Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 27, 1902, Image 3

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    thk citizen.
nicMiMT, wuvn—; n. w*
mkw iSmTttoiurr^
tun ii. momm*** «• .*i aa mat M aiaa»
V-I , m Stf «aa aaeaaTaTJ ff as at
U iff - b 1 IM '* *" Horn-
Balnylcf b-abot «Mt af Jute
CISbhImMI • Hobo*# t jNMjril#
Maiiiirw IM • faU fair
Uh far lab
I!■ v m i .r-T aa* llirvl « * • •'*' »
*» mrTwrnrt if |»« d*»t
ohm fa «M( ' aaid «aa fad *a iM*
■ mmrn id tfa ub far aa«ala«l
IfWMiaifa fa)** t-a*ofa« MT
r*< w aafi W*r«af aa v«a« Mwrt-
ainj' daw aad aa aaaiay BatW-t
• «.»» <*«} ton
—Oat can a» tate
ya. aa aaaa a- *;-u «a ba> ua»«* < *daaa-
Baa aa«d CriMMCuaMMtrt
~~Um far fcA m mm* WBBIM o|a*
(.111 :»| » *aar l'«aliaa»b« Bfa-k '
-ffa nmrw*m** <"a»H.a
mmm faw tafli ' b» mm awafa t *i oimb
fiata far tte aaaa4. walla
-fa... **mm t. is ifaa^alMnr
mmm **«-■— I «■> aaiaada j - Mr* Frax
«iiii>'a»raßf Va Medertr
urfi i ■ jama »ai |-rt*a» arr
ia • «ar aw a tariai e»ta»rm#a»r ■ Tar
oumt fa <a iiaaa jdaaad witt tfa
fafc fcaad .i#iaa< «< «**■ ng»t
C VI % >.-«•< baa *uM far iMr
latar . u -aar bad i4t «a t
mm to * fa<Mfa. aa« far Cmm
faMafaatolwi U—>ar>
aaw a* J4a»a twv la
a nil ami raao|> McU farf aad
in naewbi* pialirj e*sa>ua.««ly
Aaa fai n/ai vfaa fa faw*
»afa ia aar ~ faaaia kmm* Ufa Tfa
at a—,a fan mmm mm*** at lIM aad
fit! iaaataa ii>««ah> Laßar
ifaat f .a«a« tbat Maana m Iw
laaal lba»f.a Ifay -faaw afait mmm
fmm anab a fta a* »«ar fruat lafti or
ai- t tb tar ahataaub aad a >t»* will
«aaaaa*> Jafaaa raaaai fraifc m
Tfa ft aipttal baa auaa —■» of ty
pb nt l«aaa aad ta<a» are aaaarai atbar*
aaaimirßfa la «fa wan abd adjanee*
fl-r-- mm tfa fart* of b efald. a Mr*
-A liaalf fatas aocartai iaat weak
bala aai. dnaaaa af tbr tMaadbrd Uat
fafo.. W*u aßatda tbaar but—a tb J. B
■faraau. • lam «b • Wartubcta* Bk.
Wfil'Mf • ißtli ImrackM'
-dfaß la mm a* tfa graatm a of aaior
<b übii *i" aaul aiitiafti a A waak
»*« fiVMI Ml ® HpltH'it*
af aaalar mU ar bat a csoaUaat far fa
wiSi irf icm rviMrrv A in tdM*
baad timmmtkmd ay tuutft tfa boar
Bbafa lb tfa M * O (ftitatrly PAW
•taar lafat ban faaafay Tfa ttli a
aa iou ami— rbaaf ■ I to 11M. bad tfa
««•»,.« lau mm tbfaa <dt Tfa
■4o* Mab if — iaaria tfa dHj at 11 Jfa
pm aad a«a ia bntlar at IM tb
Par ■iMiiar <*an#»i aa 11 tar labia
fawbad mm • tab * Wbat aball Ido to
la abaadf A yabafct aadtiibi fakir
pnaaad aafar II "ta P*rry a porga
MaaaaAbMal) laanrnil uaipmaatb tfa
* laa j—iHrtfi b "Tfaa prayar ■■ to mart
tbf faud " Tbal aettkad feU
A aaa oarraarf Honday ana
lum 'Hmk a I'll f i in 4 Ihmni If liiwift do IMm ft
aaa bat taraaaigatnai fe-vafayad tbat
Ma draafaa caraurtMra vfa> bad trad
fa abfar tfa anaab of laattnty aad feaifats
tmmmmrn had oady banalaad a aaad faat
las. aai aaa at tbia raa ay tows aad
MM tfa laafaa faa r mmpmrnum bad faan
fcubad Tfa laayfaifd daad aaaa aaa
faaad ba—lbf faa Braiaai fa fad fa bu
faaallß« boaar
TW nHid aoiuat Botirr btmmgb !
la larw «f Hn Bailey of UarMia nam a
If la li UM imt MatanAay raaM aa aa
wiMNI Miymr While vtattieg ia
ftMlar mmm watki ago, and walking
■Hag Cl—niaal * . villi a fraud, a
kaart liM mud Mra Bailry a foot
M<kt Mm waa ttipgmA and fall f*av
Wg ay—nag iai lii|> tua* Aa ltaiae
*MtoaMMMt«ua of U»# board walk
IWtad that Um huard that
kai 4mm tbm A f- mm ta« oaly lwa»
mm *a A. mmd a rtfip ol wire ab«g
aniail>ni lba«4 walk* U kapt la ra
pao mrm tha haat vi walk* aad H la 100
had taat tha huutfk tana*, aafer fur
ftiMe fir- iirfwfl la t #ttr *nrr
la Ik* Mwy of Dry (iaula M«ni*bd
MM aa mi* ah ba» that of The
M 4<a a fhure Uoa aaak aa* bam heard
af laiiai raad tha aivertiemaeut
«kav wham 4 BMIM MatAotf C3a Yoa
•ui aut aiiai Ma* mkm if f «a Japprac-iate
*• at* iHnWinwn la «w Ilm> a»ea of
V AkTKl' A g»»«d arala -
■h «a ;ua p »ali li. , '»»"• •> J*<haoa
4k l*-if-»At • r«Af i 4 rf %Mii|ii—lt * mirllift
i. * a yaa M Italia*
llaoi uf
Haiuiny >i aa*•
a* (laalaai • Jmwritr Mauav 111 H
HUM** a~>i| li>4ft Slmv* §**
fat Wtata aad Pwrl.. t |Maa*uwda.
MM <• ad WawfeMi Hubd HtaartMig
llw Wtmm tu*pM t«4 Ohiaa llrk C«l
the* aad aw) wiha* arte Urn aattabl*
iiaam arft
ChU aai aa> a*»d ha aawianal
■aa«a< haaa aH*twel aa aMltiuaal
in, |# up tCfi'Clk ''' llafli fill
kkm* Wit ha Muait*4
faaai Uatwary aad UMaatp wiaduw
«M a aM ffaa 1 At • a tu " m p m
Mmawf Uaiaii aai hmwii i winduw
•tj* i»a ia I p aa
taarMaa w-taAuw f «t*ta I p ai
Ma wtll h* <auaa4 at • p m
HtmmmM Taataaai * m» aa»a aad
faaa> • m la ? p ai
i II Im.A< * P II
g*r»ia»iirimi Tuaca
•ad «** ataaya Paapaaa far a
ataf "» I maa a>aa l'i«»».a»*
Ih Paar par aat »aad aa anafi
Lai a* t* paa a awart ap
F W Fro«ly of Sliptaryrw k waa m
t«IS OS faiauaaa. J«*tef'UT
| A Mrt all of «"farry twp did •oiaa
' ifaopfOßg is Bailer Saturday.
Will Brand-.* fa* morad lo Butler
; aad ia linaf fa tfa Fintt Ward
J. W Bar?>t»»o of OiaU.L. •wp wa*
la tu«« oa bu»ia«a# Friday
I» Wafan of IVmi *
n» W fnrada ia BatWr T«n*nli«'
Mb F of CtikfT ttlrtJK.
tb mjtua U|«l tmauMna ,b Botler jeater -
| **T
Ml** J mm- Fnltoa -4 Sa*obt>urjr u tfa
pm Hiam S tttif Fn/icr "t Z*gU*
Art thi« w.«-k
A M A -brr. of Gr» re Otjr. lWtfl b
wt-u oar *t»ri». lul amn*
paopfc- ri»U( it far a Panama
Mr mud 34r» Joa. L iv»t cf H»n.«
bury wwr>- tbr fx. -»ta of their 'Ui/hler
Mr* U*v Vi< to 4aa of HfMf M fa*
MM* Iry Buax« Mr> BaMM* uicji
*ad Miaa J<a*pb<*>* tiaya of l> Flat,n
are apri.d.!.* Thafctainvuitf day With
Airs Fiat • aad taiu.if
Protb.-notary-afa-t Clark and an* of
Wafaoevtue tw? . did »«t airman *
Batfei fatardav |.,ob will n-.t
fa* family to Botler till brxt rtprtb*
C*irt« X*;i *» W>< ia tbe St* York
faorw lart Tbnraday fatnre.l
tfa \'iutdrrw.ii wiMim for overdrmis/.
at-oa-l tfa ratrrw fur aeUitu; w»a» * Tjil
aa* tfan put uol of tfa ImullißK
V K Tt *ap»j«i of M'.ddJ- *
■art *ar * tfa ;btt tfa* w«fa H<-
fa«pp» b.uiw.t t»o*f Jarm.su' tw» (mil l
twd *•-«** of laud a»d u fafakfajr of Iwr
iue wr>
Vtlfakiii But* of « tmciuu*'. who
iav» mt» • faultier >f J-raa Bltir alta*
Milk* vfa. war killrd fa pnh *m*n
M<<(fa< aa» IB lows i*at rwi »«a
far cur H« ••»> « tli»t
faji at a* jacr a fiijforr in
Gs»r-ib&«t~ jw»hr.t»
<*»<r«r A Ilcaty Hw writer wi. .
pa< hfjtm teu> artrwt;v« at 1 palat
afa* lor» fi«r bufa ba» j-i*t d)»-1 at th.
attr if Bfvrß'y year* Kvery -J wb-.
r.j>» na4 tfa fMBBiUng M<mr- of
H*«.ty morr*. atiußt tfa f«'t* cf h.
Bary iriU f* 1 lb«t u- h»« 1 « frifb i
It tkr 4-a*t d til- 'S* Au'fd dcufj
H* wruar ruiax- after rulantr nf w>r»i
cf a< mi'n'i rimrc'iM hia yooiiif
faoo rifa tbr i;i-*t kadera it» bu*or>
Cfa Pfetf«r of Mod4»«-r«-k tap
>Thort»nl to »ufii« oacoßcf in
Bafaar Mue4i< Mr F*f«-.f«-r b»# rtm *
•a* Bull ib tfa? tat ftr fairtf*®
IL> >atpat t* m «tiy ut lull naff tb»t fa
mtIU v tfa railroßa cooijianir* tot <b
tbat timr fa fa« at*" a»ki to tfa i'l tt.k
ituml Ob about ta« ibiUtoa f««t of -i
imeb pSactiM ahf* hr ablp" at Harmor, y
a*jd alu> b air ci.l •adei at tiii tuibaa'.
«r i otfa?r Blat)'<ba far «a> vt tfa lowrr
{•art ct tfa naH
A H' 4IMTN HiAKT —I*OW. 27.
*. £ 4
"w .. ■>»""*. »i ' 4^lE
*<■** v« * *" *
A tLrtweapan H«ert will be ttaeattw
rtue ff Um- Park Theatre Ttior«day
S<k 27, nittiew and tiiirbt. The
driia* m ri'-fc in cUwtn dfliocatkw
tbrllluijc in altu**; all <4 its IB
ratmtb Mat. :»«-» prioea tt * » tO'I ■#
mN Nifht »'j •>' and 75 cefiU,
Brsudell Sc Y-nair*M\ « fatuous panto
raitn.' f*r<» ixjwi-4r Tfc* KatMsnjam
DIM Kids. tkst has W*H aorh a oni
•rml spun tb'iv who have
| lrrb fortunate to witrmm this mirth
| |<r>>v.ik:nc '-tmiudf. will ap|i«ar at Park
Theatre Hatarday So* Matinee ,»n<]
Niirht TIM company «thi* year has
tmeo'c:ia»! f«ra*Jy »lr*:iirthi-n«d by tbe
b-at Uieat tout oonld lie set-nred for
|Mi(kiD( purpoees upas which tb:«
iaerit»n->n- mwiy waa founded.
Matiuee prinm 45 and 35 ceata, night
3S Xi ■>» and *i ntbU.
Tbe Bennett 6c Monit-ai C» will be
ng a wrk « n(>irio«iit at th.» Park
Tbeat'e twit Monday Bennett
4c MualVm at an Murmuii* eip«iiit<
bate {fttrcbaned all rirw static setting*
tar Ibrir productions this season. which
will enable tbrm to (jiw the |«afron< of
tbe Park Theatre u»w and elnbirite
prodtjctteaa Hy .ally p*w»oU» with a
metrotfoiitan repntation enable them to
givr ihe latest and ioo»t jsipular songs,
dai»<•«-« and owi-ltin of the aeaaon
NatiOH- prves 10 and 30 neotx. evering
price* 10. W and !W omta
-j UK MtuN OF THE < W*s*.
The '(IBIIIIK «F ttw Kr-«t, mill one of
Uw uioat •ucea.fol attraction* on the
rood, Hi iff of the t'ruM." with all
tto original oompiuv, aoeaeiy, coetamea I
tad proper! lea wilt t« wek*»m«
for *ll iLxw who have MM thla great
rfli(fi »o« drama or tbote- that only Imv*
heard of it* (treat repntation
lirauil o|M*rii lioiw;, l'iU»»Miry.
"Miaa Ilobba." which wan priwMiUtd in
Plltabnr* a year ago br thf 'iwnd
afcuck ryjfnpanr will I* p«» on f.ir a re
rival at the aaiur theater next week,
liegiutiiiu Dwember lot
Tft* atory of ' Miaa llobbd" tiegin*
with a i|oarrei with the "Kingaearln"
who are an »ir«Mliii(l|r jroang couple
having t»rn married ju*t at* month*
i Mr> Kiagtearl ' ban law-n guided to
mmtr ritrut in her acti/ma toward ber
baabattd by the advice given her lijr
Miaa Hol'la who. tt later develot««. in a
•oft jf MAN batinK woman While the
' Ktaireearl* are ijuarreling Mi***
Miitwui Karay IWUM in aid inform*
* Mra Kiamul that ahe baa broken
tdf bar >inn|Wß«at with <*«orge Je*
n«j» at the luMuatioo of Mian Mobba '
The np*bot of the ■,■ i*ri. luf the ' King*
•arli" (a that Mr» King-earl 'eavea her
I ijnlikicl aid goe* and livn with Mi**
Holdai who haa ju*t taken a bonne in
t*e aawio town «tid then, ia an aiuuaing
r«w>»a'illation later
Til*- atorf Hid* with the rouveraioii
i.f Mi« ll'tlHa ' and the reunion of tlif
diffrrvat nm|il«( Mtranxwl through her
laf o#t» e The play ta brimfnl of funny
l*riii>») i» Mum Kwilrniiil t ierit-ul
Orvtara tor ItHM.
Pmaiant la Ila oanal < laatota. the
K>M»lr«»ia Ouanaß) will IM* ckri
cal •»der* fur tha year IiKW to ordained
rtMiiuMii having regular charge of
< harchea located on or near ita line*
CkrgyttM-a daeirtag ««i'b order* ahoubl
•oak* iielividnal app!i< atlon for HUH 1
ia Ida ok* furm*bed hy tha Company
through lb Av'uU Application*
•Ikonl'l r«a<-h the <lru>r«l ' ifllee of tlie
Coaupany by lv»#ite» 31. ao that order*
tt>ay le c-% i« 1 U-. niit#r :ti to all
ctrriflorn MtllM to receive thrill
lituciiMliial irroiia < oru.
Me to 111 i.lirliitllKl lilN> lit*, or
Priaif 4 i lIKW SIM IIC«I « oru tor
.VMt llw. fiNMI, «tr) Unci* to Ileal-
K« HatrwUon rgattp* write or ae* tia
J bwiora y«>« tail « >our lliu-k wheat m
I that wa have au|il» atu> k( of mrt The
j railroad* are very alow bauliag freight
thia> daya
! AM there are nearly It It a 'if holla on
■ a baahel uf Itock wUeat. Ibi* t iichang*
anai.l auo Staai of win! I "»>ro lor alioot
i >1& lha id pare Hueka beat. after the
hall* ate returned la thia a jrood ri
' change. with aorii retailing at iwarly
iaa lair * Ki«rurw it out
H J KUV.UJ 4C <>l.
butler |*a
. Xati.jnal Supply Co. v* M L. Gifaoti
( att IA. A Tamo. ap[«al by deft* from
: ii4<etaenU rendt-re<l by Jat-ob Keck
i. i
j Hatb A. Anderson v» Howard B.
Wtar aM>uta[>eit »o breach of proojt.-e
U> marry, ciaiined and
fail rfjTrr-d s>■' The joirtiea ar«
! botb paotuiacat In Harmony. Mia
Anderson aat-ert.H that thry faeaine eo-
1 m 1~!'- and Wi«* eoßtinaally
the We! Jl! until the lJta
ijs>' a-, u i. ••jI ; r«:u*ed t>
ai«r.\ h»r
Frtef M L v- L»Ulrl
4llU d.- .-ri l «j i t* « u a
aiecbau:*: * !>aa for ?l«4
Ti.tAi. UsT.
I i < r .«ii •. Ci;;. **u- iU ley aa
j afad lv of < u.'a<"« gains' iiuler
lionMfa f > i> ' ■ rv»j;l*»l m a verdict
."»«>9r \ it; > 1 ' jl 'd jary
roiv.bg •, -t.. t »<-«! ..' rfut litairiviurf
at tia tlec r'uj Mia u. t, iUit tiuiu
Lhjti. -a.il> ti .'icl . irl uUi ... lie t' >
rta.t i>er dasybir* ii> i-.
id tie'."-i .«.. 1 »i. a ..c u.i .»at :;£r>-et c'U
ber way tiaw toe aiati »a t»> tf
kiu noiut .« . >i- I.»> rti in t.- w.» It in
trunt of Ki i ■ •■» pr.perty ui,.pel
abd threw ner. l.: *ui biy. aai
iwnuabebtly ■-! ,<■> -X b.-r A new
trial waa Mtktsd f«-r ov vie bor./U^t.
Tue treapaaa »ait of kleucy F. i».»u;ler.
Jr va F B F'aracii ,»:jd ;i.rr> -
t"ratter* rcwsUt- « ia a verdict of
! n Bau-i-r. i.e pattira *tf\
wt«rkib({ on -ie i><.-« railr., i<i bum inb>
Hlipjierj rock •» p U. T leaui-
Aft.-r lirK'i. ud CruUtri <'lml kepi
iliu;e ,eioi < i<*t t«j' r- i.*i»t it
<* iij UM-1 u r . abd r-. pit vied Ibeir oi<4
;» ni ilj : i<-r t .-u - i«l for
to bia t»aui
C- art Monday uiorning with
iiuw s»t of juror*.
The firrt cue- on the lint. John C.
tr;ji-t«e. va. the Kennedy
at Mars ej-< "ia-.-nt f.jr a tarai.
was artlie
Tbe auit cf .Samuel L. FitcVeuaoa
auui r of M. M. Stevenaoo, va. Hu*h
tifruall. •>' Anau laie .ir . . to cjfa'i
a uu(« fur tilft. gircii by t > M.
M Striawui in I"*4. ie«iil:e<l ;u a vt i
d-t r,/r Spiouil. Tbe note b.nl bc—ri
Miml Hprou'l b-1 p-». iit arj j i ikeu »
re *?'pt .ifoer tbe of M. _il
.SteVeOt .u tfa note »aa fonnd The
caae of .S L nte>eii» ju v.'. Siuuu* l L
<jrter->ft euffl'-aiUR. wascjntiotie'i
In trie of V* uK iff iir'M. of
Yt*aog»to*a •* W. il. L»rkiu & Co. to
enfor<» |.a*, meat f-<r so in- l*>ll» and
pipe irb:rk Larkiu claimed he did not
order, a verd!*t of #bli wan given for
the pits.
Th« mil of Eileb McCafferty va Jacob
Ckaa hcira. for a ("rut iu Buf
t«i»lwp ri-ituii--'i :u a verdict for the
plt A uj >tion for a new trial >»J»
utivde and • uU-rt»!!»ed.
Cii irit* d £vau» a>xl wife of Will
field twp naTc ndop:' I a-i tneir C'llld,
I*w.* It . minor tut of .Mr*. Enzibrta
i!' tlLoti y of (.'aruot, All*-Khcny Co.
&! XoSletaan of Mar* baa been rt
tnmed for larceny bv L«'|. Sloan. He
i* to tiave »"jUtn k robsj from
one livery' ataole an<! tried t<» nell it to
another. Otb-r charge- of larceny bare
be* u entered again-t Nobleman
A of a«Vb hii-i l*en entered
Banitiei Johnat'jo by Williaiu
W heeler of Sax ,nbirg.
A coarse of rajjrancy and tr-«pa«!»in>;
ha* l«e*n entered against J B. Br >\vu
before fc 'i- A. L. (.'auj|»l»ell of I'etrolia.
Th /tna# George applied for nnturalizM
A court for tb» trial of c ivil «w «
Will OuliTene Motid iy, Jari I'J, l!)u,J
Lnciati Cbeuut, J. W. rfnath. car
worker. (Jbarlei Hal-ta, John Beu*>ii
and A. A Irvinu. an n mi mlrr of the
Tovrn (>.un<-il. hav-j been arretted on
cktrp!! of sdeb and riotioua de traction
of public buildinKK for participating in
the Bennett ri ;t Smith in in j.vl, the
others have t;hen bail.
•A nioriKssfc of ifjuUH; has boen given
by A It. McConnell of. hia lenaex and
well.t »u the Pai'err iu anl others far inn
in Pens twp to John Q MctJonnell.
Tbe (inaranty Trn»t Co. waa
ed Koardiai> of (lertrnde 'ialbieath of
Allegheny county.
'(be tirniM of Hio..er & Hoover and
the l)«dlow Valve Ml/. Co have enter
ed jod/Uienta ) against
John SM-haffuer. and a* eia of Mr. Kchaf
fner in the hand* of Butler borongb
have la»en attached by Hibner <St
Hoover Mr .S< hifiner ha* filed an ap
jdication in baakrnptcv iadore the U. n.
I)i-ttrict (»art Th»> Hibner <fc Hoover
H*rdware Co. have al*o entered unit for
*>i4« an and for 93071 li f>r hardware
appptie*. ejploatve*. etc., furniahed
John Bcbaflner in bnlldiax a new water
lino at Dußoia.
■Saturday two youths named Beighley
and Kennedy wbuw homea aro in
Milleratown. Allegheny connty were
arretted on charges of burglary and
larceny in nspecta of the robbing of
<i I). Hi Dinner' * office in gatonburg
la*t week. TO<J!* were fcecurwl from a
neighboring Wa-ksmith nhop. the office
door forend. the safe (which was open)
ranaacked. and $BO in money, $lO of
which l**!oiiK«d V) the Kngliah Lutheran
church, wa* taken. A pile of burnt
matches and a twenty five cent piece
found tinder a hickory tree nearby in
das ted where th'i spoils had l»eeu
At a hearing before K*q. McKlvair.
y. -f rday/afternoon. there living no eyl
deuce the boy* were discharged.
The heirs of Hol«-rt Brown, deceased,
have pi-titi iiieii for partition of his real
e*tate in Clay twf.
Jacob Knyder, adin'r. of John Manny,
deceased, wa* given leave to bid at tbe
sale of tbe decedent s real estate.
N f j. <4anlrit*r. of Jn'-knville. ffM nj»
M»int»-<l Kimrdian of Fern, Ida May mid
Marjory Htickle, minor children of
Ktnuia Htickle, decoaned
Policeman Mi-flradjr went into (Joint,
Monday, and I tail in ♦II.OOO, with
It H. Fowzer lIH aurcty. on the char«<i
of mHnNlatixh'er unide a«iiin*t him by
tii" Co !>«•• t. for Hbootmt; J.<iin Hltte.
alia* Miller.
The French Academy, Ltd.. lian bwn
ontitiwd l»y S<inth Hide Frenchmen
with a capital of ♦•VKI for the |inr|M>N'! of
teaching llioaic. boldliiK dunce* nod
KlvinK municitl ei|terlniriiii«uta They
liave lM>ui(ht « lot on Zie«l«'r ave. from
lioiiert IVijd for f i<W.
A churire of »kk *<fcb ba* lIMD enler
aitaiuat leaae lt**lick
The lIIM'I HUit of Thom IH ltobin*on, of
llutier rtK.nii-1 John WaiMUiaker, of
Philadelphia, will • <>me ti|> for trial at
lleavrr. Pi., I>«■<•(.nib«r •! The auit la
ill" out'ome of Htatemeiit* 'ille|(eil to
have la-en made by Mr. Wanamakar
in a [Militical apeeirh at N'orri*town. I'a .
in <>» , t'iij» r. l^ti"
The medical IfHnl i»i<i«>int«'d re
ceiitiy i>y Clov Htone t«i in<|iiire into tha
l>h)"i iil '■oiidiii"ii "f Hujmrior t'oiirt
Jiidi(e John I Mitchell of VVcHnlniro.
Monday, that I hey found the
judife IncApai-ilaUxl and that hi* oondl- ,
tion will never ta» Improved.
The rej. irt will lai »uiniiitU"l to Judife
Mib hell with whom it i* optional 1111
der 'he Judge * p' iKiori act. whether he
will retire. The proiwhiliiy ia that hla
r«*ilfnall«a Will follow the acceptan-e
of toe repott. in which event he will let
retired on $l,. >0 unntially (or tlie bal
awn of hla term, which eipmta lUIO.
The me<licitl cOKitaiaaioll appointed
by Kt nie to inve tigate the coadltion of
Kaprrior ( «>nrt Juoge I'cter I" Hmith of
Hrranton will In-gin the iuvastigaiioa,
notwithatandlllK the a«nertioli Itf .ludtfe
Hiintli that he M i>hy*ically and men
ti»lly ai ln to attend to hia judicial du
tie* and will not retire
Ml* H P (Jill t. II r Itricker, lot on
j lot on Wa*hi!i|rtou M« for |I M*l
Ja* A Met 'line to Ntcholaa Hi*ibn,
Si.t ..ii s..iilh hiiie I'.r ♦HKHI
lilt* I'hn*lley b> Stephen M<°Cl*))an.
| lot on llant (Quarry Kt for SI*MHI
W II lt'« -«le to K I). Weart prop
erty in I<anca*ter for |
(' A Mkillmati to Mary K. Nicholaon,
bit '<ti South Hide for |W)
J F Anderaon to Charity V. Htoi.er,
lot in iiiitler twp for l-Vmi
Hiiaaii C It * «-in/ to Cha* C tteidcr.
I aciee on N*e|(ley ave CMingderatiou
not |(tveu
Thomas A Green to A Green, lot on
Mercer St for % IHW.
Peter Graham to W'u F Rumberger,
lot on E. Clay St. for #lOOO
' H W Bagg to Matilda E Jamison,
lots in Renfrew for sooo.
Geo F Brown to P C Eckman lot in
West IVn t; St for |5OO
Robt Boyd to French Academy Ltd
lot in Butler for 9500.
Enos W Graham, ex'r. to John W
tiraham 27 acre* in Brady for $350.
W E Kalston to Jennie Cowden lot
on North Main St for ftooo.
Frank X Kohler to Charles H. Gies.
i lot on Pierce avenue for $4 *OO.
A < ristVv to D. I>. l'gley, lot
n W> «r i.:"- ireet for fVV.
>1 •rriajte l.uviiv-.
i George Wat lia Butler
j Anna Eiko "
JO. L. Hovia - Hilhard-
I Darlev Surreui
Guy T. Eiul'eny PotineHUt O.
' Pioreucr »V • n-.'ii... M<-• rhea-1 »*illel'a
j (i. E. St>!ul Harmony
M Eliz.Urh Ei. heiio .r
! fohn C«»'!-rt -Allegheny
I Had ".utier
Chailes F Tr •utuiHe llookt r
| MuultJ Ja('a> At OikUud t«-p
j Tl :n - J--; . . . SLer»vin
j Elziiia St<-.co>.s .u
i Peler Lac Allegheny
! Elisabeth Butler
I > S >ic< ] -key Batlsr
, Ella May - ' ip'or. Ri'oot. Pa
i Fr lilik E. L .;z.. Zelienopla
i \rr <•■» i nn/ Karti-'City
J ...» n..: • Botler
I Lu-::s i I 'ir.i- "
Job- !i. • (ireec- City
El'/i 'V •»!ker Butler
H. Gn i»av< alt B itier
M-t r .'ir»* i >. Pontius
> r I' :!■••• "j -Ji»hn L. Naleof Pit' -
Ltirg and Katie Fleming of Butler Co.
\r W .. '' .u Dl 0 —J. fit 5,.-er
an t Mrs <». M. Rus-'eit i f Butb-r.
At l'ltrsr-utg—Edward Gutapper ••£
I'.n'ier m. 1 Margaret Bridgeman ot
At (' ■ ush .rrf, Edgar W f'hri-tv
■ . e : \ i:n Knj>--rt of Now Kei.-
k i:..t n.
CiiOdfii (liite T«»urs.
• ilifort :a at.ii the Pacific Coast rt—
ntfft kMe bet win wi ji|hlii la IHMI
yea:- with the IrrVT class of winter
• -.t aii'i p. ■< ei «-ekers that the peun-
Icarji.i K i:lroud Company has decided
t't : rri t«-.» fi .lden (iate tours this
v.-!uter, :ie to include the famous
Mardi (»ra« s;.e tacle at New Orleans.
Oi. t*>- go v trip l>oth tours will trav 1
t.> t'ie Gol 1-n ' »xte Special, OT.e of the
ti (iti i hat the continent.
One i i'.r « I! leturn by this train, while
p "i-u.'er- • > ihe other and lsfer tour
* ill us" f ;u!ar trains returning. In
xlifornia |.*<s.<!jgers v.-ill 1m entirely
a t e;r n a :i pie 'sure i:i tti • matter of
i'n -rsiy, should a <tifii-letiriy larg*-
uui!i'»T of pa-seugers denire bi join ir
»t:.' an itinerary snggeatod hy the
Pi i.m-.-leanta Railroad t'ompiny. the
rvice* ot a Tourist Agent and Chap
eron will l»- <it titeii di-posal.
i'be first tour will leave New York,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington,
*nd other points ou Thtirsdav, January
and wiil travel via f hicago, Kansas
City and El Pa»o to L'-s Angeles and
-i»Mi L»jfgo, arriving at the lattor pftint
February 2. An entire month may be
devoted to visiting California resorts,
t?ie Golden (Jate Special leaving San
r ranci.-cu on the return trip Tuesday,
March il, and returning via Silt Lake
City, Gb-.jvi >o.i Springs. Colorado
a.d Denver. The rate for
>:i tour will be ifcl'io, covering all ex
cuses of railroad tr?.nn{»ort'itioD > iu
<■• ««!•• tripi i:i California. a-* well
.1 ■ li--rth an' rural* j'i the Golden Oat-
Sp-1-:,'il got' n and returning. No hotel
fijhtikm i . California are included
'I n L< t-- ai* for return trip for
niii ■ month , ex •(•filing that
whidono ' turn on Sj**cial must pro
vi']« tbeir nn Pullman accommoda
tions 11'1(1 I. •• il« '■ -wibOUllll.
Toar No I will leave Thursday, Feb
rn irv 11), !• the Golden Gate Special.
< ■ 'i.-ir.mti . Montgomery, aud Mobile
»i!l lie vi- » <i eu ronte to New Orleans,
where the ,'Uty will stay during tlie
•!..rdi Gia- festivities The, train will
u -i-letra'-ked for occupancy during
the three <1 ijh spent in New Orleans,
i-'r?>,.•» will a'si lie mad.; at Beaumont,
Ti *i», lin iHto i, Tex*-, Han Antonio
and El Puso T ie train will arrive at
Kan Diego February '£&. So far an
a;e<-ial tra'.'i a' raiineim->.t* are concern -
eft. this toi.r will Isi completed at Han
I>;>*Ko. 1 '.iKHenKe.'M may •li.-jf i«e of
♦heir time ;n California as thov sne tit
Khonld a eufficient number desire to
take a trip through California
the service.) of a Tourist. Assent and
Chaperon will be placed at their dis
The rate for thin tonr will be $275,
covering all railroad transportation for
the entire tfip, including side trip* in
California, seat at the Mardi Uras
festival, and Pullman berth and ail
in .lln on the Golden Gate special from
>.' w York until arrival at San Diego.
Private compartments, i. a., drawing
rooms or state rooms, may Is; obtained
by the payment of additional charges
on both tours Application should la-
HI ide to Geo. W. Boyd, A»Hi»tant
G» neral Passenger Agent, Uroa I Street
Station, Philadelphia Pa.
Ask lor it!
If yon don't see what you want at the
11 it. <Sfc P. Cafe auk for it.
They will furnish yon with anything
in the market,and ci>ok it nicely for yon
on short no tic#.
The Cafe is open from early in the
iirirnitig till late at night.
15. K & P CAFE,
Stein Yiuilding, South Main St., Ilntler.
Supjsrrs furnished for Theatre parties.
Bell Tnlphonw 147.
CHAB F KINO. Prop'r.
Insurance and Real Estate.
If yon wish to sell or buy property
yon will find it to your advantage to see
Win. 11. Miller, Insurance and Heal
Estate, next P. •>, Butler, Pa.
You will llnd the largest anil bust as
sortment of Plnsh and Fur Robes at
Martinconrt&Co's, 128 E. JefTerson St..
Boiler, Pa.
Real Estate Broker.
Parties wishing to purchase or sell
oil properties, farm ~ cttv residences or
real estate of any kind, should call upon
W'm. Walker,in Kettcrcr's b'd'g,opposite
I*. O. Hutler I'a. Peoples Phone No. 51^
J IVIIUHV Ivmiiu ICiillroiul's Winter
Kxciirnlon Bontc Hook*
I lu pursuance of its urinal custom, the
' P i-aenger Department of the l'entisyl
! vania Itailroad Company has just Issued
. au attractive and comprehensive Itook
! descriptive of the l>-ailiiig Winter re
. sorts of the East and South, and giving
1 the rates and various routes and combi
nations of route* of travel. Like all the
publications of the Pennsylvania Bail
j road t'oiupany, this Winter Excursion
1 Book" is a nettle! of ty |>ographical ami
| clerical work. It Is lioiind iu a baud
I some and artistic cover in colors, and
contains much valuable itiiforiua'ioo
for Winter tourists and travelers in
general. It can lie had free of charge
. at the principal ticket offices of tlie
I Pennsylvania Itailroad Company, or
i will Ist sent lHsitpald upon application
to Geo W ißoyd Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station.
I A two storv store rtsuit and large
dwelling with one acre of gronnd. giss]
I stable and outbuildings, larife chicken
house, all in excellent repair. With or
without stock of goods, general store.
A good business, line trade fcti a pros
larmis agricultural community. Will
lie sold rigbt. Inouire of
Leasnraville Butler Co . Pn.
You never had such a chance t > get
g«ssl clothes cheap. Try B A B
The acme of economy here, It & It,
clothiers and men's furnishers.
Single and lioublu Ovens at
Bert Hyles of Whitestown was kick
ed on the head by a male in Blacks
ban in Butler, last Saturday, and was
for a time, made unconscious. He was
taken to the Hospital.
W C Mitchell of Kittanning stepped
on a round stone, in Pittsburg, a few
dgys ago, and broke his right ankle.
Chas. Weisenstein. a carpenter em
ployed at the 2nd Presbyterian church,
was cut on the head bv a falling
scantling, Monday.
Word cn i-e t" Maiv, l ist Saturday,
that Samn. i Vet' >f Valencia, had
' bfen fatal:} injured by a gas engine
n«-ar Coraopoiis, and could live but a
ft-.v hours. Mr. McCaslin was about So
\ears of aue and family lived in
Valencia, wh It* he worked at other
places H- w-s « fill of J'nies Me
1 Caslin, deed, formerly of Middlesex
1 twp and hi.-- mother is yet living wit''
his brother David, near Euclid.
< 111 UCII VOTK-S.
Mis- J s-iv- Ai'k-rmm. the W. «' T
U. inisoi'iuary. Sundav eveuiug :tddr--s
-i ed the largest church audience ovnr hs
-1 sembled in B.ltler, at least #OO or 9<n
| j»eople having gathered in the U. P.
eLurch to !:• ;»r her. Miss
subject W;ts lh<* ueeds of teiupe>° tuc.
missi"iiKr> work in Japan, China and
the Philippines, irotu which land-; »l.e
has recently returned. Sanday af'e
I noon Miss Acker ma u addressed 111—
j men's meeting in the Y. M. C. A.
i The .1 utiioi- Ende.:%or Society of thii
Grace Lutheran c'.urch will hold n hox
social in llockeas:. n's Hall (over Jos.
Rockenstcin's barn -s s'ore;. N. Maiu 1
Sr., on Friday evening i f this week, i
All are invited.
Please ann >unce that tu-i Prof. Li-t
Entertainment announced to i thiseve l .-
iu;t will take place on another date
The express package of bills and tickets
was lost on the road Rev. Lon ;.
Four new members were ieceive l in
to the Grace Lutheran caurch last Sun
Oyster supper at Germau 1-resby
■ •11. in chnrcb at Jt-ffersou tent re to
night Everybody invited. Benefit of
OIL. SOI i>.
The Market—Both agencies advanced
a cents. Tuesday and the price was
il 42 with no change yesterday.
Coacord -The Devonion Co. struck
another good 4th-sander on the Al
Starr, Tuesday, said to l>e doing 12 bbls.
an hour. It is located about a third of
a mile wtsf of the big well. The same
Cos well on th« Jas. Thompson, i-triu k
t'.-ee weeks ,%■>, is ho'ding up at a>«.ut
ten burrels an hi>ur.
Hospital donation Dmj
The Butler County Hospital ass.» ia
t on will observe their ai.nnol donation
day on Frirtay alter Thanksgiving. No
vember 2S, at 1 o'clock. All donations
or baskets left on front porch or steps
will be called for by wagon, as has been
ocr custom, during the afternoon.
The work iu the Hospital lias increas
ed very much in the past four month*
atid we ask the people of Butler and
Butler county to remember the hospital
tbis year us they have done so geoerouK
ly in the past .
Of Int«.*r.->t to I'etias) lvaui .t
The aiiU .-il m. of the Ptmnsyl
vnnia Live Stock lireeiers' Association
will IHJ held at Harrisburg, in the Board
of Trade Bnilding. Wednesday and
Tlinrsday, December 10 and 11, 190'*
Every breeder in the state should be
present to hear 1 lie good things pre
pared for them by tmini'Dt breeders
and scientists, and to part in the
discussions. Among the subjects to be
discussed ate "Ideals in Horse Breed
ing" and "Practical Treatment of
Sheep Diseases" by Dr. C. D. Stuead of
New York, one of the best kuowti
veterinary authorities in America, and
a practical breeder as well. Prof. C. S.
Plumb, late of the Indiana Experiment
Station and now of the Ohio State Uni
versity, will discuss "The American
Pig and His Improvement" aud "Breed
ing Animals."
Lot 40x140. paved and sewered, S.VSO:
lot 40x120, one acre and good
house iu borough. house aad lot
in West End, $1300; on S. Washington
St., $1600; on South St., $1050; on New
Cast 14 St.. *2.V10. on W. Penn St., $2000;
two on Mifllin, $5OOO and $1200; on Oak
land Place. $2050; a beautiful home ou
Institute Hill and a dozen other prop
erties. Loans.
E H. NEOLEY. Diamond.
Public Male*.
Nov. 2H, at 10 a. m., J. P. Davis iu
Brady twp., ou Mnddycreek.
One of the most, desirable homes in
the growing town of Hlipperyrock. Pa ,
eight rooms and two porches, drilled
water well, barn and other buildings.
Oood plot, with good fruit. Near
Normal School and church. Bnildiug
100 large for owner's use. Inquire of
Slippery rock, Pa
mark eta.
Wheat, wholesale price fl.'Mlo
Rye, " 55
Oats, " 85
(Jorn, " 00
Bnckwhent 05
Hay, " 12 00
Eggs, " 25
Butter, ....... 25
Potatoes, ' 50
Onions, per bn 1 00
Beets, per bu 50
Cabbage, per lb I
Chickens, dressed 15
Parsnips, per bn 50
Turnips 40
Apples 40 50
Celery, doz bunches 25
Honey, per pound 2
Liow ICutea to C'lllcitffo.
Dec. Ist, 2d and ."Id the Baltimore He
Ohio Railroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets from all local stations
west of tlie Ohio river to Chicago. 111.,
at rate of one fare plus $2.00 for the
round trip, account Third International
Live Slock Exposition. Tickets will be
good for return until Dec.. 7.
For further Information call on or
address Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent
or B. N. Ansti'i, General Passenger
Agent, Chicago, 111.
FOR SALE House on Washington
street, one on Elm St., one on Pearl,
two on Quarry, one on Falrview, two
on Morton. * E. H. N BULKY.
Music acho.ata vsnteo •• "H Un
Six months night schisil at the Butler
Business Oil lege for s2"> Nov Ist to
May Ist. May euter at any time.
All hunting is forbidden on the fnrnis
of the following named persons and all
tresspassers will lie prosecuted accord
ing to law
William Hays heirs, John Rilley,
Alfred Nelson, J. W. Parks heirs. James
1 Maisland heirs. T. A Parks, It. A. Lee.
11. M. Parks. <HHw<rt Kor*ytht>. JameA
, Harbison, J. II Parks, .1 M Fulton, J
J Moor*, J. V. Walters, - Camnliell,
1 (known as the Joseph Cowan farm)
Jos. Mangel
"Perfect" < ivens and Oixsl Bakers,
(let thetu at WhltehlU's.
BOY WANTED Boyab.nt 17 de
siring to learn a trade can secure Infor
■nation at the CITI/.KN office.
You are protected when yon buy R.
Hi It. clothing.
Invest in some of Hitter <fc Hockrn
stein's wool stock, it will pay you.
Hand shaped garment* that are war
rented at. Bitter \ Ri*-k< nstem's
All ambitious dr» «ers know Ritt<<r
iV Rockenstein's clothing,
is (
■ \ Yoa will find onr store. /
: f Moat people know where it is, S
1 but if you are one of the many /
' I new people that have jnst came V
to town, this will enable yon /
.' to find us. All Main Sr. cur* *
stop thcie. Ask tbecondtu-'or >
/ to let yon off at "Boyd's." A '
great many people go out of 7
/ rheir way to come to onr store. \
'• If yon have sickness in your C
f home you <raio the best. We f
v aim to make onr s'ore one in (
s which yon v ill have conti- )
\ dene?. If yon hive a present#- C
\ tion we will fill it us written «,
/ or not fill it at nil. if we do ;
\ not have wha; jon call for 1
\ (which is seldom) we will get /
V it for yon-it the earliest p>s- \
> sible moment. Onr specialty i
| / is prescriptions, but we sell
? all other things nsr.rlly kept £
/ in drug s torts.
1 ii
\ C. N. BOYO. \
i ORI'GGiST. (
/ Diamond Block. /
SuUct, Pa,
I'itt.sbiirg Orchestra.
With the resumption of the'Pittsburg
Orchestra concerts neit Friday even inl
and Saturday afternoon, at Carnegie
Music Hall, there will Ijn p.n unbroken
chain in the series running into Feb
ruary. This period will in all proba
bility lie the u.ost brilliant musically
that Pittsburg Las ever experienced.
Not only has Mr Herbert prepared
programs of great interest bnt a very
distinguished soloist will appear at each
concert, and it is a fact that no previous
year has the Orchestra management
provided so emicent n list "f artists or
one as expensive.
From every poin' view the Pit's
burg Orchestra co:« et ts *r<' «>a the par
with those of any city in the world, for
instance next Friday 'evening and Sat
urdav afternoon, tli<; soloist will be Mr
Campanari of the Metropolitan Opera
House ComjKtnv, thart whotn no more
popular singer visits us.
Personally-Conducted Tours vi.i
Peuusylvaiiiii Kailroml.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany announces the following Per
sonally-Conducted Tours for the sea
son of 1903-1803:
California—Two tours: No. 1 wi'l
leave New York, Philadelphia, Harris
burg and Pittsburg January 29; No 2
will leave February 10, aud will include
the Mardi Gras at New Orleans.
Florida—Three tours to Jacksonville
v ill leave New York and Pniladelphia
February 3 and 17, and March 8. The
fir»t two of these admit of a sojourn of
two weeks in the '"Flowery Stite "
Tickets for the third toar will be good
to return by regular train.4 until May
31. IIWU.
Tickets for the above tours will lie
sold from principal jKiints on the
Pennsylvania Railroad. For detailed
itineraries, giving ratoa and full infor
instion, address Thomas E. Watt,
Passenger Agent. Western District,
Pittsburg, or Oeo. W. Boyd, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia.
typewriters now in use
at the Butler BnsineHu College, 75 posi
tions filled last year. Have filled 17
more since Sept. Ist. Are having calls
for oflitjc help almost daily. Have en
rolled 125 stndents since Sept. Ist!
Separate departments p or book-keeping
and shorthand stndents. Students may
enter at any time. Dec. Ist, an excel
lent time. Send for catalogue and cir
cnlars. A. F. REOAL, Prin.
Fathers ami Mothers
teach your child to save by opening a
bank account for him with the Real
Estate Trust Company, 811 Fourth
avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Four j>er cent,
interest on savings accounts
Capital and Surplus $H,700,000 00.
Gas Fixtures,
We have them; 50 different styles.
They are in the latest finishes, mads to
match the hardware of your house.
WIIITOHU.L, I'lnuiber.
Use. lone Patent Flour.
The best Bread iind Pnstry flour iu
the market. J bid. sunk, $l.OO. t bbl.
sack, 50c. Every sack guaranteed.
Marksmen Take Notice!
An SIH.OO Steven's rifle us prize this
month (Nov.) for ls>st score ou a 5 shot
card. 25c a card at Mardorf's Shooting
(iallery, Basement Farmers National
Bank. Opp. P. O. S. Main St.
S. B. Martinconrt te Co. carry the
largest stock of street and stable blankets
in Western Penn'a. Call and see them
I2M E. Jefferson SI
Take all of last year's pop corn you
have to John A. Richcv's oakery, tin
Main street, Butler, and he will pay
yon the highest market price for it.
Nobby black dress-up togs at
Big New Line
Wall + Paper
1903 Patterns
Ryth Bros.,
Next to P. o.
lilt* South Main St
The Register lit*r«'by elves notice that the
following aivr.unLs or e\«s-utors. adminis
trators ana guardians have been filed In
this ofß.-e according to law. and will be pre
si-nted to Court for roiitirmatloD and alb>w
anceon Saturday, thetithday of l>eceniber.
i IMC. at U A. M.. of said dav:
; 1. First and final account of John Hl<-kel.
guardian of Edward himp. minor child of
John Kimp. deceased, late of Summit town
' ship. Butler county. Pa.
i 2. Final account cf S F Thompson, guar
dian of Kate Bard, minor fhild of Austin T
Bard, deceased, late of Slippervrock twp.
' a. Final account of Joseph Itarron. guar
' dittn of J S Wimer. minor child of Abner
Wimer. deceased, late of Worth townsiilp.
Butler county.
• 4. Fli.al account i*f 1* II Oclbach. executor
of Martin Boehm. late of Forward township,
S. Final account of II J Itoso and II It ttll
ni .if. ex<H-utors of the last will of Hugh
Shaw, defeased, late of Mercer township,
Butler county. Pa.
r. Final account of Uoliert Krause. execu
tor of Kl 1/aIH th Tyson, deceased, late of Jef
ferson township.
7. First and final account of F W Keuick
attd Caroline Rentck. administrators of the
estate of W 1> Kenick, deceased, late of Sltp
peryriH-k township.
s Final acconnt of l'eter K Pay. exe<'ut»>r
of John r>av. de eased, late of Clay twp.
:• Hirst and filial account of Dautet Bul
ford. exei utor of Sarah Bulford, deceased,
late of Penu township.
10 First and final suvouiit of Eva Purvi
ance, administratrix of J T l'urvlancc. tie
ceased, late of Conuoquenesslng tairougli.
11. First, final and (list rihution account of
llson W Graham, administrator of Clara J
Graham, deceased, late of Butler borough.
12 Final and distribution account of James
v>' Thompson, administrator of George E
Thompson, deceased, late of Butler thorough.
1 : I irst and final account of William F
Holst«ln. executor of the estate of Barbara
Ivoedel. deceased.
14. Final a>'Count of Margaret Black.widow
of II It Bla k. guardian of Sadie O Black,
minor child of John Bhick, deceased, late of
Cherry township.
15. Final account of Jacob Schwartz, exec
utor of Andr w Krause, deceased, late of
Summit township.
1(5. First and final account of W P Stickle,
administrator of Emma Stickle, deceased,
late of Eau Claire borough.
IT. First and final account of F W l'roulv,
admlnis; rator of Ida M Prouly, late of Slip
peryrock township.
is. Final account of Cpnrad Foertach and
William Roller, executors of John Foertsch,
deceased, late of Jefferson township.
19. Final account of W K Kiddle, executor
of last will of Eli/.atjeth Dodds, deceased,
late of Prospect boro.
-t). Final account of I)r. S I) Bell, deceased,
guardian of Etta M Monnle. minor child of
Alfred Monnle, deceased, as stated by Geo E
Stewart of the Guaranty Safe Deposit and
Trust Co.. admiulstrator C. T. A. aud 1). B. N.
21. Final account of Drissllla Langbeln.
adrn'x. of Charles Langbeln, deceased, late
of Butler borough.
22. First and final account of John T. Ful
ton, administrator of estate of James B Ful
ton, deceased, late of Middlesex township.
23. Final account of John Dindlnger, ad
ministrator of Valentine Sho use, late of
Jackson township.
24. Final account, of F M McXally. adminis
trator C. T. A. of Michael McNally.deceased,
late of Donegal township.
•-'3. Final avcount of Sadie Roxburry,
surviving executor of ICosanna Kennedy, de
ceased. late of Prospect borough.
-ti. First and final account of I) H button,
administrator of John Goetz. deceased, late
of Butler, l'a.
-T. Sixth and final account of .tames Wal
lace. administrator of Francis Wallace, de
ceased, late of Zelleoople, I'a.
2b. Final account of \Vm ItUhop, adminis
trator of August F Bishop. deceased, late of
Evmis Cttv. Pa.
Final account of Mary Ann Schelln, ad
ministratrix of Andrew Sclielin, late of But
ler borough. I'a.
■it). Final accountTif I»r. 8 D Hell, deceased,
euardi.'ui of Francis .Monnle. minor child of
Alfred .Monnle, deceased, late of tiutler Co..
I'.i . as stated by Ibe (iuaranty Safe Deposit
and Trust Co.. C. T. A.—D. It. N. of IJr. S 1)
Hell, deceased. No. —.
-11. Final account of Margaret Dorsey, ad
ministratrix of Nancy Adams, deceased, late
of Adams township.
32. Final account of J F Shannon, executor
of Kltzabeth McCandless, deceased, late of
Ailams township.
i:. First partial account of S A Belils and
Isaac Itellfs, Jr.. executors of Isaac Hellis,
deceased, late of Harmony, i'a.
:U. First and tiual account of Geo It Mo-
Crea, administrator of Anirelo Klcehuio, late
of Cieartield township, deceased.
35. First partial account of T B Humes,
executor of Mary F Shirley, late of Hutler
borough, deceased.
JO. 1' Inal accouut of lieu E Welsh, adm'r. of
Jamea Welsh, dee'd.. late Harmony boro.
!17. First and final account of Catherine
Keilly, adm'x of John Doian. dee'd., late of
Millerstown txiro.
W. J. ADAMS, Register.
Hy virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex.. Fl.
Fa.. Lev. Fa.. 4c., Issued outof the Court of
Common I'leas of Hutler Co.. I'a., and to me
directed, there will tie exposed to publicsalu
at 1 he Court House In the borough of Hutler,
I'a. on
Friday, the -Hlli day of Nov.,
A. D. lwtt, at 1 o'clock p. m.. the following
described property, to-wit:
E. D. Nos. 1 and 2. December Term. liM,'.
John It. ileuniiiKcr and F. J. Forquer.Att'ys,
All the right, title. Interest and claim of J.
N. Morris, alias Newton Norris, of. In and to
all that certain piece or tract of land, situ
ated in Clinton township. Hutler county,
i'a., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the
no'th by lands of John I'eters heirs, on tlie
cast by lands of Hamue! Hemphill, on the
south by lands of Kobert Norris and W. I'.
ileniplilll and on the west by lands of
Joseph Hemphill and Mrs. D. O. Anderson,
cont lining eighty-six acres, more or less and
hiving thereon erected a brick.house, frame
barn and outbuildings, and being the same
tract of land devised to Newton Norrls by
bis Father James Norris by will probated
and recorded in Hutler county, l'eun'a., lu
will book G, page s.
Seized and taked In execution as the prop
erty of J. N. Norris, alias Newton Norris at
tlie suit of John K. ilcnnlugcr. for use, et ul.
Friday, the tttli day of l>cccml>cr,
A. D. Il»rj. at 1 O.ctock p. rn , the following
described property, to-wit:
E D. No. :12. December Term, 1902. Everett
L. Balston, AtUirney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of S.
J. Hall and Nancy Hall of, in and to all that
certain piece Or pHWI of land, situated In
Cherry township. Hutler county, I'a., tKiund
ed as follows, tu-wlt: On the north by lands
of William McOIII. on the east by lands of
David McCandlass. et al, on the south by
purpart No. 2, John Hall farm, on tlie west
by lands of Joseph Stevenson, being purpart
No. 1, In the partition pris'eediugs of John
Hall estate, (). C. No 4,"> June term. tsot. aud
containing eighty and Uth. (sii'jth) acres,
aud having thereon erected a frame house
and outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of S. J. Hall and Nancy Hall at the suit
of John Nelson.
E D. No. XI. Dccemb'.r Term, 11102. Everett
L. Ralston, Attorney.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
Homer R. Keister and Ellen A. Kelster. of.
In and to all that certain piece or parcel or
land, situated In Slippery rock township,
Itutler county, I'a., bounded as follows, to
wlt: On the north by lands of Thomas
Sankey et al, on the east by lands of Robert.
Ifalston et til, on tlie south by lands of
IColiert ICalston and Iteorge Kelster and on
the west by lauds of W. M. Humphrey, con
taining I«1 acres, more or less, and having
1 hereon erected a frame house, and out
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of Homer R. Kelster and Ellen A.
Kelster at the suit of Everett L. Ralston for
use of Elizabeth (lllkey.
TERMS OF SAI.E The following must lie
strictly compiled with when property Is
stricken down.
j. When tiie plalutllT or other lion creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must lie paid, ami 11 list of the Ileus, Incluil-
ItiK niortvaue searches on the property solil,
toi(> tlier wltli such lieu creditor's receipt*
for the amount of the pns'no'Js of the sale or
such portion thereof as he uiay claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff,
". All bids must be paid In full.
i. All sales not settled ltniii>'tllatel; will lie
continued until one o'clock, I'. M , of the
next day at which time all property nol
si-tiled for will aKiilu lie put up anil sold al
the expense anil risk of tlie person to wliuui
llrst sold.
•See I'urdon's HlKcst, tttli edition, page 4441.
and Smith's Forms, page ;is4.
THOMAS K. lIOON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Hutler. I'a.. Nov. 12. IBUK.
Mars Boiler Works.
All sizes of
alwaj'i in st >tk for sale
or exchange.
Repair work promptly attended to,
I tell Phone No. »! Mars,
People's Phone No. 11. Pa
Do You Buy Medicines?
Certainly You Do.
Then you want the best for the
least money. That is our motto.
Come and see us when in need of
anything in the Line and
we are sure you will call again.
We carry a full line of Drugs.
Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc.
Purvis' Pharmacy
S fl. PtritviH, Pit. O
I loth Phones.
318 S. Maiu St. tiutler Pa.
Gven) DavJ Sellers
I „ -• j , ;
bow Cash Prices.
; Well made two-piece Cupboard, hard wood, neat
and well finished at $7 00. |
I Diners
Golden oak finishcl Chair with patent seat; a nice
diner for 90c. Solid oak, full back post and
spindle back for $1.25.
Di 'essers 1
Odd Dressers, hard wood, golden oak finish,bevel
ed plate, neat and durable, at $7.00. Wash -
stand, $3.60 up. I
Green or red figured velours, steel construc
v. uuuiitis tion deep tllfting | lO to | lB A nice #dec .
tion to choose from.
Extension Tables
$6.50, $7.00 anJ up. 1
Mirrors AU
sizes in plain oak frames lrom 50c up to I
the more expensive 18x40 mantel mirrors, with
fancy frames and French beveled plates.
Sewing Machines i
The "New Royal ' Machine, light running, strong
and durable. Full set of attachments and fully 5
warranted. Not a cheap machine, but a good one
for little money. Pi ices $16.75 and up. See them.
I Come In and Compare. j
Bell Phone 105, (across frooi Duffy's store,) B a tier, Pis.
Look Over Our Clothing: Stockr- ~~-
Then Judge.
This advertisement is like the index to a book, it simply tells
what you can find within the walls of our store, we aim to tell the
truth about our attire and back our statements up by the garments
themselves. But our readers must determine this personally. You
don't know now gooa a book is until you study it—you don't know
how good B. Kuppenheimer clothing is until you examine It—or
better still—wear it. The test of a clothing bargain is in getting
your money's worth of wear and satisfaction.
Men's Dependable Suits and Overcoats at $6, 7.50, 9.00,
11, 15,18, 22.50 and up to 30 dollars.
A splendid line of Boys'Jgind Children's clothing at your ovn price.
A fine line of Gent's furnishings that will suit your taste.
Reliable One Price CloLhers,
122 S. Ma : n St., Butler, Pa
Your money's worth or money back.
Rather a strong word with which to describe oar Overcoats, bat Mthing
more mild will cover the territory or do onr Winter Overcoats jostles.
If doesn't matter what shape, or sise. or kind of loan yon are, If ywrt* an
overcoat seeker you'll find what yon re looking for here.
The short, the inedinm length and the long coats—all are hers.
We offer a genuine Frieee Overcoat, in Oxfords and Black, elegantly u4* and
trimmed, raw edges, and all seams donhle stitched, at the extreme low prlss of
< 'ome this week for these overcoats, as they are going fa«t
Schaul & Nast,
137 South Main St., Butler.
l— J m I—-
C W you want to get a new >
/ yy nobby Suit or Overcoat, up* \
) to.date stuff, go to the old /
\ reliable One Price Store. ?
C We haye just received a full line of j
/ new Fall Clothing in Suits and Over* S
) coats. Please give us a call. /
/ Yours lor Clothing, V
C Our store will positively close at 11 P. M. #
r Saturday evening. S
1 1 —mmmmamm—a
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