/ 'J||^fl^^BThedael flf Wdark was a favor ite with duelists. Two men were Wkd locked in a dark room and crawled stealthily from \ corner to corner, /(j until some false J-Vy Y" Sit y step made one of / life'/ them the target (> > HvXvf for bullet cr U/\L Made. Life is a duel in the dark with disease. One false step, one mistake, and the attack comes swift and sudden. The mistake which commonly opens the wav for an attack by disease is neglect of the symptoms of stomach trouble. When eating is followed by undue full ness, Ijclchings, sour or bitter risings, etc., disease is attacking the stomach. The best way to frustrate such an at tack is to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discover) - . It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and makes the body strong and healthy. "I wjs suSeriag very much with ray head and stomach." writes Mr*. W. C. Gill, of Weldon. Shelby Co., Ala . "head was »o dirzv when I wvultf raise up in bed would fall right back. Could est but very little, in fact scarcely any thing. there sftirrd to be a heavy weight in my itor.i3ch so I could not rest; I had to belch very often r.nd would vomit up nearly everything I ate- X was in a bad condition. I took four bot tles of Ut Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery. and five of his • Favorite Prescription' and am now well and hearty. I feel like a new woman and irive t>r. Pierce's medicines credit for it all. I had taken medicine from physicians without any benefit as I could see." I)r. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the paper covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose. causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A. trial size will bo mailed for 10 cents. All dniggibts sell tho 50c. sLzc>. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N.Y. The Balm euros without pain, does not irritate or cause eneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay fever. For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief Immediate—cure certain. Three Nm. lie., 50e. and @I.OO. Sold by PraatoU, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphrey»' Mr.llrinc Co., Cor. William and Jot. 11 t»u.. New Vorli NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. loM by Druatlstg, or soot prepaid on receipt of price. Humphrey!* Mad. Cm William 4 John Stj., H. Y. Family Reunions! We often cause ourselves end less worry and remorse by neg lecting to do some little thing Get a good picture of your family and home made at your first op portunity. We make the best at $6 .OO per dozen, Bxio inches and guarantee them permanent. Let us know in time to go out. The Butler Dye Works Dyeing, Cleaning, Pressing. R. FISHER Have You a Neighbor? If so why don't you get ; together and have a tele- ' phone system. We manufacture them. . " Ask us and we will tell 4 ygu all about it. WA Electrical work of all descriptions done on short notice. r The U. S. Electric Mfg. Co BUTLER. PA. W S & E. WICK, DKA i.KRSrIN Rough nod Worked Lumber of mil! Kinds Daunt. Muiti mud Moulding* Oil Well Uigu a Specialty Office and Vard K Cunnlncham and Monroe near Weat Penn l>euot. t- * Kola, Celer; Pepsin Kola rltallu'r. Celery for the f n<-rve*.lVi>*in for the sUmiiu'li. ■■f tsarb Its mlMklna srrrev These fjfl together uiude a ttrong ciiui ] lATUU'i LAI EST WOHDEJt, Koli Olery & Pepsin to! |3 j Scud 11.00 for a quart IxHtle. tj. ■ M d 1 net to Pupply Itrpartniriit. i KertlOM CtoMMXjlral Works (Jo.. V a.*' IVnn Ave.. l'ltt»burK Vertreter re ncht t MAKE Your Fortune Quickly wttbwi.mil capital. Omr D*ilj ftoMit of .m! <.r.Vn raurk. ! w--i, y.. u h ooliy of a letid at ootf. E B JENKINS & CO , 31* Fourth Ave . Pittsburg, Pa. Eyes Examined Free o f Charge R L. KiRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician Hut Uooc to Court Hout. Butler. Pa BEEF IN THE EAST. Rls Profits mill the Methods That Will UrlnK Tliem. Nine cents a pound, live weight, for funey beef in Chicago. 1,000 miles inland, arouses once more a keen in terest at the east in beef production. Cows make us a slave to exact time twice a day every day of the year ai.d pay but n modest sum for the labor, compelling as it Is. Hence there is in this section a close watching of beef markets and of the current trend of the be flanking industry. Present prices for m at pi j iucts of all kinds lire rc:/. i" iv f.r t Liv* eastern pro ducer, provided he u fully tip to date in his methods. A pound of live steer has a larger purchasing power than heretofore. This beii.g tree, as I be lieve It is, the New Knsir.nd farmer is surely on a beef growing basin under right methods. Beef Groninff on n Kijclit Bn»h. As there is a slight drift to~nrd beef making again it is <4 great importance that this movement be on right line*. The spread in prices of beef ranges from i to i) cents per pound, live weight. It is only the very best grade of beef that has any ray of hope in it, and this cannot come from mothers and fathers of the distinctly dairy type, with thin crops, narrow twists, flat ribs, sloped ruups and narrow loins. There is a dairy Shorthorn type that will serve the double purpose of dairy and beef products very well, and noth ing poorer should be drawn upon. Bushes, weeds and shade will not I make beef. There can be no compro mise, and these must go and a clear, close, rich mat o/ rich grass must be the basis of grazing—a mat of grass good for approximately a steer to the acre. If this cannot be, then soiling or grain at pasture is inevitable. In this advice I have in mind the impera tive necessity of early maturity. This can only come by hijeh feeding and con tinuous growth from start to finish. The Master BeefmnUer. The western farmer, who is produc ing the finest grades of beef, has be come the best breeder and feeder of th>' world. We of the east, now long de voted to dairy products and dairy types of live stock and partially oblivious of the slow deterioration of our pastures and now absolute unfitness lor their functions hi intensive fttrming, have fallen far behind in the art of beef making. In no single feature are we so weak as in that of early maturity. Maintenance ration is more than half (about two-thirds) the food cost of beefmaking. The larger this cost is permitted to be the more hopeless is the task of money making in beof ani mals. Baby beef is n sine qua non. Ba by beef rests on intensive breeding and feeding, mainly on the latter, and pas ture feed may cover half the year's feed, though not the full feed for this period, if the imstures are good.—Cor. Country Gentleman. GETTING THE GRADE. A Device to Assist 111 the Dluitlne or DltcXien and Drains. A device for assisting In gotting the grade while digging drains is described by a correspondent of American Agri culturist. "I.took a piece of bowrd, a, a, 8 feet long. 7 inches wide and nailed on two three cornered pieces, b, b, cutting out the section of the board APPARATUS FOH OBADIJO. between them as shown in the illustra tion. Then I nailed a piece of lath across the tops of the three cornered pieces. A piece of elupboard, d, three feet long, was sharpened nearly to a point on the thin side and nailed diago nally to the side of the eight foot board, thin edge down, so that the point of the clapboard would be about twenty inch es above the center of the lath. If the lower edge of the board is straight and placed In a level position the line will hang at right angle 3 with it. Have the edge of the lath planed. Take a sharp pencil and mark each side of the line and cut a notch on the lath. To illus trate the use of the device, when the board Is level. If a two inch block is put under one end and a notch cut be hind the line, the plumb line will Indi cate the grade and the operator will get a two inch fall for every eight feet, eight feet being the length of the board." A Liberal Potato Crop. "A liberal but not burdensome potato crop" is American Agriculturist's sum ming up.- The quality of the crop Is not quite so satisfactory as Its size, on account of rot resulting from ex cessive moisture and cool weather In practically all portions of the Impor tant potato states. Agricultural Notes. The Hawaliian Islands are said to be in need of foresters and eager to se cure them. The Maltese or milking goat is talked of as another promising special indus try. Beefmaking on the "abandoned farms" of New England Is among latest proj ects. Eusiluge grows more and more popu lar for beef cattle. Dawson's (iolden Chaff has proved one of the most valuable wheats grown at the Cornell university (X. Y.) ex t periment station. Sugar beet harvest east of Colorado is a little late "Early possibilities in feed prices" for the winter IF. one cf American Agri culturist's forecasts. How to Prolong: Life. The following rules for warding off death have been compiled with great care for the Modern Miller by experts, and meet with the indorsement of the most competent medical authorities in the world: Never step into an elevator hatchway when the car is not there. Do not permit yourself to be run over by a street car or railroad train. Under no circumstances allow a brick to drop from the top of a build ing on to your bead. Be careful not to be in a place when a bolt of lightning strikes it. Never fail from the top of a high building. Do not take hold of a live electric wire. Iloth you and the wire cannot remain alive. TmlnluK Is Necessary. The time has come when, to lie mas ter in any line. It requires long years of careful training and preparation. It is true that the opportunities open to young men are greater today than they ever were before; but, on the other hand, there never was a period in the world's history when the quali fications requisite for success in any line of worthy endeavor were of a higher character, says Success. The artii-nn, the farmer, the business man, the clergyman, the physician, the law yer, the scientist, each In his various rank must prepare to reach up to ever enlarging ideals if he would attain his full height A DlsronrnghiK Position. "I>o you think a literary woman ought to tuarry?" "Not if she is a novelist. Her ideas of tnanly perfection ni depicted in her books would be enough to make r.nv conscientious husiuuul give up In de spair and leave home to look for work as u truck driver."—Washington Star. This is the time of year t to buy medium and J 5 heavy weight underwear. £ £We have a great many * kinds and we are sure to # £ suit you. £ r W i r We have a new lot of ' 5 hats in soft and stiff. j Large shaped hats. The $ swell kind. £ See our new line of neck- £ wear ana shirts. # 4 Manhattan shirts. # * * jjno.S. Wick | A HATTER and £ # MEN S FURNISHER. g Opposite P. 0. 2 5 lUJTLEH, I'A. 5 Wk THE FIGURES of men afe various and most of them are more or less out of propor tion; but a perfect figure is preserved t" appear ance. by- the art. of the tailor. We take the pains totestore the form spoiled by nat sre, not to a dull uniformity, as it everyone must lo k alike, but toward har mony—clothes foi in dividual. See our showing of the season's newtst cloth Aland, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES | B. B. Goods you want to come ai d j ste or send for samples of: All Wool Waist Cloths, 35c ' —all colors, all new—this season's styles—good Winter weight. Neat line striped All Wool Winter Waistings, 25c Waistings, 10c to $2.00. 65c Imported Cashmeres— Persian Printings, 35c —lor Waists, House Gowns or Children's Dresses. 45 and 50c Printed All Wool Imported Challies, 25 and 35c Newest, choicest and best dial lies, 50c \ Sale of handsome 46 to 56 inch 1 Suitings and Skirtings—Mixtures,' Pin Checks and Flecked efiects,! 75c and SIOO. Important offering 50 inch Al Wool Black Cheviot, 50c -• -not equalled under 75c any where. Our stock of Coats, Suits, Skirts and Furs, the most extensive yet shown—prices - more than ever in teresting. Christ nas Goods coming in. Boggs& Buhl Department X ALLEGHENY. PA. 1 PAROID READY OOFING. T)AKOIL) The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out Won't grow brittle. A NYONE can a PP'y it- Tins, Nails and Ctment in core of each roll. REPRESENTS the results of years of Experience and Ex perimenting. requires painting few years. Not when first laid. I S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. I \EM AND for PAROID is world ** wide. MADE I N 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facts, Samples and Prices are yonrs if yon will ask ns. L C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. 8 Fine Furs at Lowest Prices, 5 We show snch a representation of styles and qualities as must win fP the unstinted approval of every customer. Short cluster scarfs with K Stone Marten and all other kinds of Fur. K Cluster Scarfs, 6 tails, at fI.OO, $ 1.50, fclOO, $4.00. VS Sable and Marten Scarfs, special, at S.IOO and #6 00. JR m Real Mink Scarfs, at 00, $12.00, $15.00. a Real Beaver Scarfs, at SIO.OO, $12.00, $15.00, $25.00. 8 SWELL MONTE CARLO COATS JR JV We feel justified in claiming for our coats a sterling worth not to fIP 5 be approached at similar prices. Q> # Monte Carlos at $8 00, $lO 00. sl2 00. sls Jacket? s■". 00, $7 50, $lO 00. ft £ WINTER UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY. 1 u We guarantee the very best values in Underwear and Hosiery for Men, Women and Children. Ladies fleece lined underwear, special value. 25c. Ladies' fine wool underwear, special value, $1 00 Men's K fleece lined underwear, spcial value, 50c. Men's heavy wool under- JR wear, special value, $1 00. Qj Special Values in Blankets and Comforts We have established a high standard even in the least expensive £pr lines of our Blankets and Comforts, and as a consequence they will sf give better service than others at similar prices. (V 'Cotton Blankets, 50c, 75c and $1 00. All Wool Blankets, $2 50, (K New Dress and Waist Materials W This stock is complete in every detail containing all the latest and " U most fashinable materials at lowest prices. K We invite your inspection before purchasing. |L. Stein & Son,| '#> 108 N MAIN STREET. BUTLER. PA (> LEVINTON'S Look Over Our Clothing stock== Then Judge. This advertisement is like the index to a buok, it simply teils what you can find wilhin the walls of our store, we aim to tell the truth about our attire and back our statements up by the garments themselves. But our readers must determine tiii; j .-erso.. don't know now gooa a book is until you study it —you don t know how good B. Kuppenheimer clothing is until you examine it —or better still—wear it. The lest of a clothing bargain is in getting your money's worth of wear a.id satisfaction. Men's Dependable Suits and Overcoats at $5, 7.50, 9.00, 11,15,18, 22.50 and up to 30 dollars. A splendid line of Boys'and Children's clothing at your own price. A fine line of Gent's furnishings that will suit your tiste. LEVINTOINS' Reliable One Price Cloihers, 1225. Main St., Butler. I J a Your money's worth or money back. - - nil ~ I—rr1 —rri — Magnificent Overcoats! Rather a strong word with which to describe our Overcoats, but nothing mere mild will cover the territory or do our Winter Overcoats justice. If doesn't matter what shape, or size, or kind of man you are, if you're au overcoat seeker you'll find what you're looking for here. THE STYLES THAT ARE JUST OUT. THE COLORS THAT ARE JUST SEEN. THE COLORS THAT ARE JUST RIGHT. The short, the medium length and the long coats —all are here. THIS WEEK We offer a genuine Frieze Overcoat, in Oxfords and Black, elegantly mad<* and trimmed, raw edges, and all seams double stitched, at the extreme low prio« of sl2. Come this week for these overcoats, as they are going fust. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butter ANNOUNCEMENT an d Winter Millinery jr'• / Owing to tLe beanty of the assort- I'vvV t-9 i - ment. and the novelties in the styles, it <-» will pay yon to come and see this ex "ift. hibition of Fine Patterns and Hats of «H descriptions A larger and better \ / selection of up-to-date Millinery can not /IfllmwY be found in the city. We have what \ i! !7 \ our customer* want when they want >t, \III/'lf / and at the prices they want it. We can " »/ help you suit each customer. /fl* Call to see us at Rockenstein's, MILLINERY EMPORIUM. 3*B Soutb Main Street - - Bntltr. P* If You are a Farmer And Have One Cent Buy a postal card and send to The New- York Tribune Farmer, N w-York City, for a free specimen copy. The Tribune Farmer is a National Il lustrated Agricultural Weekly for Farm ers and their families, and stands at the head of the agricultural press. The price is $ I.'o per year, but if you like it you can secure it with your own favorite local newspaper. The CITIZEN, Butler, Pa , at abargain. Both papers one yearonly $1.75, Send your order and money to "The CLTIZKN." Tn} The CITIZ6N FOR JOS WORK Savings JUT 311 Fourth Are, PITTSBI'iOB PA. \A Accounts tip y/. VVrltf for Booklet—How to Open an Arrount by Mill. /"JoX _ Sf, y.~ r National o»anK of Pittsburgh J Capital $2,000,000.00 We are equipped for the quick trans mission of money to any part of tiie 1 globe, either by draft, telegraph or cable. 1 A. W. MELLON, PRESIDENT R B. MELLON', VIC* Phhidint \V. S. MITCHELL, Cashii. 514- Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Butler Savings Bank, BUTLER, PA. Capital, - - - - $60,000.00 Surplus anJ Profits - - 5255.00c1.00 WILLIAM CAMPELL. JR President J. HENRY TROOTMAN...Vice-President Louis B STEIN Cashier C. E. CRONENWETT Teller DIRECTORS—Wm. Campbell Jr.. J. Henry Troutiuan. \V. I>. Brandon. W. A. Stein, S. Campbell. The Butler Savings Bank Is the Oldest Ranking Institution in Butler Connty. General banking business transacted. We solicit account-- «>* .11 producers, teer i!hunts, farmers an<> ■ n-<-rs. All bjsintss us *lll '"'"i" prompt attention. Interest paid nti tl»o oo^oslts. Butler County National Bank, Butler Penn. Capital paid in /200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - {140,c00.00 Jos. Hartman, President; J V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug. Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Money ljaned on approved security. We invite you to opeu an account with this bank. DIRECTORS—Hon. Joseph Harttnan, lion. W. >. Waldron. Dr. rt. M. Hoover. H. Mc- Sweoney, C. P. Collins I. G. Smith. Leslie P. Hazlett, M. Flnegan, W. 11. Larkin, T. P. Mifflin, Dr. W. C. McCandless. Ben Mas seth. W. J. Marks. J. V. Ritts. A. L. Keiber THt Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, sioo,coo.oo. Surplus and Promts $17,50000. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Special attention given to collections. OFFICERS: JOHN YOUNKINS President JOHN HUMPHREY Vice President C. A.. BAILEY Cashier E. W. BINGHAM Assistant Cashier J. F. HUTZLER Teller DIRECTORS. John Younkins. D. L. Cieeland. E. E. Abrams. C. N. Boyd. W. F. Metzger. Henry Miller, John Humphrey. Thos. Hays. Lev! M. Wise. Francis Murphy, S. Yeager, D. B. Campbell, A. 11. Sarver and Dan'l Younkins. Interest paid on time deposits. We respectfully solicit your business. it ?C. F. T. Pape,j 5 'JEWELERS i < S 121 E. Jefferson Street. S j si REMOVAL. We have removed our Marble and Granite shops from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 208 N. Main street, (opposite W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Mouuments & Headstones of all kinds and arc also prepared to give best figurrs on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc., as we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron WOl ks of Cincinnati, 0., for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler I Our New Store is ready for business New Front, New Arrangement and many New Goods. We have started in the new and have added new departments. Hereafter, when yon need anything, tome to us for it, we have almost every thing outside of groceries, drugs, shoes and dry goods. Come in and see us at the old stand but it don't look like the old place. DOUGLASS HOOK STOWE Near P. O South Main streei Karl Schluchter, Practical Tailor and Cutter 125 W. Jefferson, Butler, Pa. Busheling, Cleaning and EPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Window Glass ANY SIZE CUT TO ! ORDER. REDICK & GROHMAN, Prescription Druggists, N. toq Main St., Butler, Pa. Both Phones. ( Wm. Foster, j \ Architect. \ s Plans of all kind of buildings v V furnished on short notice. / I Office in Berg Building, 7 Butler, Pa ARE YOU GOING TO g BUILD OR REMODEL Ifipt, i JwA\ 'jra ■ •. /"*/ t ' i ./v-'-n—i I ' Let us give you a figure on the Plumbing and Gas Fitting of your home. WHITEHILL, Plumber, 318 S. Main St., Both Phonw. C!i i£B'S ENGLISH pi °° jr / if. Ai»v:iva 2 vlt.tblr. !.*<".ar.k I>rii£gkt for : Tlv -•?!: . ?T- it. <% £NUMS|{ ill ttetl A!ic' Ui ul . tmx s. sealed with blue ribbon be ■. »«*!.-«»*•. KcrHv i lion r>-J !ro In the photograph line can be seen at the Findley Studio. The Artist Proof photograph on exhibition now, they are winners and please ai! who want an artistis picture ?! >p in and see them. Novelties for Ho'iday trade r..w ready. Broaches and buttons o'' all descriptions. Copying and enlarging. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236. P, O. H'd'g, Butler. branches—Mnrs anH Evans City ' See tbe Elgn direct ly opposite tbe Postofflce, Theodore Yogeley, Real Estate and Insurance Agency, 238 S. Main St, Butler, Pa. ¥£ If you have property to sell, trade, or rentf or. waut to buy or', reut cail, write or phone me. List Mailed Upon Application. Moves in Best Society. Our Furniture! And why not? People of good taste revel in charming surroundings. io o What could he more charming than | a house tilled with selections from § I our display of the newest and best I I styles in | Furniture and Carpets. I Come in and see how well pre par-1 led we are to suit your Holiday re- | I quirements. ; look cysts nothing | I and a purchase but a moderate outlay. I I @5" —WE FURNISIi HOMES-# | 8 partly or altogether, as your needsl | may require Our great aim is to g I your confidence by furnishing I 3 B I you every day, not spasmodically, the BEST GOODS | at extremely low prices. We want your trade and will get | I it if you'll put our claims to the test. I Come In and Compare. | BROWN & CO. j Bell Phone 100, (across from Duffy'j atore,) Butler, Pa. WMBMBBMHMW | Holiday Gifts 1 Something ue*r in Pocr'rt-t Ho iks t ! a.i i prices for Ladies arid g B Gentlemen. We frame pictures and do it correctly, largtst line in Bat- 9 H ler. a picture is a nice gift. Stationary in fancy boxes, just the thins yon '*{ S? are looking for. See our line of lt>oß Wall Paper. No trouble to show goods. W | Patterson Bros' | 236 N. Main St. Phone 400. Wick Building. >WINTER FOOTWEAR . ... , ~)S * PAfßiw } \ IN ' SHOES ' SVery Latest Styles [FOR WOMEN S ) PATRICIAN SHOES, S3 60, in Patent Kid, Vici Kid, / t Velour Calf. s / HANAN, $5 00, in Enamel, Pat. Calf and Velour. ( TORREY $5.00 and $6.00 Shoes None better. ( / Fine line of Misses' and Children's Shoes. \ J Full line of Men's and ladies' heavy shoes. } ) New Felt and Rubber Goods I | DAUBENSPECK & TURNER. j ) NEXT TO SAVINGS BANK. / \ 108 S. Main St. Butler, Pa 7 MAYS & DAVIS I Wholesale Dealers the Finest of Liquors, Ales, Beers and Wiqes. Medicinal Trade ££spec««lly Solicited. People's Phone 578 Bell Phone 218 5 322 South Main St., Butler, Pa. , j FOR OVER A QUARTER OF j { A CENTURY I * We have been supplying th's section with the best and pjiest: £ I liquors in the market,whether for medicinal,social or household % * purposes. Our name on every bottle is a guarantee that the $ % contents are absolutely pure, and to be relied upon. Here are # some of our list to select from: J | Silver Age Rye. 8 years old, bottled in bond or out of bond, | $1.50 per full quart. I Guckenheimer. Finch. Overholt, Dillinger, or any other lead- J ing whiskey. SI.OO per quart, or 6 quarts for $5.00. | % Cabinet Pure Rye. 4 years old, $3.00 per gallon. ! Possum Pure Rye, 3 years old, $2.50 per gallon. Wines. Gins. Rums and Brandies. 50c. 75c and $1 per quart, j I We handle only pure liquors, and our stock is complete * f with every assortment and brand. Send for catalogue ar.d | f price list mailed fret-, and then let us have you Holiday order, | I Max Klein, I WHOfcESAfcE bIQUORS. I 322 Federal St., * Allegheny, Pa. | %■»**!**** ***# v4t subscribe for the CITIZEN