Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 27, 1902, Image 4

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Vbr is ft that lb* firstborn child is so
ttftrr the hssJ" aw oi a family of dul
mrtf. As tfciid fOLos* child the mother
bss iw sad ie» mabty; often not
Car b»nsei: sad none, therefore,
|gt ber chi'.d
Ejrpectmt nothen who nic Dodof
fiaa that
fcrr' - laem is ««**-
cc_ a- a-th. They esc ■( a
M aier? well «d
«ie an ■**»«■
%'aes tab) «e*» :U HT
surwjt u praucsliy ~ a -M
yt«T'— *- and the _Y
7* Mother i* made h*p- »
en br the buth id s < fT
i . child. If vua "VjT
wou'.! be l heshhy
Mother of heaitby f \
ires bk " l «vi*- ■ l \
ne Prcscnpuoe " ■ K \
•I «E W wj *i»i to | ■ A
my - Vrat a>. -o» fa > ■ Hfl,
f«rrar . M ■—Si Iwcrif- ■ ■ ■ 1
tK.itr " arcs Mm Pa ■ ■ 1
fciini '.i of HMwrnUt. I VBf 1
.•**«: 'Oss- llf
lw Jf
•hra : lostoe* famrt I* IP^Br/
tijaOMMBS • Ktbrr 1 aof.
». . //
jJp^ 1 / /
ataradr «s <j»
liav : bated k;t:
AX «•!• Urn.'
wivm U*»J l*i.' ss< k* U* l * ■»« JP
|.«wr» »rr»c-»j««uB ' and • l*S«* etf '
M»~> . Isauarrjr I «"*.» tWtW erf «scfc. and
—*—.i f *.«•■.• ««-j»»«t tin * frw djvt ! ieH n«di
*»C WJM* I M |*kC*
«g «w* tasUr ; Ml «SU as*coSklestass«Bss
am uat u4 osuM <4o ■> w«* wttboot »"T
tru.-.f I t «i 4 s«4» (sytkiac toturo.
wrr tlasafa- la 1* P>««* sir 'ihns*.
«■/1 «r U1 «k. MB »«• thr> »t« Mck. to g«
Mac i—l iiriTur or mi u> Sr. Were*-'
Thaw whs safer fraa cbrooic dlS
ut jgriitd U> oooac-t l>( Pierce,
in Vtt*' hm. All correspondence
Mncti, pn£*e. Add«. 1« R V
nrrce. MdUo. K V.
X*. herce l FellsU CMW l*i
mkA mu-k
|)r? if»r •»!•'.' d«*el-
Jrrmimtti. U*rj 4rj up ti*
«| ,-i ■ «» *o (U ni'iLUWaC fct.d drmm
f —i ■—"—rf * ■»« —rwwii th—
t-» «rdii.-r» turn, of esLurii. Avoid sii dry-
Mr Ish i*T tunas. n»dM axxl unfc
Sbil v Um* whwS ri«s»i>r«. »ooth«( etd
fell*!*. I_| • (rwtt hft.u. is such a rcsxdy
St J *4! ( was ensrrfc or oo'.d is tbs _b«sd
ss»'Jf s»«4 I'kMMUti;. i(/^lw.riu
mm I l« * 1V e*mu> A-J S»-rfr««« ««U U»«
iw mm.. fjyhf»*hsm.Mlfcsrres M . K.%.
Tbo I»4js WJthoM |*»is. 4«« »<«
ir- it »| r*W* jw II
m SB IT-itid sud mugry wA«, »*he*.
iw WiwilliSlr J tii* |*n. ltd wrfl>n.,s»tkit».
I. • Ocs» TOO »*»
y-"—' Cslsah sbd U»j i «.»«*.
A | »•» » KfUi I imimiliy i >■''■*■
urafc Mm. Ijhi f>«« MHA f»»«.
» _S_ yS4«y» Uf«»» iMf .
i • WIKI iHUtr IMI
• • <«WM» f«M. in. Masd
CK3M* I Ulfi
* ' M^'-Si'VK.
«.«. rumslii MM) 4««iA(.r..
• I . «HMS eMEsses. ■«#. I«M*
turns!■ • ( im I Msr>.
9 fc s«s * w%mmn »- .»»»
M.<MM* Mk CH.taMS»M ;
We oftcc emit oanelm etid
iw worry and remurtc by ncg
iectMg to <k> toot little thing.
Get a food fucturc of your family
and h «u*t made at your first aj»-
|KMt.tiMity Wc make the W«t at
sftxic (scar do«ti ixio inches and
(jjranta them permanent. Let
wa kmmm an tunc to go out.
The Butler bye Works
liycutg. freaking.
Haws Yoa a Neighbor?
. . . .
il Sb *b< amiyat jprt V U|
sad! ha«r s Ids- LA
Aafc M SMMt «M srtll t«il II
ya* atf slaai ti. / ' *jt
Bmntal wort si sU T" 1 "" "* .
is«crt|H iMi'-sr isi ■hurt
The U, S. Electric Mfg. Co
"* fr.it,. ra.
W s & E WICK,
BMISS *s« S.»rh#4 UlkWj>t, « ibd«
(S ■UI W»> «i»il«Sa
i <m» *•>£ r«#a
a f UIC rt»
'i ra
n_ Ktlt, Celerj s Pepsin
T k«U V >U<I» • 4 » MT» tur tk>
«■« Mo Mfe ifcM. vtm "I 'IT. .. 1
twMSiws ■ ■*' • at'CuHK '<*.•
J Rannuri laitar worn*.
|| 4ft i«U C'i«f> I hprii Vtod
H« -u ft W Imt « uuari IriMk
I .. 'l'"' I to* Npfrft l^afi
B ~. 00* iMgytoaW' ' >*• ii<V a. Irrfbafift.
wm I'nM A wTrwtoimrs
V«nrttar it
Your Fortune Quickly
•H* as ii *; i*mr IMUty I <<rar-*M •<
aM Skis ssa <—aM a»u iu r-.u Iwv:
fw'* * >n» .»r « ,ir« u<w
Cmm. MHiNw M IW»
31# Am . FittaOurg. Pa.
Ew Examined free ef Charge
J•».« •( a*o Gractate Opt c<an
■aM iMtkCwt Bow. Bstisr. fs.
g Market Imr la Tkti ijnalut
rrmrki l'r«»Ur«.
Brittany Is a land where the peasants
till the earth in tuiiive trouser*. torea
dor Jacket* covered with arabesque
ami green waistcoat#
around which run lines of en in sou.
Tlie women wear short red skirts,
pvtl tnnl.fi collars and coifs that flut
ter about their heads like the wings of
doves. Froin beneath the points of
their Mack caps the chiklreu case at
you w itb wide eyes full of the curiosity
of animals.
These people lire in houses built of
sculptured granite aud . .cep in open
work closets carved like tlie snonchara
bleka of Egypt-
In spite of tbe "Breton Interiors" and
"*H«-turus of the Fislnruitn' with
wh. h piinters *wamp the iu«rket this
race is .-ml unknown or misunder
stood. for they should be M-en not In
p.. n.titiy Uut In their homes. In their
old time streets, on market days and
wbtn. in fair time, the tents are pitched
In the village market places.
Fiery little horsea draw to market
B>h. fine vegetable* and all the early
pro-love of Uoseoff. They are spread
out upon the aldewalk. Chickens
cackle, gouts bleat; pigs, tied by the
leg. strain toward the vegetables, sniff
lug at the fresh greens.
Farmers in sabots, carrying grea;
blue umbrellas und»-r their arms, with
the two iibi>ona of their felt hats float
ing down rlielr barks, pick their way
amoug t!»e Ltinan china displayed on
tbe ground—capacious soup tur«-e:i«.
cider Jugs and plates covered with
painted flowers and grotesque figure*.
Tbe peaasnta converse with but few
gestures; tbey barga.n In gutteral
-These taciturn people forget tbetn
■rives la tbe barrooms on fair days.
Tbe tsverxis are ftill of noise You
may hear tbe sound of an accordion
and tbe plaintive note of the binlou (a
■art of bagpipei. leading nionotouous
da noes.
Into tbe harbor come boats laden
with fish; other »»oats co out. Tb<
IshrrmHi are foil of business Next
wee-k will occur tbe departure for tbe
new country There are women who
Above all this agitation tbe smoke of
the village chimneys mingles with the
great white clouds. Tbe quiet sea mir
rors tbe sun.- Artist Caataigua In Cen
Iw> «kirk Have ■•«* a»4
• blik War Me Lml la View.
Tbe a grid, we ha ve been aiutured
time and again. knows nothing '-f It*
greatest men Perhaps It is equally ig
norant about Its greatest books. Are
we ijuHf sure tbat tbe Id-ils la our lit
era')' pantheon a«e arrayed in their
due order of precedeuea? The rulea of
pr> < .-det.ee change. and who thall as
arrt that tboae prevalent at any given
time are tbe final ones? Hut. above
all. are we quite certain that there may
not be a notable work of *< nlus lying
unnoticed and unknown amid the
wrwka of tbe river of time, waiting
only for some locky accident tbat shall
reteal It iu all Ua beauty to an sston
Is bed world?
Much accidents wltb sucb results have
been frequent la tbe history of the
past. lnde<<d such accident* have pre
■erved or bare revealed to tbe world
no insignificant probation of lla u<.w
acknowledged masterpieces
Tbe books of tbe Bible tbemselve*
hate experienced tbe narrow tat ea
capes from what might have resulted
la their total loaa Tbe moat nutabla
example la tbat of Deuteronomy, which
disappeared from tbe Jewish world flo
ater a century. Tbe storj of its re
diarovery by tbe high priest llezcklah
during the reign of good King Joaiab
la net forth in tbe Old Testament
Shakespeare was practically forgot
ten lit tbe daya when Add loon wrote
bis Account of the Greatest English
I'oeta.*" with never a mention of tbe
same of tbe very greatest, yet It was
shortly afterward tbat Shakespeare
was reauacitat'-d
KuigeraWa "Omar Khayyam" and
Black more a "Larna Doooe" dropped
still!torn from tbe preaa and later won
a sodden popularity by accldeut.- Wll
ll*iu II Wsjah hp Era Magazine.
I.a. lalaMsUas «m UaU ma Far
■aek aa Iba Foaelfc Ceslarr.
Among tbe Oraeka and Itomans al
manaca or calendars wise not written
for ti.- g<u«ral public, but were pre
aerved aa part of tbe asoteric learning
uf (tie priests, whom tbe people hud to
consult not only for tbe date* of the
festivals. but for tbe proper times wben
vari4.il* legal pr<* "-dings in.ght l<e Iu
■Uttiled About »*J B. C.. however,
ou I'ncius Flarlus. secretary to Ate
plua < iaudiua. stole tbeae secreta by re
peated applications to tbe priests and
Ci.le'nd tin Inforiusttoa so ga -.♦-«! It
was reaUy publishing sn almanac
whan, aa Lirjr relates, Flariua exhibit
«d tbe* taati on white tables around
tbe forum Trmm this time almllnr
tablet* containing the calend..i the
fasti -. als astronomical pbenotneiia and
aonx-tiniea allusions to historical events
became quite common Tbey hate lieeti
dug up la Pompeii and olsewhere
There are also extant Christian cal
endars dating a • fai liiii-u as tie foiirii
century, wblcb give Mm nanus of tiie
■a In la and other religious informal lon
| One of the moat famous of the cat
oudars of tbe middle ages is tbat f*om
pi lei I \ I'etrua Of I'Mia In A 1> I.'KKI.
A manuscript eojiy la |ir<-M'rve<l In the
Ha\ iUan library at <>l ford Tbe Hvm
tallica I Man or Man of Klans (llo'uo
I Mignoruui), still a 'oinwoti feature In
uln.anacs spj.. ars in 11. *l . not, II
lavonjectured. fnr tbe first time, as It
aeetns to bate been a survlv al from tbe
Uma of lloleuiy'a "Almagest," a collec
tlou of clsaelc obeet * iitknia anil prob
lem* rein tin* to geoii. iry and u-lron
Thr first printed almanac was the
*'Pw> fianbtis Annls." iasueil at Vlemiii
la lli" by an astronowi<*r iiaineil I'ur
bach. The earliest know u alinanae de
\oti*l ei|ir<-saly to the Vi-nr of l»*l|e
I waa puhllalied by flaltelala In l.V^i.
Tbeie-eforth tbe ephemeral yearly
j character of tbe publication came to be
dahnltel; reeoirnizeil l>y almanac niak
era NoHtradainus met the faahlou of
lncor|Mirstlng ftrediiiloiis of coining
eteirts into almanacs, a fa*hloii that
has <«intiuueal to this day In all purely
aatroloKlcai lu-ocburea of this aort
deaplte Intermlttetit efforts to sup
|«*« it by royal autborlty In France
aud e4a«-wbere Era
Told lbs Traih.
Ktcited Kiabernian (to «»untry hotel
hee|wr» There isn't a bit of fishing
atsiut here! Ktery lirook has n alien
warning people »iff What do >ou
mean by lutuifi angb-is liere wltb the
pruuilae of flue fishing?
Hotel Ki»|a-r I didn't aa» snytblng
about fine fishing If you read my ad
tsrtieeineiit carefully, you will aao that
wliat I said waa "Klahtng uuapproacb
Tkeaey s*l fear flea.
A clwitilat ezpatlatlni on ctieiiilcal
arlettre obaerved that anow had h<-<-n
fou:id to paeacM a conelderablf 1 degri-e
of beat
A man |.res«r»t at this remsrk oh
•rrted that truly was a ral
liable s. iei, e, but h* would like to
know • hat numtier of anowhalls
would be sufficient to Irttl s teakettle
l'ai> Was Cava.
Hba You will sak i-aj-a will you not?
Or moat I ?
lie-Ob. I have seen hint Karl I*
be made tbe suggestion that It v. 9*
about Ulna for ma to propose
A C»mT*mt.mt and laws
Farrowing Pea.
Advcxates at the rouad form la tlia
constru- tioa of cffrialn farw buildingt
daim that It has a<]venta>r>« In wnie
the Mmrttire
doe# not The tliftt will
occur to ike lff that it fttTords a
larger ani nint of rootn in pi-oportlon to
the material :me>l ln»* ?a««"
building do« Th" cut* fro;:i 10-wa
nomf*!"! «h -• lh? fnnt elevation
and ground pl«" o." what for oo:ivea
tence wc ciay tr».- round faiTowing
13 R »' I
'1 .|J|
/ \
/ At ' t \
A# J
At * \*LLE* I
- • ti\ )
[Front «:eT«i.on ar.J rrounJ pUtu 1
pen. although it I*. l» fact, not round,
but twii'.e -ided. It i« owned by au
low* l»r*«u<-r of I'oinn'j 1 blima.
lu addil.on lo i-;e li l cr.,4iM-d kU.jui.t
of rooiu It afTord* m compered with a
aqusra boiiae It ha* auv«n:a»;e thai
the pf'iiii ar»* grouped around a khort
alleyway. *> that In fei"!!ng aad '-ar
irig f >r the n-.g" tit* wo k ran Ik* c'.o;.<
with * minimum amov. s c f tiuvc-1.
The pnnela wh'.-h f -rw tlx- »axi of ihe
hous<; are e'-siit f»-ei u
atruaure *»x f* vt in c.rciiuifiT
«nca. It ia illTidrd iato t- up ii*. the
of eai-h i. : Led ou
the fciouiul givcii, auri • i'li |>eu
Ua.t a dor.r tl.rotigii ' ""'b tbi'
sowa cau k > « , ul».'!e A<" ** ■'» •" the
pet.a la by i . .naof « t'i ' ' tS" . T - **
•h.jwu in the pit! 'ill.' !'<■:» .'-t «>f the
houa ■ la all feet frojil :!i- ' !■• t-> th.*
Mves anil fifteen f.et fr< in tl • e.-iund
to the cupola. This ptfrpner.a of roof
give* a commodious m r-yyi] fioi r for
the Morale of fttil and l ei . .ng. ai.d
over tlte doorway, aa will i>c ae»':i In the
Illustration, ia a dormer wliwi»w wbleh
o|x-iiM to Its full «tler.r ra r. ' -or and
wbicb is pro*)de<l w.tb a Ii ..m to ralae
the feet I nud be«ldluK for storage In tha
•e<'oitd story. Th l',<*rr vt th* - h'U
bouse* la tuiuie <-f r ulroad ties, end tiie
»e'ond l!o>r la al;ttt»*d Irftead *>f bell!*!
laid cl"*> ■<" that from an.v [>en rin-
Ueribiioan ruu reach «p and pall do. :i
Uddiiii; -« n«-<led through tlie'im ;.*
It Is pro» iiie.i with a chlmuej. !.
shown In the elrviitlon. but liidlca".<■!
in pen No. 1» of the ground plan A
at oi« en ii le put up In the alleyway
duriuif cold weather aiid any deslieu
temperature maintained, and lb" e.-ri>
litter* wfeau tbey COM4 Into th* « rIJ
durtne the nerere weather will be made
comfort aMe The lionae la a very eot:
venlent one. «nd the designer ascrlbca
much of bis success, especially with
February and March pigs, to the aid
wbi'-li tin.- possession of such a house
gives bim wliin luindllng tliein. Ita
co«t Is about $2OO.
I t.tat'f ll'■ tf a "lit Ha*.
Aii e»e. way f'-r < ;»e man to han a
Urge hog la by in'iina of a three * Sglitli
Inch r-H'" till feet Mlg '"t r " tl'.rw
fo*t aud tw a loop In each end. s
nlltmrn In the
cut. The remain
111# S> ve : f'-et
tie to the c. litlT
of th# short ripe
Ab fc twee ti th<*
lieil»a Place the
loops over the
hind fe-t of the
hog and draw
tb« long rope be
twei'n th* front
feet nnd over
the uoae then
back again
tbro ii a h the
ah'»rt rope Pull
forward more
ikk; rrora OV<t then 1
back again, aa before, and tie This
comparatively niinpl inethud has been
found nulte effective and s;ill*fa<-tory
by many farniei* uml by a western
•ObM-rlber to Orange Judd Farmer
who eai-h sintm follir.V-» the mcth'id
hsra outltned.
OronlnS i'eiu In Pol«.
lirowliu le us In |«its Is a new wrln
kle where expenwe i» not considered
H« e.| is .<>». a In November or Decern
IMT snd the are kept In framea or
low le.'ia'*a free from frost. Heat la
given nft'r tlie plnnts are well r'fited
llriaand far A nrrlau Ipploa.
Tl.e demand for American upph-s In
Europe coo; 111 lies to Increase Khip
nieutH ere now uolng out from Mont
real. Itoaton and New York. Garden
IIAKOID The Roofing with NO
TAK. Won't dry out. Won't
j;row brittle.
A N VON K can apply it. Tins,
Nail* and Cimtnt in core of
each roll.
|>KPKLSKNTS the tcsuhs of
years oi Experience and
nNLV rcquirrs painting t:vcry
few years. N«-t when first
I S Chcapci tl>an Gravel, Slate
■* or Shingles.
|\KMANL> for J'AROID i* world
Other Fueta. Hmiiplea and Prices ars
you ra If yon will nnk us.
IJ'J South Main Ht.
j feP
f Very Latest Styles. WOMENJ S
) PATRICIAN SHOES, $3 50, in Patent Kid. Vici Kid, (
/ Velour Calf.
/ HAN AN, $5 00, in Enamel, Pat. Calf and Velour. C
r TORREY $5.00 and $6.00 Shoes—None better. (
/ Fine line of Misses' apd Children's Shoes \
? Full line of Men's and ladies' heavy shoes. )
) New Felt and Rubber Goods c
\ 108 S. Main St. • Butler, Pa }
M Hundreds I 1 W
* j of styles in
Women's, Men's, \ H
"i Boy's and Girl's M
;] SHOES. a'V n
J Our $l, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3 Shoes represent the
best that is made. We havv.- for you to select from, the VA
A best of the special line- that are made as
well as every general product that c.m j• iss ■ ur standard WA
J A of meric.
The workmanship and male iul in st be ihe best and y
# 4 the he must have style, comfort and service in it to
f • gain a place in our stock. W1
W A The aliove are shown in every desirable style or leather, I'utont kl
L v Kid and Colt Enamel, Box nnd Velonr Calf. Cordovan, \ici Kid. WA
Bov's and Oirl'fl Hi«h Cat Sboet in Kip. I'alt', Cordovan and Oil
t A (Jrain, We warrant watttr-proof—only one pair to buy during the
LTI Winter. No shoddy. WA
ft] Oil Men's H ! jf h Cut Shoes we warrant water-proof. No shoe
Y A sold in Butler county will compare with tlieui.
We have walking advertisements of these shoes all over the y A
2 1 county We let our CQstomeri have a choice of everything that's Ifi
WA best. Come and see how we do business.
u hotel HUSELTON'S DO ™ roß
r V.-V**.****::*'*.':***:
g Women of Good Taste 8
5 Are quick to appreciate the merits of our snjwrb collection of
ml newest fabrics for Dresses and Waists. The stock is so carefully
selected, the assortment so varied and the price so low that it
W is to your decided advantage to see what we offer. P[
g r riie Newest Dress Goods jo
All the popular weaves are shown in blacks and colors. Light
kfe weight fabric* for costumes, and Ihe heavier weights for Jacket mk
JR Suits and separate skirts. Superior values at every price from
a 25c to 00 a yard.
£ New Waist Materials ft
W Exijnisite Waiit Hilks in individual patterns,exclusive desigusjio W
two alike Beautiful imported Crepes, French Flannels nnd
Printed Cashmeres Hilk Waist Patterns, worth $5 00 for
jf Finest Crepes and French Flannels 7. r )c a yd. &
Handsome Waist Materials 121 c. 15c, 2.1 c.
g Blankets and Spread** 5
From tbe lowest priced up t<» the softest and most luxurious oi
flßr Blanki'ts, our stock can't be lieat Special values ill White K
Spreads, Comforts, Sheets auil Pillow t'a j i*H. Illauki-ts r>oc to
fP| .00 a pair. Spreads 50c to 50 each Comforts $l.OO up. jK
g Underwear and Stockings
" We buy only worthy qualities and comfortable shapes even at
M the lowest prices. Women's Fleeced Underwear, special 25c, 50c.
Misses' Fine Wool Hose, special 25c.
'i L. Stein & Son,|
: j Fall and Winter Millinery
(I Owing to Ihe beauty of the assort-
I ■si'Sl i,' ? inent. and the novelties in the styles, it
, ~ t i| will pay you to come and see this ex
1 *: jJ/.. , MW A • / • hibltlon of Fine Patterns and Hals of
% 'ni'J •'' > Mil descriptions A larger and better
V .v-vaaW selection ol up to d»to Millinery can not
■/wf Is- found ill the city. We have what
/ I'll/1 .* our cnstoniers want when they want It.
j H,l/) ; and at Ihe prices they want it. We can
i' ' w/ ijtd help you suit each customer.
/ffill iii Call to see us At
jtM S«»titli Mslti Stre..'» • " '® r> ' *
If You are a Farmer
And Have One Cent
Buy a postal card and send to Tlje New-
York Tribune Farmer, N»w-York City,
for a free upeciitm cfipy.
The Tribune I'armer in a National Il
lustrated Agricultural Weekly for Farm
ers and their famiHea, and stands lit the
head of the agricultural press The price
is ♦t.ru per year, but if you like it you
can secure it with yo»r own favorite local
newspaper. The CiTIxKN, Hutlcr, Pa , at
a bargain. Ilotli papers one year only JiJ[s.
Send yotjr order and money to "Tile
subscribe for the CITIZEN
t nq t S Accounts $?
' ftji Write tor Booklet—How lo Open an Account bj Hall. iSp\ JIL
Mellon N agonal SanK | \
. of Pittaljurijh
Capital $2,G00,000.00
•: This bank has facilities for making
loans of any size on approved security. I
The Cashier will be glad to consult
with intending borrowers.
i A W MELLON, Trident <
514- SmitHficld St., l'ittsburgH, Pn.
Butler Savings Bank,
Capital, - - - - $60,000.00
Surplus and Profits - - $255,000.00
I HKNUY TKOUTMAN. . .Vice-President
Louis D STEIN Cashier;
1)1 HECTOR?-Wm. Campbell Jr., J. Henry |
Troutman. \V. I>. itraudoii. \V. A. Stein, s. '
The Itutler suvinirs Hank Is the Old»at |
Ranking Institution In Butler County.
General banking business transacted.
We solicit accounts of ~11 producers, nier- |
bants, farmers and others.
All bjslncss entrust"'! us will ro-e've
urouipt attention.
Interest paid on tlr e
Butler County National Bank, |
H LI I ler 11.
Ctpital paid in $2110,000.1.0 |
Surplus and Profits - fMo coo.oo
JO3. Hartman, President; J V. Ritts, |
Vice President; John G. McMarlin, ;
Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier.
A fcen«»ral bunking business tranHiiotod
I uteres*, paid »>u time deposits.
Money 1 »aned on approved security.
We Invite you toopeu an accouut with this
DI KF/€T'>HS—Hon. Joseph liar tin an, Hon.
W. S. Waldron, Dr. rt. M. Hoover. 11. Mc-
Sw eney. C. P. Collins 1. G. Smith, Leslie P.
(laxleit* M. Flneg.tn, W. H. Larkln, T. P.
Ml 111 In. Dr. W. O. McCandiess, Ben >l»is
<w»Mi. W. J. Marks. J. V. Ritts. A. L. timber
Farmers' National Bank,
CAPITAL PAIL) IN, $100,000.00.
Surplus and Profits, $17,500 00.
I'oreli'n exchange Uiuglit and sold.
Special at tentlon given to collodions.
JOHN HUMIMIItEY Vice President
r. a. HAII.KY < ashler
K. w. BINUHAM Assistant ( ashler
J. F. HUTZLKIt Teller
John Younklns, l>. L. Cieeland, F,. F.
A brains. C. N. Hoyd, W. F. MeUeer, Henry
Miller, John Humphrey. Thou. Hays, Levi
M. Wise. Francis Murphy, H. Yeaser, I>. 11.
Campbell, A. 11. Sarver and Dan'l Younklns.
I nterest paid on time deposits.
We respeitfullv solicit vour business.
(ftF. T. Pape,
> pJEWELER | >!
S 121 E. Jetfcrson Street. J
We have removed our Marble
and Granite chops from corner of
Main and ("lay streets to No. 20K
N. Main street, (opposite VV. \).
Brandon's residence), where we
will be pleased to meet our
customers with figures that are
right on
Mouuments & Headstones
of all kinds and are also prepared
to give best figurrs on
Iron Fence. Flower Vases
etc., as we have secured the sole
agency from the Stewart Iron
Woiks of Cincinnati, 0., for this
town and vicinity.
P. H. Sechler
Our New Store
is ready for business
New Front, N«*w Arra»KeuiMit and
ninny New Ouod*.
WII Imvo MtiirUxl ILL thu ut-w HUM nave
MILLED lIHW (li'|iHi'tiu»'ntM.
Hereafter. wh«n you need iiuvtmnK,
mine to UB F<>r It. wo lIIIVIHIIIIOKI. every
IhliiK oulhidi' of «rori-rli M, druipt. ■»•»«*»
and dry uoodN.
Cotlltl 111 ft IK I M« , «* lIM lit till* ol«l HtilllU
but It don't look like the old place.
Near I'. O
341 South Main utrre*
Karl Schluchter,
Practical Tailor and Cutter
135 w, Jcffcrnoii, Butler, Pa.
Bushnllng, Gleaning and
Window Glass
Prescription Druggists,
N. to<) Main St., Butler, Pa.
Both Phones
( Wm. Foster, (
\ Architect.
f Plans of all kind of buildings C
' \ furnished on short notice. f
I Office in Berg Building, "* 7
v Butler, Pa I
A j '
w / .V ' " 1;
Cu \ ' ! i• !I :
I Vy !;.vi
1 r • '> •
Let us give you a figure on
the Plumbing and Gas Fitting
of your home.
81H 8. Main St.. Both PbonM.
Hixfr. Alwiv»» li ll»W». Uk Urotftflat ft.f
1 -114 nr. Itl te'» KNtil.lftll In 11.1 l inn'
j 1.1 ,'lllr Imih-i, M-nlMit wtiti hlua rilihon
• ur mi4»tli.-i'. lU'lu.l' UAiluriiiiiM .nhwll'
I !«»>niul Inillitllou*. Iln» i.f >our linmrlrt.
• le. In 11111111, I'" ritrllrulm*. Trull'
II .Ml*: ,11.1 "Hi llur for In Irttn.
1 rrlut'i, ||*ll. lo.eiio I'l'HilmuiiliiU. Muhl by
r!i llnn.f 1 ,
;0 nsill.wu S'liiurv, I'lPll.*., •*>
Mm. 1.. kl. .»•»».
Binding of Books
Is our occupation. Wc put our
entire time to studying the best
and latest methods of doing our
work, I! you aie thinking of
having some work done in this
line 1 am sure you will be well
pleased if you have it done at
The Butler Book Binderj,
W. W. AM ON. Prop.
Opr>. Court House.
In the photograph line can be seen
at the Kindley Studio. The Artist
Proof photograph on exhibition
now, they arc winners and please
all who want an artistis picture
Stop in and sec them.
Novelties for Holiday trade
i)..w ready. Hroaches and buttons
of ill descriptions. Copying and
el Urging.
T» lephonc 236
P. C) H'd'g, Hutlcr.
Ilrauchcr Mar* ntnl Hvntts Cltv
-k. Ktagsmg&auHto /
See the sign direct
ly nppodle Ibe
Theodore Yogeley,
Heal lidate and
Insurance Agency,
IJH S. Mam SI ,
Duller, Pa.
If you have property
to sell. Hade. <>r retil
or. want to buy or*
runt can. write oj
phone »ie.
List Mailed Upon Application.
[Opening of New Fall and Winter Goods?
► Ladies' and Misses' Tailor-made Suits, and Jackets, Capes and) s
.► Furs, Walking Skirts, Dress Skirts, Silk Waists, Wool
Waists, Mercerized Waists, Wrappers. Dressing * <1
|' Jackets, Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, a
| splendid showing of Dress Goods, rilks, r
Waistings, novelties in Trimmings
l' and Neckwear, Millinery and
Millinery Novelties, Or
naments. Feathers
lJirds & Wings. A
Prices as usual being on that small profit^
i basis that has gained for us the replication asW
givers of best values. You will find all ]i[
That is new in Ladies' Fall and Tailor-maile Salts... .$lO.OO to $35.00
That is new in Indies' Jackets ami Monte Carlos 500 to 25 00
That is new in For Scarfs $2 25 tip to 85.00 i *
That is new in Misses' Suite. Skirts and Jackets . .. 500 up to 25.00 ,
That is new in Ladies' Dress Skirts :S.!»S np to 85 'JO
That is new in Ladies' Walking Skirts 2&S tip to 15.00 < ►
That is new in Ladies' Silk Waists .$B.OO. 4 50, 500 up to 10 »H> < 1
That is new in Ladies' Wool Waists 1.00 up to 500 |
That is now iu Ladies' Velvet Waists 898 up to 5.00 * ►
' We are showing all that is newest in Trimmed Hats, Dress '
' Shapes and Trimmings. Our Readj - -to-Wear Hats you find ' '
1 different from those shown elsewhere, as we control some im- I \
> ported lines. Our aim in Millinery is to show you exclusive { >
i styles at less prices than you can find the ordinary everyday i >
» styles shown everywhere. 'Ve solicit .i visit to our Millineiy ( >
> and Suit Departments. \\ e want to convince you of our <
> ability to give you correct styles, best values at money-sav- .
ing prices. Trimmed Hats $1.50 up. Untrimmed Hats 50
cents up The rarest, crea riiest stuck we have ever shown. I
Our Dress Goods stock was nevermore complete. We ate
f showing all the newest things in Suitings, Heavy Cloths for
* Skirts, Broadcloths, Cheviots, Zibeline, I'rutiella and Vene- *
y tian Clo'.hs, Serges and Henriettas. Fifiy-four-inch Heavy '
© Cloths, 75c. value $l.OO. Heavy Cheviots for Unlined Skirt*, < >
0 $l.OO, value $1.25. You will find ail our Dress Goods nd ( >
ft Silks priced at a saving oi 25 per cent on the dollar. So 1 1
tjj prices rifle as to values and economy in our Blank' ts, Flan- | >
nels.Yarns. Bedding, H.i|>s. Sheets, f'i low and Bolster SI i; >*■". ( >
X Window Blinds, Rugs, Lace Curtains, White Quilts .mi . u'l { ,
1 L Do nesiics. Just opened and put on sale one ca»e of He..vy (
.1. Fleeced Goods, suitable for wrappers, school dresst s and
I bed haps, at 6}c per y«rd—value 10c. Also in Ribbed ( {
j Fhreced U.iderwrar. I.adits' Ribbed Heavy Fleeced \ ,st 'y
l' 25c. Men's Ribbed Heav) Flciccd Shirts and Drawers 39c V
* | [ - value 50c.
firs. J. E. Zimmerman.!
€% Roll I'liono 9uh. O
£ People's Phone l:M. nu [lel i 1 <l X
jg Campbell's Good Furniture, |^j
1 Rocking Chairs.l
The Pocking Chair stcek is now at its jps
pg| bestj that is, the assortment is larger than
SSI it will be later on, Should you want a |gr<
K* useful present for Christmas, it would be
hard to find anything more suitable
\[' | J than one of the following!
S3 They arrived last week; mahogany finish highly polis'icd, Middle
wood seat,bannister back. The best value this store has ever shown raj
,u H parlor Rocker. Same chair in golden oan, if you prefer it.
SSt A large, conf or table Hitting room ltoekmg t'liair with a heavy Jsj-I
venere s<*iit, a high hack with turned spindles, and embossed top fectf
}ff( panel, golden oak finish only. KuS
sS Golden oak, very plain, but a strong house desk. Long drawer
luTu aih the writing table, pattern ]OW*( nhrll'
g| FORMERLY g : ;
1 Campbell ft Templetonjj
HUH** ****
H }
We have been supplying this section with the best and purest o
0 liquors in the market,whether fo f medicinal,social or household
u purposes. Our name on every buttle is a gu irantec that th - „
![ contents are absolutely pure, and to be relied upon. Here aie (1
j! some of our list to select from: .
]> 1 (
| [ Silver Age Kye. 8 years old, bottled in bond or out of bond, *
$1.50 per full quart. j|
!i Guckenheimer. Finch, Ovorholt. Dillingor. or any other lead
\\ ing whiskey. $l.OO per quart, or 6 quarts for $5.00. |
K Cabinet Pure Rye, 4 years old, $3.00 per gallon.
1 Possum Pure Rye. 3 yrars old, $2.50 per gallon.
\\ Wines, Gins. Rums and Brandies, 50c, 75c and $1 per quart, |
We handle only pure liquors, and our stock is complete |
* with every assortment and brand. Semi for catalogue and |
|| price list mailed free, and then let us have you Holiday order, |
max Klein, j
| 083 1-cikr.il St., • AHigheiiS, Pa -J