demand for water ex ceeds the normal supply, other gates will be opened and through that month and June the accumulated store of water will be gradually distributed. By July all the sluice gates will be open to permit the passage of the flood and they will remain open from that time until the shall have subsided. Then they will be closed again and the same round of operations repeated. There can be no doubt as to the im mense beneSt which this great work will confer upon the Egyptian people. In itself it constitutes a convincing vin dication of the occupation of Egypt by Great Britain, an occupation which has been in every way an unquestioned blessing to those immediately concerned. POLITICAL. Frank M. Fuller of Fayette for Secre tary of the Commonwealth: W. B. Rod gers of Pittsburg for Attorney General, and Geo. Von Bonhorst of Allegheny county for Commissioner of Banking, is reported to be Gov. Pennypacker's pros pective cabinet. Fifty-one years ago Galusha A. Grow went to Congress from a district of this state, as the successor of David Wilmot of "proviso" fame. He was Speaker of the House during the first two years of the Civil War; he is now an Octogena rian and it is understood that his speech last week, on an educational bill was his valedictory. Policeman McGrady Convicted. When the trial of Policeman James McGrady commenced last Thursday, no more than ordinary interest was taken in it, but before its finish circumstances had arisen which made it extremely in teresting, memorable and somewhat spectacular. ' The charge against McGready was manslaughter' for the killing of John Bitte, alias Edward Miller, aboilermak er employed at the car works, who orig inally came from Cincinnati, where he had been a ward politician and office holder. The evidence in the case showed that McGrady had been called to the Angert boarding house on the Island by a mes sage from Mrs. Angert to arrest Bitte who was drunk and had beaten Phil Brady, another boader, in front of the house; and a short time afterward re turned and renewed the quarrel in the the house after Mrs. Angert had order ed him to leave. It was while he was fighting in the house that McGrady was called from his own home which is across the street from Angert's. He found Bitte in front of tbe house; Mrs. Angert asked the Policeman to ar iest him: McGrady asked her if she would appear against Bitte, she said yes and he then made the arrest; Bitte walked a few steps quietly with the of ficer, when the latter tried to put hand cuffs on him; Bitte then resisted and asked why he had been arrested; he was told for disorderliness; Bitte said "I'll not stand for that;' grappled with Mc- Grady, took away his mace, knocked him down and started to run. He had gone but a few steps when McGrady raised partly from the ground, called to Bitte to stop and then fired. The bullet struck him in the left side and passed into the lower part of the plural cavity, severving an artery and Bitte died in the Butler Hospital the next day. The witnesses for the Commonwealth were mostly companions and fellow boarders with Bitte, one of whom testi fied that he was opposed to "law and order." The unexpected part of the trial came when District Attorney Henninger raised the point that McGrady's arrest of Bitte was not a legal one because the officer had no warrant, which alone would have justified him in arresting a man whom he did not see committing anv offence, and did know had commit ted one, and that Bitte had a right to use what ever force was necessaay to regain his liberty from the officer, and MeGrady had no more right tc arrest or shoot Bitte than any private citizen had. Judge Harry D. Wilson of Clarion, who presided at the trial, sustained the District Attorney, ruling that an officer without a warrant can arrest only when ho sees or knows a violation of an ordi nance or a misdimeanor committed by the prisoner or has suspicion that a felony has been committed He then instructed the jury according to the facts, adhering closely to the law, and McGrady's conviction followed Friday afternoon. This was a surprise to the public. A motion for a new trial was at once made by Attorneys McQuistion, Forquer, Painter and Murrin, Mc- Grady's counsel. One of the points raised was that since the trial com menced it was learned that one jury man had remarked that he would stay out till he rotted rather than see Mc- Grady acquitted. The motion was argued Friday evening. A crowd filling the court room to the walls during the session. The argument was continued until Saturday afternoon when Judge Wilson refused a new trial, called Mc- Grady to the Bar, and after remarking on the seriousness of the offence and the officer's evident innocenoe of wrong in tent and supposition that he was acting according to his duty, fined him SSOO and sent him to jail for two and one half years. McGrady is now in jail. General sympathy is expressed for him and an effort will undoubtedly be made to secure his pardon. He has a wife and family of little children living on West street. Concord Township. The entertainment given bv the pupils of Troutman school netted $35 dollars. The proceeds were devoted to a benevol ent purpose. Miss Cora Campbell of the "Valley" has charge of the school. Linn Christie of Greece City and Mrs. Maggie Korn of Hooker are both on the sick list, each suffering from an attack of typhoid fever and Miss Lizzie Black a sufferer from the same disease is report ed to lie convalescent. Maud Stewart, ltose Shook and Edna Caldwell, students of the North Wash ington academy, are again at home and will spend their Holiday vacation with their parents. Lewis Sutton of Magic was called to West Virginia last week by the death of his mother. Win. Jackson is in a critical condition caused by an abscess of the liver. Work on the new railroad seems to be hard on horse as several have lately given up the ghost owing to natural causes. No new developments worthy of note have been made in the oil field since the bringing in of the duster on E. 11. Cnmberlin. Attention is now fixed to Schoenfelds new venture on Starr heirs some distance east and south of the 4th sand pool. INSTITUTE. Tbe 4*th annual Institute of the Teachers of Bntler county convened Monday with County Supt. Painter as president, City Supt. Gibson as vice president and Prof. V. K. Irvine as Secretary. Rev. Worrell opened the institute with prayer at 1:30 p. in. Dr. E. L. Wasson delivered an address ot welcome which was responded to by Allen W. Kelly of Ean Claire academy. Lewis D. Bonebrake, State Commission er of Education in Ohio, returned this year to brighten the faces and gladden the hearts of the pretty Butler county lassies with fatherlv advice, and brought with him Dr. F. B. Dyer, Dejn of Ox ford, Ohio State Normal School, whose talks on geographical and kindred sub jects are most interesting and instruc tive. Prof. R. V. Stratton of this city con ducted the singing, Monday. Rev. Dorsev N. Miller and wife of Mull Hall' Pa., who had been engaged for the week, not arriving until evening. Rev. Miller is an excellent singer himself and a verv acceptable leader. Monday evening Alton Packard of Boston, cartoonist, etc.. entertained the teachers and public in the Park Theatre. Tuesday's morning session was open ed with prayer by Rev. S. M. Mountz State Supt. N. S. Schaeffer spoke twice Tuesday, his subjects being in the morning Clay, Webster. Calhoun and Everts, in the afternoon Louis Napo leon and Maximillian. Wednesday Rev. Nicholas made the opening prayer. Dr. Moss of the Cali ifornia Normal and Dr. Maltby of Slip peryrock Normal, spoke, the former on primary teaching and the latter on civics and questioning. Tuesday was the only day the vener able Supt. Schaeffer could spend with the local teachers, but the other in structors continue throughout the week. Rev. Enterline of the Baptist church conducted the devotional services this morning. This afternoon the school directors of the county, 375 in number, are convening in the Park Theatre They were called to order by Pres. G. D. Swain of Harmony. Addresses will be made by Dr. Maltby, Dr Moss, Dr. H. D. Hockenberry. A. L. Brown, Rev. James E. Miller and W. Z. Murrin.Esq. The evening entertainments are excel lent. Tuesday Dr. Edward Hagerman's subject was "Don't Kill the Black Sheep." Wednesday evening the Lotus Glee Club appeared and this evening Dr. D. F. Fox of Chicago, lectures on "A Neglected Cavalier." There are no ticket punchers this year but the enrollment card given each teacher solemnly binds them to make a truthful return of their exact hours of attendance, five and one-half hours to be a full day's attendance. They re ceived their usual teaching wages for each day unless this amounts to more than s2"per day, that being the limit paid for institute attendance. Notes. That Butler welcomes the school teachers is shown by the fact that. Supt. Painter had offers of boarding and lodg ing for over 500 or 200 more than was necessary. Prof. H. D. Pyott, principal of the Franklin-Prospect High School, is at tending Institute. Prof. Pyott has a very successful school. Thirty-six pa pils are attending. Six will graduate next spring. Miss Letitia Barnes of Slipperyrock is assistant teacher. Tuesday afternoon the Committee on Legislation,consisting of R. S. Penfield. Chicora; H. D. Pyott, Prospect; C. E. Honk, E. W. Campman, Evans City; E. D. Baker, Zelienople; L. T. Hall, But ler and O. F. Dombert, Harmony, con ferred with State Supt. Sohaeffbr, on salaries, township hignschools, etc. Carbon Black. Miss Stella Kelly left this week for an extended visit to Greensburg. Mr. Walton of Greensbnrg, Pa., was a visitor in our town. Catherine McKee and Bess len of West Winfield, who are attend ing the Cabot Institute, have taken rooms at the home of Dr. Scott. One of oar aged citizens, Robert Smith, had a narrow escape this week from being struck by the pay car. Rebecca Burtner after two weeks visit with her parents of Butler has re turned to the home of her aunt, Mrs. H. C. Keasey. Mrs. J. M. Scott and Master Willis Scott contemplate spending Xmas with their daughter and sister, Mrs. O. G. Craushaw of Dawson. Lulu Keasey, who is attending the Cabot Institnte, was called home last week by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. G. Keasey. Grace Smith is going to spend a few days in Butler during Institute. There is to be a masquerade party to be given at Academy hall, Friday, Dec. l'Jth, every one is requested to come masked or the penalty will be a fine not exceeding 10c. Refreshments will be served free. Admission 10c and 25c. Viola Scott has been slightly ill this last week. The public school teachers of this place, Miss Kennedy and Mr. McCnl lough surprised their scholars Friday by giving them a sumptuous treat. The literary entertainment preceeding this was highly entertaining and instructive and was largely attended by the citizens of the town. Kate Black of Butler will be enter tained by Helen Scott during Xmas vacation. Mrs. Richard Shimmel has been ill for a few days. Hobel Acre on the Diamond Block is doing a flourishing business. Tiic Italic o 1 ISetlileheni. Nineteen hundred years ago the B*be of Bethlehem was born. . This world awoke from darkness into a bright and glorious morn; The wise men from the East followed a bright and guiding star—it seemed so far away. At last it stood still above the stable where Christ our Saviour lay. The Shepherds Haw sights that night that we should love to see, The stars together Bang in sweetest har mony; They heard those blessed words, "peace on earth, good will to men," For unto us this day a Savior is born. Babe of Bethlehem. Nor did ho make his advent with pomp and great display; No he was born in a stable and his soft est bed was hay. At his second coming every eye shall Him behold; And he will judge the earth in rightous ness we're told. On the great last day when on the earth He will appear, The wicked snail stand before him in trembling and fear; But the rightous will rejoice, saying, hallalnla, amen; It is Christ our blessed Savior, the Babe of Bethlehem. AT-EX M. HAYS. H. G. Allison, Funeral Director, Bakerstown, Pa. I have purchased a new funeral car from L. (ileasenkamp & Sons, Pittsburg, and have every thing up to dale. Telephone in residence. h. (i. ALLISON, Bakerstown, Pa. WANTKI) nun to s*;U Glpny Horse and |ooooooooo HIMSS CASTINGS OF AH. KINDS 1 > { 1 > MADE TO ORDER. i > < I > REAR OF CAMPBELL'S MACMINh \ * '|' SHOP. E. WAYNE ST . Jt . I BUTLER, PA. V PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS^ En. NEGLEY, • ATTORN* EY AT LAW. Office 'n the Negley Building, West Diamond RP. SCOTT, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office on second floor of Armorj Building, Butler, Pa. AT. SCOTT, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But ler, Pa. HH. GOUCHER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Wise buildine POULTER & BAKKR, V ATTORNEYS AT LAW Room 8., Armory buildin*. JOHN W. COULTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Wise building, N. Diamond St., Butlei Special attention given to collections and business matters. Reference: Butler Savings Bank, or Butler County National Bank T D. McJUNKIN, O, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Reiber building, cornei Main and E. Cunningham Sts. Entrance on E. Cunningham. 1 B. BKEDIN, •J • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court House. EVERETT L. RAUSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 257 South > Street, Butler, Pa. Fisher Building. First door on South Main street, next my former office in Boyd Building. PHYSICIANS, fILARA E. MORROW. D. 0., V GRADUATE BOSTON COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY. Women's diseases a specialty. Con sultatian and examination free. Office Hours, 9to 12 m., 2 to 3 p. m. People's Phone 573. 1/6 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. Hemorrhoids and Chronic D seases a Specialty. TIT H. BROWN, M. D . \\ • 236 S. Main Street, iiutler, Pa. Office Hours:—9 to 11 a. m., Ito 3 and 6 to 8 p- m. T C. BOYLE, M. D. FJ • EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT, Bickel Block, South Main St. Office hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 3to 5 and L to 9 p. m. DR. E. L. WASSON, Formerly of Callery. Richev Building, 144 S. Main St. Of fice hours until 9a. m.,ito 3 p. in. and 7 to 9 p. ni. OFFICE DAYS. Tuesday and Kriday atfernoons at which time special attention will be given to DISEASES of WOMEN. Night calk re ceived at resid nee 42S Mifflin St. Both Phones. M. ZIMMERMAN T• PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office No. 45, S. Main street, over City Pharmacy. T R. HAZLETT, M. D., L. 106 West iJiamond, Dr. Graham's former office. Special attention-g 1 ven to Eye, Nose and Throat. People's Phone 564 OAMUELM. BIPPUS, U PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 200 West Cunningham St. DR. J. C. ATWKI/L, After Feb. Ist- Office in Martin court building—2nd floor. Hours 7 to 9 a. m. and 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. E. H. MF.BKI.EY. JOUA FOSTER. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Rooms 9 and 10 Stein Building. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, con sultation and examination free. DENTISTS. DR. H. A. MCCANDLESS, DENTIST. Office in New Mnrtincourt Building, 1 S. Main St., (adjourning Dr. Atwell's office.; HW WICK, • DENTI3T. Has located in the new Stein building, with all the latest devices for Dental work. DR. V. H. McALPIN, DENTIST, Room 6, Bickel Block, Main St., Butler. OR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston. DENTIST Office at No 114 E. Jeflerson St., over G. W. Miller's grocery T J. DONALDSON, RJ • DENTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted 011 the latest improved plan. Gold Fillings a spec ialty. Office next to pofitoffice. DR. J. WILBBRT Mckßß, SURGEON DENTIST. Office over C. E. Miller's Shoe Store, 215 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. DR. J. 'C. AISKR, DENTIST. All work done by tlie latest improved methods. Gold, Aluminum, Celluloid and Rubber plates. Gold, Silver and Cement filling guaranteed to give satis faction. Crown and Bridge work. Kx tiaction of teeth absolutely painless by an entirely new preparation which is perfectly safe and harmless. 134 S. Mam St., Butler, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS. 11' M. 11. WALKKR, TT SURVHYOR, Residence 214 W. Pearl St., Butler, Pa. 41 P. L. McQUISTfOfcr, V. Civil, ENGINBBR AND SURVKVOR. Oflice near Court House. TJAMKS DODOS, • LICENSED ADCTIONKHR Inquire at Slierifl'soffice or 426 Mifflin St. Butler I'a. I P. WALKER, I j. NOTARY PUBLIC, BUTI.HR, PA. Oflice in Postal Telegraph building, S. Main street, next door to "CITIZHN" office MARSH ROOT No better combination, as we prepare it, could be formulated to act more spe cifically upon the Kidneys and Liver than Marsh Root. As a Liver Invigor ator Marsh Root is now a conceded faet, and where tho Liver is torpid and sluir tfish Constipation manifest, the body tired, the eyes blurred, and weakened, the complexion poor, a sensation of dull headaches, and laDK"or prevailing, Marsh Root will overcome them. As to the Efficacy of Marsh Root, and its fight against Kidney Diseases, yon can be your own judge if yon are an af flieted, and if it fails to relieve or euro you, take the bottlo bark to your Drug gist and he will five you your money back. Marsh Root stands for the cure of Inflammation or Catarrh of the Bladder, Blocked Kidneys, Scalding Urine, Rheumatic (lout. Gravel, Uric Acid, etc. The organs that require the most careful attention (and are the most often neglected, and the human filters or strainers the Kidneys, and therefor doubly require your attention. I>o not ili'luy wlii'n tlie Kldm y machinery iici-d* repair. lio nut allow a brciik ilnwn to no along wiicn It Is too late "A stitch In time saves nine." fn W discs out of every Hi". 11 bottle uf Miirsli Knot for a small outlay will relleyo you of your trouble and worry. For sale only at Reed s Pharmacy Cor. Main and Jeflerson Sts., Butler, Pa R-R-TIME-T ABLES It A: O It It Trains leave Butler for Allegheny. j local time, at 6:25, 8:05. 9:15. and 11:40 a. m. and 4:00, and 5:50, p. m The 9:15 11:40 a.m. and 4 p m. trains make the run in 1 hour and 20 minutes. The 8:05 a. m. and 4.00 p. m. trains con nect atCallery for points West, the 1:40 as far west as Ell wood and the 6:00 to New Castle. Trains leave Butler for Bradford at 9:30 a.m.. and for Clarion at 5:15 p.m. Trains arrive in Butler from Alle gheny 9:10, 9:25 a. 111. and 12:13, 2:45, 4:55. 7:07 and 7:45 p.m: from Cleveland at 7:45 aud from the North at 9:00 a.m. and 3:50 p. m. The Theatre train now leaves Alle gheny daily at 11:30 p. m. and is due in Butler at 1:00 a.m. On Sundays trains leave Butler for Allegheny at 8:05 a m and 4:00 and 5:50 p.m., and arrive at 9:15 a.m. and 4:55 and 7:07 p. m. and from the west at 7:45. Trains leave the Allegheny station for Butler at 7:35,10:45 a.m., and 1:15, 5:30, 6:15 and 11:30 p.m. and Pittsburg sta tion at 7:50 a.m. On Sunday at 7:35 a. m. and s:3oand 11:30 p.m., and from the B. 82010 30 300 610 Sharpaburg ■> 43 ( 8 33 10 43 i 3 13 Jr6 23 Ci-iremont . ' 8 42 10 60 ....... Springdale | ....[ SI 00 11 07 1 6 47 Tarentum 7 13: 9 11 11 18 3 40 4 <56 Natrona. 7 It, 9 18 11 25 3 43 7 01 Butler Junction.. .arrive 7 2'.' 9 27 1' 35 351 7 10 Butler Junction leave 7 35 9 44 12 30 4 05 7 10 Saxonburg 8 06 10 11 1 00 4 41 7 35 BUTLKK arrive 8 34.10 35] 1 28 5 13 8 01 A. M. I A.M.! P. Ml'. MP. M SUNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But lei and principal intermediate stations at 7:00 a m. and 9-30 p. m. FOB THE EAST. Weeks Days. Sundays A.M. A.M. P. M. A.M. P M BrTLBII Iv 62510 35 236 72V Butler J'ct ar 72711 33 325 8 10' Butler J'ct lv 72911 35 351 8 14 ; Feeport ar 73211 38 35 1 817 Kskimlnetas J't.. 73811 45 359 8 23: .... Leechhurg. '• 752 11 5714 13 8 3fl .... Paul ton (Apollo).... 41 . 815 12 16' 433 8 57' .... Saltsburg ." ! 84412 42 503 923 .... Blairsville 920 116 540 962 .. . Blairsville Int " 927 IZi 647 10 (X> ! Allooua M 11 36 545 860 150 . .. Harrisburß " 31010 00 100 646 Philadelphia " 623 .... 426 10 17 IP. M. A. M A. M.||P. M.| P. M Through tralus for the ea». ni. "r" on Hlk'iui! to take on i»aiwuger9 lor Taron tuiu and pointa beyond. Koi detailed information, apply to ticket agent or addreas Thoa. K. Watt, Pua. Agt. Western District, Corner Filth Avenue and Smith Held Street, Pittsburg, Pa. J B. HUTCHIHOK, J. It WOOD Oerer*! M<*n, Pss»». 4 . BESSEMER & LAKE ERIE K.R. CO. Time table in effect Nov. 23. 1902. CENTRAL TIME One hour slower than town time. northward. Daily except Sunday. Southward Kcad up) (Itaad down) 2 TO M STATIONS! 1 » 11 P.M. I' M iP.M.I A.M.. am fi 1M 1 (IH Krio i 6 10 II 60 5 53 12 i'.l Fair-view f> 12 25 j 5 U 12 2'J Uirard G 4« 12 38 ! 5 52 1 43 ar.. Connoaut.. .ar H 4'." 1 43 4 25 11 15 It.. Uonneaut.. .lvj 6 £> 11 15 5 25 12 10 rraiicflville ; 5 '2O 12 05 Albion 7 09 1 00 : 4 59 11 s** SpriußlMno ! , 7 24 1 15 4 63 11 44 (Viimcautville 7 30 1 211 4 33 11 26 Muadville Junct. | 7 52 1 4J 1 !56712 01 ar.. Meadville.. ar 'I 8 2H| 2 M 3 43 10 42 lv, Meadville.. .lv ! « 45 1 00 I 5 30 11 34 ar. .Comi.Ltike. HI ; | S 00 152 ; 4 22; tl 10 lv " lv 6 30| 1 28 ; 4 ar..Lineaville ~nr 9 25! 11 00 lv •' lv 7 OS 11 <0 416 11 O&JlarUtown i iBO3 1 ftfl 4 11 1! 031 AduniMVille i 8 OS 2 02 4 02,10 KijOagood I 8 IK 2 12 0 101 3 55H0 47 Greenville 6 00; » 24 2 6 0:1 3 43 10 40 Hlienango 6 12 8 3l 2 30 5 4."i 3 avio 21 ! Froduniu 6 29 K 47 2 49 6 30 3 II 10 ofi Mercer 6 41 » 03 3 Oil 15 24 3 00 10 01 llouaton Junction « 07 3 lo 5 05 2 49 9 41 Grove City 7 CM'. 9 25 3 2!l 4 54 9 25;Harriavllle 7 111 13 42 4 47 231 0 17 Branrhton 7 23 9 42 3 4!l 6 30 1 0 27 ar...Milliard... ar 10 27 10 27 5 30 g 30 B lo lv. ..Milliard, 6 10 6 10 2 30 14 43 T2 Zh II 1.3 Kelater 7 27 P.I 44 3 52 I t 2* fit 15 8 •> Euclid 7 43 10 00 4 08 4 00 1 50 825 llutler 8 10 10 25 4 ,15 2 15 12 Ift ti 3ft Allegheny 0 40 12 00 6 20 pin I pm ant , a.m. pm p.m Train 12, having Orovo City 5.35 u. in.. Mercer s:«s. Greenville «:42, Conneautvllle 7:48, Albion s-io. arrives at Krie »:12 a. m. Train 13, leaving Krle 3:58 p. m. Albion 5:05, Conneautvflle 5;25, Greenville 6.Z1 Mercer 7 01 arrives at Grove Oity at 7:27 pin, E. D. COMSTOCK, W. R TUKNKR. Gen. Pass. Agt, Tkt Agt., Butler, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa >Viuli«'lj 445 " Winfleld Junction 10 16 455 " Iron liridge 10 25 505 " ArHvv Wnt Winfleld - «. ;, „t mi l It 'll Mild,:- only on Flag to take on or leave off pa*»M-i»K««r». Ti mUN Connect at Butler Junction with: TraluH Eastward for Froeport, Vandcrgrift and ItluiiMvill«* Intemection. Trains Westward for Natroim, Tart'iituw and AHe glwiiy. Truinit Northward for Saxonhurg, Delano and Hutler. IJ. ii. HKAI.OH, Cienttral Maiiagnr. Mars Boiler Works. All sizes of STATIONARY, PORTABLE and UPRIGHT BOILERS always in stock for sale or exchange. Repair work promptly attended to, S. H. ROBERTS. Bell Phone No. « Mars, People's Phone No. 11. Pti M. C. WAGNEK ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER 131) Soutli Main St. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. In the District, Court of the United States for the Western l'tstrlot of Pennsylvania. Charles Wilson Pearce of Trail, Hutler county, l'a.. a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July I. lw>. having applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act. nottee Is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons In Interest, to appear t>efore the said Court at Pittsburg. In said District, on the sth day of January. MOO, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not t>e granted, WILLIAM T. LINDSF.Y. ClerW. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Connty Commissioners at Butler, Pa., on December 20th until 13 m. for the construction of the masonry of the following bridges: Goehring bridge, over Connoqueness ing creek in Forward township, and what is known as the Likens bridge, over Wilson run in Jackson township, i Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the County Commission ers, Court House. Butler. Pa., on or after December 13th. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Proposals will be opened on December 30th at one o'clock p. in. J. J. MCGARYEY. SOLOMON DUNBAR, JOHX A. EICHERT, Attest: County Commissioners. J. C. KISKADDON, Clerk Commissioners' Office, Butler, Pa., Dec. 9, 1903. Notice of Meeting. The forty third general meeting of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Ftannahstown and vicinity will be held on Saturday, Jan. 10, 1903, at 1 o'clock p. m.. at the former creamery building in Marwood (formerly Delano). All members are cordially invited to at tend. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Report of the Company affairs by the President and Secretary. 3. Reading of the Constitution, if de sired 3. Presentation of the annual accounts of the Company for the inspection of the members. 4. Election of directors to serve for 15 years, etc. F. W. WITTE, Pres. ALPHONSE KRAUSE, Sec. Dec, 17, 1903. Notice to Stockholders. The aunual meeting of the Worth Mutual Fire Ins. Co. of Butler Co., Pa , will be held in the school house at West Libert}*, on the 3nd Saturday of Jan uary, 1903, being the 10th day, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. JAMES HUMPHREYS, Pres., S. J. TAYLOR, See., R. F. D 58, Slipperyrock, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Sarah A. Gibson, dee'd., late of Alle gheny tp., Butler Co., Pa..persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby requested to come forward and pay such indebtedness and any having claims against tlie same will please present them duly authenticated for settlement to J. C. GIBSON, Adm'r.. R. F. D. 67, Parkers Landing, Pa. S. F. &A. L. BOWSER, Att'ys. 12-18-02 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate Ellen Kelly, dee'rt., late of Franklin township, Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to JOHN C. KELLY, Adm'r.. Prospect, Pa. J. M. THOMPSON, Att'y. 12-18-02 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Joseph Johnston, dee'd , late of Mercer twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be indebt ed to said estate will please make im mediate payment and those having claims against the estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to WM. P. BRAHAM, Adm'r., Harrisville, Pa. JAS. B. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 11-20-02 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Horace Pearce, deceased, late of But ler borough, Butler Co , Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to CHAS. E. PEARCE, Adm'r., 721 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa. J. D. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 11-13-02 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOT CE. Letters of administration on the estate ot Solomon S. Mays, dee'd., late of Fair view twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment, and any person or persons having claims against said estate arc requested • ) present the same duly authenticated fir settlement to JACOB M. PAINTER, Adm'r., Butler, Pa. W. Z. MURRIN, Att'y. 11-13-02 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of, John Cypher, Sr., dee'd., 'ate of Win tield twp., RutlecCo., Pa., having been ranted to the undersigned, all persons towing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment and any having claims against said < state will present them duly authenti cated to A. C. Moskr, Ex'r., Marwood, Pa. J M. Gai.hrkaTH, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate if George H. Scott, dee'd., late of (takland township, Butler county Pa., I'iving been granted to ;he under signed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present tliem duly authenticated for settlement to James Rankin, Adm'r., R. F. D. No. 20, Saxonburg, Pa. A. B. C. McFaki.and, Att'y. Curry College, I'lttsburg. Pu. FORTY-THIRD YEAR. Catalogue mailed on application. J. 11. WALLACE, Ph. M., President. AGENTS AGENTS $I 000 000 DEPOSITED With the Htute of lowa to Protect Policies. Wo write more ten-year investment en dowment contracts than all other companies com hi nod: ages sto f JO; no examination; no prohibited occupat Ions; want agents In every city in Pennsylvania. Northwestern Life andHavlngi Co., I«XHJ Keystone Building. Plttaburtf, Pa. TH6 L}OTM=K CITIZBN. SI.OO per your If paid In advance, otherwise |l Jiwlll becnarged. Aiivrktisinii Uatbs One Inch. one 11 rue $1 .lull subsequent Insertion - r »0 cents each A iditors' and divorce notices H each; ©xec n Mrs'and adnilnlstrators' notices s.l each e.tray anil dissolution notices JS each. ltead |i • notices 10cents a line for llrst and Scents f.( each subsequent Insertion. Notices a onKlocal news Items ir> cents a line for e i.-h In sertlon. Obituaries, cards of thanks r- olutlons of respect, notices of festivals and fairs, etc.. Inserted at I he rate of 5 cents n line, money to accompany the order, .'even \. rds of prose make a line. U.ites for standing cards and Job work ou i: ,•(Mention. All advertising Js duo after first Insertion, tin.l all transient advertising must bo paid rot In advance. All communications Intended for publica tion lf good faith, and should ri us not later than Tuesday evening. in nth notice* bu accompanied with responsible nauie. N MERRY CHkISTMAS! H i HDSELTON ] Before y° u buy all H r 4 your Christmas > W presents take a cr) : J f^S [* look at ■ li our K fA Christmas Things! LI ri Youag Women just dote on handsome Slippers We have them from 50c to 53.00 yA r« Most Women are fond of fur-trimmed Romeos, »1 fcl 75c to $l5O T4 All Men appreciate an easy pair of Slippers. f/ JfA 50c to $2 00 L* And-there are Shoes that are always welcome; Wool Boots and Stockings for the men and boys W pj are appreciated these cold days pi A few dollars go a long ways here! y Better come in and take a look! M U HUSELTON S DON - 15 FOR H LOWRY. II U W Ll^VllV^ M. Campbells Good Furniture. 1^ Job ISEFIL j !W Presents! Si ROCKING CHAIRS- IS That most people would appreciate, A Golden Oak cobbler seat at $2 50. High-b~ '. cobbler seat at $3. ||3Low'back wood scat, S4, FciiLhcd cobbler seats, fc|jg solid wood scats or upholstered scats, your choice for $5 00. Matters not what style of a Rocking Chair you jUt want it's here, J^S I 8( MUSIC CABINETS, - - $5 00 up JJ| §f WRITING DESKS. - -350 up {§? gj FINE DECORATED LAMPS, - 350 |g |jj PARLOR TABLES, - - 175 up jgj JSJ COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. W 1 Alfred A. Campbell,! Formerly Campbell & Temploton. "LITTLE KED RIDING HOOD." The Xmas Pantomime at the Grand Opera Honse, Pittsburg, commencing Monday, December 33. WHY NOT Become an Artist? Crayon. Paste], Sepia and Water Color I taught at home, nnd employment given j at once. For full particulars, address, COIiRESPONDENCB SCHOOL OP ART, Bcavtr Falls. Pa. L. S. AIcJUNKIN Insurance and Real Eslate Agent. K7 K. JEFFKRSON. RUTLEP. - PA. I A nnf«\ certain relief for HiuwrtMed tj B MooßtruaUon. Neve r known to full. Safe! ■ ■ Hun-! Speedy! Hatißfiietlon (Uwrhnteed ■ [ Hor money ItefunX. Will K.'iiri t!»•■ I«» on trlftj to ■ ■ l>e for when relieved. jtemj>le« Free. ■ ( J UN IT tD MI PICA L CO., POK Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. ! Pharmacv. "."I"!*" ■ \ V'-Tk !A1 V 5 HHiLABtU Mi. * --DENTAL ROOM; - ■ I .'I • 4?3if 39 - slh Ave , I'tUburß.r. jV dPf V.VrcpHACTICfI' "/«» - 1 A«« ai CROWN PKl'ljf I • JfcL inn >mtjj WHY nOT DC f«' 'j VI FMYOURS? CROWN' ; !< .11 / »|'Mi nniouv win-k • .< J 1 Vi V'f Elf, s PtR TOOTH Alt:,. Vl SH ■ A. M. BERKJ.MER, . Funeral Director. 5A S Mar St Butl*"* V 0 PAY f IN